In the Long 1160 Our 6Esifrienos All Mm I
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GRAND RAPIDS Ptisuc ueum A Blue Mark around this notice shows that The Paper that stops when the time it W+ this Subscription runs out with this issue Not forced on any one. Thafi worth Ike and should be renewed ut once to avoid a THE LOWELL LEDGER money and then some, $2.00 per year la ad* break in service. and THE ALTO WEKKLY SOLO vance. VOL. XXVIII, NO. 21 LOWELL, MICHIGAN, OOT. 28, 1920 VOL. XVI, NO. 40 I. $ ® $ ®»ilESTS M QAiOOD IN THE LONG 1160 OUR 6ESIFRIENOS ALL MM I I i' ormer Lowell Business Man Bur- Items Taken From This Paper 25 Receipt of SubBcriptions ii Here Newsy Notes About People and i ied With Masonic Honors. Years Ago Oct. 18-25. with Acknowledged. P!*cei You Know. WALL PAPER Agent lieydlauir, of the 1). G. H. Coutinuing its custom of acknowl- All plush coats, reduced $10.00 at A Checking Account & M. put in 15 to 17 hours during edging receipts of subscriptions Weekes,' adv, ZWiW&i peach shipping season. both new and renewals, The Lowel Announcements out for the mar- John Crawford, of Ionia, was in , Ledger and Alto Weekly Solo appre town over Sunday, riage of Thomas Gougherty and ciatingly reports the following; in Our Bank Kathryn Murphy, of Bowne. L'. B. Williams was here from Glen Gray, Mrs. Grace Vander- J. C. Ball, delegate of Lowell Odd- Lansing for a few days. lip, Otis Potter, George J. Shannon Brighten up your rooms for (i! 'i? fellows to Grand lodge in Lansing, m Frank Thompson, S, F, Beimer, Fred Mrs. Ed. Kellogg and daughter and George McKee, for Alto lodge. spent Sunday in lidding. A Checking Account in thia bank pro- Osborn, Morris Kalward, Hay J. Cascade township paid 8150 and the long winter days with a Whitman, Mrs. Frank Druce, E. Bead the proposed amendments tecta your income and puta a brak© on costs to Samuel Slater, Jr., and Pfeifer, Ida Merriman, E. 11. Thomp in election notice on insert page. • • •« the out-go. It heipa you save a surplus wife, thrown from buggy on bad new coat of wall paper • • »• road. son, llattie Lynn, Claud Cole, Mrs Gar of Cement Just received. E. II. Thompson, Chris Bergin and afforda you DOUBLE FROOF for Clara Bergin surprised on 11th Wesllleld & Eall Hiver Lbr, Go. c 22 every sum you pay out. birthday anniversary by thirty Boyd Colson, Mrs. Than Bryant Charles Cuddebeck, of Green- young friends. Carl Benham, M. D, Court, W, S. ville, was in town for the week- Henry Tredenick moved to Grand White, Lee Jones, Mrs. A. H, Parks, end, It does not cost mucli and it Mrs. G. W, Godfrey, Harry Defer, Your money comes hard—why let it Hapids. Mrs. Charles Peterle has re- Hansom Vaughn, Hay Torpey, J. W John McCarthy, aged 91, Graltan turned from the (.irand Bapids hos- go reckieatiy? Deposit your income in White, I'. F. lionan, Halph Boerma adds a lot to the attractive- $ v.-; ; pioneer, died. pital, thia bank and check expenditures. Your Phoebe Carey, Mrs Neville Davarn Base ball. Alto, US, Klmdale, 14. Mrs. Nora Broinard, of Grand ness of the home :: :: ;; B. F. Palmer bought first carload Mrs. J. C. Andrews, Mrs. Lena Eieh- check book givea you accurate record of hoil", Mrs. J. H. (Covert, II. N. Briggs, Hapids was in town one da\ re- of potatoes at Alto al IS cents. cently. every transaction—shows you where and Birthday parly for Chester John Tucker, Willard Hogers, Lewis for what your money has been spent. Church, Sr., Allon pioneer, Milo Jones, Mrs. J. B. Hawk, Mrs, Oscai Miss Edith Peterson entertained We have several room lots ready for you. $ Hiler, of Lowell, photographed the Hesse, I liomas Woodhead, S. I) her brothei and lady friend part of party of over thirty. Norinan, Mrs. Mary Stinton, (".has last week. and the price is much less than present Open a Checking Account with us TO- Married—Minnie Heerv and Geo. jiawson, E. W. Hollins, J, W. Liv- Mrs. Percy Ilernuin, a former 11. Taylor. ingston, John G. Livingston, C. 11. Lowell resident, w;is in town Satur- prices on wall paper. :: :: :: ;; DAY. We supply you With check book JOHN (itIXCY LOOK. Abram Krum, Lowell pioneer, Cholerlon, Dora Chase, John day eveni- howncs. and pass book free. Large or small, we John Quincy Look wits born at •bed, aged StJ. ('. B. Williams and Phil Kruni Fanners Crook, Lapeer Co., Mich., Burton MeNaughton moved to Charles Hathbone, Wilma Wees- were business visitors in (irand We have only enough lor about 25 roomi) welcome your account. hoc. 22, LSI?. At an early age he Pardee farm in Bowne. ner. Hapids, l-'riday. Who will be next? aine to Lowell and attended school Lowell Junior ba'/id GeorgH' Mr. and Mrs. .lohn Post and .lames so you had better get yours early. :: and for many years was a success- Morse, leader, made lirs appear- LASBY—GRAHAM. Hatch, of Saranac, wen- Lowell ful business man and banker in a nee. visitors Monday. Let us show you. Lowell, Sault Ste., Marie and J. C. English and wife went to Two well-known and popular S City State Bank Tecumseh, Mich. Hot Springs. Lowell young people. Allen (1. Las- Mr. and Mrs. Oscar llogan, of Grand Hapids. spent over Snndax lie was ifiade a Master Mason by Mr, ami Mrs. Charles Francisco by and Miss Donna H. Graham, with relatives here. Lowell lodge. No. 90, in 1.S7I), anil returned from health sojourn in were quietly married last evening, from Dec. 27, IMO to Dec. 27. 18HS. I pper Peninsula. October 27, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Deniek and son Bobbie, was Worshipful Master of his home Mr. and Mr«. Thomas McNaugh- Mrs. II. L. Shuter, Hev. II. II. ILirris, returned Saturda\ night from a D. G. LOOK $ ® $ lodge. lon, of Ada, celebrated tenth wed- otliciating clergyman. week's visit in Helding. One of the 8000 Rexall Drug Stores* In LSOO he was elected (irand ding anniversary. Bina Denton, of Detroit, called Master of the Cirand lodge of Michi- Camp fire al Ada rink, speaking, LOWELL BANKS CLOSE ELEC- on some of his Lowell relatives be- gan, serving for one year. double quartette, doughnuts and TION DAY. tween trains one day last week. Tuesday, November 2 bein At his death he was a member of collee, all for 15 cents. Those Lowell schools are closed todav Malta lodge No. 465, Grand Hapids, were the "good old davs." legal holiday, the banks of Lowell will be closed. lo permit the leaehers t(k attend the (Columbia Chapter, No. L{2, Hoyal state convention in Grand Hapids. Arch Masons, (irand Hapids, Blan- ANTI-AM EN DM KNT RALLY. City State Bank. When You Think chard Council Hoyal and Select Lowell Stale Hitn George Meseker. of Los Angeles, Galifornia, is visiting iiis niotlu Masters, Tecmnseh, Mich., DeMolai Attorney W J. Landman at City of Commandery Knight Templars, No. ANOTHER BIG HALE DANCE, NO- Mrs. Abe Keefer and other re... Mall Saturday Nijjbt. lives. 5, (irand Hapids, l)e Witt Clinton Attorney William J. Landman, of VEMBER L Consistory, A. A. S. H., (irand Hap- Local dance lovers will be pleased Mesdames Gland Staai and Ilav irand Hapids, will discuss the pro- 1 ids, I'enisular Chapter, O. li. S., posed Parochial school ainendnient lo learn that Hale's big concerl and llanil, called on llieir sislei Mrs. Watches and Clocks (irand Hapids, Saladin Temple, Mys- it Ihe City hall, Lowell, Salurdav diinee orclieslra will rchirn lo Low- I'hilo Blakeslee, in South Lowell and repairs for tame tic Shrine, (irand Hapids, llonor- •veiling, Oct. ,'{0, at S o'clock. ell and giNe another of tlu-ir popu- Monday. ahle member of Supreme Council, I here will he band iniisie and an lar dancing pjiriies in the Cily hall 1". H. Williams relurned lo l.ans- or Mrd degree. Sovereign (Irand In- ii)lc address is assured, as Attorney on Tluirsda.\ evening, Nowmber t. ng Momlay. aeeonipanied i)\ C.liil spector (ieneral for the Northern Landman is eminentlv (|ualilied. Same big orchestra, same small 'lalch. who made ;i !)nsiness trip jurisdiction of the United Slates of L very body is urgent l\ reipiesled prices and everybody cordially in- that city. yited. Hale diinces mean siilisi'ac- America. .o attend. Mr. and Mrs. !•". 15. MeKax lion. Try the one next Tlmrs(la\ spell Jewelry and Silverware He died at Alma, Mich., Oct. 21, Saturday nighl and Simdav al lln 11)21). aged seventy-two years and night, Ihe lib. ;idv. LOWELL BAPTIST CHURCH. home of Mr. and Mrs. \lisnei or nine months. Ihe B. Y. P. U. will give a llal- in Grand Hapids, He is survived by one brother, 1). oweeen party at Worlhv Willard's WANT $8,000 BUDGET. (I. Look, of Lowell, and a niece, An appropriation of .$8,000 Is Short peceo sails plusli coals •nday night. The B. Y. P. I J., of wilh fur collars, s.'iS.OO. Fancy China and Cut Glass Mrs. S. L. Parish, Grand Hajmls, asked for by Ihe county superin- Olhei Lyons will he our guests, and a peceo plush coals from Michigan. ,'00(1 time is assured. Yes! You tendents of poor in the annual re- or The following is a list of the offi- ire invited. port presented Friday. The re- A, W. Weekes* \ Son. port says thai Ihe poor fund now Mr. and Mrs. Neviile L-ers of the Grand Lodge, of Michi- , V''*' ''J1- preaching at Davarn Dinner and Glass Ware gan, who attended the funeral of (U).