Las Vegas Daily Optic, 08-01-1905 the Las Vegas Publishing Co
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 8-1-1905 Las Vegas Daily Optic, 08-01-1905 The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eopleP 's Paper Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eP ople's Paper. "Las Vegas Daily Optic, 08-01-1905." (1905). lvdo_news/1282 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC VOL. XXVI. LAS VKOAS. NEW MEXICO. TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 1, 1W3. NO. 22f court In violating the court's injunc- Ifiuild's I.akt near the river entrance STRIKE TO BE tion nuHlnxt Riving rebates, wag filed MAN BLOWN OPENING OF to the fair, The lav of the ground at LITTLE CHANGE yesterday afternoon. Arguments In this place Is Mmtlar to the geo- - DECLARED ON the rus,. will prolbly not be heard ntphv of the l.lttle Uln Horn, and IN YELLOW PER--' until Nome j lino In the fall. TO PIECES UNI1AH LANDS "his circumstance will add much to R-G,R,- The complaint nfenlnst the Santa the interest of the bloodless massacre. D. & R, IL Fe whs that it granted rebates to the, Indians from the Vmatllla reservation, OUTLOOK Colorado Fuel and Iron company, on garbed In the war clothes of the o;i! Khtpments after having1 been en- plains, will form the attacking party, joined from such practices along with and the Attack will be maintained by Two The u and Men to Be half n doyen other roads. The institu- Dynamite Intended to Kill Crowds Ready to Rush on them until the lost of the soldiers re. Five New Cases in Last tion of the suit Is the result of an In-ve- st presenting Custer's band have fallen. Called Out 2. Ikhi Ion ou the part of the Inter, Fish Does the Work Rich Colorado Strip ; Of hardly less Interest than the re. Twenty-fou- r Hours August, state commerce commission. In Its production of the Custer massacre will answer the Santa Fe admits it at one be the great naval sham battle on time did It bas give rebates, but that Guild's Uke at the Exposition. Wed TODAY'S REPORTS ENCOURAGING not offended in that respect since the nesday. August 2. On this occasion, RATE SCHEDULE THE CAUSE was Injunction Issued, its arrange- Boatman In Niagara River When Registration In Full 8wlng, And Peo-,a- s In the case of the massacre, the ment with the Colorado and Iron Expo-sltlo- n Fuel About to Drop the Explosive Over pie Thronging to the Border of the natural advantages which the legl-tlmnt- e Hospital Declares That company, it says, was a perfectly board Hits the Edge of the Boat Reservation to be Ready For the possesses on account of Its Physician one. With Awful Results. will contribute to Freight Cannot Carry Yellow Fever Word to Enter. setting materially Infection. of Refuse to Sub- the success of the Report of Shooting Five Officer Company project. Italian In Matters Mooted Brotherhood Panama Police Mutiny. Just west of the Exposition Mississippi Detention mit by grounds, Denied. Of Maintenance to Arbitration or A mutiny took place amons I ho Pa the foothills of the Cascade range Camp To Accept Ratea Made For Them !nma pollc'i force last weel:, but It Buffalo, Aug. 1. Richard Johnson, Denver, Aug. 1. Advices from reach down to the shore of Guild's By Their Employee. was quelled almost at the beginning sixty-tw- o years old, was blown to Grand Junction, Colo., and Vermal, Lake, and here will be a fort, with by Santiago de la Ouardla, secretary pieces by dynamite while rowing Price and Provo, Utah, Indicate that real-lookin- g guns spitting harmless a g New of war, who faced the mutineers with across the Niagara river at Tonawan-d- the work of registration of applicants hut deadly-lookin- fire. The attacking Orleans. Aug. L Little change a drawn revolver, and, bncked by the today. Charles Duffy and Charles for homesteads in the Uintah reserva- fleet of miniature vessels will make characterised the yellow fever situa-tlo- n Denver. Aug. 1. With the approval officers of the force, brought them Sturgis were In the boat with John- tion is proceeding in an orderly man- an assault, upon the fort on the hill- today. Of the five new cases men- of John T. Wilson. president of the to submission. The principal leaders son.. Duffy's legs were torn off by the ner. Registration began at 9 o'clock side and an Ironclad In the harbor tioned In the official report of the International brotherhood of mainten- were severely chastised by the secre- explosion but Sturgis was not hurt today and will continue twelve days. near it. From the nrldge of Nations, city board of health in the preeeedlng ance of way employes, an order was tary and the other mutineers were Johnson, It is said, was about to Thousands of people are In line at! which spans Cuild's Lake, spectators twenty-fou- r hours only three are trace sent out todav bv the Joint protective pjaced in irons. Politics had nothing explode the stick of dynamite to kill registration places although early may see the ironclad disabled bv the able to the original scene of Infection. board of the brotherhood on the Den- to do with the mutiny. The chief of fish. The dynamite fell out of his registration affords no advantage as attacking fleet, and watch every ope- - Today's reorts of convalescents are ver & Rio Grande railroad to all track police, Leonldas Pretell, is In Agua hand and struck the edge of the boat, the land will bo distributed by lot. A ration. A mosquito fleet, of torpedo very encouraging. and water service men on that road Dulce, Inspecting the police force exploding. Johnson's head and arms dispatch from Grand Junction says t boats will add to the excitement, and Quieting the Alarm. who are members of the brotherhood, there. were blown off. Duffy will recover. fully 5,000 strangers have already ar-- ! several torpedo boats will blow up a New Orleans, Aug, 1. Thousands to go on strike at 6 p. m., August 2nd. rived in that city and about four nun- - floating craft. One of the men-ofwa- r of circulars are to be sent through the The strike la ordered In consequence SWIFT dred men spent the night in line at presently will be disabled and a crew south by the business men of New of the refusal of the officers of the PACKING EXPOSITION ITEMS the auditorium where registration is of Uncle Sam's life-saver- who are Orleans containing an emphatic decla company to accept the schedule pre- being held. The first man to register giving dallv exhibitions at the Fair, ration bv Dr. J. II. White, of thv PLANT ! sented bv the brotherhood or to sub- DESTROYED was Wm. Wayback of Ouray, Colo. will set forth and rescue the unfor- - United States marine hospital service" mit matters In dispute to arbitration. tunnte In true life-sav- Btyle. that freight cannot carry yellow fever More than 2,000 employes. It is said, ALL COME ALONG. Infection. Dr. Charles Lebnron. in of detention are affected by the strike order. St. Joseph, Mo 1. A fire Reproduce Custer Massacre charge the camp at August ZEIOLER WILL erton. has wired here tho' which started about 1 o'clock yester For Land Sakes! Boys, just do your Miss., that on Great at the beef beds of At Portland. best! report that five Italians were shot or Telegraph Operators day morning SETTLED killed Northern Strike for More Swift & in Make us proud and think we're blest CONTEST by a guard there was asolutely Pay., company's packing plant false and that not a' shot was south St. Joseph, has completely des To have in. town, wise men with vim, single . St. Paul. Aug. 1. The telegraph fired troyed the which Who want to risk neck and limb, by either guards or Italians. operators employed by the Great poultry department, ' New York, Aug. 1. By the payment is said to be the largest In the world. Umatilla Indians Will Take Part and To get our ball team out of debt. Northern railway on Its Wilmer. N. We of $2,500 to the widow of the late Suspects Released. The beef beds were also con- . .State and Regular Troops Will think you're all a Jolly set. Dak., Falls and Breckenrldge, entirely Play i Wm. the will contest was Fergus sumed. of Band Zelgler, New 1. Miim., divisions, went on strike the Part Custer's Location The will which was con-- I York, Aug. Practically all today At 1:55 the fire Favorable for the Event Sham An unread dream, are the O's tied todav. exists because they would not accept the got beyond control tested left to Mrs. Zelgler, the use of suspicion that yellow fever, and was said to be to Naval Battle Also Planned. sweet, . who scale offered by the company. spreading the the cltv and country houses of her among persons under detention wage oil rooms. If the flames reach the oil A better lot you'll never meet.