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VO L. X X V . NO. 40. MATAWAN, N. J., SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1804. 11.25 A TEAR. 3 CENTS SINGLE COPY. mails 1ms decided upon a half-faro rate Book of O n n r . And when they beard the psalmists Inprored Itoadi, gfiftffiouKt ALL OVER THE COUNTY. anil a lim it of iwo inoi>i)iu nn u'l 1 iI'kr'tl OHa it c h I. rsm y hircd iiptcrc, uai} o\u^a lu io TrfQlon tilate OAutte. D O TU flTnro ITKMfl TAKEN TBOX sold to tho National Kducational Amo- thpif hair, and allthcinliabitantd of tbo New Jorsoy haa taken honorable ciation moeting at Anbury Park early Now, it oame to paaa in the laat daya nation said damn. , a w • r r i e i i f 017* SXOUAHOB0, that the followers of Grover tha great, pre-Gmiuence in tbo matter of road iu July. It in cnlimatcd 10,000 persoua ^nd it nsm eto jjM sitaii.the etorin* iir.prcvcGtnt, und the bill introduced Vha ImporUtit f.v«iiU Ii»|i|wiii<i| Ciiruawttd tho voldito, the aarne which IIX L V. DATTQlt. wiii visit tho Park uh members of tho ca^oe, nnd the panic decended, and the iu the Legislature to increase the State vhara a n It«produoMl Utra ia a Cob< convention. begat Ruth ana Esther anil the panic dM M d fo rm . ohildren pf tbe darkness lifted up thoir appropriation for carrying on this and the Hawaiian trouble, were vexed hands aod wrnng'them in great lamen Dr. Wallace, 'who ban been ill for with vexation exceeding, inutnuch aa work indicates her purpose to main J C H I I P. APPLEGATE, Long Ilrftiicli lias bceu » summer ro. sovoral months and rcueutly rcturnod tation, saying: , tain that positiou. they liateth not to tho locality where “ W herefore ar^ thou, Qrover, ourdc 4TT0MBY AT LAW, sort »incc 1778. from Florida, will rcsumo tho publica they abidethat. Tho whole country ia waking up to Florint RnlitiBiit.7. nf Freehold ro!<1 1, tion of tho Ocean Orovo Jiccord th is liverer, and wherefore aro tho good the abomination ol our prencut roada. Ukliwiw, F, I . For behold, in tho beginning they time* at snd a mighty voieo csme 500 violcU last week. wock. Only ono ismio has appeared girded up their loina and went before Tho innl Tennessee Legislature was O I < t > » I m i >tow I k M it e m Hmm. 4 back from the wilderness, saying: "Tbe Tlie Bed Bank Building and Loau ainco November laat, aud tho old the people, crying with a loud voice, informed iu a memorial from a Board friends of the R ecord will weloome its Fjpaident is fishing .and. must not bo of Trade that had roadn werti costing JJCNRY9* TERHUNE, Awooiatiou oloarod G ]>er c e n t In st verily we aay unto all mea that wa are diitorbed."—Hezekish, the Scribc, iu rcappuaranco. Grovcrite* from exceeding far back) and tho people of thnt Commonwealth year. Salt I.alc (Xty Tribune. more thnn $7,000,00(1 nnnunlly. Pro AITOBBBT AXO OOUNMLLOB AT U f , Daniel Ikiidnll, of Lowor Alloway’s Highland Beach property has been woo unto ye who forget it. dooided by tlio State Board of Taxation fessor Cornon, of tho University of ao u o ro a u n i i u n i ra o u r a i t , Greek, lias a chioken with four wings And verily we hold in exceeding great B ereigk Prlaitry anil Election.'/ ma? niua, to be in Occan township and that body detestation that which tho children of TenuesHce, found by investigation that aad tliroo foet tho nvcrngo cont of hauling tothoKuox- O fl« It BnMkUA B*U4lo* •* * * !* BW* has ordcrod Ocean's Collcotor to make m en call the tariff, for ia it not a tiling Persnant to call tbo prim ary to nornl Edward Cruddeu, a eonchmnn, ia villo market liy wagon in $1,250,000 tecfc’a, Ifwedwsy, Lwf Braauh. the taxes, Middletown towAship faahioned by onr enemies, the aarne nste three Borongh Commissioners w ns runnlug ou au iudcpcudout ticket for claimed last year tho property waa which hath lioked the everlasting staff held at the Engine Honso at 7 o 'c lo c k on thu total amount hoiiled. lie main pKDim CK PARKER, Mayor of Forth Amboy. within her lines and had aaHessod it, ing out of ua from generation to gener Iasi Saturday night. Thoro was quite tains that thin could bo donu for half Middletown towm hip has Boventoen but their claim has been Bet aside. a tio n ? i a o^owd out. D, E. Van Wicklo was that sum ovor good dirt roads, aud for ouo-sixth of ii over good macadam o o u M u X o k AT LAW, roartmipcrlnttnilcntJi. Tlioy will upend Homy Gordon wan convicted last Vos, verily, thiaaam elittle protective elaoted chairman and I, W. Bedlo soo- 810,000 thia year on tho roada. weok of stealing a homo, cart, harness tariff it bnildeth furnace* in the galley reuiry! There woro flvo uomlncea be roads,wiving a millioudnllarsn yoar. A homo will draw nearly onc-und-a-half h m u , V. J. The Now Joriioy Finirmftoontical Ah nud blankets of Joliu E. Bolco of Bob- andamokoatacks on the'mountain tpp; foul the primary, via.: Iawrcnpo Car aoolatlon will hold its animal conven ortsvillo on February 14,1898. J u d g e it turnoth tho wheela of progressprogrea^ pman tel), 0. A. Booit, H, II, Longairoot, times tho load ou gravel, nnd over 04m, w aar U ili u d Tkrorlnoitoa llrwM, tion in Aabury Park on May ‘24 nud Conover Hontonocd him tn two yoara in oauaeth tho desert to bloom like unto Fffd. Sohoek aud Btockton Hornor. throe times tbe land on mnuadam, that the Stuto Prinon, He was oauglit at green bay troo. v „ Ni^l^allot was takou but ihe tlmt throe hu oan draw on dirt-roadn. Thu prop jg~W . ARR0W3MITH, ais. er grading of a road mnkoH also an im- I James Fonutain and Wlnant W. Perth Amboy by Constable W lntorton W herefore do we of the tribe of Orover nafi** were doolared the eamlidstcs of this pliico a short tiiuo ago and tho greatdeapiaetheaameaaaonrM aud u p o n a t'ft’O voce vo te, mcusu dilVoroui'o in tlmolfectivuncsH of Ljimborljtoii havo been aiipointed Com the liorno power uhoiI upon it. Tho ATTOIKIT AT LAW, waived Indictment and plead uot guil- au abom ination iu the light of men, tt Mouday ulglit a now ticket was mlfmioncrH of Deeds for Muilisou town J Teiineaseo ComminHionerof Agrlcnltiiro ■hip. ‘y. Yea, aa a atonoh that ulTendeth onr out witb the names ef tleorgo A . — w in u i want n guran, nostrils, tho aauo which we amelleth Fopntaiu, Ooorge II. Hhepherd and estimates tho nggrognto ionn to that The Aabnry Park A'Aom / ‘mm will Mm. tfargarot Woolley of Long Htate from poorly countriictod roads to Braneh, was denning several lirualioa from afar off. Edpard A . Hmitb. This waa styled raauou, W. t . aoon begin thu publication of n duily tba People*’ ticket, whilu tbe othor waa be in iIoIIiiih ii liiirm', or au aggregate edition that will continue tlio yvnr w ith koroHouo a fow days ago.anda low And liehold, iu tlio great anil terrible day of the ballot, wheu Uio armiaa of oil led tbe CitUena' tlokot. Aonompa- of *7,140, OllO. round. ilmim uf tho oil wero splaaued ou her Thiiaonro fauta w hich ought to and ^LFRED WALLINS, ir, ilrnHH. A fow inomentH later when aka v o to ra I mi gathered together, ahall we nytog tbe r*oplc*' ticket was a circular In a pigeon nhootingmatoh hint w eek arise In onr might ana emit* our eue' c^||lug attention to tbo niauuer anil w ill lmvo weight with intelligent fur- Froil ITooy of Loug Uranoh killeil 1)7 Htepjicil up close to the stovo the kuro- luefH us noon mi they will ho brought to OOUMlLUIk AT LAW, m il* Into mluoemest. tliM in whioli tbo prlnnry was held out of 100. Ko killed AH liirdx without niuio bocame ignlUnl, Hliegatliered up rcalimi them, But there Ih niiothur her ilri'HH and skirts and smotheTOd thn Yes, wo ahall lay them out oolil on a ami tlw people wbo were hack of it. l i m n , V, I. mlwting. platform of free trade, anil c o w them Voter* v*r« urged to got out ou Tuca' aiilo, The inform in our highways haa IhimeH, hut her hiimlti were noveruly innilcHomo uilvnunc. Tlmro arc local- Mail > !» ■ ilktM lo ll ur Hrt ®* In trimming treoa the other dny n t b iiru e d . ofur with planks of tariff raforai!' ■ day and oplKNM the regular vanilldatoa Poplar William Drown caught lliu uxo Anil our enemlea ahall. ba *oattarf|d liy paating the InUIoU uuoloaed, Tlmt Itlua iu ni'iii ly every Htate iu which thu in a limb and whon it eanui dowji ueur- Mrn. Mario Younians dropped ileail like unto the leave* of the fvrnt for thif wa* not done will Ihi readily suen roads arc iicurly all llmt can lie du- J£INM NIli I. MOtN, l y Hovored Ills thumb. at her homo lu Perth Amhoy rooontly Orover »h«!l mud them into fragrant* by glaaolug at tbo result below, nirvd, Au tinoii iih sneli roadn are b llllt In tho old barraokn where Wnnhingtou thnru is an Imnioitlntii nppreeiatlon of like unto a potter'* v m **I, tba whieh Tha Klwdun, Ijiuit Wodnenday the lluaril of Fruu- hail hia hi'uili|imrtern.