mails 1ms decided upon a half-faro rate Book of O n n r . And when they beard the psalmists Inprored Itoadi, gfiftffiouKt ALL OVER THE COUNTY. anil a lim it of iwo inoi>i)iu nn u'l 1 iI'kr'tl OHa it c h I. rsm y hircd iiptcrc, uai} o\u^a lu io TrfQlon tilate OAutte. D O TU flTnro ITKMfl TAKEN TBOX sold to tho National Kducational Amo- thpif hair, and allthcinliabitantd of tbo New Jorsoy haa taken honorable ciation moeting at Anbury Park early Now, it oame to paaa in the laat daya nation said damn. . . , a w • r r i e i i f 017* SXOUAHOB0, that the followers of Grover tha great, pre-Gmiuence in tbo matter of road iu July. It in cnlimatcd 10,000 persoua ^nd it nsm eto jjM sitaii.the etorin* iir.prcvcGtnt, und the bill introduced Vha ImporUtit f.v«iiU Ii»|i|wiii » I m i >tow I k M it e m Hmm. 4 back from the wilderness, saying: "Tbe Tlie Bed Bank Building and Loau ainco November laat, aud tho old the people, crying with a loud voice, informed iu a memorial from a Board friends of the R ecord will weloome its Fjpaident is fishing .and. must not bo of Trade that had roadn werti costing JJCNRY9* TERHUNE, Awooiatiou oloarod G ]>er c e n t In st verily we aay unto all mea that wa are diitorbed."—Hezekish, the Scribc, iu rcappuaranco. Grovcrite* from exceeding far back) and tho people of thnt Commonwealth year. Salt I.alc (Xty Tribune. more thnn $7,000,00(1 nnnunlly. Pro­ AITOBBBT AXO OOUNMLLOB AT U f , Daniel Ikiidnll, of Lowor Alloway’s Highland Beach property has been woo unto ye who forget it. dooided by tlio State Board of Taxation fessor Cornon, of tho University of ao u o ro a u n i i u n i ra o u r a i t , Greek, lias a chioken with four wings And verily we hold in exceeding great B ereigk Prlaitry anil Election.'/ ma? niua, to be in Occan township and that body detestation that which tho children of TenuesHce, found by investigation that aad tliroo foet tho nvcrngo cont of hauling tothoKuox- O fl« It BnMkUA B*U4lo* •* * * !* BW* has ordcrod Ocean's Collcotor to make m en call the tariff, for ia it not a tiling Persnant to call tbo prim ary to nornl Edward Cruddeu, a eonchmnn, ia villo market liy wagon in $1,250,000 tecfc’a, Ifwedwsy, Lwf Braauh. the taxes, Middletown towAship faahioned by onr enemies, the aarne nste three Borongh Commissioners w ns runnlug ou au iudcpcudout ticket for claimed last year tho property waa which hath lioked the everlasting staff­ held at the Engine Honso at 7 o 'c lo c k on thu total amount hoiiled. lie main­ pKDim CK PARKER, Mayor of Forth Amboy. within her lines and had aaHessod it, ing out of ua from generation to gener­ Iasi Saturday night. Thoro was quite tains that thin could bo donu for half Middletown towm hip has Boventoen but their claim has been Bet aside. a tio n ? i a o^owd out. D, E. Van Wicklo was that sum ovor good dirt roads, aud for ouo-sixth of ii over good macadam o o u M u X o k AT LAW, roartmipcrlnttnilcntJi. Tlioy will upend Homy Gordon wan convicted last Vos, verily, thiaaam elittle protective elaoted chairman and I, W. Bedlo soo- 810,000 thia year on tho roada. weok of stealing a homo, cart, harness tariff it bnildeth furnace* in the galley reuiry! There woro flvo uomlncea be­ roads,wiving a millioudnllarsn yoar. A homo will draw nearly onc-und-a-half h m u , V. J. The Now Joriioy Finirmftoontical Ah nud blankets of Joliu E. Bolco of Bob- andamokoatacks on the'mountain tpp; foul the primary, via.: Iawrcnpo Car­ aoolatlon will hold its animal conven­ ortsvillo on February 14,1898. J u d g e it turnoth tho wheela of progrea^ progress anpm tel), 0. A. Booit, H, II, Longairoot, times tho load ou gravel, nnd over 04m, w aar U ili u d Tkrorlnoitoa llrwM, tion in Aabury Park on May ‘24 nud Conover Hontonocd him tn two yoara in oauaeth tho desert to bloom like unto Fffd. Sohoek aud Btockton Hornor. throe times tbe land on mnuadam, that the Stuto Prinon, He was oauglit at green bay troo. v „ Ni^l^allot was takou but ihe tlmt throe hu oan draw on dirt-roadn. Thu prop­ jg~W . ARR0W3MITH, ais. er grading of a road mnkoH also an im- I James Fonutain and Wlnant W. Perth Amboy by Constable W lntorton W herefore do we of the tribe of Orover nafi** were doolared the eamlidstcs of this pliico a short tiiuo ago and tho greatdeapiaetheaameaaaonrM aud u p o n a t'ft’O voce vo te, mcusu dilVoroui'o in tlmolfectivuncsH of Ljimborljtoii havo been aiipointed Com the liorno power uhoiI upon it. Tho ATTOIKIT AT LAW, waived Indictment and plead uot guil- au abom ination iu the light of men, tt Mouday ulglit a now ticket was mlfmioncrH of Deeds for Muilisou town J Teiineaseo ComminHionerof Agrlcnltiiro ■hip. ‘y. Yea, aa a atonoh that ulTendeth onr out witb the names ef tleorgo A . — w in u i want n guran, nostrils, tho aauo which we amelleth Fopntaiu, Ooorge II. Hhepherd and estimates tho nggrognto ionn to that The Aabnry Park A'Aom / ‘mm will Mm. tfargarot Woolley of Long Htate from poorly countriictod roads to Braneh, was denning several lirualioa from afar off. . Edpard A . Hmitb. This waa styled raauou, W. t . aoon begin thu publication of n duily tba People*’ ticket, whilu tbe othor waa be in iIoIIiiih ii liiirm', or au aggregate edition that will continue tlio yvnr w ith koroHouo a fow days ago.anda low And liehold, iu tlio great anil terrible day of the ballot, wheu Uio armiaa of oil led tbe CitUena' tlokot. Aonompa- of *7,140, OllO. round. ilmim uf tho oil wero splaaued ou her Thiiaonro fauta w hich ought to and ^LFRED WALLINS, ir, ilrnHH. A fow inomentH later when aka v o to ra I mi gathered together, ahall we nytog tbe r*oplc*' ticket was a circular In a pigeon nhootingmatoh hint w eek arise In onr might ana emit* our eue' c^||lug attention to tbo niauuer anil w ill lmvo weight with intelligent fur- Froil ITooy of Loug Uranoh killeil 1)7 Htepjicil up close to the stovo the kuro- luefH us noon mi they will ho brought to OOUMlLUIk AT LAW, m il* Into mluoemest. . tliM in whioli tbo prlnnry was held out of 100. Ko killed AH liirdx without niuio bocame ignlUnl, Hliegatliered up rcalimi them, But there Ih niiothur her ilri'HH and skirts and smotheTOd thn Yes, wo ahall lay them out oolil on a ami tlw people wbo were hack of it. l i m n , V, I. mlwting. platform of free trade, anil c o w them Voter* v*r« urged to got out ou Tuca' aiilo, The inform in our highways haa IhimeH, hut her hiimlti were noveruly innilcHomo uilvnunc. Tlmro arc local- Mail > !» ■ ilktM lo ll ur Hrt ®* In trimming treoa the other dny n t b iiru e d . ofur with planks of tariff raforai!' ■ day and oplKNM the regular vanilldatoa Poplar William Drown caught lliu uxo Anil our enemlea ahall. ba *oattarf|d liy paating the InUIoU uuoloaed, Tlmt Itlua iu ni'iii ly every Htate iu which thu in a limb and whon it eanui dowji ueur- Mrn. Mario Younians dropped ileail like unto the leave* of the fvrnt for thif wa* not done will Ihi readily suen roads arc iicurly all llmt can lie du- J£INM NIli I. MOtN, l y Hovored Ills thumb. at her homo lu Perth Amhoy rooontly Orover »h«!l mud them into fragrant* by glaaolug at tbo result below, nirvd, Au tinoii iih sneli roadn are b llllt In tho old barraokn where Wnnhingtou thnru is an Imnioitlntii nppreeiatlon of like unto a potter'* v m **I, tba whieh Tha Klwdun, Ijiuit Wodnenday the lluaril of Fruu- hail hia hi'uili|imrtern. Him waa literal­ land values along hiiuIi highway, A OOBXBBLLOB AT LAV. holdvra In HesHinli lit Pleiinuro liny h a t h Ihhiu smltton liy tlw fllppfr of a lender tlie' eall for tbo olcutiou the ly Htarvod to death. Her husband hail youth, atiil then shall thu end . boijrs designated lt>f voting waa hu- farm will hcII for moro lummy when tUfTU II M4Mflat« ROTABT N IU A pawed a rviohitlon to )>ut iu a now Iici'ii out of euiploymeut for nionthi. fronting ou a good road which Is al­ draw at a coat of $20,01)0, For iu that day shall our liaaaar n* twapn U and 7 o'clock p, iu.. Tuesday, ttttO H U lM M BUM, V, I* In tlmt tl mo Im Imil searohvd in vaiu plabtod on tho wall of thu great lioag liefore that time tliu advocates of ways iinaldo than wlmn sldo-traeked III many townl and o ltitm ln tlio Htate for work and had liimu ton prom ltoaak for.n good piii'tlou ol thoyearon a road I n v o if , v. J. oitadel of the nation, anil wa shall bow tbSjCitliieu*' ticket, assembled at tho liiokeMn-tlie-hlot inaohinuii lmvo liunn for olmrity. Tlm wife wa* liurlvd hy down unto (Irover, our deliverer, wbo Truok Bouse and at 1:4H began pro which idnu.vt bei'omi's u<> thoroughfare ordored from hotel* nud mtlomiH, Im the noiiimiinity In a pauper's grave. I. JAOKION, i, D„ ahall theiiuefortli Imi known as our Ba- cookings by eleetiug John Van llraoklo in , had wcutlmr. Tho Kiigiimurlng oaumi they wore gambling deviceH . A. In the content over the will of tlio vlor on M ount lliuiard. . Judge aud li e e A , |)|alirow clerk of MngnMim cltiin a iiiiimuiinli'atiiiu from H u a m n i , i n i f u , Tho iron triiMMOM for the new Oiu'iin Into .latui'H H. Iliiyler of Dnlmar tlui And hushall relgu for four yoarp, aud elentlou, When ibis was aneomiillnheil it n farmer In Union mm uly,thin Htate,who Otovo iiiidltorlum aro In pimltion nnd p o in t wiih ralnml tiiat tho will lining uwueil I'ill un run which Im had valued OB«a m ManaMam, •onmMalaaMctou.k ahall showor good things snil fai offices was,claliuew# Ih hIMiw »ii h » mlltisof good 'I’olford highways wore noiivilln, N. ■)., u u d N e w V ork uapltab apsoe of a time, (irovnr, who wa* a ingpf tli* polls soil ciintlniieil to tlui Ckwfe, oln the Aalmry Park lii'glon of tlio piitiduwii, anil tlm roniilt to tliln New lutn, wbo have nielirod a large tract o f iiilghljf nffloer, (Irdtd up hla llnM aud uloitt. In all ill/1 vote* were iiollutl, M ill ( t i m t , Ma u w i* , M> I , t led OroM. his chattel* aud hi* ii*hiii|t m il went tbii jargeit iiMin)xir ever polled in a Jersey furiner wiih Hint Im has nlncii Maggie Welsh, agoil'J'J, whonii mother laud, lmvo ordered a Curl!** e n g in e and refused Mil II) an aero for hln farm, I'oillii'liig machinery, with which tu up ainl pltohed III* tout over agaliut the Borough ijlcctliiii, and thu result waa J F . H K X nT UVim at Hoilth Aluliuy, wiih hii Imdly It Is uot cany to get the farm ing word the mine, They are aim endeav­ capltol, which I* in the land of Col- III favor of the OltUetm' ticket as tlio liurned lit hor plaoe of servlon iu New community to consider tliln iiiintlnii m nlila, ami tliu Iwml pliyed beliold thu folluwlug will nIiiiw i York on W udnoday of hint weok tlmt oring tn piircliaiie, ur v b ta iu tliooptlon of Improved m inis on itn merlin, lie- D M T in, nil, mil iiiiiii.iln g property, which Minin oat hath umiiu iHM'k, U .nass (Jtrlss...... rwilmnt |U ilui died from Uh oItouIm. o. A' canai ...... " In im»|o uf their tenilnnuy to took tlrst of tho holders dnolaro they w ill not Mill I O M ill ATMS*. m u i r i n il, M, II. UlHfMr«*l— ...... " IM allil exclusively at tlm probable cost, At a colored ball III Went lied H unk at liny pi'loo. - A'ii'Aiiii//f, tl, H, " llll Monday night Charles IUehardnon wiih Now, when (irovor waa crownnd king g, A. ^iBWtata ...... j IA llnvjng deelilnil In tlmlr own ■mmiii, In t n i , shut in tlio right liroaat during a row Tho HHHiioiatod cycling oluhi of New of the nation It caini) to p*M that lit i A, imllh...... inlml*, that they want no liioreanu in Thn Imllot atruok a riliaud was extract tlernoy will Imve a cenlury rim from was iiuffuil up tu tho pride (if bi* heart th clf ri mi I taxen thoy put tlmmselvcH J J R . 0. VAN WIOKLE, N ew ark to A n b u ry P a r k u u iliiu o !ill, T in Jatila r* ' IIIH n n i, vd, Another shot Just iiiIhhihI him. and hln other vinonrs, iuaiiniiuli a* hi* New In hoIIiI oppiiHltlnii to tlm iiiovement. Tlio rhlcrH will go through Matawan In The plant of the Hod Hank Mleoti ln raiment lieilauiii Mivnral oulilU ton Ii**t yrldsy. lilglit w in the i|iiarterly Tliu ipii ntlnn nf Ilm oust ought not to milking the trip, A largo number uf small to contain III* JuliluU, OlNTIITt lilglit Oomiiany was mild liy tlin re­ eluotlou of iimcera In Ooliiinbla Ooiiii- betiirtml In the foreground. Tlm ilrst rlilern will tako purl iu iliu run, and And lie ihuok lilmieK by thn hand, eil, Jr, 0, tl. A, Tlmrn wan a gooil thing tu lie imnnldct’oil In Ihe great ceiver on Monday to Daniel It. Apple tho throe oliilm having tlio most riders gate aud W, J . ili'tiadtnoadow of that whioh it afttir thu mauaer ut hi* trllie, atUiudancu and tlin following Is tlio leiilrahlllty of tlin improvement, tlm who go tlio entire dintaiino will each m il inake unto hlinwlf aaylng lis, ha I re * u (t, pli fio fur #11, milijeet to eiioiunliraiiLMis. coii(iiiiy,ciinifortaiid niitlnlnetluu which roiTorrioa b u r d i h o , MtfiVAl, Ri J. got a silk liiinnor appropriately In- Itnliolil I am a Monanili of all 1 osu rmumsallnr -w, I. Mil. Invariably aeeotupuny Ihe einintriictloii The Long Itiniioh llonril of'l'riiiUi In- Horihcil. Kvory woman who makes thu (Itmaailori* iim m i M.HUvam. got, Four more v«*re uf (Irovur) four W. Mo;#r, of gyml jiii hi Id rouila. Tlm time and IoiiiIh to push a bill through the Ih’kIh trip will got a gold medal. moro yoara lu olover. 0, AmorloA, l)»ti4aitU>r-U. % Mirjhar. lummy wliioli cun po siivod by tlm fu r- gujtafjj ^oticn. latiiro tlmt wllldlvldoMoimiouthOimn- Wa^va Mi M«l, A linn wiintn a nilo aud building at Aniorlim, how ofton would I have gath­ Iu»l4* NHIIu«KW, Dill/. ' . liter who Ih nn n on mh’il liy good roadn t,v. It will want u««lntiini'i) from ntlier Freehold In which to miinufantiiro bi­ ered you under my wings, liutyu would UilNrft Bvallfltl^. Vm WIrk In, open all the yenr, Ilio nppreolnllon of oommunilleH before it gets tho bill N. LANBERT80N, cycle Hiiddleii nml InmpH, Thoy pro- uot, AaalflBUl HftxtrJlBKNmri'Urj-K, *. Illaofc. Iiln real entitle nml tlio llii'ronne of ]iro- through. piiHii to e m p lo y e ig h ty linm ln a n d nlmi Hut now 1 have ye on the lilp and ye The lilitrli)t JJopiity will lie, present lit on Ibe product of lllll (iirml ore tlio NUM ii, B. I. Thu F.pwortli In'ugito of Krnuluild Ih pronilHi' to bring a bicycle factory ar« conf routed with a vomUthm, uot a this Friday night aud limtnll the ulllcerH IrnlliH to )m lirimgbV Innnc to him,Once BtiMttaorlo Qlltarl fcloDtrmoll, flUiartt ijpat la going In nilmi inoiioy liy iiiiNlng clilcli them next your, when the prennnt loan- theory, for bi'holil, I rule or ruin ye. e le c t. lie ouiiioh nli'ougly to ili'Hliii good ronds — H A ! INSURANCE eiiH. Tho inoniberN want nutting Iiciih cs expire, Tlio lot Iiiih boon olVerwl Yea, verily toiiommence with, I will thoy will enmo, T lm lr eimt linn uot Ohltitrjr Notei. AN1) ItlCAL UTATM,— mnl a netting of ogg« given them and nml tlio llonril ol Trade will nndertalifi liruudlnli my great silver nworil and all lii'iin foiilul uu IiimiirmntlnIuliln objec­ |6U*« And Lot* for Unit mJ Hilt'. thoy propone to m ill the chickens aliimt to mim' 811,111)11 for tho building, wliioli who believe ou mo and do my willeliall William JTJoli, a brot(ier of Mrs. tion, Tl.oy noon pny fur t heniHelvuf, IUIm of )>r«|ierljr oil ouinmlialoa tollclUA. ,Iiu n i 1 for 81 per pair. will lio 110x100 loot, two ntorlen high. Im saved, aud who don't ahall he broke, (rvlug daily of tills iilnoe, died nt IiIh Tlm h ti t ii ii n ii ii I might properly bo E0R8E W. BELL, Dr. Uiiimunth, Tmwyor lninnliiKiiiid Tlm liii'.velo plant Ih oxpeetoil to em­ And I will call my noothsayera to- imriints' rasldencc, KlatbiiHh, L. I., on lillllt linil um inlalni'd by tlm Htutc, G ticMimml 11 nil I of A sbury Park ciiught ploy '200 liiindn, giithtir and they nliall tinker at the tariff March UA from heart dUcane, lifter ii leuvllig to tlm loon! t reaulirlen tlm cost MAITKit IN OlIAXOItllY, i!7 trout In a brook lionr Tluton Fiilln, ami whou theyhavo linliheil their tiiii, sleknewi lasting but two wiji'kn, llo of liolglihoi'lioiiil iiiihIh only, Tliln how­ OOMUIWtUPIR or BTATt Of I I I TOtC. Mrn, W. 1’. Ilorr, wliono huslianil They worn lmpt nllvn mid Hel fren iu a wan puntor of a ltoil llnnk Methodint killing McKinley, the fathor of thn, wan ill ;»tiara old. I to luiwen u girl, ever in a lniitiev uf detail anil lifter- fl|»olBl altaullou ylvsa lu drawlo* Lbmm, Dm Ai , lake near Anlmry 1’urli where, it in ox- factory, will not recognize tlio sauio. live yenra old, hln wlfo having illnil cnniiiilci'utliiii. Wllli, ato, (Umioh Imt was nhatiged to Morohant- pootoil thoy w ill breed. v ille, Iiiih lioon prciinulod with II solid A nil it nliall ooruu to pass th st all ye suviiral moiitlis ago. Offlc* •! ill* Unitf Htort, opposite IU U v rq who Imiirkuu unto thu soulid of my Touli I'|i Iiln llll'i'i', Mm. I ,1'wIh l'ntlrl'Hiiii of Tuinn ltlver silver HiiiiYonlr s|ioiiu by tlio W, (1. T. I'miiioiiH jl. Oerby, n fiirmorrenlileiit Uoum. MtUwftu, N. I, viiloo nluill lmvo miwlng iiianhinen from In Hid uwiim' of a puli' nT mtliiiini'H tlml U. of Hod Itiuili iih a tolieii ol onloem of Koyport, died at lllooiiillolil, N, <1., (llnsouw at cimt anil ton oiranil doi'i'ii- doiirgo iM. Hlevi'im Iiiih Iu tii w iiullug ARTIN T. BIS8ELL, havo lienii In uhm for over 21)0 yearn. fur tlio work iIiiiio liy hor iu behalf of on Thurnilay of lust wenk, nged 111 a lini'nn uiul iiu|.;nn for numo lirilli llllll M They enu lie traoeil haelc iih fur iih thu Ilio tiiuiponiiico cause, In tho liowl of gatcil oo]i|ior cankotn from tho emls of yeurn, llo vm lnjiiroil nliout four JU rtlO B OP TIIK t'XAMB, lliu eartli. a h Ih iiI linin ago lio ciiiiin near g e tt in g ownoi'nlilp of her groat-grout griiiul- th o n p o o n Ih ii roprosenlnllon of tlio mouths ago at i'alum ou, N. ■!., iu nn a Imi'guin. nun.hunt llcillo hllll II ROTABV rOBUu, OOUMIMIONBN OF IHBM, 001.* Am| when (irovor hail spoke tlieiu eleetrlc ear alld Hover roimvornil. A LatrroB or PBnaioMrt ahu aiAb b*taib, ura iiintlior, and uo ouo known how niuoli (Ji'iinuilo (Ihiirch in Ohio nml on tlio Iim no thnt nniiii trnl down ill 'J:ill and wurdH liu orow thriuu und tho pen- wlilow anil two ilnuglitnrH, Mrn, WII add riaamautANOi aqsmui. olilur they aro. Im udlii Ih Ih o fnoii o f F ra im e n I'l. W il­ one ilny while ililvllig nlnppiiil ill fro|(t pin woiitoiit and wept bitterly, llnm liiiwlu linil MIhh M liilroil (Inrliy, IIn I ooinptnlra rrprfMnUtl and low*il ralaa, Annie (11niI<1 of Hrldgetiin wani'aiight lard, Iho National I’roHldont. of llnlleyn Inetiuy. I leorgn wiih them <111 Al'l'KII III. survive him, Tlm fuiinml wnnnii Mnn- QBMit UUMll'a rtirnlhir* Wararanuta, lUUwan, nt ii nelghlior'n lumniiiHt by an oloeirln nml iinlu-il Mr, Heillii Iiln pi'loo, liu iluy. oiinti'lvanuo giving tho iiluriii. A lili oil Dci'lveil Villilillilc lli'lielll, Anil lifter tlui space of n time it camo lii'lilInteil In immlii,{ a llgiiro when liu liiini liii'knil lier In and nl.iirtoi! for an In panu thnt wlio'n tlm nhiipherds took of lit, Ituv, Mlolnii'l ilonepli O'h’urn'll, Iiinlilonl.v null 111 llenrgii whnt Im would N 0TA.VPU.U01WK ALjFri0t ollleor, lull. A tl u In liniilo tier enenpe, Wenloy Million of llolm ilol townnhlp the lli'nllingNof tliulr llnnk nml sliiareil lllnliop of the Jlliioimo of 'Irenliiii, illnil give, liu in.iilli nil'll It MHII lllll) Iiln (if* whi'i'ollpiili hIio wiih lll nil ilp< in, I lie nlml iiiuilo a Hluliiinenlat a I’oooiitnmotlng of them mnl wont up tn tlm oity to o> Moiiiluy from iiomplicntiniiH glowing fm H.i»t I ii lifii up nil I| ti IrU l(v llllll |l Itmk nliHltoiiiig In i' loft arm . Ilio F ru it tlroworn' Aimiiclutlon of luiy- ohnlige their lloomin for prluosof sllvor, nnt of llrlg lit'i illiioinio of tlio lililnoyn. Iiln liliill Ii invit^i ll. unrt to Iim it imnli IIII'I,M ilting tlio Imuelltn rnoolvud from lie wiih born III lilnmrloli, Irelniiil, I'm Iloiiry Miller wuh thrown from a tlie wine men of thuoltynaldiilltollium: irnln uiul \slirii < i'uiiiiIihI |i1h iln nioinliiirnlitp In Ilio imiioniutlun. He "Not tlilnsoasohl Hum* nlliorsunsun. uitnilier'2, IHD'J, llo ontno to Now frol|(ht I rnln al I'm tli Ainlmy on 'I'Iiiii h- hmuMy Ii" f« mi tn I In* uitH it Jfi'W tlollurH ILLIAM H. LLOYD, Hiitil Unit during liinmemberslii|ihohail I HIIH iliiV 111 nl' n I ll g of hint wcoli an II vtan Vim, (Irover In great, llo Is nll-wiml Ynrk in nml wim nfloi wui ilii elnet- hIiiht nml Iln* il< iil illtl iml no ilii'uHHli, w unveil#I,IHMI tlii'oiigh Ilio nHnnulatliiu, nml a yaril wlilo, lilit the alniiiplli wiml <>il Ilm Flint lllnhu|i iil< I for (Irovor, Hiniitetlmlr breuntauiul w n l H|' ■ duiirgu A. Iliilnny, a prnmiimiii Iln innl III’ lilllilo Uh ntilT fill’ llllll lit),I gill, Iniil. a wutnli eliui'in wliioli illil niu vloo liuiilinln, fortlllr.oi'ii, oto,, win'll liuilghl nml down with limit. lieiiilnorylliK to miu Prof. W , E. M ac Clym onl, piililionii nf tlm Hlnlu nml lino of Now him, Tlm |*ili'i» 11111111111■Bl>t, One bless*) troth lo stine and storm. Lear ft fly wulk. pot to you. Did you on that day de­ I t U snld that PrcsitUuit Cioveland is an Lower Main St., Matawan, O o n s o le a (& 7 heart aad keeps tt w arm ; Stool ruila, it in niil, avorivgo 130 stroy any paper?’1 Indofatlfinldu render ot tlie CuuKirssloiml ■AH A r U L L L I N K O f One tender ton], t broach poo l ood ill, ' ‘NTo, aiae." Great 13ritain hus 160 lady doctors. tons per mile, iruu 145. Itccord. Hemembers, hold;, and helps me still. h * U«ve you destroyed or removed The old fashioned corn color ia ouo Bhu Autouio, Texas, if) Baid to lio a M. Wouth, thp groat Paria dreumnkcr, is 4 now almost itu-enty yuan o! H u Js tbe Ia mountain porge, on treeless plain, any Bince?’* of tho uew shades. very douirubla resort lor consump­ w n of an old En^liuli nolleltor. tives. la w u j traitea unbJest l«j rain, “ Not a scrap, mins. You boo there Blouses and Bhirt waisU will bo a T h e two D roinlosof Cnu^nNi nro llopro- Tongues, Poultry and Game. Or selfcfih cities, lonelier far ain't no flres thia timo o' thoyoar, nnd very im portant feature of summer out* Tlio Pounsylrrmia Railroad locomo­ seutntives WiLaou. of Wt!at Virginia, oud Clifton 11. ndL'kinrulgn, of Arkausas. flr«l Qu»niy Mm(s soI4 st liu t M |t«r c«at Iovm TmSIj wildcrsrss jmcl ■?*, tho little rooking 1 docs ib all doae on Ate. tives between Jemey City nnd Pitts­ hy soy oUttr dMlar to tewa« rnestoexT Ci.rvei.iKo has seat his rluwlf Ibto One face is ever by my elde. the gas store.” Tho Italian Queen has the reputa* burg burn 8^0,000 worth of coal daily. for tl(H) and a letter to tho Youm; Mcu'i H r shield and guardian, friend and guide: Everythiug waabcinp turned upside tion of being tho best dressed woman Dr. QuintarJ, of Franco, lias inven­ Christina Assoolntlon of Wusldu^tou. Io eooosotiea wifb tha ahovi s fall lias af A fare tbat none but I can se^— down and ineide out) wheu iiditu sud­ in Europe. ted & (UUcfttu eurgical iuMrumtut iur lu V is u , IU& Cti^Uavi Actor, played this The face o l bcr wbo tLicks of me. denly stopped. gauging tbo trombliug of nervous peo­ Boa In tea cities of tho United States for “Do you remember whether the win* New embroideries havo loopco twoaty-eJght weeks nod took iu Groceries, Caaneil Ml, t o , Though miles on miles stretch weArlly edges of color, with praya of vari* ple. Butter, Caffec, Teat tad iiurt B^lee. dows wero open on thnt day?" ahe 6 Pbeszdest Cadkot. of France, receives nn Between tbat faithful heart and ae, asked. colored flowers. A retired French naval officer liaa annual salary of <(250,000, with Laudsoino «r* kept and sold at rricrt 18 per oaot tta« (baa B | I know its unforgettln? pr&co invented t riflo which is capablo of allowances m addition for domestla ci* ooupatttora “ Yof, mifis; Mr. Stanton al way 5 use Tho diadem of tho Russian Empress peases. C a d bridge all distance, tim e and apace, firing two kinds of explosive bullets at to 'avo ra winders opeu." Anna contains 253ft large diamond! G e o b o e Vf, ViKOEaorLT, who owns a I alio hand2« FBESII AND SALT PS8H aatf Can send a blessing from afar once. “ Well, just open them as thoy would and a ruby valued at $GOO,000. large tract of forest lund in North Carolina, rilDlTH aND VEOKTAULBj la every vtrlfty. However wJda my w andering tre, is making soma sdentillc experiments In Wvaone run dally to aerT* ouitomera. Touro«> be if he were here." A girl is considered of marriageable Tho Kansas University is excavating 4Mt tolicllod. And be, wherever I may stroy, forestry. The woman did fiSBhownsbid. Edith age at twelvo in Switzerland, Spain, • tunnel nnder its various buildings M y fire b j nigbt, my cloud by day. E x rE B o a W illia m , of Germ any, is credltod GOODS DELIVERED FREE. then placed a piece of paper on the table Greece, Hungary and Portugal. through which all of them will be heated. with hein#heartily ia favor of tbo movement I spread m y blanket on tbo ground, whero Gilbert eaid ho had laid the Thirty women are registered in the to roduoo military burdens In European GEO.LINZMAYER, JR. Remote from h u m a n sight and sound, confession, the door leading into the Yale post-gridaate department, an in« The New York Health Board has do- countries. And as my senses swim to sleep bed room and the entrance door hav* clared consumption a communicable D n . L iv ih o st o k , ot Bcnnettsviile, K. V., crease of seven over last year. has built up an cxtenslvo practlco, ootwltb- Am id tbe silenco wJde and deep, ing first been opened. Thcro wh« disease and announces a vigorous plan Headaches with women aro princi* Handing tbat be had Ixsqo n cienf and dumb Tbe wind by which m y cheek is lannM considerable draught, and the papoi of pioc&dure to pievent its spread. FRANKA.MILLER pally due to physical weakness, and mute Irom tho ago ol threo years up to throo Seems like her kind, caressLn^ hand. trembled on tho table. years ago. HAB OPENED A NEW show that their nerves need strength* Sewing machines driven by dec trio And in each wandering star, I see “ Perhaps thoro was moro air ou that G e o q o k C. B a k e s , tho Invontor of thn ening. * motors have boen fitted np in a large The face of her who prays for me, day,*’ Baid Edith, “ I will eubstituto a costamo establishment in Paris. Tho Bubmarino torpedo boat, dlod, a few days Susan B, Anthony calls Sonator ago, in lViisbi>OD. lie was flfry*tbreo lighter piece of paper." curront is obtained from thn streot years of aRo. 0 tender llf.ht, sblnesoftlior yet I PelTer, of KausaA, tho most sincere 0 warcbfal eyes, do not forget! This Bhe did, and almost immediate m.iins. K isa ALBiRT,or Saxony, Is ono of tho few ]y it waa caught by a curront, and it champion of woman's rights in the grwit Bovereign warriors now living, lie ts 0 helpful heart, my strength ranew, Tho meteorological stations in Ja- fluttorcd across the room. As it fell United States Senate. Bald to haveinjre iafluenco with tbu Kaiser And Leap me safe, and bold me trtio I jian, of vFhieh thero aro forty, aro be­ on the floor they were startled to see Corded materials of all kinds will than m y other man. 0 gentle face, still kindly beau, ing connected together by telephone. la The Old Hofei Building. a littlo kitten spring from tho open be worn, not ao muoh in tho heavy T i i e courts have autliorizod Fcrlbn, Emin Sustain m y eon), Jnaplro m y dro/izn, Thirteon stations are already in com­ Postin'? daughtor by nn Aby&luian woman, doorway and pounoe upon the papor, bengnlincs rh in silks with a distinct A OEVEBAL LINE OF Be now and always, near nod far, munication. to nssumo the nntno ot Emin as n family rolling over and ovor with it in hot snd closoly wovon cord name, thus enabling hor to luhorlt tlio iurgo Ily hope, m y guide, m y polar «?sr 1 Ktinsas capitalists talk of piping proporty loft by Em in Tasini. tooth." During bcr reeent sojourn in Ma< Harness, Blankets and Whips —Elizabeth Akers, in Worthltgto&'a. natural gas from Ncodeslia, wUore it T h e Into Louts Kossuth, tlio Hungarian “ Lor*, miss," suddenly broke in ileirft tho Empress of Austria URod to was rcoently discovered, to tho zino mtriot, left no fortune and but ropestly pold ALWAYS OM BAND. Mrs. Morton, ,“ now I remember f w odk Ufteon miles daily, her lady-in* fils rich library to a ocmuutsstou of llun* fields o! kouthoasturu Kansas aud A GOOD AR&OBTUEtiT OF THAT VITAL CLEW. Whon tho gent shot 'i&self I waa work* waiting aud secretary acoompauying garUltts, wbo pruseotod It to u museum. Tbo •outhwest Missouri. ing in the 'ouse opposite, and camo her. prleo paid was n trlilo over $4000. A poworful telescope may reveal ns ILBERT HTAN- baok to aeo what wus tho matter. Tho Duchcss of Coburg haa a mag- Sheets, Fly Nets.&o, That littlo kittou belong* to tho party many M forty-throo million stars, of it Ion lived ia n iflo c n t glrdlo which i« Baid t o bo of T n n King wnoso ruio cinhraco!) tho numlior ot which tho light takoH two Ohoap Single Ilarueaa, Ordora foi ehamb or a in in tho n o it net, nud whon I camo up iucoloulublH value. It ta of square nic^t suhlocts—mnoklng. to the landing ahe was phtying junI thousand sovou hundred yours to tr»- hnnd-mado harness promptly attended to. White'* Inn and omorulds, Hot iu g o ld w i t h a cross at liko that with a bit o’ paper, whioh vorso the Intorvouing space. Itepalriug douo, at ahott notioe, ,au« was reading for tho end. I TEuTmARKET 8; reaauuublo ratoa. tho imr. M'iMt aho runs away with and leaves on tho Coffee is intoxicating if taken in Btttirs.” Miaa Gertrude Vanderbilt t* having who justified hia n\Uloieut qimntition, though dilToring I^ato WholciMo t'rlees of Country "Yfj," said EdJth, in broathles* h e r boudoir in tho newly reiuodolod name, w u an oh) in iU effeots fruin alcohulio stiinulauU. l'roduc# Quoted In Now York. eagernona. Tifth avonuo home, Now York City, Thu nerves may bo disturbed iu * de­ college sc<]uain» fitted up iu piuk as to oolor aud muoh 18 MtLI Ann CIMAV. “ Woll, paper about tho atairn looks gree •pproaohiug delirium tromouo. Unco who had at* nilver and satin wood. The markst showed siren^tii snd aetlrtty tempted sovoral flonuttdy, tnlai, ao I picked it up M. I)ufo««o, a Freiidh savant, de- durtntt tho whole of the past wook, Huppltcs ir i v e n i i aud It ia tho custom of many peeresses thin. ' fnJi/d aod — ’1 rlnroa that flshos can talk. Tliny oan, Were moderate und demand i*ood. The avur* “Wbat did yon do with it?" ol Kutiland to wear imitatioim of their a»o nrlco fo? platform tar\\tus at (he milk to -IN­ faib . im all. lio OooUruR, produmi certain Hoiiuds at contly family jrtwela, tbo originals eelvrnffstallou8Was91.4?per canof lOiiuurll Otl' . t had not “I throw it In thopail with the other will by thu vibration of certain specially Kxehango price, Sjfe, pt«r qaari. ruhbiHh." hoiug kept under look and key iu wen inm iu fluv* designed iiuisvIks, Thosa vibrationa lUvelpta of the wook, tl-J t London nafo deposit 7itults. R ais...... M TJ.tR t era) jeiir*, win'll Fur tho Mcond time tho oontontn of ftrn oausoil by a litlle air bladder, milVs tho pail was emptied bv thn laundress <\>nt at(ond»noot and <00 foot. Tho winter nt that olovutlon Heoondalo Units...... IU (fl 1(1 completing her morning duties in ait* spring. la lonit, tliv void ia intoiis«, and thu Wtwtein Ki^tory, froth, ex* Pianos § Organs. was walking up aud down tho chant' tn t i ...... — (S' — oilier room, closed the door uf tho Them ia a children's hoapitat tn snuw.lormx aro of tsrriOo violunue. chamber* and passed out, bora in thought whou thoro uamo a H e e o n d * lo n t s t s ...... ll.'irtO lit Jerusalem, established in 187*4through Tha Maaaaoliuaetta Slate Hoard of T h i r d s ...... - (ft 10 Shorter afterward the tempera of knock at tho door. It waa tho )auu< Numincrmako...... ll m dre«« hrrnelf. tho uoneroaityof Mary,Grand Duohess Health oonnludea, from iuvvatlMationa tbe two men cooled, Wild apologised of Mecklenburg. Over !H)0 children Rolls, fresh ...... — - (or oouifl offensive rotnai ka bo bid “ 1 know whore that bit n* paper ta, of artltloial lovi that artiiloial procossoa CIRKRI. miwl I stays a bit in Iho kitchen - are sludtorsd and surrounded with ot freeing ooneentratn tha impuri­ tuade, aud they ebook hands. Hilbert Christian inlluoneea ev i ' { their seuau of auperiorily about with iu artttleial too ia iuaiguitlcant under \Vhcu tlllbcrt Hlauton returned ho small for tho caudlcatick, ao I takas a a o o a them tn amdi au olVouaivo and eou* tlitt pvovaillng mothoda of inauufao- Mounted the itsirs to thn dour of hU bit o1 itip rr out o' Iho nail to inak* it Rlate.V renn-Fresh — ® tlW chimbom, but did uot immediately !\t. (ioino into tho 1)od room, miaa. snieuvms inannnr as grestly to Impair ture, auil tlmt tho aiuonnt ot tiuo H o n t h e r n — F r e s h u a ih e r o d , , . 10 dp i n ' i Why, it's gone." tlioir uaefuluoaa. found in lea ia Inauflloioui to cause iu- WtMiterii—Trmh, best — 11,V inter, He stood for a fow iniuutesatt l)»iok o*w»-Hou!!» A Wrst , 9A # 8H Vm j (torn ita uao. iho landing, considering * list course "1 wss hero late tiuV night and I Jewelers aro fervently wwhing that U o o n e c g g i ...... W (JP 00 bn should adopt with regard to tliu burnt the candle very low • aud thn ihe styles prevalent in Franco lu tho M A S S A!«n r* A S . win tnside. paper tank tiro I" tenth ceutury might be revived fortlm Tk» « Klephakt Nan." peans^Marrew. iRtW, choice. 9 40 Aa lm leaned agaiw»t the door, smok­ “Andyou burntit, miss!" aako of busineaa. Judith, tho wife of MMIum, IBW, ehoiee 101) if> 1 m ' i Ths person whosu natuo will go into ing ft cigarette, no waa startled by u “Only slightly, I remember. 1 Caipuohin, woro a solid girdle of gold I’e a, i m , f h o t o e ...... 1 00 J 15 AT THI WARMOOM OF Was lUjtuoud Wild—dead I grate. Thank honvou, wo hnvo found At the W inter Palace, St. l’etera* part of thn yoar 181H*. Tlm poor foi- r n e t T A a n o nKnnun— rn**it. it nt laftt!" burg, there is a room full of diamond*, low was afHieteil with two of tlio most Apphsi— Oreenlm?, >M)bl...,, 4 0i> fljifiOl) ' The nidenee at the impicit was “ There ts nothing here, mi**,” laid 'omls aud other prceioiis atone*. The C. E. EMMONS, tho woman on her knees. "T hegrato tcrriblo diseases known to tbo phy­ Haldwlti, V bid ...... 4 tv . (S> B 0» •Iw pIv litis; Thn police, when I'allud I'impress of lliiHsia is allowed to borrow sicians aud surgeons—overgrowth of H t r a r b e r r k a , V t j t 10 (W 80 Main St.. ieyport, N.J., tn, uad found tho dead bodyot a man. ia quite empty I You can take mv (Timihrrr.’ea, Jersey, V M il... 7 00 tf 7 flfl from this room after giving a receipt thn bones nud tumorous eim'Bi'cncca Identified ns Havmoiul Wild, with a word for it, thut paper’s bowitohed.1* for what she take*, and generally tho Jersey, V crate..,. - ...... 9 00 (ft a N l of tbo skin. Two enormous bony out­ Orangiw, Indian Illvi’r.Vbox 9 60 @ 4 00 WU'V wonud in bin bead. A m*obrer “ f dou't rare w he I her it is bowitehod Grand DnoUesaeaaro allowed to burrow TRUSTEES OF ESTATE OF ” growths developed on bin forehend, « orn. wa* also discovered which lltlbcrt or not." eaid Kdith. “ t moan to tlnd from it also. nnd lster on (hu bones ot the upiu r Htate . ISP1, choice, V th..... IS (Q 10 HUldon had Admitted ivna bin, and it. Ketch me thut tunguirying glass Mrs. Sophia 11. Uueuntioh is tho jaw, no«p, right nr in nnd both feet 1HM, common lo K ° ° d . 11 f,f 17 the contents of ono ehambcr Imd from tho tablo iu tlio next room." 1NI»3. e h e lc e ...... — «i> — Vusiness manager of the Kngineering grew to gignutio proportions, Tho Kdith removed tho fonder nnd csro« iwt)3, e o n n i o n t o p r l n u ' . . . . — — T. 8. R. BROWN, Wen discharged. * and Mining dournnl, of New York. skin diseaso oimsed great llapiiks O ld u d d s ...... 4 fl? H Mr. Manton Imd paid; "The mail fully examined tho dust that Mra. Mor* - DEALER IN - Sho haa jnat been elected n life fellow manses of itesb to hang from ibiVereut n.vv A!tn arnxw. committed wuioidc. f um not inside ton’s uot o ‘-t-r aernpulous cieanlineNS of tho Urltinh Impcriid luMitutf. portions of his body, particularly Hav—x,oodtoeholee>t UHMli - R!t lh* ehend.u’i'H «t tbo tune.” - had allowed to neoomuliito. “ I thought ns much," sho snid. Tliere are only twenty other members from thn fnoo nud head. Tho nose was ( ’ lo / c r m ix e d ...... 00 (S» ttfl U'tlliatn Cutey, »\ ndiottor'e olork, nnd she is the only woman member in thn fneisl feature upon wliieli the dis- aStraw- l.oiitf rye ...... Al) (» M COAL, LUMBER, drpv'oM’ thet he van looking out o( “ Micol They havo been Attracted bv Hho.t rye ...... ft' the United States. eane seemed lo have taken special the uflioe window ou tho ground floor Iho candlo «ro^ne, nnd have dragged I.IVH I'Ol’ I.TUY. spite, tho overgrowth of hone, ilesih when bo *a* Mr. O ilbrrt Stiuitoli tho paper to their hole." Tho t’hilo*oidiio*l Faculty of ths Kow la, >> Ih...... — (S' |fli^ H A K D W A i i E nud skin causing it to hang lion II b o as eidrr tho buiMuij;, nnd heard him run They searched around about every* Vniversity of Heidelberg baa resolved riilckena, V th ...... ll f«> yv^ where, but no mouse ludo oould bo thnt women Htudoutn onn bo admitted to givo the man n very repulsive, ele- Ihiofttcr*, old, V I h . .. (I (5 - A N O - U p th<* eteiiK to the degree of doelor there. In plmutinn nppcnrancc. lr. Stanton to enter Ins elminlHire mix a quantity of whiting, which aho permitted, nnd twoKngliah ladies, who ity for about four years, nttiiined sueli IMgecus, V p n lr...... ,, ...... W Building' Materia! — lie heard the rxploaiou. placed in a largo tUt ditdi iu the ttoor have already studied mathematics at namattn roi'LTat. in tho middlu ot the room. Iu tho Cambridge, ar*» attending lectntes proportions thnt tho neck eould no o p uv«nr nRHommoN. Kliea Mortiuj, Mr. Stnnton’fi Unn* Turke>u, 11 Ih ...... H UhIi waa laid a small aaueer, aud iu there. ii'UpT hold ll ereot. I'uritig tlm rTT l » * f lUctw, had udmitttd tlu* dreresfit ('Iilekena, Phlia, tb ...... It whole of tlio Inst year of his lifo ho >1 (s' 10 that a pioee of toasted cheese. lomdon journalism has ]u*t admit* J e ia e v , Ih...... 111 (h1 Cor. Atlantic & First Sts., the l»>i ri»u»>* it) anil tiolii'od] slept in a crouching position, with hit r j when h arm# that the tno Koullemen When they returned there was a ted lo ita tanka the t" only-live year W eiitera, >* lt>...... 10 or 10 hsnds clasped nround hi' le)t» nud bis Fow l«-8t. and West, V Ih .. H r<«' u wcte "haviti^ t-iMn*’ " I track of lilllo white footprint* serosa old daughter of the late Ijord Tivtton tho room that led to alittie hole above enormous hnsd resting on his kuees P u c l : s ( V Ih...... (• 11 Hi* di*fi’i»m> that Wild had found i nnd grandd mghtrr of Uulwer. Lady dorm*- W ivtcrn, >> Ih . ft ( Keyport, N. J, auit arms.—St, 1/ouis llepublie, 11 7 the revvltrr during bu ab*iMie*'i tlmt ] the tomow akirtin^ board, hiddcu by C o n a la u c e 1,> tton ia haid lo Inherit M tpiu l n, H tion...... ]0 D 3 60 he waa elaudui)t ou> ide tlio dtu>r ofi a loose piece of wall paper. the fatuity taiant, and Imn lo n g been ricoKrAiii.r;*. hi*chemhrra, a* "o lum> dcm’ribed, J A man waa called in, and after editor of an amateur ncwHpupor which Nome t'iM tlj llan q u rls. P o ta to e s * S la te , >* I8l) I h n ..,. ftn (S' 9 00 oNMonni iiiKl.,Tir when tbe »lud « ri> t\ied ; P..M Hltinxiph 1 breakup down some of tho plaster and the Karl nUrted for hia children'* •leivey, V bid ...... :i7 Of I (Vi M There are some eost.'y bampiets re- V a b i c , 1' b b l , ...... Ull ia' 9 00 KM0KIAL IHJalirAI, taking up a corner of the tloorihg, tho aiuufeiement. they had iptattidrd th«*v wn 0 on paoiiie | eovded in the Norld's 1.' iiory, nml one Cah-.Ntfo, Plerldn, bbl...... 7ft in’ 1 9.1 cm t'tfd Kcrsp of paper waa at U«t *o< thvle;,!. White. V bbl ...... 00 wrn\ out, an.I WmX tbe < Worth, the man milliner, is not tho snppev, given l>y Aellus Veriis, fooled {«'' 4 00 ro de^eaard bad Irft u ftiillrn : e.rrd . dilettante thnt in geiu rally mtppoHcd. II '•! and yellow, 1' bbl.... Oi1 I 'JfV IidNtl UUANl'lt, . NEW JEI1HET. up nearly a ouiuler of n million dol­ H .piar.t. I,. 1,, b b l ...... Ml ut' :l 00 k I'lie eonfeeror H elin u ab iib is eo>.t S'JOi',OUO. 7.1 MODERN «mt .n.,n.r. (u„ hnudlmg, but nhen tho precioiia reb^ While, P bid ...... III l.l' no linttPITAT ‘"ttUnliiii*), l'U«i,ai|| Kill] Mul where ^a*, llm wtilliti I'^nfrs nmoh of hia npare tinn* in a gyiuutixt’ <’l»'opalrii’s b itntpiel io Anfoti.v « iki u Kw i'i-t |>ti|!»tm«H M*v ,l«>i«in . Otl frt' J M .V , M T . I . M,tr *§uh t"f Ihe«a ntio aii'O^ (iill'i it 1I1 . .1 t h u t had t*een carefully m ounted on aiinthrr mu. lie it* arbitrary tn hta biooneH^ sm npliions iilViur, and Ihe i|n een look Vineland, Mild .... , 7.1 ta' :) no r1 1 lui.t I'Him* wllli all llut tit|,,(,i||fi • ,,1 - Uihu«l w. All pir.'e of | tt »»< found to read SJ tie found It oil tho he.( '•t\^ it"i.I, ,liinl»iiif: llte t 01 I'll ni;; I'l'iiii’*, l lu,, p eriite, l>0 t h r li-'iif lt b d tin Imi "i h- 11't 1l".‘ 0 »>r »U|>plied o n ftDpp<"Oltoi| tcnal that he doe* not think I* Mbe lieslll' ,if llto liittiiu ir , f.,tt Hfj:, ",Mv ;t 00 I'lilnis. " [\ nn») «iek **l luv lift and n m i v , 1 ve, laid it tt«- Imd M-nrt'h* rom um " and "ill not i«lb >'t credit on d.trt.tulll lo A ttl.oiv ,*liiill iM ’retl m i n w . u t p , 5 7 i'i-,ii \vi:i:k. n n - • « iu ) I-* put nn 'ml l*‘ tl. In easemu rimn Wlnlei P.UeutM ...... to lit’ n in f d f (|, b u t »«ii In "» I k m > ) h in e<*trtbbrthio»'nt wihle Ihe ttlo d e )>itiM|ili‘| " \Vlle(t v a t i : m n 1,mm, pm i u ».ja pi- ion tall* mi tlilbi’tl Blanton the i>.) N|'M io; . » . , , , , (H‘ 4 (HI I t.. dn-UnHK m-'n o»l., u 1 »Ul, n| Wlioai, No. J U o i ...... l’Ull MT.HK. ( u.no.-i'nt I die \\'\ no ) o« n hand Although Fi eio'h nomrn'w l e ^ a l m u l 1,'llri’ll r.llritlii l ll t i!.11,111 I It.' ...... 00' (rt' tm 1,; (rr eiamtntu?; I In* I 1’ . )"• |d.H'» d t hr eiul ih;ht« nt i* eWtoiiuly <’ i f (MUtl lit liniolnh, Mir l h,odii.t I Ii filmm M a t ...... fit’ p*p«'1 i'll n »I u n ! l tut t>. h, ,1 li,,., "lUxMtiNII W l l . O ” 1 'e m No...... ' fn1 4ft‘ < AIIMIUMIIIN III' I'MIIINIS, •<» »iIn d, it hi»4 alnavN b .» n ild> anced pledged lift It. ullll ill n flip ol w me and hm' > nl « I Ih' » kfttt I! \dh i< now Mi ‘ M'thton. and h»*r U . i l ‘1 N o, > \S h l l o ...... (»' m \ f llllK h".|.l|«, I. ,l,.l,|,„,|„,| I„r ,i„irnt in t h‘-u Cm .0 t h it t hn> mo ftb-oblto t’otilmitiMft a pt i',’iu,t'i kIioh- ,'t ii- lu .t to I t'\i k mKi*d J)0 ■ nx'tUp HI,,) »>>t 1 ,,||)n lint a p.di. < 0,,n> Ol Ih.' h rd*«ud IioobI* ihnt hn mn «i Iii* life to ,11ft b^iMile 11. Jiu-11 , -«, h m ( 11 r11‘ t» dohl e ^ tle i'll- nl,.no.. tt,ttiii ,i;;,1oo,i, lu |;t;; n,,, Itvo ''I ul i>...... ('iiiiliKiitilK, ■tut nf cln,iti|,i iMtitl'I.i ,u «fA«lin, 1 " i hfiiiio.i,* a1n i,„i R.huitii'ii, lvn.tuie ht <>IM > .lei ! di d raM I nui-UMi ihe pt niitfiil and mbdli^oht in«'ii\ I'lu'i i-le.l Wetjein I'll <.r li,'t cl.- Tin i ,’ f.o t , il 1 1 « i'l) n1 1111' 11 h! ■ l .llipi of H m Ml J'l i -.i n1 1 ,1 I n (,h o i’ ll Mil|rrin«m .rrl.m a llliir.a in which »h.» lidloni'l np thut \ittd }i, '-Ir. ( '(}> f «.10 rn to fill and » di* Imi k t<» dn l»aun|‘ \ tr|,i,!u .a ilt.i-i iti it, I, > It nnt iipuli't n’ •"'ll I n Hilinlllnl t«» III*' l|i'«|i||«| nl mu' lm || f v n |> 1 in i it’ii I I'll.>Ho I' tno 1 :i.i and Hi) idi-t i,«u< eh’H , , . , (if (> 00 ■lit "r ll Ih 1 il - ‘ Mlirt |iiOli'lll« l.i I... vlin ltU 'l lm. bl»* d * •• I •*J*\» , Ill'll* Tlie Ill'll 11111.1" I n I II" lo t .;" I in I I 'm ,*|o,Ihl ...... 1U1 lio > Ir on lint, 01 tJ"> toll h 1 ot v ,\ i t«t‘ 7 * "• ''»■ "“ 't 1 I'. HI. I ’h.V Itlimt mi|.|T III |tt-|. 1 III )u » I . l u t t i 11,. p f c p r t h a d int,,1 il I'* tl I M 'l l u n i.p ld i l'i o l lit n - tl. 111,. 111 irt III', 1.11 H I' 'I K 1|U "hiMo , »tinti»..im; u in,,Hu ii, fit 1 p.it 11 iiidf itm/ prnled, M»d lo> n« m 1 faw it aftilW ktd 1 ^ i n a e t o tlaiela, ot lbiena Yt-hi » h.O' th e A o.n» o, llll; lull',I1, of II I'tlnltt ,'t !ttl|;i, e.ilnf, I'.'"'|-", ellv dien«.i|. , . h* »-tr 7 ' i | “ "• n', h' ...... •n'l'ii'Hii.ni. The im M llll^i lit K ftieli bad tallrd to ' UU.’b Co-v-', riiih, (.1 i;o„.|. AllBfj'Jl. 4t,i...!•(>.>Mi l ft,.fc,l,\ t ’«l . *• tt:l < iiiu « ef nre, a a |« nhonn III ! .• In* om the com I III-' o llr "ill'.v, nml ...... n n r \ < (ti 1111 u l m ii' -1 1 uh-*. l'ii> Nf,| ...... 11 w Mini. 11. j h vmtimh. dlercM t!. j by HieotilcNtitde i.eiMd*. Me n er.rt -11 ' , n ti I I h ’ tu -n tn h -M' « 1 »ih>d tli t 11'r. In inlmi .it I’,ml ,if tiiiitotftti'liim w \ a»l'l. M'Hilnmillt iMntini lal IIn«j:««!W •» n it'* eluted dutniA* hor nei is ii nti ni iii ii, I * 111 ti i >t 11 It i. n n ,, ii,, ,,f lit. f«li»’<*|i, 0 ion lbs im or :i. mi 5"^ I.MlUlm, P |H) ...... l.itlblM nt *r,y kind- vitlabtrv, \.'«Mnlilfn, f»e„ “ Now, Mia Motton,’’ Mill fdllh a* faoultle*. \\o a^ttlcd in Ia»s Auur|<-« otul-t « ith >nt onr lord ami ioaiUr’» enrloiilies thn .urld.- SL Louis is « 0 01 •111 lit* Itn a l if 1 al hI til I) i f i M v M i r i th n tn t»|ilta l. !!">?• I.lie, p liw »!•,,,, AitfOoitji ,'nn «tr frH afii, tu tli# Uiey atood alnuo iu the eliw*l>rfe, j iu m k i I'lm m t lit'Vniiiiti. It) Af OM mitt \,j , b rt< a « e d ...... iat.n l lun I 'r M M t fl. f, |i, Uivir«i, Kat|. , nearly as alow a town as wo havo been ME MERRY SIDE OF LIFE. lod lo believe her.” "You think so?" Bicycle Repairing, ITOBraG THAT ARB TOLD HT THE "T o ba mirn. I wnn over thorn th# FUNNY HEN Olf THE PRESS. other day, Thoy u ho 1891 calendars, the m o o m wo do,” — Washington Our shop is lined superior Bpi'tng Hlgns—flls Preference—One Htur, to,any along th" coast, and Kind—Making III in T e e l H n n d — lle r O nly Ithor. It can now bo bought in Now air space for tbe animals to breathe in. York City. J'nMorn furim'iH will tloulitlusn eaoh piece through it, slowly bending Ungscy— "Please, kindsir, g im m e a Dusty Khoiles— "Reg’lar luxury, A central shaft or ventilator should Wnsto no tlim* in Rflzintf tlio opportunUy* to and rubbing the strap. The Imokle niokel to koop luo from starving.11 that's wot it is I No doors to look, no thu li. Kt miitlo fimn-wu^un In tho run from tbe ceiling out through the Mr. Bullion— "Thero, poor man, shuttors to bolt, no winders to fasten, World. Hi0 in xtvok iu Nt uiu\ \\\o horao wnuuna. •lao the hellybands, breeching and the tako thnt coupon and go enter your no furnaoo fire to look after, no potted above tbo roof. This will lot off hot, guess ou a saok of tlour. ”— Puok. (traps that buckle to the bits. To give plants to move about, no light to W ide Tires a Specialty. fetid air in summer. In winter of Wo nl*o i'iutv n t’omii't'lo lino o( ltin/«|oi 'the leather anew look, aild to one pint bother with, an' uo searry wlfo to send Ruiiovh, Dt jiot l’oiiy Curt*4, Uuhinohi course it muat bo kept closed a large A TEIUUllT.K DIRCOVERT. ot oil a large teaspoonful o t lam p­ us galivautin' around on th* coid floors Wittfohp, Huriifs**, t to. For Heavy Work, Carringe part of the timo. Thu matter ot teu- Wtt muku ovui y lliiiig no null nml uuumntoo It black and an ounoe or two of beoa- Will Woor— ‘‘What's the matter halt-a-ilozen times a night huntin' fer tilation is littlo thought of by farm* Bow?" aad Stiddlo. Wa*,— New York Observer. burglars 1'— Puck. Studebaker Bros., era aud tbe general run of horsemen, Ooooliy Cooington — "Boo, liool New l.orn l" ’Uvn rt'erlvi-.l from Ihn Wi-*t yet it ia of the highest and most vital Miiniifm-tMrltiK nuni’nvrxa a cast ihon now rotvT. I'vo found out you don't oaro any now un cornu no. H,\Tisr.trriuN' (HiAi'.ANTi'.r.o importance. Bad air surcharged with moro for me than I do fer you I"— 265 & 267 Ciinnl St.. N. Y. Many farmers are uot aware that Sho wns a ipieonly beauty taking ammonia and othor exorotious from Puok. , • o o i.ri i ak i III *ihu 1 i i i n jr.__ i".:ici'.:s to su it ai.j . when a cast iron plow point haa bo- animal bodies la exceedingly irritating inrt in some amatuur theatricals and U ll ******* come vory dull, or cvon thrown aside to the oyoa of horsua aud no doubt Ioukoil vory prepossessing got up aa a ,UU CLASTIC FRANK EEDLr an worthless, its usofulnciaoan bo pro­ onu n m young widow, Haying expressed her mnny oases of hliudnoss ate dirootly ijWhSfc'-.iJ A B D O M IN A L S'llo lllld r.H'llllllK'' SlllOli'H, longed, for thu plowing of oue or two triicealilo to thu intlucuco of thcso du- "Soriblilo haa to koep his versos intention of going to ohuroli ou tbo ;™\V SUPPORTER more norm in common Moil, liciuove letorious gases. Foul air Jnlialoil into (raveling from one mngAziuo publish­ following Humbiy in hor weeds, tliu T h r e a o , 4 3 .co callow youth of the company inti- m 'ii ''.’ini 'ii'-luv* the point from tho plow, aud if thero tho lunge ia highly oaloulated to iu- er to another and yet ho will luivo it ||>W UfltH. Niit'h "'I ’ ’ vinillu.trii 1' "V 1 I 1 [ ill •. thnt they aro real poetry." inatoil IiIh desire to itooouipuny her as l:i.%NTir K'llM lilM lN, ilU NSIA ia no (tone ns Inrgo ss a rnan’u lioad, flame aud irritate tho delicate anil ha;W#.iMi h^iO"1. ' um.'i r I' v. drive an iron woilgo partly into a log, "May bo they're tho poetry of mo­ tho borcaved brother. ii. \\, 1 T*vi:u.tv Hitfv. , UMPHREYS tender struiitiires of the windpipe, • * • . or pout, <>r even u m h ii h i, or other b rm ieliial tubes nn<( the a ir cells, tion," Sho shot at him a haughty glauco V,**. H. Mr«0o„ and said t piece of iron, tho object lining to ob­ lienee we would naturally oxpoot, aud (5AHTION.~ir it tlruh r nrti’i* W* I«» Mowtvk. M. J, "You may oome ah (lit deoeasud hus­ Nho»» nt. t\ fiMltu"i>il iirlu 'io r imy! tain n solid surface t» strlio ngniuht. do llml by cgporiimoo, that horsiu sub­ i r . ruKmiiKKOH. ntit nimnpi'il 011 Tako tho point, bottom up lu the loft band. " Ixittoln, }(Mtulnn H li"i» Kitlii 1'iiitl'iiiiri*, tUis hawk la mice, makes, moles ami have it light aud cheery. How luftuy paper ou tho staml." wllli Ii Imlps lo Int M'inr llm i vmt f in fiivt- nm in’v I'V Im ivIhu ul tliat it Is too slow and clumsy to catch shelter for hor sen I Buoh an environ­ paril, jer ferget I bought a pieuo of yum (Miilwfitr »«l llipilm l'T mlvt-riliit'tl ln'lntv, chicken* or other fowl. It seoina to ohewiu'um yer las’ Thursday w««k," flcil, Tlio good wife glaiicntl nt it and CiiIiiImimii' 1'n‘i’ tijitni in iiilli’iillMit, A tlilit **, ment cannot fail to depress the spirits W . Ih IMM’UI.AH, llrot hlon, Miinb, hold hv ua thnt it requires tpiitu as lunch alert­ aud lessen life and usefulness of an - T r u t h . found the onuao of his wonderful iu- GB0. wrWELSH A. J . CJAMAH, Mftlawim. ness to catch mi«o or chipmunk* aa to animal that is naturally gay and joy terimt. Fifty-third Congror.s—House pro- n a n h t ., catch ohlokcns, We liavo had consider- fill. Then the horso Is injured by linn ONLY MINIimn, •bid expcrionoo with thin iloprodiitlon ooodings,--Olovelnnd Plain Dealer. ARR0W 8M ITH BROS,, Onr. Ik rc ln y Ht., N KW Y O ltK . leaving snob holes and coming sinl- Mrn. Norris— "Hince I have been in tho poultry yard, and losing a ilculy under the full glare and brill­ married 1 liavu had only onu wish uu- ohiolion each ninrniiig until tlio thief iancy of a aniiinier or winter sun. An Intoi'cstlnir Table, grntilled.” Elovatod Railroad Station was allot did liut look as if tlio hawk Here wo find another frequent soureo Mr. Norris— “And what in thal, my Tho lottery uf marrlago and the AT T ill1’, n o u n , was very oluumy. It is true tlmt of eyo diseases, — Farm, Field and dear?" elisnccs of mankind therein have beou aomotiinns tho mother hou will ilriro Fircnidc. investigated with grout thoroughness * » -lll vile* nlti'iillnii In Ills luuneu'c 'tuck Mm. Norris— "That I wero liugle anii spi'i'lul liiUKiilns nml viuli'il ,h»iiiIn.rill .f away tho hawk, for It is a cowardly again."— 1/ifo, by a Parisian physician, aooording to thief; but it will return after a hour PABM AND OAHDKN M0TK9, M. Paul Iloiirgut, tho French novelist. o r ao aud seize a ohlcken that him For fattening fowls oookod food it ovkiiiikaiid . Aftor ntiidying the cITects (if various ARTERIAL RMfiALlBRS, WATCH I5S, atrayoil too far from iti protector, If better than raw, oooupatious upon a mini's ulianuos uf AT THE OLD HTAND, tlio hen hawk destroys snake* it is First Woman (ovor the baok yard Overstimulation will result in en­ suecesa iu matrluiony, tho doetor 1ms so far an enemy of man, aw these fonool— "Mrs. Jinks told m o yester­ DIAMONDS, • JEWELRY feebled oflspriug. oomo to tho follow ing oonclusluns: i MATAWAN, N.J. destroy large numbers of injurious day sho thought sho was tho must un­ happy crcstiiro living," MsKlslrntm, lawyers, lie- liuall bugs, niicu nml other voriniu. Milk in all its forms is moot valua­ tiirtcn, otu...... ft fllmnnos in 100 Wtiolo outfit now and flrst.olsss. Prices SltVEII anil PLATED ViU ble an food for poultry, Bcoond Woman--"That's Just llko riiyrfiulmii, ...... 10 ohnnuua lu 100 reasonable. Kverythlng reipiltod for Inner- hor, always trying to out-ilo her Oo)1mku iPfttOi- tin. from llio plaliieslto llie must elaborate, A spi-i-inl line nf low piiii'd, mlistantlK ; QIiHANtNCIH H IO U Til II Clow HTADLE. Bee that your breodors aro healthy, «trn 10 otniuuoiln 101) fimey I'.imls. mnlnlilo for I'olli sejes, vigeroiin aud of good size. neighbors.1’ rojftgogucn • tiinslm lly on linnil. Have al>o a stoek of R ing tho uo hc of oven tho "safe" Cuih^u i»ro- new folding chain fer funeral ami other Wliieli ll.ipiilrinK mnl .lohl.mn nf sll klllii. l>nll. With thn nlil of tho dust bath tha ffNorn,. i. flnliannHn In 100 vicnv oiiMnma, UmlorI'uptnlnlKitilinmMm In 100 purposes. fiVKItY AllTIOIiK WAU11ANTKU. H your dairy linsuo jieiligroc, start liens will rid themselves of lice. Oflloori. Ab(ivucH|itlkl!i Oolnilino* lu 100 l’ reiupt attention dny or nl|(lil. Irritalilo Author— "Joseph, I enn't one nt once. Tho lllnck Minorca lays tho largest I'nlhtom. HO nlmnmtiln 100 The cow with a ruffled temper will egg of auy of tlio Hpnnlsh family. stnnil thnt plnuo iu the next flat nny HtMilninrs *...... TO fhfiiinM In 100 yield pour milk, longer, The woinnu's been thumping ...... IO (*hrtnn(mln jy(; The choifcnt eapmiH aro tho result of Arohllocti.. ,.,niiii)uuH'ositi ioo A ll straw and no luiy w ill turn a ou it since 0 a. m. A rc you q u ilii sure a Dorking cock and nn Asiatic hou. ,J,ntKOiUaiis...yo olmiKuiiln 100 b rig h t h o ifcrintci n dull cow, the hnll-door is Hhut?" Tminrn...... 110 iiwintu*n in Kill F o r health feod imtn, for fat. corn, AqIqfb - A dirty strainer rctlvota tin badly ou Joseph— "(Julto snro, siri but, if ('limu'fH tu too ami ful' i 'HUh meat scraps and wheat, thu milker as on her who w ii s Iic h it. you like, I'll turu tho key."—Truth. (’IfrliM ..HO loo All pfirsomi lire ponitlvolv forbid Irci- Uuitn'R Mon l''l(i(>r-\vnlk'n,.liOi»liini(u>0 A good way to clinke n valuable emv livery farmer should innlio a'point pimnliiK nil the urouuda of file aiilisnriln r l'roprlHorn. ..n I'lmnc'M In 100 eltlier wllli nrwlthinit iln|f or gun, ninliii- is to feed her uncut vcHctaldoH. n l attending thu iumre«t p o u ltry *lm\v. an oiuitor oy fiiAiun. JfHirn«IW«.../IO clirtiiw* In 100 any pielensu whatever, under atllot pen­ Too much eiirluiiinni'iius food in the It in attention to the littlo details Tramii (iiitcoiiHly)— "l'iensu help a J)ritim*lttU ...10 nhniifdH In 100 Lltor’y mou N ovhIIhIh in clmntM'd In loo alty of the law, <1siry will make fat lioof faultr tliuu tlml mnkesaniicuessof poultry itoeplng. poor cripplu I" J. f i)n> iimlnH uhoiI in UOHHBROIAL n iiU U K , ^ifc i-t eim'liul from tho miUiiiig hlaMo lllg liornn and a llosliy udder nro re­ "FinaiielaUy, sir. "— Truth. tlm l/nitmi HtutoN Mint in jlldNirntod to tlm dnlry lmiiHe to lm strained, garded ns bail pointa lu a milch cow. Main Street, - Matawan, W, J, l>y 111* follnwliiff. Tlio rnllnot' of tlio 1lKi|i1t'in'«, 1 rtnonkltnf* UrUiilHuirnli, i ii i iiih h Nn m eillcliio or stim ulants are nenes- HVMPATIIISTIfl, Olvo tlio I I plenty of room io Ammy O/llnn myrti wiry lor healthy birds In good iiondl- \ho stnlile in wliifli to llo down, if you F irs t D u de— "d o in g to seo Ihe nnl- "'I'd iiumltur llio IihIim of v mir li'unl Voiihl nuilio llicin j-.'inf'1 uf Hin \\ In.In Hl»lkii|, Dili I'n/lora, Hj■»<■*.», fh-mlm, To fend I'etmiimieally, nnd yet miltl- iiiK III" etitoka In to Itlve them warmth I I I ’ . , i m m x m m w trainer pntn bis lumd In Ills niniltb, tf miiHN ili> IiIihI Ity llml, tiT mm 1mlr nt HlHi'll'VT", ll ttll* ftllh, f'HIMK’l I"' Ull IIRRRtlll IV i»|iMlflnm In I Itn |tih*lil Muttoum, C"H‘V"*tlk’i» ejilly, ^ive the odwh ,,nly wlmt. tiii'V i' inm li. ho diieiiii't. hnp|iiiii to Him h n l l ' - o l l -- fjimllly. Un | m.i| In. cut.vliM'i'.l nf M.firtol. hi|l»»l||l||»r I'i.|||li|*>lllli0, A ll ll IlllllOltlt nl lil* nv»in»w«' I oijhUi will <>r (’"llrm dm \Vt‘ 4U.1 lii«'i|. /.I'FtHn f nml j Un HboAjiitlii niiiiiilliin I 1II 1<0 I<< IMl'l M imt. Ii|> e lem i, T r y in g to Ht ll H' TIiIh i» ihe Honinin when eggn pay, illlllgll. ili'Miri"! mimlicr. If ymi will |*hmlc • It. All JliMi la ilnllW'lril lifif*, ' nl|i Iln>iu fti'iil fifn. Al»n * i itlitl'Htnt(1^ i,>*»l’iotH« t\u lif yoiid tlit m limit will reimlt In I'tjl mnl n li'iillll" iMi'ikH D|>nl J).,,,. nnd ev, :y etVorl, sliould ho lundn to 'Hit K tnUr from yonr lmu nt I i liil"]f' li'H with tlm 11 ir It n "Wlml. nro you tiillilng ti'iiim* lUM'mncy. MATAWAN, ()|) N, I •iMt iji'HU'n# nml ion M'liliiii' AOlf' iiiiiiinii' in w< •■' t li iitiiml mi mill'll »,v>t\ w ill hnvo ii i l i 'l ii . ii n ll / il i K rllV i'l gnlii iimiiitin." "illidge, inllliKnuiuiiKN, COOK BOOK (oi #,I nin th of ciniiiiii'ieliil fei'llli/ei'. <'H tidiiii.v, iiIIhcII ni|; Him fi.iniM iiiirtv ‘•If you million UHm (t> MKiirorii'1 hn f r e e PA T ENTS, fl,I h iii im I III t in'll, ill.II (nil H('in^\nii'l ion11 A urli'iiltilrlnl. The llrst mnller nf Inipni'liineii In A VINIitllATIIl't. Midtl, "li ’'/niild rifpiiio I'lulit. tlmn 1 1.1 - i n,1 1 1 IT'Ihii.iii nu i'll lituantui, I'ln rlln g a dnlry Is to have j food eoivn. IVlW ATCH-CLOCK “ Therii'n no unc Iii currying a John Ntmd Imim tu w r^ Ii uti otinci', nnd nup 1 ■!/ in 'in*, 1.0 nrtt novt'Hjr (if 1 Imi lm*', |'*m full iiiOtli'iilHK Ion fnr," unlit a W ashington man to a ih>mo yon Imvo kU ouimh'f, you Jmvi tU ’t’ A 1*1 Hit!II AN TI':A III., h.viHitivii A m« HiiMiHnu. emr will :iot tiiake a prolllnlile blitter Oft\tt,er» ia Hltln oonslilet ntlmi New Yorker. "I’hlliuhdphla Isn't furty-ci«ltt lliottfliiiid,” i> ,u lilt*INT. Cll^t Pt, V K Iv i)li\( lio iiii'Rllun nml li i»il il I n g at cow. the Borough will lose one uf its nioM Awcmlilj'inan Wiiliorw1 bill which Off on a 1'fcamirn Trip attentive aud valuable meiubern. Iu provides tlmt nil nohool Ihjoup* in tho Mr. David A. Boll, whiiis umveditor §Iiilatonn |oritnaI. Htate ahall lmvo iliigi auil llagataira bun Gash Meat Market. tho past throo years he has uiiK&ed but o l thu nmgazino puhlislioil l>y the lu- ouc meeting and made a record for bocomo n law, tho (iovornnr nigniug it ti.riutii.mil Aaauoiiitiiin of Tiuliot Ou HatU’duy, Msil-Ii Ji. 1 will op«n ■ PUBLISHED STEM BATtrfiDAT IT faithfulu««s that those wbo follow may on Wt-iliii'sdiiv Tlila ia tho liill that Agents uf tho Uuiioil HtntoH, Cuuailas nnw M*'*t Market iu the Hayward Build­ ing, scJJoioiujr F a m ’-i Uofi l, wJjcro will wolltry to emulate Hehaaendenvorcd, croatoil II honU'tl coutruvuray liotwoon ami Moxiou, loft with the excursion of MATAWAN, MONMOUTH COUNTY, N .J., bo found tbo Best Mi st* ot the following in the perform ance of bis dntins, to our AHHoiuhlyiunn anil "Hohh" Thi nn [>- tlio AhniKMutinn 011 Woiliuisduy night low p ric e s : u t ansist iu a w ke aud an economical ad­ mm, n report uf wliioli imu m'von » for Xow Orli'iiiiH, mnl tlionco liy lliu MENS' porterhouse Htebk, per ll>...... Iflc m inistration of tbefundsHt thrdispoHtd "liorl timo «n<>. Siititlicrti I'lioillo rinito lo Ijiih Angolia, BENJ. F. S. BROWN. Hirlnili ...... 14u of the CommiftBioners aud hab udvoent* Califuruiii, wliurv tho ooiivoiitii.n of tlie K 'iiiim I " ...... Ilio ed and bad p m c d a numln r of ineuN- Illrd from a I’urnlytlr Stroke, Ausiioiatiou will bo liobl. Theiioo they iB tM Sd tttfcf K liilV pM'oftA# S« IIOdS<)4k«« Cliiiok •' IUii urea tbat teuded to beuolit the town. go to Him Franciaco, visit thn M idw in­ ...... M i u r . John M. Uiilalmrtof tliia jilaco 011 It'«at liet-f, ....8, 10,12o Ho haa lacked support in Btimo muttorH ter F a ir nyd tho city; tlienoo to Suit Plato 6 to To and bis ideas have not nlwavH.been Sfuaiisy of i 11 ►*t weok oomplotod n /oiir- Ijiikf* City, via the Oadcurotitothrough foot sower fur tho South Auibov ail- Lamb, Lind qaarlor, ...... I Ho SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1894. concurrcd in, but tlmt tv aw uot lieciuiRe tho gruud Hoeiiery of tha Rocky M 01111- '• loro •* ...... lOo thororitica. It waa in circular i.h«|)i>. F in e S h o e s what he deeited to hare done waa not tsiiiH, aud thonco by thoy way o f C h i­ “ ohopa, Among tho maftona workiu^ for him 14. lflo m eritorious, but becauso )»er8onal in ­ cago boraoward. They will lw gone Purk, 12. F o r a Grided Scfcool. Uo terests of others was considered above ffwAndreiv Van Ptlt of Morgnuvillo. until tbe 2flth, and the outiro party at ^After finishing the ma»on work some VO OASStT A bill before tbe Legislstarstomake those for the public good. Mr. Foun Sew Orleans will omhrace about four braces had to bo removed and IN ALL STYLES. the lines of the taH odb school districts tain is entitled to the thanks of all tax hundred. Strictly C A SH Prices. Mr. Van Polt waa engaged in help­ ia the SUte correspond with township payers for the conscientious fidelity ho ing Mr. Hulahart get them out. A fcJiare of thu publio pstroDiga is re* boundaries is an excellent one and has shown to their interest*,, aud it An Jfr. Van Fult was going out of the •peottuily Bollolt&l, > should be passed. Such a b ill waa in ­ does not seem out of place to say thnt sower with ft ftw lo-foot latha ho wiia An Esteemed Pastor troduced list week and thia week an* as a Commissioner, he haw n^ver been CON. BEDLE. notiacd to staggar and waa hardly able TRY THEM. other of s similar character, with the excdlcd by any of our townmncu wbo to get along/' Mr. Hulahart wont to Found Cure In Hood's After Addition tbat a Townahip Board of have filled that petition iu tho past. hia iiiwistancu aud helped him out when THE IDEAL POTATO. Education to consist of nine members The new.Board will. take, charge*of Other Medicines Failed | ho uut down nnd a doctor wnn mini- tobarsmperriaion over all the schools, affairs with the prospects of an in­ Thli new earl; potato, bringing tho After tho Crip-M uscular Rhauma* was introduced. - creased sum of money at their disposal moued. Ho saw that Mr. Van Pelt highest price in tbfl New York m ukrl, For sale by _ waa Miffuring from a stroke of paraly­ tl a m . Tbe steps taken at the recent ecboo} for the year thnn had their prtdeceh* I oflVr to the farinirs at $3 per bbl. Fur sis,nud ho bled him, but littlo blood fnrther particulars I refer alj to Capt. W. meetings were primarily for oonsolids sors. Witb thclmlnuceiu hand,licence fees and road money tbo amouut will coming from tho iuoisioo. A wagon Beuuelt U B Gordon, tion M d if either o f these bills become Wiokatunk, Monmouth Co., N. J laws the school districts in thin town­ approximate $2,500, or aa much again took him to .the ntution Inter and he w iih brought to Matawan iu the hug- ship will be consolidated without nny aa was expended last year. Tlmt a fair IN S T A T E or EUEL1.NH UOLUEH, leoM ted. action being taken by County Super­ proportion of it should* be expended gugu car where lio was chaDgcil to intendent Enright. Tn various Btates for crosswalks in various parts of the the Freehold- train for Slorgauvillu. N otlo.lahrr.br glnn. lb>l Ih. acoounla nf tfa. Mr. Van Pelt wus n vory heavy inaD, •ab.orlb«r, .dlulLlalralor o( ..Id dNKtwd, will b« the tendonoj is for consolidation of town every ono will admit, as there are audited and*t«t«rvlco. the )>ooplc. Tlmt tlie eonlldouco w ill " I tool U a duty io tlm publio to seuit Uili f«r- INOLUDINO tiuilm l tln< fiiutlH wuulil liu |m i,| fro m not he misplaced wo feel iiBHUred, uud Intormont wan in tho cviimtcry at Mt, tlflcntv. 1 anw hi n PliUiuh'l|i|itu pajHir u l«ttw o u v triw iifjr am i n n iiii hi> « i a|>jn>r- witb a larger attenduneu at meetings IMoiwiint. Iroia a iuimi who hint nuRi'rvil from UiiihnI among tlm .('lioulw tlmt no ilc- thau iu the paHt we have reinum to be­ MutfiMlar Rheum atism Teas, Coffees, Spices, flnlt v o u lil iixiat m id omtfltMjUi'iilly no lieve that some improvements will bo COM MIIN lCATIONM. and had l>ccu restnrnl t>y thn unv u( Ittnut's Hur* aiiMl*) tax raimxl. Tlm Uxpnvi'in |n undertaken that w ill ho hutting and of ■•imrllla. I tuot tho «rlp la Uio winter ot VI tlio mill miihllo illitrlrta \i ill hetietU to all. Of them* we w ill speak Xu. I’.i.iTim; and VJ iu isvervly that ti |irlveil ian ot Hut Flour, Butter, Eggs, Cheese, r< tlio ago ot Iwiiu- ter his votu for auy moaimruH in ex­ tlm fulltiwliig niorning, fult I lit to the people and if tbo H rritht man Ilopliig our ninny frioiulN will nooopt Howl's. ItrtarsCURES I had tskfa ana battle I hnd QOODS DELIVERED FREE. Uta u»s at n\y unit*, thank llml. Thess MS imroliaw a lot, ImiKl ■ml tn|iii|> a graii- wanted to hu fair hu wotihlu’t make tlila an an apology for my hIihoiioi , I am, your* ronpoolftilly, facts and ran lx» vrrltlnt hy many persim* hrts, ih! Kfliiml, Tlm amount tn 1>« ralaetl tho lt**o iuidmiMloUH that he does. J, M, roM on, rtiureli I’recH, suptWled me with *111 ilii|«>iiil I'litlrt'ljr ii|iou tlio volnra. Tho Henator is an easy person lo ap> .1, K . H m i t i i , IIimnPa, 1 am jm*lt>r ef the M. K. ehuroh lioro,** W u linvu wen iu tlio Htatu Nu|it Thin H|>rl»ir. H. IK It ym» ttoclda to UKo llataps Karmvps* oorliitluUM iif wm 'rul mIiooI liu ililiu g a safe to mvy that hit* future articles lilts da no) ta> linlaoeil to hoy any other InMeath mbs J, II. Woolloy hiui moyiul from Mrn, Five B PinisM Br t f f ii mid our luilguicnt In Hint • mini nut would not malign a man whose sole Hii'ViUm'a hoimu to. hia |tr«i)xt. II’, If. I'iMicr lma rotlirnoil to rcwljr for noeutiatKi; tlmt will nut only Htate, aa hu vIown them, lu order to AMOS H. VAN HORN, IiIh liniiao on I'oiintaiu A v o n m ', aftor lw )»r((i> n iuiig li for inomml iwnla bill do tlmt many of the bad Ians t>»ss«>d havo |ir»vl*iona for nu lui'roamnl at- d uring thn }>aal three years by a homo aiioiulltiK Uto wiutor in Mra. H, K. L I M f T K D . Olnrk'a Iiiiuho. DeGraaf & Taylor, louihuipn in tlm future. Tlm SU to in eratie l- FurnitureCom pany ami I'lu'wlioro nml thoro in no known perform ing u duty that he wa* elected KITOHEN. Kill liouaokoi'plng lu tlio liouao rnoatnl n«*iu why thn luuula of tliln illatrlot to perform, aud ho will diiwaooiut bis Range anti Fixtures, • • • could not ta tloatvil nt tlmt rato. Th* eonstltnonta if hu does othervrUc. liy Mr. Iiowia, Are showing ihe largest nml $13 00 AIomuuIoi' nillott linn n m v oil into tlio InUircat chargo on that mini wonhl lw I able, ■ ■ ■ « ■ 1 0 0 Wnril Im h h o .Hour llioalntinnaiiil IUrr,y Ih’sI scli'cii'd liiu- ol l- llR N I- •MM annually, or a tan oncaoli ilollnr'ii In previous years the dot nNAi. has Two Chairs, - . . , . 8 0 rriMitoii tnkoa hia plnoo in tlui I.iiin* T U U E of all jjrmlos ami styles *orUi of iiroportv of nliunt ouo mill, or given publicity to the illegal manner innvor huiiM'. Oilelolh, ..... imo'luutlt of a ooiit. Tliln IiiiwnmhI iu whieh elections havo hoctt held in .1 00 V.ilwnnl 1’. Urmvu Iiiih io u Uh! o lio of in liic market, and at prices to l» \ for auoh n |mr|H>iw aliutihl not lie this towunhip. When the Ballot Be* J. II. Woollov'a Iiouhoh ut Mlilwnv otijoctoil to U|kiii ant (iroumla. It in form Irnw went into etVoct some of the please all, $ 1 7 8 0 M< aniall and iiiKi^nilUant tlmt tin ro in (lro.)ii nml will lioitin ItoiiKokoopiiiK worst features connected with tl>o elec­ tlio ro . hurtllv a ta\|iayor liut wonhl a)ionil We make a jjreat specially DINING ROOM. tion were forced iu tho back ground. I'liria. I,. t'i’oM*on took olmv^oof tho foollaliljr for •onivtliintt tlmt "H" of no The Ballot Boformliaw, however,does ol Ittrirshiiin Summer Hotels Extension Tabic, • $5 00 t'artlib use to liiiiini'lf or nn,voiio ol.i' Mntiiwau llouno on Momla.v, uot apply to our Borough election and - ...... Six Diiiinn Clinirs, - 3 maiiT timo* thu amount of hia apooinl when there is any strife (or the otllce ami C o llates, for ivlm-h We 00 Specimen Caiei. Twelve yards Ingrain Carpet, 6 Ut in tlio oourw of it voar ami uot the old lim e scenes nre re*enacted li;ive ;’.tl csl.tlilislicd reptitation 00 liotico it, H II. ('1|(Tom1. New t'aswil, \VU., wm Mirror, ■ . - with ^renter vi^or aud lcaa regards for Iroahhal with iieuiHifjIa and rheimmtlum, 3 00 Uut you inky m y if wo m ily |'ii_v the hoih for style ami price. the rights of respectable voters in mani­ lit' a'onmch dtsorxh'ied, li|4 tiver wio Lounge, - • ■ 6 00 iutcrct M rl vi ar n licn w ill tlio prinoi fested than ever before. But as nil things «»n>-«t‘d to an aiatintuK d-Kreo, appetlti! Rocker, ■ • . |w] tx> i«iil r M f »n»«or to tlmt in nl must comc to nn end, a ntimherofpeo fell aaav, and ho w.m terribly mSi»(«i*il In 1 7 5 auoh timo tia tho |n'i>plc iloiin it oxpodi pie have expreMaed themselves as be- Ihwh and wrenqili. Ihrwhottles of I'.hv. Bodntal1 & Taylor vuL WIicii lutiuloit nro illvrwh'l for trio lllttor* cuit^l him. ii*K determined that ^ueh s(*et»es m I'THM'ITIil. •ucli )iiir|H>aoa at ft low mto of illtoront I',dwnnl Mieplior I, llarrlshurg, I I., h.vl COMIUNV, ?a3 75 \%er>' enaotetl ou Tuesday laM shall not ik nmnlntf sore on hU hu of el^lit voaK il ii not Kt'iii’rallr oipivtoii tlmt nnv be du|>liested. if a piiweention of thi 4 < & West I'ottrtceiUlt St., PARLOR. st*oi| tlntm hottt«Mof KUvOle M U I I I K U , )>»tt uf th f priiu'tpal w ill Uo itui> a n j illen«l voters eau stop it. Already i Hitters and soiii'U hoxivaof jtuklen’s Arnica IMusli I’mlor Suit, ■ . $ 3 0 0 0 }»7aMi* ilnnir.lial. lv. Tlio li rft Knnl* namint in in t)i«» hands of an olheer Salve, und hU te^.ts Hoiuid and welt. John might lio mmlo to luntuto at tlio »>\j*lr- h«r one who falsely nworc his vote in, speaker, Tatawtiy. O.. tmd Itveiar^o fov. 25 yartls Brussels Carpet, made and laid, 1 6 a s fttioi) of 1\to or ton voara ami thouonlv et sores on hln le« divt »ra Nkld ho was tn. Mirror, ..... and the other* who are known to lie KSl\\|tUHllKl) |8? imrahhv t»no Untie of Klivtrlo ilittora sod one \h hri^htt i fit I'tttv'cutod to (he full extent of the 3 00 entirely. t*ol l hy K. II. .slnler drujjtflaL THE OLD VESEV STREET l’arlor Stove, - - . . tore for XUlnflKiu If tho t\rnt bond law, It ia only hy then* means eau 8 00 ahould U'tMuuM «lm> \u \vu yuuw nu\w\ wo hope for pule rlecttoiiw uod wo A, Snli A Co'i OlTerlngs TM* Week. uf who Uk^(< hnd tho lu mUtrt t>( tiiict tho t'lVi mli-tit u ill i;i t their juM A iiuoiufaetiuei'rt MtmploN of capea Cracker store ani Bakery, $63 35 tbe StdiiHd M il hv \w n t n h r l p dowelt« at tloMiirbeHt opportunity pav them and that the Inudt tt o l (m\ and jackets \on)y one t»f >i Kind) rang- BEDROOM NO. 1. u»K from ^I.IW to being troin 59 VESEY STREET, HtiwH :>v:t fall ft!b*;;r-th-’! <•»* O'" A m :i|ue lk .lro o m Suit, - . lav|«*ycm of the pu m>ut n^t- Suit lv Tho att<'Uto>n «»f f li*- f«n* Mslnooineials J j . o i oout t.* to p t.j »,nt w\%>w Soar UHtri'o', NI'VV \ iHIK'. $ 1 9 s o dmvtril to (\«uii->'lor A. 1., didin tegular prieoH. Sixiecu yartls [ii^iaiti Carpel, • I u m m u * «ht* ha»* h n d lh r nduthlufc* n n f A. KIN(iSL«NI), Proprlrtor. 6 4 0 a gtadetl M'hiHd Would ohjt, I thnt I iipiuiotl a* to I)).' eolh-elloh of l i^uted chum dress silKs \\\) cents \\ M u tiri-S'i, Spring ami Uctltling, complete, 8 5 0 If our pft^ iit valuation temnnu .l thv dolitdpu-nt tawn l! usually eohtn the ymd, Family Trade a Spooialt.y. aattir at (hi* tim<* of l/ie itf «Ct <\otil lint IM I. In..* < \ u i n ll tl \ n ,\ . If Ilio npm il'll ».f Iho eoiiiiM \ IK >;.aiiflt ol til Hu* e l. I tI>tatiil- BEDItOOM NO. 2. hkw, uiul lltcie t v. n i,to \,.i|i U oi .i.'i o in ilir , ily. iterate tabte \ t >• nhi(I• -1 uhh< ceiil* a yuitl Ilcilroom Suit, - . . ill', inch all wool m*\eH\ .|(,h Usst Oooils at bowr?! Prlcrs. $15 50 thv soLonl d&xft It t l o t h U Ii. \ > "'HiMIHl ,•( tin HI tlon town .iU Twelve viiitls Itigniiu Carpel, . . ht t.. I 1!,. lt vl OI I l io .ie ;iU >'ents a > lilii K ill* 0 tm r.Min.t OllM U It).I rit.M r*k. Biiil Hu 4 8 0 o fe f th^t >1 «M t>ro..| f.n-tt.l an.) l'i mi r*t < nl U ,\-r\ hii (Ui lte ,M ila i Hl.:N I iii ii i'*«' kill f '|o > fft Hill Mall less, Spiing, Hetltling, etc., . iHtl ah mutual M”i lo lltu n nud.' t« -"irtt I thi pi 'iialt \ "'in.I. I n 'lit tn ail,.ni i,. 7 00 \ h hio hhado*.i at r • eriitr. • ho„* r. «lH *l.. I'.lU u |||., rpOoli* li .l W.,1 afU»r tin* ■H’h.'i.i )m,| U t Mt o }‘« IhIi.m, n Miiii hi lo i« < III It' n .i r t . tnt>|iiic .1 ft»r ten y «'M *», No oii «ehl..,|-tl, ! Ot tll< flUtc \ - ' l l. ’ ' le tin I ’lfjhte 'ii .loltav hetli oi 'in mm11‘i (or I I.li< » »n.t 0 , u lli-m n ,1* I |, u ,,„ „ t It* ,t,It, I thi ii tn>t •' \ « <0 llllr l St t.SM ' I f »h1S »ihmh e ,!,„ Ainl 0, II n , lr t l Ir* •tui ||i i then .I liK'Oli’ l I e* oI m a s ,o.l Note tlie Name Amos and Wo. 73 before Entering the Store. It V. i HI R tli'll t n’ rlill.t t t llll ' mn:lo ihhot tint lux I'.siimaics fhi'rifully j;iven for furnishing more or Ip a if thi‘»e * 11 II. th.' . hand made, j fl oin up t 'a li k n .I >.f M li t 'raw \\ lit h « h * e d h i tin tv h l th. 11 . i H I i loom s o i limisrs wit It mote ur less expensive triiotls for OftB I O |' . 11 ■)’-* |o In- I I |! O’ j told, l'i 'llllll e li.l P I. not w*e»u 1 n up 1" < *.n< in lld tl 11 1 'dl l w i ollm with a nnnilii> or Ci oitii, why .>Ii i.| 11 1 )llM l F i t*. oil lllll.i.lui -I ) \*' * m l’h m«n ! ’■ nl« I \\ pint hr« MuU' f^kin f- ; ulioe I ’or «'h'*td. aiot pnt*to i. .-ti n ilt M p t telephone sNo. ( k u h Is Dehveied 1‘iee of Chiuur lo a ot llo . nmi ,t A Voth hoio*.- u h I. i U It, .ll.- A Mo i t'onnner- U» faiM’f t4lt‘ i»aOif. pi ‘'T - to mnl ilo , ta ii 11 n tin U.‘i. i not'» Ri(;natoi o Hloek M a t s u an . pail of Ihe Stale. S#S IU* tb l< »ii.ti.« I «t nn i I hi- i*. t itn.'iM I ^ -11 tt in th. i-olh'ction dsf<>. of » iaifie sno«unt »*f do|{ t«\, or the llt.nie to h t on C h< hatd stieet. Ill * it< iintnstiou of nniueionn ^ o iIIiIim p iile of 'I'horns* latiptofi. la ths rftiiriueut oMlt'ojg* A. 1'onu- Meui«,' sud mi\\ ht « U-n*llt both '■ t ^ V,. AMOS H. VAN HORN, Limited, tatb fr«>u> th« BusrJ vf CoflmiMiontrt wavk Cliickoin for aal. hr I'al.rioii. 73 M a rk o t stro o t, Nearest Plane St., N o w s rk , n; MATAWAN AND VICINITY. USUAL ADVICE HICK. FltOM HUI1URIIAN TOWNfl. GO TO An 0|il!ilun oil Cwortli Ltmguo cording to the ltod llitnk IhuU lrr the vicinity. Friday niglit w m ii grout success. Tlio AND ASK FOR Committee wus linublo to muke them P. Thornton Imsmoved iu the houso receipts amounted to 825.47. balance. Counselor Johnston was en­ of F. (lastoii, ....Tbo outfit for K .'l\ llruwn's gaged to assist tho Committee and, John l’narsou nf Juiucsburg’ spent blacksmith shop arrived Tuesday sud whon tho question of collecting tho Tuesday with Frank Meiuzcr. ba ii now rosily to attend tu patron a. (lolinquont taxes, which amouutod to tel, M I f llov. J. 1). Adams has builL a barn Tbo livery ptalde of W. Winter- 85,29S,07, was referred to him, told tlin Committer* what their logal rights to kocp his horse and wagon in. ton k Co, Jja* Ihiuu moved trum AUuu- T H E N EW tio avenue to the Aberdeen Inn prem­ were. From'UioVfc^/tfer we tako the llov. Mr. Adams drives a now horse Straw, all litis of Fnl. ite*. following. " ” which hu bought of F. C. Ijedlo. ROCK SALT, OIL MEAL, .... Mri. A. A.|ConoverJis rebuild­ Mr. Johnaton stated that if Collector Mrs. William Meinzer aud daughter ing tbe house on her fsrm st Wicks- Honce had boon negligent in anything arc visiting friends in Now York. whereby the integrity of the taxes had BREAKFAST* FOOD.^ tunk to replsceythel one recently Tilt Cliffwood Briok Company be­ burned. * been impaired, his bondamen wore liable for the entire amount which gan making brick on Tuesday laBt. FLOUR, MEAL, &c., . . . i Will. Holmes lias bought s new such uegligence would lose to the town­ Miss Mazy Thomas of Jersey City is bioylo. It is s Crescent. Charles ship. If in publishing tho list ot de­ visiting her uncle, August Kortenhau*. Fine Table Butter 25 cents per pound. Sekilke slio has s new wheel. It camo linquent taxpayers he ban omitted tho Andrew Miller has sold hishouseand Wednesday sud is oslled the iStna. names of auy, ho U liable to indict­ ho will tako thu houso of Clarkson BRICK a n d LIME, Next Sunday morning the Sac­ ment and to a penalty of 8100 for the Browu's. (SHELL AMD BARBEL). GOOD FLOUR. rament of the Lord’s Supper will bo ad­ misdemeanor. If ho had used any of The box sociable was postponed to ministered in tbo Presbyterian church. tho school money for any purpose ex- Tuesday oveuing next nt the parsonage, All orders by peslsl os id protnpllj filled. The preparatory Iccturo will be at 3 ccpt for the payment of school bills, he If it ruins it will bo tho following even­ o’olook on Saturday afternoon. was also liable to indictm ent and ing, PUBLIC WEIUHIHti . . . . A roan employed around the punishmont. 8. Kkillmnn has moved iuto tho $2.50 A BARREL Much of the back taxes nre now ab­ lOo, per aiogls load. Lower ratss for a Mstswsu House got ono'of his fingers houso lately occupied by William Lam- caught under a falling safe in course of solutely lost to the township because of given number. - hortsou. Mr. Lamhertson movod into the property having ohanged handH, or removal on Monday and mashod it so Frank Lambortsuu'u house. M. A. WHITE & CO., badly that part of it had to be amputa­ by reason of delinquents having (liod TERMS: AH Sales Spot Cash. ted. or moved away. Mr. Johnston told tho Tbe llrst quarterly conforenco will MATAWAN, N. J. .... Tho Odd Follows nre proparing Committoo thnt taxes followed real es­ bu held Haturduy morning at 10:30 No Accounts Opened. for an snuivcrsary eutortainmont on or tate ouly two years. Up to tho ex­ o'clock. Presiding Flder Btrlcklaud about April £0. It is expected that it piration of two years after taxes should will jireach Huuday aftornoou at 9 Ws would reapretfullj annonoo* that NOW FOR VOUR will eclipn) tho one of two years ago, lie paid, resl estate oould be sold but o'olock. w* have opsned ia our mw hqlldinp whioh was acknowledged to have been after two yoars it oould uot bo sold but Wilmer Meinzur, whiliTat work one neir ths railroad a la two a oomplsta Um the best one ovor given by the lodgo. tho porsonal property of persons owing morning of last week in St. Luke's of Ooal, Wood, Bay, Straw, Fatd, Floor, the taxoa could be soired. Ho said Hospital, New York, slipped aud Ae., whioh has heea laid in si th* LOW­ E A S T E R + .... The lu t ((nnrtorly meeting of EST CASH PHIORM, and whioh * • ur* tho conference year will i>n hoid in St. tlmt uo dotlnile time could lm fixed sprained Ids ankle. He'ia iiuweonftnod whon tho courts would hold that the lo Ills room. prepared io diapus* oi ou tb* asm* terms. James' A. M. E. Zion Church Sunday. Aa we do Presiding Elder W hite will oonduot the taxes were outlawed, but ho hadkuowu ■ Thn F.pworth lionguo husinosn moot­ + G A R M E N T S sorvioes. Lovo feast s t 10:80 a. m. j taxes to bu collected from porsonal ing Tuesday evening wns one of inter­ property when they wero seven years est, Hiv new members were olootod. A Striotly Gash Business Haoramont at 2:80 and preaching at anil have no sstrs bsndllng ol onr goods 7:30 p. ni. Tbe pnblio is invited. ill the arrears, and whero uo sales A odiumittee was appointed to visit tho for taxoa had lioim made. Ho mid (s spnr of ths railroad rauulng tlongslds ALL THE LATEST IN .... Enlortainmonts will bo givon in farmers ninl request them nnt to gather our ooal ahedt snd «arehout*a), w* ar* that while the real estate of persons or ship anything mi Humlay; to visit tlio A, M. K, Zion Ohuroh on Tuesdsy owing taxes inoro thnn two years old in a pusltion lo givs Ilia bujsr every sd- ami Wednesday ovoniugs next. Mr, llie boats nnd roquest tlio ollluorH not vantsge, iu quality, prios aud weight, ooulil uot bo sold, the persous owing to receive any freight on thnt day, anil Aaron Bison of Newark will lecture on (axes on real estate an well ns taxes on Tuesday evening, his subject being n 1 ho to hoc the business places aud ask personal property and poll tuxes, that they be kept closed. Oak, Pino and Hickory Wood "Tbo uark Oontluont of Afrioa." Ou could ho arrested on tux warrants Mini > * ! * « « * I I A J U M , Woduos or personal lax plensnut surprise parly lust Friday Boat Grades. Soreoned and nate tliat the lamp caught lire at that was unpaid nml also against tlioso who eviinlng. Oovorod. time, an tlio family waH proparlug to go owo (axes ou real imtuio for more thnn Mlsn Mamie V. Tunis, who lias lioim ASK TO SEE THE out and spend tlm ovimlug, and hud It two yoars, llo aaid thnt unless the visiting relatives nnd frlundn In Michi­ occnrrod lu thuir abacnco tlio limine EgK...... $4. Ileiil, going Delivery, 40c. per ton. lantic Avenue, cut his tliuinb ii short will then nilopt the measures rouom- to a farm near Taylor's Mills. FOR SALE ONLY HV time agu with a olilmd. He was Uid inended by Mr, Johnston nguiiiht ull Quarterly Conference In the o|mroh up by llie accident and at one time it who aro still In the arrears. nt 'J:ll0 o'clock Haturday afternoon, Grain, Flour, Feed, k, looked aa if blood poisoning would sot Presiding ulder HtrlokUnd will bu pres­ H ow 'i This 1 , lu, Tho injtiroil moiulmr has been ent. On Huudiiy evening thu Presiding AT THE fOLLOWINS PRIOM' R. BEDLE & SON, ^ liinoed aevvrsl times nud It Is now re­ Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Ho­ lildor will promdi, ported that Mr, lluokhlll Is improving ward for any ease of Catarrh that cun Mr, nud Mrs. Williiim Kapplyca anil Whole Corn, * $1.00 rspldly aud tbat all danger is past, not ha oureil by taking Hall's Catarrh family, who Iiiivii linen living near Free­ lie Isa ineinhor of HollywoodOonncll, Cure, Cracked Corn, * 1.00 hold, now occupy their property nt TEMPLETON’S COLUMN. dr. 0 .11, A. M,, of Long llranoh, but F. ,1, Olinnev A. Co, Props,, Toledo, 0. I'ntton'n Oornor, The lumso was re­ I'ccd, OntH and Corn, • 1.00 liss boon lookoil after hy Columbia Wo,the uiidorslRiieil, have known F,J. built by them aflnr purehsnllig It a fow Wlioul Middlings, - 1.05 (Jouuoll of tlila placo after it was learned Oheusy for the last 10 years, anil believe him |Mirfoel(y hoiiorabln In all biisinesr nionthn ago, lie was a ilnuiur. Wheat Hrnn, ■ • 1.05 tranaaotlona, snd financially able to entry A couple of weeks ago J. V, 1', llcHt White UatH, - 1.10 Personal lim a. ont a n ; obligations matlo by tlioir llrm. Matthews wus led lu believe tlmt there Weal A Truax, Wholesale Druggists, wus some one prowling about his plueo Host Mixed OitlH, ■ 1.05 GRANDlPlNING MIm Vlolot Dunn Is visiting friends Toledo, 0, about 11 o'clock at night and hu went -OF- at Newark, Waliling, Klunan k Marvin, Wholesale (iidiloors to see who It was. From thu Ml«* Johnson Is vlstlng hor sister at Druggists, Toledo, Ohio, house he went to his hot beds aud then Hay & Straw Baled, AmhorHt, Mass, Halt's Catarrh Uuro it taken Internally soling dlieotly upon the blood and mu­ lo Ihe burn, but nut llndlng any ono Mias Oi M. Farry Is visiting Miss stal led uu u trot lo the houso. Near 60, 65, 70, 75,80c per 100, llrow uin JorHoy City, cous ntirfaoos of tlio system. Testi­ monial* tent free. Prion '7llo, per but­ thu house is ii tie post und a stopping Templeton’s NEW Store Melvin W hitlock spout Hpont Bun- tle, Hold by all Druggists, block nnd as he upproaulied the Intler day at John Wliitlouk'u, lie went to olio side to clear it, but not W. A. Clue Traflloi & M Tj Co,, -ON— Dr, Yontig'H sister Imn boon visiting With Our Advertisers. thinking of the pest. Into thin hu ruu at the Preshytoriau parsonage. — Fountain ndvortlsos bicycle sup­ nml wns knocked down from tho uul- JUDSON CONOVER, Mgr. plies nud sundries, llsloii. llo had ou it llilek overcoat Miss .Tee Vnn Deventer has returned W. A. oumn, Uwaaa. n. I,. (IIIOXSON, Laana, homo from a visit to Now York. Ooorge tt, Walling otTers ‘200,­ which prevented him from being moro strawberry plants for sale, scriouuly injured thnn ho wns, ullhniigh Miss G ertrude Oanilioll was the 000 ABERDEEN INN, . . . . Heed lllusli potatoeii nro to bo as it wiih lie is luiil up from his injuries. MATAWAN, N. J., larsaj, MINI! » m r , gilost of Miss (Iriuie over Huiiday. hnd of It. II. tlordoii. Hee Vdvt, Tho accident happened nt ii bud timo ■ Arni-olftMbotol lurAlfttl mlniltfl front lU fn a , The MIssoh ltoiuoll aro visiting to him iih lm has eoiuddcrnldc work All lii'Mloru hniirovotiinitU, lonhiiJtitif •tra m Ii. At .... Notion of the unnuiil mooting of lltrniigl'otil, fiiinoh O ounlnr Is ru u In viiuu«*ulli Mrs. Mary 15. Urown of Jersey Oily Company of Now York have ii new ad­ Alls. Del (lllo of llrooklyn, who linn spent Wednesday with liur mother, vertisement iu this issue. boon visiting her mother, Mra. ,1. K. W. VV. WINTIillTON & CO., thousands of other things not possible to man* Mrs. Herbert. .... Tho W, A. Close Trailing A- M'f'g JohiiHon, lias returned home. Llvery.Sale, Exchange & Boarding tion here. Co. have made another reduction ill Mrs. II. (I. Monllo and Mrs. J. STABLES.— • general invitation is extended to all to Mrs. Holt nnd MIhs Holt liave re­ the prlee of corn, etc, Hee advt. A call and exam­ Chiwes of Malawnii woro tho guests of (looit |lor«M ami Htylln'* « t* rrti|i‘« to hlra a 1 turned toSlntmvnii nml again taken up , , . , M. A, W hite & Oo, havo n new in e o u r Mrs. W. H, Hlryker on Tuesday. rtiBHUialile inliH’i. P rlv tm w n l wllli |i»rUM *lm a thoir residence hero. nnnouiieeinent on tho llftli page which (lr»lri)tl. (inimi In AOurilem Iiih. Mr. nml Mrs. J , W. If, ftargun of should prove of interest tooiir renders. On 'I'lieiiday of last week Imfnyotto llrooklyn wore guests of the Mimuia .... I'crsons desiring to appear be­ (I. Helmneli, while attending tu some W. A. GLOBE, Conover on Huiiday, fore the '1'owmdilp lioard of Health business In New York, was In tlio net of Magnificent Stock and Prices. Mr. nml Mrs. ,1. \V. 1,upton of 1’orth with complaints of any dcNoriplinu are crimMug the Imriio ear truck al thn feot Onr store wiih never ho intercHting an now, Our method!! Amboy were tliu guests of Kicil Imp- referred to a notice in nnollior <>oliiiuii. of Murray stroel, when he slipped and S lrt Brick HannfactnrBr, tou, J r., over Hmidny. fell, breaking Illll lefl leg. lie wnn MATAWAN, M, J, How Try Thla, tnkcu to tho CliumlierHHtreet.Hospital. Him, notnr ami (|imlll)r *11 uoml. Onlara r#wl»frt Mr, ntnl Min. AiikiihIiih ('linud)or ol I.* until or |ol'iMi»|ili. Oflii* ttl ImiIIJIhh o f W, A. is;;£"’S i ! ™ ™ isTI" ,“sl""s h * * ^ It will cost vou nothing and w ill aursly Oiim* Trailhm k MaiiMfifliirlnB do. Long llranoli were tlie guests of tlie do you goml, if you Imvo n Cough, Cold,tu­ The onrllor syutpluiiis of dyspepsia,sindi Wc believe in reliulilu f(tiodN of known wottli. We believe In 'I'nuKynk Druthers ou Friday Innt. nny trouble with Throat, Chent or hunus. ua dlslrosH nfle'r ealliig, licurMuiru, nud un fair and honest proliln, Wc hellcvc in Helling for Spot Canh 10. A. I’ulmor of Atlantic lllglilanilsDr. Klnii'BNc»l)lniioveryforl!oMHuin|illim, 0 minimi liemlaehos, sliuiilil nol. tin nogliiot - ed. Tako Hood'a Marsnparllla IT ynu want, Tie Matawan Propeller Company, ouly, tlml we may nol lie compelled to make up on wlial we Wiih In (own Monday nnd visited (loughs and Colds Is gunrnntond to give re. liinor|iiiiMli'ili lief, or money will tie paid hank. Hurfer- to tin oureil. Knlekorlioekor l.odKoin tlio evouiiig. em from hit Orlppa found It Just, the llilng Iliiud'e Plllii cine all liver Ills, bilious* (larrlers of all kinds of frelulil and noiin- would lone. Wc liclievc in imilinK everv visitor with tha ut­ TSIIhh Viiii V IoIi Ih and Miss bauru ami umlnr Its use had a speedy and pm loirs, Jiniudloe, Inillgmtlnii. ali’U hoailuelin. try proilnoo, All freight nartfully liiud most coiiHidciutluii, 110 mutter whether they huy or not, led and prompt returns made for sll pio Vnn Winkle have rolmncd lionin from fent recovery, Try a nnniple bottle nl our W c liclicve in cheerfully exclmnniiiK gooih, or refunding a visit to Mrs. (I, L, McDonald In eipniiso and learn lor yourself Junl Imw dime, Ae,, Hold by onplalli. Water and good a thing It Is. Trial ImUlet fnni nl I'or .sour Hlomat'li m id nil onnl fiirulalind to veasnla, the purchase price, when returned in ^ood condition. llro o k ly n . TIMI! TAVhM K1. If. Hlator’s Drug Ulora. hargn s in fl(K iiflti't' c< mi t lit i< him irs iilliii|; W c liclievc in miirl(hif( good.i 111 jilitin li/jurcs ul llie lo w ­ F.ilwntd il, (Inlloii lefl town Monday Mul 11.00. I’llOl'hll.l/KIl H, H, WVOKOJW, mi iih for ll thlco weeks' trip tI mnil l'cnn- iViiin c(iii^ti|);ili(M i, j,r<> li)' llu: W. IIKNNItlT, (laiilalll. est prices the only rl^lit way, Hylvunin In tlie Intoi'cat. nf tlio linn lie For Hntunliiy Only. k m linn,v li.lr r , l'H '.,l W, A, Oliml-, Vina l"lSll.1 W e liclievc iu ailvci'lisln^ ntnl doin^ exacily iim w e a d v e r ­ ropre»ouh>. The three ilollnr "HunnivcM," 111■ 1 1i.v I ink nn Uct'cli,■mi's ] ii I | . ll ti lit : JihIhuii I'liiinvdi. ’I'i ra t, aui) Aaa't Hu|il.| J l(. thxiKH.Htt'tftttftf. 1WIMMf Mull- tise to do. W e helievn in giving ‘iHtisliiciioii In did c u s to m ­ Mrs. .1, W. Magus wioi out lo Hiiirt'li lint In nll'oreil at 5fl.HU l,iV A. Hnl/,V Co., Ihmk lice, pills jtje. Al wan. New Voi k Uininii fiH»* ttatut lllrM l. on Handily foi-tlm llrnlliiiiM lu liumtliH, K oypnrl; nlno nu (deguiit line of silk I'linn nf l"«vl«u M»lnw«ii ami Niw Yuri uU(ii at ers, feeling Unit they nre not only llie litmi, Inti truest advert la­ ImvltiK luul tliu rhiHiiimllmn viah«n Hho Imn not ,vcl n»- Allen < 'n, .)<>:; I 'anal si, Ncu frmu lli" limit and c m ltlM nh«M iflu riicil, tiaU m a I'1. 11, Wooilnill, llie Koypnrl. Jeweler We believe Ilnil modern profjieiwive iiirrclnnidifiiiL’ nicitfiN 4|tllrtllK to Wllllt. In lm ai'iimiiitflil for at auMlaiinmt, I’aitlm »lil|iiitn| and oplleliiu, him lltleil il|i a loom ml V m k . m u Imi r«|a jijf rallixait ni'nllii'i' lmaln will l»* lialit iinne tliiin Ihe mete buying mid riellinn "f coin mod itlcii. Il Thu Spring nnd Summor Tnrm Joining hlo jeuelr;/ iilore for Icollug All Ii^IkJiI oaati nn «Im|Iv*»j. ami If n n | rnmnT*i| even, aud lo fully prepared to lit any willilii Iii lifitira afli’r ai ilval It will l« f 1111 r*>l f at seeks lo icmlci th:: transfer In yon pleitsnni as well as econom­ of Oli'ttwimil lim lihili' will l>cj:!n April nwiii’ra' rich Nn 1 Uhn» fnr ititnin||H« allnwnl unlpaa U. lltuli'r llm now ii’kIiih' diniiwoinl eyes that can lie helped by iipoolnoloM, KtadH Irnfnn* «oi*'li I>'bvm Um jifer, All ic, und by its inlc|;iily invilen an exchange of coulideiicrs, H aving pno'ii'd a thoiuugh oxaiiilimtlnh Strawberry Plants nUlma iinut Iik In wtlUnit ami lefl al onl"*. Iiiih tnk|i«>i1 uniat l>h ir tiul fnoilllli'M urn now oOVn'il Tor u Him In Iho bent school ol' opliell III llilil hiniMtl at aiaili'mmil. W, A, (HidHI1',, llii|il, A^cul for M tillerick’s I’alleins. A lull Nl oik always on hand. ouuli, pmi'llohl imIiicmIinn, Mimio, mi ci hi ii I rv, mol p rooiin d one of Ihe heal iii m ( inoiliMii ln iin 'ii'ic " n| n't' I u 11 it'M, l'n»- occullul lent I'll lie Imn laid In all nn 200,000 Choice Bubach Matawan Limo Oompany, fi*wlininlly Iriihinl Ii‘iuim iu ovtU‘.v iwuelly largo iiiiiiinliuonl. of k Iiii iicii. N o ontn"amnVnrkaailjulnliii Ilia Matawan I'rt^allar ilo|Hirtim*nt of I’rium ry und Afmlnmii' extra charge for lesllng eyes. No. 5 fnr mile liy (Inm jianj llni'k, JOHN TEMPLETON, O o n m u .______Daal« Illy of lima uml* finui tlaldiaura aud Heed onl* slid Ii!sr)y lliisepotnloiu at «»jf|wrl»l»*lU furnlaliad fariiitri. bHlldara au4 a n ilCMMI, liM d KlUUtff OKI iilwi]t*|>f>ri olionji Hi tliU nflltio. I'etorsou'H, a m . M. WALLING. 4UimuN UuMVTIt.Mlf, FBONT ST., KEYP0 BT, N. J. a s p i r a t i o n . ! te r ic tlc m ilJneM waa loti in bis enjor* 1 son, looking up gnilHly, encountered JlOUStllOLU AFmUS. m e n t of tho idea revolving itself. lie his wife’s eyes, and dropped hi* own IH thin tbe dia and diataot tulte ot looked at tb e littU, old eehoobteaehcr. and cleared bi? throat. HOUEUAHE CELERY SALT. Where high ideal* wait falAlmeni »uw( BOSS OF IN D E FIM 4*Wal, now, you hndn't ought to “ I guess you’re going to get every- The Newark A relied *tatue stand*—©f mi«o anblima, A wninsn who likes Ihe tlavoflcg pA&sjudgment, Miss Noah,” he uiid. bodv iu town mad at you," sho said, A of be^aiy—calm, Kfese and pore. Tan wciiulering what wore t h e c o m p o ­ BOUTH OAEOLINA'S LIQUOR nKow# you U ko yo ur own case; juaf. finally. Jler tejnpcratcucfu was moro nents of “celery salt" and fontiif tli.t JA\ that th ta n isfi roandeU thought could aboot how young would a mn& have to daunting than tnrtness would have kh o couhl mnko a better artlolo horaolf LAW CAUSES BLOODSHED. Horse Exchange. Icing be, anyhow, no a a ’t you wouldn’t have been. “I j;nesa after a while tbero than kho could buy. (lu to a large To perfect womanhood li here enihrineJ, him ?" won’t anybody eomo here.” (teed atoro aud buy your celery need, Voor Men Killed and Marty Wounded All that tbe port's nptareJ bflort eoald Blag M iss Nash fit/ired ut him for nn in* Uut her chief concern lay deeper. Eiiuuino it carefully for foreign par- In a Fight at Partington — The Id this eompieiw, whJte Javellne** ire find. comprehending minute. But Ellen SJie spoke again u ith nn anxious CDHH1S3ION3ALE3 STABLES, tiuleB, then wash iu cold water and State Dispensary ut Columbia gave a fainM hrill titter in her ntitliug quiver in ber voice. ©thronging yeanl g*> hy, brine the dry ijniokly in tho open air. When ftaoku4-~Thc Htuto Mllltln In Ilo- 37 Bridge Street, hand. Lacking that, tbo visitor might “If vou’rd got Austin Brewster so hour perfectly dry grind to a fino p o w ilo r. volt Agatnit Governor Ttllmnh Tbat Ufti tbe veil from off the perfect free, perhaps have taken tbe pleasantry in mnd nt you he won't oome hero again Add threo parts of floo dry Balt tu one Tlio expected bag happened, and the hittet fp*4ks Ufa into tbe marble, anil, witb power, good part, b at the dull eolor robo in 1 don't know what Ellen MI do," she of colery, aift tho mixture several Near Broad. Newark, N. J. animosities stirred up by tho andoavor to en­ B1(U it be woman—breathing living grace. her nnbby cheeks and Kpread warmly 6tud. “ J o 'l, I dou’l It's dilFercnt times, theu cork in wide-inontlied bot­ to her hair. She gave an embarrnsged, from w haiil’a occn with anybody ei»« tle anil Uscp coo! ami dry.—W ashing­ force the Dispensary law in Bouth Caroltnn So let our dreams come true, and every­ havo resulted In a bloody cln*h hatween cltl resenting laugh, nnd in a moment she’s ever ftone around with;sho feoln t o n S t a r . where more got u p and stepped to tbe sit* different. If she can’t get him I don’t flans anil constabulary. Hope's folded bud to fragrant ex­ ting-room, where phe hnd left her hat know what she’ll do.” In tho privacy* OASjMOXOinC NEiTXtSS, A. fight occurred between tho citl&ens and pand, aud shawl. Mr. Wilson did pot see of her husband’s ear her short, moth* Rtate constabulary at tho railroad station io There is out enough attention given And woman be tbe thing, divinely fair, her; he 6at wheezing in his chair, erly intuition found full expression. Darlington aa the eo&stabiea were about by Bome to ol^aolioeBS in cooking a o d leaving. Constables Pepper and BIcLendon Which men bate thought ber, and which with closed eye a, from which the tears Mr. Wilson, sobered and silent,got np preparing foods. Cooking is a d ainty and Frank Morment and L. 8. Bodmond, clt* God both planned. ran down. uneasily and opened the store hearth. Icens, wen killed. art and calls for the utmost n ea tn ess. —F. B. MeLase, in Worthington's Magazine. His wife followed her. She was a “You don’t take it to heart about Everything bad quieted down and the Spinach is a wholesome sod appetiz­ Sumter Light Infantry and constables wero large woman, with a .calm nnd serious Anstin," his wife concluded, “ Things ing vegetable stewed, minced, a n d to depart. Constable Swann and two others face. She said nothing os she helped slip off from you like water offagoose, of the constabulary left on tho Oharfeston, served with hard eggs. It isprelty to JOEL WILSON'S FAILING. her visitor in her preparations, but j nni always diiL Bat yon ain’ realized finmter A Sort hom Rtllroad, «fl

  • IM IA III.K , nn lives for himself. HU oldof care Is for a thing II will tio In hnavonl 1 want lo ueo ijIi liulay, ilno«iMnl,tiv oril»i- of tlm M irrogtlo ol hrlotiim profession, nud when at laitt wu tion m ay not bo so thorough. Ho lives for dream. We havo already read of Ood com­ Ht a k r t , otlior*. Ills happliM*s Is to itmkn others dosology, III* Oeuuljr of M em m m lh, hnri OtUTAN A Co., n ia, ruo, r. h . Oh. ilo you know of nnythlng, my hearer, must havo deeply Improuiod Joseph and havo not nroporly oxiunlned It. r»r. Johnson tored. •aid that linnio |»)d a iiiltilsforin IhtibUhup* that Is more beautiful thun to Hoe a young made him nnxlntts to tell ll. When wu have F o u I j o m ii I I iia n o ii, A n h u iiy I ' a i i K i O o h a H rio of Durham that he had never particularly man slnrt nut for Christ? Horo is some ouo That 1 tnfghf. woo you to a heifer life, nnd (lie sure wortl of (toil couooriihig all coming Matnwnn, Now Jersey, (in o v u , l ’O IN r Pl/WAHANT, (V(). falling i lm lifts him up. Ilore Is a vagabond lhal f might show you Ibeglorhvt wllh whloli iivents, how Is It Hint wo urn ho littlo Im­ oiamltiod tho Now Testament, yet all IiIh llie (Iml dollies Ills doar ehlloren In Imaveu, I WIIDI.MAI.II ANI> IIKTAir. UliAl.lillH IN I.nave Malawae, leu, noil, U.'iO, It) 24, a, m. warring against It. Kallev, tho astronomer, boy (lio Introduces him to n mUMon school. pressed Ity It, and therefore so slow to spoak 12 1i:l, I HI. 2 Ilf), A Of, It 'Jt, e 4H to ib'd lUlik. T W, Here la a family freezing to death i lit* curries wish Icould this morning swing back one nf of llV It must be simply uubnllet 011 our p. to. HuieUyi, III 14, II ed «, tn., A le, a 21 p. 10, nnuouueoit his skentlolsin to Hlr Inaau New- llio twnlvnguton (Imt there might dasu upon tou. nud Hlr Imuto Ntnrlou snid. "Mow, Rlr, them a seutllo of coal, Thero aro HOI),001),- part, or else willful Ignorance, for ns surely hitave l.miM llram li for Matawan, fl.flO, T M. 000 perishing In rnldulght tioathen darknonn. your oar onn shoul of the triumph; lhat ns Joseph’* dreams wore In duo Oum {of* HM It.tie, 1121 A .M , 11)1), y&e, 4«'J<>. I have oxamlned tho subject, nnd you hnvo Lninhr, L ii, L i, Nails, A. , li rto i-,«. Him fay«,7.m>, W.fro a 4 4o,t 47 Hy all possible moatts hu tries to send llmm tlmrn might Ihiiuo nixm vour eyo* one hlar.e llllod ho shall every word of Ood bo fulfilled. not. And I nm nshatnod tlmt you, profess* of llm splendor. On, when I speak of that O liM K v r a n d lluii.hlNO M a t i;iiia t „ I’i M. Ing to be a philosopher, consent to coudemn the go.ipcl. lie m ay be laughed at, and Hoo Isa. xlv,, 114 1 xlvl, ll, 10|Ps. xxxlil., 10, I.itave ttimmi (Irevn for MaUwan,U 10, liao,K he m ay Ik) ineared nt, nnd Im umy be earl' guild land, you Involuntarily llitnk nf roiuo • thing you hnvn nevor examined." o» THU IIHHTOIUOM ll 10 II on A. M,, 1 III, 2 10, 4 IMI, A,IMI, ll ml M, caturod, but ho Is not ushnmod to go every­ one there that you lovod—father, mother, 7. “ Kor behold, we were binding sheaves IVH i'itd*? Traluadn iml alop al 0«eaut*ro*MV Aud so men rojoot tho religion ot Jonun AI.WAYH ON IIANI). Ohrfst because thoy realty hnvo sever in- where Mving • “ I am not ashamed ol tho brother, sister or doar little child tfnrjiuroil In tlm Held, and, lo, my sheaf arose, andalso COAL AHmry Park. gospel nl Christ. It Is thn power of (loil already. •lood upright, nnd behold, your sheaves NtNtfritmimndlai llml mnfc,|o*tu! fiemOo*,^rtM voftlgntod It. They think it nomothlug un­ and ra ir Haven, aud thu wisdom of (lod unto salvation." You want to know wind llioy are doing stood round about and made oholsiutco lo my Flour, Food and Grain desirable, sometldna thnt w ill not w*rkr this morning. 1 will tell you what they are ru r Curt Iter imrlloular»*aft Tint aTatil#*! fla t l« l «omothluj; Pnokenlfflftn, something hypocrlt* Hindi a young man ean gu through every* Hhoiif." Tho signification of tlm droam scums if nil Ii i i h I< O u r (mnl In uiitim tiintiiriiil on llerttN lii.o noaT t, H tiii't, thliig. There i i no foreo on earlh or lu hell doing* Hinging I You want tn know wlmt leal, something repulsive, when It Ii n o Nlmpleenough aud Ihe brethren evidently ( lit iihimiKi'i. im l wu iiuuruulue ilM n l i.'lnu. II, p, fUl.ewiM, (Ipii'I I'««b, Annul 1 0 . 14 Jit of Nil, that can resist him. I show you three spec­ (hoy wear. I will loll you what they wear. understood ll, but It tmomnd very unlikely |n J, II, tVoon.tl. I’.AmINiIima.II.U lirlght att Hut how is It if a young man heroines a omssetl thn contlnont on thn bleeding heart (iod hud imw spoken tn Idin. Wheu auy $ 3 ,0 0 0 .0 0 to-day, for I ant sitro some of yon wlU re* v NKW JRRRITi Christian? All through tho oliibroonis where of whioh he set his Iron heel, nud aorumt tlm W«rd of Ood takes hold of 111 as tho very uulverlng llesh of whleh ho went grinding penl and Mart for boavon i "Oh, ye bright voleo of Ood lo our tmiiln, wo aro uot apt Atdlttarlht (leal n«t'd eirlim hrly, ftmtiriit|f rloitiil* Imaaseolaloa, all through tho bunluuss ulr- iii'ka and • tmihol, thn whocls of his uuu carriages In Ills dying olio* before Ihe throne, your earthly frlonds (dtherto forget or keep mill about It. A YEAR trios wlwroho Is known, tlioro U ummntsnni- l lMl-'IAltl.1', Ol'1 NOV. ID, IMIM tion. They say, "Wlmt a pity that a young moiuont asking lils nttendunts to put on bin nrn coming I Angels poising midair, ory up H. “ Aud Ills hrolhmu said to him. Hhalt Trnliis b o n v o M a tn w iu . mail who had suoh bright prosponts Hbould military boots for him. (Im immo i Oalokeeimr of honven, send for* tlmo Indeed rol^h over Us'/ or Shalt tiioil In­ FOR THE INDU8TRI0U8. Hpoofodlfl tlio Heeond- Voltalro, bright ward Ihe tid in g s! W atchm an on t hu Imllbi- deed have dominion over me? Aud they J f you \miiii Hotktlmt |i|ilt'ii.unt nml pniiliiihli,l Per N n w Y'oli, N^wntk, P,ll««lintti, Ait,, via ad io hnvo been despoiled by tlitma Olirlslhttt', mouts cebvtllal, throw the signal I" rnil nintnat <1 Ih, 1 tut. II. tn, JH w a, tl.t giving up all his worldly pronpnots for mnno- and learned aud witty and eloquent, with tinted him yet Ihn more for Ids dream* and •lottliin ) oiineldii'«a Inmii'dhtlidy. We lem h tut u longue and voleo nud stratogein Infernal, “ Oh," you say, “ religion I am gclng to for his words,” Their hatred dhl not iKTnrt imd ivnmt'ii how pi non iioie • 0.00 err dny lo 8,Oil, 4.RA, 1 'JA r. kl. HilteUya, M 21 A. M.,H Hi, f. M, thing which li of no particular preHnnt |r,M- Prri'lmlil, at (l,2>l,M *4, O.V J A. M.t llil!i,t<.fM, warring against (lod ami poisoning wholo have. It Is only a question of tlmo.” tlm dream nor Its fiililllm enl, but only them- •;i,IHio per ye ar willmtil Inivfng lnul prcvltiiii worth I" llmro Isa young woumu who ho- I'Uperhue'e, lllld llll |l|«li lilt' elnploi llli'ltl III Whh'h a.iii, 11 no r, m. kingdoms with his Infidelity, yet applauded My brother, I nm nlrald Ilm t you may lose noIycm, mdlhor has tlm hatred uf llm Jews lo Por Kryptirtaml Alktdlo MlifhlamU, al fl US. 0 ll eomos a Oliristlan—ber \olee, her faoe, hor heaven Ihn way Louis Phlllppn losl his em­ llo'.y run make lhal tmeoun. Nnlldeu dllllrull to tunnnon Ihe elmrtn oftho drawing loom. by tno tdnnplng hands of thrones und om their brother Jesus affeototl Hm fiillllllnout of Irani or tlml M'oiiIm"* imudt time, llie work Is A. M,| 12.111, 2!l|l, A »:t. 0 Al, 7,'JA ¥, M, «O lliH|l, pi res and oontlnntitfv--hlrt lust word", li pire. Tho I’lirislun mob camo around (Im Ihe sure word nf (lod Hud flo shall *f( on I'liflv.hridlliv, mid littiiornfife, nd rnti (iiMfnne ifnr- Pf Iff A. HI., ft IH I'. »t. ! Now nil threugh tho fasliiouabie ulridnn I'ullorloH, tlie nntloiial guard stood lu do. Pnr Kurinlmiihilt', l.fiK^rro-nl, ^ “ , , 0011, 0,20 a. Ibn whisper gooH. "Wlmt a pity thut nucha onllrtum supposlug Ohrlst atnndlug by llm liavld's throim and rel^n over the hoti-m of liiK •lin'liie'' or eveiiliiii", iluht In )»«r own |i>nil- bc'dnhlo-hls but words, “ Oman lhat fouio of the pahtee, and tlm commander said Jacob forever (Isa. Ix .,7 i Luke I., llii, llii), II) , wherever you the, 'I'lm re«ull nf a few M. i 2.HA, A of I', w, bright light (mould have boon oxthinuinhnd, to lomin Ph ilip p e , “ Hlmll f Urn now'/ Hlmll liiHira' work ofien etpmh n weelt'* wuuea, Kor i iitim lilvnr ami ilariu>t(at a l 0 (W, 9,'JO A, that sucli a grnoeful gait should bn orinpled, wretch I” led ll has seriously nlTcdod theiuaeives und H,| 2.HA, A HI V, M, I order Iho Iroops to lire'/ W itli onr> volley will until thoy bow boforo lllin In true poll- >Vo limt' tuny lit th«-it*innln of both ni'se* mnl nil nljoiili) bu HpedttolM hn T h ird —P a u l— l'aul. lnsh»nl- jig«-«, nml mimv Ini'o Hid fomt'liillioiH tletl will tli/if worldJy pnwpo^lH wo onn ,'lortr the place." “ N o," said Louis Hoturnliig Traluit iloant In persou, thrust out from all roilnod Idifto(Zm'b. I*.. JOjXllJ.. I,). miri'lv fufnn lliHn ilrfi"" Mume of the *trifttl('*f obliterated 1" Ah, my IrliMuh, It onn be Philippe, “ not y o t." A few minutes passed (i, “ Aud ho dreamed yot another dream l.t'ave New Vork (fool ol fdfm rty M l,) at <.(1(1, N. IS Rhown lhat religion’s way* nro wuyti ol nssoidutlon, si’oiirgod, sput nn, linuudnd llko men In llii* roiimry ow»> lludr m m 1** le life |o II ;m a. m„ !,lie,4.'io, 4.110, ft IIH, n.lS P.M. HutiilaMi on. aud then Louis Philippe, seeing llm ease Mild tub! it to Ids brethren, and nabl, llelmld, tlm ilitrl xlvftt llii’tn widlf In onr employ yenrs ploaemitnnM ana that all hor patlm nro a wild honst from elty lo oity, yot tryin g to IMKi, A, M ., 4 rlnolpalltles ol hell, nnd with the other spiritual foes until It Is too late, t«o Into— twelve stars. I n*o»oolato that \l*luii wllh thia t i. ( M i l l M m rN , II. i*. li . M . P W I N , umy stand back Irom some lorms oi hilarity liand boekonbm mcss'mgor nugols to eomo you losing a throne In heaven the way Hint dream ami think lhat Hm man child of lhat (li n'l lltipl. tlflo'i Pita. At|l, in which Itn otion ittdtilgod, hut thero and boar him away ns ho nuys. “ I am imw Louis Plililppn lost a throim on oarlh. rdmfdor will prove fo ba a Und frillls from Into his soul nn ImtniMnn satlsfnotlon. A rt'iidy to be offered, and Iho tlmo of my AI Tl'.n WONPAV, (H)t', if, MM, W hloli of tho three spectacles uo you most A Mflwlodon’s Tuskm, Id. "A n d Im told It to his father nnd to morn inonnythan he knows bow to spniul. hhi brethren, aud bin father rebuked him I h,\i /' \ h'aui'- on “ 'ihe Cowing udmlroV When Ihe wind ot dnalh mruok tho Kverythlng goos bright and woll with him. A proitpoolor who namn down on thn Mini," u/i'f “ 'l'h\ /wf i'i i,’#// ir/iit Tho Stoamor M A G E N T A , conqueror and tho Inlldol, thoy woro tosnnd und loild unlo him ’ Wlm l I* thl« drown Hint Hut Irouideeonnw. There aro many young tlion bant droitmed? Hlmll I aud thy mother i,ill \/h'l/ /hill,/ ilHl. W lld O K , men itithe house Ihls morning who oim tos- like Kea muIIr in a tnmpoitt, drntmhed of tho nf oriinnliip C ity o( Topnlftt Thurnday and thy brethren Indeed eomo to bow down l>h' /i/,- ; i'H/>> n of/*/ fii'Hl t'ovntV * Will l»«vit K»y iitiri at a a, h i . and Naw York, fool at lifyoul of tbeir own exportation thnt H om o­ wavo aud torn of tho hurrioauo, their dlsrnal night from tho pold /loldn of AJiiwInv voleo* hoard through thn overhmtlng ntorm, niirmlvos 111 thee Itt (hn eitrlhV" ffl# father //hin il (if ‘ >'(•' .Si hohf!, “ •« Jf«H7<ii liA#ffiai(((in >/arfc#t, illtp , ■,» times to youug men trouble eomns—his brnuglit a nuinbor of oitrioiifi rollon saw tho Interpretation, and It wont some­ ilrtlty, MiimUjti Ktet piKil, but whou the wave and the wlml of death lf/t,l, A-,;,' - friends ure gonejdssiilary isgonn, his health ICdHiralon 'I'lrlmla, A0». struok I’-tul. llko au ulbntross, hn mado a from lhat far-away rollon, Tho mont what ui humble, but all who stead of drowning his trouble ho drowns hin walk lu prldn shall bo nmdo to eoiimdowu PMILAOKLPMIA, ; rollulnu it reunion tlmt can do ho much for worn (l|ri(Hivorod In a ilon|t oim,ynii hov* body and drowns Ills soul. I linti. Iv., 1171 v., lid m nrgln). Moo also |hii. a man while be lives end so muoh for a unit I't llm |iliitt , II wo vvant n //non ;/i ROBERT P. HARRIS, Hut hero M a Clirlflllun v<»Njg n>n». oral hundrod iiiIIoh back in Iho inoitn- 11.. I J, 17; Jan. Iv., Hi I Pel. v., . Whim ho emupii to din'/ i 0 ih»it/i)>h\ IJjolo’iiim Trouliln oomrn to him. Dom ho glvo 111iV ia lim fro m Ju n e a u , ‘ T h o rttafi o f tho II. "A n d bln brelhron nnvled him. but hhi ] mtjipnuo you may Imvo not loud (bn one- p. b'l't oil' 1|>I'< lull'll, liidlvidmd nl - SEXTON OF No) Ho throws ItItur«t II dyliin lu elmgrln bcomiso bo eould nol com- duek mlvantngo for my soul. All tlio prom- oirtdo, llio oireuinforotioo lmliif( leu *>f 1Vleth im l" ( I Cor, <11., I). Ill f pel. II., I. I ..lain |»“ h IIll ll«l <*M it >ii|i|i,i 11. kiiiu n *1- pitse a Juke oqiml fo thn loin* (itfcrnd nt tlio Isen itro mlno, (Mirlsi Is mluo, ( ’ItrlHtluti coin w o iiro io ld to lay envy anldo. If wan well ()raviiRNoildi liolbivod II be mh{hl huvo found eoinfort Work otlpreliillllon tn I'l MIl li'lj foU a h k o I oh itmde liy h h own Imnd { MiiKirln, glvon me n Vooo nf rlghlenusnt'ss, Wind about olx ItiohiiH, wiioro tho IiimIoi pro- vUieu loil lo lenipii.iii Hmt Jnnoph was doml. p|Miii|itly alleiidml lo. Ihough my monny be giUm? I Imvo a lllln dying plitvlng onrds, hio friend holding h li Joel from tho hoail, Tho oloinonle of M-o 11 ui. vll.. , 11II It o II,, »| ; ll Iv., 'JO, hiifnls (focfiiiHo lm w/t’i Mfmble to bold lliom CM. BROWN, W ill iulte nuilio i lmijfo nf luit foi t l a yeu de»d In tho wholo universe lu Iho p)'» bo doiiiirltiro of tlm Hooh-h MlnlMnr, who mild fm' Iho mirfaoo In almoHt eioonth and |n I lull llm rxpori of Ihn Major general hnnily oppiiMUn Uie t nini’liiry 1 will fntudM noorntiil my broad be HOiintV 1 nit at Iho lo hl i frleud't ’ nl huvo no hif»i i'nt as In Hourly mt limit ioi rnoli, nml tbo com- I'oiiinumdlitK Iho mlllthi. In full, an ll oon njjitfoiuiud Huildor, I'lkioful HiinnlliMi. elii'lhor I live Ol dll', If I din I "hull b<» Inin" H i" a'MWMllon Ilmt tlm whole ('iiPiaillan Klim 's biitii|Uoi I" Mto il weight nf Ihn two hifdui nxfmhi _ Oli, wlmt a poor, nhallowntri'iim In woi bllv with llio Lord, and If I llvn llio l.ord wilt bo rollliin foti'o omilii mil wlihtitnnd llio altaoli enjnymont eempuiod wllh tbo donp, bmmf, wllh mo." Hr limited words of Wioddnnl'm. Ilbil | ii >u m < Iti. 'I'lm to iilh f mi in I in of i l '1 t'nlmlily fourteen 111 Be Jusl anil Fear None. nddwey hi thn <1hrhitiuo burn t I Hi>inr(|in< >• llio lonruod lllld llio gti'itt, "lln|'|t> Hr tin* (dice In 111{, mi\ ifiohoe Ib r n ilp ji, und 'I'm rnllrtotd bolwooti Julbi aud ,fori(s*i- you liftvo jjnuo mM on Hi-* Iron bound Imm'li ln«.| word" id Ibiiuiiili More, llm I Mo od l-ni h-m, whbdi him been lu o|-i‘iiitl'ih iil-•'/' (d u ll llrnml, (InMi. nml I'I o k tvnry (tap. nf tlm ohitpior wrltlon by thn pniilnil'il, nn l nf ! In MH ■ I n, N. V , llm l ulm ill iH lii (in I'lm/ flmi 11»t n, a milonti koopor of fp purlmp’t ynu rooltod It to y»ioU 'hill'd hbit > dr niih*' ! "Nod In nut' rolngn nml Mtrcni?(li, e M.nv, I It no w ll I" vory popular In Iiih day 111 id ob'plmnl .ciillnd * *( Mi I Ib d ," wliltdi, l.lll *• Iim miIf, llllll lot wont I,IT mi.1 1111 < will novor hi1;>> mini |n. no'io idinrmlui? In»ili'‘|ttii'l'Oii limn Iti i i»lh:h*n. (Iit-al K.upjldi l^.'KM ily , Tfi*>r jjro jjnJunnoil nf llio old fii'dtbmod i" pi ii | oil, ruiiiii'il Ihn Hint linvnliiiii tnovod, nnd though tfi" inoiKtfiilii'i ho r/irrl“il Ilm.ivoMo, Vn,. h preparing lo hold a Inr A ll |inrxnn» urn lm Mil ilniii|illiK rtifllW Iiiiii Iho nildrtl o| iho fi|«'«-Im gienl o h Jto'tll b m diirbiK I I full, „i, | hi nr 1111 >111.1 111* iii.'iiilni'ii iiiiilttf |ie(l»0y llmroof roiir aiul bo Ihmblnd. Ilnni^li llio Inn:, llm nidrd lmu tamer, wait m iiI h o - ll'tlllmoio Im til Hot h.ildlng of a o.in- Itf |irum nii|tliia. W . I I , I I A N K l n H O t * * My tnmtg friends, I want tn loll ynu wlml I GnilT&IIIIEUiYiilTISM Uioiitditlnt shake wllh the swelllm; Ihoroor." ipu'iill,v tiHMiciulml w llh tho otiiiijioliy. leillllul thl'on )n-||tt |io||,<». Oil, bow Independent Ihe religion ofO!nl


    WHIST HILF.H IN 1UIVMK. Seabrook, who gruwB younger in feel W. C. ! . U. DEPARTMENT, inps and in theiigor ofberideae, witli Thr Modrrti CJanm ai low» liy Mr, " TTOE OOD, AND HOME, A im JfATTVB every added year. I f ontiaJ enffrutfr Pole* WM. MILLER LAND,” mn«t conic, may ahe liro to noe it (Out <>nt iu il m«*m»rU<'.) AURNT roll THK Tfala Oalaian U K*llt«*d «»j tti« M aUw sn t’n- An invitation to nioet at Mafiflwiufln I f you tbn tiHnU rn Kium* of wtuiiil know. |M* lUii (b< MillmtaU w Tl**lr»i in September was uoceptod. F ro m Ihtii «rt »t |al Tour <>»u Ltiul n» to your pardtifr'ajoliml, After sln^inff “ Ood bo with von till Auit lU iy not 4‘itu akxitf Uut Uath iHiiublliiHl. v c moot flBiiin" tbo meeting adjourned. RALEIGH, The'Womau's Christian Temperance Vour flrvl lead makra ><>ur inriltitr uudrrrtaml Mrs. Donrne brought enrda ami ib U ni«B w ill meet the firet and third o tist it tljf- */ yoor baud; lnrtrated booklet.1* to n«Hi«t in mining A ini ti<‘iir«< |bii>< t» tirri'«rtly Uir »tnu|jia«, T h u n d e r in every mcmtli, alt-eruatvly lhat your flr»t Iriil tmfrom yuurault tli»t'ali)iia*'it. money to jm*v the nolo nf ^‘100 ■•kmi; RELAY, be ia tbe Baptist cburch at 3:30 With quri-a. kuavf. tm, you let tbo brat your band cont*!ij», T ( U Dot ihlM. It IMID1, ftt fcll; Republicans in the New Jersey Legis­ I f y*n» n it-lv c d not mort* than tlirn«* at H M ; >i«tf la Uitw it iliin««d to fill, BICYCLES. If you bad n.or® »ou m»jr r«-turu lti«* wophJ. Com enorgb to atir thy brain, lature aro passing pnrtiann nctu and Kill If TfM Lold the uiaat^r card yuu'rv U uud AttJ to Tri iLj b*art iu rain. turning Democrat* out of ofllee. Uut Iu raoal c a u a to play It vt-cond ixiuud. r m c B S f r o u Bomrwbw In t nnok forlorn, theso papers Hhould remember two WhcneVr you want * load 'lia acldoisi wrong Yc#terd«y t tttbc wa* torn: To lead up to tbe weak or through the itroug. H* §hili Jo tliy siting U*fr. things. Tbero is liotbing else bnt $76.00 to$150.00. AU tu; qntftiooa b« (ball uk, Democrats to turn out of ofllce, abso­ If i^coLd hand, your lowest should Ihj p layid . And tbe *aiw »r* will be (riv e a , llnli-fcH you inpan "tru m p ilg n a l" to hn m aJr; Write for particulars. W falijand ] ghtly oal of hurrD. lutely nothing else. Tf bad or un­ )r if you’ve kln^ abd i|Uoen, or tee or klnR, Tbeu one of tbeaa will be tbu propi'r thing, H ii atuU be no atnmUlng fw t. necessary or incompetent men are KalllDB wfaer* tbr/abonld b« fl« t; to be turned out—that’s what tho peo­ Uiud well tbo rulra for !ruai|)»—yuu'il often n«*d Ua abill hold oo broken cloa; thru i— WM. A. WALLING. E. a DAILEY, Prlanda tbill onto him b »tn »; ple 'demanded— they must bo Demo­ Wbt-n you hold five ’tia alway* right to laad thctii; Men aha.1I love him; ftUtfaood'a aitu crats, for no bad or unnecessary or in­ Or if tliu !e»d won't chidh lu time to you, KhaJi not abatter bia good name. competent Republicans hold auy ofllce Tiit u MJ^iial to yo u r jjariloi-r so to da, Opening this Week Day ab & ll i r n i b ia in n with lia b t , in New Jersey. And second any law W’lt r h bI po for ynur pardncra trump ifqucat, WALLING & BAILEY, S lo n U r a-otiie biro al) the offfbt; To which, with Iraa Uitn four, play out jour best. H a m m e r 'a t+ * e * and «iai«r*a ttortu repealed or any rommifiHtons wiped out Latest Shapes, all New Goods DBACiBJtt IW Bblp blm all bia wilt perform. To lead through honort tarnod up in bad play, or any untrustworthy system changed Unltm you waut tba trump unit clearvj away, in Men’s ’ fla eoougb of jojr for Ibi* must be Democratic laws aud commis­ Ua blgb afrtic* to few*. , W'b^Q, »«cond hatrt, a doubtful trick yon »<>«, —K. IL Bill, lu TbelAtlistic. sions and systems, bccaiiHo there nre Diui'l trump jt if you havo mure irmnpa tbau thri«; Uut, having Ibroo o r It-ai, tru m p frarlunaly, It ia stated tbat Maine is lesa affected Republican laws aud commis­ sions left on tbe statute books. Whon weak la truuipa yountlf don't force your FEDORA by the financial and industrial depreb- frli'Siit, Tho Democratic majority iu tbe lasttwo r j uon of tlie country than auy other liut ultrayi force (be ad rent* afrong trump haod. and or three Legislatures iuvd everything Northern HtMc. Has tho Prohibitory For HnpifncpH ali'rn ruRtoin haa ili'Crpul their own way and a mighty bad way Thu lowest you ntuat play> it you don't lead. law anything to do with it ? AND FEBTILIZBES, it was. So that any improvements Whon ynu dUr^rd w«ak aulta you ou^lit to cIim m *, DERBY HATS, Count Tolstoi, who surely knows whatsoever must bo to tbo dotrimeut F u r Ktronu uuea aru too vahialilu to loan. from bin personal work nud experience of Domooratio statuten; it ciuinot be NEAE CRAWFORD’S CORNEA, with the Russian poor, asserts thot otherwise. Tn this senso tho legialation Mayor Van Wkkie loe» for the interest iu Also some New Things in WALLIWG a BAILEY, P. 0. Address HAZLET, W. J. » crisp, bright day put ovory out) in education elsewhere. The wealthy and tho Unrough election Thu time set tlm Im*h1 of snirfta, except ft»r tho re­ well-to-do cun noml their children to was 2 o’clock, but tho Mayor did not gret thut Alisa Osborne, tho iuuinty aeleot mdioolti and ooDeges. If tho loavo town until after thnt hour and O BRANCH STORES, prt*«idcut» could not ho with un on thin high schools woro abolishcd'tho sons consequently the tlml he»t was oallod MILLINERY. H and daughters of poor nareuis would near \\ o’clock. There is little to bo W. L. VAN BRUNT, vlait to her home union. Sho sent a 1 0 AGENTS ANYWHERE of the MiMwaaor to tnuaaagv of grewting front tlcorgbi, to have to “ finish” their cdumtion in tho said about it. Pcrrino'a homo won . BARGAIN COUNTER wbioli a reply wus returned by toll'* grammar schools. Tbo high school In three straight heats, two of thom in EWARK BEE HIVE. graph, ||«»r loiter flowed with 1 Cor. the poor boy's uudpoor girl'supportim- Jl:l 1 aud tho last ono in IhOtt, with tho tlml is a terrible rack cl against MCLEAN I VAN BRUNf, I(V;{VH. Tho reuly with - Tor. V.’J-ft. ity. Ami vet there art* men who would Mayor's horse close up, Perrino took High lJticcs. VUOVHIKTOSH OF THS A lflle r from Mrs. Ihmmsn, aim of' rob them ot it ami all for tho mdio (tf re­ tho stokes, which wero $'25 a side, gftulccd tho union whs nlso read und nu ducing taxation. “ The lovo of money Misses’ line Dongola Ii ut ton Matawan Stage Line. answer went, closing with lioiimns K; Im tho root of till evil." The use of it for Tlie May lVtlt Jurors. Shoes,sizes 11 to 3 , per pr.,$i aft. the advancement of the Iomh fortunate Oil Tuesday Sheriff Woolley drew Hating piiroluaod llio InU-reit of Mr. of mankind is the root of much good, Fine lugruiu Carpet, per Mol.ran 1 will ooulluim lo keep t A rat' Mrs. bourne, tho Hbdo president. Iho new panel of jurymen for tho eluia . Nunv with Mra. llobblns who proitidod Tbo high school syhtcm is all right. May term. (If tho ninety-six names yu i tl...... 30c, iu MIm OnboriH,,H pluoo. Tho pro»i- Lot it alone, ih fi'ttif ,/nttnot/. plaeed in the box the following forty- LIVERY BUSINESS dont of tho local union. Mm. Howne, eight camo out: (Iront lino no* Wail Papnr nt any at Uir alaliloa on Little Strfot, Malawau, Uh) tbo nu*rniiiH dovotitUis. M r-. Hu,. Tried to “ Murk** VneleHmn. Athntlc -('hrist.iphrr IV V* o d m r c r , pnoo jolt want - wlu>ro I vill lia |itMMKt to noelte tlie HondrickiKm road a pitpor on Flower Raliuilown—1‘ratn'ca H. Ilrand, T. Kufua tUaUr, natrouafin of llie pulillo, Krank Patterson of A«bury Park, Kin'lii'M O m>ih« II. Aklanii, Jauoa V, Muld>h>ii, A. J. OARTAN. MiMiotia. Thi« ^outlo minintty in a who lms established an unsnvory rec­ SMIIiaiti S, Oomli#,Clark tH»)ton, lloury h . HU’Mm , (MUTING OF ALL KINDS k.IIcINhI favorito with tho V'* nud inauy liintn 'I'luHhU'r* field", and proiu|itl; atleudcd lu at leaaoralita ord in recent yeitm, has* been a pun* H ofrrll-JiihnT . UrtYUnld*. Itnidrlok Huydur, Joint II. Hli'khn, O llo r llu n , CHARLES UATZ, lat.a, wow Hlvt'U f'*r innking it mont um'fiil vioner on Iho goverment nt $12 n ftUd t'IT«H'tivi*. (\m iity unlouit woro tfnluidi't «iv- Fm uti UUiol, Bilwaut llfiidrlckaou. oniloni I liope to nirrlt a niullunauea of M in i to aid thoir city nintorH by nond* ho tried to get nn incrcn>«c, llo for* ktaiK«aii~lhtHiil aar- lug tht'm \mxo« of llriil tlowtTK Miw warded altblavits to^tlie Pension Do* Mlddli'tonn-ttW'fW K. Ildlilill^ Merchant Tailor, M ary Htron^V papir tut HahtMitb Oh* lllllaltuiw -Ji'liu tuniiil«#rUhi, Krrdorlc'k 0, HoIh tloe. W. L. VAN Mill)ST. partiuent and hist week a special ex­ l.ut««r M uln'Si., Mntnwnn, Kcrtanoof wan foilowod by a dinouHHion (*ria, Vtdui R . Midutati. aminer wassentto Aslmry Park to look N*i't«m> -M arty Itockafrllow. B aum rlO . VaanoM MUSLIN WEAR DEPT, which laitoViUi«iii M. n#fureM, WlUiatn John There are tm.ny lixdios «bnoun tmvor series and thoro is not any probability It. kiuiitou*, I'fU r llulli'k, Jvrom e |>avU, iitlill I1, bring tlu insclves to Imlicvo thit roidy* waa U)o Traiiailgurntion, Mt Mitrk, !’th U tu s For Sale Cheap. thnt tho neusion w ill bo Increased. IMPORTED & DOMESTIC GOODS m»do Uiu)ur«o«r ottu lm sMUfsotory. rhaytct. UoUtu npnrt to t«lk with JUrll4ii -Ui'0 ja»ulii K ]*^rk»r, J, W aN ler, PnttemoiMs said tu bo in Mahtc and Idwia It. OaiUarl, Adam Koylrr. tn unlwt (row, wMoli fiilt Ito imtiln TIIIH IS A 1'AIiIiAOY. • aIF w Jooua. Mm, Noltlo* KhI tho noontido if located tbe govorineut w ill be very Slm'W»liury ItaOd S. Allru. Jrarpli klouiit, up lu tlm I j k I iw v Hly«t Slm rt Nutlon, prater, OhmupJ, llrndiltikaou,Oliarm Moult, Wlll>an> I’. Thoy lliluk itnceofsiry lo •elect Ihelr Hkt ly to tako him In charge. It is in Oor||»v, WillUiu Mullliirr, Jamna O, Martin, SEE MV OOOOS' a ND LOW PRICES own fnvorito tnusliit, ehoosu embroidery, ONE IIOKiJE Mra. lUir^o of Mannm|\mn lod tho order for tho Domooratio presa In Uporr >'indu‘l j - to i man I*. WltvUiatlll, Jw ei'h dovotiom in tho afternoon. O, JnlittMui, bffurn gnliiR rlaowliori), mid then troulle theinnclvts with thu charge thin up ngidnstthe llopuhlicnns, Wall -llol'ftl M. Dkflvoti, |)atil»U \ok| Ja M N ll. M ix IWuy ro»d a impor upon Juvo- Itatrla. tasking. as is thoir custom when a fraudulent tTI.VANIN«« AND UmiHINO NKAII.V IHI'K, TIIIH IS A MlSl.VICK, TREAD FO W £ S nilo Work. 1 >r. rphnm roj>ortod tho case is brought b> light. work doiin for 'IViupouuu'o (uMruotion 400 Plolurea Fret. To thrso lrtdies wo would Buy : Our ONLY UHF.l) A FEW TIMES. In HchooiA. A pa|K>r upon W ork iu wudiu* sro neb nl ml by experts who test I.ltcrar) Nolea. ibtRnells Art (’ollect ions coutuin over 1‘Vir furllier parlloulara Inquire of HumUj-ftehooK prepared by thoMipor- their t\ualititta ns to bteaefi, liutBlt aud Tho eiTect produced by dress is woll four humlretl tmperhly executed repro­ Intondeiit, Mr«. K. R MMy, wn* roml iirvloe. Kinbroldeiies umuI most com­ known. Too often is renpeetability ductions itt colors of uuiHternieees of bine iptrthfy, dursbihty, moTttess obtained plainly written, accompanied by six which her life bw« bi‘<>n devoted, Seien- OurlmbeV NlUUTllDSVNS.SlvlUTS, aloguo. For «nlo by from all ntumdealers, or direct from t\\o*coul stampN to cover expense aud UNDKHSlUlirs, OUUSKl (H)VKItS, tiAflTempemnee Instruction inSohooli*. trouble of mailing, etc., the Hrnt series DUWVP.UJl and OLllKU MlVSh^ Hho Wlievea in Prohibition but nay a Toilettes Publishing t ° » P ^ West -ltd W.D. BAILEY, MATAWAN, St,, New Vorlt. Single eojdei*‘Jll cents. (regular price, $1.00) of seventeen VV10AU, as n whole, me worthy au exam tliat can only come bv votei* and the nt MniiufAoturpra' l ’rlcf,. It jo n are Yearly HubnrciptionH 81. r»0. full page, beautifully colored pictures bottom, mil alono for tlieir jieifecliou of plaoo to rcnch the bo»|v of votern is in dctiiil io work'Uitdtip, bm al^D for grcal looking fur UOT 111;I) HA8U oall aud w ill be sent to your nddrcHS free to­ ai'ii komu I aiu tunkliig uuw. tho public nclu'oK At theelom* of the tieorgi' Uuubl a Jei'seinmn, gether with iufornudiou as to how you A YOUNG G W FORTUNE. value gifcit io prlct*, uhfelt in all ousct* addreao a committee of vt>terH \w\* np- can secure theentire collectinn »»f over r» present boitor Vitluo thnn in olVeretl bj IHiintwl go to 'Crvnton and urge tho t loot go .1. (build, tho young multi- AN INTERESTINQ SKETCH. any New Voil» h.m.ne. TAKE NOTIOE. ‘ mtlliomore, Imn Hmiounccd to the too pictures (tho rcguhtr )*tiee ef N othing i\m*oiUj po atrtMiRty to * m otlu't'a Henator aiul A^emblymen of Monmouth ivlUtiioii i\t her OminhUT JuH l>u«tdiii|| Into t i l ’l l Kdt PKOPbK 8 .W SO, Nl'Hsnr «*f l*«Uew»u*d, lliitt h-’ intotulH which is twenty-four dolhim) by sim­ to »np|H}!o»hi*i l>i nu iin>t#»foi "Onr Thi* louiual inni llmj of tlio aloiikUoUlvrt of ttl* beroHftev tv* \ote nnd bo aMsessed there ply giving us tuie hour of your time at dmwlurr, tttniielie, now l\ jout* of hko, tud ltaY’’Alotht r< w il! he w ii i 1I10 t u llm u«o o f lu 'r o n lit arm . Kho 1V\N 1‘S, ivt* curry here, tm lo llm !«*• (iASLKiHT COMPANY wunplo edition in limitt'd your letter wm in »ui'h a ivi'tinUui tlmt vt‘ lintl to krop anmunts, aecoiding to hi* hlatemeut to nt tin* oiitrfi t*tyni|iaU Aery tine. AH the hinder* ^et-e young must be mailed within t\ve dayn after hor Inttn n'hiv»l aud i\1»oidnu tier tutlalc U» tIieH* sooiion, ou'y stales of leliitbie elotr- win l»* Ik Id of Uir 7 on jKHiple «»f Mtddh toa ti. thnt oilletnl, t»« tf i.OOiMUHV M l. Uonld date of thin paper. AddrcH*, UiiKHidl's >tui< In fiu t, wo li *rod st, Ylltta diUH'ts Mtut n^ter, such it* will create mitUiuoim bus­ 7 1 8 9 4 Tho looming ou'rtiu^, tho »»eeoud ha« leithid a ei»ttn>;r tlu ie for three lirv it. uit tv o Imt l\>r nu Iuvu!un1ih\ mucit; atm iness. , Monday, Nay th, , >e«rs, Imt one of hm \ntimivte friends Art PubliNhiug I’o., O'JK Areh Street, \U'iiM huvo tool Unit tfulMo iiUUeUott. Wo at III iirliH ’^ m ni,, fnf tlu< plertlou of H«*v»n ittr^dtun*, da>, Iw ^ i) with un curly pntter-iiirct hml t»i»|»l<»y«Ml phyKicl^aa. t»«t aho nvidvwl no tl'-lttMltH'Ml* ll\ Mllll fit I* fttllhw I It fit I'lllll- m authority f«>v thr Mntnuont tbat he Piuhidelphtii. lu-iit'dl fiN'in them, itio lhat or lut AukuiI alio J. II. IIORVOIL Bi'tiV. ing. Papot^ Mtje ri-hi\ \ip**n Prir-oh wil^lud Imt jHtundn, und aUh«mnl> nho Iim tl.m « 111 1*1* |*ntim*il) mul i'tu*'l'iill> Iilli-nd- I'lttrd Apr'l ft, lH!>4. and Ahnnh.'iiM. W*•»>». Mm, Ingbng. inti-mln »*oon to tt tuki’U only ilirt'o tMtttoi ef Ki’rvlno utio now I'll to. uj«»u Parhn M»» tut^Ht>\ Mr* Hubbln in mum1 di f’t« e eomtni'iiHoratt' with hi« wi’litM l»o jvoiinds t tuT iirrvomnoM suit aj m(v Among the veeeiit real eslate trans- (orn or M. Vllm diiui'O an* eiitlnly liunc, atio Dissolution of Pai'f.nei’Biilp, lijHtu r.«nii>;vbf>tH' \V,.iW t>v Mm, Ih l lie h.:*.?1 •» of H iUiriit1skih »TVvl ilitiljtlutc Ulft 1^. S. P la u t & Co., slop o( hi'rutm. tier aeiH,,0i' H ndntdld. suit 110 «;il>-(-'li!H H-1-.ii-tt im n M.'f aon nml W| Unm* I(. Atl UifotlOld thHMlHnhMl (nl b\u\d\i\^, »b\eh n\c oouureted with \iin iikhu-t eouht pnMMiw t\>r eur iUiikIiUt lh« tiiidlti Vm Uri nl id Mnliavan. Mmnnmitli Ooiaily, Nrw Chut lew T, W’sllin^ and wifotoHpaf- Ivt-i r, iimIi r Oii> iiinm uf Mt l,i'*iiM Vnn llrntll.VM lo M m b M m e of n t ill J Ui,; i h o l l i l c O S* w Vork oilier'* b\ Iclephoneaud teh>- {M Mill'# N. tvim* Iim hd'UKliC ^er 707 to 721 Broad St. fotd \V, Wnllinn, trm't ot huol, rflfiit, Wtion my I'Mlii'f ^eituiiiu'i'di'd ttio trinodv dt»»iiOMl i'll llif au(«*iMli ill* Ilf Msroli, iHVl, tijr Higuaj foi tut't'titi^» •'( thub'onl utiiouH | i;titpb. t hud ao mliti ta i^tvni imHtlrlui'*, nnd nonlil Iim h m l «> > 11 r** ul, All drill* i**hlft In Ilia laid |»irf. Jo h n ll. lhilhdo, el iiIh., on’i'h to NEW ARK. N. J. If l-lilp lit' I i lm Iii'hImhI hy K*ld Wllllaill I., Vill 1 uatt'Hil <<{ tlii< b il-b ' i< u.ltn^ •» .v h m ! to>( llaii’ii to lilui, l«tl o |'i. •«'iiti>d lu lllm tor ita.viiianl. Wllllatti I . PIihShIukI the »H>. lit\.b* | i n \ i i j Tfm t-fwt n-iUo lu th<* ifotM for etifn ibdm I'.. Kuhii" and wife to Iter- Uiillm'k, N V. I nil Unilil la Millioilaml to »»ll1n all drtila thia tu klUMI ll'i'lMH wuh ill.Mllll fos»M inn ii ii Hi'nmnmi, pieeo of proj'ertv, Hr Milo*’ Uettoititlvo Nrrvltio ta atdd tiv sit and It>.v (Iik Hun. Mt* HhioeV J• «t tbn .1,. , d n m i H a e u s |hwIiI\«’ H»iitrMnti’i\t»r arat dlri'el BIDYOIiB t, IllM.t. Met,KAN, t"llor, eli^ppist l\niiil'», elol'-lulu- *.‘00 ‘ Tin’ p*n'(i t>% tl. > Mi l<) 1)10 Or Mih'» Mi'dli'nl i ^ , KlVlmrl, hiil .m t , W lt.l.tAM I,. VAN HIUINT. i "Uih mul kI) nhlu omi'Hoii^, nod |'om(i i .> rvooiotof pth'e, |t 1*0 r U»UU\ al» tmltlfa Ihr lrv’i" 0 |. it U jioatUH'ly frvu IVmu Supplies & Sundries at u|4*aU'« of lUuuvrvuj ib.un | N OIUNt'KHV OK NKW JKHHliV, ~* Mm U at hU L ii n^i n | uj'i t u p . mtl-frt. ttiiu, oi im.miov t- fiili'bsl i't rtotia wli,* nu* mibjivl 1>t nlla.'Vrt of I’li.'.^ tt> o«\l» t w \h \i. J'oi »k1» b y l \ U . the + • } » to « tm h the \V r T \ blllmot eollo frtii iibuowt lioailnbly tell, hy l<> Willie,, llia.n<\. hUti>t. io vitiu.. i*r nn u d I p i nf Ut« Ontiit «*f riiaiKary of In-*! w«»rl* th»- i i ‘li-ii ,t «tirl( roolltiHN wlmu to mi sttsrk FOUNTAIN’S STOVE STORE. NOTIOK! N.-h .IciM'j, iug.1,1 on tfir i|«r nf tlif italn tirn-itr, (II Mm. |i«0 ’ n il Hititl i fi» >i| >*' u It I'liinubiM U to s t ( ‘luOtOfi s n d lU io n I •Itifi. uliMi Kill XUt y lliadliy I* r<<|ll|iUI|IBBl, aitd Who S « )i Hh»UMktlim t)annol Its Cured ? pubbe Mo Hlti^f I ht» dirtt. otilt t h o 'n U fio t'tly I* l a K r n mocu t«« tli*'»o >i*ii ao* ih'fri'ilaut, jmi am m|iilri’d to Vtt wll* \t«« «'iin(htOit li» l»fi hi‘d far o\ »«t aiM «nr *<» ()«« i*onc daughti ) of Mi* lb*«»iftvai* «rb.im ,.| niplotnn they enti u m (| ofT tlio To Ihr lr.hnlill.intn ot Mnlnwnn Tnwnahl|i BLUSH SEED POTATOES^ I>lrtltiHiit « lo11 nil ui luifitm Ul*. Im iit f fluliOi .(tf nf I * mouth* w Itli n 'k of dlnoitkt't Su<’li e*ti»*iMt« a h o u ld n ln tty n k e o p Mu* I*. \ I, nr the m M Mil will |m taki-ii a* iioii|i*tiat1 |o AfotttioHtlh Kith phftftnte Living Dutililn of tl'r tlorougli lull. ilmmnnltMM Wo roilbl *;* t liottltnM that llo u o m o d y st finutl, t • iuIt f<>i hutnodlnto Aililtial tn>1li‘Mln Hbi' Inn |»dt*-al <'f thi np<*n «>'iil't nfT..)il Ih'i n u y m 'li'f, n in l nn n Innt U'i.« win'll Uft'd-d | wn to tllOMi doi«iM of of Mulnwnn. A f« u bm 11 bi til llln-.h M rnl fnhtlucH, I In- • nlit 1 >i 11 li Hii A y»>n 1-y th r iMiiittiUlti. mil, a* *inir wl|i', ft nnt Ilia I’utid nf ii ml 11 in mi r mi I'roM bitiou aod \V,.in»»i'nM)Hlm<.*r. bnl lofc.il »•»>> I ItniD lir'ilaln'a P«>M lU U li H «l lln 'ily ltl llh)i>nll| ►#»*«* (|)|.n» onti'h fii'iti Citiiioln •««d IhlI m ih , lm Nutlro tl lirti'l't |.Ui 'I O' '< O l'1 U.Mf l Oil' |j i i-iiHit nl lnMillliill an.I MH| tn- matin drfr|)«|. haa a * mi «nlo by P. II MbiUl.dmU ,.f tl.allli «HI hi-r I .ll li ll«l I'. A I I ''K-O' • Oil! . nub* ill pel bin i i'l, It It I lm 111oi, .ml I*, i-^ii-.. >-,.11 atl. Oir ItM.liM.d nf thr »K|tl M» t l-aiiood I | | N Mjtbi'ot jnbbMii; (hi- liii|.i»n# nf 1 vi 11n> Ui*t n|>|«lli-tttl<"i. mut t*r Ut*t liia.ll f, llm t i.|ii|>UitiitM In Oil* ratixf-. W irl. nt it 1 ib t N . .1 Ill MIY ll 'I t'llllUNR, |triJudH'i<(i i f HU' llu- wm unlim It H(|uIai »tm n Mill uliln to Snhirdny, A.pi’ 11 1 4 , 18U4 , Htilli. ' i| fill ('(IlMlillltllllll, up «o>t attnixt to h n Iu^imwoiU I II Tb.- n i) Im nt lliiiic, t.*i In lohii'lie and Mai i* a n , Nnw ,lni Mr WMb Jn’» «»* httt- 1 ..... Wtllnid. iVl'tllil* i>.».l - Oklot Klgiill -Jii. t« ‘w ('nil, in pilln. On ■ t ‘ - . I" w b o « \ -ab> to tin M«tu«i,ti toll : |h tilv.o Um U-Mld On moi O ikaMki m*lo st Hlnter # t lm g hti'le, GIRL WANTED! 1 Ijjtioo Btid If l"‘" ® ►b^’bt, pll'tt^, 11 KUlfti, dto^llat In tilln l-td m , Hy Mi'lrt >.| tin 11.» MfclOf O ' * t I • >1 ll..'Ull ili-H*«•( |ii|f nr grateful g ifl of «*»«n ;o ll S K. KI IINH Jll , Cyai. A lltsl r1«Ni InnmliiM nud eompelonl MEN WANTED lull. K«|*atl»tuU ftr«ili,rij(bt WU, A. I’rr.l.Unl, tsiok enu loam of a good phico by onlling nm-r.im, Himir rmtdiiyiitniti. Il»*| taim a, Writ* from tho Noith, at C. A. Urtati’a, Itan md rour tt!a«fM a,ida ti m u* nnt *i rur* Hmiiw nf ii-rrl|ii| j, followed tbe addfe** wm Int by Mre. hy A a} Crwl tH, U ). 11 If. IN •!., H, V. Utlad A|»tl *, IH«. st this oflios. Uefernuce rnpilrrd, «i,i.«ti niiiiHKiir ru., loii.iU r, N,».