STORY of a DOPE ADDICT' High Praise from Gov
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I B'VH-'''H|'HMp^HHH nssaVMsatrVsaVaSnalsl g-THK OHiOM ON MANEUVERS THE OHIO g AT CAMP PERRY 5 IA******• . People's 10 [ Champion. VOL. 3, No. 9 Saturday, August 11. 1951 1 Columbus,, Ohio ^ 7 §3137th AA Battalion Maneuvers VOL. 3, No. 10 SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1951 COLUMBUS, OHIO At Camps Perry, McCoy 2 Weeks CAMP PERRY, O.—For the first time in its three year existence, Ohio's 137th anti-aircraft artillery battalion of the Ohio Nat'I Guard worked in conjunction with other outfits of the state's famed 37th division during two weeks of recently completed maneuvers, winning plaudits of Gov. Lausche and top echelon army brass in addition to establishing themselves as crack marksmen on the firing range. A total of 1600 miles was trav-1 1 NT. VERNON 'NOB' eled during the two weeks of in tensive combat training with field exercises conducted at Camt> Miss Catherine Booker, Ex-Columbus McCoy. Wis., during the firs', week and bisr nuns barking over Lake Erie throughout scconit Resident Dies In South, Rites Here week maneuvers at Camp Perry. The 137th'« morale was high Miss Cather brother. Henry L. Booker; step throughout the rigorous 14 days ine Booker, for mother, Mrs. Bertha Booker; two and won commendation from all mer Colam bus nieces. Ida Mae Booker and other divisional untt,«. r e s i d ent and Catherine Yvette Booker; nep teacher at Voor- hew. James Allen Booker; two Staff officers of the more than aunts, two uncles and a host of 400 man battalion are Maj. 1. >•••- hees Jr. college. STORY DUBBED FALSE cousins. ell B. Tipton, commanding offi Denmark. S. C. cer; Msjs. James I.. Kingslan'l died suddenly Funeral services were held Story On Page 4 and Herbert Quinichett of Co W e d n e sdav, Tuesday. Aug. 7. at St. Phillips lumbus. Capt. William L. Jones Aug. 1, in Sump- Episcopal church. Columbus, at of Cincinnati, 1st Lis. Franklin ter. S. C. when.- 1:30 p. m. Interment waa km H. Whittaker and Robert Dews of she was teaching Union cemetery. Columbus. Chief Warrant Offi during the sum cers Robert A. Carter and Jamc*. mer session at M. Estelle. also of Columbus Morris college. Adjustment OK'd , A native of Contract motoi carriers have It was on the eve of their de Columbus, Misb Miss Booker been authorised by the OPS to. parture from Camp M.Coy for Boo ker was a request adjustment of rat* ceil Camp Perry that the unit, which graduate of East High school. S'he ings if they have exceeded in "surprised them all." received received her BS degree in educa creases in wages, material ami tion "af Ohio State university in STORY OF A DOPE ADDICT' high praise from Gov. La use hi* equipment costs during or since 1928 and her MA degree at OSU the latter parts of 1950, states tha snd Division Gens. Leo M. Kreber in 1943. She taught at St. Paul's Columbus district OPS office. Thia and Kenneth Cooper following school. Lawrenceville. Va.. for a authorization applies to most Starts This Week On Page 2 vear before joining the faculty at special formation at the Wiscon truckers operating on contracts, sin post. Voorhees Jr. college in 1931. '. hiring the summer months she including tank vehicles hauling Cited for exceptional shootm**: taught at Tuskegee institute and milk in bulk. d urine Camp Perry maneuver** Morris collcre. was Battery B of Cincinnati, un der command of Cant. Napoleon Miss Booker was a member of St. Phillips Chapel Episcopal Youth Injured Helm. church on the Voorhees campus, Gary White. 11, 846 Park, Other batteries were A of Co where she was also the women'r wood av., while playing ball ut lumbus under Lt Charles L. auxiliarv president. She was a the Parkwood school, Parkwood Robs Hotel, Shot By Cops Carr. C of Springfield, command former secretary of the Episcopal and Leonard avs., Monday at 7:30 diocese of South Carolina, secre ed by Capt. Fred J. Mabra. D p. in. reported a ball struck hU tary-treasurer of the Palmetto from Cleveland with Capt. Paul glasses, cutting hia left eye bell. brunch of the South Carolina Seriousness of the injury has not E. Rose In command. Stati English' Teachers Ass'n ani Leen determined. secretary of the Voorhees fac ulty. ". Marijuana ped Available Oct. 1 w OTHER AFFILIATIONS dlers are more or less fel Thug's Miss Booker's other affiliations lows who refuse to work, The 1951 Ohio hunting law diincluded sponsor of the Voorhees tell you they never expect gest, available in past years at school Charm club, sponsor of to work and never will, the time the hunting licenses were the school's dramatics club and who stand on the street put on sale prior to squirrel sea co-sponsor of the Tattler, the corner" . Excerpt from school paper. "STORY OF A DOPE son, will not be published and dis Survivors include her father. ADDICT" . Starting m tributed this year until sometim* James G. Booker: sister. Hn. the Aug. 18 edition of Career around OcL 1. Grace B. Hunt of Baltimore; THE OHIO SENTINEL. Sentinel Photo Br Pl*ree PROTESTING REOPENING OF 69 YEAR OLD Garfield Elementary school, above neighbor* •<">. youngster* take time out Tuesday (Election dar) frOB, picketing building- to po*o for Sentinel photographer. Protests gained oiom.ntum following Sentinel expose of run-down condition of ancient structure. Independent Businessmen'. Ass'n ia sp* arkeading protest campaign, demanding tbat ebit- dream be transferred to other schools until proposed'n*w building is oroctod at present •its,. Seated Ends froea lefts Ralph Wills*, Lorojr Lesley, Harvey Lewi*. Standing: Joseph Corwin Earl Spencer, Lloyd Suaacer, Coorgo Carpenter, James Edward Johnson. Story, additional photo* oss Pago 3. Story On Page 4 5-r.Hnr-l Ptsoto* Sr Wee* CAMERA HIGHLIGHTS DURING MANEUVERS of Oh.o'. 1371b anil-aircraft artillery battalion at Camp Perry (see story at I right). Top right: hls.ll of 137th wa* *>» band when Maj. Lovell B. Tipton presented award, to outstanding ntot* and units- Front left: M«j. Tipton, coramsoriior officer; Lt. Franklin Whittaker. adjutant; Maj. J. 5. Kinfaland, medical officer* Maj. Herbert Qui niche (ft,'plans and operation* officers 'Cap.. William Jones. John B. Combs' l'*i'»o*a officer; Lt. Grady Smith, motor-transportation officer; Lt. Carl Jojsiisoa, communication, officer; Lt. Robert Dew*, supply of f»c*r; Chief Warrant Officer Robert Carter; Chief Warrant Offi cer James Estelle. Top right: Capt John N. Miller left, and M-Sgt. Denspsey Huckleboo inspect headquarter* battery area Second rowt Playtime find* Ray Hamilton (right), OSU football star, and S*;t. Robert Byrd, both of medical corps, engaging in horseplay. VOTE Fourth row: Re*p«a*ible for chow in headquarter* battery of 137th, front left: Mess-Sgt. J. B. Rhyme., Sgt. Dwifht Springs Cpl. Kenneth Johnson, Clifford Upton. Charles Gibson, John Stew, art, Robert Earl. Fifth fron* top: Sgt. Janses Sbeffey, Cpl. Harold Pk**** By Tester McCloud, of medics, wait al range command post for possible in jnrod ra.c.mcrnii (none of serious nature occurred). Bottom row: MISS JOYCE NIX (UPPER LEFT), faculty memaae. U .fet-rad witls .*.do-.u atUssd... ... Sentinel Photo iiy Jama*. Battery A gun crew, Sgt. Robert Cartar. left. Lt Will'am Mitch- me, workshop at Pax.y's Play school, wbicb ends Wednesday, A.g. 15 «| 7,M . -. M -A —• DR. AND MRS. H. BEECHER HICKS (third and fifth from right) are pictured on their return alt, **«ond from right, were in cbarga of crow when photo wa. titled "What W. Hav. Laarnad. ' S».d«U bav. st.dlod eara-i... *.*, dan.!.,, £„.,. ££'JZ to Columbus following seven week tour of Europe where Dr. Hick*, pastor of Mt. Olivet Baptist : takaa. ' > .»,. cooking, opr*..i.», a.-s.U:. Nagro bUUsry. Two-ty-i* .fjd-U war. -rolled is. wor4.aU.' Fa- cbarcb, Columbu*, served a* interpreter of Americsn pulpit under joint sponsorship of World Council •ally asussborod seven. TT" w-s^*»avos». r •« af Churches »nd Baptist Minister* Union ot Great Britain and Ireland. Also in photo ara tbe Hick*' two yotusg >e*i and asaasbor* of welcoming c out mi t tee frosn Mt. Olivet. Story On Page 2 -•— ' •.- ^^^^(^^c^J^f/^n^iyeg^^r^iis^i r*r*ra*aTB*r*r*r*aSa*Btra*ra*r***BI ' ..,-***. I :M ^"**"*^l,,"*',*''*l*******"l,*»*S**,»"**»t"»**»^ PAGE 2 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1951 SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1951 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 3 STORY OF A DOPE ADDICT From Booze To 'Harmless Pills' FIRST OF A SERIES SjL , I am 37 years of age. For 33 of those years, I feel that I led more or less a decent life. I was always more or less a critic of ether people and the things they were doing to live a life of perfection and I could always see the little errors that they made. By most of the errors 1 saw others make I tried to profit hy not allowing myself to do just that. I was married the first time for approximately 10 years. It was an unhappy marriage. I waa determined to make the best of it, but when it did end I did not'want to feel remorseful, but I did not do my best. Whatever happened was my fault. Afi.i separating from my wife, j I was alone, mors? or less. I r.tar the curb—dirty, filthy and moved in with my father for a heipless. Yet I knew they had couide of year.*.