Tuggeranong Community Council Newsletter Issue 8: September 2011 Talking Tuggeranong with the Chief

Valley. He also conveyed the Council‟s opposition to developments that will in- crease air pollution. He pointed to the proposed industrial expansion at Hume, a planned crematorium and an increase in heavy vehicles on the Monaro High- way as a result of the proposed Can- berra Airport 24 hour freight hub.

In regard to the crematorium, Mr. Johns- ton said residents in Fadden and Macar- thur are concerned about emissions from the proposed complex that will be close to their homes. He said the TCC sup- ported a new southern cemetery but has called on the ACT Government to inves- tigate less polluting technologies that achieve the same result.

On the question of winter wood smoke pollution, the Chief Minister referred to the latest ACT Government Air Quality Report that showed that, overall, Can- berra enjoyed good air quality. Mr. TCC Vice President, Nick Tsoulias, (Left) and TCC President, Darryl Johnston (Right) following Johnston said while he welcomes the talks with ACT Chief Minister, . report it also recognised we still have a major problem with wood smoke pollu- One of the first tasks for re-elected TCC TCC welcomes infrastructure initiatives tion in many Tuggeranong neighbour- President, Darryl Johnston, and newly announced in the last Budget, overall hoods. He said he is also concerned elected TCC Vice President, Nick Tsou- figures suggest more funds are directed about the health impact from neighbour- lias, was to meet with ACT Chief Minis- to other areas of at the ex- hood wood smoke. Mr. Johnston said the ter, Katy Gallagher. This was the first pense of Tuggeranong. The Chief Minis- TCC supports the wood heater buyback meeting with Ms Gallagher in her capac- ter explained that rates are based on and education programs and looks for- ity as Chief Minster and follows on from land values and the primary reason for ward to their expansion. successful quarterly meetings with her the rate rises is the increase in property predecessor, . prices in the Valley. Ms Gallagher also welcomed the TCC‟s position on the development of land op- A range of issues was discussed at the However, she took on board the TCC‟s posite Bunnings describing the Council‟s meeting on 8 September which went for concerns and suggestions that further attitude as “very progressive”. The TCC almost an hour in the Chief Minister‟s spending is required in Tuggeranong to has given its conditional support to the offices. Among other topics discussed upgrade roads leading to the Town Cen- project based on the current concepts were rates and infrastructure spending in tre and to undertake maintenance to and designs. The TCC has said it will Tuggeranong, planning and develop- existing amenities and infrastructure. support the project as long as the two ment, the environment, education, Tralee proposed residential towers do not ex- and debt collection. The TCC also raised the issue of air ceed 12 storeys and that money raised quality in Tuggeranong. Mr. Johnston from the sale of the land is spent on in- Mr. Johnston pointed to the two previous highlighted a recent motion which called frastructure in Tuggeranong. ACT Budgets in which Tuggeranong for, among other things, increased moni- residents had incurred higher than aver- toring of PM2.5 and the location of an Continued on Page 2 age rate increases. He said while the additional air monitoring station in the

Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community www.tuggcc.com Page 1

From Page 1 CONTENTS PAGE Kambah Ms Gallagher said her government was investigating the TCC‟s call for the es-

tablishment of a debt recovery office. master plan She said she supported efforts to ar- range an affordable debt recovery plan Talking Tuggeranong with the Chief 1 for people with outstanding fines and meeting

Kambah master plan meeting 2 other debts to government. Residents have expressed fears they will Retirement bill 3 On the issue of green waste and the lose the “open plan and village atmos-

Master planning updates 3 TCC‟s call for the introduction of green phere” under the proposed Kambah bins, the Chief Minister said that advice Group Centre Master Plan being consid- Chief Minister launches new community she has received does not support the ered by the ACT Government. engagement guide 4 introduction of green bins, but to wait for

News in brief 4 the release of the ACT Waste Strategy They raised this and other concerns at a at the end of the year. public meeting called by the Tugger- Why I‟m making the move to anong Community Council and held at Brindabella, Zed 5 Mr. Johnston reiterated the TCC‟s sup- the Burns Club on 19 September. More than just a meal 5 port for the expansion of CIT learning facilities in Tuggeranong and called for Officers from the Environmental and Floral recognition for foster carers 6 the inclusion of a small University of Sustainable Development Directorate,

TCC President‟s 2011 Report 7 Canberra campus to support Valley stu- Project Manager, Jamie Allnutt and Sen- dents. He suggested a satellite campus ior Project Officer, Ben Riches New TCC executive for 2011/12 7 where students can study and attend addressed residents.

Bushfire warning 8 their lectures via live streaming or web- cast without having to travel to Bruce. He They outlined the proposed master plan Recognition for volunteers 8 said they could also take advantage of which they said had been developed the facilities at the new CIT and those after extensive studies and onsite meet- Youth Haven award 8 that already exist at the Tuggeranong ings that included consultation with resi- Hyperdome unveils future plans to TCC 9 Library, nearby college and arts centre. dents and other stakeholders. He said such a development will go hand Gary joins the Navy 9 in hand with proposals for amalgamation However, the overwhelming message 2011 festival flourishes 10 between CIT and UC. from residents at the meeting was that they feared the open plan and village Drop in crime: Burch 10 Meanwhile the Chief Minister supported atmosphere will be lost through over

Fear of flying 11 the TCC‟s opposition to the proposed development of the Kambah centre un- Tralee residential development and ech- der the proposed master plan. Don‟t Forget 11 oed concerns it will lead to aircraft over

Tuggeranong and increased traffic on Many long time residents highlighted the the Monaro Highway. convenience, easy access and parking and the “sense of community” as the In wrapping up the talks the Chief Minis- main attractions of the Kambah shopping

ter indicated she is happy to continue to centre. meet with the TCC on a regular basis as did her predecessor. Both Mr. Johnston They also highlighted their objections to

and Mr. Tsoulias said they are pleased multi storey development, the loss of the with the outcome of the discussions and service station, a reduction in parking, look forward to the next meeting. concerns over traffic flow and vehicle and pedestrian access to the Kambah


Mr. Allnutt said that extensive traffic studies had been undertaken as part of the master plan project focussing on access and traffic flow. He said under- ground parking would be provided in many proposed new developments.

However, he would take back to his su- periors the issues raised at the public meeting and they will be considered as part of the consultation process.

Meanwhile he encouraged all residents to provide feedback on the Master Plan by visiting the website, via email or post to: PO Box 1908, Canberra ACT 2601. Public comments on the master plan close on 14 October 2011.

See story on page 3

Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community www.tuggcc.com Page 2 Retirement Master planning updates

The Environment and Sustainable Devel- layed due to further work on traffic and bill opment Directorate is working on three car parking issues in Erindale that have master planning projects in the Tugger- been identified as part of the consultation A Bill aimed at protecting the residents anong Valley. process. and operators of retirement villages will be tabled in the ACT Legislative Assem- Kambah The government has commissioned an bly. additional traffic study to look in more The community consultation period for detail at traffic and car parking in Erin- The Retirement Villages Bill 2011 „in the Kambah group centre master plan dale. principle‟ will be tabled by Mary Porter has been extended and will now be clos- MLA during the two sitting weeks in Oc- ing on Friday 14 October 2011. As part of this study revised concepts for tober. Erindale have been tested by the con- Issues of community concern raised in sultants to ensure that the master plan She said older Canberrans are the fast- earlier consultation have been ad- addresses the traffic issues in Erindale. est growing cohort of our ACT popula- dressed in the draft plan. tion. These revised concepts will be used to These include: consult with key stakeholders in the last Ms Porter says the primary object of the week of September. Bill is to promote consumer protection Revised street layouts to address and fair trading practices in relation to concerns about the impact of Following this consultation a draft master operating retirement villages. traffic on the childcare centre on plan for Erindale will be developed and

the corner of Kett Street and Mar- released for public comment with the She says it will also ensure that prospec- coni Crescent, Tuggeranong master plan in December. tive residents have available to them the A landscape concept plan for the necessary information to make an in- Tuggeranong formed decision as to whether retirement swale (natural drainage channel) shows improved connections village living is for them. Revised concepts for Tuggeranong were between the east and west sides of the centre and how the space presented to the community in August “It will also promote growth of the indus- 2011. The main ideas presented in- try and hopefully ensure its viability in the could be used as good quality open space for centre users and cluded: ACT,” Ms Porter said. future residents, development of up to 7000 new “The ACT is the only Australian state or Building heights reduced slightly, residential dwellings in Tugger- territory that does not have legislation to though some increase in height is anong, protect people living in, and operating, necessary to provide an incentive retirement villages. Instead we currently for private landowners to rede- improvements for pedestrians have a mandatory Code of Practice,” Ms velop. The highest buildings will and street scapes, Porter added. be between 4-5 storeys with development of Soward Way into many buildings of 2-3 storeys. a boulevard, Further information about the Bill is avail- development of the foreshore and able at http://www.maryporter.net/, or by Erindale Anketell St precinct into a quality contacting: 6205 0100. public area, The Erindale part of the Tuggeranong a new residential development at Source: Mary Porter MLA and Erindale master plan has been de- Greenway (opposite Bunnings).

Since then these ideas have been devel- oped further based on general support from the community into a draft master plan.

This draft master plan requires govern- ment approval, before being released for public comment in December.

Next steps

The combined Tuggeranong and Erin- dale Master plan will be released for public consultation during November and Welcome to December. Visit www.actpla.act.gov.au/ tuggeranongerindale for more informa- Erindale Shopping tion. Centre Source: ACT Government (ESDD)

Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community www.tuggcc.com Page 3 Chief Minister launches new NEWS IN BRIEF community engagement guide Greens rail push

Engagement, at the morning tea. The The ACT Greens have called on the Guide was developed in close consulta- Government to commit to building light tion with the community sector to help rail in Canberra, and to make a strong ACT Government staff engage more case to the Federal Government for high effectively with a wide range of stake- -speed rail between and Can- holders. berra.

"This is part of my commitment to the Greens transport spokeswoman and Canberra community to lead an open Member for Brindabella, Amanda and transparent Government that en- Bresnan, says the Government should courages participation by citizens in the present a detailed proposal to the Fed- governing process and public collabora- eral Government by the end of the year, tion on a range of issues," Ms Gallagher Chief Minister, Katy Gallagher, speaking to and make the case for prioritising Can- said. Tuggeranong residents at the recent “Morning berra high speed rail routes.

Tea with Minsters’ at the new Namadgi "This Guide will help to deliver on these School. Ms Bresnan said the Chief Minister has „open government' priorities," she said. lobbied and pushed for new freeways. Chief Minister Katy Gallagher hosted

Tuggeranong residents to morning tea The Guide has a focus on contemporary ''Sustainable transport projects like light with her ministers at the recently opened community engagement strategies, tech- rail and high-speed rail should receive Namadgi School in Kambah. niques and tools, and is based on the the same effort,” she said. work of the International Association for

The event was held on Saturday, 17 Public Participation.

September with the Chief Minister de- claring it a great opportunity to hear "The Guide is another tool at our dis- Green Festival about new initiatives and for residents to posal to help ensure a consistent and discuss issues of local importance. considered approach to our interactions Canberra‟s inaugural „Living Green Fes- with Canberrans," Ms Gallagher said. tival‟ will be held on Sunday, 16 October "The Morning Tea with Ministers gave at Albert Hall. Tuggeranong residents an opportunity to "It provides practical advice on how to meet informally with ACT Government create meaningful opportunities for pub- The Festival will focus on the relation- Ministers and to share their views and lic involvement in the governance of the ship between climate change, the envi- suggestions about things that are impor- ACT." ronment, and animals. tant to them," Ms Gallagher said.

The manual can be accessed online, The theme of the Festival is „a kinder "Through this initiative, in conjunction with a limited number of hard copies shade of green‟, and it will showcase with a range of other engagement oppor- available at ACT Government libraries. easy ways we humans can reduce our tunities such as Twitter Cabinet, the ACT carbon footprint and be more consider- Government is continuing its commit- Training in the application of the princi- ate of the other creatures we share this ment to listen to community views and ples that underpin the Guide will also be planet with. suggestions." provided for both Government staff and members of the community sector. The Chief Minister also released the ACT Government's new community en- Source: ACT Government Canberra snubbed gagement guidelines, Engaging Canber- rans: A Guide to Community Of the $150 million in grants to regional announced recently by Simon Crean, not one dollar has flowed to the ACT, according to ACT Liberal Senator, .

Round 1 of Regional Development Aus- tralia Funding saw grants going to every state and territory but the ACT, Senator Humphries said.

“This is an absolute disgrace. It just goes to show how much Labor takes Can- berra for granted,” he said.

“Every other state and territory has re- ceived funding under these grants. Even Geelong Football Club received a $10 million grant for a stadium upgrade,” Senator Humphries added.

Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community www.tuggcc.com Page 4 Why I’m making the move to Brindabella, Zed

Under this government today, the great We should improve public transport with- Australian dream of owning a home has out punishing people for driving their sadly become an unattainable notion for cars. many, including many young families in the Tuggeranong Valley. It‟s not just the And as for roads, the GDE stands as the cost of purchasing, which is now many iconic failure of an ACT Labor govern- times even a good income, it‟s the cost ment who simply cannot get the job of living that is keeping many out of done. homeownership. Representing Tuggeranong, everything I In Tuggeranong, rates have increased do will be about local solutions, local on average by 105 per cent since 2001, services, local answers and local com- with a 150 per cent increase in Banks mitment. and 130 per cent in Chisholm. The gov- ernment‟s Lease Variation Charge will After all, I‟m a local. I live here, and I also increase the price of units in Tug- want Tuggeranong to be the great place geranong by $30,000 to $50,000. it was when I was growing up, and make it a great place for me to raise my family, On top of this, water prices have in- and you to raise yours. creased by 200 per cent, and electricity MLA prices by 75 per cent, and more is com- ing. The ACT also has almost the high- est rate of taxation for territory and local services - second only to mining-boom More than just ACT Liberals Leader and Tuggeranong resi- Western Australia. dent, Zed Seselja is making a move to the a meal Legislative Assembly seat of Brindabella. I, as a Liberal, respect taxpayers, and understand the cost pressures which families face. All of the Canberra Liber- The Leader of the Canberra Liberals, als‟ decisions in Government will look to and born and bred Tuggeranong resi- put downward pressure on taxes and dent, Zed Seselja, has announced he charges. This can only be done by will be seeking pre-selection in the spending wisely, controlling projects, and electorate of Brindabella at the ACT not spending on government indul- election in 2012. Below, he explains gences. the reasons for his decision. I also believe that small business makes I‟m passionate about representing the a great contribution to Canberra, many of people where I live, where I grew up, and which are in the heart of the Tugger- where I am now raising my own children. anong valley. Most are not wealthy, and I As a born and bred Tuggeranong resi- believe their contribution to the commu- dent, I am very proud to seek pre- nity should be valued, rather than them Above: Federal Member for Canberra, selection in the electorate of Brindabella being seen as another tax opportunity. I‟ll Gai Brodtmann, joined volunteers in de- at next year‟s ACT election. continue to make a concerted effort to livering meals to the needy in the Tug-

hear the issues affecting Tuggeranong geranong Valley. Her efforts marked My parents raised six kids on one rela- small businesses and will do everything I National Meals on Wheels Day. tively low income, and often went without can to assist. so that we could have what we needed. Below: Meanwhile, ACT Senator, Gary They sacrificed a lot to send us to our As a local, I will work to protect the Humphries, joined volunteers for lunch local Catholic schools in Kambah, Wan- unique character of Tuggeranong and and to sample one of the meals deliv- niassa and Isabella Plains. other suburbs, and that the re- ered to more than 650 people in the ACT

development of any existing open space every year. Like my parents, I value those who work is subject to proper consultation, so that hard and pay their taxes. The govern- we get the right development in the right ment of the day should respect them by places. spending their money carefully, on things the community needs, like schools, hos- As a father with four children of my own, pitals, roads, local sporting facilities and I understand very well that many families public transport. I don‟t believe the cur- need a second car. I am opposed to rent government is doing this, and is some of the more extreme measures we instead taxing Canberra families more see coming out of the Assembly which is than they‟ve ever been taxed before. frankly anti-car and anti-family.

When my parents moved to Tugger- Isn‟t it strange that it‟s the people living in anong, housing was not out of reach. For the inner north with company cars who around twice my father‟s modest annual want everyone else to get on a bus? Or income, my parents were able to get a who think families who need to drive can house and land package in Wanniassa in afford $10 or $11 a day to park, if they 1982. can find a park at all?

Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community www.tuggcc.com Page 5 Floral recognition for foster carers

In a special celebration at the beginning of Foster Care Week, Galilee Foster Care (managed by Communities@Work) and the owners of Tulip Top Gardens have partnered to raise community awareness in an effort to ensure that Galilee Foster Care continues to provide the best possible services to our most vulnerable.

ACT Minister for Community Services, Joy Burch, has welcomed the partner- ship between the Tulip Top Gardens and Communities@Work celebrating Foster Care Week.

Lynne Harwood CEO Commu- nites@Work said children may be in foster care for a few days, a few months, or long term.

She said wherever possible, the aim is to restore children to the care of their fami- lies.

“Some children, however, remain in care until they reach independence, Ms Har- wood said.

Minister Burch launched the initiative on Saturday 17 September at the Tulip Top Gardens on the Federal Highway.

Visitors can make donations at the Fos- ter Care Week display which is a combi- nation of a stunning floral kaleidoscope with some sobering anecdotes and fig- ures to generate awareness of the need to support such a worthy charity.

The owners of the Tulip Top Gardens entice thousands of visitors ever year to what can be described as a magic para- dise.

With acres of stunning gardens, the fam- ily business recognises the value of community charity work and the linkage between tourism and community aware- ness and fundraising.

Tulip Top Gardens elected Galilee Fos- ter Care to be their 2011 charity as they respect the tremendous efforts and com- munity need for placing babies, children and young people with foster care fami- lies in the Canberra region.

Jill Faulkner Manager Events and External Relations Communities@Work

Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community www.tuggcc.com Page 6 TCC President’s 2011 Report

The following report was delivered to The TCC has also been represented in Soon I hope that we will also see the the TCC’s Annual General Meeting on the ACT Budget process appearing and launch of our new website and some Tuesday, 6 September by President, presenting before the Budget committee members trained in its maintenance. On Darryl Johnston. hearings and putting our case on behalf that note I want to thank Dug for his work of Tuggeranong residents. on maintaining our current website and Welcome to the Tuggeranong Commu- in getting the new site together. nity Council Annual General Meeting for The TCC has provided input to the ACT 2011. Government on many planning and de- Finally, we have seen growth in Council velopment issues and other matters numbers. In all the TCC has about 20 Before I report on the activities for the throughout the last year. new members and I hope that this year I wish to thank my team for their growth will continue into 2012. hard work and support throughout the After a successful campaign the TCC it past year. saw the introduction of Random Road- When I came to this position two years side Drug Testing in the ACT. ago I found a council with many enthusi- Thank you to Colin and Jan Petrie, Dug astic members who were intent on re- Holmes, Eric Traise, Albert Orszaczky The TCC also: building an organisation that represented and Alison Ryan for your valuable input and worked for their community. and for representing me at various presented its case against the proposed events. Tralee residential development directly to I think we have achieved that and a lot Queanbeyan City Council, more in the past two years. I hope this A special thank you goes to Albert, who continues under the new team elected after many years is stepping down as provided feedback to the ACT Gov- tonight. Secretary. We will offer a more formal ernment on such issues as the East- thank you to you and to others at a later ern Broadacre Study, the new Darryl Johnston date. southern cemetery, the Tugger- President anong and Erindale Master Plans, I also wish to thank, Rusty Woodward, an aged care facility in the Lanyon Susan Penn Turrall, Donna Smail and Valley and the proposed develop- John Armstead who have served on the ment of land opposite Bunnings. New TCC TCC sub-committees. The TCC has also raised a number of executive for And to John again, who has regularly issues in the community and put forward represented the TCC at the Canberra motions to the ACT Government on is- 2011/12 Airport Community Consultation Forum. I sues of concern. These have included: hope I have not missed anyone. If I have I apologise. law and order (which resulted in an address to the council by the Attor- 2011 was a year of consolidation and ney General on that very topic), growth. It began with the TCC resurrect- ing and hosting the Combined Commu- a rail based public transport system nity Councils meetings. This was the for Canberra, first time in a number of years all ACT Community Councils had met. The meet- a combined CIT/University campus ing was held at the Tuggeranong Com- for Tuggeranong, munity Centre. All ACT Community Councils, except for Gungahlin, were a review of learning driver practises represented at the meeting which was in the ACT, and Darryl Johnston has been re-elected for opened by the former Chief Minister, Jon a third term as President of the Tugger- Stanhope. the introduction of a green waste anong Community Council. Under the collection service among others. new TCC Constitution this will be his The Combined Community Councils final term as President. Well known Cal- meetings have strengthened communi- The TCC gained a new identity in 2011 well identity and community worker, Nick cations and interaction between Councils with a fresh and modern logo, promo- Tsoulias joins the TCC as Vice Presi- and they have now become a regular tional banners, brochures and fridge dent, replacing Colin Petrie and Dug event. The next meeting to be hosted by magnets. The Council's new look was Holmes who have stepped down but will the new Inner South Community Coun- unveiled at the Tuggeranong Festival continue on the Executive as committee cil. where for the first time it had an informa- members. Long serving Secretary, Albert tion stand. The stand proved very popu- Orszaczky , has retired from the position Another regular event has been the lar and worked to raise the Council's but will remain an active member of the quarterly meetings between the TCC and profile. Council. Eric Traise will continue in the the Chief Minister. These have role as Treasurer. been invaluable and an opportunity to 2011 also saw the introduction of the raise issues of concern directly with the TCC's Newsletter, Valley Voice. This is a Chief Minister. valuable communication tool for TCC The first meeting between the new TCC Pictured L to R: TCC President, Darryl members, friends and Tuggeranong resi- Johnston, committee members Alison Ryan President, Vice President and the new dents generally. and Jan Petrie, Vice President, Nick Tsoulias, Chief Minister will be held on Thursday committee member, Colin Petrie. (8 September 2011). Absent: Treasurer, Eric Traise.

Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community www.tuggcc.com Page 7 Bushfire warning Recognition for Youth Haven volunteers award

Volunteers in the Tuggeranong commu- Nominated by the Southern ACT Catch- nity under the National Volunteer Awards ment Group, Lions Youth Haven at were announced by Member for Can- Westwood Farm in Kambah was a final- berra, Gai Brodtmann in conjunction with ist for the Toshiba Community Group Volunteering Australia. Award in the recent ACT Landcare Awards. Ms Brodtmann said volunteers will be able to nominate, or be nominated for, Lions Youth Haven is a community awards in the following categories: based organisation dedicated to provid- ing Canberra's youth at risk with a sup- Individual Volunteer Award ported, learning outdoor environment at Team Volunteer Award Westwood Farm. While significant areas of the farm are managed for conserva- Young Volunteer Award (under tion, most of the farm is used for horse 25) agistment. Corporate Volunteer Award Long Term Volunteer Commit- Gerry Nussio, Manager of Westwood ACT Shadow Emergency Services Min- ment Award Farm has devised an efficient, cost effec- ister and Member for Brindabella, Bren- Innovation in Volunteering Award tive barrier designed to protect paddock dan Smyth, has called on Tuggeranong New Organisation or Volunteer trees from horses, and is involving residents to make the necessary prepa- Program Award school students in their construction. rations for the forthcoming bushfire sea- Emergency Management Volun- The 'Trees in Trouble' program at West- son. teer Award wood Farm aims to conserve the rem- Education Volunteer Award "The current predictions are that there nant Yellow box/Red gum paddock trees, will be a very heavy growth of grass Environment Volunteer Award while maintaining agricultural production. across much of Australia, including the The program involves students, who ACT, as a consequence of our wet sum- “I encourage all Tuggeranong residents were not engaging well at school, con- mer," Mr. Smyth said. to nominate the hard-working volunteers structing tree guards to prevent horses that they know for an award,” Ms from damaging paddock trees. Horses "This means that there is considerable Brodtmann said. tend to chew the bark of accessible trees potential for serious grassfires and bush- in paddocks, sometimes ring-barking the fires around the ACT's urban environ- “We look forward to seeing all of the tree causing it to eventually die. Horses ment and bushland.” different types of contributions that peo- also tend to compact the soil around the ple are making to the Tuggeranong com- roots, making the ground less porous “The bushfire season in the ACT starts in munity”. and bare of grass cover. about two weeks and I urge all Canber- rans to prepare their properties by re- ACT Labor Senator, said The protection of remnant paddock trees moving rubbish, cleaning gutters and 2011 is the tenth anniversary of the In- in horse paddocks remains a concern clearing long grass from fence lines. ternational Year of Volunteers. and priority for Westwood Farm and the organisation has responded by support- "Long-serving Captain of the Southern “The theme for the world- wide celebra- ing the design and construction of cus- ACT Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade, Val tions is „Inspire the Volunteer in You‟ – tom made tree guards to prevent horses Jeffrey, has also warned of the need for recognising that everyone can be a vol- from chewing, rubbing and ring-barking appropriate preparations for the bushfire unteer and make a valuable contribution remnant trees. season, particularly in enhancing the to their community,” she added. capacity of the Rural Fire Service.” These tree guards are a proven cost- The awards will be handed out at a cere- effective solution to protecting these "The sad reality is that, in many parts of mony on International Day of the Volun- iconic and highly threatened features of Australia, it is not a matter of 'if' but teer, 5 December 2011. our landscape. Their design solves the 'when' the next bushfire will strike. His- problem of horses attacking paddock torically, the ACT experiences a serious “Volunteering ACT is pleased to host the trees while still allowing access to the bushfire every seven years on average.” event for these awards on the Interna- tree by wildlife. The guards are a simple tional Day of Volunteers” said Maureen design based on the fact that horses do "We all need to understand, and remind Cane, Chief Executive Officer of Volun- not like anything above their heads. One ourselves constantly, that bushfires are teering ACT. of the program‟s objectives is to make part of environment: to this design freely available to the wider the old adage of the certainty of death Nominations are now open and will close rural and equestrian community. The and taxes we should add, in the Austra- on 21 October 2011. guards use readily available materials lian context, bushfires!” (pipe and fittings) and are easily con- Nomination forms are available from the structed. "It is eight years since the bushfire disas- Volunteering ACT website: ter of January 2003. We must not be- www.volunteeringact.org.au. Lions Youth Haven at Westwood farm come complacent about when the next has been an active member of the Upper bushfire will occur; we must prepare now Murrumbidgee Waterwatch program for before it comes," Mr. Smyth concluded. Source: Media Release a number of years. Continued on page 9

Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community www.tuggcc.com Page 8 From page 8

Hyperdome unveils future As well as providing important data on plans to TCC rural waterway conditions in the ACT Lion‟s Youth Haven has successfully incorporated the Waterwatch program There are also more enhancements into their education package offered to planned before Christmas: schools in Canberra. This rural education package combines cattle husbandry, Food court upgrade with new farm safety and skills with broader land- layout, tables, chairs and scape conservation values to deliver a benches unique and extremely progressive and New stores – Adairs, Novo valuable approach to rural land use prac- Shoes, Escape Travel, Hyper- tice. dome Pharmacy and Indian take away Lion‟s Youth Haven are also working in partnership with The ACT & Region Majors refurbishments to occur to Chamber of Commerce & Industry, the both Woolworths and Coles ACT Department of Education and Train- A presentation was given by the Hyper- Kmart refurbishment planned for ing, Greening Australia, the Southern dome Shopping Centre management at February 2012. ACT Catchment Group and „LEAD Em- the September TCC meeting. ployment‟ to deliver a special program The Hyperdome also has a strategic for ACT senior students to attain recog- The Hyperdome was represented by the marketing plan in place that will continue nised competencies in environmental owners Robert Ell (Managing Director – to deliver events and promotions that are monitoring and landscape improvement. Leda Holdings) and Tom Lorenzen customer focused, support retailers (National Property Manager – Centro growth and enhance the overall shop- This program will include invasive weed Properties). Wayne Moodie (Regional ping experience at the Hyperdome. removal, propagation and planting of Manager – Colonial First State Asset native species to improve an area of Management (CFSGAM)) represented The Hyperdome Shopping Centre prides Yellow box/Red gum woodland. Students the current managers of the Hyperdome itself on being a part of the Tuggeranong will also be undertaking a range of Wa- and delivered the presentation. Valley community. The Centre employ- terwatch tests and assessments to moni- ees an estimated 1100+ people em- tor this habitat. By targeting young peo- The presentation covered a broad range ployed in various roles from retail staff, ple, who are otherwise disengaged with of topics and was followed by question contractors and centre management. mainstream education Lion‟s Youth Ha- time from TCC members which encour- ven hope to ignite within them a passion aged positive debate of a number of top- Hyperdome‟s community involvement is for involvement in community and envi- ics. evident through initiatives such as the ronmental action. provision of free sites throughout the The content of the presentation included: centre for utilisation by local charities, Source: Steve Welch, Coordinator community groups and organisations to Southern ACT Catchment Group Inc The Hyperdome is a regional fundraise and promote themselves to shopping centre consisting of customers at the Hyperdome. Local 170+ specialty stores, five mini Schools are also supported with the majors and five major retailers “Canteen Rescue” promotion which will Gary joins the and is currently managed by be in its third year in FY12. CFSGAM. Navy Other community organisations that the CFSGAM manages a high quality Hyperdome have strong relationships portfolio of 38 shopping centres with are Oz Harvest, Tuggeranong Festi- and retail precincts including val, TCC and Business Tuggeranong. Chadstone, Chatswood Chase Sydney and Queens Plaza in The Hyperdome Shopping Centre is Brisbane. proud to be an active participant within the Tuggeranong community and will Over the past 18 months there has been continue to work closely with our stake- over 40 new retailers and 16 refurbish- holders to ensure we deliver a positive ments delivered at the Hyperdome, in shopping experience for our customers. addition to Canberra‟s newest cinema complex – Limelight Cinemas. Common ACT Senator and Shadow Parliamentary areas have also been upgraded: Secretary for Defence Materiel, Gary Source; Wayne Moodie Humphries, recently joined the ranks of Lifestyle Precinct received new Regional Manager NSW, Property the Royal Australian Navy on Exer- flooring, lighting, banners and Colonial First State cise Talisman Sabre 2011. furniture Global Asset Management Windscreening in the courtyard The Exercise is held every two years New Playland on upper level jointly with the United States off the New furniture pods, lighting up- North Queensland coast. and is a huge grades and painting throughout event for the ADF. Senator Humphries the centre. said he was extraordinarily proud of our serving men and women.

Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community www.tuggcc.com Page 9 2011 festival flourishes Drop in crime:

“Please note also that this year we will Burch be strict on enforcing where stallholders can park their vehicles as we would like Canberra has recorded a significant drop to minimise the risk of injury or damage in crime according to the Member for and provide a more positive experience Brindabella, Joy Burch for all Festival patrons.”

Ms Burch said the ACT Criminal Justice Mr. Lindfield said the number of commu- Statistical Profile which was recently nity group „first timers‟ is expected to tabled in the ACT Legislative Assembly increase by about a third. by ACT Attorney-General,

demonstrates a significant decrease in “We are confident that when the Festival property damage, burglaries and motor program closes on 31 October 2011 we vehicle thefts in the ACT. should be very close to having around 80

community groups participating, “ Mr. She said throughout the past 12 months Lindfield said. Entertainment at the 2010 Tuggeranong ACT Policing operations have focused

Community Festival Family Day Concert. on addressing property crime and ensur- “We will continue to engage and encour- ing prompt and efficient police response age community groups, sporting, hobby The start of Spring marks a new begin- rates. and special interest clubs and local busi- ning and final preparation for the Annual ness to be involved with the Tugger- Tuggeranong Community Festival. “The ACT Government is pleased that anong Festival,” he said. since the launch of this targeted opera-

Festival President, Michael Lindfield, tion there has been a significant drop in Meanwhile, this year‟s festival will fea- says planning is in full swing. He said property damage (down 21.8 per cent), ture a car boot sale. Mr. Lindfield said the Festival Committee is finalising and burglaries (down 32.7 per cent) and mo- this event will add a new dimension and confirming plans for the many events tor vehicle thefts (down 37.3 per cent) create new opportunities for people to and activities for this year‟s Festival. across the ACT, “ she said. sell unwanted items without the incon-

venience of a garage sale. “At this stage we are set to double last “This highly-targeted and successful year‟s number of venues that will host campaign has been supported with the “It will provide people with an opportunity Festival events, thereby extending the establishment of a dedicated property to find a real bargain and to help reduce Festival experience into Tuggeranong's crime team at ACT Policing, a stronger landfill by buying and selling second suburbs,” Mr. Lindfield said. focus on known reoffenders, and the hand,” he said. enforcement of bail conditions on known

“We are also on target to break the re- property crime offenders. In addition to “They say „one man‟s trash is another cord for the number of stallholders par- this, ACT Police response times are well man‟s treasure‟ so come and snag your- ticipating in Saturday Family Fun Day in within national standards.” self a bargain, he added. the Park, and double the number of par- ticipants involved in events.” Ms Burch said she believed in a commu- “Primary schools and non-profit organi- nity which is safe and secure for all its sations may find this event a good fund “Last year we had a record 64 stall- residents and surroundings. raising opportunity and the only condition holders, ranging from community infor- is that car boot sales will not be allowed mation booths to exotic cuisine and eve- “Community safety and positive commu- to serve food or drinks,” he said. rything in between. This year we want to nity engagement are essential for creat- break that record again,” he said. ing an attitude of respect for the local This year‟s festival will be held on the environment, for our neighbours and for 25th and 26th of November with the Mr. Lindfield said to make it easier for our homes.” Family Day taking place in the Tugger- people to register for stalls, without all anong Town Park. the paperwork, the Festival has devel- “As a local resident and as your repre- oped a convenient on-line Stallholder sentative for Brindabella, community The Festival centrepiece, the new Tug- Application Form and a supporting Stall- safety and feeling secure in my geranong Town Park stage is almost holder Information Kit. neighbourhood is important to me too,” complete. she added.

These documents are available from the The Philip Leeson & Associates de- Festival website. “It is clear that this focus of police opera- signed stage is being constructed by tions to target grassroots crime is deliv- MBA 2011 „Project of the Year‟ award He said there will also be an electrician ering tangible outcomes for our commu- winner, Manteena Pty Ltd. onsite to help stallholders settle-in, work nities and our safety.” with stallholders on their power require- The Tuggeranong Community Council ments, oversee the power supply and “These results indicate that the joint ef- President, Darryl Johnston has an- ensure that our safety record remains forts of ACT Policing and the ACT Gov- nounced that the TCC will again be rep- intact. ernment are helping make our city safer, resented at the Festival. and we will continue to work with police

“We have also introduced a stallholder to ensure that our community remains a He said we will also use the opportunity loyalty program to acknowledge those safe and secure place to live,” Ms Burch to encourage new members to the Coun- stallholders who have supported the said. cil. Festival for a number of years,” he added. Source: Office of Joy Burch MLA

Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community www.tuggcc.com Page 10

Fear of flying Valley Voice

Do you have a fear of flying? Well next time you are gripping your seat at 30 thousand feet remember some of these amusing tales that will make any fre- quent flyer smile.

An AFL match was being played this particular day and a lot of people were missing out on the game whether it be passengers, pilots and even the air traffic controllers. As aircraft approached Mel- Sept 29: Tuggeranong Festival bourne, the conversation over the air- Committee Meeting, 6.30pm waves went something like this…. Tuggeranong Community Centre

Tuggeranong Community Council‟s Qantas pilot - Melbourne Traffic Control, Oct 4: TCC General Meeting, 7.30pm newsletter, Valley Voice is designed to would you happen to have the latest Tuggeranong Southern Cross inform Valley residents of issues that football scores please? impact on them and to act as a vehicle Traffic Controller – Qantas, yes they Club. Guest Speaker, Mr. David for other community groups and organi- are ….. Papps, Director General, sations to communicate with residents. Qantas pilot – Thanks Melbourne Con- Economic and Sustainable trol appreciate this, passengers will also Development Directorate Valley Voice will be produced on a regu- be very happy. lar basis and will be circulated amongst Air New Zealand pilot – Ah…Air New 5: ACT Pedestrian Forum TCC members and beyond. If you wish Zealand Flight XX here Melbourne Con- to receive copies of Valley Voice in the trol, could you please repeat those re- Meeting. future please email [email protected]. sults please as we had missed them.

Traffic Controller – Yes Air New Zea- 7: National Walk to Work Day. Meanwhile if you have articles or images land, here they are again …. you wish to contribute to Valley Voice Air New Zealand pilot -Thanks for that 9: Lions Club Tuggeranong please email them to [email protected] Melbourne. by the 20th of each month. Virgin Blue pilot - Melbourne Centre, Homestead Markets. really sorry for this, could you please Please feel free to pass Valley Voice on repeat those results again. 10: Family and Community Day to those who you think will be interested Air Traffic Controller - Ok everyone, if I in its contents. have to mention these scores one more 12: ACT Youth Parliament ______time, my fellow workers are going to beat the hell out of me! Valley Voice is published by the Tugger- 14: Comments due on Kambah anong Community Council (TCC). Mate- An airline pilot wrote that on a particular Group Centre Master Plan rial in this publication comes from a vari- flight he had hammered his 737 into the ety of community and government based runway really hard. 16: Floriade closes. sources and therefore does not neces-

Living Green Festival, Albert Hall. sarily reflect the views of the TCC. The airline had a policy which required the first officer to stand at the door while Material submitted to the TCC for inclu- the passengers exited, smile and give 30: Comments due on “Police sion in Valley Voice may be subject to them a "Thanks for flying our airline." Car Chase Policy.” editorial changes. Material that includes

dates, times and contact details is cor- He said that, in light of his bad landing, Nov 1: TCC General Meeting, 7.30pm rect at the time of publishing. Therefore, he had a hard time looking the passen- the TCC cannot be held responsible if it gers in the eye, thinking that someone Tuggeranong Southern Cross is not informed of any changes to that would have a smart comment. Club. information prior to publication.

Finally everyone had gotten off except 11: Remembrance Day for a little old lady walking with a cane. Tuggeranong Community Council.

E: [email protected] She said, "Sir, do you mind if I ask you a 13: Lions Club Tuggeranong W: www.tuggcc.com question"? "Why, no, Ma'am," said the Homestead Markets. pilot. "What is it?" The little old lady said, "Did we land or were we shot down"? 16: World COPD Day. Tuggeranong Community Council Inc. (TCC) is an incorporated, voluntary, not for profit, non political, community based association operat- ing within the Tuggeranong district of the Australian Capital Territory. Tuggeranong Community Council acknowledges its supporters. TCC is formally recognised as the peak commu- nity representative body in Tuggeranong pro- moting the goals and aspirations of local resi- dents and other community groups and organisations within the Tuggeranong Valley. TCC receives partial funding from the ACT Government.

Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community www.tuggcc.com Page 11