Tuggeranong Community Council Newsletter Issue 8: September 2011 Talking Tuggeranong with the Chief Valley. He also conveyed the Council‟s opposition to developments that will in- crease air pollution. He pointed to the proposed industrial expansion at Hume, a planned crematorium and an increase in heavy vehicles on the Monaro High- way as a result of the proposed Can- berra Airport 24 hour freight hub. In regard to the crematorium, Mr. Johns- ton said residents in Fadden and Macar- thur are concerned about emissions from the proposed complex that will be close to their homes. He said the TCC sup- ported a new southern cemetery but has called on the ACT Government to inves- tigate less polluting technologies that achieve the same result. On the question of winter wood smoke pollution, the Chief Minister referred to the latest ACT Government Air Quality Report that showed that, overall, Can- berra enjoyed good air quality. Mr. TCC Vice President, Nick Tsoulias, (Left) and TCC President, Darryl Johnston (Right) following Johnston said while he welcomes the talks with ACT Chief Minister, Katy Gallagher. report it also recognised we still have a major problem with wood smoke pollu- One of the first tasks for re-elected TCC TCC welcomes infrastructure initiatives tion in many Tuggeranong neighbour- President, Darryl Johnston, and newly announced in the last Budget, overall hoods. He said he is also concerned elected TCC Vice President, Nick Tsou- figures suggest more funds are directed about the health impact from neighbour- lias, was to meet with ACT Chief Minis- to other areas of Canberra at the ex- hood wood smoke. Mr. Johnston said the ter, Katy Gallagher. This was the first pense of Tuggeranong. The Chief Minis- TCC supports the wood heater buyback meeting with Ms Gallagher in her capac- ter explained that rates are based on and education programs and looks for- ity as Chief Minster and follows on from land values and the primary reason for ward to their expansion. successful quarterly meetings with her the rate rises is the increase in property predecessor, Jon Stanhope. prices in the Valley. Ms Gallagher also welcomed the TCC‟s position on the development of land op- A range of issues was discussed at the However, she took on board the TCC‟s posite Bunnings describing the Council‟s meeting on 8 September which went for concerns and suggestions that further attitude as “very progressive”. The TCC almost an hour in the Chief Minister‟s spending is required in Tuggeranong to has given its conditional support to the offices. Among other topics discussed upgrade roads leading to the Town Cen- project based on the current concepts were rates and infrastructure spending in tre and to undertake maintenance to and designs. The TCC has said it will Tuggeranong, planning and develop- existing amenities and infrastructure. support the project as long as the two ment, the environment, education, Tralee proposed residential towers do not ex- and debt collection. The TCC also raised the issue of air ceed 12 storeys and that money raised quality in Tuggeranong. Mr. Johnston from the sale of the land is spent on in- Mr. Johnston pointed to the two previous highlighted a recent motion which called frastructure in Tuggeranong. ACT Budgets in which Tuggeranong for, among other things, increased moni- residents had incurred higher than aver- toring of PM2.5 and the location of an Continued on Page 2 age rate increases. He said while the additional air monitoring station in the Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community www.tuggcc.com Page 1 From Page 1 CONTENTS PAGE Kambah Ms Gallagher said her government was investigating the TCC‟s call for the es- tablishment of a debt recovery office. master plan She said she supported efforts to ar- range an affordable debt recovery plan Talking Tuggeranong with the Chief 1 for people with outstanding fines and meeting Kambah master plan meeting 2 other debts to government. Residents have expressed fears they will Retirement bill 3 On the issue of green waste and the lose the “open plan and village atmos- Master planning updates 3 TCC‟s call for the introduction of green phere” under the proposed Kambah bins, the Chief Minister said that advice Group Centre Master Plan being consid- Chief Minister launches new community she has received does not support the ered by the ACT Government. engagement guide 4 introduction of green bins, but to wait for News in brief 4 the release of the ACT Waste Strategy They raised this and other concerns at a at the end of the year. public meeting called by the Tugger- Why I‟m making the move to anong Community Council and held at Brindabella, Zed 5 Mr. Johnston reiterated the TCC‟s sup- the Burns Club on 19 September. More than just a meal 5 port for the expansion of CIT learning facilities in Tuggeranong and called for Officers from the Environmental and Floral recognition for foster carers 6 the inclusion of a small University of Sustainable Development Directorate, TCC President‟s 2011 Report 7 Canberra campus to support Valley stu- Project Manager, Jamie Allnutt and Sen- dents. He suggested a satellite campus ior Project Officer, Ben Riches New TCC executive for 2011/12 7 where students can study and attend addressed residents. Bushfire warning 8 their lectures via live streaming or web- cast without having to travel to Bruce. He They outlined the proposed master plan Recognition for volunteers 8 said they could also take advantage of which they said had been developed the facilities at the new CIT and those after extensive studies and onsite meet- Youth Haven award 8 that already exist at the Tuggeranong ings that included consultation with resi- Hyperdome unveils future plans to TCC 9 Library, nearby college and arts centre. dents and other stakeholders. He said such a development will go hand Gary joins the Navy 9 in hand with proposals for amalgamation However, the overwhelming message 2011 festival flourishes 10 between CIT and UC. from residents at the meeting was that they feared the open plan and village Drop in crime: Burch 10 Meanwhile the Chief Minister supported atmosphere will be lost through over Fear of flying 11 the TCC‟s opposition to the proposed development of the Kambah centre un- Tralee residential development and ech- der the proposed master plan. Don‟t Forget 11 oed concerns it will lead to aircraft over Tuggeranong and increased traffic on Many long time residents highlighted the the Monaro Highway. convenience, easy access and parking and the “sense of community” as the In wrapping up the talks the Chief Minis- main attractions of the Kambah shopping ter indicated she is happy to continue to centre. meet with the TCC on a regular basis as did her predecessor. Both Mr. Johnston They also highlighted their objections to and Mr. Tsoulias said they are pleased multi storey development, the loss of the with the outcome of the discussions and service station, a reduction in parking, look forward to the next meeting. concerns over traffic flow and vehicle and pedestrian access to the Kambah precinct. Mr. Allnutt said that extensive traffic studies had been undertaken as part of the master plan project focussing on access and traffic flow. He said under- ground parking would be provided in many proposed new developments. However, he would take back to his su- periors the issues raised at the public meeting and they will be considered as part of the consultation process. Meanwhile he encouraged all residents to provide feedback on the Master Plan by visiting the website, via email or post to: PO Box 1908, Canberra ACT 2601. Public comments on the master plan close on 14 October 2011. See story on page 3 Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community www.tuggcc.com Page 2 Retirement Master planning updates The Environment and Sustainable Devel- layed due to further work on traffic and bill opment Directorate is working on three car parking issues in Erindale that have master planning projects in the Tugger- been identified as part of the consultation A Bill aimed at protecting the residents anong Valley. process. and operators of retirement villages will be tabled in the ACT Legislative Assem- Kambah The government has commissioned an bly. additional traffic study to look in more The community consultation period for detail at traffic and car parking in Erin- The Retirement Villages Bill 2011 „in the Kambah group centre master plan dale. principle‟ will be tabled by Mary Porter has been extended and will now be clos- MLA during the two sitting weeks in Oc- ing on Friday 14 October 2011. As part of this study revised concepts for tober. Erindale have been tested by the con- Issues of community concern raised in sultants to ensure that the master plan She said older Canberrans are the fast- earlier consultation have been ad- addresses the traffic issues in Erindale. est growing cohort of our ACT popula- dressed in the draft plan. tion. These revised concepts will be used to These include: consult with key stakeholders in the last Ms Porter says the primary object of the week of September. Bill is to promote consumer protection Revised street layouts to address and fair trading practices in relation to concerns about the impact of Following this consultation a draft master operating retirement villages. traffic on the childcare centre on plan for Erindale will be developed and the corner of Kett Street and Mar- released for public comment with the She says it will also ensure that prospec- coni Crescent, Tuggeranong master plan in December.
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