Friday, February 3, 2012 THE JEWISH PRESS  Page 31 Community Currents

The Satmar Rebbe, Rab- Agudas Yisroel Bircas Yaakov of Passaic hosted Hakhel’s bi Aharon Teitelbaum, spent a Tefi llin Awareness Project, Hanacha K’halacha, on a recent Shabbos at the Chabad House Sunday morning. One sofer from Passaic and two from Brook- in Palm Springs, California and lyn worked from 7:30-11:00 correcting tefi llin and place- held a tisch on Motzei Shabbos. ment, blackening and measuring retzuos, and advising on a (Photos courtesy of crownheights. myriad of other tefi llin issues. info.)

State Assemblyman Rory Lanc- man of Queens met with Jewish community activists this past week to discuss local concerns.

(L-R) Avigdor Cyperstein, exec- utive vice president of Chaver- im of Queens; Aaron Cyperstein, president of Jewish Community Council of Kew Gardens and Rich- mond Hill; Daniel Pollack, vice chair of Community Board 9; Rabbi Avrohom Hecht, director of Project Lead; and Rabbi Chaim Schwartz, executive vice president of Vaad Harabbonim of Queens.

Bachurim of Chofetz Chaim with Rav Ephraim Fifty Chai Lifeline girls and their counsel- Greenblatt. ors recently traveled to Woodmere for a Friends ‘n Fun weekend adventure. Page 32 THE JEWISH PRESS  Friday, February 3, 2012 Community Currents

On Sunday night, January 22, renowned lecturer and author Rabbi Moshe Over 800 volunteers, including Met Council staff, joined together on Jan- Meir Weiss spoke on “Dating and Marriage” at the Beth Gavriel Community uary 30 for UJA-Federation of ’s Super Sunday, raising more than Center. $750,000 for those in need in New York, , and around the world.

Manhattan Bor- ough President Scott Stringer recently vis- ited Far Rockaway and was hosted by Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder. The bor- ough president visit- ed Yeshiva Darchei and Bnos Bais Yaakov. Students at Darchei Torah’s Me- sivta Chaim Shlomo reviewed the Gema- ra they were studying that day with Stringer.

A new international Jewish organization, “The World Forum of Russian Jew- Leah Mond of Far Rockaway was the lucky winner of the $1,000 Cedar- ry,” was announced last week at the United Nations during a ceremony commem- hurst Shopping Spree, sponsored by the Cedarhurst BID. Her winning ticket orating International Holocaust Remembrance Day and the 70th anniversary of came from the Lulu’s Gallery of Gifts raffl e box. the Babi Yar massacres with the participation of nearly 600 American Russian- speaking and Holocaust survivors. The forum will act as a bridge between the , Russia and other countries, and hopes to infl uence their gov- ernments to fi ght against Iran.

(L-R) Lean Mond; Louise Kramer, owner of Lulu’s Gallery; Rachel Kupfer; Marjorie Ovadia; and Teri Schure. Friday, February 3, 2012 THE JEWISH PRESS  Page 33 Community Currents

Upcoming events… * * * ish Law and Contemporary Civilization (CJL) The National Council of Young Israel and the at Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law will pres- “Displaced Persons Camps: Rebuilding Culture Young Israel of New Hyde Park will present “Ad- ent their Annual Ivan Meyer Lecture in Jewish Law and Community in the Aftermath of World War II,” vocacy Training: Understanding the Mideast Con- on Wednesday, February 15, at 6 p.m. in the Jacob written and curated by survivor and historian Lillian fl ict and Responding to the 30-Second Sound Byte” on Burns Moot Court Room, 55 Fifth Avenue at 12th Gewirtzman is on display at the Holocaust Memori- Tuesday evening, February 7, at 7:30 p.m. at Young Street, . Dr. Hannah Kasher, the al and Tolerance Center of Nassau County. The Israel of New Hyde Park, 264-15 77th Avenue. Ivan Meyer Visiting Scholar in Comparative Jew- exhibit highlights the renaissance of Jewish cultural Participants will learn about the skills and strat- ish Law at Cardozo, will discuss “On Ultimate Pun- and community life which took place among the more egies needed to be effective advocates for Israel in ishment According to Jewish Philosophy: Between than one million survivors who were left essentially their schools, places of employment, and communi- R. Saadia Gaon and Moses Mendelssohn.” To regis- homeless after World War II. The center, located at ties. The program will focus on the education and ter online, visit 100 Crescent Beach Road, Glen Cove, is open daily training necessary to properly combat the wave of or call 212-790-0258. from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Sunday from 12 noon anti-Semitism that has resulted from the Arab-Is- to 4 p.m. For information and directions call 516- raeli confl ict. * * * 571-8040 ext. 100 or visit The program will be presented by Rabbi Bini Yachad National Chairman Aaron Kinderleher Maryles, associate executive director/senior direc- of New York and Rabbi Yehoshua Hoffman of Den- * * * tor, branch services, National Council of Young Is- ver will speak in Chicago on February 17-18 on “Why The Carlebach Shul will host its annual Tu rael, and Israel Advocacy Educator. Can’t We See Better?” – a highlight of Yachad’s North B’Shvat Seder on Tuesday, February 7, at 6:45 Advance registration is requested. For more in- American Inclusion Month (NAIM). p.m. Hosted by Rabbi Naftali Citron, the event will formation or to register, go to After Kabbalat Shabbat, Kinderleher will speak feature storytelling, socializing, songs, and spirit. A dp, call 212-929-1525 x100, or e-mail jsteinig@youn- at Congregation Sha’arei Tzedek Mishkan Yair light meal will be served, featuring festive platters in West Rogers Park, 2832 Touhy Avenue. Rabbi of 15 different types of fruits. Music will be led by Hoffman will speak at a private home on Friday Noah Solomon. For more information or to make res- * * * night as part of an Oneg Shabbat in West Rogers ervations, visit The Yeshiva University (YU) Center for Jew- Park. Shabbat morning, Kinderleher will speak at Bais Chaim Dovid (Bais Medrash of Lincoln- wood), 3460 West Devon. He will also speak at a The Shabbos of a Lifetime special seudat shlishit at Congregation Adas Ye- shurun, 3050 West Touhy Avenue. A melave mal- By Menachem Segal ka beginning at 9:00 p.m. will feature Rabbi Hoff- man at Congregation Or Torah, 3800 Dempster While kiruv is alive and well throughout North gerer every week.” Street in Skokie. America, , which has the largest popu- Another participant said the following: “I never For more information, contact 773-764-6353, or lation of unobservant Jews in the Western hemi- was exposed to the Sabbath before. It was incred- e-mail [email protected]. sphere, has been somewhat neglected. The Brook- ible. My fi rst time ever experiencing Shabbat. I so lyn Jewish Experience (BJX) led by Rabbi Yitzchok much want to be able to do it again.” * * * Fingerer is aiming to rectify this. The organiza- A third participant remarked: “We always go The Associated of Chicago’s tion is dedicated to inspiring, empowering, and ed- to McDonalds. After the Shabbaton, we were so Annual Teachers’ Educational Conference will take ucating less affi liated and unaffi liated Jews from inspired that we decided we had to eat in a Glatt place on Monday, February 20, at the ATT, 2828 W. Brooklyn, as well as tending to the needs of Jews Kosher restaurant.” Pratt Blvd., Chicago, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The con- from homes in need of chizuk or who are no After the Shabbaton, Rabbi Fingerer worked ference will feature many workshops for teachers of longer leading Torah-observant lifestyles. closely with the host families to ensure that the pre-nursery through 12th grade. In addition there will After conducting events for Chanukah, Purim relationship and bond they fostered with the stu- be special workshops for special education/resource and other holidays, Rabbi Fingerer felt it was time dents would fl ourish and grow. teachers and Gesher Hatorah teachers, as well as for students to experience a real Shabbos. It was Now the Brooklyn Jewish Experience faces the an administrative workshop entitled, “The Value of at a special BJX lecture with Dr. David J. Lieber- challenge of orchestrating more opportunities for Varying Views: Building Collaboration, Creativity, man on the subject of self-esteem and relation- students to experience other beautiful Shabbosos and Constant Improvement.” For further informa- ships where he mentioned to Moshe and Rivky and Yomim Tovim. tion, contact 773-973-2828. Caller the need to create a Shabbos for the students. They selected Parshas * * * Shemos and Agudas Yisrael Bais Bin- The Gourmet Glatt Bowl-A-Thon to benefi t Mad- yomin as the venue. raigos will take place on Tuesday, February 21, at Over 60 guests spent the weekend Woodmere Lanes. Each team will consist of six bowl- being inspired by an acapella Carlebach ers bowling two games, with the winning team re- davening led by Sruli Williger and his ceiving trophies. There will be food sponsored by Car- choir and enjoyed a beautiful meal and los and Gabby’s and a Redpin contest that will run great speakers, including Rabbi Leiff throughout the night. Prizes include sports mem- and Malcolm Hoenlein. Shabbos day orabilia items, electronics and tickets to sporting included an afternoon program and a events. For more information about event registra- melava malka kumzitz at the home of tion, sponsorships and raffl e tickets, visit www.mad- Mr. and Mrs. Zutler. or contact Rabbi Josh Zern at 516- Refl ecting on the Shabbaton, one 371-3250 ext. 5 or [email protected]. student said, “I gave up observing Shabbos nine years ago. This Shabba- ton was so inspirational and eye-open- Material for Community ing that I resolved to begin keeping Shabbos again next week. It was the Currents should be e-mailed to Shabbos of my life! I also just commit- ted to learning with Rabbi Moshe Fin- [email protected]