The Cougar Chronicle Issue I Wednesday Volume Xli January 23, 2013 California State University, San Marcos, Independent Student Newspaper

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The Cougar Chronicle Issue I Wednesday Volume Xli January 23, 2013 California State University, San Marcos, Independent Student Newspaper THE COUGAR CHRONICLE ISSUE I WEDNESDAY VOLUME XLI JANUARY 23, 2013 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SAN MARCOS, INDEPENDENT STUDENT NEWSPAPER FIND US ONLINE Friend us on Facebook starts now Follow us on Twitter Email us at: SPORTS Fro^^fettles ^to^cans and papçr tp plastic, CSUSM p^pares torccfyctetheir fc^Sft out for thirteenth annual Recyclemania competition. €ÎfjSir20, a ten-week competition Involving oypt "colleges and universities ^across 49* states and Pour Canadian Provenances kicked "off with MjpaW^ vmte réduction within theff ^^^^ çom^ munity. Each week all participating colleg- 3 - This issues Athlete Spotlight es, including CSUSM, will report the col- features CSUSM track and field lectedirtaterials and recycling amounts so < J| distance runner Bridgette Ste- gg _ that thé information can be tracked from vens. Read about her plans after the çpja^etition^tart to jinisli* v - a-;J graduation. m j ¡^HRR Fet>T2, the competition is in Pre-^S jPWSl seasoiËtrial, where the data is ttsed .it^P FEATURES estabîi% a schools starting pdftPand helffSet competition expectation. TTj^vj^ - ^first two week&dô not actually count towards the filial sc^jre but it does al- lo^c eaeft^hcbl to test their track- ing arrangements belfe%*th^actual jK jveigh-k^.,-^ _ it ; STFÀ« MCFÈ^EWTOIIA CÔNTINUEMN % É ' | 5 - CSUSM'sVSAR 301 students have been given the chance of a life time by being able to dis- play their work in the CSUSM gallery. Read when and where you can see their work before CSUSM continues to be a safe school it's taken down. Recognized as safest California four year university OPINION BY KRISTIN MELODY sideration frequency of crime on college campuses is also 6 - Gun control has been a hot CO EDITOR-IN-CHIEF and severity of each crime making its way in numbers," button issue the last few weeks. and are given in ratio of eve- the blog Read what our editing staff has CSU San Marcos was re- ry 1,000 students. CSUSM stated. to say on the issue and see if cently recognized by Sta- scored in the categories ag- In 2012, the violent crime you agree or disagree with our as the gravated assault, burglary, of CSUSM included 75 per- positions. safest California four-year larceny-theft, robbery and cent aggravated assault and university in 2012. This is vehicle theft. CSUSM did 25 percent robbery, accord- And the second year in a row that not score in arson, forcible ing to CSUSM has been named the rape or murder. statistics. The property crime We did a Facebook poll on the safest four year university. "Violent crime is on the reported was mostly larceny- issue of recent shootings and pulled rise; news reports of callous theft. school safety. See how CSUSM statistics from 450 of U.S. acts bombard the headlines CSUSM scored a safety voted. colleges and universities. every day, and while street score of 95.33 out of 100, The rankings took into con- crime is increasing, crime SAFE CONTINUED ON S. 7 - Have some down time this week, want a suggestion on what to watch on Netflix? Read this issue's "For your entertain- ment" for great films and TV shows out now. And 8 - The comic book corner is back and this issue it focus' on iZombie. Read about this comic and its growing popularity. OUR NEAT ISSUE February 6 News Editor: Melissa Martinez T C C W J 2 HE OUGAR HRONICLE, EDNESDAY, ANUARY 23,2013 NEWS : CémssGMjmm SAFE FROM 1. atmosphere is laid back...I Gov. Brown proposes new budget 1/23 Farmers Market a drop from the 2011 score hope that those new students 1 - 6 p.m., of 95.79. In 2012, CSUSM and those already here keep Parking Lot B ranked seventh place overall that mellow ambiance/' in support of CSU system Connect to youf food and in California university safe- CSUSM commuter student find out where it's coming from; ty, a drop from the fifth place Karla Reyes said. BY MELISSA MARTINEZ standing in 2011. The 2012 Jeanne Clery NEWS EDITOR come meet some San Diego CSUSM is also growing report showed that reported Farmers. You may find mor physically, with the Student total crimes had decreased Last fall, Governor Jerry information at www.sdfarmbu- Union and the Quad campus by 87 percent from 2009 to Brown gained the support of housing under construction. 2011. Yet, CSUSM has seen California State University The campus has also seen an a growth in total student pop- students with his new budget 1/24 Meet the Greeks increase of student popula- ulation from approximately proposals aimed at keep- 7 - 9 p.m., tion. 9,700 to 10,200 during that ing tuition from increasing. UVA & Quad Courtyard "I think overall our school- time. With the success of Prop. 30, Members of all 9 recognized some CSU students received fraternities and sororities will a reimbursement of $249, or be hanging out, playing games, RECYCLEMANIA FROM 1. while making recycling fun nine percent of what tuition and eating food down at both Since 2005, CSUSM had for everyone. was raised in fall 2012. the UVA and the Quad. Come claimed seven consecutive "RecycleMania's power With the start of the new and get to know Greeks on National Champion titles comes from the way it taps year, Gov. Brown released a personal level and ask any I before the loss last year. school spirit to motivate stu- his 2013-2014 proposal for questions you may have about CSUSM finished fourth Governor Jerry Brown addressing the budget. rushingl dents who may not react to the state budget, including # overall in 2012 with a recy- a traditional environmental $125.1 million in funding to- cling rate of 79.36 percent message," President of Re- wards the CSU system. Gov. Brown's support for of state funds into higher ed- 1/29 ASI Extravaganza! and missed the top spot to cycleMania Inc., Bill Rudy Gov. Brown stated that the CSU system is needed, ucation. The proposed budg- Noon -1 p.m., America University by fewer said in a press release. $10 million of the proposed since it has continuously lost et heads us in the right direc- Forum Plaza than 6 percent. On average, 91 million budget will benefit students financial support over the tion. It will allow the CSU to Who is ASI? What do we do? This annual competition pounds of organic materials for advancing through their last several years. Accord- address the unprecedented What does it stand for?Come allows the CSUSM students and recyclables are salvaged degree program without hav- ing to a press release of CSU demand for high quality edu- out for some awesome give and staff to actually establish across the 7.5 million student ing to deal with "bottleneck" Public Affairs, the-CSU has cation at our institutions, as aways, good music, and learn and maintain school spirit and staff. courses, which often causes lost more than 30 percent of well as areas of critical need. more about how ASI can help We still face many fiscal enrich your time at CSUSMI the students degree progress state funding. COUGAR ANNOUNCEMENTS to be extended longer than CSU Chancellor Timothy challenges and will continue 1/31 Student ORG Fair anticipated because they are P. White has stated, "We ap- efforts to operate efficiently Please be advised that for approximately eight weeks, be- waiting for a particular lower preciate the Governor's rec- and effectively, and seek out lla*m-lp.m.f library Plaza ginning Jan. 21, there will be intermittent weeknight closures division classes or prerequi- ognition that California will additional innovative ways on SR 78 between Nordahl and Twin Oaks Valley roads from site for their major. benefit from the investment to control costs." Come meet some of CSUSM's 11:30 p.m. to 5 a.m. as crews work to rehabilitate portions organizations during this annual of the SR 78 and finish constructing the eastbound auxiliary event. Members of the greek lanes. sororities and fraternities, Arts Motorists are urged to avoid the area if possible as traffic Association, Kinesiology Club,. delays at this location are expected. Heavy machinery will 01 l-G/il« French Club, College Republi- cause nighttime noise in the area. Signs will be in place to cans, American Indian Alliance direct motorists through detours. and many more are expected to We are entering an exciting time of growth at CSUSM. This (HOME OF YEAR-ROUND BUYBACKS) attend. is the time to be part of the change and help to build the future of YOUR campus! How can you do this? Apply to be part of 2/5 Tukwut leadership the 2013 Orientation Team! Orientation Team (O-Team) is iffllfll HOI Circle: Shannon Nolan a group of student volunteers who are trained to provide a Noon -12:50 p.m., welcoming experience for new students antHheir families at Uhall 373 Orientation. We need students who are interested in getting Off-Campus Books now This workshop is your oppor- involved at CSUSM and are willing to help our future cou- carries textbooks tunity to learn about the Tukwut gars make a seamless and wonderful transition to our campus Leadership Circle program and community this summer. for CSUSM! what you'll gain as a partici- Applications are now avalible both online and in the Stu- pant. About Shannon: Shannon dent Life and Leadership office in Craven 3400. We highly 1450 West Mission Road, Nolan organizes the Tukwut encourage interested students to attend an information ses- Leadership Circle (TLC) program sion.
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