Waelderhaus, the American Club, and Historic Homes Valued by Residents
PRSRT STD U.S.POSTAGE PAID The KOHLER, WI 53044 KKoohhlleerr PERMIT NO. 6 VillagerVillager219 Church St., Kohler, WI 53044 FREE Published Monthly In Kohler, WI 53044 October, 2006 Volume 2, Number 3 Waelderhaus, The American Club, and historic homes valued by residents By Kevin Struck, University of Wisconsin-Extension This is the third in a four-part series summarizing the results of the recently completed “Village of Kohler Smart Growth/Long Range Planning Citizen Input Survey.” Last month’s article covered ques- tions 12-26 on the survey, which dealt pri- marily with transportation, and community facilities and services. This article contin- ues with Question 27, which begins a new section on natural resources, followed by questions on economic development. Residents who wish to see complete, detailed survey results can obtain a copy of the tabulated survey from the Village Clerk’s office. Question 27 asked Is protection of woodlands, wetlands, and open spaces important? An overwhelming 86 percent of respondents answered “Yes.” When asked to identify priority areas for protection, many respondents mentioned the existing parks, the Arboretum, River Wildlife, and related areas. The next question was similar, but focused on “man-made” resources. Identify any cultural and historical resources in the Village of Kohler that are worthy of protection. Typical responses included the Waelderhaus, the American Club, the older homes in the Village, the band shell and Ravine Park, among others. Question 29 kicked off a lengthy section on economic development. As an econom- ic development strategy for Kohler, The American Club, Waelderhaus, Band shell in Ravine Park and historic houses were among the Village of Kohler’s cultural and his- which of the following would you prefer? torical resources identified by Village survey respondents as worthy of protection.
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