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Is Milk the Ultimate Superfood? (globalnews.ca)

Posted by BeauHD on Thursday May 24, 2018 @11:30PM from the marvels-of-science dept. An anonymous reader quotes a report from Global News: It may not be everyone's cup of milk, but for years now, some researchers believe milk, like cockroach milk, could be the next big dairy alternative. A report in 2016 found Pacific specifically created nutrient-filled milk crystals that could also benefit humans, the Hindustan Times reports. Others report producing cockroach milk isn't easy, either -- it takes 1,000 cockroaches to make 100 grams of milk, Inverse reports, and other options could include a cockroach milk pill. And although it has been two years since the study, some people are still hopeful. Insect milk, or entomilk, is already being used and consumed by Cape Town-based company Gourmet Grubb, IOL reports.

Jarrod Goldin, [president of Entomo Farms which launched in 2014], got interested in the insect market after the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation in 2013 announced people around the world were consuming more than 1,900 . As his brothers were already farming insects for fishing and reptile use, Goldin thought it would be a smart business opportunity to focus on food. Goldin adds studies have shown cricket powder can be a high source of protein and B12. The PC version his company produces has 13 grams of protein per every 2 1/2 tbsps. Toronto-based registered dietitian Andy De Santis says for protein alternatives, insects are definitely in the playing field. According to ScienceAlert, Diploptera punctate is the only known cockroach to give birth to live young and has been shown to pump out a type of "milk" containing protein crystals to feed its babies. "The fact that an insect produces milk is pretty fascinating -- but what fascinated researchers is the fact that a single one of these protein crystals contains more than three times the amount of energy found in an equivalent amount of buffalo milk (which is also higher in calories than regular cow's milk)."

Researchers are now working to replicate the crystals in the lab. They are working with yeast to produce the crystal in much larger quantities -- "making it slightly more efficient than extracting crystals from cockroach's guts," reports ScienceAlert. bug health science

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Is Cockroach Milk the Ultimate Superfood? 46 More | Reply Login Is Cockroach Milk the Ultimate Superfood?

Post Load All Comments S18e aFruchll 17416 A Cbbomremvieantetsd L1o1g H Iind/dCerneate an Account C/Soemaments Filter: AScllore: I5nsightful I4nformative I3nteresting F2unny 1The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. R0 e: (Score:3, Interesting) b-1y AHuxley ( 892839 ) B46o oMk oorfe L |e Rvietpiclyu sL, oDgeinuteronomy and other good books set out in easy to understand terms what is acceptable for h umans. ie But all other flying creeping things, which have four feet, shall be an abomination unto you. Nickname: RPea:s s(wScoorrde: :16-)1024 characters long by P Aunbolnicy mTeorums Cinoawl ard cockroach is insect and have six feets so is ok by jesus people bible book 1 hiLdodge Inn co mmFoerngott your password? Close CRleo:s (eScore:2) by Applehu Akbar ( 2968043 ) I've seen Temple of Doom. EVERYONE at that table was HINDU. I would rather have the chilled monkey brains. Wouldn't milking cockroaches be the ultimate labor-intensive job? I suppose we could make it a task for prisoners.

Re: (Score:2) by Oswald McWeany ( 2428506 ) I've seen Temple of Doom. EVERYONE at that table was HINDU. I would rather have the chilled monkey brains. Wouldn't milking cockroaches be the ultimate labor-intensive job? I suppose we could make it a task for prisoners. I imagine it's very hard to find their nipples.

Re: (Score:1) by michelcolman ( 1208008 ) The do indeed have six legs, but they also bear live offspring and feed them milk. Apart from them not being warm- blooded, that would almost make them mammals...

Re: (Score:3) by stealth_finger ( 1809752 ) The do indeed have six legs, but they also bear live offspring and feed them milk. Apart from them not being warm- blooded, that would almost make them mammals... They would almost be mammals were they not insects and completely different.

Re: (Score:2) by michelcolman ( 1208008 ) Well, dolphins are completely different from us as well, yet nobody has a problem calling them mammals instead of fish. It all depends on the definition. In fact, according to the Cambridge Dictionary [cambridge.org], these cockroaches are definitely mammals. "Mammal, noun, any of which the female feeds her young on milk from her own body. " The American English version lower on that same page, adds "gives birth to babies. not eggs", so I guess Americans don't consider a platypus to be a mammal, but are still perfectl

Re: (Score:2) by stealth_finger ( 1809752 ) Well, dolphins are completely different from us as well, yet nobody has a problem calling them mammals instead of fish. It all depends on the definition. In fact, according to the Cambridge Dictionary [cambridge.org], these cockroaches are definitely mammals. "Mammal, noun, any animal of which the female feeds her young on milk from her own body. " Yeah but follow it on, from the same site

animal noun something that lives and moves but is not a human, bird, fish, or insect:

So we're back to roaches not being mammals.

Re: (Score:1) by BeauHD (.) (349) ( 5423924 ) Get over it, powdered crickets are here to stay. Humans carbon footprints must be eliminated. By the end of this generation everybody will have an insect diet after they get over the psychological barriers.

-=BeauHD=- 1 hidden comment

Re: (Score:3) by Marlin Schwanke ( 3574769 ) Except for the the top .1%. They’ll continue to eat the rest of us for lunch just as they do now.

Re: (Score:2) by Joce640k ( 829181 ) How much would 1.5 pounds of roach guano sell for? And, yes the chest was discarded afterwards. Discarded after you bagged up the poop. Got it.

Re: Cockroach Milk (Score:2) by Type44Q ( 1233630 ) Humans carbon footprints must be eliminated. They'll be feeding powdered humans to crickets soon enough.

Re: (Score:2) by DivineKnight ( 3763507 ) I think there is a group of wealthy scientists somewhere which is playing with the human race. "Let's make them eat plants...no, insects! The really nasty ones!" "Let's get them to abandon nuclear technology, and be at the mercy of the elements (we will call it 'green' technology)!" "Let's get them to carry a radio beacon everywhere they go!" "Let's get them to post their intimate details online, and promise not to sell / misuse them!"

Re: (Score:2) by Marlin Schwanke ( 3574769 ) THEY’RE tapping the line. FTFY

Nipples (Score:5, Funny) by goombah99 ( 560566 ) on Friday May 25, 2018 @12:10AM (#56670828) You can milk anything with nipples other than robert De Niro Reply to This Parent Share twitter facebook linkedin Flag as Inappropriate

Re: (Score:2) by Oswald McWeany ( 2428506 ) You can milk anything with nipples other than robert De Niro Scientists are working on silicon breast implants for cockroaches; this will help people locate the nipples to milk.

Re: (Score:2) by Darinbob ( 1142669 ) This reduces the chafing.

THAT's the real story? (Score:2) by White Yeti ( 927387 ) The summary sounds like something Paula Poundstone would recite on "Wait wait... Don't tell me!"

Re: (Score:2) by Ol Olsoc ( 1175323 ) The summary sounds like something Paula Poundstone would recite on "Wait wait... Don't tell me!" I'll bet it is one of the articles they use on the guess the right story segment tomorrow.

› Betteridge Law: No (Score:2) by UnknownSoldier ( 67820 ) Also, this has a massive freaking stigma to overcome. 1 hidden comment

Re:Betteridge Law: No (Score:5, Funny) by goombah99 ( 560566 ) on Friday May 25, 2018 @12:44AM (#56670950) How many cockroaches are needed for a grande latte? One dustpan's worth. Reply to This Parent Share twitter facebook linkedin Flag as Inappropriate

Re: (Score:1) by Anonymous Coward I just don't see the point here. There's already a bunch of plant-based alternatives that don't involved roaches (rice, soy, almond, quinoa, coconut, ect.). I like dairy products (and meat and eggs), and I get why there's this push to find alternatives, but this is a solved problem. As far as I can tell, the real issue here is the idea that things just have to involve something non-vegan.

Milk not Milk. (Score:2) by thesupraman ( 179040 ) Milk in this context does NOT mean what you think it does. They are not talking about something for your decafe latte

Re: (Score:2, Funny) by Anonymous Coward Milk in this context does NOT mean what you think it does. They are not talking about something for your decafe latte At first glance it looked like you had written "defecate latte" -- which may not actually be that far off the mark if you use this "milk" with civet cat coffee to make a latte.

Re: (Score:2) by Joce640k ( 829181 ) Milk in this context does NOT mean what you think it does. They are not talking about something for your decafe latte Remember: People have been harvesting "jelly" from bees for ages now. (And selling it at a large markup, despite it doing absolutely nothing)

Not milk (Score:2) by sjbe ( 173966 ) Milk in this context does NOT mean what you think it does. Unless they are talking about secretions from the mammary gland of a mammal then they are not talking about milk so I don't know where you are going with this argument. They are not talking about something for your decafe latte No shit...

Re: (Score:2) by Oswald McWeany ( 2428506 ) Milk in this context does NOT mean what you think it does. They are not talking about something for your decafe latte Unless you get your coffee from McDonalds... and then it is what they're talking about.

Re:Betteridge Law: No (Score:4, Insightful) by Joce640k ( 829181 ) on Friday May 25, 2018 @05:54AM (#56671698) Homepage I just don't see the point here. There's already a bunch of plant-based alternatives that don't involved roaches (rice, soy, almond, quinoa, coconut, ect.). The point is this: There's no such thing as a superfood. It's 100% pure unadulterated marketing wank made up by scammers as a way to extract money from holistic idiots. Somebody out there is hoping "Cockroach milk" is the new "Royal Jelly". That's all this is. Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org] Reply to This Parent Share twitter facebook linkedin Flag as Inappropriate

Re:Betteridge Law: No (Score:4, Insightful) by ShanghaiBill ( 739463 ) on Friday May 25, 2018 @01:50AM (#56671140) Also, this has a massive freaking stigma to overcome. Perhaps in America, but in many other countries insects are commonly eaten. Eating a grub is no different than eating a shrimp. Reply to This Parent Share twitter facebook linkedin Flag as Inappropriate

Re: (Score:2, Informative) by Anonymous Coward Or crab or lobster. They are just insects of the sea.

Re: (Score:2) by dargaud ( 518470 ) Well, technically of the sea... But you are correct.

Re: Betteridge Law: No (Score:3) by c6gunner ( 950153 ) "Many other countries" being, like, 5.

Re: (Score:2) by dargaud ( 518470 ) It's not like they are gonna tell you overtly. Look at the way hamburger 'meat' in America contains on average 5 to 7% beef ONLY nowadays, depending on brand. The rest is many things, including insects ALREADY. It's hidden under some code like 'animal protein' or E210 or somesuch.

Re: Betteridge Law: No (Score:3) by c6gunner ( 950153 ) Look at the way hamburger 'meat' in America contains on average 5 to 7% beef ONLY nowadays, depending on brand. Nonsense. Unless you're buying your meat from the rebels living in the sewers of San Angeles, this isn't even remotely true.

Re: Betteridge Law: No (Score:5, Informative) by ShanghaiBill ( 739463 ) on Friday May 25, 2018 @01:57AM (#56671152) Bugs are only eaten in cultures which have no other dietary options. I am not so sure about that. I have mostly seen insects eaten as a delicacy or a special treat. Like honeypot ants for dessert, or a bowl of delicious fried crickets as an after dinner snack. Reply to This Parent Share twitter facebook linkedin Flag as Inappropriate

Re: (Score:2) by Applehu Akbar ( 2968043 ) You are a fucking chink. you steal, lie, cheat, steal ideas, steal intellectual property Today's new cold war is between a country that really, really wants to build stuff and a country that wants to assert intellectual property rights even over inventions it will not exploit, and have those rights extended until the heat death of the universe.

Re: (Score:3) by Joce640k ( 829181 ) The stigma is there for good reason. Bugs are only eaten in cultures which have no other dietary options. Nope. Most people eat them because they like them. They're certainly crunchier, tastier and a lot healthier than those Cheetos you're busy stuffing right now.

Re:Important tech questions (Score:4, Funny) by stealth_finger ( 1809752 ) on Friday May 25, 2018 @06:15AM (#56671748) The PC version his company produces has 13 grams of protein per every 2 1/2 tbsps. But what about the Mac version?? About the same but it costs twice as much. Reply to This Parent Share twitter facebook linkedin Flag as Inappropriate

You don't need superfoods. (Score:5, Insightful) by RyanFenton ( 230700 ) on Thursday May 24, 2018 @11:57PM (#56670782) According to every metastudy I've ever seen on the subject, while nutrition is important - as long as you're getting a minimum of basic staple foods, and not too much of some things - then you're generally at optimal diet. Bodies cope with what they get, as long as they start off healthy. Get some organ damage, and yeah - low sodium diet becomes important. The body just gets stupid when it gets too much and runs out of place for something, like fat soluble vitamins or metals, and for some folks, sugars. "Super foods" are a nice concept - but they almost never have a payoff worth the cost. The closest to a decent return are the simpler ones - oats, veggies, fruits, berries (take your pick) - but the fashionable over-specific ones tend to be single-study hype train events. Other effects end up largely negligible when looked into - for instance diet-based anti-oxidents don't tend to translate to preventing cell damage to a very large extent, other than taking the place of other foods. Seeking general happiness and quality of life are "healthier" than trying to pick the perfect food. But, I suppose if eating cockroach extract makes you happy - then cool for you. Just... mention what it is to folks BEFORE you offer it to anyone. And don't don't be terribly offended if people roll their eyes or just walk away when you explain that it is "cruelty free cockroach milk." Ryan Fenton Reply to This Share twitter facebook linkedin Flag as Inappropriate

Re: (Score:2) by gweihir ( 88907 ) Indeed. I would go so far that the whole idea of a "superfood" is a marketing construct that does not make much sense and is actually pretty stupid.

Re: (Score:2) by No Longer an AC ( 4611353 ) I hate roaches. They might convince me if the roach milk isn't "cruelty free".

No thanks (Score:2) by TimMD909 ( 260285 ) Sounds harder than getting titanite slabs in Dark Souls to level all your armor... No thanks.

Re: Technicality (Score:1) by Anonymous Coward Sounds like Trump has a new job once his term is up.

Love the opening line (Score:2) by LynnwoodRooster ( 966895 ) It may not be everyone's cup of milk Is it ANYONE'S cup of milk? And how the heck do you milk a cockroach?

Re: (Score:3) by sdinfoserv ( 1793266 ) you can milk anything with nipples... now find them..

Re: (Score:1) by Daralantan ( 5305713 ) I was going to quote that line from the article and only comment "Cease."

The hardest part of milking a cockroach (Score:1) by Anonymous Coward is getting the bucket to fit under them.

Re: (Score:1) by hypertex ( 165243 ) Precursor to the Buggalo?

Seriously.... (Score:3) by sdinfoserv ( 1793266 ) on Friday May 25, 2018 @12:08AM (#56670818) Homepage Someone, get the weed away from the Indian scientists... Dudes, I mean,,, it's a COCKROACH!!! They must be in serious need of some pork rinds for munchies. Reply to This Share twitter facebook linkedin Flag as Inappropriate

Re: (Score:1) by thegarbz ( 1787294 ) They must be in serious need of some pork rinds Would that be the vegetarian Hindu Indians or the Muslim Indians who are in need of pork? :-) By the way pork tastes gross, eat beef instead.

Re: Seriously.... (Score:4, Interesting) by c6gunner ( 950153 ) on Friday May 25, 2018 @05:22AM (#56671630) By the way pork tastes gross, eat beef instead. If you think bacon tastes gross your biology has horribly failed you. Reply to This Parent Share twitter facebook linkedin Flag as Inappropriate

Re: (Score:2) by thegarbz ( 1787294 ) Bacon is delicious. You just can't get any in America. You guys eat the crap we cut off and feed to the dog. https://www.resetera.com/threa... [resetera.com] :-)

Trying to figure out the point (Score:5, Interesting) by erice ( 13380 ) on Friday May 25, 2018 @12:11AM (#56670836) Homepage So, we have a "food" produced by insects that humans have not consumed until now. Since humans have never eaten it before, it may or may not be fully suitable for human needs. It does, however, have a high concentration of some specific nutrients that humans need. But actually harvesting the food from insects is difficult so they want to engineer yeast to produce it. So, if you need to create an artificial "bio factory" to create the substance, why not skip the cockroach step and engineer the yeast to produce a substance that either we know is useful for humans because humans already eat it, or a substance designed to be useful to humans? Or is genetic engineering just not that sophisticated yet and the best we can do is cut and paste a DNA sequence from cockroaches and hope it does it the same thing in yeast? Reply to This Share twitter facebook linkedin Flag as Inappropriate

Re:Trying to figure out the point (Score:4, Insightful) by thesupraman ( 179040 ) on Friday May 25, 2018 @12:21AM (#56670866) Because such a direct route to an outcome doesnt extract the maximum amount of research funds? That is usually the reason behind such things. Reply to This Parent Share twitter facebook linkedin Flag as Inappropriate

Re: (Score:2) by dargaud ( 518470 ) I already grow a yeast to produce a superfood in my kitchen: it's called beer and is awesome when homebrewed.

The labour costs would be daunting (Score:5, Funny) by hyades1 ( 1149581 ) on Friday May 25, 2018 @12:24AM (#56670874) Can you imagine trying to get between their back legs to milk them? And for sure you'd keep losing the bucket. Reply to This Share twitter facebook linkedin Flag as Inappropriate

Normal is as normal does (Score:3) by AlanObject ( 3603453 ) on Friday May 25, 2018 @12:28AM (#56670894) Last few times I was in Asia I noted more and more street stalls selling bugs prepared various different ways. I am sure it is healthy but I am a long way from trying it. If I were introducing such a product for state-side consumption I wouldn't present the whole animal like they do. It would have to be processed some way so as to emulate either a protein shake or maybe a cracker sandwich. Given the economics I wouldn't be surprised to see such things here in the not too distant future. Reply to This Share twitter facebook linkedin Flag as Inappropriate

Re: (Score:2) by blackpaw ( 240313 ) There was a classic Judge Dredd comic (2000AD) where they did exactly that :)

New engineering opportunity! (Score:4, Funny) by pslytely psycho ( 1699190 ) on Friday May 25, 2018 @12:30AM (#56670904) Journal Heading to the patent office to get a jump on the itsy-bitsy teeny-weenie milking machines that will be required by the trillions on the industrial scale cockroach farms...... Reply to This Share twitter facebook linkedin Flag as Inappropriate

Superfood? (Score:4, Interesting) by jetkust ( 596906 ) on Friday May 25, 2018 @12:31AM (#56670914) The problem with superfoods is that you can get the same "effect" by eating OHTER foods that you may actually enjoy. And even then, it's likely still just in your head. Reply to This Share twitter facebook linkedin Flag as Inappropriate

On the udder hand (Score:5, Funny) by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) on Friday May 25, 2018 @12:45AM (#56670954) Journal Well, at least this article got me thinking about cockroach tiddies, which is a first. Reply to This Share twitter facebook linkedin Flag as Inappropriate

Re: (Score:2) by dargaud ( 518470 ) Rule 34 ?

Is cockroach milk a superfood? (Score:2) by roc97007 ( 608802 ) Who cares?

I Want to be Synthesized (Score:2) by mentil ( 1748130 ) If these milk crystals can be synthesized, then I could see them used in protein bars or something, otherwise it sounds like harvesting them would be too expensive. Also, anyone remember how ~15 years ago, the hype was that Ostrich meat was going to be the next big thing that everyone would eat breakfast, lunch, AND dinner? I tried an ostrich burger and it was ok, but then I never heard about/saw them since.

Say what you will about veganism.. (Score:5, Interesting) by Vegan Cyclist ( 1650427 ) on Friday May 25, 2018 @01:35AM (#56671104) Homepage ...but let's be reasonable: are there really very many people who would rather drink cockroach milk over milk made from soy, rice, almonds, cashews, etc..? Same with all these new insect 'energy bars' I'm finding. The idea is sustainability. Which I'm all for. But again: are there really a lot of people who'd rather eat insects than plants? Is this just a gimmick/fad, or is there a burgeoning population dying to eat this stuff? Reply to This Share twitter facebook linkedin Flag as Inappropriate

i can already imagine the name (Score:1) by Anonymous Coward ... cockmilk?

alternative ? (Score:1) by geekymachoman ( 1261484 ) This is the stupidest thing I read this month.

"Others report producing cockroach milk isn't easy, either" So why do it ? We already have milk, and it's good enough... easy to to produce. Cows don't mind either.

"researchers believe insect milk, like cockroach milk, could be the next big dairy alternative" Uh...no. These researchers are either trolling or are insane. Next BIG dairy alternative, really ?

Soooo wroooonggg (Score:5, Funny) by MrKaos ( 858439 ) on Friday May 25, 2018 @02:46AM (#56671272) Journal List of objections: 1. No 2. Cockroaches don't have babies 3. No 4. Cows a kind of cute and make great jackets 5. No 6. Cockroaches are gross 7. No No No NO Reply to This Share twitter facebook linkedin Flag as Inappropriate

Yeano. (Score:2) by Hallux-F-Sinister ( 5127197 ) Just like I said when they suggested we should all eat chocolate covered locusts. You first. And second. Etc.

Disney what have you done to me? (Score:2) by bursch-X ( 458146 ) Why do I see Luke Skywalker wiping green milk off his lips, when reading this posts title?

Butter bugs ? (Score:2) by Milvuss ( 1417689 ) Reminds me strongly of the butter bugs from Vorkosigan saga. The ick factor was also quite high until they genetically redesigned the insects to look less like cockroaches. Truth in fiction ?

Breeding cockroaches (Score:2) by jlar ( 584848 ) Now we just need a way to breed or engineer cockroaches into a practical size for milking. Maybe a healthy dose of radiation will do: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org] Just make sure not to overdo the radiation part...

Re: (Score:2) by Whibla ( 210729 ) Now we just need a way to breed or engineer cockroaches into a practical size for milking. Maybe a healthy dose of radiation will do: Just make sure not to overdo the radiation part... Indeed. Or brush up on your knowledge of Proust [wikipedia.org]. That's The Trouble with Cockroaches...

But, - byproducts? (Score:1) by Wizardess ( 888790 ) Do they produce methane, the greenhouse gas? {o.o}

Re: (Score:2) by Virtucon ( 127420 ) As opposed to CO2 that we produce? Yeah, are we better than a cockroach?

Nope, I am out. (Score:1) by Stomper_Stoddard ( 930896 ) Nope, I don't care how good it is or if its super nutritional, I am not drinking cockroach milk or eating anything made with cockroach milk. I don't care how much you sterilize it, I don't care how much you process it. There is absolutely nothing anyone can say to me that would convince me this is anything but gross.

I personally think this idea was not come up with by scientists, I think this was a bet between two marketing assholes to see who could convince stupid people to do stupid things.

Are we running out of normal food now? (Score:2) by eggstasy ( 458692 ) What's the point of this shit? Obesity is a larger problem than starvation these days. Africa has come a long way since those perpetually viral pictures of starving kids were taken, 30 to 40 years ago.

Emergency supply (Score:2) by stealth_finger ( 1809752 ) Dog's milk, full of goodness, full of vitamins, full of marrowbone jelly. Plus the advantage is it taste exactly the same when it goes off as when its fresh and it lasts longer than any other kind of milk (because no bugger'll drink it)

It's not milk unless it came out of a mammal (Score:2) by sjbe ( 173966 ) It may not be everyone's cup of milk, but for years now, some researchers believe insect milk, like cockroach milk Any substance that did not come from the mammary gland of a mammal is by definition not milk [wikipedia.org]. If it is derived from plants or nuts it is JUICE. This includes soy "milk", almond "milk" and all the other forms of juice that asshat marketing people keep trying to claim are milk instead of juice. If it comes from insects I have no idea what that is but it is NOT milk.

enough with this insect bs already! (Score:2) by sad_ ( 7868 ) if you want to eat bugs, fine, go ahead, just don't try to force that upon everybody (really, these insect eating people are getting worse then those vegans). protiens can also be had from other things, which are not bugs! i rather eat no meat at all then to replace it with insectburgers. tried it once, it's not for me, never again.

Mosquitoes, 1 million B.C. (Score:2) by Gabest ( 852807 ) Human Blood the Ultimate Superfood? Also, I will never eat or drink anything from Cape Town.

I'll stick with my Soylent Green! (Score:2) by turp182 ( 1020263 ) At least it's not bugs.

How about water? (Score:2) by Subm ( 79417 ) For hundreds of thousands of years, homo sapiens drank only mother's milk and water. Suddenly we need alternatives? We don't need milk alternatives to breast milk for babies or water for adults. If you want to go around eating or milking cockroaches because you enjoy it, knock yourself out, but don't act like it solves some problem that just drinking water and eating food don't.

Just wait for a moment (Score:2) by hcs_$reboot ( 1536101 ) Let's wait for monsanto and the like to change a few genes ; when the cockroaches reach the size of a cow, it will look way more appetizing.

Heh (Score:1) by Ferretman ( 224859 ) No.


Re: (Score:2) by khandom08 ( 1319863 ) More like cum from a syphilitic despot's spigot.

Re: (Score:2) by khandom08 ( 1319863 ) May you all feed well.

Re: (Score:1) by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) When you drink it, you become a narcissistic egomaniac that fails at everything he does but reframes it as a success every time! Why do you libs have to make everything about the President?

Re: (Score:2) by cold fjord ( 826450 ) Force of habit and Obana's continuing cult of personality.

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