KCAL Jsavol3 1982 Back Mat
INDEX Abambo: see Mbo Peoples; Mkhize Arms: Abaqulusi: see Qulusi assegais: 212, 317, 326 Abataka:f;i: see Supernatural firearms: 23, 35, 37, 57, 58, (wntha.kathi) 149, 257, 258, 292, 296-7, Abesutu: see Sotho Peoples 303, 305, 310, 318, 326, 328 Abstention s: see Avoidances and shields: 105, 318-19, 326 Prohibitions Armstrong, G. W. : 119 Afrikaners: 23, 38 Asians: 29, 156, 259 African attitudes and Assegais: see Arms reactions t o: 155 Avoidances and Prohibitions: 63, Africans in service of: 27 130, 144, 154, 161, 170, 218, 'apprentices' and slaves: 227 228, 246, 247, 285, 298, 302- attitudes to Africans: 28, 288 3, 324, 325, 326 control of Africans: 28 [See also Food and Drink (avoid Voortrek.kers: 7, 28 , 122, 129 ances and pro hi bitions); 149, 257-8 ukuHlon.ipha..; Marriage (pro Zulu kingdom, relations with: hibitions ) ; Sexual Relations 28, 106, 146, 201, 205-6 (avoidances and prohibitions); [See also Port Natal Settle Warfare (preparations for; ment, 1824-42] rituals and practices after Agriculture: 148, ·162, 167, 225, fighting)] 228 , 302, 315, 324-5, 326 beans: 325 Baca: see Bhaca conabele: 148, 153, 297, 309, Bacela: see Bbacela 310, 325 Bacwali: 14, 19, 20, 42 imfe reed: 325 Badlu: see Bhadlu gourds: 325 Baleni: 14, 15 groundnuts: 325 Bambata: see Bhambatha maize: 148, 228, 259, 325 Bangiz.we: 19- 20 marrows: 225 Barker, F.W.: 235 melons: 325 Basuto: see Sotho Peoples unyaluthi millet: 325 Bathabile~ 103, 104 uprioko millet: 325 Bathengi, J.: 128 pumpkins: 302, 325 Bathonyile: 103, 105, 232 tubers: 325 Bayeni: 109 Amadhloz.i:
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