“. . . Georgia on My Mind”
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Turner Times Vol.13, Issue 2 Website: www.ussturner.org APRIL, 2009 Update on website address: You can now use either www.ussturner.org or www.ussturner834.org to get to the turner website. “. Georgia on my Mind” By Mike Mania ’53-’54 The remainder of the afternoon and dinary gift and retail shops, choice evening will be your free time. restaurants, and the ART Center, a “. Still in peaceful dreams I see, true community of working artists. “Georgia, Georgia, the whole day the road leads back to you. .” And Once again, you are free to spend the through. .” That song has implanted you will want to take the road back afternoon and evening as you choose. itself in the forefront of my mind to Savannah, Georgia in the future Thursday, the last day of the reun- lately, keeping me focused on the after you take the second TURNER ion, will feature the business meeting state of Georgia, with Savannah be- tour through the city and surround- in the a.m. followed by free time un- ing the focal point of my thoughts. ing areas. til 5:30 p.m. when at such time, pic- Why? Because that is the city hosting This tour consists of a guided trol- ture taking for the TURNER Memory the EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL ley bus ride through one of the larg- Book will begin. At 6:00 p.m., the TURNER REUNION! And what a est National Historic Landmark cash bar will open, (walk please, no reunion it will be. Without a doubt, it Districts in the United States. It running, shoving or kicking) fol- will be as great as any proceeding boasts of a living assemblage of lowed at 7:30 by the banquet and en- reunions put together by our fantastic eighteen and nineteen century his- tertainment. reunion committee. So sit back, relax toric quaint cottages, magnificent The next day will be given over to and read about the fun time you are mansions and beautiful ornate iron- melancholic farewells and an un- going to experience this year in a city work done by long time departed wanted exodus away from old friends replete with copious amounts of talented journeymen ironsmiths. and new friendships just recently some of the finest historic homes, You will see charming squares and made. However, the positive side is museums and historic sites in the ancient cobblestone streets which that we will be taking home so many Southeast. are representative of more than two more wonderful reunion memories to To start, the committee has ar- hundred and fifty years of proud add to the ones we already have ranged a wonderful tour to the history. stored in our memory banks. They MIGHTY EIGHTH AIR FORCE When you arrive on the scenic will never be forgotten. HERITAGE MUSEUM. This hal- waterfront, you will soon find your- As you may have noticed, those of us lowed World War Two repository self on the cobblestone Factors who will be attending this reunion houses classic assorted aircraft, arti- Walk and River Street. Here you will be experiencing an unusually facts and amazing harrowing stories will see shops, taverns, restaurants large mount of free time in compari- of men flying dangerous missions to and museums which have been con- son to other reunions. This is due in preserve the freedoms we now enjoy. verted from old cotton warehouses. large part to the sagging economy There are also countless photos to A tour through either a museum or forcing a rapid and stunning rise in prove the validity of the narrations one of the historic homes is part of the cost of many of the tours. How- you will hear. It will be special and the agenda for this tour. ever, there is an upside to this. something not soon forgotten. Re- There will be a break for lunch on member, this is not only a part of the your own and shopping at the City MIGHTY EIGHTH AIR FORCE’S Market, which is a four block resto- heritage, but yours and mine as well. ration area and consists of extraor- Continued on Page 3 1 Turner Times Ship’s FROM THE OF THE PREZ Store Hello Shipmates, Navy Chief The old crusty Chief Petty Officer Turn Around. Turn Around. You The following items can be ordered noticed a new lookout one day and probably remember that old saying from Carl Ackerman, 7436 Daisy barked at him to get over here. meaning where has the time gone? Cir., Macungie, PA 18062, Ph: (610) It seems to me that I have just left 398-0145. All items are postpaid. 'What's your name?' was the first our Reunion in St. Louis, Missouri, I Please make checks payable to Carl thing the Chief asked the new guy. turned around and here I am, writing L. Ackerman. to you about our next Turner Reun- 'John', the new guy replied. ►Up-to-date rosters — $5. ion in Savannah, Georgia! This will be our second reunion in The Chief scowled, 'Look, I don't ►Turner baseball caps embroidered Savannah. Many of you will remem- know what kind of bleeding-heart, with Turner logo — $18. ber the first one which was held on liberal, pansy-ass stuff they're teach- September 12-16, 2001. Of course, ing Sailors in boot camp today, but I ►Mesh polo shirts embroidered with that was one day after the tragic ter- don't call anyone by their first name. Turner logo. Colors: Red, White or rorist attacks on NYC and Washing- Navy Blue. Sizes M to XXL. All It breeds familiarity and that leads to ton, DC. In sorrow we came to- sizes come with a pocket — $45. a breakdown in authority. I refer to gether. We had 142 shipmates and Sizes 2XL to 3XL — $50. my Sailors by their last name only- one guest pre-registered for the reun- Smith, Jones, Baker-that's all. I am to ion. All air traffic was grounded and ►Sweat Shirts embroidered with be referred to only as Chief. Do I those who were able drove to Savan- Turner logo. Colors: Navy Blue or make myself clear?' nah to be with their Military Family. Gray. Sizes M to XXL — $50. Sizes 2XL to 3XL — $55. We had a total of 111 shipmates and 'Aye, aye, Chief!' guests attending. Remarkable! ►DVD of 1961 Med Cruise photos It is my hope that we can surpass 'Good! Now that we got that straight, — $10. that number this year. So, let’s all what is your last name?' try. The schedule has changed ►Diaries/appointment book (year– slightly. Hopefully, this will be an The new guy sighed and said, 2009)— $4 encouragement to some. We will 'Darling. My name is John Darling, begin with our Buffet Dinner on ►Denim Shirts: Short sleeve, light Chief!' Monday, September 14, 2009. On blue with dark blue Turner Logo. Tuesday we will visit the Mighty Sizes M to XXL — $50. Sizes 2XL 'Okay.... .. John, here's what I want Eighth Air Force Museum. On to 3XL—$55. you to do...' Wednesday we will enjoy a city tour ►Ship's patches: Both the Tiger and of Savannah and on Thursday, Sep- From: [email protected] Double Eagle, 4" round with color tember 17 we will once again enjoy Subject: William Barnwell embroidery. Also official Navy an evening together at our Banquet. Looking for William Barnwell patch just like on the ball caps. Blue/ Friday, September 18 will be fare- MM2 who I served with on the gold lettering of "USS Turner DD/ well again. Turner from 1964-1966. If you DDR 834" around gray destroyer Once again, I thank all my fellow know, please email me! profile. 3"H x 5"W. Cost is $5 per officers who keep things running all patch. year. As you know, my term as your President will be ending and I will be Desk Clock a great gift ! ►USS Turner History Plaques— turning the Presidency over to Roy wood and plastic - 8”x10” — $30 Turcotte for the next two years. I ►Turner Desk Clock- Mahogany have appreciated the honor of serv- simulated wood finish 4.5"X ing as your President and will con- 5.5". Quartz clock movement. Laser tinue to help in any way I can. etched brass plate w/ USS Turner history opposite clock I am hoping to see you all in Sa- face. Gold USS Turner name im- vannah, September 14-18, 2009. printed below clock. See clock Bernie Sciarpelletti photo bottom of column 3. — $55 2 Turner Times teries and to get the names and loca- Continued from Page 1 Hirohito of Japan. I told him that I “...Georgia on my Mind” tions of the forts, historic houses and museums, I suggest you call up this was Executive Officer of the USS With very little effort, you can put Savannah link on your computer: LANG (DD-399) which had sunk together your own package of mini http://www.savanah.com. Then click three of his destroyers in the night tours very easily once you arrive in on any of the appropriate links. It’s action of Vella Gulf in August 1943. the city. Savannah and the surround- so easy. Just do it. Let’s make this I was now coming back in a new Ra- ing area is a tourist’s sightseeing Savannah reunion one of the very dar Picket Destroyer to sink more of paradise. It offers a broad range of best despite the shape of the econ- his ships, shoot down his planes, and sightseeing options including some omy.