
Taylor & Francis Style Sheet

Journal title and Ethology Ecology & Evolution (TEEE) Manuscripts are accepted in English Formatting requirements Manuscripts must contain: Title (including Title, Authors, Affiliations, Corresponding author, Highlights, Abstract, Keywords and Running head), Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References, Tables (with captions), Figures, Figure captions, Appendices (as appropriate) Title Bold, of first word and proper nouns in caps only Authors JOHN AUTHOR1,*, JOHN C. AUTHOR1,2 and THOMAS F.G. AUTHOR3 [small caps except for initial letters; *for corresponding author; no superscript number if the same affiliation for all authors] Affiliations 1Department, University, Address, City Postal code, Country 2Department, University, Address, City Postal code, Country [new line for each affiliation, only if different from the previous one; in italic except for superscript affiliation number] Highlights 2-4 highlights (maximum 150 letters, including spaces) describing the more relevant results and conclusions of the paper Abstract Without heading; 300 words maximum Keywords KEY WORDS (in small caps): 5-8 keywords separated by comma, no initial caps (except for proper nouns), genus and species names in italic, ends with full stop. Correspondence details *Corresponding author: Name, Complete postal address (E-mail: [email protected]). [Only one author; name with full forename; postal address preferably in original language] Running head 55 letters maximum, including spaces Headings INTRODUCTION (; centre aligned)

Headings of (in italic; left aligned) Headings of subparagraph. (in italic; left aligned; end with full stop and text on the same line) e.g.: Paragraph title Text of the paragraph....

Paragraph title Sub-paragraph title. Text of the sub-paragraph ...... All indented (even first paragraph after headings) Tables Table 1. Caption on line below; both centred above table.

(Table 1), (Tables 1-2), (Tables 1-3) in text

Information Classification: General

Tables must be cited consecutively in the text and numbered with Arabic numerals. Notes are ranged left under table. Figures Fig. 1. ― Caption initial cap only; left aligned under figure.

(Fig. 1), (Figs 1-2), (Figs 1-3), (Fig. 1A), (Fig. 1A-B), (Fig. 1A-C) in text

Figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order in which they appear in the manuscript. In multi-part figures, each part should be labelled with capital letters. Figures should be saved separate to text. Please, be sure that all imported scanned material is scanned at the appropriate resolution: 1200 dpi for line art, 600 dpi for grayscale and 300 dpi for colour. Acknowledgements ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS [heading all caps, centre aligned; at end of article, before REFERENCES] Funding FUNDING This work was supported by the [Funding Agency 1] under Grant [number xxxx]; [Funding Agency 2] under Grant [number xxxx]; and [Funding Agency 3] under Grant [number xxxx].

[heading all caps, centre aligned; after acknowledgements] Order of the endmatter [insert between Acknowledgements and References]: DISCLOSURE STATEMENT FUNDING ETHICAL STANDARD AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION ORCID SUPPLEMENTAL DATA DATA ACCESSIBILITY Appendix [after References]: APPENDIX I (heading all caps, centre aligned) Spelling and UK or US English. preferences Use italics only for genus, species and subspecies names. Abbreviations do not have full points between them (e.g. US, PC). For names of article authors and in references, no space between . Space between numbers and mathematical symbols (e.g. 23 + 15 = 38) and between value and units of measurement (e.g. 50 km, 3 sec, 24 °C). No space between number and percentage symbol (e.g. 20%). Numbers and units Spell out one to nine (except for measurements), then 10, 100, 10,000 (except at the beginning of a sentence). Decimals should not be naked [e.g. 0.5 (not .5)] Weights and measures follow the International System of Units (SI) P for probability df for degree of freedom SE for standard error SD for standard deviation

Information Classification: General no. for number ca for circa vs for versus asl for above sea level hr for both hour and hours min for minute/s sec for second/s L for litres Dates 1 January 2010 in the 21st century in the 1990s Contents page None Reference style in the Reference citations consist of the surname of the author/authors and the text year of publication of the document (enclosed in parentheses). There is no punctuation between name and year.

Within the same parentheses give in-text references in chronological order, separated by semicolons; for references in the same year sequence them in alphabetical order. If there is more than one reference for the same author/authors, sequence them after the surname separated by commas. When two authors: give the surnames separated by “&” if in parentheses or “and” in running text. When three or more authors: give the first author’s surname followed by “et al.” (not in italic). e.g. (Smith 2012) or Smith (2012) (Smith & Brown 2015) or Smith and Brown (2015) (Smith 2012; Brown et al. 2014) (Smith 2012, 2015; Brown 2014)

Two or more references by the same author (for papers by one or more than two authors) or by the same first and second authors (for papers by two authors) with the same year of publication should be designated by lowercase letters after the year (without space). e.g. (Smith et al. 2000a, 2000b)

When the authors of two works published in the same year have the same surname but different first name, include their initials in the in-text references and separate the two in text references by a semicolon. e.g. (Smith A 2011; Smith G 2011)

References to personal communications are cited only in the text e.g. (A.B. Smith personal communication) (C. Brown unpublished data)

With a quotation: “quoted text” (Smith 2012, p. 1)

Information Classification: General If organization as author, use an acronym of the organization followed by the publication’s year: (NIMH 2012) Reference list style List the references to sources that have been cited within the text, including those found in tables and figures, under the REFERENCES heading.

Place references in alphabetical order by the first author’s surname and then by the beginning letters of any following surnames. If two first authors have the same surname, follow the alphabetical order for the forename’s initial. If there are several items with the same first author, alone or with co- authors, present items by a single author before items with co-authors. In such a grouping, give the multi-author publications in alphabetical order by the second author’s surname, regardless of the number of authors. Order references by the same author/authors by year in ascending order. e.g. Brown A, Jones C. 2012...... Brown A, Jones C. 2014...... Brown G. 2008...... Jones C, Brown A. 2011...... Jones C, Smith G. 2008. ....

When 12 or more authors, list the first 10 followed by a comma and et al. e.g. Jones C, Smith AB, Brown A, Jones FC, Williams S, Taylor C, Taylor F, Evans B, Johnson C, Davies A, et al. 2011.

Two or more references by the same author (for papers by one or more than two authors) or by the same first and second authors (for papers by two authors) with the same year of publication should be designated by lowercase letters after the year (without space). e.g. Jones C, Brown A, Smith AB. 2011a...... Jones C, Smith AB, Brown A. 2011b...... Smith AB. 2008a. .... Smith AB. 2008b. ....

When organization serve as author indicate the acronym within squared brackets followed by the complete name of the organization. e.g. [NIMH] National Institute of Mental Health. 2012. ....

For unknown date use: Author N. [date unknown]......

For two dates: Author N. 1959-1963......

Information Classification: General Place of publication: always list the city, and include the two-letter state abbreviation for US publishers [e.g. Cambridge (MA)]. Include the country name for other countries only to avoid ambiguity. Capitalize only the first word of the title, proper nouns and .

Journal articles (the titles of journal are abbreviated, without punctuation; a full stop at the end of the last abbreviation; no space between volume’s number and ; full stop at the end, except after doi): Smith AB, Brown C. 2012. Title of article. Abbrev J Name. 32:115-125. Smith AB. 1981. Title of article. Abbrev J Name. doi:xxxxxx [for abbreviation see http://www.journalabbr.com/]

Books: Smith AB. 1981. Book title: subtitle. Place of publication: Name of publisher. Smith AB, Brown C. 2000. Book title: subtitle. Place of publication: Name of publisher. Smith AB, Brown C, editors. 2000. Book title: subtitle. Place of publication: Name of publisher.

To specify the edition insert it between title and place of publication: Smith AB. 1981. Book title: subtitle, 10th ed. Place of publication: Name of publisher.

Articles in an edited book: Smith AB, Brown C. 2012. Title of the chapter. In: Taylor F, editor. Book title. Place of publication: Name of publisher; p. 229-232. Smith AB, Brown C. 2012. Title of the chapter. In: Taylor F, Brown C, editors. Book title. Place of publication: Name of publisher; p. 229-232.

If three or more editors: Smith AB, Brown C. 2012. Title of the chapter. In: Taylor F, et al., editors. Book title. Place of publication: Name of publisher; p. 229-232.

Dissertation or thesis: Brown CD. 2009. Title of the thesis [Thesis]. Place of publication: Name of publisher.

Proceedings: Smith A, Brown C. 2000. Title. In: Jones C, editor. Title. Proceedings of the conference of the society. Place of publication: Name of publisher; p. 229-232.

For on-line material insert “Available from: web address [date accessed].” at the end of the citation: e.g. Brown A. 2010. Title. Place of publication: Name of publisher. Available from: http:/www.oxford.edu/book/index.html [Accessed 5 Dec 2016].

If not in English, translate non-English titles into English language and place the translation in square brackets; when possible, place the original

Information Classification: General language title before the translation. Indicate the original language after the pagination. e.g. Rossi M. 2010. Titolo in lingua originale. [English translation]. Abbrev J Name. 20:263-281. Italian.

If the reference is not a full article, place e.g. [abstract], [book review], [letter], etc. after the article title. e.g. Smith AB, Brown C. 2012. Title of article [letter]. Abbrev J Name. 32:115-125.

For unpublished works: include only articles/books submitted and accepted for publication. Author A. In press. .... Short communications Short communications follow, for the main aspects, the structure of full papers. The papers should not exceed 6 printed (all included), corresponding to no more than 20,000 letters, spaces included. Two figures, or two tables, or one figure and one table are allowed. Forum and Letter Title bold, first word and proper nouns caps only.

No abstract and no key words.

Titles of chapters in italic; initial in cap only; left aligned.

Acknowledgements and References headings in italic; left aligned.

Author/authors’ names after references, with full forename, in small caps. Address under each author’s name. Add “(E-mail: [email protected]).” after the corresponding author’s address e.g. JOHN M. SMITH Department, Address, City postal code, Country (E-mail: [email protected]).

THOMAS BROWN Department, Address, City postal code, Country.

Apart from that, follow the same rules as for articles.

Information Classification: General