The Update The Axe Valley Community College Newsletter: Friday 16th December 2016 - Issue 4

Headteacher’s message There’s always so much going on at the end of the Autumn term and the celebration assemblies have been the perfect way to take a moment to recognise the achievements of our students over the course of the term. Amongst the highlights for me over the last few months have been the regular Headteacher’s commendation ‘teas’. Staff from across the college are invited to nominate students for sucha commendation and it has been fantastic to meet with mixed groups of students from Year 7 through to Year 13 to chat about the brilliant things that they are doing and, at the same time, to share some cake. I am also very proud of the way in which our students are engaged in their community. There are many examples but I would particularly like to mention the sixth form students who have been working as part of their ‘Giving Back and Standing Out’ programme to prepare a special Christmas lunch for some of the older residents of and the Year 8 students who, between them, have raised a substantial sum of money over the course of the term that will be used to buy provisions for the local foodbank this Christmas. I am very much looking forward to the Carol Concerts that take place on the penultimate day of term and I would like to say thank you to all those who have worked so hard to put the event together. I would also like to recognise all of those students who submitted an entry to the annual Christmas card competition. The judging decision was a very difficult one but I am delighted with the choice and the official Axe Valley card this year is simple, bold and beautiful. My congratulations go to Jessie Holmes in Year 9 for her winning design.

Finally, I would like to pay tribute to a member of our staff team who is leaving us this Christmas. Marianne Gregson has worked at Axe Valley as a teacher of Textiles for just over 10 years and Diary Dates - January 2017 has given so much to the young people here. She is moving on Fri 16th Dec - Last day of term to open The Welcome Café in Haven Banks, Exeter and Tue 3rd Jan - Inset Day - Staff everyone at Axe Valley would like to wish her every success in Wed 4th Jan - Start of Spring Term her new exciting venture. Students return Fri 6th Jan - PP Exam Results Day I hope that you all have a relaxing and enjoyable Christmas and Mon 9th Jan - Start of Year 13 PP Exams look forward to seeing the students back on the first day of the Thu 19th Jan - REACH Year 11 Revision th new term on Wednesday 4 January. Workshop with parents Steven Green - Headteacher Wed 18th Jan - ASPIRE Observatory visit Wed 25th Jan - Year 9 Options Evening

1 Student News

Postcard Competition for Science The winner of the Science praise postcard design competition was Emily Grabham in Year 8. Her bright and eye-catching design will be used to award students for exceptional work from next term. Mrs Bishop Subject Leader for Science

Christmas Card Competition This year we have received a wondrous reply to our Christmas card competition. The judging was intense and time consuming, with over 200 entries and a very high quality of submissions ranging from winter themed photography to collaged textured paintings. We would like to thank you all for your excellent and creative submissions, but sadly there can only be one winner. Congratulations to Jessie Holmes whose design has been chosen, a very well done to Poppy Tooze in second place and to Evie Rogers in third. All Your designs are also available for collection if you so wish from the ART department. Thankyou and a Merry Christmas, Mr Bowskill - Subject Leader for Art

2 Carol Concert

Students from Years 7 to 13 joined staff for a singing celebration in the Minster Church in Axminster, putting on four music concerts with carols and readings ending with an evening service on Thursday 15th December. This year the concert was a combination of some beautiful classical pieces with some modern Christmas songs. The Choir’s version of Jubilate was really moving whilst the Steel Band version of Rudolph and the Jazz Band’s interpretation of Jingle Bell Rock had everyone in the mood to dance. There were several fabulous solo pieces also with Issy Somers singing Winter Wonderland and Olive Fitzgerald singing Christmas Promises.

3 Sixth Form

Guest Speakers Sixth Form has been lucky to welcome a variety of guest speakers who have delivered presentations on a range of topics varying from student finances at university to ‘Life in Damascus’ and more recently Cosmic who persuaded an ex-pupil Charles Sweetland to give a well-received talk on setting up his new business venture that involves the cutting edge of mathematics and his pathway through university to where he is now travelling the world. We hope in the coming months that more ex-students will come back to school and take time with our present students to discuss the pathways into the careers they now work in. Exeter Progression Exeter Progression is a programme set up by Exeter University that offers students with good GCSE results to a free programme giving them the opportunity to develop their knowledge and passion for a chosen subject as well as finding out more about student life at the University. The aim is to give students access to subject experts and current University of Exeter students that will help them to better understand the benefits of university and the possible pathways opened up to them by studying different subjects. I am very pleased to announce that several students applied for the programme and four were successful; those students are Jack Rosling (Bio-science) Megan Williams (History) Rosie Bolton (Law) Abigail Pidgeon (Modern Languages). Well done to them all and we look forward to hearing about their experiences during the next couple of years.

Community Christmas Lunch Earlier in the term the Sixth Form students were given the challenge to organise a Christmas dinner plus entertainment for our local community without teacher input. Charlie, Lydia et al. set about this monumental event with passion and a desire to make it a day that all would remember. Wednesday 14th December saw our students ‘giving back to our community’ with a Christmas lunch fit for Royalty. Students had been busy asking for support from some very generous local businesses who provided the majority of food for the banquet. All beautifully laid out and professionally presented our guests were very happy to heap praise and thanks to those students who attended them. Toby Willis yet again providing the excellent musical accompaniment in the background and Charlie Hall orchestrating his band of merry helpers in the conference suite with Lydia preparing food with her helpers in the prep area. All the staff that were fortunate to visit this event are very proud of their efforts and what they achieved on the day – you were great role models for the younger years of the college and have set the bar amazingly high for next years cohort to follow – but a challenge they are already planning.

Prom Fundraising Quiz On Friday 15th Lydia Hartnell arranged a Prom fundraising quiz which was very well attended by many very competitive teachers. The event raised over £90 and was thoroughly enjoyed by all andwe certainly look forward to the next one but maybe in a bigger venue.


Trip review in the style of Stalinist Russia... Greetings Comrades, we can report that productivity of Year 13 has increased 100 fold. Comrades from the 13th party Congress recently visited the Exeter Museum (RAMM) to work with their conservation unit, to examine bourgeois capitalist artifacts (Roman coins). Elite Russian History students Harvey 'Marx' Everard and Polly 'Petrograd' Huscroft examined the decadent Seaton Down Hoard, coins made during the time of 'Emperor Constantine' (Western Imperialist). The Hoard consisted of 22,888 silvered copper coins weighing 68kg. These coins were known as Nummis. 2 Nummi=flagon of cheap wine, 20,000 Nummi = 2 years pay of a middle ranking Civil Servant (Capitalist Bourgeois Oppressor). Lunch was provided by the workers canteen (Nandos). Year 12 were unable to attend (Trotskyite deviationists), whilst one of our illustrious workers, Toby Willis Pia- novich was absent due to over exertion following this terms devotion to concert recitals, get well soon Com- rade. Signed, The Workers Collective

ASA Swimming Qualifications Two of our 6th Form recently completed their ASA Swimming Teaching qualifications. Callum Wood attended a 4 day ASA Level 1 course and achieved Teaching Assistant award and will be teaching children aged 4-7 years old at the Flamingo Pool, Axminster. Callum’s ambition for the future is to be a Strength and Conditioning Coach and to be involved with the RNLI. The course involved learning about swimming techniques and also Safeguarding. Megan completed her ASA Level 2 Swimming Teacher qualification in July of this year. She attended at course at St Luke’s Campus in Exeter. Megan currently works with 4-9 year olds at Flamingo Pool. Megan particularly enjoys helping - non swimmers gain confidence in the water and progress to be competent swimmers. Her future career aim is to be a Primary School teacher. Megan will also be taking the ASA Teacher for Synchronised Swimming Qualification and it is hoped this will be a new offering at the pool where she works in 2017.

Merry Christmas May we the Sixth Form team take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy and safe Christmas and we look forward to working with you all in 2017.

5 German Exchange Trip

Axe Valley pupils forge links with German counterparts in new European relationship Eleven of our pupils and one from Holyrood Academy were warmly welcomed on a recent week-long exchange visit into the Kirchweyhe community by their German exchange partners and families. A special reception was organ- ised by the Headmaster of the KGS School, Dr Martin Baschta, to welcome the students at which he said he hoped this new partnership would continue until and beyond his retirement in twenty years’ time. The trip included a visit to the Mercedes Benz factory in Bremen, a chance to experience life as blind people do at Dialogue in the Dark in Hamburg and the fascinating Emigration Museum in Bremerhaven as well as several of the famous Christmas Markets. The exchange was hugely benefi- cial to all who took part, both linguistically and culturally. “Everyone’s German has really improved,” said Holly Smith. “We were in real life situations with our host families and in shops where we had to understand and speak the language.” Ellie King said, “I love German food. The whole experience was amazing and one which will stay with me for my whole life.” Katie Burnett commented that she can understand so much more in her German classes having spent just one week with native speakers. The exchange trip was only made possible by the kind support of Andrew Moulding of East District Council, The Rotary Club (Axminster) and a London charity who seeks to improve the lives of young people but prefers not to be named.


You can help prevent ‘online bullying’ by setting up parent controls on games consoles and mobile devices!

The NSPCC reports the number of children and young people requiring counselling about online bullying has increased by 88% over the past five years. Some children as young as 7 have told Childline’s helpline number 0800 1111 how they were tormented, abused and scared to go to school! (BBC News 14th November 2016)

 Will you be purchasing a Games Console and/or Video Games for someone in your family this Christmas?  Would you like to know how to set up parental controls on mobile devices?  Would you like to know if the game you purchase is age appropriate?

With the festive season fast approaching, the Christmas present list may well include games consoles such as an Xbox, PlayStation, Wii or Nintendo. Increasingly popular with children as young as 5, playing games offline and online can be educational but there are also risks to be considered.

In December 2015 the website ‘InternetMatters’ launched a campaign to ‘Set up, before you wrap up’, providing an easy to follow checklist with links on their website on how to set up parental controls for: Broadband, mobile networks, devices, games consoles and search engines:

The risks of accessing inappropriate Content, making inappropriate Contact and behaving in an inappropriate manner (Conduct) are all relevant when playing online games. Childnet has produced an easy to read leaflet to help parents/carers understand the risks and steps to take to mitigate these risks. This leaflet provides 4 Top Tips for parents and carers including:

‘Talk with your children about the types of game(s) they are playing. Are they role-playing games, sports games, strategy games or first person shooters? If you’re not sure what they are, ask them to show you how they play and have a go yourself.’

Visit the NCPCC’s website for more advice, hint, tips and video guides: avoid-risks/

This article is an example of the type of advice and guidance Scomis provides to schools that subscribe to the Scomis Online Safety Essentials Service. Scomis provides ICT solutions and services to schools and is part of Devon County Council.

To find out more please contact us on 01392 385300 or email [email protected]

7 Celebration Assemblies

Year 7 Celebration Assembly Year 7 have settled into life well at the college, and it was are- al pleasure to celebrate some of their successes in our first celebration assembly this week. We had musical interludes from six different stu- dents, and two original songs were among the performances. It was fantastic to see some of the classes' work from Geography and Food, as well as hearing some teachers say wonderful things about their groups. The tutors all awarded a member of their groups and there were awards from Mr Scott, myself and Mr Green too. Well done Year 7 on a really positive first term here, keep it up! Mrs Osborne - Year 7 Leader Tutor Awards: 7ED - Ewan Gibbins 7DRA - Peter Johns 7NCH - Talia Hutchings 7EB - Aerin Batt 7SD - Mollie Wilkins

Year Leader Award: Freya Lee Assistant Head Teacher Award: Corbin Cox Head Teacher Award: Caitlin Lindsay 1st place in Gymkhana - Roberta Allis

Fantastic musical performances from: Caitlin Tooze - Guitar, Charlotte Kew - Piano and song, Alisha Harris & Caitlin Lindsay - Piano and song, Gemma Cleal - Acapella song, Peter Johns - Piano and song


Year 8 Celebration Assembly Congratulations to all the winners at the Year 8 celebration assembly on Tuesday. There were lots of achievements to celebrate after what has been another excellent term for Year 8. We were particularly pleased to mark the successful end of the Year 8 Christmas Challenge. Each tutor group were challenged to raise funds to provide one support package for a local family in need through the Axminster Foodbank. They worked fantastically to design and complete a variety of activities from car washing to cake sales. They more than achieved their targets and I am very proud of them for doing such a fantastic job for a thoroughly good cause. The Ambassadors for the Food Bank Challenge were: Sara Banner, Freddy Paterston Stack, Eowyn Armstrog, Rea Etoar, Valeria Cheffey, Tilly Robins, Molly Jones, Nathan Jones, Jo Richardson and Elsa Wood. Tutor Awards were awarded to: 8EBO: Tilly Robins 8STP - Jo Richardson 8AMI - Jason Mettam 8FTD - Valeria Cheffey 8SMC - Quinlan King Year Leader Mr Carr awarded certificates to the following six students who all achieved 6 excellent and 6 good grades on their reports. Boys: Casey Gibbons, Yannick Barratt & Jo Loveridge Girls: Rhiannon Watts, Rhiannon Barand & Annabel Sydenham

Finally the Headteacher Award was awarded to Tilly Robins.


Year 9 Celebration Assembly Our Year 9's have had a fantastic term which they started so sprightly way back in September and have kept this going right up to the Christmas break. So many have achieved so much and it gave me great pleasure to award almost every student in my year group for their efforts. Have a Merry Christmas and Well Done to all. Mr Davies - Year 9 Leader Tutee Awards: 9PB Archie Knox and Jessica Richards 9MCB Kyle Chattaway and Devon Ellis 9RS Tom Margetts and Harriet Coley 9DW Mia Hales and Ben Croxall 9MBR Jessica McAuley and Daniel Hellier

Christmas Card competition winners: 1st prize to Jessie Holmes and 2nd prize to Poppy Tooze

Headteacher Award: Ellie King for outstanding commitment to achieving the most from her school life and the top performing Girl by being almost one level above target in all subjects.

Year Leader Award: Henry Dare, the top performing boy by being over one level above target in all subjects and being a great positive role model to other students.

Outstanding Attitude to Learning Award: The following students have worked extremely hard this term and through their effort and behaviour have shown their outstanding attitude to learning. Danielle Andrews, Alex Ball, Cameron Board, Lily Brooker, Rebecca Buckleigh, Ben Bush, Harriet Coley, Isabelle Coman, Maisy Cottey, Ben Dyer, Olive Fitzgerald, Aimee Flint, Emma Garratt, Joseph Goodhew, Mia Hales, Amy Hoare, Helga Hofrate, Jessie Holmes, Ellie King, Jessica McAuley, Samidi Nanayakkara, Jessica Pagano, Jamie-Leigh Parfitt, casey Phillips, Jessica Richards, Ella Shepherd, Holly Smith, Poppy Tooze, Louise Tyne, Patrick Tytherleigh, Chloe Walters, Liberty Widger and Autumn Wiliams.

Attendance Awards: Well done to all the following students for their 100% attendance this term. Alex Ball, Ellie Best, Cameron Board, Thomas Board, Chloe Bolton, Jai Burrough, Luca Cheffey, Ben Churchill, Isabelle Coman, Finley Cox, Ben Croxall, Jack Darbyshire, Robin Ellis, Zack Featherstone, Olive Fitzgerald, Joseph Goodhew, Mia Hales, Simon Herbert, Jessica McAuley, Samidi Nanayakkara, Ioan Nita, Tyler Payne, Callum Peach, Casey Phillips, Rosie Rosling, Ted Shepherd, Ella Shepherd, Holly Smith, Poppy Tooze, Patrick Tytherleigh, Mia Weir, Charlie Widger, Jay Willis, Tyler Wilson, Braidey Yeo and Matt Young.


Year 10 Celebration Assembly This was my first time hosting a celebration assembly and it was a privilege to be able to praise so many Year 10 students. They have worked hard this year and their attitude was reflected in the comments teachers passed my way about not just individuals but whole classes, whose work ethic is excellent. I look forward to being able to heap praise on even more of the year group at the next celebration assembly. Mr Brookman - Year 10 Leader Dof E: Rosie Windsor, Enjiley Durias, Georgia Windsor, Emily Dare, Katie Bunett, Ethan Huntley Tutor Awards: 10MI: Agnus Roy, Jo Winter 10NFL: Molly Blagden, Jack Speers 10MG: Alexandra Wilson-Newman, Sean Emery-Rich 10MO: Josh Target, Millie Debono

Most Progress: Fryderyk Bogdanski Highest achievement: Megan Herbert and Byron Pickering Year Leader award: Marc Paloma Head Teacher award: Hannah White Extreme Reading competition: Megan Herbert Community commendation: Taylor Harris and Maisy Vincent


Year 11 Celebration Assembly As always, it’s great to get the year group together and celebrate the many successes they have had this term. We were pleased to hand out 100% attendance certificates to 35 students. Amelia Speers, James Spires, Maia Green, Immy Payne were all awarded tutor awards. Mr Knott wanted to use his award to thank Lucy, Lauren, Lizzie and Emily for all their help and positivity in the tutor group. The Year Leader award was given to Lucy Brown for outstanding commitment to extra study sessions this year. The Deputy Head teacher award was given to Beth Brassington and the Head teacher award to Sophia Harris, two students who are really working well and showing a positive attitude to their studies. It was great to be able to hand new prefect ties to Maia Green, Izzy Chaplyn, Brandon Marsh, James Spires, Beth Brassington, Melanie Rich, Martha Budden, Victoria Storey and Kieran Ostler. Thanks to all students in the year group for their hard work and dedication both inside and outside the classroom. Have a great Christmas. Mr Horn - Year 11 Leader

12 Sports Update

East Devon Cross Country Caitlin Tooze (Year 7), Samidi Nanayakkara (Year 9), Dan Rowe (Year 9) and Megan Herbert (Year 10) all competed for on Wednesday 7th December at Okehampton against teams from Exeter area schools. The day was wonderfully clear and warm for December. The course had a real mixture of terrain from park fields to wooded hills and river paths but it was dry under foot. All four runners did very well with Megan moving up from 30th to 20th in her final lap (a fine achievement against Year 11 runners) and Dan finished 22nd. Samidi put in a superb sprint finish to finish 14th while Caitlin worked hard throughout the course and stayed strong to the end to complete in 12th position. Samidi and Caitlin should now get a call up to attend the county championships in January. Well Done!

Badminton The U13 (made up of two late recruits due to illness) narrowly lost their semi-final 2 games to 3 against Exmouth A team but bounced back in their play-off to beat Exmouth B team 4 games to 1 and take 3rd place overall. Rachel Vigurs played particularly well alongside Sophie Skilton, Olivia DeBono, Livvie Matthews and Emma Elworthy. The U15 girls (Millie DeBono, Sophie Sharp, Ellen Turner and Izzy Coman - playing up a year) had a relatively easy semi final against Cullompton which they won 5 games to 0. They then faced Colyton in the final. This was the 5th meeting between these two teams in 3 years and it was 2-2 in the standings with every meeting going to the wire in the fifth game. Todays affair was to be no different! Issy won her singles convincingly 15-2. Millie and Ellen narrowly lost their doubles 13-15. Sophie pulled the team ahead again when she won her singles game 15-8. Izzy and Ellen could then win the match on their game but unfortunately lost their accuracy and went down 8-15. So yet again it came down to the last game. Millie and Sophie sent my heart rate through the roof in a nail biter of a game which never saw more than 4 points between the team. The Axe Valley girls held their nerve to win 15-12 and become U15 East Devon Champions! Fantastic afternoon spent with nine delightful girls and another victory to place on the recognition board.


Futsal Congratulations to the U14 FUTSAL team who came 3rd in the East Devon Schools tournament held at The Kings School in Ottery St Mary. The boys played brilliantly and lost out to the overall winners (Uffculme) in the semi final, they then beat King's School in the 3rd/4th place final. Well done lads! Team: Finlay Cox (superb goalkeeping!), Dan Rowe, Cameron Board, Archie Clode, Patrick Tytherleigh and Zack Featherstone

PE DEPARTMENT FIXTURES – January 2017 Fixtures will only be fulfilled if sufficient students attend regular school training

Date Who Activity Details

Depart: 11.40am Girls & Boys U14 Badminton at Venue: Honiton Wed 4th Jan Year 8-9 Honiton Finish: 4.30 approx Return: 5.00 approx

Depart 3.15pm Boys U12 Futsal at Kings School, Venue: Kings Mon 9th Jan Year 7 Ottery St Mary Finish: 6.00 approx Return: 6.30 approx

Depart 8.40am U14 Exeter & East Devon Rugby at Venue: St.Peters Fri 13th Jan Year 9 St. Peters Exeter Finish: 2.30 approx Return: 3.20 approx

Venue: Home Tue 17th Jan Year 8-9 Girls U14 Football at Axe Valley Start: 4pm Finish: 6pm

Depart: 1.30pm U13 Indoor Athletics at Kings School, Venue: Ottery Wed 18th Jan Year 7-8 Ottery St Mary Finish: 5.30 approx Return: 6.15 approx

Tue 24th Jan Depart: 3.20pm Tue 31st Jan Venue: Sidmouth Tue 7th Feb Year 8 U13 Netball League at Sidmouth Finish: 5.30 approx Tue 21st Feb Return: 6.15 approx Reserve: 28th Feb

Depart: 8.40am U12 Rugby tournament at St. Peters, Venue: St.Peters Ex Tue 24th Jan Year 7 Exeter Finish: 2.30 approx Return: 3.20 approx

Start: 3.40pm Girls U12 Football Tournament at Axe Thur 26th Jan Year 7 Venue: HOME Valley Finish: 5.45 approx


Rugby Trip to Twickenham It was a great day and the students experienced the amazing spectacle of international rugby. Students were delighted to see beat Argentina and also enjoy the incredible atmosphere at Twickenham. Students bought many souvenirs and were lucky enough to catch Peter Cross (England’s Flag Mascot) on a couple of occasions to get photos taken with him. It was a long day but all students thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were a credit to the school.





Rio Hurford 7ED Effort and quality in Fitness Freddy Paterson Stack 8AMI Great effort in Gymnastics Owen Enticott 7EB Good performance in Dance Tyrone Clarke 9RS Vaulting, good attitude to safety Ted Shepherd 9DW Trampolining - helpfulness Owen Enticott 7EB Super in Badminton Corbin Cox 7EB Super in Badminton Max O’Sullivan 9RS Commitment to Rugby and Football clubs Josh Young 9DW Really promising leader Nathaniel Giles-Jones 7SD For taking responsibility in Year 7 Football lesson Kieran Massey 8AMI Great lining / extension / tension in Gymnastic routine Cameron Hoyle 9RS Effort in Football

Girls: Danielle Andrews 9PB Good knowledge of low serve in Badminton 7Q Gymnastics All brilliant! 2 positive points each Kensie Blagden 10MG Excellent play and enthusiasm Eve Hoare 7NCH Excellent Badminton skills Amber Cope 9MBR Very helpful setting up and clearing away Badminton Freya Ellis 7SD Excellent work in Fitness Paris Davis 7EB Excellent work in Fitness Lily Brooker 9MBR Giving back to the school (boots & shin pads donated) Devon Ellis 9MCB Brilliant in Gym— control /sensible and helpful Megan Connell 8EBO Fantastic selfless helping Megan Ozenbrook 8SMC Fantastic selfless helping Ebony Melarkey-Williams 8EBO Fantastic selfless helping Carys Boxell 10BA Fantastic progress in Hockey Leanne Coalter 10MI Fantastic progress in Hockey Alisha Meaker 10BA Fantastic progress in Hockey Rebecca Smitham 10MO Fantastic progress in Hockey Maisie Vincent 10BA Fantastic progress in Hockey Sophie Wallis 10MI Fantastic progress in Hockey Agnus Roy 10MI Effort in Fitness Sara Banner 8STP Learning to dance very quickly Neve Wellman 10MG Keeps working hard on her Fitness in Axes



Festive Creative Evenings On the 7th December REACH students from Years 6, 7 and 8 spent a very jolly evening making up gifts for the Food Bank in Axminster as well as decorating (and eating) gingerbread cookies and they made gorgeous Christmas cards for their families. It was a fun occasion and all the students enjoyed the Christmas spirit. REACH Ambassadors Ella and Amber helped carry the wonderful pile of gifts to the Food Bank that will be distributed to local children in Axminster and surrounding villages. Cook Club Christmas Party On Tuesday 13th December REACH students prepared a feast of delicious party dishes that they can now prepare for their families at home. The dishes included Pigs in Blankets, a healthy veggie wreath, a super-healthy and yet delicious Rudolph Rocket Fuel Soup served with garlicky croutons, Devilled eggs, spiced popcorn, gingerbread cookies and a fruit salad Christmas tree. All was accompanied by a cranberry and ginger beer mocktail after we made a toast to a very Happy Christmas for all. Mrs Pemberton - REACH Co-ordinator



Science Fun workshop for ASPIRE Primary and Year 7 Monday 5th December The UK Barn Owl population has been in steady decline over the past few decades due to many factors. The Barn Owl ASPIRE workshop held on Monday 5th December was a wonderful opportunity to learn about these beautiful birds including their adaptations, conservation and diet. Mrs Bishop and Mrs Jenkins enjoyed the opportunity to meet with Year 5 and 6 ASPIRE students from many local primary schools, who worked brilliantly with Year 7 students from Axe Valley. The Barn Owl Trust provided wild barn owl pellets for dissection which contained the undigested remains of many types of small rodents. Bones and teeth from field voles, bank voles, wood mice and even the tiny pigmy shrew were identified and cleaned. Everyone was so engrossed in the activities it was difficult to drag them away at home time after prizes of Barn Owl pens, pencils, pads, posters and postcards were awarded. Thanks to everyone who attended and the science technicians for their help. Mrs Bishop - Subject Leader for Science


STEM Challenge Day for Years 9-11 On Wednesday 7th December three teams of ASPIRE students worked on the egg launching challenge using their Technology Science and Maths skills. The challenge was to launch an egg as far as possible without breaking it. All three teams managed to construct a catapult style structure and the winning team launched their egg over 10 metres!

Skills for Success Workshops STEM ambassador Paul Hampton came to the college this month to talk to the students about his career in the IT industry as well as share his skills and experience on the essential topics of Time Management and Organisation as well as Presentation skills. The students had practical challenges and each of them made a short presentation using the skills they had learned. Mrs Pemberton - ASPIRE Co-ordinator

19 Community Noticeboard

An AVCC mum has created Nutriri* and received lottery funding to develop the support group. A compassionate alternative to restrictive diet clubs; we meet most MONDAYS at Flamingo Pool 6pm upstairs with an optional swim afterwards. FREE to join come and find out more soon!