Special Consideration Will Be Given for Job Creation in the Formulation of Plans to Successfully Manage the Impact of COVID-19: State Counsellor

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Special Consideration Will Be Given for Job Creation in the Formulation of Plans to Successfully Manage the Impact of COVID-19: State Counsellor STREET CHILDREN SHOULD BE PRIORITIZED AS THEY ARE AT HIGHER RISK FOR COVID-19 INFECTION PAGE-8 (OPINION) PARLIAMENT NATIONAL Pyidaungsu Hluttaw approves of $700 Anti-Corruption Commission gives mln IMF loan, hears MIC report reference books to Hluttaw PAGE-2 PAGE-3 Vol. VII, No. 41, 6th Waxing of Nayon 1382 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Wednesday, 27 May 2020 State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi sends a message of sympathy to Shri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister, Republic of India Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, State Counsellor of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of sympathy to His Excellency Shri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of the Republic of India, for loss of lives and the property damages due to the Cyclone Amphan in West Bengal and Odisha of the Republic of India. Special consideration will be given for job creation in the formulation of plans to successfully manage the impact of COVID-19: State Counsellor TATE Counsellor Daw Aung of Myanmar citizens were returning Myanmar to have a feeling of comfort foreign countries. However, there was San Suu Kyi wrote on her from abroad, certain thoughts came to and security that their country would the value of being able to work in one’s Facebook page yesterday that mind; although making arrangements never let them down. own community in one’s own country Sspecial consideration would be for health and transportation of the She added that she also wanted to and the resulting feeling of joy. given for job creation in the formulation returnees was a heavy responsibility, change the situation whereby Myanmar At this time which may be called of plans to successfully manage the it was a matter for great satisfaction people had to go abroad because of eco- the rehabilitation period of Myanmar, impact of COVID-19. and honour because they had returned nomic necessities; in formulating plans the opportunity to be able to contribute The State Counsellor said she had to their own country with a feeling of to successfully overcome the impact of in whatever manner was very valuable written the other day that the things dependence while encountering diffi- COVID-19, the creation of jobs would be indeed. they were doing at the moment were culties. Citizens of some powerful coun- given special consideration. In almost She concluded by saying “I urge all investments for the future; in any situ- tries say “we are from such and such a all cases, to achieve the desired goals, of you to participate in building up not ation, whether the tendency was for the country” and try to draw their energy the cooperation and encouragement of only physical heritages but also spiritual better or the worse depended a great from the strength and power of their the people was the key. It was possible heritages for generations to come.” deal upon those who were participants country. She said in her case, she did that the income that could be obtained in that situation. not have any wish to get the better of from working in Myanmar would not be (Translated by Kyaw Myaing) At the time when great numbers anyone; she just wished the people of able to match the income obtained in COVID-19 in Myanmar: 3 new cases reported, making total figure 206 Updated at 8 pm, 26 May 2020 New Persons under Investigation from the Total Case New Case (25-26 May) Total Death Tally past 24 hours to 12 noon of 26 May 2020 206 3 6 Recovery Update on 26 May 2020 after two consecutive tests Total Recovery New Recovery Discharged from Hospital New PUI 62 124 Case 52 114 SEE PAGE-2 INSIDE TODAY NATIONAL LOCAL NEWS BUSINESS CBM Governor holds Supplies to fight Influx of potato talks online with COVID-19 reach from China harms World Bank Country IDP camps in domestic market Director Chin State amid pandemic PAGE-3 PAGE-10 PAGE-7 27 MAY 2020 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR PYIDAUNGSU HLUTTAW Pyidaungsu Hluttaw approves of $700 mln IMF loan, hears MIC report PYIDAUNGSU Hluttaw held its 4th-day meeting of 16th regular session yesterday, with debates of MPs on getting international loans. A proposal put forward by the President to get US$700 mil- lion loan for addressing national revenue deficit was approved by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw after discussions of Deputy Minister for Planning, Finance and In- dustry U Maung Maung Win and Union Attorney-General Deputy Minister for Planning, Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Deputy Governor U Soe Min. Deputy Governor of the Central U Tun Tun Oo. Finance and Industry Livestock and Irrigation Bank of Myanmar U Soe Min. U Maung Maung Win. U Hla Kyaw. Lt-Col Thant Zin. Major San Win Khine. Major Min Zarni Htwe. MP U Sein Win. MP Daw Myat Thidar Tun. The deputy minister said World Bank for the project to ket competitiveness, food safety of the Tatmadaw, suggested to Htwe, MP U Sein Win from that the proposed loan will be support food, agriculture and and better nutrition. use the loan effectively and effi- Maubin constituency and eight mainly used to tackle budget livestock sectors of Myanmar. Deputy Minister U Maung ciently for the nation and people. Hluttaw representatives. deficit, although it cannot be Deputy Minister U Hla Maung Win supported the loan The motion was also dis- The Hluttaw representa- detailed about specific amount Kyaw said the Department of programme as it meets with the cussed MP Dr Thet Thet Khine tives discussed the President’s for different sectors, including Agriculture will lead the pro- existing laws, debt management from Dagon constituency, MP U proposal for getting $60 million agriculture, livestock, creating ject, in coordination with the strategy, development support Bo Gyi from Chauk constituency, loans from the Asian Develop- employments in the country. Department of Agricultural Re- policies, MSDP and CERP. He Pyithu Hluttaw representative of ment Bank for establishing a Deputy Governor U Soe Min search, the Livestock Breeding added that agriculture and live- the Tatmadaw Lt-Col Tun Tun loan insurance corporation for said that the IMF loan is aimed and Veterinary Department, the stock is the most potential sector Win and MP U Khin Cho from the development of SMEs. at increasing healthcare budget, Cooperative Department and the for economic recovery in the post Hlaingbwe constituency. The motion was discussed financial stimulus plans for less- Irrigation and Water Utilization COVID-19 period, and that this Discussions were made on by the 12 Hluttaw representa- ening impacts on the businesses Management Department. The sector should be supported by the proposal put forward by the tives including Lt-Col Thant Zin and providing assistance to the project will be implemented both state revenue and interna- President for getting Japanese and MP Daw Myat Thidar Tun. people with difficult livelihoods in five and half years from 30 tional loans. yen 30 billion from the Japan In- U Tun Tun Oo, the Union At- due to the COVID-19. June 2020 to 31 December 2025 The Hluttaw then discussed ternational Cooperation Agency torney-General and the member Deputy Minister for Agri- by using the 30-years loan, with loan proposal tabled by the Pres- for the recovery of socioeconom- of Myanmar Investment Com- culture, Livestock and Irrigation five years-grace period and the ident for getting K1,311.064 bil- ic impacts from the COVID-19 mission, discussed the 2018-2019 U Hla Kyaw and Deputy Minis- 25-years repayment in 1.25 per lion loan from the Central Bank pandemic and development of FY report of the commission. ter for Planning, Finance and cent interest rate and 0.75 ser- of Myanmar to address deficit of economic policy and reform pro- The 5th day of Pyidaungsu Industry U Maung Maung Win vice charge. Union government deposit for cesses of Myanmar. Hluttaw will be organized on 27 discussed about receiving $200 He added the loan could in- 2019-2020 financial year. It was discussed by Pyithu May.— Aung Ye Thwin, Aye Aye million from the International crease agricultural production Major San Win Khine, the Hluttaw representative of the Thant Development Association of the sector, quality of produce, mar- Pyithu Hluttaw representative Tatmadaw Major Min Zarni (Translated by Aung Khin) COVID-19 in Myanmar: 3 new cases reported, making total figure 206 FROM PAGE-1 New COVID-19 Cases Updated at 8 pm, 26 May 2020 Contact with Overseas travel Hospital for medical Case No Age Gender Address Lab result Remark positive patient history treatment Mandalay Township, Mandalay 204 39 Male No Yes, India Waibargi Hospital Positive Region Held under quarantine Mandalay Township, Mandalay 205 63 Female No Yes, India Waibargi Hospital Positive in North Dagon Township Region Mandalay Township, Mandalay 206 66 Male No Yes, India Waibargi Hospital Positive Region Ministry of Health & Sports 27 MAY 2020 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 “People are the key” Anti-Corruption Commission gives reference books to Hluttaw HE Anti-Corruption Com- nel and civil service personnel. Tmission presented the ref- In cooperation with the Min- erence books on anti-corruption, istry of Education, the Anti-Cor- integrity and codes of conduct ruption Commission compiled (basic education high school the reference books. and university levels) to the The ACC Chairman gave Pyidaungsu Hluttaw yesterday. the 700 sets of reference At the donation ceremony, books to U T Khun Myat, the Anti-Corruption Chairman U Speaker of Pyidaungsu Hlut- Anti-Corruption Commission hands over the reference books on anti-corruption, integrity and ethical codes to Aung Kyi explained the pur- taw.
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