Blasphemous Titles Of Rome’s Imaginary Mary Goddess

The following list of aggrandizing titles bestowed upon the Catholic Mary confirms just how far the Church of Rome has gone to elevate their false version of Mary to goddess status. It appears as if they have exceeded the idolatry of ALL pagan goddess worshippers combined. As you can see from the list below, Rome has borrowed attributes from many pagan goddesses in the titles “Our Lady Of”, “Mother Of” and “Virgin Of”. The has also searched the Bible far and wide in order to misapply attributes to Mary that she never had or that belonged to some other biblical person, in an effort to create their deified version of Mary.

The true biblical Mary who gave birth to the Lord Jesus Christ – and who did not remain a virgin – would be shocked and revolted by the glorification of herself by Catholics, that so far overshadows the attention and glory given by Catholics to Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.

Massive List Of Titles Of The Catholic Virgin Mary

Adam’s Deliverance Advocate of Eve Advocate of Sinners All Chaste All Fair and Immaculate All Good Annunciation by Saint Gabriel Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Aqueduct of Grace Archetype fo Purity and Innocence Ark Gilded by the Holy Spirit Ark of the Covenant Assumption into Heaven Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Basillica of Saint Mary Major Blessed Among Women Blessed Virgin Mary Bridal Chamber of the Lord Bride of Christ Bride of Heaven Bride of the Canticle Bride of the Father Bride Unbrided Cause of Our Joy Chosen Before the Ages Comfort of Christians Comforter of the Afflicted Conceived Without Original Sin Consoler of the Afflicated Court of the Eternal King Created Temple of the Creator Crown of Virginity Daughter of Men David’s Daughter Deliverer From All Wrath Deliverer of Christian Nations Destroyer of Heresies Dispenser of Grace Dwelling Place for God Dwelling Place Meet for God Dwelling Place of the Illimitable Dwelling Place of the Spirit Earth Unsown Earth Untouched and Virginal Eastern Gate Espousal of the Virgin Mary Eve’s Tears Redeeming Ever Green and Fruitful Ever Virgin Exalted Above the Angels Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows Feast of the Fleece of Heavenly Rain Flower of Carmel Flower of Jesse’s Root Formed Without Sin Forthbringer of God Forthbringer of the Ancient of Days Forthbringer of the Tree of Life Fountain of Living Water Fountain Sealed Free From Every Stain Full of Grace Garden Enclosed Gate of Heaven God’s Eden God’s Olive Tree God’s Vessel Handmaid of the Lord Healing Balm of Integrity Health of the Sick Helper of All in Danger Holy in Soul and Body Holy Mountain of Our Lady Holy Protection of the Mother of God Hope of Christians House Built by Wisdom House of Gold Humility of the Blessed Virgin Mary Immaculate Immaculate Conception Immaculate Heart Immaculate Heart of Mary Immaculate Mary Immaculate Mother Immaculate Virgin Incorruptible Wood of the Ark Inventrix of Grace Inviolate Joseph’s Spouse King’s Mother Kingly Throne Lady Most Chaste Lady Most Venerable Lady of Good Help Lady of Grace Lady of Mercy Lady of Peace Lady of Perpetual Help Lady of Sorrows Lady of the Lady of Victory Lamp Unquenchable Life-Giver to Posterity Light Cloud of Heavenly Rain Lily Among Thorns Living Temple of the Diety Loom of the Incarnation del Pilerio Madonna of Giubino Madonna of Miracles Madonna of Saint Luke Madonna of the Miracles Marketplace for Salutary Exchange Mary of the Assumptions Mary of the Hurons Mary the Blessed Virgin Mary, Blessed Virgin Mary, Help of Christians Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces Mary, Mother of God Mary, Queen of Africa Mary, Queen of Angels Mary, Queen of Peace Mary, Star of the Sea Mary, Virgin Mother of Grace Mary’s Immaculate Conception Mater Dei Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mediatrix Mediatrix and Conciliatrix Mediatrix of All Graces Mediatrix of Salvation Mediatrix of the Mediator Minister of Life Mirror of Justice More Beautiful Than Beauty More Glorious Than Paradise More Gracious Than Grace More Holy Than the Cherubim, the Seraphim, and the Entire Angelic Hosts Morning Star Most Holy Name of Mary Most Venerable Mother and Virgin Mother Inviolate Mother Most Admirable Mother Most Amiable Mother Most Chaste Mother Most Pure Mother of Christ’s Members Mother of Christians Mother of Divine Grace Mother of God Mother of Good Counsel Mother of Jesus Christ Mother of Men Mother of Our Creator Mother of Our Head Mother of Our Savior Mother of the Church Mother of the Mystical Body Mother of Wisdom Mother Undefiled My Body’s Healing My Soul’s Saving Mystical Rose Nature’s Re-Creation Nature’s Restoration Neck of the Mystical Body Never Fading Wood New Eve Notre Dame of Paris Notre Dame of Chartres Notre Dame of Easton Nourisher of God and Man Olive Tree of the Father’s Compassion Only Bridge of God to Men Our Immaculate Queen Our Lady in America Our Lady Mediatrix of All Grace Our Lady of Africa Our Lady of Altagracia Our Lady of Altotting Our Lady of Arabia Our Lady of Baeuraing Our Lady of Bandel Our Lady of Bandra Our Lady of Banneux Our Lady of Begoña Our Lady of Bethlehem Our Lady of Calvary Our Lady of Charity Our Lady of Consolation Our Lady of Copacabana Our Lady of Coromoto Our Lady of Covadonga Our Lady of Czestochowa Our Lady of Europe Our Lady of Fatima Our Lady of Giubino Our Lady of Good Counsel Our Lady of Good Help Our Lady of Grace Our Lady of Guadalupe Our Lady of Guadalupe of Estramadura Our Lady of High Grace Our Lady of Hungary Our Lady of Japan Our Lady of Kevelaer Our Lady of Knock Our Lady of La Leche Our Lady of La Vang Our Lady of Las Vegas Our Lady of LaSallette Our Lady of Lebanon Our Lady of Liesse Our Lady of Limerick Our Lady of Loreto Our Lady of Lourdes Our Lady of Lujan Our Lady of Madhu Our Lady of Mariazell Our Lady of Mercy Our Lady of Meritxell Our Lady of Miracles Our Lady of Montserrat Our Lady of Mount Carmel at Aylesford Our Lady of Nazareth Our Lady of Peace Our Lady of Perpetual Help Our Lady of Pilar Our Lady of Pompeii Our Lady of Pontmain Our Lady of Prompt Succor Our Lady of Providence Our Lady of Ransom Our Lady of Safe Travel Our Lady of Saint Luke Our Lady of Salambao Our Lady of Shongweni Our Lady of Sorrows Our Lady of Tears Our Lady of the Americas Our Lady of the Angels Our Lady of the Assumption Our Lady of the Cape Our Lady of the Conquest Our Lady of the Flight into Egypt Our Lady of the Golden Heart Our Lady of the Gulf Our Lady of the Hermits Our Lady of the Highways Our Lady of the Holy Letter Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Our Lady of the Holy Souls Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Our Lady of the Incarnation Our Lady of the Kodiak and the Islands Our Lady of the Milk and Happy Delivery Our Lady of the Miracles Our Lady of the Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Our Lady of the Pillar of Saragossa Our Lady of the Pines Our Lady of the Prairie Our Lady of the Presentation Our Lady of the Rosary Our Lady of the Snow Our Lady of the Snows Our Lady of the Thorns Our Lady of the Turumba Our Lady of the Valley Our Lady of the Wayside Our Lady of the Woods Our Lady of Victories Our Lady of Victory Our Lady of Walsingham Our Lady of Washington Our Lady Who Appeared Our Lady, Cause of Our Joy Our Lady, Gate of Heaven Our Lady, Help of Christians Our Lady, Mother of the Church Our Lady, Queen of All Saints Our Lady, Queen of the Apostles Our Lady, Refuge of Sinners Our Own Sweet Mother Paradise Fenced Against the Serpent Paradise of Innocence and Immortality Paradise of the Second Adam Paradise Planted by God Patronage of Our Lady Patroness and Protectoress Perfume of Faith Presentation of Mary at the Temple Preserved From All Sin Protectress From All Hurt Purification of Mary Purity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Queen of All Saints Queen of Angels Queen of Creation Queen of Heaven Queen of Heaven and Earth Queen of Martyrs Queen of Nigeria Queen of Peace Queen Unconquered Queenship of Mary Refuge in Time of Danger Refuge of Sinners Reparatrix Reparatrix of Her Parents Reparatrix of the Lord World Rich in Mercy Rose Ever Blooming Salve Regina Sanctuary of the Holy Spirit Scepter of Orthodoxy Seat of Wisdom Second Eve Singular Vessel of Devotion Sister and Mother Source of Virginity Spiritual Vessel Spotless Dove of Beauty Star of the Sea Star That Bore the Sea Suppliant for Sinners Surpassing Eden’s Gardens Surpassing the Heavens Surpassing the Seraphim Sweet Flowering and Gracious Mercy Tabernacle of God Tabernacle of the Word Temple Divine Temple Indestructible Temple of the Lord’s Body Theotokos Throne of the King Tower of David Tower of Ivory Tower Unassailable Treasure House of Life Treasure of Immortality Treasure of the World Undefiled Undefiled Treasure of Virginity Undug Well of Remission’s Waters Unlearned in the Ways of Eve Unplowed Field of Heaven’s Bread Unwatered Vineyard of Immortality’s Wine Vessel of Honor Victor Over the Serpent Virgin by the Sea Virgin Inviolate Virgin Most Faithful Virgin Most Merciful Virgin Most Powerful Virgin Most Prudent Virgin Most Pure Virgin Mother Virgin of Charity Virgin of Copacabana Virgin of Sheshan Virgin of Virgins Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Wedded to God Woman Clothed With the Sun Workshop of the Incarnation

Counterfeit Christianity Exposed – Corrupt Evil Popes

“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits.” Matthew 7:15-16 (KJV)


STEPHEN VII (896-897AD) “He dug up a Corsican predecessor, Pope Formosus (891-896), when he had been dead for over nine months. He dressed the stinking corpse in full pontificals, placed him on the throne in the Lateran and proceeded to interrogate him personally. After being found guilty, the corpse was condemned as an anti-pope, stripped and minus the two fingers with which he had given his fake apostolic blessing, was thrown into the Tiber.” (Vicars of Christ – the Dark Side of the Papacy by Father Peter de Rosa).

SERGIUS III (904-911) Standing in his way to the throne had been Leo V, who reigned for one month before he was imprisoned by an usurper, Cardinal Christopher. Sergius had both killed. Then he exhumed his predecessor and had him beheaded, three fingers chopped off and thrown into the Tiber.

JOHN XII (955 – 963) He invented sins, it was said, that had not been known since the beginning of the world – including sleeping with his mother. John XII ran a harem in the Lateran Palace, he gambled with the offerings of pilgrims and he even toasted the devil at the high altar during the mass.

BENEDICT V (964) Described by a church historian as “the most iniquitous of all the monsters of ungodliness.”

BENEDICT IX (1032-44, 1045, 1047-8) Elected pope at age eleven, he was twice driven from his position due to his participation in plunder, immorality, oppression and murder. Church historians described him as “That wretch, from the beginning of his pontificate to the end of his life, feasted on immorality,” and “a demon from hell in the disguise of a priest has occupied the chair of Peter.”

SIXTUS IV (1471 – 1484) This is the pope who built the Sistine Chapel in which all popes are now elected. Sixtus IV had several illegitimate sons, licensed the brothels of Rome and received a large amount of revenue for the papacy from these houses of iniquity, introduced the novel idea of selling indulgences for the dead to raise more revenue, and sanctioned the Inquisition in Castile (Spain) by issuing a bull in 1478 (in just one year – 1482 – in one city of Andalusia, 2000 “heretics” were burned as a result).

ALEXANDER VI (1492 – 1503) He was a murderer by age 12, he had 10 known illegitimate children, he was infamous for his drunken and immoral parties, he was known to have cardinals who had purchased their positions to be poisoned so that he could sell their positions again and increase his turnover. He spent a fortune in bribes to secure his own election as pope and he caused the Reformer Savonarola to be burned at the stake.


The Romans papacy has been characterised by extreme cruelty in its persecution of those it deemed as heretics. In particular the Waldensians, Lollards and Albigensians were slaughtered by the forces of Rome.

In 1208 Pope Innocent III declared: “Death to the heretics!” Great privileges and rewards were promised to those who would annihilate the “heretics” and to every man who killed one of them, the assurance was given that he would attain the highest place in Heaven!

The first target of this crusade against the Albigensians was the town of Begiers. All it’s inhabitants were killed and all the buildings burned. The monk leading this slaughter, Arnold, reported back to Innocent III “Today, Your Holiness, twenty thousand citizens were put to the sword, regardless of age or sex.”

In Bram the papal soldiers cut off the noses and gouged out the eyes of the Albigensian “heretics”.

In Minerve, 140 Albigensians were burned alive.

In Lavaure 400 “heretics” were burned at the stake.

In response, Innocent III praised the papal soldiers who had destroyed the heretics.

The successor of Innocent III, Pope Gregory IX established the Inquisition in 1232. For over 600 years, spanning the reigns of over 80 popes, the Inquisition tortured and killed tens of thousands of Protestants including the Waldensians, Hussites, Lollards and Huguenots.


Pope Gregory VII (1073-85) declared that “The Pope cannot make a mistake”. The First Vatican Council (1869-70) under Pope Pius IX raised the Dogma of Papal infallibility to become the official teaching of Roman Catholicism adding the usual anathema upon all who dared to disagree:

“But if anyone presume to contradict this assertion, let him be accused.”

Yet between 1378 to 1408 there were first two popes and then three! Gregory XII reigned from Rome, Benedict XIII from Avignon and John XXIII from Pisa.

John XXIII was described in Vicars of Christ: “He was noted as a former pirate, pope-poisoner, mass-murderer, mass-fornicator, adulterer on a scale unknown outside fables, simoniac par excellence, blackmailer, pimp, master of dirty tricks.”

Yet John XXIII accused his rival pope Benedict XIII of being “a Fake” and Gregory XII he nicknamed “Mistake”! Pope Pius IX, who at the First Vatican Council (1869 – 1870) caused the dogma of Papal Infallibility to become the official teaching of Roman Catholicism, also issued an edict permitting “excommunication, confiscation, banishment, imprisonment for life, as well as secret execution in heinous cases.”

At the First Vatican Council, Bishop Strossmayer (himself a papist) gave a speech arguing against papal infallibility. He pointed out: “Gregory I calls anyone anti-Christ who takes the name of Universal Bishop; and contrawise Boniface III made Emperor Phocas confer that title upon him. Paschal II and Eugenius III authorised duelling; Julius II and Pins IV forbad it. Hadrian II declared civil magistrates to be valid; Pius VII condemned them. Sixtus V published an edition of the Bible and recommended it to be read; Pius VII condemned the reading of the Bible.”

It could also be noted that while one (supposedly infallible) pope, Eugene IV (1431 – 1447), condemned Joan of Arc as a heretic to be burned alive, another pope, Benedict XV, in 1920, declared her to be a saint and her burning a mistake.

Yet the Dogma of Papal Infallibility declares that when a pope speaks ex cathedra his words are “as infallible as if it had been uttered by Christ Himself!”. In plain contradiction to this “papal infallibility” is the Bible. The apostle Peter (from whom all popes claim their succession) never suggested that he was infallible. Indeed in his first general epistle Peter described himself simply as “an elder” and he exhorted his “fellow elders” not to act as “lords over those entrusted to you” (1 Peter 5:1-3).

Paul records in Galatians 2:11 “But when Peter had come to Antioch I withstood him to his face, because he was to be blamed” Plainly Paul did not see Peter as infallible. Also Peter was married (Mark 1:30; 1 Corinthians 9:5). Indeed a requirement of a church leader is that he is married and bring up his children in the faith (1 Timothy 3:4-5).

The Lord Jesus taught: “You know that the rulers of the gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave – just as the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve?” Matthew 20:25-28

Jesus taught that no one is good – except God alone (Mark 10:18) and we are to call no-one on earth Father – God alone is our spiritual Father. How then can any pope be called “his Holiness” or “Holy Father”! The term Holy Father is only used once in the Bible and it is clearly addressed to God the Father in Christ’s prayer (John 17:11).

It is no wonder that when Archbishop Thomas Cranmer was about to be burned at the stake, on 21 March 1556, he declared: “As for the pope, I refuse him as Christ’s enemy, and Anti-Christ, with all his false doctrines.”

In the words of Martin Luther: “Unless I am convinced by Scripture or clear reasoning that I am in error – for popes and councils have often erred and contradicted themselves – I cannot recant for I am subject to the Scriptures I have quoted. My conscience is captive to the Word of God. It is unsafe and dangerous to do anything against one’s conscience. Here I stand. I cannot do otherwise. So help me God. Amen.”


The Reformation Society PO Box 74, Newlands, 7725, South Africa Tel : (021) 689-4480 Fax : (021) 685-5884 Email: [email protected] Web:

Billy Graham’s Catholic Connection By John Ashbrook

As I picked up the Lake County News Herald for February 9, 1984 my eye was arrested by a headline which stated: “Graham’s Help on Vatican Ties.” The article proved to be an Associated Press release which said.-

A spokesman for Billy Graham confirms that the evangelist played a behind- the-scenes role in President Reagan’s decision to establish formal diplomatic relations with the Vatican, a newspaper reported Yesterday

Early in 1983, Graham was asked by the president and adviser William Clark to make informal, private inquiries among evangelical Protestant leaders about likely response to such an action, said Donald Bialy, media director for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association in Minneapolis.

A copy of the seven-page letter that the Baptist evangelist sent to Clark was obtained by the Chicago Sun-Times, which quoted Graham as saying, ‘If anyone can do it and get away with it, it is Mr. Reagan.’\

Generally moderate evangelicals were described by Graham as presenting few problems, especially if the point were made that the Pope was being recognized as a political head and not in his religious capacity.

Since the birth of new evangelicalism in 1948, fundamentalists and new evangelicals had not agreed on many things. But, both groups had always stood in opposition to formal diplomatic relations with the Vatican. In reacting to the President’s request, Mr. Graham might have become a spokesman for millions of Bible-believers by expressing solid opposition to Mr. Reagan’s proposed move. Instead, he chose to be an accomplice in a national crime. How did it happen that Mr. Moderate Evangelical was willing to encourage the President to compromise the principle of separation of church and state by establishing diplomatic relations with the head of a church?

The Course of Compromise

Some years ago I heard a preacher say that “compromise always takes a man further than he intends to go.” (If I could remember who the preacher was I would be glad to give him credit.) Billy Graham is a good example of that statement. I have to believe that he never intended to make the compromises with Roman Catholicism which he has today.

“No?’ in 1950

In 1950 Dr. Robert Ketcham of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches came across a newspaper article indicating that Graham expected Catholics and Jews to cooperate in a revival in Oregon and another which reported that Graham had turned over decision cards to Roman Catholic churches. Ketcham promptly sent a letter of inquiry to Billy himself. His letter brought him a strong rebuke from Graham’s executive secretary, Jerry Bevan. Part of Bevan’s reply was as follows:

For example, you asked if Billy Graham had invited Roman Catholics and Jews to cooperate in the evangelistic meetings. Such a thought, even if the reporter did suggest it as having come from Mr. Graham, seems ridiculous to me. Surely you must know that it is not true… Further that you should give any credence to the idea that Mr. Graham would ever turn over any decision cards to the Roman Catholic Church seems inconceivable.

Miasma in Milwaukee

What Jerry Bevan termed “inconceivable” in 1950 has become standard practice in every Graham crusade for the past dozen years or more. In September of 1979, The Christian Courier of Milwaukee, Wisconsin published the following report on the recent Milwaukee Crusade:

Sister Maureen Hopkins, Director of the Ecumenical and Interfaith Commission of the Milwaukee Roman Catholic Archdiocese, and a liaison member of the Crusade committee, reported that 120 people have volunteered within the Catholic community to help her with the task of contacting each of the 3,500 inquiries. Sr. Maureen received the names and telephone natnbers from the Crusade Committee, based upon the inquirers indication of leaving a Catholic background on his inquiry card… All 7,500 were immediately invited to a Eucharistic celebration which was held on August 16 at St. Theresa’s Church in Milwaukee. The mass was attended by more than 400 people. The primary purpose for the mass was to remind the inquirers that their commitments to Christ should be nurtured within the sacramental framework of the church.

Christianity Today for September 7, 1979 pointed out that Graham had sent a team member almost a year before the Crusade to conduct a seminar on the working of the Crusade for Milwaukee priests and lay workers. It is a tragedy that 3500 decision cards were turned over to the Roman Catholic Church, but, it is a worse tragedy when you realize that it did not “happen,” It was planned by the world’s best-known evangelist.

Ecumenism In England

Ten years later Billy Graham went to for his Mission ’89 Crusade. Foundation Magazine for November-December 1989 carried the following quotation from Cardinal , written in April of 1989, two months before the Crusade:

We are, as the Catholic Church in this country, working as closely as we can with Billy Graham in his Mission ’89…The view I take is that I believe the grace of God is at work in the Mission and, if it helps people return to their own churches, then that is good

Rev. Michael Seed, Ecumenical Advisor to Cardinal Hume, wrote further in recruiting Catholics to take part in the Billy Graham Group Leaders Training Courses:

The idea behind this is that those who come forward for counselling during a Mission evening in June, if they are Roman Catholic, will be directed to a Roman Catholic ‘nurture-group’ under Roman Catholic counselors in their home area. If certain people present themselves for counselling at a Mission and have no church roots at all then they are asked ‘which church brought you’ and asked to contact that church…

The Cardinal has already sent greeting to Dr. Graham and will be meeting Dr. Graham before the Mission. We know Dr. Graham to be a truly ecumenical evangelist

Later on in July, 1989 the Rev. Seed wrote the following:

Dr. Graham called on Cardinal Hume the day before his Mission on June 13th and the Cardinal attended with myself, the Mission at Earls Court on Monday, June 26th…

Some 2100 Catholics ‘ went forward’ at Missions evenings in London which was excellent – from nearly all our Parishes in Westminster… Billy Graham has helped our Church greatly and many have ‘renewed’ their faith under his great ministry.

Consigning Babes to Darkness

I presume that Dr. Graham’s organization would consider this a triumph of evangelism. To any Bible believer, that it is a great triumph of compromise. It seems fair to assume that those Catholic people chose to attend a Protestant crusade because their hearts were hungry. They were not satisfied with the mass, the intercession of Mary and the good works of being faithful Catholics. Catholicism had not satisfied their hearts. I assume that they heard the Bible message that salvation is found only in Jesus Christ and that it is found there because he finished the work of salvation on the cross with his own blood, Salvation therefore, is all of God and all of grace without the necessity of the mass, Mary, the priest, or good works. If they cast their anchor of faith in this Bible message, they became new babes in Christ. How criminal to turn new babes back to the care of those who had kept them in the bondage of darkness up to that hour! As stated earlier, compromise always takes a man further than he intends to go.

Evidence could be collected from newspapers reporting the Graham crusade converts and listing thousands of cards returned to Catholic churches. Let me give one more bit of clear evidence:

Billy Graham held his Capitol District Crusade, April 22-29 at the Knickerbocker Arena in Albany, New York. According to Foundation for January-February, 1990, the organ of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany, The Evangelist, for November 2, 1989, the following occurred:

About 20, 000 persons are busy making ready for Billy Graham’s 1990 Capitol District Crusade, including representatives from 18 Protestant denominations in the area and a delegation of top Catholic officials appointed by Bishop Howard J Hubbard.

The Graham Crusade, scheduled for April 22-29 at the Knickerbocker Arena in Albany, comes in response to a request made by Bishop Hubbard and other religious leaders, who three years ago, ormally invited the world renowned evangelist to preach here. There are nine Catholics on the SO-person executive committee set up to direct the Crusade… Diocesan officials view the Graham Crusade. as ‘a tool for evangelization,’ explained an executive committee member, Rev. James Kane, director of the diocesan ecumenical commission…

As for the specific dogmatic content of Mr. Graham’s sermons, Father Kane said, “there is nothing that Catholics should feet uncomfortable with or be leery of.” He said the evangelists emphasis on the Gospel and on the importance of the individuals personal relationship with Christ is consistent with Catholic teaching.

However, he added, “we would, of course, emphasize the importance of the Eucharist and the Mass, the sacraments, and the importance of the structure and organization of the Church and its bishops and the pope”.

Smiling Cardinals

Compromise always takes a man further than he wants to go. This is the present pattern.

We have a crusade invited to town by the Catholic Bishop, a crusade with Catholic members on the executive committee, a crusade with Catholic counselors guiding inquirers and a crusade which turns over thousands of contacts to the Roman Catholic Church. Why would the Catholic authorities join forces with a Protestant evangelist? If you read the quotations carefully you read that “Billy Graham has helped our church greatly.” You read that, in Graham’s preaching, “there is nothing that Catholics should feel uncomfortable with or be leery of.” You read that the local priests view the crusade as “a tool for evangelization.” Compromise always waters down the message. In Dr. Graham’s early crusades Catholics got saved, forsook the fellowship of the Roman Church and moved to churches where they were taught the truth. No more. Everyone from the priest to the cardinal smiles happily as converts return to the mother church “renewed.”

Move Two Spaces

In my boyhood one of the favorite games we children played was called, “Uncle Wiggly.” Uncle Wiggly was an elderly rabbit who moved from the word, “Go,” to the safety of his rabbit hole. There were many dangers along the way. To a child it was a thrilling game. To an adult it was a tedious maze of small steps from “Go’ to “Home.” How did Billy Graham get from his “No” of 1950 in regard to Catholicism to his “Yes” of 1990? The answer is by a maze of small steps or compromises.


The year 1957 saw the infamous New York Crusade, sponsored by the Protestant Council of New York. The New York Times carried an electrifying statement of Dr. Graham’s: “If the Pope asked me to preach the Gospel in the Vatican I would go.” A few days before the New York Crusade opened, a Catholic paper published an article warning Catholics to stay away from the Crusade. The- cozy relationship had not yet developed. This prompted Billy to speak these weakening words as reported in Newsweek for May 6, 1957:

I have many friends among Catholic priests, and a number of New York Catholic leaders have written me stating that they believe New York needs a spiritual awakening, and have promised me their prayers and interest even though they could not officially support the meetings, The Catholic Church has always been as friendly and as tolerant as their church law will allow them toward our crusades.

I recall an evangelist of yesteryear, Martin Luther by name, who had great meetings on the subject of justification by faith. It seems that the Pope and his cohorts failed to demonstrate their friendly tolerant interest and prayers.

Also in 1957, the San Francisco News for September 21, 1957 quoted a private interview with Dr. Graham in which he stated that “Anyone who makes a decision at our meetings is seen later and referred to a local clergyman, Protestant, Catholic or Jewish.”

Billy and the Archbishop

New warmth sprang into this strange relationship in 1964 when Graham spent forty-five minutes with Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston. Cushing stated that he was 100% for Billy. The Cleveland Plain Dealer for October 8, 1964 reported Cushing’s words:

I have never known a religious crusade that was more effective than Dr. Graham’s. I have never heard the slightest criticism of anything he has ever said from a Catholic source.

Graham returned the favor by saying: “I feel much closer to Roman Catholic tradition than to some of the more liberal Protestants.”

Some Matters of Tradition

I wonder if Billy stopped to think that “Catholic tradition’ includes the mass, purgatory, veneration of saints, the apocrypha, the immaculate conception, the celibacy of the priests and the confessional. Graham followers would be quick to remind me that “He didn’t mean those.” I know he didn’t, He was using the popular communist and National Council of Churches technique of dialogue, which emphasizes only the places you agree and compromises the rest. Graham readily admitted this in an article in Eternity for November, 1958 when he said as follows:

I do not believe that the ground of our fellowship is to be the inerrancy of the Scriptures but, rather the ground of our fellowship is to be the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ

Do you see what that means? It clearly states that Graham will fellowship with Catholics on the basis of the deity of Jesus Christ; and, by choosing that as the basis, he will exclude all that the inerrant Scriptures say about Catholic heresies, past and present. That is a pious sounding sentence which is really devious, devilish, cleverness. Graham defends compromise with a Bible doctrine while he sweeps away contention about deliberate disobedience to the Word of God.

I cannot help but wonder if Billy Graham has forgotten the Council of Trent. That council opposed every fundamental doctrine of the Reformation. It placed Scripture and tradition on equal footing and made it possible to drag in medieval rubbish with the same veneration as John 3:16. It affirmed transubstantiation and the mass. It taught that justification is by faith and works. It insisted upon the seven sacraments of Rome and put the imprimatur on purgatory and the selling of indulgences. In short, it established as official Roman Catholic truth all that Bible-believing Christians oppose. Can you lightly dismiss all of this heresy as “some matters of later church tradition’? Billy may not have strained at a gnat, but he certainly swallowed the camel.

“Christian Brothers”

Then there was the step taken on November 21, 1967. That was the night that a Catholic college, Belmont Abbey in North Carolina, doctored Mr. Graham with all honorary degree, For centuries colleges have attracted friends and built loyalty by conferring honorary sheepskins. However, Roman Catholic institutions have been notably parsimonious about skinning sheep in honor of those who preach salvation by grace. Graham spoke about the shaking in the world today and stated, “One good thing has come out of this religious shaking, We can meet and talk together as Christian brothers. We could not do this ten years ago,” Thus, in an almost casual way, he accepted the assembled priests, nuns and Catholic layfolk as “Christian brothers.” In commenting on things which have not changed, Graham made this unbelievable statement, as reported by the Gastonia Gazette for November 22, 1967:

Finally, the way of salvation has not changed. I know how the ending of the book will be. The gospel that built this school and the gospel that brings me here tonight is still the way to salvation.

Does Billy Graham really not know the difference between the gospel of God’s grace which saves souls and the Roman system which built Belmont Abbey College and peopled it with priests? Either he is ignorant of the difference, or else he is willing to sell the truth for the pottage of ecumenical popularity

Bishop Sheen and

In 1977 Dr. Graham took several giant steps on the way from “No” to “Yes” by holding a crusade on the campus of Notre Dame University. Christianity Today, which sits on the stool in Graharn’s corner, reported in its issue for June 3, 1977:

Would Billy Graham conduct a crusade at the Vatican? If a place were made available and Christian leaders in Rome wanted him to, he might.

No campaign in Catholicism’s capital is on the Evangelist’s calendar now, but his five-day crusade last month on the Notre Dame University Campus proved he is not afraid to go deep into Roman Catholic territory. It also showed that many elements in the once hostile Catholic community are now receptive to Graham’s type of ministry.

Later in the same article Christianity Today said the following:

Graham’s sermons were of the type that audiences around the world have heard, with only a few more references to such Catholics as Bishop Fulton Sheen and Mother Teresa of Calcutta,

Bishop Sheen was an impressive speaker and Mother Teresa is a compassionate woman. However, are they proper illustrations when preaching the gospel of grace? Apparently, to Graham, with a Catholic audience the end justifies the means.

The Price of Peace

What has made the Catholic community hostile to the gospel as preached by faithful preachers through the years? The gospel declares that the work of Jesus Christ on the cross is finished and sufficient. Roman Catholicism is built on the premise that salvation must be completed week by week through the mass, which is unscriptural hocus pocus. It teaches that salvation can be attained only through the works of the church and the intercession of Mary and the saints. The hostility has been furthered by the fact that faithful evangelists have always sought to deliver their converts from the system which held them bound and to introduce them to a church which would nurture them in Scriptures. How could the “once-hostile” community be made more “receptive”? Obviously two notes would have to be dropped: (1) The evangelist would have to minimize his emphasis on the sufficient work of Christ and (2) The evangelist would have to be content to leave his converts in the care of Rome for nourishment. Of course, it would help if the evangelist were to refer to notable priests and nuns, still in the bosom of the Roman Church, as fine examples of what a Christian should be. Billy Graham has apparently made these adjustments,

The Pope – Our Moral Leader

Who could have foreseen that a prominent Southern Baptist evangelist would ever commend the Pope? On the eve of the Papal visit to the United States in 1979, The Religious News Service produced a September 27,1979 dispatch which quoted Graham as follows:

The visit of Pope Paul II to the United States is an event of great significance not only for Roman Catholics, but for all Americans – as well as the world… In the short time he has been Pope, John Paul II has become the moral leader of the world. My prayers and the prayer of countless other Protestants will be with him as he makes his journey.

Mr. Graham, I resent that. I am a part of this world, and the Pope does not happen to he my moral leader. I did not pray for the success of his visit.

Christianity Today for July 17,1981 published an interview with Billy Graham under the title, “Candid Conversation with the Evangelist.” Replying to a question about the most significant changes on the church scene in the past twenty-five years, Graham said the following-.

Third is the new understanding between Roman Catholics and Protestants. Twenty-five years ago we could hardly speak with each other openly, In our Crusades today, thousands of Catholics feel free to attend. I have preached in Roman Catholic schools, and have even received honorary doctorates from them. this could not have happened 25 years ago.

I agree with that last sentence. It could not have happened 25 years ago, and it should not happen now.

Did Billy Kiss the Ring?

Of course, Billy’s steps had to lead to the last one – the step to the Vatican itself for an interview with the Pope, The same issue of Christianity Today went on to interview Graham about his first (1981) visit to the Pope. Graham said the following:

I spent about a half-hour with the Pope in very private, intimate conversation. He was extremely warm and interested in our work… We discussed the Christian faith, both our agreements and some of our differences. ..

When I was at the Vatican I spoke at a vesper service at the North American College, which is a seminary for students from North America. I understand I was the first Protestant to speak there. It was a very inspirational and Christocentric service, with much contemporary music.

This was not Dr. Graham’s last visit to the Pope. According to a Religious News Service release in the Los Angeles Times of January 20,1990, Billy Graham and the Pope met at the Vatican January 10-13, 1990 for a series of discussions on Eastern Europe and relations between Catholics and evangelicals around the world, What compromises were a part of that conversation none of us know,

Yes, compromise always takes a man further than he wants to go. I am sure that Billy Graham began his evangelistic career with a sincere desire to lead men to Jesus Christ and to see them nurtured in Bible-believing churches. I am sure that he had no desire to send his converts back to the priests, no desire to erase the Reformation, no desire to kiss the papal ring or extend diplomatic recognition to the Vatican. But, when a man takes the course of neutralism and begins to sell his principles for the pottage of popularity, his course is always along a primrose path which leads downward,

Follow the Leader?

If you are reading this book as a follower of Billy Graham, you are angry with me for saying what I have said. I have tried to give you the facts. But, angry or not, stop right here and ask yourself some questions. Is Billy Graham leading you where you want to go? Are you ready to recognize Roman Catholicism as simply another Christian denomination? Do you believe that priests, nuns and the Pope are “Christian brethren”? Are you willing to lead Catholic friends to Christ and send them back to the darkness from which they came? If you are not ready to make those concessions, then you should turn from following a leader who has made them.

Jesus Paid it All

You may be reading this book as an unsaved person. Let me point you to a Bible verse:

Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved as, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;– Titus 3:5

That verse points the difference between the gospel of Christ and the teaching of Catholicism. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that salvation is something a man must earn by the works of the church. The Bible teaches that salvation was purchased by a Saviour who paid it all with His blood. Since Jesus paid it all, you can’t earn it by confession, the mass, penance or intercession of the saints, Christ died to save you. Rest your case on His mercy and you will begin to see in yourself the washing of the new birth and the changes which the Holy Spirit brings.

[John E. Ashbrook is pastor of Bible Community Church in Mentor, Ohio where he has served for the past forty years. He is a member of the Ohio Bible Fellowship and serves as feature editor for the Bible Fellowship Visitor. This is an excerpt from his book, “The New Neutralism II “, which can be ordered from this web site or from

“Here I Stand” Books 536 Greenside Drive Painsville, Ohio 44077


Mother Teresa—A Lost Soul?

June 19, 2015

Dear Friend,

If you research the influence of Mother Teresa, you will find that it is worldwide. In many different languages, you will find books, magazines, articles, DVDs, CDs, and even Concertos made to honor her and to praise her work for humanity. Some Christian pastors refer to her life as an example of Christian living. The unique aura that surrounds the person and work of Mother Teresa makes it difficult to truly analyze her life and beliefs. This analysis, however, needs to be made as the lives of countless millions of people are involved. Therefore, with compassion and deep concern, we have addressed the question: Was Mother Teresa a lost soul?

We ask that you respond in prayer and forward the article to others. We request also, if possible, that you post it on your Webpage.

In the Lord’s loving kindness and grace,

Richard Bennett

Mother Teresa—A Lost Soul? By Richard Bennett – Former Catholic Priest

In many countries, Gonhxa Agnes Bojaxhiu, better known as the highly esteemed Mother Teresa, is being presented as a role model. Since many people now accept the notion that all religions are legitimate ways to God, for them Mother Teresa is currently one of the best standards. She believed that all people can go to heaven by way of their own religious beliefs. People rationalize that if good deeds made Mother Teresa acceptable to God, some good deeds in their own lives will help secure their confidence that they, too, will one day reach heaven. Mother Teresa can easily become a reputable, across-the-board role model for those who hold these kinds of assumptions. Moreover, people are very reluctant to state anything against a person so recognized for an extraordinarily devoted life full of many good deeds. Consequently, examination of her life and her message can be a very sensitive issue. Mother Teresa’s life and message, however, must be measured against what our Lord Jesus Christ has said in His written Word, particularly because she finished her life spiritually bankrupt, as she from her early life on admitted to walking in spiritual darkness.[1] This repeated admission must be acknowledged for what it is in the light of Bible truth.

Darkness From the Beginning

Gonhxa Bojaxhiu, born in 1910, grew up in a very pious Catholic family in a fervently Catholic parish in Albania. Nevertheless, it took her six years to come to her decision to become a nun, which she did at age eighteen. By her dedication and devotion, she was convinced that she loved Jesus and had loved him since a child. She wrote, “From the age of 5½ years,—when first I received Him [through her first Holy Communion]—the love for souls has been within—It grew with the years—until I came to India—with the hope of saving many souls.”[2] On her way to India for the first time, she wrote home, “Pray for your missionary, that Jesus may help her to save as many immortal souls as possible from the darkness of unbelief.”[3] After nine years in India, she wrote to a Jesuit priest, who had been her confessor,

“Do not think that my spiritual life is strewn with roses—that is the flower which I hardly ever find on my way. Quite the contrary, I have more often as my companion ‘darkness.’ And when the night becomes very thick—and it seems to me as if I will end up in hell—then I simply offer myself to Jesus…I need much grace, much of Christ’s strength to persevere in trust, in that blind love which leads only to Jesus Crucified….I would not wish at any price to give up my sufferings.”[4]

There is but one Lord Jesus Christ and one Gospel as the Apostle warned believers.[5] Tragically, her private writings reveal that this utterly devoted woman never got beyond the darkness of the false gospel and “another Jesus” of the Catholic Church.

The Road to Perdition

In April of 1942, Mother Teresa made a private vow, “I made a vow to God, binding under [pain of] mortal sin, to give to God anything that He may ask, ‘Not to refuse Him anything.’”[6] Her later explanation was that she “wanted to give God something very beautiful…without reservation.”[7] Her work in Calcutta became that “something beautiful” she wanted to give to God. Disastrously, she did not know that the one who was calling her to this endeavor was not the Lord Jesus Christ, but “another Jesus,” to which her private writings give abundant testimony. In the time that it took to convince her superiors that she was to do this work, she wrote much to them. It is from these and other of her private letters that her regress into deeper darkness is visible.

Her first call had been at age twelve when she knew she wanted to “go out and give the life of Christ to the people in the missionary countries.”[8] At age thirty-six, she received “a call within my vocation” which occurred in 1946 during a train ride from Calcutta to Loreto. Of it she later wrote, “On the train journey to Darjeeling on 10th September 1946 is where the M.C. [] begins—in the depths of God’s infinite longing to love and to be loved[9]….It was on this day in 1946 in the train to Darjeeling that God gave me the ‘call within a call’ to satiate the thirst of Jesus by serving Him in the poorest of the poor.”[10]

The “Voice” that gave this call spoke to her many, many times following the train ride, always insisting that she start a work among the poorest people. For example, she testifies in her January 13, 1947 letter to Archbishop Périer,

“One day at Holy Com [Communion], I heard the same voice very distinctly—‘I want Indian nuns, Victims of my love, who would be Mary & Martha. Who would be so very united to me as to radiate my love on souls….The thirst you had for souls brought you so far.—Are you afraid to take one more step for your Spouse—for me—for souls?…You did not die for souls—that is why you don’t care what happens to them.—Your heart was never drowned in sorrow as it was My Mother’s. We both gave our all for souls—and you?…your vocation is to love and suffer and save souls and by taking this step you will fulfill my Heart’s desire for you—That is your vocation.’…this voice frightened me…I asked Our Mother Mary to ask Jesus to remove all this from me. The more I prayed—the clearer grew the voice in my heart…‘Little one give me souls—give me the souls of the poor little street children—How it hurts—if you only knew—to see these poor children soiled with sin. I long for the purity of their love.—If you would only answer my call—and bring me these souls—draw them away from the hands of the evil one….For them I long—them I love—Wilt thou refuse?’”[11]

And again,

“‘My little one—come—come—carry me into the holes of the poor.—Come be My light—I cannot go alone—they don’t know Me—so they don’t want Me. You come—go amongst them, carry Me with you into them.—How I long to enter their holes—their dark unhappy homes. Come be their victim.—In your immolation—in your love for Me—they will see Me, know Me, want Me. Offer more sacrifices—smile more tenderly, pray more fervently and all the difficulties will disappear.’”[12]

Not only did she hear over and over again what she referred to as the “Voice,” always with the same content to the message, but she disclosed in a letter to the Archbishop that she had had three visions, of which she reported,

“1) I saw a very big crowd—all kinds of people—very poor and children were there also. They all had their hands lifted towards me—standing in their midst. They called out ‘Come, come, save us—bring us to Jesus.’

2) Again that great crowd—I could see great sorrow and suffering in their faces—I was kneeling near Our Lady, who was facing them.—…I heard her say ‘Take care of them—they are mine—bring them to Jesus—Carry Jesus to them—Fear not. Teach them to say the Rosary—the family Rosary and all will be well.—Fear not—Jesus and I will be with you and your children.’

3) The same great crowd—they were covered in darkness. Yet I could see them. Our Lord on the Cross. Our Lady at a little distance from the Cross—and myself as a little child in front of her. Her left hand was on my left shoulder—and her right hand was holding my right arm. We were both facing the Cross. Our Lord said—‘I have asked you. They have asked you and she, My Mother has asked you. Will you refuse to do this for me—to take care of them, to bring them to me?’

I answered—You know, Jesus, I am ready to go at a moment’s notice.…Since [then]—I have heard nothing nor seen anything, but I know that what ever I have written—it is true.—As I told you, I do not build on this—but I know it is true.”[13]

God’s Written Word Alone is Truth for Life

The highest authority that the true believer knows is God’s written word, the Scriptures. The Lord’s strong clear declaration is: “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.”[14] Since God’s written word alone is breathed out by Him,[15] it and it alone is the believer’s standard of behavior. It cannot be otherwise. Any voice contradicting Scripture is to be accounted as a liar and a deceiver, the voice of the evil one. It is heartbreaking to see how Mother Teresa, as a young girl, was led into a false gospel practiced by her pious Catholic family and taught to them by the Catholic Church. From there she became a nun desiring to bring souls out of darkness into believing faith in the Catholic Church. It is even more distressing to read of her being approached by a “Voice,” “another Jesus,” who brought an unbiblical message accompanied by three visions—visions to which she with great sacrifices blindly devoted herself. None of this could make her right with God, but she did not know it.

Tragically, she through her blind faith in Catholic doctrine and rituals was rendered unprotected against these stronger forms of spiritual deception that had beset her. Nor were her superiors of final protection, for all the while that her request to set up an order was being considered, she and they were believing, practicing Catholics—sincerely and unquestioningly living out a “gospel” that cannot save.[16] While Mother Teresa believed Catholic doctrine, she remained in darkness. She wrote that the darkness increasingly impacted her when, having set up the Missionaries of Charity, she began to run her newly erected order, i.e., the “something beautiful” on which the “Voice” had insisted. Warned by the “Voice” that she would suffer much, she attested to having expected physical sufferings, but she seems not to have expected that she would find herself so alone—abandoned by her “Spouse,” as it were. As she stated in a letter in 1961,

“When I help my Sisters draw very close to Jesus—when I teach them to love Him with a deep—devoted—personal love—I long to be able to do the same.—The Sisters in front of my very eyes I see them love God—come so close to Him—grow daily so much like Him—and I, Father—am just ‘alone’—empty—excluded—and not wanted.”[17]

She wrote yet again to Neuner,

“How cold—how empty—how painful is my heart.—Holy communion—Holy Mass—all the holy things of spiritual life—of the life of Christ in me—are all so empty—so cold—so unwanted. The physical situation of my poor, left in the streets unwanted, unloved, unclaimed—are the true picture of my own spiritual life, of my love for Jesus….”[18]

It is clearly evident throughout her private writings that she did not have in her heart “the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”[19] As the vision of establishing an order was realized and lived out, the foundational issue with which she was increasingly faced was that of the object of her hope and faith. Would it deliver? Her personal writings chronicle the fact that it did deliver the promised suffering. But on the salvation promised after the suffering,[20] it cannot deliver, for the Bible, the written Word of God, states otherwise.

Denial of the Gospel

Mother Teresa wrote numerous times of “Jesus”, consistently finishing many of her letters and documents with “Yours in Jesus, M Teresa MC.” Yet, she never mentions herself at all as a sinner trusting on Jesus Christ for salvation. Rather, she has His role and her role reversed, in that He needs her to sacrifice herself to save lives for Him; but she professes that she neither needs nor wants His love. The purpose of her work is stated in the founding “Decree of Erection” for her congregation:

“To quench the thirst of Our Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of souls by the observance of the three Vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience, and of an additional fourth Vow to devote themselves with abnegation to the care of the poor and needy who, crushed by want and destitution, live in conditions unworthy of the human dignity.”[21]

Clearly, the founding purpose of her congregation is diametrically opposed to the Gospel message that by faith alone a convicted sinner trusts solely on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. For Teresa and the religious order she established, the salvation of souls was to be obtained by the observance of four specific vows purporting to aid in quenching the insatiable thirst of the Lord Jesus Christ.

From Teresa’s private correspondence, it is abundantly clear that she thinks she loves Jesus. Lost in living out the imaginations of her own deceived heart,[22] she appears to be unaware that her message is a flagrant, clear cut denial of the true Gospel. Her writing shows that she absolutely did not know that being right with God is God’s gift through Christ Jesus’ perfect life and sacrifice alone. No good works are part of salvation, as Scripture so clearly states, “for by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works lest any man should boast.”[23] In stating its primary goal, the founding decree of Mother Teresa’s congregation shows that neither she who started this work nor the Catholic authorities who gave it Catholic legitimacy knew anything whatsoever of the glorious Lord Christ—as if He needed us to quench His thirst.

Holding this completely unscriptural view of the Lord Jesus Christ and teaching it to others is an extremely serious sin, as the Scripture warns, “woe unto them…that put darkness for light, and light for darkness.”[24] That Teresa had been deceived by “another Jesus” is thoroughly attested to by her own writing—for her founding statement and the documents leading up to it contradict Who Christ is. This “Voice”, which she thought was Jesus, called her to be his light to the poor and beyond, and equipped her with a false gospel to live and perpetrate, which she did to her utmost. That false gospel is enshrined in the foundation statement of her Missionaries of Charity charter.

It is sobering to remember that the Lord said, “not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.”[25] The Lord made the will of the Father abundantly clear when He said, “This is the work of God, that you believe on him whom he hath sent.”[26] He explained also in the parable of the Pharisee and the publican that as sinners we come to God with the attitude of the publican who cried out, “God be merciful to me a sinner.”[27] True assurance and peace with God is absolutely God’s gift, as the Scripture so wonderfully explains, “Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.”[28]

A Foundation Built on the Sand of Suffering and Good Works

The concept that good deeds make us acceptable to God was foundational to Mother Teresa. The website explains how she visited Cincinnati, Ohio, on June 7, 1981, to help the Franciscan community there launch a celebration of the 800th anniversary of the birth of St. Francis of Assisi. She was asked why St. Francis had such an impact on her life. She explained that an incident in the life of St. Francis that most appealed to her was his kissing of the leper. According to tradition, one day St. Francis had passed a leper on the road, too repulsive at first even to greet. “But then he came back and embraced him,” Mother Teresa related. “That was the beginning of St. Francis. That act of surrender made St. Francis…. After that he was ready to give anything!”[29] This purpose to save souls “by surrender” was in fact what Mother Teresa wrote in the explanation of the Constitutions of her order of nuns.

“True love is surrender. The more we love the more we surrender. If we really love souls we must be ready to take their place, to take their sins upon us and face the anger of God. It is only thus that we make ourselves their means and them our end. We must be living holocausts, for the world needs us as such.”[30]

What Mother Teresa wrote and lived is in fact official teaching of the Catholic Church. The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains it in this way,

“In the treasury, too, are the prayers and good works of all the saints, all those who have followed in the footsteps of Christ the Lord and by his grace have made their lives holy and carried out the mission the Father entrusted to them. In this way they have attained their own salvation and at the same time cooperated in saving their brothers in the unity of the Mystical Body.”[31]

In total contrast, Scripture declares that all our righteous deeds are as filthy rags.[32] Working for one’s own salvation, and the salvation of others, is explicitly ruled out by the Word of God. Grace, in Scripture, is shown to be absolutely God’s gift, “Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.”[33]

Mother Teresa’s Lifelong Experience

The book much quoted here, Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light, has been published. It consists primarily of the correspondence of Teresa over a period of sixty-six years.[34] It reveals her total lack of knowledge of the Gospel. The letters from her own hand make known that for nearly fifty years she felt no presence of God whatsoever in her life. The crisis seems to have started at the time she began tending “the poor and dying” in Calcutta. It never grew less except for a five-week period in 1959. Eleven years after the founding of her congregation, she wrote to Father Picachy of her horrendous despair,

“They say people in hell suffer eternal pain because of the loss of God—they would go through all that suffering if they had just a little hope of possessing God.—In my soul I feel just that terrible pain of loss—of God not wanting me—of God not being God—of God not really existing (Jesus, please forgive my blasphemies—I have been told to write everything). That darkness that surrounds me on all sides—I can’t lift my soul to God—no light or inspiration enters my soul.—I speak of love for souls—of tender love for God—words pass through my words [sic, lips]—and I long with a deep longing to believe in them.—What do I labor for? If there be no God—there can be no soul.—If there is no soul then Jesus—You also are not true.—Heaven, what emptiness—not a single thought of Heaven enters my mind—for there is no hope.—I am afraid to write all those terrible things that pass in my soul.—They must hurt You.”[35]

Poignantly we realize Teresa did not know that the Lord alone is the source of everlasting life. Jesus Christ is the incarnate reality in Whom alone we find the Father and everlasting life. This is the reason why the Scriptures continually emphasize the truth that, “there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”[36] The Lord God has appointed Him as the one and only Mediator and has ordained that all blessings shall come to souls through Him alone. “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”[37] The Bible not only teaches Who the Lord Jesus Christ is, but it also excludes all others from His roles. To put forward other persons as ways to obtain God’s blessings or to purport to assist Christ in salvation is in fact a denial of His person. Pathetically, this is exactly what Mother Teresa consistently taught and did in her life. Thus to Archbishop Périer she wrote not only of going in the name Mary and for her glory, but also she mentions Mary’s desire for the conversion at Fatima,

“Your Grace [Archbishop Périer], please entrust the whole thing to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.—She is doing wonders in other lands.—She will do this for your Archdiocese.—She will take special care of your Missionaries of Charity, for in serving the poor, our aim is to bring them through Mary to Jesus, using the family Rosary as the main weapon. What desires she spoke of at Fatima about the conversion of sinners. We want to do Our Lady’s part in the slums.—Let me go in her name and for her glory. With her for Our Mother, and for her greater glory, Our Lord will not allow the work of love and self-sacrifice to be a failure—from His point of view.”[38]

The basic soul damning message of Fatima still lived out in Roman Catholicism is expressed in the words of the apparition, “Pray, pray very much. Make sacrifices for sinners. Many souls go to hell, because no one is willing to help them with sacrifice.”[39] The Lord Jesus Christ was the Perfect One, the only one who could make the one acceptable sacrifice for sinners. Such a work in His words “is finished.”[40] He the Christ is the Sole Lamb of God, “there is no more offering for sin.”[41] Mother Teresa’s upholding of Mary’s name and glory, and the blasphemous message of Fatima show just how deeply she held to Roman Catholic teaching. How appalling it is to read her words that she wanted to live and die for the ‘Immaculate Heart’. She wrote,

“Today—my God—what tortures of loneliness—I wonder how long will my heart suffer this….Let me not draw back from the sacrifice I have made of my free choice and conviction. Immaculate Heart of my Mother, have pity on thy poor child. For the love of thee I want to live and die an M.C. [Missionaries of Charity].”[42]

With her mind locked into such veneration and dedication to the “Immaculate Heart”, it is no wonder that she also wrote of the horrendous darkness and emotional pain that she suffered even while still asking Mary to be her Mother in the darkness,

“Please pray for me—the longing for God is terribly painful and yet the darkness is becoming greater. What contradiction there is in my soul.—The pain within is so great—that I really don’t feel anything for all the publicity and the talk of the people. Please ask Our Lady to be my Mother in this darkness.”[43]

In her letters, Teresa has given first hand testimony to the agony of living out the false gospel she had been taught. What is so grave is that in spite of all her prolonged agony in spiritual emptiness, she leaves no evidence so far that she ever questioned any of her authorities. Rather, all evidence now available is quite the opposite. Unlike Martin Luther who in his agony turned to the Bible, Teresa in her life turned to her superiors and confessors. Like Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits four hundred years prior, she also turned to Catholic mystics. Nor does she give any evidence, so far, of even having known anything about truth. Apparently, the pain of living a lie did not spur her to seek truth, for so far it has not appeared as an issue in her letters—rather, only the agony of desperate aloneness. Sadly all the evidence that has been documented points to the fact that Teresa had not received a love of the truth.[44]

True believers have the “Spirit of truth,”[45] and through that Spirit, a vital bond of union with Jesus Christ. If anyone has Christ as Savior, he or she has the Holy Spirit as Indweller. Anyone who claims to belong to Jesus Christ but gives no evidence of being indwelt by the Holy Spirit lacks the indisputable proof to establish his or her claim. No test could be more easily applied and none is more decisive, as Scripture explains; “now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.”[46] The consolation of the Holy Spirit is so basic to Christian life that the Apostle Paul calls it “everlasting consolation;” “now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace….”[47] For those who are truly saved, “everlasting consolation” follows on the everlasting love, the eternal redemption, and the everlasting life that is found in the Gospel of grace.

Embracing False Ecumenism

Over and above her belief that the salvation of souls was achieved through religious vows and quenching the thirst of Jesus, she had strong convictions of the usefulness of all religions. She believed that every person is a child of God and all can find God through any religion. In her presentation at the United Nations in 1985, she said, “No color, no religion, no nationality should come between us, we are all children of God….When we destroy an unborn child, we destroy God.”[48] “The dying, the crippled, the mentally ill, the unwanted, the unloved—they are Jesus in disguise. … [Through] poor people I have an opportunity to be 24 hours a day with Jesus.”[49] She also said, “Every AIDS victim is Jesus in a pitiful disguise; Jesus is in everyone….”[50] Naveen Chawla, Mother Teresa’s longtime friend and biographer, once asked her, “Do you convert?” She replied, “Of course I convert. I convert you to be a better Hindu or a better Muslim or a better Protestant. Once you’ve found God, it’s up to you to decide how to worship him.”[51] It mattered not to Teresa that God set the manner in which we are to worship Him. As the Lord decreed, “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”[52] Teresa accepted all religions and did not put her faith in the Lord of glory alone.

In 1986, Bob Bush, a former Jesuit priest, confronted her on this very issue at the headquarters of her congregation in Calcutta. He said to her, “You and the people in your houses for the dying must realize that a person is made right before God only by trusting in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for sinners. You must be born again by the Holy Spirit and trust on the Lord alone.”[53] She would not accept this message, but continued believing that all religions bring people to God.

On the Way to Becoming “St Teresa of Calcutta”

Teresa spoke of herself becoming a Saint in the Roman Catholic sense. She wrote “If I ever become a Saint—I will surely be one of ‘darkness.’ I will continually be absent from Heaven—to light the light of those in darkness on earth.”[54] This inflated idea of her mission after death is an outright blasphemy against the sole assignment of Jesus Christ. His unique mission is to give “light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death.”[55] The Lord directly announced that He is “the light of the world” to banish spiritual darkness. He came as the light-revealing God, exposing mankind, so that all who believe on Him should be delivered from the darkness and the ruin of sin. Mother Teresa’s statement is not only offensively sacrilegious, but it shows her lack of any real understanding of the Lord Jesus Christ as the “Sole Fountain of Light” for the darkness of the world.

The process to sainthood for Teresa begun by Pope John Paul continues speedily. The very procedure towards canonization as a Roman Catholic saint makes her life and message all the more appealing to Catholics and to people across the world. While calling her up in prayer (which according to Catholic teaching, should take place after only she is recognized as a Saint), it is obvious that Catholics are already attempting to contact her through prayer as has been reported in Time magazine, October 5, 2007. Catholic priest V. M. Thomas was scheduled for surgery on September 6, 2007.[56] At his celebration of Mass, he asked those present to pray to Mother Teresa on his behalf. When he returned to the hospital for surgery, x-rays indicated his kidney stone had disappeared. This purported miracle is now being submitted to the Vatican to help validate what has been called Teresa’s fast track to sainthood.[57]

The Vatican not only publicly declares who are Saints, but it encourages mankind to contact these dead persons. The Vatican officially teaches, “Communion with the dead…Our prayer for them is capable not only of helping them, but also of making their intercession for us effective.” “We can and should ask them to intercede for us and for the whole world.”[58] Supposed communion with the dead and deification of the dead has held a prominent place in nearly every system of paganism. The dead are consulted to give help to the living, which is an alluring charm of the occult. The practice of communicating with the spirits of the departed is sinful, since the Scripture forbids it, “there shall not be found among you any one…that useth divination…or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer [one who calls up the dead].”[59]

The Consequences of Following Mother Teresa

Mankind loves darkness more than light as the Lord Himself declared, “this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light….”[60] Darkness is the emblem of ignorance, iniquity, error, superstition—whatever is opposite to truth and godliness. The darkness, superstition, gloom, and emptiness of Mother Teresa’s teachings, and of the Vatican upholding her, are unspeakably serious—so serious that if she died still believing the Catholic dogma she had consistently taught, then the consequence of believing and teaching a false gospel is her lot after death.

How dreadful it is to have religious feelings and yet have no saving relationship with the Lord. True believers adhere to the all-holy God and His written Word alone as their ultimate authority. Before Him, according to His written Word, persons are saved by grace alone through faith alone. Those who follow Mother Teresa’s standards deny these basic biblical truths. They are similar to the devout Pharisees in the Lord’s own time, who followed their religious traditions yet would not accept Jesus as the Messiah, the Christ of God. The painful, yet essential, message for these people is the same as the Lord gave to those Pharisees, “I said therefore unto you that you shall die in your sins: for if you believe not that I am He, ye shall die in your sins.”[61] If one denies that Jesus is who He claims to be, then one must deny His message. His message is simple but binding. As the Lord Himself declared, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”[62] Knowledge of Jesus Christ is the knowledge of God.

Since many are determined to hold to “a faith” like Mother Teresa’s, they are substituting a lie for genuine, saving faith in the Lord of Glory. How terrible is the conclusion of this unbelief, “ye shall die in your sins.” The one who persists in his or her rejection of the Christ of God will die in his or her sins, unpardoned and totally hopeless before the Lord God. Yet, how unimpressed are many by these fearful words, “shall die in your sins.”

Sadly misguided, there are those who say that it is harsh and unkind to speak of the future destiny of Catholics and those such as Mother Teresa. The example of Jesus Christ, however, teaches us better. The Lord did not hesitate to press this dreadful truth, nor should we. In the light of God’s Word, for us to remain silent would be dishonest and unloving. This truth needs to be proclaimed today. Men and women will not turn to Christ until they recognize their imminent danger of the wrath to come.

If a person passes out of this world “dead in sins,” then of necessity, he or she will yet be cast into the lake of fire, “This is the second death.”[63] The Apostle Paul clearly outlined this pending peril, “the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.”[64] How completely shattered is the impoverished hope that believes that every one is a child of God and all can find God through any religion. How devastating it is to expect that our good works can earn salvation. We entreat the Lord God that this ignorance be removed from many minds and hearts and that the Holy Spirit bring to them life, conviction, and true faith.

Both Old and New Testaments tell us that we are spiritually dead to God. Adam’s sin brought death.[65] The Prophet Ezekiel states, “The soul that sinneth, it shall die.”[66] The Apostle Paul says, “the wages of sin is death.”[67] The great Gospel message is that which the Apostle Peter proclaimed: “Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from our fathers; but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.”[68]

Christ Jesus has purchased everlasting life for true believers. He alone has authority and power to give life. His words of assurance are, “I say unto you, ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened. If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?” ♦

Richard Bennett of “Berean Beacon” Webpage:

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[1] Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light, the Private Writings of the “Saint of Calcutta”, edited and with commentary by Brian Kolodiejchuk, M. C. (USA: Doubleday, 2007) p. 20; also Ch. 8–13. Mother Teresa hereafter. [2] Ibid., p.15 [3] Letter to Blagovijest (Catholic magazine in Skopje, her home town), March 25, 1929, Mother Teresa, p. 15 [4] Letter to Fr. Franjo Jambreković, S. J., February 8, 1937, Mother Teresa, p. 20 [5] II Corinthians 11:4 [6] Letter to Archbishop Périer, September 1, 1959, Mother Teresa, p. 28 [7] Letter to Fr. Picachy, April 4, 1960, Mother Teresa, p.29. [8] Malcolm Muggeridge, Something Beautiful for God (NY: Harper & Row, 1971) p. 84, quoted in Mother Teresa, p. 14 [9] Letter to Missionaries of Charity Sisters, April 24, 1996, Mother Teresa, p. 40 [10] Letter to Co-Workers, Christmas, 1996, Ibid. [11] Mother Teresa, p. 48 Underlining in these quotations indicate the words of the “Voice” in the original. [12] Letter to Archbishop Périer, December 3, 1947, Mother Teresa, p. 98 [13] Ibid., p. 99 [14] Isaiah 8:20 [15] II Timothy 3:16 [16] Brian Kolodiejchuk, Postulator for the cause of Canonization of Blessed Theresa of Calcutta, comments, “His [Archbishop Périer] decision was not based on the extraordinary phenomena that Mother Teresa had experienced but rather on the depth of her life of prayer, her obedience and zeal, and his judgment that her blueprint and rules proposed a concrete solution to a critical need in the Church.” Mother Teresa, Pp. 102-103. [17] Letter to Fr. Joseph Neuner, October 16, 1961, Mother Teresa, p. 222 [18] Letter to Fr. Neuner, May 12, 1962, Mother Teresa, p. 232 [19] II Corinthians 4:6 [20] Catechism of the Catholic Church (1994), Para. 1477 [21] Mother Teresa, pp. 138-139 [22] Jeremiah 17:9 [23] Ephesians 2:8-9 [24] Isaiah 5:20 [25] Matthew 7:21 [26] John 6:29 [27] Luke 18:13 [28] Romans 4:4-5 [29] 10/15/2007 [30] Mother Teresa. Quoted from Explanation of the Original Constitutions of the M. C. Sisters written by Mother M. Teresa, M.C., undated, Mother Teresa, pp. 331-332 [31] Catechism, Para. 1477. Emphasis not in original. [32] Isaiah 64:6, “all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags.” [33] Romans 4:4-5 [34] The process of canonization requires that everything known about the person be collected and reviewed by the proper canonization authorities. The letters and documents in this book are part of that process. [35] Letter to Father Picachy, September 1959, Mother Teresa, pp. 192-193 [36] Acts 4:12 [37] I Corinthians 3:11 [38] Letter to Archbishop Périer Nov 7 1947, Mother Teresa p 94 [39] 11/3/2007 [40] John 19:30. [41] Hebrews 10:18. [42] Journal, February 28, 1949, Mother Teresa, p. 134 [43] Letter to Archbishop Périer, January 29, 1958, Mother Teresa, p. 174 [44] John 14:6; 8:31-32; II Thessalonians 2:7-10. [45] John 14:17 [46] Romans 8:9 [47] II Thessalonians 2:16 [48] Christian News, Nov. 11, 1985, p. 17 [49] Time Magazine 12/4/89, pp. 11,13 [50] Time Magazine 1/13/86 [51] “Mother Teresa Touched Other Faiths”, Associated Press, Sept. 7, 1997 [52] John 4:24 [53] Recorded telephone conversation with Bob Bush 9/27/2007 [54] Letter to Father Joseph Neuner, March 6, 1962, Mother Teresa, p. 1 [55] Luke 1:79 [56] The 10th anniversary of Teresa’ death [57] “Mother Teresa and the Kidney Stone”,,8599,1668857,00.html?xid 10/8/2007 [58] Catechism, Para 958 and Para 2683 respectively [59] Deuteronomy 18:10-11 [60] John 3:19 [61] John 8:24 [62] John 14:6 [63] Revelation 20:14 [64] II Thessalonians 1:7-8 [65] Genesis 2:17 [66] Ezekiel 18:20 [67] Romans 6:23 [68] I Peter 1:18-19

SOURCE: Pedophile Popes And Other Catholic Clergy Perverts

Please note: I did not capitalize the word “pope” in this article to express my distain for that religious office and the scumbags and perverts who have occupied it in the past and who currently occupy it. If I had known the truth about those folks, I would have left the Catholic Church long before the Good Lord saved me by His grace. Anyone who remains in that “Church”, or rather that den of iniquity, is condoning gross immorality of the most despicable kind, and claiming ignorance is no excuse. Denying the facts will not make them go away either.

While there is no solid evidence to prove that ALL popes are and have been pedophiles, many probably have been, from reports by those who have been victimized by that institution and by the clergy that have left that false Christian religious and political system. Many priests and other higher level Catholic clergy are known homosexuals[1] and pedophiles. “Between 20 and 60 percent of all Catholic priests are gay, according to one estimate cited by Donald B. Cozzens in his well-regarded ‘The Changing Face of the Priesthood'”[2]. Even pope Francis has publicly stated that [at least] one in fifty Catholic clergy are pedophiles[3,4].

What pope Francis will never tell the public is that his predecessor, pope Gregory XVI (also known as Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger) stepped down from the office of pope because he was about to be arrested for pedophile related activities[5]. What much of the world does not realize is how much the people of Italy hate these perverts. We are not talking about the devout Catholics in Italy, who will never believe anything bad about their beloved “Papa”. One of the pedophile sex scandals surrounding previous pope Gregory involved his brother George who is also a member of the Catholic clergy, and who ran a famous Catholic boys’ choir in Bavaria where it has been revealed that two hundred and thirty-one children had been victimized over a period of decades[6].

People are wondering if the Vatican’s new child abuse tribunals “will act as a church-sponsored shield to protect its hierarchy from other legal jurisdictions”[7]. What other purpose would they serve when it is clearly the job of secular courts to legally pursue such cases, to ensure that justice is meted out and to ensure that the Vatican does NOT try to cover up these crimes?


[1] The Vatican’s Secret Life

[2] ibid.

[3] Pope Francis: ‘One in 50’ Catholic priests, bishops and cardinals is a paedophile

[4] Catholic Priests Pedophiles

[5] Pope Benedict’s resignation linked to gay conclave

[6] What Pope Benedict Knew About Abuse in the Catholic Church

[7] First Vatican child abuse trial places former nuncio in dock

SEE ALSO: Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Cases at – has a long list of references Catholic bishops not obliged to report clerical child abuse, Vatican says Sins of the fathers: sexual abuse at a Catholic order Is there still ongoing Clerical Abuse and Cover up? Vatican ordered Irish bishops not to report abuse