July, 1882. Contents
7 i ■■ ■; ' V m ,U tt F.’id-tODeeS^ A M E ^ 13A PTI 5 T ... F o P £ f £~/v ■ ' - "I. •" v- / ■ s g e / f ^v , ~ ■ • ■- s_______ i Vol. LXII. July, 1882. n No. 7. t*There » a gold-mine in India; but it seems almost as deep as <he centre of the earth, io will venture to explore it? " — Andrew Fuller. *< < win go down; but remember that you must hold the ropes."— W illiam Carey . jm ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ II ITT Contents. PAGE SIXTY-EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE R E C A P IT U L A T E )N .....................................,. 278 AMERICAN BAPTIS1 M ISS. UNION . 169 GENERAL ST/ TISTICAL TABLES .... 280 SIXTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING OF REPORT OF THE TREASURER . s8i T H E BOARD ....................................... 192 OFFICERS O' THE MISSDNARY UNION . 291 SIXTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT . .199 Home Department.......................................... 199 PREACHERS AT TRIENNIAL AND AN Foreign Department'— Asiatic Missions (Bur NUAL MEETINGS .....................................392 mah, Assam, Telugus, Chinese, Japanese), HONORARY M EM BE^^©*,—L 1£ E OF Africa, European Missions (French, German, Sweden, Spain, Greece) . ........................212 TH- YALE Diviry SCHOOL gasttfw: Ptt<efrefc for tje American 3Sapttet JSigsstffnarti iHnion, y Crrmnnt STtmplt. l* » n » ( POSTAGE PRKPAID) S ONE DOLLAR AND T kN CENTS PKR ANNUM IN ABTAXCK. [Entered at the Toit-Offlo* ftt Boiton u Mooad-cUn oattar.] % FRANKUN fRESS: RAND, AVERY fc CO., BOSTON. a* ,/VB.C NEW BOOKS. ■>y. FOR THE YOUNG. BREAKER BOY OF LANDSFORD. B E A U T I F U L L A D D E R ; or. The Two Students. i6mo, pp. 288.
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