Weekly Reports

A grocery shop that was bombarded by Israeli warplanes in in the northern – 03 February

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)

A Palestinian civilian was wounded by IOF in .

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Three civilians, including 2 children, were wounded by glass shrapnel, a woman suffered nervous trauma and a woman sustained wounds in the foot.

An agricultural room, a shop and several warehouses were totally destroyed.

Partial damages were caused to 28 houses, 2 shops, a legal firm, a sports club, a school and 4 civilian cars.

A tunnel was destroyed in the south of the Gaza Strip.

IOF have continued to use force against peaceful protests in the West Bank.

7 protesters, including a child and a solidarity activist, were wounded in the al-Nabi Saleh weekly protest.

IOF conducted 47 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank and a limited one into the Gaza Strip.

IOF arrested 22 , including 2 children, in the West Bank.

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IOF arrested 3 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip while trying to infiltrate Israel.

Israel has continued to impose a total closure on the OPT and has isolated the Gaza Strip from the outside world.

Israeli soldiers arrested 2 Palestinian civilians at checkpoints in the West Bank.

Israel has continued efforts to create a Jewish majority in East Jerusalem.

IOF bulldozed 20 dunums, 3 natural caves, 2 walls and a dust road in al-Tour village, east of Jerusalem.

A Palestinian family was forced by IOF to demolish a flat and 2 shops belonging to the family.

IOF have continued settlement activities in the West Bank and Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property.

IOF implemented bulldozing works in the north of Jayous village, northeast of Qalqilya, with the aim to annex these lands to "Tsufim" settlement.

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Israeli settlers organized provocative tours in Hebron under IOF protection.

Israeli settlers raided Palestinian villages and wrote racist slogans against Arabs and offending the Prophet Mohammed.

- IOF bulldozed lands in Kafr Qaddoum village with the aim to annex these lands to nearby settlements.


Israeli violations of international law and humanitarian law in the OPT continued during the reporting period (02 – 08 February 2012):


During the reporting period, IOF wounded 7 protesters, including a child and a French solidarity activist, in al-Nabi Saleh weakly protest in the West Bank. In the Gaza Strip, three civilians, including 2 children, were wounded by glass shrapnel, a woman suffered nervous trauma and a woman sustained wounds in the foot when IOF warplanes fired a missile at a civilian target.

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In the West Bank, during the reporting period, IOF used excessive force to disperse peaceful demonstrations organized in protest to Israeli settlement activities and the construction of the annexation wall in the West Bank. As a result, 7 protesters, including a child and a French solidarity activist, were wounded in al-Nabi Saleh weakly protest, northwest of Ramallah. Additionally, dozens of Palestinian civilians and human rights defenders participating in peaceful demonstrations suffered from tear gas inhalation. IOF also held Ali Dar Ali, 27, a reporter for Palestine TV, and Najib Allah Hussein Sharawna, 23, a cameraman of Palestine TV, in a military jeep for 4 hours.

In the Gaza Strip, IOF warplanes attacked civilian targets, including residential houses. As a result, three civilians, including 2 children, were wounded by glass shrapnel, a woman suffered nervous trauma and a woman sustained wounds in the foot. The airstrikes also resulted in the destruction of an agricultural room, a shop, several warehouses and a tunnel. Additionally, the strikes resulted in damages to 28 houses, 2 shops, a legal firm, a sports club, a school and 4 civilian cars.

At approximately 01:10 on Friday, 03 February 2012, IOF warplanes fired a missile at a tunnel in Yebna refugee camp near the border between and the Gaza Strip, south of Rafah. The targeted tunnel was totally destroyed and civilians were in panic as a result. No casualties were reported.

At approximately 01:15 also on Friday, 03 February 2012, IOF warplanes fired a missile at

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house in al-Shoka village, east of Rafah. The missile hit a tin-roofed room in the front yard of the house. The room was totally destroyed. No casualties were reported.

At approximately 01:39 on Friday, 03 February 2012, IOF warplanes fired a missile at a farm in al-Zanna area, east of Khan Younis in the south of the Gaza Strip. No casualties were reported.

At approximately 01:50 on Friday, 03 February 2012, IOF warplanes fired a missile at a piece of land in the east of al-Nusseirat on Salah Addin Street in the middle of the Gaza Strip. A room built on the targeted land was destroyed and four neighboring houses were damaged as a result.

At approximately 02:15 on Friday, 03 February 2012, IOF warplanes fired a missile at a grocery shop measuring 35 square meters in Beit Lahia in the north of the Gaza Strip. Three civilians, including two children, were wounded by glass shrapnel from windows crushed in their houses as a result of the attack. The targeted shop was totally destroyed. Additionally, 13 neighboring houses, 2 shops, a law firm and 4 civilian vehicles were damaged.

At approximately 02:45 on Friday, 03 February 2012, an Israeli drone fired a missile at the roof of the house of Awad Ali al-Abed Meqdad, 46, near al-Nazla Boys Elementary School, north of Jabalia in the north of the Gaza Strip. As a result of the attack, a part of the roof collapsed, some of the windows in the targeted house broken and a 1000 liter water tank was

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destroyed. No casualties were reported.

At approximately 02:50 on Friday, 03 February 2012, IOF warplanes fired a missile at a warehouse in the house of Ammar Abu Warda, 35, north of Jabalia in the north of the Gaza Strip. The warehouse was totally destroyed and the house was heavily damaged as a result of the attack. Another 8 neighboring houses sustained damages. Additionally, the eastern external wall of Jabalia al-Nazla Sports Club was totally destroyed and some windows of Jabalia al-Nazla Boys Elementary School crushed. Najah Ibrahim Abed Safi, 52, suffered nervous trauma as she was in her house which is to the east of Abu Warda's house. Muna Yousif Ali Ghanim, 37, sustained light wounds in the left leg.

At approximately 19:05 on Tuesday, 07 February 2012, IOF warplanes opened fire at open areas in Abu Rahma area in the north of the Agricultural School, north of . No casualties were reported as a result of this indiscriminate firing.


During the reporting period, IOF conducted at least 47 military incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank, during which they arrested 22 Palestinian civilians, including 2 children and a university professor.

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In a provocative operation on 04 February 2012, IOF moved into 'Arraba village, southwest of Jenin. They patrolled in the streets for some time and then positioned themselves in the eastern neighborhood, near a tent erected by Palestinians in solidarity with Khader Adnan Musa, a Palestinian prisoner holding an open-ended hunger strike in an Israeli jail. IOF raided the tent and removed some of the solidarity banners, flags of the Islamic Jihad movement and Musa's photos. They confiscated some of these materials and tore up others. Later, IOF raided houses near the eastern mosque. Palestinians living in these houses are actively engaged in the activities held in the solidarity tent. IOF questioned people from the raided houses. IOF withdrew later and no arrests were reported. It should be noted that the health condition of Musa, who is a prominent leader of Islamic Jihad in Jenin, has deteriorated as he has been on hunger strike since 17 December 2011. Semi-official sources reported that IOF are intentionally taking Musa from one hospital to another in order to hinder any contacts between Musa and his lawyers. A number of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails have begun hunger strike in solidarity with Musa and Palestinian lawyers have refrained from attending sessions in Israeli courts in protest against the continued detention of Musa.

In the Gaza Strip, on 04 February 2012, IOF positioned at the border fence in the east of al-Bureij refugee camp in the middle of the Gaza Strip arrested three Palestinians who were trying to infiltrate Israel apparently to seek work. The families of the arrested Palestinians called the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) telling them about the relatives being missing. Later, ICRC told the calling families that their relatives were arrested by IOF. It should be noted that Palestinian young men try to infiltrate Israel to seek work.

Restrictions on Movement:

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Israel had continued to impose a tightened siege on the OPT and imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem.

Gaza Strip

Israel has continuously closed all border crossings to the Gaza Strip for over four years. The illegal Israeli-imposed closure of the Gaza Strip, which has steadily tightened since June 2007, has had a disastrous impact on the humanitarian and economic situation in the Gaza Strip.

IOF have tightened the closure of the Gaza Strip and practically made Karm Abu Salem crossing as the sole commercial crossing of the Gaza Strip although it is not proper for commercial purposes in terms of its distance and operational capacity.

IOF have continued to apply their policy aimed at tightening the strangulation of the commercial movement in the Gaza Strip, including imposing total control over the flow of imports and exports.

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The total closure of al-Mentar "Karni" crossing on 02 March 2011 has created a bitter situation that has seriously affected the Gaza Strip. Following this closure, all the economic and commercial establishments in Gaza Commercial Zone were shut off. It should be noted that al-Mentar crossing is the biggest crossing in the Gaza Strip in terms of its operational capacity to absorb the flow of imports and exports. The decision of al-Mentar crossing was the culmination of a series of decisions to totally close Sofa crossing, east of the Gaza Strip, in the beginning of 2009, and Nahal Oz crossing, east of Gaza City, which was dedicated for the delivery of fuel and cooking gas to the Gaza Strip, in the beginning of 2010.

These statistics which were made available to PCHR by the Border and Crossings Department indicate a continued drop in the number of truckloads of Gaza imports and exports.

IOF have continued to impose total ban on the delivery of raw materials to the Gaza Strip, except for very limited items and quantities. The limited quantities of raw materials allowed into Gaza do not meet the minimal needs of the civilian population in the Gaza Strip.

The cooking gas crisis which has erupted last November has continued to affect the Gaza Strip. This crisis was created when, on 04 January 2012, the Israeli occupation authorities totally closed Nahal Oz crossing, which used to be dedicated for the delivery of fuel and cooking gas supplies to Gaza, and shifted fuel and cooking gas supplies to Karm Abu Salem crossing, which is not technically equipped to receive Gaza's needs of fuel. Karm Abu Salem crossing, with its maximum absorptive capacity, can receive only 200 tons of cooking gas per day.

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Approximately 80% of Gaza civilians have continued to depend on alimentary aid provided by UNRWA and other relief agencies, rates of families who are living below poverty line have continued to be on the rise and approximately 40% of Gaza's manpower has continued to suffer from permanent unemployment as a result of shutting down the majority of Gaza's economic establishments.

IOF have continued to impose a total ban on the export of Gaza's products, especially industrial products, leading to undermining any real chances to revive economic establishments. The situation has been aggravated especially after making Karm Abu Salem crossing as Gaza sole commercial crossing and the repeated closure of this crossing which negatively affected the quantity of Gazan products which were allowed to be exported during last April.

IOF have continued to delay the implementation of their decision to allow 60 cars into Gaza weekly although more than 11 months have passed since they announced this decision after three years of ban imposed on the delivery of cars to Gaza. As a result, the prices of cars in Gaza have been on the rise and local markets experience serious shortage in spare parts.

For approximately four consecutive years, IOF have continued to ban the delivery of construction materials to Gaza. During the reporting period, IOF approved the delivery of limited quantities of construction materials for a number of international organizations.

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Israel has continued to close Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing for Palestinian civilians from the Gaza Strip. IOF only allow the movement of limited groups amidst severe restrictions, including long hours of waiting in the majority of cases. IOF have also continued to adopt a policy aimed at reducing the number of Palestinian patients allowed to move via Beit Hanoun crossing to receive medical treatment in hospitals in Israel or in the West Bank and Jerusalem. IOF denied new categories of Gazan patient permission to have access to hospitals via the crossing.

Israel has imposed additional access restrictions on international diplomats, journalists and humanitarian workers seeking to enter the Gaza Strip.

For approximately 55 months, IOF have continued to deny approximately 700 Palestinian prisoners from Gaza detained in Israeli jails their visitation rights without providing any justification to this measure, which violates the rules of the international humanitarian law.

West Bank

IOF have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians

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throughout the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Thousands of Palestinian civilians from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip continue to be denied access to Jerusalem.

IOF have established checkpoints in and around Jerusalem, severely restricting Palestinian access to the city. Civilians are frequently prevented from praying in the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

There are approximately 585 permanent roadblocks, and manned and unmanned checkpoints across the West Bank.

When completed, the illegal annexation wall will stretch for 724 kilometers around the West Bank, further isolating the entire population. 350 kilometers of the wall have already been constructed. Approximately 99% of the wall has been constructed inside the West Bank itself, confiscating more Palestinian land.

At least 65% of the main roads that lead to 18 Palestinian communities in the West Bank are closed or fully controlled by IOF.

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There are approximately 500 kilometers of restricted roads across the West Bank. In addition, approximately one third of the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, is inaccessible to Palestinians without permits issued by IOF. Such permits are extremely difficult to obtain.

IOF continue to harass and assault demonstrators who hold peaceful protests against the construction of the annexation wall.

Palestinian civilians continue to be harassed by IOF in Jerusalem, and across the West Bank, including being regularly stopped and searched in the streets by IOF.

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Efforts to Create a Jewish Majority in East Jerusalem

At approximately 08:00 on Monday, 06 February 2012, IOF bulldozed lands in Khelat al-'Ein area in the east of al-Tur village in the occupied East Jerusalem. The targeted lands belong to the families of Abu al-Hawa, Abu Sbeitan, Khweis, Hneiti, al-Kazmi and al-Mwaswas. A wall of 10 meters in length, belonging to Mohammed Ishaq al-Kazmi, and another wall of 13 meters, belonging to Adnan Abdullah Ali al-Mwaswas, were demolished by Israeli bulldozers. In the same incident, the Israeli bulldozers bulldozed three natural caves in a piece of land belonging to Wael Hneiti and damaged a dust street leading to the houses of Ghaith family, Sha'alan family, Aramin family and al-Daya family. The bulldozers also destroyed the networks supplying waters to these houses.

On Tuesday evening, 07 February 2012, IOF forced the family of Issa Musa Ahmed al-Abbasi to demolish an apartment under-construction and two shops belonging to the family in Ras al-Amoud in occupied East Jerusalem. On 10 January 2012, the Israeli Municipality in Jerusalem issued an order requiring the al-Abbasi family to demolish the mentioned apartment and shops and gave them a deadline until 10 February 2012. The order stated that if the family would not implement the order, they would be required to pay a fine and Akram al-Abbasi, the son of Issa al-Abbasi, would be arrested.

Settlement Activities:

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Israel has continued its settlement activities in the OPT in violation of international humanitarian law, and Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property.

At approximately 08:30 on Thursday, 02 February 2012, IOF bulldozers started to raze lands in the north of Jayous village, northeast of Qalqilya, with the aim to annex these lands to "Tsufim" settlement which was established in 1992 on the lands of Jayous village. The bulldozed lands, which measure around 30 dunums, are owned by Fahmi Hussein Slim.

During the reporting period Israeli settlers, protected by IOF, implemented 7 attacks in Hebron, Nablus, Qalqilya, Ramallah and the Jordan Valley. The attacks were concentrated in Hebron and included attacks on mosques, religious and archaeological places, farms and civilian property. Israeli settlers attacked Mahdi Daraghmeh, 24, in the Jordan Valley near Tubas, while grazing cows. Daraghmeh was transferred to hospital for treatment.

Settlers also raided al-Labal al-Shrqi village, south of Nablus, and wrote racist slogans in Hebrew offending the Prophet Mohammed and calling for taking revenge from Arabs.

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Israeli Violations Documented during the Reporting Period (02 - 08 February 2012)

1. Incursions into Palestinian Areas and Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip

Thursday, 02 February 2012

At approximately 08:00, IOF moved into Azzoun village, east of Qalqilya. They patrolled in the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At approximately 09:00, IOF moved into Khrebtha al-Mesbah village, southwest of Ramallah. They patrolled in the streets for some time. IOF withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 09:10, IOF moved into al-Nabi Saleh village, northwest of Ramallah. They patrolled in the streets for some time. IOF withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

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At approximately 09:30, IOF moved into Sunjul village, north of Ramallah. They provocatively patrolled in the streets for some time. IOF withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 10:00, IOF moved into Qbaya village, west of Ramallah. They patrolled in the streets for some time. IOF withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 10:30, IOF moved into Azzoun village, east of Qalqilya, for the second time within few hours. They patrolled in the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At approximately 10:30, IOF moved into al-Janyeh village, northwest of Ramallah. They patrolled in the streets for some time. IOF withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 11:00, IOF moved into Beit 'Aor al-Tahta village, west of Ramallah. They patrolled in the streets for some time. IOF withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

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At approximately 16:00, IOF moved into Alar village, northeast of Tulkarm. They patrolled in the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

Also at approximately 16:00, IOF moved into Saida village, northeast of Tulkarm. They patrolled in the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At approximately 16:30, IOF moved into Hajja village, east of Qalqilya. They patrolled in the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At approximately 17:30, IOF moved into Qafin village, north of Tulkarm. They patrolled in the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At approximately 19:00, IOF moved into Tulkarm. They patrolled in the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

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Friday, 03 February 2012

At approximately 01:10, IOF warplanes fired a missile at a tunnel in Yebna refugee camp near the border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, south of Rafah. The targeted tunnel was totally destroyed and civilians were in panic as a result. No casualties were reported.

At approximately 01:15, Tamam Salama Abed al-Teir, from al-Shoka village, south of Rafah, received a phone call from someone who said he was a member of the Israeli army. The called asked al-Teir to evacuate the house of her family within five minutes, telling her that the house would be targeted by a missile from a warplane. Five minutes later, al-Teir received another call from the same person. She told the caller to give her 15 minutes to make sure that everyone, including three children, two elderly persons and al-Teiri and her husband, would be out. The caller refused her request and asked her to evacuate the house within two minutes and to walk to a dust street near her house. Al-Teiri rushed to evacuate the house. Five minutes later, IOF warplanes fired a missile at al-Teiri's house. The missile hit a tin-roofed room in the front yard of the house. The room, which is used by al-Teiri's mother-in-law and father-in-law, was totally destroyed. No casualties were reported.

At approximately 01:39, IOF warplanes fired a missile at a farm in al-Zanna area, east of Khan Younis in the south of the Gaza Strip. No casualties were reported. It should be noted that the targeted place was previously targeted on 24 January 2012.

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At approximately 01:50, IOF warplanes fired a missile at a piece of land measuring 200 square meters in the east of al-Nusseirat on Salah Addin Street in the middle of the Gaza Strip. A room built on the targeted land was destroyed and four neighboring houses were damaged as a result.

At approximately 02:15, IOF warplanes fired a missile at a grocery shop measuring 35 square meters in Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip. The shop, which is owned by Mahmoud Asaad Mohammed Salman, 28, was totally destroyed as a result. Additionally, 13 neighboring houses, 2 shops, a law firm and 4 civilian vehicles were damaged.

As a result of the attack, three civilians, including two children, were wounded by glass shrapnel from windows crushed in their houses, being:

Hayat Fadel Ibrahim Taha, 3, sustained wounds in her left ear;

Mohammed Mustafa Mohammed Salman, 30, sustained wounds in the right foot. Salman was transferred with Hayat Taha to Kamal 'Odwan Hospital in Beit Lahia for treatment. His wounds were described to be light;

Wadi' Mahmoud Asa'ad al-Ashqar, 3, sustained light wounds in the face.

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At approximately 02:20, IOF moved into Qalqilya. They patrolled in the streets and raided a number of houses while firing sound bombs. Before withdrawing at approximately 04:40, they arrested Mahmoud Jalal Abu Hamed, 25, and Mohammed Harb Abu Wadi, 26. In addition, they held Wafa'a Odeh Arar, 24, for several hours and released her later.

At approximately 02:45, an Israeli drone fired a missile at the roof of the house of Awad Ali al-Abed Meqdad, 46, near Jabalia al-Nazla Boys Elementary School, north of Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip. The two-storey house measures 125 square meters and is dwelled by a family of 8 members, including 8 children. As a result of the attack, a part of the roof collapsed, some of the windows in the targeted house were scattered and a 1000-liter water tank was destroyed. No casualties were reported.

At approximately 02:50, IOF warplanes fired a missile at a warehouse in the house of Ammar Abu Warda, 35, north of Jabalia in the north of the Gaza Strip. The targeted house is composed of one storey and is built on an area of 130 square meters. A family of 4 members, including 2 children, lives in the house. The warehouse was totally destroyed and the house was heavily damaged as a result f the attack. Another 8 neighboring houses sustained damages. Additionally, the eastern external wall of Jabalia al-Nazla Sports Club was totally destroyed and some windows of Jabalia al-Nazla Boys Elementary School were scattered. Najah Ibrahim Abed Safi, 52, suffered nervous trauma as she was in her house which is to the east of Abu Warda's house. She was transferred to Kamal 'Odwan Hospital in Beit Lahia for treatment. Muna Yousif Ali Ghanim, 37, sustained light wounds in the left leg.

At approximately 08:30, IOF moved into al-Nabi Saleh village, northwest of Ramallah. They

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patrolled in the streets for some time. IOF withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 09:00, IOF moved into Sunjul village, north of Ramallah. They provocatively patrolled in the streets for some time. IOF withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 10:40, IOF moved into Dora al-Qare'a village, northeast of Ramallah. They patrolled in the streets for some time. IOF withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

Saturday, 04 February 2012

In the early morning, IOF moved into 'Arraba village, southwest of Jenin. They patrolled in the streets for some time and then positioned themselves in the eastern neighborhood, near a tent erected by Palestinians in solidarity with Khader Adnan Musa, a Palestinian prisoner holding an open-ended hunger strike in an Israeli jail. IOF raided the tent and removed some of the solidarity banners, flags of the Islamic Jihad movement and Musa's photos. They confiscated some of these materials and tore up others. Later, IOF raided houses near the eastern mosque. Palestinians living in these houses are actively engaged in the activities held in the solidarity tent. IOF questioned people from the raided houses. IOF withdrew later and no

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arrests were reported. It should be noted that the health condition of Musa, who is a prominent leader of the Islamic Jihad in Jenin, has deteriorated as he has been on hunger strike since 17 December 2011. Semi-official sources reported that IOF are intentionally taking Musa from one hospital to another in order to hinder any contacts between Musa and his lawyers. A number of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails have begun hunger striking in solidarity with Musa, and Palestinian lawyers have refrained from attending sessions in Israeli courts in protest against the continued detention of Musa.

At approximately 09:00, IOF moved into Kober village, northwest of Ramallah. They patrolled in the streets for some time. IOF withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 10:00, IOF moved into Berham village, northwest of Ramallah. They patrolled in the streets for some time. IOF withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 11:30, IOF moved into Beitin village, northeast of Ramallah. They patrolled in the streets for some time. IOF withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 16:20, IOF moved into Kafr Laqef village, east of Qalqilya. They patrolled in the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

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At approximately 20:00, IOF positioned at the border fence in the east of al-Bureij refugee camp in the middle of the Gaza Strip arrested three Palestinians who were trying to infiltrate Israel apparently to seek work:

Yousif Maher Hussein al-Awadat, 20, from al-Maghazi refugee camp;

Mohammed Marwan Ibrahim Ismail, 20, from al-Maghazi refugee camp, and;

Ahmed Mahmoud Salman al-Awawda, 20, from Juhr Addik village.

Ammar Maher al-Awadat, the brother of Yousif al-Awadat who was arrested by IOF, told the PCHR fieldworker that when he did not find his brother on Sunday morning, 05 February 2012, he called the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to tell the organization about his brother being missing. Several hours later, ICRC told Ammar that his brother and two of his brother’s friends were arrested by IOF.

Mohammed Mahmoud al-Awawda, 22, the brother of Ahmed al-Awawda who was arrested by IOF, reported that at approximately 20:00 on Saturday, 06 February 2012, he heard firing and he could see flash bombs in the sky near the border area in the east of al-Bureij refugee camp. Mohammed also called the ICRC to tell the organization about his brother being missing and

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ICRC told him that his brother was arrested with two of his friends by IOF. It should be noted that Palestinian young men try to infiltrate in Israel to seek work in the majority of cases.

At approximately 22:40, IOF moved into Kafr Qaddoum village, northeast of Qalqilya. They patrolled in the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At approximately 23:00, IOF moved into Deir Estaya village, northwest of Salfit. They patrolled in the streets for some time and withdrew at approximately 23:30. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At approximately 23:20, IOF moved into Kafl Hares village, north of Salfit. They patrolled in the streets for some time and they raided the house of Taysir Ismail Saleh. They delivered a notice to Saleh requesting him to appear before the Israeli intelligence service. IOF withdrew later and neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

Sunday, 05 February 2012

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At approximately 00:50, IOF moved into Azzoun village, east of Qalqilya. They patrolled in the streets for some time and withdrew at approximately 23:30. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At approximately 08:30, IOF moved into Kafr 'Ein village, northwest of Ramallah. They patrolled in the streets for some time. IOF withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 09:00, IOF moved into Deir Nezam village, northwest of Ramallah. They patrolled in the streets for some time. IOF withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

Also at approximately 09:30, IOF moved into Jenin. They patrolled in the streets for some time and then positioned themselves in the industrial zone. They raided some of the shops in the area. An eyewitness told the PCHR fieldworker that IOF raided some shops in the industrial zone and the soldiers took photos of some shops. IOF withdrew later and neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At approximately 10:00, IOF moved into Beit Sira village, southwest of Ramallah. They patrolled in the streets for some time. IOF withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

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At approximately 10:30, IOF moved into Azzoun village, east of Qalqilya. They patrolled in the streets for some time and withdrew later. They raided and searched a number of houses. They withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 19:00, IOF moved into al-Mughir village, northeast of Ramallah. They patrolled in the streets for some time. IOF withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

Also at approximately 22:30, IOF moved into Ya'bad village, southwest of Jenin. They patrolled in the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At approximately 23:30, IOF moved into Faqqou'a village, northeast of Jenin. They patrolled in the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

Monday, 06 February 2012

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At approximately 01:00, IOF moved into Nablus. They patrolled in the streets for some time. Then they raided and searched a number of houses. Before withdrawing, IOF arrested 5 Palestinians and transferred them to "Huwara" detention center in the southeast of Nablus:

Ala'a Hamdan Abdul Karim Abu Khadr, 38, who was arrested from his house in Rafidia neighborhood, in the western part of Nablus;

Fahmi Jihad Fahmi Slim, 24, who was arrested from his house in al-Naser street in the old city of Nablus;

Rami Walid Issa, 26, who was arrested from his house in al-Naser street in the old city of Nablus;

Ma'an Said Shbaro, 27, who was arrested from his house in al-Mreij neighborhood in the west of Nablus; and

Maher Rebhi Shahin, 28, who was arrested from his house in Bekar Street in the northeast of Nablus.

At approximately 01:25, IOF moved into Qalqilya. They patrolled in the streets for some time. They then raided and searched the house of Anas Mohammed Mesleh, 22. Before

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withdrawing from the house, they arrested Mesleh and confiscated a computer from his house. Then they raided the house of Abdul Karim Salem Abu Shallouf and delivered him a notice requiring him to appear before the Israeli intelligence service. IOF withdrew from Qalqilya at approximately 03:20.

At approximately 02:20, IOF moved into Yasouf village, east of Qalqilya. They patrolled in the streets for some time. They then raided and searched the houses of Usama Nemer Mahmoud Abdul Razzaq, 23, and Yasin Ata Yasin Juda, 22. Before withdrawing at approximately 03:00, IOF arrested Abdul Razzaq and Juda.

At approximately 02:30, IOF moved into al-Nabi Saleh village, northwest of Ramallah. They raided and searched a number of houses. Before withdrawing, they arrested two Palestinians and transferred them to "Ofer" detention center in the southwest of Ramallah:

Louay Abdul Razzaq Mustafa al-Tamimi, 19; and

Ta'min Mohammed al-Tamimi, 29.

At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into 'Arraba village, southwest of Jenin. They patrolled in the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

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Also, at approximately 03:00, IOF moved into al-Mughir village, northeast of Ramallah. They raided and searched a number of houses. Before withdrawing, they arrested 4 Palestinians, including 2 children, and transferred them to "Ofer" detention center in the southwest of Ramallah:

Basel Raqi Saleh Abu Alia, 18;

Alaa Raqi Saleh Abu Alia, 17;

Khaled Lutfi Abu Alia, 17; and

Bilal Nayef Abdul Rahman Abu Alia, 20.

At approximately 11:00, IOF moved into Beit 'Aor al-Tahta village, west of Ramallah. They patrolled in the streets for some time. IOF withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

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At approximately 21:00, IOF moved into Deir Jarir village, northeast of Ramallah. They patrolled in the streets for some time. IOF withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 22:35, IOF moved into Eskaka village, east of Salfit. They patrolled in the streets for some time and withdrew at approximately 23:50. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

Tuesday, 07 February 2012

At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into Sabastia village, northwest of Nablus. They patrolled in the streets for some time. Then they raided and searched a number of houses. Before withdrawing, IOF arrested 3 Palestinians and transferred them to "Huwara" detention center southeast of Nablus:

Wajdi Ahmed Raja Shehada, 19, who was arrested from his house in the center of Sabastia village;

Raja Ahmed Raja Shehada, 19, who was arrested from his house in the center of Sabastia village; and

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Majd Abdul Karim Mohammed Azem, 23, who was arrested from his house near the main entrance of Sabastia village.

Also at approximately 02:00, IOF moved into Ertah suburb, south of Tulkarm. They patrolled in the streets for some time. They stationed themselves in the center of the suburb and raided and searched the house of Mohammed Mustafa Abdul Haq Abu al-Tin, 18. Before withdrawing, they arrested Abu al-Tin.

At approximately 19:05, IOF warplanes opened fire at open areas in the Abu Rahma area in the north of the Agricultural School, north of Beit Hanoun. Palestinian locals, especially women and children, were in panic as a result. No casualties were reported as a result of the indiscriminate firing.

Wednesday, 08 February 2012

At approximately 03:40, IOF moved into al-Yamoun village, north of Jenin. They patrolled in the streets for some time. They stationed in the eastern neighborhood and raided and searched the house of Samed Abdul Ghani Slim Abu al-Hayja, 23. They arrested Abu al-Hayja and transferred him to "Salem" detention center where they questioned him. Abu al-Hayja was released in the morning on the same day.

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At approximately 12:30, IOF moved into al-Taybeh village, west of Jenin. They patrolled in the streets for some time. They stationed themselves near the Village Council in the center of the village. They raided a shop and checked the ID card of Ashraf Said Jabarin, 25. They arrested Jabarin and transferred him to an unknown destination.

Use of Excessive Force against Peaceful Demonstrators Protesting Settlement Activities and the Construction of the Annexation Wall

During the reporting period, IOF used force against peaceful demonstrations organized by Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders in protest to the construction of the Wall and settlement activities in the West Bank, and in protest to the establishment of a buffer zone in the Gaza Strip. As a result, 7 protesters, including a child and a French solidarity activist, were wounded in the weekly al-Nabi Saleh protest, northwest of Ramallah. Additionally, dozens of Palestinian civilians and human rights defenders participating in peaceful demonstrations suffered from tear gas inhalation. IOF also held Ali Dar Ali, 27, a reporter for Palestine TV, and Najib Allah Hussein Sharawna, 23, a cameraman of Palestine TV, in a military jeep for 4 hours.

Following the Friday Prayer on 03 February 2012, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders organized a peaceful demonstration in Bil'in village, west of Ramallah, protesting the construction of the annexation wall and in support of efforts to achieve national reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah movements. They raised the Palestinian flag and called for ending the political division. They then moved towards areas of Palestinian land, which the Israeli High Court ordered to be returned to their Palestinian owners. Israeli soldiers stationed in the area fired rubber-coated metal bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the demonstrators. As a result, a number of civilians suffered from

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tear gas inhalation. IOF also held Ali Dar Ali, 27, a reporter for Palestine TV, and Najib Allah Hussein Sharawna, 23, a cameraman of Palestine TV, in a military jeep for 4 hours.

Also following the Friday prayer on 03 February 2012, dozens of Palestinian civilians and Israeli and international human rights defenders gathered in the center of al-Nabi Saleh village, northwest of Ramallah, to start the weekly peaceful protest against the construction of the annexation wall and settlement activities. The protesters walked towards the gate erected by IOF near the entrance of the village and leading to Palestinian lands that Israeli settlers from the nearby "Halmish" settlement are trying to seize. Israeli soldiers, who had been extensively deployed in the area and near all the entrances of the village since the morning, began to confront the protesters who wanted to walk towards the affected lands. Israeli soldiers fired live and rubber-coated bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the protesters. As a result, 7 protesters, including a child and a French solidarity activist, were wounded. The French solidarity activist sustained wounds by a tear gas canister to the head and she was transferred to Palestine Medical Compound in Ramallah for treatment. Additionally, dozens of Palestinian civilians and human rights defenders suffered from tear gas inhalation. Further, IOF held Ali Dar Ali, 27, a reporter for Palestine TV, and Najib Allah Hussein Sharawna, 23, a cameraman of Palestine TV, in a military jeep for 4 hours.

Also following the Friday Prayer, on the same day, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international and human rights defenders organized a peaceful demonstration in Ni'lin village, west of Ramallah, in protest against the construction of the annexation wall. They chanted slogans calling for Palestinian reconciliation, adherence to the Palestinian inalienable rights and resistance of the occupation. They clashed with Israeli troops positioned near the annexation wall. Israeli soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at demonstrators. As a result, a number of demonstrators suffered from tear gas inhalation.

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Also following the Friday Prayer, at approximately 12:20 on the same day, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international and human rights defenders organized a peaceful demonstration in Kafr Qaddoum village, northeast of Qalqilya, in protest against closing the eastern entrance of the village. The demonstrators headed towards that entrance. Israeli soldiers fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters at them, due to which, a number of demonstrators suffered from tear gas inhalation.

2. Continued Closure of the OPT

Israel has continued to impose a tightened closure of the OPT and imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem.

Gaza Strip

Israel has continuously closed all border crossings to the Gaza Strip for over three years. The illegal Israeli-imposed closure of the Gaza Strip, which has steadily tightened since June 2007, has had a disastrous impact on the humanitarian and economic situation in the Gaza Strip.

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The illegal closure has caused not only a humanitarian crisis but a crisis of human rights and human dignity for the population of the Gaza Strip. Measures declared recently to ease the blockade are vague, purely cosmetic and fail to deal with the root causes of the crisis, which can only be addressed by an immediate and complete lifting of the closure, including lifting the travel ban into and out of the Gaza Strip and the ban on exports. PCHR is concerned that the new Israeli policy is simply shifting Gaza to another form of illegal blockade, one that may become internationally accepted and institutionalized. Palestinians in Gaza may no longer suffer from the same shortage of goods, but they will remain economically dependent, unable to care for themselves, and socially, culturally and academically isolated from the rest of the world.

Movement at Border Crossings during the Reporting Period:

Movement at Rafah International Crossing Point

01 – 07 February 2012



Traveling abroad

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Coming into Gaza

Returned into Gaza


01 February 2012





02 February 2012



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03 February 2012





04 February 2012




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05 February 2012





06 February 2012





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07 February 2012




Movement at Karm Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) Crossing

01 – 06 February 2012


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01 February 2012



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Agricultural materials


Various goods

Cartons of clothes

Washing machines


Power generators

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Glass boards


Biscuit making machines









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Humanitarian aid


Cooking gas


02 February 2012



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Agricultural materials


Various goods

Cartons of clothes



Cartons of shoes

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Humanitarian aid


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Cooking gas


03 February 2012



Agricultural materials


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Various goods

Cartons of clothes


Washing machines


Car tires

Water tanks


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Humanitarian aid


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Cooking gas



On Wednesday, 01 February 2012, IOF allowed the exportation of 3 tons of strawberries.

On Thursday, 02 February 2012, IOF allowed the exportation of 127,000 flowers.

On Sunday, 05 February 2012, IOF allowed the exportation of 185,300 flowers and 28 tons of

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On Wednesday, 01 February 2012, IOF allowed the entry of 276 tons of cement, 3,850 tons of construction aggregate and 54 tons of construction steel for UNRWA. They also allowed the entry of 273 tons of wheat. They also allowed the entry of 52 tons of cement and 840tons of construction aggregate for the French Cultural center. IOF allowed the entry of 1,521 of fodders.

On Thursday, 02 February 2012, IOF allowed the entry of 400 tons of cement, 3,220 tons of construction aggregate, 40 tons of rubble stones and 146 tons of construction steel for UNRWA. They also allowed the entry of 1,326 tons of fodders.

Beit Hanoun (Erez) Crossing: Israel has continued to close Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing for the movement of Palestinian civilians. IOF have allowed only diplomats, a number of international journalists, employees of international agencies and a limited number of patients who suffer from serious diseases to pass through the crossing. They have continued to prevent

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Palestinian civilians from visiting their relatives who are detained in Israeli jails. The small number of patients permitted to pass through the crossing is only able to do so under severe restrictions that include prolonged checking.

Movement at Beit Hanoun (Erez) Crossing

01 – 07 February 2012


01 February

02 February

03 February

04 February

05 February

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06 February

07 February










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Arabs from Israel





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International Journalists








International Workers



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Travelers abroad







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Business People








Economic Meetings


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Security Interviews





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Ambulances to Israel








Ambulances from Israel




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The West Bank

Israel has imposed a tightened closure on the West Bank. During the reporting period, IOF imposed additional restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians.

Jerusalem: IOF have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians to and from the city. Thousands of Palestinian civilians from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip have been denied access to the city. IOF have established many checkpoints around and inside the city.

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Ramallah: IOF have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. At approximately 10:30 on Thursday, 02 February 2012, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance of Beit Liqya village, west of Ramallah. At approximately 14:00, IOF established a checkpoint under Kharabtha al-Misbah Bridge, southwest of Ramallah. At approximately 17:30, IOF re-established their presence at ‘Attara checkpoint, North of Ramallah. At approximately 08:30 on Friday, 03 February 2012, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance of Nabi Saleh village, northwest of Ramallah. At approximately 10:00, IOF established a checkpoint near the entrance of Kharabtha Bani Hareth, west of Ramallah. Also at approximately 10:00, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance of Bil'in village, west of Ramallah. At approximately 15:00, IOF established a checkpoint the entrance of Beit ‘Aur al-Fouqa village, southwest of Ramallah. At approximately 09:00 on Saturday, 04 February 2012, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance of Shaqba village, west of Ramallah. At approximately 10:00, IOF established a checkpoint on the road between Beit Liqya village and Kharabtha al-Misbah village, southwest of Ramallah. At approximately 09:30 on Sunday, 05 February 2012, IOF established a checkpoint under Kharabtha al-Misbah Bridge, southwest of Ramallah. At approximately 10:40, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance of Deir Nizam, northwest of Ramallah.

Qalqilya: IOF have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. On Thursday, 02 February 2012, IOF established 5 checkpoints around Qalqilya. IOF established the first checkpoint at around 09:00 at the entrance of Izbat al-Tabib village, the second at around 10:00 between Hajja village and Kafr Qaddoum village, the third one at around 15:00 between Azzoun village and Izbat al-Tabib village, the fourth at around 15:40 at the crossroads of Jeet village, and the fifth at around 16:30 at the entrance of Kafr Qaddoum village. At the last checkpoint, IOF held Fida Samir Abdul Latif Ubeid, a policeman, and Hamed Sadeq Eshteiwi, a university student. On Saturday, 04 February 2012, IOF established 3 checkpoints around Qalqilya. IOF established the first checkpoint at around 11:10 at the entrance of Hajja village, the second at around 14:50 at the entrance of Kafr Qaddoum village, and the third one at around 21:20 at the entrance of Imatin village. On Monday, 06 February 2012, IOF established 5 checkpoints around Qalqilya. IOF established the first checkpoint at around 09:30 between Hajja village and Kour vilalge, the second at around 18:55 at the entrance of Azzoun village, the third one at around 18:55 between Azzoun village and Kafr Thulth village, the fourth at around 19:25 at the entrance of Izbat al-Tabib village, and the fifth at around 00:45 at the eastern entrance of Qalqilya.

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Jenin: IOF have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. At approximately 12:00 on Thursday, 02 February 2012, IOF established a checkpoint near the crossroads of Jaba'a village, south of Jenin, on the main road that connects Jenin with Tulkarm and Nablus. At approximately 17:00 on Saturday, 04 February 2012, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance of Zabbouba village, northwest of Jenin. At approximately 16:00 on Sunday, 05 February 2012, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance of Tora al-Gharbeya village, southwest of Jenin. At approximately 23:00 on Tuesday, 07 February 2012, IOF established a checkpoint on the road between Ya'abad village and Arraba village, southwest of Jenin.

Tulkarm: IOF have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. At approximately 16:00 on Thursday, 02 February 2012, IOF established a checkpoint near the crossroad of Bazaria village, east of Tulkarm. At approximately 22:30, IOF established a checkpoint near the gate of Jbara village, which is isolated from the surrounding areas by the annexation wall in the south of Turlkarm, on the road between Tulkarm and Qalqilya. At approximately 10:00 on Saturday, 04 February 2012, IOF established a checkpoint at the crossroads of al-Jarousheya village, north of Tulkarm. At approximately 15:30 on Tuesday, 07 February 2012, IOF positioned at 'Ennab checkpoint, east of Tulkarm.

Salfit: IOF have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. At approximately 11:00 on Saturday, 06 February 2012, IOF established a checkpoint between the villages of Kafl Hares and Hares, northwest of Salfit. IOF established another checkpoint in the same area at approximately 22:15. At approximately 08:30 on Monday, 06 February 2012, IOF established another checkpoint in the same place. At approximately 09:30, IOF established a checkpoint at the western crossroad of Deir Estia village, northwest of Salfit.

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Jericho: IOF have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. At approximately 09:00 on Thursday, 02 February 2012, IOF established a checkpoint at the southern entrance of Jericho. At approximately 10:30, IOF established a checkpoint near the entrance of Fasayel village, north of Jericho. At approximately 10:00 on Sunday, 05 February 2012, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance of al-Jiftlik village, north of Jericho. At approximately 09:30, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance of al-Zbaidat village, north of Jericho. At approximately 16:00, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance of 'Ein al-Dyouk village, north of Jericho. At approximately 11:00 on Monday, 06 February 2012, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance of 'Ein al-Dyouk village, north of Jericho. At approximately 11:30, IOF established a checkpoint at the southern entrance of Jericho. At approximately 16:30, near the entrance of Fasayel village, north of Jericho.

Arrests at Military Checkpoints

At approximately 16:00 on Monday, 06 February 2012, IOF established a checkpoint on the road between the villages of Qabatya and Marakeh, south of Jenin. They stopped Palestinian cars travelling to Marakeh village and checked the ID cards of the passengers. They arrested Samir Shafiq Naf'e Musa, 24, from Marakeh village, while travelling in a car via the checkpoint.

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At approximately 22:30 on Tuesday, 07 February 2012, IOF established a checkpoint on the road connecting between Arraba and al-Mansoura villages, south of Jenin. They stopped Palestinian cars travelling in both directions and checked the ID cards of passengers. They stopped a black Toyota jeep travelling to Jenin. The soldiers checked the ID card of Yazid Farouq Mohammed Melhis, 32, from Sila al-Hartheya village, north of Jenin, who was driving the car. The soldiers told Melhis that he was wanted and that they would arrest him. They allowed him to call his brother and ask him to take the car and the money he had. As Melhis's brother arrived at the checkpoint, IOF arrested Melhis.

Efforts to Create a Jewish Majority in East Jerusalem

Israeli occupation authorities have continued to make persistent efforts to create a Jewish majority in East Jerusalem and expel Palestinian civilians from the city.

At approximately 08:00 on Monday, 06 February 2012, a force from the Israeli police, the Israeli border guards, and an undercover unit moved into Khelat al-'Ein area in the east of al-Tur village in the occupied East Jerusalem, with a number of officers from the Israeli Municipality in Jerusalem. They brought bulldozers and bulldozed 20 dunums of lands belonging to the families of Abu al-Hawa, Abu Sbeitan, Khweis, Hneiti, al-Kazmi and al-Mwaswas. The bulldozing works continued till around 14:00. A wall of 10 meters of length belonging to Mohammed Ishaq al-Kazmi and another wall of 13 meters belonging to Adnan Abdullah Ali al-Mwaswas were demolished by the Israeli bulldozers. In the same incident, the Israeli bulldozers bulldozed three natural caves in a piece of land belonging to Wael Hneiti and damaged a dust street leading to the houses of Ghaith family, Sha'alan family, Aramin family

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and al-Daya family. The bulldozers also destroyed the water networks that supplied these houses.

On Tuesday evening, 07 February 2012, IOF forced the family of Issa Musa Ahmed al-Abbasi to demolish an apartment (which was under construction) and two shops belonging to the family in Ras al-Amoud in the occupied East Jerusalem. On 10 January 2012, the Israeli Municipality in Jerusalem issued an order requesting the al-Abbasi family to demolish the mentioned apartment and shops before the 10 February 2012. The order stated that if the family did not implement the order, they would be required to pay a fine and Akram al-Abbasi, the son of Issa al-Abbasi, would be arrested.

Akram al-Abbasi reported that over the past years, he has been trying to get construction licenses and has submitted all the required documents. Later, he was required to pay a fine of 50,000 NIS for lacking the said licenses. Al-Abbasi paid the fine in full. He said that on 10 January 2012, the Israeli court issued a decision rejecting his application to obtain licenses and ordered the implementation of the demolition order.

Settlement Activities and Attacks by Settlers against Palestinian Civilians and Property

Israel has continued its settlement activities in the OPT in violation of international humanitarian law, and Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property.

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At approximately 08:30 on Thursday, 02 February 2012, IOF bulldozers started to raze lands in the north of Jayous village, northeast of Qalqilya, with the aim to annex these lands to "Tsufim" settlement which was established in 1992 on the lands of Jayous village. They bulldozed 30 dunums which are owned by Fahmi Hussein Slim.

Ma'azouz Qaddoumi, member from the Municipality of Jayous village, reported that the Israeli authorities established a crushing plant several years ago in that area. He noted that the Israeli workers who implemented the bulldozing works are doing so based on a military order aiming at confiscating the targeted lands. Mobile houses have been also erected in the area with intention to annex the land to the "Tsufim" settlement.

At approximately 09:30 on Monday, 06 February 2012, IOF moved into Hares village, northwest of Salfit. They delivered 7 notices to 7 civilians ordering them to stop construction works under the pretext of lack of licenses. The seven houses under construction are one-storey buildings and belong to Ihsan Sadeq Souf, Ahmed Mustafa Souf, Hussam Subhi Souf, Yasser Hussein Suleiman, Saber Fawwaz Dawood, Fahid Abdul Latif Dawood and Fares Fawwaz Dawood. IOF also delivered an eighth notice to Asa'ad Mustafa Souf ordering him to demolish his one-storey house due to the lack of construction license.

On Friday morning, 03 February 2012, dozens of Israeli settlers organized a provocative tour in the lands surrounding the village of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron under the protection of a large force from the Israeli army and police.

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According to data made available to PCHR and statements made by Mohammed Ayad Awad, an activist in the Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements, the Israeli settlers raided several neighborhoods in Beit Ummar village and walked in the streets. Around 100 settlers, some of them armed, participated in the tour which began from "Kfar Etzion" settlement, southwest of Bethlehem at the north of Beit Ummar village. The settlers passed by the archaeological area of Kherbat Marina, Beit Za'ata, al-Qarn mountain which overlooks Beit Ummar village, al-Arroub refugee camp, Asida neighborhood, and Wadi al-Sheikh area along the main Street (Jerusalem-Hebron) in the east of Beit Ummar.

Meanwhile, IOF prevented Palestinians from being present where the settlers were. They chased a number of people from the Asida neighborhood, east of Beit Ummar village, amid extensive firing of sound bombs and tear gas canisters.

Also on Friday morning, 03 February 2012, another group of Israeli settlers organized a similar provocative tour in al-Karmel village, southeast of Yatta in the south of Hebron. The settlers, under protection provided by the Israli army and police, started from "Ma'on" settlement. The settler's tour covered the archeological pool of al-Karmel and the ancient Roman palace where they performed religious rituals.

Naser al-Nawaja'a, activist of the Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements in the east of Yatta, declared that this provocative tour coincided with the erection of six mobile houses in "Otneil" settlement in the west of Yatta and another two mobile houses in

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"Avigail" settlement in the south of "Ma'on" settlement.

At approximately 10:00 on Friday, 03 February 2012, Mahdi Qadri Elian Daraghmeh, 24, from ein al-Helweh area in Wadi al-Maleh in the northern Jordan Valley, east of Tubas, was grazing cows in al-Fareseya area, 1,000 meters from the nearby settlement of "Rotem". Suddenly, Darghmeh was surprised by 5 armed Israeli settlers who were carrying pistols and M16 guns. The security officer of "Rotem" settlement joined them. The settlers beat and stoned Daraghmeh and abandoned in the site. Later, a group of Israeli soldiers arrived at the scene and provided him with first aid. The soldiers also called an ambulance from the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) in Tubas. The PRCS ambulance transferred Daraghmeh to Martyr Dr. Khalil Suleiman Public Hospital in Jenin for treatment.

At approximately 02:00 on Saturday, 04 February 2012, 6 heavily armed settlers from "Halmish" established in the Palestinain lands of al-Nabi Saleh , Deir Nezam and Um Safa villages, northwest of Ramallah and they walked to al-Nabi Saleh village. They arrived at "Tamim Ibn Aws al-Dari Mosque in the center of the village to set it alight. The settlers, who were on three motorcycles, were surprised by Palestinian young men who rushed to save the mosque and stoned the settlers who fled the area.

At approximately 02:00 on Sunday, 05 February 2012, a group of armed settlers from "Talmon" settlement established on lands of al-Janyeh village, northwest of Ramallah, raided the village. The settlers raided the front yard in the house of Ismail Musa Mazloum which is around 200 meters from "Talmon" settlement. They wrote racist slogans in Hebrew on the walls and on a taxi parking in the area offending the Prophet Mohammed and other slogans calling for taking revenge from the Arabs. They damaged two tires of the said taxi. As Palestinians in the area knew about the presence of those settlers, the settlers fled the village, running back to the settlement.

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At approximately 12:00 on Sunday, 05 February 2012, protected by IOF, Israeli settlers from "Kedumim" settlement bulldozed lands in the north of Kafr Qaddoum village, northeast of Qalqilya. They targeted lands belonging to Hassan Abdullah Saleh Eshteiwi, Bashar Mohammed Abdul Rahman Eshteiwi, Ya'aqoub Ahmed al-Sheikh and Helmi Jamil Eshteiwi.

Saqer Subhi Ubeid, President of the Village Council in Qaddoum, reported that approximately at 12:00 on Sunday, 05 February 2012, a number of Palestinians from the village walked to the targeted lands after they heard about the bulldozing works in the lands. The Israeli settlers were planting trees in the bulldozed lands. In the morning of the following day, Palestinians from the village walked to the targeted lands and stood in front of the Israeli bulldozers implementing the bulldozing works, trying to prevent them from proceeding. However, IOF soldiers beat these Palestinians, wounding an old man who was transferred later to Dr. Darwish Nazzal Hospital in Qalqilya.

On Monday morning, 06 February 2012, hundreds of Israeli settlers raided farms belonging to a number of Palestinians in the east of Hebron. They stayed in the targeted farms and planted trees under the protection of IOF.

According to investigations made by PCHR, at approximately 09:00 on Monday, 06 February 2012, hundreds of settlers protected by IOF, raided 150 dunums of farms in al-Mzaian area along the al-Buqa'a area. The settlers planted forest trees in these farms which belong to

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Ata Abdul Jawad Jaber, 55, who lives in the targeted area reported that several buses carrying settlers and vehicles carrying officers from the Municipality of "Kriat Arba" settlement in the south east of Hebron raided the mentioned area and its surrounding. An IOF force was accompanying the settlers while they planted forest trees. The settlers returned to "Kriat Arba" settlement shortly before midday. Jaber reported that IOF prevented Palestinians from reaching the targeted farms and warned them of causing any damages to the new trees. He added that IOF told the Palestinians that the military order preventing Palestinians from reaching their lands in that area without prior coordination with the Israeli Civil Administration was extended to 2014.

The targeted farms include farms that belong to Husni al-Ashhab and Umar Sultan. The Israeli settlers managed to plant trees in 20 dunums.

At approximately 01:15 on Tuesday, 07 February 2012, three settlers from "Eli" settlement in the east of al-Laban al-Sharqi village, south of Nablus, wrote slogans against Arabs ad offending the Prophet Mohammed on the walls of a stone cutting workshop belonging to Mahmoud Mustafa Daraghmeh on the main road (Nablus-Ramallah).

The same settlers caused damages in a construction materials shop belonging to Mahmoud Ahmed Musa Azaar from Qablan village in the south of Nablus. They tore whitewash bags

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which were placed in from of the shop. They walked to the northern entrance of al-Laban al-Sharqi village and wrote racist slogans on a blue Subaru belonging to Bashar Ghassan Daraghmeh. The car was parking in front of a shop belonging to Daraghmeh.


Recommendations to the International Community

1. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to fulfill their legal and moral obligations under Article 1 of the Convention to ensure Israel's respect for the Convention in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. PCHR believes that the conspiracy of silence practiced by the international community has encouraged Israel to act as if it is above the law and encourages Israel continue to violate international human rights and humanitarian law.

2. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to convene a conference to take effective steps to ensure Israel's respect of the Convention in the OPT and to provide immediate protection for Palestinian civilians.

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3. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to comply with their legal obligations detailed in Article 146 of the Convention to search for and prosecute those responsible for grave breaches, namely war crimes.

4. PCHR calls for the immediate implementation of the Advisory Opinion issued by the International Court of Justice, which considers the construction of the Annexation Wall inside the West Bank illegal.

5. PCHR recommends that international civil society organizations, including human rights organizations, bar associations and NGOs, participate in the process of exposing those accused of grave breaches of international law and urge their governments to bring the perpetrators to justice.

6. PCHR calls upon the European Union to activate Article 2 of the Euro-Israel Association Agreement, which provides that Israel must respect human rights as a precondition for economic cooperation between the EU states and Israel. PCHR further calls upon the EU states to prohibit import of goods produced in illegal Israeli settlements in the OPT.

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7. PCHR calls on the international community to recognize the Gaza disengagement plan, which was implemented in September 2005, for what it is - not an end to occupation but a compounding of the occupation and the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.

8. In recognition of ICRC as the guardian of the Fourth Geneva Convention, PCHR calls upon the ICRC to increase its staff and activities in the OPT, including the facilitation of family visitations to Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

9. PCHR appreciates the efforts of international civil society, including human rights organizations, bar associations, unions and NGOs, and urges them to continue their role in pressuring their governments to secure Israel's respect for human rights in the OPT and to demand Israel end its attacks on Palestinian civilians.

10. PCHR calls upon the international community to pressure Israel to lift the severe restrictions imposed by the Israeli government and its occupation forces on access for international organizations to the OPT.

11. PCHR reiterates that any political settlement not based on international human rights law and humanitarian law cannot lead to a peaceful and just solution of the Palestinian question. Rather, such an arrangement can only lead to further suffering and instability in the region. Any peace process or agreement must be based on respect for international law, including international human rights and humanitarian law.

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Public Document

For further information please visit our website ( www.pchrgaza.org ) or contact PCHR’s office in Gaza City, Gaza Strip by email ( [email protected] ) or telephone (+972 (0)8 282 4776 – 282 5893).

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