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[email protected] KILUANJI KIA HENDA Born in 1979, Luanda, Angola. Lives and works in Luanda and Lisboa. SOLO EXHIBITIONS Things Fall Apart – Red Africa, Calvert 22 Foundation, London and Bayreuth 2017 Kabbo Ka Mwuala (The Girls Basket), National Gallery of A City Called Mirage, International Studio and Curatorial Practice Zimbabwe, Harare (ISCP), New York Passages, Dhaka Art Summit, Bangladesh In the Days of a Dark Safari, Galeria Filomena Soares, Lisbon 2015 2016 Making Africa, Gunggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spain This Is My Blood, public installation for the steiricher herbst To Be Young, Black and Gifted, Goodman Gallery, Festival, Graz Johannesburg, South Africa Concrete Affection + A City Called Mirage, Galleria Fonti, Naples This Is Not My History, Rotor - Center For Contemporary Art, Graz, Austria 2014 Resignifications, Museo Bardini, Florence, Italy A City Called Mirage, Galeria Filomena Soares, Lisbon Making Africa, Vitra Design Museum, Basel solo show, Frieze Art Fair, London Art and the City Zurich:Public Sculpture Project, curated by Christoph Doswald, Zurich, Switzerland 2013 After Year Zero, Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw, Poland Homem Novo, Kunstraum Innsbruck, Innsbruck 2015 2012 TRIENNIAL: SURROUND AUDIENCE, New Museum New York Homem Novo, Art 43 Basel, Art|Statements, presented by Resignifications, Museo Bardini, Florence Galleria Fonti, Basel 2010 The Divine Comedy, Museum of African Art - Smithsonian selfportrait as a white man, galleria Fonti, Naples Instituion, Washington self-portrait