Robert B Sims

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Robert B Sims Robert B Sims 6 Doe Lane | Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547 | 850.259.2852 | [email protected] Objective To advance career with both Technical and Management concentrations while harnessing my enterprise experience as well as my educational training and interests. Career objective also includes participating in a team environment where sound and proven computational practices are leveraged against cutting/bleeding edge technologies to produce solutions that exceed expectation. Education Master of Science - Computer Science (May 2010) Florida State University – Tallahassee, FL Bachelor of Science - Computer Science (May 2007) Minor; Mathematics University of West Florida – Pensacola, FL Skills Core Programming Languages • C#, Typescript/Javascript, HTML, CSS/LESS/SASS Core Technologies & Libraries • AngularJS with Bootstrap, Angular with Material, Jasmine (UI Unit Tests), ExtJS, WebApi, WCF, .NET, Entity Framework, Team Foundation Server Additional Technologies & Libraries • Microsoft Azure Devops, GIT/TFS, GIT • JQuery, Silverlight, ASP Certifications Certified Scrum Master Professional Experience Senior Software Engineer Jacobs Technology | Fort Walton Beach, FL | November 2009 - Present • Senior Software Engineer – Business application developer building distributed suite of solutions utilizing tiered application design structure. Daily duties include software development role collaborating with a team as well as across multiple teams utilizing Agile methodologies. As a Senior Software Engineer, responsibilities include design, developing testing, and developing documentation for software systems while also mentoring junior engineers through this system of analysis to implementation. • Team Scrum Master - act as a facilitator to foster communication, collaboration and intra-team accountability. Scrum responsibilities include removing impediments in the way of team and team- members, tracking commitments for the team to make sure team is on track, help the team reach consensus, facilitate daily standup meetings for team, and help the team stay focused on commitments by removing outside distractions. Duties include: helping product owner maintain product backlog to ensure team success and clear definition of goal, ensure the scrum/agile process is used for the project, coaching the team within scrum/agile principles, promoting a self-organizing team while adapting to regular change, facilitating team meetings and planning events, and encouraging scrum principles with project stakeholders. • UI Architect – participate as a member of an architect team to study, review, and recommend technologies, structures, and patterns for use within the application. Additionally, review and recommend actions on existing systems for enhancement and/or upgrade to better adhere to known best practices for performance and usability gains. • Security Team – participate as a member of our security analysis team, under direction of our development manager and security assessor, to review security findings and vulnerabilities to identify valid concerns and provide proven solutions to well known as well as one-off issues. Software Engineer L3 Communications EITS | Niceville, FL | May 2007 – October 2009 GIS Software Development utilizing Microsoft Visual Studio, C#, SQL Server 2005, Oracle, MySQL, and ADO for custom solutions of ESRI’s ArcGIS product line. Development projects include desktop and web applications using ISO and CMMI guidelines for full software design methodology; source control management using Seapine’s Surround SCM and TestTrack Pro. Infragistic’s NetAdvantage for .Net is used for windows and web forms presentation enhancements. Scientific Aid Spawar Systems Command | Pensacola, FL | June 2006 – May 2007 Systems Administration for server systems using Unix (Solaris 8,9,10), Linux (RedHat IE4 and Fedora Core 4), and Windows XP. Position was responsible for implementing ‘Security Technical Implementation Guides’ on designated systems. I participated in a software design study focusing on CMMI guidelines for development methodology in the area of Systems and Network Monitoring of large scale deployed systems. Nagios, an enterprise-class monitoring tool for SMTP, POP3, HTTP, NNTP, PING and systems services and traffic, was used in a software design study that included taking the existing application and tailoring to the specific needs of the client. Cacti, an RRDTool based graphing tool using SNMP and TCP was also used in the software study. Languages used for the software design study were PERL, PHP, and PYTHON while PERL was used for scripting projects used in System Administration roles. Some of these roles included automating the security implementations and data back-up procedures that use SAMFS/SAMQFS. Network Administration involved network systems for LAN and WAN. Network topology designs including Intranet, Extranet and DMZ. Firewalls include Cisco PIX, Dragon and Juniper products. Software Tester Wintec Inc | Fort Walton Beach, FL | August 2006 – May 2007 Test software from client to ensure integrity and quality, create tests that are required in an unpredictable environment and report results on testing of modules written in the C programming language. Tools used were VectorCast for the testing environment and TestTrack Pro for reporting and tracking test modules. Customized test environment inclusions were written in the C language for compatibility with the test module. .
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