Surround SCM User Guide V2016.1
Surround SCM User Guide Version 2016.1 Copyrights © 2016 Seapine Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Defect Scribe, QA Wizard Pro, Resource Thief, Seapine CM, SoloBug, SoloSubmit, Surround SCM, and TestTrackare trademarksor registered trademarksof Seapine Software, Inc. in the United Statesand other countries. Borland and StarTeam are trademarksor registered trademarksof Borland, Inc. in the United Statesand other countries. Delphiand JBuilder are trademarksor registered trademarksof Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. in the United Statesand other countries. Acrobat Reader isa registered trademarkof Adobe, Inc. in the United Statesand other countries. Sun, JVM, Java, JavaScript, and allJava-based marksare trademarksor registered trademarksof Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United Statesand other countries. UNIX isa registered trademarkin the United Statesand other countries, licensed exclusivelythrough X/Open CompanyLimited. Apple, Mac, MacOS, Macintosh, Objective-C, and Safariare registered trademarksof Apple Computer, Inc. Microsoft, Windows, WindowsNT, WindowsServer, WindowsVista, MS Windows, Active Directory, Internet Explorer, Outlook, SQL Server, VisualSourceSafe, and VisualStudio are either registered trademarksor trademarksof Microsoft Corporation in the United Statesand/or other countries. Linuxisa trademarkof LinusTorvalds. Red Hat, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and Fedora are registered trademarksof Red Hat, Inc. in the United Statesand other countries. SUSE isa registered trademarkof NovellInc. in the United Statesand other countries.
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