Basing House, 46 High Street, Rickmansworth WD3 1HP Louise Steele, Locum Clerk
[email protected] 01923 590201 Supporting Papers for a Meeting of Council to be held on Monday 2 December 2019 at 7pm . 1 Minutes of the meeting of the Batchworth Community Council held on Monday 4 November 2019 at 7pm Basing House, 46 High Street, Rickmansworth, WD3 1HP Present Cllr Di Barber Cllr François Neckar Cllr Emma Brading Cllr Neelima Payne Cllr Paul Dawson Cllr Nigel Stewart Cllr Peter Loader Also present: Louise Steele, Locum Clerk to the Council County Councillor Frances Button District Councillor Debbie Morris Two members of the public 2019/080/FC Apologies for Absence Councillor Moss. (In the absence of the Chairman Councillor Dawson, Vice Chairman, took the Chair for the meeting.) 2019/081/FC Declarations of Interest None received 2019/082/FC Minutes Upon the proposal of Councillor Stewart, seconded by Councillor Loader, the minutes of the Meeting of the Batchworth Community Council held on 7 October 2019 were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting and signed as such by the Chairman. 2019/083/FC Public Participation session A member of the public raised a point of information about a recent public questionnaire about aircraft noise. Another member of the public raised a question about the Council’s budget and was informed that the budget is not yet on the Council’s agenda. A third member of the public made representation about improvements to Eastbury bus services that the proposed Transport Working Group might like to consider. A fourth member of the public asked ten questions.