ROAD Rickmansworthorth dates back to SaSaxon timesimes and withh itsts pprominent position at thet ORY A404, M25 Junc 18 Park RECT Parsonage conflco uencee of the 3 rivrivers Chess,ess, GGade & ColnColne. It grgreww tot a sizeable townwn ggaining its Mal ver JMI School y roroyaloyal charterrter in 154242. a n W Rickmansworth Station Bal W ay k Rail and , dwi nd A412 Rec Thehe canacanalnal wwas builtlt in 1797, and many busbusinesnessesesssees sprangsprpra up in the vicinityvicinnity inincluding ton Gade tory Lane Road London Underground Rickmansworth Park ns Lane Ban Maple Cross PARK ROAD A412 ar ge E Walking & Cycling JMI School 5 paperp perr mmillsls and a bbrewery. Later camecame theth railwaya ayy tot WatfoWatford builtilt byb Lordrd Ebury New B ay M25 Junc 17 A412 ROAD W route UXBRIDGE Lod Road Girton continues High Street iinn 186218662 becomingecomingmingng the EburyEb Way after the linelinne fi nalllylyy closed in 11981.981 The state of Links on other PennsylvaniaP sylvaaniania USA is namedmed afterafteaft a famous formerr rresidentresiden William Penn who lived in Dickin Wa side The A412 on Road Wen y sum BasingB Hoouse - now Threee RRiversver Museum. son Avenue Cassiobridge Way Stati Rickmansworth Malvern Way Lock No. 78 RiverColne The annualual Canal & Environmentviro me Festival in May promotedp by ThreeT ee Riversvers District Infant & Nursery School Winton Drive Towpath Halfords t Council and Rickmansworth Waterways Trust brinbringsnggs totogether thee localoca communitycomm nity and High A404 Ebury Road Council Offices oach Str tree canal folk in a showcase of old workingng boats aandanndd tradtraditionally paintednt canal wares,ware S eet thway Three Rivers together with a variety of environmentallytally friendlyrienendlyen y gogoods, ideas,s, andnd eevents. from Rickmansworth to Museum igh ton Drive Appr Bal H Win Nor dw Viaduct New ton Watersmeet WATFORD ins La St Joan of Arc Rickmansworth d Library / Theatre e ROA Win Marina D Ro The Grand Union Canal wends its way from Information RC School ne a WATFORD ROAD Lan Harvey Road ey Roa A412 d Bridge London to Birmingham through city, town and Primary School A412 169 Harv Bury Lane Saints Croxley Station RIVERSIDE DRIVE All Val oach A41 country. Improvements to the towpath between The Aquadrome Tal Metropolitan Line, amore 2 bot Road Croxley Hall London Underground ley

Syc Appr Croxley Wood Wal Sycamore Road Station Watford and Rickmansworth provide a good, fl at Stocker’s Lake Bury Lake ss Hazelw Church Street Nor k Lake Che folk Road er Drive surface for walkers, cyclists and wheelchair users. ood Rd Riv leigh k Lane Frankland Road Oak ley Wal Enjoy the peace and tranquility of the canal or Val h Ski Waters The Bury St Mary’s dm Drive Canal Towpath al Bus

use the route as a traffi c free journey to work Church ore Grand Union Can Beggars Street Way A404 anal away from busy roads. Between Leavesden and ane Church Long Valley Bridge Grand Union C Blackmoor L Bla oad Croxley Hall Wood 170 the Aquadrome in Rickmansworth it is about a 45 Recycling ckm t R Wood t Road The Ebu Croxley Hall rs Centre Common Moor wate o Canal ry Bye Asco Bridge W Farm or L minute easy bike ride over 5 miles of towpath. Centre ay Lock 79 Asco 175 ath Canal Towp Business Park ane nd Union Canal Bridge Stocker’s Gra Bridge ade There is so much to see and do along the way. Lock 82 174 173 River G The Aquadrome Batchworth Explore ancient woodland and roam between NCN Route 61 Lock 81 to Maple Cross, The Aquadromem lakes,, Bury anand Batchworthhworthworth jusjustju Canal Towp al Uxbridge, Grand Harefield Road LON Can the trees in . Take the kids to Union Canal south of RickmanworthRickmm Town were onnce gravelgraveraveel Grand Union ers Lane DON nd Union Hatt joins River Thames pits that providedovividedidd roadstoneone for Wemmbleym ey Stadiumd al TowpathGra at Brentford Gre Park and ride the minature railway or e Can enhill u ath Cre and the M1M and now proovide opporortunittyy foror a n Batchworth ROAD Can sce Sherfield Ave Thish LocLocalocal NatureNatu Reserveese provides a ggreat habitathab ta nt variety of water basedb actiactivitiesctivities ffrrom fifish shingngg to al get back to nature at the Aquadrome. foro meadmeadowland wildflfl oowerswe and manymany birdbirds sailing or just walking and watchwatchingtching thee wildwildlife.dlife A4145 Stocker’s Lock incluc uding greenre woodpeckers.odppec . WalkingWal ng ooverer thee For those wanting to explore further, walk or cycle This lockck withw itss picturesque Batchworth Lock Canal Centre Lot Mead como mon showshow how the ddampmpp momoorland providesrovvidd Lock 80 Croxley Croxley Common Moor habia tat for a varietyvararieetyty ofof insectininsectsts iincludinglud antsts wwhichhic is through history looking for the clues of the old whitewhi cottage,cottag shares its The locksideck e Canal Centreentre givgivesves an insightins t into the pasasst Nature Reserve a sigs gn the landdha has nevernever been b ploughed.Theughed.Th banksnks t namenamam with the 16th century w when thee Rivervee Chess Lockk andd ththe CanalCana LoLock here Site of Special Scientific Interest of thet e River GadeGadGa and the canal are home to a varietyva i Vie Vie railway line along the Ebury Way. Alternatively w farmfaar nearby used for fi lming escen ROAD was an importantmp a pointpo on thee LondonLonondon to BirminghamB rminghamm xley Ebury of wilw ldfowl and kingfi shersrs are a commonc mon sight. Cr follow the towpath south towards London and tv series Black Beauty. route with overnightov rniight refreshmentt facilitiesfaciacilit es for boatmenen Way Cro The old Coal Post London DON and their horses.seessC CanalC nal narrowboatsn s werewe e madem at thehe enhill

Uxbridge or north towards Boundary marker still stands Caxton Gre LON Walkers Boatyardarr nearby.arby. Way outside the Toll House where Moor Lane This guide will show you many places of interest tolls were levied on goods River Colne Crossing Holywell d going into London. Herts is Ebu m en route, as well as all the access points including ssing a and Middlesex wildlife Trust ry n Industrial Estate Old Way t l Batchworth Circular Walk or Cycle ’s Approach Cro e manages the Nature reserverve d links into West Watford and Rickmansworth town ra at Stocker’s Lake whichh is i r Lane lw From the Canalnal CentreC at Batchworthh thereer is a pleasant a home to a wide variety off y Cro centre. Leafl ets in this series covering the Ebury Industrial Estate Moo l xley shortsho circularr walk or cyclecyc of about 2miles2milles proceedingpr in View wildfowl or birds, insects e northrth up the towpathwpath to the EburyE Wayy Ramp just Dwigh Cax Way and cycling in Watford are also available and mammals. ton West Watford before LotLo Mead Lock.The ramp linkslin toto the Ebury WaWay t Road Wa y from local outlets. The Colne Valley Regional Park traffi c freeee route back southwardsstoR to RRickmansworth.mansworth. N A4145 Just over thehe ChessC Bridge thee circlecle iss cocompletedc by MOOR L Business Park EstablishedE ed in 1965, the park covers 43 square miles of ANE Ebu the short cut southsou on thee Riverer ChessCCh towowpathwpath back to ry varied countrysidetryside on the edge of London stretching Way Holywell the Canal Centre at Batchworth.tchwororth t Road from Rickmansworthsworth downdo to Staines. It is a mosaic TOLPIT ANE JMI School A404 S LANE of farmland, woodlandodland and water with many hidden A4145 River Colne Dwigh PITS L treasures ranging from popularpopu recreation areas such as Sandy Lodge Road, The Rookery, Rickmansworth Aquadromeuadrome and Black Park to tranquil Northwood Moor Park TOL & Northwood , South Watford nature reserves such as Stockers Lake and Maple Lodge. © Crown copyright. All rights reserved 100019606 2007 Whatha links Weste Watford and the StarS Wars Episode 1!? Well,ll, iit was M25 Junc 19 Grand Union Canal London Underground this woodlandw nd that was used as thehe environmental backdrop foror the Track Canal Lock Fishing Dell Wood Chandler’s Cross Chandler’s Cross Towpath Station Public / Private (no through road for vehicles) the sacredac templee ruins in the foreststt oof Naboo. Historically managged walking & cycling Lane The Towpath Mill River / Canal / Lake for timber,b fi rewood and game, the woodlandwoodland is a now a site of speecialcial Grove N Cycle Routes (traffic free) Street / Minor Road Car Park Watersports A permit is required to cycle on the towpath from Lane scientifi c interest.t During the hurricanen of 1987 and gales of 199090 mmore Cycle Route part of the Pub / Restaurant / than 2,50000 ttrees were blown down or damaged creating gladesdedes thatthahat British Waterways and is downloadable from: The Grand Union Canal Main Road Toilet School / College L National Cycle Network Refreshments ang are now thehee home of many butterfltterfl ieiies such as speckled wood,ood ringletr ngle ley bur y La Rousebarn and holly blblue. The wood is aalsoso hhomem to over 270 specieses ofo pplants.pla Cycle / Pedestrian Crossing Motorway Supermarket / Shop Children’s Play Area Fields ne or from British Waterways, Willow Grange Open Land The recentlyy improvedimpro path betweeneen the towpath and the wowoodoo The Grove Church Road, Watford, Herts WD17 4QA Cycle Routes provides improvedroovo access for all includingclu the disableded andd cyclists. Previously goods from the Railway Cycle Shop Museum Towpath (signed on quiet road) Woodland The fi rst substantialbsst hhouseouse on thee sitesit wasw thought to be Midlands had to travel south to Whippendell Wood Elizabethan. TheThe fashionion for a ‘weekenden iin the country’ Oxford, then transfer onto the Places to Visit Shared Cycle Route / Railway disused Tourist Information Arts Centre Residential area M25 Bus Lane was more or lessles inventednv here, with regregularre ar vvisitors such River Thames to reach London. Batchworth Lock Canal Centre - Tel: 01923 778382 as Queenen Victoria,VictoVicctort ria, EdEdwardward VII, Horacee WalpoleWaW pole anda Lord Built over 200 years ago, this Footpath Bridge Railway Station Miniature Railway Commercial area Palmerston.mere n.nN Now it is a leadingle hotel,otel,el hosphospitalityhospitalit y anda new canal provided a far more recreationalrecrecreatioonal centre,c e, withw a championshipamp golf coursec set convenient route cutting 60 miles -Tel: 01923 226400 in 3000 acres.accres. For mormmore detailset ils sees off the journey. In addition, many & type in ‘Cassiobury Park’ 1 kilometre side branches were added to link in the search box 1/2 mile towns along the way. Last used in Key Colne Valley Park - Tel: 01895 833375 scale 1: 8,150 Whippendell Wood The Grove earnest for goods transportation during the 2nd World War, it is email: [email protected] Little G Site of Special Scientific Interest now a haven of tranquility for

reen Lane boating, cycling or walking. Durrants Drive Lane The Towns Rousebarn The Grand Union Canal Watford Watford Information - Tel: 01923 226400

ns Lane Hemel Hempstead i Croxley Green The parpark’srk’s historyory can be traced back Winton Drive ... Links Way to thee DDomesday BookBoo when the park ...Birmingham Winton Approach Baldw bbelongedbel to St Albansnss Abbey.Ab In ththe Rickmansworth Jacotts Hill Canal TowpathCanal 1500’s Richard Morrisonisoniso begbegan the on Rickmansworth Information Point - Tel: 01923 776611 The Grove Park Uni construction of a grand maansion which Golf Course nd email: [email protected] Gra was eventually completeded by his son. West Herts WATFORD ROAD Golf Club

Links W M25 ay The park passed intoto the ownership Kings Langley of Watford Borougrough Council in 1909, Hemel Hempstead Walking and Cycling further afi eld Lodge End with the mansionansion being remoremoved a few Other free leafl ets available in this series include: yearss later. Now a mecca for recreationea Lady Capel’s A41 Lane Lock No.74 Cycling in Watford & The Ebury Way Canal Abbots Langley and leisure, you can take a strollst on The Grove Uni For free copies telephone 01923 226400 A412 through the park or use pedal powpower.w Bridge ns Grand For the childrenc there is a miniatureu Gro West Herts ve Towpath Golf Club railwayailwayway running at weekends. Sportingn Mill Lane Canal A411 Baldwi Bridge Rousebarn Lane Bridge facilities include football, cricket,cr 164 163 basketball, tennis and croquet. The Grove Mill A41 Cassiobury Park

CanalGrand Towpath Union Canal RiverGade Nor Gade Bank Bridge Viaduct Cassiobury Park Canal Towpath th 169 Lock No. 76 oad Grand Union Canal R Wes Bridge Bridge d Cassiobridge 168 165 stea A412 Lock No. 78 oad p Holy Rood ter Beggars Bridge Iron Bridge Cassiobury Park Grove em 167 ad R H RC Schools n Av Leavesden Marina route Lock No. 77 Top Lock No. 75 Bush Lane Road continues Mil pste Rural Transport on other enue T enbank Watford to l Lane Partnership side Bridge Hem he Gre Playing Fields D Rickmansworth 166 rive Playing Fields G R River Gade ad Ascot Road ic Cycling in Watford 45 k m e S minutes a n s ManyM attractiveractctivee ccyccycle routes haveha beenbe n ccreated ide Ascot Road w e Avenue o in Watfordtfordrd includinclincludingnclud access to tthe maainn r Gad t Gad Sports Clubs h Beechpark Way shoppingshopppingg areaareea aalong the ppart-pededestriianisednise Road River Gade The Ordnance Survey mapping included within this publication is provided by Hertfordshire County Council under e Avenue ve Dri High Street.eetet. A circularircular ride inincorpporatinng thethhe licence from the Ordnance Survey in order to fulfi l its public function to provide information relating to its activities, Leavesden services and plans. Persons viewing this mapping should contact Ordnance Survey copyright for advice should they ningsby Cassiobury canal towpath,ath, andan thee town centre centr can n be A405 Con Cassiobury wish to licence Ordnance Survey mapping for their own use. This mapping is based upon Ordnance Survey material Infant & Nursey School made by followingowi Thee Eburyy Way (NCN 66/6/61) Bricket Wood with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Offi ce © Crown Cassiobury Park JM School Avenue 5 mile green route between St Albans copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. West Watford Swi A Gade Av Drive Langle to Lowerower Highh SStStreet, alongal ng the HighHig Stretretreeteet to M25, M1 enue ood Avenue 41 Hertfordshire County Council 100019606 2007. Whippendell Road Cassiobridge Road ss Aven Bellmount W Rickmansworth, Croxley Green, rive Stanbury Courtl the Town Hall and ththen rejoiningreejoining the canalca at kside y W ry D Glen Way Cartography, photography, leafl et design and cycling by Stephen Wragg - Wragg Art House: to Sydney Road ands A412 Watford ue Par Dri Bridgesges 165, 167 or 16816 - see the leafl eet/t/mapp Bluebell photograph by Tim Woolridge. ay Cassiobu A411 ve Watford & Leavesden Cyclingin in Watfordd for mororee information.information. Design © WAH 2007 Printed on environmentally friendly paper