Pittsburgh SUMMER 2011 ENGINEERQuarterly Publication of the Engineers’ Society of Western Pennsylvania SPECIAL IBC ISSUE: Bridges without Borders Innovaon and sustainability. To bridge infrastructure Creating Value... owners challenged by schedules and budgets, these design elements provide valuable solu�ons—to the traveling public, they provide safe, reliable, and cost effec�ve transporta�on infrastructure delivered in an environmentally responsible manner. That’s what we do. Fulton Road Bridge Replacement, Cleveland, Ohio. Baker delivered preliminary and final design for the 1,600-feet-long, four-lane structure, situated nearly 100 feet above the Cleveland MetroParks Zoo. ... Delivering Solutions Planning • NEPA • Public Involvement • Design • Design-Build Construction Management/Inspection • Operations and Maintenance Services Creang value by delivering innovave and sustainable soluons for infrastructure and the environment. To learn more about Baker’s comprehensive services, visit www.mbakercorp.com or call John C. Dietrick, P.E., S.E., Bridge Technical Services Manager at 216.776.6626,
[email protected] Pittsburgh SUMMER 2011 ENGINEER Quarterly Publication of the Engineers’ Society of Western Pennsylvania ENGINEERS’ SOCIETY OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA Pittsburgh Engineers’ Building 337 Fourth Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15222 In this issue... Tel: 412-261-0710 Fax: 412-261-1606 e-mail:
[email protected] We Are Global Citizens 2 Pittsburgh ENGINEER is the quarterly publication of the Engineers’ By Thomas G. Leech and George Horas Society of Western Pennsylvania (ESWP). The ideas and opinions expressed within Pittsburgh ENGINEER are those of the writers and Chairman’s Welcome 3 not necessarily the members, officers or directors of ESWP. Pittsburgh ENGINEER is provided free to ESWP members and members of our By Thomas J.