Houlton, Maine, Wednesday, March 22, 1916 V o l. 5 6 No. 12

Auburn hoards of Trade and tin got oil tin- car, into tie pouring ram troge 11 u til) , HM! II Is, as I h e in a r k et d *■ Si I'c;Uiwi>cci an. f.in n, 1 in *ur**»t d u>*1. M a i n r Automobile Association. and a street inches deep in water. Miami-*. Tne (' II i ted Sta tes ( ji olog i As MM illUlvdit-nt nf (t list they Speakers will be arranged for a ho \\ hereupon she found that the per­ oil Sui w y lias * - x;1111 i!i e< 1 la rge a t eas gef i’lto tin 1111-1■. at and lungs, will outline the objects of the meet­ son win* had picked up tier note­ of 11.'' v|);,|m in ('oIoi■ ado, I'ta 11, and causing ciil'ls, -ni'e throat and pneu­ ing and plans will lx* perfected lor a books and tried to calm the conduc­ WyenMi.; and ha>. made many dis- monia. Worth Careful Thought state-wide organization which shall tor's bellicose temper had also filiation tests, Smne beds of shale A committee of tin* New York : make its work that of preaching the alighted into tin- Hooded March ev t hat are several feet t hick will vield ^icaih my has reported on the narm Do you read the label to know whether gospel of good roads in (-very corner " n i n g, triumphantly announcing ( more than a. ’barrel of oil to the ton fill eff.'Cfs of street dust. This l'e- your baking powder is made from cream ! of Maine and of seeing that (-very that he had ‘ got his numhe. ." And , of shale, and one lied six imdies i port was made to Commissioner j man whose name goes before the because sin- had had »a wonderful thirk will yield more tban two bar­ j Featherstone and is published in the of tartar or, on the other hand, from alum ! stat» primaries in June, makes a day and was keye.i up to the last rels ot i ru l. oil to the ton of shall4. [Medical Record. The commission or phosphate ? statement either for or against tin- notch, she was perfectly ready to !<)ne ton of this shale should there- 1 finds: good roads propaganda. In this talk to thi*- impulsive stranger, and f M e yield nearly 10 gallons of gaso- j ” 1. Numerous bacteriological ex­ Royal Baking Powder is made from way the people will know just whom he escorted her through the splash | line by the present commercial me­ aminations made in this city, as well to vote for in order to carry on the ing rain to her station on flu- elevat thod*. of gasoline* extraction, and as elsewhere, show that street dust cream of tartar, derived from grapes, and i work of continuing highway con­ ed. larger \ ields may hi* made possible contains a variety of living patho­ adds to the food only wholesome qualities. struction in Maine. That was hov* the adventure began. by new methods. genic organisms, such as tubercle It has been ascertained by figures But the real adventure did not begin Little attention has been paid to bacilli and various types of strepto­ Other baking powders contain alum or calculated on a scientific basis that for two or three years. Rodney A l­ this shale because tin* quantity of cocci, which are recognized as causa­ phosphate, both of mineral origin, and Maine lost $10,000,010 last year be- drich and Rose Stanton tried an or­ petroleum produced from weds it) tive agents of many respiratory and | cause of poor roads. N o r m ally dinary marriage and it did not work. the United States has been sufficient other diseases. used as substitutes for cream of tartar Maine’s summer tourist business For Rodney, clever, intelligent, lo i to satisfy all demands, but for more ” 2. Persons free from exposure to because of their cheapness. has been estimated as averaging cal, keen though In- was, harked than 60 ,\ ears the oil shale industry city dust are less liable to suffer about $30,000,000 with every prospect back stubbornly to the traditional of Scotland has been a very impor­ from respiratory diseases than those Never sacrifice quality cn d healthful­ that it will increase by laps and ideas of wifehood and marriage. tant one. In a recent year more so exposed. bounds as the state’s improved high­ And Rose, at first too young, and al­ than 8 ooo men were employed in the “ 3. Dust lias for a long time been ness for low price. way system is extended. In fact ways up to now too starved for lux industry in that country, yet the universally recognized as an injuri­ with the completion, by the first of ury to stop to think of its price when average yield of oil per ton of shale ous mechanical irritant, and as a it came, did not think what the con­ was much loss than that which ap­ cause of lowered bodily resistance, ROYAL BAKING PO W D ER CO. July, of (he Portsmouth, N. H.. and and one of the first perquisites of ventional hushand-and-wife, dinner- New York Portland highway, which for years pears possible from the shale of Col public health b-s been the elimina­ has been the bugbear and dread of and opera sort of life meant. orado and Utah. It is estimated tion of dust as far as possible. all tourists, it is almost certain that You will have to read it for your­ that in Colorado alone there is suf­ “ 4. Dry sweeping should be en­ the coming season will be the great­ self to get the full pieaning of Rose’s ficient shale, in hecfB three feet or tirely abandoned. An adequate sys­ revolt and her love and her mother­ more thick and richerthan the shale tem of street flushing should be in­ est ever known in Mafne for auto­ troduced in street cleaning proce­ mobile tourist traffic. liness and her independence. It’s a being mined in Scotland, to yield dures of our cities and effort should ing. Other plans however, undoubt­ wonderful tale—-this story of how 20,000.000,000 barrels of crude" oil, Good Roods Meeting The movement, summed up, is one be made to apply all available meat s edly will be considered, and the best th e lazy, beautiful, superficially fri m which at least 2,000,000,000 bar­ to make the streets as free from dust to see that the present policy of one adopted. clever young thing grew in the work­ rels of gasoline may be extracted by as possible.” highway building in Maine is to be A state wide good roads meeting The idea of the state-wide meeting ing out of her problem from a charm­ ordinary refining processes. Among the diseases which may re­ iatobe held at Bangor Thursday, carried out in the future and to see sult from street dust are the follow­ originated with the Good Roads ing child to a woman who knew her­ As was stated in the recent reply March 16 at 9 P. M. under the that legislature is enacted at the ing: That group of inflamations of committee of the Portland Chamber self and her powers and her husband of Secretary Lane to a Senate reso­ the eye generally called pink eye. aaaploet of the Chambers of Com- next session of the legislature to pro of Commerce. At a recent session ---and made him see Iter ideal of lution on the subject of gasoline: , There is smiie reason for holding aaree and Boards of Trade of Maine vide funds for road building and of that committee it was decided to married life as a possibility and a "The development of this enormous (that consumption is sometimes M Will a* the Maine Automobile necessary laws to insure their con­ caused by the inhalation < f street inaugurate a state-wide good roads finer tiling than he had dreamed. reserve simply awaits the time whe* Aaaaelatlon and other prominent struction. dust. The probability is ths< breath­ movement in order to assure future It is an entertaining tale-—first of the price of gasoline or the demand ing of air infected with tubercle •Iftl* organisations, Gov. Oakley C Every Chamber of Commerce. highway construction in Maine. The Chicago society and Rose’s own for other distillation products war­ bacilli from being sprayed bv sneez­ Oaf**? the members of the Maine Board of Trade and other interested plan as outlined was to make it a married life; of Iter babies and her rants the utilization of this substi­ ing, coughing patients is more im­ highway Commission, to* organizations will be asked to send portant as a cause of consumption state affair, inviting all Chambers pitiful desires and thwarted at­ tute source. This may happen in th many other well known five delegates to the Bangor meet­ than is breathing of air filled with ©f Commerce and Boards of Trade tempts to he allowed to be a proper the future. At all events these street dust. p«0|lio la public and private life, ing, and the affair promises to be throughout Maine to participate. It mother to them despite nurses and shales are likely to be drawn upon “ This does not. however,” says i»aVwbe*a Invited to be present. one of the most notable good roads was also decided to invite delegates maids, of her leaving- Rodney of her long before the exhaustion of the pe­ the commission, "mean that uis- meetings ever held in Maine. ttyio mooting Is being called for the from the Maine Automobile As- being engaged to sing in a sextette troleum fields.” semmation of germ laden dust is un- impor antas a factor in endanger* parposo of diacusstng the future sociat on, the Maine State Grange in a musical show, of how she had a ing public health.” blab way oUuation in Maine. At the and other leading organizations to The Real Adventure chance to do some costumes, how Peril In Dust On lie subject of streptococci in w w ail l J i n |L9UO,000 of the $90000,- take part in the deliberations. she went on the road, how she got to dust they speak as follows: “ T^ 000 bond issue has been expended ; It was decided to hold the meeting The conductor tried to bully her doing theatrical costuming in New summarize briefly it is not only the The opinion is often expressed that $100,000 more will be put into state at Bangor as the most central point j when she had already paid her fare York and all about how she sue eed- tubercle bacillus that is to be feared epidemics of colds and pneumonia as insisted upon by Prudden, but highways during the coming sum- in the state, and arrangements for it And when he grasped her arm to ed. also in cities such as New York the nyr, leaving only $200,000 of the keep her from entering the car, he are made worse by dust. These are have been completed. The session If you have read any of Henry pathogenic streptococci as well.” not medicinal opinions. They are M M ftsoua for 1917. will be at the Chamber of Commerce found both his wrists pinned tight Kitehell Webster’s magazine stories, The streptococci found are capable in the grasp of her two hands; based upon scientific opinion. The Maine Automobile Associa­ headquarters, but if these prove too you know what real flesh-and-blood of causing colds, sore throats, bron­ “found himself staring stupidly into What may t e construed as sup­ chitis and pneumonia. tion at a recent meeting after con- small for the number of delegates creatures his women characters are. a pair of great blazing blue eyes—it’s port for this opinion, however, comes There is considerable proof that ildfflug #11 of the available plans, who attend, adjournment will be In this noveljthe women are alive--- a wrathful color, blue, when you from two sources. Bacteriologists when infantile paralysis and cere- daetded that the best way to raise taken to City H all. one expects that---and the men are b o-spinal meningitis are epidemic light it up—and listening uncompre­ report that they find streptococci ftitare money for higiiway construc­ The movement already has the as sharply differentiated and as real in a community one <*1 the measures hend ingly to a voice that said. abounding in vhe sputum of people tion was by means of a mill tax and active support of the Portland Cham­ as the women. The only thing to do ef control which has pj* *yen helpful ‘Don’t dare touch me like that!’ ’’ sick with tlie 'prevailing disorder. is street sprinkling and^ ’ ‘T g. proposed to endorse ber of Commerce, the Bangor Cham*- is to recommend the whole 674 pages. She would not pay the fare and she flM propOVltlon at the Bangor meet­ ber of Commerce, the Lewiston and There may he a dull moment or two in the hook, but we did not find SWgfflpi..." ST" any. The |Heal Adventure. I!y Henry Kitehell Webster. Ulus, by H. M. Crosby. .r>74. 12 EXPERT nut. Bobbs-M. Si r>0n. IN ADDITION Gasoline From Shale is SERVICE To our large Jewelry Bus­ Possible GIVEN iness and complete1 stock of Wedding (lifts in Cut In view of the ever-iiicnnising de­ HERE Glass— Sterling Silver— mand for gasoline and tin* increase Community Plate, etc. in price of crude oil, from which it is obtained, it is important to knowj We devote a great deal of tha t anaimosl i nex ha ust ibb* supply i attention to fitting and repairing of K y e Glasses and of (til “may “ be obtained from tlie' shale of northwestern Colorado.; Spectacles, these necessary aids require the most care­ nort In astern Utah, and southwes-i ful work when damaged. We also replace broken 'This shale contain* tern Wvoniine lenses at short notice. him 1 » rin is which, when heated, may I he etu)vci t< . 1 in11' crude oi 1, pas and ammonia. Tin* high cost of distil ; Come where Expert Service is given ling oi M i 'nm [shale as compared to; fio eosi ot producing oil from wells ; Impairing of Jewelry— Watches and ( ’locks is care­ Inn t I) IIS I ai “pl'rvnuitod the develop­ fully and quickly done here hy t Xpert workmen of ment ii I! i> ( 'on111 ry of such an in-j fmg experience. dusiry aiid*inay continue to prevent 1 it tor s( me t line, hut sooner or later j Headquarters for Kodaks— f ilms and Accessories this gnat souice of supply will bo! Utilized to supplement thedeereas-j J. D. PERRY, Jeweler, Optometrist ing production from the i e- ida r ' il j fields J Market. Square - Houlton, Me The oil derived t ro n the -hale it Jnspiration similar to that which i** h.n n g pt o | (1 need i n 'in wells in the U nit ed States at tiie rate of more than 26n, (MO.ihki barrels a year. When re­ fined by ordinary nnuhods tin* shale oil yields ;m average oi about 10 per cent gasoline, p> r cent kerosene, I have everything in and a laige aim nut of paraffin. The yield ot gasoline from the shah* may INSPIRATION is tlie soul of achievement, the primal motive probably he largely increased hy the use ot r* lining met hods, especially designed lorjt lint purpose. The gas, S1AS0I11U DUIffi * of creation, the beginning of masterpiece. W ithout inspiration which i> a very good illuminating greatness never has been attained nor work of genius created. gas, will perhaps be sufficient to fur­ such as Narcissus, Tulips and nish all tin* heat required to distill Scbpps~Bootk design is not

Got Rid of My Corns with Magic ‘ Gets-lt” SURROUNDING TOWNS Simplest Corn Cure in the World No Pain, No Fuss. New Sine Mrs. ( ’has. Carroll in Boulton last Free Free 25c L-V Dust Cloth Smyrna Mills Friday. W ay. 'fin s \\‘f,i;k Word was roeoivod hero last week, When fonts male-1 \c»u almost “ in bulk, and dence, Old Maid, Ruby Renn; Miss u n c 1 e, Ly in R n W e b b. walker. No pain, no trouble. Accept no ilodgdott. Mrs. Emery lived a de­ $:•! 25 and o 50 in bags. Michigan At the Dream Helder, Stylish, Lottie Vail; Mrs. substitutes. voted Christian life for nearly fifty nigs are worth $2.75 and Maine Mrs. Maurice Haley and Mrs. A. Excel hut Vaudeville and Photo­ Bates. Anti Suff. Leah Lyons ; Mrs. years and eternity alone >• ill reveal W . Crouse were visitors at Mrs. W. “(Jets-It" is sold everywhere, 2,5e a bottle, bags. $2.50 and 5.H5; in hulk, $5 45 play attractions are offered this Sager, Suffragette. Geneva Tracy; the munber of souls that her quiet and :;.75; Long Islands are steady at Mrs. Wood. Suffragette, Alice R. McCain s, Tuesday. or sent direct by K. Isevienee A: Go., Chicago. week at this theatre, Gregory and 111. Sold in Houlton and recommended as me feWeet, c 'ristian influence has uplift­ $4 in hulk : bbls. and bags, $5.75 and Crouse; Silas Curtis. . T. W. Butler arc presenting .a novel sing­ Bennett‘Haley and wife attended world’s l>est coni remedy by ed to higher nobler things. Besides 4; Jerseys are worth $2.50 and 5. ing, talking and juggling act fof (the MacDonald. At the close of i he en­ the Court.St. Baptist chur6h in Houl- her daughter, rs Varney, she tertainment ice cream will he on 6. 15 French &S011 > first half of the week, which has t-n, Sunday morning. leaves six sons. A service wtis held proven a very pleasing offeiing. sal© and asocial time enjoyed. Leighton & Feeley at her (laughter’s home, Wednesday R. C. I. Speaking contest Mrs. James I^pugstaff and Mrs. Luther and Towle who have re­ p. in., conducted by Rev* T. cently played several successful en- Loran Clias^,.. were calling on, Mrs. ('lark of Houlton, and the remains Howe Brook A. E.Thompsoin Tuesday afternoon. Vassalboro. .have moved to this town A large' audience filled the First gagelnents in the up river towns, when* they will reside in the future. w re taken-to Williamstown. Thurs­ Baptist Church on Monday evening will pres- nt their come ,y blackface Miss Faye Thompson left here Sat> day, where a service was held in to listen to the R. C. F. Freshmen skit the last three days of the Week# Mrs. Belyea has gone to Da nforth, urday last* for Debec. N. B., where A party of hoys and girls cohsist- the Methodist ohurcii near her old prize speaking contest. ng of Harold Good, Noah Bradford, Friday’s Paramount picture offers where she will reside. she will visit her cousin. Mrs. Morly home where she was a faithful mem­ The program, together with the Henry Bradford, Miss Eva 'Longee. Marguerite Clark in the four .part. Flemming. ber for many years. She w h s buried musical selections wa& of unusual Fatuous Players produ tion of SaraiuelWrlght is confined to his Miss Daisy Astle and Miss Marion beside her husband in the Williams­ At a meetfug field at A. M. Smith’s merit. There were eleven contest­ “ Gretna Green.” * home with a sprained knee. Lougee Were out scouting recently town cemetery. ants and the judges found it a diffi­ on Monday evening for the purpose and took many pictures, Alf i’eporj Mrs. Albion Motion was in Oak- cult matter to awaJd the prizes but of electing a, delegate to attend the a good time. field calling on friends last week. Republican State Convention at finally decided as follows ; Card of Thanks Junior Recital . i Portland, A. W . Crouse was chosen, First prize, girls, Miss P’lea.or. ; H f*' John (Quigley and family Wilkins., We desire to thank our friend* with S. J. McCain as substitute. Amity , have moved to Howe $rook from Th.e Junior Recital which is to be Second prize, girls. Miss Millie who assisted us in so many ways PkoBltlMl,., , given under theauspices of th*» Honl- Etta Scott. during the long lllnessand the death s. < M1ss LsofanM annis out of town New limerick At this ‘writing1‘Mrs1.' How’ai'd Ly- tou Music Club has been postponed First prize, boys, John Albert of our dear mother. W e- W*e re day* Witti her parents eett(> is quite ill with LaGrippe^ from March 24th to Thursday even Barnes. especially grateful to the neighbors who sent in the heautjfu! flower*- . fin 0 $lewoM. ' Mr. Frank Spurr o f Hodgddn has ing. March 80th, at tim High School Secq ,d prize, boys. Elmer Emer­ Mrs. E. Lougee is confined to her and those who provided the music: moved with his family to his farm Auditorium. This promises to be son McConnell. ‘ * Vfitldfife 06iiUsts lias gV>n© fA Skow home by illness* one of the most interesting enter­ The Judges were Hon. L. A. Mr and Mrs. Aided Vttrtfcy 'h$SlNh(|Where^he- Will reside . nls in this town. ( Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Emery Mr. John Donahue was in Houlton tainments ( ver given bv the young Pierce. A. K. Stetson and 1’. P. .,. family will spori follow. Ori in Williams of Cary was calling Mr. and Mrs. Scott Eme.ry on business Friday. people of Houlton. Packard, principal H. H. S. r H -M*s. W . A. Dunn and Mrs. VV. J. at the home of hi«t uncle, I). M. Each music teacher in town will Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Empty J. '(Foley-went uk i ness Sat ri rday. eighteen years of age and the High Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Emery 1‘astor MacDonald preached at the Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Emery Mr. Adams is doing a large busi- School and Ricker will be represent­ FOLEY K TONEY PILLS Webb’M ^ gbne to the K. sch(*ol house 'Sunday afternoon on FOR RHEUMATISM 'lONEYS AND 8LA0QE1* I Houlton, March 20, 1916. 112 Oee* (Shipping Jogs and lumber. .account of the church undergoing ed by girls’ quartettes and the young *" Jt.TC^Hospital,.wiiere sHe vfill iutt- ladies’ Mandolin club. *‘ v’deHfo an op ration for appon'dlcifis. repairs. , Mr, a W Nifi’s.l/H;., K. Kelley. were One of the most interesting nurn- .. Mrs. Boland Anderson is iiy the ggejstf of George Hoar, Sunday. I ’he Ladies’. Aid are plaqiiing to pers on the program will he tin* Jun­ Aroostook Hospital with a severe s Mrs H. N* KeUey ’was ttafc guest serve a $ upper on 'I’owii Meeting day. ior Club chorus.of twenty little girls attack of the grip. Her many of Mrs. Fred Mooers, Wednesday. the proceeds to go for fepairs on from ten to twelve vears of age. any of .my customer:* would like to have me. se­ friends btfpe for a speedy recovery., cijurcl). . The program is in charge of Mrs. pif r.atuj M rs Harry Hogan were lect IS nits, t ’oata, or Dresses* please leave order Mr. .*nd Mrs. Albeit Vail of'Hqdg* (). A. Hodgins and Miss Doris Buz- Mrs. jatties Currie was called to the guests of J i. H. Eaton, Sunday. don, are visiting tlteir daughters, zeli and tickets at 25 cents each may IF this week as I go to New York Saturday night Island. Falls to attend the funeral bo obtained from them or any active bf he*'’Itibrher. Mrs. Charles’ Du in- Mr. and Mi’s; John Russell were Mrs. H. J. Reed and Mrs.v Howard memb r of the Music Club. Mar. 25th. Jt will also pay you to see my line before phy. AM Join in extending to her the guests of Mrs. Maty Grant, Sum Lycette, this week. day; ■* m’ ’ buying as my prices are always cheaper, and I shall have their sympathy. Albert Reed went to Houlton last • * The hiarriage bf Horace Russell Mr! and Geo, Good Wfere the Wednesday to attend a basket ball Potatoes a larger line of ( ’repe Dechine and Cotton underwear and Eva Wlilte Vx>k place-last week, guests of/MrsN -CJiap.. Esta^rpqke ye- gainc and .spent a.few day.f wiM1 his then I have ever carried. , y/ the .ceremony being perform ed by cently. ’ N . brother, Burehard. *' 1 >.p, i$" audent Buyers are paying $2.' for wlvat W t' Jf. Fulfey, Esq., ,at t 'efiomsvof Miss Orris G ra q L • who" has djeen. 4 R. c. 1, i/iJf.llaigroV»in In the presersee^o-f friends er«played id’Ht>qlt Jtia e.i n tei ior of th a Rapt is 1 6h u r c h. SHIPMENTS NORA TABER - , ■ Houlton »ntH,i*rfco ’bfe^h . 8 cars from .Hou 1 ton employed at Dye* Bfook,, teiurrted will .do th*i WoJriD: T!m,-Gttru!r©h: is , to be c* • v«r,ed -yfi :*Iic.$i ■ i < ■rJngi--:r-;«" < - ■■■.■ " • - i" ” 16 12 ...... Mrs. F>-ingrttham and; Mitt Peiijl U o a c o s ro n ip. o ; ,.V • *- Ingraham ’Were ^guestwrtn H ollis •Jt;" Seward. Sunday. , : . East Uodgdoa ‘ •4‘ ' ,1^.'( ) ... v ’(■fib.- o/’-- ' 2d - 8- ” ” Good Blood Is Nature’s Safeguard against Grippe and'other gferm l^alnHall is Visiting friends Mr. H<)li|f ..ba«, Jteeiif con­ Aw m% f/> an rlu W as y .Mr. Milfes (Fildard of KidUnioud, diseases’. ■ ■’ ’ ' . ■■'•*' •• • ■ ■ ;5. '■ “vW A m ffjfAf6r a few days fined t(» his Irbtiie !oti' accbViiit ofi an- The Produce New’s says N . B. is visiting lii« aunt. Mm. J , (j Mrw Annie la w y e r is , vyorkingj fur injury to itis hand. ! ■ ; jNtafJpd ruie(j steady this week im- PERKINS’- NATIONAL HERBS Chase, who ufeqivitepoorly. Y ■ is <>«(' of the best blood purifiers. -Rhe-umatisrn, Kidney. Liver, and Mrfr; 'tVHlfe Low ry. j,(on.lton. , ; dey tii jthbderate supply and active ^ beuig^hipped Stomach troubles ar.e benefited and Constipation yields quickly., ..... dMffand., Despite the difficulty of Kt(J Blfchsr and, *AvrllJ,* By.ron f e l r W H 'iMfipn'Ott," the - price being -Mrs, G roe ly * llu-iRU of Richmond, purest roots, barks, and herbs, well known to medical science, Arere Iq Haynesvllle. Friday night. very good,at$2.2.0 a barrel. ; • , N, B. and Miss Lucy Marston v, is He 1,1 L i&IIT'Jiii'g.and making deliveries' busi- make up.the formula. Should b.* kept T.i the'hoirm at alt times. ’ Mya* Beni* Duff day last week. ririess vtas of pretty fair volume. The Sold by • .: Born to M-r. and uMrs ^MauHoo; , a.Mfe.vTtimplpii JslaGd reserve stocks in the yards are not Stewart on haby tjosu .Fall*VWa.s , t^tof' his cou$in Mr. and Mfs. Eliner Weston Finely whs Lorn in Ce terville. use are drug addicts.“ Trom the standpoint of Mr. Douglas Kervin and family of would not digest, I bloatea and was very N . IS , .July ♦>. l!S45, and was the Hodgdon, spent Sunday, with his weak and nervous. I tried many reme­ (taughtei oi ( harh s and Susan Din- public hygiene the coffee question is worth while. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ker­ dies without help. I saw Vinol adver­ gi e, ;iihI w n< mat l ied to .Jom nh vin. tised and tried it, and now my stomach Kinety, Mai eh 24. 1S(>2. T!u>\ resid­ It is the most widespread lorm of drug addiction.” trouble is completely cured and I am ed in \Y i 11 ia ins; *»w n. N. B . uni t i Mrs. John Adairs was taken to He\ ell \ I a rs ago. when I m \ 11.(0 ‘ li Aroostook Hospital last week, and well.” —E. L. Marshall. M )| Il( codec drinker i) on tor vears wit hout eenni . larin, lait wit h others the Vinol is guaranteed to tone up the to F t Fail hold, w lit iv the> m;ui(“ operated on for appen icitis, and is their lo me with t lo i r \ oungf st son tel Italt ef?e( Is of the druiL’. catleine. Hi eodee io\v in various ills alie discomforts, doing well. tired, over-ta*ed and weakened nerves of the stomach and create strength. until Mr. i-’moi \'\- (i< al h nearly live Mrs. B. K. Burleigh and Mrs. A. soars ago. Since ilia! time Mrs. such as headache, >11 louslie lie ion. nervousness, sleeplessness nd heart Q. Bryenton spent one da> last The Hathewav Drug Co.. Houlton, Me Finny nas made her home with her disturbance. week. With Mrs. Bernard Hannigan, l?ew Limerick. U ill'll the health n 1 a e<)He(i- S t “(lie v:tll I’ll Is Wi-IKk Smyrna Mills (iiauge stoic was of the death of Mr. John Tompson on Mill! I"Hit,,' (III.” wli. ■:i v>i,'\c mi;i)..ci| tIll-Ill Ull'l ( ) M , V organized at Hun It on. Ala re It 15. Saturday. March lltii. at the home picked them and sliced them, when emai-su e!! W ith a 50c Bottle ( F\LY witl) a capital, all common of his (laugh t or, Mrs. Anna Kelly in inti silves, and tapes, bandages, and plastee stock and nothitig paid par value Manchester. X H. His remains will he brought here in the spring $25. "Tim officers arc: Bres.. ( looil- and placed in the family lot. Mr. win VV. W iscman ot Smyrna; ch rk LIQUID Tompson was foinn-rly of Linneus. VENEER FOR 45 CENTS and treas., Augustus B. Libby ot Meriill; directors, the above and Ludlow F I O I I R Fle3R P’ ices for a few days only, Gold Medal per Azial Koach of Merrill. Put pose, to conduct a Grange general store Nehemiah White and family sp. nt and business. Approved Maid) Pi. Tuesday in H on It on. Hodgdon Miss Emily Smith spent Tuesday with Mrs. S. J. McCain. HALLETT-McKEEN GO. Mrs. John 11 utchinsui and daugh­ Tin* I nion Baptist Ladies' Aid So­ ter were in Moulton. Wednesday. ciety will st rve supper at the Town In our meat marnet, Lamb, For Thursday we will have Hall. Friday evening. Mar. 24. A d ­ Mrs. Flora Hussey was the guest Veal, Beef, Pork. Ham, Sau­ W ax Beans, Spinach Greens mission 25c. of Mrs. Fdith Hand, Wednesday. sage, Bacon Hamburg Steak “ The Suffragettes' Convention” Mrs. Margaret Thomas.spent W e d - : Why Hove Corns At All When "fietH-lt' Beet Greens, Sweet Potatoes will he presented at tin* Town Hall. nesdav afternoon with Mrs. Hattie| Removes Them the New.Dead-Sure Way, Minced Ham, Boiled Ham, Celery, Lettuce, Radish. To­ Thursday evening. Mar. doth, (hist Wehl)'. that make corn.- pop-cved base only made Cooked Corn Beet, Tripe, of Characters ; Mrs. Yales. Presi­ matoes Bunch Beets, Bunch Mis. Robert I (»W e | l lots heel! coh­ sour coins grow aster just hold you r hea i t. a Pigs Feet, Corn Beef. dent, Ltiella Ebbett ; Mrs Curtis, fined to t he lion o' t he past week with moment and ligm • this . Put just t \u> drops Carrots, Bunch Onions. Sutf Speaker Ida Manuel; Mrs. t hroa I trouble. “(h-ts It " oil the (on. 11 d i i*.;s at ono,*. Y on Altman. Stiff Speaker. Mrs. Wright; Brussel Sprouts, StrawbeF Mrs. Keener. Anti Stiff. Mrs. Beat- Mr. Benj. Carpenter find wife of can put s(01 r shot and .stocking on right over Blue Tag Brands ries and Rhubarb. ham; Mrs. Dayton. Anti Stiff. Faina Houlton were guests at W .J. Webb's it. Tile COl ll i> < Mimed. It makes the corn Ingraham; Mrs. Harding, Anti Stiff, on Sunday hist. comt oil clear air ■ ■lean It's the mas cuss Lucy Me Donald ; M i.-s HyacitPh. en­ On Sunday hist. Mr. and Mrs. Karl was. N<>t11inn ti stick or press on tin* corn. gaged. Susie B ekford; Miss .Pru­ Adams visited at the home of their You can weal' smallci shoe.- You'll lie a joj daughtci. Mrs. Varney of Fast stock xMl- and ;;.*;o in tmlk . and dence. Old Maid, Ruby Renn; Miss uncle, Lyman Webb. walker. No pain, i i tn uble. Accent no Hodgdon. Mrs. Finery lived a de­ TI 25 and 5 5u in hags. Michigan At the Dream Holder, Stylish, L'ltie Vail; Mrs, substitutes. voted Christian life for nearly llfty ■ ags are wort h $2.75 and Mann* Mrs. Maurice Haley and Mrs. A. Excellent Vaudeville and Photo­ Bates. Anti Stiff. Leah Lyons; Mrs. years and eternity alone ill reveal hags. $ .5n and in hulk, 15 W . Crouse were visitors at Mrs. W. “(lots-It” is sold ecot's wiicic, 25c abott!». 2 play attractions are offered this Sager, Suffragette, (it nevti Traey; t lie iiumher of souls that her' <111i<-1 and .5.75; Long Inlands ar(* steac v at Mrs. Wood. Suffragette. A lice R. McCain s, Tuesday. or sent direct by K. Lawrence A ('o., thieago week at this theatre, Gregory and 111. Sold in Houlton and ns-omnieiidMj as ttin sWcct c ristian influence has nplilt $1 in hull;; hhls. and hags. $5.75 and Crouse; Silas Curtis. Ohost. T. W. Butler are presenting a novel sing­ Bennett-.Haley and wife attended world's Ix'st coi n remedy b\ ed t o h igher nobler f hi ngs. Besides I ; Jerseys an- worth $2.5u and 5. ing, talk mg and juggling act for the MacDonald. At the close of tin ell- the CourtSt. Baptist church it) Moul­ her daugldei'. rs Vanii-y. she fertaimnent ice eream will h* otl (). F. French & Son hfs? In.lt ot toe week, which, ha* ts n, Sunday morning. leaves six sons. A service was held proven a very pleasing offering. 1 sale and asocial time enjoyed. Leighton X: Feelev at her daughter's home. Wednesday R. C. I. Speaking contest Mrs. James Dougstaff and .Mrs. Luther and Towle who have re­ p. no. conducted hy Rev. T. Loran Chase were calling on Mrs. cent !y played several successful en­ ( Mark of Houlton, and the remains Howe Brook A. K.'Thompson! Tuesday afternoon. Vassa l m >r< i .have moved to this town A largo audience filled the First gagements in the up river towira, w I icrc tlicv will reside in the future. w n takemto Wiilramstown. Thurs­ Baptist Church on Monday evening will pres rtf their conn* y blackface Miss Faye Thompson left here Sat­ day. when* a s< rvice was held in io listen to the K. ('. [. Fp M men skit tin* last three days of tin* week* A party <>f hoys and girls consist- Mrs. Belyea has gone to Danforth, urday last for Deber. X. B.. where the Methodist church near her old prize speaking contest. ng of Harold (food, Noah Bradford, Friday's Bara mount picture offers wtiere she will reside. she will visit her cousin. Mrs. Morlv hoim* where she was a fait liful mem- The prog rani, together with the Henry BradL-rd. Miss Eva. Lougee, Marguerite (Mark iu the four . part Flemming. tier for many years. She was buried musical selections was of unusual Famous Players produ -tion of Samuel Wright is confined to his Miss Daisy Astle ami Miss Marion beside her husband in the Williams- A t a meeting field at A. M. Smith's merit. There were eleven contest­ ” ( fret !i|| ( t IVen. ' home with a sprained knee. Lougee wore out scouting recently fown cemetery. ants ami the judges found it a Mitrs on Monday evening for the purpose and took many pictures. Alt’ report Mrs. Albion Moilon was in Oak- cult matter In awa.nl tin* prizes hut of electing g, delegate to attend the a good time. held calling on friends last week. Republican State Convention at Junior Recital finally decided as follows ; Card o! Thanks Portland, A. W . C rouse was chosen, First prize, girls. Miss Flea or. Mrs. John Quigley and family Wilkins. W desire to thank our friends- with S. J. McCain as substitute. Amity who have moved to Howe Brook from The J unior Recital which is to he Second prize, girls. Miss Millie assisted us in so many ways Horn Ron. given under t hoauspiees of Hu* Houl­ Ftta Scot t. during the long illnefisand tl e death of our d-*ar mot tier. W o were • Miss Lxda .Mann is out of town New Limerick At this writing Mrs. Howard .In­ ton Music Chit) has been postponed First prize, hoys. John A 1 b r t Spending * Tew days with her parents Cette is quite ill vdth LaCrippe, from March 2lth to Thursday even Barnes. especially grateful to the neighbor* who sent iu the beautiful flowers •In Griswold. ing. March MOth, at the High School Seco (1 prize, hoys. Fltuei Emer­ Mrs. E. Lougee is confined to lo r M r. Frank Sfiurr of Hodgddn has and those who provided the music. move d with Ins family to lilscfarm Auditorium. This promises to he son M cConnelJ. (Jiorge Con lie rs has gone to. Skow- ■home by illness. one of ttie most interesting enter­ The Judges were Hon. L. A. Mr and Mrs. AI den V-arffey heganV Where Hie. will reside, nis in t his town. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Finery Mr. John Donahm was in Houlton tainments ( ver given by the young Bierce. A. K. Stetson and T. B. family will soon follow. Orrin Williams of Cary was calling people of 11oulton. Backard, principal H . H . S. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Emery on business Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Emery M#s. W. A. Dunn and Mrs. W. J. at the home of his uncle. I). M. Each music t e a c h e r in town will! in Houlton "Foley went'to Houlton. Thursday, to Mrs. George Tims was Libby ]au Thursday. he represented hy oi *- pupil ut'Merj Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Embry attend the Chapman concert. on business Saturday. eighteen years of .age and the High j Mi . and Mrs. Joseph Emery Pastor MacDonald preached at the Mr. and Mrs. YYilmot Emery Mi. Adams is doing a large busi­ School and Ricker will he represent­ FOLEY KIDNEY PiLlS I -Miss Ida Webb has gone to the K. school house Sunday afternoon on fOH RHEUMATISM DNEVS AND BLACUEO I Houlton. .V arch 20, 19115. 112 ness-shipping logs and lumber. account ot t.he church undergoing ed; hy girls’ quartettes and the young i Hospital, where she will tin ladies’ Mandolin club. * tleirgo an op ration for appciV(iicifis. repairs. Mr. and Mrs. H. X. Kelley were One of the most interest ing uum-j Mrs. Roland Anderson is in the guests of George Hoar, Sunday. The Ladies’ Aid arc planning f<> hers on the program will he Hu* Jun­ scree a supper on Town Meeting day. Aroostook Hospital with a severe Mrs II. X. Kelley was the guest ior' Club chorus of twenty hole girls the proceeds to go for repairs on attack of the grip. Her many of Mrs. Fred M oners, Wednesday. from ten to twelve years of age. ¥ ^ aiiyul my oBslomers would like lo have me se- friend^ hope for a speedy recovery. . cJmrch, The program is in charge of Mrs. Mr...and Mrs Harry Hogan were O. A. iiodginsand Miss Imiis Buz- I loot Suits, (.’oatd, or Dresses, pleast* loave order Mrs. James Currie was called to the guests of A. H. Eaton, Sunday. Mr. ,iiul Mrs. Albeit \'ail of Hodg­ don, ate visiting their daughters. zell and tickets at 25 cents each may ^ ^ this UMH'k ;is I j.;o to New York Saturday uitrlit Island Falls to attend the funeral be obtained from them or any active of her mother. Mrs. Charles Dum­ Mr. and Mrs. John 'Russell were Mrs. H. J. Reed and Mrs. Howard n ictn h t of the Music ( M it b. M;tr. 2dth. It will also pay you to see my line before pily. AH join in extending to her the guests of Mrs. Mary Grant, Sun­ I,y cef to. t his week . day. • buying as my prices art1 always cheaper, and I shall haVe their sympathy. Albert Reed went to Houlton last The hiarriage of Horace Russell Mr amj IVliys. Geo Good were the Wednesday to attend a basket ball Potatoes a lai'yr(*r line of ( 'repe Idechine and (-’otton underwear and Eva White v><>k place last week. guests of. Mrs. (Bhas., Estabrooke re­ game and spent a few days, with his then I liitve ever carried. fh$ ceremony being performed by cently. brother. Bur chard., .who. is a-student Buyers an* paying $2.7 >r wlrat W; J. Foiey, Esq., at t e home .of Miss Orris Grant. Who has been at R ,C. L Hie groom lit the presentre of friends employed ir«^oUtori,'returned home The Steel ceiling- lias jftst, ilgl'iv.-ii few are being offered a taud relatives. Their many friends Friday /'' /.:?* * •• t • ; *s tv-.v r fur ;rhrt,i uteri or *>.f the Baptist Church. Sll I BM ENTS N O R A T A B E R Houlton ♦j^end Jq them limit- heavily eoii- ThfoChatribf'rlain Bros, of Danforth Mins Josio Grant,,,w |m> ha$ been gratofatious for a lumpy wedded wiII dO tire work; The erlfurch is to Mar. 14 cars from Houln employed at Dyer Bfook, returned life. he covered on -the side walls and ceil-, ” 15 11 home Thursday*. ing; hi . Mrs. » . Ingraham and Mists Pearl Uim eus Ingraham were guests - of Hollis ” 17 Seward.,Sunday. East Hodgdon ‘ ls H ealtli Facts 211 Hotel Blood is Nature's Safeguard against ( fripp*- and'other germ " Miss Lain Hall is visiting friends Mr. Ifpllis S^waril lias l>*• the gimst of Ini III* j ><) rt y am a v• ■: ■ y ' ■ 11 j t .atilt ■ time; Ruth of Mint toil, spent Monday, mother. was 1 i M l) | C(| with Mrs. H. K. Kimball. Mr. and Mrs. Flmer Ingraham and M 1 and Mi s. ( 'Inn lie .1 l)h\ -[■ell 1 . The Ladles of Fr* e Rapt ist Cl rcle familv who have been i< siding in s n 11 a iv w i 1 h i 1 r 1' 111"! lit 1. Mr - Ini ; served Dinner in Maccnbee hall on want IU Nile 'sell . who 1 \ my sin, 1 Coffee Hurts Many Monday. Received $55 25 ami \> l.(( (Im IK (I ;.;.'• in n> fast is lit'! 1 1 it lit1 - Ut'llll lik c 1" s. e her. Mi - - Miss Marion Kennedy of Patten, is I *t. W \ . h\'an.-. [T om ino: 11 ' :. wa phy-irian, who mlils the ” Iln\v Tn Kim} with Mrs. Hairy Adams, who has BAD STOMACH TROUBLE .1, .si,- ( ' a 11 a h III 'a iimii toll - hei been eon lined to t lie house by illness. U *.• I ! i o : 11; 11! i - ()f l j in * ‘ oidt*g'i * I n o> i t ;< •. -I in that Diiblicat imi. Minlcr hate <>t Yields to Delicious Vinol ■ 1 Mis. 1 La ti Mrs Eliza Stewart, who has hern 1 Ii. d( all; mill ■duels m h" lie "| Ii"!' 1 \!.tr i. 7. !'»!:>. visiting tor daughter Mrs. Claude Shreveport, La.— “ I had a bad stom­ ( cell tltd al 1 Hugh Icti \ a ! !ic .\ eh 1 i Ruth, relumed in Ho ul I on last Sun­ ach trouble for years and became so I.I. Mo-. A 1 Mai ;tli' 1 .an 111; t - s it Ii , ! 1 n, 0 n 111 s ‘ Colfee is a druf>\ Those who are addicted to its . weak I could hardly walk or do any day 1 "i n in 5 • it S work. My appetite was poor, my food M 1 - Kim 1 \ iv a - I lid . . t/ |s|.,, aii - Me use are drug* addicts." From the standpoint of Mr. Douglas Kel vin and family h \ ' .i : - w 11 11o i : t 'i'( • n 11: ig I , , : I l I 1 * i . : i 1 1 Ii ! - ' i ! ' Aroostook Hospital last w»ek. and O 1 . 1 1 • 1 he \ Vinol is guaranteed to tone up the I,, H Fn II Ii 1 a, n ,a-h- operated on for appen icin'-, and is ti.' n mum w101 1 . ! I v t 1 i ! ■ v - ' ! t ■ 111 ■ (• t ( 5 ! t i1 ■ *1 PI 12 ( : I Unit'.-, ’ c H. -ill >\V ! I | \ g 1‘k ; i i - 5110 'I ]-(•(* ■ n j< >rf s, doing well. tired, over-taxed and weakened nerves of the stomach and create strength.. : 1 a 1 1. .Mo Fm '(>" \ i 1 ; i ! T lira r s li \ 1 Mrs. B. K. Burleigh and Mrs. A. \ i II- ; 1 .711 "S III l . - ! , 1 a 1 Mint M ! ; ( H *;n I a (•! it *, !' I! |" I: - 1! I ! | g i g ■ ! (in . ! m ■ M i-i it - ■ o 5.- I |t :i m i hn,*irt G. Bryenton spent one day last The Hh thewH v I )nig ( ’('., Houlton, Me 1 illi. 1 . : 1 - t 1III 11' !.d 5"! |t' VS !ill 1 " ‘ :i t in ' week, with Mrs. Bernard lluunigan, New Limerick. : ( 1! I ! I ; i l M Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dobbins of IWIWfyr*!fffaT;i’r:n~'r ; (T- West Jonespoi t, art* spending i s\ o i'--. weeks with their daughter, Mrs. 1. J 1 i 1 'll. G. Robert Stewart. Mr. Mich Hogan and family have SPECIAL— i: : tiSm ilT POSTUM moved from Fort Kent to make their home with Mrs. Hogan’s mother, Mrs. Cornelius Kervfn. for Misses and Children Instant Ladies Aid at French’s hall lest Saturday evening, received for sup­ per $20 05 and from salt* $10.75 The Hustlers parcel post sales netted' SATURDAY MARCH 25th Postum $6 27. Mr. Isaac Sawyer and daughter, , i ■; | - V Miss Carrie, ami Mr. and Mrs. Unl­ From 2 to 3 P. M. ;| t• !i ! 5 \ - r: i ! I M |\ (■ ace Hither attended the L.neral of hi' (\n- I 1 I Po s t u m # 1 ( j:-1 i i 111 n >! i 5 ; 11 t w ’> 5 5 11 o-. ! !. - ' * i 2 : ■ 0 Postum Cereal • must h.* -.v. u...ii.-i ® C E R E A L A WORD FOR MOTHERS Newells lo< 5mi jiankam.. Instant Postum It is a grave mistake for mothers to neg­ PUTj'ij l ..' 'i lect their aches and pains and suffer in will at this time show upon Living —a -oiiihin {m>woi(*r — in matin ai I la• < 0 ; • K 1 • silence—this only leads to chronic sick­ Dostum Cereal Company.Ltd* ness and often shortens life. Models the Latest conceptions in 1 k )]! 11 ug 15 (j u I! ni i . ." 7 '( 1 a ! a I * J b - till". Bz.rr!.e CRtEK.MiCH.U S A. If your work is tiring; if your nerves are 1 15 excitable; if you feel languid, weary or Millinery for Misses and Children. ' T 1 n t \\ ( » ti ill 11" o; ! .-'t Uhi ale - < j s i i V hi depressed, you should know that Scott’s 1 i (■ a a 1 >, and ! I a * no-i t m r nun i - a o, ■ u t 111 • ■ -gut Emulsion overcomes just such conditions. It possesses in concentrated form the You are invited to attend very elements to invigorate the blood, strengthen the tissues, nourish the nerves Music will be furnished during; tne and build strength. Scott’s is strengthening thousands oi exhibition. “There’s a Reason” for Postum Mothers—*nd will help you. No alcohol. Scott ft Bowne. Bloomfield. N. J. The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, March 15, 1916

Ralph Hackett has been appointed A M UhAAM iAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA Mr. Hersey Opens Cam­ Road Comr. by the selectmen. Annual Town Meeting paign OF LOCAL INTEREST ( Chief of Police Hogan and patrol­ man Lufkin have been appointed to t& K tW W KfiW W ****** Hon. Ira G. Hersey was in Milo on Largest Ever Held serve in their old places at the pleas­ Thursday night, where he opened ure of the Selectmen Vincent McNutt is now engaged his campaign for U. S. Congressman. flon* 0*rl E. Milliken, candidate Everyone should plan to attend in the insurance business for the Appropriations lor Many Ho delivered one of the finest ad­ for Governor, was in town, Friday, the St. Patrick’s Day celebration in Metropolitan Life Insurance C o. Public Improvements dresses over heard in that section colling on his many friends. the Opera House on Friday evening. with headquarters in Houlton. and we give it in full in this issue. & m Mary Carroll arrived home, Er. O ’Keefe will deliver the address. S. L. White has sold his real es­ Free High School Saturday, from school, called here The annual town meeting held at 8,000 W . C T. U. by the critical illness of her mother. tate in Caribou to private parties, the High School auditorium Monday School Incidentals 1,500 Boys’ Conference Mrs. Jessie L. Waterall of Phila­ having offered it to the town for a was the largest in the history of the Furnishing High School 2,900 Supt. of Schools at Bangor At (he meeting of the W . C. T. U. arrived, Saturday, for public square at a less price than he town, and resulted in the election of soo delphia, on Thursday, Mar. 9, a very fine pro­ her sister, Mrs. H. M. sold for. a very efficient Board of Selectmen. Special Courses 100 visit with gram on Tithing was given, in There willjbe a regular meeting of The following officers were elected : Evening School 100 The following boys from Houlton Briggs. charge of Mrs. C. E. Dunn. N. E. O. P. lodge at Perks Hall, Fri­ Moderator, James Archibald Roads, Bridges, etc. 14,000 attended the Bovs' Conference at Mrs. Mattie A. Powers of Brook­ The leader gave a short talk on day evening^ Mar. 17, after the woj;k Town Clerk, Michael M. Clark Vote Yes on State Aid Im ­ Bangor last week, returning home line, Mass., is the guest of her this subject, also a reading on Pro­ a sociai will be held. A good at­ Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of provement as per State High­ Monday: daughter, Mrs. Geo. E. Dunn, on portionate and Systematic Giving tendance is requested. Poor, Highway Surveyors: Her- way Com. 1 ;«3 Congregational church, squad MNMtary street. and Its relation to Nation Wide Pro­ schel Shaw, Ralph L. Hackett. H ow ­ State Aid Maintenance 250 under leadership of Rev. T. P. W il­ All flbo business of the Selectmen There will be a Grange dance, hibition. “ God’s Tenth” was read ard Webb, Fire Dept. 8,000 liams. Donald Stuart, Ralph Bur­ Mill be transacted in the offices of K. Friday night. The ladies are re­ alternately by the members. Sev­ Treasurer, Olin M. Smith Street Lights, etc. 2,500 leigh, Richard Ludwig, James W il­ 'ef. Bbaw in the Gray Block, where quested to bring cake and sand­ eral fine extracts were given from S. S. School Committee for 8 years, Police Dept. 2,000 son, Gordon Wilson, Dwight Davis, they will be located. wiches. Don’t invite your friends “ The Christian Steward.” It was Albert K. Stetson Memorial Day 100 Hollis Savage, Lawrence Blake. unless they aie Grangers. an interesting program and nicely Mrs. John S. Weller and Miss Auditor, W . F. Jenks Militia 100 Boys’ Pioneer club M. E. church, Hon. F. A. Peabody went to Au­ carried out. Fanline left, Saturday, for a trip to Tax Collector, W . E. Swett Cemeteries <500 W. F. Davis, Jr., as leader, Percy gusta, Tuesday, for a meeting of the Next regular meeting of the W. New York and W ashington, to be Fire Warden. John G. Chadwick Sinking Fund 1,000 Rogers, Phil McIntyre, Vernon State Highway Commission. Today C. 1’. U. occurs on Mar. 28. Pro- joined later by Mr. W eller. All other officers to be appointed Monument Park 850 Saunders, Willard Thorne. they will go over the line between giam: Union Signal Subscription Many fishing parties from town by the Selectmen. Public Dump 800 First’Baptist church, squad. Wen- Richmond and Brunswick. Day. hare been out to their favorite The vote for Selectmen was made Cary Library ! ,000 dall Grant, leader, Carroll Berry, batants daring the past week, some Postals from Geo. A. Hall, Jr., re­ on single ballots and resulted as fol- School Physician 800 James Campbell. ceived last week, from Washington, of whom report excellent luck. lows : > i Inrtis Bridge (550 Chapman Concert D. C., report he and his parents en- Mr. Geo. H. Wiggins of this town, First : Hersch 1 Shaw 305 Tuberculosis 850 Thomas Iott route for Philadelphia, Atlantic The Chapman Concert, which will hat been drawn to serve as a grand F. A. Peabody 800 Voted to use $1000 of the Road ap­ City and New York, and will prob be the musical event of the season, jprar at the April term of the U. S. Scattering 4 propriation to start paving in Mar­ After a long and painful illness, ably return to Houlton about Apr. iNstrlot oenrt'in Portland, Me. Second : Ralph Hackett 438 ket Square. the death of Thomas Iott occurred will take place at the Opera House 1st. 191 early Thursday morning, at his Thursday evening, March 16. Geo. C. ^nrlnton, a former prin- Geo. W . Small Voted to build drain on Pleasant A smoke caused by the evapora­ 876 home on Spring St. The Maine tour opened in Bangor eipal of the H. H. S., was in town, Third : Howard Webb street. Tuesday, in the interests of a sohool tion of some chemica’s at Wording R. A. Palmer 195 Several months ago Mr. Tott en­ March 1st, before a packed house. Voted to adopt a town ordinance Hall on Monday, prompted some 8 . D. Hamilton 144 tered the Aroostook Hospital for No such male part singing has been book eoneern, which he represents. that all carts or wagons belonging to one to ring in an alarm . The fire­ treatment and it was found neces­ heard in Maine as was rendered by Harry Grant, eldest son of Mr. The vote for Town Treasurer was : men responded promptly, but their or employed by the town, which con­ the Criterion Male Quartette of New and Mrs. Andrew Grant, High St., Olin M. Smith 278 sary to perform a serious operation. servioes .were not needed as% there vey over 1000 pounds, shall be equip­ York City, as each one is a finished bga enlisted at Woodstock with one Robert M. Lawlis 268 From tbis he rallied and to ths? grati­ w as no fire. ped with tires not less than four (4) fication of his family and friends he artist. Besides their quartette work, of the regiments, now being made The meeting adjourned at 11.45 un- inches wide. John Young, George Reardon and np for over-seas service. Mr. Geo. Paul left, Friday even­ til i P. M. when the following busf- seemed to gain each day but later ing, for St. John, N. B., to visit his ness was transacted : Voted to have Band Concerts next complications set in and during the Donald Chalmers were heard in solo Mr. Andrew Whitehead, who has brother, W. J. Paul, who sailed for summer. past few weeks not much hope was work and they were obliged to re­ been oonflned to his home by illness A PPROPRIATIONS , England on Saturday, with one of Voted that Poll Taxes be due and held out for his recovery. spond to three encores and endless for some time, is able to ride out and Road Com’r Salary $ 1.500 the Canadian Contingents, having payable May I to Collector, and all Mr. Iott was born in Hammond recalls. Miss Florence Austin, vio­ greet his many friends, who hope Poor, etc. 8,200 enlisted recently for the Signal other taxes same as last year. PI., Feb. 2, 1871, and came to Houl­ linist, played wonderfully, and her for a speedy return to health. Common Schools 8 000 beautiful personality adds much Corps. The sum raised this year was $78,- ton, when a child with his parents, Connell and Repairs l,50p charm to her playin''. She is one of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Miss Hazel E. Winter of Freder where he attained manhood and has School Text Books 1,600 033.00 while last year the amount family, who have been spending the icton, N. B., is the guest for a few always lived here a respected and the most facinating artists on the and Woodstock, H. H. S. Text Books i,oop| stage today. The programs are most winter In Honlton days, of Mrs. Geo. Small, North St. upright citizen, well liked and well left for Edmonton last week, where Miss Winter, who Is Supervisor of thought of by all with whom he interesting and popular in character Mr. Connell will engage in farming. and appeal to all tastes. the New Brunswick Women’s In­ Hon. Ira G. Hersey left Tuesday 'Up to Houlton99 came in contact. At the semi-annual meeting of the stitutes, is conducting a short course for Portland where he has business. In early life he was married to Tickets are now on sale at the Cochran Drug store. Maine State Board of Trade, held in in Household Science and Handi­ Miss Edith Knight, the nurse in Miss Phoebe Fortier, who survives Lisbon Falls today, the Houlton craft, at Woodstock. charge of the anti-tuberculosis cam­ him, as do his eight children, New Vaudeville Team George, Lawrence, Louis, Henry, Chamber of Commeroe will become The boys who attended the Y. M. paign in Aroostook County, in con­ Annual Election a member of the State association. Gordon, Robert, Madeline and Flor­ C. A. Conference at Bangor will versation with the Secretary of the B. P. O. E. Messrs. Luther and Towle left ence. County commissioner S. P. Archi­ make their report next Sunday Houlton ^Chamber of Commerce Houlton, Monday, for Ft. Fairfield, He is also survived by an aged fa­ bald, was In town, Saturday, tn afternoon at the Four o’clock ser­ said that a sanitarium was much where they will open their engage­ ther, 6 brothers and a sister. The election of officers for the en ­ business. Mr. Archibald is just re­ vice in the Cong’l cnurch. A cor­ needed in southern Aroostook in or­ ment as a Vaudeville team. suing year was held at the Club covering from an attack of pneu­ Funeral services were held. Satur­ dial invitation is extended to all, The sketch, which they will pre­ der to properly care for the great day morning, from St. Mary’s church house on Friday evening, at which monia. which oonflned him to his especially to the young people. sent. is entitled “Just Argufying’’’ number of patients in this county Rev. P. M. Silke officiating, burial time District Deputy Mincher of home for several weeks. Special music. and is from the pen of Mr. Luther. and also Piscataquis county, and being made in Evergreen Catholic Bangor, visited the lodge in his of­ Frof. and Mrs. J. Hollis Lindsay Fred N. Vose, Secretary of the this statement of Miss Knight's is The jokes are original, the musical cemetery. ficial capacity. backed up by the facts g£ve a delightful evening's musical Houlton Agricultural Society, left, numbers are catchy and the Triretch The following officers were elected: Many people interested in this fh'thswttembly hall of A. C. I., last Tuesday, for Waterville, where the is bound to make a hit wherever it is E. Ruler, Geo. T. Holyoke worthy cause feel as thou, h Houlton Interesting Figures 0joyed* a “straw ride” to gram Prof. George W . Stevens, point in tin? village proper contain­ Nlckerton lake Wednesday even­ Prof, of Economics, of the Univer­ ing two acres of land for which the graduated from Bowohnn in the class of 1S95. studied law with Williamson ing. Dancing w as enjoyed at the sity of Maine, will be present and At the Dream sum of $5,000 was paid, with plenty and Burleigh in Augusta, was ad- LakeWcod pavilion and it was a late speak on Rural Social Life— It’s of adjoining land which might be niittel to the bar and began the hour before the young people re Significance and Possibilities. “ The Girl and the Game’’ the Sig­ obtained as the needs demanded, practice of law in Caribou, later turned t > their homes. The question for discussion will nal Film Corporations great railroad ! and it seems as though the town going to Butte, Montana, where lie The members of the board of be “How Shall the Farmers of serial opened at this theatre on i should he willing to give at ion j continued Ids profession, and then j or Roughness Redness directors and the officers or the Aroostook Adjust their Farming Monday, to what promises to b^ a to the state for this purpose . | returned to Houlton. where he is a' of the JSkin use 410 Houlton Woman'aclub were delight­ Methods for 1916 so as to best meet very succossful engagement, large A not her location which would ho member of the law firm of Doherty’ J fully entertained at the home of the changed conditions confronting crowds were present at each per­ most ideal for such an institution and Tompkins. j Mrs. Albion A. Stewart, West Houl­ them V” formance, and the picture was re­ would he the property on Garrison Our Cream of Roses , Mr. Doherty has always been a I ton, at a supper party Wednesday ceived with the greatest enthusiasm Hill, where the old barracks was lo­ ! Iit-nioerat, and although a candidate i A Splendid Skin-Food and evening. The ladies attending Miss Mary Curran ever accorded a serial in this theatre. cated and which is now owned or lor d i tferent positions in the county- •peak in the highest terms of the At the 8.80 matinee, all s e h o o 1 controlled by t he town. Tonic, Should he used (‘very has never before held office. j delightful hospitality of the hostess. The remains of Miss Mary Curran children under 12 years of age were Some people might say that such Day this March Weather. admitted free, and it is estimated an institution would not be desirable Mr. Doherty will make a valuable! Hon. William R. Fattangall of A u ­ who died in Bangor were brought to that fullv four hundred children fora town-tar from it—one person addition to the official board of this ! Keeps the ('omplexion ( iood gusta and Hon. Leonard Pierce of Houlton Wednesday, and funeral took advantage of this opportunity I afflicted with this disease assoeiat- well known institution, being a man J Honlton, Democratic^ leader in the services were held from St. M ary’s to witness the first episode. Tho | ing wit h other people, careless as to of experience in legal a flairs, broad j Price 35c a bottle Maine house of representatives, Church on Thursday afternoon, Rev lobby of the theatre was tastefully expectorating and tho proper can- of minded and a good business man. | wore th€> speakers at the first meet­ P. M. Silke^offlciating. decorated and presented a railroad themselves, is more of a menace to a and he 11M'S been receiving the con- j ing of the Wilson club, at the Uni­ Miss Curran was the daughter of Hatheway Drug Co. atmosphere which added grpatly to town than a set of buildings contain­ gratulations of his many friends on versity of Maine, Wednesday even­ the late James Curran and made the remarkable success of the pro­ ing fifty patients who are under the his appointment.. Rexall Store ing, March 8, says an Exchange. her home in Houlton for many duction. care of men and nurses who are con­ Mr. Fattangall was heard with great years previous to going to Bangor versant witn all tiie scientific meth­ jilsasnre by the members of the club. where she had since resided. ods of caring for this disease, would Mr. Pie .tee, who is a graduate of She was 42 years of age and leaves Presentation be, and the Houlton Chamber of Bowdoiti college, is a young man to mourn her loss two sisters Mrs. Commerce feels as though the voters aad made a direct appeal to the H. R. Burleigh and Mrs. Abner Me- On last Wednesday evening a large would be willing to give this land young men of the university to Gary, both of this town, to whom gathering of members of the New for such a purpose. aslset a party and stand by it. the sympathy of the community is England order of Protection, met at extended. the home of Mrs. Abbie L. McDon­ The great advantage of these insti­ NOW IS THE TIME ald, Kelleran St. The gathering tutions to the patients is that by at­ to deposit money to your credit Suspicions Fires was in the nature of a surprise to tending such a place the patient not No Graft Here Mrs. McDonald, who by the way is only has the advantage of scientific in the Houlton Savings Bank Three fires inside of a week's time one of the most ardent workers in treatment but they learn how to care for themselves and prevent the where it will be safe and earn flonest as Daylight, in the same place, and all of the the Houlton lodge, having held same character, one a still alarm, many responsible offices in the lodge spread of the disease among those money for you.' 71b * duality, one put out without an alarm and and for the past two years its most they associate with after leaving such an institution. Full Xrfradres Size on Saturday evening a bell alarm efficient Warden, You are cordially invited to open from box 38, for a smart blaze in the The evening was pleasantly spent A scholar in our public schools af­ iftie Famous barn belonging to S am ’l B ubar on in music and entertainment. flicted with tuberculosis, not know­ an account with us. Grove St., has caused considerable A pleasant feature of the evening ing how to care for himself or herself talk about town. was tiie presentation to Mrs. Mc­ can unknowingly menace tin1 lives W hole responsible for the fires? Donald of a locket and chain in tes­ of every per-on wit i whom they B F A Cigar Investigation points toward aiv in­ come in contact, and especially at timony of the high regard in which Ohair.plon Nickel cendiary, what is the object, ttiat’s she is held by her fellow lodge mem­ home living with the rest of the fam­ what is puzzling the Fire Dept. bers. The presentation was made ily, so tliat the argument against Smoke. The damage in all cases has been by Mrs. Zelma Wheeler and came as such an institution in our midst be­ HOULTON SAVINGS BANK slight but the object is plainly evi­ a great surprise to Mrs. McDonald, comes an argument much in favor of Y w r ci|;ar man should have them dent and a close watch of the prem­ it. HOULTON,)MAINE If w t Stk him to put in a box; afcy who responded briefly and in a pleas­ ises will be made so that the mis­ ant way. 9 n ^ r jobber has them, made in The columns of the T imes are open creant will have a poor chance to thi hurgost cigar factory in ths state The event was greatly enjoyed by to the expressions of any one either start another blaze. all. for or against this project. The Aroostook Times,IWednesday.^March 15, 1916

i£ ST AR LIS HKD A pkil 18, lsei Continued from pagel) best Qualified and prepared among tin? When heavy showers cattle, the terference in t heir business.. While : candidates in the field to represent you water ran oil- and formed few pud- not wishing to pose as a prophet, it busy inducing Democrats of the doubt- in the United States Senate, then you THE AROOSTOOK TIMES dies. Then* were no depressions in will he very stir prising to us if, with fuliui kindmuu and«uu the,.. v floatinguu_v...CT variety______„ to__ ought „ to vote for me. Let me tell you ALL THE HOME NEWS. which heavy teams could get a lev- the coming of warm weather, gaso- change their enrollment that they may , briefly and plainly where I stand, and grind out vote for me only at the Primary Elec- ! The one immediate question of the ' . — erage, and grind out still deeper line is not once more at a reasonable tion. j hour is called Preparedness. ^ ; Published every Wednesday Morning by the1 Legal Newspaper Decisiors holes. It was his opinion that und* r {notation of 22 cents or less. t his policy of watch fulness, t he roads I shall have no political agents, grows out of the present world-wide { Times Publishin'' Co 1. — A 11 y person \v lio t a U ("■ 11 impel- re ku tally hired representatives or paid workers i war, and there are more or less con- from t he Post ( Utiee —\\ '.et her

  • • e <.i- me ,‘Q 11 < avi \ear. But the policy of cmi- the person whom 1 resemble. — Kan­ Find, payment at advertising rates, and the fears of the people, and who all arrearages are paid TIi*1< *( hi rt v Iui \c‘( 1 (•(• u! (•( i ’0,; 11 ; < •! 11 - 1 -' a 111 w a 01 • 1. f1d 111<• I o stop h O | | : ws sas City Journal. second, the nomination of that candu exaggerate the dangers of war, that Aiivortising.ates eased upon circulation and t <. 1 ;i kc 1M'\\ - ;dt 1'( T' ,'l 1 11 1 til io 1 !1'; | ! - | l < *! 11 11 ( date because he will be the easiest for they may secure political advantage 01 very reasonable. poO (U lii or r< It 1 (1 \ 1 11 ir :m(t ’1 ; 1 \ i ! i 1 1 ■... I|,,m 1 1 I ... 1 : 1 1 1 holes will do the Democrats to defeat in the State nominations to office. Between these Communications upon topics of genera! inter­ UMCIllI.'d for. i ^ ]>r i 11 in t';i (• i 11 ( \ i.!h ! 1 -<■ m! ! ! , : A ( O , . | 1 \ - !,o\ ful ill a little 11 e- Balm for the Preacher’s Son. two, I take my stand with the people election. I always have a suspicion oi est are solicited 1 f > Oil \\; 1111 U> Oop \ our 11:11 M Id \\ 1 ! ' • ' ' 1 1 ' ' , ■ ". j | , : | I ,( 1:1s in; save a ear; load “i no not support the proverbial and not the politicians. I believe that the sincerity amf genuineness of any Filtered at the post office at Ifoulton for eir j 1 le pn I >1 is he r yen r-e I f. and theory that ad ministers' sons are this great nation, the most powerlul praise and flattery that comes from a dilution at second-class postal rates. 1 t h< I lost -111a't e r. good for mailing, says Mrs. Freda Depiocratie political newspaper, when and beloved among the nations of the earth, should have an efficient citizen For Advertising Kates apply to the l’residenl and Manage) Kuppie, the short grass widow. My itvIUnds in defense of and speeios in The Gasoline Situation first husband was a preacher's son, the*Interests of Republican candrdhtes. soldiery, with amply trained officers, to meet any danger or emergency that and ! was able to put up with nim a R B P UBL1CAN CO AI M ITTEES t ion of strength they can a — SHOULD NOT TAKE SIDES. may arise in the future. I believe in a Before and After Prohi­ i a. l ly > not !>,.| ve t hat year and eight months, whereas mjr The s 11 pn ma cy of the cause n None of the committees. State, comi­ m*\>, truly American, with modern 1111:1 id; i f gasoline are to second mate tin* on ot a "anroad con­ | fight'ng boats to protect our coast - bition I 11 e conscription o I a si ;i nd a 1 i wt r ductor, received nis vtassports atter a ty cr town, will endorse me us a candi­ lie mill d t coming Sumtit"r. anil ear shipping, a navy not the larg­ date until after the Primaries. As i ill com ph-t e <| isi'eg a I'd of t lie pi Thai < ot o i . 1 l X i < us to the •esidenee 01 14 mot.; 11s. - Kansas City said before, I think such action violates est in the world, but the best in the 'rite police records of t lie lieW pro­ . ,,f * Star. a m In i 0 n (>r pe >n mi 1 p ■ofol'- 1 i < l;i 1, < ! t i g' ‘ . l t ; " | on do the true intent and spirit of the Pri­ world. I believe that our coasts, the hibition states speak convincingly of * ir a ( inV- any 1 ml 1 \ 1 1 ii a 1. III" Inm nt 1 Ol M ! 0 mary Election Law, and leads to mis­ longest and least protected of any oUffttM li M W, . ! ,rain tl into t i *• m* f li- nation, should bo guarded and fortflied the benefits of prohibition, hi Den­ 111 list 1)0 Inrm. d with a 0 W >11 glo In understanding and injustice in a l-oliU- 0 < | « ■ 1 1 1 1 1 til. 01u i i pa t WS v 1 d *ii i. Recalling Demosthenes. in such a way as to protect our people ver. during' the first fen days of jp).', cal campaign. For instance, ihr Re­ : '-in pad iga i 11d I ho op; >n-d ng In. re i AD'-ady a Sm , a' , 1 p 1, ■ i n : 0 ; It is reeahed that ;,-i ancient day* t here Were |(l| aid e ds for entile nf t, No do. publican county committee of Penob­ from foreign invasion. The sclod mi nf tlm load or mu d de­ ! the orator Demo-Gomes proclaimed I do not believe that tins nation is Hi­ j o|> j i 1 |m |■Tiled a -. ! 1 1 ■1 p )’ nt scot print and publish over their all kinds ; during' the sanm period i pend as 11111 (• 11 upon i 1 i s oa| aoity In these words *0 t!i• • \ihenians against nan.es a six page campaign circular, nny immediate danger ol invasion of 1 mi ami 1s avail a •lo m t wbn v. idi ibis only , I'd a decrease of 2-V2. On 1 command 1. snhd phala n x as It pntl the Maeedot ian eu-my: “Truly. O whi3h many of 3011 have doubtless war, unless it is brought upon us by i fa els ; 1d limit , , 1 r p 11pld* I- the incompetence and the vacillating tin charge of drunkenness To were tn a i 1 i t y gg revs iv.'ly. t'oa i !y 'a lot 1 . V 11nlll 1 i 0 'i or 1 a ry of foreign policy of the present adminis­ a n'fst ml during the first ton days of 1 a most formidable and overwhelming that county’s candidate for Governor, Such a dm lSinll ca 1 Is fiir that s if! nf the inlet '. n 1111 i tration. I do not believe that tlHi inr 1 ran . g mtnrm at ini) adversary, if t behold him acting just­ and on the last page ot that circular, 1 i) 1; this year only 2d—and 2<> of 11 * • 1 i 111•ra t ii tl ful' which a ci m vi 111 i ( Ul nations now engaged in a war almost in ri - pn iso tn a Soil it fO' nl 11 in| of ly; but it is not possible, O Athenians, they say, “It is now generally believed t hesr were 1 a ken between midnight make s. 1'111* ftdti'-al, t wrefo ■o. nf that the Republican Senatorial nomi­ ot extermination, will be in any posi­ ! J a n u a ry T iithh tea! i Vo t1 1 ho pm- that a power should be permanent and ."> a. m on J atiuarv 1. tlio t 1) fee sf nm g nation will go to the western section tion. at its close, to engage a nation III " 11 n f the n|q.nm d 11 i ■: i 0 n . e m, s 11: : j,1 ii>ii a n 1 nice of which is marked with injustice aid like ours in a new war. These bruised, Following1 is t lie record of 1‘ort land. of Ihe State, another reason and a (ion t 1 t ho party in [line* r tn p( 'mi it 1 gas, dim. perjury and tuIs-hood. ' wounded, battered and wrecked na­ Oregon : During October, Novem­ cogent one why the Republican parly limit- IUI Hi* S t n ho pin cod upon t pri- Too |. pmi si; * 1 w > t!. a t II;"lo 1 as would be best served by selecting its tions will emerge from the smoke of ber and December, ltd.'), the average ma ry h;t Ih t ovii lelices a foil! i ii t i on boon a ii n cr* a-m in m 11' I i1ip- candidate for Governor from the east­ battle too weak financially and physi­ , c i d " (t 1 number of persons jailed for drunk­ mi t In ir pa rt nft he com p * • x i i y d 1 ! ; O THE BEST TEST ern section, the ticket presented thus cally to engage in war with a nation tin III : .0 1 Dill d St a < S ’I I ,0( 0 ato enness was 2ti per day ; during the IS THE TEST :)f TIME being well balanced in the matter of like' ours. Great oceans roll between probl III fnr w i i ich flu- ( 'hicagi mu tin How Uses till ! 11 < ■ 10 h (S la mi a us and any ppssible foreign foe, and it first 21 days o.'January this year the vein ii*n ah) 11 0 c ;>n pmvh lo thi­ mi! u 1 I'ollioloi nil ~ g no,v! h nf old Us ■S. ■dm locality.” seems to me the height of folly to .ex­ average was a trifle more than one a Yea's ago Gits lieuitotl resident told The Republican County Committee t ion. W Iiother Mr, 11ng bos. M r. pi ! 1: 0 1 11;|1 II'( nt va-, ui no ’inlay tie of PGnobscot are honest and well- pect war unless it is brought about by day. tin's including New Year's day 0 good v'-ult-i from udng Doan’s Kid­ Rimisi Volt (»r Mr Knot is III" :> 1roug­ I'm a ii t. 1.-inll Ds. llintn bn 1! s tor meaning in their endorsement, but the greater folly of this administration with its list of ‘‘drunks’’ from the , tm ney l'iils. \ ow Mrs I filling confirms I have settled opinions upon what *• sf lo;1dor that c 1 1! be Cnliscfi | >ed. is ry ch s and air 't'i> ft . st a 1 mi atm in- they have no information or facts on closing night's revel. the Armor .-tateim nt— says there ban .wfiiijh to base such conclusion. The should be our foreign policy. This a do!. 11 a hii■ quo: t i* m ; tint t her can trill'd On 111 m > 1 1Ul * ■: -dim. met ors From the state of Washington : been no rt turn of the trouble. Can Senatorial campaign has just com­ nation should, with firmness, dignity ho 11 (1 n II h! that they on 1 s! i 111 (0 the and min r pm t a 1>1* units, goil oral i n- Houlton people for mote convincing menced, and they have no right as a and courage assert the rights of hu­ SeatUe—(>7I arrests for in* first six ­ s 11 pro no It inity nf strong til nf Ihe d 11st ria 1and 11n; , d n ! (1 us. A s committee so to act. it looks to the manity against the world, and defend teen davs of December, liHe ; -Ids for ifT testimony, the interests of humanity and the oppns it inn. n i fi ca n t s* a 1 rm, t s volt i * abroad, is unworthy of allegiance, and as a ca 111 pa ig nor 11' the than any' ptO'Ot! t shm lagi f crude kidney trouble My hack was lame together, and to exchange the candi­ —VI arrests for drunkenness from | ■ought is -11 wn by tic re- ought not to have, and will not long a hi ii 1 y id' Mr. Root as a st a t -man. must 1c and ached a great (Dal and work of date for Governor in Cumberland for ports o company Mora g< retain, a respectable position among Jan 1 to Jan. 29,1'J!o ; 2S arrests for As t! ■■ nominee of a reunite! any kind increased the suffering. The the candidate for Senator in Cumber­ I,;l rt y ill the Appabichian. Dima Indiana the independent powers of the earth.” file same cause for the same period land, and to exchange the candidate Mr. Hughes would have as his chief 1 liillO s and Mid Continent fields. kidney -(intieiis annoyed me and I felt for Senator in Aroostook for the candi­ To me, the United States is the this year. supporters on tiie st limp Mr. Km*se- During the nm.iths of August, Sep- miset'Ht.D in Rt ty way. I got Doan’s greatest' nation under the sun; the date for Governor in Penobscot. This A ml so it goes. Dry states a 1 tes­ j t e 111 her it nd October, \VJ . ' t t :! e |. f i c Kulni v Fills, from ID'to way Drug Co. American people the superior of any volt and Mr. Root, As President the is the tangled web in which a commit­ tify that statewide prohibition de­ ot gasoline was rCing tepidly flu* and it wasn’t long before J was free tee becomes bound, when they, as a people. Our people are the result of a Country would count upon Mr. creases crime and saves money for ! annuiid of oil in pip.*- tine st 1 a ng 1 ■ from r.,v ro uble committee, take sides in the primary perfect blending of the best from all 11 ughes to appreeiat Mr. Roosevelt i was also i net easing. In other words lands. Mo* taxpayer. campaign. as an adviser and to appoint Mr. lit would app' ar (’ at duriig these DOAN'S MADE A CTRK LOCALITY OR WEALTH NOT REC­ Some years ago, a famous statesman ! 11 on ! 11 > when the ra pid decline o t a Root as secretary of state. Thus the Over Three Ye. r- Later. Mis Dilling OGNIZED BY THE PRIMARY on the floor of the United states Senate 1 1 <■ marka b 1 , pr T net ive pool fm'e- Profitless Business alignment of strength in a campaign said: “ i still jt ( LAW. spoke thus of America, arid his senti­ ; shadowed a shortage of high grade ;tii:ii"ti i Iioan's Kidney • All this taltf about “balancing the ment is my creed today. He said, “The 1 d by Mr. Hughes wotthl lie contiu | crude, tin* prospective shortage was Pills They mam rmanently cured tickoV—the party benefit or advantage American republic was established by There were over twenty two thous­ lied in his Rresidency. However : prompt ly discounted by h i g h <• r cured nm ” • qf lfieallty— the amount the candidate the united valor and wisdom of the and business failures in the United large a support Mr. Roosevelt might : prices, although the amount of oil lovers of liberty from all lands. The a va 1 la ole f u t ,*- larg'-w t ra tr-poi 11 ng Price hue. at ail dealers. Don’t is able to put up or contribute .to the States last year. More than twenty- muster as the nominee. We believe Campaign fund—is all out of place Frenchman, with his gay disregard of : and refining companies was inctvas i simply ask tor a kidney remedy— get one thousand of them were small ron- that even he would admit that as a under the Primary Law. This is the danger; tile German, with his steady iingu The cosf of storage, including | D mil's Kidney Pills— the same that hour of the common people, and they courage; the Pole, with his high en e‘*rtis. A vast deal n1' business is run campaigner for Mr. 11 ughes lie won Id i evaporation loso 1, unet not be over­ ! Mrs. Dilling has mice publicly recom- thusiasm; and the Irishman, with till looked. hut this cost by no means are not so careful and ‘anxious as to at loose ends, 11 ■ ■ obazard, wit.mul prove a more ellVetive vote getter j tnenen. boster-.Milourn Co., Prop’s these qualities combined, were here in ! etpialh'd th incion.se in market val- the home locality or wealth of the can­ the proprietors really Knowing tit any t ban as a. campaignet in his own he- i Buffalo. N Y. the long and bloody contest for Ameri­ ! I |e e f t 1 ; C Cfll d 11 II I I II g f 11 e p, f io<| . didate as they are . whether or not he time how t hey stand or whet her t hey j halt However large a popularity trulj represents* the best interests of can independence. LaFayette, the be­ : “ Not i; hstamling the reduction of are making a. profit or a loss. The Mr. Roosevelt might develop as a pipe line stocks during November , the whole people of the State. The loved of Washington; Hamilton, who land December at t! e end of t In* yea r demand tof the hour is, rode by his side and assisted to organ­ yearly s la tig liter ol' bus i nesses of that nominee. We believe that even he ! Hie total stocks for the C n i i ed States "God give us men! A time like this ize the government; Pulaski, who fell sort is staggering. would admit that the inevitability ol Ppof. C a r d s . at the head of his legion at Savannah; | both pipe-line and field storage an* demands Speaking to an audience of business Ills refill'll to the great ofiice of sec­ ! estimated at more than 2<>>dieved that and ready hands; j the net increase invisible rest rvi s of | Men whom the lust of office does not gomery, who gave up his life in tm* Federal Trade Commission said : etfectiv" vote getter ill the Country storm of Quebec; Steuben, the accom­ ! crude oil for the year was at least ; C .£. Williams, H. D. kill; “ Many of flu* larger manufaet urers at large than would his candidacy ! lb cun Dim barrels; t a t is to say.! plished military organizer; Kosciusko, \len whom the spoils of office cannot have t borough cost accounting sys­ for I’rosidon t. 10I■ omit nt ' lit■ tot til OFFICE RT RESIDENCE with his genius and daring; and large mon •Hi ail in 1 buy; tems. Wo hawa yot tn h< prn 1 tm; ] * 111 n1 Itah''* wmi: into stm ago. numbers of their followers and asso­ I'll r nf a ft i* nd nt Men who possess opinions and a will; Wit! 1 t!to n W11 0rs nf tin*s** stocks, a ciates were born under alien skies and “ On the other hand, tin* number Mr Roosevr■It nr 0 f Mr. R* nt wlm 129 Main St. Houlton, Mai&« Men who have honor,—men who will 1s [ 1 nft a g*■ *)t rnii In m list be cullsnlel'eU came to the banquet of battle and of of small manufacturers who have no would not fn110w tl mm in; th. sup- j not lie; * i r m 1! v pr* >spec! ; v0. Men who can stand before a dema­ death because of their love for adequat e cost-accounting system and port 0f Mr. i i u g h *•s Inf til* ’rest- ! Tel. 239-3 ■ I 1 An ;*armit ly 1110 selling' price of gas - gogue. freedom. On every battle-plain of the dmiey price t heir goods arbitrarily is amaz­ fi’h*' n 11 m la■r nf vot or.-< t nday, • to til 0 'iip- And damn his treacherous flatteries Revolution, from Bunker Hill to York- **l 1 a 0 i> fairly r*“H:) n 11 s i V 1 ing.'' lie mentioned that out of six­ howov or, who rxpn ■ss t h*-ms* Ivos as ; Teeth filled without without winking; town, the bones of their countrymen ply aml demam 1 1Hi it. hut is 1ess (1 1 ty-six thousand concerns doing a w i 11 i 11 g, 10 s Tall men, sun-clowned, who live above have long since crumbled to dust, and Uppnl't Mr. IIU"du■s as |I'OCt 1v related t 1• tlie act! lal suj ipi.v of pain by the new anal­ at every subsequent period of American the fog business of a hundred thousand dol a ninst Mr. Wblsmi but tor one rea- ! crude oil. The r 'port admits that In public duty, and in private think­ history the foreign-born citizen, in lars a year and upward which had son or another are less inclined to! gesic method, abso­ council and in field, has been faithfm tile evidence at least suggests f i i a t ing.” made reports to tin* commission, commit themselves regarding the, lutely safe. On primary election day, the 19th to the common cause for which his increasing profits to the larger refin­ thirty thousand charged off nothing candidacy of Mr.; Roosevelt or Mr. j day of June, 1 shall have no paid ancestry bled.” ing corp. mat tons have .accompanied Dr. F. O. ORCUTT, agents at the polls, no cne hired to rep- I have said that we shall set' as a for depreciation. Root, is largo enough t o convince the j the upward trend of gasoline prices. result of the present world-wide war, • resent me. Those who work for me This involves a. great deal of essen­ disinterested observer that tile! ( tur reading of the report is then will do so because they believe in me. the aftermath of this: harvest of death, tially unfair competition. The man­ strongest combination with which’ Dentist. disordered, broken, shattered nations that t hole is no necessity for the ad­ I shall hire no autos or conveyances of ufacturer or merchant who sells 1 ! i e opposition can chtimpion the any kind to bring to the polls those where now stand the proud partici­ vancing prices, ,\s in many other1 goods at a loss, or at no adequated moral issue upon which the cam- who will not attend and vote for me pants in this awful strife. And, as a fk lines of business high, prices are laid THE KLEIN STUDIO without that assistance. In other natural sequence, when the war is over, profit, because he does not keep paigu will he toitglit.“would consist pa rf ia i ly t o t he war. In tee ease of we shall see a tide of emigrants setting words, with me old methods in politics books properly and doe's not know o| Mr. H itghi s ;is t he nominee'upon gasoli ne t!iere is good reason for this. Main Street HOULTON have passed away, and I shall keep the out from the war-worn countries of whether he is making a profit or not, a, platform containing tin- princip' 1)nt ing- tlm y .•a 1■ ltd i 1 1*0 total n uni - spirit and true intent of the Primary Kurope, seeking new homes. tends to force his comp ‘t it oi's into a which Mr. Roosevelt has pnaclM 1 . , nl i li *rt*'d Law. There will be broken, scatterc;. •r 0 1 toil!', 1s .*!' ga- -■ 0 X [>1 OVER HATHEWAY DRUG CO. i ... i I: i. , ^; 1 11,, f;,,ii uy 1 1 (■ o11su niers 111a v i so co11 ra g'eo;is | v tor t!11* 1 a s( \ . a i a u Hsvlng thus suggested some of the was 1,1 nn, 1 li H 1 idle (ig u tn•s Ini' It! 15 things that I thought 1 ought to say to | ,d (iu m O --.mmIs mu,I, ,h " ,e j a mO "l.i.-h M , fori a t■»• »y .*,1 li 1,1 ICO, TI.D mm*11; ms in industries, bankrupt treasuries, ex tor- , ; put we do not believe t here is an , so clearly and convincingly you about the conduct of the coming 11 et■ 0 a - " 111 0 Xpm l' mi g'! ; ! ■a sily a c- Dr. J. F- Palmer campaign, 1 want for a few moments Donate taxes for generations yet un- j u|tima,te gain to anybody. j New York speech. Such a born, and labor walking the streets of j ca in!;- r 1 mu f pro; >:i l odm s< jus! selves accordingly. clive following I shall not represent at Washington influx of immigration, seeking America j should not get it. Credit should a l-! t heir n If an ! 1• W 5 ’-at in,a 1 n \ - !ia ci.) W S in O ry - Others by appointment, any class, interest or creed, but shall as an asylum of safety, a city of rein,;, way > hi based on an it el I igi hie and .'jni hi i can or Pr I'' s-o \ can -ng | 1a ;: g- ■| v ( . 1 ■:* ■ 1,in 1 1 !-' oil 111.''ll nf telephone 1 U l-'J balance sheet endeavor to the full measure of my from the exactions of the tax gatherer, accural Those Who st a more form ida Me I i m of ha t g;1 sn 11 n too. t \1 11 g 1: iill'll a 11 oil t i mi and a field of employment, where in j ability to represent the whole people ot grant credit can do a ,'ond deal to ■ o >v i s i t to the cause to \v! lb tho 11!. 1l ■ ■ ; ; II p n Ii;) 11 S II ' 1j 0c is Maine. A libewvl government provides direct competition witli our yeomanry j etl force adequate book 1; re mut t y into his con fidenc. t t 1 ■;11 w 11! snot) for each Senator at Washington a the pauperized European will wax fat | : 111 Inf, 1 ! ' 1 • 11 s -1 - 0:. Bn o. B. PORTER suite of rooms, in which he can work at the expense of American citizens j .... j ill SO i 1 1" i and with 1i l * 1 emu ing nf SPECIALIST IN CHILD and receive those who would confer whom he wiii throw out of empmy-1 a Trinity of Strength | Keeping Up H ighw ays T' ! 1 ! 1 g and !ho !;■' M I l U UKn enmmis- with him. If I occupy offices there at d-nil n( ail tin' 1 1 1- a -i 1 r«- ca 1■s It 1" pro PORTRAITURE the expense of the government, as a if we would protect American labor If tlm cl i ;nn pilots n l N a t buna I Mm- ill ct* q :’ ! ■ : 1 i U ;l 1: ! ii ( 1 Wi i! 1 m mmi ia t 0 - Senator from Maine, the doors will and our own people, I-nn lor W < O' on t n Studio 7 M iikct Square \YE MUST NOT LEAVE THE GATE.-, <>r a re t <> wi it t heir <*a m paigti for I lo* [ y fa ! ! !11 1 ( i ; i i ' 1 Ul; i n1 *■ fi:g 11 rm always be open to every one who de- w; i \ a '' O I ill c (1 ' S . 'I mu :i v pun l’e I. h UNGUARDED. fiot LTON, MK. ' sires to see me. The humblest citizen Fivsiih'Ucy, t hey- mint >o (iDlributo ollic•in Is. ! ho pfo11! 1: 'id;. m' on; 1 ■ |■■aid, ' kiinw ! 11;1) if of the common people will be pist as In the words of Aldrich; their l o i'co,-- a-, t o con f ro u t tin* <1 no in v ; 11, sol I 1 t * i Ire- al 1;,.lil, I a i tlm 1 tlm ■a Special Attention. "Wide open and unguarded stand out tools w 1! ! i t unit) 11 a p p r o p welcome as the highest and wealthiest with the must lormhlabP a-ggicga -1 m m nf pr- w ' t tic;It will 1.■a h representative of the largest interest of gates. a t us a v.u 1 In tiie I 111 • >d 1 wt\ ^ ■' 1 1 1,. till) t nm 1 r v i Y linn!-. a: 1 d our State and nation. And through them presses a wild mot­ a 11 oik »1 >iP aio I t • >r trm . 101 - i m Cn! ! n ■: *a 1 !,, ! di led St ah *■; will 11iu;m I do not desire the office of United ley throng-- s"o 111s .almost in e. T h e r e a Parker M. Ward, M. D. t o Men from the Volga and tHe Tartar Worms—\ Danger Staten Senator because of the honor it observers who i a v he roads a 1 1 1it lung :*■•' ii ; 11) a Fo■dor:d pm! abi- confei% or because I might make of the steppes, C u i l a r e n Ul n| 1 mg gas.d i 1)0 ;ami a i id act me limited exclusively to grow i ng worse rat he) t ban bet ter. : 11 '■Xpert Fed - > office a place of rest and pleasure. So Featureless figures of the Hoaug-1 In No gTtn in a child’s health and * ra 1 fog iiDm ji*11 nl prim-s i f 1! is fommi long tie I have been a member of the Malayan, Scythian, Teuton, Kelt atm SJlIte of the 111 1 I 1 i ot 1 heitlg' sp< 1 Rye, Ear, Nose and Throat ms j 11st ity sue! 1 ;uY inn. A ml legislature of Maine, I have given my Slav, strength is pa*sit>lc until ail uoims arc The road builder.', of ten year,- a (M 'lid 1 t Ii Flying the Old World’s poverty and t i 10 emi ijiaku s \>am 1n Fmil 1 a! ID- (.Basses Fitted beat to the service of the people of my removed. Signs of worms did not realize t hi nvy si ram that Stat*; I never missed a committee scorn; an: Deranged stomach, would have to he to el. ( Mi: I lours ; 9 to 11 A. M. meeting or a session; I never dodged a These bringing with them unknown vote, or hesitated for a moment to gods and rites, swollen upper lip, sour Ton ring motorists sa y t hey I o ||e| 1 to 4 P. M. Those tiger passions, here to stretch usually find the worst strip', Your Children Become flgttt lor what I believed to be right, or stomach, offensive breath, ! road 7 to 8 P . M . to oppose what I believed to be wrong. their claws. m t lie rural districts, at lea-t lot oil In street and alley what strange ton­ hard and full heliy with 1 )tlic in I iiitm Furniture Block If ttotnlnated and'elected to the United the ma.in I i ins ot t ravel, hut m t!, Rosy and Robust States Senate, I shall carry the same gues are loud. occasional gr’pings and pains about the cities when- the motor trucks am HOULTON, - - M A IN E habits into the higher body, and my Accents of menace alien to our air, When children act listless, look navel, paP face of leaden tint, eves record in these particulars will be the Voices that ^ace the Tower of Babe ! ot tier heavy teaming tear up the sur trail, lose appetite, heroine cross and same. 1 shall advocate and favor all knew! heavy and dull, twitching eyelid-, itch­ face, and make many a hamlsom peevish, you need to look atter them very carefully. The dull eyes, coated thoee great and progressive measure* O Liberty, white Goddess! is it well ing of ihe nose, itching of the rectum, street one long humpy surface. H. i. Chandler which tend to elevate and enricn gov­ To leave the gates unguarded? On tin- short dry cough, g finding of the tee'h, tongue, had breath udl yam that the A visitor from another city wa stomach is out of order, the liver inac­ ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR ernment in nation and State. J shall breast little red points sticking out on the* Fold Sorrow’s children, soothe the giving some i n t e 1 e-t i ng- experirnc tive, the bowels need attend >n, and oppose all those policies that, in ray tongu' , -tarting during sleep, slow fever. < Mlita* D‘> H u y w o o d S tre e t opinion, are injurious to our people, hurts of fate, from his home town. The appropiu perhaps w:orms may he making their If you see any of tln-se symptoms in troubles worse. Whatever it is, you and I shall stand for those policies Lift the down-trodden, but with hand atioii for si rents was cut dow n on Tel. 2yd-2. HOULTON, ME. your child don't lose another minute, may he sure that “ L 1;.” Atwood's that give to this country a better gov­ of steel third two years ago, and no perma ernment and a higher and truer civil­ Stay those who to thy sacred portais but got a bottle of Dr. True’s Elixir, Medicine will do them a great deal m>nt work could In* attempted. Th of good. It act< surely on tin* stom­ isation. This much you may expect ot come the Family Laxative and Worm Expel­ ach and bowels, regulates the liver, DR. J. F. CLAYTON To waste the gifts of freedom. Have a ■uiperiut mlenf decided that ali tiny me. lee. and has a tonic effect which brings 'And now 1 want to state plainly and care _T ,, .. . 1 could do was simply to keep the sur- Mrs. Novrat of Houston, lexas, ' , , back appetite, fills out cheeks arid DENTIST frankly my position on the political Lest from thy brow the clustered star* 'face from growing worse. So the writes; “ I would not he without Dr makes them rosy. This medicine is Questions of the hour. You have a be torn met) filled up every little hollow they- safe for the children, and you see its OFFICE: right to know my attitude and position And trampled in the dust.’’ True’s Elixir in ray home ” Good for could find, and roller! if down solid­ good effects in a surprisingly short time. on every public question. If you and I Following closely the question of adults also. At your dealer’s, .‘U5c. .50c, HAMILTON-BURNHAM BLOCK the same thing* in govern- Buy m 35c bottle at your nearest store, believe In and $1. Advice free. ly. H ou rs : 8 to 1 2 A.M., I to 5 P .M . menVitnd you have faith and confi­ As soon as new hollows start* d or write to-day for free sample. dent* la me, and believe that >1 am the 'L. F.” Medicine Co., Portland, Me Sunday s and Kvenings by Appointment. Continued on rage 5 Auburn, Maine t / i thev were filled ami rolled. The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, March 22, 1916

    Chas. K. Dunn has announced his MkMMMiAAAAAiDiAA iSi ^ m SmSm Sh Sh Sm ?* Good Roads Meeting candidacy for Sheri ft of Aroostook County before the primaries on the OF LOCAL (NTERE8T % Under the auspices of the, Portland Republican ticket. His formal an­ and Bangor Chambers of Commerce AN OLD-TIME NURSE nouncement will appear next week. and the Maine Automobile Assn, a state wi le Good Roads meeting was CURED Ifr. and Mrs. Frank Blethen are Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Powers were Boulton’s Fourth of July held in Bangor, March 16, at City passengers on Monday morning’s Hall, at which men bers of Cham­ Of Catarrh of the Stomach by Peruna raeeivlng congratulations on the bers of Commerce and Beards of train for Portland. birth of a son, which arrived Tues­ Secretary Vose will have the great­ Trade from all parts of t lie state were day. Mar. 14 th. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ferris, who est card of racing ever given on an present. MRS. SELENA TANNER, have been visiting at the home of Aroostook track for the two days’ The meeting was one of the most Athens, Ohio. O. II. Buzzell and Fred N. Vose enthusiastic and instructive ever Mr. and Mrs. F. W . Manuel, left for meet, and open ng of tiie M a ne and returned last week, from Waterville, Canadian Circuit at the Houlton t:eld, the principal speaker of the a f­ where they attended the meeting of St. John, Saturday. Park on July 3 4, 1916. ternoon being Prof. Gi o. T. Files of This Cure Dates From October 3, 1899. This meet will see a great arrav of Bowdoin College, who in a most Malr Associations. Mr. and Mrs. G. A Hall and son, Oct. 3, 1899 — "T’otarrli *»f iho Was nearly starved. fast horses in Class and Stake races, comprehensive way explained the George, are in Atlantic City, N. J., After taking I’ernna 1 hav<* a good appetite.” Mr. ;r. G. Parker of Portland, Me,, and every lover of this sport will proposed mill tax for buildingTrunk sepresonting the Chevrolet Motor on their way home, according to have a feast in store for them. Hues, which will if adopted go into Sept. 11. 1904 "I ‘ an assure y.,n that I am still a friend of n* ns 1 !iv. 1 ko,.p it in the house a!! the thne.” jam* W Oates entertained a who was calie here on the account of prominent men. including tiie four I. s . fi. F. Dec. 18. 1907 WlMiprwf Aeirirtends at aMmuheQi) of the illness erf bur mother, Mrs. Gubernatorial candidates on the Re- — T reeomnnmd IVruiiu, so often that they call me the Peruna doctor. Benin* recommend* Itself m W k tm * Hbamroeks aod W r o -S « » » » Briggs, has teterned Itonse pttfeHcan ticket, as well as the H ig h ­ 0 d d Fellows frmn Milliuosket, way Commission. whan once tried." gilate nmbfems to the day were the M iss-Clara It. Fortor, w ho 4e at­ Fatten, Aiffiifrnd and other Aroos­ At tilis meeting the following reso Dec. 27, 1908 —"I still tell everybody I can that Peruna is the decorabions. tending the E. M. C. S. at Bucks- took towns, gathered in town, Thurs­ lotions were unanimously adopted : best medicine in the world.” day evening, as guests of Rocka port, is spending the spring vacation Aug. 1909 Pres. L. 8. Black, Director F. A. bema lodge, No. 78, I. O. O. F., for a Resolutions 15, —‘‘Peruna saved my life years ago. I still take It with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira when I have a cold.” Peabody and Sec. Chas. H. Fogg of district meeting. Whereas, we believe in the contin­ the Hoolton Chamber of Commerce, J. Porter. Sec. of State John E. Bunker, uation of the policy of the people of Jan. 4, 1910 -—"I was threatened with pneurflonla. Peruna grand master of the order in Maine, saved me.” attended the Good Boads meeting in Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dunn left on the state in constructing and main­ was present in his c filcial capacity taining roads adapted to the gr w- M ay 17, 1912 —‘‘I am glad to do anything I can for Penina.” Baogoi on Thursday. the Wednesday morning train for a and witnessed the work which was ing needs of the rural communities M«y 6, 1914 —‘‘I have always been a nurse. Peruna ha* helped The marriage of Miss O lga Marie month's outing, visiting their child­ conferred by the members of the as well as the more densely populat­ me in my work more than all other medicines.” Nlokanion, daughter of W. A. Nick­ ren and other relatives in Mas Millinocket lodge in a most credit­ ed section; and able manner. Mar. 22, 1915 —‘‘I have divided my bottle of Peruna with people erson of this town, and Warren B. gachusetts. Whereas, we believe that the in­ After the work a banquet was en­ come from the automobile should many times. It always helps.” N . Boater of Canterbury, H., took The many friends of Miss Clara joyed and the members present were not be infringed upon at present or The above quotations give a vague glimpse of the correspondence piaoeat White River June, on Mar. Dobbins will be glad to learn that invited to the Dream Theatre, where m ortftnged in the future except for we have had with Mrs. Tannsr since 1899. Our files, which cover she is slow ly recO^ttiHng from sri ^tl- interesting pictured were given, after payment of the bonds already issued twenty-five years, include many similar correspondents. the close of the regular program. ness whrich has confined her to her or for the maintenance of roads con­ TheTe-appointuient by the select­ structed or about to be constructed. home for several weeks. man, of chief of police Frank W Mars Hill View Burned Whereas, we believe that the de­ Hogan, was most gratifying to the The County commissioners are velopment of the agricultural inter­ rural delivery routes and star routes Progressive Caucus cltisens of the town. No more popu having a large amount of cord Out ests are of primary importance to in all the states. the state of Maine, and that, in view far man on the street can be found wood hauled to the jail yard, which I have made some computations o f this fact, the annual appropriation and find that under the provisions of There will be a Progressive caucus Early Friday morning the plant of than Mr. Hogan. will soon be manufactured into stove of $300,000 by our state for state aid the bill reported to the Senate that the Mars Hill View at Blaine was at the Engine House on Thursday Mre. Wm. C. Clifford was taken lengths by the prisoners. roads should be continued ; and the State of Maine would receive totally destroyed by fire. evening, Mar. 23, at 7.30 o’clock. Whereas, we believe that in thie, from the $26,000,000 Government ap­ Spddenly ill on Friday, which neoes At a meeting of the Directors of The crew had been working late advanced stage of civilization tiie propriation $46,233 34. This appor­ All citizens interested are cordial­ •Mated her removal to the Madlgan the Houlton Chamber of Commerce the night before, and everything benefits of improved highways are tionment would be increased by a ly invited to be present. was all right, when they closed up. Memorial Hospital for treatment held on Saturday evening, J. B. Mc- secondary only to those of schools. similar amount each succeeding The fire was not discovered until tue Hof condition was somewhat im­ Resolved. That we heartily en­ year for the next five years, so that Mann was elected to fill the vacancy entire building was in flames and dorse a mill tax levied upon all the for the fiscal year ending June 30, Automobile Registration proved, Saturday. on the board, made by the death of nothing was saved. property of the state as the most 1921. Maine would receive under this William A. Martin. The loss to M r. Low ell is heavy Mr. H. D. Tingley has recently equitable, satisfactory and surest bill $231,166.70. This is-not quite as with only a small insurance, and alt The registration of automobiles up added to his string of speeders “Mid- Hon. R. W . Shaw has withdrawn method of continuing this great large an apportionment as we would of the books, subscriptions list, etc., to the present day of 1916 seems to movement. receive under the bill as passed by aight Dream” (8—l»M) formerly as a candidate before the June pri­ were lost, including a town report in indicate that some people contem­ Resolved, That this convention the House, but it is a substantial bandied In Caribou by Billy Nelson. maries, as Representative to the process of completion. plate using t lem. The receipts up endorse the principles of Federal amount and would very materially It is not known whether he will to noon of Saturday, Mar**h 18, at This racy looking mare started 18 legislature, and Chas. P. Barnes has Aid for highway construction and assist the State in the construction the office of the secretary of State, continue the paper or not. that our senators in W ashington be tfgrr last season and was inside the announeed his candidacy on the of its system of state highways. according to the figures compiled by requested to do whatever m ay be in I suggest that everyone present Harold P. Davis, chief clerk of the money la every start Republican ticket. their power to assi t in the passage make it his business to communicate automob le bureau, were $74,774.60. William B. O’Brien of the Federal Aid Highway bill now T h e Rleker Classical Institute M. ID. Whitney of this town, is with our Senators immediate y and against a total of $54,469for the same before Congress in the form H. R. basketbiUI team have challenged doing nicely after undergoing a se­ The death of Wm. B. O’Brien oc­ ask them to urge tiie passage of the period of 1916. The comparison of 1617 and Senate Calendar No. 194. legislatiofi at once. any seantdary school team in the rious operation for gall stones at the curred last Tuesday, at the home of registration follows : «oaaty for a game of basketball to Presque Isle General Hospital. Dur­ his grandson, Ora O’Brien, Calais Charles H. Fogg 1916—Registrations, 3633; operat­ C. E. Smith ors, 4729; trucks, 310; dealers. 904; ■4Ml*e the championship of the ing her husband’s illness, Mrs. rd., death resulting from a shock William E. Davis motor cycles, 88: motor cycle deal­ county. The Bicker team to date Whitney is visiting his sister, Mrs. sustained a few days previous. St. Patrick’s Day Mr. O’Brien was a well known and Frod E. Gignoux ers. 16. have won all their games Percy Dow, in Presque Isle. respected citizen, having lived here Taber D. Bailey 1916—Registrations. 4981; operat­ St. Patrick’s day was fittingly ob ors, 6918; trucks, 691; dealers, 184; Mr. C H. Seymore of the Bijou The Maine State Agrigultural De nearly all of his life. He was born The following vote was also passed here 86 years ago on what is known served in Houlton with a concert by motor cycles, 101; motor cycle deal­ Theatre, baetecured the servioeeof partraent officials are taking unusual by the meeting : as Garrison Hill. the students of St. Mary’s Academy, ers, 16. Mr. Albert Pollltt of Montreal,Can., pains to have a series of events at the During the Civil war he enlisted Resolved, That we recommend at the Heywood Opera House, A ae pianist. Mr.;Pollltt comes highly Potato day and Frui t Growers day on in the First Maine Cavalry, where the formation of a state-wide com- very interesting and entertaining veooaiBM nded aa a musician and his March 88 and 24, at Banger, that will he remained until the close of the mitt e composed of one representa­ program was carried out by the stu tive from each commercial organiza­ dents and otheis. The address by work heie is greatly enjoyed by the be so pleasing to those in attendance war. Besides his aged wife, he is sur­ tion, or other organizations of like Rev. Michael J. O'Keefe of St. LOSS OFJPPETITE i fClpCM of the theatre. that they will pronounce these meet­ vived also by two sons land four manner, also from the grange „ and M a ry '8 church was an able and $, *■ «! Mre. O. W. Richards re ings the best ever held. % daughters, all of whom live in the "also from the community not having scholarly discourse of Ireland’s pa­ Moat Successfully Treated by Taking/ afiV organization. also six delegates tron saint. Hood’* Sarsaparilla. | i^Mne, Thursday, Mbs. Rich- James Archibald Esq., Grand Westland the South. Funeral services were held on at large, for the purpose of conduct­ The musical numbers were of aj fM iA n o ) a visit to the Pacific coast Patron O. E. S. left Monday even­ high order and consisted of solos by i Wednesday, from St. Mary’s church. ing a campaign of publicity and ed­ Loss of appetite is accompantatj cmil' Mr. Richards from a visit to ing for Plymouth, Me., where he Rev. P. M. Silke officiating, burial ucation to further the adoption of Mrs. Ferris of St. John, Mildred Washing too, Philadelphia and New will organize a chapter of O. E. S., being made in Hodgdon. legislation to provide a sure method Weiler, Elizabeth O’Brien. A vio­ by loss of vitality, which iz serioulJ o f raising money to continue the lin solo by Roy Niles, which was York. The Misses Richards will re- on Tuesday evening, leaving there It is common in the spring be*| building of trunk highway and main most pleasing. Song and dance by juxMt with friends.. qp Wedupfda* ,t% at­ Smoke Talk taining the same. Pauline Cassidy and George Weiler. cause at this time the blood is im*] men all ovbrthestkte tend the Republican State Conven­ A t 8.80the same evening a banquet and a solo by little Virginia Mona­ pure and impoverished and fails te’ han. give the digestive orgkns what S* srlR bo|)l»a—d with the annonnoe- tion* The Houlton Chamber of Com­ was given at the Bangor House by the Bangor Automobile Club, which The High School Orchestra fur­ absolutely necessary fo r the proper MbMnff rfiMli nun r SeDeof New York merce are planning on a “get-to­ gether” meeting, April 18, at Watson was attended by 160 guests nished music in a most Acceptable performance of their functions. M to be IbiCprlooipal speaker at the Announcement H a ll. The post prandial exercises were manner. H ood’s Sarsaparilla, the old reli*^ Hswwpapur Institute and adjoined This will consist of a supper at 6.30 ably presided over by Dr. E. B Miss Florence McPartland was the able all-the-year-round medicine, if director of tiie musical program, tMNMttng Of the Maine Preas Asso. to or 7 to be followed by some of the Sanger, president of the club, who especially useful in the spring. Ge$; To the Voters of Houlton introduced the various speakers, all who with Fr. O’Keefe had charge of best speakers in the state, among it from your druggist. By purify­ ba held at the University of Maine* Appreciating the fact tuat an elec­ men of prominence in the state. the entertainmei|t and to whom the tion to the next legislature as repre­ whom is Mr. W. B, Moore, Execu­ ing and enriching the blood and giv­ Mr. Bolts Is well known ae the busi­ tive Secretary of the Portland Cham­ The remarks of Chief* Engineer success of the event is due. sentative from Houlton is an oppor­ ing vitality, vigor and tone, it is ness manager of the New York' ber of Commerce who will speak upon Paul Sargent along the lines of the tunity for service aud an honor Federal appropriation will interest wonderfully successful in the treat­ WcsM, Wiish position he has held Which is yours to bestow, I take this subject of Interest to the business T im e s readers. ment of loss of appetite and the opportunity to deolare that I shall men of Houlton. Mr. Moore is cer­ 1 Mnoe i m The bill provides for an appropria­ Mrs. Emma Carroll other ailments that are so prevalent be a candidate at the coming primary tainly a “live wire” and has had tion not to exceed $26,000,000.00 per The fslsslmon have announced the eleotton for nomination as repre­ much experience in connection with at this time. It is not simply • year. This appropriation shall be flollowinf appointments: Chief of Po- sentative by the Republican voters public /enterprises throughout the A deep feeling of sadness was cast spring medicine— it is much more apportioned by the secretary of A g­ of my native town. middle west and is thoroughly alive over the community on Wednesday than that— but it is the best spring Joe, Frank W. Hogan; board of riculture, as follows : along these lines. last by the announcement of the medicine. Jtetllti far throe years, Dr. Frank H. CHARLES P. BARNES. Prof.' Geo. Files^ of Bowdoim Six^y-ljye million tjojlars top each deSfth during toe previous night of H ood’s Sarsaparilla makes the r . night patretmgtti, EwTlbel j r — — ------• , . College, will speak OH Good Roads sta

    JtfisTABLI SHED APRH, , *C, 18 1 'on economic grounds alone. We be­ lieved that m a great seaport city Cause of Worry. THE AROOSTOOK TIMES « it It a population of upwards of 800.- Competent physicians are said t« A L L T H E HOME NEWS. oiM) prohihition would in* destructive; bo agreed that most of the dyspepsia it w 1 uld bring on economic disaster, so prevalent today is due to nothin! Published every Wednesday Morning by the Legal Newspaper Decisiors j We believed that umb r our system but worry. As in otner cases, “com *Ib e g f Times Publishing C’o. petent physicians" confuse the caus« PRINCE ol licensing saloons e had the liquor 1. — Any person who takesa paper regularly with the effect. Dyspepsia is not dm from the PostOtfice— wbetlierdlretrtecl tohls 1 traflic .about its well controlled as it CHAS. H- FOGG, Pres. & Mgr. to worry, but worry is due to dyspep address or another, 01 w hether he has sub. could he and we wanted to let it scribed or not, Is responsible for the pay sia. All chronic dyspeptics worry Sui'senptn'n- in l'. S. $1.50 per vear in alone, and so we fought as hard as while no person will worry who hai GRAUSTARK advance, $2.oo in arrears ; in Canada .$2.00 2. —If any person orders Ills paper o - we could light. But, in spite of all in advance, 2.50 in arrears. contlmied, he must pay all anearges, or the sound digestion and a clean colon. BY Single copies live cents. p.i l >11 -1]er may eon t i nne to send it until pa y - we could do against it, prohibition mem i - IIiiii 11mi ml ei >| Iret the w In ile ;i mi hi n t tarried and it went into effect in whether it is taken from 111 e oilier or uoi , GEORGE BARR No Subscription cancelled until Washington January 1. We have Convincing Testimony all arrearages are paid - Tiie i i .n it s ha \ e decided that re I'tis, i ur M c C U T C H E O N Advertising.ates based upon eircu'ntion and to t a Ice ne w - pa pt rs and pe rioi I iea I s fi om the i 1 a m “ And iiow Inis it worked out V“ Experience* fold by Houlton jeople. CJomruunications upon topics of general inter­ n neal led for. Is prima facia e\ iilenee of fra ml “ We already know that it is a f Copyright, 1914, by Dodd, Mead and Company. If you want to stop your paper, write to Those who Iihvm weak kidnevs— Who est are solicited great benefit, morally and from an Entered at the post office at Boulton for cir the publisher yourself, and don 't lea \ e it to used Doan’s Kidney Pill-— Who found ecoiiom ic st ami poi n t. Its moral ben­ culation at second-class postal rates. t he post -master. the lemedy effective—-Such statemexte efit has been tremendous. Seattle For Advertising Rates apply to the President and Manager. p'ove merit. You might doubt an had 1E>0 saloons years or no female shall he t lie savings deposits in flu* banks of * beautiful girl in the offing, * Blithers; moreover, he was riu uiicom is feeling dim oced. of practicing employed in any workshop factory, Seattle increased 15 per cent. There Price 50c, at all dealers. Don!t + whose relation to Beverly of .+ monly attractive chap, with a laugh greater economy, and explains tin* manufacturing or mechanical estab was not a grocery stole in Seattle 'imply a**k for a kidney remedy— get that was so charged with heartiness campaign launclnd in London re­ lishment or laundry mote than nine that ough enjoyment as “ Grau- introduces this chapter was in response 1 and go at its own s\veet will. 'Yet One farm of about too acres in transportation company in the state dry goods stores to find that out* ♦ stark” and “ Beverly of Grau* to on oft repeated declaration made by tliis appears to be the case of the Penobscot Co., fair buildings, good 4- his wife. Mrs, .Blithers merely had German c< mtneree raider Moewe, more than r>4 hours a week, hut this And to tne it is a pitiful thine, ami it stark” did in their time. section shall not apply between Dee makes me sorry that we did not have high land on a main road near 4* stated—but ov^r Bud ovet* again—‘that which is reported to have safely money couldn’t buy everything in the j made a German port after several 17 and Christmas or during t he igbt prohibition long ago —that the in­ schools and stores. 4,4v4,4*4*4*4‘ 4*4*4-4*4*4*4* world, referring directly* to social emi-, months’ cruise in tin* Atlantic Ocean, days prior to Easter to persons em crease in sales in ali the dry goods nence and indirectly ’ to their secret ployed in millinery shops and stores. inflicting severe damage to the ships stores was in wearing apparel for One up-to-date chicken farm of CH APTER I. women and children, at d in the gro­ belonging <0 t he countries with which about 80 acres, good buildings Matrimony la Diacuaaed. Germany is at war. It will go down The Seed Question cery stores the increase was made everything ready to start with. Y dear,” said? Mr. Blithers, as out* of the brilliant exploits of tin* up chiefly of fruits and fancy grocer­ with decision, “you can’t tell world's war. In its voyages the] T |u, ^eecl situation is not lulre- ies. This proves that it is the wo­ Five miles from R. R. near school M me." Moewe is reported to have captured j (Jl,cntly a big problem with, the la men ami children who suffer most in Waldo Co. "I know I can’t," said his from the liquor business, and it is valuable booty of gold and treasures, incr. and it would seem that he Wife, quite as positively. She knew On occount of sickness and death 'beside* over om* thousand prisoners tin* women and children who benefit when she could tell him a thing and would learn by experience the mad this propeity will be sold greatest ftotn prohibition. Money very wABB.jdkecopldn’t. of war. Wnat is all the more start- of providing against a day of reck 1 lint went formerly over the bar for cheap. J| ,'wa* quite impossible to impart in- j ling, news conies from Berlin that j oning by taking steps each season to whiskey is now being spent for cloth ! fefuatiOu te Mr. Blithers when be had (tin* Moewe is making preparations secure the needed supply. This sit- If interested write. ing for the worn* n ami children, and tl)4 tip* Of two resolute fingers embed ! for atmt m r commerce raiding trip, nati-di is not always his fault, for td e d , Id his ears. Mrs. Blithers bad in better food for the household. j The vigilance of the British warships with the practice of re ying upon Chas A. Stevens, ' lltetj with her husband, more or less, “ It is just like tiiis: When you j must be rather lax.^’atid naturally seed hous s for tin* supply there is 'for - twenty-five years, and she knew close tto* saloons the nn ney that for­ Pittsfield, Maine d»; j raises the question as to whether or the possibility of the demand ex­ him tike a book. He was a forceful merly was spent there remains in j. •*>♦*• . ' .‘person who would have his own way, ! not the blockade of German ports is ceeding the supply. But many far­ the family of tin* wage-earner, and even though tye ,had tp put his fingers j as complete as London’ would have mers are self reliant and do not de­ his wife ami children buy shoes and ^ In hi*year* to gef it. Moreover, when the world believe. pend upon seed houses for all of Prof. Cards. -v- clothing and better food with it. ’'"in'culied her ’*my dear** instead of the their supplies. In fact, experience if fhf.fi * nrtitoBMiry Lou it was a sign of su Yes. sir. we have found in Seattle H oik Victor Rosewater. Chairman has shown th'etn that they can get * j* **•■■•* preme obstlnucy on hfs part par und could that it is .better to buy shoes t an of the Republican National Commit­ hotter results by using supplies 1 by any stretch of the imagination bonze. The families of wage-earners tee. reports in his Omaha Bee, after which they produce, and this is iy* !«* reganted as an indication of placid in Seattle are going, to have more " * M apolitical survey of thirty leading found to he'part icitlarly true in tin* OFFICE AT RESIDENCE ''irGShcfodi. lie always said “niy dear’ food and clothes and everything else ‘ i f tile top o f his voice and with a great ’states,, a strong mid'Tciirfefit' for seed line. than they had before.” 'debt »*f Irascibility. Justice -HugjiKS for .the presidential Wnere seed is raised on tin* farm 129 Main St. Honlton. Maiw “ And is the prohibition law < n- *■ 'Mr. William VV. Blithers was a self nomination. This eminent jurist it is found that by testing systemati- forced 7 ’ ‘ ghMe man Who had begun his career has said several times, most .-■emphat­ matically the persistenev-of the vari­ Tel. 239-3 /fa; shouting lustily at a team of mutes “ Absolutely. Pro ihirion d(us. ically. toat (i« was not a presidential ous strains of potatoes, oats ami oth­ in, a railway construction camp. Other prohibit candidate andilie.has forbidden the er grain.-* can be very definitely Teeth filled without drivers had tried to improve on bis vo “ And how about the empty sa­ election of Hughes delegates to the learned. This work of testing has Vitality, hut even the mules were a I tie loons and the landlords \vfi > own pain by the new anal­ National Convention. There he been given special emphasis by the 1 * to appreciate the futility of such an them gesic method, abso­ ambition, and later on, when he came rests. And there he can afford to Maine Seed Improvement Associa­ i “ Many of them have already been *. te own two or three railroads, to say rest. It is generally conceded by tion, the College of Agriculture at lutely safe. j made over and are occupied by other nothing of a few mines and a steam political leaders that Hughesj would Orono, and by other agencies. The I businesses. 1 will venture the pro- yjkbt. hie ability to . drive men was b the most formidable presidential in portative of seed-testing lies in tin* Dr. F. O. ORCUTT, even more noteworthy than, his power j phecy that in one year trom today candidate the Republican p a r ty fact that it puts the farmer in more ever the fackttmes bad tieen. | yen * o 11 ’t lie able to find a place in Dentist. “You say you don’t want Count could choose, with chances in favor definite relation with certainty in Mr. and Mrs. Blithers had been dis I Seattle w I O' 1 e there was a saloon. What’s-His-Name.” of his election. He has steadfastly production, other things being equal. cuaajUig royalty. Up to the previous They will all he occupied by other and consistently maintained that he It Inis been found that following up wqek they had restricted themselves to ambition to capture a prince of the businesses And prohibition has THE KLEIN STUDIO the nobility, but as an event of unox royal blood for their daughter Maud. is out of politics and, like a sensible year after year production by big1' | not lowered rents. I know of one ampled 1mp0i't«nce bad transpired in She had prefaced this opinion, how­ man, ne has rested his case there. testing seed, in the course of a few b g dry goods store that has already Main Street HOULTON the Interim they uow felt that it wtmld ever, with the exceedingly irritating When the Republican National Con­ years marked gains are made in the 1 bad its rent raised since prohibition be the rankest stupidity to consider insinuation that Mr. Blithers was not vention meets, if it should he swept crop resuIts. | OVER HATHEWAT DRUfi CO. any toe short of a prince royal in pick in his right mind when lie proposed in J went i nto effect. off its feet by a unanimous demand Tin- work pf seed testing is made | h>g out a suitable husband— or. more viting the prince t<> spend a few weeks “ Oregon also went dry January 1. for t he nominal inn of any man for very simple by the instructions giv ; properly shaking, consort—for their at Blitbenvood. provided the young California is the only wet state left the presidency, we do not see how en by tlie Federal or .state Depart-I Dr. J. F- Palmer tjnly daughter. Maud Applegate Rllth man could < ut short Ins visit in the on the Pacific coast, and it will ; s ich a nomination could he declined. merit of Agriculture, the College of j are. aged tweuty. home of Mr. and Mrs. King. who. In- dry lanuary 1, 191s, A n l those three DENTIST Mrs. Blithers long ago had convinced had asseverated, were in no position to cm Agriculture, Maine Seed lni|rove-J It would he a II to d utv. 'Iheanx stao .* will rema i n dry to the end <>f 5r her husband that no ordinary human entertain royalty as royalty was in Lie iety of some of our Democratic merit Association and other agencies OFFICE OVER FRENCH’S ti ui< .Norn* of tin•m would being of the male t>ersuasion was wot- ever T- habit of being entertained. Lien Is who are warning Justice interested in tnis work. It is work thy of their daughter’s hand and had h;in * saloons again Those who DRU8 STORE X ! Long experience had taught Mr Hu: dies t hat lie must not penni his that may he easily conduo ed by tin* set her heart op having nothing mean Blithers to road the. lip and eye Ian wen ■In an st ly nppost d. as I was, to mum- to he discussed is accompanied farmer, showing- as It. does tin* germ Offiice Hours : 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. w than a duke on the family roll- guage with some degree of certainty, pro! ihitioii in Washington and t Me by such protuse expressions of high mating force of ti <* seed, which in Bllthers alluded to it for awhile ns the so by watching liis wife's indignant goll. ha ve been eon vt‘It ed to It, as I Others bj appointment. api>r.-ciat nm o| his dignity and inde­ icHies quite distinctly the results payroll-with the choice lying between face closely in* was able to toll when ha v liet'ii. by tin* ;ictnal evil letlee Telephone 194-2 England and Italy. pendence thin one surmises it i- not that may he expected from it in the she was succumbing to reason, lie that i i oli i int inn is a line riling t roni Rut now. Just ns they were on the was a burly, domineering person who W ml I v’ w 11 I mu f 111 dive. soi I with the fertilizer a rid < there oi n r. No eit \ a nd j pblht of accepting In lieu of a duke an leasoned for every one within range of ditions reasonably favorable. Like no ( ommunity, ton. can atfui■d tol O B. PORTER exceptionally promising count, the ills voice, and it was only when his test work in the dairy it is subject to Fifty-Four Hour Bill ha Vi sab oiis. They ate too <■> tforMJik! event conspired to complete wife became coldly sarcastic that lie variations in tin* results, hut there SPECIALIST IN^ CHILD S IV * ■ morally and eei 'iioiniea 11\• I'M ly uptot all of their plans—or notions, closed his ears and boomed his opin­ will he a general tendency that will PORTRAITURE to to It was nothing less than ions into her very teeth, so to say. jov Tex t lie 11 in 11 (i fa cl ur» rs are vi a v * ■y few yea is rln-r e will not he a ! speak. 1 - be manifested under any condition. tto airlvai In America of an eligible fully overwhelming her with facts (MIS I V opposing the o-l Imur hill. llri-I SI d *a Inn II III til ‘ whole n; rioti. j Studio 7 Market Sepia re of the royal blood, a ruling which it were futile for her to attempt a lid that will hf a tin Which Will go lit f I e th voters at Beneficial • thing " 1 Gd. i (-2 H o u lt o n , M k . at that., As a matter of fact, he j to deny. He w*as aware quite as much the September eleel nm. I’lie lileas- had not only arrived in America, but ! so as if he had heard the words that iltiin.* It.-1: litiii'f iPwn Special Attention. u?>' has I liH i>ack ine ni I lie slatf lr(l- upon the vast estate adjoining their she was now saying: Ch id's Edu ;dtdl1. Fi 111 n 111 e Sea f (le Post 111 f e11 i: own in the Catskills. “Well, there is absolutely no use *‘fa f ii >n > I la bur a i>< I was lavuicd I > v Idle iM.ii-al’.on oi .1: ■ ehi.d .n deal:: t; t .March I, wr clip the I "I I • win e. Peculiarly- promising to their hopes arguing with you. Will. Have it your if equity must 'nine n urge measure which that paper used I mm tin K a 11 from :he give arid take ot nis rela­ Parker M. Ward, M. D. was the Indisputable fact that the way if it pleases .a on.” tions witn other children, whether in prfncq** mother had married an Amerl Eying her with some uneasiness, he Sick Children Made Well stis rity Times : lhactice limited exclusively to the dome or outside. But this must can. thereby establishing a precedent cautiously inserted his thumbs in ti e Worm* snp tb>* health and vita!it\ of The world is watch ini’ Sea-tic to oe supplemented with the pervasive behind which no constitutional obstacle armholes of his brocaded waistcoat your child sec tc>\v prohibition works mu in a Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Familiar Mmptom* of inf1uen'*e ot sympathetic, yet detached, roqll thrive, and bad lived very hap and proclaimed: worm* art: toniHch swollen j large city. Seattle is the hugest cit\ Deranged judgment of older persons. Glasses Fitted pijy With the gentleman ip spite of the “As I said before. Lou, there isn’t a that has ever had prohibition. It cooes. upper lip. sour stomnch, foreign nobleman, from the emperor and the whole state hi- and Austria- Mr. Blithers was In a ularly desirous of squelching him, not tongue, had breath tell you that the bition doesn't prohibit,” tlmt it stomach is out of order, the liver inac­ position to know that the little princl unkindly perhaps, but by way of mak­ out on tongue, starting during sleep, ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR tatar over which the young man reh;n slow fever would torce down rents, that so much tive, the bowels need attention, and ing him realize that their daughter had perhaps worms may be making their Office 1H Hey wood Street ed was bound to be drawn into the You c n absolutely depend upon D r property u.*ed for saloons all at once good blood in her veins. Mr. Blithers troubles worse. Whatever it is. you cataclysm not as a belligerent or an had heard in a roundabout way that he Trfie’s E ixm, the Family Laxadve and made empty and nonproductive n may be sure that “L. K ” Atwood’s Tel. 236-2. HOULTON, ME. t W , but in the matter of a loan that first saw the light of day In Jersey Worm Expeller, »o expHler, to expel J one day would have a bad o om c Medicine will do them a great deal tnconyenlently expired within the year City, although after he became famous worm.* and tone up t V stomach, bowel* effetd. and so on. <>f good. It acts surely on the stom­ Which would hardly be renewed Newark claimed him. He did not both and general health. 'I'll C e( i tor ol the Seattle Tines, ach and bowels, regulates the liver, DR. J. F. CLAYTON by Russia with the prospect of vast and has a tonic effect which brings er about the matter. Dr. True’s Elixir, has been on the yiaj <' B. Bletheii the man who expenditures of Avar threatening her “Well, he’s like all the rest of them.’ back appetite, fills out cheeks and d e n t i s t market for over 90 year*. Mrs Fred made tin* light against prohibition, makes them rosy. This medicine is treasury. The loan undoubtedly would said lie after a moment of indecision. Nelson o‘ II mston, rI< x*s, n rife : “ I was asked how prohibition was work safe for the children, and you see its OFFICE: bq culled, and Graustark was not in a Something told him that he really find it a fime laxative.” At your de> I good effects in a surprisingly short time. position to pay out of her own slender ought to refrain from talking about ing ami if all his prophech s had HAMILTON-BURNHAM BLOCK Itces, two years of famine having the cost of things, even In t>u' i)n*< ’” er’s, 35c, 5oc and $1 00. Advice free c mie true. He said : Bajr • 35c bottle at your nearest store, or write to-day (or free sample. fallen upon the people at a time when “ My paper fought its damned. G I Hours : S to 12 A.M., I to 5 P.M. PtatatR y was most to be desired. < r •L. F.” Medicine Co., Portland, Mo ( Sundays uml Evenings bj Ap| ointment. Auburn, Maine against prohibition. We fought it H torn the private opinloc of Mr. (Continued on page 8) a.a /, c// The A ro o sto o k Times, Wednesday, March 22, 1916


    Ten per cent of the deaths in the United States result from pneu­ monia. It is estimated that during The past thirty days this rate has b?en doubled in some sections. Tuberculosis and heart disease, each causing one-ninth of all fatalities are the only diseases which outrai k pneumonia among the legion of the men of death, but in certain cities pneumonia is steadily increasing! and even has surpassed the mortali j ty from tuberculosis. Seventy per, cent of all cases occur between De­ cember and May. It is distinctly a! cold weather infection, seemingly j brought by wintry blasts, but es­ pecially prevalent during the win- " * o r season, only beoanffo its victims .are rendered more ouaoeptiblo at - time e*po*i|r

    ! cope with organisms which should sult from exposure to such environ­ * be easily overcome, and hence pre ment. The overheating of rooms is ■0I.EY KlDi if.. Is L it _ also seemingly harmful. - Promis- I disposes to the infection, LOSS OF APPETITE cm us expectoration may be. ami j Debility, either temporary or probably is, a factor in infection and Most Successfully Treated by Taking MILLINOCKET chronic developing from any cause, consequently should be avoided by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Notice oi Fiust Mk k tim . oF-CHttblfbkft : i>' increases > usceptibility. Because of every citizen. A remaining most In the district ('ourt of the United Shites’- important agent should be men tliis the disease most often attacks the Distract of Maine. In Bankfttptey. e t v#aH tinned, —alcohol. It is in truth the Loss of appetite is accompanied those at the extremes of life. Among 1 n the matter of • •. • 1 boa handmaiden of pneumonia, and by loss of vitality, which is serious. Northern Winer Co. In Bankruptcy ..vxv»i- debilitating influences must be men­ there is none more certain or more It is common in the spring be­ Bank nipt. » ...... tioned cold, exposure to penetrating sure of success, especially if'liberal­ ly and continuously used. cause at this time the blood is im­ To the creditors of said .Northern Yeneer.fc’o ;-gj ,j, winds, and the chilling e held at the office of Edwin L. V*ll, I» is a condition to be avoided when­ ten to thirty percent, it should he able all-the-year-round medicine, is Houlton. on the 1st day of Apr., A>' si):-, id Hi. at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, atwlhcfc 3$ lbs. per 600 square ft. ever possible. Bad housing, mental 'remembered.that our scientific data ('specially useful in the spring. Get are not yet complete. There art it from your druggist. By purify­ time the said creditors may attend, prove their , or physical- i arassment, and over­ claims, apuoint a trustee, examine the bank­ problems connected with immunity, ing and enriching the blood and giv­ Toughest and most serviceable for work are like the advance agents of rupt and transact such other business as may predisposition, and the occurence m ing vitality, vigor and tone, it is properly come before said meeting, r - . i epidemics which are yet to be solved the infection. Overcrowding, in wonderfully successful*in the treat­ POTATO SHIPPERS and BUILDERS Id is known that pneumonia fre­ EDWIN l^VAII* street cars, theatres". ai;d o t h e r ment of loss of appetite and the Referee in Brnkruptcy.• ‘ -V;" I.-' / quent ly attacks those who are per F O R S A L E BY public places, is unquestionably in fectly well, and win- apparently other ailments that are so prevalent Dated at Houlton, Mar: lx 1910. - . . . gyvi part responsible for the spread of have observed every hygienic rule. at this time. It is not simply a pneumonia in cities, as far greater Whether this is tine to the increased spring medicine —it is much more Our Jitney Offer— This and Bc ^ opportunity is tints offered for the virulence of the organism or to othei than that —but it is ihe best spring JAM ES S. P E A B O D Y causes is unexplained. It is. how­ DON’T MISS THIS. Cut out this tOfp ’ dissemination of tile predisposing medicine. enclose with five cents to Foley & Co., ever recognized that avoidance o' Hood’s Sarsaparilla makes the Chicago, 111., writing your name and address •s>' HOULTON, MAINE diseases through indiscriminate the factors so briefly enumerated rich red blood that the stomach and dearly. You will receive in return a trial wnl m large part dimmish individ­ package containing Foley’s,Honey and Tar coughing and other means of drip- other digestive organs need. Get let infection, as well as the directly ual susceptibility and therefore tlx Comjvound, for coughs, colds and croup, Fo­ it today. injurious effect which inevitably re­ incidence of the disease. ley Kidney Fills and Foley Cathartic Tablets. Sold Everywhere advtg

    FURNISHED wit\ SAT NOTHING BUT NITED STATE SAW WOOD! FREEH e°cAn e w CREAM SEPARATOR But be sure you use nothing but our Famous A. W. Gray Sons THIS As local agent, I personally want the pleasure of giving one of these Mechani­ cal Separator Washers to every purchaser of a new U. S. Separator.

    W j ISHE'K A Blessing for the Women Folks

    To lighten your labors, all you maids and matrons who have to wash up Separators should read what this Washer will do.

    The Mechanical ^Vastier sa.ves two-thirds of the time, uses little water and cleanses perfectly. When the skimming device is taken from the Separator bowl, it is placed in a closed metal box, and a few turns of a crank, backward and forward, washes away all trace of milk. Follow the washing v/ith scalding water and the separator is sterilized. Pour out the hot water, turn the handle a few times, and the skim­ ming device is all clean, sweel: and dry.

    r Show It to HIM

    Sectional View Y ou are entitled to labor saving devices in the household and Friction Drive—Power Log Feed dairy, just as much as “he” is in farm machinery. My advice to the S te riliz e r women who look after the cleanliness of separators is to show this big Gray Independent Drag Saw piece of news to “him” Cut out this “ad” and pin it up on the wall. Machines Tested— —Proven and i Conveniently Practical. A D ry e r Be Fair to HER machine that stands ready to This cut shows the Nickel Silver, non- Don’t wear out the women folks with an old-time, “ thousand-and- meet All Demands. rusting U. S. skimmer being “water- one parts” disc separator. Now that you are prospering, friend, be scrubbed” by the Mechanical Washer, the fair to her. You can afford to turn in the “old junk” toward a U. S.. a A Slow Starting—Complete Control—In- wonderful time and labor saver. This Separator that gets all the cream, quickly and without effort, a Sep­ Washer by rotating the skimmer drives arator of few parts, perfectly rustless, and mechanically washed. 8 Meat Stopping—with many other new the "water with tremendous force between » 8 features. Sold in this section by the blades, Cleaning perfectly, then Ster­ Come along, you two; I want to show you one of these free washers in ilizing, then Drying. operation. If you don’t know me already, let’s get acquainted. I James. S. Peabody ■Baugt r St, HoultonJ HOULTON GRANGE STORE - Houlton, Me.

    L The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, March 22, 1916

    BANKRUPT'S PETITION FOR Dis- BANKRUPT’S PETITION FOR CHARGE. Ralph L. Hackett, Houlton’s new DISCHARGE street commissioner, has fitted up an In the mutter of j In tbe matter of office at the Engine House, where he In Bankruptcy. Frank McDougall j In Bankruptcy. Nathaniel P. Bityea may he found during business hour*. Bankrupt. I 1 _ Bankrupt. . TotlieHoii.CLAB*NCKHAi.K,Judgeofthe To the Hon. Clarence Hate, Ju of the District Court of the United States for the District Court of the United States for Spring and Sale District of Maine. the District of Maine. Clubs FRANK McDOUGALL of Caribou N A T H A N IE L P. BELYEA of Monticello in the County of Aroostook and State of O p e n in g lB the County of Aroostook, and State of Maine |» said District respectfully Maine, in said District, respectfully represents, M u s ic C lu b that on the 13th day of Nov., last past mveseaits, that oO the 24th day of July last The vocal section of the Houlton ^hewas duly adjudged bnnkrupt he was duly adjudged bank­ the Acts of Congress relating to rupt under the Acts of Congress Music Club will meet at the High ; that be has duly surrender- relating to bankruptcy ; that he has School auditorium on Thursday property and rights of duly surrendered all his property, and eveni ig at, 7.30, for rehearsal. and nis fully oompued with rights of property, and has folly complied Fact and Faction requirements of said Acts with all the requirements of said Acts and of the oners of Court touching his the orders of Court touching his bankruptcy. The club will meet with Mrs. H, Wherefore he prays, That he may be H. Stimson on Kelleran street, Sat­ decreed by the Court to have a full discharge urday, Mar. 25. roas hr PRATS. That he may from all debts provable against his estate __ by the Court to hare a full dls- The program will be a combination fjrom all debt# provable against his es- under said bankruptcy Acts, except such of Mar. 18 and Mar. 26. sakf bankruptcy Acts, except debts as are excepted by law from such d»- Ricker Travel Class 9Qtb day of Jan., A. D. 19W. Everybody is cordially invited to The ctaee w ill meet vrtth Mire ltd a .« 4 9 W O t u & P, RXUTEA, Perry an Tuesday. Marsh $8. ANNUAL BUSINKttX MEETING 8fm9ny*' “ Now set about thy frustaere, thntit m««ror» 4v any more that reputable physicians Less amount g:lve promises with their prescrip­ Reserre Bank, unpaid 3,000 00 3,000 00 3,000 00 tions, but we know of many caebd A 900 00 in which IT HAS HELPED. \ Value of banking bouse Your druggist has if or can gee (if unencumbered) 15,000 00 MFRS. EXCHANGE INC it. or you can send direct. 2,400 00 2,400 00 Equity in banking Eckaaa Laboratory, Philadelphia. 15,000 00 jioflaskisf house H. J. Hathaway Houlton.Ma RHurtOoumbersd) 6,000 00 Furniture and fixtures 5.500 00 :heuse 6,000 00 m f r - Net amount due from lAftsfrom N otice o f F ir s t Iie e t in g o f C r e d it o r s N o t ic e o f Fir s t M e e t in g o f C r e d it o r s Federal Reserve Bank 7.500 00 Notice of Foreclosure Classified Ads. 7,600 00 In tbe District Court of the United States for Net amount due from ap­ In the District Court of the United States for Whereas, Charles Cota of Limestone in the proved reserve pgents in the District of Maine. In Bankruptcy. the District of Maine. In Bankruptcy. County of Aroostook and State of Maine by For Rent—A One Family House In the matter of ) „ , New York, Chicago, and In toe matter of his mortgage deed dated January 27, 1910 modern conveniences, terms reasonable. In­ AlexAntooe In Bankruptcy William R. Hitchcock In Bankruptcy. 5,000 63 St. Louis 15,118 m Bankrupt. I Bankrupt. and recorded in the Aroostook Registry of quire at T imkh Office. .lltf Net ambont due froth Ap­ To the creditors of said Alex Antone To the creditors ot William R. Hitchcock of Deeds in Voi. 246, Page 464, conveyed to of Caribou in the county of Aroostook Fort Fairfield in the County of Aroostook, proved reserve agents in and District aforesaid, a bankrupt. George S. Osborne of Limestone in said To Let—Furnished Rooms* One other roaerve oities 46,766 <10 61,994 96 and district aforesaid, a bankrupt. County and State. The following described 31,321 70 36.226 29 Notice is hereby given that on the 18th day » Notice is hereby given that on the minute walk from the Post Office. Fur Net amount due from banks of Mar. A. D. 1916 the said Alex 18th day of Mar. A. D. 1916. the said real estate situate in said Limestone, to-wit : gentlemen only. C. G. I.unt, Mechanic St. and hankers (other than in* Antone was duly adjudicated bank­ Williim R. Hitchcock was dulyadjudioated Lot numbered one hundred three (103) in rupt; and that the first meeting of his 4,681 eluded in 10 or ll) 6,791 22 bankrupt; and that the first meeting of said Limestone, according to the State survey A Capable Girl For Generat ’UR* Maded in 10 or 11) 88 creditors will be held at the office of his creaitore will be held at the office iob hflttk* In the Other checks on hanks in the same Edwin L. Vail in Houlton, on the 8th of Edwin L. Vail in Houlton, on the 8th of Township Letter E, now said Town of housework, good wages. Apply to Mrs. MlfMflr town aa dfcy or town as reporting bank 3,537 15 day of Apr. A. D. 1916. at 10:00 o’clock day of Apr. A. D. 1916, at 10 o’clock Limestone, containing one hundred sixty (160) G. W. Richards, or Richards’ Dry Goods ta the forenoon, at which time the said in the forenoon, at which time the 946 09 Outside checks and other cash items oreditore may attend, prove their claims, acres, more or less. Store. 120 00 said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and And whereas the conditions of said mort­ 3»087 38 Fractional currency, and transact such other business as may transact snch other business as may properly gage are broken, now therefore, by reason of Sliding Redaction Sale of n nickels and cents 246 52 966 52 properly come before said meeting. come before said meeting. the breach of tbe oonditions of said mortgage, Spring I*ung, commencing at $65.00 start­ 428 86 3,515 89 Cota And oertityates 14,565 15 ED W IN L. V A I L ED W IN L. V A IL , I claim a foreclosure thereof and give this ing Mar. 6th, the price is reduced $1.00 8,115 50 Legal-tender notes 3,000 00 Referee in Ba nkraptcy Referee in Bankruptcy. notice for that purpose. every’ day. Iluggard Brothers Co. Dated at Houlton. Mar. 20 1916. 3,160 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas­ Dated at Hoalton, Mar. 20, 1916. Dated at Fort Fairfield, Me, March 17, 1916. urer gnd due from U. 8. Treaturer 2,500 00 fh»*wttb U, S. D r e Central Maine Potato Farm Poe Other assets, Canadian Currency 3,055 00 GEORGE S. OSBORNE, r mmmd 4m from U. S. Treasurer 625 00 BANKRUPT’S PETITION FOR Sale. Four and a half miles from statios. ; Cttre areata. If any DISCHARGE B A N K R U P T ’S PETITION FOR DIS­ By his Attorney, Herbert W T b a f t o n . Potato rate to Boston, less than EIGHT 78 00 Total 599.332 91 CHARGE. 312 CENTS per bushel. 200 adfcs, good weed In the matter of „ , -frAbt, well watered,Tull outfit of machinery. LIABILITIES Do l la r s Cts. Oscar L. Clough In Bankruptoy In the matter of 1 ^ : ."BetelfM P 466,121 02 Capital stock paid in 50,000 00 . Bankrupt. ^ J. Whitney O’Donal T in Bankruptcy J Hydraulic cider mill, capacity of 35 bbte. IU4CTK8. ' Dollars Cts. To the Hon. ClarefUteUale, Judge of the Dis­ Bankrupt. 1 ! Notice of Foreclosure per day. James Goodrich, R. F. I). No.*, Surplus fund 50,000 00 To the Hon. Claranck H ai.k, Judge of trict Court of the United States for the Dis­ Igfeekpttta 50.000 00 Undivided the District Court of the United States for ! Whereas Granville A. Franks of Sherman, j Skowhegan. Me...... 81* 30.000 trict of Maine. 00 profits 54,482 45 the District of Maine. in the county of Aroostook and State of j profit*25,115 27 OSCAR L. CLOUGH of Houlton J. WHITNEY O’DONAL of Chapman Farm For Sale $41,000, Consisting Reserved for unearned dis­ Maine, by his mortgage deed dated March 9,1 25,115 27 in the County of Aroostook, and State of in the Couniy of Aroostook, and State of of 200 acres, 100 in mowing field, 75 ia count A accrued interest Maine, in said District, respectfully represents Maine, in said District, respectfully 1906, and recorded in the Aroostook Registry | wood, 25 in pasture, land is well drained 6,000 00 59,482 45 that on the 30th day of Oct., last past, he was represents, that on the 13th day of Nov., last of Deeds in YTol. 219 1 ‘age 255, conveyed to! and taxes paid 2,218 18 duij adjudged bankrupt under the Acts of past he was duly adjudged bankrupt under and free from picks, red loam ;>oil best of Less current expenses, Thomas P. Putnam a certain piece or parcel j 22,897 09 interest, and taxes paid 1,449 32 58,033 13 Congress relating to bankrupt}’ ; that he has the A cts of Congress relating to bankruptcy; potato laud, 4 miles from Waterville 2 from tlxat he has duly surrendered all his property of land situate in said Sherman, bounded and > ClTOnkting notes outstanding 11,200 00 duly surrendered ail his property and rights Oakland on R. F. 1)., nearly wood and Circulating notes outstanding 47.7»X> 00 of property, and has fully complied with all and rights of property, and has fully complied described in said mortgage as follows : 1 Dm to banks and bank- DEM AND Deposits: with all the requirements of said Acts and lumber enough to pay tor farm, good water, the requirements of said Acts and of the j “ Northerly by land of ,1. W. Ambrose : | J t (other than included Individual deposit subject to orders of Court touching his bankruptcy. of the orders of Court touching his bankruptcy. comfortable buildings, some tools. Owner easterly by the East Ridge road, so-tailed, | in 98 or 29) 16,093 88 check 163,029 34 Wherefore he Prays, That he may be Wukrekouk he i'Kays, That he may is old anil wishes to retire and only wishes decreed by the Court to have a full discharge be decreed by the Court to have a full dis­ southerly by land now or formerly owned by I D IM AN D Dqpoeits: Postal Savings deposits 3,082,52 1-2 down. Anyone interested apply at from all debts provable against his estate un­ charge from all debts provable against his James st. John and westerly by land of i Individual deposits Total demand deposits 166,10186 der said bankruptcy Acts, except such debts estate under said bankruptcy Acts, except ones1, I also have several other farms rang­ John 1*. Webber, said parcel being lot mini-1 •abject to check 128,635 53 as are excepted by law from such discharge. such debts as are excepted by law from such ing from 50 to 100 acres. R. D. 38. G. E. TIME Deposits : (payableafter 30 her eighteen ns) Range Three 65) according days, or subject to 30 days or Dated this 13th day of March A. I> discharge. MddMUlddKKlU. i2Si635M' Dated this 21st day of Feb., A. D. 1916. Shorrard, Waterville, Me. 20* more notice- 1916. to survey and plan of Silvrr Ridge Planta-! tion, and said Lot afterwards annexed to said TIME Deposits: Other time deposits 127,487 92 OSCAR L. CLOUGH. WHITNEY O’DONAL. Bankrupt. Sherman by ; Legislative Act, containingone Otter time deposits 134,863 52 Bankrupt Total of time deposits 127,487 92 hundred and sixty acres more or less and Tetal of tone deposits, 134.863 52 ORDER OF NOTICE THEREON ORDER OF NOTICE THEREON Total 599,332 92 being the same premises conveyed to Ed­ Radteoounts with Federal State of Ma in e , County of Aroostook, ss. District of Maine, ss. District of Maine, ss. ward A. Ferry by John W. Perry by deed ! Ranrvebank 15,431 31 On this 18th day of March A. I). 1916, on I, R. F. W ard, Cashier of the above named On this 18th day of March A. I). 1916, on dated June 14, 1894, and recorded in Vol. He*ia and bills rediscounted else- reading the foregoing petition, it is— reading the foregoing jietition, it is - bank, do solemnly swear that the above state­ 143 Page 176, ami by said Edward A. Perry; gfeare at Federal Reserve Ordered by the Court, That a hearing be had Ordered hv the Court, That a hearln>ig ■fy v 15,431 31 ment is true to the best of my knowledge and upon the same on the 28th day of April A. be had uj)on the same on the 28th day of to Mary A. Campbell by deed data! April' belief D. 1916, before sai(| Court at Portland, in Apr. A. D. 1916, before said Court at 21st 1902, and recorded in Vol. 197 Page 233, [ BlBte payable, including obligations said District, at ten o’clock in the forenoon ; Portland, in said District, at 10 o'clock in the and by said Mary A. Campbell to me by deed j ngmpiting money borrowed 50,000 00 R. F. WARD, Cashier. anil that notice thereof be published in The forenoon; and that notice thereof be; published Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th A mistook Times a newspaper printed in said in the Aroostook Times, a newspaper printed bearing even date herewith.” j Total $459,121 02 day of March, 1916. District, and that all known creditors, and in said district, and that all known creditors, And whereas the said Thomas P. Putnam i other persons in interest, may appear at the ! and other persons in interest, may appear at by his asignment dated May 9, 1906, and re-! Bt a t r of Ma in e , County of Aroostook, ss: A aron A. P utnam, Notary Public. saM time and place, and show cause, if any the said time and place and show cause, it any I t W. F. T itcomb, Cashier of the above Correct—Attest: they have, why the prayer of said i>etitioner they have why the prayer of said petitioner corded in said Registry in Vol. 196 Page 267, 1 should not be granted. assigned said mortgage and the debt thereby | numd bank, do solemnly swear that the G. B. Dunn, A. G. Putnam, C. H. Pierce should not be granted. And it is Further Ordered by the Court, A nd it is further Ordered by the secured to the Houlton Trust Company : it e n is true to the best of my ! Directors. That the Clerk shall send by mail to all known Court, That the Clerk shall send by mail to Now, therefore, the condition of said mort­ Eggs For Hatching iMtoladgB tad belief. creditors copies of said petition and this or­ all known creditors copies of said petition gage is broken, by reason whereof the said W. F. TITCOMB, Cashier. der, addressed to them at their places of and this order, addressed to them at their S. C- R- I. Reds— Bred to lay — Card of Thanks residence as stated. places of residence as stated. Houlton Trust Company claims a foreclosure Mnarlbed and sworn to before me, this 17th Prize winners at County Fair. We wish to thank our neighbors and Witness the Honorable Clarence Hale, Witness the Honorable (T.aranck Hade, of the same, and gives this notice for that dnjfof Mar., 1916. Judge of the said Court, and the seal thereof, Judge of said Court, and the seal thereof, at $i.oo for 13. Order in advance friends for their kindness shown, and sym­ purjxxse. P e r c y L. Rid e o u t , Notary Public. pathy extended during our recent bereaveuienti at Portland, in said District, on the 18th day of Portland, in said District, on the 18th day of Tel. 163-5' March A. I). 1916. Houlton, Maine, March 1(5, 1916. Garnet-Attest: also to the Royal Neighbors, Modern Wood­ March, A. I). 1916. men, and the school children for beautifu, (I., s.) J AMES E. HEWEY, Clerk. (1.. s.) J A MES E. H E W E Y, Clerk. HOULTON TRUST COMPANY, BARNES BROS. Job sfh A. B r o w ne, John C. M cI n ty r e flowers sent. A true copy of petition and order thereon. A true copy of petition and order thereon. 31 Park St.f Houlton, L. Ok Ludwig, Directors. Mrs. Thos. Ayotte and Family. Attest: JAMES E. HEWEY, Clerk. Attest: .JAMES E. HEWEY, Clerk. 312 By its Attorneys, Auciiihai.ds. ,911

    Best for Table, Cooking and Baking The A r o o s to o k Times, Wednesday, March 15, 1916

    for the interests of labor, for the man foreign emigration is * great trust outside the United States, ceded in qualifying. |small and the person who made the OP not subject to the Sherman law, or u who works with his iiandf;, for the THE EVER PRESENT ISSUE hav gooo eauh toiler, for the wage earner, for the When it is pointed out that on an I purchase dot s not care to he known, any law except tariff regulation. T I and many other excuses. THE TARIFF. rights of the laborer, for abolishment average only .’12 per cent, of the ap­ I favor a non-partisan tariff board, to Free trade in sugar would destroy ; The following communication in Take Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the Old of child labor, for shorter hours of toil, plicants who present themselves at investigate and report to Congress in­ the cane industry of the South and the jieganl to weights and measures was Reliable Spring Tonic. lor more comforts to the toiler and for formation op which to base a tariff sugar beet industry of the West j tin* various recruiting stations issued lmm that department last equal rights of the workman in his which will truly distinguish between Sugar under free trade must be all im- j throughout tin* country succeed in w ek : contest with organized wealth. ported, and so Pinglish and American "Housekeeping is a profession and the cost of labor abroad and at home. Don’t let the idea that you may At the same tune, 1 am for simple qualitying, it is readily seen that N o tariff board, however, ca:i legislate, capitalists have bought up all the sugar j a business. The housekeeper is the feel better in a day or two prevent justice to the great interests of wealth tlu* young no n o f Aroostook county that is left to Congress. A tariff plantations in Cuba and in the Indies, j : head ol tie* receiving and checking- and eapital. I am not tor government uoard can simply furnish information and formed a great Sugar Trust outside , you from petting a bottle of Hood’s an* evideii t i y lar above the average depa ia men t of t o- business side of ownership of public utilities. I do not upon which to legislate. I stand for the United States, which we cannot j Sarsaparilla today from any drug1 in physical development. tho ho Ml". ! t is Imr duty to >ee that - tand ior the destruction of gn at, com­ the principle of protection to American attack or destroy by any law in Amer-1 On November 7. I hi 5, Beat Ad­ eimdolini liiiys Khi cents' worth. store and starting at once on the binations ol w cal til, but I do stand for industry and American labor. I be­ ica. The present administration has i Here are a idv things for the I in- control and regulation of all pub- miral Peary called at the Portland lieve that the United States can not recognized that fact, for the President | road to health and strength. ^m use wife to consider ; lb' utilities, trusts and combinations. I recruiting station, and in his con­ exist and prosper as a free trade na­ now recommends that the present pro­ When your blood is impure and "Do \'’U know what small short­ believe that our mneimiwnt should tion; that the expenses of our govern­ tective tariff shall be retained on versation with Lieutenant Alien, ex age" liman V F. x a n i pies : impoverished it lacks vitality, your control and regulate the.-c great forces ment, the proper protection of our sugar. press" , the opinion that this station " S i mi tape, one ounce; com modi ty, 1,1 'ho interests < >!' tin- poop [e, that one p.mi.d of Witter ; j rice, 20 cents ; people, the building up of our indus­ PRESIDENT LINCOLN AND THE digestion is poor, and all .lie func­ had a most excellent ten ilo, \ to capital may mu ho afraid to invest, so Weedy ,".ile. -do poimiN ; yeall il- tries and the conservation and devel TARIFF. tions of your body are impaired. that great combinations of wo.ilth. work out in t Im securing of doirahle h ga I prmjt. |bi 0 opment of our great resources can only When at the close of our great Civil II. ,i,1 \- i': 1!.i is / In* grent- under government control may iuiiiq recruits tor t lie service, and t hat t he ".dmi lace, mi e o n n ee ; corn mod i ty, come from a protective tariff, such as War, with our industries paralyzed more railroads, bridge groat rueis. , one p.-timt m candy ; price, 40 cents; we have enjoyed under the Republican and destroyed, with a depreciated cur­ es! known s i h will build young ui' n of .vlanm, , -peeialiy construct canals and diki s, p, , tin 1 weekly >aie .boo pounds; yearly il- party. rency, with a great war tax upon us, . : i ’ ‘ r b ird i­ t hose Dorn and raised in Aionstoek you up <;■ ii. . resources of the land and gi\e labor u - j legal profit. $01*0.uo Some beautiful with poverty and repudiation staring cine. It ei- ; » ■ io ;iml wage, and receive its reward measured county, are* not only ol : rm o.d | “ -Shortage, two [rounds ; com* FRfSF TRADE THEORIES* HAVE us in the lace, with crippled soldiers, A merman stock. hut, having- spent 1 modify loo pounds of mam ; price BEEN OVERTHROWN j widows and orphans all over the land, power to on im . in- old and.weighed out to it, with even handed justice, t hei r lives i u outdoor occupations--- $1 7A ; weekly sun, two carloads; and demolished during the present ad-j President Lincoln was asked, “What standnrd 1rieii ; ! P i--\o:ir- v early i! ea a ' profit, ,v 1 .'.no 00. Ei)R NATIONAL i’R( )l i I BIT I ().\ X X U -'Hub as lumiieiiiig, l unt ligand h-h- ministration. That free trade would j can we do to save the nation, restore ronnd blood j mi i . 1 1 r i. , < i-iior. "Sho/ iae •, ten ounce" ; commod­ lower the high cost of living has been { prosperity, redeem the nation’s pledges, tonic and appeii/.or. Nothing els<' WO.MAX'A SUEUR AUK. i ng, in I :, i , \ 11 a ra ting climate o i i I e I stand now, u here I ini o a!\', ity. live p, miot pad ' ■ f lard ; price 75 shown to be a fallacy and a delusion; | redeem the greenbacks, take care of the acts like” it, for nothing else has ibe on'** i,| Mann-, are superior in eon:-; we. i lv sal.-, :,on pails ; yearly 1 (;< ;d. tor Xa tiona I I’rohibit imi cf tho that free trade would destroy trusts an i survivors of the war, pension the sol­ illegal p I oil! . S'd Too.GO. same formula or ingredients. lie nquor tratlic. If Prohibition is good phsiipm tcit In- specimen" of young mptf vaunt. The Beef Trust simply | dier, his widow and orphan, and restore “ This no s not im an that short - sure to ask for Hood’s, get it today, ler t he State, it js more \ nluable to the manhood found eXevvImn throng- bought up the cattle on a thousand again the manufacturing industries of are Imnul only m tnese com­ and begin taking it at once. ll;i t ion. It Prohibition is necessary in hills in South America and formed a the : ' ntry, give labor employment, mil t lie coll IIt i v. modities. Try it on anything you 'bue ol war, it is just as m i ossary in hoy. Tin'll ask yoursejf ; ‘Who limes; of peace. I stand now, where ! j and make this a great nation among p ;ivs tor th." ill gal profit?” An­ haw always stood, for a national Weight and Measure swer; ‘ I do.' the people of the earth?" Lincoln said, amendment to the constitution, that j ‘ Do you count your change? If ‘‘ 1 am I'ora high protective tariff. This will giv<> to men and u omen equal | Frauds will restore to us prosperity, pay our you do. cheek t tie vveigi: t or measure rights at the ballot box. 1 shall stand | of what v mi l uiy . indebtedness, luiild up again our de­ lor he censor c at on and dc. olopnwnl j Tim attention of the Bntva n of "Ask lor what you want in deli- The Supremacy of stroyed industries and make this a of all our resources; for the restora-! W »* iglib.; ami M, •asuras at fli • * St;lie nil“ terms, demand what you ask gieat, nation." Hon of American shipbuilding; for an! IL ’U"“ Iias bt'i-w 1 I’cqtli •ally cailed \ < » for and don't pay for it until you get Tile Republican part.' adopted Iiis American .Merchant .Marine, owned bv t hr* fa cl that 1aitlcr it." Peruna as a suggest ion, and the world witnesses the Americans, Using the .American ling, and '. t h e r re-ulf. America, under proteetion, has j manned by men that will carry tin lift ic•h*s i > 1 Bum] a tv b“i rig sold at To Clear a Room of Smoke become not only a. great .world power, j-tars and stripes around tin* world, so s!. < >rt w< • i T 11. a iml w !■e|. f * : 1 1 f a nies selling have never wanted for bread, save in I country so honored and so high above "timke-filbd room. in a few mo­ fli<* :; < m i < IIs. invai'ia hi v 44 Years of Leadership the dark hours when fret' trade as­ all others that he can proudly exclaim, tli“ Ii*p,y is ments tin* smoke will disappear en­ sailed their homes. " 1 hank (led 1 am an American \ iti- l ha) th“ a m< hi m shul'l VV i* i g 111 is tire! v. THE LESSONS OF HISTORY. /.“ll." Returned to His Work. A Housewife Restored. In 1vv2. thirty-fqui" years ago, Bis­ j THE FUTURE OF AMERICA, Mr. .TulU’u Gmalvau, i.rwiuville, La., Mrs, Jt, AY. Copelan, Pox 22, Greens­ marck, then the great military leader Milferrri with catarrh of tho stomach. boro, (la., MifiVnu several years with j As an American, 1 have faith in our He (lift not know what hH trouble was*. catarrh of the stomach. She was in and statesman of Europe, before his tuturo. and in the people of our land. Ho was unable to work. ( oiUd hardly such poor lifidth sin* could not attend Congress, Hie German Reichstag, said ; 1 believe that oar people, v\heu they cut anythtug. A.Mr taking reruns s to her household duties at all. Peruna •‘The success of tlie .failed States in chort timo ho if i \v in perfect health. was reroi■■•mended by neighbors. Sho j clearly see the right, are eager to un- r He says: “ I an now doing all my was ,i!.lucul to begin the use of Peru­ mat “rial development is the most, il­ j brace it, and carry its great principle.’ work. I am <•< .-Iff r.t that any om1 na. bln* says: “ After taking five lot- lustrious of modern times. The Ameri­ and ideals to triumphant victory. I <\- »tittering as I was could ho cured by ties of Peruna T am happy to say that can nation lias not only successfully I ’cruna.” I am entiriHy cured. My indigestion ia l)<,('t *1 > U\e to see this great, nation in entirely gone.” home and suppressed the most gigantic truth and in fact, Every Change of Weather. Once a Chronic Invalid. and expensive war of all history, but "An enchanted land of cities, forest:-, Mr. K. Arnold. V'< •~frrly, lb I.. con­ immediately afterward disbanded its. tracted a sever) cold. V ’o cold sti­ Sirs. r. !\Vt , Grant Avr„ Kart fields of living gold. lled In' his sido m 1 pro*Jut' *1 fl conn.- Cedar Pal!-, Joere, was once a chronic army, found work for its soldiers and Wist prairies, lordl.v summits, touched tlon that whs thmorht to ho pleurisy. invalid. F a- "■> rent doctors had been marines, paid off most of its debt, given DANIEL consulted elm :. ! with snow, Every change of v iiuh.r would bring a f avail She had taken labor and hollies-to all the unemployed return of his trim «.v>. .Aft-r taking Pe- live ditt'errm e ' ims had been j .Majestic rivers s\\ • “ping proudly past runa all his nluii*md luivo varnished. recommend’u, w t bout improVem *n«. of Europe as fast as they could arrive (The Arab’s date-palm and the Norse­ Peruna was t; d wci tin* good result within the territory, and still by a was Prompt a:: man’s pine Pain in -ita Stomach. 1 system of taxation so indirect as not to Exprecmcs l!:r C-rMitude. A realm wherein aie in,it- of every Ur. Henry Kneed, Box R'X Mo. ills be perceived, much less felt. Because zone, 8. Vista Ave.,, Janesville, V>is., writes; Mrs. Samuel ICu.’t. .'A Uninn Avc., it is my deliberate judgment that the you Lebanon, Fa., is ;,l,;e to say positively Airs of all climes, for 3o! throughout that I haa a paiii in my stomach, f that she has been cured by Peruna. Sho prosperity of America, is mainly due to the year folk ,ved your arivico, and used throe (an scarcely Fad words to express her its system of protective laws, I urge bottles of your Peruna, and I am all gratitude for her recovery. For many i he red rose' blossoms somewhere a right now. I am very thankful for years she had been a 6erui-invalid from that Germany has now reached that rich land your advice and yi. ur medicine,” chronic catarrh. point where it is necessary to imitate A later Eden planted in the wilds. the tariff system of the United .States.” With not an inch of earth within its Three substantial men, Ite^s of families, made efficient The (iernian people followed his advice, bound once more by Peruna.' Three housewives restored to their and imitated the tariff system of the. But, if a slave's foot press it sets him familiM. These are only samples of what Peruna is doing United States, and protection in Ger­ free, every day, everywhere. 8urely, this is a splendid work. many has made that little country, no Here, it is written. Toil shall have its Anything that conserves family life and makes the home larger than our State of Texan a great wage, more desirable and comfortable, nourishes tho heart root of world power, that is aide today to civilization. Peruna is a great civilizer. And Honor honor, and the humble.-t .withstand in a great war, by Us wealth man and resources, those free trade nations. Stand level with the ilia best th England, t rance, Italy and Rie- ua. law. 1 have not time to discuss all the Of "itch a land have m< u m dungeons great polii ical questions that pi ess dreamed. upon us f(,r s-oluthm. On the questions And with tin ision brighten jug in i of labor and capital, my position is , their ey well known. 1 have stood in the past t FLOUR Gone smiling to the fagot and the MILLINOCKET sword." Aroostook the Land of Real Men

    What may prove * weeding iiUer- esting to the people of A rnostnuk For Lining Cars county is that the voung men of Aroostook wlm have applied for en­ and building; purposes listment in the United States Navy at Bangor, during tlu* pa s l srx months, have presented physiques EAGI.E ROLLER MILL CO. 36 lbs. per 600 square ft. which afe far above those possessed by rhe average applicant tor the Toughest and most serviceable for . service. Forty-six per cent, of New Ulrn, Minn. POTATO SHIPPERS and BUILDERS Aroostook county young men who have undergone one ol the most FOR SALE BY rigid physical examinations under the government service, lav-* sue- L. J JAM ES S. P E A B O D Y HOULTON, - - MAINE

    a SAY NOTHING BUT^ SAW WOOD! But be sure you use nothing but our Famous A. W. Gray Sons

    <: “ .A

    Get a Fresh Start! For men who got away to a false start on a pipe Friction Drive—Power Log Feed THE AMERICAN CROESUS or home-made cigarettes Prince Albert has a word |l Gray Independent Drag Saw or two for what ails their smokeappetites! If you were a prince and a beautiful M adtines— Tested— Proven girl’s father offered you $20,000,000 Forget you ever trie d to smoke, for Prince Albert is so to marry her, what would you do ? different, such a fine flavor, so cool and cheerful and Conveniently Practical. A friendly, you’ll get a new :dea o f smoke jo y ! The patented tnachine that stands ready to 1W hat did ihe ‘Prince o f process fixes that — and cuts ou t bite and parch! meet All Demands. GratutarK. do ? Read our And this little preachment is also for men who think new McCutcheon serial for the they’re on the right track. All to be said is that the sooner Slow Starting—Complete Control-—In­ answer. you lay out a nickel or a dime for a supply of Prince stant Stopping—with many other new (twiWMWvuwwwvwmumwi Albert, the sooner you’ll make a discovery that’ll be features. Sold in this section by worth a lot to your peace o f mind and Our Jitney Offhr — This an 4 5c Buy Prinet Albert all over the civilized world! Toppyred tongue I DON’T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip bags, Sc; tidy red tine, 10c; enclose with five cents to Foley & Uo., pound and half-pound tin Get the idea o f smoking all you want James. S. Peabody Chicago, 111., writing your name arid address humidor*—and—that claeey (N» tho rover:. »ido of thia Udjr nJ clearly. You will receive in return a trial c’ vrtal-glass pound humidor F.' ;< ,i will i«ad : ' Proces* Patenter* wi‘!i eponge-moietener top without a comeback— that's P. A.! J,.ly .-Dth, 1907,” which has ma le Bangor St. Houltoni “ackage containing Foley’s Honey and Tar i!:at keepe the tobacco in . 'i i f c men unoke pipe, where one lompmtnd, for coughs, colds and croup, Fo- r-:eh fine shape—alwaye ! R. J. REYNOLDS TO 3 AC CO CO., Win ,t on* N. C .mokei* 'jegre ! jy Kidney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tab’efs. Sold Everywhere ai’vtg = j i m . ■ The Aroostook Times,|Wednesday,;March 15, 1916

    cheaper State and Western goods. >*****<*«*• iSiiSii&i5iiSi«5t supply. Maine bags sell generally $3.50 and 3.60 ; bulk, $3 45 and 3.90. Long Island potatoes sell $4 in bulk Roosevelt’s Idea. Classified Ads. A man who is good enough to shed State stock, in very light supply, is and $3.75 and 4 in Obis, or bags. OF LOCAL INTEREST g his blocd for his country is good worth $3.25 and 3.40 ; bulk $3.30 and enough to be given a square deal. A Capable Girl For General Get Wrong impression. 3.75. More than that no man is entitled to, housework, apply to Mrs. <’. W. Hannon ’ UA heap of unhappiness, ’ remarked Western potatoes are in moderate and less than that no man shall have. Hartford St. The Produce News says : Uncle Eben, “is due to de way a girl Potatoes supply. Michigan stock is worth —Theodore Roosevelt. Supply was lighter this week on figures out de chance of a man's bein' $2.65 and 2.80, Minnesota and Da­ For Rent—A One Family House account of shipping difficulties oc­ a good perviaer by his willingness to The local market continue quiet kota, $2.75 and 3 per 150-lb. bag. modern conveniences, terms reasonable. In- casioned by the weather. Prices buy ice cream soda." quire at T imes Office buyers paying $2.65 with few offer- Card of Thanks 11M ruled Ann on the moderate supply Michs., 180 lbs., $3 62,^; Minn, and log*. Wis.. $3.25 and 3.50. Pennsylvania We desire to express our thanks to and strong country advices. These Wanted Good Smart SHIPMENTS potatoes are in moderate supply and Within Possibility. our friends who so kindly assisted Girl For only maintained the market, how­ us in many ways during our recent general housework. Inquire sell $3.45 and 3.65 bulk, and $3,40 and To the class valedictorian, now of Jialsten 6 oar* from Houlton ever, as demand is not over active. bereavement, and especially to the Richards at Richards’ store. Mar. connected with a major league team, u<; High prices have cut the trade. 3.60 per 168-lb. bag. It is the general members of Houlton Orange for the 8 ...... we remarked: “Do you still cherish Yard accumulations have been great­ belief that both State and Maine po beautiful floral offerings. 1 ...... your ideals? Will you ever be a Soc­ To Let— Furnished Rooms. One tatoes have seen their highest prices. Mrs. Willard II. Putnam and Family 8 “ ly reduced, but fresh receipts are rates?” “No,” he replied, "but I may Houlton, Mar. 13. 19.6. minute walk from the Post Office. For Maine stogk has been held so high 9 “ “ “ about enough to supply the demand. .make a Homer.”—Judge. gentlemen only. C. (}. Lunt, Mechanic St 6 “ “ “ Maine and State stock is in light that it has (Liven trade away to 12 White Leghorn Hens For Sale Farm Bargains also l pair 3 year old ewes, gm<]e Oxford Downs. Apply to W. K. Fan joy, Hudg- don, Me. m p One farm of ioo acres in Waldo Co., Maine which will make a great 1 Capable Girl For General housework. Must be good cook. Apply potato farm, good fair buildings, forenoons to Mrs. liaison Richards, Cow plenty of wood, some lumber, monwealth Ave., or Tel. 259 2. spring watered pasture, in one of Sliding Reduction Sale of * the best farming towns in Maind. Spring Fung, commencing at $65.00 start ing M^r. oth, the price is reduced $1.00 One farm of about ioo acres in every- day. Huggard Brothers Co. Penobscot Co., fair buildings, good For Sale - N e w House Contain- higli land on a main road near ing 7 rooms, bath, and all modern coo- schools and stores. veniences, on Franklin St. For fuither particulars inquire of II. R. Morrill, or at. the premises. 21 One up-to-date chicken farm of about 80 acres, good buildings Central Maine Potato Farm F o r everything ready to start with. Sale. Four and a half miles from station Potato rate to Boston, less than EIGHT 99 Five miles from R. R. near school CENTS per bushel. 200acres, good wood in Waldo Co. lot, well watered, full outfit of machinery On occount of sickness and death Hydraulic cider mill, capacity of 35 bbla. Verily!—The “ Imcomparable per day. James Goodrich, R. F. J). No. 6, this property will be sold very Nkowhegan, Me. THOSE WHO CRAVE N O VELTY do not buy cheap. THE BEO FOLK TELL US that on Feb first Fine Farm Near Bangor, One Reos----- thank goodness. If interested write, and one half miles from Bangor on state there were more orders on hand at the factory, for Chas A. Stevens, highway, forty acres, all tillage, great hay immediate shipment, than at any previous time n BUT THOSE WHO ARE LOOKING, not for a and garden truck farm, modern 11 room Pittsfield, Maine house hardwood lioors throughout, hot the history of fleo. different but for a better, automobile— those who water heat, tire place, water in house, large barn and nice tie up, and basement, large consider the ite/n of maintenance and upkeep cost of Notice of First Mkktino.'of Creditors carriage and tool house, large hoggery, green AMD THEY TELL US the demand for Reo the first importance— unerringly select Reos. In the District Court of the United States for house, hen house, two fine wells, farm free the District of Maine. In Bankruptcy. from rocks. Write for further particul&m the Fifth <4The Incomparable Four” is at this mo­ In the matter of to owner, If. A. Bennett, Brewer, Me., R WE MAKE THIS ASSERTION without fear of Clarence B. White In Bankruptcy. F. I) 5. •>!<*) ment, greater than ever before in the history of that Bankrupt suceesssul contradiction; without fear of even an at­ To the creditors of Clarence B. White of great oar— and as you know, Reo the Fifth has been tempt to contradict it— for every man who makes or Caribou in the County of Aroostook, Farm For Sale 94,000, Consisting and district aforesaid, a wuikrupt. of 200 acres, 100 in mowing field, 75 in Notice is hereby given that on the standard and the leader in the five-passenger car class who sells automobiles knows we have the proofs to llth day of Mar. A. D. 1916. the said wood, 25 in pasture, land is well drainei back it up—that Reo the Fifth costs less for upkeep Clarence B. White was duly adjudicated and free from rocks, red loam soil beet of ibr now six seasons. bankrupt; and that the first meeting of potato land, 4 miles from Waterville 2 from his creditors will be held at the office and maintenance, year in and year out, than any of Edwin L. Vail in Houlton, on the 1st Oakland on R. F. D., nearly wood and day of Apr. A. I). 1916, at 10 o’clock lumber enough to pay for farm, good water, THAT’S A WONDEEFUL BECORD—and a other car of the same power and passenger capacity in the forenoon, at which time the comfortable buildings, some tools. Owner said creditors may attend, prove their claims, wonderful condition of affairs— when you consider it ever made. appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, ana is old and wishes to retire and only wishes transact such other business as may properly 1-2 down. Anyone interested apply at in all its phases. oorne before said meeting. once, I also have several other farms rang­ READ THAT AGAIN. There’s a lot in that para EDWIN L. VAIL, ing from 50 to 100 acres, R. I). 38. G. E graph. There’s everything in it that you need know Referee in Bankruptcy Sherrard, Waterville, Me. 200 Dated at Moulton. Mar. 13, 1916. HEBE IS A OAR THAT HAS outlived every to enable you to decide which is the car for you. other car that has ever tried conclusions with it on Notice of First Meeting of Creditors FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS the sales floor and in service. AND YOU KNOW—YOU MUST KNOW n the District Court of the United States for FOR RHEUMATISM <0NEYS AND ELADOEO the District of Maine. In Bankruptcy. that we would not sign, nor the Reo Folk endorse, In the matter of 1 Joseph Wobby ; In Bankruptcy N otice of First Meeting of Creditor.* TODAY THEBE A B E N E A R LY 100,000 cars that statement if it were not 100 per cent truth. Bankrupt. ‘ In the District Court of the United States for To the creditors of said Joseph Wobby the Distrset of Maine. In Bankniptcy. of this model in service in all parts of the world. The of Fort Kent in the county of Aroostook I n the matter of i NOW WE REFER YOU AGAIN to that first and District aforesaid, a hank nipt. Ray Bishop In Bankruptcy. Notice is hereby given that oq the llth day Bankrupt. I same wonderful Reo the Fifth chassis—just changed paragraph. Read it again. Analyze it-and make of Mar. A. D. 1916 the said Joseph Wobby was duly adjudicated bank­ To the creditors of said Ray Bishop and improved and refined from year to year. such deduction as will fit your own idividual case. rupt; and that the first meeting of his ! o{ Washburn in the County of Aroostook, creditors will be held at the office ()f i and District aforesaid, bankrupt. Edwin L. Vail in Houlton, on the 4th Notice is heieby given that on the llth day IT IS CERTAIN that, with such a demand at such day of Apr. A. I). 1916, at 10:00 o’clock of Mar. A. I)., 1916, the said Ray BEO THE FIFTH IS TODAY America’s most in the forenoon, at which time the said Bishop was duly adjudicated bankrupt. a season and with motoring weather just opening up ;reditors may attend, prove their claims, and that the first meeting of his creditors will famous automobile. It occupies in its passenger-ca­ appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, l>e held at the office of Edwin L. Vail, iv in the middle and eastern states, there won’t be and transact such other business as may Houlton. on the 1st day of Apr., A. D pacity and price class a position that is unique. properl)' come before said meeting. 1916, at 16 o’clock in the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their enough Reos to go ’round. EDWIN L. VAIL, claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bank Referee in Bankniptcy. rupt and transact such other business as may AND THE REASON for that supremacy is— must SO IF YOU’D HAVE A REO—either model- Dated at Houlton. Mar. 13 1916. piojierly come before said meeting. EDWIN L. VaiI. be*~-superiority of service. No consideration of lesser and have a reasonably early delivery, your order Referee in Bmkruptcy BANKRUPT’S PETITION FOR Dated at Houlton, Mar. 13 1916. moment could possibly achieve or account for the must be in our hands at once. Our allotment is def- DISCHARGE BAN K Rl ever increasing demand for this great car— a type of inite-and limited. Now, we can promise you a defi­ 1 n the matter of l PUS PKTITION F< R Robert Tuple)' ' In Bankruptcy. Dl S (’H A K( J K nite delivery date. So now is the time to order your Bankrupt. ‘ car that appeals only to the most prudent and the To the Hon. Clarence Hale, Judge of the 1 In the matter of : Reo. There isn’t a moment to lose. District Court of the United States for Marl Thompson I In Bankruptcy moet discriminating class of buyers. the District of Maine. | Bankrupt To the Hon. Clarence Hale, Judge of the Dis­ ROBERT TABLET of Fort Fairfield in the County of Aroostook and State of trict Cmnt of the Cnited States for the Di* Maine, in said District, respect! nil v represents, trie: of Maine. BERRY & BENN that on tli*1 26rd day of (let., last past CARD TI !< > M PS<) N of ( Irapman I ’la., REO MOTOR CAR CO. he was duly adjudge! bank­ in the Ceiir.ty of Aroostook, and State of rupt under the Acts of Congress ; Maine, in said District, respectfully represents relating to bankruptcy ; that he has that on the 22nd day of Jan., last past, lie was Lansing, Mich. Bangor St.,.... Show Rooms duly surrendered all his property, and dill) adjudged bankrupt under the Acts oi rights of property, and has fully complied Congress relating to bmkrupty : that he has with all the requirements of said Acts and of duly surrendered all his properly anil rights the orders of Court touching his bankruptcy. of property, and has fully complied with a!! Wherefore he prays, 'That lie may l>e the requirements of said Acts and of tin* $875 decreed by the Court to have a full discharge orders of Court touching his bankruptcy. from all debts provable against bis estate Wherefore he Pra>s, That he may be decreed by the Court to have1 a full discharge under said bankruptcy Acts, except such from all debts provable against his estate un - debts as are excepted by law from such dis­ der said bankruptcy Acts, except such debt* charge. as are ex cep tod by law from such discharge. Dated this 28th day of Feb., A. I). 1916. Dated this 1 oMPSOV. Bankrupt ORDER OF NOTH’E THEE EON. 1 listrirt of Maine, ss. ORDER OK NOTICE THEREON On this llth day of Mar., A. D. 1916, 1)istrii't of Maine, ss. on reading the foregoing petition, it is - On this nth day of March V D. loin, c Ordfked ry the Coi kt, That a hearing reading the foregoing petition, it i o - be had upon the same on the 21st day of Ordered by the Court. That a heating In* had Apr. A. D. 1916, Indore said Court at i ui>nn the same on the 21st day nf April A Cortland, in said District, at ton o’clock in I). 1916, before said Couit at I’oriiand. it; the forenoon; and that notice thereof Ik* pub- ; said Distt iet, at ten o'clock in the forenoon lisbed in The Aroostook 'limes a newspaper and that notice theitof it' published in The printed in said District, and that all known! Aroostook Times a newspaper printed in said creditors, and other persons in interest may | District, and that ail known enniitors. and appear at the said time and pla<:e, ami show other persons in interest, may apjtear at the cause, if any they have, why the prayer of | said time and place, and show cause, if any said petitioner should not be granted. 1they have, w hy tlie prayer of said j>etitioue> Axil IT !> Ft KTIIKU ORDERED RY THE j should not to* granted. Court, That the Clerk shall send by mail to ! And it is Further Ordered by the Court, all known creditors copies of said petition and That the Clerk shall send by mail'to all known this order, addressed to them at their place* creditors copies of said petition and this or - of residence as stated. der, addressed to them at their places of Witness the HonorableCearknok Hale residence as stated. Judge of the said Court, and the seal Witness the Honorable Clarence Hale thereof, at Portland, in said District, on the .Judge of the said Court, and the seal thereof, llth day of Mar. A. I). 1916. at Portland, in said District, on the llth day of March A. I). 1916. (i.. s.) JAMES E. IIEWEY Clerk. (i.. s.) JAMES E. HEWEY, Clerk A true copy of petition and order thereon. A true copy of petition and order thereon. Attest: JAMES E. IIEWEY. Clerk Attest: JAMES E. HEWEY, Clerk s Premium Oleomargarine Betters the Bread

    L’Pqc, The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, March 22, 1916

    Justice John H. Madigan is oecu Mrs. I). M. Libby was in town last Advtg. pying quarters in the Court House. week visiting her children, Clarence OF LOCAL INTEREST .J| Tel. 99. and Plummer Libby and Mrs. Frank r&P&WWP&WWWWK******* ^*5^*58* Miss Florence Weiler returned last Khoda, also other friends and rela­ tives. Milewge books at H. K. Thomas. J When thirsty drink Maple Sprin ^eek. from a month’s visit with friends in Heston. Mr. Win. J. Griffin loft, Thursday, Water. Refn-shing and beneficial to Mt. P. C. Newbegin of the B. & A. on a short business trip to Huston jpealtti. Mrs. . ('. McIntyre entertained accompanied by Mrs. Newbegin left the Shakespeare Club at tea on Sat­ lust week for Chicago, where he will and New York. *A large number <>f out of town urday afternoon and evening. attend a meeting of railroad men Fresh Oysters are always on hand visitors''were in town on Friday, to | connected with tic* Maintenance at itiley’s Market. witness the ice races. M i s. Don A M. Powers entertain-I '^ P L Mr. Win. V. Donnell returned, Fresh Haddock. Cod, Halibut, and “(l af lun(,|l,'<)n ‘*n Saturday in honor ! Mrs. Walter Collins and Mrs. Juti- Saturday, from a visit to Washing­ Salmon fresh every day at Riley’s of Mrs, Mattie Powers of Brookline, I son Briggs of Caribou wore the week Mass. UmkI guests of Mrs. Fred Cates on ton I). C., and other cities. market. . r ,H>Mh street, coming down to attend High Grade Carbon Paper in dif­ Miss Susie Riley has recently re­ Mrs. f-owler and daughter of Sus- an afternoon party given by their ferent sizes and kinds may be had turned home from a Boston trip, sex, N. B. have been t i it-* guests Of hostess-, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Millikan on Mil­ “The Imcomparable at the T imks office. where she vLited friends. itary street. | The many friends of Daniel Ayotte Hon. Ira G. Hersey, who has been When tin* rains wash refuse into will he sorry to hear that he was so Mrs. Flora J'errrM, head nurse at iu Portland on business, returned the local water supply, Drink Maple unfortunate as to fall from a 'adder the Presque Isle Hospital, haft hee-h on Monday, and fracture his arm, home, Thursday evening .Sprang Water. * in town for a lew days, visiting her sprained the other wrist and receive Office supplies such as Typewriter * tors; Charlotte Waken. B um left ,,aronfs’ Mr- »',ul Mr«- K- ( ’• Hussell. | quite a shaking up. Ribbons, Carbon Paper, Copy Paper Thursday, for New York, to se­ may be obtained at the T imks office. lect hew goods for spring. Mr. and -Mrs. Chas. Pinsmofe Take your Calling Card plat1 to were in Andover, N. B., b^t week, ihqTrMKs office and let them fur- visiting relatives and'Tyiehife'. jpish your cards -'L’hey enjoy it. i);l W..en the water supply is low be- Mr. Waldo Ha gentian of the Post sure and drink Maple Spring water otliee force, was confined to his supplied by M. L. DeWitt; West- jijme jsevgral days last week, by ill­ fleld ness. Associate Justice J. B. Madigan Miss Millie Andrews is prepared returned home, Thursday t id in g , o do piapjicuring. shampooing, scalp Try us on Seed this Season. after presiding over a term of court Ireatrnent and chiropody at H)0 Bati- 1 I" R E O T H E F IF T H at Augusta. ' , gpr street. Tel. 17-12 418p Rob’t Lovely of the Linoy^I .Drug ] /l’he Rent Receijit Books made at We have a large stock of Lim es office contains a receipt and KX&Z 18 A CAR THAT HAS oul every Co. was in town several days last week, cabling on friehds and. rela­ notice to quit—Call and see them. GLOBE Guaranteed Seed. Other car that has ever tried conclusions it on tives. ■■ ' - : ' f ' -' ' h" i*->- ^ ’Mefe&rto^Thnd («rant and A. G. The Ladies’ Circle of the Congre­ Millar were fortunate in landing an the aalH’llbor and in service. 8 ib. Salmon at Nickerson Lake last We bought our Seed on the gational church will: meet witlkMr#*, y */UWa lmon ‘c Williamson Military street, infcfeatF? Wednesday, i right market, so our price will be TO D AYTH ERE ARE NEARLY 100,000 cjars of with Mrs. Ludwig. W hy suffer wit.li the cold when The well known Irving-Pltb Loose tpiys a full 1.-2 cold of good soft right to you. ei4hiemodel in service in all parts of the world. The Leaf Binders, Ring Binders. PricS «Jldl bAid wood o f Jake VV7ise. Phone 504. a&oe wonderful Reo the Fitth1 chassis-just changed Books, etc. can be obtained at the Your neighbor buys seed from •fr T im e s office. Burton of Millinocket. w'as y anti improved and refined from year to ye® kin tdwn, Thursday, to attend the The Houlton Grange will hold ah us, W h y don’t you? all day session on Saturday at 10 ,A. Odd Fellows meeting, and received .the glad hand from his many friends B R O T H S T T F T H I S T O D A Y America’s, most M. A fine program is being.prey­ ed by thefCarys Mills members. |n?re. W e appreciate your business. faritouv It occupies in its passenger-ca- The public schools will all close It is a great convenience to get Typewriter Ribbons at the T im es G’ price class a position that is unique. Friday, March 24, for the spring va­ cation. The High School closes Fri­ office and save the bother of sending day, Mar. 81, for a two weeks vaca­ away for them. Ribbons fo r all Putnam Hardware Co. makes of machines. A N O T H E R E A S O N ior that supremacy is— must tion. Market Square The classified columns of the Mr. H. L. McCormick of (the John be^HMiperioriHy of service. No consideration of lesser T im e s a*re very productive when Watson & Co., forre who lias been o ^ ld posslbly ^achieve or account for thfe Help is wanted, articles lost o Lewiston since early in February found, agents wanted, small' sal wherC lie submitted to an operation l^ friiic r^ in g dera$*ndjfor this great car—a type of ads, of anythiug else. ., * ‘ y for appendicitis, returned oomc Sat­ urday much improved in health, Chrisfcjari Science services belt appeals onfytojhe most prudent and the talcing up his duties on Monday. each Sunday at 11 A. M., at resi- moat discriminating class ot buyers. •* -• |,denop; of Addjsqn Smithy $2 H#fh Mrs. Cora M. Putnam wishes to i- • ’ n».vi* :%■ * >t , ¥ t r' Snfiday sutjec^Re^irty, annoqneo’ she ’ has t&ken the Why Paint ior ■i S' i agency for SpBella"corset for the A lfare Welcome! " V** to w n o f'H o u Ito p a n^j a ny I ad y who Looks Alone? E * T $ p L ¥ 8 that o„ Feb Anyone ih to^n wiehiifg boys5 to is planning to purdiase a corset , J iffire w«re/i»or^0rdersUnhand* at the factory, for work out of school hours and on Sat Many property-owner^ paint for would do well to look over this line beauty’s sake alone. W ise one9 behove purchasing, A caj'tl or tefe- immediate shipment, than at any previous fime^iii Principal p jerjot R. C. L, w Sfiw paint to preserve as well. The rtt>*lone ca^ ‘ 8 that will be needed, |,a uufnber, desifu.UiS qf workijjgjiqas latter invariably use lead-and-oil history'^f iteo. • ;j d d HrfTd Mrs.'Putnam will beg.lacl to. call iLfcp F»ny fpr tljei^schooling., ,* land show up the different grades. paint, the kind that is made of ■•c.-: T*-! i,-.A l. {■ B|fojre selecting your newSpriiijg y j such a cfei»aiid at ^uch 1 go^riile%r| you ^%.:^rr:^%f^cor- D u t c h B o y 8i»tocti^«Both : Good will, an I The Chapman Concert «rMMMon an lo raaHcetrGorset ami Lldeaa Sii'ibf), ThiC ClyapmtHV ( ’ vneort, -.giv^ri iii R e d S e a l jthe HeytwoudOpcrar Hruuse; Tlnus- * M ft:ps u ‘ ” Jylay efefi ae va success i«. ove ry' » :*S: —gi— y .'-ir * B&n8ettf^tlie ‘ijfbrd. It was an emter- tVhite Lead c^iiin^;iYlWh|gli pleased all Who at- and pure linseed oil, mixed on the •f.*\ ’• ;e > ■ - Jon cs va* Jone» ^ t^^ckrbipBe. versed' in 'feclmtcil \ job, by the painter, to exactly meet mmflde, because'It'uie* all the requirO- “wm ^ o - e i t b ^ ntpad- 'fnetifB'of the most exacting in that Surface and weathef conditions. j vVTo bb igiv^n on Tuesday, Paint made this way of these prime and have a reascm&bly early delivery, ybarorder fiat; High Sotibol audltorirtfn, at h a »*. ^.e$pect, and for the reason thai while filftwa# bj RTI, -its' various parts well materials neither cracks nof scales. It nMht be iuf- ifmr baiHlB ^t-onee. Gar allofcmen%> is' def** :Dafjj$feett*.M 0 v in cfassieal gives the utmost in appearance and fines. it^ ’^ ’Six'^r rctaxed from the protection, at tKe lbwe^t cost per year. v N ow, we eati promise you a c]efi judge highest jt yel of hYdsicaf perform­ .r,.Bpiyi:Wiie clerk of courts, ance, as fih that it met tin* taste YqvQjxutft dealer carries So?now is the time to pref^r^ your irs. FJ. F. Churchill courtcr.br' PFfti<* averag^nman or woman, who1 our white \kt*d Mrs. F. A; Naverek.‘platntiff^iva1) 1>Y ill DSC (>f Modern Machinery. The Bight Treatment. Made Well by Delicious Vinol Kidney disease is caused mainly by dis­ Crestline, Ohio. — “ I contracted a j ordered diye.'tiVe n , (thi si'Unaelt hard, chronic cough, and was weak. : li’.ot and bn \v«-> Is i. Jf a our sjouiaeii is up nervous and run down. I have a small ! Mixing S|>(>tless machinery takes the place set, i n'1 i es! :e. r, lollous; I'o'p ktifievs be family of three, and it was hard for me of human hands in our modern come u1u:l',-,i e ib j a i p ; r ;; i(.u ; ,|M. |,ioiul is to do my work. I took different medi- i and .... nei'le iiupu'e i ’;11 puisous I be w'uole l».»dy cines without benefit. Finally I heard i hakerv. The mixing and baking I.)r. I >a vid l \ • d\’s I-" ivor ite Itemed> not about Vinol, and it has restored me to j only kelps p .■ :-toniaeb, liver ami bowels health and strength, my cough is all gone I o r c l to u< i r.ahl, ,i it Hots directly upon the Kneading is doin' scientifically in great ma­ and I feel fine.' — Mrs. H. H. Carlisle, j kiJ'ie' -. - 11. cleansing and strfnj.;tb- • ' * ('Tiinr: l We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod J chines under cleaner conditions than that of most l"i \..u have pains in Ihe baelt, brirlt liver and iron tonic without oil, for ! dusi deposits, seuidiiiH' pains swelling; chronic coughs and colds, and for all I k itchens. W e are distributors of this Car for around eyes, eons;ip ited bowels, drov.M Weak, nervous, run-down conditions. i ness, fev er ibeunuule pains, indlvestion" The Hatheway Drug Co.. Houlton, Me. f I)r. Kennedy's l‘'avorite Kemedv is the medietne you need; powerful, though gen­ Bread is the best of all food.* SOUTHERN AROOSTOOK tle in net am. Write Dr. David Kennedv , more nourishingc? Co., Rondout, X. Y.. for free trial bottle Mannheim Ins. Co. Car on the road is a Ford. More than and economical than even meat, fish, eggs rice ^very other CONDENSED STATEMENT # half the Cars bought this season will be Fords. Assets Doe, :;t. lDlA milk. Bread at its purest and best is the loaf of Notice ok First Mkkti.no ok Creditors Stocks and Bends S1,024,12.1.0J i There’s a mighty good reason— In the District Court of the United States for Cash in Office and hank 26,662.0,s ‘Golden ( rust Bread which you l>uv from vour the District of Maine. In Bankruptcy. Agents' Balances 1(17,899 f>9 grocer or from our team— In the matter of Bills Receivable 1,6! If). .72 Frank J. Fenderson In Bankruptcy. IT IS THE ECONOMICAL CAR Interest and Bents 14,769.17 Bankrupt. All other Assets all,000.00 To the creditors of said Frank J. Fenderson Remember it costs only two cents a mile to operate of Ashland in the County of Aroostook, Dross Assets 1,524,-Hal, }.) and District aforesaid, bank nipt. Deduct items not admitted Telephone your order and maintain a Ford—Gasoline is high and Tires are Notice is hereby given that on the 18th day 46,'-4HI.-42 of.Mar. A. I)., 1916, the said Frank J. Fen­ high— Be wise, buy a Ford.. derson was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and Admitted Assets 1,477,961.06 that the first meeting of his creditors will be Liabilities i >ee. :u. ld 1' held at the office of Edwin L. Vail, in Net Unpaid Lossrs ‘‘0-[ 1 Boulton, on the 8th day of Apr., A. 1). $298,701.40 1916, »t 10 o’clock in the forenoon, at which Lnearned Premiums J6o.052.9tt M otor M art time the said creditors may attend, prove their A11 other Liabilities 4D.OiMi.Ot4 Cam pbell’s Bakery claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bank­ Cash Capital 200,600.00 rupt and transact such other business as may ( 1. W. Davenport, dr., Prop. BERRY & BENN properly come before said meeting. Surplus over all Liabilities 500,110.55 EDWIN L. VAIL, 4’otal J liabilities and Surplus 147,701.03 Court St. Houlton, Maine Referee in Bankniptcy. OEO. T. HOLYOKE, Dated at Houlton, Mar. 20, 1916. .q j Houlton, Me., Aroostook Co. The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, March 22, 1916

    justice Job n It. Madigan is oecu Mr • D. M. Libby was m town last Advtg. P.ving quarters in the Court House. week visiting her children. Clarence OF LOCAL INTEREST Tel, *)!». V------t»nd IMuimm r I.ibby and Mrs. Frank M iss Moreuee Wcih r ret timed last Rhodti, alsi other friend- and tcla- » ,M'k troin a month’s visit with t i v e -. Mileage books at li. F,. Thomas. .< Whan thir- y dr in I Ma;»h Spri n friends in Uoston, Mr. Win. J. Griffin left, Thursday, .Water. Retd Split and bene •ia I to Alr. N e wbe”i n of f he R. tv on a short business trip to Boston if)ea.lt h. Mr-. J. C. Mi-1 n tyre entertained ahied by Mrs. N'-wbegdn left t lie Shakespeare ( dub at tea on Sat- list week i or ( 'h i cairo. where he will find New York. A targe ntim her of Mil ( town 11 I'd a \ a 11 e n to. i n ami i‘\viiin^. t ! t e 11 ( I a n i c e mult of railroad men C e i Frost) Oysters are always on hand . visitors were in town on Fridtiy to ’ o II 111 ‘ t d W t h the Maintenance at Riley’s Market wit ness t he iee races. Mis. Don A, H. Rowers eiiieriain- topt. Mr. Wm. C. Donnell returned, , Fresh 11 addoek , (’od . Halibut, a nd ' 'I ui luneheou on Saturday in honor Mrs. \V filter ( Whins and M rs. J no Sat unlay, from a visit to Washing­ | Salmon fresh e\> iy d;iv at Rih ■ v ol Mis. Mattie Powers of B'nokliur, son Briggs ,,f Caribou were the week Mass. Olid ”'iie>ts of Mrs. Fred Cates on ton D. and other cities. I market. , H i o 11 street, coniine down to attend Hi” !) Grade Carbon Paper in dif­ j .Miss Susie Riley has ncently • r. Mrs. l-'ou ler ami daughier of Sus­I an tillertiiMin party given by their ferent sizes and kinds may tie had l t ti rued home from a Uoston trip, sex. N, B. have bi-cn the ” IUSts of ! host eSS. M r. and Mrs, K. p;, \\ illiken mi Mil­ [ wile re she v i i! ed t ri ends. Verily! “The Imcomparable at the Ti M Ks otliee. itary street Tlie many triends of Daniel Ayotfce Hon. Ira G. Hersv\, who lias been When the rams wash refuse into will be Sony to hear that, he was so Mrs. Flora Terrill, head nurse at ; unfortunate as to fall from a 'adder in Portland on business, returned the local water supply, Drink Maple the Presque Isle Hospital, has been j on Monday, and fracture his arm, home, Thursday evening. Spriti” Water. * in town tor a tew da vs visiting her : sprained the other wrist and receive Office supplies sue!) as Typewriter '• Mrs. Charlotte Wakem Hum h it parents, Mr. and Mrs'. F. ( \ Russel*!. i quite a shaking up. Ribbons, Carbon Paper, Copy Paper Thursday, for New York, to se­ may be obtained at tIn M KS oflico. lect new goods for spring. ) ■ 1 Mr. find Mrs. ( lias, 1 dnsfnore Take your ( ’filling Card plat ■ to were in Andover, N. P»., last Week, i hi; T im ks otliee a,mi let them 1 u r - visiting relatives and tjrieiufii. |iish your cards 'They enjoy it. ~ i \V..en the water supply is low he Mr. Waldo Hagrrman of the Post sure ami drink Maple Spring water otliee force, was confined to his supplied by M. b. DeWitf, West* Ji&me several days last week, by in­ {s e e d s field. Associate Justice .1. B. Madigan Miss Millit- A ndi”\vs is prepared returned home, Thursday inning, o do manicuring, shampooing, scalp Try us on Seed this Season. after presiding over ;i term of court reatment and chiropody tvt loo Ban­ REO THE FIFTH at Augusta. gor street. Tel. 17-12 lldp Roh’t Lovely of the Lincoln Drug ] fl'he Rent ReCEU’pt Books made at We have a large stock o f 1'im ks otliee contains a receipt :md HEBE IS A CAE THAT HAS outlived every Co. was in town several days last week, calling- on friehds and rela­ notice to quit—( ’all and see them. GLOBE Guaranteed Seed. other car that bas ever tried conclusions \*ith it on tives. I'tMeksrs^'Thad Grant and A. G. Millar were fort unate in landing an the s&lefo flbor and in service. The Ladies' Circle of the Congre We bought our Seed on the Rational church will-meet with Mrs. 8 ib. Salmon at Nickerson Lake last : # p. • , • ■ - Williams on Military street, instead ■' ^ redmednesday. right market, so our price will be TODAY THEBE ARE NEARLY 100,000 oars of with Mrs. Ludwig. Why sutler with the cold when The well known Irving-Pitt Loose*^yoM^huys a Iff cord of good soft right to you. hard wood of Phone ofihts model in service in all parts of the world. The Leaf Binders, Ring Binders. Price J tike Wise. 504. same wonderful lieo the Filth chassis—just changed Books, etc. can be obtained at the , l . y ' ^ Triiiks office. ■-4 Frank Burton of Millinoeket was Your neighbor buys seed from and improved and refined from year to yoat\ Tlie Honlton Grange will hold an in town, Thursday, to attend the us, W h y don’t you? all day session on Saturday at lb A. Odd Fellows meeting, and received the glad hand from his many friends BEO THE FIFTH IS TODAY America’s, most M. A fine program is being.prepar­ ed by the Carys Mills members. (>ere. W e appreciate your business. fanftous automobile. It occupies in its passenger-ca­ The public schools will all close If is a great, convenience to get Friday, March 24, for tlie spring va­ Typewriter Ribbons at the T imes pacity and price class a position that is unique. cation. The High School closes Fri­ otliee and save the bother of sending day, Mar. dt, for a two weeks vaca­ away for them. Ribbons for all Putnam Hardware Go. makes of machines. AND THE BEASON for that supremacy is— must tion. Market Square The classified columns of the Mr. H. L. McCormick of [the John I i Watson Co., form who has been be—superiority pf service. No consideration of lesser T im e s are very productive when :jn Lewiston since early in February naoment could possibly achieve or account for the H elp is wanted, articles lost or found, agents wanted, small ‘ sale* where lie submitted to operation for appendicitis, returned oome Sat- " ever increasing demand £or this great car— a type of ads, or anything else. ^ ■>... Christian Science services heltHUr<*a,V lnnc*’ improved in health, car that^ appeals only to the most prudent and the taking up his duties op Monday. each Sunday at 11 A. M., at resi­ most discriminating class of buyers. dence of Addjsou Smith, <£2 H/j^h Mrs. Cora M, Putnam wishes to “ - ‘ ‘ ' n»« ■ 1 • ' 1 , | : ' .treet. Next Sunday subject-, Reality. annouppe-' that, she has tkken the Why Paint lor All are welcome. agency for i-VpfteUa' corxet tor the town of Houltou anjl any iadv who Looks Alone? THE BEO EOLK TELL US that on Feb first Anyone ih town wish dig hoys to is planning to purchase a corset 1 work out of school hours and on Sat- Many property-owners paint for were-more orders on hand at the factory, for wouid do well to look over this line TO ^H ^cure one b y notij^inj? beauty’s sake alone. Wise ones bekim pur-chasing. A civil or tide- immediate shipment, than at any previous time'"in Principal Dyer of li. C. I., who has paint to preserve as well. The phone call is all that will he net (led, a niqnber, desirous of woikii)g..s<) as latter invariably use lead-and-oil the history d f Reo. 4 ^ surd Mrs. -Put-nam will be glad to call , V to p.ay for their schooliiig. ’ aud show up the, djlforent grades. s;: paint, the kind that is made of Vl;| J - . ■ '.IV'» *■’ )' { , A a ) A • ' . , •. Befor^sglepthig your new Spring \fs ■ I T I B DEBT AIN that, with such a demand Ait ^uch goW'n i)e sure you (^rrf^Uy'"^cor r ■ » Dutch B o y Jii Betedi Goodwluvand: l-v-^.h-cor ■i* r; The Chapman Concert a season Vncf with mbtofr{ng; j '• 4* ' ' *' -T^TTn .^M' O fV Htlie maf4ceb^orset atal Linea' S:hdpf{■< The Chapman (’,nicert, given in Red Seal „ land ^ . th ere Won't ; b« the Me^traotl Opera House; Thurs* Mansur H f: f^:' - J "day ev‘enihg!,>'\tas a success in tjxi ry ; ^fthbugh Reoe to go %und:* e trf jhe \vord. It was an etili'i'- *White Lead faiiini^it whiLd) pleased, a’li Wt»o at- and pure linseed oil, m ixed on tne ~: Jon^s: vs. ^ Jone^ t taueb’d, those versed' in technical |>r . |ob, by the painter, to exact!v m eet ~*r'l • ‘ r-,; V •-music, because it me* all the require SO IF YOU’D HAVE A BEO unents of the most exacting in that Surface and w eathe r conotuons • To bo giv^n on Tuesday, JVla/ Paint m ade tms wav of these pi at Mt^h fcbtwol auditorintn, M 8. 15,. f'egpcct. and for tin; reason thai while and have a reasonably early delivery, vour order m aterials ne 1 ht r cracks nor <■ aies .J myk;• vSeparaty Mnttrfoti* l.trfwas ill nil its various parts weil must be in o u f 1 lands at once, Our allotment is def- :• rr.-" ; ? , Z>al0dTce(f' ail[f''ftpisbed in classical gives the utmost in appearance ’ ■ ' ■ ."C a s t ';- V f ' - f - fines, it wa.^&n far D’iaxrnl fivnn the protection, :e. the low est co<-! per ve . inite-and limited. Now, wo can .promise you a defi­ L. (^, ktuiiwig " judge hight'st h vel Of rmi'sieai perfoim- ;MJk8-CJai%B^wr)e clerk of courts ance, as hn aft! that it met the taste YquF,fpAiQt dealer carries nite TTeliv§ry date. So now is the time to order ydiir Mrs. F>. F. Churchill court cr er offtn’ averngFuia n or woman, who’ our white lead Mrs. F. A. N e v ere e p 1 a in t i hAyo tin s e I is able-to appreciate music-he t in There' .i'sh’t a moment to lose, Mrs. Amos Putnam simpler forms. de'endants counsel) The Criterion Quartette, which has Mrs. Beatrice Rideopt Jones . earne adapting what it; J F R Y gave to the tastes of its heaters. Mrs. Chas. Dinsmom, Mrs. M. M. Miss Florence A list in. the violinist, I (dark, Mrs. J. C. Mclntvm, Mrs. F. had quite as warm a reception a-* did | W. Mann, .Mrs. F. W. M'itelodl, Mrs. the (Quartet. Her playing w a> 11o■ j “GOLDEN CRUST’’ BREAD F. H. Daggett. Mrs. H. D. Smart. product of unusual natural .tilt and | Mrs. A. G. Millar, Mrs. L. S. Black. evidently long and thorough 11 a i n 111n ! Mrs. F. A. Peabody, Mrs. Frank under t tie best mast i e. In ti n ml, ! Excels in Purity— < ‘ook. Mrs. Dper. smoothness and e\joa '*■*1011 no a'li-t RKJ FCJ’Fl) J I'K O K s who h a­ uled I o !l I ‘ I'll .NTrs. Geo. Pennington, Mrs. Thtid- p ;is m I el . ;i n' added deuf Giant. Mrs. J. D. l'err\ . q 'ia I i 1 ies was .1 and charm < I person "In NOTICE THE GRACEFUL 3HEER-LINES p let cly won lid < '11 a jitna 11 acted as p a 111 - I wit There is no car on the market to-day— at the price his ns n a I ubihtv. that can compare with it— that’s a pretty broad state­ ment— but we can prove it to your satisfaction if you HARD CHRONIC COUGH • 11).tki11u i" ;i -( iciice which i< l.rought lo give us a chance. [ M'hf' ''t !'q j t'\' tile Ipc ( d .Modern MachitH.TV. Made Well by Delicious Viuol Crestline, Ohio. “ I contracted a hard, chronic cough, and was weak, nervous and run down. I have a small • M ix in g >|odl.‘^ DBichincrv tak.-s the j.Iiuc family of three, and it was hard for me to do my work. 1 took different medi­ • ol lidiid- in our modern cines without benefit. Finally 1 heard h;il.M'\. ddic mix ini: ;md hakinif about Vinol, and it has restored me to health and strength, my cough is all gone Kneading i- d o n e scicnti{i(’a{]y in -real ni;i- and 1 feel fine."--Mrs. IF II. Carlisle, We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod 'Jdfofop fonder clcaib i c-dblitions than lh;i! of' moei liver and iron tonic without oil, for • nii'i-: (I li 1 el;, It el; k ilehelM. ■ ■ ■ ' -1 i ' I 1 I I S 1 i . l i r : S W . I I t ! C chronic roughs and colds, and for all W e are distributors of this C ar for . If !cl : . r|",v, s weak, nervous, run down conditions. ' a- 1; ' : ie | a ' i t . a t : " J he H athew av Ihug f'o., H oilo r>. M m Ih-. K ■ i y I-' 'inn- t; Mlf'.I i.df:'- \ -'ll !!.•'■' I . [I. >w , I |';j j. ( !:, > ■ i. ; ' 1 !| n I *fodd is the host of all jood.-q mo id nourish im;' SOUTHERN AROOSTOOK tic in a, i :■ n \V ri-e I « I t viU K.-m u-l. Co.. H o n cl nut, \ y , f,. r f , t r!:l] t > < j 111 h Mannheim Ins. Co. ;l1"* foconomical than even meat, lish, ♦•r.r’s. rice or Every other Car on the road is a Ford. Mon- than « " \ foi \-M.I • I \ M M i. V| half the (Jars bought this season will lie Fords. AsSe!-, I ).v ;;. !'' i * mi Ik In-cad .it its j direst and best is the loaf o'’ Nolle e ok First M i-;kti \i. hi C i; i. i u i o ks .Storks and I lends ,(EM, i 11st -(s and District aforeaaid, bankrupt. 1 deduct itiMii' net adm.tu u Telephone your order and maintain a Ford—Gasoline is high and Tires are Notice is hereby given that on theixth day of Mar. A. I)., 1‘dli, the said Frank J. Fen­ high —Be wise, buy a Ford. derson was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and Admitted Asset-. 1,477. i'M.e.; that the first meeting of his creditors will he Liabilities lie- Ml Ml. field at the office of Kdwin I,. Vail, in Net F n pa id f.ess(> Boulton, on the Nth day of Apt., A. D. ;''2Hs,7oi. in 1916, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, at which I iK'driK'd Freinmnis i.ie.de” if.' The Bangor St., Motor Mart time the said creditors may attend, prove then A 1] other I .iabilities I'.i.u.Mi.eti ; Cam pbell’s Bakery claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bank­ < ush Capital rupt and transact such other business as may 21 Hi,< (111.00 Surplus over ;dl I,iahilitie> • ( k \\\ 1 >a veil port, .1 r., Trop. BERRY & BENN properly come before said meeting. 1,1 io..v. KDWIN I,. VAIL, 1 otal Liithilities and Surplus 117,7*11,02 Court St. Houlton, Maine I Referee in bankruptcy. BKO, T. H O LVOKK, Dated at Honlton, Mur. 20, loin. !- Boulton, Me., Aroostook Co. The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, March 22, 1916

    royal circles By i li ea rs wlicii she ma. ril'd the A me nr a. Lorry, back in the Pure. dean, flavory nineties. A -iM i i;a 1 art of t lie minist ry U. THE linti legalized liii- union, and the son m m m I strong, in sealed packets of (lie A llleri- ;i u '’•as imt deprived of RHEUMATISM his riv. lit t<> sie Itol he t hrone whirl) * PRINCE OF his f.'i iie'ii’s 11;111 ii upied for cent lilies, Freni his tm ■! Iht lie had inherited the M right off Ionkina-. . I'leini his fathw the * | GRAUSTARK Spirit of I'reeihae ; In an his mother > hr m power ' 'f ii'.i.i'.i \ . I'nun hi- fa t i m ; >• puvrr I" see hey'uid lhat m.rr-lw m When little lie ce than a 1 >a 1 'e in arms M he was orpliai ied, and the affair- «■! i state fell njMiii ! he - hwddrr- < d' i or, , M loyal :i Iui de\" I ed men w ! i" ser> n| a Does Pain Interfere? m Red Rose By regents uni il In ■ I iera me of age. ■ He IS Sl‘\' a w hen ! he g i'ea I re \ "il There is a remedy ■ GEORGE BARR hoadc tint .Mariana rame sr Tea lvis good tea M’CUTCHEON near to o\eid I iron ing the government, t f Author of “Graustark,” and he behaved like I lie prime that be M was. It was during those perilous “Beverly of Graustark,” Etc. M jjpAaitigySSffi times that lie eame to know the gal Sloan’s 7< £ ^ e * e r «oM In twlk. I Red Rose Tea. Try It. • Jnnt Truxton King, in whose home he M was now a happy guest. But. before M Truxton King lie knew the lovely girl Copyright, 1914, by Dodd, Mead and Liniment who beeame the wife of that devoted Company adventurer and wlm, to him, was n| Read thi* unsolicited grateful ways to be “Aunt I,online.” • /innuum ui>m uu\vHUMKfl testimony - Don’t Let As a very small boy In1 had paid two visits to tlio home land of his father, Not long ago my left knee be­ SLOAN'S of his family. He had heard that only but after the death of bis parents his came lame and sore. It pained LINIMENT the Grippe me many restless nights. So se­ vulgarians speak of their possessions valuable little person was guarded so rious did it become that I was TIM E AT WHICH TRAINS ARE EX­ “Now, there's no reason in the world jealously by bis subjects that not once PECTED TO ARRIVE AND DEPART ! had ho set. foot beyond the borders of forced to consider giving up my Get a Grip why we shouldn’t consider his offer- work when I chanced to think of Graustark. except on two widely sop Ift* EFFECT NOV. 15, 1915. He’’~ Sloan’s Liniment. Let me say— arated occasions of great pomp and less than one bottle fixed me up. Trains scheduled to leave | loulton “Offer?” she cried, aghast. “lie has made no offer. Will. II(‘ doesn’t even ceremony at the courts of Vienna and ('ha.s. ('. Cam pit A, J'h/rtnee, Tex. Dally Except Sunday J O H N S O N ’S St- Petersburg, and a secret journey to 8.17 a. m.—for Ft. Fairfield, Caribou. know that Maud is in existence. How Limestone, Van B u r e n and ANODYNE can you say such a thingV” London when he was seventeen, dr intennediate stations ‘T was merely looking ahead, that’s appears that he was determined to see 8.62 s. tf.-for ifillinocket. Bangor and a great football match.) On each of all. My motto is *I.ook ahead.’ Von principal intermediate stations—Port- LINIMENT these occasions he was attended by ’ knd and Boston. Via. Medford. know it as well as 1 do. \Vho”e would watchful members of the cabinet and 11.20 a. m.—for Ashland, Fort Kent, St. I be today if I hadn’t looked ahead and Francis and intermediate stations, also is ‘a bitter enemy’ of seen what was going to happen before certain military units in the now far lor Wash barn, Presque Isle, Van from insignificant standing army. As Buren,Grand Isle. Madawaska, French, the other fellow had his eyes open? vllle, St. Francis and' intei mediate Grippe, Coughs and; Will you tell me that? Where. I say? a matter of fact, he witnessed the foot­ Many people are satisfied with stations via. Squa Pan and Mapleton What’s more, where would I be now ball match from the ordinary stands, 12.43 p. m.—for Fort Fairfield, Caribou, Cold surrounded by thousands of unsuspect­ Limestone and intermediate stations. if 1 hadn’t looked ahead and soon what a marriage with the daughter of ing Britons, but carefully wedged in very ordinary flour, not know­ 1,4 5 P. m—for Mililnocket, Greenville, Ban­ • IN USE OVER too Y E A R S gor. and intermediate stations, Portland Judge Morton would mean to me in the between two generals of his own army and Boston. j , long run?” He felt that he had uttered and flanked by a minister of police, a 6.63 p. n>.—for Mlllinocket, Bangor and in­ a very pretty and convincing compli­ minister of the treasury and a minis­ ing that termediate stations, Portland and Bos ter of war. all of whom were exces­ ton. Buffet Sleeping Car Caribou to i$ Executor’s Notice ment. “I never made a bad bargain in Boston. my life. Lou, and it wasn’t guesswork sively bored by the contest and more 7.14 p. m—for Fort Fairfield, Caribou, Van The subscribers hereby give notice that they when I married you. Von, my dear old or less appalled by his unregal enthu­ Boren and intermediate stations. have been duly appointed Kxet‘U.grs of thr girl, you were the solid foundation on siasm. He had insisted on going to the ThaIns Duk Houlton. estate of John E. Britton, late of Mouticello. which I”— match incog, to enjoy it for all it was worth to the real spectators—those who I>aily T xoept Sunday in the Couuty of Aroostook, deceased, and “I know,” she said wearily. “You've sit or stand where the compression Is 8.07 »• m.—from Moston, Portland, Bangor given bonds as the law directs. All persons ! said it a thousand times—‘the founda­ not unlike that applied to a box of and intermediate stations. Buffet Sleep- having demands against the estate of said de tion on which I built my temple of pos­ ng Car Boston to Caribou. sardines. ceased are desired to present the same for terity’—yes, I know, Will. But I am DANIEL 8.49 a. m —from Van Buren, C a r i b ou, . Fort Fairfield and inter- settlement, and all indebted thereto are re­ still unalterably opposed to making The regency expired when h^ was M«diate stations. quested to make payment immediately. ourselves ridiculous in the eyes of Mr twenty years of age, and he became 12. 84 p. m.-from Boston, Portland, Bangor, MBS. HARRIET K: BRITTON, and Mrs. King.” ruler in fact of himself as well as of Greenville and intermediate stations. JOHN K. BRITTON. the half million subjects who had wait­ -1.88 p. ro.—from Caribou, Limestone, Fort ‘‘Ridiculous? I don’t understand Feb. is, mid. :;io you?” ed patiently for the great day that was to see him crowned and glorified. lie “Well, you will after you think it Ashland andhrterinediaU was their prince, and they loved him over,” she said quietly, and he scowled 8t. Frauds, Fwpehville, Madawaska,lladawaska, well. _____ Washburn, SHERIFF’S SALE In positive perplexity. | WEBSTER j Grand Jsle, Van Barer Washpurn, PrasqnalsleaPratoM late and intermediate stations, 1ST ATE OK MAINE “Don’t you think he’d be a good Mr. Blithers was very close to the ftaTlltnlelon and 8qua Pan County of A mistook, ss. March 9th. 191(i. match for Maud?” he asked, after truth when he said (to himself, if you m n, V|ui But6Q« Lini€8ton6, rememberi that the financial situation 5,60 Caribou, Fort Fairfield and intermedi- Taken on execution wherein the Michelin Tire many minutes He felt that he had ate stations. Company, a corporation existing by law and thought it over. in the far off principality was not all - n. ai,—from Boston, Portland, Bangor, having an office and place of business at Mill- “Are you thinking of kidnaping him. that could be desired. It is true that MOUmoket and principal intermediate Graustark was in Russia's debt to the town in the state of New Jersey’ is plainliif Will?” she demanded. extent of some 20,000,000 gavvos—about Timetables giving complete informa­ and Hugh B. Rogers otherwise known as “Certainly not! Rut all you’ve got to $30,000,000. in other words—and that FLOUR tion may be obtained at ticket offices. Bert Rogers of Caribou in the county of do is to say that he’s the man for Maud the day of reckoning was very tiear at GMO. If. HOUGHTON, Pass'r Traffic Aroostook and state of Maine is defendant and I’ll—I’ll do the rest. That’s the hand. The loan was for a period of r, Bangor, Me. and will be sold by public anction on the 15th kind of a man I am, Lou. You say you day of April, 191 Hat ten o’clock in the fore- don’t want Count What’s-His-Name— twelve years and had been arranged noon at the office of A. B. Donworth in Cari­ that is, you don’t want him as much as contrary to the advice of John Tullis. is superior to all others for an American financier, who long had What Children Need Now bou in said county, to the highest bidder, the you did—and you do sav that it would been interested in the welfare of the following described real estate and all rig) t be the grandest thing in the world If principality thrmigh friendship for the In spM* of the best care mothers can give title and interest which the said 11 ugh B. Maud could be the Princess of Gross Bread and Pastry. Insist that lamented prite consort, Lorry. He than this weather brings sickness to many Rogers had in and to the same on the 9th day tick”— had been farsighted enough to realize ehldran^ Mrs. T. Neureuer, Eau, Claire, of Decemlier 1914, when the same was at “Graustark. Will.” that Russia would prove a hard cred­ your grocer supply you. Wis., writes: “ Foley’s Honey and Tar cured tached on the original writ, to wit, the home­ “That's what I said. Well, if you itor, even though she may have been my boy of a severe attack of croup after other stead of the said Hugh 11. Rogers, to wit, the Want her to be the Princess of ’FUAT sincere in her protestations of friend- had failed. It is a wonderful remedy following described piece or parcel of real es­ I’ll see that she is. provided this fel tdrin for flic modest borrower. fOjgfantap, enlda, croup and whooping cough.” tate being a part of lot number twelve (12) in low is a gentleman and worthy of her. l i Stop* lagrippe coughs. Sold Everywhere j that part of said Caribou formerly “ H” town­ The only prince I ever knew was a (To be continued.> ship to wit : commencing ou the north line of rascal, and Pm going to be careful said lot twelve (12) at the northwest corner of about this one. Yon remember that Notice of Foreclosure portion of said lot formerly conveyed to .James measly” — Whereas, Lavlna I.illey, of Island Falls J. Callahan ; thence west on said north line “There is no question about; Prince in the County of Aroostook, and state of six (H) rods ; thence southerly on a line paral­ Robin,” said she sharply. “I suppose (he only question is. How Maine, and John W. Ulley, then of said lel with the west line of said Callahan land to much will ne want?” Iahrad Falls, but now deceased, by their mort- the road crossing said lot ; thence easterly “Y’ou mean settlement?” gage deed dated October 18, 1912, and record­ along said road six (H) rods to the southwest “Sure.” ed in the Aroostook Registry of Deeds, Vol. corner of said Callahan parcel ; thence north­ 260, Page 100, conveyed to me, the under erly along the west line of said Callahan par- “Have you no romance in your soul, i signed Harrison G. White, of Dyer Brook, in I cel to the north line of said lot and place of William Blithers?” j Slid County of Aroostook, a certain lot or | beginning, being the same premises conveyed “ 1 never believed in stories,” parcel Of land with the buildings thereon, j to said Hugh B. Rogers by John Roger.- by said he grimly. 'And. what's more. 1 • situated in the village of said Island Falls, | warranty deed dated March .'>th, inn; ami ie don't take any steep in cheap novels In j and being lot numbered Eleven (11), in the j corded in the Aroostook Registry of Deeds, which American heroes go about, mar- j Guaranteed - or Not a Cent's Charge tier of kits as surveyed and laid out on the j Vol 21 s page am;. r.ving into royal families and ail that ; sort; of rot. It i.-n't done. I,on. if you i westerly side of Sewall Street leading from j i here was an alleged deed ot said premises Mil Vi air v be­ >r hv w; want, to marry into a royal family "I,P(1 ’ ll. ll ot-1 t proof (1 the village of Island Falls to the Railroad . by the said Hugh 1>. Rogers to his w ile. 'vo i eiioi fur Station in said town by (’. K. Drury, C. K., | Nancy A. Rogers dated Nou nd-er ah. mpi you've g<>( to put up 1 h<- min.” in 18}>4, and being the same premises lies, and recorded in Vol. :77 paae i to Amo.-Mok "1’riiiee Rohiu'- mother, the poor 1 Tim‘ess Votive, married an Ameriean erlbed in deed from (lillrert B. Moran to [ Registry of Deeds, which eoiiveyaneo the “Bunion Gomfort” for love. le( me remind you.” I*vina Ulley and John Ferguson, dated creditor considers in hand of creditor- and ‘TTiiph! Where is this G roost nek. is Guaranteed to Give Instant Relief April 18, 1911, recorded in the Aroostook : void. any way. a': f r>~;it ivel v cure t ho mo' ; -ignor'i kinnoT's. Yon 3’ have pe.-o am: aft v.v. •: • i R««lstrj'of Deeds, Vol. 2M, Rage and in i Dated at < 'aribou. Maine this utli day of avMM ,.-!(■ The pain ami naher :aa! ha * cuma u sun.’ she quoted. "Vo n must ie;ini how in vur shoes ano use ot.I i.>n S"n-i* f m ;: ■ a a'tm'dv fr t.'inioi;-. B ;tis> >rl's .- •■ ! craws out t ■ " And, whereas, the condition of said mort­ H;.i a .pons junl di-solve; the ie ee-1 lovers of ca-ol.we wbo-h ’o.dly look-- f- ; I >cput y Slier tV. “ I never wits gom ut foreign lan- pr , 1 (veils :; g the enl.u meo' t ;: ■ id n- .oring t he d-donned in its liea.t a v roo n; 5 s;,’ ■ gage is broken. Now, therefore, by reason of guages. P.y the way . where is Maud the breach of the condition of said mortgage, 1 Get ;i Box of “ Bunion Comfort99 Today ao l V ’i nr ■ t! 1 > " i 1 > I ■« ■ rf h * this afternoon ?” f[,,. » i,, > . i , i„ i ,n,, - ■ j: ; ;, .! •. y i1 u’ * > - ;. ■ r 11 n ■] n d 111 n t h t* • Mi ■■ r * t i; ; 1 i "tr • r- ;t v, <1 u Mo-ii' . Kt' k. claim a foreclosure thereof and give this notice Cannot Praise Them Enough ■| - , . , n . I tu.l Ih'Iww M-l ■* T(. || ' I’,:p - <'. ntt'or. ca t:i ^ “Motoring ” r t , i - \ 1 J., pi. > l; |\ 1,1.,*. ip I.; i 1 " , Ji’U'l iiu-1 i ii "' i;i»' n ! hi. for that purpose. Many sick and ti'vd women, with aches and pains, sore inw-cics and still joints, do He waited for addil i >na! information, II' tilled. M Pated at Houlton. Maine, March 3. loh;. O. }■'. 1* K IN i II K not know tint their kidneys arc out ol' order, It was not vom h-afed so lie demand HARRISON <;. WHITE, d is. A. G. Wells, Box un, (tout" lioeky rd somewhat fearfully. 310 By his Attorney, Gkoiic.k A. Goum.vm. Mount, N. (’ , writes : “ I am taking KoleV Kidney Pills and cannot praise the.....noimii “Who with?" fortlie wonderful t>enetii I derived in such a “Young NeoviHe.” short while.” Sold Ever) where. lie stowled. “lie's a loafer, lam. No Notice of Foreclosure good in tin* world. 1 don’t like the wav ' l l WHEREAS Sarah L. Klewelling of Wash­ you let”-. r burn in the County of Aroostook and State Columbian National “He is of ?t very good family, my William *f Maine, by her mortgage deed dated October Life dear. I“- 26,19J3, and recorded in Aroostook Registry "Is he—-ev—in Jove with her?” 'Fell In lido Continued to Lead all Companies ef Deeds in Vol. 271 Page 107, conveyed to “Certainly. Why not? Isn’t every Going to Build? on Production of Accident and Health In­ Charles C. DeLong of said Washburn, the one she meets in love with her?” surance in Maine. A. H. FOCC CO. following described real estate, to wit . A “I —I suppose so.” lie admitted sheep­ DISTRIBUTOR Financial Statement certain piece or parcel of land, bounded and ishly. Ills face Brightened. “And For Year Ending Dec;. 31, 191.*> described as follows, viz (—Beginning on the there's no reason why this prince Miracle Double Air Space Cement Admitted Assets Northern line of Wilder Street, so-called, at shouldn't fall heels over head, is there? n rum,ax Bonds and Stocks $r.,K(i9,<)41.21 Blocks, the world’s greatest under­ the Southeast corner of house-lots in Wash­ Well, theta' you are; That, will make a r m t o L A x : Mortgages on Real Estate 1,853,(133.24 burn Village made by W. W. Acbenbach, C. difference iti the settlement, believe /'ITHOLAX! pining materials— Also the famous Best thing for constipation, sour stomach B. for said Wilder, May 19,1910 and recorded Loans to Policyholders (Policies me, a difference of a couple of millions held as collateral) l ,828,3(52.27 lazy liver and sluggish bowels. Mops a sick Crescent Cement Bricks that have in the Book of Plans in the Southern Aroos ut least if” - headache almost at once. Gives a nms Real Estate 9i(i,378.<>8 took Registry of Deeds, Vol. 7 Page 14 ; run­ She arose abruptly "Yoy are posi­ thorough and satisfactory Hushing—no pain been tested and proven to be far su­ Cash in banks and on hand 302,787.05 no nausea. Keep your system cleansed, swee ning thenoe Easterly along the North line of tively disgusting. Will. < "a n’t you think Premium notes and premiums in and wholesome. Ask for Pitrolax .Soid perior to any clay brick made. said Street One Hundred (too) feet; thenoe of anyihing But" Everywhere advtg process of collection (net) 43d. 114.12 Northerly at right angles to said Street Kighty- “Stiy, ain't tl it Maudio coming up o They fully reach all mjnirpinems of the standard Accrued Interest and Rents 159.832,32 two (82) feet and Three inches (3) ; thence tin* dri\e now ', Sure it is! By gra Miscellaneous 1,815.01 specifications for Ltick; ftifliet mote when \ou huv Weotoriy parallel with said Street to the cions, did mu e'er see anything to i<)(jo ot ioo.oo' ' N'on hn_v no hrtts. I he\ .lie ol the Northeast corner of said Ix)t numbered $11,307,903.90 BeaI In vV SB* g"i 'em all Beat a D Twelve (12) ; thence Southerly along the East Liabilities mile when ii < < ne- lo look- and stele D full stanriari! si/e .’ x 4 x s. If you are coin- to line of said I/>t numbered Twelve (12), Policy Reserve $9,407,712.13 and n ’a. By way. I 'w eriug hi HORSES - ~ o luiild it will pay \ ou to look me up :in<1 scc this m.i Elghty-lwo (82) feet and Three (3) inches to All other Lianilities, including voice ton ho;11 ■on liden t i I w ills Tnuntnl and Raepd terial befoie investing money elsewhere. I also the point of beginning. The above parcel of Claims in process of adjust­ "I wonldu I ■ • t hing i i her al land known as the houselot numltered Four ment ; Premiums and interest the mar, la ve , . i if 1 wc . e x oil Bought, and Sold make a 0n.oo -ave for tl).' ' I ’ h a B , r t '. 1 o : I •_ 11 il. "ood (*are me, the undersigned. Additional Surplus as regards deli nadir s aur in: i i 1 : ■ r; o fi r\ AND WHEREAS the conditions of said Policyholders (including Cap­ acted rail.' I i ia n i n v .;, i i ir h . >; i: ._■(• W .J. McManemon mortgage are broken, now therefore, by rea­ of hi- fell 111 :11 l!is la e.gli wa> a ital Stock of $1,000,000,00) 1,4 i 1,508.OH Radium Staltle G . W . VanTASEL son of the breach of the said conditions there­ free and merry nr. Ins spirils as r.i'er of, I claim a foreclosure of said mortgage and $11,3)7,903.90 vescent as win* Bis mannrr Blithe and CONCRETE CONTRACTOR give this notice for that purpose. For the best Life, Accident, and lleal .h Boyish, yet beneath all this (air and Tel. 157-11 Weeks St. Houlton Dated at Caribou,{Maine, this First day of Insurance communicate with guileless exposition of carelessness lay Manb, A. D. 1916. J. R. HARVEY’, Gen. Agent, the seder integrity of caste. FRED E. SAUNDERS, 8 Mansur Block, Ilis mother, the Beautiful, gracious FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS IL------= i c f l 310 By his Attorney, O. L. Kky ks- Houlton, Me. and lamented Princess Yetive, set at' FOP RHEUMAT' <'M KtCNf S ANC bt-AUU-.R