Tina Modotti to Ed"Ward "Weston
e CENTER FOR CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY• UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA RESEARCH SERIES NUMBER 22 JANUARY 1986 ��-l-�� �w(�"��-·. THE LETTERS FROM TINA MODOTTI TO ED"WARD "WESTON Contents Director's Statement by James Enyeart 3 The Letters of Tina Modotti to Edward Weston by Amy Stark 4 Introduction 7 Beginnings: Los Angeles, 1921-1923 9 Art and Revolution: Mexico, 1923-1924 17 Divided Loyalties: California and Mexico, 1925-1926 29 New Directions: California and Mexico, 1927-1928 46 Separate Destinies: Carmel and Moscow, 1929-1931 59 Selective Index 79 Acquisitions: July-December 1983 compiled by Sharon Alexandra 82 From the Archives: Nancy Newhall Papers by Roger Myers 94 The Center for Creative Photography is a research museum devoted to twentieth-century photography. Among its extensive collections are complete archives of photographers who have made significant and creative contributions to the field. Each issue of the Center's research series, Tl,e Arc/Jive, is drawn from its extensive collections of photographs, manuscripts, and negatives; most issues include a plate section of facsimile reproductions. Subscribers to TJ,e Arc/Jive also receive announcements of coming exhibitions and copies of the Center's collection guide series as they appear. Subscriptions mailed within the United States are S25 for four issues of The Arc/Jive; foreign mailings are S35. This represents a substantial discount from single copy rates, usually one-third to one-half price. To subscribe, send your check or money order to: Subscriptions, Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona, 843 E. University Blvd., Tucson, Arizona 85719. Center for Creative Photography University of Arizona Copyright© 1986 Arizona Board of Regents All Rights Reserved Photographs and Texts by Edward Weston Copyright © 1981 Center for Creative Photography Photograph by Nancy Newhall Copyright© 1986 The Estate of Nancy Newhall Designed by Nancy Solomon Bembo Typography by Tiger Typographies Printed by Fabe Litho Ltd.
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