Houlton, Maine, Wednesday, March 22, 1916 V o l. 5 6 No. 12 Auburn hoards of Trade and tin got oil tin- car, into tie pouring ram troge 11 u til) , HM! II Is, as I h e in a r k et d *■ Si I'c;Uiwi>cci an. f.in n, 1 in *ur**»t d u>*1. M a i n r Automobile Association. and a street inches deep in water. Miami-*. Tne (' II i ted Sta tes ( ji olog i As MM illUlvdit-nt nf (t list they Speakers will be arranged for a ho \\ hereupon she found that the per­ oil Sui w y lias * - x;1111 i!i e< 1 la rge a t eas gef i’lto tin 1111-1■. at and lungs, will outline the objects of the meet­ son win* had picked up tier note­ of 11.'' v|);,|m in ('oIoi■ ado, I'ta 11, and causing ciil'ls, -ni'e throat and pneu­ ing and plans will lx* perfected lor a books and tried to calm the conduc­ WyenMi.; and ha>. made many dis- monia. Worth Careful Thought state-wide organization which shall tor's bellicose temper had also filiation tests, Smne beds of shale A committee of tin* New York : make its work that of preaching the alighted into tin- Hooded March ev t hat are several feet t hick will vield ^icaih my has reported on the narm Do you read the label to know whether gospel of good roads in (-very corner " n i n g, triumphantly announcing ( more than a. ’barrel of oil to the ton fill eff.'Cfs of street dust. This l'e- your baking powder is made from cream ! of Maine and of seeing that (-very that he had ‘ got his numhe. ." And , of shale, and one lied six imdies i port was made to Commissioner j man whose name goes before the because sin- had had »a wonderful thirk will yield more tban two bar­ j Featherstone and is published in the of tartar or, on the other hand, from alum ! stat» primaries in June, makes a day and was keye.i up to the last rels ot i ru l. oil to the ton of shall4. [Medical Record. The commission or phosphate ? statement either for or against tin- notch, she was perfectly ready to !<)ne ton of this shale should there- 1 finds: good roads propaganda. In this talk to thi*- impulsive stranger, and f M e yield nearly 10 gallons of gaso- j ” 1. Numerous bacteriological ex­ Royal Baking Powder is made from way the people will know just whom he escorted her through the splash | line by the present commercial me­ aminations made in this city, as well to vote for in order to carry on the ing rain to her station on flu- elevat thod*. of gasoline* extraction, and as elsewhere, show that street dust cream of tartar, derived from grapes, and i work of continuing highway con­ ed. larger \ ields may hi* made possible contains a variety of living patho­ adds to the food only wholesome qualities. struction in Maine. That was hov* the adventure began. by new methods. genic organisms, such as tubercle It has been ascertained by figures But the real adventure did not begin Little attention has been paid to bacilli and various types of strepto­ Other baking powders contain alum or calculated on a scientific basis that for two or three years. Rodney A l­ this shale because tin* quantity of cocci, which are recognized as causa­ phosphate, both of mineral origin, and Maine lost $10,000,010 last year be- drich and Rose Stanton tried an or­ petroleum produced from weds it) tive agents of many respiratory and | cause of poor roads. N o r m ally dinary marriage and it did not work. the United States has been sufficient other diseases. used as substitutes for cream of tartar Maine’s summer tourist business For Rodney, clever, intelligent, lo i to satisfy all demands, but for more ” 2. Persons free from exposure to because of their cheapness. has been estimated as averaging cal, keen though In- was, harked than 60 ,\ ears the oil shale industry city dust are less liable to suffer about $30,000,000 with every prospect back stubbornly to the traditional of Scotland has been a very impor­ from respiratory diseases than those Never sacrifice quality cn d healthful­ that it will increase by laps and ideas of wifehood and marriage. tant one. In a recent year more so exposed. bounds as the state’s improved high­ And Rose, at first too young, and al­ than 8 ooo men were employed in the “ 3. Dust lias for a long time been ness for low price. way system is extended. In fact ways up to now too starved for lux industry in that country, yet the universally recognized as an injuri­ with the completion, by the first of ury to stop to think of its price when average yield of oil per ton of shale ous mechanical irritant, and as a it came, did not think what the con­ was much loss than that which ap­ cause of lowered bodily resistance, ROYAL BAKING PO W D ER CO. July, of (he Portsmouth, N. H.. and and one of the first perquisites of ventional hushand-and-wife, dinner- New York Portland highway, which for years pears possible from the shale of Col public health b-s been the elimina­ has been the bugbear and dread of and opera sort of life meant. orado and Utah. It is estimated tion of dust as far as possible. all tourists, it is almost certain that You will have to read it for your­ that in Colorado alone there is suf­ “ 4. Dry sweeping should be en­ the coming season will be the great­ self to get the full pieaning of Rose’s ficient shale, in hecfB three feet or tirely abandoned. An adequate sys­ revolt and her love and her mother­ more thick and richerthan the shale tem of street flushing should be in­ est ever known in Mafne for auto­ troduced in street cleaning proce­ mobile tourist traffic. liness and her independence. It’s a being mined in Scotland, to yield dures of our cities and effort should ing. Other plans however, undoubt­ wonderful tale—-this story of how 20,000.000,000 barrels of crude" oil, Good Roods Meeting The movement, summed up, is one be made to apply all available meat s edly will be considered, and the best th e lazy, beautiful, superficially fri m which at least 2,000,000,000 bar­ to make the streets as free from dust to see that the present policy of one adopted. clever young thing grew in the work­ rels of gasoline may be extracted by as possible.” highway building in Maine is to be A state wide good roads meeting The idea of the state-wide meeting ing out of her problem from a charm­ ordinary refining processes. Among the diseases which may re­ iatobe held at Bangor Thursday, carried out in the future and to see sult from street dust are the follow­ originated with the Good Roads ing child to a woman who knew her­ As was stated in the recent reply March 16 at 9 P. M. under the that legislature is enacted at the ing: That group of inflamations of committee of the Portland Chamber self and her powers and her husband of Secretary Lane to a Senate reso­ the eye generally called pink eye. aaaploet of the Chambers of Com- next session of the legislature to pro of Commerce. At a recent session ---and made him see Iter ideal of lution on the subject of gasoline: , There is smiie reason for holding aaree and Boards of Trade of Maine vide funds for road building and of that committee it was decided to married life as a possibility and a "The development of this enormous (that consumption is sometimes M Will a* the Maine Automobile necessary laws to insure their con­ caused by the inhalation < f street inaugurate a state-wide good roads finer tiling than he had dreamed. reserve simply awaits the time whe* Aaaaelatlon and other prominent struction. dust. The probability is ths< breath­ movement in order to assure future It is an entertaining tale-—first of the price of gasoline or the demand ing of air infected with tubercle •Iftl* organisations, Gov. Oakley C Every Chamber of Commerce. highway construction in Maine. The Chicago society and Rose’s own for other distillation products war­ bacilli from being sprayed bv sneez­ Oaf**? the members of the Maine Board of Trade and other interested plan as outlined was to make it a married life; of Iter babies and her rants the utilization of this substi­ ing, coughing patients is more im­ highway Commission, to* organizations will be asked to send portant as a cause of consumption state affair, inviting all Chambers pitiful desires and thwarted at­ tute source. This may happen in th many other well known five delegates to the Bangor meet­ than is breathing of air filled with ©f Commerce and Boards of Trade tempts to he allowed to be a proper the future. At all events these street dust. p«0|lio la public and private life, ing, and the affair promises to be throughout Maine to participate. It mother to them despite nurses and shales are likely to be drawn upon “ This does not. however,” says i»aVwbe*a Invited to be present.
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