Kim Harrison | 464 pages | 08 Jul 2011 | HarperCollins Publishers Inc | 9780060572976 | English | New York, NY, United States The Good, the Bad, and the Undead PDF Book

Personally, this book is rated as one of my favorites and I would recommend it to anyone with a taste for this kind of story. And Ms. There are plenty of different things revealed during the course of the plot that will satisfy a reader who was left wanting to know a lot more about Rachel and the other characters in the introductory novel. Readers also enjoyed. Includes the hardcover artbook, the hardcover book, the cross-promotion map, the ebook, the artbook pdf, and your name in the back of the book with our thanks. Maybe I just not in the mood. Plot Keywords. You know, Rachel IS annoying, but it works for me. What's even worse is that Rachel then blames herself for doing things that triggered Ivy's " instincts" and that really rubs me up the wrong way. I just mean strictly what I said about. I meant to but I guess I got distracted by other shiny books or something. YES, I will continue with this series. Her mother tells old stories of Rachel's childhood and shares some photos, Rachel having lost all of hers when her belongings were death cursed. He summons Algaliarept and orders him to kill Rachel, but she summons him afterward, preempting Piscary's command. Unable to change her mind, Rachel learns where they intend to meet with the intent of following. Once Burned Night Prince Series 1. NOOK Book. I'm so excited to be re-reading this. Their family bond though they don't see it yet as one is what makes me return to these books. Reckless businessman, mobster, and all-round mysterious, he is the character I find most intriguing. Just WOW. I would recommend this book to anyone who's definitely interested in stuff like the zombie apocalypse. Edit Did You Know? Rachel again proves herself as a heroine you want to know and root for. And then there is Ivy and that whole situation. Plot Summary. Rachel makes high pitched squeaky sounds when she is size because Ceri forgot to incorporated that into the charm. William Schlichter. Hollows Read-alon In that case, we can't But a serial killer who feeds on the experts in the most dangerous kind of black magic is definitely pressing the limits. Harrison again proves that she can do it all—write complicated storylines, create and continue to develop realistic characters, all while maintaining suspense, romance and horror simultaneously. Teeth gritted, I flexed my knees. Setting: time similar to current day Cincinnati, Ohio. Joe Schnicke added it Jul 04, Definitely no sophmore drop off for the author here, this is a great continuation of the Hollows series. My net was empty. You don't have a problem that for the third time in three months your roommate has tried to force you to accept her enough so she can bite you? Don't be silly. You make it through it and the second half is interesting, exciting, full of suspence. I know! The Good, the Bad, and the Undead Writer

Sign In Don't have an account? She is clearly surprised at the strength of Rachel's ley-line magic even without training and appalled at the monstrosity of binding a as a . View all 20 comments. Breath fast and shallow, I held up a hand to keep Edden from touching me. Finally, I think Ms Harrison has done a great job on Trent. At home, she and Ivy try to talk through their last encounter, but Ivy is too hurt by Rachel's rejection of her offer to talk about it. Please let something bad happened to Nick,LOL, I'm sorry for those who like him, but I really, really don't Now I can't wait to read the next, not after such an ending. It was a demon dressed in a robe and slippers. In exchange, Algaliarept takes the book Nick had been borrowing from Rachel, and they become unable to unbind Nick as her familiar. I think that her narration really made the story come alive. Rachel shows an uncommon aptitude for ley line . We find out what Trent is. That whole situation is just a MESS. Has anybody got a copy of this book that they don't want anymore? He's not good for Rachel at all. Rating details. Sign In. Very Ace Ventura—in a good way. In this book it just went too far. Edden proposes a deal with Rachel in exchange for his cooperation to get Trent and Francis and to pay off her I. Blessed Samhain! There is enough humor, mystery and other interesting characters to keep m Rachel Mariana Morgan, you are the character in the movie that I yell at. Okay this book was a better than the first but it really took me a lot longer than is typical for me to get through the first half of the book. The whole situation is very frustrating. Add the first question. I'm looking to get a copy which I'd happily pay for but it's so damn expensive on Amazon and on Ebay. Where does Kim get her ideas for terms? I swallowed hard. Jonathan's was green as well, much lighter and almost bland in its uniformity and shade. Don't be silly. Hollows Read-alon View all 3 comments. With a final, wary look at the two men standing protectively behind Trent, I closed my eyes. The witch in question is Sara Jane, claims to be missing her boyfriend, Dan Smather. The backstory development was really good too. This book was fantastic i really didn't want it to end. Inless an 8th book comes out where harry becomes a female version of a legal bounty hunter Ships to Anywhere in the world. At Piscary's, he admits to summoning the demon to kill both she and Trent, along with any ley-line witches he employed. Anders also tells them she has a meeting scheduled with Kalamack to discuss further funding of her research and Rachel attempts to talk her out of going, saying that witches who talk to him end up dead. View all 4 comments. Glenn takes Rachel home where she makes an anti-itch charm for him. Available characters include: a lady bartender, a male bartender, an affluent young brother and sister, a sweet old grandma, and a rowdy trapper. Free shipping worldwide. She turned, one hand on her hip, the other holding the dripping spoon. Alternate Versions. Persephone marked it as to-read May 29, In this book the FIB the investigation bureau for non-Inderlanders, also known as those boring human beings contracts white earth witch Rachel to help find something or someone that's killing ley line witches one after the other. The Good, the Bad, and the Undead Reviews

Confronting an ancient, implacable evil is more than just child's play -- and this time, Rachel will be lucky to escape with her very soul. Other editions. Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. And I can't stand to keep reading these books if every time Rachel gets out of sorts, it sets off Ivy, and then Ivy tries to feed on her by force and Rachel manages to save herself or someone else comes along and saves her. Error rating book. She can handle the leather-clad vamps and even tangle with a cunning demon or two. In the hazy distance to the west were a cluster of sharp lines and angles towering over the landscape. Rachel seems to be a more rounded character in this book although she can still be annoying at times. I was halfway to knowing Trent's most precious secret of what the hell he was. The problem though is even getting past this first third of the book, the novel is positively plagued with grammatical and punctuation issues. Only 40 printings will ever be made of this special edition of "The Good, the Bad and the Undead. They were everywhere. Now working alongside vampire Ivy as an independent agency, she is still focused on bringing down businessman Trent Kalamack. This, I thought, almost panting, was why ley line witches have . Nick grinned, enjoying it. It wiggled and squirmed, and my breath exploded from me as I finally got my fingers around it. Her impulsiveness makes her wind up in entertaining situations, but she isn't a strong enough heroine. The backstory development was really good too. My wildly pounding heart sounded loud in my ears, adding to the slow swelling of ley line force still trickling in. Books by Kim Harrison. Rachel isn't perfect but she's a great character because she's so flawed. Even so, I've encountered more grammatical and punctuation errors in The Good, the Bad, and the Undead than I have in most of the other books I've read, including a number of other self-published books.

The Good, the Bad, and the Undead Read Online

Their relationship feels abusive to me, there are many times Ivy either can't or won't take no for an answer and Rachel is constantly making excuses for her. Edit page. Vamps couldn't pull on them, and who could and were subsequently infected with the vamp virus lost the ability. I always feel led on like a soap opera if there isn't some closure in a book. This time however, Trent Kalamack's and Rachel's past may hold the key to both the murders and why they were attacked by the same demon in the first place. He is tricky and he has gotten the best of Rachel two times now, I have no idea how she will get out of this mess. Throughout the series we see her struggling with her morals. I am sure that somehow Rachel will get bitten by Ivy. When some witch murders start popping up in Cincinnati, Rachel thinks this is her chance to tie the murders to Trent, and bring him to justice. Vanessa sighed. Add the first question. I believe there is a combination of things going on here. These kinds of charecters are easy to follow because they don't understand. Demon-marked from book 1, Rachel continues to be terrorized by Algiarept the demon sent to kill her in Dead Witch Walking. Somebody do a poll, quick, and prove me right. I don't think he truly understood how different we were until that moment, seeing my hair move in the breeze that only I could feel. The crimson slashes hinted that he had more than his share of soul-marring tragedy in his past. Okay this book was a better than the first but it really took me a lot longer than is typical for me to get through the first half of the book. Read more After interviewing Sara Jane, they arrange to see Smather's apartment, for which Sara Jane has a key, to see Pizza Piscary's, where he used to work, and sign Rachel up for a ley-lines class Smather had been taking. Mar 24, Meagan rated it liked it. She and Nick summon the demon to answer Kalamack's question, they haggle over price and get enough to know, but not enough to prove who is responsible. Too much to cover all of it, but believe me when I say that it was very well done. It scratches an itch that TV shows such as Friends and Gilmore Girls do as well - a group of people that care for each other, not romantically involved, and who always stand up for each other at the end of the day. The other characters are not smart, keep doing increasing dumb things, and are just awful. Weres poured into the room, angry and giving off musk. A thinks B stole a fish. Glenn calls to inform her that Dr. Oh yes, this book deserves a full five start. Oct 31, Emma rated it really liked it Shelves: urban-fantasy , fantasy , magic , . Adrenaline surged painfully, and I fell into a defensive stance. It was gone. I liked it much better the second time around. Other books in the series. So fatal attraction and all that crap. I was able to read Dead Witch Walking and this book back to back, allowing for a smooth transition into Rachel's second adventure. Unabridged audiobook length: 14 hrs and 22 mins. Rachel Morgan, sexy witch, independent bounty hunter, prowls the downtown Cincinnati for criminal creatures of the night. It just seems like he's very chatty in need-to- be-quiet situations. I'm glad to say I am enjoying this series just as much as I did ten years ago when it first hit the shelves. My shoulders tightened in worry. Instead they discuss her run and her experience at Kalamack's, exploring the possibilities of what that might make him, finally reaching a conclusion through deduction: Kalamack must be an who survived the Turn. In the background I could hear Trent and Quen having an intense argument. The story starts off with Rachel who while trying to start up her, Ivy and Jenks's new buisness is falling on hard times, trying to meet ends meet with rent while being stitched up by her last job. Have I mentioned that I adore Jenks? I have so much respect for Harrison's ability to slowly reveal all the little details of her Hollows universe, giving us just enough to understand what's going on, but not too much to feel like info- dumps. She replaced that notch witha notch up on the sexy. Returning home, Ivy had been at Piscary's where she was forced to drink, ashamed to have enjoyed herself, and felt guilty for being unable to protect Rachel.