Titanicofficer Swears Wreck Due to Company's Neglect
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STJB-COIffInTTEE INTO TITANICDISASTER SIXTEEN PERTINENT POINTS DEVELOPED BY INVESTIGATION OF SENATE v ,« v TJJ What J. Bruce Ismay, managing director of the White Star line did not see as he left the Titanic witiiwomen and children: "I saw no passengers in sight when I entered.. toe lifeboats. Idid not see what happened to the lifeboats" I did not look to see if there was a panic. I know of no explosion. I saw no struggle, no confusion. I saw no women waiting when I entered the lifeboat. What P. A. S. Franklin, vice president of the White Star company, did not know about the Titanic disaster, as told to the investigators: "1 did not know on Monday morning that the Titanic hadlmot with serious disaster. I did not know until 6:27 Monday evening that the Titanic had gone down and that hundreds of lives were lost. I did not know that a reassuring telegram had been sent from the White Star offices to Representative Hughes of West Virginia, saving that 'The passengers are all safe and would land either in New York or Halifax on Wednesday.' Ido not know whether the Titanic carried any searchlights. Ido not know the speed the Titanic was making at the time of the collision." . -_^ What P. A. S. Franklin did know: "Iknow that J. Bruce Ismay, managing director of the White' Star line, sent three messages asking that the liner Oedric be held so that...he and surviving members or tne Titanic's crew could return immediately to England and that Iwired that it would be impossible to do this under existing circumstances." What Fourth Officer Boxhall of the Titanic, did not know: "Ido not know where the iceberg strAck the Titanic. I did not see Mr. Ismay with Captain Smith on the bridge or in the wneettouse. Ido not know whether Mr. Ismay and Captain Smith dined together on the night of the disaster or whether much wine was consumed. Ido not know where the captain was when the Titanic struck the iceberg. HOME EDITION HOME EDITiON ''r ' "liA*X>liliErTE,THE MAN"— WRATHKR FORKCAHT. 5 J For Pag* 8. \u25a0\u25a0:-> '^Sf. Tacoma and vicinity "HOW*TO TEST, YOUR OWN Shower* tonight and Wednesday.— FOOD' BY DR. WIL.BY, Pa«© 4. Times -\u25a0'•«.»,•". ..(»j™».~-."*. ••.j.'<t.-v.\u25a0-;•."*\u25a0•»..-'«\u25a0 The . «K. Tacoma THE ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER IN TACOMA VOL. IX. NO. 106. TACOMA, WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, APRIL 23,1912. 30 CENTS A MONTH. TITANIC OFFICER SWEARS WRECK DUE TO COMPANY'S NEGLECT VIVID STORIES GRAFT CHARGES TOLD OF HOW UNDER PROBE GREAT SHIP BY GRAND JURY SUNK Sitting enbanc, the judges of (By United Press Leased Wire.) the superior court lait evening : WASHINGTON, D. C, April 23 decided to call a grand jury to —Sworn testimony that neglect Investigate charges of graft that on the part of the White Star have been made against at least \u25a0 company to .' provide marine two deptjr proßecutora at th« glasses for the lookout on the court houae. Titanic was responsible for the Action was taken following a greatest- sea disaster of modern reading of the report of Attor- times was the sensation this af- ney H. P. Burdlck, detailed to ternoon, of the inestigation. ":\u25a0 look Into the Crashulei and oth- . Frederick Fleet, who was look- er matters and nee whether th« •\u25a0 out in the.crow's nest of the Tl- situation warranted a grand Jury. _, tanlc _ wfien ' the giant - % liner The court refused to give out > smashed into 'the iceberg, -made the report of Mr. Burdlck. oath that not a single lookout on The Investigation started be- the Titanic' was provided \u0084 with cause of the statement that had . marine glasses-and declared that been made by a party Interested i had his request for such - glasses that Prosecutor Murnietster had In Southampton not been refused received half of the $500 taken the' Titanic might yet be afloat. from Mrs. Mike Craahules of Wil- "I could easily , have sighted keßon as the price of her free- the iceberg with marine glasses dom from jail. McMurray says In plenty of time to have the yes- another case ho has heard of M • eel steered out of the way." said PHOTOGRAPH BY MISS IIKHXK'KPAIiMBB, A PASSENGER ABOARD THE CARPATHIA— one where Nolte Is charged wttbi "THIS 18 A PH«>TOGHAPH," SAVM MIHH PAI.MKK, "SHOWING A GROUP OF WOMKN SI'RVIV- a m Fleet, and gave In detail the re- having demanded $200 from ** quest in Southampton oiiN. MI. THESE WOMEN ARE DREHBEU IN UKACS GIVKN THEM BY PASSENGERS OF THE represented by Attorney J. he made CARPATHIA. man for them. -*'-'. \ v PHOTOORAPH RV MISS DERNICE . PAIiMER, A PASBIMWJER' ABOAKO XHK CAHPATHIA— M. Glasgow of Seattle. Although all :. liners are I'M- HIOHT," HAYS MIHB FAT.MXX, "IS A TITANIC, \u25a0 -In case, story goes, .- other aaid: had better get those ""THE WOMAN ON THE BUBVIVOK THR this the - swore, bis re- "You Tt;|<MN« I I Itltlllll\u25a0: the wag brought bo provided, Fleet' women and children over there TJIJ3 STOHV OP. tIKII KXI'KBKN<'EB TO CAUPAfHIAI'ASHENOKRS.: ALIi that prisoner quest was flatly refused and he TDK WAV FitoM iin ICE i ii ii> To m- \v vniiK SCENES i,iiu ihi AIIOVKWEltB mi i,\r from Port Townsend on a statu- and load them In I \u25a0 «—\u25a0\u25a0\u2666-.-\u25a0 J -\u25a0;.... \u25a0;-•\u25a0\u25a0', was told there were no ', glasses that boat.' WOMEN FIGHT ON Ol'tl SHIP." .-'. -V-iul-v \u25a0 r \u25a0\r:t,'• .-v.-«j \u0084/,V;v .\u25a0v.;. .\-,,- ;',. ." j. tory charge; that Burraelster sad learned later Mr. FOR - that his was htm, for him. Ismay. I got the boat almost Nolte went to found he had Third Officer Plttman admit- money In a Seattle bank and de- that the Titanic had been tilled' and shouted: and ted - > "Are there any more women? PLACE AT HEARING Day manded that he turn It over bergs preva- First On Job New go. warned that ice were "There did not seem to be, so they would let him lent but said iie did not see any (Rr United Press Leased Wire.) and a Titanic widow, was among Later In the day Attorney I let some men get on. 540EATH TOLL first Mayor on the Sunday of the disaster. He Officer Murdock shook WASHINGTON, D. C, April 23. the to toe examined. Glasgow came over and the pris- 14 "First a Canadian army officer, Foreman Breaks Neck declared that in his years' ex- me, saying: Because of at yester- Peuchen, "offensively oner made the statement to him perience he seen only one hands with confusion arrived today to testify. Owen Woods says P. B. Egbert, was too partisan," sc and had bye, day's be- job sluicing on Bakei that Nolte Biirmeister wanted iceberg before. ' " 'Good old man, and session of the senatorial The survivors of the Titanlc's dismissed him from the of foreman at the go if would pay good luck.' bill and Worley yesterday job. to let him he Pittman started his testimony sub-oomniittee which is investi- crew who are awaiting summons sent 13: K. down to take the them. Glasgow confronted Nolle "I after eljagod Wire.) In a few hours Wi.i was with a broken neck, from a brusque never saw Murdock gating the Titanic disaster,' the to the sub-committee's hearing (By United I'ivks l<-> dead with prisoner, In a laconic and manner. only blow on the forehead by the flying nozzle. and Burmeister the Comments on his stolidness were that. I believed that two scene of the committee's Inquiry are putting in their time on CrI}CAOO, April 28. —Fifty- whom. It Is said, repeated the- or three of the compartments had was shifted today from the com- sight-seeing expeditions about Worley went into the pit to take hold of the nozzle and was audible in every part .of the four persona killed, 200 seriously nuahed over by the force of the stream through the nozzle. Instead accusation. Then the filled and never haft the faintest modious caucus room in the sen- Washington. prisoner room. committee be- gink. building Injured, some fatally, and $500,- if lying still until the Water was shut off, he attempted to rise and The was released that idea that the Titanic would ate office to a smaller day. gan questioning him on the scenes boat Mrs. AHtor 111. --000 property damage, Is the the whirling nozzle hit him in the forehead, breaking his neck. He same Titanic ' when It was Allthe passengers In my be- room. Is total is that other on the haved admirably. Here 500 furbelowed, frilled The condition of Mrs. John Ja- work of destruction by the cy- lied en route to the hospital. It hinted similar found that there was no hope of A. I. McDonald, superintendent of water, was on the job at the charges will be presented to tho - Women Didn't Row. women, many carrying lunches, cob Astor is such as to necessl- clone which swept over Indiana saving the vessel.. postponement and authenti- time and carried the Injured man out. • grand jury from other sources my fought for admittance. Less than tate a of her testi- Illinois Sunday its Officer Beaks -Down "Women in boat were not passed mony. Physicians cally reported, here today. Sev- Worley was 69 years of.age, and leaves a widow and two chll- and Burdlck will prabably be ap- permitted 100 of their number the sent a note Pittman's demeanor underwent to row, although some Only diplomats, saying lioxliu.ll, offi- enteen others- reported killed ircn.