MY INTEREST in FLAGS I Don’T Know When I First Got Inter- by Hank Gardner Ing
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January — March 2001 Vol. 34 • No. 1 January — March 2001 Issue #169 MISSISSIPPI TO VOTE ON FLAG JACKSON, Miss. - When the Mis- not included when Mississippi’s code sissippi Legislature convened on of law was codified in 1906. Gover- Jan. 2, among the matters it con- nor Ronnie Musgrove declared the sidered is a request by a gubernato- current flag to be [defacto] official rial commission for a referendum on until the legislature acts on the is- the question of whether to keep the sue. flag used since 1894, or to adopt a Mississippi’s current flag bears a new design proposed by the resemblance to two of the national governor’s commission. The current Flag proposal to be voted on at the April flags of the Confederate States of Mississippi flag was declared “unof- 17, 2001 Referendum by the people of America. The Confederacy’s first ficial” by the Mississippi Supreme Mississippi. A blue canton bearing 20 national flag, known as the “Stars Court in early May 2000 by virtue of white stars would replace the present and Bars”, had a field of red/white/ the fact that State flag legislation was Confederate Battle Flag. Continued on page 12 MY INTEREST IN FLAGS I don’t know when I first got inter- by Hank Gardner ing. The call came from the manager ested in flags. I do know who illness. of The Flag Stand, a retail outlet at prompted that interest. It Henry Greene was a native Waterside Festival Market Place in was Henry D. Greene, my of Kerhonkson, N.Y. He at- downtown Norfolk. She wanted to uncle. He gave me some tended the College of William know if I was interested in working miniature flags when I was and Mary in Virginia. He at the Flag Stand. The owner, Dana 7 or 8 years old, and ever never attended law school, Buckman Hale, was in law school since I have been fascinated but “read” the law and was and had given her my name. Dana by these colorful pieces of able to pass the bar in 1924. knew I was the nephew of Henry cloth. I have a picture of me I well remember visiting my Greene. I was one of her best cus- at an even earlier age , 4 or relative’s home and marvel- tomers, buying flags from her over a 5, standing in my backyard ing at his many books. He Continued on page 2 beside a short flagpole with would spend his evenings Jan-Mar 2001 the U.S. flag, undoubtedly a reading on the sofa, a small present from my uncle. pet dog perched on his stom- INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Henry Greene was known ach. He loved animals and Mississippi to Vote on Flag in Norfolk, part of the Hamp- was a longtime member and My Interest in Flags ton Roads metropolitan area, as “the former president of the Norfolk Military Display flag man.” How did he derive this S.P.C.A. He also loved to travel. In In Memory of Bob Gauron title? My aunt told me many times addition to his love of flags I seemed PDI — Indonesian Party that when he moved to Norfolk he to have acquired his love for books, Regional Municipality of Niagara ON looked in the telephone book and animals, and travel. Vexillological Bishop of Niagara found many lawyers listed, but not In January of 1997 I received a NAVA Members Personal Flag Registry one flagmaker, so instead of prac- telephone call which opened up a NAVA 35 Taking Shape ticing law he entered the flag busi- door that I thought would never New Book on Sports Flags ness. He operated that business, open. For many years I had worked Hemp Flag Display U.S. Flag & Signal Company, from in other occupations—the motel in- Letters, Questions and Answers 1920-1964. Upon retirement he sold dustry and education/librarianship CSVA Flag Crazed Iguanas Fan the business to Mr. Charles A. Terry, primarily. At the time I was not work- Chumley Call for Papers Jr. and practiced law until his final —1— NAVA News 34/1 The following is an extracvt from a letter written by Henry DeWitt Greene to his nephew Henry OLD FLAG MAKERS, NEW FLAG Gardner dated March 20, 1965. It Henry DeWitt Greene and shows some of the attitudes and “The lady in the picture is one that came to work for me protocol observed after the adop- 32 years ago. She is retired tion of the new Canadian flag. but comes in now and then As for the new Canadian Flag, … for special work.” The photo there is considerable difference of accompanied the letter dated opinion regarding it’s adoption. March 20, 1965. There is little background and no tradition to recommend it. The Maple Leaf is, of course, a symbol of period of years. Several years ear- contest to design the new flag. Ad- Canada and was used in the Ca- lier I had mentioned to her that I vice and support was given by Dr. nadian seal that appears in the old would love to work in her retail shop. Peter Orenski, expert on flags and flag. When that opening occurred she in- flag contests, who visited the area However, this new flag was raised structed the manager to call me. during the contest He spoke to a on Feb. 15 at all places where What a terrific gesture on her part! jury of 16 citizens representing the Canada had official representation. Needless to say I jumped at the op- region’s 17 localities on judging flag Here, it was at the headquarters portunity and took the position. Ev- designs. I had a chance to meet Pe- of the North Atlantic Treaty Organi- ery working moment since has been ter when he visited Norfolk Flag & zation (NATO) at the Naval Base. a joy. No kid in a candy store could Emblem. We have since become There was an interesting cer- be happier. friends. Perhaps he will have a emony in front of the Headquarters I feel that I am completing a circle. chance to visit Hampton Roads again Let me explain. One of Henry as another Hampton Roads commu- buiolding where the flags of the 15 Greene’s employees was Lucille Wa- nity has decided to create a flag. NATO member nations are dis- ters. Her daughter Phyllis Buckman That community is Southampton played. At noon the old Canadian Fisher also worked for Henry Greene. County. I was born in Franklin, Va., flag was lowered while the band Mrs. Waters’ granddaughter is Dana formerly a part of Southampton p[layed ‘Old Lang Syne’ and slow Buckman Hale who offered me a job County, so I am excited about this marched to where Admiral Smith working at The Flag Stand. That is new adventure. was standing. He then handed the only half of a circle, though. The There is more than coincidence in new flag to the Canadian Guard of other half concerns another em- the names. The Earl of Southampton Honor and it was “quick stepped” ployee of Henry Greene. She is was a patron of William with appropriate music to its place Juanita Cherry. When Henry Greene Shakespeare. Hampton Roads de- on the pole from which they had just retired, both Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. rives its name from his title. Obvi- removed the old flag, as it was be- Cherry continued in the flag busi- ously, so does Southampton County, ness. Mrs. Cherry is now retired, but Va. Many other communities in ing raised, the band played ‘God her daughter Paula Cherry Jones Hampton Roads derive their names Save The Queen.’ I was one of the now operates the business, Norfolk from English places and persons, invited guests of Admiral Smith Flag and Emblem, in Chesapeake— since Virginia was home to the first (British) and Capt. Steele of another component of the Hampton permanent English settlers. Many Canada. Roads community. In September of flags have flown over Virginia and its As one of the speakers said, it is 1997, having chosen to pursue a le- Hampton Roads localities. Henry D. a very unusual occasion when one gal career, Dana Buckman Hale sold Greene knew and loved them all. He can witness the death of an old flag The Flag Stand to Paula Jones. I would be proud and happy that and the birth of a new one. I saw went with the business to the new flags—and the flag business he one of the older Canadian officers location. Thus the circle is com- founded—are thriving. Although it with tears on his cheeks as he sa- pleted. I think that Henry D. Greene has changed ownership several luted, for the last time, his old flag. would be proud of all his proteges times since he retired, U.S. Flag & who continued to provide flags, and Signal Company still operates. In Most of the men with whom I promote the love of flags, in the addition to this company and Nor- talked do not approve of the new Hampton Roads community. folk Flag & Emblem there is a shop flag, nor do I. … The new flag is on Hampton Roads has its own flag called “Anveco” owned and operated a par with something tyhat might now. The effort was spearheaded by by another lady , Ann Bandy, who have been designed by some of the Mr. James F. Babcock, chairman of knew (and worked for, I think) Henry new African nations who have come the Hampton Roads Regional Iden- D.