THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF KENYA Published under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya Vd. XLIX-NO. 52 NAIROBI, , 1947 Price 50 Cents Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O. Published every Tuesday

CONTENTS OFFICIAL GAZETTE OFFICIAL GAZETTE-Conrd. ~Govt.Notice No.- PAGE Proclamation No.- PAGE 1168-Appointments, etc...... 675 %-The Suppression of Rabies Ordinance . . 678 1169 Acting Consul for the Netherlands .... 675 57-The Diseases of Animals Ordinance .... 678 1170-District Production and Man Power Com- General Notices Nos. 2203-2255 ...... 679 mittewAppointments ...... 675 1171-The Local Government (Municipality) Ordi- nance, 1928-Appointment ...... 675 SUPPLEMENT No. 54 1172-1173-Vacancies in Government Departments 676 Proclarnations. Rules and Regulations, 1947 1174-African Settlement and Land Utilitization Proclamation No.- Board-Appointment ...... 676 58-The Public Holidays Ordinance .... 405 1175-1176-The Native Authority Ordinance- 59-The Entertainments Tax Ordinance .... 405 Appointment ...... 677 Govt. Notice hT0.- 1177-Appointment ...... 677 1189-The Legislative Council Ord~nance, 1935, 1178-1 179-The Legislative Council-By-election, Schcdule I1 (Variation, No. 3) Rules, 1937 . . LO6 Kiambu ...... 677 1190-The Air Navigation (Colonies, Protectorates I 180-The Land and Agricultural Bank Ordinance, and Mandated Territories) Order, 1927- 1930---Appointment ...... 677 Authorization ...... 407 1181-Register of Voters-Errata ...... 677 1191-The Control of Piices (Second-hand Bags) 1182-The Central Roads and Traffic Board p amend men^ No. 2) Order, 1947 .... 407 Ordinance-Appointment ...... 677 1192-The Increased Production of Crops (Guaran- 1183-Claims Against the Siamese Government . . 677 teed Minimum Returns and Grants) (Amend- 1184-Yugolavia State Securities ...... 678 ment) Rules, 1947 ...... 108 11 85-Land Acqusit~on Act, 1894--Temporary 1193-The Increascd Production of Crops Ordi- Occupation of Land ...... 678 nance, 1942-Pnce for Linseed .... 408 1186-1188-The Courts Ordinance, 193 1--Appoint- 1194-1196-Trading with the Enemy Orders () 409 ments ...... 678 1197-Confirmation of OrdFnance ...... 4 12

CORRIGENDUM 1 GOVERNMENTNOTICE NO. 1169 ACTING CONSUL FOR THE NETHERLANDS GENERAL Notice No. 2191, appearing on page 673 of IT IS hereby notified for general information that recognition Official Gazette dated 9th December, 1947: The signature of is accorded to Mr. J. H. Schmiill as temporary Acting the Town Clerk at the foot of the notice should read Netherlands Consul at Mombasa. "K. M. Louis", and not as printed. Neirobi, C. H. THORNLEY, 9th December, 1947. Deputy Chief Secretary. .GOVERNMENTNOTICE NO. 1168 APPOINTMENTS MICHAELHAMILTON STURT to be an Assistant Soil Conse~vation DISTRICT PRODUCTION AND MAN POWER Officer (D.A.R.A.), Department of Agriculture, with effect COMMIT1 EE from 19th November, 1947. APPOINTVENTS JOHN WILLIAMDUTHOTT to be an Assistant Soil Conservation IT IS notified for general infolnxation that :- Officer (D.A.R.A.), Department of Agriculture, with eflect E. G. BLACK,EsQ., AND from 19th November, 1947. G. C. A. MOORE,EsQ., ANTHONYCAPPER MOORE HINGLEY, B.A. (OXON.),to be Assistant have been appoZnted as members of the Trans Nzoia, S.S.W. Secretary, Secretariat, with effect from 28th November, 1947. Wald Production Sub-committee, in place of Mr. L. Barraclough WINGCOMMANDER JOHN RUTHERFORD IRVING BELL to be Private and Mr. G. W. ArnelI. Secretaty to His Excellency the Governor, with effect from Government Notice No. 200 of 25th February, 1947, is varied 1st December, 1947, inclusive. accol dingly. ARTHURCOLE LOGGINto be District Commissioner, Mandera Nairobi, F. W. CAVENDISH BENTINCK, District, Northern Province, with effect from 21st November, 91h December, 1947. Member for Agriculture and 1947. NatztraI Resources.

HAROLDWOODHOUSE REES, Assistant Accountant, Public Works --as- - Department, to be Office Superintendent and Accountant, Department of Lands, Mines and Surveys, with effect from 25th November, 1947. PROMOTIONS THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT (MUNICIPALITIES) ORDINANCE, 1928 HAROLDARTHUR WATERLOWCHAPMAN, Education Officer, Education Department, to be Principal, Government African KISUMUMUNICIPAL BOARD Secondary School, Education Department, with effect from IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon him by Sub- 1st January, 1947. section (1) of section 13 of the Local Government KENNETHDUNCAN SIMPSON MACOWAN, B.SC., M.R.c.v.s., to be (Municipalities) Ordinance, 1928, His Excellency the Governor Senior Veterinary Officer, with effect from 1st January, 1947. has been pleased to nominate the following person to be a n~ember of the Municipal Board of Kisumu for the period EDGARPENDEREL RICE, M.R.C.V.S., to be Senior Veterinary ending 28th February, 1950, with effect from 1st December, Officer, with effect from 1st January, 1947. 1947:- MR. G. E. FLETCHER REVERSION vice Mr. D. F. O'Hara (resigned). ALAN THOMASCROWHURST reverted to his substantive rank of Clerk, Grade I, Department of Lands, Mines and Surveys, By Command of His Excellency the Governor. with effect from 25th November, 1947. C. E. MORTIMER, C. H. THORNLEY, Nairobi, Member jor Health and Local Deputy Chief Secretary. 9th December, 1947. Governnzent. 616 THE OFFICIAL G AZE'I'TE IlecenAber 16, 1947

JI: .' J' . ' ) e . , oovsaxvsx.r xowcs No. 117c (i ,., F . . ...,',,.. .,. wo tk made ,or deserwng xouny Asustant surveyors to receiv. . 1 '' ? .' - . .. . '- l ' VACANCIES FOR EUROPEAN SURVEYORS L . ,p .. . assistance in obtaining the requlred qualiscations by means of ' . courses of instnzction abroad. A APPLICATIONS are invited for gosts of Staff Surveyors a.12 The ,. remaining terms of emplopnent will be the same as for' ssistant Surveyors in the Survey Dlvision of the Lands, Mines . and Surveys Department : one Staff Surveyor will be reyuired to S19tar ;yffe a.j rs u ravnedy o2r6s , yeaxrcse pret spt jej act ivtejljye age jkmit will be lowered to' work for the Forest Department and some Junlor Staff . . Surveyors will be mquimd So work .for lthe Fprest Departmeqt Ftlv.ther partkplars may be obtained on app.l ic>tion to tlie or for the Afrkah Xettlemelk anb Land Utilization Boaird. . Direktor o' f Surv. éhsj P.O. Bok .89, Nairôbi. 7 '

Applications' should be sent' to the Commijsioper for Lands, (c) Junior w5'ft7/.J s' urveyors. Mines and Surveys, P.O. Box 89, Nairobi, and should mach Q'tgalîpcations.- A fair standard of general education, prefer- him not later than 31st January, 1948. ence being given to candidates with matheqptical: knowledge. Applicants 'in Government eiployment should b t4f ' in Wt'ms . and to those. who have tlworeticat or pract-lcal k'n owitdge of' of Secretariat Circular No. 30 of 29-9-1944. surveying. ' n e following are the principal items regarding the salary.- l'he present salary .attached to the post of Junior qualifcations necessary for each respective post, salaries, duties Staff Surveyor is :360 by f20 to f 480 by f 20 to f 540 (Kenya and terms of service ; - European CiWI Service posts), thqugh thls scale is expected to (A) Stas Sutweyors. be increase.d by the Salarles Commlssion (see above). Qualihcations--kn order to be eligible for consideration for Terms 0/ employment.-Mmceïs selected for .employment irt appointment in the Unifed Colonial Survey Service, candidates the Forçst Department will be appointed on, probation for one' must either (i) have obtained (c) a degree bf a British University, year, at the expiry of which thel may be confirmed in at with honours in mathematics, or physical science, or engineerinp, '. permanent appointment if their servlce,s have been satisfactory. or geography, provided thp.t the course leading to the degree ln omcers selected for appointment to the African Settlement geography has included gèodetic and trijondmetrical surveying ; and Utilization Board will be appointed oft a three years' con-. or (b) the special Diploma in Land Surveying of the Royal tract, at the expiry of which their contract may 'or may not be Institution of Chartered Surveyors ; or (c) a licence to practic.e ' renewed for a further period. as a Surveyor in one of His M ajesty's Domlnions ; or (#) a pensioyu- - degree or distinction which is regartled by the Secretary of State service . on contirmation in the Kgnya European Civil as the equivaknt of one of the above : or (ii) have qualllied in cjvg se, rvoiëcec eCrso natrrei beulitgoilb'yl eP teon scionst rFibunted to the Kenya Europexaa any examination which may be held with the approval of the . Secretary of State with a view to testing t jje professional Dtltiex.--omceYs selected for appointment to the Forest capacity of candidates for appointment to the sel.v jce . dDepartment will be required to carry out topographical surveys, salary.- 'w z present salary attached to the post of Staff theemodarocliateo no ra npd risdmetatiilc focoremstp asus rvteryasv eersiteh :e r dbrayw plnlga nem atapbs lea nodr surveye is f 400 : f 4.00 : f 450 by f 25 to f 600 (with eëciency puns survey computations. They may be called upon to serve bar at f 600) : by f30 to E840. There are prospects for oKcers u, ere in Kenya to receive promotion in the Unified Servlce beyond the rank anyw . of Staff Surveyor, though such promotions are entirely selective Oflicers selected for appointment to the African Settlement and depend on ability, experience and vacancies at the tjme and Land Utilization Board will be required to carry out being. The candidate will be placed at a pointjj.j the alyove scale demarcation surveys, small topographical surveys, simple in accordance with his . W ar service (if any), and it may j)o mlevaeyl lblneg r, esqiumirpelde tsou rsveryv e caonmypwuhteations, plan drawing. Tlley, tooy. Po ssible to give credit for his professional cxperience before re in K enya. Joining the Unified Service A Com misson on Salaries of tlje Further details of terms of service may 'be' obtained onk East African territories is. at present exam ining the whole application to the Director of Suryeys, P.O . Box 89, N airobi. question of salaries in Kenya, and it is expected that their report H A STAM ERS SM ITH . jo r ctpnz/pfxxçftp/:er jor ' will recommend increases in the above salaries, though the Nairobi, amount of such increases is at present unknown. 8th December, 1947. Lands, M ines and Sutweys- Terlns 0/ epzp/oyrrlcn/.-Appointments will be made on terms of probation for three years. If, at the end of three years, the GovsltxMsx'r Nolqce No oëcer is judged to have performed his duties to the satisfaction . 1173 of the Government, he Fill be conlirmed in his appointment. ss If, on the contrary, his services are judged to have been unsatis- VACANCI - soucx-lqox DEPARTMENT factory, his service will be terminated. Confirmation in a fixed (X Clerk, Grade 11 (Femalej, Education Dertzr/zncn/. appointment will be at the discretion of the Government. APPLICATIONS are invited for' two posts of Clerks, Grade Pens i ons - All permanent posts of Sta: Surveyors are pen- 11 (Female), in the Education Department and should be sub- sionable, n.ormal retirement being when an omcer reaches the mitted to the Director o.f Educatson, P.0. .sox 340, xairobi, tty age of 55 years. ' reach him not later than 30th December, 1947. Allowances.-xn omcer is entitled to a cost of Living Bonus, The scale of salary attached to the post is f 150 bl E 15 to :240' Which varies according to his salary and marital status. by â15 to :3()0 by f15 to :360 per annum (lnitial salarz Travelling expenses will be paid and hotel expenses when according to age, qualifications and experience) on Kenya necessar:ly incurred on duty. European Civ'il Service term s and conditions of service. n ese. E . terms of service include the payment of a cost of living allow- f ach om cer is entitled to a house allowance ? or free ance varying according to salary ; participation in a contributory urnished quarters, if available. At present, there ls a great pens: , .ons scheme ; 18 days local leave per annum and vacation shortage of houses in alI the larger towns of Kenya. leave at the rate of 31. days for each month of residential ser- Duties.-staq surveyors may be called upon to serve any- vice ! free medical treatment by the Government Medical where in Kenya. Their dutles will include geodetic, topographical servlce ; when not in occupation of Government quarters or cadastral surveying, survey computations. drawin! of maps housing allowance is payable to a limit of 10 per cent of the, and plans and their reproduction. One staff surveyor ls required salary, which in case of hardship may be increased to a maxi- for the Forest Department for Forest surveys, but he w11l be mum of 20 per cent of the salary. interchangeable with a Staff Suae/or of the Survey Department candidates must havç a knowledge of shorthand, typing an1 and will have the sam e opportunitles of prom otion as the latter. general clerical duties. J-ccve.- ln addition to local leave of 18 days a year, oKcers wil1 be granted home leave every four years for junior oKcers (?9 TWO Vacancies will exist for the January term, 1948, at the and every three years for senior omcers (senior omcers are those Kenya High School, N.airobi, for of ten or more years' service). (i) A French Teacher (Temporary) capable of teaching to Passages- Overseas o/cers will be given free passages to SChool Certilkate Standard and, if possible, to Higher Kenya on. first appointment, and assistance will be given for Certilicate Standard ; Rassages for an omcer's family : leave passages will be paid in (ii) A Physics Teacher (Temporary) capable of teaching to. slmilar manner. Higher Certificate Standard. Age Dvl//l.- Applicants must be over 21 years and under Information regarding salaly, etc., may be obtained from the 28 years of age (though exceptions will be made in respect of Education Department. the upper limit for applications who have had long war service). M edical examinativn.- No oëcers may be appointed unless he GovsRxxfsx'r No'nce No. ' 1174 is passed as medically fit' for service in' Kenya. ' (B) Anistant Surveyors. AFRICAN SETTLEM ENBTO ARND LAND UTILIZATION (prQefuearleifaicea tiboenisn.-g xgi veng otood canstdainddaatersd wiothf soguenedr aml atehdemucnaticoanl THE FOLLOW ING appôintment is notilied for generalt knowledge) and theoretical and practical knéwledge of suweyfng. information- s CHIEF JAxlss M wANTHI alary.- l'bz present salary attached to the post of Assistant surveyor is :400 : ':400 : f450 by f25 tb f 600. n ere are to be a member of the African Settlement and Land Utilization. e tations that this rate of salary will be increased by the Board, with etlkct from thq 13th December, 1947, ' xpec salaries Commission (see above). Government Notice No. 434 of 1947 is varied accordingly. Assistant surveyors will not be eligible for promotlon to the '#. W. CAVENDISH-BENTINCK, grade of staff surveyor until they obtain 'the qualiscations given . . M ember jor Agriculture andtNatural above for admission to that grade. It is hoped that arrangements 13th December,' 1947. Resources. , 1947 THE OFFICIAL GAZE'ITE 677

GOVBRNMSNT Noilce No. 1175 GOVERNMENT No'rlclz No. l 180 THE NATIVE AUTHORITY ORDINANCE THE LAND AND AGRICULTURAL BANK APPOINTMENT ORD INANCE, 1930 ! t IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabling me, I hereby A eB OINTMENI' : E t' ., appoint the person named in the schedule annexed hereto to be IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon him by séctiop om cial headman for the area named therein. 4 of The Land and Agricultural Bank Ordinarfce, 1930, His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to reappointt- '' D. M ORGAN, ' Nakuru, Provincial Commissioner, M R. W . C . KUNTZR , ' ' 8th December, 1947. Rijt Valley Province. to be a member of the Land B@nk Board, Fith vlect frpm ljt SCHEDIJLE January, 1948. . ' ' ELGEVO DISTRICT, RIFT VALLBY PRovlNce Nairobi, J. F. G. TROUGHTON. 10th December, 1947. M emberL jor Finance. N W ith eifect am e Area j'rom Rem arks Daniel Sawe Mariehor 1-1-48 On six months proba- GOVERNMeNT Noncs No. l l81 . Kibiap tion 'viee Cheptorus arap Lenja appointed under ERRATA Govt. Notiee No. 320/31. THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ORDINANCE, 1935 REGISTER OF VOTBRS- REVISION GOVERNMENT NorlcE No. 1 176 The following should be added tp the lists publîshed in the special lssue of the OKcial Gazette dated 17th Nùvember, THE NATIVE AUTHORIW ORDINANCE 1947:-- ' APBOINTMENT ELECTORAL AREx No. I- NAIROBI NORTII ' ' ' IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabling me, l hereby Additions ' . appoint the person named in the Schedule annexed hereto to be J 23 Jeremy, Kenneth Augustus, Chartered Accpuntant; . Box olcial headman for the area named therein. 612, N airobi.. . . J 24 Jeremy, M argaret Joyce, Housewife,. Box 612, Nairobi. A. C. M . M ULLINS, .. Nyeri, Provincial Com tnissioner, Expungements 8th December, 1947. Central Province. H 109 Harris, Lilian Blanche Mary Dorothy, M edical. 'Practi- SCHBDULE tioner, Box 402, Nairobi. ' ' xame Area W ith efreet sem arks EI-ECTORAL AREA No. 2=' NAIROBI SOUTH . from Addztions Stephyn M 'Rutere Nkwene lst January, On rptirem ent of Ohief H 11 1 Harris, Lilian Blanche Mary W atch, M edical' 'Praèti- wa M 'lkabu. 1948 M ' M wirichia wa tioner, Box 402, Nairobi. ' Mabura, (appointed H 112 Harris, Norman, Company Director, Box 402, Naîrobi. under G.N. 532/27). EI-ECTORA.L AREA No. 3- M OMBASA Additions GOVERNMeNT NorlcE No. 1177 Simpson, Sara Helen M ary: Secretary, M ombasa Chambers of Commerce. APPOINTMENT Simpson, GeoFrey, Government Servant, c/o S.B.S.A., IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabling me, I hereby Ltd., M om basa. appoint Dexls DONOIJGH JosEpl.l COFFBY ELECTORAL ARB: No. II- KIAMBU to be an Acting Judge of His Majesty's Supreme Court of Expungements Kenya from and ilicluding the 1st day of December, 1947. 10 Simpson, Geosrey, Farmer, Kiambu. Dated at Nairobi this 1st day of December, 1947. 11 Simpson, Sara Helen Mary, Kiambu. Pv E. M ITCHELL, Governor. GOVERNMENT No'ncE No. 1182 GOVBRNMENT No'rlcs No. 1178 THE CENTRAL ROADS AND TRAFFIC BOA:D ORDINANCE, 1929 ' . THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ORDINANCE, 1935 APBOINTMeNT AIYOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon him by section 2 PURSUANT to the powçrs vested in me by section 6 of the of the Central Roads and Tramc Board Ordinance, 1929, His Lelislative Council Ordinance, 1935 !1, Phihp Euen Mitchell, Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint- j Knfght Grand Cmss of the Most Dlstingtzished Order of Saint L R M W sl-Lwooo, EsQ., ' Michael and Saint George upon whom His Majesty has been pleased to confer the M ilitary Cross, Governor and Commander to bê a momber of tlle Central Roads and TraKc Board 'vice in Chief of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, do hereby H. A. Lunn, Esq., resigned. ' apqoint the District Commissioner, Nairobi, to perform the Government Notice No. 908 of 31st October, 1944, as amended dutles of Returning Oïcer under the Rules contained in by Government Notice No. 581 of 25th June, 1946, is varied Schedule III of the aforesaid Ordinance for the Kiambu accordingly. Electoral Area. By Command of His Excellençy the Governor. Nairobi, P. E. M ITCHELL, C. H. THORNLEY, ' 1 1th December, 1947. Governor. . . yor Chie! Secretary.

GoveRxMeN'r No'rlcs No. 1179 GOVERNMENT NOTICE NC). 1183 THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ORDINANCE, 1935 CLAIM S AGM NST TI'IE SIAM ESE GOVERNM ENT NOMINATION DAV- K IAMBU ELBG ORAL AREX CLAIM S may now be lodged against the Siamese GoMernment IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon me by section in respect' of personal injury Imconnected with property losses. 21 ot the Legislative Council Ordinancey 1935, 1, Philip Euen Claims in respect of work on the Siam-Burma Railway are not Mitchgll, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order admissible. . . of Salnt Michael and Saint George, upon whom His Majesty Claims ày British subjects in Kenya will be received by the has been pleased to confer the Military Cross, Governor and Member for Finance, c/o The Secretariat, Nairobi, for onward Commander in Chief of the. Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, transmission to the Foreign Oëce, and application should ' be do h'ereby appoint the 7th day of January, 1948, as the nomina- made to this address for claim forms whether or not claims have tion day for the nomination of candidates for the election of a member for the Kiambu Electoral Area in the place of M rs. Olga previously been registered, in all cases where claimants have Florepce W atkins, deceased, and I do hereby direct that such not already received these forms. ' Claims must reach Siam on or bofore 11th December, 1948. member be elected in accordance with the provisions of the fo' r aforesaid Ordinance and of the Rules made thereunder ; and In order to allow ample time for the examination of claim' s. nomination papers for such Eleçtoral Areae shall be received in reference back to claimants where necessary and for transmission the omce of the District Commissioner, Nairobi, between the to Siam , claim ants are advised to lodge their claim s as soon as hours of 9 a.m. and 12 noon on the above-mentioned date. possible. ' Nairobi, ' P. E. M ITCHELL, n e Secretariat, Nairobi, J. F. G. TROUGHTON. 11th December, 1947. t' Governor, 12. th D. eççmber, 1947, Mqmber /tv F, inqneq, V 678 THE OFFICIAL GAZERVE December 16, 1947

GGVERNMENT Norzcs No. 1184 Pltocl-xMu lox No. 56 YUGOSLAVIA STATE SECURITIES THE SUPPRESSION OF RABIES ORDINANCE, 1932 IT IS notified for general' information that the National Bank IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabling me, I hereby of Yugoslavia has issued a notice to the owners of Yugoslavia apply the aforesaid Ordipance to the arca set out in the schedule x h Cret o . ' ' state sçcurities requiling a1l gerscms who, in accordance with the law concerning the converslon of pre-war internal slate debts SCHBDUI.E caenrdt ailnia bialintikeisn, gl lianvseti tudtelpoonssi teind YStuqgioe sloqbv' ili'ag atolp psus bomri t bao ndesc lwaritah- Rabies. . tion to the National Bank of Yugojlivia .not later than 31st . The . Nakuru Municipality- -fhe District Commissioner, Decèmber, 1947, whikh btmk will' forWard such declaratiplis to Nakuru, N akuru D istrict. . the State Investment Bank in Belgrade. ' From the crossing of the Cherangani road over the Greater Unless the declaration is made within the specitied time, the Nzoia River at Torsetti's Drift. Southward along 9he Cherangani- securities'. will become State property. Wheeler ' s Drift road i oits junction with' the Soy-Moiben .road. Anyonc to whom this 1aw may apply, and who has not yet Thence westwards along the Soy-Moiben road to tho junction made the necessary declaration ls recommended to send this 'with the maill Soy-Eldoret road. Southw:rds on the main Soy- at once to the Custodian of Enemy Property; P.O. . Box 520, Eldoret road to its junction with the Eldoret-uganda road. Law Courts, Nairobi. . W estwards along the Uganda road to its junction'with the Elgon Estltes roa.d , six miles on the Eldoret side of Turbo. We' stwards GOVEkNMENT NoTlcs No. 1185 . ': . l ' ' along th8. Elgon a'Estates road to its crossing of the Sosiani River. Thence due westwards tq the boundary of the U asin Gishu LAN D ACQUISITION ACT,. 1894 with the North Kavirondo Reservè. - Northwards fôlloWing the TsMI.6RAk# .occtmATloN (% LAND UNDBR Sscvrlox 35 reserve boundary to the Greater Nzoia Riyer, and tbence up- IT IS hereby nötivd and declared that the tenporary stream along the river to Torsetti's Drift.- -f'he District Com- occupation apd use pf approximately 1,638 acres of land at missioner, Eldoret, Uasin Gishu District. . Pungu on the mainlafld south of M ombasa iri tho Coast Province Given under my hand at Kabete this 10th day of December, are needed for Royal Air Force storage purposes for a period 1947. . of three years. The 'area required is m oro particularly described in the schedule hereto, and the boundaries are marked on a s. ssxuv oxej., plan, of ' whiclz 'a t ccpy may be inspected at the osice of thc Director t>/ Veterinary Services. Mombasa branch of the Department ot Lands, Mines and Surveys, or at the oëce öf the District Commissioner, M ombasa.

I hereby appoiht- ' ' ' GORDON M MSi ' RoNG SKIPP/R, PROCLAMATION No. $72 District Commissioner, Mombasa, to m rform E the functions of a . collector under the Land Açquisition Act, 1894, and direct him THE DISEASES OF ANIM ALS ORDINANCE to procure thç occupation apd use of the said land for a period ùf threé years. . ' ' ' 1N' EXERCISE of thi .pdwers thereunto enabling me, I hereby S/HEIjULS ' ' ' declaro '' tizo areaé described in the scfledules hereto to he . itinfected amas'' in respect of the diseases respectively indicated Land requ( red for temporary occupation and us'e for three at the head of th= schedules. years : -- ' ' ' ' ' ' . E acres . . . . ycussoj.s 1

L.It. lke. 3355/6 ' .. .. 626 . Rabies...... E.R. NO. 3855/ 14 . . . ,,. . ' 1012 The Nakuru Municipality- rfhe District Commissioner, Nakuru, Nakuru District. Total '. . ' 1638 '.From the crodsing of the Cherangani road over the Greater C. H , TH ORN LEY , Nzoia river at Torsetti's Drift. Southward along the Cherangmzi- N airobi, . . Wheeler's Drift road to its junction with the Soy-M oiben road. 12th December, 19k7. Deputy Chiej Secretary. Thcnce westwards along the Soy-M oiben road to the junction with the. main Soy-Eldord road. Southward: on' the main Soy- GOVERNMBNT Noncà No. 1186 '' ' '. . . Eldoret road to its junction with the main Eldoret-uganda road. THE CiXUkTS OKDIVANCE, 1931 Westwards along the Ugànda road to its junction with the Elgon Ayeolx-rMEx'r Estates vrùad, six miles on the Eldoret side of Turbo. W estwards IN EXERCISE of the powers conferad upon him by . sedion ' along the Elgon Estates road to its crossing of the Sosiani 6 of the Courts Ordinance, 1931, His Excellency the Governor River. Thence due westwards to the boundary of the Uasin Gishu has been pleased to ' appoint, wit.h ,effect .'from the 1st day of 2 with the north K avirondo Reserve. Northwards following the December, 1947- . ' . . reserve boundary to the Greater Nzoia River; and thence ' up- stream along the river to. Torsetti's Drift.- ef'he District Com- JOHN Fu osm c D EARDBN missioner, Eldoret,' Uasin Gishu Disirict. ttl be a. Mabstrate of the Thir4 Class for. 1he . purposes of y section. 6 of 1he Enipllament of Seivants Ordinance, 1937. SCHEDIJLE 2 By Commahd of Hij Excellency the Governor. Contagious Bovine Pleuro-pneumpnia. Nairobi, S, W . P. FOSTER SUW ON, churia Division Kia' 'mbu 'District- ' . -rh: District Com- > . 13th December, 1947. M ember jor Law and Order. missioner,Kiambu D' isiriçt. . Githunguri Division of the Kiambu Reserve.- 'rhe District GOVBRNMENT NOTICE NO. 1187 Com m issioner, K iambu, K iambu District. . ' ' ' THE COURTS ORDI' NANCE, 1931 , , AP/OINTMBNT '' ' 2 scusoucs 3 IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon him by svxction Ulcerative Lymphangitis. . 6 of the Courts Ordinance, 1931, His Excellency the Governor L.O. 822/R-R. D. Dykes, Esq-, P.O. Soy, Uasin Gishu has been pleased to appoint, with eFect from the 1st day of District. . . December, 1947- And 1 further declare .that the portions of Proclamations in so RICHARD G/ORGE BRAVNE-NIPHOLLS far as they relate to the following :- ato Sbueb oar diMnatgçi stCraotue rto f oft heth eS ecSoencodn dC laCklsa sws itwhh. -1llsotw ehrosl d.tion g:. hohlids , Proclamation No'. 26 dated the 24th day oj July, 1946- present 'abpointment as' District Ollicell, ' South Kavirondo, ' L.R. Nos. 2950/*6/.1 ' and 166/2- W . H. Dickens, Esq-, P.O. . Nyanz.a Provinee. . , . . Box 22, Limurw . Kiambu Dirtrict, tô be an infected area (east By Command cif His Excellency the Governor. ' coast fever). . . . . ' Proclamation No. 17 dated the 19/à day oj April, 1945- Nairobi, S. W. P. S'OjTER SUTTON, The Veterinary Reseàrch Laboratory, Kabete tKiambu Dis- 13th Decembsr, 1947. M elnber j/r .Lf/M/ and Order. trict, to be an infected area (ulcerative lymphangitls). ' ' ...... GOVSRNMSN;I' No'ncs N o. 1188 ' ' ' ' Proqlamation N o.'. 52. datqà the 13/: day // November, 1947- L.O. N os. 4145 and 4146- A , L. Randall, Esq., Lechugu THE COURTS OKDINANCE Farm, P.O. Naro Morka N. orth Nyeri District (rinderpest). . REVOCATION OF APPOINTMENT . L.O. Nos. .2764, 4704 and 277l= Major S. Armstrong, P.O. MR. E. H. CRAKE, having tcnderèd' his resignation from the Nanyuki, , N orth N yeri . District, to be an irifected al'ea oëce of M àgistrate to His Excellency the Governor, and His ' Excellency the Governor having accepted . such resignation, .lrirfderpest). . . ' . Government Nétqce No. 911, dated 26th October, 1943, in so far be rekoked: ' as it relates 'to his appointme'nt as a M agistrate, is hereby tllvèn uftder my hand at Kabde this lotlz day of December, rcvolced. 1947. Néirobi ' ' S. W . P. FOSTBR .SUTTON, E. BEAUMONT, ' . l ' ' 9th December, 1947. Member /f7r Lnw .,z?z/#/ Order. Director // Veterinary Services. December 16, 1947 THE OFFICIAE GAZETI'E 679

GENERAL No'rlcs No. 2203 GISNBRAL NoTlcs No. 2207 THE TRADBS MARKS ORDINANCE, 1930 THE TRADE MARKS ORDINANCE, 1930 A PPLICATION N o. 3562 APPLICATION No. 3647 Rvc A TAKE NOTICB that an applicdtion for the registration' of the trade mark shown above in Class 42 in respect of cereqls pre- pared for food: for uje for 'human consumption has been lodged by John Stephenson Robertsoh, of 147 W illiam Street, 2 M elbourne, ' in the State : of Victoria, Commonwealth of lI: Australia, mercbant, whose âddress for 'service in tho Colony .is ' c/o Messrst Atkinson !Ainslie, Childs-clarke & O'Donovan, . . . advocates, of South Brltish Insurance Buildings, Kilindini Road, P.O. Box 29, M ombasa; . : . . ' The said trade mark wlll be' registered after the expiration of 90 days from the date of this Gazette, provided no noticy' of a-l.-n.t opposltion is received. TAKE NOTICE that an application for the registration of Nairobi, . ' ''. W . B. CUMM ING, the trade mark shown above in Class 47 in respect of 4th December, 1947. Registrar oj Trade M /zrko'. lubricating oils and detergents has been lodged by Boyle-Midway Inc., a Corporation of the State of Delaware of 257 Cornelfson Avenue, Jerscy City, State of New' Jersey U nited States of America, manufacturers, whose address for se, rvice in the Colony is c/ o M essrs. Atkinson, Ainslie, Childs-clarke & 0 'Donovan, advocates, of South British Insurance Buildings, Kilindini Road, G sxsltàtz N oTlcs No. 2208 P.O. Box 29,. M ombasa. ' ' THB TRADB MARKS ORDINANCE, 1930 The said trade mark will be ' registered after the expiration of APPLICATION NO. 3649 90 days from the date of this Gâzette, provided no notice of opposltion is received . ' . ' Nairobi, W . B. CUM M ING, 3rd December, 1947. Registrar (# Tradt M arks. TAKE NOTICE that an application for the ' registration of the trade mark shown above in Class 3 in respect of chemical GeNBRXL No'rlcE No. 2204 substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmacy has been lodged by M eggeson & Company, Limited, of Llewellyn G rove, THE TRADE M ARKS ORDINANCE, 1930 Llewellyn Street, Bermondsey, , S.E., England, manu- Ar.eLlcATloN N o. 3644: facturers, whose address for service in the Colony is c/o M essrs. Atkinson, Ainslie, Childs-clarke & O'Donovan, advocates, of CRUZON South British Insurance Buildings, Kilgndini Road, P.O. Box 29, TAKE NOTICE that an application for the regîstration of the trade mark shown above in Class 2 in respect of veterinary and M om basa. sanitary substances has been lodged by Imperial Chemical The said trade mark will be registered after the expiration of (Pharmaceuticals) Limited, of W exham Road, Slough, 90 days from the date of this Gazette, pro' vided no notice of Bucklnghamshire, England, manufacturers and merchants, whose opposition is received.. address for servicé in the Colony is c/o Messrs. Atkinson, Ainslie, Childs-clarke & O'D onovan, advocates, of South N airobi, ' W .' B. CU M M IN G, British Insurance Bpildings, Kilindini Road, PyO. Box 29, 4th December, ' 1947. . 'Registrat oj Trade M arks. ( . M ombasa. . : . . . ., . ' . ' . . ' The said trade mark will be registered after the' ' okpiration of ' 90 days from the date of this Gazette, provided no notice of ...... * ' opposltion is received. GEKBRAL Ncrrlcs No. 2209' '' ' ' Nairobi, W . B. CUM M ING, 4th December, 1947. Registrar oj Trade M arks. THE TRADE M ARKS ORDINANCE, 1930 GsxsR.xs Rowlcs No. 2205 . :, JkepLlcxTloN è4o. 83650 W W DOLITE THE TRADE M ARKS ORDINANCE, 1930 TAKE NOTICE that an application for the registratio'n in A P/LICATION N o. 3645 Part B of the Registcr of the trade m ark shown above in Class 50 in respect of a substitute fo'r glass P NOVIS ' ,' madé of fiiïe wire netting and : substanoç resembling celluloid has been lodged by TAKE NOTICE that an application for the registratitin of the W indolite' Limited, of Före 'Stleet, Harlow, Essex, manufacturers, trade mark showrl above:. ip Clasj 2 ip respçct of Veterinary substanèek' ' has è ' beèn .' ' lodged ' ' .b# ' ' frrippflal ' Chemical whose address for service in the Colony is zc/o Messrs. Atkinson, (Pharmaceuticals) Limite' d, ' of ' W exham Road, Slough, Ainslie, Childsmclarke & O'Donovan, advocates, 'of South British Buckinghamshire, Ebgland, manufacturers and merchants, whose lnsurancç Buildings, Kllkndipi . Road, P.O.. Box' 29x Mombasak addrçss for servi'ce in the Colony is c/o M essrs. . Atkinson, The 'said trade mark will be registered aftèr the expiration of Ainslie, . Childs-cl/rko & O'Donovan, advocates, of South 90 days from the date of this Gazette, provided hb .noticie of British Insura'nce Buildings, Kilindini Road, P.O. Box 29, opposition is received. . : . ' ' M ombasa. '. The said trade mark wilt be registered after the expiration of N airobi, W . B. CU M M IN G, 90 days from the date. of this Gazette, provided no notice of 4th December, 1947. Registrar oj Trade M arks. Opposltion is received. Nairobi, W . B. CUM MING 4th December , , 1947. Registrar oj Trade M arks. G ISNERA.L N o'rlcE No. 2210 GBNBRAI- N o'ricB N o. 2206 . , , ' THE TRADE M ARKS ORDINANCE, 1930 THE TRADE MARKS ORDINANCE, )930 Alx lcm ox No. 3646 ' AIYLICATIèN No. 3652 '

S B M M ON. OG. RA. M. ' TAKE NOTI/B that an applicaiio'n 'for the registration of thc TAK/ NOTICE that an applièation for the r(egistrgtion pl the trade mark shown above in Class 22 in respectof cycles tmotor trade 'mark shown ' above in Clàss 45. in respjct of tobacco pro- . duc'ts being raw or manufactùred tobacco cycles, side cars . for use with cytles or motor cycles, rlckshas, , lncluding cigarrttes, and parts of a1l such articles included in Class 22 has been has beeh lôdged 'by lhterhationa:l Tob>cco Co., of lodged by Sunbeam Cycles Limited, of Armoury Road Smal Limitèd, of 154-6 Presideflt Streel, Johannèsburk, Transvaâl, Heath, , England, manufacturers, whose addr, ess fom manufacturers, whose address 'for service in the Colöny is

service ilt the Colony is c/o Messrs. Atkinson, Ainslie? C. hilds- c/o Messrs-' Atkinson t' Ainslie; Childswclarke & O'Dohovan. Clarke . & O'Donovan, advocates, of South British Insurance advocates, of South' Brltish Ihsurynce' Buildings, Kilihdihi. Roûd, P.O. Box 29, M ombasa. . .e't. ' ' ' ' Buildings, K ilindini Road, P.O. 'Box 29, Vorflbasa. ' . The said trade mark will be registered after the expiration of n e said trade mark will be registered after tbe explrabtion of 90 days from the date' of thij Gazçtte, provided no notice of 90 days from yho date of this Gazette, provided no notice of opposition is received. opposltion is received. Nairobi, W . B. CUM MING 4th December , Nairobi, W . B. CUM MING , 1947. Registrar t# Trade M arks. 4th Deceniber, 1947. Registrar tp/ Trade M,arkq. ' 680 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE December 16, 1947

osxsnx,- xovlcs xo. 2211 Geyeitxu Nowice No. 2216 THE TRADE M ARKS ORDINANCE, 1930 W ATER ORDINANCE, 1929 AeeLlcArlox No. 3654 Vihiga Spring, Kavirondo District APPLICATION by the Director of Public W orks for a 'water S HA D right from the Vihiga Springs in the Kavirondo Native Rcscrve .. ' 'TAKE NOTICE that an application for the registration of the for a net quantity of 4,000 gallons per day for the purpose of trade mark shown above in Class 3 in respect of chemical sgb- domestic. use at a W omen's Traning Centre. stances prepared for. use in medicine and pharmacy has beeen lodged by M ay & Baker Limited, of Dagenham, Essex, Englarid, lilans may be seen at the Public W orks Department, Head manûfacturing chemists, whose address for service in the Colony O#j ce, and at the omces of the Divisional Engineer, Public is c/0 Messrs. Atkinsons Ainslie, Childs-clarke & O'Donovah, Wprks Department, Kisumu. , advocates ' of South British lnsurance Buildings, Kilindini Road, Objections stating specific grounds therefor should be filed in P.O; Box 29, M ombasa. duplicate with the W ater Board, P.O. Box 662, Nairobi, within The said trade mark will be registered after the expiration of 30 days from the date of publication of this notice and a copy 90 .days .from. the date of this Gazette, providcd no notice of scrved on the undersigned. opposition is received. ' A. E. TETLEY, N' ai robi , h, . B . CUMMING, Applicant fJr lawjully authorized agent. jor Director oj Public W orks, 4th December, 1947. Registrar (# Trade Marks. P.O. fth.x 662, Nairobi.

GENSRAL No'ncE No. 2212 GSNERAL NolucB No. 2217 THE W AR LOAN ORDINANCE, 1940, Loss oF Boxo CsRTlFlcAlxEs ' UN DER THE M ED ICAL PRACTITION ERS AND IN PURSUANCE. of the provision of Regulation 17 (2) of DENTISTS ORDINANCE . the War Loan Regulations, 1940, notice is hercby given that (Cap. l 19, the .R(?rà'c# Edition) 21. pcr cent East Africah W ar aBonds Ccrtilicates Nos. 3491, 5659 THE UNDERM ENTIONED have been registered in accord- and 5661 of f 5 each öf - 21. p'er cent East African War Bonds: ance with the terms of thc Medical Practitioners and Dentists 1949/51, Series ççB'', issucd in the name of Chief M teml Ordinance (Cap. 1 19 of the Revised Edition) :- kaswendè, have been lost, and that it is proposed after thc Nante.- Ke3-%y, Michael Hempson. Uxpitatlon ' èf ' 30 days from thc date of this notice to issue a Address.- p-o. Kitale. duplicatè of juùh tertîficates. - Qualihcation.- M l-, Ch.B . (U .Brist)...... u * J K w sssrElt# NKl/?dc.- llhide, Shripad Hanmant. . . . ,41 c cittttt yl?p t (y (,,j 3ft.(lt. Address.- p.o. Box 75, M ombasa. Qualihcation.-M-B-, B.S. (U. Bombay). N. M . M ACLENNAN, Gfïx' skAt Norlcà No. 22 13 Registrar. THE WAR L0AN ORDINANCE, 1940 , LOSS OF BOND CERTIFICATE lN: PURSUANCE of the provision of Regulation 17 (2) of the War Loan Regulations, 1940, notice ij hereby given that 2.). per cent East African War Bonds Certocate No. 1046 for EASI- AFRICAN CURRENCY BOARD 2' .5 Series 6çB'' of 2.1. per cent East African W ar Bonds, 1945/47, issued in the name of M r. lshmael Ithong'o, has been lost, and 30TH JUNE, 1947 that it is lyoposed after the expiration of 30 days f rom the date Circulation of this netlce to issue a duplicatc of such certilicate- f e. cts. H . J. W EBSTER S Silver coinage . . 6,585,499 18 00 Accouîltallt General. Bronze coinage . . 755,020 l 1 74 Curreney notea . . . 17,028,922 15 50 f e. d. G exiLltxl- NoI lcs N o'. 22 14 Currenoy Resarve Ftm d ...... 23,577,856 3 2 THE WAR LOAN ORDINANCE, 1940 Loss oF. BOND CERTIFICA'I': Securities ytplw?frlg the Investment Portion oj //lF Currency ' ' IN PURSUANCE of the provision of Regulation 17 (2) of Reserve Fund the War Loan ' Regulations, 1940, notice is hereby given that 21. per (xnt East African War Bonds Certificate No. 1824 for Nom inal value Price paid Meaonj jym aurket price at f 15 Series *CB'' of 2.1. per cent East M rican W ar Bonds, 1945/47, ue, 1:47 issued in the name of M rs. Olga W atkins, has been lost, and that :21,024,198 4x9. 4#. :21:327,030 4.. 9#. :21,786,361 13.. 7#. it is pl'oposed after thc expiration of 30 days from the date of this notice' to issue a duplicatc of such certilicate. Nairobi, H. J. WBBSTER, ' H. J . W EBSTER, Accountallt General. 9th December, 1947. Ctqrency Omcer.

GENERAL NoTlcs No. 2215 GSNERAL NoilcE N o. 2219 WATER ORDINANCE, 1929 HIS MM ESTY'S SUPREME COURT OF KENYA Rttpingazi River, Em bu District COMMISSIONER FOR OATHS (ADVOCATES) APPLICATIONS by the Hon. Director of Public Works from ORDINANCE, CAP. 20, LAW S OF KENYA the. Rupingqzi River in' the Embu Native Reserve for 54,000 A CoMMlssloN gallpn's pèr day for a domestic supply for the Embu Township. To a11 whom these presents may come greeting : :I i' ia.n's .may be seen at the Public Works Department, Head Oflicè? Nairobi, and at the omce of the Divisional Engineer, BE IT KNOW N that on the 10th daj' of December, 1947, C/ntfal Division lNorth), P.W.D., Nyefi. AHMED HussAlx' MAI-IK, . Osections stating Npecific grounds therefor should bc filed in an Advty/tv . k?t the Supreme Court of Kenya, was appointed duplicate with thc xWater Board, P.O. Box 662, Nairobi, within to be a Celilrfllssioner for Oaths under the above-named Chapter 30 days from the date of publication of this notice and a copy for so long as he . continues to practise as such Advocate and lçrvçd op the undersigned. this Commission is not revoked. Given under m y hand anjl the Seal of the Court this ltkh .q% . y s w yusy day of December, 1947, at Nairobi. Applicant or lawjully authorizeà agent. jor Director ()/ Public WorksJ J. H . B. NIHILL, P.O. Box 662, Natrobi. Chiej Justice- December 16, 1947 rHE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 681

GSNBRAL NoTlcs No. 2163 9. European School, M ombasa. 12 Tables, kindcrgarten, single, Hardwood, 2 ft. by ft. CENTRAL TEND ER BOARD 8 in. by 1 ft. 8 in. high. TENDERS are invited for the manufacture, supply and 13 Desks, kindergarten, single open locker type, Hardwood, delivery of the undermentioned furniture required for the follow- 2 ft. by 1 ft. 8 in. by 1 ft. 6 in. 25 Chairs, kindergarten tym , ordinary, Hardwood. ing schools :- . i . Government lndian Girls' School, Nairobi. 1 Cupboard, chssroom, Hardwood, 6 ft. by 3 ft. by 1 ft. 4 in. 12 Chairs, M vuli, Rexine seat. 1 Chairs, oflke type, padded and rexine vovered, Hard- 12 Tables, omce type, with two drawers, 5 ft. by 3 ft. wood. 2 Cupboards with glass front, 4 ft. 6 in. by 3 ft. 9 in. for 1 Table, ieachers, with drawers, Hardwood: 5 ft. by 3 ft. books. . by 2 ft. 4.1. in. 4 Oëce chairs with arms, Rexine seat, M vuli. Samples of these articles may be inspected by previous 2. Governlnent Indian H igh School, N airobi. arrangement with the Principal of the school concerned, and 1 Cupboard, liling, in Mvuli, 6 ft. by 4 ft. each article must be exactly the same as the sample b0th as (Drawing can be seen on appllcation to the Principal regards dimensions, workm anship and linish, and only lirst- of . the school.) quality seasoned timber of the kind specifkd is to be used. 3. Kenya High School, Nairobi. Tenders must state the approximate dates of delivery of each l Dining tables, refectory type, Mvuli, 6 ft. by 2 ft. 6 in. item tendered for and price,s must include cost of delivery to 14 Dining tables, refectory type, Mvuli, 7 ft. by 2 ft. 6 in. the schools concerned, except the last named. 1 Service table, Mvuli, 3 ft. by 1 ft. 6 in. Articles delivered will be subject to inspection by either an 1 Kitchen table, Podo, 3 ft. by 2 ft. oflicer of the Public W orks Department or the Education De- 1 Kitchen table, Podo, zinc top, 5 ft. by 2 ft. partment, and any articles not up to the standard of the samples 1 Kitchen table, Podo, with zinc top, 6 ft. by 4 ft. will be rejected. 2 Sldeboards? Mvuli, 5 ft. by 3 ft. 6 in. by 1 ft. 6 in. Quotations are required separately for each item of the above 28 Benches, dlning hall, mvull, 6 ft. by 1 f t. 6 in. by 1 ft. list. ' 2 M eat safes, 4 ft. 6 by 4 ft. 2 in. by 2 ft. The Board does not bind itself to accept ihe lowest or any 1 Pot rack, iron, kitchen, 3 ft. 6 in. by 5 ft. 6 in. by tendtr, and any tender may lx accepted vither wholly or in part. 1 Plate rack ?Teak, kitchen. Tenders in sealed envelopes marked tç-fenders- rurniture for l Fuel bin, lron, 2 ft. 4 in. by 1 ft. 10 in. Schools'', must be deposited in the tender box in Room No. 1 China cupboard, M vuli, 7 ft. by 6 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 121A, Railway Headquarters Building, Nairobi, by neon on 4 Ttlesday, 30th December, 1947. . Prince oj School, Kabete. 1 Table, kitchen, M vuli, 4 ft. by 2 ft. 6 in. A. C. C. ROBERTS, Secretary, 2 Tables, kitchen, Podo, 5 ft. 6 in. by 4 ft. The Treasury, Nairobi, Central Tender Board, l 15 Chairs, ordinary, M vuli. 2nd December, 1947. P.O. Box 591, Nairobi. 12 Tables, dining, M vuli, 9 ft. by 3 ft. 6 in. 1 Table, dinings M vuli: 12 ft. by 3 ft. 1 Table, serving, M vull, 6 ft. by 2 ft. 6 in. H/' Camp jor Primary School, Nairobi. GENBRAL NoTlcs No. 2082 1 Dining table, M vuli, refectory type, 6 ft. by 2 ft. 6 in. 7 Dining tables, M vuli, refectory type, 7 ft. by 2 ft. 6 in. HIS M AJESTY'S COURT OF APPEAL FOR 1 Service table, M vuli, 3 ft. by 1 ft. 6 in. EASTERN AFRICA 1 Kitchen table, Podo, 3 f t. by 2 ft. 2 Kitchen tables, zinc top, Podo, 5 ft. by 2 ft. NoTlcs oF OROINARV SEssloxs IN 1948 1 Kitchen table, zinc top. Podo, 6 ft. by 4 ft. NOTICE is hereby given 'that the following ordinary sessions 1 Sideboard, Mvuli, 5 ft. by 3 ft. 6 in. by 1 ft. 6 in. of His Majesty's Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa will be 14 Benches, dining hall, M vull, 6 ft. by 1 ft. 6 in. by 1 ft. held at the places and on the dates set out hereunder :- 1 M eat safe, 4 ft. 6 in. by 4 f t. by 2 ft. 1 Pot rack, kitchen, iron, 3 ft. 6 in. by 5 ft. 6 in. by Nairobi- Tuesday, 13tl1 January, 1948. 1 ft. 4 in. Kampala- Tuesday, 13th April, 1948. 1 Plate rack, kitchen, Teak, 8 ft. by 5 ft. 9 in. by 1 ft. 6 1. M ombasa- -fuesday, 13th July, 1948. 1 Fuel bin, kitchen, iron, 2 ft. 4 in. by 1 ft. 10 in. Dar es Salaam-Tuesday, 12th October, 1948. 1 China cupboard, Mvuli, 7 ft. by 6 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. To ensure appeals being set down for hearing at these sessions. 6. Primary School Sanatorium, Nairobi. memoranda of appeals should be liled with the Re#strar, H.M - 2 Dining tables, refectory type, Mvuli, 6 ft. by 2 ft. 6 in. Court of Apm al for Eastern Africa, Nairobi, and the Deputy 1 Service table, M vuli, 3 ft. by 1 ft. 6 in. Registrars, H.M . Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa at 1 K itchen table, Pedo, 3 ft. by 2 ft. Mombasa, Kampala, Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar, ill the ' 1 K itchen table, zinc top? 5 ft. by 2 ft. respective territories of Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika and 2 Benches, dining, M vull, 6 ft. by 1 f t. 6 in. by 1 ft. Zanzibar, at lcast one m onth before the com mencement of any 1 Sideboard, M yuli, 5 ft. by 3 ft. 6 in. by' 1 ft'. 6 in. particular session. 1 M eat safe :4 ft. 6 in. by 4 ft. by 2 ft. 1 Fuel bin, lron, 2 ft. 4 in. by 1 ft. 10 in. D. F. SHAYLOR, Registrar, Government Ajrican School, Hojfr, Northern Province. 17th November, 1947. Court f)/ Appeal pr Eastern Alrica. 30 Double open locker desks, Podos with seats, P.W .D. type. . 3 Tables, teachers, Podo, 5 ft. by 3 ft. by 2 f t. 41 in. bigh with drawers, P.W .D. type. 5 Tables, dining, trestle, Podo, 6 ft. 3 in. by 2 ft. 6 in.s GBNERAL N orlcB No. 30 complete with trestles. 8 Benches, Podo, 6 ft. by 1 ft. 6 in-, for tables, P.W .D. ills MAJESTY'S SUPREME COURT OF KENYA t/pe. NOTICE is hereby given that the following Sessions of His 6 Chalrs, ordinary, Podo, P.W .D. type. Majesty's Supreme Court of Kenya will be held at the place,s 3 Cupboards, classroom , Podo, 6 ft. by 3 ft. by 1 ft. 4 in., set out hereunder :- P.W .D. type. SuelœMs COURT SBssloNs AT THOMSON'S FALLS, 16-12-47 1. Bookshelf , Podo, 3 ft. 6 in. by 3 ft. Mgh with back. 3 Letter trays, Podo, 16 in. by 10 in. by 3 1n. high. Cr. C. No. 235/47 Rex v,#. kuarban Malik and three othcrs. 20 Beds, Afncan, angle iron or wooden, 6 ft. by 2 ft. 3 1. with bed boards. SIJPRBMB COURT Ssssloxs AT NvBRI- 30-12-47 4 Blackboards, Podo, 4 ft. by 3 ft-, with easels. Cr. C. No. 135/47 Rex vs. Kibebu s/o Ngoseli. Cr. C. No. 198/47 Rex 1w. Kangora s/o Murage. (All as per P.W .D. type drawing for furniture Plan Cr. C. No. 236/47 Rex vJ. M 'Thambura s/o M'Mariuko. No. 2208.) Cr. C. No. 241/47-Rex vs. Mjuki s/o Munyeri and 12 othcrp. 8. lndian Prfl/lcry' School, M ombasa. Cr. C. No. 242/47-R.ex v.&. M'Muketha sJo M'Rimberik. 289 Desksz dual open locker type, with seat, Hardwood, Cr. C. No. 262/47 Rex v3,. Kiragtl s/o Ngurè and two oihers. 3 ft. 4 in. by 3 ft. 1. in. by 2 ft. 6 in. Cr. C. No. 246/47 Rex vx. George Mwiga s/o Wambugu and 14 Uupboards, classroom, Hardwood, 6 ft. by 3 ft. by 1 ft. Muturi s/o Mathenge. 4 in. 14 Tables, teachers', with drawers, Hardwood, 5 ft. by 3 ft. SIJI>RBMB COIJRT Ssssloxs AT M oMBxsAp 5TH JANUARY, 1948 by 2 ft. 41- in. Cr. C. No. 244/47 Rex vs. Joto s/o Salimu. 14 Chairs, oflice type, rexine covered and padded, Hard- Cr. C. No. 253/47- 11x vs. Abeli s/o Marigha. wood. Cr. C. No. 259/47 Rex vJ. Sharil Manswab bin Abdalla. 14 Blackboards, wall type, Podo, 8 ft. by 4 ft. (Al1 tbe above as P.W.D. type furniture drawing No. D. F. SHAYLOR, Registrar, 2208.) sttpreme Court t# Kenya. .68: 'I-HB oyvlclAt. GAZE.'I'-I.E oecember 16, 1947

GENERAL Nolqlcç No. 2220 GSXBRAL NoTlcB No. 2223 IN HIS M M ESTY'S SUPREM E COURT OF KENYA THB BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE AT NAIROBI No'rlcs os DIVIDBNO Clvllv CASE N o. 341 oF 1947 Sulnlnary Case ln //lf4 lnatter o! Macalde' r M/ae,N Litnited t7/7# in the matter ol Debtor's .Nfz/czs'-- Artllul' Alexander M acdonald Cruickshank, the Companies Ordinalqce, 1933 trading as EçS & C M otor Transport''. NOTICE is hereby given that the Order o' f His M ajesty's W#t/reyx.- l-ondiani. Supreme Court of Kenya m'ade at Nairobi on the 9th day of D escription.'-x çanspok't Contractor. October, 1947, conûrming the reduction of the capital of the Ctzur/.- Resident Magistrate's Court, Kisumu. above named Company from Sh. 4,000,000 to Sh. 2,810,318 and No. oj matter.- s of 1933 (Kisumu). the M inute approved by the Court showing with respect to tho D ebtor's rltz-c.- A rthur Alexander M acdonald Cruickshank, capital of the Company as altered ' the several particulars Amount per f .- Sh. 20. required by the above Ordinance was registered b'y the First or Jrlc/ or otherwise.- Ykçstand final. Registrar of Companies on the 7th day of November, 1947. W e W hen payable.- k6th December, .1 947. ' said Minute is in the words ahd ligures following :- ' W here pcycb/c.--olicial Receiver's Ollke, Law Courts Build- it-f'he Capital of Macalder Mines Limited was by virtue of ings, P.O. Box 231, Nairobi. a Special Resolution of the Company and with the sanctio'n of an Order of His Majesty's Supereme Court of Kenya at Nairobi, W . B. CUMM ING, Nairobi dated the 9th day of October, 1947, reduced from the 10th December, 1947. Omcial Receiver. former capital of Shillings 4,000,000 divided into 4,000,000 shares of One Shilling each (of which at the date of the regis- tration of this M inute 3,568,986 of the said shares numbered 1 to 3,568 :986 inclusive had been issued and the full amount of Ono Shllling had been paid up and was deemed to be paid THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE up thereon) to Shillings 2,8 10,318 divided into' 2,8 10,318 shares of One Shilling each. The said reduction of capital is eFected No'rlcs oF D IVIDBND by cancelling tile 1,189,682 of the said sbares num bered as Sum mary Case follows- Debtor's atzp?c.-pitamber Damji. 318,159-364,172, 1,863,632-1,876,695, 3,468,987-3,568,986, zffffro'd.- lûisumu. 2,831,222-3,150,847, 2,792,822-2,795,221, 2,724,822-2,733,821, Description.- sbw p Assistant. 2,162,315-2,424,821 1,081,389-1,120,722, 1,144,723-1,156,722, C'tpur/.- Resident M agistrate's Court, Kisumu. 1,290,056-1,356,722, 1,360.723-1,362,722, 1,362,734-1,362,739, No. tp/ lnatter.-a of 1937 (Kisumu). 1,362,785-1,362,807, 1762,853-1,362,875, 1,376,971-1,377,379, Xmolznf per f .- SII. l 1/ 57. 1,377,380-1,377,824, 1,364,636-1,364,859, 1,364,860-1,364,876, First or hnal or otherwîse.-bjçst and Iinal. 1,366,798-1,366,848, 1,898,696-1,898,727, 2,750,555-2,758,821, W helt pJyc:/e.- 16th Decem ber, 1947. 1,364,922-1,364,944, 1,364,967-1,364,978, 1,365,(01-1,365,012, I'Pllere ptzycylc.-oflkial Receiver's öflice, Law Courts Build- 1,365,058-1,365,080, 1,365,103-1,365,114, 1,365,160-1,365,182, ings, P.O. Box 231, Nairobi. 1,365,466-1,365,522, 1,365,999-1,366-236, 1,366,350-1,366,406, 1,366,429-1,366,440, 1,366,486-1,366,508, 1,366,509-1,366,525, Nairobi, W . 'B. CUM M ING , 1,366,707-1,366,797, 1,366,871-1,366,882, 1,366,928-1,366,950, 10th December, 1947. Omcial Receiver. 1,367,087-1,367,154, 1,367,381-1,367,494 3,182,390-3,468,986, 1,375,156-1,375,161, 1,375,173-1,375,178, 1,375,224-1,375,229, 1,375,241-1,375,246, 1,375,269-1,375,280, 1,375,292-1,375,297, G ENERAL N oTlcE. N o. 2225 1,375,309-1,375,314, 1,375,326-1,375,331, 1,376,163-1',376,578, 1,377,944-1,378,002, 1,862,598-1,862,63 1, 1,365,295-1,365,352, THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ORDINANCE 2,820,688-2,821,021, 2,811,688-2,820,021, 1,892,029-1,898,695, (Chapter 142 oj the Revised E dition oj the Laws oj Kenya- 2,827,355-2,931,021, 1,877,362-1,877,695, 2,831,088-2,831,121, Section 69). 2,831,188-2,831,221, 1,863,298-1,863,631. WHEREAS lrene Ada Taylor (now Norman) . is registered as A specia' 1 Resolution of the Company has been passed to the tke proprietor of the piece of land containing 1,017 acres or effect that as from the date of consrmation by the Court of thereabouts, situate south of Thomson's Falls Township in the the said reduction of capital tlle capital of the Company bo Nakuru District, and known as L.R. No. 2649 / 1 by virtue of a increased te Shillings 4,000,000 by the creation of 1,189,682 certificate of title registered as No. I.R. 3666/ 1 and whereas shares of Ono Shilling each ranking for dividend and in all suKcient evidence has beeh adduced to show that the said other respects ptzrj passu with the existing shares. Tlw capital certificate of title has been lost, notice is therefore hereby given of the Company at the date of the registration of this Minute that after the expiration of 90 days from the date hereof l shall . is accordingly Shillings 4,000,000 divided into 4,000,000 shares issue a provisional cerificate provided that no objections have of One Shilling each, of whic,h 2,379,304 shares are issued been received within that poriod. and 1,620,696 shares are unissued.'' Dated the ûfth day of December, 1947. A. P. M ANNING, HAM ILTON, HARRISON & M ATHEW S, 16th December, 1947. Regstrar t# titles. Solicitors jor the C'tzrrlpfzêly, Naîrobi House, Nairobi. GBNBRXL No'ryce No. 2226 GSNERAL No'rlcE No. 2221 PROBATS Axo XDMINISTRATIOR 1, KENNETH GRAHAM , of P.O. Box. 844, Nairobi, in the Colony of Kenya, hcretofore calted and known by the name CwrsE l4o. 74 oF 1947 of Kenn- eth Green, hereby give notico that on the 10th day of Itt the matter oj Beato Kiwaya Sammy, deceased December, 1947, l renounced and abandoncd the use of my said 'TAK E. NOTICE that a11 persons having any claims against the surname of Green and assumed in lieu thereof the surname of estate of the aboyo-named Beato Kiwaya Sammy, deceased, who Graham, and further that such change of name is evidenced died at Bugaya-Buvuma, Uganda, on the 23rd day of April, by a dedd' of poll dated tho 10th day of Dcùember, 1947, duly 1946, are required to' prove such claims before me the under- executed by me and attested by an advocate of the Supreme signed on or before the 16th day of Febrtlary, 1948, after which Court of Keny; on the 10th day of December, 1947. date tho çlaims so proved will be paid, and the estate distributed Datcd the 10th day of December, 1947. according to law. KENNETH GREEN, M ombasa, M . D. CHITNAVIS, naw KENNETH GRM IAM . 8th December, 1947. Agent ol the Public Trustee. GSNISRAL No'rlcs No. 2222 W ATER ORDINANCE, 1929 GENBRXL NoTfcE No. 2227 Njoro River, N'c/curzl District 'APPLICATION by D. W . M olbny of Nakuru for a water PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION rigbt from ttle Njoro River on L.R. Nos. 458/ 1/ 1 for a net Cw sE No. 78 UF 1947 quantity of 7,200 gallons per day for domestic use. . In the tnatter t# Asha Binti M tula, decea' sed . Plans may be seen at the Public W orks Department, Head TAKE NOTICE that a11 persons having any claims against the Omce, Nairobi, and at tbe omce of the Nakuru District estate of the aboye-named Asha binti Mtula, doceased, who died Council. at Sokoni-Majengo, Mombasa, on the 20th day of November, Objections stating specific grounds therefor should be filed in 1947, are required to prove such claim s before m e the under- duplicate with the W ater Board, P.O. Box 662, Nairobi, witllin signed on or before the 16th day of February, 1948, after which 30 days from the date of publication of this notice and a copy date thc clalms so proved wi. 11 be'paid, and the estate distributed served on the undersigned. according to law. D. W . M OLONY, Applicant or lawjully authorized agent, M o'mlmsa, M . D. CHITNAVIS Longacres, P.O. Box 152, Nakuru. 8th December, 1947. Agent (# the Public Trustce. December 16, 1947 THE OFFICIAL G AZEW E 683

G SNBRAL No'rlcs N o. 2228 G BNERAL N o'rlcE N o. 2233 THE RICE FACTORY RULES, 1939 IN H1S M AJESTY'S SUPREME COURT 0F KENYA AT MOM BASA t. N o'rlcE IN ACCORDANCE with the provikons of Rule 8 of the Rice PROBATB Axo ADMINISTRATION Faciory Rules, 1939 (Government Notice No. 504 of 1939), In the matter 0/ the estate oj M aud Louisa Tatq, deceased applications are hereby invited for a licence to operatc a rice TAKE NOTICE that a11 persons having any claims against or factory in the Lamu District of the Coast Province. owing money to the ettate of the above-named Maud Louisa Applications should reach the oëce of the Director of Tate, deceased, who died at the Native Civil H ospital, M ombasa, Agriculture, P.O . Box 338, N airobi, not later than 31st January, in thc Protectorate of K enya, on the 7th day of Septem ber, ' 1947, 1948. are required to prove such claim s before the undersigned or to F. w . CAW ND.ISH-BENTINCK, pay to the undersigned the amount due on or before the 13th Member /br Agriculture nnd day of January, 1948, after which date the claims so proved will Nc/urtz! Resources. be paid and the estate distributed according to law. ATKINSON, AINSLIE, CHILDS-CLARKE & O'DONOVAN, Advocates, Alfozz//v l.

PUBLIC W ORKS DEPARTM ENT GSNERAL NoTlcs No. 2234 NOTICE TO BUILDING CONTRACTORS NOTICE ' TENDERS are invited for the erçction and completion of an TA KE N OTICE that ' for and on behalf of my . client, Indian M ixed Primary School, M ombasa. M r. Jagjit Singh s/o Thakar Singh, who desires to be authorized The work consists of the foregoing buildlng in stone with to carry on business as a moriey-lender in his own name on Mangalore tiled roofs. Plot No. 2225, lmtiazali Road, Nairobi, an application for a grant of a certificate in respect of getting a money-lender's D/awings and conditions of tendering may be inspected by. the prospective tenderers at the office of the Architect, M r. C. A. G. licence for the year 1948 has been lodged by me before the Ogilvie, F.R.I.B.A., Soutli British lnsurance Building, M ombasa, M oney-lenders' Licensing Court at the District Comm issioner's or at the Head Oflice, Public W orks Department, Nairobi, on Om ce, N airobi. any working day during oëce hours. ' The said application wiil be heard by the said Court on the 6th day of January, 1948, ttt 10 a.m. or as soon thereafter the Applications to tender, . which should be addfejjéd to the Architect at the above address on or before Friday, 19th Court can hear the sam e. Decembery 1947, and should be accompanied by a depok' lt of Nairobi, . ' N. J. DAVE, ' Sh. 100, which will be refunded on receipt of a bona fide tender 8th December, 1947. Advocate jor the applicant . and return of documents supplied. 4, ...... Bills of quaptitics, form of tender, surety undertaking and con- GENERAL N oTlcs N o. 2235 ditions of tendering will be sent to each approved applicant when ready for issue. ' IN HIS M AJESTY'S SUPREM E COURT OF KENYA The Director of Public W orks reserves the right to reject any AT M OM BASA DISTRICT REGISTRY application. The deposit of such rejected applicant wil be PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION refunde/. Cxtlss No. 58 oF 1947 . s. a. soyo ? . Notice oj application yt)'r Ietters ' o.f administration iqtestate t# Director t# Publc W orks. the estate oj Acjf Juma Abubaker, late t# M ombasa, Kenya Protectorate, deceased. ' GENERAL N oTlcE N o. 2230 ' TAKE NOTICE that application having been made in this Court by M ohamedhusein Alladina and Essak Khamisa, lyoth of PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION M ombasa, Kenya Protectorate, for letters of administration intestate of the estate of Haji Juma Abubaker, late of M ombasa Cxtlss No. 114 op 1947 aforesaid, who died at M ombasa on the 5th day of September, In the matter 0/ Joaquim Joseph Campos, dçceased, t?/ Nairobi 1939, this Court will proceed to issue the sam e unless cause be TAKE NOTICE that al1 persons having any claims qgainst the shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered estate of the above-named Joaquim Joseph Campos, who died on or before the 30th day of December, 1947. . ' on the 13th day of M ay, 1945, at Bangkok, Siam, are required JOYCE RUGG GUNN, to prove such claim s before m e the undersigned on or before the M om basa, D istrict Registral', 28th Februal'y, 1948, after which date tho claim s so proved will be paid and the estati distributed accordingly to law. 10th December, 1947. H.M . Supreme Court oj Kenya. H. D. TRIVEDI, Attorney oj M atilde Campos, wz/fftpw GBNERAL NoTlcB N o. 2236 oj the àbove-named deceased. IN HlS M AJESTY'S SUPREME COURT OF KENYA 9th D ecem ber, 1947. P.O. Box 1048, Nàirobi. AT M OM BASA DISTRICT REGISTRY PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION ' GBNERAL NoTjcB N o. 2231 CAUSE No. 44 oF 1947 j ' Notice oj application jor letters' oj adminîstration. ol the estate IN HIS MAJESTY'S SUPREME COURT OF KENYA oj Jamal Nanji Ramji, late 0/ M ombasa, Kenya Protectorate, AT M OM BASA deceased. . PROBATB AND ADMINISTRATION TA KE NOTICE that applicatiön having been m ade in this In the matter oj the estate ()/ Charles Donald W att ,deceased Court by (1) M rs. Nurbanu Jamàl Nanji and (2) Janmohamed ' Jamal Nanji, b0th of M ariakani, Kenya Protectorate, for letters TAKE NOTICE thât a1l persons hav'ing claim against or of administration of the estate of Jamal Nanji Ramji, late of owing m oney to the estate of the above-nam ed Charles Donald M om basa aforesaid, who. died at M om basa on the 24th day W att, deceased, who died at lnveroich Arrochar, Loch Long, in of , this Court will proceed to igsue the same unless the county of Dum bartonshire, , on the 20th day of cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect February, ' 1947, are required to prove such claims before the entered op or before the 30th day of Deéember, 1947. ' undersigned or to pay to the undersigned the am ount due on .or before the 13th day of Janual'y, 1948, after which date the claim s JOYCE RUGG GUNN, . so proved will be paid and the estate distributed according to M om basa', ' ' District Registrar, law. ' 9th Decembet, 1947. H .M . s'lgprezne Court ()/ Kenya. ATKINSON, AINSLIE, CHILDS-CLARKE & O'DONOVAN, Advocates, M ombasa. G BNERAL. N o'rlcs N o. 2237 IN H lS M AJESW 'S SUPREM E COU RT OF KEN YA G ENIIRAL No'rlcE N o. 2232 AT MOM BASA BANKRIJPTCY JultlsolcTlox Cg&usE No. 1 OF 1938 THE FRAUDULENT TRANSFER OF BUSINESSES Re Habib. Nanji, trading as The Coastal Agency, debtor ORDINANCE, 1930 Ex parte the creditors, D . R. G andi & Co. ' Re General Notice ZV/. 2053 appearing /z! Oficial Gazette THE' above-named banknlpt havfng applied to the Court for dated 18fJI Rovenlber, 1947 h'is discharge, the Court has fixed the' 27th. day of February, 1948, IT IS hereby notified that the words ttas from the 6th day of at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at H.M . Supreme Coilrt of Kenya August, 1947'' appearing in the fifth aild sixth lines of the above at M embasa for hearing the application. not-'ce should reod tias from the 6th day of N ovem bçr, 1947''. JOYCE RUGG GUNN, D . D. DOSHI, . D istrict . Registrar, M ombasa, Advocate jor both Trt-/r/l'/tvtpr M ombasa. R.M , S/.wrepze Court oj Kenya, . 29th November, 1947. and Translerees, 1 1 th Dçcçpber, 1947. M ombasa. 624 THE OFFICIAL G AZE'FI'E becember 16, 1947

GISNISRAL N o'rlcE No. 2238 GENERXI- N o'rlce N o. 2242 UGAN DA PROTECTORATE THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ORDINANCE VAc&NcY: SUNIOR EgROPBAN A ORICULTURAL AsslsTAxT (Chapter 142 oj the Revised Edition, Section 69) APPLICATIONS are invlted for the vacant post of Sensor WHEREAS Sacrashive Pranjivan Dave of M ombasa, in the European Agricultural Assistant in the Department of K enya Protectorate, is registered as proprietor of Plot N o. 1*84. Agriculture, Uganda. ' section V, situate in M ombasa Island, by virtue of a certificate Salary -$cJ/t'.- f540 by 220 to f 600 by f 30 to :660, plus cost of ownership, No- 8971, 'registered in the Coast Registry, . M om- of living bonus at current rates. basa, as No. C.R. 7804 and whereas sumcient evidence has been adduced to show that the certihcate of ownership relating to I'erms oj appointment- Wbz post is pensionable, and the the said piece of lalid has been lost, notice is hereby given that successful candidate, unless already in permanent G overnment after the expiration of 90 days from the date hereof, I shall service, will be required to serve on probation before con- issue a provisional certificate provided that no objections have frm ation. ' ' been received within that period. General.- Yçzt partly-furnished quarters, or an allowance in lieu. M edical and dental treatm ent provided free. Mombasa, R . A. HAW KINS, 9th December, 1947. Registrar oj Titles. The duties of the appointment will include the care of live stock and supervision of graziny experiments. E-xperience of live stock under tropical conditions ls essential, together wth a certi- GBNERAL No'rlce N o. 2243 ticate of training at a recognized Agricultural College. Applications should be addressed to the Chief Secretary, IN THE DISTRICT DELEGATE'S COURT AT Entebbe, for receipt not later than 20th January, 1948. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Applications from om cers already in the Protectorate Service CAuss No. 18 op 1947 should be forwarded through the head of departm ent concerned. Notice oj' application jor letters oj J#,z1i?l/â'/rJ/D?l iniestate oj the estate oj Ali Husseîn, late oj Kisii in the Nyanza Province, Kenya Colony, deceased. . GENERAI. NoTlcs N o. 2239 TAKE NOTICE that application having boen made in this Court by Mohamed Hussein of Gilgil in the Colony of Kenya, THE LAND AND AGRICULTURAL BANK a cousin of the deceased, for letters of administration intestate (AM ENDM END ORDINANCES, 1934 AND 1936 . of the estate of A li H ussein, late of Kisii aforesaid, who died NoTlcs olz EXTINGIJISHMENT ol? TEMPORARY A DVANCES at Nairobi in the Colony of Kenya, on the 17th day of IN PURSUANCE of the provisions of section 5 of The Land November, 1947, ths Court will proceed to issue the same unless and Agricultural Bank (Amendment) Ordinance, 1934, as cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect amended by Ordinance No. 14 of 1936, notice is hereby given entered on or before the 31st day of D ecem ber, 1947. that the temporary advances notitied as under have been repaid E. R. HARLEY, together with interest thercon :- Kisumu, D istrict 'D elegate, N cme.- Tannahill, Charles Douglas. 8th December, 1947. Nyanza Province, K isumu. Amount.- klou. General Notice N*.--679. Dc/e.- 24th April, 1945. GBNERXL NoTlcB No. 2244 Ntzmc.-efannaliill, Charles Douglas. IN HIS M M ESW 'S SUPREME COURT OF KENYA z4?ntpIka/.--f100. AT MOMBASA DISTRICT REGISTRY General Notice N o.- P 1. PROBATE AND ADMINISTM TION Dfl/e.-23rd April, 1946. CAuss No. 66 oF 1947 Ntpne.- Tannahill, Charles D ouglas. Amount.- k 100. Notice 0/ application !or probate t# the will o! Pirmohamed General Notîce N1.- 1,669. Jiwa, late oj M ombasa, Kenya Protectorate, deceased. DJ/e.-22nd October, 1946. TAKE NOTICE that application having been made in this Court by Kamrudin Pirmohamed of M ombasa, Kenya Protec- N c-e.- -fannahill, Charles D ouglas. torate, for probate (if the will of Pirmohamed Jiwa, late of y4rz?@a?7/.- â50. M om basa aforesaid who died at M ombasa on the 24th day of General Notice N1.- 845. Septèmber, 1947, thls Court will proceed to issue the same unlels D4/e.- 6th M ay, 1947. cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect T. L. HATELY, entered on or before the 30th day of December, 1947. 12th December, 1947. Secretary. JOYCE RUGG GUNN, M ombasa, Distrîçt Registrar, GENERAL NoTlcE No. 2240 9th December, 1947. H.M . Supreme Court oj Kenya. Ntp/e.- l'he will above named is now deposited and open to KENYA AND UGANDA RAILW AYS AND HARBOURS . inspection at the Court during oëce hours. ALTBRATIONS AND AMENDMENTS TO THE TARIFF OF HARBOUR DUES AND CHARGES NO. 5 DATED 1ST AUGUST, 1945 GENERAL No'rlcs No. 2245 Clause 39.- <$'ft>rJ#e and Removal Charges on lmports. DELETE the first paragraph of sub-section (J) (i) and IN HIS M M ESTY'S SUPREME COURT OF KENYA substitute the following thereof :- AT M OMBASA DISTRICT REGISTRY (c) (i) Transit shed storage- PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Per ton or part thefeof , 'per day or part thereof . CAUSB No. 65 op 1947 For the srst six days from the date of notice e Notice tp/ application jor letters oj administration intestate oj of ship's arrival ...... Free the estate t# Kkadija binti Khalnisi &?1 M ulla Elbaluchi, late For next six days . . 0.50 oj M ombasa, Kenya Protectorate, deceased. For next six days . . 1.00 TAKE NOTICE that apqlication having been made in this For next six days ...... 2.00 Court by Salim Khamis Klrobi of M ombasa, Kenya Protec- Thereafter, until' rem oved . . . . ' . . . . 3.00 torate, for letters of administration intestate of the estate of The foregoîng amendment wfll apply to all cargo whfch has Khadija Nnti Khamfs Nn M ulla Elbalucbi, late of M ombasa incurred import storage charges on or after 1st January, 1948. aforesaid, who died at Mombasa on the 5th day of November, 1947, thfs Court will proceed to issue the same .unless cause be Headquarter Oëces, Nairobi, R. E. ROBINS, shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered 3rd Deeem ber, 1947. G eneral Ao nf?ger. on or bdore the 30tb day of December, 1947. ' JOYCE RU GG GUN N , M ombasa, ' D istrict Registrar, GENBRAL NoTlcB No. 2241 6th December, 1947. H.i%1. Suprelne Court oj Kenya. THE WAR LOAN ORDINANCE. 1940 Loss oF BoNo CERTIFICATES GSNERAL N o'rlcs N o. 2246 IN PURSUANCE of the provision of Regulation 17 (2) of the W ar Loan Regulations, 1940, notice is hereby given that THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE, 1933 2.1. per cent East African W ar Bonds Certilkates No. 1176 for PURSUANT to section 284, sub-section 5 of the above f 10 and No. 2678 for f 15 Series 6CB'' of 21. per cent East Ordinance, it is hereby notised that the under-mentioned Com- African W ar Bonds, 1945 /47, issued in the name of panies have this day been struck off the Re#ster of Companies M r. A nthony Edward Evans, have been lost, and that it is and the Com panies are dissolved :- proposed after the expiration of 30 days from the date of this n e Sparkling Soda W ater Factory Limited. notic: to issue a duplicate of suçh celwtificates. Rasini Limited. H. J. W EBSTER, Nairobi, W . B. CUM M ING, Acountant General. 16th December, 1947. Renistrqr' t# Cottîpelîiqâ', December 16, 1947 THE UFFICIAL GAZETTE 685 .. ' .. . QIENERA.L NoTlcE No. 1914 (IENERAL èfoTlcs pfo. 2250 IN VIEW of the close of the financial year on 3.1st D ecem - THC TRADE MARKS ORDINANCE, 1930 ber, 1947, it is requested that al1 merchants and others having Aeet,lcAerlox N o. 3653 any claims against the Government of tlle Colony and Protec- tdnrate of Kenya w11l render them to the department concerned AIRM EC before 22nd December, 1947 : and will present a11 payzpent TAKE NOTICE that an application for the registration of the Vouchers to the nearest Distrlct Treasury for payment before trade mark shown above in Class 8 in respect of radio and 31st December, 1947. . television apparatus, electronic equipment, such as counting devices, techometers and the like 1and Mgh frequency electric llairobi, . H. J. W EBSTER, 1st Novem ber, 1947. Accountant General. heating equlpment, a11 bein: electncal apparatus and instruments and parts thereof ,none bemg goods included in other classeg. has been lodged by Airmec Limited of W adsworth Road. Perivale : Greenford, Middlesex, England., whose address for IIBxERAI, N o'rlce No. 2247 service ln the Colony is c/o M essrs. Atkanson, Ainslie, Childs- Clarke & O'Donovan, advocates, of South British Insurance DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Buildings, Kilindini Road, P.O. Box 29, Mombasa. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore The said trade mark will be registered after the expiration of subsisting between' M ohamed Roshan, son of Kayam Khan and 90 days from the date of this Gazette, provided no notice of ïlasham Bibi, wife. of M ohamed Alam, carrying on business of opposltion is received. general contractors and transporters under the firm nam e or Nairobi, W . B. CUM MING, style of M ohamed Roshan & Company by virtue of a partner- 9th December, 1947. Registrar (7/ Trade M arks. ship deed made on the 8th day of August, 1947, has been ktissolved by mutual consent as from the 28th day of Novemlyer, 1947. GENERAL No'rlcB No. 2251 'I'he said M ohamed Roshan will henceforth carry on the said tïusiness under the same 51-m name or style of M ohamed Roshan THE TRAOE MARKS ORDINANCE, 1930 lï Company and will collect a11 assets and pay a1l liabilities of AN LICATION No. 3676 tNe said business. lfairobi, AHMAD H. M ALIK, 10th Ilecenaber, 1947. Advocate jor Partners. ' Blâtâ TAKE NOTICE that an application for the registration of the trade mark shown above ïn Class 47 ïn respect of lubricants, oils and greases, spirits for illuminating, heating and power (JENBRAL NoTlce No. 2248 generating kurpojes ïhas been lodged by The Shell Company of East Afrlca Limtted of St. Helen ,s Court, Great St. Helens. THE EAST AFRICA HIGH COM M ISSION London, E.C.3, merchants, whose addresse for service in the; Colony is c/ o M essrs. Atkinson, Ainslie, Childs-clarke &. N OTICE TO BUILDING CONTRACTORS O 'Donovan, advocates, of South British Insurance Buildingsp TEN D ERS are invited for the erection and completion of six Kilindini Road, P.O. Box 29, M ombasa. ztew single storey houses and servants' quarters in the Kirichwa The said trade mark will be registered after the expiration of' Itiver area, approximately four miles from Nairobi House. 90 days from the date of this G azette, provided no notice of' 'I'he work consists of the foregoing buildings in stone, with opposition is received. ldangalore tiled roofing. Drawings and conditions of tendering may be inspected by Nairobs, W . B. CUM M ING, llrospective tenderer's at the Architect's Omces, Corner House, 8th December, 1947. Registrar o' j Trade M arks. lqairobi, on any day during workng hours. . A pplicatons to tender, which should be addressed to the ztrchitect, L. G. Jackson, F.R.I.B.A., P.O. Box 6t7, Nairobi, or GENERAL Norlcs No. 2252 l)y hand to Corner H ouse on or before 29th Decem ber, 1947, r'hould be accomganied by a deposit of Sh. 100, which will be THE TRADE MARKS ORDINANCE, 1930 l'efunded on recelpt of a bona fide tender and return of docu- Alœt-lcA-rlox No.' 3677 lnents supplied. Drawinys lspecifcation, form of tender, surety undertaking ltnd condltlons of tendering will be sent to each approved BâRINâ ltpplicant when ready for issue. TAKE NOTICE that an application for the registration of the The administrator reserves the right to reject any application. trade mark shtlwn above in Class 47 in respect of lubricantsy -rhe deposit of such rejected applicant will be refunded. oils and greases, spiritj for illuminating, heating and power generating purposes? has been lodged by The Shell Company TH E ADM IN ISTRATOR, of East Africa Limlted of St. Helen's Court, Great St. Helens, East Africa High & vl?n9,#//?. London, E.C.3, merchants, whose address for service in the Colony is c/ o Messrs, Atkinson, Ainslie, Childs-clarke & O'Donovan, advocates, of South British Insurance Buildingsp Kilindini Road, P.O. Box 29, M ombasa. The said trade m ark will be registered after the expiration of 'JSNERAL NoTlcE No. 2249 90 da/s from the date of this Gazette, provided no notice of opposltion is received. ' THE TRADE MARKS ORDINANCE, 1930 N airobi, Aeeclczk-rlox N o. 3522 8th December, 1947. Kwvswp GENERAL No'rlcE No. 2253 ReWgis. tBra. r C/U/ MTrMadINe MG,lrk;. THE TRADE M ARKS ORDINANCE, 1930 Alyl3c.lcm ox No. 3678 TAKE NOTICE that an application for the reWstration of the trade mark shown above in Class 38 in resgect of hosiery, yloves STROMBBS :made of fabric and ladies' underwear, prdles, slips, ppamas, aightgowns, . bed jackets, sweaters and sport shirts and Jackets TAKE NOTICE .that an application for the registration of the ' ilas 'been lodged by Julius Kayser & Co., a corporation trade mark shown above in Class 47 in respect of lubricants, organized and existtng undvr the laws of the State of New York, öils and greases, ' spirits for illuminating, heating and power . United States of America,' with a principal place èf business at generating purposes, has been lodged by The Shell Company of No. 500 Fifth Avenue, City and State' ot New York, United East M rica Llmited of St. Helen's Court, Great St. Helens, States pf America, merchants, whose address for service in the London, E.C.3i merchants, whose address for servico in the Colony ' is c/o Messrs. Atkinson, Ainslie, Childsx larke & Colony is c po M essrs Atkinson, Ainslie, Childs-clarke and O'Donovan, advocates, of South British Inwrance Buildings, O 'D onovan, advocates, of South British Insurance Buildings, Kilindini Road, P.O. Box 29, M ombasa. ' K ilindini Road, P.O . Box 29, M ombasa. The sail trade mark will be registered after the expiration of 'rhe said trade mark will be registered after the expiration of 90 days from the date of this Gazette, provided no notice of 90 days from the date of this Gazette, provided no notice of opposition is received. opposition is received. N 'airobi, W . B. CU M M IN G , Nairobi, W B' CUMM ING ' ' . 10th December, 1947. Regîstrar t# Trade Marks. 8th Decemb'er, 1947. Registrar oj Trade Marks. 686 THE OFFICIAL GAZEW E December 16, 1947

G ENERAL N oTlcE No. 21.36

THE CROW N LANDS ORDINANCE M IENATION op LAxo APPLICATIONS for the direct alienation of the land noted 3. Plans of the areas may be geen at the Public M!p Oëce in the Schedule hereunder have been received and this Jntimation ' of the Department of Lands, M ines and Surveys, Nalrobi, or is published for public information. may be obtained on payment of Sh. 3 post free. ' 2. Any remarks on the applications or any counter-claims for . conslderation by persons interested, including persons who have G. J. ROBBINM, previously submitted applications, must be submitted to the Nairobi, Commissioner Xr Lands, undersigned. before noon on 15th January, 1948. 3rd D ecem ber, 1947. M ines and Surveys,


Locality Applicant

*7516 .. 1967 .. 1645 .. 3501 .. Crown Land Cm wn Land Crown Land

GBNERAL No'rlcs No. 2254 NOW QN SALE Sh. cts. WATER ORDINANCE, 1929 Annual Trade Repprt of Kenya and Uganda, M uringato River, N yeri D istrict 1946 (inclusive ot postage) . . . . 20 00 APPLICATION by Mes:rs Koren and Kopperud of Nyeri for' a water right from the Muringato River on L.O. No. 6947 Blue Book, 1945 . 20 00 for a net quantity of 3,200 gallons per day for dom estio use M edical D epartm ent Annual Report, 1945 . . 5 00 only. M emorapdum on Coloniâl M ining Policy Plans may be seen at the Public W orks Department Olce, (Colonlal 206) (postage, Cts. 10 extra) . . 20 Nairobi land at the omces of the Aberdare District Council, N anyukl. M onthly Trade and Revenue Reportj for the m onths of January to Septem ber, m clusi, ve Objections stating specifc grotmds therefor should be filed in 25 duplicate with the W ater Board, P.O. Box 662, Nairobi, within Oëcial Imx rt and Export List (in force 1st 30 days from the date of publication of this notice and a copy January, 1948), applicable to the Colony served on the undersigned. and Protectorat: of Kenya, Uganda Protecn B. KOPPERUD , torate, Tanganylka Territory and Zanzibar Applicant or lawjully clf//otprfzetf agent Protectorate (postage, 15 cents extra) 00 P.O . Box 310, Nairobi. Report on Native Alairs, 1939-1945 . . 00 Report of the Board of the Land and Agri- cultural Bank o.f Kenya, 1946 . . 00 G ENERAL N o'rlcs N o. 2255 Report of the Com m issioner for Local G overnm ent, 1946 50 NOTICE is hereby given that the business carried on by Kaba Mavji and Viprabandhu B. Patel, trading under the name Report of the Taxation Enquiry Com m ittee, or style of K. M . Vadher & Co., at Plot No. 42, Station Road, Kenya, 1947 . . . . 50 K isumu, has been sold as from 22nd April, 1947, to M essrs Report on Transport in tlle Sotik-K ericho 'C haturbhai Umedbhai Patel, Kishorila' 1 Bhashin, Rajpal Punja District (postage, 10 cents extra) . . . . 00 Shah and Di pchand Jivaraj Shah in trust for the creditors of the said K. M . Vadher & Co. in consideration of their agree- Reyiew of Kenya Fisheries, 1939-19459 by ing to pay a11 the debts which have been incurred by the said Hugh Copley ...... ' . . K . M . Vadher and Co. up to the 22nd day of April, 1947. Second Plpgrejs Repört of Tsetse Fly ' apd A1l the asseti and the liabilities of the said business. up to and Trypanosomlasis Survey and Contrl/ ln including the 22nd day of April, 1947. will be collected and paid K enya Colony ...... 00 pro rata by the said Chaturbhai Umedbhai Patel, Kishorilal The Agrarian Problem in Kenya.-N ote by Sir Bashin Singh, Rajpal Punja Shah, and Dipchand Jivaraj Shah. Philip M itchell, G.c.M.G., M.c., G overnor of All the creditors of the said business are requested to send their claim s who have not previously sent the same to the above- Kenya . . 2 50 named creditors c/o P.O. Box No. 19, Kisumu, within two The Law Relating to Companies in Force in m onths from to-day, otherwise their claims shall not be enter- ' Kenya (postage, Cts. 50 extra) 10 60 tained, and after which date the assets shall be distributed to EçThe Liguru and the Land'' by N . H um phrey the creditors who have sent their claims. (postage, Cts. 15 extra) . KOHLI & PATEL, K isum u, Advocates jor the tkàltpve-rlt7nkeW Copies of the abpve publications are obtainable from 18th Novem ber, 1947. creditors. the Government Prlnter, Nairobi.