
¡¡¡¡UEES 0t A SPICI¡! rEmtfc 0t rEr sÍ^î¡ rÀ!¡8 c0Í3I8rY^!10r colllltsslof Eclô l¡ tb¡ offlcr of tb¡ Strt¡ let¡r Co¡r¡rvr,tto¡ Co¡¡l¡rlos Bl¡¡rrck, [orth h,lot¡, trovc¡bcr L7, L947

A roguler reotl,ag enil Ec¡rirt oD tho il. B. 9rttorthreltc ratcr rigbt appllcrtloa ra.r h¡lr! ta tbc offlo¡ cf tb¡ lfet¡r Co¡¡¡rvstlon Coulr¡lon l¡ tbo Strte Crpltol, Bl¡¡rerck. [orth Drkotr, o¡ trovrrbrt L7, L947. lhc follort¡g t¡ôlrfulu¡Ir rcrr grrrrat at tbl¡ rcctlag. lc|lBt8s 0r 8Et sIArS ÍlltR cotrs¡Bvlltlor coll¡llsslou f,ca¡cth l. Shos¡, Vicr Chalr¡¡s liarr E. Dohl , Coulreior.r fror lrtforå Clty S. t. [bor¡lrol, Col¡I¡¡lo¡cr fto¡ Dcvll¡ lelse J. J. fal¡b, Soorrtrry roô Cbiol Erglrcrr Ila¡¡ Ecrgr, hlbltctty lûanrgtr

0tEE8S Àtty. J. ¡. Eylrsd, Bl¡¡rrol¡ Àtty. l. À. lckrr, Blrnrrck Atty. JoIs I. !cri, llr¡ôee it. B. 9¡tt¡¡tbr¡ttr, Se¡l¡h, ¡. D.¡ß lilll¿¡ 9cbulo, Saat¡b, f . hL. lil,llu Erôôor, 9ra1¡L, f. Dl¡ß. Rorcoo Eròilc¿, 8tr¡lcy, l. Drk. Goorgo 0. &cc, Dlllrro, l. Drk. Ernry f. ItIIor, 9rnl¡h, l. Dek. Ihr r¡ctlag rrr crlloð to oricr by lcaaoth Í. 9iro¡¡, Ítoo Chrlrra¡ of tho Ststr fttor Co¡r¡rrrtio¡ Oor¡l¡alor. rt l¡30 p.¡. lb,¡ ¡c¡bor¡ lra.r.¡t ¡t thtr tl¡¡ rol¡t Co¡¡i¡¡io¡¡r 9. f. lborproa, Coul¡gio¡¡r X. E. D¿hl . Vtcc Ch¡lr¡an fc¡s¡tb Í. Sttoe¡, J. J. f¡l¡b, Srcrottry e¿ô Cblol Englucrr rnð Dl¡¡r Ecrgo, ã¡bllctty llarrgoe for th¡ Conl,¡¡io¡. Co¡rl¡Elo!.t Drhl roroil thet tbt ¡iautc¡ of tbrOctob¡r Lr, L947 rrottlg br rppro¡ol, rhiob ¡otlo¡ re¡ ¡¡co¡ôrt by Co¡rl¡rio¡¡r thor¡reou. lbtloa carrl¡i. !b,c fi¡r,ncl¡1 ¡ü¿tcroatr for ths ¡o¡tb ol Octob¡r f947 t.tt Dr..catcô to thr Coltl¡¡ioÊola B¡l Co¡¡[¡clo¡¡r Slloar lor¡il tbolr tôoptioa. Co¡¡lr¡ioaol ll¡bl ¡ocosôoò tb¡ ¡otl,o¡. lfotlol c¡rrlcô. plrcurrlo¡ e¡ th¡ proporoil rh ycor plrn rogucrt¡d by tho llrrourl Bl,vor lator- Agcncy Br¡1¡ Cor¡lttcc rer bcld, l¡ Oov¡rnor 4¡aô¡Llrr cfllc¡ raò tho follcrllg ¡ugC.t- trl t¡¡t¡ülvc alra¡ ¡¡ oulll¿ol r¡r¡ alprovri by tbr rorbrr¡ of ùb¡ Ce¡rlr¡lo¡l

(9cc nc¡t prsc) 27.

slEorglrD ourLtrl ron gu[taî¡oI 0t Dtl.r tþ8 tn¡g¡m^Í¡or A! D¡¡8RI ¡tllllro Ot I¡IESoÎXBI BAS¡X nEt8-le¡rot Co¡Ot¡lltr 0r D!0D¡B¡3 ¿ l[D 5. L9¿7 ' Iu¡ô ¡vailabl¡ for rrponôltur¡ òurtag fi¡cal !¡tirat¡d Aalütt to¡¡l ñ¡¡il¡ Ecqulrcô y.es 1948 (.futy (By llrool trrr¡ latlng Junr !0) lot¡l L, 1947 to Jua¡ ¡tt¡r fretu¡r or ¡roJrct t¡tt¡rt¡ô ,0, 1948) 1949 1950 r95¡ L952 L9r3 L9r4 L9r4 Carù lil¡ tol ¡t r¡t lon L75 | 4OO 25.OOO 2r4OO 25OOO 25000 25OOO 25000 2roOO Drelae6t or llrk¡t Lor ?flô - ôôô lftfl ôôô, 10000() 1(l00l)0 looooo looooo 10()000 1ôoooo

llr{nt¡n¡nc¡ of D¡nr 1OÂ ôôô tô ônô 25000 ?oooô 10000 10000 10000 ?oôoo U,9. Orclcglcal

0 Coo¡rret ton f tth u.9. Dr¡artr. 210.ooo 5o.ooo 6moo 25000 10oq) 2oooo 20ooo 20ooo trrlgetioa & 0o¡. ¡cltrtio¡ Orrrnlr- t90 -ooo 5-OOO 1,5000 20000 2tooo 15000 ¿00(xt 5Ð0oo Oth¡r Strto fnvc¡t lratLoar 255-OOO ¿5-OOO ¿5000 ¿0000 15000 ?0000 10000 ?oc00

IOtl¡, , -ll)ã - 28R - fìôô ?1ñ¿OO 280000 285000 280000 28çooo 2smoo ^A6

Elt¡ r¡rr o¡rcacô b¡for¡ thc ¡¡¡b¡re of th¡ Cor¡tr¡lo¡ fo¡ rratel ol 100 to!.. ol l¡¡ô locat¡iÌ ia Burlrlgb Couaty, la tbr gf|, Scc. 27, 138-80. Co¡ri¡¡lo¡.t DrbI ¡ov¡ô tbat tb¡ blô r¡c¡tv¡ô l¡or 9. I. lur¡bor ¿¡d BlIl 8ur¡bor of El¡narck, on tb¡tr htgb btô of 1266,00 p.t y.¡t br acccptcil¡nil ¡ lra¡c bc arcperoô. Coonl¡clourr lhon¡rroa !.cordoô tÀ¡ ¡otlos. Co¡rl¡¡losc8 SlroÀ¡ o¿lled th¡ roll rltb Co¡¡t¡¡to¡cr¡ DÊbl, lhorprol, a¡ù 9t¡oa¡ all votla3 ayr. llotto¡ c¡rrloô. follorlag tr e llrt of otbcr blôr ogon¡ô aail coa¡lôrroò by tbe Co¡¡l ¡e I os¡ tlbrrt Be l¡cr, Et¡¡¡rcl¡ -- Bti tor f2riO.OO (obrok) D.s Jror,8 !d lal¡, Bl¡raroL -- Btð tot lZ4t.OO (c¡¡b) D.r y.¡r. llbr proporcô plaa a¡ ¡ubrlttcÀ by th¡ A¡rrlc¡¡ Ltf¡ e¡ô Ce¡u¡lty Corpr$' to ls¡r¡rr tb¡ Elployrrr of tb¡ oflloo, ter coariibr¡ô by llcobc¡¡ of übr Co¡rlcrloa prrrcat. lt r¡¡ tb,rlr oplnloa thet tù,c Oroup In¡u¡r¡cr plea rbculô bo lelt up to tho clployrcr ol tbo drptrtrrat, rbcùh¡r or ¡ot tbcy rlrb¡ô to h¡vr ùcòr¡ctloa¡ ¡¡ôr lror tbolr ralary youch.a.. ot p¡t ôl¡¡ct to tbr co¡Iìa,Dy, or contlsu¡ undcr tbc prorrat rulr¡ eaô rogulrttos¡ rlthoqt eny ihiluctloa¡. Co¡rlr¡loaor Dràl ¡¿ù Socrotary lalrb repoltod, oa thr X¡ttoaal Brala¡¡tloa Àr¡oclatlos couvcatlon bclil ln Phorul¡, rôtb thr cl¡ctlo¡ of Eerry SolL to ûbc Dr¡slôcncy ol thr A¡¡octt¡ tlo¡. lho llc¡borr of tbc Cor¡lcslo¡ crptcrrrù tholr lpDscclatloa of tb¡ groet hoaor tbt¡ brlagr to Uortb Dnkct¡ en¡l o¡t¡ad,¡ tb¡tr coagrrtulctio¡¡ to tll. Po1lc. llo¡bor¡ of tho Co¡rlr- ¡lo¡ r8t.oô to ottcnil thc Xortb D¡kot¡ Strto Eocla¡etlo¡ l¡¡ocletto¡¡ lortlug to bs b¡lù l¡ lllnot os D¡e¡lbtt 2) anô ]0, lartructtag tho Sccrrtaly to iakt Eotrl rcrorv¡tlosr lor Govotnor Àanil¡bl and llc¡brrr of tbc Co¡¡l¡¡lo¡ for thc ntgbt of Doct¡bts 29. thr tator-lgcacy Barla Cor¡lttc¡ rrrtiag to b¡ brlô i¡ Ptrrro, South D¡Lota. o¡, Dcccrbc¡ 2 enò 3 r¡r al¡o tl¡cu¡¡od. It tar egrccd, that Govoraot l¡¡al¡bl, brlag e !.abor of tbo latcr-Agcncy Baela Corllttcc lc¡r- rorcntin¡ tbe 8t¡to of torth Da.kot¡ aað thr Cb¡tr¡aa of th¡ St¡tr f¡t¡r Con¡¡rvrtlo¡ Co¡¡als¡lo¡ roulô t¡l¡ crro of e'll Iortb Dakot¡ tatrr problorr. 2(.

l¡ttor¡ f¡or ll¡. 0. Strnlry, Cb¡Ir¡¡a froo tbc Uaitoð St¡to¡ ¡cotl.on of tbo I¡tcra¡ttoa¡I Jolat Coo¡l¡r1oÁ^. r.r. rer,ô Þrforr llcrÞort ¡t tbr rcctlng. fo furth¡r actlo¿ r¡,r üd¡ca. thc a¡r¡llcrtlon of tbc Coca Col¡ Bottllag Colprr¡t of D¡vtl¡ lek¡ for a porrtt to r¡¡rro¡rlrte trtor lro¡ Sro¡tr¡t¡r Lrkr tbrougb thr ¡rrront laellltl¡r'co¡ttructril by tbc Grc¡t fortbrra Satlte¡r, ¡¡s lrro.oal¡ð to tbe Coo¡l¡¡lo¡¡ll for tb¡lr rfprotrl. Corll¡¡lonrr tholp¡o¡ ¡¡ilc thr follorlag lottoa¡ ' r't ¡ov¡ that tbr eggllcatlo¡ tor ¡orltt to o¡r¡lroprhtr r¡tor fro¡ 9r¡¡t Íttor !¿ko s¡ ¡ublltt¡t by tbr Coo¡ Colr Bottliag Cor¡aay of Doctl¡ t¡kr be ap¡rovrô.fl 0orrl¡¡loÀat D¡bl trco¡ôcil tbc ootton. lötton c¡trt.¿. [he ll¡¡bor¡ of tb¡ Cor¡l¡¡to¡ thos ôl¡cur¡oô.tbr rrtrr rtght e¡¡ltceù1o¿ feor tho Clty of largo for pcrrlt to tlv¡rt and e¡gro¡rrtato r¿trr fro¡ tho gbrycaar Blv¡r. tt re¡ tho u¡¡nllour oplnlûa lloat thr rorb¡r¡ tb¡t b¡foro r¡r¡rrovlag rucb rcquo¡t thc¡t ¡houlô flr¡ü òr an.lgrccloat 8¡o¡g all tbc co.auoltl¡¡ [n tho Sbcyral'o Slvrr Berla, rho ¡¡¡ coacor¡rô, ¡¡ to rbat tholr gc¡orel n¡¡òr er!, eaô thet a ryttol ¡houlil bc ¡ct up to alloc¡tt tbo r¡trl ¡¡ condltlon¡ ôorolot, to bo ?11.ô rtth tho gttt¡ l¡toe Cosror- v¡tlo¡ 0o¡¡t¡¡ioa io orôor tbat all r¡t¡r rlghtr roulil br graltrt ¡t Dbo ¡l¡o tl¡¡. tbu¡ ¡Yolllng rny ¡rlorltler. lbo g¡or¡tary rar roguortoô to rrlto ¡Il tbc Colru¡lù|,¡¡ in tbc Shoycanc Ba¡tn erllng ùhc¡ to ¡ub¡lt thrl¡ ¡pt)ltc¡tlonr e¡il aooôt, ao tbry llgbt rll be conrl,ôcrril ct tbo ¡¡¡c tlr¡.

Gopler of tho Juôgr Orlrro¡ ôoclrloa. oa f¡l¡h-Do¡bl¡a Drala lo. JO r.l. ¡)r..ostoô to thr l{ub¡r¡ of tb¡ Corrl¡¡loa for tbolr rovlor. fo otbor ¡otioa rar trlkea os d,rol¡- !8c 8ctluott¡ fro¡ r¡rlou¡ cou¡tlo¡ u¡tll a corplrtr rrBort b¡¡ bora ¡rro¡r¡¡od r¡¡l rub- ¡lttod' rhollag tbe ¡roroat ¡t¡,tu¡ of co¿¡truatlo¡ aarl tbc ¿¡ou¡t of fu¡ö¡ ¡tlll ¡yùil- ¡blr fror provtout rlloc¡t¡il f¡¡ail¡.

ll¡lù¡r¡ of th¡ Conl¡¡toa òl¡cu¡¡eô tbr Und,cr6rouail r¡trr roport r. tr..catod, by Ir. Dc¡¡lt of tbr U.S. Gcologlrel gurvcy. lÂô l{r. !cl¡d,, gtrt¡ Goolcglrt. rrprrrontlqg tho Strtr f¡t¡r Co¿¡orv¡tlon Coul¡¡lo¡l

It rr¡ ¡ov¡ô by Corrlr¡loo¡r lholproa tb¡t tho follolhg ¡ro¡lortô a¡oaûlc¡tt cov- rrtag rr,crtlo¡ croillt rtgulrtto¡¡ b¡ ,tgprovrô. rlb¡t b¡for¡ ra rtploy.. rry booo¡o cllglblc to rocolvo c¡r¡cil yacatfo{f,oo. tlay prr aoatb, bo or rbc ¡ball htvc bco¡ clployoô Þy thtc ihprrtloat ¡ tL¡ttur of tbroo lonthr. rblch tltl o¡tltlc thc orplo¡rrr to thr tbr¡c ilry¡ of c¡rarô"r¡cetlon ¡t thc ¡s| cf th¡ th¡rc ¡o¡tb lrrtoô. fl¡Î lS t'tt8lEIB RlgO¡.YlD, th¡t l¡ eo¡¡ aa togloyrr rorlga¡ bo o¡ ¡b¡ rn¡t glrc at lo¡¡t ¿ ¡l¡lru¡ cf tro rcol¡ notlc¡ bq,foro qultttag rork, eail thet lf tbt¡ l¡ ¡ot ôoat, hc o¡ ¡ho lo¡rr ruto¡¡tlcally ell or¡ôlt ¡ocu¡uletcd lor vac¡tloa rltb D¡t.tl !bl¡ ¡otio¡ r¡¡ ¡oco¡òcd by CorrlalloD.t Dabl. tlottoq ta¡rl¡¡1. Ío ¡otios rlr t¡Lc¡ on'thc rcquca.t of Xr. Brtùlcy, Gr¡cc Ctty, lortb D¡Lote., u¡ùtl tbc cngh¡cr¡ beò oorplotoò tbctr .ury.y. cad rrporta. lbi¡ r¿ttrr çill co.t up for tb¡ rcrt rlgular rcctlag ol tbc Cotrl¡cloa lo¡ tb¡tr co¡¡¡lô.rrtloa. thc 6o¡¡t¡¡Io¡ tbc¡ coaslô¡¡rô a r.qu.¡t fror llr. Job¡ L. fbltaacL, Gr¡arl Folk¡, trortb Dakota, coaccrolng thc u¡c of rrtcr fro¡ sroctratcr lchc lo¡ potato ratblng. lft¡r iltrcua¡Ing tbo rcqurrt, Coulrrlo¡rr llho¡ptoa reôc tb¡ folloriag aotlolr nl lovc th¡t thc r¡plloetlo¡ of ilob¡ 1,. fhlt¡eck for a ¡rcrrtt to u¡r rr,trr tro¡ 9r¡rtt¡t¡¡ Leh for th¡ putpo.. of ¡¡¡bl¡g ¡otrtoor bo trlporarlly rp¡lrovrd, ¡rcaôtag furthrr ¡cttoa of thc 8t¡tr fots¡ Conrcrvltlon Cor¡lrllon eDò tbc 9trto 9enltaly taglnror 2,/, a.t a latcr òatc.il Cooolr¡ioncr Dahl ¡ccondcd thl¡ notiou, and the ¡otloq carrict. U. 8. Burcau of Rcclaoatlo¡ tcport¡ rcrc rccolvcô for the ¡outh of novcabe!, tn¿ r.re prG¡entod to tbo Ucober¡ of thc Couoir¡ioo to kcop ùbc¡ lafo¡¡eil of thc to¡k nor bctng ôonc by tbe Eurcau. Lcttcr¡ fron Clegpt !. Sanclor¡ a¡ô ba¡roll Í. Streail, lttorn.yt ftor Glcnôlvo, ritb rcfcre¡cc to the statuç of thc ratc¡ rightr on thc Cerùrright anil tclloç¡tonc Pulpiag Irrtgetion ?rojccü¡ ta¡ rcad. Ibe Sccrctary ras lnstructcd to tnvi¡ttge.te'tbe nattcr êatl rrlto ùo C. E. btread, Âttoracy et Lsr. Glcoillvr. ttont¡ar. tbo nc¡tlog rcc.3scd a,t 6¡45 p.¡. enô ra,s contl¡ucil et 8¡45 e.o. thc follorlng rtay la tbc Oovcrno¡l s off lcc. . Bcs¡rectfully tubofttcù, tu -7' ccrctary AIIES! ¡


Eala¡ce Paltl Salance ?=t_-þi_ learly _-.-_ 11- Eala¡res L - t39 Goru,rissioners per Dien, t,757.00 tr1l. L,757.oo l+ t39 - l,ewi¡ & Clark Ix¡rerlmental Fa^rm, L09-76 NiI. L}g.?6 5 t39 $ponsor l s Share Dan Repa!.rs , 2,088.09 Ifl1. 2,088,08 6 t39 hglneerlng anil SolI Survey, 180.00 Nl1. r80.00 ¡79 7 Ml¡sor¡¡l Blver Dlverelon a¡d Reports, 300.00 NlI. 300.00 t3g. I Ooose Btver Dlversion. . 125.00 trrI. L25-oo .39 9 Ja¡es River a¡rd, r-ke llraveree Dlverslons, . 75L,lO ür1. ?5t.zo 10- t39 l{i¡gor¡¡l Blver DLversloa, . : . 2,000.00 Ittt. 2,000.00 11 - r39 Ssaluatloa Economlo Benefits, . ll8g.oo 1Í11, ,{88.00 t1g 12 - Eeports, Oonfereaces, Congress .âgenoles, 272.a? llr. n2.43 -L3 t1g - |[rl-8tato lfaters, 0on¡¡Isslon cooperatioo, i . ¡ 696.8? 48.rú 6,19.?o t4 t}g Iadepend.ent - lavesttgatlous o,ô Beports, 3Lz.9s s11. 3Lz.9o 9,O32.?l I - 141 Connfsstoaer¡ per Dten, 395,a0 Nrl. j95.00 4 - l4I Melntens¡se lrtstlng Dans, pLue i5f.æ refund 5?,86 1{11. l4l 53.86 12 - lrl-StatE lfaterô, Acln{alstratlon, Conferences, 9.61 tril_. 8.61 15 ¡4f lopographlc - Surveys, . .11 ___ NI .13 .60 rco- =ål2q4 :g,rz l^Igqå å{p_g+ {-

(^s t f

I I .,j '\.. ) Iæ,!tr ntrol 8!ÁÐ ll¡rnr oorslBr¡8rot @xul83lf, llomEtl EEPoB! Ol ICCOüII8. ¡fl Ot mV. 30. Igtr? Lgt+?l*? þ¡rropr lat lonr

þcailcô 11-30JP

1 Oomls¡loner¡ Per Dteu e,atl tr*¡reaaei, l+, ooo.oo 9.6J2.O2 96z.Ea

2 .âd¡f¡tstrttloa, . . 25 000 00 PIU¡ reft¡tls aDd, collectlont, . l+ &7 79 29,og5.g7 75t.82 t t¿tntc¡ascc Ëlstlng Dans, ; . 45,ooo.oo llu¡ refunils æC. ilo¡¿tton¡ op ila¡ repal.rl, 5,457.5t+ 3r,L25.3r Lg,?34.23 l+ !¡1-8tatc lfeter¡ aail Portloa of ldntnt¡t r¿tlon a¡À Co¡fetenc¡o þenee!, 5,500.00 J;2L6.7? æ3.21 5 I¡te¡¡¿tlo¡al ¡¡ô Inte¡¡t¡to eou¡ractr, Co¡¡ts¡to¿cr a¡ô Oo¡fercnec Èpcnge¡, . 5,000.00 t+,6?4.6 )25.32 6 îopogrel¡hic enit 0o¡¡e¡v¿tloa Druclres,gu,¡rey, Coop. vltb U. F. þologlcal : : 30f000,00 30,ooÓ,oo f,lI.

? þtlrographlc Survcy8, cooD. rltb U..8. 0eol, Sruvey, r r , . ? , 1.5,000,00 15,000,00 [11, I state hglncerr: t*"O: 5,000.00 5,000.00 r11. 9 leco¡¡t¡¡¡ction Dr¡l¡s, or lrrlgatlo¡, 21rc,000,00 5?.56 t52,g6g.Ig g?,090.37 g. 10 Uuôergrard Tleterr, oogp. rith IL OcoI. Furr¡cy, ... 25,000.00 19,900?15 5,099.85

11 Poatva¡ ProJect¡, cooDe.vlth U. 5..Dçpq¡tnOnt¡, ] ? : ? | ? ! : 100,000.00 I+8,276,1+l 5t,723.59

L2 Otbe¡ tavestlgatlo¡g, su.rreye.r €to. . . . 75,000,00 7t+,996 b? 3,53

L3 Ooastnrctloa lo¡t 0uaranty ÎraÀ, 70.411.00 [11. 70_ 5tû1-OO r00- Éll,sg.E- !lg.186.g2 ?25;.%t+.n

-O- .f

) )

renns D¡¡o!^ snrlr r¡flrn oo[¡rnyalrotr oorrfi¡slori xoEttt BlF08! oÍ lccoums, ts or rov. n, -tgl+t L9t+7 -l9tt9 þproprlat loar


I Oou¡1¡gto¡cr¡ per Dlen a¡il t¡l¡¡es, . . 4?ooo,oo ,+95.t+g 246.?o t,257.¿7 2 ld¡l¡l¡t¡etls¡, Pl.ur rcfr¡¡ils qE{ 30,000.00 ooLlectle¡Ç,.. : : . : : : : : : 2r110.60 3,nz.e+ 57d.ú z?,gtg.ú J l,l¡latc¡¡¡cc l¡lstlag Danc" 45;ooo.oo PIr¡s reñ¡¡¡il¡ ¡i-m a¡d, lfoire-ülgge oF ncpalrt, . . . 5;o29.Lt+ 7,L&.rß 891.05 t+L,n3.6t + lrl-Stato tàter¡ e¡d portfo¡ of lô¡lal¡tr¡tls¿ enÀ Confe¡eaoe lqrentes 1,000.00 5?.5A tlI, gbz.5O 5 Intematlon¡I aail. I¡ter¡tate Conptotr, Go¡nls¡lo¡er. ¡Dû Oonferc¡ca Ëi"*q", 10r000.00 456.t? 230.66 9,3r3.r7 6 lopograpblc es{, Ooa¡änatioa tni¡ohc¡, Cgqp. vi?b " U. 8. Çootogt*I-¡;"v, ...... ,0,000.00 r11. [11. 30r000.00 7 {¡ô¡_oer¡Iùlc Survc¡n, c,oop.rtlh gu¡rc!,, U. 1,. Oeo1. . 20r009.09 L,295.61 E?8,î 17,629_EE 6 8t¡tc. D.glacer I r gelary . 5,lrcoroo 9oo.09 225r@ 4,275.0o 9 leqoDstnlCtlo qot Dr¡iar, or lrrl6atloa, 200,000,00 tu. tl1. 200,000.00 l0 lngl¡eerlugrCeol.Surr€lr¡ enil Deuonaüratloug., . . 3.9rooo?oo 1,131.69 2,8n,?3 25,n1+.5A t1 Postya¡ hoJccte, . 69p. .trith g. gr.Ibpgrtuelte, 135,ooo.oo trll. [11. 135,000.00 t2 0thçf lavcctlgatl.ons, snrvcys. etc. 90,0ooroo , 8,69E.15 2,5æ.9 ?E,6f/t.t+7 13 Coùstnrotlon tond Ouaraaty û¡nal, . . 70- -oo !tr. rtl. 70.641.00 t00- ÉzE g9g,z!, _9.¡us6á j-eza,¡¡. gr5"5IE gq

-o- G¡ ßt \ I I I \ )

Contrlhrtl,our !¡a¡rtt # Dqrorltot þcrôtt Iryc+åoô SaIa¡oe lellotrtone Pnnpbg lrr. Dlrt. peûl rcon¡¡d, lst. ot 'drrncc 13,500. to 10-l-tr4 501-I1E N6 96 ¡1r. r1l. !a¡ collectioas to Ha¡ö, 19lr? ttgg 501-1lE ,5t [tr. tI1 * 465.69

3pcolal Ooop. Omu¡ôvate¡ contrlh¡tioú¡ Ly !aræ-- ---iOr-119 Cas¡ cou¡ty eDil l¿te¡ Oom.- each f2,5oO: 7,500.00 I+,¿ü9.5? 2,685.93 I+.50

0ostrlùntlo¡¡ O¡ou¡ducter Su¡y¡ye¡ te¡¡ciôon- ll,ooo.¡ xouarrrl a"¿ |roo. Ë¿åocr-ai;;.-' 5oL.L26 I,ô5O.OO to.lt4 ril. L,839.56 '-- !o!al of all !a¡| of lorth &k¡ta ôqroaltt, as of f,ov. 30, Lg+?, ü a.?oE.o< (3e¡rä¡ J..Då¡ôs åq+f* n¡¡ã.¡ ùarr¡oe [-30-rr?, I t+Srg1a.z6, ¡g,q'tl.5t+t.oo \$ srùr-ùi fr;¿, rtlh ttou¡ trr. Dr¡r tonô¡, ]25,ooo.oo r¡ dd,ttrõ¡¡r-oorrit"tl"r, ou nùtch ihcoË¡o la¡it¡ altelrûoBtr t¡G ôellaErcat,aail laad, ¡ele petrd,l¡e.) l(þ- -O-

(^t 1.r¡ ì .) ) )

IOBIE PÀnOIiI¡ @ Dåfgf srÆìE r¡lnR cm¡w¡trotr cotûtr8s r0f

Dutle¡ þnthlr ü. Ie¡ or¡¡8 trct

lal:b, J. J. lecy.- 3t¿te Xaglnccr IOOTOO 47 ?60 2,5A 3I+9,70 i¡crcaseô Jrn¡r lgt? lEÄrreoa, AlÞlE ¡.. lrgtarer ZZSTOO 14'9Q 2r25 207 85 fncreeget lh¡¡e, lgtl| Dergg¡ ¡t¡ß !eoh. l¡¡l¡tmt ?S.OO trL1. ,75 ?r+.25 I¡creased fro¡ t5O. Orrcy, Fola¡ |l. D¡af,t¡u¿n 8O,OO 9,55 69,65 '60 lerk¡ * ilry., coD.ege iL &ü, f,â¡òlal I. Dgtucer ZZS.æ ?2.8O 2.25 Lgg,g5 tnoree¡eû Ju¡c, lgt? Clllettc, Oer¡lilt¡c lûooere¡rhÆ l35,OO 15'ü) lr95 IlE,65 Q¡tttlne lra¡.- rcililtlg. Itcùole, Do¡ &.' h6t.ueer-l.lecgr. ]¡2.5.OO ll9,1o 2'5þ 273;tto lacrcgred, Juc, Igp Ort, t. O. EooEcøpcr Z?5,OO 1.¡to 2.50 2fi1,10 tncrc¡reð Juac, 194? Petcrroa, lhlfreô Stelogra¡ib.æ Ilr5rOO 17'@ L,45 Lú.55 t¡cree¡od, ilu¡c, l9+? SbaÌiloa, lL¡"fl hgl¡cer Z?"O,OO 29r44 2rà 188,{O fer 3qrt. f9l? loryfL, Dr¡ate l. hglncer Zæ.æ 2L.tto 2.æ 196.{o- I¿crea¡cd Oat. ]rglyl

Z'2?5r!4' t00-


Salance Pa.ld Selence ïeerIy t- t39 C,ornrnleeioners Per Diem, 1,757.OO tfil. I t?57 .oO t39 4 I¡ewis & Cle.rk lk¡rerineutaÌ Farm, r09.76 Nil. LOg.?6 t39 Sponsorls 5- Share Daru Eepalrs, 2,0æ.08 Nll. 2,088.06 6 t3g Enp¡lneertng and. Soll Sunreys 1,30.00 Nil. 180.c0 t39 Mtssourl Rlver Diverslon a.nd. 7- Reports, 30().00 lTll, 300.00 8- .39 Goose Blver Ðlverston, . t25.00 N11.. LZs.OO 9- t39 Je,ues Rlver end IJåke |lraverge DLverri.ons, . ?5L.20 NlI. *5L.?O t39 L0- lllseouri Biver Dfrerston, . 2,000.00 tril. 2, 000 . 00 1I- tJg EVahre,tlon Bcononic Seneflts, . 439.00 N1l. l88.oo t39 Be¡rorts, L2- Oonferences, Conpçress Ágencies, . 272.07 Nl1. ¿?2.0? t39 13- lrl-8tate I{aterg, Cornnrisslon Cooperatlon, 696.8? l{8.1? &8.?o 14- t)g Indqrentlent luvestlgatlo¿s and Reporte, 31.z-.99 N11.. 3r2.90 9,032.7L I- r41 Comleeslon€ìr6 Per Dlen, 3g5.oo NlÌ. 395.00 4 r41 Ì{alnbenancE Existln¡ Da¡re, ¡llus $51.OO refund, 5J.86 Nil. 5J.86 ¡ l+1 L2- Trl-Sta.te l{atere, Adnili_stratlon, Oonferences, 8.61 NlI, 8.6r

L5- | ¿fL Topographic Surveys, . 13 Ntl ^ -13 tt57.& f,e0- t+8.t? 9,538.U8 9,400.31 9.400.3r

lrS -O- .-\ ¡T.O88E DAXOTÂ SIII' WA''R OON'EB,YA.T=ON COMMISSIOII !{otytnlr REpoR! or_Åccoums, G d, uw. i,-lg+î L945-I9r+? tppropr lar tono

Avallabl G lqrend.eô

1 Gomnlssloner¡ per Dôeu andl E4tenses, . 4,oo0.oo 3r632.o2 367,9a 2 ldn_lnf stratlon, tlus ref\¡¡ds end collectlons, 25,000.o0 l+.84?.?g zg,og5.g7 ?5L.9? ) Mal¡tena¡ce I¡lstlng5 Darns, . PIus ref\¡¡ês 45rooo.oo and. donattáns on da¡n re¡ralrs, . 5,85?.54 3L,L25.3t L9,734.23 4 lrl-8tate llaters a¡rd. portloa of ldmÍnfetratloa a¡d Oonfereacs þeaees, . 5,500.00 5r2L6.?? 293.23 5 Internet tor¡al auù laterstate 0o¡[¡acts, Comnissloners aad Confe¡enc"-frro""", . . 5,000.00 4,6?4.6 325-32 6 lopogrephlc e¡d Conservatl.on lranclres, Coop. vlth U. S. Geologlcal Survey, . 30,o0o.0o 30,000.00 l{11. Eydrogtapblc 7 Surveys, coop. rlth U. S. Oeologlcal furvey, 15,000.00 15,000.00 ñiI. I State Snglneerle Eelary, . . 5,000.00 5,000.00 rl1. 9 Becor¡etrlctlon Dralns, or Imlgatlou, zl0rooo.oo L63,1+)L.Ou Plus refund, . 76,629.52 59.56 10 Ilnderground lfaters, coqp. with U. Geologlcal guwey, S, 25,000.00 19, 900,15 5,ogg.g5 11 Poatya¡ ProJects, coop. ulth U. S. Departueuüs, 100,000.00 59,L7L.86 lto,Bæ.I4 L2 Other fnvestigatfons, Surve¡n, etc. 75,000.00 /+,9g6.4? 3'53 t3 0o¡stnrctton ilnd Gua,renty D¡nd, ?6 1-OO 70.

.f,vallable Ílrpeniled E¡rentled Salanee

1 Conrulsslonera per Dlen amd. S>enaes, . þTOOO.OO 742.L3 2 Arlulnlstratlon, Nll. 3,25?.8? Plus refirnd.s a¡d. 30,000.00 collectlo 88, 21950.r7 4,zgo.?z 6j6.26 zg,oz3.tg 3 Mainteuance exlettng d¡rrn, 45,ooo.oo Pl-us refr¡¡(ts and ãonatfóns in-Cen røpetre, 5,7t+).1? 8,055.5L l+ 247.t6 Uz,tr,t+o.So lrl-State Ìfaters and portion of Âdrnlnletratlon and Confere¿ce . o:ipsnses, 1,000.0o 5?.50 Nrl. gtlz.So 5 fate¡national e¿d I¡ter¡tate 0onBacte, 10r000.00 696.93 185.31 9,r27.93 6 lopographlc a¡rt Oonservatlou Braacbes, Ooop. vlth U. S. Geologfr"f-So"ry, 30, ooo. oo NIl. [lr. 30,000.00 7 {ytlrogrqblc Surveys, soop. vlth U.S.Oeol,. Survey. 20,000.00 2,L70.L? J22.86 l7,50?.o2 I Stete lnglnoer I s galary. 5,400.00 1,1.25.00 225-00 4, o5o. oo 9 Beeonstñlction of Dralns, or Imtgettoa 200,000.00 Nl1. NlI. 200,000. oo t0 Englæering, Geor- sunreya a¡rô Deuonsüratlons, . 30,0o0. oo 4,oo1.l+z 980.69 25,0L3.90 t1 Postya¡ ProJeets, ooop. ulth U. S. Dgl¡artnents, 135,000.00 Ntl. Nlt. 135,000.00 L2 Other fnvestigatlons, $lrveys, etc. 90,000.00 1,398.53 1,881.13 13 Co¡stnrctloa 76,?2O.y Bond Graranüy hrnd., (41.00 70. Nrt. rco- ç22-É2+,þ -+,5 É _!J?B.r+z gûJ4+,fz


qrù s\ )



¡s oF DT0EMEAE 3]-, ]-'4?

Coutrlbr¡tlone lrangit Deposlteô trt¡lentlerl þentetl Belanoe

ïellomtone Pu.uÞing lrrlgat :ton District pald accnred. ld. on t3r5o0. ãdva¡ce üo Ie-I¿4 50r-118 366.36 1[1r. lax collectlona to tr{s.rch, lglf NlI. 501-118 4g9.53 Ir_1. NtI. t g6i.gg

Speclal Coop. Groundvate¡ co¡trlbutlons by Fareo- Ce¡E County end.tlater Counr, each $Z,5OO. 50I-119 7,500.00 ?,t+95.50 NiI. 4'5o

Conùrlbutlon¡ Orou¡dvster Surveys : Fegsenden. $t,ooo.¡ r{ouaraln $roo. *ã }å¡å".k--$Ëõ;' 5Or-L26 1,85O.OO l_0.44 I{il. L,839.56

Sotel of aII 3ar¡k of ñorth Dakota d.e¡rosits, as of Dec.3L, L9t*? 13?08.9j

(û63,OOO. $erte¡ J. bonds_stnklag firnd batance iri,,JlrJ,,l t+S,g9O,?6 ?nd $r9,4Jp. bond guaranty f'¡d:- wlth glor:¡ ¡rr.lotgt. ronds, as ed'dittõnar $z5rooo- coilat""å1,-.oa vhlch Jacobscn rentrs es!eB6--- nents are tlell¡quent arril 1a¡rl sale pearliael __ ¡eerle attenifon:i

FCO- -o-


Em Drtles l{onth].v 1{- !ex otsß ñet flalsh, I+OO.OO l+?.ao J. J. Secy - Statc loglneer 2.50 j4g.zo Increased Ju¡re, 194? g. âad.erson, llbf¡ Englneer ZZ5.æ 14'90 2.25 20?.85 Increased. Jru¡e, 1942 Eerge, !ecb. Åeslste¡t .Einc ?j.OO ull, .?5 7t+.25 Increaeed. t¡on $50. Carey, l[troos J. Draftsrne¡ ] ¿"y" 1OO.4O 11.91+ 1.00 87 -tl6 CoJ.lege student, worked, 6 e¡üre à ar¡r" in Dec, Dotltl, Ea¡okl E. traglaeer Z?5.0O 22.80 2.25 Lg9.g5 Increaseal Jnne, 1$4f Oal1-egþer, Eelcn fltenograpber 100.16 11.13 1.00 99.03 Sew Dec. 9, 1]4? OÍllette, GeraLtllne Stenographer II{O.OO 16.4o 1.40 I22.70 Qrit. Dec. JI, lpl+/-l{arrterl Nlchols, DoD Lr. Enftneer-À.Secy. ïZ5.OO 49.r0 2'5o 2n.tn Increased. June, 1*?

0rr, Í. G. Soolrlceepert Z?S.OO 31.Irc 2.50 ?hL.LO Increased June, 1947 Petersou, lflnlfred. Stenographer IjO.OO L?.?0 r.5o 13r.80 Increaseê Ju¡e, 194? Shel-don, lda¡vln Englneer ZZ5.OO 30.20 2.25 r92.55 Ner Sqrt. t4f ,Incr.$5. Dec. llorvlk, Ilr¡ame Â. Englneer ZZ<"OO 22.80 2.25 t99.99 Incr.Oct- ADec. ]-.94? FOO- Z.aZq.<6


(¡ù ì! *

ultrmts 0r sPrcI^L rGErnrB 0r lEE sl^tIE rarE^ corÍgERYr,TI0r coxl¡rssrotr Eelil la the Lelastl Parker Eotel, ìliaot, Ùorüh Dakota Dcecubcr 29' L947

, - Â s¡recial nÊÇting of lhc [orth l]al¡ota, Ste.tc fatcr Co¡¡c¡v¡tion Coùni¡clon res bclÄ is thc Lcla,nò Perke¡ Eotel, Lfiaot. noeth DaLote, oE lteco¡bet 29, L947. lhe follorilg ¡ereon! rete in a,ttenclancc et this necting.


Eonora,ble Sred O. lenôehl, Governot & I¡ Offlclo Chal¡¡e¡ Kcaactb l. Siuoos, Vicc Cbairaaa Sin¡,r E. Dehl , Conniseloner frou lfatforô Ctt¡' ìf. Dâ¡. S. W. lholpsoa, Co¡nissio¡Gr froa Dcvlls La,kc¡ U. l)al' J. J. 16.1rb, Scorctary anil Chirf Eagiaoor

U. S. BURE¡'U 0f RECLA¡{ATIotr Kcrurcth F. Ycrgon, Bcgioaal Dlrcctor, B1IIingr, Moatana lfilliao J. Burke. Bcgionrl Coubscl, BiIllags. llontear Bruce Jobnsoa, Dlrector, Blele.rcþ,,f,. Da.k.

Í!b,e oeetiag ras crllcô to orùer by Cbairoe,nr Coyetnot tsGd G. ¿sôabl' at !tl0 orclock P.l[. .Regional Dircctor Vcrno¡ rcporteð òa the ectivitics of thc Bureau of 86s1"¡"- tion in [orth Dakote cnô tbcir proposcð p¡logta¡ lor 1!d8. Ihc aattcr of c¡tcnôing the preaeat contract for e'¡rotber ycer ra,s ôiscusscô asil Co¡¡issionea Tbooptoa ¡edc ühc folloriug rotioar i1 ¡ovc tbat tbc Chalrran eaô Sccrctary of tbc.Statc fatcr Co¡¡crvaüio¡ 0on¡i¡sion bc autborircd and cnporcreil to cntc¡ lnto ar agrconcat ritb tbc Uaitoô gtatss of t¡erice to rupplcocst Coatrect I79R-201, anô g¡tcsô saiil Co¡trèct fot e pcriod of onc yoar, begianiag l)cccober 3L, 1947, end c¡ttnòirrg to Dcccnbcr tl' 1948.r lhe sotlo¿ ra8 E.co¿itcô by Conni¡sloas¡ Dahl. Govc¡aor lsaôehl celle¡l roll, rltb Co¡i¡isclonors S1rons, Thonpson, Dahl êail Go?ctaot Aa!ôahl all votiag ayc. Motion cerrioð. Eeving aooclutcò o11 tbc butiac¡s bcforc tbc accting, Conai..ioD.r Si¡oar novcò thc ¡ceting ailJoura, rhlch ras aÊcoÊilct by Connl,ssloD,.t :!hoD?EoD. llotlo¡ c¿r! lcô. W ry'- Sccretary

Chairnan tr0n!8 D^r.OTl, S¡rrllt¡ W.IîEB COISE]iÍ^TIOÍ COI.ÍI4ISSIOI MotrrEtr n!¡poRr 0? r,ccouxrs, as or J¡s. 3rr 1g4g L9 47 -19 49 llPno?n IlÍI 0[s

f,o. Àppeoprlatlo!¡ fo¡ lvrll¡b1e trr¡rrodoil trlx¡toaôcil ,4? B¡Ia¡cc iluly to llco.ll rft¡. r-31-48

I Oo¡¡l¡¡loacr¡ P¡r Dlrl ¡¡À lr¡caarr. . . . . 4,0OO.oO 742.L3 ll¡. 3.257.87 2 ld¡l¡lgtrltlo¡., . . o . . . . . o ! . . . . . a a 30r000.00 Plu¡ Bctr¡¡t¡ a¡d Collcctl,oa¡ . . . ., . . 3.O4O.4' 4,923.53 724.40 27 1392,52 9 t{¡latc¿¡¿o¡ of tr-Istlag D¡¡¡ . . . . . o . . a a PIur lcfr¡¡òa 45rOOO.00 r¡d. Do¡¿ttoar for Dr¡ Ecpalrc . a . 5,743.L7 63o2.67 8.72 42r43L.78 4 lrt-Stoùc lr,tc¡¡ a¡ò portlo¡ of lÀnl¡i¡tntioa t¡ô CoafolcDcc . . . . a 1r000,0o þoarcr ,7.r0 2?.94 9L4.56 , I¡te¡¡¡tloa¡l e¡rl Intc¡rt¡tr Corpacta. . . . . a loro0o.oo 872.t7 ,4O.76 8'587.o7 6 Io¡ogra¡rllc a¡rl Co¡¡crrrttoa Ertochcr, Cooprerùtoa tltb U.E. Ooologlaal Sclrcy. . ' . 30r00o.oo trll. 6,788.25 23,zLL.75 7 þðrogrepbir Survcyt, Coopcretlou rtth U.S. Gcologtoel Survly. . . . . 20ro0o.0o 2r4g2.gg 858.48 16,648.54 I Staü¡ traglaoortr Srlaty...... 5'4OO.OO rr350.oo 225.OO 3.825. oo 9 Bcco¡¡tucùioa of lÞri¡¡ or llrigotiol...... 200fo0o.00 Íll. L,748ð3 L98,2rL.67 10 traglaocrlag. EcoI. gurrcys a¡il Dc¡o¡st¡aùl,o¡r. . , 30ro00.00 4,986. ¡O 4rL.20 24$62.70 lr Po¡trr¡ PeoJrcte, Ooop. rltÀ U.g. Dcpertno¡¡t¡. . I35r000.00 rll. lll. I35,O00.00 L2 Otbcr laveotlgattoa¡, Survcyr, oto. . . o . . . . 90.000.00 L3o279.92 r,788.08 74t9?2.oo L3 Coaet¡uctto¡ Bo¡ù C,urarsùy hr¡.d,...... a . . ?0,541.00 f,tl. rll. 7Or54t.OO Y39 ,@ f37F'oi;m TIIJEilIE'aj- |ffi

- - lonfE D¡K08^ Sr¡[¡ú lÍ I]dB OO¡TSIAVAIIOI COU¡.ÍISSIOI uorSrLT R$p088 0t as or ¡tlx. 3r. rg4g Lg 45-Lg^ccourts, 47 TPPnOPBI^Î rors fo Åppropriaùlo¡ for lvailablc Erpcdleò l-Jl-{8 ,iluly 1{! !o itru. ll E¡Ir¡ce¡

I Co¡¡i,¡rtoacrr Pc¡ Dlc¡ arrd, Erpcalor. . a I a 4rOO0Ò00 3r632.02 367.98 2 lÅrlat¡tretloa, ...... I a t 25f 000.00 ?Iu¡ 8¡fn¡t¡ e¡d Collecttoa! ¡ . . . a a 4ß47.79 29$99.42 748.37 3 llaiatc¡¡¡oo of Erlrtlag Ih¡¡. . o . . . . . a aa a a o 45,000.00 PIU¡ 8cfudl¡ r¡d. Do¡¡tio¡¡ o¡ Da¡ Rc¡elrl. ,,849.r4 32,770.48 18r47g.Ob 4 !rl.'-t¡¡1¡ htorr raô Portio¡ ot

lðnlal¡tr¿ttoa r¡ô Coulrrcnoo I-¡tcnBCr . a I a r t a t,500100 ,,2L6.7? 28).23 5 I¡tcrartlo¡rl ¡¡ò lat¡r¡trt¡ Col¡eoùr, Co¡¡l¡ato¡cr¡ r¡d, Co¡fæ¡¡oc tr¡lcatt . a . , 5r000.00 4,674.68 32r.32 6 lo¡ograpbl¡ r¡d Co¡¡orv¡tl¡a D¡¡¡ches Coogalatloa rlùh U.9. Orologioal gurvry. a at a 30r000.00 30rO0O.00 Iil. Ilyttrographlc 7 Survcyr, coo¡r rith u.g. ocoroglcer B¡r¡ycJ¡. . 15r000.o0 I5,000.o0 rll. I St¡tctaglnccllrSclrr¡r...... 5r000,00 5r000.o0 I11. 9 Rcooa¡truotio¡ ol Drtt¡¡ or trligrùio¡ . Plr¡rRcftr¡d.. oa a a ta 240rOO0.OO r.. ¡.. r, Ò ,9.56 L79.o38.44 6L,o2L.L2 t0 Ilnðcrgrou¡ù f,¡t¡r¡, Coop. rl,th U.S. Goologtcel Survcy. a a 25r000.00 t9r9O0.l5 5,099.85 1l Portrt¡ PloJecùe, Coopr rltb UôS. Dc¡rartaeatr. . . , . a 100r000.00 66,635,96 3)'364-o4 L2 Othcr lavcatlgatioal, gulvoyt, cto...... i o . a 75r0o0.00 74.996,47 3,53 13 Coa¡t¡uoülon Eo¡il Gualanty Fuaô, ., ...... 70.r4L.OO ¡i¡. 70rr4l,OO v60 165r.Eo7.Eg ,455'.56r.39 lrgo,?f8.93

\ - - f,onlE D,¡rc S!¡!E TlrEB, CoDt¡r^ltof, colttrÍ¡slof, 3 I¡f,q¡S 0F^ pB¡gn nIDS nBCOVIRIÐ Et OpIl¡Of, Ot eI[n.{IF ¡¡ Ot t¡f. 31, lgqg ^lTO8ttY

D¡l¿¡ar Io a Ir. {pæprlatlo¡ f,or Prlil DaIa¿cc loarþ ?-L45 Ort 1-31JrE Salr¡c¡

I L9t9 Gonlr¡loacg Pæ Dl,¡1...... o . o . It,?5?.oo tLl. it,?i?.oo 4 L9Ð t¡vl¡ lClrrt$lorlmt¡l h¡l ...... LOg.?6 trll. l0g.?6 5 L9)9 8po¡¡ort¡ ¡h¡¡c Dan rql att¡...... o . 2,oE8.oE r1l. 2ro8g.oE 6 L979 gurvcyl. hglnecrlag r¡ô Soll . . . r ...... r80.00 r1l. r80.00 7 L9V9 ldLs¡o¡¡l Blvcr Dtvcr¡loa ená. Bc¡lortr. ., . . . . 300.00 r1l. ,00.00 I L939 0oo¡rllv¡rDlv¡r¡lon...... o. i r. r.. L25.OO 111. L25.OO 9 L9!9 Jl¡¡ Blr¡r ¡d. lDrrvæ¡¡ I¡I¡ Dlr¡r¡lo¡t¡ o o r . 7fl.2o Í11. 7lL.ZO 10 L939 Il¡¡gi¡¡l Blv¡l lfçor¡lor...... 2r000.oo ß1. 21000.00 11 L9t9 lrelortto¡ loo¡onlo D¡ncfttr. qgg.oo ...... r Ç lll. tß9.00 t2 L939 Brportr, Oo¡f¡le¡oe, Ooagrrrc lgllclclr . . . . . 272.07 I11. 272.O7 L3 L939 lrl-¡trtc ïtttrr, Conl¡slon Goo¡lrrrtloDr . . . . 696.82 {9.1? ffi.?o 14 L9)9 laûr¡lrlômt fm¡¡tlgetlora aad, Beporta...... 3L2.9O trll. 11 2.OO 9r032.7a I 19&r Gonl¡¡to¡er¡ P¡r Dt¡u ...... o . 395.o0 tll. 995.oa Ir l9llr lbt¡t¡¡¡¡ae Dalr plur lrirtllg l5l.OO t.fu!ê. . . 53-86 r1l. 53.86 L2 1gfl lrl-¡t¡te lattr¡, ldltolltration, 0orfcr¡¡sts . ¡ 8.61 111. 9.61 L5 19ll lopogf¡Dhlc Survcylo o o ...... Ò .13 trll. .13 157.fi ?tc 19,irc.¡tE l4g.t? tg,{oo.3t

+. r0B[g Drf,oDr E[t¡E rllxß ooEsEyrElor ooHr,tlsslor DEoSIÎS U{ lEr 3¡tf, 0t toÌîE D¡rcc^ ¡E Or J¡tUlBt rl, rgqg

Ooatrlùr¡t1o¡¡ Era¡¡lt Dporltcô Iqreld.oû $læÀct Eatra¡ce &. !o .I¡¡.31 Jaouary ì 1-31-{8

I¡llor¡torc h4rlng lrrtge,tloa Dtstrlct ¡ntil ¡ccnct lrt¡rc¡t or 1Þ14+. lS,jiOO.OO adv¡¡oc to 501-118 966.16 xll. rfl. I 865.89 !¡r colt¡súfór¡ to tt¡ctr Lgtr? J01-118 ,t99.5J f,ll. lll.

Sprchl Coopcratlvr Orou¡ilnt¡r coltrlbr¡.tlo¡r bt la¡gp, 0r¡¡ cou¡ül loil letct Oonlmlor, o¿ch, ]Zr5oo.OO 501-119 7,500.00 7,t+95.fi rtl. 4.Sct

Co¡ürlùutlot¡ Orou¡ôr¡tc ürrvcyr r a lo¡rtsôcn, |IOOO,OO¡ lbultatl, itOO.Oo¡ loLlocÈ, l?5O.og 5o:-t,z6 11850.00 l0.l¿l lll.. 1r8r9.56 lotr1 of a1l Da¡k of.f,orth D&ot¿ ûqrotltd, r¡ of Jagrå¡!r.3l, 19qg 12,?a8.gs

*=6?,999.99-¡t$tr J boad¡ rrnklns fr¡¡r bataaac t-tl-q8 iIS,AgO.?6, -¡¡a-fl9r!!9.00 to¡ô gutrsBtt fû¡û,,- rltb ttou¡ frruatfòD úritriaó - Doilh; î251000.00 a¡ rÀd,ltlo¡rt aolleÈcral, o¡.rùich Jaoob¡o¡ la¡d,s ¡¡¡c¡g¡catt ¡r. ilclla¡nret r¡ô la¡û sale pcü,l¡g- ¡c¡ils ettrntloa. - Y¡O

\ ¡ r\. PAB¡¡¡D OT maSB Dr¡or¡' sllsr il!!B, cot¡ErBv¡llgr con.lrslot J¡tIt¡Bt t, Igtr8 !0 J¡Itt¡¡t 31, lgt+g lqrl.oyrc lutlo¡ 16ntbly lltb. 0¡¡I¡ Eoqtfte.l X¡t I¡mr¡t¡ Pey ?r¡ I!¡. Pe,y

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