THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF KENYA Published under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya Vd. XLIX-NO. 52 NAIROBI, December 26, 1947 Price 50 Cents Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O. Published every Tuesday CONTENTS OFFICIAL GAZETTE OFFICIAL GAZETTE-Conrd. ~Govt.Notice No.- PAGE Proclamation No.- PAGE 1168-Appointments, etc. ........ 675 %-The Suppression of Rabies Ordinance . 678 1169 Acting Consul for the Netherlands .... 675 57-The Diseases of Animals Ordinance .... 678 1170-District Production and Man Power Com- General Notices Nos. 2203-2255 ........ 679 mittewAppointments ........ 675 1171-The Local Government (Municipality) Ordi- nance, 1928-Appointment ...... 675 SUPPLEMENT No. 54 1172-1173-Vacancies in Government Departments 676 Proclarnations. Rules and Regulations, 1947 1174-African Settlement and Land Utilitization Proclamation No.- Board-Appointment ........ 676 58-The Public Holidays Ordinance .... 405 1175-1176-The Native Authority Ordinance- 59-The Entertainments Tax Ordinance .... 405 Appointment .......... 677 Govt. Notice hT0.- 1177-Appointment .......... 677 1189-The Legislative Council Ord~nance, 1935, 1178-1 179-The Legislative Council-By-election, Schcdule I1 (Variation, No. 3) Rules, 1937 . LO6 Kiambu ............ 677 1190-The Air Navigation (Colonies, Protectorates I 180-The Land and Agricultural Bank Ordinance, and Mandated Territories) Order, 1927- 1930---Appointment ........ 677 Authorization ......... 407 1181-Register of Voters-Errata ...... 677 1191-The Control of Piices (Second-hand Bags) 1182-The Central Roads and Traffic Board p amend men^ No. 2) Order, 1947 .... 407 Ordinance-Appointment ...... 677 1192-The Increased Production of Crops (Guaran- 1183-Claims Against the Siamese Government . 677 teed Minimum Returns and Grants) (Amend- 1184-Yugolavia State Securities ...... 678 ment) Rules, 1947 ........ 108 11 85-Land Acqusit~on Act, 1894--Temporary 1193-The Increascd Production of Crops Ordi- Occupation of Land ........ 678 nance, 1942-Pnce for Linseed .... 408 1186-1188-The Courts Ordinance, 193 1--Appoint- 1194-1196-Trading with the Enemy Orders (Austria) 409 ments ............ 678 1197-Confirmation of OrdFnance ...... 4 12 CORRIGENDUM 1 GOVERNMENTNOTICE NO. 1169 ACTING CONSUL FOR THE NETHERLANDS GENERAL Notice No. 2191, appearing on page 673 of IT IS hereby notified for general information that recognition Official Gazette dated 9th December, 1947: The signature of is accorded to Mr. J. H. Schmiill as temporary Acting the Town Clerk at the foot of the notice should read Netherlands Consul at Mombasa. "K. M. Louis", and not as printed. Neirobi, C. H. THORNLEY, 9th December, 1947. Deputy Chief Secretary. .GOVERNMENTNOTICE NO. 1168 APPOINTMENTS MICHAELHAMILTON STURT to be an Assistant Soil Conse~vation DISTRICT PRODUCTION AND MAN POWER Officer (D.A.R.A.), Department of Agriculture, with effect COMMIT1 EE from 19th November, 1947. APPOINTVENTS JOHN WILLIAMDUTHOTT to be an Assistant Soil Conservation IT IS notified for general infolnxation that :- Officer (D.A.R.A.), Department of Agriculture, with eflect E. G. BLACK,EsQ., AND from 19th November, 1947. G. C. A. MOORE,EsQ., ANTHONYCAPPER MOORE HINGLEY, B.A. (OXON.),to be Assistant have been appoZnted as members of the Trans Nzoia, S.S.W. Secretary, Secretariat, with effect from 28th November, 1947. Wald Production Sub-committee, in place of Mr. L. Barraclough WINGCOMMANDER JOHN RUTHERFORD IRVING BELL to be Private and Mr. G. W. ArnelI. Secretaty to His Excellency the Governor, with effect from Government Notice No. 200 of 25th February, 1947, is varied 1st December, 1947, inclusive. accol dingly. ARTHURCOLE LOGGINto be District Commissioner, Mandera Nairobi, F. W. CAVENDISH BENTINCK, District, Northern Province, with effect from 21st November, 91h December, 1947. Member for Agriculture and 1947. NatztraI Resources. HAROLDWOODHOUSE REES, Assistant Accountant, Public Works --as- - Department, to be Office Superintendent and Accountant, Department of Lands, Mines and Surveys, with effect from 25th November, 1947. PROMOTIONS THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT (MUNICIPALITIES) ORDINANCE, 1928 HAROLDARTHUR WATERLOWCHAPMAN, Education Officer, Education Department, to be Principal, Government African KISUMUMUNICIPAL BOARD Secondary School, Education Department, with effect from IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon him by Sub- 1st January, 1947. section (1) of section 13 of the Local Government KENNETHDUNCAN SIMPSON MACOWAN, B.SC., M.R.c.v.s., to be (Municipalities) Ordinance, 1928, His Excellency the Governor Senior Veterinary Officer, with effect from 1st January, 1947. has been pleased to nominate the following person to be a n~ember of the Municipal Board of Kisumu for the period EDGARPENDEREL RICE, M.R.C.V.S., to be Senior Veterinary ending 28th February, 1950, with effect from 1st December, Officer, with effect from 1st January, 1947. 1947:- MR. G. E. FLETCHER REVERSION vice Mr. D. F. O'Hara (resigned). ALAN THOMASCROWHURST reverted to his substantive rank of Clerk, Grade I, Department of Lands, Mines and Surveys, By Command of His Excellency the Governor. with effect from 25th November, 1947. C. E. MORTIMER, C. H. THORNLEY, Nairobi, Member jor Health and Local Deputy Chief Secretary. 9th December, 1947. Governnzent. 616 THE OFFICIAL G AZE'I'TE IlecenAber 16, 1947 JI: .' J' . ' ) e . , oovsaxvsx.r xowcs No. 117c (i ,., F . ...,',,.. .,. wo tk made ,or deserwng xouny Asustant surveyors to receiv. 1 '' ? .' - . .. '- l ' VACANCIES FOR EUROPEAN SURVEYORS L . ,p .. assistance in obtaining the requlred qualiscations by means of ' . courses of instnzction abroad. A APPLICATIONS are invited for gosts of Staff Surveyors a.12 The ,. remaining terms of emplopnent will be the same as for' ssistant Surveyors in the Survey Dlvision of the Lands, Mines . and Surveys Department : one Staff Surveyor will be reyuired to S19tar ;yffe a.j rs u ravnedy o2r6s , yeaxrcse pret spt jej act ivtejljye age jkmit will be lowered to' work for the Forest Department and some Junlor Staff . Surveyors will be mquimd So work .for lthe Fprest Departmeqt Ftlv.ther partkplars may be obtained on app.l ic>tion to tlie or for the Afrkah Xettlemelk anb Land Utilization Boaird. Direktor o' f Surv. éhsj P.O. Bok .89, Nairôbi. 7 ' Applications' should be sent' to the Commijsioper for Lands, (c) Junior w5'ft7/.J s' urveyors. Mines and Surveys, P.O. Box 89, Nairobi, and should mach Q'tgalîpcations.- A fair standard of general education, prefer- him not later than 31st January, 1948. ence being given to candidates with matheqptical: knowledge. Applicants 'in Government eiployment should b t4f ' in Wt'ms . and to those. who have tlworeticat or pract-lcal k'n owitdge of' of Secretariat Circular No. 30 of 29-9-1944. surveying. ' n e following are the principal items regarding the salary.- l'he present salary .attached to the post of Junior qualifcations necessary for each respective post, salaries, duties Staff Surveyor is :360 by f20 to f 480 by f 20 to f 540 (Kenya and terms of service ; - European CiWI Service posts), thqugh thls scale is expected to (A) Stas Sutweyors. be increase.d by the Salarles Commlssion (see above). Qualihcations--kn order to be eligible for consideration for Terms 0/ employment.-Mmceïs selected for .employment irt appointment in the Unifed Colonial Survey Service, candidates the Forçst Department will be appointed on, probation for one' must either (i) have obtained (c) a degree bf a British University, year, at the expiry of which thel may be confirmed in at with honours in mathematics, or physical science, or engineerinp, '. permanent appointment if their servlce,s have been satisfactory. or geography, provided thp.t the course leading to the degree ln omcers selected for appointment to the African Settlement geography has included gèodetic and trijondmetrical surveying ; and Utilization Board will be appointed oft a three years' con-. or (b) the special Diploma in Land Surveying of the Royal tract, at the expiry of which their contract may 'or may not be Institution of Chartered Surveyors ; or (c) a licence to practic.e ' renewed for a further period. as a Surveyor in one of His M ajesty's Domlnions ; or (#) a pensioyu- - degree or distinction which is regartled by the Secretary of State service . on contirmation in the Kgnya European Civil as the equivaknt of one of the above : or (ii) have qualllied in cjvg se, rvoiëcec eCrso natrrei beulitgoilb'yl eP teon scionst rFibunted to the Kenya Europexaa any examination which may be held with the approval of the . Secretary of State with a view to testing t jje professional Dtltiex.--omceYs selected for appointment to the Forest capacity of candidates for appointment to the sel.v jce . dDepartment will be required to carry out topographical surveys, salary.- 'w z present salary attached to the post of Staff theemodarocliateo no ra npd risdmetatiilc focoremstp asus rvteryasv eersiteh :e r dbrayw plnlga nem atapbs lea nodr surveye is f 400 : f 4.00 : f 450 by f 25 to f 600 (with eëciency puns survey computations. They may be called upon to serve bar at f 600) : by f30 to E840. There are prospects for oKcers u, ere in Kenya to receive promotion in the Unified Servlce beyond the rank anyw . of Staff Surveyor, though such promotions are entirely selective Oflicers selected for appointment to the African Settlement and depend on ability, experience and vacancies at the tjme and Land Utilization Board will be required to carry out being. The candidate will be placed at a pointjj.j the alyove scale demarcation surveys, small topographical surveys, simple in accordance with his . W ar service (if any), and it may j)o mlevaeyl lblneg r, esqiumirpelde tsou rsveryv e caonmypwuhteations, plan drawing. Tlley, tooy. Po ssible to give credit for his professional cxperience before re in K enya. Joining the Unified Service A Com misson on Salaries of tlje Further details of terms of service may 'be' obtained onk East African territories is. at present exam ining the whole application to the Director of Suryeys, P.O . Box 89, N airobi.
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