Thirty-first Parliament

5 – 25

Queensland Parliamentary Debates


Contents of this document *

31st Parliament, 1st Session 5 August 1947 – 24 Index from Hansard, V.190-192, 1947-48

31st Parliament, 2nd Session 17 – 8 Index from Hansard, V.193-195, 1948-49

31st Parliament, 3rd Session 2 – 25 November 1949 Index from Hansard, V.196-197, 1949

*The Index from each volume of Hansard corresponds with a Parliamentary Session.

This document contains a list of page numbers of the daily proceedings for the Legislative Assembly as printed in the corresponding Hansard volume.

A list of page numbers at the start of each printed index is provided to allow the reader to find the electronic copy in the online calendar by clicking on the date of the proceedings and then to a link to the pdf.


Thirty-first Parliament – First Session

Queensland Parliamentary Debates, V.190-192, 1947-48

5 August 1947 – 24 March 1948

(Hanlon Government)



1-6 5 August 1947 518-532 24

6-22 6 August 1947 532-559 25 September 1947

22-55 7 August 1947 559-601 30 September 1947

55-85 19 August 1947 601-615 1

86-110 20 August 1947 616-650 2 October 1947

110-136 21 August 1947 650-678 7 October 1947

137-172 26 August 1947 678-691 8 October 1947

173-194 27 August 1947 691-722 9 October 1947

194-228 28 August 1947 723-745 10 October 1947

229-262 2 September 1947 745-782 14 October 1947

262-289 3 September 1947 782-795 15 October 1947

289-327 4 September 1947 795-829 16 October 1947

327-358 9 September 1947 829-861 17 October 1947

358-372 10 September 1947 861-899 21 October 1947

372-404 11 September 1947 899-914 22 October 1947

405-435 16 September 1947 914-948 23 October 1947

435-450 17 September 1947 948-972 24 October 1947

450-488 18 September 1947 972-1027 28 October 1947

488-518 23 September 1947 1027-1039 29 October 1947 PAGE NOS DATE PAGE NOS DATE

1039-1095 30 October 1947 1648-1684 27

1095-1126 31 October 1947 1684-1697 28 November 1947

1127-1175 4 November 1947 1697-1768 2

1175-1189 5 November 1947 1768-1794 3 December 1947

1189-1247 6 November 1947 1794-1855 4 December 1947

1247-1266 7 November 1947 1857-1945 9 March 1948

1266-1323 11 November 1947 1945-1972 10 March 1948

1323-1335 12 November 1947 1972-2001 11 March 1948

1335-1391 13 November 1947 2001-2025 12 March 1948

1392-1425 14 November 1947 2025-2060 16 March 1948

1425-1481 18 November 1947 2060-2073 17 March 1948

1481-1495 19 November 1947 2073-2150 18 March 1948

1495-1555 20 November 1947 2150-2173 19 March 1948

1555-1586 21 November 1947 2173-2226 23 March 1948

1586-1635 25 November 1947 2226-2297 24 March 1948

1636-1648 26 November 1947


Official Record of the Debates



First Session

OF THE Thirty-First Parliament.

11 and 12 GEORGE VL

Comprising the periods from the Fifth day of August to the Fourth day of December, AD. 1947; and from the Ninth day of March to the Twenty-fourth day of March, A.D. 1948.


BRISBANE: Bv Authority: A. H. Tucker, Government Printer Bmbano Queensland Parliamentary Debates, V.190-192, 1947-1948 5 August 1947 - 24 March 1948

THE GOVERNOR. His Excelleney Lieutenant-General Sir JOHN DUDLEY LAVARAOK, K.B.E., C.B., C.M.U., DJ::l.O.



Premier and Chief Secretary; and Vice-President of the Executive Council- Honourabl~ EDWARD MICHAEL HANLON. Secretary for Labour and Industry-Honourable VINCENT CLAIR GAIR. Secretary for Agriculture and Stock-Honourable HAROLD liENRY COLLINS. Secretary for Public Lands and Secretary for Mines-Honourable THOMAS ANDREW FoL-~Y. Secretary for Health and Home Affairs-Honourable ARTHUR JoNES. Attorney-General-Honourable DAVID ALEXANDER GLEDSON. Treas:1rer-Honourable JAMES LARCOMBE. Secretary for Public Instruction-Honourable HENRY ADAM BRUCE. Minister for Transport-Honourable JOHN EDMUND DuGGAN. Secretary for Public \\'orks, Housing, and Local Government--Honourable WILLIAM !'own.

THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Speaker-Honourable SAMUEL JOHN BaASSINGTON (Fortitude Valley). Chairman of Committees-MANN, JOHN HENRY, Esquire (Brisbane). 'remporar.r Chairmen of Committees- BRAND, WILLIAM ALFRED, Esquire (Isis). DECKER, ERIC PAUL, Esquire (Sandgate). DEVRIES, GEORGE HENRY, Esquire ( Gregory). DUNST.A.N, THOMAS, Esquire (Gyrnpie). HILTON, PAUL JERO:UE RE:UJGIUS, Esquire ( Cmnarron) AIKENS, THOMAS, Esquire (lifundingburra). BARNES, JOHN FRANCIS, .Esquire (Bundaberg). BJELKE-PETERSEN, JOHANNES, Esquire (Nanango). BRAND, WILLiAM ALFRED, Esquire (lsis). BR.A.SSINGTON, Honourable SAMUEL JoiiN (Fortitude Valley). BROWN, RICHARD KIDSTON, Esquire (Buranda). BRUCE, Honourable HENRY ADAM (The Tableland). BURROWS, JAMES, Esquire (Port Curtis). CHALK, GORDON WILLIAM WESLEY, Esquire (East Toowoomba) CLARK, JAMES, Esquire (Fitzroy). COLLINS, Honourable HAROLD HENRY (Cook). COPLEY, PATRICK KERRY, Esquire (Kurilpa). CROWLEY, THOMAS MARTIN, Esquire (Cairns). DAVIS, EDWARD WILLIAH, Esquire (Barcoo). DECKER, ERIC PAUL, Esquire (Sandgate). flEVRIES, GEORGE HENRY, Esquire (Gregory). IV.


DUGGAN1 Honourable JOHN EDMUND (Toowoomba). DUNSTAN, THOMAS, Esquire (Gympie). EVANS, ERNEST, Esquire (Mirani). FARRELL, DAVID, Esquire (Maryborough). FOLEY, Honourable THOMAS ANDREW (Normanby). GAIR, Honourable VINCENT CLAIR (So,uth Brisbane). QI,EDSON, Honourable DAVID ALEXANDER (Ipswich). GRARAM, FREDERICK DICKSON, Esquire (Mackay). GUNN, WILLIAM MORRISON, Esquire (Wymnum). liANLON, Honourable EDWARD l\frcHAEL (Ithaca). HEADING, JAMES ALFRED, Esquire (Wide Bay). HILEY, THOMAS ALFRED, Esquire (Logan). HILTON, PAUL JEROME REMIGIUS, Esquire ( Carnarvon). !NGRAM, WALTER CHARLES, Esquire (Keppel). JESSON, CECIL GEORGE, Esquire (Kennedy). JoNEs, Honourable ARTIIUR (Charters Towers). KERR, THOMAS CALDWELL, Esquire ( Oxley). KEYATTA, GEORGE, Esquire ( TownsvillG). LARCOMBE, Honourable ,TAMES (Rockhampton). Low, DAVID ALAN, Esquire (Cooroora). LUOKINS, LOUIS WELLS, Esquire (Maree). MACDONALD, DUNCAN, Esquire (Stanley). MADSEN, OTTO 0TTOSEN, Esquire (Warwick). MAHER, EDMUND BEDE, Esquire (West Moreton). MANN, JOHN HENRY, Esquire (Brisbane). MARRIOTT, GEOR(IE HENRY, Esquire (BulimlJa). MO!NTYRE, MALCOLM, Esquire (Cunningham).

MOORE, WILLIAM MAT~'HEW, Esquire (Mcrthyr). MORRIS, KENNETH JAMES, Esquire (Enoggera). MuLLER, ADOLF GueTAV, Esquire (Fassifern). NICKLIN, GEORGE Fl.

'TAYLOR, HAROLD BOURNE, l'~squire (Hamilton). TAYLOR, JOHN RUSSELL, Esquire (Maranoa). THEODORE, STEPHEN, Esquire (Herbert). TURNER, JOHN ALBERT, Esquire (Kelvin Grove), :WANSTALL, CHARLES GRAY, Esquire (Toowong), v.

COMMITTEES. LmRARY.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Davis, Mr. Dunstan, Mr. Keyatta, Mr. Macdonald, Mr. Morris, and Mr. Russell. PARLIAMENTARY BUILDINGS.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Devries, Mr. Hiley, Mr. Mcintyre, Mr. Muller, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Turner. PRINTING.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Clark, Mr. Kerr, Mr. Low, Mr. Moore, Mr. Sparkes, and Mr. Turner. RFFRESHMENT RooMs.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Brand, Mr. Chalk, Mr. Jesson, Mr. Maher, Mr. 0 'Shea, and Mr. J. R. Taylor. STANDING 0RDERS.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Brand, Mr. Copley, Mr. Hanlon, Mr. Mann, Mr. Nicklin, and Mr. Wanstall.

ELECTIONS TRIBUNAL. ELECTIONS JUDGE.-The Honourable Mr. Justice Matthews. Queensland Parliamentary Debates, V.190-192, 1947-1948 05 August 1947 - 24 March 1948 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Index to Subjects.

A1ldison, Viscount, Parliamentary Lun­ BILLS-continued: cheon to, 682. Appropriation, No. 1 (suspension of Stand­ All!h'I(''SS in Reply,­ ing Orders), 27; (all stages), 55; (assent), 55 . . \r1option, 326 Appropriation, No. 2 (1° anc12°), 1615; .\ nswer of Governor, 435 (committee and 3°), 1635; (assent), lkbate on, 15, 59, 90, 114, 141, 177, 199, 1684. ~32, 265, 292. (amendment-:'11r. Nicklin), Building Operations and Timber and Build­ .,g; (extensiOn of time for) 141 · ing Materials Control Act Amendment (further extension), 265; ( r losur~ unrle{· (initiation), 2151; (initiation in cam· :Sessional Orde'l·), 326. mittee), 2152; (1°), 2160; (2°), 2182; :\I e~sagc from His :\fajesty, 1684. (committee), 2199; ( 3 o), 2201; (assent), 2297. l'rPsl'ntation to Governor, 405, 435. Censorship of J<'ilms (initiation), 901; A!ldn•ss to Uer Royal Highness, the (initiation in ronunittee), 1030; (1°), J>rincess Elizabeth, on occasion of 1038; (2°), 1762; (committee), 1767; marriage, 1497; (reply of the (3°), 1768; (assent), 1857. Governor), 1586; (reply of the Secre­ Citv of Mackav and other Town Planning tary of State for Commonwealth · Schemes Approval Act Amendment Relations), 1858. (initiation), 1946; (initiation in com­ mittee), 1975; (1°), 2000; (2°), Adjournment of House, 372, 615. 2026; (committee), 2048; (3°), 2049; (as9Gnt), 2297. cl!ljournment of House, ·Formal Motions Coal ancl Oil Shale ::\iine Workers (Pen­ under Standing Order No. 137­ sions) Acts AmE~IClmcnt (initiation and C'ommunism, Menace of (propascd motion initiation in committee), 360, 387; by :Mr. Hiley), 2175. (1 o), 404; (2°), 652; (committee), (; 1 ain sorghum, Ban on expmt of (:\1r. (167; (3°), 682; (assent), 691. Mcintyre), 1098; (motion withdrawn), Coal Industry (Control) (initiation), 1946; 1112. (initiation in committee), 2051; ( 1°), l~:Jilway Strike, Disruption of 'l'ransport 2054; (2°), 2101; (committee), 2140; Services and Coal Supplies (Mr. Nicklin), (3°), 2150; (assent), 2297. 18:)8. Coal Mining Acts Amendment (initiation), 1098; (initiation in committee), 1324, Adjournments, Special, 6, 22, 55, 1852, 2296. 1394; (amendment-:Mr. Paterson), .luditor-General's Report- 1407, 1408; (amen·dment-Mr. J\llar­ riott), 1420; (1°), 1424; (2°), 1640, Brisbane City Council's Accounts, 1636. 1667; (committee), 1671; ( 3 o), 1678; Loans Sinking Funds, 795. (assent), 1857. Public Accounts, 899; (Supplementary Coal :Vfining Acts Amendment No. 2 (initia­ report on defalcations), 1636. tion), 1686; (initiation in committee), 1706; (1°), 1714; (2°), 1851; (com­ Barristers and Solicitors, l<',ees paid by mittee and 3 o), 1852 ; (assent), 1857. Crown to- Co-ordination of Rural Advances and Agri­ Orrler for Return (motion-:VIr. Brand), 27. cultural Bank Acts Amendment (initia­ Return tabled, 330. tion), 1650; (initiation in committee), 1691· (1°) 1692; (2°), 1787; (com­ RILLS­ mitt~e and 3°), 1788; (assent), 1857. .\ ir Navigation Act Amendment (initia­ Coroners Acts Amendment (initiation), tion), 1497; (initiation in committee 332; (initiation in committee and 1o), and 1o), 1660; (2° ), 1774; (com­ 346; (2°), 1265; (committee), 1266; mittee), 1782; (3°), 1784; (assent), (3°), 1267; (assent), 1586. 1857. Dise·ases in Stock Acts Amendment (initia­ Apiaries (initiation and initiation in tion), 1685; (initiation in committee), Committee), 1583; (1 o), 1585; (2°), 1946; (1°), 1972; (2°), 2160; (com­ 1679; (committee), 1683; (3°), 1684; mittee), 2167; (3°), 2173; (assent), (assent), 1857. 2297. 2 INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

IHLLS-continued: BILLS--continued: Electric Supply Corporation (Overseas) Liquor Acts Amendment (initiation), 331; L~mited Agreement (initiation), 1685; ( in:itia tion in committee), 339; (1o), (initiation in committee), 1698; (ID), 346; (2°), 1264; (committee), 1265; 1706; (2°), 1795, 1814; (committee), (3°), 1267; (assent), 1586. 1842; (3°), 1851; (assent), 1857. Local Government Acts Amendment (initia­ Financial Arrangem

BILLS-continued: ('ollins, Hon. U. H., S,ecrt•tary for Agri­ l"'tate Electricity Commission Acts Amcml­ culture and Stock, Interjection by ment (1948) (initiation), .1914· (initia­ :IIr. EYlms, Hon. member for IUirani, tion in committee) 2000: (1 °) 327. 2001; (2°), 2006; 'c connnittce and Commission to Open Parliament, 1. 3°), 2014; (assent), 2025. Commissions to Administer Oath or Affir­ i"'tate Housing Acts Amendment (initia­ tion), 1946; (initiation in committee mation ol' Allegiance- and 1°), 2002; (2°), 2056; (committee At opening of Session, 1. and 3°), 2060; (assent), 2297. To ~Ir. Speaker, 12. State Transport J<,acilities Act Amendment Communism, Il!euace of (prolwsed motion (initiation), 1650; (initiation in com­ for a£ljournment of House by Il!r. mittee)_, 1660; (1°), 1661; (2°), 1784; Hiley under Standing 0r£ler No. 137), (committee), 1785; (3°), 1786; (assent), 1857. 2175. Succession and Probatr Duties Aets Amend­ Bay~ of Sit.ting (see "Sitting Days"). ment (initiation), 1973; initiation in committee and 1°), 2049; (2°), 2072; Deaths (::Uotion of Condolence, &c.)­ (committee an·:l :0 °), 2203; (assent) Camp ::\Iountaiu Railway Disaster, 13. 2297. ' ::\Ir. E. H. C. Clayton, 12. Ads 8ugar Experiment Stations Amend­ 0 ment (initiation), 332; (initiation in "\fr. .T. P. l' ry, 2228. committee), 347; (1 °), 358; (2°), _\Ir. ·w. ~feCormurk, 1637; (reply), 18:38. 1491; (committee), 14!J;'i; (:lo), 1497; Tcumu cc Railway Disaster, 91 G. (nssent), 1857. Tobacco Leaf .i\farketing (initiation), 168ii; iHVISIONS­ Trade C:JUpons Act Amenilmeut (initia­ A

DIVISIONS-continued: :Financial Stateime·nt ( ComJRiti:ee of BILLS-continutcl: Supply), 464. Industrial Law Amen-dment­ Debate on 545, 726, 746, 804, 830, 878, 901, Initiation in committee, 1929. 916, 950. Second reading, 1934. Tables relating to, tabled, 464. Clause 4, 1938. .Foodstuffs to Britain, Export of (Motion Clause 5, 1941. -Mr. Plunkett), 620. Third R0ading, 1944. I"ands Acts and other Acts Amendment­ General Election- Clause i (amendment-Mr. Decker), Carpentaria, Cook, Gregory and Warrego 2101. Electoral Districts, Validation of elections, 2. · I,oeal Goyerument Acts Amendment­ Return of writs, 1 Clause 2 (amendment-Mr. Aikens), 1727. Government Employdes, Number of­ :VIetropolitan District Council of the Aus­ Order for retum (motion-:Mr. Ma.cdonal1l), tralian Labour Party- 27. Second Reading, 873. Retnru tabled, 1097.

1 Que Emsland-British Food Production­ Governorrs Opening Speecli, 6, 15. Clause 22 (amendment-Mr. Aikens), 2289. Grain Sorghum, Ban on Export of­ Valuation of Laud Acts Amendment­ Motion for adjournment of House (M:·. Clause 5 (amendment-Mr. Nicklin), Mcintyre), 1098; motion withdrawn, 722. 1112. ·workers' Compensation Acts Amend­ Ransard, Circulation and Cost of, 1945-~6, ment- 194, 1946, 1768. Clause 3 (amendments-Mr. Wanstall) -:ifotions to disagree to Chairman's Hours of Sitting, 26. ruling, 1741, 1745; (amendment­ Jfr. Pa.tm:son)-Motion to disagree Leadersllip of Opposition, 15. to Chairman's ruling, 17 49. Leadership of Queensland People's Party, Clause 4 (amendment-Mr. Paterson) 1858. -:Motion to disagree to Chairman's ruling, 1754. Library Committee, Jppointment, 26. kuspension of ::\Ir. Aikens (motion-1fL Hanlon), 1814. Lodge, Parliament, Nuisance ut, 359. Lobbies, Use o~, 110, 1558. nocuments Tabled, 269, 329, 330, 359, 398, 404, 662, 835. Jiembers­ Elections in Carpif•ntaria, Cook, Gregory, C'alled by C'hhir, Blec.torate and 1Hlml', and Warrego Validated, 2. 1028: Illness of :'.h. W. Pa,Yer, ·welcome b:· :\fr. Elections Tribunal­ Speaker on return to I-I'ouse, 782 . .Tudge for 1947 (Mr. Justice ::\Iatthews), 12. Named (Mr. Aikens), 1813. .Empire Preference and World Trade Ordered to apologise (J\fr. Pie), 1;):24; (Motion-Mr. Hilton), 377, 453, 616; (Mr. Aikens), 2174. (reply from Acting Prime Minister), Ordered to discontinue SpeeC:h (Mr. Pie), 914. 635; (:'IT!·. Muller), 2089. l~stimates-in-Chief, 11>47-~8- Suspended Oh. Aikcns), 1814. Tabled, 464. Sworn- .Estimates, Supplementary, 1946--17­ At opening of Parliament, 2 Tabled, 1394. 'Mr. G. Keyatta, 25. :\fr. W. Power, 782. Emns, .ll-Ir., Hon. :'!!ember for Jiirani, Inter­ :VIr. W. B. .T. G. Sparkes, 12. jection to Hon. H. H. Collins, Secrc~ tary for "lgriculture and Stock, 327. :'!Iinisterial Expenses, 1946-47­ Exillanations, Personal (see "Personal 0rder for retmn (motion-Mr. DcC'kl'r). Explanations"). 27. Return tabled, G51. Exp,ort of Foodstuffs to Britain (Motion -Mr. Plunkett), 620. :.mnisterial Statements­ :Fees Paid by Crown to Barristm·s and Appointment of ~finistry, 12. Solicitors- Hesignations-· Order for Return (m~>tion-::\fr. Brand), :27. Hon. E. J. vValsh, as Minister for Trans­ Returu to order, 330. port, 12. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-I~EGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

~Iinisterial Statements-continued. Qu~stions, Form, Scope, and Limitations Resignations-contimted. of (Mr. Speaker), 59, 113, 232, 264, Hon. T. L. vVilliams, as Secretary for 291, 330, 360, 376, 651, 693, 1393, 1769, Public Instruction, 12. 2060, 2062, 2151, 2174. Coal Deposits (State), Development of, QUESTIONS­ 1638. ~'\. boriginals- Railway Strike, Police report on street dis­ Cherbourg Settlement, Cash shortages at turbance, 2074. (Mr. Pie), 1040. Jtotion Lapsed (Mr. Hiley), 692. J sland Jndustries Board, Administration of (J\Ir. ::\Iacdonalcl), 1041; Shortages Opening of Parliament, 1. in cash and stock (Mr. Wa11stall), Opening Spencli of Governor, 6, 15 1041; Report by ::\l[r. G. A. Cameron (Mr. Wanstall), 2227. 01Jlp~sition, Leadership of, 15 Palm Island Settlement, Alleged steHling at (:\Ir. Evaus), 1042. Order of Sp·eaking, RPport in " Courier­ Mail," 949. Thursland Island, Report by Mr. G. A. Cameron on native affairs (Mr. Wan­ Parliament- stall), 2227. Opening of, 1. Welfare fund (Mr. Wanstall), 1045. Prorogation of, 2297. Accidents- Parliamentary Buildings Committl'l', Motor-cycle (:\h. ::Vloore), 43 7. Appointment, 26. Railway Department, Number and causes Personal Explanations­ (Mr. Patrrson), 915, 1555. ::\Ir. Bruce, 2271. Agricultural Bank, Foreclosures and repos­ sessions (Mr. Pie), 900; (::\ir. Nicklin), :\h. Duggan, 1483. 1335. :\fr. Evans, 330, 1028. Agricultural High School nncl College-, :\fr. J esson, 89. Gatton, Summer School at (Mr. :\'[or­ Mr. Macdonald, 217 4. ris), 1336. :\fr. Pie, 1769, 2074. Agricultural laml, Bowen River, Opening :\fr. Wanstall, 329. of (Mr. Paterson), 681. J>prsonal Stateml'nts­ Agriculture ancii Stock Depnrtment, Resig­ nations from (Mr. :\Iuller), 55. ::Vfr. Brassington (enor iu l'Pporting speech), 782. Agroxone and Metlwxone \Yeedicides (Mr. Aikens), H99. ::\Ir. Hanlon, 200. Air Routes, Applications for (:\f1·. Nicklin), Power, Hon. W., )Yelcome to Hou~e by 948; 'l'.A.A. licence fees, Brisbane­ Mr. Speaker after illness, 782. • Cnims (l\'Ir. Wanstall), 1697. Prt

QPE :S'l'lO XS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: State Farm, Clare Road (Mr. Aikens), Bowen-continued. 89. Coke works and Collinsville mine, Dev€'1­ Sugar Experiment Station, Suggested opment of (Mr. Paterson), 603; report establishment of ("7\fr. Aikens), 89. of Mr. R. W. Foot (Mr. Paterson), Banking- 973. Banking Act (Commonwealth), Challenge Harbour Board, Iw:lelltedness of (Mr. in High Court (JYir. Pie), 1650. Low), 1096. X ationalisation, Suggested discussion of Tomato-growers, Proposals by (Mr. (11r. Pie), 439. Paterson), 452. Xationalisation and control of coal­ Wharf, Installation of water cooling mining (:'vir. Pie'), 197. units on (Mr. P'aterson), 68J. Referendum on nationalisation of (Mr. Nicklin), 899. Bread-baking Industry- Victorian Election issue (:\fr. \Vanstall), Conference, Date' of (:\fr. Morris), 174. 1267. Deliveries, North Queenslm1d (Mr. Pater­ Banks- ~on), 358; Toowoomlla (Mr. Chalk), Land Tax payments (:\lr. Pie), 900. 1768. Rates paid to Local Authorities (Mr. Briekmaking- Pie), 973. Collinsville, Plant at (:\Ir. Paterson), Trading (State), Pro]Joscd (Mr. Russell). 452. 560. North Queensland, ·visit of Mr. Gun­ I l'arringun-Dil'ranband.i rail link, Proposed thorpe (Mr. Aikens), 140. construction of (:'vir. Madsen), 2025. Brick-on-edge' homes, Construction of (.Mr. Ba~ie wage, Determination by Queensland Chalk), 230. fndustrial Court (~fr. Macdonald), 679. Briclnvorks at ~files, Reopening of (:Mr. Batons, Alleged use by police in Railway Nicklin), 1392. strike (Mr. Manu), 2061; (Mr. Aikens), 2150, 2227. Brisbane Club, Alleged victimisation at (Mr. Copley), 1266. Beef from Lake's Creek for Britain, Trans­ shipment of (:\fr. Aikens), 520. Brisbane General Hospital- l3eef Production, Expansion of (Mr. Free Medicine scheme (Mr. H. B. Taylor), 602. ~forris), 1636. Indigent patients, Assistance for (Mr. Beer (draught), Bottling of (:\fr. \'Van­ .:'vfann), 9] 6. stall), 1336, 1481. Railway Strikr, Collections for (Mr. Blair Athol Coalfield- Morris), 2226. British Electric. Supply Corporation, T.B. patiEnts, Treatment of pir. :t.iar­ Agreement with (:\Ir. EYans), 88; (Mr. riott), 561. Pie), 29J, G03, 1650; Mr. Mnlherin's statement (Mr. Donald), 725. Brisbane t~ Cairns Air Route, 'r.A.A. licence Cost of production (Mr. Pie), 1650. fees (Mr. Wanstall), 1697. Development of (:\Tr. Paterson), 291, Broadbeach Land, Prices of (Mr. Plunkett), 829, 973; (Mr. Pie), 291, 603; (Mr. 559. Donald), 725, 914. Broadcasting of Parliamentary debates Findings of Committee of i'nquiry (Mr. (Mr. Low), 915. Paterson), 291; (-:\fr. Evans), 438. Buffalo Fly Control Fund, Administration Land, Options over (:\Ir. Pie), 196. of p-rr. Russcll), 1039. Rolling stock (Mr. H. B. Taylor), 88. Building Control, Rental charges by Public Royaltie's, 1946, Payment of (Mr. Evans), Curator (Mr. Morris), 1323, 1335. 1794. Building sites for ex-servicemen (Mr. Transport of coal by Railway Depart­ Bjelke-Petersen), 197. ment to ports (Mr. Paterson), 176, Building Trade­ 199; (:\fr. Evans), 438. Brick-on-edge homes, Construction of E'orC'rs in house-building timber (1Ir. Pater­ (Mr. Chalk), 230. son), 375. Dissection of housing costs (Mr. Chalk), Hourke-Camooweal-Danvin railway, Con­ 1338, 1427. struction of South-West link (Mr. Ex-servicemen in (Mr. Chalk), 290. ~Iadsen), 202i5. Forty-hour Week, Restoration of pay Boll·en- (Mr. Luckins), 173. Agricultural laml on Bo>Yen River, Open­ Materials held by State (Mr. Chalk), ing of, (3d:r. Paterson), 681. 972; (Mr. Moore), 1046. Coal storage bins, Sites for (Mr. Pater­ Southport and Coolangatta, Breaches of son), 1248. Building Operations and Timber and Coalfield, Report by Mr. R. W. Foot Building Materials Control Act (Mr. (:.VIr. Paterson), 973. Plunkett), 2227. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 7 tf(IESTIO.NS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Bulimba, Acquisition of lnJld by State Central schools in country areas, Estab­ Housing Commission (Mr. Marriott), lishment of (J'.fr. J'.l[orris), 229. 439. Central 'l'echnical College, Mattress-making Bullock (prime), Allege'd destruction of classes at (Mr. ::'>Iorris), 263. (Mr. Sparkes), 1392. Charleville- Bnnclaberg Harbour Board, Indebtedness of Overstocking of holdings (Mr. Russell), (Mr. Low), 1096. 230. Burdekin River Trust, Goven1ment eontri­ Storm damage, Repair of (Mr. 0 'Shea), butions to (Mr. Aikens), 452. 1587. Caboolturc-Gympie' Railway line, Sug­ Water and Electric Light Services (Mr. gested duplication (Mr. Low), 406. Russell), 1558. Caboolture-Nambour, Rail-motor time table Cherbourg Aboriginal Settlement, Cash (Mr. Low), 519. shortages at (Mr. Pie), 1040. Cairncross Dock- Chermside Military Camp. Use for immi­ Docking charges (:Yir. Marriott), 900. gration purposes (Mr. Pie), 328. Losses (Mr. Morris), 1042. Child-birth fever, Brisbane, Incidence of ''S.S. Reynella,'' Repair of (Mr. :\lar­ (Mr. Wanstall), 23. riott), 692; (Mr. Roberts), 723. ChilclTen ancl motheTs, Care of on long­ Cairns Harbour Board, I'ndebtedness of ·distauce trains (~Ir. Aikens), 1175. (Mr. Low), _1096. Children in institutions, Diet for (Mr. Cairns to Brisbane Air Route, T.A.A. ::VI orris), 948. License Fees (Mr. Wanstall), 1697. City Electric Light Company, Suggested Cairns-Townsville Railway Line, station subsidy to (:\Ir. Low), 1096. houses on (Mr. Aikens), 746. Clayfield railway gates, Traffic delays at Calliclc Coalfield- (Mr. H. B. Taylor), 521. Development of Cdr. 11aher), 1324. Cloncurry-11ount Isa ·water Supply, Geo­ Rolling stock (:\Ir. H. B. Taylor), 88. physical sun-ey (:\Ir. Kerr), 262. Transport of coal by road (Mr. Burrows) Coal-mining :i'ndushy­ 24. ' Blair Athol Fielcl- Camp Hill State School, Cost of adllitions British Electric Supply Corporation, (Mr. Hilcy), 1127. Agreement with (Mr. Evans), 88; Camp Mountain Hailway disaster­ (Mr. Pie), ~91, 603, 1650; Mr. Mul­ herin 's statement (J\fr. Donald), Compensation Claims (:\Ir. Hiley), l (l84. 72:3. Hecommcndation hy Court of Inquiry Cost of production (Mr. Pie), 165U. (Mr. Paterson), 438. Development of (Mr. Paterson), 291, Cane-cntte1·s, Rhortage of (::'>Ir. Luckins), 829, 973; (Mr. Pie), 291, 603; (Hr. 173; 'rully (:\h. 'rheodore), 725. Donald), 725, 914. Canned Fish industry, Output of (I\Ir. l,'inclings of Committee of Inquiry Wanstall), G91. CUr. Paterson), 291; (:\1r. Evans), 438. Cannon Hill, Shunting ilelays at (Mr. Sparkes), 312. Lam1, Options oWl' (:\Ir. Pie), 190. Rolling Btock (Mr. H. B. Taylor), 88. Capricornia Regional ElectricitY Boanl Financing of (:VIr. Pie), 97'2. ' Royalties, 1946, Payment of (::VIr. Evans), 1794. . Cattle- Transport of coal by Railway Depart­ Motor transp~rt to Cannon Hill (:\I!'. ment to ports (:\lr. Patersou), 176, Russell), 2:5, 135. 199; ( ;\Ir. Evans), 438. Tubercnlosis- Boi\·en Coke \Yorks, Development of ()Ir. Conilcmnations and compensation paid Paterson), G03; Heport by J\Ir. R. (Mr. Muller), 1973. W. Foot (Mr. Paterson), 973. Levy, 30 June, 1947 (Mr. Decker), 87. Bowen Piclcl- Veterinary surgeons employed by Gov­ Report by :Hr. H. IV. Foot (:\Ir. crmncnt (JUr. )fuller), 2173. Patcrson), 973. \Vandoan, Truckings at (Mr. Sparkes), Storage bins, sites for (Mr. Pnterson), 1587. 1248. Cecil Plains W0ir, Cost of (:\fr. ::'>Icintyre), Callicle Field- 2001. Development of (::\Ir. :\Iaher), 1324. Cement- Rolling Storl' (:\h. H. B. Taylor), 88. Dust Nuisanrl• at Dana ancl Oxley (:\fr. 'rransport of coal h3· road ('Mr. K!crr), 87. Burrows), 24. X orth Queensland, Shortage of supplies Coal Board, Chairmanship of P,Ir. (Mr. Aikcns), 198. Jesson), 2151. 8 INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

(/VES'l'IONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Coal-Mining Industry-continued­ Commemoration Stamp, Explorer Kennedy, Suggested issue of (Mr. Nicklin), 2226. Coal-Miners, Con-ditions of (Mr. Pater· son), 195; (Mr. Pie), 438. Commonwealth- Collinsville Mine, Development of (Mr. Banking Act, Challenge• in High Court Paterson), 603; Salaries and condi­ (Mr. Pie), 1650. tions (Mr. Paterson), 1190. Current Government accounts at Coon· Deposits in Queensland, Date of dis­ monwealth Bank (::\fr. Nicklin), 1039. covery (Mr. Madsen), 1044. Dingo destruction, Financial aid (Mr. Exports (Mr. Kerr), 87; (Mr. Morris), N'icklin), 862. 1648. Egg Control Sc·hemc, Pinances of (Mr. Foot, Mr. R. W., Report by (Mr. Pater· Nicklin), 23. son), 973. Eventide Hospital, Subsidy to (Mr. Harbours and Marine Department, Sup­ Decker), 86. pliE!s for (Mr. Marriott), 900, 1496, :Financial relation >Yith State (Mr. Pie), 1794. 1338. .Joint Coal Board- Grants- Attitude of Premier (::\11'. Pie), 1483. R€imbursement ancl loa.n allocations Constitution of (1Ir. Paterson), 1393; (Mr. T'urner), 436. (Mr. Morris), 1636; (Mr. Pie), 1769. Rural Roads (:\fr. :\Tardonald), 1027, Establishment of (Mr. Paterson), 829, 1249, 1427. 1096; (Mr. Donald), 1248; (Mr. States, Payments to (Mr. Pie), 86. Pie), 1267, 1769. Tuberculosis patients (Mr. Marriott), Killarney and ·warwick districts, Deposits 374· (Mr. H. B. Taylor), 602. in (l\1r. Madsen), 650. Piping held by Dispo;als Commission Legislation for (1Ir. Paterson), 195; (Mr. Nicklin), 1795. (::\fr. Pie), 438. Tuberculosis Sufferers, Allowances to :\'ationalisation of banking, Goyernment (J\fr. Evans), 24; (':\fr. Marriott), 374; policy (Mr. Pie), 197. Proposed grant (Mr. H. B. Taylor), Xavy, Stocks in Queensland (Mr. Kerr), 602. 1649, Communists, Suggested banning of (1\Ir. Options ove~· land between Blair Athol Pie), 2062. and St. Lawrence (':\fr. Pie), 196. Coolangatta-Southport area, Building Production and miners employe-d (:Yir. breaches in (l\fr. Plunkett), 2227. Pie), 681; State J\l[ines (:\Ir. Kerr), 724. Cotton, Producticm and acreage (Mr. Kerr), <;>uotas under Corti Production Regulation 112. Acts (Mr. Paterson), 196. ''Courier-Mail,'' Reporting of debates Townsville Gas Company- (:Yir. M ann), 949. Gas tests (Mr. Aikens), 438. CoUl'taulds Ltd., 8it·e1s for Oir. Aikens), Supplies for (Mr. Aikens), 198, 405. 1768. \Varwick and Killarney Districts, Cream from SUl'plus :\Iilk (:Ylr. Marriott), Deposits in (Mr. Madsen), 650. 2173. \\'est Moreton District Board­ Cnlwulla Chambers, Sydney, Purchase of Composition of (Mr. Marriott), 1795. (Mr. Pie), 680, G92. Penalties and Compensation paid (Mr. Dairy Industry- Morris), 1042. Costs, Report by Commonwealth Costs Working week (:\fr. Pie), 5H. Committee (Mr. Low), 679. Collinsvillc- Dairy Cattle Improvement. Fund, Par­ Brickmaking plant (Mr. Paterson), 452. ticulars of (Mr. Muller), 1095. Housing Scheme (Mr. Paterson), 264, Drought Relief, Amounts written off 452, 1496, 155i5. (Mr. Decker), 1043. Huts, State, Replacement of (Mr. Pater­ Dana and Oxley, Ceme~1t clnst nuisance at son), 264, 452, 1496, 1555. (Mr. Kerr), 87. C.Iin€• and Bowen Cokeworks, Develop· Day Labour versus Contract in Home Build­ ment of (Mr. Paterson), 603; Report ing (Mr. Chalk), 724. by Mr. R. W. Foot (Mr. Paterson), Day's Road Brisbane, Alteration of 973; Salaries and con·ditions at (Mr. ' Stafford 'bus tcl'minus (Mr. Morris), Paterson), 1190. 1266. Rcottville- Debates- Railway line, Service on (Mr. Pater· Broadcasting of (Mr. Low), 915. son), 140. Reply of Minister (Mr. Pie), 900. Road, Gazettal of (Mr. Paterson), Defalcations in Public Service, Auditor­ 1190. G€neral's report (Mr. Wanstall), 1045. Cooktown Harbour, Dredging of (Mr. Niek­ Diet in institutions for children (Mr. lin), 23. Morris), 948. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 9

QUESTIO~S-continued: (lUESTIO.SS-continued: Dingoes- Election, General-continued. Aerial campaign against (Mr. Maher), ::\fast·E1' rolls, compilation of (Mr. l'\iek­ 24. lin), llJ. Commonwealth aid in destruction of (Mr. Official Stationery, Alleged use for elec­ Nicklin). 862. tion purposes (Mr. Wanstall), 375. Dirranbandi- Plural voting (Mr. Wanstall), 115; Barringun or Cnnnamulla railway exten­ Merthyr Electorate (Mr. "\Vanstall), sion, Pi'oposed construction (Mr. 198. Madsen), 2025. Electorates, Redistribution of (Mr. Pie), Grasshopper infestation in district (:\1:r. 438; (:\h. Morris), 1496. J. R. Taylor), 451. Electricity- Dock, Brisbane, Charges (Mr. Marriott), Charlcville, Services at (Mr. Russell), 900; Losses (Mr. Morris), 1042. 1558. Docking Charges, Brisbane and Sydney City E1e1ctric Light Company, Suggested (Mr. l\Iarriott), 900. Subsidy to (.i\lr. Low), 1096. Domestic Science School (Mr. Morris), 112. Regional Boar·ds-- Drinks and Medicines, Misdescription of Capricornia, Financing of (Mr. Pie). (Mr. Paterson), 1794. 972. Drought Relief, Grants and loans to primary Goldfinch, E. J., and Company, Allegerl producers (lllr. Nicklin), 55, 289; contract with 'l'ownsville Board (:\fr. Dairy farmers (!\fr. Decker), 1043; Pie), 196, 693. Wheat-gro,Yers (:\Ir. Sparkes), 196. Tenders, Calling of (Mr. Pie), J7.). Duchess to Mount Isa railway, Annual Wide Bay, l"inandng of (Mr. Pie), losses and profits (:\Ir. Nicklin), 1095. 602, 650, (j82, 692, 746. Duck and quail, Op€111 Season for (Mr. Engine Cleaners, Railway Department, Macdonald), 328, 2226. Appointments, resignations and trans­ fers (::\Ir. Aikcns), 263. Dunwich workers Dismissal of (::Yir. Decker), 231. ' Eumundi-Gympie· Road, Construction of (Mr. Low), 374. Dust nuisance caused by motor traffic (Mr. Paterson), 1045; Bur<:lekin Bridge Eviction Notiees by State Housing Com­ Works (Mr. Paterson), 1046. mission (Mr. Chalk), 375. Explosives, Use in tank-sinking (Mr. ?vfac­ Dyer, Mr. W. J., Pine Hill, Holding of donald), 112. (Mr. Nicklin), 229. Eventide Hospital, Commonwealth suhsirly Education- to (Mr. Decker), 86. Conference of Directors (::Ylr. Morris), Ex-Servieemen (see ''Soldiers''). 290, 328. l"arm ::\1achinery­ Primary and post-primary, Division of schools (Mr. :\1orris), 358. Supply for Soldier Settlers (Mr. Muller), 489. Radio Equipment and Projectors (Mr. Morris), 1335, 1425; (Mr. Kerr) 1425 Transport fe.es (::\!J:r. Sparkes), 2002. 1482, 1495. ' ' Farm T'raining, Ex-service personnel ( :\Ir. Royal Commission, Suggested appoint­ Heading), 328. m

QUES'l'IO.NS-continued: QUES'l'IONS-continued: Forty-hour \Veek-­ G,vmpic-Enmundi Road, Construction of Building 'l'rade, Rcsbratiou of pay (\lr. (l\Ir. LTw). 374. Luckins), 173. Harbours :mrl :\fnrine Department, Coal Cost to Govermnent (Mr. Xieklin), 88. for (:\Ir. 1\Iarriott), 000, 1496, 1794. 1'ndustries operating under ( .\Tr. Pie), llarbour Boards, Indebtedness of (Mr. 58. Lo·w), 1096. Railway Depnrtmcut, Cost to (Mr. H. B. llea lth Acts, Breaches and pros·ereutions 'raylor), 198; (l\Ir. Chalk), 604; (Mr. nnder (Mr. Aikens), 1247, 1323; :\lis­ Pi•e), 915. description of drinks and me·dicines (.\llr. Pa,terson), 1794. .Freight Charges, Raihmy Department­ I-lealy, Hayes and \Vood, ::Vfessrs., Appoint­ Classification by-la.,·, Issue of (:\Ir. ment of (Mr. Luckins), 560; (Mr. Aikens), 488. Morris), 650. Concessions to industries, Particulars of Herbert Riwr, Pollution of ( .\Ir. ,J esson), (n'l:r. Low), H95. 489. J>orts to Inland (Mr. :\Im·douald), 56; (Mr. Russell), 138. Holland Park State School, Cost of addi­ tions (Mr. Hiley), 1121. t,>ueensland goo·ds in Southern States, Inclusion of increased freight in prices Home Hill-Townsville railmotor senice of (Mr. Pie), 2227. (J\fr. Paterson), ] 248. Scoured wool (Mr. Russell), 230. Hospitals- Townsville to Mount Isa (l\Ir. Plunkett), Brisbane General- 1027. Free medicine scheme (Mr. H. H. Fruit trains, Late running of (:\fr. T'aylor), 602. Nicklin), 358. Indigent patients, Assistance for (Mr. Uarratt locomotiws- Mann), 9]G. Beyer type, Purchase of (Mr. Aikens), 'l'.B. Patients, Treatment of (:\Ir. 89. :\Iarriott), 561. Defects and impr·owmPnts (;\Tr. Xicklin), Closing of (Mr. Decker), 231. 229, 327. Gooclna ::\fental Home, Conditions at (Mr. Dccker) , 112. Gastro·enteritis­ Psvchiatric cases, Acccnnmoclation for l·~pidemic in Brisbane (:\lr. Ken), 6U1. (Mr. Kerr), 915. 692; Seaside areas (1fr. Morris), 862; i:lonthport, Construction at (.\IIr. Plun­ Publicity <·ampaign (Mr. Turner), kett), 24. 1175; Soap shortage (Mr. Morris), 1247. Tuberculosis, Establislnnent of (:Mr. 1Iarriott), 373 . .\lilk Supply ("fr. Jesson), 405. I!otel expenses of Secretary for Public (;atton Colltgc, Summer i-lchool at p!r. 1nstrnction (1\lr. Kerr), 692. Morris), 1336. 1lotels­ Uem Pool. Transadious of (:\Ir. Ken), i'mperial Hotel, Helidon, Licence of (Mr. 1043.. :\laher) , 1649. Ueological and Hydrological i::imveys, :Y[ary :Yieandana, Application for licence (l\Tr. Valley (Mr. ::\Iacdonald), 262. Rnssell), 1189. (~Jtulstone Harbour Board, Indebtedness Stafford, Licence at (:\Ir. :\Iorris), 1392. (1\fr. Lmv), 1096. Housing- Uoldfinch, E. J., and Co., Alleged contract A chances to ]Jurchasers, :\Inximmu by To1nrsYille Regional E1eetricity amount (:\Ir. Nicklin), 745. Board (Mr. Pie), 196. Brick-on-edge construction (:\fr. Chalk), Clooclna J\fe·ntal Home, Conditions at (Mr. 2il0. Decker), 112. Bnilding materials held by .State Hous­ Goo·rls lost in transit on Raihvays ( .\[r. ing Commission (l\Ir. Chalk), 972, 104H. Plunkett), 7 45. Bulimba, Acquisition of land, Lytton and Thynno roads (:\'fr. Marriott), 439. l+oHrmncnt Printing Office, vVork done for Labour Party (Mr. Luckins), 1483. Collinsville­ E'rick-making plant, {'sp of (.\lr. Grain Sorghum, Export ban on (Mr. Paterson), 452. J\fcintyre), 23, 198; Y€rmin in dumps (Mr. Mcintyre), 198. Housing scheme (.\lr. Paterson), 4;)~, 1496, 1555. (irasshoppers in Dinanbandi district, Infes­ Hnts (State), Replacement of (:Mr. tation of (Mr. J. R. 'l'aylor), 451. l'aterson), 264, ±52, 1496, 1555. Grazing Selections, Conditions of resmnp­ Crown lnnds for worker·s' homes, YnltH' tion (Mr. Russell), 1426. of (Mr. Luckins), 10±5. Gympie-Caboolture Railway Line, Sug­ Day labom Yersus contract (i\tlr. Chalk), gested duplication (Mr. Low), 406. 724. TXDEX TO SLIBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 11

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIO~S-continued: IIousing-con :~ i,~ ac(l. Industrial Court, Contempt by ::\Ir. ::\1. East Toowoomba and Toowoomba elec­ 0 'Bricn (:\ir. ::\laher), 2025. torates, :State house:; in (:\lr. Chalk), Industry, Decent1alisation of (:\fr. \\'an­ 1097. stall), 1336. Eviction Notices by State Housing Inmmnce Act, Suspense Account C\Ir. Commission (:\lr. Chalk), 375. Hiley), 10-iO. Rental houses (State)­ Interlocking devices on railways, I mproyc­ Jy Rocklea houses, Construction of (::\Ir. Mr. Harrison on (Mr. Hiley), 1426. Kerr), 112. i'sland Indusb~c's Bfiard, Administration Soldiers, Building sites for (Mr. Bjelke­ of (Mr. ::\facdoua1c1), 1041; Shortages Peterson), 197. in cash and stock (Mr. \Vanstall), South Coast, :'\umber and cost of houses 1041; Thumdny Island, Report by i\Ir. (Mr. H. B. Taylor), 1392, 1637. G. A. Cameron (Mr. Wanstall), 2227. Stafford houses. Particulars of (:\fr. Joinery, Export to other States (!\fr. H. B. Nicklin), 110. Taylor), 1482. Statistics of houses crecte·ll, Dissection .Joint Coal Board- of (::\lr. Chalk), 1338, 1427. Constitution of (:\h. Paterson). J;lfl::); Toowoomba and East 'l'oowoomba elec­ (:\Ir. ::\forris), 1G36; (Mr. Pie), 1709. torates, State houses in (:\Ir. Chalk) Premier, Attitude of (:\IL Pie), 1483. 1097. ' Proposerl estnlJlishment of (Mr. Pater­ Housing Commission- son), 829, 1ll9ti; (::\fr. Donalcl). 1~48; Advances to purchasers, :Vlaximum (::\Ir. Pie), 12GI, 17ti9. amount (Mr. l'\icklin), 745. Kendall, :\lrs. Mary, Compensation c-laim Architects, Resignation of (Mr. Chalk), by (Mr. Wanstall), 438. 603. Kcmnore Chalet, Postal votes of patients Brick-on-edge construction, Policy on at C\Ir. Brown), 359. (Mr. Chalk), 230. Building materials held by (:\fr. Chalk), Kennedy (Explorer), Commemoration 972; (Mr. Moore), 1046. stamp, Suggested issue (Mr. Niekhn), 22~6. Bulimba, acquisition of land, Lytton and Thynne roads (Mr. Marriott), 439. Killarney and \Varwiek diPtricts, Investiga­ Capital cost of houses, Compilation of tion of coal deposits (Mr. Madsen), (Mr. Chalk), 679. 650. Collinsville l1ousing scheme (Mr. Pater­ Kindergartens, Land for (::\'l:r. Marriott), son), 452. 616. Crown lands for workers' homes, Value King Yersus Rylance Cullieries Ltd., Cost8 of (Mr. Luokins), 1045. in (Mr. Pa.t€'rson), 195; Subsequent Employees, Number of (Mr. Chalk), 174. disciplinary action (Mr. Hiley), 1040; Eviction Notices (Mr. Chalk), 375. Settlement of judgment debt (:\h. Pie), 1040. Joinery, Export to other States C\1:r. H. B. 'l"aylor), 1482. Labour Party, ·work by Government Rental houses- Printer for (Mr. Luckins), 1483. Equipment (Mr. Chalk), 197, 232. Lake's Creek beef for Britain, Tr1.nsh ip­ Rocklea houses, Construction of (Mr. ment of (Mr. Aikens), 520. Kerr), 112. Land Sales, Control of (Mr. Maher), 87; Stafford houses, Particulars of (:\fr. (Mr. Nicklin), 972. Nicklin), llO. Lancl s-ettlement (Soldiers) (see "Soldier Temporary accommodation, Applica­ Settlement''). tions for (::\Ir. Marriott), 405. Land tax on ba.nk lands, Revenue from Toowoomba and East Toowoomba eiec­ (Mr. Pie), 900. torate (Mr. Chalk), 1097. Lantana bug, Liberation in T'ownsyillo Hydrological and geological surveys, Mary district (Mr. Aikens), 175. Valley (~fr. Macdonald), 262. Immigrants, Use of Ohermside military Lazaret, Peel Island, Improvement or camp (Mr. Pie), 328. conditions (Mr. Nicklin), 678. Immigration Depot, Kangaroo Point, Leprosy, Treatment with Novocaine pir. Expenditure on (Mr. Luckins), 289. Nicklin), 1794. Imperial Hotel, Helidon, Licence of (Mr. Level crossing, WoolloongabbaJ Suggested Maher), 1649. removal (Mr. Luckins), 358. Indigent patients, Brisbane General Hospi­ Liquor Acts Fund, 1946-47 (Mr. Bjelkc­ tal, Assistance to (Mr. Manu), 916. Petersen), 1027. 12 INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

QUESTIONS-continued: QUES'l'IONS-continued: Liquor licenee- :\filk supply and gastro-enteriti~ (:llr. Tmperial hotel, Helidon (Hr. ::Vlaher), Jcsson), 405. 1649. ::\lining, Funds in aid of (:\Ir. Decker), :\Icandana. (:\Ir. Russell), 1189. 1042; (Mr. Kerr), 1043. Rtaffonl (::\fr. Morris), 1392. ,\Iinors in charge of railway stations (Mr. Lidng-away-from-home allowances for I,ow), 1097. teachers (Mr. Aikt>ns), 58. :\fitchelton State School (Mr. Morris), 290. Loaus- .:\[oorooka State School, Cost of additions American, ConYersion and cost (:\lr. (:\fr. Hiley), 1127. .Nicklin), 616, 1557. .:\f others and children on long-":listancc Commonwealth grants and allocations trains, Care of (Mr. Aikens), 1175. (Mr. Turner), 436. .:\fotor-car speed record, Innisfail to Mel­ Drought relief (Mr. Nic·klin), 55, 289. bourne (:\h. Aikens), 176. I.ocal Authorities, LonnR nnd subsidies Motor cars, Government, Number and cost (Mr. Evans), 289. (Mr. Luckins), 86. LCJcal Authorities- .:\Iotor-cycle acc'idents, Number of (Mt. Bank properties, Rates on (:\lr. Pie), Moore), 437. 973. :Vfo1Jor traffic dust nuisance (Mr. Paterson), Loan-subsidy schemes (::'\Ir. Evans), 289. 1045; Bnrdekin bridge works (:VIr. R.ailway land, N otificntion of sale or Paterson), 1046. lease (Mr. Bjelke-Petersen), 782. :\fotor transport of school children­ Valuation appe8ls (Mr. Aikens), 682. Closed schools (Mr. Low), 1127. J,oeal Government Acts, Gazettal of towns (Mr. Low), 1127. Cost (l\fr. Macdonald), 86. F're'e and assisted (:\II1'. Aikens), 290; J,ocomotive's, Railway Department­ (Mr. Low), 1189. Reyer-Garratt, Purchase of (Mr. Aikens), Motor transport ,of stock to Cannon Hill 89. (Mr. Russell), 25, 138. Garratt, Defects and improvements (Mr. Nicklin), 229, 327. :\fount Isa- Heconditioning by Department and pri­ Concentrates, T'reatment in North vate firms, Cost of (:VIr. Nicklin), 138. Queensland (Mr. Paterson), 1331. Repairs by private firms, Alleged inferior Mount Isa-Duchess railway, Annual work (1\fr. Pie'), 173. losses and profits (Mr. Nicklin), 109;3. Rail freights from Tovvnsville (Mr. :\Iackay Harbour Boarcl, Indebtedness of Plunkett), 1027. (Mr. Low), 1096. Water supply, Geophysical survey (Mr. :\faekay Municipal election, Voting at (:\1•·. Kerr), 262. Moore), 2061. :Ifaura, Land frozen for sol dieT settlement :Vfahony, Detective, Raihva~- strike, Action (Mr. Muller), 139. of (Mr. Aikens), 2074. Xambour­ .:\fain Roads Commission, Resignations anrl Rail-motor time table, Uaboolture (Mr. appointments (Mr. Maher), 1945. Low), 519. :\laize, AtheTton Tahlelanrl, Export of (Mr. Traffic district, Declaration Requested Nicklin), 518. as (Mr. Low), 374. :\Iary Valley, Geological and hydrologiral ~ationa.lisation of banking­ survey (Mr. Macdonald), 262. Commonwealth Act, Challenge in High :\lattress-making classes, Central Technical Court (Mr. Pie), 1650. College (Mr. Morris), 263. Discussion on (Mr. Pie), 439. :\1eandarra hotel licence, Report of inspector Government policy (Mr. Pie), 197. (Mr. Rnssell), 1189. Referendum on (Mr. Nicklin), 899. :\fedical Flying Service, Suggested exemp­ Victorian election issue (Mr. Wanstall), tion from taxation (:\Ir. Chalk), 679. 1267. :'lledicinc­ X ationalisation of industry, Attitude of F'ree medicine sehenw (:\h. H. B. Premier (Mr. Pie), 1483. Taylor), 602. Native Affairs, Thursday I'sland, Report by .:\lisdescription of (Mr. Paterson), 179c!. Mr. G. A. Cameron (:\fr. Wanstall), :\[ember's of Parliament, Salaries and 2227. allowances (Mr. Low), 374. NaYy 's coal stocks in Queensland (:\Ir. Mental Home, Goodna, C~mditions at (:\1 r. Kerr), 1649. Decker), 112. Xoogoora burr on Northern coast, Eradica­ ::\lethoxonc and agroxcme weeclicirles (:i\Jr. tion of (Mr. Aikens), 899. Ail~ens), 899. Xoosa and 'l'ewantin co-ordinated set·vicP, :Miles, Bricb.-orks at (:\Jr. Nirklin), 1392. Sale of tickets (Mr. Lo1Y), 406. INDEX TO RUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 13

Ql'ESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: North Coast, Rail concession rates (:Mr. Pasture improvement experime~rts (Mr. Russell), 1426. ::\ ic:klin), 437. X orth Queensland- Paterson, Mr. F. W., M.L.A., Railway B'read deliveries (11r. Paterson), 358. strike, AUeged breaches of law (Mr. Brick-making, Yisit of ::\fr. Gunthorpe Pie), 2073; Injury to (Mr. Aikens), (Mr. Aikens), HO. 2074; (Mr. Macdonald), 2173. Cement, Shortag€' of (Mr. Aikens), 198. Pay-roll Tax, Amount paid by Government Courtaulds Ltd., Sites for (::\fr. Aikens), (Mr. Low), 616. 1768. Peel Island Lazaret, Improvement of con­ t+reat Northem Railway (Mr. Russell), ditions (Mr. Nicklin), 678. 1337. Petrie T'errace Polic'€1 Depot, Garage per­ Noogoora burr, Eradir,ation of (Mr. sonnel and services (Mr. Wanstall), Aikens), 899. 231. Ores, Treatment of (::\h. Paterson), 1337. Petroleum, Authorities to prospect for Railwaymen, 'l'hreatened strike of (Mr. (Mr. Maher), 1973. Aik8'Ils), 533; (Mr. H. B. Taylor), 691. Physiology building, William street, Bris­ Railway strike, Effect of (Mr. Pie), bane, Cost of (Mr. Macdonald), 174. 2228. Rawmill licences, Number granted (Mr. Pickets, Railway strike, Report in Brisbane Luckins), 111. '' 'relegraph,'' Clash with police p1r. Moore), 2025. X ovocaine, Treatment of leprosy (Mr. Nicklin), 1794. Pie, Mr. B., M.L.A., Private business of (Mr. M ann), 176. Nurses, Shortage of (.:\Ir. Decker), 231. Pineapple products, Export ban on (Mr. Oates, Mr. H. G. A., Life assurance policy Nicklin), 1637. (Mr. Evans), 174, 232. Pink Elephant case (Mr. Pie), 1649; (:.Vir. 0 'Brien, Mr. M., ~~ine' for contempt of Aikens), 2227. Industrial Comt (Mr. Maher), 2025. Piping held by Commonwealth Disposals 0 'Oonnell an

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Press reporting of Railway strike (::.Ir. Railways-continucd: Pie), 2073. A.R.1!. Stlikc- Primary and post-primary education, Alteration of times of running men Division of schools (Mr. Morris), 358. (:\Jr. Paterson), 1427, 1556. Projectors in Statf schools (:Yir. Morris), Danger signals, Passing of (:\1 r. 1335, 1425, 1482, 1495; (::.Ir. Kerr), Aikens), 1557. 1425. Train examinations, Number of (~Jr. Pr'oserpine and 0 'Connell Rivers flood pre­ Aikens), 1557. vention (:\Ir. Paterson), 176, 603. Baningun-Din anbandi Line, Propo'f'd construction (Mr. Madsen), 2025. Psychiatric cases, Hospital accommodati0n for (1fr. Kcrr), 915. Bcycr-Garratt Lm:on:i~ti.-es, Purchase of (:\fr. Aikens), 89. Public Curator, Building control and Illair A thol anrl Callide coalfields, Rolling rental eharges (]I.Tr. :\Iorris), 1323, stock at (:\Ir. H. B. Taylor), 88. 1335. Blair Athol coal, Transport of (:\IL Public Examinations- Paterson), 176, 199 (Mr. Bvans), 4311. Passes, Number of (Mr. Macdonald), 57. Border-South Brisbane services (::\Ir. Public Service, Admis,;ion to (Mr. Pie), Kerr), 1044. 973. Branch lines, Allocation of revenue to Scholarship, Suggested accreditation s~·s­ (Mr. l~ussell), 1636. tem (Mr. Morris), 229. Cabooltme-Gympio line, Suggested. tlnpli­ Teacher scholarships (::.fr. :\Iorris), 58. cation (:\1r. Low), 406. University scholarships (:\fr. Paters'Dn), Caboolture-Nambour rail-motor timctald.: 89, 140. (jlr. r~o"·), 519. Public Instruction, Secretary for, Hotel Cairns-Townsville line, Station housps on expenses of (Mr. Morris), 692. (:'\rr. Aikens), 746. Public Serviee- Callide and Blair Athol coalfields, Rolling Agiiculture and Stock Department, stock at (l\lr. H. B. 't'aylor), 88. Resignations from (Mr. ::Vluller), 55. Camp .Mountain disaster, Componsaticm Defalcations, Auditor-General's report claims (Mr. Hiley), 1684; Recom­ (Mr. Wanstall), 1045. mendation by Court of Inquir:c p [ r. Paterson), 438. Entrants, Public examination (:.\fr. Pie), 973. Cannon Hill, Shunting delays nt (::\fr. Salary increases (Mr. Pie), 725. Sparkes), 372. Transfers, Cost of (JHr. Low), 1127. Cattl~ truckings at \Vanrloan (:\fr. Sparkes), 1587. ·women scientists, Classification of (Mr. Macdonald), 1266. Children and mothers on long-distnm-e trains, Care of (:VIr. Aikens), 1175. Public \Vorks, Department of, Resigna­ tion of architects (Mr. Chalk), 603. Olayfield gates, Traffic delays at (Mr. H. B. Taylor), 519. Pumpkins, Export of quota to New South Coaches (new), New South vVale:< eou­ Wales (Mr. Paterson), 1324. tract (11r. Aikens), 199. Quail and duck, Open season for (Mr. Collinsville-Scottville line, Service on Macdonald), 328, 2226. (Mr. Paterson), 140. Queensland Cance'r T'rust (Mr. Nicklin), Concession rates on North Coast (:\I r. 532. Russcll), 1426. Queensland Forests Limited (};Ir. \Van­ Cunnamulla-Dirranba:ndi line, Propo~ed stall), 139. construction (Mr. Madsen), 202G. Queensland Radium Institute (Mr. Turner), Dirranbandi-B'arringun line, Pror,osPtl 264; (Mr. Nicklin), 372, 532. construction (Mr. Madsen), 2025. Radio equipment and projectors in State Drivers learning road (1\Ir. Paterson), schaDls (Mr. Morris), 1335, 1425, 1482, 438. 1495; (Mr. Kerr), 1425. Duchess to Mt. Isa line, Loss''' mul profits on (::\h. Nicklin), 1095. Radium Institute (Mr. Turner), 264; (::\Ir. Eamings and expenditure, ::VIethod of <·al­ Nicklin), 372, 532. culation (Mr. H. B. Taylor), 1044. Railway Strike [See ''RaihYnp­ Employ,cs- '' Strikes.' '] Appointmcnts and resignations from Railways- ~en-iec (Mr. Low), 1425. Accidents, Number and cause of (::VIr. ::'iumber (:'lir. Low), 406. Paterson), 915, 1555. Renl'atiou leave (Mr. Low), 2:50. A.E.U. members in Department (Mr. Engine cleaners, Appointments, resignn­ Paterson), 1945. tions and transfers (Mr. Aikens), 263. Appeals against punishment, Suggested Forty-hour week, Cost of (Mr. Nicklin), amendment of Act (:l1r. Paterson), 88; (Mr. H. B. Taylor), 198; (Mr. 681, 72·1; (1\fr. Aiillens), 782, 829. Chalk), 604; (:\fr. Pie), 915. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 15

Q'CES'fiONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Railways-con tin11 ed: Haihva:;·s-continueel : Freights- Rail motors, Type, number ancl efficiency Classification by~law, Issue, of Mr. (Mr. Paterson), 137. Aikens), 488. Recreation leave (Mr. Low), 330. C'oncessions to industries, Particulars Refreshment Rooms­ of (Mr. Low), 1495. .Employe'es, Number of (Mr. H. D. Ports to inlanrl (~fr. :\1nedonalrl), 56; 'l'ay!or), 1044. (Mr. Russell), 138. Revenue of (Mr. Ken), Li87. I ~ueensland goo·ds in southern States, Repairs in priYate 1\'orkshops (Mr. Inclusion of increased freights in Xicklin), 948. price of (:\lr. Pie), 2227. Rockhampton-Ridgelands line, Proposed ~coured wool (:\11'. Rnssell), 230. closure of C:VIr. Nicklin), 1972. Townsville to :\Tt. Isa (Mr. Pllmkett), Holling stock at workshops for repair 1027. (:llr. Kieklin), 60:2. !·'1 uit traine, Late running of (:\Ir. Nicklin), 358 NcottYillc~Collinsville line, 8enice on (:\Ir. PateTson), 140. ( >:Lrratt locomotives- Shunting delays, Cannon Hill (Mr. Beyer type, Purchase of (~lr. Aikens), 89. SpaTke·s), 372. Defects and improvements (Mr. Nick~ Soldiers, Free passes for ( :\lr. Nicklin), !in), 229, 327. 22. ( ioods lost in transit, Claims for (:\h. South Brisbane-l.Jorder serYices (:'l'Ir. Plunkett), 74i:i. Kerr), 1044. (:reat Northern line, Receipts from (:\Jr. Station houses on Townsville-Cairns line Russell), 133I. (Mr. Aikens), 746. (iympie~Caboolture line, Suggrstecl tlupli~ Stations, Minors in cl1arge of C:Mr. Lo>Y), cation (:\fr. L·ow), 406. 1097. II ome Hill-'rowusville rail motor sen·in• Strikes- (Mr. Paterson), 1248. A.E.U. members in Department (:Vir. J ntcrloeking cl evict's, l mp1·ovement of Paterson), 1945. (Mr. Low), 168?i. A.R.U. members­ Ipswich \YOrkshops- ·working of (Ml'. Paterson), H2/. A.R.U. members, Rtrikp by ('\h. Pater~ Ipswich workshops (:'.Tr. Paterson), son), 1556. 1556. Harrison, :\Ir., Report h.1· (:\Ir. Brisbane General Hospital, Collection Hiley), 1426. at (11r. Morris), 222G. J,and transfers, N otifieation to local Danger signals, Passing of pir. authorities (:\fr. Bje'lke·PPtersen), Aikens), 1557. 782. Intimidation (alleged) at Townsville Locomotives- (:VIr. Aikens), 2061. Reconditioning, Cost of (:\Jr. ~icklin), :\Iahony, Detectiw, Action of (:l\.J r. 138. Aikens), 2074. Repairs l>y pri1·atp firms, Alleged :'\;n'th 1(~11C'ensland- inferior work c:.1r. Pie), 173. Power restrictions ancl food short~ Long-distance trains, Care. of mothers ages (:\Ir. Pie), 2228. and ehildren on (Mr. Aikens), 1175. Threat (Mr. Aikens), 533 (~Ir. H. Losses and profits (l\fr. Low), 1095. B. 'l'aylor), 691. ~fothers and children on long~distance Parliament, Convening of (Mr. Hiley), trains, Care of (:Mr. Aikens), 1175. 2228. :\It. Isa to Duchess line, Losses and Paterson, :\Ir. ~'. W., ;ii.L.A:, Alle!?ecl profits (Mr. Nicklin), 1095. breaches of law by (Mr. P1e), 2013; :\It. I sa to Townsville, Freights (:\Ir. Injury in street clistmbance (Mr. Plunkett), 102/. Macclonalcl), 2173. 'Ynmbour-Caboolture rail·motor time· Picke:ts at Brisbane an,d clash with table (l\fr. Low), 519. police, Report in BTisbane '' Tele~ :'\ oosa an(l Tcwantin co·or·clinated ser~ graph" (Mr. Moore), 2025; Alleged vice (Mr. Low), 406. use of batons by police (::\fr. Manu), :::\orth Coast, Concession rates (Mr. 2061; (~fr. Aikens), 2150, 2227. Russell), 1425. Placards, Seizure by police (::i'Ir. Passes for ex-se'rvicemen (ML Nicklin), Aikens), 2150. 22. Press reporting (Mr. Pie), 2073. Profits and losses (:\Ir. Nicklin), 109i:i.

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS--continued: Railways-continued: Ridgelands-Rockhampton raih1 ay line, Strikes-continued: Proposed closure of (~Ir. Nieklin), Violence, Alleged incitement to (:'\fr. 1912. Nicklin), 2074. Rockhampton Harbour Board, Indebtedness ·wages paid to employees stood down of (:VIr. Low), 1096. (Mr. Aikens), 2061. Rockhampton-Ridgelands railway line, Pro­ Superannuation payments, ·widows' pen­ pose-d closure of (Mr. Nicklin), 19/:!. sions (Mr. Chalk), 1097; T'axation on (Mr. Paterson), 1649. Rocklea houses, Construction of (:\I r. Kerr), 112. Superannuation scheme, Suggested intro­ duction of (Mr. Low), 948. Roma-Charleville district, Alleged overstoc-k­ Tewantin and Noosa co-ordinated service ing (Mr. Russell), 230. (Mr. Low), 406. Rural roads, Allocation of Commonwealth Townsvillc-Cairns line, Station houses grants (:\Ir. Ma.edonald), 1027, 12-Hl, on (Mr. Aikens), 746. 1427. Townsville-Home Hill rail-motor service Rylance Collieries Ltd. v. The King, Costs (Mr. PateTson), 1248. in (:VIr. Paterson), 1953; Subsequent 'rownsville to Mt. }'sa, Freights (Mr. disciplinary action (::\Ir. Hiley), 1040; Plunkett), 1027. Settlement of judgment debt (:\h. Traffic Empbyees' Union, Status of (::VIr. Pie), 1040. Nieklin), 1972). St. La\HE'ncc-Blair Athol land, Options \Vandoan, Cattle truekings at (Mr. over (Mr. Pie), 196. Sparkes), 1587. Sawmilling licences, Number of (Mr. KL•n). Widows of employees, Pension scale for 173; in ;\forth Queensland (-\lr. (Mr. Chalk), 1097. Luckins), 111. Woolloongabba level crossing­ Scholarship, Junior and Senior Examina­ Advertising signs on (Mr. Luekins), tion passes (Mr. Macdonald), 57. 488. Scholarships, Suggested accreditation sys­ Suggested removal (:\Ir. Luckins), 358. tem (Mr. 1\Iorris), 229. Wool (scoured), Freight on (Mr. School children- Russell), 230. Attendances, 1937 and 1947 (:\Ir. Morris), Working expenses, Reduction in (YI:r. 23, 57 (:\Ir. MaC-donald), 57. Hiley), 1040. Road transport- Workshops- Closed schools (Mr. Low), 112'7. Improvement of (:\Ir. H. B. Taylor), Cost (Mr. l\facdonald), 86. 113, 691. Free awl assisted (Mr. Aikens l, ~nil Ipswich, :'vir. Harrison 's report (:\Ir. (l.Ir. Low), 1189. Hiley), 1426. T.B. tests, Suggested in'tl'oducltion of Recreation leave, Railway Department (:\fr. (Mr. ~Iorris), 1495, 1586. Low), 230. Schools (State) (See ''State Schools''). Re-distribution of ele,ctorates (J\Ir. Pie), Scientists (women) in Government depart­ 438. ments (Mr. Macdonald), 1266. Regional Electricity Boards- Scottville-Collinsville railway line, Benice Capricornia, l'"inancing of ( :\Ir. Pie), on (~Ir. Pate~·son), 140. 972. Scottville-Collinsville road, Gazettal of E. J. Goldfinch & Coy., Alleged contract (-\lr. Paterson), 1190. with Townsville Board (:\ir. Pie), 196, 693. Seaside areas, Action to combat gastro­ Tenders, Calling of (Mr. Pie), 175. enteritis (:Vfr. Morris), 862. \Vide Bay Board, Financing of ( i\fr. Pie), Short, Mr. R. M., App:ointment as Chair­ 602, 650, 682, 746. man, Queensland Wheat Board ( l\T r. Sparkes), 437. Rental Government-built houses­ Equipment (l\fr. Chalk), 197, 2:-32. Show Day holiday, Gazettal of (Mr. Aikens), 113. Rockle"a (::VIr. Kerr), 112. Soap and soap powder, -Shortage of (\Ir. Reply of Minister in debate (Mr. Pie), Chalk), 197. 900. Soldiers- ''Reynella,'' S.S., Repairs of (Mr. Mar­ Building site's (1Ir. Bjelke-P'etersen), 191. riott), 692, (Mr. Roberts), 723. Building trade, Employment in (_:'.lr. Rice-growing in Queensla,nd (Mr. Plun­ Chalk), 290. kett), 174. Railway passes for ex-servicemen (:\fr. Riclmrds, Mr. E. H., Resignation of (Mr. Nicklin), 22. Chalk), 724. Unh·ersity coursEs, Abandonment of (:\lr. Richards, Ron, Pugilist, Transfer to Abori­ Morris), 263. ginal Settlterment (Mr. Nicklin), 55. Vocational training (Mr. 11orris), !i7. INDEX TO Sl'BJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSE~1I3LY. li

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Soldier settlement- State Governme'nt Insurance Oftirc­ Farm machinery, Supply of (Mr. :\Iuller), Claims, Settlement of (Mr. H. B. 'raylor), 489. 1045. Farm training (::\fr. Heading), 328. Fire renewal notices, Arrears of ( :\[r. Frozen areas, Particulars of ( 2-lr. Decker), 1427. MuHer), 88; .Moura (Mr. Muller), 139, 197. Suspense account (Mr. Hiley), 1040. Land ballots and number settled (~Ir. Workers' Compensation- Decker), 87. Injury, Increased payments for (:\Ir. Land resumptions, Compensation for i\Iaher), 1648. (Mr. Nieklin), 679. Losses and premiums (l\Ir. Chalk), Sugar industry, Settlement in Oir. 1097. Nieklin), 56; Joint ownership (Mr. Premiums payable by primary inYell, :Yir. U. A., Appointment of at (:\

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: State Schools-continued: Strikes, Railway-cont·inucd: \~alley (new), Erection of (:\Jr. Pie), Qnoensland goods in southern States, 282. Transport of (:\fr. Pie), 2061, 2150 Yocational gnid:mee, Number o£ officers 2227. ' (:\fr. J\:brris), 23. Train examinations (:\Ir. Aikens), 1557. ;>tnte Transport J;'ac-ilities Ad- \~ioll'uee, Alleged incitement to (Mr. :-\i<·klin). 2074. fees pa:ralJle (:\fr. Nicklin), G1o; J!'ann machinery (:\Ir. Nparke·s), 2002; Allo­ 1\'ag·ps pnid to e:mployecs stood dO\Yl! cation of fee& (Mr. Low), 1392; (:\fr. Aikens), 2061. Richards, .l\fr. E. H., Resignation of l:lugar Indnstry- (Mr. Chalk), 72+. Ayr Experiment Station, Suggested estab­ Nteel industries in tock Inspectors, Qualifications of police EYans), ;)19. (Mr. Paterson), 1496. Nnperannuation scheme, Police, Benefits Ntock transport b:· road to Cannon Hill nnder (:\fr. Paterson), 1685. (Mr. Russell), 2;), 138. ~nprrammation scheme, Railway Depart­ Ntockwell, Mr. G. "\., A]Jpointment to HH::->nt- (\Ir. teaching scrTiee Morris), 112; Payments, Tax on (Mr. Paterson), 1649. (Mr. Moore), 175; (Mr. ·Muller), 373. Suggested introduction of scheme (Mr. Ntreptomycin, J<'rre imp:lrt of (:\Ir. Mar­ Low), 948. riott), 828. WidmYs' pensions (:\ir. Chalk), 109/. :-lt!'ikes, Raill;-ay- Tank sinking hy explosi;-es (:\Tr. :Ma<·­ J .. E.U. members in Railm1Y lkpartmeHt

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: 'l'eachers, State schools-continued. Trading Bank, S tu te, Proposed (.:Hr. Scholarships offered and accepted (:\Ir. Russell), 560. Morris), 58. Traffic Employees Gnion (Railway), Status Stockwcll, Mr. G. A., Appointment of of (l\Ir. Kicklin), 1972. (Mr. Morris), 112; (Mr. l\Io01·e), 115; Trans-Australian Airways, Licence fee><, (:\fr. l\Iuller), 373. Brisbane-Cairns pir. \Yanstall), 1691. Trainees, Allowances to (:Mr. :\[uller), Transport- 373. Air routes, Applications for (l\[r. Training College, T'rainees ut (l\fr. N'ieklin), 948. l\Iorris), 19.5, 263. Air traffic, Intrastate, Tax on (Mr. Temporary housing accommodation by Enms), 375. State' Housing Commission, Applica­ Fees collected under State Transpol't tions for (::\fr. Marriott), 405. Facilities Act (l\Ir. Nicklin), 616 (Mr. Tewantin and Noosa Co-ordinate.J. Service, Low), 1392. Sale of tickets (Mr. Low), 406. School children- Tewuntin Stnto School, Improvements of Closed schools (:Mr. Low), 1127. (Mr. Low), 230. Cost (:\fr. l\Iacdonald), 86. Thmsday Island, Report by Mr. G. A. Free and as,isted (l\1r. Aikens), 290; Cumeron on native affairs (NIT. \Van­ (Mr. Low), 1189. stall), 2227. Tuberculosis in cattle- T'imber industry- Candemnation and compensation (Mr. Borers in house timber (l\Ir. Patcrson), Muller.), 1973. 375. Levy, 30 June, 1947 (l\Ir. Decker), 81. Crown supplir•, (Mr. Ken), 173. YeteTinary Smgeons employed by Gov­ Inspection of milled timber (:Mr. Aikens), emment (Mr. J\Iuller), 2173. 175. Tuberculosis in humans- Tobacco experimental work (Mr. Chalk), 174. Commonwealth­ Allo•mnces (l\1r. Evans), 24; (:\fr. Tomato-growers, Bowen, Proposals by (ivir. Marriott), 374. Paterson), 452. Grants (Mr. H. B. Taylor), 602. Toowoomba and East Toowoomba housing Hospital (new), Establishment of (Mr. schemes, Particulars of (Mr. Chalk), Marriott), 373. 1097. l\Iass X-ray, Suggested introduction (Mr. 'l'oowoomba, Bread deliveries at (Mr. Marriott), 519. Chalk), 1768. Patients treate"l in Brisbane (1\fr. Tourist Bureau- Marriott), 561. Culwulla Chambers, Sydney (Mr. Pie), School children, Suggested testing of 680, 692. (Mr. Morris), 1495, 1586. Streptomycin, Free import of (l\Ir. Sydney premises, Rental of (Mr. Morris), Marriott), 328. 782. Tully sugar-mill area, Shortage of cane­ T'owns gazetted under Local Government cutters in (Mr. Theodore), 725. Act (Mr. Low), 1127. Unemployment- Townsville­ Financial benefits, Number of recipients Cairns-Townsville railway line, Station (J\Ir. Pie), 263; (Mr. Bjelke-Petersen), houses on (Mr. Aikens) , 7 46. 723. Gas company- St•.tistics (State), Compilation of (l\lr. Coal supplies (Mr. Aikens), 198, 405. Pie), 138. Gas tests (Mr. Ailmns), 438. Unemplo;nnent Reiief T'rust Fund (l\lr. Harbour Board, Indebtedness of (J\Ir. Pie), 1040. Low), 1097. Uniform Taxation, Suggested Canv0ntion Home Hill-Townsville rail-motor service (Mr. Pie), 231, 1338. (Mr. Paterson), 1248. Intimidation, Railway strike (Mr. University, Open Scholarships (Mr. Pater­ Aikens), 2061. son), 89, 140. Lantana bug, Establishment of colonies. University courses, Abandonment by Ex­ (Mr. Aikens), 175. servicemen (Mr. Morris), 263. Mt. Isa, Rail freights to (Mr. Plunkett), UppeT Brisbane Valley, Investiga.tion of 1027. irrigation possibilities (Mr. Mac­ Regional Electricity Boar·d, Alleged con­ donald), 405. tract with E. J. Goldfinch & Co. (Mr. Valley State School (New), Erection of Pie), 196, 693. (:Mr. Pie), 232. Tractors, Importation of (:Mr. Ingram), Vermin in sorghum dumps (Mr. Mcintyrc), 451; (Mr. :VIuller), 489. 198. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

{jFESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: V <'terinary Science Courses and Pastoral \Yood, \Villiams, H'ealy, Hayes, ::VIessrs., Research at Yeerongpilly (Mr. ;\[orris), Appointment of (Mr. Luckins), i'i60; 87; Queensland students attending (Mr. Morris), 650. Sydney University (Mr. :/vi orris), 1323. \Vool (Scoured), Freight on (::\Jr. Russell), Yeterinary surgeons employed by Govern­ 230. ment, Number of (Mr. Muller), 2173. \Voolloongabba Level Crossing­ Yietorian elections and nationalisation of A·dYertising signa on (Mr. Luekins), 481-\. banks (\Ir. Wanstall), 1267. Suggested removal (Mr. Luckins), 358. Yocational guidance in State Schools, ~Workers' Compensation- Number of officers pir. Monis), 23. Basic ,,-age increases to claimants (:\fr. Yoting at State Electians- Ken), 194. Kenmore Chalet, Postal votes at (Mr. i'njury, Incre'ased payments for (:VIr. Brown), 359. :\faher), 1048. },furphy, :l\Ir. Edward Daniel, Alleged Kendall, Mrs. Mar~', Claim by ( .\lr. plural voting by (Mr. Wanstall), 198. W anstall), 438. Plural voting and failure to vote (Mr. Losses and premiums (Mr. Chalk), 1097. Wanstall), 110. Premiums payable by prima~- mdustries \\'andoan, Cattle trucking at (J\f'­ (Mr. Plunkett), 111. Spm·kes), 1587. \Yorkers' Homes- War Service (Sugar Industry) Land Settle­ Advances to purchasers, l\:faximum ment Act (see "Soldier Settlement"). amounts (Mr. Nicklin), 745. Building sites held by Crown (Mr. Wanv'ick and Killamey distri'cts, Suggerstecl investigation of coal dPposits (1fr. Luckins), 1045. Madsen), 650. Bulimba, Land at (Mr. Marriott), 439. Water and electrieity supplies, Charleville, Yeerongpilly, Veterinary Science an

:'i{llicitors and Barristers, "Fee~ paid by SUPPLY-continued: Crown to- ESTIMATES IN COMMIT1'EE-Contimtecl. Orde~r for return (motion-Mr. Brand), 21. Premier and Chief Secretary-continued. Return tabled, 330. Miscellaneous Services, 1323. SJlJ&'lker, llir.­ Parliamentary Counsel and Draftsman, 1307 . .\bsenee, 11~7. Public Relations Bureau, 1301 . .Election, 2; (presentation), (j_ Public Sencice Commissioner, 1307. SI!Nlker's Rulings, Notice of Motion of dis­ Public Service Superannuation Board, sent (Mr. Nicklin), 291; (disallowed), 1313. :130; Notice of Motion of dissent. (Mr. State Reporting Bureau, 1321. Pie), 292; Motion of dissent (Mr. State Stores Board, 1321. Piel, 693. Public Works­ Special Adjournm('nts, 6. 22, 55, 1852, 2296. Buildings, 1465. St.anding Orders- Chief Office, 1338, 1428. Gas Acts, 1465. Committee, Appointment, 20. Local Government, 1472. 1->uspension of- Services, Public Buildings, 1+tl4. Appropriation Bill, K o. 1, 27. Valuer-General, 1480. Public Curntor Acts Amendment Bill, .630. Railways- Passage of Bills through all stages in General Establishment, 1498. one day, J497. Votes passed under Standing Or•]er :307 and Sessional Orders- SEPPLY- Department of Agriculture and Stock, Comtitution of Con1mittees, 321; Opening 1555. of, 464. Department of Auditor-General, Hi35. ]~STIMATES ]l\'" UOJIBIITTEE­ Department of Health and Home Affairs, !Dxe:cutive and Legislative­ 1555. Department of Mines, 1555. Aide-de-camp to His Excellency the Governor, 479, 545, 726, 746, 804, Department of Public Instruction, 1i555. 830, 878, 90], 916, 950, 972. Department of Public Lands, 15i55. Department of Railways- ;rustice- Chief Office, 1555. Chief Offiee, 1046. Balance of Vote, 1553. Courts of Petty Sessions, 1073. Department of Transport, 1555. Electoral Registration, 1073. Department of the Treasurer, 155:). Frien..:lly Societies, 1128. Executive and Legislative, 1555. L.icensing Commission, 1132. Trust and Special Funds, 1555. Prisons, 1191. J_,oan Fund Account, 1555. Public Curator, 1191; Amendment Rupplementary Estimates, 1946-1941­ ''That vote be reduced bv £1 '' (Mr. Nicklin), 1206. · Consolidated Revenue, 1555. Registrar-General, 1218. Loan Fund Account, 1555. Rheriff and Supreme Court, 1220. 'f'rust and Special Funds, 1555. Titles Office, 1223. Vote on Account, 1948-1949, 1555. Labour and Industry- Resolutions Reported from Co1ilmittrc­ Building Control Division, 1027. Reception, 1587. Bureau of Industry, 1008. Adoption­ Chief Office, 974. .Justice, 1610. Commissioner of Prices, 1027. Labour an..:! Industry, 1587. ltovernment Statistician, 1008. Resolutions adopted under Standing rmmigmtion, 1024. Order 307 and Sessional orders, 1614. Industrial Court, 1007. \"OTE ON AccouNT (Message from Go¥er­ Juvenile Employment Bureau, 1006. nor), 30; (Committee of Supply), 30. Secondary Industries Division, 1023. VOTE ON ACCOUNT, 1948-1949 (Message Sub-Department of Labour, 1006. from Governor), 1497; (Committee of l'remier and Chief Secretary­ Supply), 1555. Agent-Geneml for the State, 1225. Tamaree Railway Disaster­ Chief Office, 1225. Co-ordinator-General of Public "Works, Motion of Condolenc-e, 916. 1228, 1267. (tnestion, Sub-judice, 949. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Time Limit of Speeclles,-­ Vote on Account, 194&-49 (Message f1·om Members granted an extension­ Governor), 1497; (Committee of :.\!fr. Collins, 237, 1105. Supply), 1555. Mr. Donald, 2130. Ways and }leans- :\!fr. Duggan, 183, 1889. Constitution of Committee, 327. Mr. Hanlon, 298, 1878. Mr. Hiley, 2240. Opening of Committee, 1614. Mr. Hilton, 381. Resolutions, Reception and Adoption of, Mr. Jesson, 280. Hl14. Mr. 11uller, 625. Vote on Account, 54. Mr. Pie, 2120. Yote on Accom1t, 1948,1949, 1614. :\'fr. Wanstall, 78. World Trade and Empire Preferene® Valedictory, 1852, 2296. (Motion-Mr. Hilton), 377, 453, 616; Vote on Account (Message from Governor), (Reply from Acting Prime Minister), 30; (Committee of Supply)', 30. 914. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Index to Speeches.

ATTORNEY-GENERAL [See "Gle1lson, BILLS-continued: Honourable David Alexamler "]. Local Government Acts Amendment (initiation), 1662, 1666; (2°), 1696; UKENS, Thomas, Esquire (Jimuliug­ (committee), 1723. burra)­ Local Government Acts Amendment Takes his seat, 2. (1948) (initiation), 2055. Address in Reply, 83; (Amendment-1lr. ::\Iarriage Acts and Another Act Amend­ Nicklin), 167. ment (2 o), 2015; (committee), 2015. Adjournment of House, :Motion for, 37:2. Metropolitan District Council of the Austra~ian Labour Party (2 o), 869; TIILLS: (committee), 875. Appropriation, No. 2 (2°), 1618. Miners' Homestead Leases Acts Amend­ Building Operations and Timber an

AIKENS, Tlwmas, Esquire-continued: SUPPLY: SuPPLY: ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ ESTIMATES IN COMMI'£TEE- Labour and Industry­ Justice- Chief Office, 987. Chief Office, 1052. Railways- Electoral Registration, 1082. General Establishment, 1538. Friendly Societies, 1131. Licensing Commission, 1147, 1157. URAND, William Alfred, Esquire (lsis)­ Public Curator, 1192, 1198, 1209. Takes his seat, 2. Registrar-General, 1218, 1220. Address in Reply, 323. Sheriff and Supreme Court, 1220. BILLS: Labour and Industry­ Coal and Oil Shale :Mine Workers Bureau of Industry, 1008. (Pensions) Acts Amendment (initi"­ Chief Office, 974. tion), 391; (2°); 658; (committer), Premier and Chief Secretary- 670. Co-ordinator-General of Public I udustrial Conciliation and Arbitration Works, 1270. Acts Amendment (initiation), -±13 i Public Service Supel'annuation (2°)' 607. Board, 1317. Industrial Law Amendment (initiation), Public Works- 1915. Chief Office, 1340, 1385. }finers' Homestead Leases Acts Amcwl­ meut (initiation), 683. Gas Acts, 1465. Sugar Experiment Stations Acts Amend­ Local Government, 1473. ment (initiation), 349; (2°), 149:::. Railways- Empire Preference and World Trade, 4(11). General Establishment, 1506. Resolutions 1·,ported from- Committer­ BRASSINGTON, Honourable Samuel John Labour and Industry, 1599. (Fortitude Valley)-[See also Suspension, 1814. "Speaker"]­ World Trade and Empire Preference, 456, Takes his seat, 2. 618. Election as Speaker, 4. BARN.ES, John Francis, Esquire (BmHla­ Financial Statement, 7.26. l.lerg)­ BILLS: Takes his seat, 2. Liquor Acts Amendment (initiation), Address in Reply, 326. 345. BILLS: Financial Statement, 726. Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers Personal Statement (error in reporting (Pensions) Acts Amendment (initia­ speech), 782. tion) (amendment-Mr. Paterson). 398. Points of Order, 733, 1271. Government Loan (2o), 2208. SUPPLY: Industrial Law Amendment (initiation), ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ 1911; (committee), 1937, 1940. Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment Premier and Chief Secretary- (committeB), 2100. Co-ordinator-General . of Public Queensland-British Food Production Works, 1303. (2°), 2255. Public Works­ Standard Cement Concrete Roofing Tiles Chief Office, 1341. (initiation), 2004, 2006. Financial Statement, 941. BROWN. Richard Kids ton, Esquire Point of order, 931. (Buranda)­ Railway Strike- Takes his seat, 2. Motion by Premier (resumption of Address in Reply, 114. work), 1945; motion for adjourn­ BILLS: ment, 1867. Workers' Compensation Acts Amendment BJ.ELKE·PETERS.EN, Johannes, .Esquire (initiation), 1577. (Nanango)­ Point of order, 1170. Takes his seat, 2. SUPPLY: Address Reply, 127. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE- BILLS: Justice- Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment (committee), 2096. Electoral Registration, 1085. Queensland-British Food Production Licensing Commission, 1168. (2°), 2267. Public Curator, 1215. . IXDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGI8LATIVE ARS:K:\IBLY. 25

RRO WN, Richard IHdston, Esquire­ BILLs-continued. continued: Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration SrPPLY-continued: Acts Amendment (2°), 572. fi:sTIMATES rx Co:i\niiTTEE-continued: Industrial Law Amendment (committee), Premier and Chief Secretary- 1943. Co-ordinator-General of Public I.and Acts am1 Other Acts Amendment Works, 1303. (initiation), 2068; (committee), 2099. Public Service Superannuation Local Government Acts Amendment Board, 1321. {2°), 1717. l'ublic Works- Metropolitan District Council of the Australian Labour Party (2c), 869. Chief Office, 1454. Local Govemment, 1479. Miners' Homestead Leases Acts Amend­ ment (initiation), 688. I!liRt;(:E, Honourable Henry Adam (Tllf' Queensland-British Food Production Tableland)-[Secretary for Public (2°), 2252. Instrnction]­ t-ltate Electricity Commission Acts Takes his seat, 2. Amendment ( 1948) (2°), 2008. Trade Descriptions (Textile Products) Address in Reply, 270. Act Amendment (initiation), 1489. DILL:S: IVorkers' Compensation Acts Amendment City of l'lfaekav and Other To1n1 (initiation), 1564; (committee), 17 43, Planning Schemes Ament1ment 1758. (committee), 2043. }'inancial Statement, 819. Industrial Law Amendment (initiation), 1919. Grain sorghum, Export ban on, 1108. Mine1·s' Homestead Leases Acts Amem1­ Points of order, 738, 1075. ment (initiation), 685. Railway Strike, Motion for adjournment, Queensland-British Food Production 1879. {2°), 2248, 2271. SUPPLY: Valuation of Land Acts Amendment ERTI:VIA'l'ES IX Co:>nnT'rEE­ (initiation), 673, 678; (2°), 710, 714; (committee), 718, 719. .Tusticc- Workers' Compensation Acts Amend­ Electoral Registration, 1081. ment (committee), 1759. :B'riendly Societies, 1132. Financial Statement, 804. Licensing Commission, 1157. Personal t>xplanation, 2271. Public Curator, 1204, 1213. Labour and Industry­ Points of order, 858, 1760. Chief Office, 1002. RrPPLY: Premier and Chief Secretary- ESTIMATES IN CmUUTTEE­ Co-ordinator-General of Public ,fustice- Works, 1234, 1303. Electoral Registration, 1089. State Stores Board, 1322. Licensing Commission, 1139. Public Works­ Public Curator, 1203. Chief Office, 1367. Premier and Chief Secretary- Co-ordinator-General of Public ('HAIKIIAN OF COJHIITTE:ES [~Iann, Works, 1230, 1291. John Henry, Esquire (Brisbane)]­ Public Works­ [See also ".iliann, John Henry, Chief Office, 1352. Esquire"]­ Local Government, 1473. }~lection of, 27; Thanks Committee for R< solutions 1·eported [ro1n Committee­ election, 28. Labour and Industry, 1593. Amendment- Cannot be anticipated, 447. 1 BDtROWS, James, Esquire (Port Curtis)­ Having been moved, debate must he Takes his seat, 2. confined to it until disposed of, 432. Atldress in Reply, 123. ~fust be moved before it can be dehated, BILLS: 447. Coal Industry Control (2 c), 2135; BILLS: (committee), 2149. Generally- Coal Mining Acts Amendment (initia­ Amendment embodying principle nega­ tion), 1414. tived on introductory stage cannot Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment be accepted in Committee, 648. (committee), 2170. Principles affirmed on second reading Financial Arrangements and Develop­ stage, 1845. ment Aiel Acts Amendment (initia­ Second reading speech not permitted tion), 1188, 1252. in Committee, 873. 26 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

CHAIRlUAN OF COJilUITTEES [}Iauu, Improper motives may not be imputed to John Henry, Esquire]-continued: hon. members, 394, 1998. BILLs-continued. Interjections disorderly, 419, 1087, 1:319, Coal Mining Acts Amendment- 1354, 1464, 2072. Amendment (Mr. Paterson) not in Interruptions disorderly, 34, 419, 434, 509, order as it would impose a charge 735, 812, 857, 882, 911, 920, 1061, on the Crown not covered by the 1093, 1289, 1358, 1408, 1507, 174+, message from His Excellency the 1925, 1998, 2021. Governor, 1408. Irrelevancies, Debate must be relevant to Establishment of Joint Coal Board question before the Committee, 337, outside scope of Bill, 1407, 1422; 341, 342, 343, 369, 397, 418, 421, 422, cannot be discussed on amendment 424, 43:L, 432, 442, 443, 445, 446, 447, to omit words "in certain particu­ 448, 507, 508, 645, 646, 647, 669, 684, lars,'' 1421. 687, 689, 690, 708, 709, 798, 876, 877, Coal Mining Acts Amendment (No. 2). 990, 1016, 1064, 1065, 1080, 1270, 1271, Amendment, paragraph (b) (Mr. Pater­ 1272, 1286, 1301, 1302, 1303, 1312, son), not in order as another amend­ 1313, 1317, 132~ 132~ 133~ 1351, ment similar in principle has alread)­ 1355, 1356, 1379, 1380, 1381, 138P, been negatived, 1710. 1400, 1401, 1407, 1409, 1420, 1421, Electric Supply Corporation (Overseas) 1422, 1423, 1424, 1430, 1467, 1471, Ltd. Agreement- 1475, 1476, 1490, 1491, 1534, 1562, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1659, 1675, Discussion on State Enterprises not 1713, 1724, 1742, 1753, 1842, 1843, in order, 1843. 1902, 1908, 1911, 1912, 1935, 1938, Typographical errors and corrections, 1941, 2005, 2006, 2070, 2071, 2179. 1846, 2014. Maiden Speeches of l\Iembers, Interjections Inc1ustrial Conciliation and Arbitration during, 40. Acts Amendment- );Iembers- Industrial Court may not be discussed generally, but instances or refer­ Entitled to express opnuon, but not to ences may be given, 450. impute wrong motives, 396. Must be referred to bv name of elector­ Industrial Law Amendment­ ate or title, 886, ·1270, 1402, 14G2, Amendment (Mr. Nicklin) to elause 4, 1571, 2005, JJ73. Legality left to c1ecision of Chamber, 1937. Offensh·e or unbecoming words in refer­ ence to another member of House must \Yorkers' Compensation Ads ~\mcntl­ not be used, 1499, 1571. mcnt- Points of order, invalid, 394, 396, 508, 738, Amendments to clause 3 (:Hr. 800, 1356, 1551. liVanstall) not in order as they would impose a charge on the Crown not Speaker, Deputy, 'l'akes chair as, 65, 811, eoverccl by the message from His 96, 117, 131, 149, 161, 185, 207, ~18, Excellency the Governor, 1737, 1741, 354, 273, 300, 320, 376, 383, 569, 590, 1742. (Mr. Paterson), 1746; Clause 641, 725, 1107, 1127, 1175, 1189, 1247, 4 (Mr. Paterson), 1752. 1596, 1613, 1694, 1721, 1778, 1790, 179~ 1829, 1870, 1891, 2037, 2122, Calling of hononrahlc memlwrs ll!' CII:tir, 2131, 2192, 2219, 223~ 224~ 2263. 932, 941. Statement or denial of Iwn. member must Chair- be accepted, 337, 341, 395, 396, 419, Members must address, 403, 418, 44G, 690, 739, 1018, 1088, 1271, 1358, 1400, 749, 828, 1017, 1066, 1354, 1383, 1724, 1575, 1576, 1760, 1999, 2095, 217:!. 1843. Sub judice, Matter sub juilicc ma.1· not lJc 1Iust be obc7ed, 46, 392, 419, 646, 669, mac1e subject of rlehate, 184S. 708, 825, 860, 932, 1304, 1355, 1422, 1568, 1912, 1998. SUPPLY: Reflections on, not in order, 403, 646, Generally­ 917, 1403, 1742, 1749, 1900, 2178. '' Chief Office'' ,-ote, Scope of

CHAIRMAN OF COIUlUITTEES [lUann, Irrelevancies, Debate must be relevant to John Henry, Esquire]-continued: question before the Committee, 1206, ''Tellers' '-There not being two tellers for 1306, 1378, 1383, 1386, 1412, 1524, 1533, 1663, 1725, 1966, 1989, 1994. ''Noes'' in division, question resolved in the affirmative, 914. Matter already dealt with cannot be debated again, 1995. Temperate language in debate desirable, 1499, 1576. Points of order, invalid, 1207, 1208. Unparliamentary language­ Speaker, Deputy, Takes chair as, 207, 611, 626, 658, 1605, 1807, 2012, 2123, 2136, Expressions ruled out of order­ 2207. ''A dictator,'' 1986. Statement or denial of hon. member must ''Cant, hypocrisy, and humbug,'' be accepted, 613, 1072, 1388. 1758, 1759. SUPPLY: ''Communists or their fellow Generally- travellers,'' as applied to a :Minis­ ter, 1986. Trust and Special Funcls m ay not lw "'Bushrangers," 17 42. discussed on Revenue Bstimates, 1208. '' Bushranging, '' 1742. ''City slicker,'' 1270. Departmental Estimates­ ''Hell," 750, 1087. Public Works- ''Lie,'' 1356. Chief Office, Construction but not closing of aerodromes may be ''Malicious, deliberate, and wilful discussed, 1361. untruth,'' 1576. ''Premier was using half-truths,'' 394. Takes chair as, 51, 389, 395, 496, 526, 720, 789, 816, 903, 925, 942, 1022, 1069, ·'Squealed like hell,'' 762. 1125, 1173, 1191, 1235, 1257, 1263, ''Stinking \Vhip,'' 918. 1264, 1265, 1266, 1275, 1304, 1360, '·You are a crook,'' 932. 1370, 1383, 140il, 1410, 1439, 1453, · · You are a heel; you are a rotter, ·' 1473, 1501, 1522, 1563, 1584, 1661, 917. . 1672, 170~ 1725, 1762, 190~ 191~ 1920, 1928, 1961, 1988, 2022, 2051, ''You as Chairman of Committees have 2055, 2152, 2159, 2181. been put on such a spot hy tlw rnparliamentary language­ Government,'' 1749. Expressions ruled out of order­ ''Communist member for Bremer,'' CiHAIRl1IAN 01<' CO~IiUI'l"l'EES, TEM­ 1524. PORARY [Brand, William Alfre<1, Esquire (Isis) ]-[See also "Brand, William Alfred, Esquire "J­ CHAIRlUAN OF COlUJUITTEES, TE:ili· PORARY [Dunstan, Thomas, Esquire 2\ominated on panel, 12. (Gympie) ]-[See also "Dunstau, Thomas, Esquire "J­ Nominated on panel, 12. CHAIRMAN OF COlUlUIT'l'}jES, TE]lf PORARY [Decker, Eric Paul, Chair must be obeyed, 835, 1001. Esquire (Sandgate) ]-[See also Debates should be comluctecl with decorum, "Decker, Eric Paul, Esquire"]- 882. Xominated on panel, 12. Irrelevancies, Debate must be relevant to question before the Committee, 998, f:lpeaker, Deputy, Takes chair as, il80. 1149, 1151, 1231, 1234, 1235. Takes chair as, 893. Point of order, invalid, 836. Speaker, Deputy, Takes chair as, 542, 1817, 2293. fHAIR;1IAN 01<' COJilUITTEES, TE~I­ Statement or denial of hon. member must PORARY [Devries, George Henry, be accepted, 755, 997. Esquire (Gregory) ]-[See also "Devries, George Henry, Esquire"]­ SUPPLY: Generally­ :'\ominated on panel, 12. :;'\ecessity for legislation and matters A11ology, Hon. member called on to apolo­ involving legislation may not he dis­ gise-Mr. Pie, 1524. cussed, 1000, 1001. Trust, Special, and Loan Funds may BILLS: not be discussed on Revenue Esti­ Local Government Acts Amendment­ mates, 998, 999, 1232, 1235. Discussion on Hotel Babinda outside Takes chair as, 751, 804, 831, 854, 878, scope of Bill, 1725, 1726. 997, 1133, 1141, 1223, 1333. Interruptions disorderly, 1412. Tedious repetition not in order, 999. 28 l:'\DEX TO SPEECHES-I,EGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

CHAIRMAN 01<' COM~IITTEES, TEM· CHALK, Gordon William Wesley, 'Esquire PORARY rHilton, Panl Jerome (East Toowoomba)­ Remigins, Esquire (Carnarvon) ]­ Takes his seat, 2. [See also "Hilton, Panl Jerome Remigins, Esquire "J­ Address in Reply, 106. Nominated on panel, 12. BILLS: Amendment must be moved before it can Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment ( initi­ be debated, 2101. ation), 1955. BILLS: Industrial Conciliation and Arbitrntion Acts Amendment (2o), 586. Financial Arrangements and Develop­ ment Aid Acts Amendment- Lanc1 Acts and Other Acts Amen

COLLINS, Honourable Harol Point of order, 1307. (Gregory)-[See also "fhairman of Speaker, Election of (seconds nomination Committees, 'l'emjH>rary "]­ of Mr. Brassington), 3. Takes his scat, 2. 8UPPLY: Address in Rep]~·, 253. ESTIJ\fA'J'ES !)I" ('O~Dfl'l'TEE­ BILLS: Justice- Local GoYernmcnt Acts "\menchncnt (:~ o), Licensing Commission, 1165. 1694. INDEX TO SPEECHES--lJEGISLATIYE ASSE:VrBLY.

ll_EVRIE1S, George Esquire- t}FNSTAN, Thomas, Esquire (Gym}}ie) continued: [See also "Chairman of Committees, ST'PPLY: Temporary"]- · ESTBIATES IN COliiMITTEE­ 'Takes his seat, 2. Labour and Industry­ BILLS: Bureau of Industry, 1017. 'IVorkers' Compensation Acts Amendment Justice- (committee), 1746. Licensing Commission, 1152. Financial Statement, 923. Public Curator, 1217. Speaker, Election of (nominates Mr. Premier and Chief Secretary- Brassington), 2. Co-ordinator-General of Publie Works, 1288. R"fANS, Ernest, Esquire (Jiirani)­ Takes his seat, 2. DO~AI,D, James, .ES(1Uire (Rremer)­ Address in Repl~-, 92. Takes his seat, 2. BILLS: Address in Reply, 10J. City of ?\fackay and Other Town Plan­ BILLS; ning Schemes Approval Act Amend­ Coal and Oil Shale Mine WotkPrs ment (initiation), 1987, 1997. (Pensions) Acts Amendment (initia­ :BJlectric Supply Corporation (Overseas) tion), 365, (2°), 664. Limited Agreement (2 °), 1813, 1814. Coal Industry (Control) (2°), 2124. In(lustrial Conciliation and Arbitration Coal Mining Acts Amendment (initia­ Acts Amendment (initiation), 421, tion), 1403; (committee), 1673, 1678. ,)15; (2°), 638. IVorkers' Compensation Acts Amendment Queensland-British Food Production (initiation), 1578. (2 °)' 2246. :Sugar Experiment Station Acts Amend­ Financial Statement, 901. ment (initiation), 353. Secondary Industry, Expansion of (mon's Y:1luation of Land Acts Amendment motion), 533. (initiation), 676; (2°), 714. Points of order, 1400, 1411, 1524. l'inancial Statement, 771. S\TPPLY: Personal explanations, 330, 1028. ESTIMATES IN Cmt :\liTTER­ Points of order, 234, 235, 518, 1018, 1240, Justice- 1246. Licensing Commission, 1163. Hnilwav Strike, Motion for adjournment, Public Curator, J 204. 1882. . :..;\"PPLY: DFHGAN, Honourable John EdmuJHl ESTIMA'l'Et; !); COMJ\II'r'l'EE­ (Toowoomba) CUinister for Trans. ,Jnstice- port]­ Chief Office, 1064. Takes l1is seat, 2. Labour and Industry­ c\ ddress in Reply, 177. Bureau of Industry, 1013. Premier and Chief Secretary­ J1ILLS: Agent-General for the State, 1227. State Transport Facilities Act Amend­ Co-ordinator-General of Public ment (initiation), 1660· (2°), 1784; Works, 1239, 1241, 1269. (committee), 1785. ' J>ublic Works- :Financial Statement, 950. Chief Office, 1343, 1455. Pel'sonal explanation, 1483. (,luestion, Disallowance of (Motion to J.'ARRELL, Dayi!l, Esquire (lUary. disagree to Mr. Speaker's action), 705. borough)­ Haihmy Strike, ::\[otion for adjournment, Takes his seat, 2. 1886. Address in Reply, 128. ~PPPLY: BILLS: ESTIMATES I); ('oe~I~II'l''l'EE­ Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers Justice- (Pensions) Acts Amendment (initia­

Licensing Commission, 1136. tion), 364; (2°) 1 657. Premier and Chief Secretary- Coal Industry (Control) (2°), 2122. Co-ordinator-General of Public Coal Mining Acts Amendment (initia­ Works, 1246, 1274. tion), 1394; (committee), 1672. Railways- Workers' Compensation Acts Amendment General Estahlishment, J498, 1513, (initiation), 1563. 1543. Point of order, 918. INDEX TO SPEEOHES-I,EGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 31

FARRELL, DaYid, Esquire-continued: Bn,Ls-continued: SUPPLY: Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Acts Amendment (initiation), 406, 418, 499, 512, 529; (amendment-Mr. Justice- Nicklin), 415, 434; (amendment-Mr. Public Curator, 1194. Aikens), 479; (2°), 561, 642. Titles Office, 1224. Industrial Law Amendment (initiation), Premier and Chief Secretal'Y­ 1926. Co-ordinator-General of Public Metropolitan District Council of the Works, 1231. Australian Labour Party (2°), 872. Public Works- State Electricity Commission Acts Amendment (initiation), 1690; (2°), Chief Office, 1380, 1448. 1769, 1773; (committee), 1774. Gas Acts, 1471. State Electricity Commission Acts Railways- Amendment (1948) (initiation), 2000; General Establishment, 1503. (2°), 2006; 2013; (committee), 2014. Unemployed \Vorkers Insurance Aets Amendment (initiation), 2151; (2°), FOLEY, Honourable Thomas Amlrew 2201. (Normanby) [Secretary for Public Chairman of Committees (seconds nomina­ Lands]­ tion of Mr. J. H. Mann), 27. Takes his seat, 2. Commission to adminster oath or affirma­ BILLS: tion of allegiance, 1; to open Parlia­ ment, 1. Coal and Oil Shale Mine \Vorkers (Pensions) Acts Amendment (initia­ Point of order, 739. tion), 360, 372, 404; (amendment­ RaihYa~· rstrike, Motion for adjournment, Mr. Paterson), 389; (2o), 652; JSSO. (committee), 667, 669, 672. SUPPLY: Coal Industry (Control) (initiation) EsTIJiiiATES I"' Co:;nn'l'TEE­ 2051; (2°), 2101, 2137; (committee); 2141, 2142, 2143, 2145, 2146, 2147, J,abour and Industry- 2148, 2149, 2150. Building Control Division, 1021. Coal Mining Acts Amendment (initia­ Bureau of Industry, 1008, 1020. tion), 1324, 1416; (2°), 1640; Chief Office, 974, 992, 1003, 100+. (committee), 1673, 1675, 1676, 1677, Commissioner of Prices, 1027. 1678. Goyernment Statistician, 1008. Coal Mining Acts Amendment (No. 2) Immigration, 1024, 1026. (initiation), 1706, 1710, 1713. Industrial Court, 1007. Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment .Juycnile Employment Bureau, lOOG. (initiation), 2062, 2071; '(2°), 2076, Secondary Industries Divi:1ion, 1023. 2089; (committee), 2092, 2097. Resolution reported from Go mm ittec­ Miners' Homestead Leases Acts Amend­ Lahom aml Industry, 1606. ment (initiation), 682, 689, 710; (2°), 1261. (~L.EDSON, Honourable Da•·i(l Alexander Mining Acts Amendment (initiation), (lpS1lieh) [Attomey-Geneml]- 2180; (2o), 2290; (committee), 2296. Takcs his seat, 2. SePPLY: Address in Reply, 67. Es~·IMATES IX CmnnT'l'EE­ BILLS: Justice- Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers Public Curator, 1 HJJ. (Pensions) Acts Amendment (initia­ tion), 391; (committee), 673. GAIR, Honourable Vincent f'lair (South Coal ::Y1ining Acts Amendment (2 o), 1645. Brisbane) [Semetary for J,aiJour Coal ::\fining Acts Amendment (No. 2) and Industry]­ (2° ), 1851, 1852. Coroners Acts Amendment (initiation), Takes his seat, 2. 346; (2°), 1265. Address in Reply, 81. }'oreign GoYcrnments (Titles to Land) (initiation), 1974; (2°), 2016; BILLS: (committee), 2020, 2023. Air Navigation Act A.mendment (initia­ FriendlY Societies Acts Amendment tion), 1660. (initi'ation), 336, 338; (2° ), 1263. Building Operations and Timber and Friendly Societies Acts Amendment Building Materials Control Act (194S) (initiation), 1975; (2°), 2024, Amendment (initiation), 2152, 2158; 2025. (2°), 2182, 2195; (committee), 2200, ,T ustices Acts Amendment (initiation), 2201. 2180; (2°), 2222; (committee), 2226. IXDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLA'riVE ASSEMBLY.

OLEDSON, Honourable DaYioints of order, :337, 341, 390, 508, 1400, tion), 394, 399. 1599, 1749, 1811. Electric Supply Corporation (Overseas) SUPPLY: Limited Agreement (initiation), 1698; (2°), 1795, 1838; (committee), 1845, ESTIMATES IN C01!MITTEE- 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851. Justice- Industrial Law Amendment (initia­ Chief Oilice, 1046, 1057, 1069. tion), 1896, 1903, 1910, 1921; (2°), Courts of Petty Sessions, 1073. 1929; (committee), 1936, 1937, 1940, Electoral Registration, 1073, 1091, 1942. 1095. Kedron War Memorial School of Arts l''nendly Societies, 1128. Transfer (2°), 1786. Licensing Commission, 113~, 1154, Metropolitan District Council of the 1157, 1163, 1170. Australian Labour Party (2°), 862; Prisons, 1191. (committee), 874, 877, 878. Public Cmator, llfl1, 1193, 1206, Public Curator Acts Amendment (2°), 1218. . . 635. Acts Registrar-General, 1218, 1219. Public Service Superannuation Amendment (initiation), 1650, 1655; Sheriff antl 8npremp Court, 12~0. (2° ), 1692. 1221. Queensland-British Foorl Production Titles Office, 122:3, 12~4. (initiation), 2175; (2°), 2229, 2279; Public Works­ (committee), 2284, 2286, 2287, 2288, Gas Acts, 1468. 2289. Resolution ·reportPd from Committee­ Vlorkers' Compensation Acts Amenrlment Justice, 1613. (committee), 1738. World Trade and gmpire Preference, 453. Birthday congratulations, 601. Camp Mountain Railway Disaster-(moves motion of condolence), 13. {~RAHAM, Fretlerick ni<•kson, Esquire (Mackay)­ Chairman of Committees-(nominates Mr. J. H. Mann), 27; congratulates him Takes his seat, ~. on election) , 2 7. Address in Reply, 1G9. Closure, Moves application of, 532. BILLS: Coal Deposits, State Development of City of Mackay and Other Town Plan· (Ministerial Statement), 1638. ning Schemes ApproYal Act Amendment Commission to administer oath or affu·ma · (initiation), 1977. tion of allegiance, 1; to open Parlia­ Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration ment, 1. Acts Amendment ( 2 o), 609. Deaths- Financial Statemc>nt, 843. Camp Mountain Railway Disaster (moves 8UPPLY: motion of condolence), 13. Clayton, Mr. E. H. C. (moves motion of EsTIMATEs IN COM1\II'l'TEE­ condolence), 12. Justice- Fry, Mr. J. P. (moves motion of con­ Licensing Commission, 1170. dolence), 2228. Public W(Jl·ks­ McCormack, Mr. W. (moves motion of Chief OffieP, 14:10. condolence), 1637. Railways- Leadership of Queensland People's Party, General E~tnhi•sinnent, 1536. 1858. IXDEX 'l'O SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 33

HA::\'LON, Honourable Etlward }fiellael-­ BILLS: continued: Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment (initi­ ::\Jcmber­ ation), 1956. :'-Jaming of (Mr. Aikens), 1813; Suspen­ Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration sion of, 1814. Acts Amendment (initiation), 442; (2°), 641. :\Ii nisterial Statements- :Financial Statement, 921. Appointment of Ministry, 12; resigna­ Grain Sorghum, Export ban on, 1107. tions, 12. <'oal Deposits, State Dc,·elopment of, Railway Strike, Motion for adjournment, 1638. 1870. Railway Strike-Stre0t Disturbance, 2074. IULEY, Thomas Alfred, Esquire l'!'rsonal Statement, 2002. (Logan)­ Takes his seat, 2. Points of order, 634, 735, 1741. Address in Reply, 146. Princess Elizabeth, Her Royal Highness. Address on occasion of marriage, 149/. BILLS: Appropriation No. 2, 1621. Qnestion, Disallowance of (Motion to dis­ agree to Mr. Speaker's action), 694. Censorship of Films (2° ), 1765; (committee), 1768. R:1ilway Strike­ City of Mackay and Other Town Plan­ '' Brisbane Telegraph,'' Statement iu, ning Schemes Approval Act Amend­ 2001. ment (initiation), 1979, 1997; (2°), .\lotion for adjournment, 1875. 2032 . Hesumption of work (move~ motion). Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers 1944. (Pensions) Acts Amendment (initia­ Street disturbance, 2074. tion), 367, 401. Coal Industry (Control) (committee), Sitting Days, 26. 2140, 2142, 2143, 2144, 2146, 2147, Npraker, Election of, 1; (congratulations 2148, 2149, 2150. to), 4; (presentation of). (1. Coal Mining Acts Amendment (initia­ tion), 1396. i"FPPLY: Coal Mining Acts Amendment (No. 2) ESTIMATES IN COMl\IITTEE­ (initiation), 1708; (2°), 1852. .Tustice- Electric Supply Corporation (Overseas 1 Limited Agreement (2 °), ] 816; Public Curator, 1214. (committee), 1846, 1848, 1850. Labour and Industry­ Financial Arrangements and Develop­ Bureau of Industry, 1012. ment Aid Acts Amendment (initia­ tion), 1178, 1250. Premier and Chief Secretar~-­ Gift Duty Acts Amendment (2° ), 2203. Agent-General for the State, 1225, Government Loan (2°), 2206. 1228. Industrial Conciliation and AI"l)itration Chief Office, 1225. Acts Amendment (initiation), 513; Co-ordinator-General of Public (2°), 574. Works, 1228, 1240, 1242, 1267, Industrial Law Amendment (initiation), 1269, 1274, 1278, 1296. 1898; (committee), 1942. Miscellaneous Services, 1323. Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment Parliamentary Counsel and Drafts­ (2°), 2080. man, 1307. Public Service Superannuation Aets Public Relations Bureau, 1307. Amendment (initiation), 1658. Public Service Commissioner, 1301, Queensland-British Food Production 1308. (2°), 2235; (committee), 2287, 2288. Public Service Superannuation State Electricity Commission Acts Board, 1313, 1315. Amendment (committee), 1774. State Reporting Bureau, 1321. State Electricity Commission Acts State Stores Board, 1321, 1322. Amendment (1948) (2°), 2007. Tamaree Railway Disaster (mon's motion Succession and Probate Duties Acts of condolence), 916. Amendment (2°), 2073. Valedictory, 1852, 2296. \Vorkers' Compensation Acts Amendment (committee), 1740, 1745, 1746. Chairman of Committees (Appointment of REA IHNG, James Alfred, Esquire (Wide Mr. J. H. Mann), 27. Bay)­ Death, Mr. J. P. Fry, 2228. Takes his seat, 2. Financial Statement, 552 . •'iddress in reply, ] 86. Grain Sorghum, Export ban on, 1110. b 34 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

HILEY, Thomas AHred, Esquire- BILLS-continued: continued: Liquor Acts Amendment (initiation), Leadership of Queensland People's Party, 343. 1858. Mining Acts Amendment (2°), 2294. Points of order, 1187, 1208. Personal explanation, 89. Railway Strike, Motion for adjournment, Points of order, 77, 79, 594. 1864. SUPPLY: SUPPLY: E01'BL\TES I;)[ CO)L\IITTEE­ ESTI:i\1A'rES I;)[ COMMITTEE­ .Justice- Justice- Electoral Registration, 1076. Licensing Commission, 1143. Licensing Commission, 1166, ll/4. Public Curator, 1206. Public Curator, 1200, 1216. Premier and Chief Secretary- Labour and Industry­ Co-ordinator-General of Public Bureau of Industry, 1021. \Vorks, 1231. Public \\'arks­ Public Works­ Chief Office, 1462. Chief Office, 1363. Rnolution rcpo1·tecl from Commi '·e­ Vote on Arc'OU1d, 42. Labour and Industry, 1596. IHL'l'ON, Paul Jerome Remig·ius, Esqu.ire (Carnanon)- JONE§, Honourable ArUmr (Charters Takcs his sent, 2. To·wers) [Secretary for Health aJHl Home Affairs]­ Address in Reply, H1; (nmcnclmont-:\Ir. Takes his seat, 2. Nicklin), 80. BILLS: Empire Preference and ·world Tral1e Police Acts Amendment (inithtion), (moves motion), 377. 2076; (2°), 2202. Financial Statement, 750. Trade Descriptions (Textile Products) Grain Sorghum, Export ban on, 1106. Act Amendment (initiation), H83; (2°), 1585. Point of order, 199. SUPPLY: KERR, Thomas Calclwen,- Esquire ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ (Oxley)­ Raihvays- Takes his scat, 2. General Establishment, 1530. Resolution reported from Committee­ Address in Reply, 190. Labour and Industry, 1601. BILLS: ·world Trade and Empire Preference Censorship of Films (initiation), O;)G. (moves motion), 377. City of :Mackay and Other Town Plan­ ning Schemes Approval Act Amcwl­ ment (initiation), 1993. D'GRk'~f, Tr:.tHer Charles, Es•1uire (Keppel)­ Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers (Pensions) Acts Amendment (initia­ Takes his seat, 2. tion), 365, 403; (committee), 670. Address in Reply, 203. Coroners Acts Amendment (initiation), Point of order, 599. 346. SUPPLY: Electric Supply Corporation (Overseas) Limited Agreement (2°), 1826. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Financial Arrangements and Develop­ .Justice- ment Aiel Acts Amendment (initia­ Electoral Registration, 108G. tion), 1251. Friendly Societies, 1128. Fruit and Vegetables (2 o), 1124. Licensing Commission, 1162. Indmtrial Conciliation and Arbitration Public Curator, 1217. Acts Amendment (initiation), 530. Public \Vorks­ Land Ac.ts and Other Acts Amenrlllll'Ht Chicf Office, 1447. (committee), 2097. :M:inPTS' Homestead Leases Acts Amellll­ HSSON. fceil George, Esquire (Ken­ ment (initiation), 689; (2°), 126Cl; nedy)­ (committee), 1263. Takes his scat, 2. Standard Cement Concrete Roofing Tile~ (2°), 2221. Address in Reply, 274, (amendmcnt-::>.Ir. State Electricity Commission Acts Nicklin), 71. Amendment (1948) (2°), 2009; (com­ BILLS: mittee), 2014. Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment State Housing Acts Amendment (2°), (initiation), 1967. 2057, IXDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 35

KERR, Tlwmas Caldwen, Esquire- Financial Statement, 464, 961. continued: Point of order, 1250. BILLS-continued: SUPPLY: Valuation of Land Acts Amendment Vote on Account, 30 .• 33, 51. (2°)' 713. Workers' Compensation Acts Amend­ ment (initiation), 1571; (2°), 1733; LOW, David Alan, Esquire (Coo:roora)­ (committee), 1740, 1742, 1760. Takes his seat, 2. Financial Statement, 746. Points of order, 291, 694. Address in reply, 154. Question, Disallowance of, 291; Motion to BILLS: disagree to Mr. Speaker '!l action Building Operations an

M_TClHNS, Louis Wells, Esf1uire­ BILLS-continz1ed. continued: Industrial Conciliation ancl Arbitration BILLS-continued: Acts Amendment (initiation), 443. State Housing Acts Amendment ( 2 o). (iueensland-British Food Production 2058. (2°), 2268. Valuation of Land Acts Amendment Valuation of Lane! Acts Amendment

(2°) 1 713. (initiation), 676. ·workers' Compensation Acts Amend­ (;rnin Sorghum, Export lwn on (seconcle ment (committee), 17 59. motion for nd,iournment of House), Points of order, 1088, 1372, 1544. 1101. question, Disallowance of (motion to ni;;­ Sl"PPLY; agree to Mr. Speaker's action), 701. ES'l'Il\IA'rES IK CO~DliT'fEE­ SuPPLY: Premier and Chief Secretary- ESTIMATES IK COMMIT~'F~l'­ Co-ordinator-General of Pnblie Justice- \Vorks, 1285. Chief Office, 1065. Public Works­ Public Curator, 1196. Chief Office, 13iil. Sheriff and Supreme Court, 1221. Titles Office, 1224. JIAHER, Edmund Belle, Esquire (West Labour and Industry­ lUoreton)- Chief Office, 1003. Takcs his seat, 2. Immigration, 1025. Address in reply (seconds amcnclment), 6:~. Premier and Chief Secretary- Co-ordinator-General of Public BILLS: Works, 1232. City of Mackay and Other Town Plan­ ning Schemes Approval Act Amenrl­ Public Works­ ment (initiation), 1992, (2°), 2033. Chief Office, 1387. Coal Mining Acts Amendment (2°), Local Government, 1472. 1667; (committee), 1672, 1673, 1676, Railways- 1677, 1678. General Establishment, 1542. Coal Mining Arts Amendment (Xo. 2) (initiation), 1707; (2°), 1852. JLltDONALD, Duucan, Esquire (Stanley)­ Electric Supply Corporation (Overseas) Takes his seat, 2. Ltd. Agreement (2°), 1827; (com­ Address in Reply, 239. mittee), 1847. :Financial Arrangements and Develop­ HILLS: ment Aid Aets Amenclment (initia­ Appropriation No. 2 (2°), 1626. tion), 1255. Coal Industry (Control) (2°), 2136. }'oreign Governments ('Titles to Land) Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment (2°), 2017; (committee), 2019, 2021. (initiation), 1955. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Acts Amendment ( 2 o), 578. Acts Amendment (2°), 604. Industrial Law Amendment (initiation), Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment 1899. (committee), 2097. Local Government Acts Amendment (2"), Queensland-British Food Production 1692; (committee), 1727. (2°) 1 2278, Local Government Acts Amendment State Electricity Commission Act~ (1948) (2°)' 2217. Amendment (1948) (2°), 2012. ::\Iarriage of Minors Amendment (2°), Financial Statement, 958. 1761. Personal explanation, 2174. Metropolitan District Council of the Australian Labour Party (2°), 871; Points of order, 628, 1630. (committee), 873. SUPPLY: ::\Iiners' Homestead Leases Acts Amend­ ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE- ment (2°), 1263. Premier and Chief Secretary­ Mining Acts Amendment (2°), 2293. Agent-General for the State, 1227. Police Acts Amendment (2°), 2202. queensland-British Food Production :IIADSEN, Otto Ottosen, Esquire (War­ (2°), 2242; (committee), 2287. wick)­ I\'orkers' Compensation Acts Amend­ Takes his scat, 2. ment (initiation), 1573. Ad

(2°) 1 2278. Licensing Commission, 1146. Trade Descriptions (Textile Pro1lncts) Puhlic Curator, 1211. Art Amendment (initiation), H89; (2°), 1689. JfORRIS, Kennetll .Tames, Esquire VVorkers' Compensation Acts Amendment (Enoggera)­ (initiation), 1582; (committee), 1753. Takes his seat, 2. Empire Preference and ·world Trade, 459, 618. Address in Reply, 317. Financial Statement, 893. BILLS: Censorship of Films (initiation), 1035. Points of order, 755, 1303. City of Mackay and Other To~fn Plan­ SUPPLY: ning Schemes Approval Act Amend­ ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ ment (2°), 2042, 2172. Premier and Chief Secretary- Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment Co-ordinator-General of Public (initiation), 1958 (2°), 2165; (com­ Works, 1299. mittee), 2169, 2172. 38 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

3WRRIS, Kenneth James, Esquire­ SUPPLY: continued: ESTIMATES IN COll1l\1ITTEE­ BILLS-continued. .Justice- Foreign Governments (Titles to Land) Licensing Commission, 1169. (2°)' 2019. Labour and Industry­ }'rienclly Societies Acts Amendment (2°), Chief Office, 982, 999. 1263. Immigration, 1025. Fruit and Vegetables (committee), 1126. Resolution reported from Com1ltittee­ Legal Practitioners Acts Amendment Labour and Industry, 1603. (2°) 1264. 1 Vote on Account, 45. Valuation of Land Acts Amendment (committee), 718, 721.

Financial Statement, 855. ~l('KLIN, George Franris Reubeu, Esquire Points of order, 695, 1131, 1132, 204;"5. CUurrumba)­ SrPPLY: Takes his seat, 2. ESTIMATES IN CO?·.BII'l'TEE­ Address in Reply (moYes amendment), 59. .Justice- BILLS: Friendly Societies, 1131. Air Navigation Aet Amendment (2°), ·Public W arks- 1775. Chief Office, 1438, 1449. Apiaries (2°), 1680; (committee), 1683. Appropriation No. 2 (2°) 1 1615. Building Operations and Timber and lUULLlm, Adolf GustaY, Esquire (Fassi· Building Materials Control Act Amend­ fern)­ ment (2°), 2185. City of Mackay and Other Town Plan­ Takes his seat, 2. ning Schemes Approval Act Amend­ Address in Reply, 207. ment (initiation), 1978, 1985 (2°), 2028. BILLS: Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers' Censorshiu of Films (initintion), 1031: (Pensions) Acts Amendment (~nitia­ (2°) 1 {762. tion), 362; (2°), 654; (committee), City of Mackay and Other Town Plan­ 672. ning Schemes Approval Act Amend­ Coal Industry (Control) (2°), 2109; ment '(initiation), 1990, 1995 (2°), (committee), 2146, 2148. 2035. Coal Mining Acts Amendment (initia­ Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment tion), 1332; (2°), 1642, 1680. (initiation), 1948, (2°), 2161; (com­ Co-ordination of Rural Advances and mittee), 2168, 2170. Agricultural Bank Acts Amendment }'ruit and Vegetnbles (2°), 1123. (2°), 1787. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Diseases in Stock Acts Amem1ment ( com­ Acts Amendment (initiation), 426, 441, mittee), 2167. 502. Electric Supply Corporation (Overseas) Industrial Law Amendment (initiation), Limited Agreement (initiation), 1705; 1908. (2°), 1798; (committee), 1849. Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment Financial Arrangements and Develop­ (2°), 2087. ment Aid Acts Amendment (initia­ Local Government Acts Amendment (2 o), tion), 1177. 1714. Friendly Societies Acts Amendment Queensland-British Food Production (initiation), 336. (2°), 2262. Friendly Societies Acts Amendment

State Electricity Commission Acts (1948) (2°) 1 2024. Amendment (1948) (2°), 2011. Fruit and Vegetables (initiation), 786; State Housing Acts Amendment (2o), (2°), 1114; (committee), 1126. 2058. Gift Duty Acts Amendment (2°), 2203. Trade Coupons Act Amendment (2°), Government Loan (2°), 2205. 1789. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Valuation of Land Acts Amendment Acts Amendment (initiation), 411; (initiation), 675. (moves amendment), 413, 4~6; (2~), Workers' Compensation Acts Amendment 565; (motion to disagree w1th Chair­ (initiation), 1567. man's ruling), 649. Financial Statement, 7 55. Industrial Law Amendment (initiation), 1897; (2°), 1931; (committee), 1936, Foodstuffs to Britain, Export of (seconds 1938. motion), 621. Kedron War Memorial School of Arts Points of order, 836, 997. Transfer (2°), 1786. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 39

XICKLIN, George Francis :Reuben, Speaker, Election of (congratulations to), Esquire-continued: 4. DILLs-continued. SUPPLY: Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE- (initiation), 2064; (2°), 2078; (com­ Justice- mittee), 2093, 2098. Legal Practitioners Acts Amendment Chief Office, 1047. (2°)' 1264. Electoral Registration, 1073. Liquor Acts Amendment (initiation), Public Curator, 1205; (moves amend­ 339; (2°), 1265. ment to reduce vote by £1), 1206. ::\hrriage Acts and Another Act Amend­ Premier and Chief Secretary­ ment (2°), 2015. Agent-General for the State, 1225. ::Vfetropolitan District Council of the Fate on Account, 30. Australian Labour Party (2°), 864. Tamaree railway disaster (Seconds motion Public Curator Acts Amendment (2°), of condolence), 916. 631. Yaleclictor;r, 1853. Public Service Superannuation Acts Amendment (initiation), 1651. Queensland-British Food Production O'SHJU, Harry, Esquire (Warrego)­ (2°)' 2230. l'tandard Cement Concrete Roofing Tiles Takes his seat, 2. (2°)' 2220. Address in Reply, 225. State Electricitv Commission Acts St:PPLY: Amendment (2:), 1770; (committee), 1774. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Ktate Electricitv Commission Acts Premier and Chief Secretary- Amendment (HJ48) (2°), 2006. Co-ordinator-General of Public t>tate Housing Acts Amendment (2o), vVorks, 1304. 20fJ6. Public ·works­ State Transport Facilities Act Amencl­ Chief Office, 1382. ment (2°), 1784. Succession and Probate Duties Acts Amendment (2°), 2072. PA'l'l:-~RSO~, l''reileriek Woolnougb, Esquire Trade Coupons Act Amendment (initia­ (Bowen)­ tion), 332; (2°), 1686, 1788. Takes his seat, 2. Ttade Descriptions (Textile Products) Address in Reply, 283. Act Amendment (initiation), 1487. Fnemployed ·workers Insurance Acts BILLS: Amendment (2°), 2202. Coal ancl Oil Shale Mine Workers Yaluation of Land Acts Amenclmcut (Pensions) Acts Amendment (initin­ (initiation), 674; (2°), 711; (com­ tion), 370; (mo-res amendments), sg:-, mittee), 715, 718, 719. 400, 404; (committee), 668, 672. Workers' Compensation Acts Amend­ Coal Mining Acts Amenilment (initia­ ment (initiation), 1561; (2°), 1729; tion), 1406; (moves amendments), (committee), 1737, 1745, 1747, 1752. 1407, 1408, 1423; (committee), 1674. Camp Mountain railway disaster (seconds Coal Mining Acts Amendment (No. 2) motion of condolence), 13. (initiation), 1709, 1713; (moves amendment), 1710. Deaths- Electric Supply Corporation (Overseas) Camp Mountain railway disaster (seconds Ltd. Agreement (initiation), 1705; motion of condolence), 13. (2°), 1821; (committee), 1842, 1846, ~1lr. E. H. C. Clayton, 13. 1848, 1850. ::\fr. vV. McCormack, 1638. Financial Arrangements and Develop­ ment Aid Acts Amendment (initia­ Financial Statement, 545. tion), 1252. I,eadership of Opposition, 15. Fruit and Vegetables (initiation), 799. I.eailership of Queenslaml People's Partr, Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Congratulates Mr. Hiley, 1858. Acts Amendment (initiation), 505, 516; (amendment-Mr. Nicklin), 425; Points of Orcler, 331, 1207, 1208, 2027. (amendment-Mr. Aikens), 448, 486; (moves amendment), 506; (2°), 589; Princess Elizabeth, Address to, Seconds motion, 1497. (committee), 647; (moves motion to disagree with Chairman's ruling), 648. Question, Disallowance of (motion to dis­ Industrial Law Amendment (initiation), agree to Mr. Speaker's action), 291, 1916; (committee), 1935, 1941, 1942, 699. 1943. Rnilway Strike, (Moves adjournment of Local Government Acts Amendment House), 1858. (initiation), 1664; (committee), 1726. 40 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

PATERSON, J<'rederick Woolnoug·h, BILLS-continued: Esquire-continued: Coal Mining Acts Amendment (initia­ BILLS-continued. tion), 1411; (2°), 1647. Metropolitan District Council of the Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment (initi­ Australian Labour Party (committee), ation), 1953. 873, 877. Electric Supply Corporation (Overseas) :Miners' Homestead Leases Acts Amellll­ Ltd. Agreement (initiation), 1705; ment (initiation), 688. (2°), 1803, (committee), 1849, 1851. Public Curator Acts Amendment ( 2 o), J<'rienclly Societies Acts Amendment 636. (initiation), 337. Public Service Superannuation Acts J<'rnit and Vegetables (initiation), 7H1. Amendment (initiation), 1659. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Trade Coupons Act Amendment (initia­ Acts Amendment (initiation), 416, tion), 335. 520; (amendment-Mr. Paterson) Valuation of Land Acts Amendment 508; (2°), 598; (motion to disagree (committee), 721. with Chairman's ruling), 650. Land Acts allll Other Acts Amendment vV m·kers' Compensation Acts Amendment (committee), 2094, 2100. (2°), 1732; (committee), 1743, 1745, 1746, 1749, 1752, 1756; (moves Liquor Acts Amendment (initiation), motion to dissent from Chairman's 343, 345. ruling), 17 46, 1752. Miners' Homestead Leases Acts Ameurl­ ment (initiation), 684, 690, 709. Empire ;preference and World Trade (moves Public Curator Acts Amendment (2 °), amendment), 617. . 632. Financial Statement, 932. Public Se1Tice Superannuation Acts Points of Order, 296, 395, 396, 508, 698, Amendment (initiation), 1653, 1658. 1758, 1877, 1879, 1919. Queensland-British Food Production (2o), 2249; (committee), 2284, 2286, Question, Disallowance of (Motion to dis­ 2287, 2288, 2289. agree to Mr. Speaker's action), 702. State Electricity Commission Acts Amendment (2°), 1771. Railway Strike- Sugar Experiment Station Acts Amenrl­ Motion by Premier (Resumption of ment (initiation), 355. work), 1944. Trade Coupons Act Amendment (initia­ :Motion for adjomnment, 1871. tion), 333; (2°), 1687, 1791. Sl:PPLY: 'l'racle Descriptions (Textile Products) ESTIMATES IN COM~IITTEE­ Act Amendment (initiation), 1±85; .Justice- (committee), 17H3 . Chief Office, 1066. \Vorkers' Compensntion Acts Amen

Co-ordinator-General of Puhlic Empire Preference and vVorld Trade, ±6~. vVorks, 1280. Public Works­ Financial Statement, 886. Chief Office, 1365. Personnl Explanation, 207 4. Railways- Points of Onler, 276, 278, 376, 419, .)8:.:, General establishment, 1527. 635, 873, 1358, 1811, 1999, 2062. vVorld Trade and Empire Preferenee Question, Disallo\Yance of (Motion to dis­ (moves amendment), 617. agree to Mr. Speaker's action), 292, 376; (moves mvtion), 693. J>IJ~, Bruee, Esquire (Win

PIE, Bruce, Esquire-continued: BILLS-continued: SuPPLY-continuecl: City of Mackay and Other Town Plan­ ning Schemes Approval Act Amend­ ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE-continued: ment (initiation), 1975, 1981, 1983, Premier and Chief Secretary- 1989, 1995, 1999, 2000; (2°), ~026, Co-ordinator-General of Public 2044. Works, 1293. Local Government Acts Amendment Public Service Commissioner, 1307, (initiation), 1661, 1664, 1666; (2°), 1312. 1692, 1720; (committee), 1726. State Stores Board, 1322. Local Government Acts Amendment Public Works- (1948) (initiation), 2054; (2°), 2216, Chief Office, 1354, 1458. 2218. Railways- Standan1 Cement Concrete Roofing Tiles General Establishment, 1523. (initiation), 2002, 2006; (2°), 22Ul, 2221. Vote on Account, 48. 1-:ltate Housing Acts Amendment (initia­ Valedictory, 1854. tion), 2002; (2°), 2056, 2058. "World Trade all(:l Empire Preferenee, 462. Points of Order, 1170, 1354, 13881 1437, 1507, 1742, 1986, 199~ 2038, 2039, 2252. PLUNKETT, Thomas Flootl, Esquire (Albert)­ NliPPLY: Takes his seat, 2. ESTBfA'l'ES IN C01DIIT'l'EE- Address in Reply, 302. Justice- BILLS: Chief Office, 1071. Building Operations and Timber and Electoral Registration, 1087, Building Materials Control Aet Amend­ Public Curator, 1202. ment (initiation), 2154; (2°), 2191. Public Works­ City of Mackay and Other Town Plan­ Buildings, 1465. ning Schemes Approval Act Amenr1­ Uhief Office, 1338, 1345, 1356, 136;:), ment (initiation), 1994. 1369, 1375, 1384, 1432, 1443, Diseases in Stoek Acts Amendment (initi­ 1450, 1456, 1459, 1464. ation), 1951; (2°), 2165. Gas Acts, 1465, 1470. Fruit and Vegetables (2°), 1119. Local Government, 1472, 1419. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration 8crvices-Public Buildings, 141:4, Acts Amendment (initiation), 523. Ynhwr-Gem•ral, 14/lO, 1481. Industrial r,a\Y Amendment (initiation)' 1914. I,anc1 Acts and Othe1· Acts Amcnr1ment lWREJ\'!'S, Frank E~quire (committee), 2096. (Xundalt)­ Queensland-British Food Production Takes his scat, 2. (2°), 2274. State Electricity Commission Acts Address in Reply (secollils motion·, 10. Amendment (1948), (2°), 2009. BILLS: Valuation of Land Acts Amenr1ment Diseases in Stock .\cts Amendment (iuiti­ (committee), 717. ntion), 1960. J<'inancial Statement, SHi. }'inancial Arrangements H!l(1 Development Foodstuffs to Britain, Export of (mm·cs Aid Acts Amenr1ment (initiation), motion), 620. 1259. .Justices "\cts "\menlhnent (conunittee), Grain Sorghum, Export ban on, lllO. 2225. SUPPLY: Trade Conpons "\d .\mendment (2°), EsTnL\'l'Es IN CmnnTTEE­ 1790. .Tustice- '\Vorkcrs' Compensation J.cts Amewlment Licensing Uonnnission, 11 GO. (eommittee), 17 44. Public vVorks­ J<'inaneial Statement, 1018. Office, Chicf 1441. Points of Order, 1065, 183~.

SUPPLY: POWEit, Honourable WiHiam (Baroona) [Secretary for Public Works, ESTil\IA~'ES IN COiiL\IITTEE- Housing and Local Gon,rmnent]­ Justice- Takes his scat, 782. Chief Office, 105:"5. BILLS: Electoral Registration, 1075. Uensorship of Films (initintion), 1030, 1-'rienclly Societies, 1130. 1037; (2°), 1762, 1767; (committee), Licensing Commission, 1158. 1767, Public Cmator, 1196. IXDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLA'riVE ASSEMBLY.

ROUERTS, Frank ~E,hvard, Esquire­ S:IIITH, AH'retl James, Esquire (Carp('n· continued: tarla)­ Nt:: J'hY-continucrl: Takes his seat, 2. L;.;TnfATES I:-l CoMMITTEE-continued: Address in Reply, 309. Premier and Chief Secretary­ BILL: Agent-General for the State, 1227. Financial Arrangements and Development Aiel Acts Amendment (initiation), f'o-ordinator-Gencral of Puhlit 1259. Works, 1286. Point of order, 1238. Public Serviee Rnperannnation Board, 1318. SuPPLY: Public Works­ ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Chief Office, 1440. Justice- Local Government, 1476. Licensing Commission, 1171. Premier and Chief Secretary- R~ublic Works­ Chief Office, 1360. 1U'SSELL, Cltarl{•s wmre Dutil's Ads Valuation of Land Acts Amendment Amendment (2 a), 2073. (committee), 715, 720. Financial Statempnt, 908, 916. Financial Statement, 733. l'oints of Order, 499, 1385, 1521, 1598, Grain Sorghum, Export ban on, 1111. 1910, 1911, 1927. Points of order, 1921, 2047. (,lnestion, Disallowance of (Motion to dis­ Question Disallowance of ( "iYiotion to t1is­ agree to 2\T r. Speaker's action), 291. agrde with Mr. Speaker's action), 704. SUFPLY: SUPPLY: E"'TIMATES IX Co:-nnTTEE­ ESTIMATES IN COJ\IMITTEE­ .Justice- .Tustice- Licensing Commission, 1150. Licensing Commission, 1161. Public Curator, 1215. Premier and Chief Secretary- Premier and Chief Secretary­ Co-ordinator-General of Pnhlic Agent-General for the State, 1226. Works, 1238, 1306. Co-ordinator-General of Pnblie Public \Vorks­ Works, 1276, 1290. Public Works- Chief Oflice, J 379. Chief Ofiice, J389. Railways- Valuer-General, 1480. General Estnhlishment, LilO. Railways- f~,!e on A r•counl, 39. General establishment, 1498. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 43

SPEAKER, Honourable Samuel John DJLLS-continued: Brassington (Fortitude Valley)­ I~ocal Government Acts Amcnc1ment [See also "Brassington, Honourable (1948)­ Samuel John."] Long discussion on State Housing Kominated, 2; (submits himself to House), Commission not in order, 2217. 4; thanks House for election, 5; (presentation to Governor), 6. Public Curator Acts Amendment- Amendment on 2° (Mr. Decker) not Absence on Government business at Charle­ in order as it is vague and nebulous, ville Centenary Celebrations, 1127. 632 ; Purchase of Culwalla Chambers Address in Reply, Closure of debate under by Government not a principle of Sessional Order, 326. Bill, 632, 635. Adjournment of House, Debate on motion Birthday of Premier, 601. not permitted, 372. Chair- Adjournment of House-Formal motion Mode of call, 1028. under Standing Order No. 137­ Grain sorghum, Ban on export of (Mr. Must be obeyed, 101, 202, 217, 235, 247, Mcintyre), 1098; not usual to grant 266, 326, 360, 594, 611, 614, 634, 651, extension of time of speech but House 704, 1632, 1805, 1812, 1877' 2041, 2062, may decide, 1105. 2138. Communism, Menace of, ilfotion (Mr. Reflections on, not in order, 664, 667, Hiley), disallowed as matter hac1 693, 698, 2048, 2151, 2174. already been amply debated dming the Reflections on Parliament, the Govern­ session, 2175. ment and honourable members not in Railway Strike (Mr. Nicklin), 1858; order, 634. amendment (Mr. Pie) not in order as 8pc8rhcs must he acldresscd to, 192, 215, it does not relate to the question 360, 594, 611, 704, 1716, 1811, 2117. before the House, 1895. Chairman of Committees, Tempomry Amendments- (nominates panel), 12. Already defeated may not be debated, Collins Hon. H. H., Secretary for Agricul­ 638. tu;·e and Stock, interjection by Mr. Honourable Member hm ing spoken on Evans, honourable member for Mirani, motion is precluded from seconding 327. amendment, 618. Commissioner to administer oath or affirma­ Proposed and not seconded shall not be tion of allegiance, 12. entertained by the House, 618. Conversation in loud tones disorderly, 89, Auclitor-General 's Report, Date of tabling, 114. 795. Deaths- BILLS; Cla:yton, Mr. E. H. C. (announces receipt Generally- of certificate), 12. Debate must be confined to principles of Bill, 589, 595, 596, 634, 638, 661, ~fcCormack, Mr. W. (announces reply 662, 663, 666, 667, 871, 1493, 1671, to motion of condolence), 1858. 1763, 1931, 1933, 2019, 2122, 2165, Debate must be conducted with dignity and 2190, 2218, 2251. decorum, 70, 127, 200, 635. Hubject of broadening principles or Debate must be confined to question under introducing now principles should be discussion, 7 01. considered at the initiatory stage, 638, 2019, 2058. .. Debate should be regarded seriously, 2134, Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers' 2151. (Pensions) Acts Amendment­ Denial (See "Statement"). ::'-Jationalisation of coal mines not a Document read or cited by a member may principle of Bill, 663. be ordered to be laid on table, 7 4. Coal Mining Acts Amendment­ Evans, Mr., honourable member for Mir:;-ni, Discussion of what union will control interjection to Hon. H. H. Collms, certain workers not permittec1, 1648, Secretary for Agriculture ancl Stock, 1833. 327. Electric Supply Corporation (Overseas) Governor's Opening Speech, Announces r.,td. Agreement- receipt of copy of, 15. Discussion on Joint Coal Board outside scope of Bill, 1822. Interjections- Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Advisability of replying to, 215, 594. Acts Amendment- Disorderly, 70, 78, 101, 166, 192, 202, Principles only may be discussed, 596, 214, 215, 247, 278, 2040, 2115, 2138. 597. Not in order while member crossing Local Government Acts Amendment­ Chamber, 651. General discussion on hotels and Not permissible from table, 58, 2174. breweries not in order, H15, 1717. Reported only when repliec1 to, 330. 44 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

SPEAKER, Honourable Samuel John Private members' motion, Government lmsi­ Brassington-continued: ness takes precedence over, 376. Interruptions, disorderly, 101, 154, 200, Privilege- 634, 652, 704, 1632, 2260. Questions to Ministers- Irrelevancies, Debate must be relevant to Editing by Mr. Speaker cannot be question before the House, 28, 29, 85, made a question of privilege, 291. 458, 586, 589, 595, 615, 618, 632, 634, Motion (Mr. Nicklin) to dissent from 635, 664, 665, 698, 701, 865, 870, 871, ruling of Mr. Speaker, 291; Motion 1493, 1600, 1603, 1696, 1717, 1764, (Mr. Nicklin) to dissent from this 1778, 1782, 1805, 1806, 1807, 18ll, ruling disallowed as it is not bascIinister the Secretary of State for Common­ acting for him doses debate, 872. 873, wealth Relations), 1858. 901, 1630. Il\DEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSE;\fBLY. 45

SP.EAKER, Honourable Samuel John Chair­ .Rrass.ing·ton-continued: Must he addressed, 2 74. He~olutions- Must be obeyed, 274, 2219, 2220. Rpeech by Treasurer may close de bate but Debate must be condnctecl with dignity not speech by Minister in charge of and decorum, 301. (lepartment, 1589. ])enial (See "Statement.") f-itaucling Orders­ '' IIansarcl,'' incorporation of tables not ] nterpretation, responsibility of Mr. read, 187. Speaker, 2258. Interjections disorderly, 301. Protection extends to members of Pm·lia­ ment only, 77, 2027. Irrelevancies, Debate must he relevant to question before the House, 641, 1109, Rtanrling Order Ko. 117 applies only to 1120, 1598, 2039, 2263, 2264. disagreement with Mr. Speaker's ruling, 376. Members must be referred to by name of Rtnt0ment or denial of hon. member electorate or title, 275. must bE' accepted, 77, 166, 199, Statement or denial of hon. member must 234, 235, 584, 599, 635, 697, 1811, be accepted, 276, 1598, 1599, 2038. 1841, 1879, 2045; but hon. members Takes chair as, 65, 80, 96, 117, 131, 149, may express opinions about statements 161, 185, 207, 218, 254, 273, 300, 320, of other hon. members, 695; or about 376, 383, 569, 590, 641, 725, 1107, pE'rsons outside the House, 76, 267. 1127, 1175, 1189, 1247, 1596, 1613, Sub judice, MattE'r sub judice may not be 1694, 1721, 1778, 1790, 1799, 1829, made subject of debate or question, 1870, 1891, 2037, 2122, 2131, 2192, 28, 949, 2060, 2061, 2174. 2219, 2236, 2243, 2263. Tedious repetition not in order, 227. SPEAKER, DEPUTY [Decker, Eric Paul, 'Fellers- Esquire (Sandgate) ]­ There not lJeing tvw tellers for ''Noes'' Takes chair as, 380. in division, question resoh·ed in the affirmatin', 948. SPEAKER, DEPUTY [Den·ies, George 'l'ime limit of speeches­ Henry, Esquire (Gregory) ]- "\djournment of House under Standing BrLLH: Order 137, not usual to grant exten­ Second reading debate must be confined sion but House may decic1e, 1105, 1889. to principles of Bill, 2209. Question, Disallowance of (Motion to dis­ Denial (sec statement). agree to Mr. Speaker's action), 698. lrrelevancies, Debate must be relevant to 1'nparliamentary Language­ question before the House, 660, 2209. F;xpressions ruled out of order­ Point of order, invalid, 629. ''Dill," 2134, 2213. Statement or denial of hon. member must ''He had no option but resume his be accepted, 613. seat,'' 662. Tnlres chair as, 207, 611, 626, 658, 1605, ''He is a pure Communist,'' 1833. ] 807, 2012, 2123, 2136, 2207. · ' He is getting down very low," 202 i. ·'I am going to expose this racket in SPEAKER, DEPUTY [Dunstan, 'l'lwmas, the Press'' as applied to the Esquire (Gympie) ]­ Government, 634. Irrelevancies, Debate must be relevant to · 'I can only assume you are endeavour­ questions before the House, 1819. ing to protect the Government,'' as Takes chair as, 542, 1817, 2293. applied to Mr. Speaker, 693. ' ' I don 't know how some of the SPEAKER, DEPUTY [Hilton, Paul Jerome Government members lie straight in Remigius, Esquire (Carnanon) ]­ bed,'' 1838. IlrLLs: ''Lie,'' 283, 623. Generally- ''Outfit that masquerades as a Labour Second reading debate must be confined Party,'' 1813. to principles of Bill, 2257. ·'The dirty mugs," 187+. Queensland-British Food Production­ "You fool," 2215. Discussion on recent legislation not in order, 2257. Ya.ledictory, 1854. Chair must be obeyed, 2086. SPEAKER, DEPUTY [.iUann, Jolln Henry, Denial (see ''Statement''). Esquire (Brisbane)]- Irrelevancies, Debate must be relevant to BrLLS: question before the House, 2086, 2256,

TAYLOR, Harold Bourne, Esquire Points of order, 166, 613. (Ifamilton)­ SUPPLY: 'l'akes his seat, 2. ESTIMATES IX C02.DIITTEE- Address in Reply, 132. Justice-· BILLS: Electoral registration, 1084. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Licensing Commission, 1141. Acts Amendment (initiation), 432; Public Cmator, 1192, 1216. (2°), 587. Labour and Industry­ Kedron War Memorial School of Arts Bureau of Industry, 1016. Transfer (2°), 1786. Chief Oftice, 981. Local Government Acts Amendment (2°), Premier and Chief Secretary­ 1717; (committee), 1725. Agent-General for the State, 1226. Tracle Coupons Act Amendment (2°), 1789. Co-ordinator-General of Public Works, 1229, 1283. Financial Statement, 777. Public Works- Secondary Industry, Expansion of, 618. Chief Office, 1339, 1450. SUPPLY: Railways- ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ General establishment, 1521. Justice- Resolntion reportPCl fro,n Comn~itte Licensing Commission, 1140. Labour and Industry, 1587. I,abour and Indutsry­ W01·lrl Trade ancl Empire Preference Chief Office, 998. (secomls motion), 383. Premier and Chief Secretary- Public Service Commissioner, 1311. TURN.ER, ,John Alhert, Esquire (.Kehiu Railways- G:ro.-e)­ General establishment, 1501. Takes his seat, 2. Adc1ress in Reply, 96. TAYLOR, ,John RusseH, BILLS: ()Iaranoa)­ Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Takes his seat, 2. Acts Amendment (initiation), 430, Address in Reply, 90. 492. SUPPLY: \Vorkers' Compensation Acts Amendment (initiation), 1570. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Public Works- Financial Statement, 878. Chief Office, 1367. Points of order, 520, 886. Secondary Industry, Expansion of (seconds THEODORE, Stephen, Esquire (HerlJert)­ motion), 540. Takes his seat, 2. SuPPLY: Address in Reply, 150. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ BILLS: Justice- Building Operations and Timber and Licensing Commission, 1145. Building Materials Control Act Amend­ Labour and Industry­ ment (initiation), 2155. Chief· Office, 985. Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment (initi­ Premier ancl Chief Secretary­ ation), 1952. Agent-General for the State, 1221. Fruit and Vegetables (initiation), 788. Public Works­ Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Chief Office, 1452. Acts Amendment (initiation), 527. Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment WANSTALL, Charles Gray, Esquire (initiation), 2065. (Toowong)­ Miners' Homestead Leases Acts Amend­ ment (initiation), 687. Takes his seat, 2. Queensland-British Food Proc1uction Address in Reply, 212; (amendment-1\.Ir. (2°), 2260. Nicklin), 72. State Electricity Commission Acts BILLS: Amendment (1948) (2°), 2010. Air Navigation Act Amendment (2°), 1776; (committee), 1782, 1783. Sugar Experiment Stations Amendment (initiation), 352; (2°), 1493. Building Operations and Timber and Building Materials Control Act Amend­ Workers' Compensation Acts Amend­ ment (2°), 2188; (committee), 2199, ment (initiation), 1573. 2200, 2201. Empire Preference and World Trade City of Mackay and Other Town Plan­ (seconds motion), 383. ning Schemes Approval Act Ameml­ Financial Statement, 7 40. ment (2°-moves amendment), 204-1. IXDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 47

W ANS'l'ALL, Charles Gray, :Esquire­ BILLs-continued: continued: Public Curator Acts Amendment (cmn­ BILLS-continued: mittee), 637. Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers Queensland-British Food Production (Pensions) Acts Amendment (initia­ (committee), 2285, 2287. tion), 392; (committee), 671. State Transport Facilities Act Amewl­ Coal Industry (Control) (committee), ment (2°), 1785; (committee), 1785. 2141, 2144, 2148, 2149. Succession and Probate Duties Acts Coal Mining Acts Amendment (initia­ Amendment (committee), 2203. tion), 1420. Trade Coupons Act Amendment (com­ Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment mittee), 1792, 1793. (committee) , 2171. Unemployed Workers Insurance Acts Electric Supply Corporation (Overseas) Amendment (2°), 2202. Ltd. Agreement (2°), 1831; (cmn­ Workers' Compensation Acts Amendment mittee), 1848. (initiation), 1565; (committee), 1735, l<'inancial Arrangements and Development 1741, 1742, 1748, 1752, 1757; (moves Aid Acts Amendment (initiation), motion to dissent from Chairman's 1183. ruling), 1737, 1742. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Personal explanation, 329. Acts Amendment (initiation), 423; Points of order, 394, 395, 396, 419, 647, (2°), 593. 1072, 1186, 1571, 1575, 1576, 1577, Industrial Law Amendment (jnitiation), 1723, 1744, 1759, 1922, 2046. 1928; (committee), 1937, 1942. Railway Strike, Motion for adjournment, Justices Acts Amendment (2°), 2222; 1890. (committee), 2224, 2225. SUPPLY: Legal Practitioners Acts Amendment Esrer.uA'rEs IN Co:3I:i\IITr.t1EE­ (initiation), 338. Justice- Liquor Acts Amenumcnt (initiation), Chief Office, 1060. 340. Registrar-General, 1220. Local Govemment Acts Amendment (2°), Sheriff and Supreme Court, 1222. 1718. Labour and Industry­ Marriage of Minors Amendment (initia­ tion), 1029; (2°), 1761. Chief Office, 999. Metropolitan District Council of the Premier and Chief Secretary­ Australian Labour Party (2°), 866; Agent-General for the State, 1226. (committee), 876, 878. Public Service Superannuation Mining Acts Amendment (committee), Board, 1316, 1319. 2296. Railways- Police Acts Amendment (2o), 2202. General estabhshment, 1555..

Printed and published by A. H. TFCKER, Government Printer, Brisbane. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

Thirty-first Parliament – Second Session

Queensland Parliamentary Debates, V.193-195, 1948-49

17 August 1948 – 8 April 1949

(Hanlon Government)



1-17 17 August 1948 549-560 29

17-50 18 August 1948 561-590 30 September 1948

51-75 19 August 1948 590-627 5

75-104 24 August 1948 627-640 6 October 1948

105-118 25 August 1948 640-672 7 October 1948

118-144 26 August 1948 672-708 12 October 1948

144-197 31 August 1948 708-721 13 October 1948

197-211 1 September 1948 721-750 14 October 1948

211-226 2 September 1948 750-780 15 October 1948

227-260 7 September 1948 780-845 19 October 1948

261-275 8 September 1948 845-859 20 October 1948

275-300 9 September 1948 859-918 21 October 1948

300-340 14 September 1948 918-953 22 October 1948

340-354 15 September 1948 953-992 26 October 1948

355-426 16 September 1948 992-1006 27 October 1948

427-464 21 September 1948 1006-1062 28 October 1948

464-478 22 September 1948 1062-1090 29 October 1948

478-515 23 September 1948 1090-1148 2

515-548 28 September 1948 1148-1162 3 November 1948 PAGE NOS DATE PAGE NOS DATE

1162-1221 4 November 1948 1903-1966 8

1221-1248 5 November 1948 1966-1999 9 December 1948

1249-1304 9 November 1948 2001-2038 8

1304-1317 10 November 1948 2038-2053 9 March 1949

1317-1371 11 November 1948 2053-2089 10 March 1949

1371-1396 12 November 1948 2089-2116 15 March 1949

1397-1455 16 November 1948 2116-2131 16 March 1949

1455-1468 17 November 1948 2131-2145 17 March 1949

1468-1524 18 November 1948 2145-2205 22 March 1949

1524-1557 19 November 1948 2205-2220 23 March 1949

1557-1669 23 November 1948 2220-2272 24 March 1949

1669-1659 24 November 1948 2272-2340 29 March 1949

1659-1670 25 November 1948 2340-2353 30 March 1949

1670-1699 26 November 1948 2354-2420 31 March 1949

1699-1752 30 November 1948 2420-2448 1 April 1949

1752-1764 1 December 1948 2448-2507 5 April 1949

1764-1814 2 December 1948 2508-2523 6 April 1949

1814-1842 3 December 1948 2523-2600 7 April 1949

1842-1903 7 December 1948 2600-2620 8 April 1949



Official Record of the Debates



Second Session

Ol!' THE Thirty-First Parliament.

2 and 13 GEORGE VI.

Comprising the periods from the Seventeenth day of August to the Ninth day of December, AD. 1948; and from the Eighth day of March to the Eighth day of April, A. D. 1949.


BRISBANE: By Au1horit,v: A. H. Tucker, GovernmeRt Print« BnabaJlt COMMITTEES. LlBRARY.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Davis, Mr. Dunstan, Mr. Keyatta, Mr. Macdonald, Mr. Morris, and Mr. Rnssell. PARLIAMENTARY BUILDINGS.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Devries, Mr. Hiley, Mr. Mcintyre, Mr. Miiller, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Turner. PRINTING.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Clark, Mr. Kerr, Mr. Low, Mr. Moore, Mr. Sparkes, and Mr. Turner. REFRESHMENT RooMs.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Brand, Mr. Chalk, Mr. Jesson, Mr. Maher, Mr. O'Shea, and Mr. J. R. Taylor. STANDING 0RDERS.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Brand, Mr. Copley, Mr. Hanlon, Mr. Manu, Mr. Nicklin, and Mr. Wanstall.

ELECTIONS TRIBUNAL. ELECTIONS JUDGES.-The Honourable Mr ..Justice Stanley (1948); The Honourable Mr. Justice Philp (1949).

:second Session of the Thirty-first Parliament of Queensland.


THE GOVERNOR. His Excellency Lieutenant-General Sir JOHN DuDLEY LAVARAOK, K.B.E., C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O.


THE MINISTRY. Premier and Chief Sooretary; and Vice-President of the Executive Council-Honourable EDWARD MrcHAEL HANLON. Secretary for Labour and Industry-Honourable VrNCEN'l' CLAIR GAIR. Secretary for Agriculture and Stock-Honourable HAROLD HENRY CoLLINS. Secretary for Public Lauds and Irrigation-Honourable THOMAS ANDREW FOLEY. Secretary for Health and Home Affairs-Honourable ARTHUR JoNES. Attorney-General-Honourable DAVID ALEXANDER GLEDSON. Treasurer-Honourable JAMES LARCOMBE. Secretary for Public Instruction-Honourable HENRY ADAM BRUCE. Minister for Transport-Honourable JoHN EDMUND DuGGAN. Secretary for Public Works, Housing, and Local Government-Honourable WrLLIAM PowER. Secretary for Mines and Immigration-Honourable WlLLIAM MATTHEW MOORE.

THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Speaker-Honourable SAMUEL JOHN BRASSINGTON (Fm·titude Valley). Chairman of Committees-MANN, JoHN HENRY, Esquire (Brisbane). •remporary Chairmen of Committees- BRAND, WILLIAM ALF'ItED, Esquire (Isis). DECKER, ERIC PAUL, Esquire (Sandgate). DEVRIES, GEORGE HENRY, Esquire (GTegory). DUNSTAN, THOMAS, Esquire ( Gyntpie). HILTON, PAUL JEROME REMIGIUS, Esquire (Carnarvon). AIKENS, THOMAS, Esquire (M1mdingburra). BARNES, JOHN FRANCIS, Esquire (Bundaberg). BJELKE·PE~'ERSEN, JOHANNES, Esquire (Nanango). BRAND, WILLIAM ALFRED, Esquire (Isis). BRASSINGTON, Honourable SAMUEL JOHN (Fortitude V alley). BROWN, RICHARD KIDSTON, Esquire (Buranda). BRUCE, Honourable HENRY ADAM (The Tableland). BURROWS, J AMES, Esquire (Port Curtis). CHALK, GORDON WrLLIAM vVESLEY, Esquire (East Toowoo1nba). CLARK, J AMES, Esquire (Fitzroy). COLLINS, Honourable HAROLD HENRY (Coolc). COPLEY, PATRICK KERRY, Esquire (Kurilpa). 0ROWLEY, THOMAS MARTIN, Esquire (Cairns). DAVIS, EDWARD WILLIAM, Esquire (Ba1·coo). DECKER, ERIC PAUL, Esquire (Sandgate). DEVRIES, GEORGE HENRY, Esquire ( G1·egm·y). IV.


DONALD, JAMES, Esquire (B?"Mne?"). DUGGAN, Honourable JOHN EDMUND (Toowoomba). DUNSTAN, THOMAS, Esquire ( Gympie). EVANS, ERNEST, Esquire (Mirani). FARRELL, DAVID, Esquire (Maryborough). FOLEY, Honourable THOMAS ANDREW (Nor1nanby). GAIR, Honourable VINCENT CLAIR (South Brisbane). GLEDSON, Honourable DAVID ALEXANDER (Ipswich). GRAHAM, FREDERICK DICKSON, Esquire (Mackay). GUNN, WILLIAM MORRISON, Esquire (Wynn1tm). HANLON, Honourable EDWARD MICHAEL (lthaca).

HEADING, JAMES ALFRED, Esquire (Wide Bay). HILEY, THOMAS ALFRED, Esquire (Logan). HILTON, PAUL JEROME REMIGIUS, Esquire (Carnarvon). JNGRAM, WALTER CHARLES, Esquire (Keppel). JESSON, CECIL GEORGE, Esquire (Kennedy) . •JONEs, Honourable ARTHUR (Charters Towers). KERR, THOMAS CALDWELL, Esquire (Oxley). KEYATTA, GEORGE, Esquire (Townsville). LARCOMBE, Honourable JAMES (Rockhampton). Low, DAVID ALAN, Esquire (Cooroora). LUCKINS, LOUIS WELLS, Esquire (Maree). MACDONALD, DUNCAN, Esquire (Stanley). MADSEN, 0TTO 0TTOSEN, Esquire (Warwick). MAHER, EDMUND BEDE, Esquire (West Moreton) • .1\iANN, JOHN HENRY, Esquire (Brisbane). MARRIOTT, GEORGE HENRY, Esquire (Bulimba). MclNTYRE, MALCOLM, Esquire (Cunningham). MooRE, Honourable WILLIAM MATTHEW (Merthyr).

MORRIS, KENNETH JAMES, Esquire (Enoggera). MULLER, ADOLF GUSTAV, Esquire (Fassifern) . .N"ICKLIN, GEORGE FRANCIS REUBEN, Esquire (Murr1tmba). O'SHEA, HARRY, Esquire (Warrego). PATERSON, FREDERICK WOOLNOUGH, Esquire (Bowen). PIE, BRUCE, Esquire (Windsor). PLUNKETT, THOMAS FLOOD, Esquire (Albert). POWER, Honourable WILLIAM (Baroona). ROBERTS, FRANK EDWARD, Esquire (Nundah). RUSSELL, CHARLES WILFRED, Esquire (Dalby). SMITH, ALFRED J AMES, Esquire ( Carpentaria). t::\PARKES, WALTER BERESFORD JAMES GORDON, Esquire (Aubigny). TAYLOR, HAROLD BOURNE, Esquire (Hamilton). TAYLOR, JOHN RUSSELL, Esquire (Maranoa). THEODORE, STEPHEN, Esquire (Herbert). TURNER, JOHN ALBERT, Esquire (Kelvin Grove). WANSTALL, CHARLES GRAY, Esq11irc (Toowong). Queensland Parliamentary Debates, V.193-195, 1948-49 17 August 1948 - 08 April 1949


Index to Subjects.

Atl!lress in Rei>ly­ BILLS-continned: Adoption, 515. City of Brisbane Acts Amendment (initia­ Answer of Governor, 561. tion), 2040 ; (initiation in committee), Debate on, 9, 56, 78, 429, 478. 2185; (1"), 2186; (2°, committee and Presentation to Governor, 560. 3°), 2352; (assent), 2420. Address to His Majesty, the King, Birth of City of Brisbane Acts and Another Act Son to JI.R.II. the Princess Eliza­ Amendment (initiation), 429; (initia­ beth and Duke of Edinburgh, 1397. tion in committee), 1530; ( 1"), 1537; (2°), 1669; (committeR and 3°), .\djournments, Special, 17, 672, 1997, 2089, 1670; (assent), 1699. 2145, 2272, 2619. Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers .\ssanlt (alleged threatened) in Chamber, (Pensions) Acts Amendment (initia­ 2340. tion), 227; (initiation in committee), AlHiitor-General's Report- 62!l; (1°), 640; (2°), 709; (com­ Brisbane City Council's Accounts, 1670. mittee), 995; (3°), 1008; (assent), Loans Sinking Funds, 918. 1221. l'ublic Accounts, 953. Coal Mining Acts Amendment (initiation), 228; (initiation in committee), 734; Barristers and Solicitors, I<'ees paid by (1°), 748; (2°), 966; (committee), Crown to- 987, 1072; (3°), 1091; (assent), 1371. Order for Return (motion-Mr. Mac­ donald), 22. Constitution Acts Amendment (initiation), 1843; (initiation in committee), 191l7; Hctum tabled, 148. (amendment-Mr. Aikens), 1928; ( mnendment-Mr. Paterson), 1933; BILLS­ (1°), 1936; (2°), 1967; (amenr1­ "\ lJattoirs Acts Amendment (initiation), ment-Mr. Pie), 1971; (committee and 1967; (initiation in committee), 2084, 3 o), 1976; (assent), 2001. 2118, 2132, 2147; (1°), 2180; (2°), 2207, 2221; (motion to go into com­ Criminal Law Amendment (initiation), mittee), 2250; (committee), 2250, 550; (initiation in committee), fi01; 2563, 2597; (3°), 2599; (assent), (1 °), 612; (2°), 1537; (C.Ol!,Jnlti:Pe), 2620. 1542; (3°), 1545; (assenL), :3001. "\gricnltural :Bank (Rate of Interest) Dental Acts Amendment (initiation), 2040; (initiation), 1701; (initiation in com­ (initiation in committee), 2183; (I"), mittee and 1"), 1787; (2°), 1823; 2185; (2 o), 2450; (committee), 2452; (committee and 3 o), 1825; (assent), (3°), 2453; (assent), 2620. 2001. Diseases in Plants Acts Amendment .\liens Act and Another Act Amendment (initiation), 1700; (initiation in com­ (initiation), 550; (initiation in com­ mittee), 1701; (1°), 1710; (2°) 1 1772; mittee), 1788; (1°) 1 1789; (2°), 1878; (committee), 1779; (3°), 1780; (committee), 1884; (3°), 1885; (assent), 2001. (assent), 2001. Apprentices and Minors Acts Amendment Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment No. 2 (initiation), 108; (initiation in com­ (initiation), 1091; (initiation in com­ mittee), 1456,1469, 1527; (1°), 1530; mittee), 1238; (1°), 1246; (2°), 1739; (2°), 1662; (committee and 3o), 1669; (committee), 1753, 1766; (3°), 1772; (assent), 2001. (assent), 2001. Ap]Jropriation No. 1 (Suspension of Elections Acts Amendment (initiation), Standing Orders), 21 ; (all stages), 550; (initiation in committee), 612; 50; (assent), 105. (1 °), 627; (2°), 1311, 1321, 1373, Appropriation No. 2 (1° and 2°), 1642; 1396; (committee and 3 o), 1396; (committee and 3°), 1659; (assent), (assent), 2001. 1699. l~lectoral Districts (initiation and initia­ Bankers Books Evidence (initiation), 2420 ; tion in committee), 2002; (1°), 2038; (initiation in committee and 1"), (2°), 2274, 2311, 2318; (committee), 2449; (2°), 2616; (committee and 3°), 2356, 2420; (3°), 2448; (assent), 2617; (assent), 2620. 2620. 2 INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

BILLS-continued: BILLS-continued: Friendly Societies Acts Amendment (initia­ Liquor Acts Amendment (initiation), 34~ tion), 2420; (initiation in committee (initiation in committee and 1°), 53:~ and JO), 2449; (2°), 2617; (com­ (2° and committee), 1248; (3°), 1251 mittee and 3o), 2619; (assent), 2620. (assent), 1670. Governor's Salary Act Amenument (initia­ Local Government Acts Amendment No. tion), 1816; (initiation in committee), (initiation), 344; (initiation in con 1885; (1° ancl 2 o), 1887; (committee mittee), 473, 516; (1°), 533; (2°) and 3 o), 1889; (reserved for Royal 1;)45; (committee), 1552; ( 3 °), 1557 assent), 2001. (assent), 2001. Harbour Boards Acts and Another Ad Local Government Acts Amendment (194H Amendment (initiation), 2509; (initia­ (initiation) 2118; (initiation in COlll tion in c.ornmittee), 2602 ; ( 1 o, 2o, mittee), 21SO; (1°), 2183; (2°), 235:: committc<> and 3°), 2606; (assent), (committee and 3 °), 2449 ; (assent ' 2620. 2620. Health Acts Amendment (initiatiou), }.q3; :\fntrimonial ( ';ll!SC':-< "\ets Amendmcu (initiation in committee), 1901; (1°), I initiation) i);)il: (initiation in cam 1903; (2°), 1963; (commitltce Rn(] 1~1ittee), GOCJ; (1°), 601; (2°), 108/ 3°), 1966; (assent), 2001. (committee), 1090; ( 3 o), lOH I (reserved for Royal assent), 169\J Hide and Leather Industries (initiation), (assent), 2620. 1843; (initiation in committee), 1900; :Ybtrimonial Causes "\cts Amendment No. : (1°), 1901; (2°), 1947; (committee (initiation), 1701; (initiation in cmn aud 3 o), 1963; (assent), 2001. mittee), 1733; (1°), 1735; (2°, COlll Hospital Benefits Agreement Vm·iation mittee and 3°), 1786; (assent), 200 I (initiation), 1701; (initiation in com­ :\1 cdical Acts Amendment (initiation an( mittee), 1840; (1 o), 1841; (2°), 1896; initiation in committee), 1558; ( 1° I. (committee and 3 o), 1898; (assent), 1564; (2°), 1671; (committe'e ani 2001. 3°), 1675; (assent), 2001. Industrial Conciliation ancl Arbitration :\lining Acts Amendment No. 2 (initiation\ Acts Amendment (initiation), 1700; 228; (initiation in committee), 748; (initiation in committee), 1710; (1 o), (1°), 750; (2°), 997, 1069; (com 1733; (2°), 1780; (committee ancl3°), mittee), 1071; (3°), 1091; (assent I 1785; (assent), 2001. 1371. Industrial Law Amendment Act of 1948 Nurses and Masseurs Registration Act' Repeal (initiation and initiation in Amendment (initiation), 344; ( initi:1 committee), 198, 213, 228; (1 o), 259; tion in committee), 467; (1°), 47:3; (2°), 262; (committee and 3°), 275; (2°), 1065; (committee), 1069; (3° '· (assent), 427. 1091; (assent), 1371. Justices Acts Amendment (initiation), Officials in Parliament Acts AmendmeJJt 1766; (initiation in committee), 2448; (initiation), 55; (initiation in com (1°), 2449; (2°), 2607; (committee), mittee and 1o), 56; (2°), 259; (com­ 2612; (3°), 2613; (assent), 2620. mittee), 260; (3°), 262; (assent), 27i!. Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment Ollicials in Parliament Acts AmendmcJJt (initiation), 1526; (initiation in com­ (1949) (initiation and initiation in mittee), 1675; (1°), 1693; (2°), 1790; committee), 2040; (1 °), 2053; (2°), (committee), 1807; (3°), 1814; 2093; (amendment-Mr. Hiley), 210G; (assent), 2001. (committee and 3°), 2116; (assent), 2131. Landlord and Tenant (initiation), 108; Parliamentary Contributory Superannua· (suspension of Standing Orders and tion Fun(l (initiation), 1844; (initin initiation in committee), 120; ( 1 o), 144; (2 o), 148; (committee), 170; tion in committee), 1936; (1o), 1942: (3°), 197; (assent), 211. (2°), 1976; (committee), 1993; (3°), 1997; (assent), 2001. Landlord and Tenant Act Amendment Picture Theatres and Films Acts Ameml­ (initiation), 1065; (initiation in com­ ment (initiation), 345; (initiation in mittee), 1149; (1°), 1158; (2°), committee), 533; (1 °), 1548; (2°), 1693; (committee and 3°), 1699; 1246; (committee), 1248; (3°), 12;51: (assent), 1752. (assent), 1670. Landlord and Tenant Act Amendment Police Acts Amendment No. 2 (initiation), (1949) (initiation), 2132; (initia­ 1701; (initiation in committee), 1841; tion in committee and 1°), 2449; (2°), ( 1 o), 1842; (2 o), 1898; ( committc<' 2613; (committee and 3°), 2615; and 3 o), 1900; (assent), 2001. (assent), 2620. Pro:fiteering Prevention (initiation, sus­ Libraries Act Amendment (initiation), pension of Standing Orders, initiatimt 1816; (initiation. in committee), 2342; in committee), 309; (1°), 340; (2°). (1o), 2352; ( 2 o), 2453 ; (committee), 356; (committee), 397; (3°), 42G: 2454; (3°), 2458; (assent), 2620. (assent), 427. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 3

Hll,LS-continued: DIVISIONS­ l'nlllic Scnice Supernnnuation Acts Amend· BrLLs: ment (initiation), 1816,; (initiation in committee), 1889; (1 °), 1892; (2°), Abattoirs Acts Amendment- 1942; (committee and 3o), 1946; Motion to go into committee, 2250. (assent), 2001. Clause 5 (amendment-Mr. Nicklin), Huofing Tiles (initiation), 2118; (initia­ 2261. tion in committee), 2458; ( 1 o), 2467; Clause 8, 2272. (2°), 2558; (committee), 2561; (3°), Clause 9 (amendment-Mr. Nicklin), 2563; (assent), 2620. 257l. State Education Acts Amendment (initia· Clause ]3 (amendment-Mr. Maher), tion), 751; (initiation in committee), 2576. 847; (amondment-Mr. Aikens), (amendment-Mr. 853, 922; (amendment-Mr. Mar­ Clause 45, 2599; Hiley), 2588; (amendment-Mr. riott), 952; (1 o), 953; (2°), 1564, (amendment-Mr. 1609, 1660; (committee), 1660; (3°), Muller), 2595; 1662; (assent), 2001. Maher), 2597; (amendment-:Mr. Nicklin), 2598; (amendment-Mr. ~tate Housing Acts and Other Acts (Rate Nicklin), 2599. of Interest) (initiation), 1065; (initia­ Third Reading, 2599. tion in committee), 1236; (1 °), 1238; (2°), 1309; (committee and 3 o), Constitution Acts Amendment­ 1311; (assent), 1670. Initiation in committee (amendment -Mr. Paterson), 1935. Statutory Salaries (initiation), 1816; (initiation in committee), 1892; (1o, Second Reading, 1976; (amendment­ 2 o, committee and 3 °), 1896; (assent), Mr. Pie), 1972. 200]. Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment No. ,C.:ngar Experiment Stations Acts and 2­ Another Act Amendment (initiation Clause 4, 1761. and initiation in committee), 108, New Clause (amendment-Mr. Muller), 466; (amendment-Mr. Paterson), 116, 1772. 345; (1°), 467; (2°), 551, 592; (com­ Electoral Districts- mittee), 596; (3°), 629; (assent), 953. Initiation in committee, 2038. Rnppression of Gambling Acts Amendment Seeond Reading, 2339. (initiation), 1065; (initiation in com· mittee), 1] 58, 1222; (1°), 1235; (2 °), Clause 4, 2393; (amendment-Mr. 1306; (committee and 3 °), 1309; Nicklin), 2393. (assent), 1371. Clause 5, 2410. Rupreme Court Acts Amendment (initia· Clause 6 (amendment-Mr. Maher), tion), 1701; (initiation in committee), 2417. 1735; (lo), 1739; (2°), 1786; (com­ Clause 8 (amendment-Mr. Nicklin), mittee and 3°), 1787; (assent), 2001. 2433. Timber Users' Protection (initiation), 1469. Clause 10 (amendment-Mr. Nicklin), 2438. Traffic (initiation), 1907; (initiation in committee), 2057 ;' (1 °), 2084; (2°), Clause 11 (amendment-Mr. Muller), 2186, 2193; (committee), 2467, 2509, 2441. 2524; (3°), 2588; (assent), 2620. Clause 20 (amendment-Mr. Mcin· 'l'rustee Companies (initiation), 1766. tyre), 2445. Clause 23 (amendment-Mr. Morris) Wheat Industry Stabilisation (initiation), -Motion to disagree to Temporary 1700; (initiation in committee), 1825; Chairman's ruling, 2447. (1°), 1840; (2°), 1844; (committee), 1871; ( 3 o), 1878; (assent), 2001. Third Reading, 2448. \\'01·kers' Compensation Acts Amendment Industrial Law Amendment Act of 1948 (initiation), 1701; (initiation in com­ Repeal- mittee and 1°), 1787; (2°), 1816; Initiation in comwitt~e. ~'f.ll. (committee and 3 o), 1823; (assent), Second Reading, 274. 2001. Motion to disagree to Mr. Speaker's Drisbane City Council Accounts, Auditor· ruling, 309. General's Report, 1670. Clause 2, 275. ('ltairman of Committees, Temporary, Third reading, 275. Panel nominated by Mr. Speaker, 7. Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment­ ])ays of Sitting (see " Sitting Days "). Clause 7, 1814. J)eaths (Motion of Condolence, &c.)- Landlord and Tenant- Mr. R. W. Hislop, 7. Clause 4 (amendment-Mr. Nicklin), 177. }Jr. H. M. Russell, 7; (reply), 478. Officials in Parliament Acts Amendment Ilelegation of Authority to Acting Premier, (1949)­ 227. Second reading, 2116; (amendment­ Hisorder in House, 2355. Mr. Hiley), 2116. 4 INDEX TO SUBJEC'l'S-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBJ~Y. lHVISIONS-continued: Fees paid by Crown to Barristers an BILLS-continued: Solicitors- Parliamentary Contributory Superannua­ Order for Return (motion-~J, tion Fund- Macdonald), 22. Second reading, 1993. Return to order, 148. Clause 7 (amendment-Mr. Hiley), l<'inancial Statement (CommitteP o 1996. Sum)Iy), 574. Clause 13 (amendment-Mr. Hiley), Debate on, 653, 673, 752, 781, 862, 9;)4. 1997. Tables relating to, tabled, 574. Profiteering Prevention- Flowers in Parliamentary Lodge, RPmoHI Clause 6~ (amendment-Mr. Hiley), 420. of (Mr. Smith), 629. Clause 67, 425. J<'oo

Parliamentary Buildings Committee­ QUESTIONS- Appointment, 22. Abattoir (Brisbane), Industrial dispute at Meeting, 78. (Mr. Wanstall), 1526. Parliamentary Lodge-­ Aboriginals- Flowers, Removal of (M:r. Smith), 629. Island Industries Board, Shortages in Rubbish, Removal of (Mr. Sparkes), 861. cash and stock (Mr. Wanstall), 1163, Parliamentary Proceeuings, Press report­ 1165. ing of, 2220. Torres Strait Islanders, Use of as divers (Mr. Kerr), 18, 55. Parliamentary Refreshment Rooms, Dress Torres Strait Islands, Report by Mr. G. A. of lliembers-(Mr. Aikens), 861. Cameron on defalcations (Mr. I•ersonal Explanations­ Wanstall), 1165, 1250. Mr. Aikens, 1222. Accidents, Motor·vehicle (Mr. Aikens), Mr. Bruce, 673. 1149, 1399. Mr. Jesson, 516, 1304. Aged persons, State houses for (Mr. Pie), Mr. Jones, 2601. 1765. Mr. Jeerr, 550. Air transport of food to west (Mr. Kerr), Mr. Macdonald, 277. 2206. Mr. Maher, 2147. Albion Park Racecourse, proposed sports Mr. Marriott, 429. ground (Mr. Aikens), 846. Mr. Morris, 465, 1305. Alderley railway station, alterations (Mr. Mr. Pie, 342. Morris), 52. Mr. Sparkes, 198, 1526. Alrna-Den-Mungana railwRy, Reconditioning of (Mr. Aikens), 846. Mr. Wanstall, 2601. Ambulance subsidies (Mr. Low), 355, 641, Personal Statements­ 672. Mr. Aikens, 1305. Anti-picketing Fines, Payment of (Mr. Mr. Burrows, 344. Paterson), 107; (Mr. Pie), 262; (Mr. Mr. Paterson, 344. Wanstall), 276; (Mr. Russell), 275, Mr. Smith, 2340. 300; (Mr. Decker), 429. Precedence of Government Business on­ Apple cases and exports (Mr. Decker), Thursday, 752. 2272. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 21. Appropriation Bill, ~o. 1, Alleged rushing through Parliament (Mr. Jesson), 5;5. Premier, Delegation of Authority whilst absent overseas to Hon. V. C. Gair, Auditor-General's Report, Date of presen­ 227. tRtion (Mr. ~icklin), 550, 861. Princess Elizabeth, Her Royal Higl!ness Away-from-home allowances to scholar­ and Duke of Edinburgh, Address to ship holders (Mr. Aikens), 54. His Majesty, the King, on occasion Ayr State Farm, Clare Road (Mr. of Royal Birth, 1397. Nicklin), 105. Printing Committee (appointment), 21. Bajool·Marmor water supply (Mr. Nicklin), 1966. Private Members' }lotions- Banking, Nationalisation of, State inter­ Food for Hungry Peoples Production of vention in appeal to Privy Council (Mr. Davies), 562. ' (Mr. Hiley), 780, 2117; (Mr. Nicklin), Mineral Resources, Development of (Mr. 780; (Mr. Pie), 2091. Smith), 723. Barambah Creek irrigation (Mr. Heading), Privilege- 2207. Questions to Ministers- Barbed wire, Supplies of (Mr. Nicklin), Notice of motion (Mr. Hiley) to examine 750; (Mr. Sparkes), 1815, 2054; (Mr. an alleged breach of privilege by Mr. Muller), 2054, 2354. Speaker, 1064; (withdrawn), 1321. Barrumundi, Minimum size of (Mr. Removal of Notices of Motion from Aikens), 2056. Business Sheet, 2601. Basic wage and forty-hour week, Replies by Ministers to questions not Increased cost to Railway Departmen~, to be made vehicle of attack by outside (Mr. Bjelke-Petersen), 107. persons on honourable members, 1905, Basic wage (Commonwealth), State inter­ 1967. vention on (Mr. Nicklin), 2038. Production of :Food for Hungry Peoples Beach, South Coast mining (Mr. Kerr), (Motion-Mr. Davis), 562, 641. 994; netting (Mr. Kerr), 1700. Questions- Beattie, Mr., Report on cattle industry (Mr. Maher), 2118. Form, Scope and Limitations of (Mr. Speaker), 262, 465, 723, 919, 1064, Beer- 1222, 1526, 1765, 1904, 1905, 1967, Mt. Isa supplies (Mr. Smith), 1660. 2147. Western towns, Shortage in Mr. X otiee of Motion to examine an alleged Russell), 146. breach of privilege by Mr. Speaker Bennett, Dr. H. H., Suggested visit to (Mr. Hiley), 1064; (withdrawn), 1321. (Mr. Wanstall), 1304. 6 INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Bills, Alleged disclosure of contents (Mr. Building operations, Priority to housing Morris), 561. (Mr. Kerr), 1319. Bitumen and concrete roads, Cost of (Mr. Building permit for Queensland Pastoral . Low), 119, 465. Supplies Coy. (Mr. Sparkes), 2355 . Bitumen drums, Sale to farmers (Mr. Building permits, Numbers issued (Mr. Macdonald) 1062. Bjelke-Petersen), 1814. Blair Athol coalfield- Burgowan Colliery dispute (Mr. Farrell), Capital for development (Mr. Bjelke­ 1903. .Petersen), 52. Burns, Mr. G., and Communist Party, Development of (Mr. Pie), 2273. Statement by (Mr. Morris), 427; (Mr. Electric Supply Corporation (Overseas) Wanstall), 427. Limited-Borings (Mr. Hiley), 1249; Bus concessions to school children (Mr. franchise (Mr. Hiley), 1249, 1317. Low), 672; (Mr. Nicklin), 2053. White Paper on (Mr. Hiley), 2039. Cnirns hotel for tourists, Remodelling of Bowen- (Mr. Morris), 146. Hospitals Board, Dismissal of Dr. Hurrey Cal!ide and Mulgeldie coal for Victoria (Mr. Nicklin), 51. (Mr. Kerr), 276. Railway improvements, Requests for (Mr. Calliope-Many Peaks, Galvanised iron Paterson), 1468. roofing for (Mr. Maher), 2117. State school lavatories (Mr. Paterson), Camp Mountain railway disaster (Mr. 2207. Aikens), 1671. Bread delivery pool (Mr. Roberts), 277. Candle and carbide supplies, North Queens­ Bricks, Prices of (Mr. Russell), 1317. land (Mr. Aikens), 55. Brisbane Abattoir, Industrial dispute at Canteen at Central Technical College (Mr. (Mr. Wanstall), 1526. Morris), 18. Brisbane Bread Delivery Pool (Mr. Carbide and candle supplies, North Roberts), 277. Queensland (Mr. Aikens), 55. Brisbane footnaths, Control of (Mr. Cattle- Aikens), 1091. Beattie, Mr., Report on industry (Mr. Brisbane-Gympie rail service, Restoration Maher), 2118. of (Mr. Low), 341, 919. Brucellosis in, Use of strain 45/20 (Mr. Brisbane. healtl1, electricity, transport Macdonald), 1524. serviCes (Mr. Gunn), 2341. Charleville-Dirranbandi, Truckings at Brisbane sewerage workers' conditions (Mr. Sparkes), 993. (Mr. Roberts), 1903. Compensation for destroyed stock (Mr. Th-itish Electric Supply Corporation, Nicklin), 1148. Financial standing of (Mr. Davis), Expenditure, Dairy Cattle Improvement 108. Fund (Mr. Macdonald), 1163. British Food Corporation- Slaughtering of starved cattle at Cattle bought by (Mr. Sparkes), 2147; Townsville (Mr. Aikens), 1371, 1753. (Mr. Maher), 2508. Cement works, Stuart, N.Q., Proposed Field Manager of (Mr. Bjelke-Petersen) construction at (Mr. Aikens), 147. 1456. ' Central district, Spread of treepear (Mr. Machinery and supplies, Allotted and Nicklin), 427. delivered (Mr. Evans), 51; (Mr. Central schools in country areas, Estab­ Mcintyre), 2089. lishment of (Mr. Morris), 76. Ploughing (Mr. Sparkes), 145. Central Technical College, Provision of Properties acquired (Mr. Maher), 1249; canteen at (Mr. Morris), 18. (Mr. Nicklin), 2053. Charitable funds, Supervision of (Mr. Protein stock foods, Sources of supply Nicklin), 859. (Mr. Wanstall), 227. Charleville-Chinchilla train, Alleged delay Tillage operations and labour conditions by union organisers (Mr. Sparkes), (Mr. Maher), 20. 1525. Broadcasting of Parliamentary debates Charleville-Dirranbandi, Cattle trucking at (Mr. Chalk), 1250. (Mr. Sparkes), 993. Jlruce Highway, Surfacing of, in Noosa Child Welfare Hostels, Accommodation at Shire (Mr. Low), 2131. (Mr. Morris), 845; costs (Mr. Brucellosis in cattle, Use of strain 45/20 Morris), 918. (Mr. Macdonald), 1524. Clare Road State Farm, Ayr (Mr. Nicklin), Buderim and Mapleton Tramways, 105. Indebtedness of (Mr. Low), 119. Clevedon Highway, Route of (Mr. Aikens), Budget forecast at Premiers' Conference 197. (Mr. Pie), 861, 954. Cloncuny Hospital, Staffing of (Mr. Buffalo Fly- Smith), 1250. Infestation and treatment (Mr. Mac· Cloncurrv-Mount Isa mineral belt, donald), 628. Geophysical survey of (Mr. Nicklin), Tax (Mr. Russell), 1753. 261. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 7

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Clover (ladino), Experiments in growing Co-operative sheds at railway stations of (Mr. Macdonald), 721. (Mr. Low), 2523. Coal-mining Industry­ Copley, Mr. W. J., Motor vehicle allotted to Blair Athol field- (Mr. Decker), 53. Capital for development of (Mr. Coral deposits, Moreton Bay (Mr. Low), Bjelke-Petersen), 52. 146. Development of (Mr. Pie), 2273. Corned beef, Prices of (Mr. Paterson). Electric Supply Coroporation (Over­ 1304. seas) Ltd.-Borings (Mr. Hiley), Coroner's inquiry, Death of Mr. H. A. 1249. Grice (Mr. Mann), 1752, 1753. Franchise (Mr. Hiley), 1249, 1317. Coroners, .Justices of the Peace acting as (Mr. Macdouald), 2039. White Paper on (Mr. Hiley), 2039. Burgowan Colliery dispute (Mr. Farrell), Cotton Industry- 1903. Assistance to (Mr. Pie), 1903. Calli de and Mulgeldie coal for Victoria Guaranteed price (Mr. Hiley), 261; (Mr. (Mr. Kerr), 276. Pie), 76, 722, 953. Collinsville State mine, Production and Mecllunisation anu prices (Mr. Pie), sales (Mr. Paterson), 861. 1398. "Colmol" machine (Mr. Nicklin), 2146. Production (Mr. Nieklin), 119. Leases granted (Mr. Maher), 1007. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Saving of Queenslan

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Dirranbandi-Charleville, Cattle truckings Film "Iron Curtain," Exhibition of (Mr. (Mr. Sparkes), 993. Morris), 549. Tlisposals Commission (See "Common­ .Fire-breaks along railway lines (Mr. wealth''). Russell), 708. Dock, Cairneross, Colmslie, Work for (Mr. Firewood vendors, Registration of (Mr. Pie), 277. Kerr), 1372. Dollar credits for tractors (Mr. Bjelke­ Fish Industry- Petersen), 919. Barramundi, Minimum size of (Mr. Domestic Science and Craft classes in State Aikens), 2056. Schools (Mr. Luckins), 591. Canning (Mr. Morris), 105. Do-vvnes, F. A. R. and H. A., Purchase of Mullet, Dumping of (Mr. Wanstall), land by Housing Commission (Mr. 2205. Chalk), 1064. Fitzroy and Burdekin bridges, Design and Dress of Members in Parliamentary construction of (Mr. Luckins), 1557, refreshment rooms (Mr. Aikens), 861. 1670. Drought relief, Land poliry with respect to Flour, Export of (Mr. Russell), 953. (Mr. Russell), 1558. Food (fresh), Air transport to west Drunken drivers of motor vehicles (Mr. (~fr. Kerr), 2206. Nicklin), 750. J<'ootwear and meat, Prices of (Mr. Pater­ Dunwich- son), 1221. State School, Particulars of (Mr. Forsayth to Croydon rail link, Building of Hiley), 53. (Mr. Aikens), 708. Town leases (Mr. Plunlrett), 1397, 1525. Forty-hour week and an increased basic Dwyer, Mr.­ wage, Cost to Railway Department Earnings of (Mr. Aikens), 780. (Mr. Bjelke-Petersen), 107. Government positions held by (Mr. Foxtail weed, Eradication of (Mr. Aikens), 708. Sparkes), 2523. East Toowoomba State school, Writing on Free Medicine Scheme, Attitude of B.M.A. slate, removal from school (Mr. (Mr. Aikens), 2146. Aikens), 1371; (Mr. Farrell), 1320. Freights and fares, Railway Department­ Education, Decentralisation (Mr. Morris), Differential charges (Mr. Snarkes), 1006. 227, 549. Discriminatory charges (Mr. Pie), 212. Egg Prices (Mr. l'\ieklin), 2272. Increases (Mr. Low), 7 6, 722. Elections- Galvanised Iran- Enrolments (Mr. Nicklin), 51; (Mr. Brisbane houses, Use on (Mr. Low), 993. Morris), 2523. Cyclone and flood damage, Supplies for Keppel-Normanby subdivisions, Re­ (Mr. Maher), 2117; (Mr. Nicklin), arrangement (Mr. Pie), 993. 2206. Quarterly rolls and secrecy of ballot ~orth Queensland, Supply to (Mr. (Mr. Low), 2273. Aikens), 54. Electric Supply Corporation, Financial Road transport of (Mr. Sparkes), 2354. Standing of (Mr. Davis), 108. Supplies (Mr. Chalk), 751, 1063, 1319. Electricity charges, Tempor

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Grice, Mr. A. A., Coronia! inquiry into Housing- death of (Mr. Mann), 1752, 1753. Aged persons, Provision of housing for Groundsel, Northgate railway station (Mr. Pie), 1765. (Mr. Low), 1764. Building restrictions, Continuance of (Mr. Kerr), 1319. Grovely camp area- Collinsville, Building of houses under Housing scheme (Mr. Morris), 197, 211. day-labour (Mr. Paterson), 2508. School site (Mr. Morris), 211, 227. Commission-(See also individual items). Gympie- Employees, Number of (Mr. Chalk), Brisbane rail service, Restoration of 54. (Mr. Low), 341, 919. Goodall, Eric Edward, Purchase of Hospital, X-ray examinations (Mr. land in East Toowoomba from (Mr. Low), 212. Chalk), 1007, 1064. Houses- Harlaxton State school, Proposed new building (Mr. Chalk), 213. Constructed, Particulars of (Mr. Chalk), 19. Haughton River, Proposed new bridge over Cost per square and number erected, (Mr. Aikens), 845. July, 1947, to August, 1948 (Mr. Healy, Englart, and J ulius, Payment of Nicklin), 561. iines and release from gaol (Mr. Interest rates, Reduction of (Mr. Paterson), 107; (Mr. Pie), 262, 1966; 'furner), 355. (Mr. Wanstall), 276; (Mr. Russell), Concrete tiles below standard, Use of 275, 300. (Mr. Wanstall), 1371. Heifers for soldier settlers (Mr. Mcintyre), Costs, Increase in (Mr. Kerr), 549. 198. Dalrymple Heights, Allocation of build­ Herbert River, Alleged pollution of (Mr. ing allotments (Mr. Evans), 1558. Jesson), 1765; (Mr. Sparkes), 781. Dwellings required to overtake lag (Mr. Holiday on 28 December, 1948, Proposell Kerr), 1319. (Mr. Paterson), 708, 1007. Electricity charges, Temporary housing Hospitals- projects (Mr. Nicklin), 1063. Bowen, Dismissal of Dr. Hurrey (Mr. Galvanised iron- Nicklin), 51. Brisbane houses, Use on (Mr. Lowj, Brisbane General- 993. Insane patients, Certiiications of (Mr. Road transport of (Mr. Sparkes), 2354. Decker), 106, 145, 261. Shortage of (Mr. Chalk), 1319. Shock treatment of mental patients Grovely Camp Area- (Mr. Decker), 145. Housing scheme (Mr. Morris), 197, 21 J. Brisbane General, insane patients, School site (Mr. Morris), 211, 227. Certifications of (Mr. Decker), 106, Priorities for dasses of building (Mr. 145, 261. Kerr), 13HJ. Shock treatment of mental patients (Mr. Rental Houses (State)­ Deckcr), 145. Particulars of (Mr. Chalk), 19. Building of (Mr. Russell), 1455. Pensioner tenants (Mr. Pie), 212. Cloncurry, Staffing of (Mr. Smith), 1250. Roofing Iron- Dental H llspital charges (Mr. Hiley), Ex s.s. "Swainby," Damage to (Mr. 992. Chalk), 751. Electro-mAdical equipment in (Mr. Wallangarra, Commonwealth stocks at Nicklin), 515. (Mr. Chalk), 751; (Ministerial Gympie, X-ray examinations (Mr. Low), statement), 1305. 212. Stafford housing project, Shortage of Mental patients, Maintenance of (Mr. materials at- Pie), J 815, 1966. Audit of stocks (Mr. Nicklin), 1918. Millmerran, Construction at (Mr. Categories of materials short (Mr. Mcintyre), 53. Hiley), 992. New, Construction of (Mr. Decker), 145. Deficiency, A pportionmcnt of (Mr. Rail concessions to staff of (Mr. Low), Pie), 1148. 591. Timbers, Prices paiu for (Mr. Hiley), Redcliff,, Construction at (Mr. Nicklin), 919, 992. 18. State houses, Sales of (Mr. Chalk), 2090, Rockhampton, Emergency lighting (Mr. 2600. Morris), 2039. ''Truth,·'' Allegations of bad housing Southport Maternity, Construction of conditions (Mr. Moore), 14 7. (Mr. Plunkett), 19. Warwick, Market Square, Sewerage con­ Staffing of (Mr. Maher), 861. nections (Mr. l\Iadsen), 147. Subsidies for construction of suburban Wynnum North, Costs of 10 houses (Mr. Kerr), 1063. (Mr. Hiley), 1164. 10 INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Hurrey (Dr.), Dismissal, Expenses paid to Landsdowne resumption, Allotment of Mr. .J. M. Barry (Mr. Nicklin), 51. additional areas to (Mr. Nicklin), Hybrid seed maize, Restrictions on 2118. importation from Xew South Wales Leinster, R. E. J., Tobacco Growers' (Mr. M8dspn), 780. Co-operative Association, Alleged dis­ Industrial Court- missal from North Queensland Co-op. Appointments to (Mr. Low), 2355, 2508. Bacon Association Ltd. (Mr. Penalty-rates claims, Hearing of (Mr. Theodore), 1904; (Mr. Evans), 1906. Paterson), 2056. Level crossing, \Voolloongabba, Suggested Ingham, Proposed high school at (Mr. removal (Mr. Luckins), 51. Morris), 1372. Library Board, Bmefactions and donations Inkerman Sugar :Mill, Railway trucks for (Mr. H. B. Taylor), 146. raw sugm· to Bowen jetty (Mr. Libraries, Subsidies to (Mr. H. B. Taylor), Paterson), 1164. 53. Insane patients at Brisbane General Liquor Acts, Enforcement of provisions Hospital, Certification of (Mr. Decker), (Mr. Nicklin), 750. 106, 145, 261. Live hare coursing (Mr. Nicklin), 276. Interest rates. Rednction of (Mr. Turner), Loans- 355. Interest rates, Reduction of (Mr. Interest return under Landlord and Tenant Turner), 355. Act (Mr. Kerr), 427. Interstate road traffie, Tax on (:Nir. Chalk), Local AuthoritiPs- 628. Interest and redemption payments by Jron and step] supplies. Allocation of (Mr. State and local authorities (Mr. Aikens, 2145. Nicklin), 590. Loans and subsidies (Mr. Muller), '' Tron Curtain'' film, :FJxhibition of (rdr. 106; (Mr. Evans), 341. Morris), 549. Island Industries Board, Shortages in Local Authorities- stores (~fr. Wanstall), 1J63, 1165, Amalgamation, Absorption of staff (Mr. 1250. Maher), 1090. •Jnndowae, llesnmption of land for soldier Guaranteed railways, Payments on (Mr. settlement (:\fr. Sparkes), 922. Low), 198. J:tpanese good~. :ifarking of (Mr. Aikens), Interest rates, Recluction of (Mr. 515. Turner), 355. Julius, Englart, and Healy, Payment of Loans and subsidies (Mr. Muller), 106· fines and release from gaol (Mr. (Mr. Evans), 341; dissection of (M;. Paterson), 107; (::\fr. Pie), 262, 429, Evans), 562. 1966; (Mr. Wanstall), 276; summonses, Subsidies paid to Brisbane City Council fines and costs (1fr. Russell), 275, 300. and other local bodies (M'r. Evans), Justices of the Peace- 562. Allowances for acting as coroners (Mr. Water supplies in country areas, Macdonald), 2039. Subsidies for (Mr. Low), 1764. Appointment of (Mr. Low), 846. Main Roads Commission- Kenilworth, Establishment of police district Bitumen drums, Sale to farmers (Mr. and station at (Mr. Low), 919. Macdonald), 1062. Kilkivan and Goomeri districts, Land Commonwealth grants (Mr. Macdonald), frozen for soldier settlement (Mr. 75. Heading), 7'7. Concrete and bitumen roads, Comparison Kindergartens, Free Government (Mr. of costs (Mr. Low), 465. Roberts), 921. Plant purchased from Commonwealth Kuraby railway line, Duplication of (Mr. Disposals Commission (Mr. Bjelke­ Kerr), 18. Petersen), 629, 709. _L:tdino clover, Experiments in growing of Roads gazetted and constructed, Mileage (Mr. Macdonald), 721. of (Mr. Low), 562. Lady Musgrave Island, Lease of (Mr. Surveyors, Number of (Mr. Low), 77. Pie), 1372. Maize- Lake Learmonth, Fitzroy river, Investi­ gations into weir (Mr. Nicklin), 2039. Hybrid seed, Importation of (Mr. Madsen), 780. Land sales, Delay in approval of (Mr. Pool transactions (Mr. Nicklin), 1524. Madsen), 1814. Land settlement (soldiers) (See "Soldier Many Peaks and Calliope, Galvanised iron Settlement''). roofing for (Mr. Maher), 2117. I,and tenure, Policy of Government owing Mnpleton and Buderim tramways, Indebted· to drought (Mr. Russell), 1558. ness of (Mr. Low), 119. I,and valuations for State departments JYinreeba and Dimbulah tobacco farms, (Mr. Kerr), 2117. Irrigation of (Mr. H. B. Taylor), 106. J,andlord and Tenant Act, Interest return Marmor-Bajool water supply (Mr. Niek­ under (Mr. Kerr), 427, 1007. lin), 1966. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 11

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Maternal and Child Welfare Hostels Mount Convenient trucking yards, Pay-­ Accommodation at (Mr. Morris), 845? ment of royalties (Mr. Evans), 19. costs (Mr. Morris), 918. ' Mount Garnet-Lappa Junction railway, Meat- Report of Chief Engineer on (Mr. Butchers (wholesale), Proposed discus­ Aikens), 1221. sion with Acting Premier (Mr. Mount Isa- Sparkes), 751. Beer supplies, Increase of (Mr. Smith), Exports to Great Britain and other 1660. countries (Mr. Aikens), 628. Geophysical snrvey, Cloncnrry-Mount Isa Pies and ice cream, Nutritional value of mineral belt (Mr. Nicklin), 261. (Mr. Nicklin), 750. Mount Mulligan State coal mine, Operating Price and quality of (Mr. Aikens), 549; loss (Mr. Nicklin), 722. (Mr. Paterson), 549, 1221. Mount Surprise-Alma-den railway line, Townsville, Meat from southern sonrre Reconditioning of (Mr. Aikens), 846; (Mr. Plimkett), 2220, 2448. Chief Engineer's report on (Mr. Medical Assessment Tribunal, Personnel Aikens), 1221. and powers of (Mr. Aikens), 2146, Mulgeldie and Ca!lide coal for Victorirl 2274. ' (Mr. Kerr), 276. Medical post-graduate course (Mr. Aikens), :Mullet, Dumping of (Mr. Wanstall), 2205. 2274. Mundingburra State school, Enrolment antl Medicine scheme, Commonwealth, Distribu­ conduct (Mr. Aikens), 1219. tion of pamphlets, Townsville District Mungana, Number of cattle railed from Hospital (Mr. Aikens), 197. (Mr. Aikcns), 846. Members, Debate on motions of (Mr. Mungana railway, Report of Chief Engineer Barnes, 2448. on (Mr. Aikens), 1221. Mentally sick patients- Mungana-Alma-den railway, Reconditioning Certification at Brisbane General Hospi­ of (Mr. A ikens), 846. tal (Mr. Decker), 106, 145, 261. .:"Jambour- Maintenance of (Mr. Pie), 1815; Com­ C.W.A. hostel for secondary school monwealth subsidy for (Mr. Pie), 1966. pupils, State grant for (Mr. Low), Shock treatment (Mr. Decker), 145. 428. Migrants (nominated), Transport of (Mr. Motor-vehicle registrations (Mr. Low), Aikens), 629. 1164. Milk, Price-fixing determination on with­ Transport licencE' and permits (Mr. drawal of Commonwealth subsidy Low), 1164. (Mr. Decker), 515. Native Affairs; Thursday Island, Report h.I­ :Vfillmerran public hospital, Construction of Mr. G. A. Cameron (Mr. Wanstall), (Mr. Mcintyre), 53. 1163, ] 165, 1250. N ebo coal deposits, Investigations of (Mr. :'\fillmerran- distriets, Blasting for Evaus), 53; prospecting (Mr. Nick­ dams on private property (Mr. lin), 2206. Mcintyre), 1164. New Guinea forests, Inspection of (Mr. :\liners' phthisis payments, Right of appeal Barnes), 19. (Mr. Nicklin), 105; liberalisation (Mr. Donald), 147. New South vV nles-Qneensl::md trade, Ro::t<1 tax on (~Ir. Chalk), 628. Mining grants, Federal and State (Mr. Aikens), 1399. New States- Mining on South Coast beaches (Mr. Estimates, :Suggested preparation _ on Kerr), 994. divisional basis (Mr. Pie), 212. Moreton Bav coral deposits (Mr. Low), I<'inancial stability, Source of informa­ 146. " tion (l\fr. Nicklin), 640. Morris Oxford motor cars (new), Regis­ Government policy (Mr. Pie), 54. tration of (Mr. Paterson), 2056. North Coast railway, Date of operation of Mothercraft Association, Payments to (Mr. new time table (Mr. Low), 1064. Morris), 845. North Queensland- Motor-car, Government, Alleged misuse of Carbide and candles for mining (Mr. (Mr. Macdonald), 145. Aikens), 55. Motor-car traffic indicators (Mr. Morris), Cement works, Stuart, Proposed con­ 2340. struction (Mr. Aikens), 147. Motor-vehicles, Police action on drunken Galvanised iron for fiuming (Mr. drivers (Mr. Nicklin), 750. Aikens), 54. Motor-vehicle accidents, Prosecutions in Sugar lifted from ports (Mr. Lm;kins), Supreme Court (Mr. Aikens), 1149, 105. 1399. North Queensland Tobacco Growers; Co­ Motor-vehicle registration fees, Reduction operative factory, Government guaran­ for petrol rationing (Mr. Low), 561. tee to (Mr. Pie), 1660. Motor-vehicle registrations, N ambour (MT. Northgate railway station, Clearing of Low), 1164. groundsel (Mr. Low), 1765. 12 INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Nudgee Beach retaining wall (Mr. Private members' motions, Debate on Roberts), 276. (Mr. Barnes), 2448. Nurses, Concessional rail fares to (Mr. Proserpine sugar mill, Railway trucks for Low), 591. raw sug:u (Mr. Paterson), 1164. Oslo lunch, Nutritive value of meat pies Protein stock food, Supplies of (Mr. and ice cream (Mr. Nicklin), 750. Wanstall), 227. Parliament, Broadcasting of proceedings (Mr. Chalk), 1250. Public Debt, Contributions from Common· Parliamentary Delegation (Federal), Costs wealth (Mr. Kerr), 672. of (Mr. Aikens), 107. Public Examinations- Penalty-rate claims, Hearing by Industrial Scholarships, mathematics, and geography Court (Mr. Paterson), 2056. papers (Mr. Chalk), 2131. P~nsioner tenants, State Housing Commis­ Teacher scholarships (Mr. Morris), 52. sion (Mr. Pie), 212. University scholarship, Greek and Latin, Pink Elephant cnse (Mr. Aikens), 107. Points awarded (Mr. Paterson), 2132. Pipes and barbed wire, Shortage of (Mr. Public Instruction Department, Decen· Sparkes), 2054. tralisation (Mr. Morris), 227, 549. Piping used for fenees (Mr. Chalk), 1319. Public Service- Pleurisy, Relation to tuberculosis (Mr. Communist Party's alleged activities Morris), 2341. (Mr. Paterson), 197 . .Police- Housing Commission, Number of Kenilworth, Establishment of police employees (Mr. Chalk), 54. district (Mr. Low), 919. Main Roads Commission, Number of sur­ Nambour, Motor vehicle registrations at veyors (Mr. Low), 77. (Mr. Low), 1164. Superannuation funil, Contributions and Transport licences and permits (Mr. payments (Mr. Kerr), 340. Low), 1164. Purcell, Detective Sergeant, Houses owned Post-war Reconstruction and Development by (Mr. Aikens), 1091. Trust Fund-Amount withdrawn Queensland-British Poocl Corporation­ 30 June, 1948 (Mr. Hiley), 17. Barbed wire, Allotment from 3,000 coils Uredit balanee and expenditure at (Mr. Sparkes), 2354. 30 June, 1948 (Mr. Muller), 17; (Mr. Low), 751. Cattle purchases (Mr. Sparkes), 2147; (Mr. Maher), 2508. Poultry Industry, Supplies of protein food (Mr. Wanstall), 227. Field manager (Mr. Bjelke-Petersen), 1456. Powell Duffryn Technical Services Ltd., Work of (Mr. Aikens), 2145. Machinery and supplies allotted and delivered (Mr. Evans), 51; (Mr. Premiers' conference, Budget forecast at Mcintyre), 2089. (Mr. Pie), 860, 954. Premier's overseas visit (Mr. Pie), 54. Properties acquired (Mr. Maher), 1249; (Mr. Nicklin), 2053. Prices control- Administration costs. Payment by Com­ Protein stock food, Supplies of (Mr. monwealth Goyermnent (Mr. Heading), Wanstall), 227. 2040. Tillage operations and labour conditions Basic wage increases (Mr. Paterson), (Mr. Maher), 20; (Mr. Sparkes), 145. 1162. Queensland-New South Wales trade, Road Bricks, Delay in fixing price (Mr. tax on (Mr. Chalk), 628. Russell), 1317. Queensland Pastoral Supplies Coy., Build· Corned beef (Mr. Paterson), 1304. ing permit for (Mr. Sparkes), 2355. Eggs (Mr. Nicklin), 2272. Quinlan, Mr., Landsdowne resumption (Mr. Fencing materials transport costs (Mr. Nicklin), 2118. Muller), 2054. Railways- Footwear (Mr. Paterson), 1221. Alderley station, Alterations (Mr. Jncreases and notiiication thereof (Mr. Morris), 52. Paterson), 722. Alma-den-Lappa Junction line, Inspection Meat (Mr. Paterson), 1221. of (Mr. Aikens), 1221. Prime Minister's stntement on State Alma-den-Mungana line, Reconditioning control (Mr. Pie), 1222; (Mr. Wan­ of (Mr. Aikens), 846. stall), 1670. Basic wage and forty-hour week, Prosecutions (Mr. Paterson), 1162. Increased cost to Department (Mr. Staff, Particulars of (Mr. Sparkes), 2054. Bjelke-Petersen), 107. J:'Tisons- Booking fees on trucks, Forfeiture of Simpson, Mr. A. H., Chief warder at (Mr. Nicklin), 1699. Stuart, Resignation of (Mr. Aikens), Bowen facilities, Improvements to (Mr. 2206, 2341. Paterson), 1468. Warders, Resignations of (Mr. Aikens), Drisbane-Gympie service, Restoration of 2274. (Mr. Low), 341, 919. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 13

QlT~ESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Railways-continued: Hailways-continued: Brisbane-Talwood stock train, Late run­ Local Authority payments on guaranteed ning of (Mr. Sparkes), 1091. lines (Mr. Low), 198. Camp Mountain disaster, Alleged finding Mount Convenient trucking yards, Pay­ of tender bogie king pin (Mr. Aikens), ment of royalties (Mr. Evans), 19. 1671. Mount Garnet-Lappa Junction line, Cattle trnckings, Charle>ille-Dirranbandi Inspection of (Mr. Aikens), 1221. (Mr. Sparkes), 993. Mount Surprise-Lappa Junction line, Charleville-Chinchilla train, Activities Inspection of (Mr. Aikens), 846. junior organisers on (Mr. Sparkes), Mungana-Alma-den line, Reconilitioning 1525. of (Mr. Aikens), 846. Charleville-Dirranbandi e~ttle trnckings North-Coast timetable (new), Date of (Mr. Sparkes), 993. operation of (Mr. Low), 1064. Co-operative sheds at stations, Increased :\orthgate station, Destruction of ground rents for (Mr. Low), 2523. groundsel (Mr. Low), 1765. Croydon-Forsayth line, Proposed con­ Proserpine and Inkerman sugar mills, struction of (Mr. Aikens), 708. Sugar trucks for, 1164. Dirranbandi-Charleville eattle trnckings Redbank, Workshops resumptions and (Mr. Sparkes), 993. new home sites (Mr. Donald), 2117. Employees, Salary inerenses to (Mr. Rockhampton and Townsville workshops, Aikens), 1842. Resumptions for (Mr. H. B. Taylor), Fares and freights- 212. Differential charges (Mr. Sparkes), Rolling stock (new), Specification of 1006. (Mr. Nicklin), 2089. 1liscriminatory charges (Mr. Pie), Roma Street freight tonnages (Mr. 212; (Mr. Low), 722. Aikens), 994. luereases (Mr. Low), 77. Roma Street Goods Office, Overtime Nurses, Concessions to (Mr. Low) , 591. worked by clerical staff (Mr. Aikens), }'ort to inland (Mr. Nicklin), 2089. 994. Scoure

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Redcliffe, Proposed public hospital (Mr. Social Welfare course, University (Mr. Nicklin), 18. Morris), 1670. Rent control, Administration cost, Pay­ Soil erosion, Dr. H. H. Bennett, Suggested ment by Commonwealth Government visit to Australia (Mr. Wanstall), 1304. (Mr. Heading), 2040. Soil survey, Burdekin Dam area (Mr. Rental, Government-built houses­ Nicklin), 76. Particulars of (Mr. Chalk), 19. Pensioner tenants (Mr. Pie), 212. Soldiers, Vocational training (Mr. Morris), 18, 105. Road-making equipment, Purchases from Commonwealth Disposals Commission Soldier Settlement- (Mr. Bjclke-Petersen), 629, 709. Burdekin tobacco lands, Area frozen Roads- (Mr. Aikens), ll9. EunQ"ella lands, Opening of (Mr. Evans), Commonwealth grants (Mr. Macdonald), 75. 2090. Frozen land in Dalby district, Suggestecl Concrete and bitumen, Cost (Mr. Low), ll9. release of (Mr. Sparkes), 465. Heifers for settlers (Mr. Mcintyre), 198. Stuart-Giru, Proposed route (Mr. Aikens), 197. Kilkivan and Goomeri districts, Frozen land in (Mr. Heading), 77. Rockhampton Hospital, Emergency lighting (Mr. Morris), 2039. Land ballots and number settled (Mr. Nicklin), 118, 2354; (Mr. H. B. Rockhampton-Townsville Railway Work­ Taylor), 2354. shops, Resumption for (Mr. H. B. Taylor), 212. Sugar Industry- Assignments under War Service (Sugar Rohrdanz, Mrs., Compensation for land at Industry) Land Settlement Act (l\fr. Jandowae (Mr. Sparkes), 922. Evans), 106. Roma State Farm, Leasing of (Mr. Land ballots and number settled (Mr. Muller), 211. Theodore), 2054. Roma Street Railway Goods Offiee. Over­ time worked by clerical staff (Mr. Somerset Dam and Burdekin Bridge, Aikens), 994. Reinforcement for (Mr. Macdonald), 672. Roofing Iron- Sorghum, Export licence for (Mr. Alleged storage by Commonwealth Mcintyre), 1557. Government at Wallangarra (Mr. Chalk), 751, 1063; (Ministerial state­ South Coast beaehes, Mining and net fishing ment), 1305. at (Mr. Kerr), 994, 1700. Gladstone, cyclone damage (Mr. Chalk), Southport maternity hospital, Construction 2055. of (Mr. Plunkett), 19. ''Swainby,'' s.s., Damaged _c_:ugo Stafford housing project (See ''Housing''). insurance payment (Mr. Chalk), i'Jl. Starved cattle in Townsville district, Scholarship Examinations- Slaughtering of (Mr. Aikens), 1371, English textbook (Mr. Manu), 2600. 1753. Mathematics and geography papers (Mr. State and I<'erleral mining grants (Mr. Low), 2131. Aikens). 1319, 1399. Scholarship holders, Away-from-home State Farms- allowance to (Mr. Aikens), 54. Glare Road, Ayr (Mr. Nicklin), 105. Scholarships, Suggested accreditation Gindie, Particulars of (Mr. Maher), 1399. system (Mr. Morris), 76. Receipts (l\fr. Macdonald), ll48. School children- Roma, Leasing of (Mr. Muller), 211. Away-from-home allowances to scholar­ ship holders (Mr. Aikens), 54. States (New)­ Bus concessions to rural and high school Estimates, Suggested preparation on pupils (Mr. Low), 672; (Mr. Nicklin1, divisional basis (Mr. Pie), 212. 2053. Government polic:r (Mr. Pie), 54. Schools (State) (See "State schools''). State Schools- Sewerage workers, Brisbane, Working con­ Bowen School, Lavatories at (Mr. Pater­ ditions of (Mr. Roherts), 1903. son), 2207. Sex instruction in State schools (Mr. Bus concessions to rural and high-school Morris), 1249. pupils ( :Wr. Lo"-), 672 ; (Mr. Nicklin), Sexual offenmestic science and craft classes, Warder. Stnart prison (Mr. Aikens), Establishment of (Mr. Luckins), 591. 2206, 2341. Dunwich, Particulars of (Mr. Hiley), 5iJ. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 15

QUES'l'IONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: State Schools-con tinur·d: Stock Diseases Compensation Fund- ~"Jast 'l'oowoomba school, Slate removed Compensation payments, Suggested from (Mr. Fan·ell), 1320; (Mr. increase (Mr. Nicklin), 1148. Aikeus), 1371. Receipts and payments for 1947-48 (Mr. Grovely school site (Mr. Morris), 211, Muller), 106. 227. Stock food (protein), Supplies of (Mr. Harlnxton, Proposed new building (Mr. \Yanstall), 227. Chall;), 213. Rtock inspectors for Darling Downs, Tngham high school, Proposed construc­ Additional appointments (Mr. Chalk), tion of (Mr. Morris), 13 72. 427. :\{undingburra school, Enrolment an(l Strike, Railway- conduct of head teacher (Mr. Aikens), Compulsory conference and Government's 1319. offer (Mr. Aikens), 119. Heserves, Use ns sports grounds (Mr. Fines, Payment of (Mr. Paterson), 107; Hiley), 478. (Mr. Pie), 262; release of Messrs. Residences at schools, Number of (Mr. Englart, Healy and Julius (Mr. Pater­ Low), 77. son), 107; (Mr. Pie), 262; (Mr. Scholarship examinations, Mathematics Wanstall), 276; report by Commis­ and geography papers (Mr. Low), sioner of Police (Mr. Pie), 429, 1966. 2131. Legal expenses incurred by Crown in 8cholarship holders, Away-from-home prosecutions (Mr. Wanstall), 275. allowances to (Mr. Aikens), 54. 1'\ummonses, fines and cost, Particulars of Schools and residences, Number of (Mr. (Mr. Russell), 275, 300. Low), 77. f'itnart-Giru road, Proposed route of (Mr. Sex instruction (Mr. Morris), 1249. Aikcns), 197. Teachers- Stnhbin, Mr. V., Conduct of as head teacher Appointees from 'l'raining College mul at Mundingburra school (Mr. Aikens), other sources (Mr. Morris), 76. 1319. Appointments (Mr. Morris), 19; (:i\'Ir. Subsidies to Local Authorities (See "Local Farrell), 77. Authorities''). Over-age, Payment (Mr. Mnrriott), Suburban hospitals, Subsidies for (Mr. 145. Kerr), 1063. Resignations (Mr. llforris), 19; (Mr. Sugar Industry- Farrell), 77. Assignments under War Service (Sugar Rcholnrships offered and acceptetl (Mr. Industry) Land Settlement Act (Mr. Morris), 52. Evans), 106. Shortage (Mr. Aikens), 341. Ji'und, Reimbursements from sale of Stubbin, Mr. V., Conduct of (Mr. Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations Aikens), 1319. buildings and equipment (Mr. Evans), Training College, Resignation~ from 549. (Mr. Hiley), 918, 994. Inkerman and Proserpine mills, Railway Y ocational guidance officers, N umber trucks for (Mr. Paterson), 1164. of (Mr. Monis), 52. Production, Expansion of . (Mr. Low), Telephones, Responsibility for cost of 2055. (Mr. Kerr), 1700, 1765. Roldier settlers, Number of blocks and Toowoomba district, Heating of schoolR applications for ballot (Mr. Theodore), (Mr. Chalk), 2055. 2054. University scholars, Commonwealth nid to Shipping arrangements (Mr. Luckins), (Mr. Paterson), 920. 105. f'itate Stores Board Special Standin~ Fund, Surveyors, Main Roads Commission, Num­ Reasons for creation of (Mr. Pie), ber of (Mr. Low), 77. 1165. ''Swainby,'' s.s., Damaged roofing iron State Transport Facilities Act- and insurance payment (Mr. Chalk), Fees levied and collected (Mr. Hiley), 751. 17. Talwood-Brisbane stock train, Late running Lie.enses and permits issued in Nambour of (Mr. Sparkes), 1091. district (Mr. Low) , 1164. Tax (Uniform), Legality of (Mr. Hiley), _:\few South \Vales-Queensland trade, 144. Concessions for (Mr. Chalk), 628. Tea, Alleged adulteration (Mr. Luckins), Special permits, I<'ccs for (Mr. Plunkctt), 1062. 106. Teachers, State Schools- Statutory holiday (proposed) on 28 Decem­ Appointees from Training College and ber (Mr. Paterson), 708, 1007. other sources (Mr. Morris), 76. Steel and iron supplies, Allocation of (Mr. Appointments (Mr. Morris), 19; (Mr. Aikens), 2145. Farrell), 77. Rtoe.k taken by crocodiles in Rockhampton­ Over-age, Payment of (Mr. Marriott), Northern districts (Mr. Evans), 2090. 145. 1G INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS----eontinued: Teaehers, State Schools-continued: Townsvil!e--continued: Resignations (Mr. Morris), 19; (Mr. Starved cattle, Slaughtering of (1\fr. Farrell), 77. Aikens), 1371, 1753. Scholarships offered and accepted (Mr. \Vater supply, Materials for Mt. Spec Morris), 52. pipe line (Mr. Aikens), 464. Shortage (Mr. Aikens), 341. Tractors, Dollar credits for (Mr. Bjelkc­ Stubbin, M. V., Conduct of (Mr. Aikens), Petersen), 919. 1319. Traffic indicators on motor cars (Mr. Training College, Resignations from (Mr. Morris), 2340. Hiley), 918, 994. Transport- Vocational guidance officers, Number of Brisbane health, electricity and trans­ (Mr. Morris), 52. port services, Statement by Mr. J. B. Telephones in State schools, Responsibility Chandler (Mr. Gunn), 2341. for cost of (Mr. Kerr), 1700, 1765. Fees levied and collected under State Texas-Millmerran district, Blasting for Transport Facilities Act (Mr. Hiley), dams (Mr. Mcintyre), 1164. 17. Fencing materials, Cost of (Mr. Muller), Thomas, Mr., Leasing of Roma State farm 2054. to (Mr. Muller), 211. Galvanised iron from other States, Roacl Tiles (inferior), Prosecutions for use of permits for (Mr. Sparkes), 2354. (Mr. Wanstall), 1371. Special permits, Fees for (Mr. Plunkett), Timber Industry- 106. Commission of Inquiry, Appointment of Tree pear in Rockhampton, Ogmore, (Mr. Aikens), 2056. Gogango, and Dawson Valley districts, ~ew Guinea forests, Inspection of (Mr. Spread of and action to combat (Mr. Barnes), 19. Nicklin), 427. Savings effected by O.S.I.R. (:Mr. Tuberculosis, Relationship of pleurisy to Luckins), 1525. (Mr. Morris), 2341. Tobacco- Tyre and tube supplies for Winton carriers (Mr. DeVI·ies), 1907. Mareeba and Dimbulah farms, Irrigation of (Mr. H. B. Taylor), 106. Unemployment relief drawn in Queenslancl (Mr. Pie), 1815. New businesses, Supplies to (Mr. Ma

QUESTIONS-continued: Solicitors anti Barristers, Fees paid by Warwick State houses, Sewerage connections Crown tQ-­ (Mr. Madsen), 147. Order for return (.:Yfotion-Mr. Macdonalrl), Water jugs on Chamber table (Mr. Mahe1·), 22. 21. Return tabled, 14S. Water piping, Use of for fences (Mr. Speaker's Ruling- Chalk), 1319. Notice of motion of dissent (Mr. Nickliu), Water supplies for country towns, Subsidies 264; motion of dissent, 301. for (Mr. Low), 1764. Special Adjournments, 17, 672, 1997, 2089, Western towns- 2145, 2272, 2619. Beer shortage (Mr. Russell), 146. Food by air transport (Mr. Kerr), 2206. Standing Orders- Wheat Industry- Committee, Appointment, 21. Bags, Shortage of (Mr. Madsen), 780. Suspension of- Price stabilisation scheme, Growers' views Appropriation Bill No. 1, 21. on (Mr. Madsen), 920. Landlord and 'l'enant Bill, 120. Winton carriers, Tyre and tube supplies for Passage of Bills through all stages iu (Mr. Devries), 1907. one day, 1305. \Vire- Protiteeriug Prewntion Bill, 309. Barbed- Supply- Importation (Mr. Nicklin), 750. Constitutioy of Committee, 515; openiug Supplies (Mr. Sparkes), 1815, 2054, of, 514. 2354. ESTIMATES It\ CO.UMJ'l'TEE­ Cyclone damage at Gladstone, Extra allo­ cation (Mr. Burrows), 2131. Agriculture and Stock- Netting, Supplies of (Mr. Sparkes), 2354. Administration, 1278, 1325, 140IJ. Shipping from New South Wales, Short­ 1475; amendment to reduce vote bv age of (Mr. Nicklin), 1250. £1 (Mr. Maher), 1402. · · \Vool Industry- Division of Animal Industry, 1605. Clips (small), Classing of (Mr. Maher), Division of Dairying, 1503, 1564. 1149. Division of Marketing, 1487. Scours in West, Closure of (Mr. Russell';, Division of Plant Industry, 1581. 1398. Executive and Legislative­ Woolloongabba level crossing, Suggested Aide-de-camp to His Excellency the removal (Mr. Luckins), 51. Governor, 590, 653, 673, 752, 781, W ooloowin Receiving Home, Removal ef 862, 954, 966. (Mr. Pie), ] 372. Health and Home Affairs- \Vooster, Dr., Prospecting concession at Charitable Institutions and Grants, Ewan (Mr. Aikens), 261. 1130. Chief Office, 1008, 1091. Workers' compensation, Miners' phthisis patients, Right of appeal (Mr. Nick­ Fire Brigades, 1194. lin), 105; Liberalisation of payments Government Medical Officers, 1194. (Mr. Donald), J47. Hospitals, JJ 35, J165. Wynnum North houses, Cost of (Mr. Hiley), Lazaret, P0el Tsland, 1194. 1764, Maternal and Child Welfare, 112-L X-Ray pxaminations, Gympie hospital (Mr. Mental Hygiene, 1194. Low), 212. Native Affairs, 1114. Police, 1194. Uaihvay Strike, Remission of fines and sentences (want of confidence Police Investment Board, J251. motion-Mr. Hiley), 278. Registration Boards, 1194. State Children, 1251. Refreshment Rooms Committee, Appoint­ ment of, 22. Tourist Bureau, 1257. Votes passed nndpr Standing Order 301 Re}}ly, Address in­ and Sessional Orders- Adoption, 515. Department of Agriculture and Stock- Answer of Governor, 561. Division of Animal Industry, 1609, Debate on, 9, 56, 78, 429, 478. Department of the Auditor-General, 1609. Presentation to Governor, 560. Department of .Justice, 1609. Sitting Days- Department of Labour and Industr;, Extension of hours of sitting, 752. 1609, Friday, 629. Department of }fines, 1609. Precedence of Government business on Department of Public Instruction, lf)ll\J. 'l'hursday, 752. Department of Public Lands, 1609. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 21. Department of Public Works, 1609. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

S PPPLY-continued: Time Limit of Speches­ Department of Railways, 1609. "'Iembers gmnted an extension­ Department of Transport, 1609. Mr. Collins, 82, 642. 1~xecntive and Legislative, 1609. Mr. Duggan, 459. Premier and Chief Secretary's Depart­ Mr. Hiley, 1984. ment, 1609. Mr. Morris, 434. Trust and Special Funds, 1609. Mr. Smith, 727. ·:"oan Fund Account, 1600. Mr. Sparkes, 649. Supplementary Estimates, 1947-48­ Valedictory, 1997, 2619. Consolidated Revenue, 1609. Yote on Account (Message from Governor), Lonn Fund Account, 1609. 34; (Committee of Supply), 34. Trust and Special Funds, 1609. Tote on Account, 1949-50 (Message from Vote on Account, 1949-50, 1609. Governor), 1526; (Committee of R,;:~olutions repm·terl j?"Om Committee­ Supply), 1609. Reception, 1615. Wallnngarra, Galvanised iron at (Minis­ Adoption- terial Statement), 1305. Agriculture antl Stock, 1616. "lYant of Confidence )lotion (Railway Executive nnd Legislative, 1626. Strike-Remission of Fines and Justice, 1635. Sentences) -motion (lVIr. Hiley), 278. Public Lands, 1636. Water Jugs on Chamber 'fable, 21, 516. Resolutions adopted under Standin,; Order 307 and Sessional Orders, 1641. Ways and Means- VC!'J:'E ON Accol-NT (Message from Constitution of Committee, 515. Cl:overnor), 34; Committee of Suppl:y, Opening of Committee, 1642. 34. Hcsolutions, Reception and Adoption of, YOTE ON Accot:N'l', 1949-50 (Message from 1642. Governor), 1526; (Committee of Yote on Account, 50. Supply), 1609. Vote on Account, 1949-50, 1642. LEGISLATIVE A.SSEMBLY.

Index to Speeches.

ATTORNEY -GENERAL [See "Gledson, BILLs-continued: Honourable DaYid Alexander"] . Local Government Acts Amendment (No. 2) (initiation), 476, 530; (2°), 1549; ATTORNEY. GENERAL, Acting [See (committee), 1554. "Power, Honourable William" (Baroona), Secretary for Public Local Government Acts Amendment Works, Housing and Local GOt'• (1949) (initiation), 2182. ernment]. Medical Acts Amendment (initiation), 1560. AIKENS, Thomas, Esquire (}Iunding­ Mining Acts Amendment (No. 2) (2°), burra)­ 1002. Address in Reply, 90. Nurses and III:tsseurs Registration Aets BILLS: Amentlment (initiation), 469, 478; Abattoirs Acts Amendment (initiation), (2°), 1067. 2124; (2°), 2226; (committee), 2254, Officials in Parliament Acts Amendment 2259, 2262, 2266. (1949) (initiation), 2046; (2°), 2099. Apprentices and Minors Acts Amendment Parliame11tary Contributory Superannua­ (initiation), 1465, 1527. tion Fund (initiation), 1942. Coal and Oil Rhale Mine \Vorkers Profiteering Prevention (initiation), (Pensions) Acts Amendment (initia­ 326; (2°), 374; (committee), 398, tion), 635; (2°), 718. 404, 406, ±07' 408, 410, 424. Coal Mining Acts Amendment (commit­ State Edueatiou Acts Amendment (initia­ tee), 1079. tion), 853; (moves amendment), 853; (2°), 1614. Constitution Acts Amendment ( initia­ tion), 1925, 1935; (2°), 1972; (com­ State Housing Ads and Other Acts (Rate mittee), 1976. of Intm·est) (initiation), 1237. Criminal Law Amendment (initiation), Statutory Salaries (initiation), 1895. 605; (committee), 1543, 1544. Sugar Experimeut Stations Acts and Another Aet Amendment (initiation), Dental Acts Anwndment (initiation 1. 2184. 114; 467; (amendment-Mr. Pater­ son), 117, 345, 354. Diseases in Plants Acts Amendmpllf (initiation), 1704. Suppression of Gambling Acts Amenrl­ ment (initiation), 1159, 1235. Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment (No. 2) (committee), 1769. · Supreme Court Acts Amendment (initi:1· tion), 1738. Elections Acts Amendment (initiation), 623; (2°), 1385. Traffic (initiation), 3066; (2°), 2201. Electoral Districts (2 o), 2298; (commit­ Financial Statement, 687. tee), 2363, 2379, 2395, 2408, 2414, 2418. Personal expltwation, 550, 1222. Governor's Salary Act Amendment (2° ), Personnl statclllent, 1305. 1887. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration 1-'oints of order, 164, 203, 226, 231, ;;;;:2, Acts Amendment (initiation), 1718, 550, 702, 951, 1070, 1106, 1173, 1222, 1729; (2°), 1784. 1271, 1:lS:l, l.l44, 1634, 1975, 2121, 2229, 2326, 2375, 2388, 2410. Industrial Lnw Amendment Act of 1948 Repeal (initiation), 205, 244; (2°), Privilege, Alleged subscriptional rate, 265. Quenslaml People's Party, 1271. Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment Railway strike, Hemission of fines and setL­ (initiation), 1687. tenees, 281. I,andlonl and Tenant (initiation), 125; Refreshment Rooms, Dress of Memherl'! in. (2°), 158; (committee), 171, 178, 182. 861. Librarif's Act Amendment (initiation), Speaker's ruling, }fotion to disagree to, 2345. 304. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

AIKENS, Thomas, ES(iulre (Munding. BILLs-continued: burra)-continued: Suppression of Gambling Acts Amend· StJPPLY: ment (initiation), 1223. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTlc:E­ Traffic (initiation), 2079. Agriculture and Stock­ Financial Statement, 774. Administration, 1295, 1444. SUPPLY: Division of Plant Industry, 1602. ESTIMATES I"' COMMITTEE- Health and Home Affairs­ Agriculture and Stock­ Chief office, 1017. Administration, 1418. Hospitals, 1168. Division of Animal Industry, 1608. Police, 1201. Division of Dairying, 1574. State Children, 1252. mtA~~D, William Alfred, Esquire (Isis)­ Tourist Bureau, 1261, 1269. [See also "Chairman of Committees. J:(,wlutions reported from Committee­ Temporary"]- Agriculture and Stock, 1631. BILLs: .Justice, 1635. Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers (Pen· \Vant of confidence motion, 287. sions) Acts Amendment (initiation), 637; (2°), 716. BARNES, John l'rancis, Esquire (Bundm­ Electoral Districts (2°), 2320; (commit­ berg)­ tee), 2377. Address in Reply, 497. Officials in Parliament Acts Amendment (1949) (2°), 2111. BnLS: Profiteering Prevention (initiation), 329. Abattoirs Acts Amendment (initiation), State Education Acts Amendment 2160, 2171; (committee), 2252, 2255, (initiation), 851. 2569, 2582, 2593, 2596. Sugar Experiment Stations Acts and E:Iectoral Districts (initiation), 2015; Another Act Amendment (initiation), (2°), 2311; (committee), 2384, 2405, 346; (2 o), 552; (committee), 596, 597, 2417, 2432, 2447. 599, 600. Industrial Law Amendment Act of 1948 Traffic (committee), 2490, 2495. Repeal (initiation), 208. Point of order, 354. ]~,andlord and Tenant (initiation), 132; Speaker's Ruling, Motion to r1isagree to, (2°), 161; (committee), 173, 184. 306. Nurses and Masseurs Registration Act~ SUPPLY: Amendment (initiation), 468, 470. ESTIMATES IX COMMI'l'TEE- Profiteering Prevention (initiation), 33L Agriculture and Stock­ Roofing Tiles (initiation), 2465; (corn· Administration, 1291, 1425; (motion mittee), 2562. to disagree to Chairman's ruling), 1417. State Education Acts Amendment (initiation), 856. BROWN, Richard Kidston, };squire (Bur­ amla)­ Traffic (initiation), 2078; (2°) 1 2200; (committee), 2468, 2471, 2474, 2476, :~,]dress in Heply (seconds motion), 13. 2482, 2491, 2499, 2516, 2529, 2547, H!LLS: 2553. Elections Acts Amendment (2°), 1380. Financial Statement, 910. Ele~toral Districts (committee), 2387. Library, Refreshment Rooms and Parlia· ScePLY: mentary Buildings Committees, Es'riMATES IN CHIEF­ Appointment of, 25; (amendment- Agriculture and Stock­ Mr. Maher), 32. Administration, 1478. :\Tamed, 2193. Health and Home Affairs­ Points of order, 2319, 2340, 2530, 2545. Chief Office, 1041. :-;uspension, 2596. BRUCE, Honourable Henry Adam (The Tableland)-[Secretary for Public l~.JEJ~KE-PETERSEN, .Joliannes, Esquire (Nanango)­ .Jnstruction]­ .\ddress in Reply, 442. J .. ddress in Reply, 492 . BILLS: BILLS: Apprentices and Minors Acts Amendment Constitution Acts Amendment (initia,· (initiation), 1456, 1472; (2°) 16€12, tion), 1916; (2°) (seconds amend· 1 ment), 1971. 1669. Libraries Act Amendment (initiation), l~lcetoral Districts (2° ), 2331. 2342,2347, 2351; (2°), 2453; (commit­ industrial Law Amendment Act of 1948 tee), 2455, 2456, 2458. Repeal (initiation), 248. State Education Acts Amendment Parliamentary Contributory Supcrannua· (initiation), 847, 948; (2°), 1615; tion Fund (initiation), 1940. (committee), 1661. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 21

BRUCE, Honourable Henry Adam (The ('HAimiAN OF COM~IITTEEIS [lliann, Tableland)-[Secretary for Public John Henry, Esquire (Brisbane)]­ Instruction]-continued: 1See also "Mann, John Henry, BILLS--continued: Es([uire "]­ Suppression of Gambling Acts Amend­ Amendment having been moved, debate ment (initiation), 1232. must be confined to it until disposed of, 347. I~inancial Statement, 661. Personal explanation, 673. 1~II,LS: Generally- Point of order, 1611. Second reading speeches not permitted S1"PPLY: in Committee, 2402, 2567. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ .\ hattoirs Act Amendment- Agriculture and Stock- JliRcussion on regionnl electricity Division of Plant Industry, 1600. boards not in order, 2266. <'oal and Oil Shale Mine Workers (Pen­ BURROWS, Jamcs, Esquire (Port Cur­ sions) Acts Amendment- tis)­ Discussion on pensions to metalliferous Address in Reply (moves motion), 9. miners not in order, 632. BILLS: Coal Mining Acts Amendment- Amendment (Mr. Madsen) not in o1·der ~\ battoirs Acts Amendment (initiation), as another amendment similar in 2159; (committee), 2260, 2267. principle has already been negatived, Appropriation, No. 2 (2°), 1650. 1087. Coal Mining Acts Amendment (initia­ ('onstitution Acts Amendment­ tion), 740; (2°), 976; (committee), Amendment (Mr. Aikens) not in order 990, 1074, 1078, 1082. as it is not relevant to the motion, Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment (No. 1928. 2) (committee), 1761. f-ltate Education Acts Amendment­ Elections Acts Amendment (initiation), Administration may llot be discussed Oll 624; (2°), 1376. initiatory motion, 932, 934, 935, 936, 940. Electoral Districts (initiation), 2031; Amendment (Mr. Marriott) not in {2o), 2297; (committee), 2431. order as another amendment similar Hospital Benefits Agreement Variation in principle has already been (2°) 1 1898. negatived, 953. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Chair- Acts Amendment (initiation), 1728. J\lust be addressed, 126, 626, 689, 761, Industrial Law Amendment Act of 1948 902, 1273, 1586, 17171 2370, 2488, Repeal (initiation), 207; (2°), 269. 2589. Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment Yl:ust be obeyed, 115, 130, 231, 636, 814, (committee), 1808. 1031, 1056, 1205, 1214, 1396, 1439, 1738, 1875, 1926, 2035, 2346, 2359, Landlord and Tenant (initiation), 135; 2399. (2°), 163; (committee), 183. Reflections on not in order, 244, 1061, )Jurses and Masseurs Registration Acts 1490, 2346, 2359. Amendment (initiation), 468. Debate disposed of may not he revived, State Housing Acts and Other Acts 848. (Rate of Interest) (initiation), 1237. Debate must be conducted with dignity and Wheat Industry Stabilisation (2°), 1865. decorum, 791, 1205, 1720, 1832, 2014, 2268, 2374, 2397. J<'inancial Statement, 777. lkhate should be regarded seTiously, 1161. Parliamentary proceedings, Press report of, Denial (See "Statement"). 2220. Personal statement, 344. "Fransard," on current debate, may be quoted, 864. Points of order, 271, 622, 991, 1166, 1374, Improper motives may not be imputed to 1970, 2268. Chairman of Committees, 214. SliPPLY: Improper motives may not be imputed to :fJSTIMATES IN COMMI'l'TEE­ hon. members, 253, 764, 873, 989, 1056, Agriculture and Stock­ 2182. Administration, 1354, 1415, 1430. Improper practices may not be imputed to hon. members, 228. Division of Dairying, 1509, 1575. Industrial Court- Health and Home Affairs­ Imputation of improper motives not in Chief Office, 1048. order, 1720. Hospitals, 1146, J189. Members must be referred to by proper RfiW!lutions reported from Committee­ title, 1719. "'igriculture and Stock, 1616. Reflections on not permitted, 1718, 1723. 22 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

CHAIRlUAN ()}' CO~IMITTEES [Manu, Pointg of order- John Henry, Esquire (Brisbane)]­ Invalid, 253, 311, 690, 702, 866, 1G:Jli, [See also "~lann, John Henry, 1721, 1994. Esquire "]-continued: Speech not permitted, 251. Interjections disorderly, 689, 901, 1832, Heflection on honesty and integrity of 2399. Premier not in order, 253. Interruptions disorderly, 130, 201, 244, 317, Statement or denial of hon. member must 614, 761, 793, 811, 867, 911, 965, 1056, be accepted, 114, 173, 215, 251, 704, 1274, 1439, 1442, 1454, 1587, 1717, 755, 764, 864, 923, 951, 991, 1031, 1874, 1996, 2003, 2015, 2137, 2138, 1032, 1074, 1169, 1170, 1204, 1227, 2359, 2361, 2404, 2416, 2501, 2502, 1273, 1403, 1436, 1437, 1438, 1441, 2512, 2589. 1442, 1443, 1527, 1528, 1721, 1722, Irrelevaneies, Debate must be relevant to 2026, 2365, 2372; but opinions may question before the Committee, 114, be expressed by hon. members and 125, 126, 130, 134, 214, 215, 220, 221, other hon. members have the oppor­ 230, 244, 253, 256, 625, 636, 850, 851' tunity of reply in their speeches, 853, 855, 857, 859, 922, 933, 952, 988, 1524. 990, 1046, 1048, 1055, 1056, 1060, 1061, Statement quoted, Authority should be 1062, 1080, 1081, 1083, 1159, 1160, given as a matter of courtesy, 250. 1161' 1162, 1166, 1204, 1206, 1228, 1264, 1266, 1269, 1273, 1410, 1411, SUPPLY: 1423, 1460, 1488, 1490, 1491, 1527, Generally­ 1536, 1543, 1544, 1560, 1561, 1571, ''Chief Office'' vote, Scope of debate, 1572, 1593, 1600, 1602, 1603, 1684, 1010. 1688, 1722, 1729, 1737, 1738, 1873, Necessity for legislation and matters 1874, 1875, 1877, 1895, 1917, 1925, involving legislation may not be 1926, 1933, 1934, 1940, 1995, 1996, discussed, 1010. 2036, 2046, 2068, 2070, 2075, 2082, Departmental Estimates­ 2123, 2129, 2134, 2148, 2149, 2150, 2160, 2162, 2163, 2164, 2255, 2256, Agriculture and Stock­ 2259, 2261, 2262, 2266, 2268, 2370, Division of Marketing- 2371, 2372, 2373, 2385, 2386, 2394, Control, may be discussed, 1489, 2395, 2396, 2402, 2409, 2418, 2465, 1490, 1491. 2493, 2494, 2554. DcnJlopment of cotton industry Judiciary, Criticism of members not per­ not to be discussed, 1490, 1491. mitted Pxcept on substantive motion, Health and Home Affairs­ 2067. Chief office- Judiciury, Reflee.tions on, not in order, Nationalisation of doctors and 1544, 2067. medicine may not be debated, Matter aLready dealt with cannot lw 1050. dehntrr1 again, 171. Police- Members- Release of prisoners may not be Entitletl to express opinion, but not to discussed, 1195. impute wrong motives, 253. Temperate language in debate desirable, Must lw referred to bv name of eleetorat<' 398, 791, 813, 828, 857, 1405, 1147, or title, 950, 1018: 2014, 2122, 2397, 2404, 2586. Named- Unparliamentary language- Mr. Banws, 2596. Expressions ruled out of order­ Mr. Sparkes, 2399. '' A bunch of cheats,'' 2014. Ordered to resume seat (Mr. Aikens), 636. ''Allow this dishonesty to go,'' 1442. Reflections hy another hon. member, ''Bloody,'' 1031. 215G. "Come outside and say that," 1169. Noise in Chamber, 2494. " 'Cracker-jack' from Keppel," 992. Offensive or unbecoming words in reference ''Dills,'' 2405. to another member of House must not ''He has been knocked about l>.v a he used, 399, 1530, 2155, 2268, 2598. buffalo himself,'' 1273. Opinion may be expressed by hon. member "Hell," 988. about any person outside the House, 311, 811, 1873. "Hon. member for Nundah vi~oronsly fought this issue in Caucus,' J 7'2. Opinions may he expressed by hon. members and other hon. members have the ''Hypocrite, '' 2359. opportunity of reply in their spe<>ehes, ''Irresponsible man,'' 2268. 1524. ''It is a very serious position whpn :1 Other Parliaments, Reference to members supposedly responsible Government should he in a courteous manner, 811, adopt such measures as releasing 815; how members on their honour to lawbreakers and paying their fines,'' make true statements concerning mem­ 249. bers of, 1873. "I will clean you up," 1169. Personalities to be avoided, 2370, 2:174, "Jacky," 2525. 2375. ''Lie,'' 2388. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 23

CHAIRMAN 01<' COM])IITTEES [Mann, Irrelevancies, Debates must Le relevant to John Henry, Esquire (Brisbane)]­ question before the Committee, 942, [See also "Mann, .John Henry, 944, 1229, 1231, 1495, 1520, 1607, 1689 Esquire "]-continued: 2166. ' F nparliamentary language-contiMled: :\lembers entitled to express opinion, 2530. Expressions ruled out of on1er­ continued. Personalities to be avoided, 2530, 2545. ''Mealy-mouthed prude,'' 873 Points of order invalid, 1173, 1517, 2545, ' 'Mr. Fletcher has a much better sense Ntatement or denial of hon. member must of humour and a much better sensl' he' accepted, 873, 1013, 1429, 1449, of decency than the hon. member,'' 1450, 1461, 1516, 1574, 2530. 2268. Nt-PPLY: ''Plain robber,'' 259S. (Tenerally­ "Second rate Minister," 1403. Tru~t and Special Funds may not be ' 'Stooge,'' 1018, d1scussed on Revenue Estimates ' 1 The hon. member for Dalby must have 1040. ' been busy with his bank-robber ]lepartmental Estimates- friends,'' 689. Agriculture and Stock- · 'The Premier evolves this cunning method,'' 253. Division of :i'\farketing­ ' ' The Premier is sacrificing principle Development of cotton industry under pressure from a certain section may not be discussed, 1496. of his party, and you know it too, rnparliamentary language- Mr. Manu,'' 214. Expressions ruled out of order­ · 'They persecuted and victimised the "Jacky Jacky," 1040. late Mr. J usticP E. A. Douglas,'' "Liar," 2529. 1738. 1 'Lowest thing on God·~ enrth,'' 2545. · 'You ain 't goin' to get no bloody "Opposition filth," 2527. 'ospital while I 'm 'ere,'' 1031. en true statements against any hon. member CHAIRJIAN OF COl\HIITTEES, TEJf. must be withdrawn, but hon. members PORARY [Dunstan, 'l'homas, are on their honour to make true state­ Esquire (Gympie) ]-[See also ments concerning members of other "Dunstan, Thomas, Esqnire"]­ Parliaments, 1873. X aminated on panel, 7 CHAIRMAN OF CO~HHTTEES, TE~I­ Chair- PORARY [Urand, William Alfred, Members must address, 1354. Esquire (Isis]-[See also "Brand, Must be obeyed, 2079. William Alfred, Esquire"]­ Interjections disorderly, 835. Nominated on panel, 7. Interruptions disorderly, 773. CHAIRMAN 01<' CO~E\IITTEES, TEM· Irrelevancies, Debates must be relevant to PORARY [Decker, Eric Paul, question before the Committee, 136, Esquire (Sandgate) ]-[See also 1593, 2079. "Decker, Eric Paul, Esquire"]­ Temperate language 1n debate desirable, N ominated on panel, 7. 2079. Unparliamentary language­ ('HAIR.MAN OF COMliiTTEES, TEM­ PORARY [Devries, George Henry, Expressions ruled out of order­ 1 Esquire (Gregory]-[See also ' The only confusion the hon. member "Devries, George Henry, for Dalby created was in telling those Esquire"]­ bank robbers to go to Samford with his car/' 836. =-< aminated on panel, 7. ~'~mendment having been moyer1. ilehatP CHAJR])IAN OF COllnriTTEES, TEM­ must be confined to it until disposetl PORARY [Hilton, Paul Jerome of, 353. Remigius, Esquire (Carnarvon) ]­ JJIJ:.LS: [See also "Hilton, Paul Jerome Electoral Districts- Remigius, Esquire"]­ Amendment (Mr. Morris) not in order Nominated on panel, 7. as it would impose a. charge on the Anwndment having been moved, debate Crown not covered by the message must be confined to it until disposed from His Excellency the Governor, of, 1413, 1414, 1417; mover has no 2446. right of reply, 1417. i:'tate Education Acts Amendment­ BILLS: Discussion on libraries not in order, Generally- 944. Second reading speech not permitte(l in Chair­ Committee, 2569. :Must be obeyed, 1040, 2545. Criminal Law amendment- Challenge to hon. member to fisticuffs not General discussion on all law reform in order, 2545. not in order, 604. 24 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

CHAIRMAN 01<' COMlUITTEES, TEM­ CHALK, Gordon William Wesley, Esf1tdre PORARY [Hilton, Paul Jerome (East Toowoomba)­ Remigius, Esquire (Carnarvon) ]­ Address in Reply, 460. [See also "Hilton, Paul Jerome BILLS: Remigius, Esquire"] continued: Abattoirs Acts Amendment (initiation), BILLS-eontinu,ed: 2155. Industrial Law Amendment Act Repeal­ Apprentices and Minors Acts Amendment Detailed discussion on matters associ­ (initiation), 1464. ated with the introduction of original Electoral Districts (initiation), 203~. Act not in order, 219. Industrial Law Amendment Act of 1948 J,ocal Government Acts Amendment Repeal (initiation), 246. (No. 2)­ Land Acts and other Acts Amendment Royal visit, General discussion on, not (initiation), 1685. in order, 531. Landlord and Tenant (2°), 160. Chair must be obeyed, 1368, 1413, 2362. Profiteering Prevention (2o), 388. Debate must be conducted with dignity and State Education Acts Amendment (i..nithL­ decorum, 1108, 1514. tion), 931. Dissent from Chairman's ruling must be Suppression of Gambling Acts Ameucl­ in writing, 1413. ment (2°), 1307. ''Hansard '' for present session may not he Financial Statement, 762. quoted, 539, 547. Point of order, 1204. Improper motives may not be imputed to Question, Alteration of, 1064. hou. members, 760. Railway strike, Remission of fines aml Interjections­ sentences, 294. Want of confidence motion, 294. Disorderly, 2567. Not in order while member crossing CLARK, James, Esquire (Fitzroy)­ Chamber, 1726. BILLs: Intermptions disorderly, 1361, 1451. Coal Mining Acts Amendment (commit­ Irrelevancies, Debate must be relevant to tee), 1078. question before the Committee, 219, Mineral resources, Development of (seconds 531, 606, 607, 609, 1109, 1219, 1257, motion), 729. 1367, 1368, 1370, 1413, 1416, 1506, 1508, 1512, 1533, 153~ 172~ 2047, Point of order, 2216. 2362, 2378, 2379, 2381, 2424, 2425, SUPPLY: 2437, 2569, 2574. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ :Member ordered to resume seat (Mr. Pie), Health and Home Affairs­ 1108; (Mr. Barnes), 2569. Chief office, 1111. Noise in Chamber, 1514. Hospitals, 1146. Points of order invalid, 1108, 1524, 2362. (:OLLINS, Honourable Harold Heurr Statement or denial of hon. member must (Cook) [Secretary for Agriculture be accepted, 226, 760, 1106, 1123, 1361, 1367, 1419, 1451, 1524, 1771, 2365, and Stock]­ 2424. Address in Reply, 78. Sub judice, Matter sub judice may not be BILLS: made subject of debate, 1109, 1217. Abattoirs Aets Amendment (initiation), SUPPLY: 2084, 2175; (2°), 2207, 2245; (com· Departmental Estimates­ mittee), 2251, 2254, 2261, 2262, 2264; Agriculture and Stock­ 2564 2570, 2571, 2572, 2573, 257li, 2578; 2580, 2582, 2583, 2584, 2581, Administration- 2591, 2595, 2598. Amendment (Mr. Maher) to reduce Diseases in Plants Acts Amendment vote does not permit of a general (initiation), 1701; (2°), 1772; (eom­ discussion on Federal adminis­ mittee), 1780. tration of agricultural indus­ Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment tries, but reference may be made (No. 2) (initiation), 1238; 1245; to grain sorghum, 1412, 1413. (2°), 1739, 1750; (committee), 175!, General discussion on shipping 1755, 1756, 1760, 1762, 1763, 176 I 1 facilities not in order, 1368. 1769. Health and Home Affairs­ Sugar Experiment Station Acta mul State children- another Act Amendment (initiation), Present allowances to State Chil­ 108, 348; (2°), 551, 595; (committee), dren and administration gener­ 597, 598, 599. ally may be discussed, but not Wheat Industry Stabilisation (initiation), increased allowances, 1252. 1825, 1837; (2°)' 1844, 1867, 187ii, Unparliamentary language­ 1876, 1878. Expressions ruled out of order­ Food for hungry peoples, Production of, " .Tacky," 1107. 571, 641. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 25

('OI,LINS, Honourable Harold Henry BILLS-contimwd: (Cook) [Secretary for Agriculture Coal Mining Acts Amendment (initia­ and Stock]-continued: tion), 743; (committee), 1081. Member, Naming of (Mr. Morris), 1395; Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment (No. suspension of, 1395. 2) (initiation), 1244; (2°), 1742. Points of Order, 645, 1367, 1403, 1429, 1436, Electoral Districts (initiation), 2034; 1441, 1442, 1443, 1449, 1523, 1771, 1873, (2°), 2315; (committee), 2383, 2433. 2121, 2167, 2217, 2218, 2228. HoRpital Benefits Agreement Variation (2°), 1897. Speaker's ruling; Motion to disagree to, 308. Industrial Law Amendment Act of 1948 Repeal (initiation), 252. SUPPLY: Landlord and Tenant (initiation), 137. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE- Local Government Acts Amendment (No. Agriculture and Stock­ 2), (initiation), 521; (committee), 1553. Administration, 1278, 1329, 135.), Profiteering Prevention (2°), 38:3; (com­ 1418, 1437, 1480; (Motion to dis­ mittee), 400, 407, 412, 425, 426. agree to Chairman's ruling), 1415. Public Service Superannuation Acts Division of Animal Industry, 1605, Amendment (initiation), 1890. 1608. Traffic (committee), 2531. 2339, 3541. Division of Dairying, 1503, 1515, 1566, 1579. Point of order, 1147. Division of Marketing, 1497. Railway strike, Remission of fines and Division of Plant Industry, 1593, sentences, 299. 1603. SUPPLY: Resolutions repo1·ted from Comrnittee­ Agriculture and Stock, 1618. ES'l'HIATES IN COMMITTEE­ Agriculture and Stock­ COPLEY, Patrick Kerry, Esquire (Kurilpa)- Division of Dairying, 1564. Health and Home Affairs- Bn.Ls: Charitable Institutions and Grants, Landlord and Tenant (committee), 193, 1130. 195. Chief Office, 1015, 1098. Profiteering Prevention (committee), 400. Hospitals, 1177. ·Traffic (committee), 2520. Want of confidence motion, 299. t:IWWLEY, Thomas :ruartin, Esquire (Cairns)­ JH:VRIES, George Henry, Esquire Financial Statement, 822. (Gregory)-[See also "Chairman ol Committees, Temporary."]­ DAVIS, Edward William, Esquire BILLS: (Barcoo)­ Abattoirs Aets Amendment (committee), TIILLS: 2134. Abattoirs Acts Amendment (initiation), Diseases in Plants Acts Amendment 2165. (initiation), 1707. Coal Mining Aets Amendment (initia­ Elections Act Amendment (2°), 1387. tion), 745. Electoral Districts Bill (2°), 2324. mectoral District ( 2 o), 2323. Financial Statement, 701. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Acts Amendment (initiation), 1731. Points of order, 755, 1451. Financial Statement, 907. 8FPPLY: ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE-­ Food for hungry peoples, Production of (moves motion), 562. Health and Home Affairs­ Chief office, 1055. S'llPPLY: Hospitals, 1191. 'ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE-­ Agriculture and Stock­ UONALD, James, Esquire (Bremer)­ Administration, 1485. Address in Reply, 85. Health and Home Affairs­ BILLS: Chief Office, 1103. Appropriation No. 2 (2°), 1652. HECKER, Eric Paul, Esquire (Sandgate)­ Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers [See also "Chairman of Committees, (Pensions) Acts Amendment (initia­ 'remporary"]­ tion), 632; (2°), 711. Coal Mining Acts Amendment (2°), 982. BILLS; Workers Compensation Acts Amendment Abattoirs Acts Amendment (initiation), (2°), 1820. 2130, 2132. City of Brisbane Ae.ts and Another Act Pinancial Statement, 795. Amendment (initiation), 1535. Points of order, 3ll, 712, 713. 26 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

DO.NALD, James, Esquire (Bremer)-con­ Financial 8tatemcnt, 870. tinued: Points of order, 114, 484, 1336, 1337. SUPPLY: SUPPLY: ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE-­ Agriculture and Stock­ Agriculture and Stock­ Administration, 1365, 1428. Administration, 1445. Division of Marketing, 1501. Health and Home Affairs­ Health and Home Affairs­ Chief Office, 1036. Chief Office, 1021. Tourist Bureau, 1266. DUGGAN, Honourable John Edmund J<'ARRELL, Davill, Esquire (!\'fary­ (Toowoomba) [Minister for. Trans­ borough)­ port]­ Address in Reply, 445. Address in Reply, 453. BILLS: BILLS: Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers (Pen­ Constitution Acts Amendment (initia­ sions) Acts Amendment (initiation), tion), 1928; (2°), 1972. 636; (2°), 718. Eleetoral Districts (committee), 2426. Coal Mining Acts Amendment (initia­ Officials in Parliament (1949) (2°), tion), 741; (2°), 977; (committee), 2102. 1077' 1078. Statutory Salaries (initiation), 1893. Local Government Acts Amendment Traffic (committee), 2501. (No. 2) (initiation), 519. Financial Statement, 862. Points of order, 981, 2315. Point of order, 2504. SUPPLY: SUPPLY: ESTil\llA'l'ES IN COMMITTEE-­ ES'l'Il\!ATE8 IN COMMITTEE­ Agriculture­ Health and Home Affiairs­ Admini:'-tration, 1416. Chief Office, 1013. Resolution ?'Pported from Committee­ Executive and lJegislative, 1627. J<'OLEY, Honourable Tlwmas Andrew (Normanby) [Secretary for Publie DUNS'I'AN, Thomas, Esquire (Gympie)­ Lands and Secretary for Mines tn [See also "Clmirman of Commit­ 17 March, 1949; Secretary :i'or Publk tees, 'l'emJ>Orary"]­ Lands and Irrigation as and from BILLS: 17 March, 1949]­ Traffie (committee), 24 76. BILLS: Workers' Compensation ActR Amend· Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers (Pen­ mcnt (2°), 1818. sions) Acts Amendment (initiation), Financial Statement, 888. 629, 639; (2°), 709, 719; (committee), SUPPLY: 995. Health anr1 Home Affairs­ Coal Mining Acts Amendment (initia­ Hospitals, 1139. tion in committee), 734, 746; (2°), 966, 985; (committee), 988, 992, 1074, EVANS, Ernest, Esquire (lUirani)­ 1078, 1083, 1085, 1086, 1087. Address in Reply, 99. Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment BILLS: (initiation), 1675, 1691; (2°) 1 1790, Electoral Districts Bill (initiation), 1803; (committee), 1812, 1814. 2018; (2°), 2309. Mining Acts Amendment (No. 2) (initia· Health Acts Amendment (initiation), tion), 748; (2°), 997, 1069; (com· 1902. mittee), 1071, 1072. Industrial 1AlW Amendment Act Repeal (initiation), 229. SUPPLY: Lam! Acts and Other Acts Amendment ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ (initiation), 1683. Health and Home Affairs­ Landlord and Tenant (committee), 174. Hospitals, 1140. Local Government Acts Amendment (No. Resolution reported from Committee­ 2) (initiation), 520, 531; (2°), 1550; (committee), 1552. Public Lands, 1638. Officials in Parliament Acts Amendment GAIR, Honourable Vincent Clair (South (1949) . (2 °)' 2114. Brisbane) [Secretary for Labour and Profiteering Prevention (initiation), Industry; Acting Premier on ami 335; (committee), 423, 426. from 11 September, 1948, to 28th State Education Acts Amendment (initia­ January, 1949]­ tion), 926. Address to His Majesty the King, Birth of Sugar Experiment ,Stations Acts and Son to H.R.H. the Princess Eliza­ Another Act Amendment (initiation), beth and Duke of Edinburgh (moves 110, 352. motion), 1397. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 27

OAIU, Honourable Vincent Clair (South GRAHAM, Frederick Dickson, Esquire Brisbane) [Secretary for Labour and (:Mackay)­ Industry; Acting Premier on and Ac1dress in Reply, 95. from 11 September, 1948, to 28th January, 1949]-continued: BILLS: Abattoirs Acts Amendment (committee), HILLS: 2157. Abattoirs Acts Amendment (committee), Industrial Conciliation aml Arbitration 2582. Acts Amendment (initiation), 1730. Constitution Acts Amendment (initia· Traffic (initiation), 2072. tion), 1907, 1918; (2°), 1967. Electoral Districts (committee), 2421, I<'inancial Statement, 768. 2429, 2435, 2439, 2440, 2442, 2443, SrPPLY: 2444. EsTIMATES IN COMMn'TEE­ Governor's Salary Act Amendment Agriculture and Stock­ (initiation), 1885; (2°), 1887, 1888. Division of Dairying, 1517. Hide and Leather Industries (initiation), Health and Home Affairs­ 1900; (2°)' 1947, 1961. Chief Office, 1058. Officials in Parliament Acts Amendment (1949) (2°), 209:3. Hospitals, 1183. Parliamentary Contributory Superannua­ «UNN, Will1am lUorrismi, Esquire tion Fund (initiation), 1936; (2°), (Wynnum)­ 1976, 1991; (committee), 1993, 1994, 1997. Point of order, 2213. Profiteering Prevention (initiation), 309, HANLON, Honourable Edwurtl ~Iichael 339; (2°), 356, 395; (committee), (Itlluca) [Premier, Chief Secretary 399, 402, 403, 404, 407, 408, 409, 411, and Vice-President o:i' tlle Executive 412, 413, 418, 419, 421, 425, 426. Council]- Public Service Superannuation Acts RrLLs: Amendment (initiation), 1889, 1891; (2°), 1942. Abattoirs Acts Amendment (committee), 2257, 2269. Statutory Salaries (initiation), 1892; (2°), 1896. Electoral Districts Bill (initiation), 2002, 2027, 2037; (2°), 2274; (corn· ~\fember, Suspension of (Mr. Barnes), mittee), 2334, 2358, 2392, 2398, 2402, 2596, 2597. 2404, 2411, 2414, 2416, 2417, 2418. :\linisterial statements- Industrial Law Amendment Act Repeal Acting Attorney-General, Appointment of (initiation in committee), 198, 221, honourable W, Power, 355. 232, 248, 251; (2°), 262, 272 . .\cting Secretary for Labour and Indus· Officials in Parliament Acts Amendment try, Appointment of honourable W. M. (initiation), 56; (2°), 259, 260. Moore, 300, 301. Ollicials in Parliament Acts Amendment Profiteering Prevention Bill- (1949) (initiation), 2040, 2048, 2052; Reply to criticism by ''Courier­ (2°), 2109. Mail,'' 355. Deaths- Points of order, 289, 922, 1905, 2014. Hislop, Mr. R. W. (moves motion of con· Princess Elizabeth, Her Royal Highness and dolence), 7. Duke of Edinburgh, Address to His Hussell, Mr. H. M. (moves motion of Majesty, the King, on occasion of condolence), 7. Royal Birth (moves motion), 1397. Library, Refreshment Rooms and Parlia· Rnilway strike, Remission of fines and mentary Buildings Committees, sentences, 292. Appointment of, 30. Rpeaker 's ruling, Motion to disagree to, 303. Member­ T!esolntion reported f?·om Committee­ ""aming of (Mr. Barnes), 2193; (Mr. Executive and Legislature, 1634. Evans), 2310. Valedictory, 1997, 1998, 2619. Suspension of (Mr. Evans), 2311; (Mr. Kerr), 2318. Want of confidence motion, 292. Ministerial Statement, Development of (a,EDSON, Honourable David Alexander Blair Athol, 2091. (Ipswich) fAttorney-General]­ Points of order, 215, 250, 282, 283, 229il. BJLLti: Bankers' Books Evidence (initiation), HEADING, James Alfred, Esquire (Wide 2449. Bay)- Friendly Societies Acts Amendment Bn.Ls: (initiation), 2449. Abattoirs Acts Amendment (committee), .Justices Acts Amendment (initiation), 2140; (2 o), 2234; (committee), 2260, 2448. 2583, 2590, 2597. Landlord and Tenant Act Amendment .Electoral Districts Bill (committee), (initiation), 2449. 2329, 2438. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

HEADING, James Alfred, Esquire (Wide BILLS-continued: Bay)-continued: Traffic (initiation), 2064; (committee), BILLS--oontinued: 2472, 2480, 2488, 2500, 2504, 2507, Hide and Leather Industries (2 o), 1958. 2527, 2538, 2555, 2556. Wheat Industry Stabilisation (com­ Wheat Industry Stabilisation (2°), 1849. mittee), 1876. Chairman's (Temporary) ruling-Motio:rr Financial Statem~nt, 815. to disagree to, 2446. Deaths- HILEY, 'l'homas Alfred (Logan)­ Hislop, Mr. R. W., 8. Bn,Ls: Russell, Mr. H. M., 8. Abattoirs Acts Amendment (committee), J;'inancial Statement, 695. 2142; (2°), 2222; (committee), 2258, 227~ 2565, 2571, 2572, 257~ 2577, Library, Refreshment Rooms and Parlia­ mentary Buildings Committees, 2582, 25841 2596; (3°) 1 2599. Aliens Act and Another Act Amendment Appointment of, 23. (initiation), 1789; (2°), 1880; ( com­ Mineral resources, Development of, 732. mittee), 1885. Points of order, 1905, 2211. Appropriation, No. 2 (2°), 1643. Privilege-

Bankers' Books Evidence (2°) 1 2616. General business, notices of motion, 2601. Coal Mining Acts Amendment (initiation Questions to Ministers-

in committee), 739; (2°) 1 971; (com­ Notice of motion to examine an mittee), 989. alleged breach of privilege by Mr. Constitution Acts Amendment (initia­ Speaker, 1064; (withdrawn), 1321. tion), 1914. Railway strike, Remission of fines anc! Dental Acts Amendment (initiation), sentences, 278. 2184; (committee), 2452. Speaker's ruling, Motion to disagree to, Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment (No. 305. 2) (committee), 17 58. SUPPLY: Elections Acts Amendments (2°), 1321. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Electoral Districts Bill (initiation), Health and Home Affairs­ 2010; (2°) 1 2283; (committee), 2413, Hospitals, 1186. 2416, 2425, 2444, 2446. Resolutions reported from Committee­ Harbour Boards Acts and Another Act Agriculture and Stock, 1624. Amendment (committee), 2604. Executive and Legislative, 1626. Industrial Law Amendment Act Repeal (initiation), 205; (2°), 267. Vote on Account, 38. Libraries Act· (committee), 2456. Valedictory, 1998, 2620. Landlord and Tenant (initiation), 122; Want of confidence motion (moves motion), 278. (2°) 1 155; (committee), 179, 182, 194. Landlord and Tenant Act Amendment (initiation), 1156; (2o), 1694. HILTON, Paul Jerome Remigius, Esquire (Carnarvon) [See also" Chairman oi Medical Acts Amendment (initiation), Committees, Temporary"]- 1562 j (2°) I 1673. BILLs: Mining Acts Amendment (No. 2) Electoral Districts (committee), 2391. (initiation in committee), 750; (2°) 1 999; (committee), 1071. Wheat Industry Stabilisation ( 2 o) ,. Officials in Parliament Acts Amendment 1857; (committee), 1875, 1877. (2°) 1 260. Points of order, 1865, 1866. Officials in Parliament Acts Amendment SUPPLY: (1949) (initiation), 2049; (2o), 2105; Estimates in Committee­ (moves amendment), 2106. Agriculture and Stock­ Parliamentary Contributory Super­ Administration, 1342. annuation Fund (2°), 1979; (commit­ Health and Home Affairs­ tee), 1993, 1995, 1996. Chief Office, 1034. Profiteering Prevention (initiation in committee), 320; (committee), 399, JNGRAlli, Waiter Charles, Esquire 404, 408, 411, 414, 418, 421. (Keppel)­ Public Service Superannuation (2 o), Address in Reply, 502. 1945. Points of order, 992, 1040, 2245, 25~5. Roofing Tiles (committee), 2561, 2562. SUPPLY: State Education Acts Amendment (com­ mittee), 1660. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ State Hotlsing Acts and Otilex Acts Agriculture and Stock­ (Rate of Interest) Amendment Administration, 1451. (initiation), 1236. Health and Home Affairs­ Statutory Salaries (2°), 1896. Chief Office, 1106. INDEX TO SPEECHE8-l,EGISLA'l'IVE ASSEMBLY.

JESSON, Cecil George, Esquire (Jielll­ Personal explanation, 2601. nedy)­ Points of order, 1116, 1167, 1195, 1206, Address in Reply, 478. 1219. BILLS: SUPPLY: Abattoirs Acts Amendment (initiation). ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ 2153; (committee), 2270, 2598. Health and Home Affairs- Apprentices and Minors Acts Ammd­ Charitable Institutions and Grants,

ment (2°) 1 1668. 1130, 1132. Constitution Acts Amendment (2°), 1985. Chief Office, 1008, 1024, 1031, 1091, Electtons Acts Amendment (initiation), 1112.

626; (2°) 1 1375. FiTe Brigades, 1194. f~lectoral Districts (committee), 2373, Hospitals, 1135, 1138, 1178. 2437. Lazaret, Peel Island, 1194. Landlord and 'rcnant (initiation;, 13!!. Maternal and Child Welfare, 113-1. Libraries Art Amendment (initiation!, Mental Hygiene, 1194. 2350. Natiw Affairs, 1114, 1120, 1126. Local Government Acts Amendment (No. Police, 1212. 2) (committee), 1554. Police Investment Board, 125L Picture Theatres and Films Acts Amend­ State Children, 1251, 1255. ment (initiation), 547. P:rofiteering Prevention (2°), 384; (tom­ Tourist Bureau, 1275. mittee), 423. Suppression of Gambling Acts Amend­ KERR, Thomas Caldwell, Esquire ment (initiation), 1228. (Oxley)­ Tra.ffic (committee), 2487, 2531, 2544. BILLS: Financial Statement, 767. Abattoirs Acts Amendment (2o), 2234; (committee), 2254. Food for hungry peoples, Production of. (seconds motion), 564. Agricultural Bank (rate of interest) (2°), 1824. Personal explanations, 516, 1304. Apprentices and Minors Acts Amendment Points of order, 435, 489, 507, 508, 509, (initiation), 1467. 1273, 1324, 1325, 1382, 1956, 2268, 2544. Coal and Oil Shale Mine WorkPrs (Pensions) Acts Amendment (initia­ SUPPLY: tion), 635; (2°), 712. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE- Coal Mining Acts Amendment (initia­ Agriculture and Stock­ tion), 741; (2°), 977; (committee), Administration, 1475; (motion t

(2°) 1 1065. Personal explanation, 550. Police Acts Amendment (initiation), Points of order, 980, 1437. 1841; (2 °)' 1898. Traffic (initiation), 2057, 2082; (2°), SUPPLY: 2186, 2205; (committee), 2468, 2471, ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ 2473, 2475, 2482, 2483, 2485, 2494, Agriculture and Stock­ 2504, 2506, 2507, 2510, 2513, 2519, Administration, 1294, 1431. 2522, 2525, 2532, 2533, 2534, 2535, Health ancl Home Affaris­ 2536, 2537, 2538, 2539, 2540, 2541, 2542, 2543, 2545, 2549, 2551, 2556, Chief Office, 1105. 2557, 2558. Suspension, 2318. :lO INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

KJ<;YATTA, George, Esquire (Towns­ LUCKINS, Louis Wells, Esquire (Maree)­ ville)­ BILLs: B1LLS: Apprentices and Minors Acts Amend­ Abattoirs Acts Amendment (initiation), ment (initiation), 1463. 2151. City of Brisbane and Another Act Electoral Districts (committee), 2377. Amendment (initiation), 1533. Traffic (initiation), 2074. Diseases in Plants Acts Amendment Financial Statement, 667. (initiation), 1709. SUPPLY: Electoral Districts (initiation), 2035; ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE-­ (committee), 2443. Health and Home Affairs­ Industrial Law Amendment Act Repeal Hospitals, 1189. (initiation), 257. Tourist Bureau, 1274. Landlord and 'l'enant (initiation), 136. Libraries Act Amendment (initiation), LARCOIUBE, Honourable James (Rock· 2346. l!ampton)-[Treasurer]- Local Government Acts Amendment (No. BlLLs: 2) (initiation), 523. Agricultural Bank (Hat0 of Interest). T.ocal Government Acts Amendment (initiation), 1787; (2°), 1823, 1824. (1949) (initiation), 2181. Appropriation, No. 2 (2 o), 1642, 1654. Medical Acts Amendment (initiation), Electoral Districts (2°), 2287. 1562. Harbour Boards Acts and Another Act ~Iining Acts Amendment (No. 2) (2 °), Amendment (initiation), 2601 2602, 1002. 2605. ' Profiteering Prevention (2o), 390; ( com · Workers' Compensation Acts Amend· mittee), 421. ment (initiation), 1787; (2°), 1816, 1821. State Education Acts Amendment (initiation), 936. Financial Statement, ;174, \ll7, 954. ~UPPLY: Traffic (initiation), 2069, 2534. Vote on Llccount, :14, 47. J.'inancial Statement, 843. SUPPLY: I,ow, David Alan, };s({uire (Cooroora)­ EsTnrATES IX Co:l\.L\IITTEE­ BrLLs: Agricultme and Stock­ Abattoirs Acts Amendment (committee; Administration, 1435, 1477. 2591. Health and Home Affairs­ Elections Acts Amendment (2°), 1389. Chief Office, 1109. Electoral Districts ( 2 o), 2304. Police, 1204. Harbour Boards Acts and Another Act State children, 1251. Amendment (initiation), 2604. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration MACDONALD, Duncan, Esquire (Stanley) Acts Amendment (2°), 1785. -[See also "Chairman of Commit· Industrial Law Amendment Act Repeal tees, Temporary"]- (initiation), 242. BILLs: Officials in Parliament. Acts Amendment .\battoirs Acts Amendment (2°), 2244. (1949) (2°), 2115. Apprentices and Minors Acts Amendment Picture Theatres and Pilms Act Amend­ ment (initiation), 536. (initiation), 1460. l>rofitecring Prevention ( 2 °), 391. Coal Mining Acts Amendment (commit­ State Education Acts Amendment (initia­ tee), 1074, 1075, 1079. tion), 934. Diseases in Stock Aets Amendment (No. .Sugar Experiment Stations Acts and 2), (committee), 1760, 1771. Another Act Amendment (2°), 592. Industrial Law Amendment Act Repeal Traffic (initiation), 2075. (initiation), 236. F'inancial Statement, 836. Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment Point of order, 253. (committee), 1810. ~1JPPLY: Medical Acts Amendment (initiation), ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEF~ 1562, 1563. Agriculture and Stock­ Sugar Experiment Stations Acts and Administration, 1349. Another Act Amendment ( 2 °), 594. Division of Dairying, 1570. Traffic (committee), 2481, 2482. Health and Home Affairs­ Library, Refreshment Rooms and Parlia­ Chief Office, 1100. mentary Buildings Committees, Appoint­ Hospitals, 117 4. ment, 27. Police, 1216. Personal explanation, 277. Tourist Burcau, 1:262. Points of order, 272, 273, 1517. INDEX TO SPEECHES---,-I~EGISLATIVE ASSEJYfBI,Y. 31

~IACDONALD, Duucan, Esquire (Stanley BILLS-con tinned: -[See also "{;hairmau oi Commit­ Lam1 Acts and Other Acts Amendment tees, Temporary "]-continued: (initiation), 1678; (2°), 1792; (com­ SUPPLY: mittee), 1810. ESTIMATES IX COMMIT'l'EE- Officials iu Parliament Acts Amendment (1949) (2°), 2106; (seconds amend­ Agriculture and Stock­ ment), 2106. Administration, 1289, 1436; (motion Pieture Theatres and Films Acts Amcn, Esquire (West Industrial Law Amendment Act Repeal JUoreton)­ (initiation), 216. Address in Reply, 71. BILLS: :M.ARRIOTT, George Ilenry, Esquire Abattoirs Acts Amendment (initiation), (Bnlimba)­ 2118; (2 °), 2210; (committee), 2251, BILLS: 2252, 2256, 2262, 2566, 2572, 2579, Abattoirs Aets Amendment (initiation), 2585, 2594, 2595. 2172. City of Brisbane Acts and Anoth<:r Aet Constitution Acts Amendment (initia­ Amendment (initiation), 1532. tion), 1934. Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers J;;lectoral Districts (2°), 2333. (Pensions) Acts Amendment ( 2 °), Industrial Law Amendment Act Repeal 709. (initiation), 257. Coal Mining Acts Amendment (initia­ Profitcering Prevention (2°), 392. tion), 736; (2°), 969; (committer), State Education Acts Amendment 987' 988, 1072, 1077, 1081. (initiation), 945; (moves amendment), Constitution Acts Amendment (initia­ 952. tion), 1920. Traffic (committee), 24 71. Elections Acts Amendment (2°), 1381. Personal explanation, 429. Electoral Districts (initiation), 2012; (committee), 2388, 2400, 2410, 2422. Points of order, 295, 950. Hide and Leather Industries (2°), 1949. SUPPLY: Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Resolutions reportecl from Committee­ Acts Amendment (initiation), 1725. Agriculture and Stock, 1617. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

JUdNTYRE, lUalcolm, ·Esquire (Cunning­ BILLS-continued: ham)­ 'l'raffic (committee), 2452, 2512, 2518, _-\ddress in Reply, 44fl. 2543, 2545. 11ILLS: Chairman's (Temporary) ruling.-Moves Abattoirs Acts Am<'ll

NICKLlN, George .Fraucis Reubeu, EsrJ.uire BILLS-continued: (lUurrumba)-continued: Profiteering Prevention (committee), 402. BrLLS-contimwd: State Education Acts Amendment (initia­ Wheat Industry Stabilisation (initiation), tion), 937. 1832; (2°), 1844; (committee), 1871, Sugar Exprriment Stations Acts and 1875. Another Act Amendment (initiation) \Vorkers' Compensation Acts Amendment (moves amendment), 116, 354. (initiation), 1787; (2°), 1816. Traffic (committee), 2469, 2475, 2521. Deaths- Vvorkers' Compensation Acts Amendment Hislop, Mr. R. W., 7 (2°), 1819; (committee), 1823. Russell, Mr. H. M., 7. Pinancial Statement, 896. Pinancial Statement, 653. Personal statement, 344. Library, Refreshment Rooms nnd Parlia­ Points of order, 268, 270, 431, 1471, 1528. mentary Buildings Committees, Speaker's ruling, Motion to disagree to, Appointment of, 22; (amendment-Mr. 306. Maher), 32. SUPPLY: Points of order, 1387, 1396, 2103. Es'l'IMATES IN CoMMITTEE­ Princess Elizabeth, Her Royal Highness Agriculture and Stock­ and Duke of Edinburgh, Address to His Majesty, the King, on occasion of Administration, 1347 . Royal birth (seconds motion), 1397. Health and Home Affairs­ Privilege- Chief Office, 1044. Removal of notiees of motion from Business Sheet, 2601. l'IE, Bruce, Esquire (Win!lsor)­ Replies by Ministers to questions not to Address in Reply, 505. he made vehicle of attack by outside BILLS: persons on hon. members, J 904, 1966. Abattoirs Act Amendment (initiation), Railway strike, Remission of fines and sen­ 2147; (2°), 2242; (committee), 2568, tences, 285. 2575. Speaker's ruling, Motion to disagree to, Apprentices and Minors Acts Amend­ 264; (moves motion), 301. ment (initiation), 1458, 1530; (2°), 8\'PPLY: 1665. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers (Pen­ sions) Acts Amendment (2 o), 713. Agriculture and Stock­ Coal Mining Acts Amendment (2 °), 979. Administration, 1325, 1405. Division of Plant Industry, 1587. Constitution Acts Amendment (initia­ tion), 1922; (2 o), 1969; (moves Health nnd Home Affairs­ amendment), 1971. Native Affairs, 1125. Diseases in Plants Acts Amendment Resolutions reported [r01n Committee­ (initiation), 1705. Executive ancl Legislature, 1630. Elections Acts Amendment (2 o), 1377. Vote on Account, 35. Electoral Districts (initiation), 2022; Valedictory, 1998, 2619. (2°), 2305; (committee), 2371, 2436, Want of confidence motion, 285. 2442. Governor's Salary Act Amendment (2°), P A'L'ERSON, Fre(lerick Woolnough, Esquire 1888. . (Bowen)­ Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Address in reply, 510. Acts Amendment (initiation), 1716; BILLS: (2°), 1784. Abattoirs Acts Amendment (initiation), Industrial Law Amendment Act of 1948 2161. Repeal (initiation), 213. Apprentices and Minors Acts Amend­ Landlord and Tenant (2°), 162. ment (initiation), 1469, 1474. Landlord and Tenant Act Amendment Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers (Pen­ (initiation), 1157. sions) Act Amendment (2°), 714. Local Government Acts Amendment Constitution Acts Amendment (initia­ (No. 2) (committee), 1556. tion), 1932; (2 o), 1972. Nurses and Masseurs Registration Acts Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment (No. Amendment (initiation), 468. 2) (committee), 1771. Officials in Parliament Acts Amendment Electoral Districts (initiation), 2025. (1949) (initiation), 2050. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Pnrliamentary Contributory Superannua­ Acts Amendment (initiation), 1722. tion Fund (2 o), 1990. Industrial Law Amendment Act of 1948 Proftteering Prevention (initiation), Repeal (initiation), 254. ~~36; (2°), 377; (committee), 397, Landlord and Tenant (initiation), 140; :399, 400, 402, 403, 405, 407, 416, 424. (committee), 171, 176, 178, 184. Public Service Superannuation Acts Parliamentary Contributory Superannua­ Amendment (initiation), 1891. tion Fund (initiation), 1941; (2 o), State Education Acts Amendment 1986. (initiation), 943. lXTlEX TO SPEECITES-LEGISLATlVE ASSE::'.1BLY. 35

PIE, Brnce, Esquire (Windsor)-con­ SUPPLY: tinued: ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ BILLS-continued: Agriculture and Stock­ Statutory Salaries (initiation), 1892, Administration, 1286, 1432. 1894. Division of Dairying, 1504. Suppression of Gambling Acts Amend­ Division of Marketing, 1487. ment (initiation), 1162, 1222. Health and Home Affairs­ Traffic (committee), 2472, 2478, 2497, 2514, 2535, 2552. Hospitals, 1193. \Vorkers' Compensation Acts Amenll­ Tourist Bureau, 1260. ment (2°), 1818. Rcsol1ttions Teportecl from Committee­ Financial Statement, 824. Agriculture and Stock, 1618. Library, Refreshment Rooms and Pm·lia­ l'OWER, Honourable William (Baroona)­ mentary Buildings Committees, [Secretary for Public Works, Hous­ Appointment of, 29. ing and Local Government; Acting Personal explanation, 342. Attorney-General on and from Points of order, llOS, 1461, 1496, 1557, 15th September, 1948]­ 1721, 1904, 1905, 1930, 1975, 1994, Address in Reply, 436. 2318, 2362, 2425. BILLS: Railway strike, Remission of fines and sentences, 282. Aliens Act and Another Act Amendment (initiation), 1788, 1789; (2°), 1878, Speaker's ruling, Motion to disagree to, 1884; (committee), 1884, 1885. 307. Bankers' Books Evidence (2°), 2616; SUPPLY; (committee), 2617. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE- City of Brisbane Acts Amendment Agriculture and Stock­ (1949) (initiation), 2185; (2° and Administration 1332. committee), 2352. Division of Marketing, 1489. City of Brisbane Act and Another Act Division of Plant Industry, 1598. Amendment (initiation), 1530, 1536; Health and Home Affairs­ (2°), 1669. Chief Office, 1038. Criminal Law Amendment (initiation), Hospitals, 1135. 601, 610; (2°), 1537, 1541; (commit­ State Children, 1251. tee), 1542, 1544, 1545. Tourist Bureau, 1257. Elections Acts Amendment (initiation), Want of confidence motion (seconds 612, 616, 627; (2 o), 1311, 1390; ( com­ motion), 282. mittee), 1396. Friendly Societies Acts Amendment PLUNKETT, Thomas Flood, Esquire (2°), 2617, 2618. (Albert)­ Justices Acts Amendment (2°), 2607, Address in Reply, 488. 2612; (committee), 2612, 2613. BILLS: Landlord and Tenant (initiation), 120, Abattoirs Acts Amendment (initiation), 141; (2°), 148, 166, 175, 176, 177, 2163; (2°), 2240; (committee), 2252, 178, 179, 180, 181, 186, 187, 188, 189, 2254, 2582, 2583, 2591. 190, 191, 192, 194, 196, 197. Diseases in Plants Acts Amendment Landlord and Tenant Act Amendment (initiation); 1703; (committee), 1779. (initiation), 1149; (2°), 1693, 1698. Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment Landlord and Tenant Act Amendment (No. 2) (initiation), 1240; (2°), 1739; (1949) (2°), 2613, 2615. (committee), 1756, 1759, 1761, 1762, Liquor Acts Amendment (initiation), 1764, 1766. 533; (2°), 1248. Electoral Districts (initiation), 2036; Local Government Acts Amendment (No. (2 o), 2332; (committee), 2382, 2406, 2) (initiation), 473, 524, 532, 533; 2430. (2°), 1545, 1550; (committee), 1552, Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration 1555, 1557. Acts Amendment (initiation), 1724. Local Government Acts Amendment Industrial Law Amendment Act of 1948 (1949) (initiation), 2180, 2183; (2°), Repeal (initiation), 210. 2353. Landlord and Tenant (initiation), 134; Matrimonial Causes Acts Amendment (committtee), 180, 185. (initiation), 600; (2°), 1087, 1089; Profiteering Prevention (2 o), 360, 421. (committee), 1090. Suppression of Gambling Acts Amend­ :Matrimonial Causes Acts Amendment ment (initiation), 1232. (No. 2) (initiation), 1733, 1734; (2°), Traffic (committee), 2474, 2493, 2550. 1786. Wheat Industry Stabilis.ation (commit­ Picture Theatres and Films Acts Amend­ tee), 1876. ment (initiation), 533, 538, 548; (2°), J_,ibrary, Refreshment Rooms and Parlia­ 1246, 1248. mentary Buildings Committees, Profiteering Prevention (committee), Appointment of, 30. 4~6. 36 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

POWER, Honourable William (Baroona)­ IWSSELL, Charles Wilfression of Gambling Acts Amend­ State Education Acts Amendment ment (initiation), 1158, 1225, 1233; (initiation), 933. (2 °)' 1306, 1308. Wheat Industry Stabilisation (2 •), Supreme Court Acts Amendment (initia· 186. tion), 1735, 1738; (2°), 1786. Traffic (committee), 2517. Financial Statement, 752. Financial Statement, 781. Points of order, 455, 689, 704, 706, 707, 760, 836, 866, 867, 1031, 1032. Points of order, 26, 253, 299, 435, 462, 764, 919, 1031, 1109, 1227, 1374, 1378, SuPPLY: 1635, 1738, 2192, 2305, 2372, 2529. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE- Railway strike, Remission of fines and Agriculture and Stock­ sentences, 29 7. Administration, 1412, 1417, 1453. SUPPLY: Division of Animal Industry, 1606. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Division of Dairying, 1521. Health and Home Affairs­ Division of Marketing, 1496. Chief Office, 1033. Health and Home Affairs­ Police, 1208. Chief Office, 1028. Resolutions reported from Committee­ Hospitals, 1142. Agriculture and Stock, 1621. V ate on Account, 45. 'Want of confidence motion, 297. SJIITH, AlfreiMITTEE­ Health and Home Affairs­ Health and Home Affairs­ Hospitals, 1172. Police, 1206. Native Affairs, 1122. ReStolutions 1·cported from Committee­ Police, 1210. Agriculture mHl Stock, 1626. Tourist Bureau, 1271. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 37

SPARKES, Waiter Beresfor

(initiation), 1681; (2°) 1 1800· (com· Abattoirs Acts Amendment- mittee), 1807, 1813. ' British Food Corporation, not a prin­ Landlord and Tenant (committee) 170, ciple of Bill, 2221, 2231. 182. ' Local Government Acts Amendment State butcher shops and State stations (1949) (initiation), 2181. not a principle of Bill, 2211. Officials in Parliament Acts Amendment Subject of broadening principles or ( 1949) (initiation), 2046. introducing new principles should be

Profiteering Prevention (initiation) 1 considered at the initiatory stage, 323; (2°) 1 363, 421. 970, 982, 1389, 1797' 1818, 1821. Suppression of Gambling Acts Amend­ Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers (Pen­ ment (initiation), 1227. sions) Acts Amendment­ Traffic (2 o), 2203, 2498, 2513, 2516. 35-hour week not a principle of Bill, Wheat Industry Stabilisation (initia­ 710, 712. tion), 1835. Financial Statement, 789. Coal Mining Acts Amendment­ Food for hungry peoples, Production of, Discussion on transport not in order, 645. 969, 970, 982, 987. Named, 2399. Open-cut methods not a principle of Personal explanations, 198, 1526. Bill, 982, 984. Points of order, 175, 864, 1168, 1169, Constitution Acts Amendment­ 1331, 1515, 1616, 2116, 2359, 2360. Discussion on affairs of people outside Railway strike, Remission of fines and the House not permitted, 1975, 1976. sentences, 290. Criminal Law Amendment- Rubbish near Parliamentary Lodge, General discussion on liquor laws not Removal of, 861. in order, 1540. Speaker's ruling, Motion to disagree to (seconds motion), 302. Elections Acts Amendment- Elections Tribunal not a principle of SUPPLY: Bill, 1379. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE- Electoral Districts- Agricultural and Stock­ Nationalisation not a principle of Bill, Administration, 1441, 1448; (motion 2283. to disagree to Chairman's ruling), 1415. Hospital Benefits Agreement Variation­ Division of Dairying, 1512. Contributions by insurance companies not a principle of Bill, 1898. Division of Plant Industry, 1590. Health and Home Affairs­ Industrial Law Amendment Act of 1948 Chief Office, 1048, 1061. Repeal- Hospitals, 1165. Remission of fines or pardon of any Police, 1194. prisoner not a principle of Bill, 263, Tourist Bureau, 1271, 1273. 264. Resolution Tep01·tec1 fmm Committee­ Landlord and Tenant-­ Public Lands, 1636. Discussion on priees-control not in \Vant of confidence motion, 290. order, 162. 38 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE A88E~f13LY.

SPEAKJHt, Honourable Samuel John :Food for hungry people8, Produetion t~f~ Brassington (Fortitude· Valley)­ Discussion on strikes in relation to pro­ [See also "Brassington, Honourable duction of foodstuffs permitted but dis­ Samuel John."]-continued: cussion on remission of fines not in BILLS-contimted: order, 570. Profiteering Prevention- Prices of production for export overseas related to motion but general discus­ Diseussion on bread zoning not per­ mitted, 383. sion not permitted, 646, 647. Governor's Opening Speech, mmounee~ General discussion on the rise and fall receipt of eopy, 9. in production not. permitterl, 381, 382, 387, 391. "Hansard "­ Sugar Experiment Stations Acts and Correction in, 2341. Another Act Amendment­ Time for return of members' proofs, Discussion on loading sugar on water­ 590. front not in order, 556. Interjections- Forty-hour week not principle of Bill, Disorderly, 32, 264, 270, 480, 508, 1323, 593. 1799, 1801, 2198, 2246, 2249, 2318, 2332. Traffic- From floor of House not in order, 1065. Discussion on anti-picketing law not in order, 2194, 2196. Not permissible from table, 2040. ·workers' Compensation Acts Amend­ Interruptions, disorderly, 82, 102, 359, 394, ment- 430, 43~ 1802, 180~ 2249, 2250, 227~ Discussion on administration of depart­ 2324. ment, increased premiums and sol­ Irrelevancies, Debate must be relevant to vency of fund not in order, 1819. question before the House, 264, 302, Chair- 308, 712, 714, 970, 1374, 1389, 1620, 1801, 1802, 1806, 1817' 1819, 1888, Mode of call, 160. 1952, 1956, 2096, 2097, 2100, 2107, Must be addressed, 381, 509, 712, 1323, 2115, 2116, 2194, 2196, 2203, 2221, 1744, 2295. 2227, 2295, 2300, 2301, 2305, 2306, Must be obeyed, 160, 265, 285, 394, 435, 2308, 2311, 2312. 712, 721, 983, 1374, 1379, 1620, 1799, Library, Refreshment Rooms and Parlia­ 1896, 1975, 2222, 2231, 2249, 2250, mentary Buildings CommittC'es, 2278, 2301, 2305, 2307, 2313, 2355. Appointment of, 33. Reflections on, not in order, 160, 302, 307, 2328, 2340. Matter already dealt with cannot be debated again, 436, 570. Chairman of Committees, Temporary (nominates panel), 7. Members- Attack by outside persons to be reviewed Challenge to lton. member to fisticuffs not during recess, 1905, 1967. in order, 2312. Attire in Parliamentary Refreshment Conversations in loud tones disorderly, 79. Rooms, 861. Deaths- Called on to apologise­ Mr. H. M. Russell (announces reply to Mr. Aikens, 1400. motion of condolence), 4 78. Mr. Barnes, 169, 2193, 2315, 2340. Debate disposed of may not be revived, 368. Mr. Chalk, 462. Debate must be conducted in proper man­ Mr. Evans, 2310. ner, 264, 265, 479, 480, 1802, ]975, Mr. Kerr, 2318. 2303. Mr. Morris, 1395. Debate must be conducted with dignity and Mr. Pie, 303, 1379. decorum, 508, 2299, 2304, 2321. Members must be referred to by name of Debate must be confined to question under electorate or title, 2321. discussion, 302, 305, 307, 2311. Must not deliberately provoke another Denial (See "Statement"). hon. member, 283. Must not interject when erossing floor Dissent to Ruling- of Chamber, 1065. Motion (Mr. Nicklin), 301. Must not walk between hon. member Reply- who is speaking and the Chair, 501. Matter must be relevant to question Named- and an amendment cannot be used Mr. Barnes, 2193. for importing arguments irrelevant to the main question, 308. Mr. Evans, 2310. Mr. Kerr, 2318. Doeument read or cited by a member may be ordered to be laid on table, 431; Mr. Morris, 1395. Mr. Speaker has no authority to order Ordered to discontinue speech­ a document to be tabled, 431; Mr. Pie, 1379. Dress of hon. members in Parliamentary Mr. Wanstall, 2317. Refreshment Rooms, 861. Pecuniary interest, 2116. INDEX TO SPl~ECHES-J,EGISLA'riVE ARSE~mLY. 39

SPEAKJU{, llonourable Samuel Jolln Questions, Scope of und rules goveruiug Brussington (Fortitude Valley)­ (see also "Privilege ")-continued~ [See also "Brassington, Honourable Comment not permissible, 2091. Samuel Jolln."]-continued: Editing of, 262, 919, 1064, 1222, 1644, 2\lemhers- 1967. SuBpended-- Length must be reasonable, 1526, 2147. Mr. Barnes, 2596. Letters, Reading extracts from in order Mr. Evans, 2311. so long as hon. members are not referred to in a personal way, 1!104. Mr. 1\.forris, 1395. :\![embers not entitled to mnke a speec·h Noise in Chmnher, fi:i, fiR, 120, :144, 4HO, when giving notice of, 7~3, 2091. 2313. ::>.I ust relate to matters of Go,·ernment Opinions may be exprcssetl by hon. mem­ bers as to conduct of other hon. m em­ policy, 465, 723. bers who will have the opportunity of :'i" ot framed in conformity with rules will reply in their speeches, 479. be omitted from business sheet, 723, Ordered to resume seat, 636. 1222. i I Object of questions is to seek information, Order in debate decided by Mr. Speaker, 2288, 2301. 723, 919, 1064. Personal attacks by private individual on Orcler of speaking decided by Mr. Speaker, an hon. member, House should not be 160. nsed for, 1904. Parliamentary Buildings Committee, Press reporting of Parliament, 2220. Appointment, 33; meeting, 78. Propriety or admissability of question Parliamentary Lodge­ determined hy Mr. Speaker, 1905. Flowers, Removal of, 629. Propaganda and comment not permissible, Rubbish, Removal of, 861. 723. Parliamentary proceedings, Press report of, 2220. Rulings not influenced by Ministers, 302. P8rliamentarv refreshment rooms, Dress Shrine of Remembrance, Laying of of members, 861. wreath, 1387. Personal cxplanations- Statement or denial of hon. member must Hon. member must accept responsibilities be accepted, 26, 282, 283, 295, 435, 479, involved, 342. 491' 646, 983, 1325, 1374, 1611, 1904, Limits of, 342, 429, 2340. 2228, 2229, 2248, 2293, 2307, 2315, :2319, 2320, 2326; but hon. members Matter closed may not he reopened, 198. may express opinions as to conduct of May not be made occasion for debate, other hon. members who will have the 1;05; or as vehide for propagnndn, opportunity of reply in their speeches, L9. 479. Personal references not nllmYecl, 2147, Sub judice, Matter sub judice may not be 2340. made subject of debate, 1635, 1636. Press report of speeches, 550. Suspension of member, Notices of motion Personalities to be avoided, 435, 508, 509, omitted from business sheet, 2601. 648, 713, 1324, 1325, 1374, 1375, 1616, 1803, 19ii6, 2249, 2305, 2312, 2317. SUPPLY: Generally- Points of order- Trust and Special l!'unds may not be Decided by Mr. Speaker, 1822. debated on Revenue Estimates, 1620. Invalid, 268, 270, 283, 431, 437, 479, 482, Resolutions reportecl from Committee­ ;374, 1868, 1904, 1975. Reply by Minister in charge of PriYilege- department does not close debate, Answers by Ministers to questions to be 1618. reviewed dming reress, 1D05, 1967. Tedious repetition not in order, 2197. Debate, 1905. Unparlimncntary language­ Questions to Ministers- Expressions ruled out of order­ Notice of motion to examine alleged '' All I want is a fair go. I will see breach of privilege (Mr. Hiley), I get it, too,'' 160. 1064; (>Yithdrawn), 1321. · ''Blind and deaf,'' as applied to :\fr. Suspension of member, Omission of Speaker, 160. notices of motion from business sheet, 2601. ''Dirty low thief,'' 508. Questions, Scope of and rules governing ''Dishonest points and dishonest (see also ' 'Privilege ' ')­ logic,'' 1616. Answer by Minister, 1646, 1904; not to ''Fraud and corrnption,'' 2303. be made vehicle of attack by outside '' H_e took the opportunit;v to abuse persons on hon. members, 1904; mattllr h1m," 1374. to be reviewed during recess, 1905, ''If I were as low as vou I would 1967. commit suicide,'' 169. " Alteration in question by Mr. Speaker, ''It outs Rafferties Rnffert;v,'' 2301. 723, 919, 1222, 1765. '' Lanikin,'' 508. 40 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

SPEAKER, Honourable Samuel .John Irrelevancies, Debate must be relevant to Brassington (Fortitude Valley)­ question before the House, 287, 288, [See also "Brassiugtou, Honourable :369, 650, 2101, 2232, 2234, 2299, 2310. Samuel John.'']-continued: .Tudiciary, criticism of members not per­ linparliamentary language- mitted except on suhstantiYe motion, Expressions ruled out of order­ 289. " Liar," 462. Noise in Chamber, 1971. Order of speaking deeif1ec1 by :Mr. Speaker, ''Lie,'' 2303. 505. ''Lower than you are,'' 2193. Personalities to be avoided, 102, 2310. "Neel Kelly Bill designed by N ed Points of order invalid, 1384, 1635. Hanlon,'' 2305. Reply by :Minister closes debate, 596. ''Premier endeavoured to influence you,'' 303. Statement or denial of hon. member must be accepted, 273. ''Rats,'' 2315. ''Rogues,' ' 2318. Unparliamentary language­ ''Some of them are lower than you Expressions ruled out of order­ are,'' 2192. ''Cheats and swindlers,'' 2310. ''The gag,' ' 464. ''I have seen nothing lower than the speech made by the Minister,'' 299. ''They are going on the black market,'' 919. ''I shall get the same fair spin as •ms given the Premier," 2299. ''This is licence, not privilege,'' 2340. ''We do not need a Commission to SPEAKER, DEPUTY [Devries, George know how miserable and low you Henry, Esquire (Gregory) ]­ are,'' 1395. BILLS: ''We have the Acting Premier sug­ Generally- gesting banning the export of meat Debate must be confined to principles to the very people the motion sug­ of Bill, 1863. gests we should feed,' ' 645. Point of order-invalid, 2243. ''You are a Communist,'' 2305. Unparliamentary language­ "You are a disgrace to the Chamber," Expressions ruled out of order­ 1378. ''Thing like the Minister,'' 2245. "You are the lowest thing I have ever known,'' 1400. SPEAKER, DEPUTY [Hilton, Paul "You did not call the hon. member for Jerome Remigius, Esquire (Carnar­ Aubigny to order," 307. von)]­ Valedictory, 1998. Amendment must be movef1 before it can be debated, 980. Want of confidence motion, Speech by Secretary for Labour and Industrv BILLS: will not close debate, 292. " Generally- Water jugs on Chamber table, 21, 516. Debate must be confined to principles of Bill, 980. SPEAKER, DEPUTY [lllaun, John Henry, Coal Mining Acts Amendment­ Esquire (Brisbane)]­ Discussion on transport not in order, BILLS: 979. Generally- Discussion on what union will control Debate must he confined to principles certain workers not permitted, 980, of Bill, 271, 272, 719, 721, 1308, 981. 1669, 1776, 2234. Chair- Electoral Districts Bill- Direction from Chair to be regarclell scri­ Long discussion on merits and ously, 981. demerits of Labour Party not in :Member to resume seat when tulllressPtl order, 2299. from Chair, 980. Chair- Must be addressed, 566. Mode of call, 505. Reflections on not in order, 1;)8. Must he addressed, 505. Denial (see "Statement"). Must he obeyed, 1971, 2311. Interjections- Reflections on, not in order, 2299. Disorderly, 566, 981. Debate must be conducted with dignity Irrelevancies, Debate must be relevant to and decorum, 298, 1971. question before the House, 158, 981, 2218. Debate should be regarded seriously, 298. Members- Denial (see "Statement"). Called on to apologise-Mr. Aikens, 158. Improper motives may not be imputed to ::\fnst be referred to bv name of electorate hon. members, 13.82, 2310. or title, 488. ·· Interruptions llisorllcrly, 2287, 2309, 2323. Point of order imalid, 489. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 41

SPEAKER, DEPUTY [Hilton, Paul BILLS-continued: Jerome R.emigius, Esquire (Carnar· State Education Acts Amendment von) ]-continued: (initiation), 851. Statement or denial of hon. member must Sugar Experiment Station Acts and be nccepted, 2217. Another Act Amendment (initiation), Temperate language in debate desirable, 113, 348; (2°), 557; (committee), 597, 565. 598. Traffic (initiation), 2071, 2496. Pnparliamentary language­ Wheat Industry Stabilisation (initiation), Expression ruled out of order- 1830. Abuse apparently connived nt by Mr. :B'inancial Statement, 673. Speaker, 158. ''Comma,'' 2216. Points of order, 104, 1574, 1905. SUPPLY: TA YLOR, Harold Bourne, Esquire (Hamilton)­ ESTIMATES IN 00MMI'l"l'EE- A

WANSTALL, Charles Gray, Esquire ('foo­ BILLS-continued: wong)­ Roofing Tiles (initiation), 2461; (2°), BILLS: 2558; (committee), 2562. Abattoirs Acts Amendment (committee), Suppression of Gambling Acts Amenil­ 2259. ment (initiation), 1230. Apprentices and Minors Acts Amend­ Supreme Court Acts Amendment (initia­ ment (initiation), 1471, 1474. tion), 1735. Criminal Law Amendment (initiation), Traffic (2°), 2195; (committee), 2469, 603; (2°), 1537. 2476, 2489, 2496, 2505, 2509, 2522, Electoral Districts (initiation), 2029; 2524, 2532, 2535, 3536, 2539, 2541, (2o), 2316; (committee), 2361, 2396. 2542, 2545, 2557. Hide and Leather Industries (2°), 1952. · Financial Statement, 884. Industrial Law Amendment Act of 1948 Repeal (initiation), 233. Personal explanation, 2601. Justices Acts Amendment (2 °), 2609; Points of order, 254, 289, 398, 399, 482, (committee), 2612, 2613. 1080, 1122, 1213, 1214, 1234, 1527' Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment 1528, 1536, 1719, 1723, 1874, 2258, (2°), 1797; (committee), 1808. 2318, 2514, 2519, 2524. Landlord and Tenant (initiation), 129; Railway strike, Remission of :fines anil (2°), 164; (committee), 172, 175, 179, sentences, 296. 187, 188, 190, 192, 193, 195. Speaker's ruling, Motion to disagree to, Libraries Act Amendment (initiation), 305. 2349. SUPPLY: Matrimonial Causes Acts Amendment (initiation), 601; (2°), 1088. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE- Matrimonial Causes Acts Amendment Agriculture and Stock­ (No. 2) (initiation), 1734. Administration, 1413; (motion to Mining Acts Amendment (No. 2) (com­ disagree to Chairman's ruling), mittee), 1072. 1413. Parliamentary Contributory Superannua­ Health and Home Affairs-­ tion l''und (2 o), 1987, 1995. Native Affairs, 1115. Profiteering Prevention (committee), 397, 401, 403, 405, 409, 412, 419, 424, 425, Police, 1199, 1218. 426. Want of eonfidence motion, 296.

By Authority: A. H. TUCKER, Government Printer, Brisbane. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

Thirty-first Parliament – Third Session

Queensland Parliamentary Debates, V.196-197, 1949

2 August 1949 – 25 November 1949

(Hanlon Government)



1-24 2 August 1949 527-542 21

24-35 3 August 1949 542-575 22 September 1949

36-97 4 August 1949 575-609 27 September 1949

97-130 16 August 1949 609-622 28 September 1949

130-144 17 August 1949 622-661 29 September 1949

144-173 18 August 1949 661-696 4

173-208 23 August 1949 696-709 5 October 1949

209-222 24 August 1949 709-742 6 October 1949

223-256 25 August 1949 742-778 11 October 1949

256-259 30 August 1949 779-792 12 October 1949

259-304 31 August 1949 792-850 13 October 1949

304-340 1 September 1949 851-890 14 October 1949

340-377 6 September 1949 890-955 18 October 1949

377-391 7 September 1949 955-968 19 October 1949

391-424 8 September 1949 968-1029 20 October 1949

424-458 13 September 1949 1029-1053 21 October 1949

458-471 14 September 1949 1053-1110 25 October 1949

471-497 15 September 1949 1110-1124 26 October 1949

498-527 20 September 1949 1125-1179 27 October 1949 PAGE NOS DATE PAGE NOS DATE

1179-1209 28 October 1949 1562-1614 15 November 1949

1209-1263 1 November 1949 1614-1637 16 November 1949

1264-1286 2 November 1949 1637-1670 17 November 1949

1286-1339 3 November 1949 1670-1704 18 November 1949

1339-1395 4 November 1949 1704-1740 22 November 1949

1396-1454 8 November 1949 1740-1787 23 November 1949

1454-1479 9 November 1949 1787-1828 24 November 1949

1479-1534 10 November 1949 1828-1866 25 November 1949

1534-1562 11 November 1949



Official Record of the Debates



Third Session

OF THE . Thirty-First Parliament

13 and 14 GEORGE VI.

Comprising the period from the Second day of August to the Twenty-fifth day of November, A.D. 1949.


BRISBANE: Bv Authority: A. H. Tucker, GoYernment Printer Brubane. Third Session of the Thirty-first Parliament of Queensland.


THE GOVERNOR. His Excellency Lieutenant-General Sir JoHN DuDLEY LAVARACK, K.B.E., C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O.

THE LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR. The Honourable }'RANK AR1'HUR CooPER. (Died 30 November, 1949.)

THE MINISTRY. Premier and Chief Secretary; and Vice-President of the Executive Council-Honourable EDWARD MICHAEL HANLON. Secretary for Labour and Industry-Honourable VINCENT CLAIR GAIR. Secretary for Agriculture and Stock-Honourable HAROLD HENRY CoLLINS. Secretary for Public Lands and Irrigation-Honourable THOMAS ANDREW FOLEY. Secretary for Health and Home Affairs-Honourable ARTHUR JoNES. Treasurer-Honourable JAMES LARCOMBE. Secretary for Public Instruction-Honourable HENRY ADAM BRUCE. Minister for Transport-Honourable JOHN I~DMUND DuGGAN. Secretary for Public Works, Housing, and Local Govemment-HonomaLle WILLIAM POWER. Secretary for Mines and Immigration-Honourable WILLIAM MATTHEW MOORE. *Attorney-General-Honourable GEORGE HENRY DEVRIES. *Vice DAVID ALEXANDER GLEDSON, died 14 May, 1949.

THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Speaker-Honourable SAMUEL JOHN BRASSING1'0N (Fortitude Valley). Chairman of Committees-MANN, JoHN HENRY, Esquire (BTisbane). Temporary Chairmen of Committees- BRAND, WILLIAM ALFRED, Esquire (Isis). DECKER, ERIC PAUL, Esquire (Sandgate). DUNSTAN, THOMAS, Esquire (Gyntpie). HILTON, PAUL JEROME REMIGIUS, Esquire (Camarron). KEYAT'rA, GEORGE, Esquire ( Townsville). AIKENS, THOMAS, Esquire (Mundingburra). EARNES, JOHN FRANCIS, Esquire (Bundaberg}. BJELKE-PE;rE,RSEN, JOHANNES, Esquire (Nanango). BRAND, WILLIAM ALFRED, Esquire (Isis). BRASSINGTON, Honourable SAMUEL JOHN (Fortitude Valley). BROWN, RICHARD KIDSTON, Esquire (Buranda). BRUCE, Honourable HENRY ADAM (The Tableland)-. BURRows, JAMES, Esquire (Port Curtis). CHALK, GORDON WILLIAM WESLEY, Esquire (East 1'oowoomba). CLARK, J AMES, Esquire (Fitzroy). COLLINS, Honourable HAROLD HENRY (Coo le). CROWLEY, THOMAS MARTIN, Esquire (Cairns). DAVIS, EDWARD WILLIAM, Esquire (Barcoo). DECKER, ERic PAUL, EBquire (Sandgate). DEVRIES, Honourable GEORGE HENRY, ( G1·egory). DONALD, JAMES, Esquire (Bremer). IV.

THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY-continued. DUGGAN, Honourable JOHN EDMUND (Toowo01nba). DuNSTAN, THOMAS, Esquire ( Gympic). EVANS, ERNEST, Esquire (Mimni). FARRELL, DAVID, Esquire (Maryboro'ugh). Ji'OLEY, Honourable THOMAS ANDREW (Normanby). GAIR, Honourable VINCENT CLAIR (South Brisbane). GRAHAM, FREDERICK DICKSON, Esquire (Mackay).

GuNN, WILL!Al\I MORRISON, Esquire (Wynnun~). HANLON, Honourable EDWARD MICHAEL (Ithaca). HEADING, JAMES ALFRED, Esquire (Wide Bay). HILEY, THOMAS ALFRED, Esquire (Logan). HILTON, PAUL JEROME REMIGIUS, Esquire (Carnar,von). INGRAM, WALTER CHARLES, Esquire (Keppel). JESSON, CECIL GEORGE, Esquire (Kennedy). JONES, Honourable ARTHUR (Charters Towers). KERR, THOMAS CALDWELL, Esquire ( Oxley). KEYATTA, GEORGE, Esquire (Townsville). LARCOMBE, Honourable J AMES (Rockhwrnpton) . .Low, DAVID ALAN, Esquire (Cooroora). LUCKINS, LOUIS WELLS, Esquire (Maree). MACDONALD, DUNCAN, Esquire (Stanley). MADSEN, 0TTO 0TTOSEN, Esquire (Warwick). MAHER, EDMUND BEDE, Esquire (West Moreton). MANN, JOHN HENRY, Esquire (Brisbane). MARRIOTT, GEORGE HENRY, Esquire (Bulin1ba). ·•MARSDEN, IvoR, Esquire (Ipswich). MCINTYRE, MALCOLM, Esquire (Cunningham). MooRE, Honourable WILLIAM MATTHEW (Merthyr).

*MOORES, THOMAS, Esquire (K1~rilpa). MORRIS, KENNETH JAMES, Esquire (Enoggera). MULLER, ADOLF GUSTAV, Esquire (Fassifern). NIOKLIN, GEORGE FRANCIS REUBEN, Esquire (M1•rrun1ba). O'SHEA, HARRY, Esquire (WarTego). PATERSON, FREDERICK WOOLNOUGH, Esquire (Bowen). PIE, BRUCE, Esquire (Windsor). PLUNKETT, THOMAS FLOOD, Esquire (Albert). POWER, Honourable WILLIAM (Ba1·oona). ROBERTS, FRANK EDWARD, Esquire (N1mdah). RUSSELL, CHARLES WILFRED, Esquire (Dalby). SMITH, ALFRED JAMES, Esquire (Carpentaria). SPARKES, WALTER BERESFORD JAMES GORDON, Esquire (A1rbigny). TAYLOR, HAROLD BOURNE, Esquire (Ha111ilton). TAYLOR, JOHN RUSSELL, Esquire (Mm·anoa). THEODORE, STEPHEN, Esquire (Herbert). TURNER, JOHN ALBERT, Esquire (Kelvin Grove). WANSTALL, CHARLES GRAY, Esquire (Toowong).

0 Took his seat, 14 September, 1949. v.

COMMITTEES. LIBRARY.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Davis, Mr. Dunstan, Mr. Keyatta, Mr. Maedonald, Mr. Morris, and Mr. Russell. PARLIAMENTARY BUILDINGS.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Hiley, Mr. Meintyre, Mr. Muller, Mr. Smith, Mr. Theodore, and Mr. Turner. PRINTING.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Clark, Mr. Graham, Mr. Kerr, Mr. Low, Mr. Sparkes, and Mr. Turner. REFRESHMENT RooMs.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Brand, Mr. Chalk, Mr. Jesson, Mr. Maher, Mr. O'Shea, and Mr. J. R. Taylor. STANDING ORDERS.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Brand, Mr. Hanlon, Mr. Mann, Mr. Nieklin, Mr. Roberts, and Mr. Wanstall.

ELECTIONS TRIBUNAL. ELECTIONS JUDGE.-The Honourable Mr. Justice Philp (1949). Queensland Parliamentary Debates, V.196-197, 1949 02 August 1949 - 25 November 1949


Index to Subjects.

Address in Reply­ BILLS-continued. Adoption, 523. Coal Mining Acts Amendment (initia­ Answer of Governor, 709. tion), 1397; (initiation in committee-), Debate on, 12, 26, 103, 133, 177, 211, 223, 1563; (1°), 1567; (2°), 1655; (com­ mittee), 1656; (3°), 1'375; (assent), 268, 291, 306, 343, 379, 392, 501; 1866. (amendment-Mr. Mcintyre), 187 · (amendment-Mr. Wanstall), 384; Constitution Acts Amendment (initia­ (extension of time for), 211. tion), 1030; (initiation in committee), Presentation to Governor, 709. 1180, 1184; (1°), 1185; (2°), 1482; (committee), 1485; ( 3 o), 1536; Adjournment of House, Formal Motions (assent), 1704. under Standing Order No. 137­ Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment (initia­ Cotton industry, Guaranteed price (motion tion), 744; (initiation in committee), -Mr. Nicklin), 1339. 781; (amendment-Mr. Pie), 785; (amendment-Mr. Wanstall), 787; Adjournment, Special, 24, 97, 1863. (P), 789; (2°), 1049; (committee), As.sault on honourable member outside 1053; (3°), 1054; (assent), 1179. Chamber, 1785, 1787, 1791; (motion­ Irrigation and Water Supply Commission Mr. Nicklin), 1792. Act and Other Acts Amendment (ini­ Auditor-General's Report- tiation), 1369; (initiation in commit­ Brisbane City Council's Accounts, 1787. tee), 1616; (1°), 1637; (2°), 1688; (co=ittee), 1735; (3°), 1742; Loans Sinking Funds, 955. (assent), 1866. Public Accounts, 1179. Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment (initiation), 1369; (initiation in Barristers and Solicitors, Fees paid by committee), 1639; (1°), 1655; (2°), Crown to- 1675; (committee), 1724; (3'), 1742; Order for Return (motion-Mr. Chalk), 26. (assent), 1866. Return tabled, 147. Liquid Fuel (initiation), 1369; ( initia· Blair Athol Coalfield Agreement- tion in committee), 1370; (1°), 1391; (Suspension of Standing Orders), Order in Council, Notice of motion for 1536; (2°), 1536; (committee), 1561; disallowance (Mr. Nicklin), 176; (3°), 1562; (assent), 1562. motion for disallowance (Mr. Nicklin), 177; Acting Speaker's ruling, 176; Local Government Acts Amendment (No. motion of dissent, 259; Ministerial 2) (initiation and initiation in corn· Statement, 422. mittee), 455; (1°), 458; (2° and corn· mittee), 1209; (3°), 1210; (assent), By-elections, Ipswich and Kurilpa, 130. 1534. BILLS- Maintenance (initiation and initiation in committee), 577; (1 °), 582; (2'), 697, Appropriation, No. 1 (Suspension of Stand­ 1203; (committee), 1656; (3°), 1675; ing Orders), 39; (all stages), 97; (assent), 1866. (assent), 173. Mental Institution Benefits Agreement Appropriation, No. 2 (1 ° and 2°) 1776, (initiation), 1616; (initiation in com­ 1785; (committee and 3 °),' 1787; mittee), 1693; (1°), 1703; (2°), (assent), 1866. 1735; (committee), 1737; (3°), 1743; Australian Consular Officers' N otarial (assent), 1866. Powers and Evidence Act Amendment Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage (initiation and initiation in commit­ Acts Amendment (initiation and initia­ tee), 1723; (1 °), 1724; (2°), 1843; tion in committee and 1 o), 458; (2° (committee and 3°), 1844; (assent), and committee), 1209; (3°), 1210; 1866. (assent), 1534. Burdekin River Development (initiation Public Accountants Registration Act and initiation in committee), 1391; Amendment (initiation), 855; (initia­ (1°), 1395; (2°), 1737, 1844; (com­ tion in committee and 1°), 1186; (2°), mittee), 1860; (3 o), 1862; (assent), 1485; (committee), 1486; (3°), 1536; 1866. (assent), 1704. 2 INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

BILLS-continued. Deaths (ltiotion of Condolence, &c.)­ Sewerage, Water Supply, and Gasfitting Hon. T. C. Beirne (motion of con­ (initiation), 1563; (initiation in cam· dolence), 10; (reply), 208. mittee), 1663; (1°), 1668; (2° and Hon. F. T. Brennan (motion of committee), 1693; (3°), 1707; condolence), 101. (assent), 1866. State Development and Public Works Mr. P. K. Copley (death announced), 8; Organisation Acts Amendment (initia­ (seat declared vacant), 8; (motion of tion and initiation in committee), 427, condolence), 9; (reply), 208. 444; (amendment-Mr. Nicklin), 430; Hon. D. A. Gledson (death announced), (amendment-Mr. Muller), 435; (1 °), 8; (seat declm·ed vacant), 8; (motion 444; (2°), 1186; (committee), 1188; of condolence•), 8. (3°), 1210; (assent), 1534. Mr. J. S. Hanlon (nwtion of condolence), State Housing Acts and Another Act 545. Amendment (initiation), 612; (initia­ tion in committee), 663; (1°), 696; Hon. J. Huxham (motion of condolence), (2 o), 957, 1030; (committee), 1040; 100. (3°), 1053; (assent), 1179. Delegation of Authority to Acting Supreme Court Acts Amendment (initia­ Premier, 1339. tion and initiation in committee), 582; (1°), 586; (2°), 1201; (committee), DIVISIONS- 1203; (3°), 1210; (assent), 1534. Address in Reply­ Timber Users' Protection (initiation), Amendment-Mr. Mcintyre, 280. 306; (initiation in committee), 482; (1 °), 497; (2°), 561; (committee), Amendment-Mr. Wanstall, 445. 591, 612, 637; (3°), 662; (assent), Assault on hon. member-Amendment­ 1029. Mr. Paterson, 1803; (closure motion), Tuberculosis Agreement (initiation and 1802; motion-Mr. Nicklin, 1814; initiation in committee)' 460, 474; (closure motion), 1813. (1°), 481; (2°), 523, 530, 557; (com­ mittee), 651; (3°), 662; (assent), Blair Athol Coalfield Agreement-Dis­ 1029. allowance of assignment, 379.

Vagrants, Gaming and Other Offences Acts BILLS- Amendment (initiation), 1397; (initia­ Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment­ tion in committee), 1455, 1481; (amendment-Mr. Paterson), 1481; Initiation in committee (amendment­ (amendment withdrawn), 1482; (1 °), Mr. Pie) (closure motion), 786; 1482; (2°), 1668; (committee), 1669; (amendment-Mr. Wanstall), 789. (3°), 1675; (assent), 1866. Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment­ Valuation of Land Acts Amendment (initia­ Clause 5 (amendment-Mr. Nicklin), tion and initiation in committee), 444; 1727_ (1°), 455; (2°), 587; (committee), Liquid Fuel- 591; (3°), 612; (assent), 743. Second Reading, 1561. Workers' Compensation Acts Amendment (initiation and initiation in commit­ State Development and Public W arks tee), 1708; (amendment-Mr. Pater­ Organisation Acts Amendment­ son), 1717; (1"), 1722; (2°), 1743, Initiation in committee (amendment 1814, 1838; (committee), 1841; (3°), -Mr. Nicklin), 431; (closure 1843; (assent), 1866. motion), 431. Chairmen of Committees, Temporary, Panel State Housing Acts and Another Act nominated by ltir. Speaker, 8. Amendment- Clause 9 (amendment-Mr. Nicklin) Closure 1\'Iotion, Application of, 430, 786, Motion to disagree to chairman's 1802, 1813. ruling, • 1042; (amendment-Mr. Commission to Administer Oath or Aikens), 1047. Affirmation ol Allegiance, 424. Timber Users' Protection- Clause 6 (Amendment-Mr. Mcintyre), Communism, Educational Campaign for Workers (Motion-Mr. Barnes), 546. 600. Clause 10 (amendment-Mr. Mac­ Cotton Industry, Guaranteed Price­ donald), 609. Motion for adjournment of House (:JI.'l:r. Clause 15 (amendment-Mr. N'icklin), Nicklin), 1339. 642. Clause 19 (amendment-Mr. Muller), Dalby Electoral District­ 647. Resignation of Mr. Russell, 1179. Tuberculosis Agreement- Seat declared vacant, 1179. Clause 2 (amendment-Mr. Nicklin), Days of Sitting (see "Sitting Days")­ 656. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 3

DIVISIONS-continued. Fertiliser Works, Establishment of BILLS-continued. (Motion, Mr. Clark), 711. Workers' Compensation Acts Amend­ Financial Statement (Committee of ment- Supply), 723. Initiation in committee (amendment Debate on, 744, 789, 808, 862, 893, 942, -Mr. Paterson), 1722. 968. Clause 3 (amendment-Mr. Paterson) Motion to disagree to Temporary Tables re1ating to, tabled, 723. Chairman's ruling, 1843. Golden Casket, (see also Questions)­ Days of Sitting- Ministerial Statement, 1828. Precedence of Government business on Royal commission, Suggested appointment, Thursday (motion-Mr. Gair), 957. 1748, 1835. Electric Supply Corporation (Overseas) Limited Agreement Act, Disallowance Government Employees, Number oi­ of Order in Council, 379. Order for return (motion-Mr. Nicklin), 26; Return tabled, 259. Privilege- Assault on hon. member­ Governor's Opening Speech, 1, 11. Amendment-Mr. Paterson, 1803; (closure motion), 1802; (motion­ Hansard- Mr. Nicklin), 1814; (closure Circulation and cost of, Hi47-48, 97. motion), 1813. Omission of speech (Mr. Barnes), 780; Railway Proposal, Yeerongpilly-Kuraby Statement by Mr. Speaker, 892. Railway Duplication- Ipswich Electoral District­ Committee, (amendment-Mr. Aikens), By-election date, 130. Motion to disagree to Chairman's ruling, 1121. Death of Hon. D. A. Gledson announced, 8. Rockhampton Abattoir area, Disallowance Member sworn, Mr. I. Marsden, 458. of Order in Council, 862. Return of Writ, 458. Speake·r 's (Acting) Ruling, Motion to dis­ Seat declared vacant, 8. agree to (Disallowance of Order in Council, Electric Supply Corporation Kuraby-Yeerongpilly Railway Duplication, (Overseas) Ltd. Agreement Act), 133, 460; (corn.), 1110. 268. Supply- Kurilpa Electoral District­ Resolutions reported from committee­ By-election date, 130. Premier and Chief Secre·tary, 1775. Death of Mr. P. K. Copley announced, 8. Suspension- Membe·r sworn, Mr. T. Moores, 458. Mr. Aikens (motion-Mr. Hanlon), 1184. Return of Writ, 458. Mr. Barnes (motion-Mr. Hanlon), 942; (motion-Mr. Gair), 1785. Seat declared vacant, 8. Mr. Pie (motion-Mr. Hanlon) 444; LeadershiJ) (Deputy) of Opposition, 146. (motion-Mr. Gair), 1775. Mr. Wanstall (motion-Mr. Gair), 1837. Leadership of Nortli Queensland Labour Party, 147. Time limit of speech, Extension of (motion -Mr. Brown), 634. Library Committee, Appointment, 26.

Electric Supply Corporation (Overseas) Members- Limited Agreement Act- Misconduct of (Hon. H. H. Collins and Mr. Order in Council, notice of motion for dis­ B. Pie), Statement by Leader of allowance (Mr. Nicklin), 176; motion Opposition, 1787; called on to apolo­ for disallowance (Mr. Nicklin), 177; gise, 1791; motion-(Mr. Nicklin), Acting Speaker's ruling, 176; motion 1792; amendment (Mr. Paterson), of dissent, 259. 1800; apology (Mr. Collins), 1814; refusal to apologise- (Mr. Pie), 1814; Estimates-in-Chief, 1949-50­ named, 1814. Tabled, 723. Named (Mr. Aikens), 1184; (Mr. Barnes), Estimates, Supplementary, 1948-49-­ 942, 1785; (Mr. Pie), 443, 1774, 1814; Tabled, 1480. (Mr. Wanstall), 1836. Ordered to apologise (Mr. Aikens), 786, Explanations, Personal (see "Personal 807, 957; (Mr. Jesson), 1783; (Mr. Explanations''). Pie), 443, 1674; (Mr. Collins), 1814; Fees paid by Crown to Barristers and (Mr. Pie), 1814. Solicitors- Ordered to resume seat (Mr. Aikens), 1433; Order for Return (motion-Mr. Chalk), (Mr. Morris), 1071. 26. Resignation of (Mr. Mahe-r), 1125; (Mr. Return to Order, 147. Russell), 1179. 4 INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

)!embers-continued. Private Members' ~lotions-continued. Suspended (Mr. Aikens), 1184; (Mr. Workers' Homes, National credit and Barnes), 942, 1785; (Mr. Pie), 443, interest free money for (Mr. Barnes), 1774; (Mr. Wanstall), 1837. 546. ltiessage from Governor, Interjection by Privilege- hon. member on approach of Assault on hon. member outside Chamber, messenger, 1029. 1787, 1791; (motion-Mr. Nicklin), ltiinisterial Expenses, 1948-49­ 1792. 0rder for Return (motion-Mr. Mac­ Golden Casket-Ministerial statement, 1828. donald), 26; Return tabled, 577. Royal Commission, Suggested appointment, ~Iinisterial Statements­ 1748, 1835. Attorney-General, Appointment of Hon. G. Questions- H. Devries, 11. Blair Athol coalfield, 422. Censorship, Denial of, Article in "Courier­ Mail," 1707. Golden Caskets, 1828. "Sons of Matthew," Film, Preview, 1563. Form, Scope and Limitations, 306, 459, 956, 968, 1614, 1639, 1674, 1707, 1742. Misconduct of Members, 1787, (called on to Reply by Minister, 258. apologise.)", 1791; (apology), 1814. Time for giving notice, 795. ~Ioonmera-~Ioongan Railway Proposal, 133, 460, 1190. QUESTIONS­ Nitrogenous Fertiliser Works, Establish­ Abattoir­ ment of (Motion-Mr. Clark), 711. Brisbane- North Queensland Labor Party, Leadership Calves, Alleged starving of (Mr. Mar­ of, 147. riott), 1638. Opening of Parliament, 1. Meat for export, Rejection and black­ marketing (Mr. Marriott), 1638. Opening Speech of Governor, 1, 11. Meat grades (Mr. Marriott), 1672. Meat Hall, Alleged smoking in (Mr. Opposition, Deputy Leadership of, 146. Marriott), 1287. Parliament- Meat inspection (Mr. Pie), 545. Opening of, 1. Rockhampton, Establishment of Board Prorogation of, 1866. (Mr. Morris), 472; (Mr. Nicklin), 661. Toowoomba, Establishment of Board Parliamentary Buildings Committee, (Mr. Chalk), 696. Appointment, 26. Acacia Ridge and Coopers Plains, Rail Personal Explanations­ motor service (Mr. Kerr), 528. Mr. Ailmns, 427, 624, 1791. Agricultural Bank- Mr. Barnes, 780. Ex-Servicemen, Financial aid to (Mr. Mr. Hiley, 852. H. B. Taylor), 610; Suggested revision (H. B. Taylor), 778. Mr. Ingram, 176. War Service Homes, Loans approved Mr. Maher, 211. (Mr. Plunkett), 208. Mr. Pie, 853. Agricultural returns, Closing date for (Mr. Hon. W. Power, 306 Low), 425. Mr. Russell, 102. Agriculture and Stock Department, Mr. Sparkes, 1742. Resignations of professional officers Mr. Theodore, 426. (Mr. Evans), 304. Amalgamation of Local Authorities (Mr. Personal Statement (Mr. Hanlon), 853. Mcintyre), 661. Precedence of GoYernment Business on­ Ambulance collectors on railway premises Thursday, 956. (Mr. Aikens), 542. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 25. Anti-picketing fines, Payment of (Mr. Nicklin), 98. Printing Committee, Appointment, 26. Auditor-General's .Report, Date of pre­ Private ~!embers' ~lotions- sentation (Mr. Hiley), 795, 854. Communism, Educational campaign for Australian Worke·rs' Union, Forestry workers (Mr. Barnes), 546. administration and employees (Mr. Nitrogenous Fertiliser Works, Establish­ Pie), 696, 7801 794, 968; Open-cut ment of (motion-Mr. Clark), 711. Coalmining (Mr. Pie), 99. Water Resources of North-West Queens­ Banyo, Northgate, Redbank and Virginia, land, Survey of (Mr. Smith), 547, 624, Railway Resumptions (Mr. Roberts), 795. 890. INDEX Tv SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 5

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Basic wage increases, Cost to Government British Food Corporation-continued. (Mr. Nicklin), 340. Sorghum production (Mr. Maher), 24; Beef for Britain, Contract (Mr. Sparkes), (Mr. MeIntyre), 37. 1125. Sorghum seed purchases (Mr. Russell), Beenleigh district, Presence of rabbits 623, 709. (Mr. Plunkett), 1479. Studebaker truck, purchaser of (Mr. B,ielke-Petersen), 131. Betting- Place betting on Brisbane racecourses British Migrants, Arrivals and Departures, (Mr. Pie), 222; (Mr. Kerr), 498. 1948-49 (Mr. Nicklin), 609; (Mr. Revenue (Mr. Kerr), 498. Luckins), 696. S.P. bookmakers, Registration of (Mr. Broadcasts by Liberal Party, 4KQ (Mr. Pie), 210. Farrell), 744. Totalisator moneys, Apportionment (Mr. Broken Hill South Company, Operations Wanstall), 458. at Chillagoe (Mr. Aikens), 611. Blair Athol Coalfield- Buffalo Fly Control Fund, Particulars of Development (Mr. Pie), 146, 174. (Mr. Madsen), 710, 793. Electric Supply Corporation (Overseas) Building- Franchise (Mr. Pie), 99. Costs per Square (Mr. Nicklin), 144. Hoppers, Supply of (Mr. Aikens), 1110. Home Construction, Rate of (Mr. Decker), Boat and road services, State school­ 611. children (Mr. Low), 305; (Mr. Mac­ Materials Control Staff (Mr. Low), 174. donald), 459, 474. Permits South Coast Zone (Mr. Plunkett), Bookmakers, S.P., Registration of (Mr. 24, 132. Pie), 210. Supplies ordered abroad (Mr. Maher), Bowen- 211, 223. Hospital, Fire hazard (Mr. Paterson), Burdekin District- 624. Glare Regional Experiment Station (Mr. Iron and steel works (Mr. Paterson), Nieklin), 498. 391. Dam­ Brazier, Mr. E. N., Property of (Mr. H. B. Co=onwealth aid (Mr. Aikens), 210; Taylor), 377, 851. (Mr. Nicklin), 778. Bread- Employees, Number of (Mr. Aikens), 696. Price (Mr. Aikens), 174. Railway freights (Mr. Sparkes), 1837. Soil Erosion and Silting, Burdekin Valley (Mr. Nicklin), 661. Brisbane Abattoir- Butter and Cheese prices (Mr. Muller), Calves, Alleged starving of (Mr. Mar­ 131; (Mr. Mcintyre), 472; (Mr. riott), 1638. Plunkett), 623. Meat for export, rejection and black­ marke·ting (Mr. Marriott), 1638. Callide Coalfield- Meat grades (Mr. Marriott), 1672. Dedman, Hon. J. J., Visit to (Mr. Pie), Meat Hall, Alleged smoking in (Mr. 210. Marriott), 12 8 7. Display of coal in Brisbane (Mr. Chalk), Meat inspection (Mr. Pie), 545. 545. Drilling on (Mr. Burrows), 209. Brisbane and South Coast Hospitals Board, Port for (Mr. Pie), 209, 499. Change of name (Mr. Low), 305. Transport, Costs of (Mr. Pie), 258. Brisbane City Council, Story bridge and sewerage scheme (Mr. Evans), 500. Calves, Brisbane Abattoir, Alleged Starving of (Mr. Marriott), 1638. Brisbane meat supply and prices (Mr. Marriott), 609, 1180, 1209. Cattle- Prices and Supplies (Mr. Sparkes), 623. British Food Corporation­ Stock Diseases Compensation Fund Equipment (Mr. Madsen), 793. receipts, payments, levies, 1948-49 (Mr. Finances (Mr. Nicklin), 1396. Kerr), 459; (Mr. Plunkett), 499; Operations (Mr. Mcintyre), 37. (Mr. Mcintyre), 891. Peak Downs Property- Trucks used for conveyance of foo

QUE,STIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Central Queensland Coal Development Co. Coal-mining Industry-oontinued. Pty. Ltd., Directors and Capital (Mr. Scottville and Collinsville production Maller), 132. (Mr. Nicklin), 1209, 1707, 1742. Cheese and butter prices (Mr. Muller), Secret ballot, Taking of (Mr. Maher), 131; (Mr. Mcintyre), 472; (Mr. 24. Plunkett), 623. Strike-­ Chermside T.B. Sanatorium, Construction Gas coal, quantity used (Mr. Paterson), (Mr. Pie), 257. 500. Child-care centres, financing of (Mr. Local Authorities affected (Mr. Morris), 1670. Evans), 710. Police, Actions of (Mr. Pie), 378. Children, Custody applications (Mr. Wan­ Suggested visit of Premier to field stall), 779. (Mr. Pie), 38. Clare Regional Experiment Station, Ayr Townsville Regional Electricity Board, (Mr. Nicklin), 498. Recoupment of losses (Mr. Aikens), Coal loading, South Brisbane railway 743. wharf (Mr. Luckins), 610, 1674. Coke for Railway Department, Townsville (Mr. Aikens), 1110. Coal-mining Industry- A.W.U. and open-cut mines (Mr. Pie), Collinsville- 99. State Coal Mine (Mr. Pie), 378; produc­ Blair Athol Field- tion (Mr. Nicklin), 1209, 1.707, 1742. Development (Mr. Pie), 146, 174. Swimming pool, Proposed construction Electric Supply Corporation (Over­ (Mr. Paterson), 1536. seas), Franchise (Mr. Pie), 99. Commonwealth- Hoppers, Supply of (Mr. Aikens), 1110. Burdekin Dam, Aid for (Mr. Aikens), Callide Field- 210; (Mr. Nicklin), 778. Dedman, Hon. J. J., Visit to (Mr. Dairying Industry, Grant to (Mr. Pie), 210. Plunkett), 610. Display of Coal in Brisbane (Mr. Savings Bank DEJpartment, Profit alloca­ Chalk), 545. tion (Mr. Luckins), 527. Drilling on (Mr. Burrows), 209. Cooper's Plains and Acacia Ridge, Rail Port for (Mr. Pie), 209, 499. Motor Service (Mr. Kerr), 528. Transport, Costs of (Mr. Pie), 258. Correspondence Room, Parliament House, Central Queensland Ooal Development Floor covering (Mr. Sparkes), 474. Co. Pty. Ltd., Directors and capital (Mr. Maher), 132. Cotton Industry- Central Queensland, Port for (Mr. Pie), Committee of Inquiry, Suggested appoint­ 174. ment (Mr. Morris), 1125. Collins1ille State Mine (Mr. Pie), 378; Guaranteed price (Mr. Pie,), 146, 543; production (Mr. Nicklin), 1209, 1707, increased price (Mr. Nicklin), 304, 1742. 543; (Mr. Pie), 852. Swimming pool, proposed construction T'ariff Board's Report (Mr. Pie), 794, (Mr. Paterson), 1536. 852. Electric Supply Corporation (Over­ Crow's Nest, Petrol shortage (Mr. seas)­ Sparkes), 1534. Central Queensland Coal Development Co. Pty. Ltd., Shareholding in (Mr. Croydon-Forsayth railway, Proposed con­ Maher), 132. struction (Mr. Low), 1339. Franchise (Mr. Pie), 99. Culwulla Chambers, Sydney, Purchase of Glenrock Supplies (Mr. Donald), 257; (Mr. Pie), 258. (Mr. Maher), 290. Custody of children applications (Mr. Nebo deposits- Wanstall), 779. Boring operations (Mr. Evans), 37. Dairying Industry- Powell Duffryn Technical Services Commonwealth grant (Mr. Plunkett), Limited, report of (Mr. Evans), 25. 610; Dairy products, prices of (Mr. Mackay Power House, Supply (Mr. Plunkett), 623. Graham), 290. Mount Mulligan Mine (iVIr. Nicklin), Dalby District- 1614. Galvanised iron, Supplies of (Mr. Rus­ Powell Duffryn Technical Services Ltd., sell), 779. Report of (Mr. Kerr), 100. Soldier Settlers- Cost of report (Mr. Russell), 851. Fencing costs (Mr. H. B. Taylor), Staff and qualifications (Mr. Kerr), 851; Land resumption, compensa­ 1706. tion (Mr. Sparkes), 793. Premier, Suggested visit by (Mr. Pie), Darling Downs, Supply of galvanised iron 38. (Mr. Sparkes), 290, 391, 424. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSE~fBLY. 7

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Domestic science and trade classes, East Galvanised iron- Brisbane State School (Mr. Luckins), Brisbane houses, Use on (Mr. Marriott), 1053. 473. Dwyer, Mr. T. E.-Emoluments (Mr. Dalby District, Supplies (Mr. Russell), Aikens), 146. 779. Darling Downs, Supplies (Mr. Sparkes), East Brisbane State School, Domestic science and trade classes (Mr. 290, 391, 424. Luckins), 1053. Ex-service Settlers, Supplies for (Mr. Russell), 968. Elections­ Imports from overseas (Mr. Maher), 211. By-elections, Rights of scrutineers (Mr. Japanese, Cost of (Mr. Chalk), 543; Wanstall), 378; Enrolments (:'11r. alleged confiscation of (Mr. Moores), Nicklin), 24. 1179. Ipswich By-election- North Queensland, Rail transport (Mr. Date of (Mr. Wanstall), 39; Premier's Theodore), 544; proposed subsidy (Mr. appeal, cost of (Mr. Pie), 392. Aikens), 576. Kurilpa By-election, Government car, Road Transport tax (Mr. Sparkes), 622; use of (Mr. Chalk), 425. (Mr. Aikens), 624. Eleetoral Boundaries Commission, Sittings Gas c.oal used during strike (Mr. Paterson), (Mr. Paterson), 711. 500. Electoral Districts- Gilbert River Bridge, Construction of (Mr. Ne.w maps of (Mr. Nicklin), 98; Hiley), 661. Redistribution, Date of :final report (Mr. Low), 1790; Returning officers, Girofia, Mine, Ore production (Mr. Aikens), appointment (Mr. Morris), 793. 378. Electric Supply Corporation (Overseas), Glenrock Coal deposits (Mr. Donald), Central Queensland Coal Development Co. 257; (Mr. Maher), 290. Pty. Ltd., Shareholding in (Mr. Maher), 132; Franchise (Mr. Pie), Golden Casket- 99. Agencies, Transfer of (Mr. Kerr), 1562. Englart, Healy and Julius, Payment of Drawings, Methods of (Mr. Pie), 1535; fines for (Mr. Nicklin), 98. (Mr. Chalk), 1834; Delay of (Mr. Morris), 1789. Eumundi, Road roller (Mr. Low), 544. Golden Dragon Agency (Mr. Pie), 17 88. Eventide Homes- Golden Investments (See also general Long service leave to employees (Mr. entries)­ Aikens), 145. Agreement with (Mr. Pie), 161 '5 1705, Rockhampton, Construction (Mr. Maher), 1789; (Mr. Morris), 1837. 34.1. Office of (Mr. Pie), 1615. Sandgate, cement stored (Mr. Decker), Prizes won by proprietors or 1480, 1562. employees (Mr. Chalk), 1706, 1788. "Find the Ball" and "Write a Title" Proprietors and commission (Mr. Low), Competitions (Mr. Burrows), 1835. 1287; (Mr. Pie), 1535, 1705. Fire Insurance in North Queensland Gray, L. E. and D. C. (See also general S.G.I.O. (Mr. Aikens), 378, 391. ' entries)­ Dollar resources (Mr. Pie), J 790; Fish Board Inquiry, Report (Mr. Low), (Mr. Wanstall), 1834. 174. Duplicator, Sale of (Mr. Pie), 1838. Fisticuffs, Alleged challenge (:Mr. Pie), 305. Nechi Consolidated Dredging Ltd., Transfer of shares (Mr. Wa,tsbtll), Forestry Sub-department- 1834. Public expenditure, Alleged waste (Mr. Hanlon, Mr. P. J., Ticket sold to Pie), 794. (Mr. Pie), 1789. Status and jurisdiction suggested by Kookaburra Agency (Mr. Pie), 1788. A.W.U. (Mr. Pie), 968. X os. 7 49 and 984 (Mr. Pie), 1788. Unlawful removal of timber by offkcrs No. 1057 (Mr. Chalk), 1788. of sub-department (Mr. Pie), 852. No. 1367 (Mr. Pie), 1615, 1638, 1670, vVorkers' accommodation, Alleged e01n­ 1741, 1788; (Mr. Chalk), 1835; (Mr. plaints by A.W.U. (Mr. Pie), 6£i6, 780. Aikens), 1835, 1862; (Mr. Wanstall), 1836. Forsayth-Croydon railway, Proposed con­ struction (Mr. Hiley), 1339. No. 1395 (Mr. Pie), 1788. Xos. 1402-1415 (Mr. Pie), 1741; (Mr. Fortitude Valley State School, Foundation Wanstall), 1789. stone (Mr. Pie), 473. No. 1416, Delay of drawing (Mr. Freights, Special, Railway Department Morris), J 789. (Mr. Paterson), 1396. Pixie Agency (Mr. Pie), 1790. 8 INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Golden Casket-continued. Housing-continued. Returned tickets, Purchase of (Mr. Commission-(See also individual items). Kerr), 1706; (Mr. Aikens), 1787. Employees, Number of (Mr. Chalk), Royal Commission, Suggested appoint­ 132. ment (Mr. Aikens), 1704; (Mr. Houses, Applications and construction Nicklin), 1835. (Mr. Chalk), 498. Staff conditions, Deputation to Attorney­ Settlements, Particulars of (Mr. H. B. General (Mr. Pie), 1705. Taylor), 98; removals from (Mr. Syndicates, Sales of tickets to (Mr. Pie), Gunn), 306. 1535, 1615. Temporary accommodation (Mr. Mar­ Gold-mining, Tax concessions (Mr. Pater­ riott), 459. son), 530. Toowoomba town plan (Mr. Chalk), Government Printing Office, Employees and 1837. Expenditure, (Mr. Low), 341. Workers' homes and dwellings, Repos­ Gulf Areas and Peak Downs, Cost of visits sessions and sales (Mr. Nicklin), of Parliamentarians (Mr. Kerr), 145, 424. J 73; C'd:r. Turner), 211. Galvanised iron- Brisbane houses, Use on (Mr. Mar­ Hanlon, Mr. P. J., Casket prize (Mr. Pie), riott), 473. 1789. Darling Downs, Supplies (Mr. Harlaxton New State School, Construction Sparkes), 290, 391, 424. of (Mr. Chalk), 99. Imports from overseas (Mr. Maher), Hayes, Mr. T. R., Teaching Service of 211. (Mr. Aikens), 145, 210. Japanese, Cost of (Mr. Chalk), 543; Healy, Englart and Julius, Payment of Alleged confiscation (Mr. Moores), :fiines for (Mr. Nicklin), 98. 1179. North Queensland, Rail transport (Mr. Home Purchase Plan (State)­ Theodore), 544; (Mr. Aikens), 624; Actuaries Report (Mr. Decker), 710, Proposed subsidy (Mr. Aikens), 576. 780, 851. R?ad transport tax (Mr. Sparkes), 622. "Smith's Weekly," Article in (Mr. Pie), 529. Home-purchase plan (State)­ "Truth," Article in (Mr. Pie), 342, Free insurance and interest on deposits 529. (Mr. Decker), 710, 780, 851. "Smith's Weekly." Article in (Mr. Hoppers for Blair Athol Coalfield (Mr. Pie), 529. Aikens), 1110. "Truth," Article in (Mr. Pie), 342, Horse Flesh for Human Consumption (Mr. 529. Marriott), 1740. Homes purchased from Government, Number and indebtedness (Mr. Kerr), Hospitals- 661. Bowen, Fire hazard (Mr. Paterson), 624. Houses constructed, Particulars and Brisbane and South Coast Board, Change number (Mr. Chalk), 38, 289, 498; of name (Mr. Low), 305. (Mr. Decker), 611, 710. Chermside T. B. Sanatorium, Construc­ Railway houses, Rental of (Mr. Chalk), tion (Mr. Pie), 257. 38. Mental Patients, Maintenance of (Mr. Rental houses (State)­ Nicklin), 144. Applications and construction (Mr. New buildings and additions (Mr. Pat­ Chalk), 498. terson), 1639. Repair (Mr. H. B. Taylor), 528. Out-patients' Clinics and Social Service Townsville (Mr. Aikens), 611. payments (Mr. Aikens), 529. South Coast building permits (Mr. Stanthorpe, Particulars of (Mr. Nicklin), Plunkett), 24, 132. 256, 471, 851. Stafford housing projects, Shortage of Townsville, Completion of (Mr. Keyatta) materials (Mr. Pie), 341. 28~ ' State homes, Sales of (Mr. Nicklin), 424; (Mr. Chalk), 498. Housing- Toowoomba town plan (Mr. Chalk), Building costs per square (Mr. Nicklin) 1837. 144. ' Workers' homes and dwellings, Repos­ Building Materials Control, Employees sessions and sales (Mr. Nicklin), 424, and expenditure (Mr. Low), 174. 890. Building permits, South Coast (Mr. Hughenden railway station (Mr. Aikens), Plunkett), 24, 132. 956. Building supplies ordered abroad (Mr. Hydro-electric schemes, Particulars of (Mr. Maher), 211, 223. Maher), 36, 97. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 9

QUE1STIO:NS-continued: QUE1STIONS-continued: Immigration- Loans-contiwued. British migrants, Arrivals and depar­ Subsidies to local authorities, Effect of tures, 1948-49 (Mr. Nicklin), 609; (Mr. Evans), 144, 425; (Mr. Aikens), (Mr. Lnckins), 696. 289; scale (Mr. Aikens), 499; Bris­ Nationalities of assisted migrants (Mr. bane City Council (Mr. Evans), 500. Bjelke-Petersen), 38. Local authorities- Rural areas, Number in (Mr. Plunkett), Amalgamation of areas (Mr. Mcintyre), 208. 661. Interest-free period, Loans to ex-service Coal strike, Effect of (Mr. Evans), 710. settlers (Mr. Hiley), 779. Kurilpa by-election, Result of (Mr. Ipswich by-election- Ingram), 1563. Date (Mr. Wanstall), 39. Loan liability (Mr. Muller), 501, 891. Premier's appeal, Cost of (Mr. Morris), Rates of ex-service settlers (Mr. Russell), 392. ' 779. Iron and steel works, Bowen (Mr. Pater­ Subsidies (Mr. Evans), 144, 425; (Mr. son), 391. Aikens), 289; scale (Mr. Aikens), 499 ; Brisbane City Council (Mr. Evans), Japanese galvanised iron, Cost of (Mr. 500. Chalk), 543; Alleged confiscation (Mr. Moores), 1179. Locomotives and rolling stock ordered abroad (Mr. Maher), 211. Jubilee Pocket-Proserpine road transport (Mr. Paterson), 1673. Mackay power house, Coal supplies (Mr. Graham), 290. Julius, Englart and Healy, Payment of fines for (Mr. Nicklin), 98. Main roads, Care of trees on (Mr. Low), 1287, 1396. Junior University examinations- Papers, Marking of (Mr. Paterson), 794. Main Roads Commission- Subjects (Mr. Aikens), 499. Appeal board, Suggested establisl•ment (Mr. Morris), 743; (Mr. Luckins), Jurymen, Brisbane, Accommodation for 1788. (Mr. Wanstall), 340. Surveyors, Number of (Mr. Low), 145. Juvenile Employment Bureau, Juniors Maroochy and Landsborough shires, Water placed (Mr. Russell), 305. supplies (Mr. Low), 209. Kerosene lamps, Replacements for (Mr. Matriculation and University scholarship Nicklin), 1637. examinations, Greek and Latin (Mr.. Paterson), 223. Kindergartens, Government help (Mr. Paterson), 1125. Meat- Brisbane abattoir, Inspection at (Mr. Kookaburra Casket Agency (Mr. Pie), Pie), 545. 1788. Brisbane supplies and prices (Mr. Mar­ Kurilpa- riott), 609, 1180, 1209. Local authority by-election, Result of Britain, Contract with (Mr. Sparkes), (Mr. Ingram), 1563. 1125. State by-ele.ction, Use of Government Export, Rejection and alleged black motor-car (Mr. Chalk), 425. marketing (Mr. Marriott), 1638. Land-Sales and Prices Branch- Grades (Mr. Marriott), 1672. Control, Suggested lifting (Mr. Luckins), Horse flesh for human consumption (Mr. 289; (Mr. Sparkes), 528. Marriott), 1740. Staff and expenditure (Mr. Law), 257. Prices (Mr. Paterson), 1673. Valuations, Basis of (Mr. Aikens), 1704. Townsville supplies (Mr. Aikens), 258. Land settlement (soldiers) (See "Soldier Mentally siek patients, Maintenttnce. of Settlement"). (Mr. Nicklin), 144. Landsborough and Maroochy shires, Water Miners, Secret ballot of (Mr. Maher), 24. supplies (Mr. Low), 209. Mitchelton State School (Mr. Morris), 575. Lepers, Treatment of (Mr. Aikens), 1455. Moorooka Rehabilitation Training School, Carpentry instructors at (Mr. Nicklin), Level crossing, Palm avenue, Sandgate- 472. Automatic warning signal (Mr. Decker), 305. Moratorium for ex-servicemen (Mr. H. B. Taylor), 424. Liberal Party broadcasts, 4KQ (Mr. Motor-cars- Farrell), 744. Government, Number and cost (Mr. Loans- Wanstall), 131, 146, 175; use at Agricultural Bank and war service Kurilpa by-election (Mr. Chalk), 425. homes (Mr. Plunkett), 208. Prices. Effect of de-valuation (Mr. Local authorities' liability (Mr. Muller), Evans), 1030. 501, 891. Traffic indicators (Mr. Morris), 173. 10 INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Motor-vehicle fees, Allocation of (Mr. Petrol- Muller), 25. Crow 's Nest, Shortage of supply (Mr. Mount Mulligan coal-mine, Report of Sparkes), 1534. Powell Duffryn Technical Services Price (Mr. Aikens), 955. Ltd. (Mr. Nicklin), 1614. Rationing (Mr. Wanstall), 290, 780. Mourilyan harbour, Report on (Mr. Wheat harvesting, Supply for (Mr. Nicklin), 208. Sparkes), 1534. N ambour Rural and High School accom­ Pig meats and sorghums, Prices to Britain modation (Mr. Low), 1672. (Mr. Nicklin), 256, 340. Nangur and \Vindera timber reserves (Mr. Pixie Casket Agency (Mr. Pie), 1790. Heading), 528. Place betting on Brisbane racecourses (Mr. Pie), 222; (Mr. Kerr), 498. Native flowers, Illegal taking of (Mr. Macdonald), 1788. Police- Coal strike, Actions of police (Mr. Pie), Nebo coal deposits- 378. Boring operations (Mr. Evans), 37. Pensions, Suggested increase (Mr. Powell Duffryn Technical Services Ltd., Nicklin), 1030. Report of (Mr. Evans), 25. Post-war Reconstruction and Development Nechi Consolidated Dredging Ltd., Interest Trust Fund (Mr. Nicklin), 24. of L. E. Gray (Mr. Wanstall), 1834. Powell Duffryn Technical Services Ltd.­ North Arm, Derailment of goods train Cost of work (Mr. Russell), 851. (Jiilr. Low), 145. Mount Mulligan coal mine, Report on North Queensland­ (Mr. Nicklin), 1614. Galvanised iron- Nebo coal deposits, Report on (Mr. Evans), 25. Rail transport (Mr. Theodore), 544; (Mr. Aikens), 624. Staff and qualifications (Mr. Kerr), 1706. Subsidy (Mr. Aikens), 576. State coal resources, Report on (Mr. Kerr), 100. State Government Insurance Office, Alleged refusal of business (Mr. Premier (Acting), Salary (Mr. Pie.), 545. Aikens), 378, 391. Prices and Land Sales Branch- Timber resenes (Mr. Macdonald), 37. Control, Suggested lifting of (Mr. Water piping, Shortage (Mr. Aikens)~ Luckins), 289; (Mr. Sparkes), 528; 1454. (Mr. Pie), 1534. Staff and expenditure (Mr. Low), 257. Northern highway, Expenditure on (Mr. Valuations, Basis of (Mr. Aikens), 1704. Aikens), 968, 1126. Private. members' motions (Mr. Aikens), Northgate, Banyo, Redbank and Virginia 711. railway resnmptions (Mr. Roberts), 890. Proserpine-Jubilee Pocket road transport (Mr. Paterson), 1673. Open-cut coal mines- Public-address units in streets (Mr. A.W.U., Attitude of (Mr. Pie), 99. Aikens), 1614. G!enrock deposits, Working of (Mr. Public Service- Donald), 257; (Mr. Mahe,r), 290. Admissions and resignations (Mr. Out-patients' clinics and social service Morris), 793, 892. payments (Mr. Aikens), 529. Agriculture. and Stock Department, Resignations of professional officers Palm avenue, Sandgate, level crossing (Mr. (Mr. Evans), 304. Decker), 305. Building Materials Control, Employees Parliament House- and expenditure (Mr. Low), 174. Correspondence room, Floor covering Eventide homes, Long service leave to (Mr: Sparkes), 474. employees (Mr. Aikens), 145. Placard on gate (Mr. Aikens), 1838. Government Printing Office, .Employees and expenditure (Mr. Low), 341. Parliamentary language in debate (Mr. Chalk), 379. Main Roads Commission- Appeal board, Suggested establish­ Peak Downs British Food Scheme­ ment (Mr. Morris), 743; (Mr. Cost (Mr. Pie), 132. Luckins), 1788. Employees, Number of (Mr. Sparkes), Surveyors, Number of (Mr. Low), 145. 145. Pension payments, Suggested increase H:arvest (Mr. Nicklin), 340. (Mr. Mac1sen), 98; (Mr. Nicklin), Parliamentarians, Cost of visit (Mr. 1030. Kerr), 145, 173. Pyelo-nephritis in Queensland, Statement Pig meats and sorghums, Prices to Britain bv Alderman Dr. J. J. Ryan (Mr. (Mr. Nicklin), 256, 340. Barnes), 391; (Mr. Turner), 956. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 11

QUESTIONS-continued: QUE,STIONS-continued: Queensland-British Food Corporation­ Railways-continued. Equipment (Mr. Madsen), 793. Refreshment rooms­ Finances (Mr. Nicklin), 1396. Charges (Mr. Chalk), 576. Operations of (Mr. Mcintyre), 37. Leased rooms (Mr. Aikens), 1740. Peak Downs property- Tenders for sale of (Mr. Luckins), 130. Cost (Mr. Pie), 132. Rolling stock ordered abroad (Mr. Employees, Number of (Mr. Sparkes), 145. Maher), 211. Harvest (Mr. Nicklin), 340. Sandgate level crossing, automatic Parliamentarians, Cost of visit (Mr. warning signal (Mr. Decker), 305. Kerr), 145, 173. South Brisbane wharf, Coal loading at Pig meats and sorghums, Prices to (Mr. Luckins), 610, 1674. Britain (Mr. Nicklin), 256, 340. Scrap at Workshops, Sale of (Mr. Properties acquired (Mr. Pie), 132. Nicklin), 1454. Sorghum production (Mr. Maher), 24; Strike, Englart, Healy and Julius, (Mr. Mcintyre), 37. Messrs., Payment of fines for (Mr. Sorghum seed purchases (Mr. Russell), Nicklin), 98. 623, 709. Townsville, Coke for Department (Mr. Studebaker truck, Purchase of (Mr. Aikens), 1110. Bjelke-Petersen), 131. Townsville-Brisbane mail, Late arrival of Questions Without Answers. Publication of (Mr. Chalk), 1264. (Mr. Roberts), 1704. Traffic staff shortages (Mr. Low), 709. Rabbits, Beenleigh District (Mr. Plunkett), Vacancies, Filling of (Mr. Aikens), 1480. 1479. Virginia, Redbank, Banyo and Northgate, Railways- areas resumed (Mr. Sparkes), 472 Ambulance donations, proposed salary (Mr. Roberts), 890. deductions (Mr. Aikens), 542. Wheat- .Banyo, Virginia, Northgate and Redbank Dumps, Location of (Mr. Sparkes), land resumptions (Mr. Roberts), 890. 1479. Blair Athol coal, Hoppers for (Mr. Transport to Brisbane (Mr. Russell), Aikens), 1110. 342. Bread, Freight on (Mr. Sparkes), 1837. Workshops, Sale of scrap (Mr. Nicklin), Cattle trucks used for conveyance of food­ 1454. stuffs (Mr. Chalk), 1029. Redbank, Virginia, Northgate and Banyo, Coal wharf, South Brisbane, Loading at Railway Resumptions (Mr. Sparkes), (Mr. Luckins), 610, 1674. 472; (Mr. Roberts), 890. Coke for Department, Townsville (Mr. Refreshment Rooms, Railway- Aikens), 1110. Charges (Mr. Chalk), 576. Cooper's Plains-Acacia Ridge rail-motor service (Mr. Ken), 528. Leased rooms (Mr. Aikens), 17 40. Croydon-Forsayth line, Proposed con­ Tenders for sale of (Mr. Luckins), 130. struction (Mr. Hiley), 1339. Returning Officers, Electoral Districts, Freights- Appointment (Mr. Morris), 793. Bread (Mr. Sparkes), 1837. Rice-growing in Queensland (Mr. H. B. Special (Mr. Paterson), 1396. Taylor), 144. Galvanised iron, Transport to North Road and Boat Services, State School Queensland (Mr. Theodore), 544; Children, Particulars (Mr. Low), 305, (Mr. Aikens), 576, 624. 710; (Mr. Macdonald), 459, 474. Gauges, Standardisation of (Mr. Low), 473. Road Roller at Eumundi (Mr. Low), 544. Hoppers for Blair Athol coal (Mr. Roads- Aikens), 1110. Main roads, Care of trees (Mr. Low), Houses for employees, Rents of (Mr. 1287, 1396. Chalk), 38. Northern highway, Expenditure on (Mr. Hughenden station, Construction of (Mr. Aikens), 968, 1126. Aikens), 956. Proserpine-Jubilee Pocket transport (Mr. North Arm goods train, Derailment of Paterson), 1673. (Mr. Low), 145. Northgate, Banyo, Virginia and Redbank Rockhampton Abattoir, Establishment (Mr. Morris), 472; (Mr. Nicklin), 661. land resumptions (Mr. Roberts), 890. Redbank and Virginia, Areas resumed Rockhampton Eventide Home, Construction (Mr. Sparkes), 472. (Mr. Maher), 341. 12 INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Ryan, Alderman Dr. J. J.­ Soldier Settlement-continued. Pyelo-nephritis in Queensland (Mr. Grazier, Mr. E. N., Property of (Mr. H. Barnes), 391; (Mr. Turner), 956. B. Taylor), 377, 851. Tuberculosis, mass X-ray (Mr. Davis), Clearing and fencing, Allowances for 612. (Mr. H. B. Taylor), 779, 851. Rylance Case, Judgment and Costs (Mr. Commonwealth-States scheme, Number Aikens), 529, 544. settled (Mr. Nicklin), 543. St. George Weir, Cost of (Mr. Kerr), 425. Dalby district- Fencing costs (Mr. H. B. Taylor), Sandgate level crossing, Palm Avenue, Installation of automatic warning 851. signal (Mr. Decker), 305. Resumed areas, Compensation (Mr. Sparkes), 793. Savings Bank Department, Commonwealth Bank, Allocation of profit (Mr. Galvanised iron supplies (Mr. Sparkes), Luckins), 527. 290, 391, 424; (Mr. Russell), 779, 968. Sawmills, Output and plant (Mr. Kerr), Grazing selections- 528. Ballots, Number of (Mr. H. B. Taylor), 610. Scholarship and Matriculation Examina­ tions, Greek and Latin (Mr. Paterson), Reserved and acquired (Mr. Nicklin), 223. 778. Interest-free period (Mr. Hiley), 779. School Children- Country children, Transport of (Mr. Land resumptions, Compensation for (Mr. Morris), 792. Pie), 576; Dalby district, (Mr. Sparkes), 793. Road and boat services, Particulars (Mr. Low), 305; (Mr. Macdonald), 459,, Local Authority rates (Mr. Russell), 779. 474; (Mr. Morris), 792. Number settled (Mr. H. B. Taylor), 610. Secondary school pupils, Free road trans­ Settlers- port for (Mr. Low), 710. Advances, Revision of (Mr. H. B. Schools (State) (See "State Schools"). Taylor), 778; (Mr. Hiley), 778; (Mr. Russell), 778. Srottville and Collinsville coal production (Mr. Nicklin), 1209, 1707, 1742. Clearing and fencing, Allowances for (Mr. H. B. Taylor), 779, 851. Scrutineers at by-elections, Rights of (Mr. Galvanised iron, Supplies of (Mr. Wanstall), 378. Sparkes), 290, 391, 424; (Mr. Senior University Examination, Marking of Russell), 779, 968. papers (Mr. Paterson), 794. Local-Authority rates (Mr. Russell), Sex offenders, Surgical treatment (Mr. 779. Aikens), 529. Number (Mr. H. B. Taylor), 610. Slates for State Schools, Supplies of (Mr. Sustenance payments, Suggested exten· Low), 1789. sion (Mr. H. B. Taylor), 778. ''Smith's Weekly,'' Article on Savings W.ar service land settlement, Cost of, Plan and Free Insurance (Mr. Pie), (Mr. Madsen), 1674. 529. Sorghum- Socialisation of Industry (Mr. Pie), 146, British Food Ministry, Price and 174. quantity harvested (Mr. Nicklin), 256, 340; (Mr. Russell), 709. Social Service and Out-Patients' Clinics (Mr. Aikens), 529. Queensland-British Food Corporation, Production (Mr. Maher), 24; (Mr. Social Services, Duplication of (Mr. Pie), Mcintyre), 37; Prices for pig meats 662. and sorghum (Mr. Nicklin), 256; Seed Soil erosion and silting in Burdekin Valley purchases (Mr. Russell), 623, 709. (Mr. Nicklin), 661. South Coast, Building permits. (Mr. Soldiers- Plunkett), 24, 132. Ejectment, moratorium regulations (Mr. Speaker, Mr. (Acting), Salary (Mr. Pie), H. B. Taylor), 424. 577. Moorooka Rehabilitation Training School, Carpentry instructors at (Mr. Nicklin), S.P. bookmakers, Registration of (Mr. 472. Pie), 210. Soldier Settlement- Stafford housing project, Shortage of Advances, Revision of (Mr. H. B. material (Mr. Pie), 341. Taylor), 778; (Mr. Hiley), 778; (Mr. Stanc1arc1isation of railway gauges (Mr. Russell), 778. Low), 473. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 13

QUE,STIONS-continued: QUE,STIONS-continued: Stanthorpe Hospital, Particulars of (Mr. Strike­ Nicklin), 256, 471, 851. Coal-mining industry- State Government Insurance Office, Alleged Gas coal, Quantity used (Mr. Paterson), refusal of business in North Queens­ 500. land (Mr. Aikens), 378, 391. Local Authorities, Effect on (Mr. Evans), 710. State Iron and Steel ·works, Bowen (Mr. Police, Actions of (Mr. Pie), 378. Paterson), 391. Premier, Suggested visit to fields (Mr. State Schools- Pie), 38. Boat and road services, Particulars of Towusville Regional Electricity Board, (Mr. Low), 305; (Mr. Macdonald), Recoupment of losses (Mr. Aikens), 459, 474. 743. East Brisbane, Domestic science and Englart, Healy and Julius, Messrs., trade classes (Mr. Luckins), 1053. Payment of fines for (Mr. Nicklin), 98. Fortitude Valley, Foundation stone (Mr. Pie), 473. Subsidies to Local Authorities (See ''Local Authorities''). Harlaxton school (new), Construction of Sugar Industry- (Mr. Chalk), 99. Ex-servicemen, number settled on land Mitchelton (Mr. Morris), 575. (Mr. H. B. Taylor), 610. Nambour Rural and High School, Accom­ Price, Suggested increase (Mr. Nicklin), modation (Mr. Low), 1672. 304. Playground and floor space (Mr. Morris), Surveyors in Main Roads Commission (Mr. 623. Low), 145. Residences constructed in 1948-49 (Mr. Swimming pool at Collinsville (Mr. Evans), 131. Paterson), 1536. Road and boat services, Particulars (Mr. Tariff Board, Report on Cotton Industry Low), 305; (Mr. Macdonald), 459, (Mr. Pie), 794, 8(52. 474. Taxation- School grounds improvement scheme, Pay­ Galvanised iron, Road transport tax on ments to committees (Mr. Low), 341. (Mr. Sparkes), 622. Slates, Supplies of (Mr. Low), 1789. Gold-mining industry, Concessions to (Mr. Teachers- Paterson), 530. Hayes, Mr. T. R., Services of (Mr. T .B. (See "Tuberculosis"). Aikens), 145, 210. Teachers in State Schools- Intake and resignations (Mr. Morris), Hayes, Mr. T. R., Services of (Mr. 130; sources of supply (Mr. Morris), Aikens), 145, 210. 173, 222; (Mr. Aikens), 499; (Mr. Intake and resignations (Mr. Morris), Nicklin), 609. 130, sources of supply (Mr. Morris), Primary schools, Enrolments (Mr. 173, 222; (Mr. Aikens), 499; (Mr. Nicklin), 609. Nicklin), 609. Resignations (Mr. Morris), 130; Causes Primary schools, Number (Mr. Nicklin), (Mr. Morris), 173. 609. Training College, Trainees at (Mr. Resignations (Mr. Morris), 130; Causes Aikens), 499. (Mr. Morris), 173. Townsville West- Training College, Trainees at (Mr. Saluting of flag (Mr. Aikens), 222. Aikens), 499. Teacher's residence, Construction of Textile Industries, British Government (Mr. Aikens), 223. Subsidy (Mr. Pie), 611. \Varwick central, Enlargement of recrea­ Timber- tion area (Mr. Madsen), 743. Forestry officers, Unlawful removal of timbe.r by (Mr. Pie), 852. State Service Appeal Board, Appeals heard (Mr. Morris), 743. North Queensland reserves, Extent of (Mr. Macdonald), 37. Steel (Reinforcement), Tenders for (Mr. \Vindera and Nangur rese.rves (Mr. Sparkes), 528. Heading), 528. Stock Diseases Compensation Fund­ Tin, Prices paid (Mr. Nicklin), 696. Receipts, payments and levies for 1948-49 Tobacco- (Mr. Kerr), 459; (Mr. Plunkett), 499; Ex-servicemen, Number settled on land (Mr. Mcintyre), 891. (Mr. H. B. Taylor), 610. Story Bridge and Brisbane Sewerage Prices (Mr. Nicklin), 304. Scheme, Subsidy to Brisbane City Supplies, Distribution of (Mr. Sparkes), Council (Mr. Evans), 500. 500. 14 INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

QUE,STIONS-continued: QUE,STIONS-continued: Toowoomba- Tuberculosis in humans-contin1wd. Abattoir Board, Particulars of (Mr. Mass X-ray, Article by Alderman Dr. Chalk), 696. Ryan in "Courier-Mail" (Mr. Davis), 612. Town plan, Houses constructed by Queensland Housing Commission (Mr. Tully Falls and other hydro-electric Chalk), 1837. 'schemes (Mr. Maher), 36, 97. Totalisator moneys, Apportionment (Mr. Unemployment benefits in Queensland, Wanstall), 458; Effect of stoppage Number of recipients (Mr. Pie), 473, of place betting (Mr. Kerr), 498. 623. Townsville- Unions (regist~red), Submission of audited Coke for Railway Department (Mr. accounts (Mr. Low), 793. Aikens), 1110. University- Hospital, Completion of (Mr. Keyatta), 289. Examination papers, Marking of (Mr. Paterson), 794. Mail train, Late arrival (Mr. Chalk), 1264. Faculties, Quota system (Mr. Paterson), 1287. Meat supplies (Mr. Aikens), 258. Greek and Latin, Allocation of points in Regional Electricity Board, Recoupment scholarships (Mr. Paterson), 223. of coal strike losses (Mr. Aikens), 743. Junior examination- Rental houses, State (Mr. Aikens), 611. Papers, Marking of (Mr. Paterson), State school, West- 794. Saluting of flag (Mr. Aikens), 222. Subjects (Mr. Aikens), 499. Teacher's residence, Construction of Senior examination, Marking of papers (Mr. Aikens), 223. (Mr. Paterson), 794. Tractors, Effect of devaluation on price Virginia, Redbank, 1\orthgate, and Banyo (Mr. Evans), 1030. railway resumptions (Mr. Sparkes), Traffic Act of 1949, Proclamation of (Mr. 472; (Mr. Roberts), 890. Nicklin), 131. War service homes and Agricultural Bank, Traffic indicators on motor cars (Mr. Loans approved (Mr. Plunkett), 208. Morris), 173. War service land settlement, Cost of (Mr. Traffic in middle of roads (Mr. Morris), Madsen), 167 4 [See also "Soldier 208. Settlement''] Transport- Warwick Central school, Enlargement of Country school children (Mr. Morris), recreation area (Mr. Madsen), 743. 792. Water Supplies- Galvanised iron, Road tax on (Mr. Landsborough and Maroochy Shires (Mr. Sparkes), 622. Low), 209. Proserpine-Jubilee Pocket road (Mr. Piping for North Queensland, Shortage Paterson), 1673. (Mr. Aikens), 1454. Wheat carried by rail (Mr. Russell), 342. St. George weir, Cost of (Mr. Kerr), 425 School children, Road and boat services (Mr. Low), 305; (Mr. Macdonald), Wheat- 459, 474; (Mr. Morris), 792. Dumps at rail sidings (Mr. Sparkes), Secondary school pupils, Free road ser­ • 1479. vice (Mr. Low), 710. · Jimbour, Petrol for harvesting (Mr. Trees on main roads, Care of (Mr. Low), Sparkes), 1534. 1287, 1396. Rail transport to Brisbane (Mr. Russell), 342. ''Truth''­ Horse flesh for human consumption, Windera and Nangur timber reserves (Mr. Statement on (Mr. Marriott), 1740. Heading), 528. Savings plan and free insurance, State­ Workers' Compensation- ment on (Mr. Pie), 342, 529. Common law damages (Mr. Paterson), Tuberculosis in cattle, Condemnations and 1790. disposcal (Mr. Marriott), 543. Injured worker, Rights of (Mr. Turner), 1742. Tuberculosis in humans- Allowances paid, 1948-49 (Mr. Nicklin), Workers' homes and dwellings, Reposses­ 527; (Mr. Pie), 527. sions and sales (Mr. Nicklin), 424, 890. Chermside sanatorium, Construction of "Write a Title" and "Find the Ball" (Mr. Pie), 257. competitions (Mr. Burrows), 1835. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 15

Railway Proposals­ SUPPLY-continued: Moonmera·Moongan deviation, 133, 460, ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE-Cont-inued. 1190. Mines and Immigration­ Yeerongpilly-Kuraby duplication, 133, 460, Chief Office, 1147, 1210. (committee) 1110; (amendment, Mr. Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers Aikens), 1117. (Pensions) Acts, 13~2. Refreshment Rooms Committee, Appoint-· Immigration, 1222. ment o:i', 26. 1n Aid of Mining, 1221. Reply, Address in­ nspection of Machinery, Scaffolding, Adoption, 523. and Weights and Measures, 1221. Mining Fields, 1221. Answer of Governor, 709. State mining operations, .1221. Debate on, 12, 26, 103, 133, 177, 211, 223, Premier and Chief Secretary­ 268, 291, 306, 343, 379, 392, 501; (amendment, Mr. Mcintyre), 187; Agent-General for the State, 1127. (amendment-Mr. Wanstall), 384; Chief Office, 1077, 1126. (extension of time for), 211. Co-ordinator-Geneml of Public Works, Presentation to Governor, 709. 1128. Miscellaneous Services, 1145. Rockhampton Abattoir Area, Disallowance Parliamentary Counsel and Draftsman, of Order in Council (motion-Mr. 1134. Nicklin), 855. Public Relations Bureau, 1135. Sitting Days- Public Service Commissioner, 1136. Extension of Hours of Sitting, 781. Public Service Superannuation Board, Friday, 181. 1145. Precedence of Government Business on State Reporting Bureau, 1145. 'l'hursday, 956. State Stores Board, 1145.

Tue-sday, Wednesday and Thursday, 2i:i. Fc~blic Works- Solicitors and Barristers, Fees paid by Chief Office, 1502, 1568. Crown to- Railways- Order for return (motion-Mr. Chalk), 26. Central Division and Mackay Railway, Return tabled, 147. 1426. General Establishment, 1236, 1264, "Sons of Matthew," Preview ilf film, 1563. 1287. Speaker, Mr., Notice of motion of no con­ Northern Division, 1436, 1461. fidence (Mr. Nicklin), 1838. Southern Division, 1397. Speaker's (lUr. Acting) Ruling, Motion of Transport, 1467, 1486. dissent, 259. Votes passed under Standing Order 307 and Sessional Orders- Special Adjournments, 24, 97, 1863. Department of Agriculture and Stock, Standing Orders- 1614. Committee, Appointment, 26. Department of the Auditor-General, 1614. Suspension of- Department of Health and Home Affairs, 1614. Appropriation Bill No. 1, 39. Department of Justice, 1614. Liquid Fuel, 1536. Department of Labour and Industry, Passage of Bills through all stages in 1614. one day, 1743. Department of Public Instruction, 1614. SUPPLY- Department of Public Lands and Irri­ Constitution of Committee, 523; opening gation, 1614. of, 723. Department of Public Works­ ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE- Chief Office, 1614 Executive and Legislative­ Balance of Vote, 1614. Aide-de-camp to His Excellency the Department of the Treasurer, 1614. Governor, 742, 744, 789, 808, 862, Loan Fund Account, 1614. 893, 942, 968, 1029. Trust ancl Special Funds, 1614. Executive Council, 1054. Supplementary Estimates, 1948-49­ His Excellency the Governor (balance of v.ote), 1054. Consoliclated Revenue, 1614. Legislative Assembly, 1054; (Amend­ Loan Fund Account, 1614. ment to reduce vote by £1-Mr. Trust and Special Funds, 1614. Monis), 1071. Vote on Account, 1950-51, 1614. 16 INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

SUPPLY-continued: Valedictory, 1863. Resolutions reported from Committee­ Mr. Hanlon, 1395. Reception, 1747. Mr. Hiley, 1704. Adoption- Mr. Maher, 854. Premier and Chief Secretary, 1748; Vote on Account (Message from Governor), Amendment, ''That amount (Chief 39; (Committee of Supply), 39. Office) be reduced by £1" (Mr. Nicklin), 1749. Vote on Account, 1950-51 (Message from Resolutions adopted under Standing Governor), 1480; (Committee of Order, 307, and Sessional Orders, Supply), 1775. 1775. Want of confidence motion (Mr. Speaker), VOTE ON AccouNT (Message from Gover­ 1838. nor), 39; Committee of Supply, 39. Water Resources of North-West Queens­ VOTE ON AccOUNT, 1950-51 (Message from land, Survey of (motion-Mr. J. W. Governor), 1480; (Committee of Smith), 547, 624, 795. Supply), 1776. Ways and Means- Constitution of Committee, 523. T.B. Tests at Brisbane General Hospital, X-ray for (statement by Hon. A. Opening of Committee, 1775. Jones), 697. Resolutions, Reception and Adoption of 1776, Vote on Account, 97. Time Limit of Speeches- Vote on Account, 1950-51, 1775. Members granted an extension­ West Moreton Electoral District­ Mr. Aikens, 332. Resignation of Mr. Maher, 1125. Mr. Collins, 314, 802. Seat declared vacant, 1125. Mr. Duggan, 348. Mr. Foley, 137, 634. Workers' Homes, National Credit, and interest-free money for (motion­ Mr. Gair, 216. Mr. Barnes), 546. Mr. Hanlon, 236, 400. X-rays for T.B. at Brisbane General Mr. Hiley, 229. Hospital (statement by Hon. A. Mr. J esson, 16. Jones), 697. Mr. Power, 296. Yeerongpilly-Kuraby railway proposal, Mr. Turner, 720. 133, 460; (Committee), 1110. lEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Index to Speeches.

ATTORNEY-GENERAL [See "Devries, Called on to apologise, 786, 807, 957. Honourable George Henry"]. •Chairman 's ruling-Moves motion to dis­ ATTORNEY-GENERAL, ACTING [See agree to, 1117. "Power, Honourable William " Communism, Educational campaign to (Baroona), Secretary for Public comba.t (seconds motion), 546. Works, Housing and Local Govern­ Cotton industry, Guaranteed price, 1 363. ment]. Financial St.atement, 881, report stage, AIKEN1S, Thomas, Esquire (.Munding. 777. burra)­ Golden Casket, Suggested appointment of Address in Reply, 327; (ame.ndment-Mr. Royal Commission, 1756. Mclntyre), 197; (amendment-Mr. Kuraby-Yeerongpilly railway duplication Wanstall), 413. (committee), 1115; (moves amend­ Assault of hon. mccmber outside, Chamber, ment), 1117; (motion to disagree. to 1797. Chairman's ruling), 1117. BILLS: Named, 1184. Burdekin River Development (initia­ North Queensland Labour Party, Leader­ tion), 1394. ship of, 147. Constitution Acts Amendnlent (initia­ Ordered to re,sume seat, 1433. tion), 1182, (2°), 1483. Personal e.xplanations, 624, 1791. Dise:cses in Stock Acts Amendment (initiation), 788. Personal statement, 427. Irrigation and Water Supply Commis­ Points of order, 207, 307, 344, 444, 872, sion Act .and Othe.r Acts Amendment 917, 1116, 1454, 1596, 1765, 1797. (initiation), 1625. Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment Privilege- (committee.), 1731, 1734. Assault on hon. member outside Cham­ Liquid Fuel (initiation), 1375, 1559; ber, 1797. (committee), 1562. Reply by Ministers to Questions, 258. Local Government Acts Amendment Railway proposal- (No. 2), (initiation), 457. y eerongpilly-Kura,by duplication ( com­ Maintenance (initiation), 581; (com­ mittee), 1115; (moves amendment), mittee), 1658. 1117; (motion 1to disagree to Chair­ Mental Institution Benefits Agre.ement man's ruling), 1117. (initiation), 1698. Speaker's, (Acting), Ruling, Motion to State Development and Public Works disagree to, 263. Organisation Acts Amendment (initia­ tion), 433. SUPPLY: State Housing Acts and Another Act ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Amendment (initiation), 673, 681; . Executive and Legislative, 1059. (2°), 1032; (committee), 1046; Premier and Chief Se.cretary­ (motion to disagree to Chairman's ruling), 1042. Chief Office, 1098. Supreme Court Acts Amendment (initia­ Co-ordinator-General of Public tion), 584. Works, 1133. Timber Users Protection (2°), 571; Public Works­ (committee), 599. Chief Office, 1591. Tuberculosis Agreement (initiation), Railways- 479; (committee), 652, 656, 659. Central Division and Mackay Rail­ Workers' Compensation Acts Amend­ way, 1431. ment (initiation), 1713, 1718, 1720; Northern Division, 1445, 1465. (2°), 1823. Southern Division, 1399, 1426. V a grants, Gaming, and Other Offence.s Transport, 1469, 1501. Acts Amendment (initiation), 1457; (committee), 1669. Resolutions reported from Committee­ Valuation of Land Acts Amendment Premier and Chief Secre.tary; 1756. (initiation), 447. Suspension, 1184. 18 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

AIKENS, Thomas, Esquire (Mnnding. SUPPLY: burra) -continued ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ \Vater Resources of North-west Queens­ Executive and Legislative­ land, Survey of, 803. Legislative Assembly, 1057. vVorkeJ·s' Homes, National credit and Premier and Chief Secretary­ interest-free money for (seconds' Agent-General for State, 112R. motion), 546. Chief Offi~e, 1101. Co-ordinator-Geneml of Public BARNES, John Francis, Esquire (Bunda. Works, 1128. berg)­ Railways- Address in Reply, 517; (amendment-Mr. General Establishment, 1270. Wanstall), 406. BRASSINGTON, Honourable Samuel John BILLS: (Fortitude Valley)-[See also Appropriation, No. 2 (2°), 1784. " Speaker"]­ Land Acts and Other Acts Amend­ BILLS: ment (committee), 1734. Constitution Acts Amendment (2°), 1484. Liquid Fuel (initiation), 1377. Point of order, 396. Workers' Compensation Acts Amend­ ment (initiation), 1717. SUPPLY: ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Communism, Educational campaign to combat (motion lapsed), 546. Executive and Legislative­ Legislative Assembly, 1056. Financial State,ment, 934. Public Works­ Named, 942, 1785. Chief Office, 1531. Ordered to apologise, 942, 1785. BRUCE, Honourable Henry Adam (The P'ersonal explanation, 780. Tableland)-[Secretary :for Public Instruction]­ Points of order, 941, 1369, 177 4, 1783, Address in Reply, 160. 1784. Financial Statement, 816. SUPPLY: Point of Order, 887. EsTI"MATES IN CHIEF­ JI.lines and Immigration­ BROWN, Richard Kidston, Esquire Chief Office, 1218. (Buranda)­ Suspension, 942, 1785. Address in Reply, 416. Financial Statement, 969. \Vorkers' Homes, National credit and interest-free money for (moves SUPPLY: motion), 546. EsTIMATEs IN CHIEF­ Public Works­ BJELKE-PETERSEN, Johannes, Esquire Chief Office, 1573. (Nanango)­ Railways--­ Address in Re.ply, 152. General Establishment, 1269. Point of order, 155. Financial Statement, 770. Vote on Account, 69. SUPPLY: BURROWS, James, Esquire (Port ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Curtis)­ Railways--­ Address in Reply, 419; (Amendment-Mr. Southern Division, 1405. Mcintyre), 201. BILLS: BRAND, William Alfred, Esquire (Isis)­ [See also "Chairman of Committees, Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment Temporary"]­ (initiation), 1648. State Housing Acts and Another Act Address in Reply, 508 (amendment-Mr. Amendment (initiation), 67 4. Wanstall), 389, 392. Timber Users' Protection ( 2 °), 568; BILLS: (committee), 595, 600, 603, 606, 608, 613, 644, 650. Coal Mining Aets Amendment (initia­ tion), 1565, 1566. Tuberculosis Agreement (2 °), 538. Land Acts and other Acts Amendment Workers' Compensation Acts Amend­ (initiation), 1646; (committee), 1726, ment (initiation), 1721. 1728, 1731, 1733. Cotton industry, Guaranteed price, 1357. Workers' Compensation Acts Amendment Financial Statement, 876. (initiation), 1711. G-olden Casket, Suggested appointment of Financial Statement, 835. Royal Commission, 1754. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 19

BURROWS, James, Esquire (Port Debate must be conducted with dignity Curtis)-continued and decorum, 786.

Moonmera-J\ioongan railway deviation Debate shouJd be regarded1 ~eriously7 (committee), 1196. 1104, 1375, 1400, 1591. Points of order, 650, 915. Denial (See "Statement"). Railway proposal­ Imputation of improper motives not in Moonmera-Moongan railway deviation orde~ 870, 1072, 1445. (committee), 1196. Interjections disorderly, 1463, 1529. SUPPLY: Interruptions, disorderly, 769, 786, 873, EsTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ 953, 955, 1074, 1121, 1530. Mines and Immigration­ Irrelevancies, Debate must be confined to Chief Office, 1170. question before Committee, 783, 787, Immigration, 1228. 1042, 1043, 1044, 1046, 1066, 1070, P:remier and Chief Secretary­ 1072, 1095, 1096, 1101, 1104, 1114, Chief Office, 1103, 1109. 1115, 1117, 1127, 1132, 1134, 1141, Public Service Commissioner, 1143. 1143, 1162, 1183, 1192, 1197, 1215, Public Works­ 1217, 1223, 1230, 1261' 1298, 1332, Chief Office, 1590. 1333, 1373, 1375, 1389, 1398, 1399, 1400, 1440, 1441, 1446, 1457, 1460, Railways- 1575, 1592, 1593, 1701. Central Division and Mackay Rail­ way, 1436. Matter alre,ady dealt with cannot be General establishment, 1294. debated again, 984, 1399. Northern Division, 1438. Members- Transport, 14 74. Called on to apologise­ Resolutions reported from Committee­ Mr. Aikens, 786. Prem,ier and Chief Secretatry (Mr. Must be referred to by name of elector­ Nicklin), 1754. ate or title., 917, 987, 1333, 1533. Vote on .Aaoount, 48. Named- Mr. Aikens, 1184. CHAIRMAN OF COIUMITTEES [Mann, Mr. Barne.s, 942. John Hemy, Esquire, (Brisbane)] -[See also "Mann, John Henry, Ordered to resume seat­ Esquire"]­ Mr. 11'1:orris, 1071. BILLS: Order of speaking, Arrangement between Generally- Whips of parties, 872, 1115. Discussion must be confined to princi­ Personalities to be avoided, 917. ples contained in Bill, 785. Points of order, Invalid, 941, 942, 1007. Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment- 1073, 1074, 1232. Initiation in Committee, Amendment to add words having been negatived, Railway Proposals­ an hon. member is precluded from Moonmera-Moongan deviation­ moving an amendment for the Duplication of other lines may not be omission of words from the original discussed, 1193, 1196. question, 787. Y ee.rongpilly-Kuraby duplication­ Slaughtering of cattle at abattoir not Amendment must be relevant to a principle of Bill, 788. subject matter, 1119, 1121. Liquid Fuel- Amendment (Mr. Aikens) not in order Validity of legislation may not be­ as it is outside scope of matter discussed, 1372. referred to Committee. by the whole State Housing Acts and Another Act House., 1117, 1119. Amendment- Duplication of other lines may not Amendment (Mr. Nicklin) not in be discussed, 1113. order as it is outside the Order of Reading of speeches- Leave, 1041. Maiden speeches by new hon. members, Chair- 910. must be addressed, 784, 786, 1196, 1323, N at desirable, 910. 1718. Speech by Mr. Barnes in nature. of must be obeyed, 769, 777, 784, 942, 955, lecture on medical science, 938. 984, 1071, 1072, 1176, 1183, 1261, 1375, 1400, 1438. Speaker, Mr., can be criticised only on substantive motion, 1183. Reflections on, not in order, 1042, 1066, 1072, 1117, 1183, 1400. Statement or denial of hon. member must be. acce.pted, 782, 783, 784, 785, 787, Closure motion may be move.d but cannot 874, 882. be accepte.d until amendment of whichi notice has been given has been stated Statement withdrawn must not be from the Chair, 786. repeated, 785. 20 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

CHAIRiliAN OF COllllUITTEES ["illann, U n parliamentary language-contin1wd. John Henry, Esquire (Brisbane)]­ Expressions ruled out of order­ [See also "Manu, John Henry, continued. Esquire"]-continued '' 'l'hat is about the smartest one you SUPPLY: have eve.r put oYer," 1117. Generally­ ''There has been complete evasion by ''Chief Office'' vote, Scope of debate, the Minister,'' 785. 1077, 1127. "Yon are a skunk. Y on were born a Necessity for legislation and matters skunk and will never be anything involving legislation may not be else," 941. discussed, 869, 1067, 1077, 1127. ''You are conducting the. Committee Trust and Special Funds may not be in an unfair manner,'' 1072. discussed on Revenue estimates, "You are drunk," 987. 1472. CHAIR!IAN OF CO:ilii\IITTEES, TEM· DEPARTMENTAL ESTIMATES: PORARY [Brand, William Aifred, Executive and Legislative~ Esquire (Isis) ]-[See also "Brand, Academic discussion on Democracy William Alfred, Esquire"]­ not in order, 1073. N ominate.d on panel, 8. Discussion on Socialism not in order, 1071. CHAIR:iliAN OF CO:iliMITTEES, TE:ili- Premier and Chief Secretary­ PORARY [Decker, Eric Paul, Discussion on irrigation generally Esquire (Sandgate) ]-[See also not in order, llOO. "Decker, Eric Paul, Esquire"]­ Discussion of Public Service gener­ Nominated on panel, 8. ally not in order, 1126. Mines and Immigration­ CHAIRMAN OF CO:iliMITTEE,S, TE~I­ PORARY [Dunstan, Thomas, Esquire Chief Office- (Gympie) ]-[See also "Dunstan, Federal policy not related to Thomas, Esquire"]­ vote, 1216. Nominated on panel, 8. Railways- BILLS: Northern Division­ Tuberculosis Agreement- ~faintenance of existing lines and not construction of new . lines Schedule may be discussed but not may be discussed, 1446. amended, 657. 'l'ransport- Chair- Construction of roads may not be Must be obe,yed, 1303. discussed, 1472. Denial (See ''Statement''). Tedious repetition not in order, 776, Interjections disorderly, 819. 1469. Interruptions disorderly, 953. ''Tellers' '-There not being two tellers Irrelevancies, 648, 652, 656, 658, 683, for ''Noes'' in division, Question' 1086, 1476. resolved in the affirmative, 1124. Offensive words to another hon. member Temperate language in debate desirable, must not be used, 650. 874, 955. Points of order invalid, 1227. U n parliamentary language­ Statement or denial of hon. member must Expressions ruled out of order­ be accepted, 96, 685, 790, 1227. ''Apparently you are in some doubt SUPPLY: as to what your ruling really is,'' 1042. DEPARTMENTAL ESTIMATES­ Tl'ansport- ''Bastards,'' 942. Construction of roads may not be ''Bert the Bum,'' 1333. discussed, 1501. ''Chattering yahoos,'' 1116. Unparliamentary language- "He lies," 917. Expressions ruled out of order­ ''Intelligence of a louse,'' 955. " Lie," 88. "Labour members can get away with murder,'' 1183. '' Rafferty rules,'' 653. "Liar," 954. ''Secretary for Public Works criticised his predecessor in office,'' 790. ''Lie,'' 1327. ''Skunks,'' 942. CHAIRiliAN OF COMMITTEES, TE::U­ ''Skunks like the. hon. member :for PORARY [llilton, Paul Jerome Baroona and others,'' 941. Remigius, Esquire (Carnarvon) ]­ ''Speaker is vicious and vindictive '' [See also "Hilton, Paul Jerome 1183. ' Remigius, Esquire]­ ''Surry Hills rules, Wooloomooloo N ominated on panel, 8, rules, worse than Spring Hill Amendment must be moved separately, rules,'' 786. 648. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 21

CHAIRlUAN OF CO~IlUITTEES, TEMPO­ SUPPLY: RARY [Hilton, Paul Jerome Uemi­ Generally- gius, Esquire (Carnarvon)]-[See Chief Office vote, Scope of debate, also "Hilton, Paul Jerome Rcmigi­ 1427, 1428, 1429, 1432. us, Esquire]-continued Necessity for legislation and matters BILLS: involving legislation may not be Constitution Acts AmeJldment­ discussed, 1432. Full-scale discussion on conduct in Tedious repetition not in order, 646. Parliament not in order, 1185. Temperate language in debate desirable, Land Acts and Other ~\cts Amend­ 915. ment- Unparliamentary language­ Amendment (Mr. Paterson) not in Expressions ruled out of order­ order as it is outside scope of '' Cur,'' 647. principle confirmed on second read­ ''Mr. Hilton, I can understand your ing, 1733. embarrassment, and l sympathise Mental Institutions Benefits Agree­ with you,'' 682. ment- ''Real dingo,'' 647. Medical services generally may not be "Shut up, you mug," 64. discussed, 1697. "You are just adopting the attitude State Developme.nt and Public Works you did on pre,vious occasions,'' Organisation Act Amendment­ l429. Full-scale discussion of development "You be fair," 646. of State not permitted, 429, 430. ''You said you would line the Com­ munists up and shoot them against State Housing Acts and Another Act a wall,'' 46. Amendment- Construction of houses not a prin­ CHAIR:aiAN OF COMJUITTEES, T.K:t!­ ciple of Bill, 667. PORARY [Keyatta, George, Esquire )-[See also Workers' Compensation Acts Amend­ (Townsville) "Keyatta, ment- George, Esquire"-] Clause 3-Amendment (Mr. Pater­ Nominated on panel, 8. son) not in order as it would Debate must be conducted with dignity impose a charge on the Crown not and decorum, 695, 1245. covered by the message from His Excellency the Governor, 1842. Interjections, Disorderly, 618. Irrelevancies, Debate must be relevant to Chair- question before Committee, 444, 446, Must be addressed, 947. 618, 1404, 1591. Must be obeyed, 443, 676, 682, 1294, Noise in Chamber, 618, 695. 1429, 1433. Opinions may be expressed by hon. mem­ Debate should be regarded seriously, bers, 763. 1433. Point of order, Invalid, 618. Denial (see "Statement"). Reflections on, not in order, 614, 617, CHALK, Gord·on William Wesley,. Esquire 682, 1429. (East Toowoomba)­ Interjections disorderly, 846. Address in Reply, (amendment-Mr. Mcintyre), 237; (amendment-Mr. Interruptions disorderly, 613, 617, 647, 946, Wanstall), 385. 947. BILLS: Irrelevancies, Debate must be relevant State Housing Acts and Another Act to question before the Committee., Amendment (initiation), 669; (2o), 429, 434, 487, 595, 599, 613, 645, 646, 966, 1030. 678, 681, 682, 1109, 1138, 1293, 1427, 1428, 1430, 1431, 1432, 1433, 1504, Timber Users' Protection ( 2 °) , 572; 1697, 1843. (committee), 596, 616. Cotton industry, Guaranteed price, 1360. Members­ Financial Statement, 984. Named- Mr. Pie, 443. Points of order, 1036, 1779. Orr1ered to resume seat (Mr. Aikens), Raihmy proposal­ 1433. Yeerongpilly·Knraby duplication, Appro­ val of plans, &c. (committee), 1122. Noise in Chamber, 39. SuPPLY: Points of or·der, invalid, 64, 444, 677. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Relevance in debate decided by Chairman, Railways- 434. General establishment, 1333. Statement or denial of hon. member must Public Works­ be. accepted, 46, 646. Chief Office, 1507. 22 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

CLARK, James, Esquire (Fitzroy)­ DECKER, Eric Paul, Esquire (Sandgate)­ Address in Reply (seconds motion), 19. Address in Reply, '336; (amend\mentr­ Nitrogenous fertiliser works (moves Mr. Mcintyre), 252. motion), 711. BILLS: Railway proposal­ Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment Moonmera-Moongan deviation (com­ (initiation), 782. mittee), 1195. Sewerage, Water Supply and Gasfitting (initiation), 1666. SuPPLY: State Development and Public Works ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Organisation Acts Amendment (initia­ Mines and Immigration­ tion), 435; (2°), 1187; (committee), Chie.:f Office, 1164. 1188, 1189. Railways- State Housing Acts and Anothe.r Act General establishment, 1334. Amendment (initiation), 675, 678; (2°), 963; (committee), 1044. COLLINS, Honourable Harold Henry Valuation of Land Acts Amendment (Cook) [Secretary for Agriculture (initiation), 446. and Stock]­ Workers' Compensation Acts Amend­ Address in Re.ply, 310. ment (committee), 1842. Apology, 1814. Cotton industry, Guaranteed price, 1356. Assault on hon. member outside Chamber, Financial Statement, 878. 1811. Points of order, 272, 677, 1037. BILLS: Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment SUPPLY: (initiation), 781; (2°), 1049, 1052, ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE-­ Mental Institutions Bene.fits Agreement Executive and Legislative, 1061. (initiation), 1693, 1702; (2°), 1735. Railways­ Vagrants, Gaming and Other Offences Gene·ral establishment, 1312. Acts Amendment (2°), 1668. Called on to apologise, 1814. DEVRIES, Honourable George Henry, Esquire (Gregory) [Attorney- Closure motion, moves application, 786. General]­ Cotton industry, Guaranteed price, 1366. Assault on honourable member outside Financial Statement, 992. Chamber, 1805. Points of order, 628, 629, 782, 784, 785, BILLS: 786, 1774, 1797, 1810, 1811. Australian Consular Office.rs' N otarial Privilege, Assault on hon. membe.r outside Powers and Evidence Act Amendment Chamber, 1811. (initiation), 1723, 1724; (2°), 1843, Rockhampton abattoir area, xt:otion for 1844; (committee), 1844. disallowance of Order in Council, 860. Maintenance (initiation), 577; (2°), 697, 1206; (committee), 1657, 1658, SuPPLY: 1660, 1661, 1662. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Supreme Court Acts Amendment Railways- (initiation), 582, 586; (2°), 1201; Ge.neral establishment, 1272. (committee.), 1203. Vote on Account, 84. Golden Caske.t, Suggested appointment of Water resources of North-west Queensland, Royal Commission, 1764. Survey of, 797. Points of order, 1778, 1810. CROWLEY, Thomas Martin, Esquire Privilege- (Cairns)­ Assault on honourable member outside· Address in Reply, 301, 306. Chamber, 1805. SUPPLY: DAVIS, Edward William, Esquire Resolution reported from Comf/l~ittee­ (Barcoo)­ Premier and Chief Secretary, 1764. Address in Reply, 422, 501; (amendment- Mr. Mcintyre), 247. DONALD, James, Esquire (Bremer)­ Financial Statement, 989. Address in Reply, 355; (amendment­ Point of order, 64. Mr. Mcintyre), 242. BILLS: SuPPLY: Coal Mining Acts Amendment (initia­ EsTiMATES IN CoMMITTEE­ tion), 1566. Mines and Immigration­ State Development and Public Works Chie.:f Office, 1218. Organisation Acts Amendment (initia­ Railways- tion), 432. General establishment, 1327. Workers' Compensation Acts Amend­ Vote on Acco1tnt, 91. ment (2°), 1817. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 23

DONALD, James, Esquire (Bremer)­ BILLS: continued Liquid Fuel (initiation), 1390. Death, Hon. D. A. Gledson, 9. State Housing Acts and Another Act Financial Statement, 902. Amendment (2°), 965. Point of order, 139. Timber Users' Protection (initiation), 490. SUPPLY: ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Cotton Industry, Guaranteed price, 1358. Mines and Immigration- Chief Office, 1158. Financial Statement, 865. Public Works­ Points of order, 196, 308. Chief Office, 1605. Rockhampton Abattoir Area, Motion for Railways- disallowance of order in council, 858. General Establishment, 1298. SUPPLY: DUGGAN, Honourable John Edmund ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ (Toowoomba) [Minister for Mines and Immigration­ Transport]­ Chief Office, 1214. Address in Reply, 343. Public Warks­ BILL: Chief Office, 1503. State Development and Public Works Railways- Organisation Acts Amendment (initia­ Central Division and Mackay Rail­ tion), 437. way, 1427. General Establishment, 1241. Golden Casket, Suggested appointment of Royal Commission, 1759. Transport, 1474. Vote on Account, 49. Points of order, 1773, 1778. Water Resources of North-West Queens· Railway Proposals­ land, Survey, 557, 624. Moonmera-Moongan deviation (com­ imittee), 11'90, 1198. F ARRELL, David, Esquire (Mary. Yeerongpilly-Kura.by duplication (com­ borough)­ mittee), 1110, 1115, 1124; (motion to Address in Reply, 280. disagree to Chairman's ruling), 1118. BILLS: SuPPLY- Coal Mining Acts Amendment (initia­ EsTIMATES IN CoMMITTEE­ tion), 1565. Railways- Timber Users' Protection (initiation), Central Division and Mackay Rail­ 486; (committee), 615. way, 1426, 1433. Workers' Compensation Acts Amend­ General Establishment, 123L1, 1255, ment (initiation), 1711. 1280, 1301, 1336. Northern Division, 1436, 1454, 1462. Financial Statement, 841. Southern Division, 139'7, 1411, 141S, Points of order, 388, 618. 1422. SuPPLY: Transport, 1467, 1478, 1493, Hi01. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Rrsolutions reported from CMnmittee­ Mines and Immigration­ Premier and Chief Secretary, 1759. Chief Office, 1149. Vote on Account, 52. Inspection of Machinery, Scaffolding and Weights and Measures, 1222. DUNSTAN, Thomas, Esquire (Gympie)­ Premier and Chief Secretary­ BILLs: Chief Office, 1081. Land Acts and other Acts Amendment Public Warks­ (initiation), 1645. Chief Office, 1514. SuPPLY: Railways- ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ General Establishment, 1244. Executive and_ Legislative-­ Transport, 1472. Legislative Assembly, 1058. Mines and Immigration­ FOLEY, Honourable Thomas Andrew (Normanby) [Secretary for Public Chief Office, 116 l Lands and Irrigation]­ Public Works- Chief Office, 1516. Addre-ss in Reply, 133; (amendment-Mr. Mcintyre), 218. EVANS, Ernest, Esquire (Mirani)­ BILLS: Address in Reply, 49; (seconds amendment Irrigation and Water Supply Commis­ -Mr. Mcintyre), 187; (amendment sion Act and other Acts Amendment -Mr. Wanstall), 408. (initiation), 1616, 1632; (2°), 1688. 24 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

FOLEY, Honourable Thomas Andrew GRAHAIII, Frederick Dickson, Esquire (Normanby) [Secretary for Public (l'\Iackay)­ Lands and Irrigation]-continued Address in Reply, 323; (amendment-Mr. BILLS-continued: Mcintyre), 276. Land Acts and other Acts Amendment Financial Statement, 928. (initiation)_) 1639, 1653; (2°), 1675, 1686; (committee), 1724, 1727, 1728, Point of order, 870. 1729, 1730, 1732. SUPPLY: Timber Users' Protection (initiation), ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ 482, 495; (2o), 561, 575; (committee), Mines and Immigration­ 591, 592, 593, 596, 601, 602, 604, 605, 607, 612, 613, 619, 620, 638, 639, 640, Chief Office, 1157. 641, 642, 648, 649, 651. Immigration, 1235. Premier and Chief Secretary­ Cotton Industry, Guaranteed price, motion for adjournment, 1347. Miscellaneous services, 1146. Railways-­ SUPPLY: General Establishment, 1253. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Mines and Immigration, 1148. HANLON, Honourable Edward :Michael Water Resources of North-West Queens­ (Ithaca) [Premier, Chief 1Secretary land, Survey of, 630. and Vice-President of the Executive Council]­ GAIR, Honourable Vincent Clair (South Address in Reply, (amendment-Mr. Brisbane) [Secretary for Labour and Mcintyre), 230; (amendment-Mr. Industry]­ Wanstall), 394. Address in Reply, 212. Adjournment, 1395. Assault on hon. member outside Chamber, Auditor-General's report, (date of pre­ 1794, 1802, 1803. sentation), 854. BILLS: BILLS: Burdekin Rive·r Development (2°), 1737, Burdekin River Development (initia­ 1858; (committee), 1861, 1862. tion), 1391, 1395. Constitution Acts Amendment (2°), 1482, Constitution Acts Amendment (initia­ 1484. tion), 1180, 1185. Liquid Fuel (2°), 1536, 1559. Liquid Fuel (initiation), 1370, 1384, Public Accountants Registration Act 1391. Amendment ( 2 o), 1485. Public Accountants Registration Act Closure, Moves application of, 1802, Amendment (initiation), 1186; (com­ 1813. mittee), 1188. Deaths- State Development and Public Works Organisation Acts Amendment (initia­ Brennan, Hon. F. T. (moves motion of tion), 427, 442, 444; (2°), 1186, condolence), 101. (committee), 1188. Huxham, Hon. J. (moves motion of con­ dolence), 100. Blair A thol Coalfield, Ministerial State­ ment, 422. Golden Casket- Closure, Moves application of, 430. No. 1367 (Ministerial statement), 1828. Royal Commission, Suggested appoint­ Cotton industry, Guaranteed price, Motiorr ment, 1765. for adjournment, 1345. Member- Delegation of Authority to Acting Premier,. Naming of (Mr. Pie), 1814; (Mr. 1339. Barnes), 1785; (Mr. Wanstall), 1836. Deaths- Suspension of (Mr. Pie), 1775; (Mr. Beirne, Hon. T. C. (moves motion of Barnes)_, 1785; (Mr. Wanstall), 1837. condolence), 10. Ministerial Statement- Copley, Mr. P. K. (moves motion of Golden Casket No. 1367, 1828. condolence), 9. ''Sons of Matthew,'' Preview of film, Gledson, Hon. D. A. (moves motion of 1563. condolence·), 8. Points of order, 870, 1779, 1810. Hanlon, Mr. J. S. (moves motion of condolence), 545. Privilege- Assault on hon. member outside Cham­ Electric Supply Corporation (Overseas) ber, 1794, 1802, 1803. Ltd. Agreement Act, motion (Mr. Nicklin) of dissent from Mr. Acting ''Sons of Matthew,'' Preview of film, 1563. Speaker's ruling, 261. SuPPLY: Members- Resolution reported from Committee­ Naming of (Mr. Barnes), 942; (Mr. Premier and Chief Secretary, 1765. Pie), 443. Valedictory, 1704, 1863. Suspension of (Mr. Pie), 443. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. li,5

HANLON, Honourable Edward Michael SuPPLY-continued: (Ithaca) [Premier, Chief Secretary and Vice-President of the Executive ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE-Continued. Council]-continued Railways- Ministerial Statement­ General establishment, 1287. Attorney-General, Appointment of Hon. Southern Division, 1420. G. H. Devries, 11. Vote on Account, 79. Blair Athol Coalfield, 422. HILEY, Thomas Alfred, Esquire Personal Statement, 853. (Logan)­ Points of orde.r, 88, 393. Address in Reply, 350; (amendment-Mr. 1Icintyre), 224. Speaker's (Acting) Ruling, Motion (Mr. Nicklin) to disagree to, 261. BILLS: SUPPLY: Constitution Acts Amendment (initia­ tion), 1184, 1185. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Executive and Legislative­ Liquid Fuel (initiation), 1386; (2°), 1549. Executive Council, 1054. Maintenance (2o), 698. His Excellency the Governor (Bal­ ance of vote), 1054. Public Accountants Registration Act Legislative Assembly, 1054, 1073. Amendment (initiation), 1186. Pre.mier and Chief Secretary­ State Development and Public Works Agent-General for State, 1127. Organisation Acts Amendment (initia­ tion), 431; (2°), 1186. Chief Office, 1077, 1086, 1092, 1096, 1099, 1105, 1127. State Housing Acts and Another Act Co-ordinator-G•eneral of Public Amendment (committee), 1047, 1048. \Vorks, 1128, 1130, 1133. Timber Users' Protection (committee), :Miscellaneous services, 1145, 1147. 637, 638. Parliamentary Counsel .and Drafts­ 'fuberculosis Agreement (initiation), man, 1134, 1135. 480. Public Relations Bureau, 1135. Vagrants, Gaming and Other Offences Public Service Commissioner, 1136, Acts Amendment (initiation), 1458. 1138, 1142, 1143. Cotton industry, Guaranteed price (Seconds Public Service Superannuation motion for adjournment of Ifouse), Board, 1145. 1342. State Reporting Bureau, 1145. Death, Hon. D. A. Gledson, 9. State Stores Board, 1145. Electric Supply Corporation (Overseas) Vote on Account, 76. Ltd. Agreement Act, Motion (Mr. Valedictory, 1395. Nicklin) of disse~ from Mr. Acting Speaker's ruling (seconds motion), HEADING, James Alfred, Esquire (Wide 261. Bay)­ Financial Statement, 895. Address in Reply, 284. Personal explanation, 852. BILLS: Points of order, 785, 1007, 1127. Coal -:11ining Acts Amendment (initia­ tion), 1567. Railway Proposal- Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment y eerongpilly-Kuraby duplication ( com- (initiation), 783. mittee-MOition to disagree to Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment Chairman's ruling), 1117. (initiation), 1652. Rockhampton Abattoir area, motion for Timber Users' Protection (committee), disallowance of Order in Council, 598, 608, 638. 860. Cotton industry, Guaranteed price, 1349. Speaker's (Acting) ruling, Motion to dis­ Financial Statement, 922. agree to (seconds motion), 261. Point of order, 85. SUPPLY: Rockhampton Abattoir area, Motion for ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ disallowance of Order in Council, 860. Executive and Legislative­ Legislative. Assembly, 1076. SUPPLY: Mines and Immigration­ ESTUfATES IN COMMITTEE-­ Chief Office, 1166. Premier and Chief Secretary­ Premier and Chief Secretary­ Chief Office, 1085. Chief Office, 1077, 1091. Mines and Immigration­ Co-ordinator-General of Public Immigration, 1229. Warks, 1128. Public Warks­ Parliamentary Counsel and Drafts­ Chief Office, 1607. man. 1134. 26 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

HILEY, Thomas Alfred, ESflUire SUPPLY: (Logan)-continued: ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ SuPPLY-continued: Mines and Immigration­ ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE-continued. Chief Office, 1210. Railways- Immigration, 1234. General establishment, 1275. Premier and Chief Secretary­ Southe.rn Division, 1418. Chief Office1 1084. Vote on Account, 46. Public Works- Valedictory, 1704. Chief Office, 1532, 1568. Railways- HILTON, Paul Jerome Remigius, Esquire General establishment, 12:51, 1290. (Carnarvon) [See also "Chairman of Committees, Temporary"]­ Transport, 1488. Resolutions reported frorn Committee­ Address in Reply, 504. Premier and Chief Secretary, 1770. Point of order, 1437. Vote on Account, 42. Railway Proposal- y eerongpilly-Kuraby diuplicat.ion ( com­ JONES, Honourable Arthur (Charters mittee-motion to disagree to Towers) [Secretary for Health and Chairman's ruling), 1119. Home Afiairs]­ SUPPLY: BILLS: ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE-­ Tuberculosis agreement (initiation), 460, Railways- (2°), 523, 541, 557, (committee), 653, General establishment, 1278. 654, 656, 657, 660, (3°) 1 663. Vagrants Gaming and Other Offences INGRAM, Waiter Charles, Esquire Acts Amendme~t (initiation), 1455, (Keppel)­ 1481, 1482. Address in Reply, 121. X-Rays for T.B. at Brisbane General Hos­ Cotton industry, Guaranteed price, 1356. pital, 697. Financial Statement, 828. KERR, Thomas Caldwell, Esquire Personal explanation, 176. (Oxley)­ Point of order, 1198. Address in Reply, 33, 103; (amendment­ Mr. Mcintyre), 200. Railway Proposal­ Moonmera-Moongan deviation (corn­ BILLS: mittee), 1198. Burdekin River Development (com­ SUPPLY: mittee), 1862. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE-­ Coal Mining Acts Amendment (initia­ Mines and Immigration­ tion), 1566, (2°), 1656. Chief Office, 1219. Mental Institution Benefits Agreement .(2°) 1737. Public W arks­ 1 Chief Office, 1585. Public Accountants Registration Act Railways- Amendment (2°), 1485. General establishment, 1313. State Development and Public ~?~ks Organisation Acts Amendment (miha­ tion) , 441. JESSON, Cecil George, Esquire (Kennedy)­ State Housing Acts and Another Act Amendment (initiation), 674; (2°), Address in Reply (moves motion), 12. 1034. BILLS: Timber Users' Protection .(initiation), Appropriation No. 2 (2°), 1779. 488; (2°), 569; (committee), 591,594, Constitution Acts Ame.ndment (2°), 597, 613, 615, 621, 639, 641, 643. 1484. Valuation of Land Acts Amendment Liquid Fuel (initiation), 1374. (initiation), 449; ( 2 °), 588. Mental Institution Benefits Agreement \IVorkers' Compensation Acts Amendment (initiation), 1695. (2 ~)' 1825. State Housing Acts and Another Act Financial Statement, 757. Amendment (initiation), 684. Points of order, 761, 1073, 1226. Galled on to apologise, 1183. Railway proposal­ Financial Statement, 1005. Yeerongpilly-Kuraby Duplication ( com­ Golden Casket, Suggested appointment of mittee), 1122. Royal Commission, 1770. Rockhampton Abattoir area, Motion for Points of orde.r, 491, 685, 722, 1555. disallowance of order in council, 859. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 27

KERR, Thomas Caldwell, Esquire (Oxley) LOW, David Alan, Esquire (Cooroora)­ -continued: Address in Reply, 168. SUPPLY: BILLS: ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment Executive and Legislative­ (2°), 1685. Legislative Assembly, 1063. Mental Institution Benefits Agreement Mines and Immigration­ (initiation), 1699. Chief Office, 1152. Timber Users' Protection (initiation), Immigration, 1224. 494. Prpmier and Chief Secretary­ Financial Statement, 822. Chief Office, 1104. SUPPLY: Miscellaneous services, 1145. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Public Service Commissioner, 1144. Executive and Legislative­ Public Works­ Legislative Assembly, 1066. Chief Office, 1594. Mines and Immigration­ Railways- Chief Office, 1163. General Establishment, 1323. Immigration, 1230. Northern Division, 1448. Premier and Chief Secretary­ Southern Division, 1409. Chief Office, 1083. Transport, 1491. Co-ordinator-General of Public Works, 1133. KEYATTA, George, Esquire (Towns­ Parliamentary Counsel and Drafts­ ville)­ man, 1135. Public Works­ Address in Reply, 364. Chief Office, 1517. BILLS: Railways- Timber Users' Protection (2 o), 572. Central Division and Mackay Rail­ Vagrants, Gaming, and Other Offences way, 1429. Acts Amendment (initiation), 1460. General Establishment, 1246. Workers' Compensation Acts Amendment Southern Division, 1407. (initiation), 1715. Transport, 1486. SUPPLY: LUCKINS, Louis Wells, Esquire (Maree)­ ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Address in Reply, 164. Executive and Legislative­ Legislative Assembly, 1062. BILLS: Mines and Immigration­ Mental Institution Benefits Agreement Immigration, 1222. (initiation), 1696. Public Works- State Housing Acts and Another Act Amendment (initiation), 685. Chief Office, 1532, 1572. Valuation of Land Acts Amendment Railways- (initiation), 446. General Establishment, 1321. Workers' Compensation Acts Amendment Northern Division, 1442. (initiation), 1712. Cotton industry, Guaranteed price, 1365. LARCOMBE, Honourable James (Rock· hampton) [Treasurer]­ Financial Statement, 831. Address in Reply, 147; (amendment-Mr. Points of order, 688, 870, 1703. Mcintyre), 194. Railway Proposal­ BILLS: Moonmera-Moongan Deviation ( com­ Appropriation, No. 2 (2°), 1776, 1787. mittee), ll95. Workers' Compensation Acts Amendment SUPPLY: (initiation), 1708, 1719; (2°), 1743, ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ 1827, 1838. Executive- and Legislative­ Financial Statement, 723, 1018. Legislative Assembly, 1065. Mines and Immigration­ Rockhampton Abattoir area, Motion for disallowance of order in council, 857. Chief Office, 1216. Premier and Chief Secretary­ SUPPLY: Chief Office, 1127. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Public Service Commissioner, 1137. Executive and Legislative­ Public Works­ Legislative Assembly, 1068. Chief Office, 1574. Railways- Railways- Northern Division, 1448. General Establishment, 1296. Vote on Aeeount, 39, 92. Southern Division, 1404. 28 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

MACDONALD, Duncan, Esquire (Stanley) BILLS: [See also "Chairman of Committees, Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment Temporary"]­ (initiation), 782, 788. Address in Reply, 361. State Housing Act~ and Another Act Amendment (initiation), 690. Assault on hon. member outside Chamber, 1797. Tuberculosis Agreement (initiation), 477. BILLS: Financial Statement, 978. Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment Privilege, Assault on hon. member outside (committee), 1725. Chamber, 1808, (seconds amendment), Maintenance (committee), 1658, 1660. 1801, 1808. Timber Users' Protection (2 o), 569; SUPPLY: (committe€), 591, 593, 594, 598, 602, ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ 603, 604, 605, 606, 608. Public Works- Financial Statement, 1012. Chief Office, 1598. Privilege, Assault on hon. member outside Chamber, 1797. lUARSDEN, Ivor, Esquire (lpswich)­ Takes his seat, 458. SUPPLY: Vote on Accmmt, 87. Financial Statement, 893. lUciNTYRE, ~Ialcolm, Esquire (Cunning. MADSEN, Otto Ottosen, Esquire (War. ham)­ wick)­ Address in Reply, 182; (moves amend· BILLS: ment), 187. Coal Mining Acts Amendment (2°), 1656. Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment (2°), BILLS: 1052. Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment (initiation), 783; (2°), 1051. Financial Statement, 931. Irrigation and Water Supply Commission SUPPLY: Act - and Other Acts Amendment ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ (initiation), 1631. Railways- Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment General Establishment, 1329. (initiation), 1651. Mental Institution Benefits Agreement Vote on Account, 89. (initiation), 1697. MAHER, Edmund Bede, Esquire (West Sewerage, Water Supply, and GasfittiJJg Moreton)­ (initiation), 1666. Timber Users' Protection (committee), Address in Reply, 109, (amendment- 591, 594. Mr. Mclntyre), 191. Valuation of Land Acts (2°), 589. Death, Beirne, Hon. T. C., 10. Financial Statement, 846. Personal explanation, 211. SUPPLY: Points of order, 45, 196, 399. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Resignation reported, 1125. Mines and Imnrlgr,l'ion-·· Speaker's (Acting) ruling, motion to Chief Office, 1213. disagree to, 264. Premier and Chief Secretary­ SUPPLY: Chief Office, 1098. Railways- Vote on Account, 58. General Establishment, 1319. Valedictory statement, 854. Vote on Account, 81. MANN, John Henry, Esquire (Brisbane)­ !liOORE, Honourable William Matthew [See also "Chairman of Committees" (lUerthyr) [Secretary for Mines and and " Speaker, Deputy"]­ Immigration]­ Assault on hon. member outside Chamber, Address in Reply, 177. 1807. BILLS: Death, Hanlon, Mr. J. S., 546. Coal Mining Acts Amendment (initia· Privilege, Assault on hon. member outside tion), 1563, 1567; (2°), 1655, 1656. Chamber, 1807. Points of order, 695, 1682. lUARRIOTT, George Henry, Esquire SUPPLY: (Bulimba)­ ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Assault on hon. member outside Chamber, Public Works- (seconds amendment), 1801, 1808. Chief Office, 1599. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 29

IIIOORE, Honourable William lUatthew SuPPLY-continued: (lllerthyr) [Secretary for Illines and ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE-continued. lmmigration]-continued: Public Works­ SUPPLY-contimted: Chief Office, 1587. ESTIMATES IN COJ\IMITTEE-continuecl. Railways- Mines and Immigration- General Establishment, 1310. Chief Office, 1147, 1153, 1173, 1220. Transport, 1490, 1500. Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers Vote on Account, 89. (Pensions) Acts, 1222. Immigration, 1222, 1231. MULLER, Adolf Gustav, Esquire (Fassi­ In Aid of Mining, 1221. fern)­ Inspection of Machinery, Scaffolding Address in Reply, 368 (amendment-Mr. and Weights and Measures, 1221. Mcintyre), 248. Mining Fields, 1221. BlLLS: State Mining Operations, 1221. Burde.kin River Development (20)' 1855. lUOORES, Thomas, Esquire (Knrilpa)­ Constitution Acts Amendment (initia­ Takes his seat, 458. tion), 1181, 1185. Financial Statement, 862. Irrigation and Water Supply Commis­ sion Act and Other Acts Amendment SuPPLY: (initiation), 1626; (2°), 1692. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment Public Works- (committee), 1725. Chief Office, 1599. Liquid Fuel (2°), 1552. Mental Institution Benefits Agreement MORRIS, Kenneth James, Esquire (initiation), 1701. (Enoggera)­ State Development and Public Works Address in Reply. 318, (amendment Mr. Organisation Acts Amendment (initia­ Intyre), 273. tion-moves amendment), 435; ( com­ mittee), 1189. Assault on hon. member outside Chamber, 1785, 1786, 1803, 1805. State Housing Act and Another .Act Amendment (initiation), 692, 695. BILLS: Timber Users' Protection (initiation), State Housing Acts and Another Act 484; (2°), 573; (committee), 592, Amendment f2°), 1033; (committee), 595, 604, 606, 614, 622, 642, 644, 1042, 1045, 1046. 647, 649, 650. Tuberculosis Agreement (initiation), Tuberculosis Agreement (initiation), 476; (2°), 536; (committee), 654, 468. 655, 656, 657. Workers' Compensation Acts Amend­ Chairman's ruling-Moves motion to dis­ ment, (2°), 1820. agree to, 1071. Cotton industry, Guaranteed price, 1353. Cotton Industry, Guaranteed price, 1351. Financial Statement, 942. Financial Statement, 949. Golden Casket, Suggested appointment of Royal Commission, 1769. Ordered to resume seat, 1071. Le.adership (Deputy) of Opposition, 146. Points of order, 1073, 1074, 1227, 1232, 1785, 1796, 1804, 1805. Points of order, 176, 315, 648. Privilege, Assault on hon. member outside Railway Proposals­ Chamber, 1803, 1805. Moonmera.-Moongan deviation, ( com­ Railway Proposal­ mittee), 1191. Yeerongpilly-Kuraby Duplication ( com­ Y eerongpilly-Kuraby duplication, ( com­ mittee), 1121. mittee), 1124. SUPPLY: Rocklmmpton abattoir area, Motion for disallowance of Order in Council, 858. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE- Executive and Legislative­ SUPPLY: Legislative Assembly, 1070; (moves ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE-­ amendment to reduce vote by £1), Mines and Immigration­ 1071. Chief Office, 1222. Motion to disagree to Chairman's Premier and Chief Secretary­ ruling, 1071. Chief Office, 1100. Mines and Immigration­ Railways- Chief Office, 1162. General establishment, 1292. Immigration, 1228. Southern Division, 1421, 1424. Premier and Chief Secretary­ Transport, 1469. Chief Office, 1126. Resolutions reported from Com?nittee­ Public Service Commissioner, 1137. Premier and Chief Secretary, 1769. 30 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

NICKLIN, George Francis Reuben, Esquire Deaths- (Murrumba)­ Brennan, Hon. F. T., 101. Addre.ss in R.eply, 26; (amendment-Mr. Copley, Mr. P. K., 10. Meintyre.), 203; (amendment-Mr. Gledson, Hon. D. A., 9. Wanstall), 402. Hanlon, Mr. J. S., 546. Adjournment of debate (Burdekin River Huxham, Hon. J., 101. Development Bill), 1740. Financial Stateme,nt, 7 44. Assault on hon. member outside Chamber, 1787, 1791; (moves motion), 1792. Golden Casket, Suggested appointment of. Royal Commission, 17 48 ; ~moves BILLS: amendment), 17 49, 1835. Appropriation No. 2 (2°), 1777. Australian Consular OffieBrs' ,Notarial Points of orde,r, 96, 176, 394, 797, 1675, Powers and Evidence. Act Amendment 1803. (2°), 1843; (committe.e),1844. Privilege- Burdekin River Development (2°), 1844; (committee), 1861. Assault on hon. member outside Chamber, 1787, 1791; (moves motion), 1792; Constitution Acts Amendment (2 o), (Amendme.nt-Mr. Paterson), 1802. 1482. Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment Golden Casket, Suggested appointment (initiation), 782; (2°), 1049. of Royal Commission, 1835. Irrigation and Water Supply Commission Railway Proposals­ Act and Other Acts Amendment Moonmera-Moongan deviation (corn­ (initiation), 1620; (2°), 1689. mittee), 1197. Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment Yeerongpilly-Kuraby duplication (corn. (2°), 1677; (committee), 1724. mittee), Jlll, (motion to disagree to Liquid Fuel (initiation), 1371· (2°), Chairman's ruling), 1118. 1543. ' Local Government Acts Amendment Bill Rockhampton abattoir area, Moves motion (No. 2), (2°), 1209. for disallowance of Order in Council, 855. Maintenance (2 o), 702. Mental Institution Benefits Agreement Speaker, ::\fr., Notice. of motion of no (initiation) 1693; (2°), 1736. confidence, 1838. Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Speaker's (Mr. Acting), ruling, moves Acts Amendment (2°), 1209. motion to disagree to, 259. Sewerage., Water Supply and Gasfitting (committee), 1693. SUPPLY: State Development and Public ·works EsTIMATES IN COMMITTEE- Organisation Acts Amendment (initia­ tion), 428; (moves amendment), 430. Executive and Legislative­ Legislative Assembly, 1071; (Motion State Housing Acts and Another Act to reduce vote by £1), 1071. Amendment (initiation), 666, 690 · (2°), 958; (committee), 1040, 1041', Mines and Immigration­ 1048; (moves motion to disagree to Chie.f Office, 1147. Chairman's ruling), 1041. Premier and Chief Secretary­ Timbe.r LTsers' Protection (2°), 564: Chief Office, 1079. (committee), 591, 598, 601, 605, 612, Public Service Commissioner, 1141, 619, 620, 637, 642 J143. Tuberculosis Agreement (initiation), Railways- 463; ( 2 o), 530; (committee), 651, Central Division and M.ackay Rail­ 655, 656, 657. way, 1430. Vagrants, Gaming and Other Offences General Establishment, 1266. Acts Amendment (initiation), 1456. Northern Division, 1453. Valuation of Land Acts Amendm-ent Southern Division, 1409. (initiation), 448; (2°), 587. Transport, 1475. Workers' Compensation Acts AmEmdment (initiation), 1710; (2°), 1747, 1814; Resolutions reported from Committee­ (committee), 1842. Premier and Chief Secretary, 1748; (Move,s amendment to reduce Chairman's ruling, moves motion to dis­ amount by £1), 17 49. agree to, 1041. Vote on Accmvnt, 40. Cotton industry (guaranteed price-moves adjournment of House), 1339, 1368. Valedictory, 1395, 1864. Electric Supply Corporation (Overseas) ·want of confidence motion, Mr. Speaker, Limited, Motion for disallowance of 1838. Orde•r in Council (moves motion), 379; notice of dissent from Mr. Acting O'SHEA, Harry, Esquire (Warrego)­ Speaker's ruling, 176; (moves motion), 259. Financial Statement, 760. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 31

PATERSON, Frederick Woolnough,Esquire BILLS-continued: (Bowen)­ Maintenance (2 o), 708. Address in Reply, 512 (Amendment-:lfr. State Development and Public Works Wanstall), 410. Organisation Acts Amendment (initia­ tion), 438. Assault on hon. member outside Chamber (moves amendment), 1800. State Housing Acts and Another Act Amendment (initiation), 678. BILLS: Timber Users' Protection (committee), Burdekin River Development ( 2 o), 617, 639. 1857. Tuberculosis Agreement (initiation), Constitution Acts Amendment ( com­ 469 ; ( 2 o), 539; (committee), 653, mittee), 1184. 655. Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment Workers' Compensation Acts Amendment (initiation), 788. (initiation), 1714. Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment Called on to apologise, 443, 1674. (committee), 1730, 1732. Liquid Fuel (2 o), 1559; (committee,)~ Financial Stateme-nt, 971. 1561. Golden Casket, Suggested appointment of :\1aintenance ( 2 o) 704; (committee), Royal Commission, 1772. 1657, 1659, 1661. Named, 443, 1774, 1814. 'rimber Users' Protection (committee), 640, 645. Personal explanation, 853. Vagrants, Gaming and Other Offences Points of order, 149, 217, 853, 1767, 1782, Acts Amendme-nt (initiation-moves 1783, 1795. amendment), 1481, 1482; (amend­ ment withdrawn), 1482. Privilege, Assault on hon. member outside Workers' Compensation Acts Amendment Chamber, 1803, 1809, 1814. (initiation), 1716; (moves amend­ Questions­ ment), 1717, 1722; (committee), Length, 1639. 1841; (moves motion to dissent from Order on business sheet, 1614. Temporary Chairman's ruling), 1842. Cotton industry, Guaranteed price, 1364. Rockhampton abattoir area, Motion for disallowance of order in council, 859. Financial Statement, 999. SUPPLY: Points of order, 1121, 1434, 1774, 1783, ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ 1784, 1796. Public Works- Privilege, Assault on hon. member outside Chief Office, 1571. Chamber (moves amendment), 1800. Railways- Railway Proposal­ Northern Division, 1440. Moonmera-Moongan deviation (com­ Transport, 1501. mittee), 1194. Resolutions reported from Cornmittee­ SuPPLY: Premie•r and Chief Secretary, 1772. EsTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Suspension, 443, 1774, 1775. Mines and Immigration­ PLUNKETT, Thomas Flood, Esquire Chief Office, 1165. (Albert) _:_ Premier and Chief Secretary­ BILLS: Parliamentary Counsel and Drafts· man, 1135. ­ Coal Mining Acts Amendment (initia­ tion), 1564. Railways- Irrigation and Water Supply Act and General Establishment, 1316. Other Acts Amendment (initiation), Northern Division, 1439, 1464. 1630. Vote on Account, 65. Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment Valedictory, 1864. (committee), 1727. State Housing Acts and Another Act PIE, Bruce, Esquire (Windsor)­ Amendment (initiation), 682. Address in Reply, 139; (amendment-Mr. Timber Users' Protection (committee), Mcintyre), 205. 615. Vagrants, Gaming and Other Offences Assault on hon. member outside Chamber, Acts Amendment (initiation), 1461. 1803, 1809, 1814. Financial Statement, 910. BILLS: Constitution Acts Amendment (2 °), SUPPLY: 1483. Mines and Immigration­ Diseases iu Stock Acts Amendment Immigration, 1225. (initiation), 784; (moves amendment), Public Works­ 785. Chief Office, 1598. 32 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

PLUNKETT, Thomas Flood, Esquire BILLS-continued: (Albert)-continued: State Housing Acts and Another Act SuPPLY-continued. Amendment (initiation), 668. Railways- Supreme Court Acts Amendment (initia­ tion), 582. General Establishment, 1314. Timber Users' Prqtection (initiation), Southern Division, 1422, 1424. 491; (committe€), 618, 643. Transport, 1492. Tuberculosis Agreement (initiation), 467. Vagrants, Gaming, and Other Offences POWER, Honourable William (Baroona), Acts Amendment (initiation), 1459. [Secretary for Public Works, Housing and Local Government]­ Financial Statement, 752. Address in Reply, 291. Golden Casket, Suggested appointment of Assault on hon. member outside Chamber, Royal Commission, 1785. 1786, 1804. Points of order, 646, 647, 1772, 1773, 1810, BILLS: 1813, 1837. Local Government Acts Amendment (No. Railway Proposal­ !)) (initiation), 455, 458; (2°), 1209. Yeerongpilly-Kuraby duplication (com­ Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewer­ mittee), 1114. age Acts Amendment (initiation), 458; (2°), 1209. Speaker's (Mr. Acting) ruling, Motion to disagree to, 267. Sewerage, Water Supply, and Gasfitting (initiation), 1663, 1667; (2° and SUPPLY: committee), 1693. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE- State Housing Acts and Another Act Premier and Chief Secretary­ Amendment (initiation), 663, 671, 676, Parliamentary Counsel and Drafts­ 680, 682, 687, 691, 693; (2°), 957, man, 1134. 1034, 1035, 1043, 1045, 1046, 1047, Mines and Immigration­ 1048. Immigration, 1~26. Valuation of Land Acts Amendment (initiation), 444, 449, 452, 455; (2°), Railways- 587, 590. G€neral Establishment, 1264. Public Works­ Financial Statement, 872. Chief Office, 15)_9. Personal explanation, 306. Vote on Account, 70. Points of order, 445, 653, 678, 790, 872, 1032, 1501, 1ti97, 1786, 1795, 1796. RUSSELL, Charles Wilfred, Esquire Privilege, Assault on hon. member outside (Dalby)­ Chamber, 1804. Address in Reply, 117. SUPPLY: Financial Statement, 789, 808. ESTIMATES IN CoMMiTTEE­ Nitrogenous fertiliser works, Establish­ Public Warks- ment of, 721. Chief Office, 1502, 1505, 1509, 1521, Personal explanation, 102. 1528, 1569, 1577, 1588, 1595, 1602, 1611. Points of order, 79, 315, 316, 377, 763, 798, 872, 874. Railways- Southern Division, 1425. Resignation reported, 1179. SuPPLY: ROBERTS, Frank Edward, Esquire EsTIMATES IN CoMMITTEE-­ (Nundah)­ Executive and Legislative­ Address in Reply, 156 (amendment-Mr. Legislative Assembly, 1064. Mcintyre), 271; (amendment---Mr. Wanstall), 392. Premier and Chief Secretary­ Chief Office, 1102. BILLS: Vote on Account, 62. Appropriation, No. 2 (2°), 1784, 1785. Water resources m North-west Queensland, Liquid Fuel (initiation), 1379. Survey of, 635, 795. Local Government Acts Amendment (initiation), 457. SMITH, Alfred James, Esquire (Carpen­ Mental Institution Benefits Agreement taria)­ (initiation), 1700. Address in Reply, 372. Maintenance (initiation), 579; (2°), 705; (committee), 1661. BILLS: State Development and Public Works Liquid Fuel (initiation), 1389. Organisation Acts Amendment (initia­ ·worke;rs' Compensation Acts Amend­ tion), 440. ment (2 °), 1826. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLA1'IVE ASSE~II3LY. 33

SJII'l'H, Alfre(l James, Esquire (Carpen· SUPPLY: taria)-continued; EsTil\IA'rEs IN Co:-.nnTTEE­ SuPPLY: Department of Public Works­ EsTIMATES IN CoMJ\IITTEE­ Chief Office, 1525. Mine.s and Immigration­ Mines and Immigration­ Chief Office, 1154. Chief Office 117 2. Premier and Chief Secretary­ Premier and Chief Secretary­ Chief Office., 1094, 1106. Chief Office, 1107. Railways­ Public Works­ Genc·ral Establishment, 1249. Chief Office, 1609. Northern Division, 1437, 1461. Railways- Southern Division, 1397, 1417. General Establishment, 1325. Transport, 1467, 1500. Northern Division, 1451. SPEAKER, Honourable Samuel John Vote on Account, 73. Brassington (Fortitude Valley) [See \Vater resourcrs of N orth-we.st Queensland, also "Brassington, Honourable Survey of (Moves motion), 547. Samuel John"]­ Adjournment of House-Formal motion SPARKES, Waiter Beresford J ames under Standing Order No. 137­ Gor

SPEAKER, Honourable Samuel Jolln Questions-continued. Brassiugton (~ortitmle Valley) [See Length must be reasonable, 1614, 1639, also " Brassmg·ton, Honourable 1674, 1707. Samuel .Tolm "]-continued: Must be presented in a fair and proper Illness, 148±. manner, 1707; must not contain infor­ Imputation of improper motives not in mation, 1707. order, 1774. Must not seek expression of opinion, 956. Object of questions is to seek informa­ Interjections- tion on public matters, 1614, 1639. Disorderly, 797, 859, 153!1, 1561, 1756, 1768. Omitted from business paper, 956. Not in order while ntember crossing Order on business sheet, 1614. Chamber, 1344. Reply by Ministe·r a matter of courtesy, Not permissible from table, 1675. 1742. Prior to admission of His Excellency's Time for giving notice, 795. messenge.r, 1029. Rockhampton abattoir area, Motion for Interruptions disorde.rly, 797, 854, 956, disallowance of order in council, 855 ; 1749, 1762, 1793. Discussion on Brisbane abattoir not in order, 859. Irrelevancies, Debate must be relevant to question before House, 807, ] 033, Statement or denial of honourable member 1187, 1363, 1483, 1548, 1557, 1685, must be accepted, 1759, 1796. 1771, 1827. Tedious repetition not in order, 1360, 1363. Matter already dealt with eannot be Temperate language in debate desirable, debated again, 1778, 1808. 1555, 1792. Members- Unparliamentary language­ Called by Mr. Speaker, 1034. Expressions ruled out of order­ Called on to apologise- ''Disorderly honourable members Mr. Aikens, 807, 957. opposite,'·' 797. Mr. Bames, 1785. ''I do not know how you are going Mr. Collins, 1814. to choke me off but I have no doubt Mr. Pie, 1674, 1814. you will have a go," 807. Must be referred to hy name of e1ectorate "It is only I who have to obey the or title, 1555. rules of the House,'' 1675. Named- ''Minister will endeavour to mislead the people,'' 1032. Mr. Pie, 1774, 1814. "Liar," 1796. Mr. Wanstall, 1836. "No courtesy and consideration,~' 744. Order of speaking decided by Mr. Speaker, 1559, 1747, 1784, 1785; "Rubbish," 853. Practiee to give call alternately to '' The Acting Premie•r printed some each side· of House, 1770, 1772. tickets," 1779. Suspended- ''The Government will come at any­ thing," 1774. Mr. Barnes, 1785. ''The racket that goes on,'' 957. Mr. Pie, 1774. "We have lost Mussolini and got Mr, Wanstall, 1837. Hitler," 744. Noise in Chamber, 795, 1675. "Yahoos," 797. Personal explanation- ''You probably do not want to hear Hon. member not entitled to make speech, the que·stion," 1674. 853, 854. "You smell," 1779. Reading of statement concerning happen­ Valedictory, 1865. ings between an hon. member and 4KQ does not come within seope, 852. West Moreton Electoral District (announces receipt of letter of resigna­ Personalities to be avoided, 1346, 17 55, tion from Mr. E. B. Maher), 1125. 1771. SPEAKER, ACTING [~Iann, Jolln Henry, Points of order, inYalid, 798, 1755, 1774, Esquire (Brisbane)] [See also 1786, 1804. "Speaker, Deputy"]­ Questions- Address in Reply- Already answe1·ed, may not be repeated, Presentation, Reply of Governor, 709, 956, 1674, 1675, 1742, 1835, 1836. Scope· of debate, 186; Debate restricted Censorship, Denial of (Article in to amendment, 191, 196, 415. " Courier-Mail") , 17 0 7. Editing of, 956, 968, 1614, 1639, 1674, BILLS: 1675, 1742. Generally- Golden Casket (Mr. Wanstall) not, in Second reading debate must be con­ order, 1837. fined to principles of Bill, 590. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 35

SPEAKER, ACTING [Mann, John Henry, Members-continued. Esquire (Brisbane)] [See alsa Personal explanation- "Speaker, Deputy "]-continued: Hon. member must be serious, 624. Chair- Hon. member must get permission of Imputation of improper motives not in House, 427. order, 882. Mode of call, 247. Reflections on hon. membe·rs not in order, 413, 884. Must be addressed in prop8T manner, 166, 247, 278, 413. Ministers, Reflections on, not in order, 263. Must be obeyed, 166, 167, 197, 247, 306, Motions lapsed (Mr. Barnes), 546. 349, 398, 413, 629, 720, 721, 840. Reflections on, not in order, 247, 459, 882. Noise in Chamber, 147, 177, 530. Chairman of Committees, Temporary Opinions may be expressed by hon. mem­ (nominates panel), 8. bers and other hon. members will have the opportunity to reply, 278. Commissioner to administer oath or affirma­ tion of allegiance, 424. Order of speaking, Arrangement between whips of parties, 247, 629. Correspondence room, Floor covering, 474 .. Personal explanations- Deaths- Hon. member must be serious, 624. Beirne, Hon. T. C. (announces reply to Hon. member must get permission of motion of condolence), 208. House, 427. Copley, Mr. P. K. (announces receipt of Personalities to be avoided, 307. certificate), 8; (announces reply to motion of condolence), 208. Points of order, invalid, 273, 388, 397, Gledson, Hon. D. A. (announce1:1 receipt 399. of certificate), 8. Privilege- Hanlon, Mr. .J. S., 546. Questions to Ministers- Debate must be conducted with dignity and Refusal of Minister to answer a que,s­ decorum, 172, 278, 306, 395, 427. tion cannot be raised as matter of privilege, 259. Denial (See "Statement"). Questions, Scope of and rules governi:ag Electric Supply Corporation (Overseas) (see also "Privilege "). Ltd. Agreement Act, motion for dis­ allowance• of order in council omitted Answer by Minister cannot be raised as from business paper as opportunity to a matter of privilege, 259. debate subject matter presently exists, Omitted from business paper, R-eflection 176. on Chair, 459. Governor's Opening Speech, Announces Interjections during answers, 39. receipt of copy, 11. Reading of speeches not permissible but Improper motives may not be imputed to hon. members may quote from copious honourable members, 201. notes, 308. Innuendoes not in order, 263. Reflections on hon. members not in order, 413, 884; on Ministers, 263. Interjections, disorderly, 166, 196, 202, 262, 348, 398. Statement or denial of hon. member must be accepted, 301, 377, 394, 396, 401, Interruptions, disorderly, 143, 144, 169, 171, 427, 628, 887. 275, 278, 322, 344, 393, 394, 573, 839, 84G. · Temperate. language in debate desirable, 205, 332, 889. Ipswich by-election, Annou,nces Uate of poll 130; announces return of writ, Time limit of speeches, Hight of hon. mem· her to move extension, 32 7. 458. Unparliamentary language­ Irrelevancies, Debate must be relevant to question before the House, 190, 206, Expressions ruled out of order­ 207, 240, 244, 254, 263, 275, 297, 307, ' ' He has not got Brassington in the 404, 408, 412, 413, 415, 571, 573, 723. chair now,'' 396. ''I saw you look at the Treasure.r and Kurilpa by-election, Announces date of poll, I saw the Treasurer shake his head,'' 130 ; announces return of writ, 458. . 1882 . Members- "Liar," 375. Called on to apologise­ ''Premier put it over Parliament,'' Mr. Pie, 443. 207. Must be referred to by name of electorate "Pretty tough," 247. or title, 139, 884. "Secretary for Public Works and Order of speaking, Arrangement be•tween Stoushing,'' 884. Whips of parties, 247, 629. ''Two-faced,'' 139. 36 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

SPEAKER, DEPUTY [Mann, John Henry, Denial (See "Statement"). Esquire (Brisbane)] [See also Interjections, disordel'ly, 237, 302, 314. "Speaker, Acting"]- Interruptions disorde,rly, 236. BILLs: Irrelevancies, Debate must be relevant to Generally- question before House, 251, 540, 722, Second reading debate. must be con­ 1366, 1683. fined to principles of Bill, 965. Members- Chair- Must be referre.d to by name of elector­ Must be addressed, 1779, 1810. ate or title, 1782. Must be obeyed, 803, 805, 1780. Personalities to be avoided, 1783. Reflections on, not in order, 806, 807, Noise in Chamber, 547. 1777, 1801. Opinions may be expressed by hon. mem­ Debate must be conducte,d in proper bers relevant to the debate, 316. manner, 1780. Points of order, invalid, 315, 1369, 1782. Debate must be conducted with dignity and decorum, 1765, 1810. Statement or denial of hon. member must be accepted, 124, 155, 1783. Interjections, disorderly, 1777, 1779, 1810. Te.dious repetition not in order, 1366. Interruptions disorderly, 803, 806. Temperate language in debate desirable, Irrelevancies, Debate must be relevant to 1781. question before House, 805, 806, 1780. Unp.arliamentary language­ Matter already dealt with cannot be debated again, 1780. Expression ruled out of order­ "Whacko," 198. Members- Must be referred to by name of elector­ SPEAKER, DEPUTY [Keyatta, George, ate or title, 1781. Esquire (Townsville) ]­ Reflections on hon. members not in order, 1781. Chair- Must be obeyed, 120. Personalities to be. avoided, 805, 1779, 1780, 1781. Debate must be conducted with dignity and decorum, 633. Points of order, invalid, 802, 1811. Reading of speeches not permissible but Interjections disorderly, 568, 633, 718. hon. members may quote from copious notes, 1810. TAYLOR, Harold Bourne, Esquire Reflections on hon. members not in order, (Hamilton)­ 1781. Address in Reply, 126. Speaker, Mr., can only be. criticised on BILLS: substantive motion, 1799. Burdekin River Development (2o), 1851; Statement or denial of hon. member must (committee), 1860, 1861. .. be accepted, 802, 1782, 1810. Irrigation and Water Supply CommlS· Unparliamentary language...­ sion Act and Other Acts Amendment Expressions ruled out of order­ (initiaton), 1622; (2°), 1691. " I do not expect the same spin in Land Acts and Other Acts Amendment this House as any member of the (initiation), 1648; (2°), 1684; (com­ Labour party,'' 806. mittee), 1726. "Lie," 802. Cotton Industry, Guaranteed price, 1362. ''Slate the hon. member stole from Financial Statement, 763. a school,'' 1036. "You were compelled to give me the Railway Proposals­ call,'' 803. Moonmera-Moongan deviation ·(com­ "We have been trying to get down mittee), 1197. to your level," 1777. Yeerongpilly-Kuraby duplication, 1113. ''W11at about the Hindus on your SUPPLY: property~" 802. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ ·SPEAKER, DEPUTY [Dunstan, Thomas, Executive and Legislative­ Esquire (Gympie) ]­ Legislative Assembly, 1054. Interjections disorderly, 506. Premier and Chief Secretary- Co-ordinator-General of Public SPEAKER, DEPUTY [Hilton, Paul Jerome Works, 1!31. Remigius, Esquire (Carnarvon) ]­ Public Relations Bureau, 1136. Chair- Public Service Commissioner, 1144. Must be obeyed, 314, 316, 1783. Railways- Refle.ctions on, not in order, 198. General Establishment, 1239, Debate, concluded, of present session may Southern Division, 1403. not be quoted, 315. Transport, 1472. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 37

TAYLOR, John Rnss~ll, Esquire Aseault on hon. member outside Chamber, (Itlaranoa)­ 1785, (seconds motion-Mr. Nicklin). Address in Reply, 31. 1793. SUPPLY: BILLS: ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Appropriation, No. 2 (2°), 1778. Public Warks- Australian Consular Officers Notarial Powers and Evidence Act Amendment Chief Office, 1593. (initiation), 1723. Railways- Constitution Acts Amendment (com­ General Establishment, 1290. mittee), 1182; (2°), 1483. Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment THEODORE, Stephen, Esquire (Herbert)-­ (initiation), 786; (moves amend­ Address in Reply, 113 (Amendment-Mr. ment), 787. Mcintyre), 268. Liquid Fuel (2°), 1554. BILLS: Maintenance (initiation), 578; (2°), Diseases in Stock Acts Amendment 1203; (committee), 1656, 1657, 1659, (initiation), 784. 1660, 1661, 1662, 1663. Timber Users' Protection (initiation), Supreme Court Acts Amendment (initia­ 489 (committee), 597, 614. tion), 585; (2°), 1201, 1203. Financial Statement, 812. Tuberculosis Agreement (initiation), 465; (committee), 654, 656, (3•), Personal explanation, 426. 662. Points of order, 634, 938. Vagrants, Gaming, and Other Offences SUPPLY: Acts Amendment (initiation), 1461. Vote on Account, 61. Valuation of Land Acts Amendment (initiation), 451, 454. Water resources of North-west Queensland, Workers' Compensation Acts Amendment Survey (seconds motion), 554. (initiation), 1721. TURNER, John Albert, Esquire (Kelvin Chairman's ruling, Motion to disagree to, Grove)­ 1119. Address in Reply, 105 (Amendment-M:r. Deaths- Mcintyre), 277. Brennan, Hon. F. T., 102. BILLS: Golden Casket, Suggested appointment of Tuberculosis Agreement (initiation), 474. Royal Commission, 1750, 1778, 1836. Workers' Compensation Acts Amendment Named, 1836. (2 °)' 1822. Points of order, 394, 395, 396, 397, 401, Financial Statement, 915. 1071, 1074, 1755, 1782, 1785, 1786, Nitrogenous Fertiliser Works, Establish· 1795, 1810. ment of (seconds motion), 716. Privilege- Point of order, 1758. Assault on hon. member outside Chamber SUPPLY: (seconds motion), 1793. ESTIMATES IN COMMITTEE­ Golden Casket, Suggested appointment Publlc Works- of Royal Commission, 1836. Chief Office, 1584. Railway Proposal­ Railways- Yeerongpilly-Kuraby duplication (com­ General Establishment, 1331. mittee), motion to disagree to Chair­ Northern Division, 1465. man's ruling, 1119. Vote on Accmmt, 55. Speaker's (Mr. Acting) ruling, Motion to disagree to, 265. ~ANSTALL, Charles Gray, Esquire SUPPLY: 1 (Toowong)­ Resolutions 1·eported from Committee­ \ Address in Reply, 379 (moves amendment), Premier and Chief Secretary, 1750; 384. ' Suspended, 1837.

Printed and published by A. H. TUCKER, Government Printer, Brisbane.