
LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Thirty-first Parliament 5 August 1947 – 25 November 1949 Queensland Parliamentary Debates INDEX Contents of this document * 31st Parliament, 1st Session 5 August 1947 – 24 March 1948 Index from Hansard, V.190-192, 1947-48 31st Parliament, 2nd Session 17 August 1948 – 8 April 1949 Index from Hansard, V.193-195, 1948-49 31st Parliament, 3rd Session 2 August 1949 – 25 November 1949 Index from Hansard, V.196-197, 1949 *The Index from each volume of Hansard corresponds with a Parliamentary Session. This document contains a list of page numbers of the daily proceedings for the Legislative Assembly as printed in the corresponding Hansard volume. A list of page numbers at the start of each printed index is provided to allow the reader to find the electronic copy in the online calendar by clicking on the date of the proceedings and then to a link to the pdf. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Thirty-first Parliament – First Session Queensland Parliamentary Debates, V.190-192, 1947-48 5 August 1947 – 24 March 1948 (Hanlon Government) INDEX PAGE NOS DATE PAGE NOS DATE 1-6 5 August 1947 518-532 24 September 1947 6-22 6 August 1947 532-559 25 September 1947 22-55 7 August 1947 559-601 30 September 1947 55-85 19 August 1947 601-615 1 October 1947 86-110 20 August 1947 616-650 2 October 1947 110-136 21 August 1947 650-678 7 October 1947 137-172 26 August 1947 678-691 8 October 1947 173-194 27 August 1947 691-722 9 October 1947 194-228 28 August 1947 723-745 10 October 1947 229-262 2 September 1947 745-782 14 October 1947 262-289 3 September 1947 782-795 15 October 1947 289-327 4 September 1947 795-829 16 October 1947 327-358 9 September 1947 829-861 17 October 1947 358-372 10 September 1947 861-899 21 October 1947 372-404 11 September 1947 899-914 22 October 1947 405-435 16 September 1947 914-948 23 October 1947 435-450 17 September 1947 948-972 24 October 1947 450-488 18 September 1947 972-1027 28 October 1947 488-518 23 September 1947 1027-1039 29 October 1947 PAGE NOS DATE PAGE NOS DATE 1039-1095 30 October 1947 1648-1684 27 November 1947 1095-1126 31 October 1947 1684-1697 28 November 1947 1127-1175 4 November 1947 1697-1768 2 December 1947 1175-1189 5 November 1947 1768-1794 3 December 1947 1189-1247 6 November 1947 1794-1855 4 December 1947 1247-1266 7 November 1947 1857-1945 9 March 1948 1266-1323 11 November 1947 1945-1972 10 March 1948 1323-1335 12 November 1947 1972-2001 11 March 1948 1335-1391 13 November 1947 2001-2025 12 March 1948 1392-1425 14 November 1947 2025-2060 16 March 1948 1425-1481 18 November 1947 2060-2073 17 March 1948 1481-1495 19 November 1947 2073-2150 18 March 1948 1495-1555 20 November 1947 2150-2173 19 March 1948 1555-1586 21 November 1947 2173-2226 23 March 1948 1586-1635 25 November 1947 2226-2297 24 March 1948 1636-1648 26 November 1947 QUEENSLAND. Official Record of the Debates OF 'rHE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DURING 'I'HE First Session OF THE Thirty-First Parliament. 11 and 12 GEORGE VL Comprising the periods from the Fifth day of August to the Fourth day of December, AD. 1947; and from the Ninth day of March to the Twenty-fourth day of March, A.D. 1948. VOL. CXCII. BRISBANE: Bv Authority: A. H. Tucker, Government Printer Bmbano Queensland Parliamentary Debates, V.190-192, 1947-1948 5 August 1947 - 24 March 1948 THE GOVERNOR. His Excelleney Lieutenant-General Sir JOHN DUDLEY LAVARAOK, K.B.E., C.B., C.M.U., DJ::l.O. THE LIEUTENANT -GOVERNOR. The Honourable FRANK ARTHUR COOPER. THE MINISTRY. Premier and Chief Secretary; and Vice-President of the Executive Council- Honourabl~ EDWARD MICHAEL HANLON. Secretary for Labour and Industry-Honourable VINCENT CLAIR GAIR. Secretary for Agriculture and Stock-Honourable HAROLD liENRY COLLINS. Secretary for Public Lands and Secretary for Mines-Honourable THOMAS ANDREW FoL-~Y. Secretary for Health and Home Affairs-Honourable ARTHUR JoNES. Attorney-General-Honourable DAVID ALEXANDER GLEDSON. Treas:1rer-Honourable JAMES LARCOMBE. Secretary for Public Instruction-Honourable HENRY ADAM BRUCE. Minister for Transport-Honourable JOHN EDMUND DuGGAN. Secretary for Public \\'orks, Housing, and Local Government--Honourable WILLIAM !'own. THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Speaker-Honourable SAMUEL JOHN BaASSINGTON (Fortitude Valley). Chairman of Committees-MANN, JOHN HENRY, Esquire (Brisbane). 'remporar.r Chairmen of Committees- BRAND, WILLIAM ALFRED, Esquire (Isis). DECKER, ERIC PAUL, Esquire (Sandgate). DEVRIES, GEORGE HENRY, Esquire ( Gregory). DUNST.A.N, THOMAS, Esquire (Gyrnpie). HILTON, PAUL JERO:UE RE:UJGIUS, Esquire ( Cmnarron) AIKENS, THOMAS, Esquire (lifundingburra). BARNES, JOHN FRANCIS, .Esquire (Bundaberg). BJELKE-PETERSEN, JOHANNES, Esquire (Nanango). BRAND, WILLiAM ALFRED, Esquire (lsis). BR.A.SSINGTON, Honourable SAMUEL JoiiN (Fortitude Valley). BROWN, RICHARD KIDSTON, Esquire (Buranda). BRUCE, Honourable HENRY ADAM (The Tableland). BURROWS, JAMES, Esquire (Port Curtis). CHALK, GORDON WILLIAM WESLEY, Esquire (East Toowoomba) CLARK, JAMES, Esquire (Fitzroy). COLLINS, Honourable HAROLD HENRY (Cook). COPLEY, PATRICK KERRY, Esquire (Kurilpa). CROWLEY, THOMAS MARTIN, Esquire (Cairns). DAVIS, EDWARD WILLIAH, Esquire (Barcoo). DECKER, ERIC PAUL, Esquire (Sandgate). flEVRIES, GEORGE HENRY, Esquire (Gregory). IV. THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY-continued DONALD, JAMES, Esquire (Bremer). DUGGAN1 Honourable JOHN EDMUND (Toowoomba). DUNSTAN, THOMAS, Esquire (Gympie). EVANS, ERNEST, Esquire (Mirani). FARRELL, DAVID, Esquire (Maryborough). FOLEY, Honourable THOMAS ANDREW (Normanby). GAIR, Honourable VINCENT CLAIR (So,uth Brisbane). QI,EDSON, Honourable DAVID ALEXANDER (Ipswich). GRARAM, FREDERICK DICKSON, Esquire (Mackay). GUNN, WILLIAM MORRISON, Esquire (Wymnum). liANLON, Honourable EDWARD l\frcHAEL (Ithaca). HEADING, JAMES ALFRED, Esquire (Wide Bay). HILEY, THOMAS ALFRED, Esquire (Logan). HILTON, PAUL JEROME REMIGIUS, Esquire ( Carnarvon). !NGRAM, WALTER CHARLES, Esquire (Keppel). JESSON, CECIL GEORGE, Esquire (Kennedy). JoNEs, Honourable ARTIIUR (Charters Towers). KERR, THOMAS CALDWELL, Esquire ( Oxley). KEYATTA, GEORGE, Esquire ( TownsvillG). LARCOMBE, Honourable ,TAMES (Rockhampton). Low, DAVID ALAN, Esquire (Cooroora). LUOKINS, LOUIS WELLS, Esquire (Maree). MACDONALD, DUNCAN, Esquire (Stanley). MADSEN, OTTO 0TTOSEN, Esquire (Warwick). MAHER, EDMUND BEDE, Esquire (West Moreton). MANN, JOHN HENRY, Esquire (Brisbane). MARRIOTT, GEOR(IE HENRY, Esquire (BulimlJa). MO!NTYRE, MALCOLM, Esquire (Cunningham). MOORE, WILLIAM MAT~'HEW, Esquire (Mcrthyr). MORRIS, KENNETH JAMES, Esquire (Enoggera). MuLLER, ADOLF GueTAV, Esquire (Fassifern). NICKLIN, GEORGE Fl.<ANCIS HEUBEN, Esquire (Murrumba) 0 'i::lHEA, HARRY, Esquire ( W m·rego). PATERSON, FREDERICK WOOLNOUGH, Esquire (Bc;wen). PIE, BRUCE, Esquire (Windsor). PLUNKETT, THOMAS FLOOD, Esquire (Albert). POWER, Honourable WILLIAM (Baroona). ROBERTS, FRANK EDWARD. Esquire (N!!ndah). RUSSELL, CHARLES WILFRED, Esquire (Dalby). SMITH, ALFRED JAMES, Esquire (Carpentaria). SPARKES, WALTER BERESFORD JAMES GORDON, Esquire (Aubigny) 'TAYLOR, HAROLD BOURNE, l'~squire (Hamilton). TAYLOR, JOHN RUSSELL, Esquire (Maranoa). THEODORE, STEPHEN, Esquire (Herbert). TURNER, JOHN ALBERT, Esquire (Kelvin Grove), :WANSTALL, CHARLES GRAY, Esquire (Toowong), v. COMMITTEES. LmRARY.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Davis, Mr. Dunstan, Mr. Keyatta, Mr. Macdonald, Mr. Morris, and Mr. Russell. PARLIAMENTARY BUILDINGS.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Devries, Mr. Hiley, Mr. Mcintyre, Mr. Muller, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Turner. PRINTING.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Clark, Mr. Kerr, Mr. Low, Mr. Moore, Mr. Sparkes, and Mr. Turner. RFFRESHMENT RooMs.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Brand, Mr. Chalk, Mr. Jesson, Mr. Maher, Mr. 0 'Shea, and Mr. J. R. Taylor. STANDING 0RDERS.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Brand, Mr. Copley, Mr. Hanlon, Mr. Mann, Mr. Nicklin, and Mr. Wanstall. ELECTIONS TRIBUNAL. ELECTIONS JUDGE.-The Honourable Mr. Justice Matthews. Queensland Parliamentary Debates, V.190-192, 1947-1948 05 August 1947 - 24 March 1948 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Index to Subjects. A1ldison, Viscount, Parliamentary Lun­ BILLS-continued: cheon to, 682. Appropriation, No. 1 (suspension of Stand­ All!h'I(''SS in Reply,­ ing Orders), 27; (all stages), 55; (assent), 55 . \r1option, 326 Appropriation, No. 2 (1° anc12°), 1615; .\ nswer of Governor, 435 (committee and 3°), 1635; (assent), lkbate on, 15, 59, 90, 114, 141, 177, 199, 1684. ~32, 265, 292. (amendment-:'11r. Nicklin), Building Operations and Timber and Build­ .,g; (extensiOn of time for) 141 · ing Materials Control Act Amendment (further extension), 265; ( r losur~ unrle{· (initiation), 2151; (initiation in cam· :Sessional Orde'l·), 326. mittee), 2152; (1°), 2160; (2°), 2182; :\I e~sagc from His :\fajesty, 1684. (committee), 2199; ( 3 o), 2201; (assent), 2297. l'rPsl'ntation to Governor, 405, 435. Censorship of J<'ilms (initiation), 901; A!ldn•ss to Uer Royal Highness, the (initiation in ronunittee), 1030; (1°), J>rincess Elizabeth, on occasion of 1038; (2°), 1762; (committee), 1767; marriage, 1497; (reply of the (3°), 1768; (assent), 1857. Governor), 1586; (reply of the Secre­ Citv of Mackav and other Town Planning tary of State for Commonwealth · Schemes Approval Act Amendment Relations), 1858. (initiation), 1946; (initiation in com­ mittee), 1975; (1°), 2000; (2°), Adjournment of House, 372, 615. 2026; (committee), 2048; (3°), 2049; (as9Gnt), 2297. cl!ljournment of House, ·Formal Motions Coal ancl Oil Shale ::\iine Workers (Pen­ under Standing Order No. 137­ sions) Acts AmE~IClmcnt (initiation and C'ommunism, Menace of (propascd motion initiation in committee), 360, 387; by :Mr. Hiley), 2175. (1 o), 404; (2°),
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