10 1948, 296 K (IV) of 22 November 1949
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10 General Auembly-Seventh Ses•ion 619 (VU). Complaint of violation by Arab States to membership in the United Nations, examining the of their obligations under the Charter, United proposais and suggestions which have been made in the Nation• resolutione and •pecific provi•ions of General Assembly and its Committees or which may the general armistice agreements concluded be submitted to the Special Committee by any Mem with Israel, requiring them to desist f rom bers of the United Nations, such study to be con policies and practices of hoetility and to aeek <lucted in the light of the relevant provisions of the agreement by negotiation for the eatabliah Charter of the United Nations, the discussions in the ment of peaceful relation• with Iaroel General Assembly and its Committees, the debates in the Security Coum:il, the advisory opinions of the In The General Asscmbl:y ternational Court of Justice, the other antecedents of the question and the principles of international law; Takes note of the communication 10 of 19 December 1952 from the representative of Israel to the Chairman 3. To request the Special Committee to submit a of the Ad Hoc Political Committee, stating that the report on its work and its conclusions to the General debate in that Committee on item 67 of the agenda of Assembly at its eighth session and to transmit that the General Assembly had dealt fully witij most aspects report to the Secretary-General in time for distribution of item 68 and that the Israel delegation did not insist to Member States at least two months before the open on the consideration of the latter item. ing of the eighth session; 410th plenary meeting, 4. To request the Secretary-General to place at the 21 December 1952. disposai of the Special Committee the staff and the facilities it requires for its work ; 5. To include the item "Admission of new Mem 620 (VII). Admi88ion of new Membera bers" in the provisional agenda of the eighth session of the General Assembly. A 410th plenary meeting, 21 December 1952. The General Assembly, Considering that, notwithstanding the efforts that B have been made for some years, it bas not as yet been possible to solve the important problem of the admis The General Assembly, sion of new Members to the United Nations, Noting that, on 18 September 1952, ten members Recalling that various States Members of the United of the Security Council supported 13 a draft resolution Nations have made specific proposais or put forward recommending the admission of Japan to the United suggestions with a view to reaching a satisfactory solu Nations, but that no recommendation was made to the tion of the problem of admission, General Assembly because of the opposition of one Recalling that on two occasions the International permanent member, Court of Justice, at the request 11 of the General 11 Deeming it important to the development of the Assembly', has given advisory opinions on the above United Nations that all applicant States which possess mentioned problem, the qualifications for membership set forth in Article 4 Recalling its resolutions 113 A (Il) of 17 Novem of the Charter should be admitted, ber 1947, 197 B (III) of 8 December 1948, 296 K 1. Determines that Japan is. in its judgment, a (IV) of 22 November 1949, 495 (V) of 4 December peace-loving State within the meaning of Article 4 of 1950 and 506 A (VI) of 1 February 1952, the Charter, is able and willing to carry out the obliga Bearing in mind that the applications for admission tions of th~ Charter, and shoul4 therefore be admitted of a large number of States are still pending, to membership in the United Nations; Resolves: 2. Requests the Security CQuncil to take note of 1. T o establi.sh a Special Committee composed of a this determination by the General Assembly with re representative of each of the following Member States: spect toi the application of Japan. Argentina, Belgium, Canada, China, Colombia, Cuba, 410th plenary meeting, Egypt, El Salvador, France, Greece, Lebanon, Neth 21 December 1952. erlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Union of South Africa, United KinJdom of Great Britain and Northem lreland, Umted States of C America; The General Assembly, 2. To instrwct \he Special Committee to make a de- tailed study of the question of the admission of States Noting that, on 19 September 1952, ten members of the Security Council supported 16 a draft resolution 10 See document A/AC.61/L.45. recommending the admission of Vietnam to the United 11 See resolutions 113 B (rI) and 296 J (IV). Nations, but that no recommendation was .made to the 11 to See Admu.ricm of a State the United Naticms (C'-arter1 ,•frticle 4), Advi.rory o,Mion, I.C.J. Reports, 1948, p. S7 ana 11 See Official Recor-ds of th, Seet1rily COtlncil, Srvnith Com,,tence of Assembly ,-ega,-ding admusitm to th, United Y ear, 602nil meeting. Nations, Adf!ISOf'1 o,;nicm, I.C.J. Reports, 1950, p. 4. H Ibid., 603rd meeting. .