

In this chapter II the researcher will explain about research finding and discussion 1 that will describe the first research question from the first chapter namely how are the forms of English personal pronouns in the modern arabic short stories book by Ronak Husni & Daniel L. Newman.

2.1 The Forms of English Personal Pronouns

In this discussion, the researcher will explain about the form of English personal pronouns found in two short stories in the modern short stories book by Ronak Husni and Daniel L. Newman which viewed from its kinds and function on . Before that, the researcher will explain about forms of English personal and its function in sentence which will be related by the finding about the forms of english personal pronouns found in the book that will discussed here. As known that English Personal pronouns are pronouns that used to substitute person or things. stands for or more persons and things that differ in form depending on their case (Eggenschewiller and Emily, 2001: 29). And according to Radford (2004: 25), personal pronouns differ morphologically from and other pronouns in in that generally have partially distinct nominative, accusative and form. In other , personal pronouns have the various forms that characterized by their case. In some languages, the term “ case” defined as a grammatical category that shows the function of the or noun in a sentence. For example, German has four cases are nominative, accusative, dative, genitive (Richards and Schmidt, 2002: 63). Whereas in English has three cases are nominative, objective, and . The form is the form of a noun or which usually shows that the noun or noun phrase can function as the of the sentence, there is another term of nominative case, it is subjective case (Eggenschewiller, Emily 2001: 29). While, form is the form of a noun or noun phrase which shows that it functions as the direct of the in a sentence (Richards and Schmidt, 2002: 6). And genitive case forms is the form of a noun or noun phrase which usually shows that the noun or noun phrase is in a possessive relation with another noun or noun phrase in a

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sentence (Richards and Schmidt, 2002: 223). Along with those views, Bernard (2000: 75) states that: The subjective case applies when nouns/ pronouns appear as subject of finite or as subjective complements of linking verbs. The objective case applies when nouns/ pronouns appear as objects of finite verbs or as objects of prepositions. The possessive case applies when wish to note ownership by animate beings.

From here, we known that personal pronouns has the same cases as noun or noun phrase, because have most same functions as nouns. It caused in English, there are only two parts of speech, they are nouns and pronouns that have case (Rozakis, 2003: 20). So that, when personal pronouns appear as subject of finite verbs or as subject complements of linking verbs well in verbal or nominal sentences, so it is in nominative case (subjective case), just like when personal pronouns appear as object of finite verbs or as object of preposition, so it is in accusative case (objective case), and when we wish to note ownership, it is possessive case. Complying with its case, there are some changes of their form. It means that they change form depending on how they are used in a sentence and it shows the different functions in the sentence. In the nominative case, the personal pronoun is used as a subject, e.g. threw the ball. In the objective case, the personal pronoun I change to me, because it is used as an object, e.g. Give the ball to me. And in the possessive case, it change to my or mine, because it is used to show ownership, e.g. that is my ball or The ball is mine. The following table shows the three cases of personal pronouns: Table 2.1 Three Cases of Personal Pronouns Nominative Objective Possessive (Personal Pronoun as subject) (Personal Pronoun as object) (Ownership)

I Me My, Mine You Your, Yours Him His Her Her, Hers It It Its We Us Our, Ours They Them Their, Theirs Source : for the Utterly Confused, 2003 24

Along with those views, Azar (2002: 132) also said that the personal pronouns forms are divided in to three types, namely: Subject Pronouns (I, You, We, They, He, She, It), Object Pronouns (Me, You, Us,Them, Him, Her, It) and Possessive Pronouns (Mine, Yours, Ours, Theirs, Hers, His, Its). But in genitive case (possession form) there is possessive pronoun that sometimes called „possessive ‟, but it has personal pronoun counterparts, they are My, Your, Our, His, Her, Their, Its (Swick, 2005:88). From those views, the researcher gets the point that the forms of personal pronouns in English are differentiated into three cases namely nominative forms () are I, you, we, they, she, he, and it, accusative pronoun () that are me, us, you, them, him, her and it and genitive pronoun (possessive pronoun) that are my/mine, our/ ours, your/ yours, their/ theirs, his/ his, her/ hers and its/ its. The forms of personal pronouns are not only differentiated by the cases, but also by the person, number and . As Radford (2004: 26) “Personal Pronouns encode the grammatical properties of (first, second or third) person, (singular or ) number, (masculine, feminine or neuter/ inanimate) gender and (nominative, accusative or genitive) case…”. According to Downing and Locke (2006: 411), personal pronouns I and we are first person. You is second person, singular and plural. He, she, it and they are third person. Exactly, it characterized by person. Bernard (2000: 75) states that: Person is a grammatical category that points out and notes the speaker. Generally we have a speaker and a person is addressed. Often they are the same; other times they are not. The first person is I or We, the second person is you, and the third person is he, she, it and they.

So based on person, means when it used to point the user or a speaker and a person who is addressed. When we use it for ourselves such as I/me/ my/ mine and we/ us/ our/ ours, it called first person. When we use it to refer the person we are speaking to like “you/ your/yours” it called second person. When we use it to refer the other person such as “he/ him/ his/ his, she/ her/ her/ hers, they/them/ their/ theirs, and it/ it/its” it called the third person. The forms of personal pronouns also characterized by number of person or things. While number is a grammatical category referring to singular and plural forms. Singular refers to one person speaking or spoken to; plural refers to more than one person speaking or spoken to (Bernard, 2000: 75). Hence, it divided into two groups that are: 25

singular and plural. Singular personal pronouns are I/ me/, you/ you, she/ her, he/ him, and it/ it. And the plural personal pronouns are you/ you, we/ us and they/ them. Besides that, the English personal pronouns also identified by gender. “Gender is a grammatical term for classifying nouns according to masculine, feminine and neuter” (Dykes, 2007: 32). Gender in personal pronouns used specially for the third person- singular that is he (masculine), she (feminine) and it (neuter) (Kolln and Funk, 2012: 290). It supported by Swick (2005: 12) states that he is always masculine, she is always feminine, and it is always neuter. While, the plural of the third person pronouns is always they whether for masculine, feminine or neuter. From the explanation above, the researcher concludes that the forms of English personal pronouns are characterized by person (first, second, third), number (singular, plural), gender (female, male, neuter), and case ( nominative/subject, accusative/object, genitive/possessive). And for detail, the researcher classifies them into the table, these are the forms of English personal pronouns: Table 2.2 The Form of English Personal Pronouns FORM OF ENGLISH Person PERSONAL PRONOUNS 1st 2nd 3rd Number (Singular/Plural) Sg Pl Sg/Pl Sg Sg Sg Pl Gender F/M F/M F/M M F N F/M/N (Female/Male/Neuter) Nominative (Subject) I We You He She It They

Accusative (Object) Me Us You Him Her It Them

Case Genitive Adjective My Our Your His Her Its Their (Possessive) Pronoun Main Ours Yours His Hers Its Theirs Source : Research Finding, 2014

From the table above, the researcher classifies English personal pronouns based on the person that characterized by gender, number and case, namely first person, it refers to the speaker (I, me, my, main, we, us, our, ours), second person, it refers to the person spoken to (you, your, yours) and third person, it refers to the person or thing being spoken of (he, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its, they, their, theirs). In possessive case, there are adjective pronoun (my, our, your, his, her, their) and possessive pronoun 26

(main, yours, ours, his, hers, theirs), they are not personal pronouns but it has personal pronoun counterparts (Swick, 2005:88). So it includes in the scope of the study about personal pronouns of this research. 2.2 The Function of English Personal Pronouns And viewed based on the functional grammar in the text, English personal pronouns function as subject, object and in the sentence. As Frank (1972: 27) explains that pronouns have most same functions as nouns, as well in personal pronoun. The function of English personal pronouns based on a functional grammar in a sentence can be as subject is nominative form, as object is accusative form and as determiner is possessive adjective form. It means that the function of English personal pronouns are identified based on its cases in the sentence. In the nominative case, it is subject pronouns. So all of subject pronouns such as I, you, we, they, she, he and it are used as the subject of sentences. Likewise object pronoun (me, you, us, them, him, her and it) used as object well as object of verb or preposition. And possessive pronouns, it is different with the other case because it can‟t stand alone in the sentences. It must be combined with the other word, so it used as determiner. So their functions are: a) As Subject of Sentence Subject pronouns are used as subjects of sentences (Azar, 2002: 132). It uses nominative case when it as the subject of verb or as a subject (Coghill and Magedanz, 2003: 51). So, the subject pronouns I, we, you, they, she, he and it are used as subject of sentence. It is specified into two uses are: as subject of verb, they called us on the telephone and as subject complement in sentence It is I. In the example It is I, subject complement using a subject form alone after be (such as It is I, It was he), it is extremely formal, and usually considered over- correct (Swan, 2008: 428). And Pyle and Page (2002: 79) states that personal pronoun we, you and us can be followed by a noun directly to make it more clear exactly who we refer to. As in other examples: we girls often go to the movie together, he asked us boys to be quite. b) As Object of Sentence Object pronouns are used as the objects of verbs or the objects of preposition (Azar, 2002: 132). The objective case pronoun is used for pronouns in 27

all the objects slots: direct object, indirect object, and complement. A pronoun as object of the preposition is also in the objective case… (Kolln and Funk, 2012: 291). As Swan (2008: 428) states that me, him, us, and them are used not only as object, but also as complement after be. So, all of objective pronoun forms, are me, you, him, her, it, and us, can be used as the objects of the sentences well as object of verb, e.g. God help us, or object of preposition, e.g. I want him to return to me. even as complement, e.g. It was her. c) As Determiner Meanwhile, the use of possessive pronouns is to refer the possession of thing (ownership). The possessive pronouns are divided into two group, they are possessive adjective and possessive pronominal. Possessive adjective pronouns are followed immediately by a noun, they function as determiner. Possessive pronominal pronouns are not followed by a noun, they stand alone as the headword (Kolln and Funk , 2012: 291). For examples: this is my shoes and this is mine. Thus, the function of personal pronouns that used in sentence can be as subject pronouns means it used as subject in the sentence, well as subject of verb or subject complement, and it can be as object pronouns means when it used as object in the sentence, well in direct object or indirect object (object of preposition). And in possessive pronoun, it can be as determiner when it is adjective pronoun, but in possessive pronominal, it as the headword, because they are not followed by a noun. In this research, the researcher found about 166 sentences contains personal pronouns that classified into the table of sentence classification of personal pronoun forms based on the person category (first, second, and third-person) that can be looked at appendix 1. And amount of them be illustrated in the pie diagram below. Diagram 1


From the diagram above, it can be known that 63% of sentences contains third- person personal pronoun, 18 % of sentences contains second-person personal pronoun forms and 19% contains first-person personal pronoun forms that found in two short stories in the modern arabic short stories book by Ronak Husni & Daniel L. Newman. Some sentences contain personal pronouns are taken as sample to be analyzed and discussed based on its kind and its function in the sentence. It explained as belows:

2.2.1 First-person personal pronouns Personal pronoun that used for indicating the first person or it used to substitute the person that speak are I, me, my, main, we, us, our and ours. These can be used for singular and plural, well for female or male. And it inflects into another forms when used as subject, object or possessive in sentence. Because of this part is first person, so it classified into two categories, they are the personal pronoun used for singular and the personal pronoun used for plural. a. Singular Firstly, the personal pronouns that used to indicate the first person, singular, well for female or male. They are I, me, my, main. Personal pronoun “I” used as the subject of sentence, for example I take the book, and when used as the object of sentence, it inflects to the word “me” for example, take the book to me and if it used to show the possession, it changes into “my and mine”, for examples, you borrow my book and this book is mine. As another examples of sentences will be analyzed by the researcher here, it taken from two short stories in the modern arabic short stories book by Ronak Husni and Daniel L. Newman. They are: 1. I found myself in Baghdad. Frank, (1972: 220-223) states that there are three types of sentences are declarative sentences (statements), introgative sentences, introgative sentence (questions), imperative sentences (commands, requests) and exclamatory sentences (exlamations) and based on the number and kind of within a sentence (based on the number of full predications) is are simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences and compound-complex sentences. It is full predication that contains a subject and a with a . 29

So, this sentence is declarative sentence because the subject (I) and verb (found) as predicate in normal word order. Besed on the number of full predication, it is simple sentence because it has only one full predication that may stand alone as a sentence. The personal pronoun found in this sentence are I and myself, which based on its kind I is the form of first person singular personal pronoun that functions as subject pronoun in the sentence. And its function as subject of the (found) in objective case. While, myself is of I. It used when the object of sentence similar to the subject (Kolln & Funk, 2012: 312). Reflexive pronoun is a combination of –self with one of the personal pronouns or with impersonal pronoun “one” (frank, 1972: 22). Their forms are myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, oneself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves. A common use of reflexive pronoun is to talk about actions where the subject and the object are the same person such as in the sentence I found myself in Baghdad. But there are another uses of reflexive pronouns (Swan, 2005:476), they are; it also can refer to possessiveness and object, e.g. His letter are all about himself, I love you for yourself. And it can be used after prepositions of place, e.g. She took her dog with her (means she could hardly take her dog with somebody else) and She is very pleased with herself (means she could be pleased with somebocy else), so the reflexive pronouns used after preposition function as object of preposition. Besides that, reflexive pronouns have use as “the emphasizers” (emphatic use) to means „that person/thing and nobody/nothing else‟ such as in the sentences below: Suddenly, the door opened Suddenly the door opened itself I feel strange I feel myself strange Analyzed from those pair of sentences, in the left side are the sentences do not use reflexive pronouns and in the right side using reflexive pronouns. All of replexive pronouns in those sentences are used as the emphasizers. In the first pair of sentences above, reflexive 30

pronoun „itself‟ in the sentence Suddenly the door opened itself is used by meaning that the door opened by itself (nobody/nothing else that opened it), this different with sentence Suddenly, the door opened that means the door might opened by another. And in the second pair of sentence, reflexive pronoun myself in the sentence I feel myself strange means that emphasize that the action is done by the subject, while in the sentence I feel strange, there is not emphasizing of the subject. Reflexive are sometimes used instead of personal pronouns after as, like, but (for), and except (for), e.g. These shoes are designed for heavy runners like yourself (or ....like you) and Everybody was early except myself (or .... except me) and reflexives can also be used instead of personal pronouns in co-ordinated noun , e.g. there will be four of us at dinner: Robert, Alison, Jenny and myself (....or and I/me). 2. Alexandria is my home. This is declarative sentence (statement) or simple sentence that consists of subject (alexandria) and predicate (to be; is) and personal pronoun in this sentence is in noun phrase my home where my is possessive adjective of first person singular personal pronoun, which explains the ownership of noun (home). So its function is as determiner of noun (home) in possessive case. 3. Let me get out of this place. This sentence is imperative sentence, let me it used to give intructions to oneself, it is first-person singular imperative (Swan, 2008: 303). So the personal pronoun in this sentence is first-person singular personal pronoun me which as object pronoun in objective case. And its function as object of the transitive verb (let). 4. My lord, I implore you to relieve me from third post. Personal pronouns found in this declarative sentence are my, you, me and I. My as a possessive adjective, first person singular personal pronoun, to explain the ownership of noun (lord). My lord is noun prhase, so its function as determiner of noun in possessive 31

case. I as a subject pronoun, first person singular personal pronoun which it is in nominative case, its function as subject of transitive verb (implore) in objective case. While me as a object form of personal pronoun I. It function as object of transitive verb (relieve). And you (second-person personal pronoun) as object of transitive verb (implore), both of them in objective case. 5. I want him to return to me. This declaratieve sentence is a simple sentence, there are I form of first person singular personal pronoun that functioned as subject pronoun in nominative case subject of the transitive verb (want). Him (third-person personal pronouns) as object pronouns in objective case and me as a object pronoun, first person singular personal pronoun. Its function as object, it is indirect object of preposition (to). 6. I’ll will pay you what you want. The type of this sentence is declarative sentence that it is complex sentence consists of independent (I‟ll will pay you) and (what you want). I as a subject pronoun, first person singular personal pronoun, its function as subject of the transitive verb (will pay) which it is in nominative case. And you is form of second-person personal pronoun functioned as object pronoun in objective case, while the second you is as sunject pronoun of the transitive verb (want). b. Plural Secondly, the personal pronouns that used to indicate the first person, plural, well for male or female. They are we, us, our, ours. Personal pronoun “we” used as the subject of sentence, then inflect to “us” that used as the object of sentence, and inflect to “our and ours” when used to indicate possession. So, personal Pronoun “we” is subject form of first-person plural personal pronouns. Us is object form of personal pronoun we, while our and ours is the possessive form of it. As the examples of forms of personal pronoun which indicates to the first person plural which found in sentences on the short stories in the modern Arabic short stories book that will analyzed below. 32

1. May God preserve us all. This sentence is declarative sentence because the subject (god) and predicate (preserve) in normal word order and it is simple sentence because it has only one full predication that may stand alone as a sentence. This sentence indicates the expresion of hopes or wishes, because it uses may (modal ), as Swan (2008: 319) states that may is used in formal expressions of wishes and hopes. So this sentence is formal expression. So this sentence is formal expression. There is personal pronoun „us‟ in this sentence, where based on its kind us is form of first person plural personal pronoun that as a object pronoun. And its function as object of the transitive verb (preserve) in objective case. 2. At night, our protagonist would busy himself with his family. The type of this sentence is declarative sentence (statement) because the word order of this sentence is normal where subject (our protagonist) located before predicate (would busy) and it is simple sentence. Personal pronoun „our’ in the sentence is the first person plural personal pronoun that known as possessive adjective. Its function as determiner which serves more to emphasize and explain the ownership of the noun (protagonist), it uses possessive case. Another pronoun in this sentence is himself and his. Pronoun ‘himself’ is reflexive pronoun of the third person singular personal pronoun. It used when the object of sentence similar to the subject (Kolln & Funk, 2012: 312) which the subject is our protagonist. It as the complement subject of modal auxiliary verb „would‟ in nominative case. While „his’ as a possessive adjective, the third person singular personal pronoun. Its function as determiner which explains the ownership of the noun (family). It is in possessive case. 3. We do not want our story to end here. Based on its type, it is declarative sentence (statement) because the word order of this sentence is normal where subject (we) located before predicate (do not want) and based on the number of full 33

prediction, it is simple sentence. Personal pronouns found in this sentence are we and our. Where based on its kind, „we’ is first person plural personal pronoun form, which is located before the transitive verb (do not want), its function as subject pronoun in nominative case. 2.2.2 Second-person personal pronouns The forms of second- person personal pronouns means personal pronouns that used to substitute the second person or it refers to the person spoken to are you, your, and yours. These personal pronouns used for male or female, these used for singular and plural. Personal pronoun you has one form when they are used as subjects and objects of verbs or preposition. Because personal pronouns (except you) have one form when they are used as subjects, and another form for other uses (Swan, 2008: 371). So, all personal pronouns have each form based on its uses except you that have the same form in subject and object form and your and yours are the possessive form of you. In another side, Swan (2008: 371) states that based on the meaning, personal pronoun you can be used to talk about people in general including the speaker and hearer. It includes into indefinite personal pronoun (one, you, they) as the examples: One/You cannot learn a language in six weeks One/You should never give the people advice In standard modern English uses you for both singular and plural, separate forms exist in certain varieties of English. Some speakers in Yourshire use thu or tha as singular subject form and thee as singular object form, these are the older English forms. On the other side, there are some dialects that have separate plural form such as Irish and Scottish, they have a separate plural form , youse or yiz in indicating the second personal pronouns (Swan, 2008: 406). Although in standard modern English you can be used for both singular and plural well in formal or informal, but many Americans (and increasingly, British people) use word you folks or you guys for both men and women that it is as an informal second-person plural. For example, Hi, you guys, listen to this. While, in Southern US speech there is a second-person plural form you all 34

(pronounced y‟all), it used when people wish to sound friendly or intimate. For example, Hi, everybody. How’re you all doing? (Swan, 2008: 406). From here, we know that there are some different form of personal pronouns “you” that used in certain varieties of English and in some dialects. It‟s clearly different, as in older English that different with the standard modern English. Thus, in this research only investigating about personal pronouns in standard modern English that commonly often used by people. And the analysis of forms of personal pronoun found on the sentence in the short stories from Modern Arabic Short Stories book is not divided based on its number, because its form is same well in singular or plural, male or female. And for more detail explanation, the researcher takes some sentences contained forms of second-person personal pronoun that found in two short stories in the modern Arabic short stories book that will analyzed here. 1. You spend the night out side its walls. This sentence is declarative sentence which it is simple sentence. You as a subject pronoun, second person personal pronoun, which it is in nominative case, its function as the subject of transitive verb (spend). And its as a possessive adjective, the third- person personal pronoun. Its function as determiner of the noun (gift) in possessive case. 2. Is that our present you’ve got in that bag of yours? In this introgative sentence, you as a subject pronoun, second person personal pronoun, which it is in nominative case, its function as the subject of transitive verb (get) and yours is possessive pronoun as object of preposition (of) in objective case. 3. Yes, my lord, this is your gift in the bag. Personal pronouns found in this declarative sentence are my and your as a possessive adjective, my is first- person personal pronoun and your is second-person personal pronoun. Its function as determiner which explains the ownership of the noun (lord and gift) in possessive case. 4. I will make you a minister. The type of this sentence is declarative sentence. It is simple sentence, consists of subject pronoun I, and you as a object pronoun, 35

second person personal pronoun, which it is in objective case, its function as the object of transitive verb (make) as predicate. 5. You must remember me by now. This declarative sentence is simple sentence, you as a subject pronoun, second person personal pronoun, which it is in nominative case, its function as the subject of transitive verb (remember) and me as object pronoun of the verb. 6. This sandal is a gift for you. In this declarative sentence (statement) that it is simple sentence, there is you as a object pronoun, second person personal pronoun, which it is in objective case, its function as the object of preposition (for). 7. Did you have a fight with him? Based on the type of sentence, it is introgative sentence and based on the number of full predication, it is simple sentence that consists of subject you and predicate have. You as a subject pronoun, second person personal pronoun, which it is in nominative case, its function as the subject of transitive verb (have). While pronounhim as object of preposition (with) in objective case. 8. Remove your wrap! Based on the type of sentence, it is imperative sentence and based on the number of full predication, it is simple sentence. In noun phrase your wrap, your as a possessive adjective, the second person personal pronoun. Its function as determiner which explains the ownership of the noun (wrap). It is in possessive case. 2.2.3 Third-person personal pronouns

Besides the personal pronouns which used to substitute the first person and second person, there are another forms of personal pronouns that used to indicate the third person or it refers to the person or thing being spoken of. The forms of third-person personal pronouns are he, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its, they, them, their, theirs. These personal pronouns used for male or female even for nerteur, it divided into two groups, are for singular and plural. These personal pronouns used for male, female and neuter. 36

a. Singular  Male (he, him, his) The forms of third-person singular personal pronouns used for male are he, him, and his. Personal Pronoun “he” is subject form of first-person singular personal pronouns (male). Him is object form of personal pronoun he, while his is the possessive form of he. For examples, the researcher analyzes the form of personal pronouns indicate to the third person, singular male which found on sentences in the short stories from the modern Arabic short stories book and will be discussed below. 1. He was extremely clever. Based on the type of sentence, it is declarative sentence and based on the number of full predication, it is simple sentence that consists of he is a subject pronoun, the third person plural personal pronoun, its function as subject of predicate to be (was) in nominative case. 2. He saw the camels kneel out of sheer weakness. Based on the type of sentence, it is declarative sentence and based on the number of full predication, it is simple sentence where he is a subject pronoun, the third person plural personal pronoun, its function as subject of transitive verb (saw) in nominative case. 3. His conviction wavered. Based on the type of sentence, it is declarative sentence and based on the number of full predication, it is simple sentence. In noun phrase His conviction, his is a possessive adjective, the third person singualar personal pronoun, which show the ownership of noun (conviction), It is in possessive case. 4. He returned into his shop, took a large sack and filled it with everything he owned. Based on the type of sentence, it is declarative sentence and based on the number of full predication, it is compound 37

sentence that has four full predications in form of independent clause. Personal pronouns in this sentence are he is a subject pronoun, the third person singular personal pronoun, its function as subject of (returned) in nominative case. His is a possessive adjective, the third person singular personal pronoun, which show the ownership of noun (shop), It is in possessive case. And it as a object pronoun, third person singular personal pronoun, which it is in objective case, its function as the object of transitive verb (filled). 5. Sheikh said wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Based on the type of sentence, it is declarative sentence and based on the number of full predication, it is simple sentence. Personal pronouns in this sentence is his is a possessive adjective, the third person singular personal pronoun, which show the ownership of noun (mouth and hand), It is in possessive case. 6. Syekh said put his hand on her forehead while he continued reciting strange . Based on the type of sentence, it is declarative sentence and based on the number of full predication, it is compound sentence consists of two full predications in form of independent clauses. Personal pronouns in this sentence are his is a possessive adjective, the third person singular personal pronoun, which show the ownership of noun (hand), It is in possessive case. Her is a possessive adjective, the third person singular personal pronoun in noun phrase her forehead. And he is a subject pronoun, the third person singular personal pronoun, its function as subject of intransitive verb (continued) in nominative case. Her is a possessive adjective, the third person singular personal pronoun, which show the ownership of noun (forehead), It is in possessive case. 7. He would slaughter him with it. 38

Based on the type of sentence, it is declarative sentence and based on the number of full predication, it is simple sentence. Personal pronouns in this sentence are he is a subject pronoun, the third person singular personal pronoun, its function as subject of transitive verb (slaughter) in nominative case. Him as a object pronoun, third person singular personal pronoun. Its function as object of transitive verb (slaughter) in objective case. And it as a object pronoun, third person singular personal pronoun, which it is in objective case, its function as the object of preposition (with).  Female (she, her, hers) Personal Pronoun “she” is subject form of first-person singular personal pronouns (female). Her is object form of personal pronoun she, while her and hers are the possessive form of she. As examples are analyzed from the sentences in the short stories from the modern Arabic short stories book and will be discussed below. 1. She sat down in front of Sheikh Said. Based on the type of sentence, it is declarative sentence and based on the number of full predication, it is simple sentence. Personal pronouns in this sentence is she is a subject pronoun, the third person singular personal pronoun, its function as subject of intransitive verb (sat) in nominative case. 2. Aziza took off her black wrap. Based on the type of sentence, it is declarative sentence and based on the number of full predication, it is simple sentence. Personal pronouns in this sentence is her is a possessive adjective, the third person singular personal pronoun, which show the ownership of noun (black wrap), It is in possessive case. 3. She could not open her eyes. Based on the type of sentence, it is declarative sentence and based on the number of full predication, it is simple sentence. Personal pronouns in this sentence are she is a subject 39

pronoun, the third person singular personal pronoun, its function as subject of transitive verb (open) in nominative case. And her is a possessive adjective, the third person singular personal pronoun, which show the ownership of noun (eyes) in possessive case. 4. Now, she was an adolescent. Based on the type of sentence, it is declarative sentence and based on the number of full predication, it is simple sentence. Personal pronouns in this sentence is she is a subject pronoun, the third person singular personal pronoun, which is located before to be (was) in nominative case. 5. The heat of the sun was close to her. Based on the type of sentence, it is declarative sentence and based on the number of full predication, it is simple sentence. Personal pronouns in this sentence is her is a object pronoun, the third person singular personal pronoun, which as object of preposition in possessive case.  Neuter (it, its) Personal Pronoun “it” is subject and objects form of first-person singular personal pronouns (neuter). While the possessive form of it is its, means that everything that an animal or thing possesses is its thing which known as possessive adjective. According to Thomson and Martinet (1968:77), It normally used of a thing or an animal whose sex we don‟t know, and sometimes of a baby or small child. However, it not only refers to the names of particular things. We can also use it to refer to indefinite pronouns like nothing, anything, everything (Swan, 2008: 406). Besides that, It can also refer to a whole fact, event or situation. For example, Our passports were stolen. It completely ruined our holiday. Personal pronoun it that „meaningless‟ which introduce predicate that have meanings of time, weather, temperature, distance and called as impersonal it, where it usually used with a singular form of linking verb be, and it can co- occurs with a predicate adjective ( 40

sometimes a predicate noun) plus an adverbial (Frank, 1972: 36). For examples: It’s ten o’clock It’s rained for three days. It’s ten miles to the nearest petrol station So, personal pronoun It is not only used to refer to a thing or an animal whose sex we don‟t know, but also it used to refer to the names of particular things. However, we can also use it to refer to indefinite pronouns, a whole fact, event, situation and it used as a meaningless subject with expressions that refer to time, weather, temperature, distance and identification. For examples, the researcher analyzes the form of personal pronouns indicate to the third person, singular neuter which found in the short stories from the modern Arabic short stories book . 1. The man left his native land and everyone in it. Based on the type of sentence, it is declarative sentence and based on the number of full predication, it is simple sentence. Personal pronouns in this sentence are his is a possessive adjective, the third person singualar personal pronoun, which show the ownership of noun (native land) in possessive case. And it as a object pronoun, third person singular personal pronoun, which it is in objective case, its function as the object of preposition (in). 2. He followed the road until its end. Based on the type of sentence, it is declarative sentence and based on the number of full predication, it is compound sentence that has two full predications in form of independent clause. Personal pronouns in this sentence are he is a subject pronoun, the third person singular personal pronoun, its function as subject of transitive verb (followed) in nominative case. And its is a possessive adjective, the third person singular personal pronoun, which show the ownership of noun (end), It is in possessive case. 41

3. It is a device made of copper. Based on the type of sentence, it is declarative sentence and based on the number of full predication, it is simple sentence. Personal pronouns in this sentence is it as a subject pronoun, third person singular personal pronoun, which it is in nominative case, its function as the subject of to be (is). 4. It was a big hand. Based on the type of sentence, it is declarative sentence and based on the number of full predication, it is simple sentence. Personal pronouns in this sentence is it as a subject pronoun, third person singular personal pronoun, which it is in nominative case, its function as the subject of to be (was). b. Plural (they, them, their, theirs) Personal pronoun they is subject form of third-person plural personal pronoun used for female, male or nerteur. As Swick (2005: 21) states, the plural of the third person pronouns is always they, whether masculine, feminine, or neuter. They is subject form, them is object form, while their and theirs are the possessive form of they. For examples, the analysis of the form of personal pronouns indicate to the third person, plural which found on sentences in the short stories from the modern Arabic short stories book by Ronak Husni & Daniel L. Newman and will be discussed below. 1. They claimed- and God knows it was true- that it was a year of drought and famine. Based on the type of sentence, it is declarative sentence (statement) and based on the number of full predication, it is compound complex that contains They as a subject pronoun, third person plural personal pronoun, which is located before the transitive verb (claimed) in nominative case. It as an object pronoun, third person singular personal pronoun, which as object of the transitive verb (knows) in objective case. And it as an subject pronoun, third person singular personal pronoun, which as subject of to be (was). 42

2. After their hopes had been dashed, they preperred death over life. Based on the type of sentence, it is declarative sentence and based on the number of full predication, it is compound sentence that consists of two independent clauses. In noun phrase their hopes, their is a possessive adjective, the third person plural personal pronoun, which serves more to explain and emphasize to the noun (hopes), It is in possessive case. And they as a subject pronoun, third person plural personal pronoun, which is located before the transitive verb (claimed) in nominative case. 3. They love beautiful women. Based on the type of sentence, it is declarative sentence and based on the number of full predication, it is simple sentence. Personal pronouns in this sentence is they as a subject pronoun, third person plural personal pronoun which is located before the transitive verb (love) in nominative case. 4. They will hurt you, if they don’t love you. Based on the type of sentence, it is declarative sentence and based on the number of full predication, it is compound sentence consists of two full predications in form of independent clauses. Personal pronouns in this sentence are they as a subject pronoun, third person plural personal pronoun, which is located before the transitive verb (will hurt & don‟t love) in nominative case and you as object pronoun form of second-person personal pronoun.

After discussing about the forms of English personal pronouns. The forms of English personal pronouns found in the book are first-person personal pronouns, are singular (I, me, my) and plural (we, us, our), second-person personal pronouns (you, your,yours). And third-person personal pronouns (he, him, his, she, her, it, its, they, them, their), are for singular ((male; he, him,), (female; she, her), and (neuter; it, its)) and plural (they, them, their). And when it viewed on its function, there are three types of forms of English personal pronouns, meanly: subject pronouns (function as subject), object pronouns (function as object), and possessive (function as determiner). After that in chapter III the researcher will explain about forms of Arabic personal pronouns.