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Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers

12-18-1906 Statesboro News

Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society.

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Recommended Citation "Statesboro News" (1906). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 4713. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/4713

This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Free� FREE, FREE :! Every Boy, Girl, Man, Lady and Baby in Bulloch county is cordially invited to visit our grand free STATESBORO. GA.. TUESOA�. DEOEMBER 18. 1906 exhibition of CHRISTMAS GOODS at our seore NEXT MONDAY AND Bank of TUESDAY, STATESBORO. December 17th and 18th Stateaboro, G.,

We will have Capital, Saw Wood. $75,000 A We make Santa Claus Work now wtille you are able. But malte your collec­ work count. If you bum your wood as fut u you tions, we rent To amouse law it, YOIl will have none left for your winter's S a e the Children ' f luppl,. deposit , boxes .... And so in life; if you lpend as you earn. you wUl , have nothing to show for life's labor. We pay inter�st We have not the but far the most and Start an with us. ' only largest by complete prettiest 'stock of Toys and Dolls ever to.day-open llccollnt on time depOs- shown in this city. We have already supplied several Christmas trees and our Santa Clause The its ....•..... will be here -- First National Bank And ., we appreciate in two or three with several hundred dollars' worth of and Dolls to your days Toys replace what we 'have al­ Of Statesboro, Oa. bali...... have a for BROOKS SIMMONS, J. E. McOROAN J. L. ready sold, We will nice present every boy, girl, man, woman and and our COLEMAN, Pru't. child, pnces are Prelident. Cuhier. W. Co PARKER, V·Pru·t. as as the cheap cheapest. Directorl: S. Co GROOVER, Caabier. Special Prices and a Nice Present to Christmas Trees TOYS----TOYS----TOYS

of nice for Thousands toys boys. Give us your order and we will see that it is filied.

Guns, pistols, trains, drums, roaming toys, tops, horns, bugles, banks, etc., etc. T sets, pianos, stoves, tam doll vases, toilet sets, bourines, furniture, work boxes, albums, manicure sets, doll cradles, beds and car

, work baskets, fine fine box water and riages, stationery, candy, sets, cups saucers, cake plates, fine rose bows, fine salad bows, cards, Christmas fine Christmas Bibles, medallions and everything you can call for for a present. BY ORDER OF GLEIIIlIKG HOUSE RSSOGlDlIOl DOLLS----DOLLS----DOLLS ','THE ENEIRE STOCK OF

, We are going to give a DOLLS' DAY for the girls. Every girl in Bulloch --F. L. to be here, CLARY--- county ought 2,000 dolls, from 3c to $3, will be on 'exhibition, and our Santa Claus will hand them out as - MUST' B18: they are sold. Don't mISS being here, whether CONVERTED INTO MONEY you want to or don't want to buy. T'he entire stock of F. L. CLARY, consisting of Dry Goods, Shoes, Ladies' Raeady-to-wear Goods, Lace Never before Mattings, Rugs, Curtains and all articles to has such a thing been tried; us make it a success. pertaining please help the Dry Goods business now in the hands of Bouse Remember the Clearing Association to be con­ days, -Monday and Tuesday' Dece�ber 17th and 18th, into cash dela We 'ver�ed without y. cannot enter into details, the variety is too great, . This event comes at atime when you are compelled to buy and we are forced to sell: An cannot afford to let Yours to Please Everybody, opportunity you pass you by. GLARY, CLEARINfi, DOUSE Statesboro, G� ASSOCIATION

. " IDE . nnCIEI STOBE, Sale Opens

We��esday, - STATESBORO, GA. Dec 19th, 9 a. Ill. _ �.=-

THE VICTOR SEX• .___....-- ....---. Prollreea of American Women In Trade end Induatry

( I ASSURING Pa don me _Id t11e bo se'keep­ er on a marketing expedition but are tneee eKP stMctty ti"esh laid' A,boolutely rna am replied tne grocer promptly The farmer I p r chase those eggs from woo t al ow his hens to lay them any other way -MUwa kee Sentinel for EmerQe.nctes at Heme for the Stock on the farm SlOaNS Lil\imel\t Is a whole medicine chest Price 25c:. 50c:. (J • I 00

Send For Free Booklet on Hor"a& Callle WHElN Hlil WAN rED HER Oat &�ultry. Mothe (to conva BEAR'S eeclng OOy)­ PECAN Addreu 011 Earl S ::'1Ci)�n Now Bobb e In eae }"OU ahould waat Bos�n. Maaa we j at ring this be NURSI:RIES Bobble But mnmma I m not ..J A BEAR I�"h)" eno strong g� to ving It al the tlma PALJ\T�A �LA -The Render ... .1>II'tID ".'N;·"Nt:I)../.1>f


But 01 nngc of Food Gtu:o l<"iD1lI n.. II

Most u eases start In the All men to. y cana -stomnc and bowels A g eat eat ot our stomach and Thousands of Women bowel tro b es come from. eating too muct Ii a suffer month In silence tortures that would a cby nnd g easy tood Suffer every drive man to the edge of des­ Tbe a omach d6ell not digest anr of pair The ailments peculiar to women are not b t and tho eta cby tood e eat-white only painful dangerous bread receive pastry potatoes oats etc -thoao • shou�d prompt treatment before they grow worse If you suffer from pain tb nSs 3 dlges ed In the small In I�reg'dar functions falling feelings headache side ache dizziness tired etc tesU ea and if we eat too m feeling, cb ill In most of us follow the 10 the a gnna that ahould example 01 thous d a at th skin 1 of tlTad are overcome ands of women WhO have by excess ot a k 80 tbat fermenta t on indlgcs Ion nnd a long train of been relieved or cured and nils result take Wine of Cardul WINE Too much fat also fs bard to dl soat and tbls Is changed Into acldl Silen�e SoJiI ill sour iII � stomach belching gill and a Of' b on ed heavy teelt g 1 n thes conditions a l cbaOIG from I Ind ga'" '[oods to CAROU Orape Null will war [ wonders In not only rellevlnl ths dlst e.. but In bulldlnl up a at ODb d geDlion clear brain and steady nerves A Wash woman "rites About IIvo y.... ago I lutr.red wIth bad stomach-dyopeplla Indl ,cstion eODBtlpatlo,ll-cauHd I kllOw DOW from eaUns starchy and greal, food I doctored roe two year. without THI1l W A V ,,1S DONI1l any ben fit The doctor told me Have you ever though boll' thera was no cure for I me could eartb 1, kftPt .-0 m;' Bad Roo,l. not ea No �1.1l apythlng wltbout IUtrorlDI By nat raJ Jaws I suppose severe pain In my back and ald81 An4 All mUlt Sad roads no D all Is the rule ",rong Every cralll< I became dlBCOUraied bave the Government haa adopted for hi. turq aDd 10 the word 1001 the A friend rocommended rural free delivery ser ice Gr.,.,. round -Baltimore AmericaD Local Nu • and I tttee began to uaa It ID 1_ autbo must keel the "ay. In th,n two wooks I began to feel bettor passable condition If they nre to be and In. de of ellt the rural two montbl I wu • by delivery and so I well woman and ha.e ever come. about tbat this branch b,en aiD'" of the I aenlce can eat allythlnl I wlih wttll postal la not only an agent at plea, re We eat Grap...Null ...1 comm nlcaUou which brings farn e ealll_ for breakfast and ar. nr, lands nearer tbe centre but a direct ,.. Of It be of New e land Name glv*n by Peltll1ll police York Ott) ar In�.ntl to road b IIdlng and lienee Co B.tUe Creek Mlch Read the e�t on an a e age n 16 persons each to gf! erat Improvement and prolWvr b day Ity little OK Tbe Road to Well.llIe In nka Thero 8 a rtaIG. Should be Treated Agrlc:ultc:ral Colleges ' As a NuisanceI, 1'h. A�riunltnrlll ""II"�". ur,· he \\'.11 ",.ro·d '" K .'" a I�OI"!! .to � •..,,_. .... Dee. r"r, (tllllli."il way" Ihe U"'L",I

• I !"�It". ... , \VH nonce that orrcus is til oxhihit nt ,rnlll.�nt. \\ Spark'8 ul1\'�rtiRf:Jti Sllil�nn ytl\' (oilhllwil III1I1U· , ' Publl.btd 'fu.ldlfl Ind18.,9fJ6'1"rld.f. b, h�VIII'.! 011 next II.Si to Mouday and at Brooklet Tue.day, 'l'ho doy.t Stilsen will 1," cu"trlb"to t",,·u,.,I. I,h .. " &rAn.BoRo Naw. PUBLIIRIIIO I ...... ve be Ohri.tmal and the at Brooklet will Chl'i.tlll&l uud ma,ut"" ... rue , I day d8\,. !:I"cre· B· a n l , ....". a OOD d S Ie ,suppurt, Tha r."ol\ that thi. is uoe billed for Stu..... h"r" I. tory WIIIOU or tl � StltA' � agJll'el("tiuu , .. UI�lted •• 'he flct th.t our couuoil r.fu••,1 th.m a to .how 01 , •••• Hred.' Bte_boro G•• Pel' 011100 \ cily I,armit wlthlll del,·rtm"lit I,,,oulture, .t ! �.,. •• MOond 01... "Illmut.r. nur II1111to, Waahu'III.oII, h.. r.oommend.d W .. al.u"e our gO)od frielld. ill tho StJl.OII nnd Uronklpt liPlghbnr. that '2.500 h" 8'."11 IlInn.lly for f On the first Tuesday in will be hood. that they will hn 110 hetter off .ith"r morally or tI""nci.,lIy by the m.iut.nuu�e ,,( the"" .ohool. January, placed on the market some of ".,IIfIt. 1,.11111. thi. It WIll •• the the best real estate in and patroulzlng agl!regation. gather around it If, u.llfIoi ..lI) hv 1I11.iollal Ilo••romen�. , The aotion of ooogre.1 10 refuI· around at thi. le.lon of year-on Ohrl.tmal ove .nd Chriltlll•• day-an .1. hal to It Statesboro. It will afford those who to lodorlo (,lover�"Jr T�rrall ,00. may illl spell- mont who will b. fired red X some t�.l1mjlhtled with whi.key, botb wbite and �Iauk, 1l1I'1, In I,he Interelt of tbe want first-class farm and _ughfare out to the new Agricultural !luist·io .in of colloqnialism, Bllt College. b,te. If our m.rchante want 80m.tl,nlg h.ro to .ttroct "aople to 80methinlllik8 U6,OUO. Thi. i. cracker of the. The acre farm on the forav"ry exprel.lOn let'l that

To the Public:. ':.�:r�!��!•• . flnt,Dordowebeliloretbepeople ,r�r;��m":�:"��o::;·"!� , of •• tbl. leotlOO .re. f." I y, Flannelettss. Only. b.ore ju' read 'be or �.Of"I Tbl.ltthti.�.g."'o.:::�.r of report. tb. of tbe .tate " oew.p.pen SALE. o.rd io "l:Itate.boro Ne•• • l'1. . , ,;;:, have .Igoed E' Andert:!!.on adopted th. "nu" of way To be IOld at the D'ean N. by JIIO. D. MoElveen, br.odlOl UBOUTQB'S SA I.E. ••ud are __. IpIlliOI 'b.y tb. me.1 • liar. 1141 '41 b.ving Niobole pl.oe, Deo. 22;.1906, at •...... �."...114.�� � ...... Pltelt of tbeir ltvea . GW.fll'l:e .ourt hou _. , upbillfigbt to tbe Tbe 10 I. �::�OO:':;'�:D��� •• I publio outory, blgbeet bid,. report door In tho ul iD ooO'f8Ra to olroul�'ed �rue OIly IItllte.buru. in .. Id WinoiDI ,h.I)'.tem. d.r tb.. .. to 'be 10 en... and .tal followiol property to. youol people quo.',oo. t., •• bet"••n the lopl From Arcola. quv' II tbrown in tbeir roo' Tb. nform m., 10 00. aod If It pa'hl. "it': DO he.d of of 10.0 po.iti..ly.nb.tlutl.te 'be ALL' ,'NEW bop,8 h.:d wbile dON 'be =:�f, You are oOOllloaa11y. tbey are Ii". GOO'I)S "ill be fact ���,��,.'1:.'lI:::fn�'!.':!�{b!: .lw.YI m. lo d.v.lnpm.otl Illula.. 16 bead of CO",. Tbl. by prool. W H 'e· IlkiDI i' will wa&ohed �.tl"e Blitch, iOI do 'bem maob wi,h 10"'_' by all ,boe. Aud "bIle I "rite tbo 0•.,. fMm Aroola. I good Deo. 17. 11)00. b.te to re.ort to !::�:":��:Ir,ta"''' aDd will to·make iOlelNlted ID 'b. oelp their bur. 1.010.... tbi. me,bod .of WIll "ith viodic.�il1g my S��.tl��;'''���� �t�� ���n�:'lo�� oomply your requ••taJid d.o ltgbtor. Snuth M.I" .tr Joo. D. 1101", ••t. �4il f""t "rIte 'the b�.t oew. obaracter. yet McElve.o I, I you 'hat our A fri.od ",... k 8U f..t '" 'fhl'"., and '"l'be of "0..' tbe ou.tome�. KiDg aoyernment Her. fin' ltoOI,'" Now J •• FrooUl�.• ,!��..�. oommoolty h... AT Trampa" Expert y , G tb. ·.REDH E D OD the ,h., Juo. D. MoE I. L.t No.1I-00110' laalo, .ulloob Our frleod, &Jr. P.R. MoEI"eeo Open .'. .nd ,., tb. oold e,.eoiul of DBcember Prof. W. G. of tbe Unit.d empb.',eally • Smitb, treet, U8 feet front baok 84 out of "MO or· runnlnll bal ,our .,Item. K.ooedJ·. &.an• $b. Jlilb ,be aod lid.. S'atel of aDyoll8 wbo_,.lr fee' agaio opeoed up olle of tb. popular depaltment agriou"ul'll, denying "VO Oou,b tile ,bl! LOt. l!fo.l-Ooe 10' 00 SJrup o'peos bo"... a' W.. 'ra,bfulu... of 'be ".temllDt Nor'h 1I.ln fioe.t 1,101' of gen.ral Illerob.o· .od IpbUilll comedy. 'b. "KIOII bingtoo. "I. bere :Eriday ., tll...m. tim••lIaJ' tbelntl.m. m.de •• of by m. il.o mf.moal ...d dil ,.eD _0 10 'bll ma'lon of the Tramp'," WIll be preaeoted It aod log.tbor wltb I oemmi'tee :::::�r.':�:.�.!I'.;k�o��="'i&��= oouoty. muooul membRnn. Ooa­ "'I m.lioloal . har. I OllD "-'. wltb •• f.., froot .nd W••re all of Ibll t.lns .nol Sle.boro opera boa•• from each of tbe '''0 fao',oal 10· la"'tlo. ruoOID, very proud fao', Hone, Tar. Drlv.s tiot tb. by. "ok'" .tr ti.k wbat I am W.lolI' ..l ...,ID,. We koow oold and tbe O)f oln.r aotora. ter.lted in tbe for ob.rpd wi,b doptb blm rrom ellperi.o08 I,to)ll oou,b. We have also on ItrollI'oompaoy lecuriog .i'" Iy. free from A.b"l�toI1 put moving our od do oot .n, oplatee. Oonform. m prices Thl play "11 ODe of lbl bill' 00 tbe to be located Win' iog.bou&. by.ood.booe.' npale. oll::���a'I'" 10 "'..t B...... expeot .ny thlug olle collole ben boro tb. n.tloo.1 pure lood and 'h. ble Aod d..... n.loln,.1st� .or... more or of him but. de.l. drug I."••. road lb. malio iB oyer tb, .ad DIIIde In ol'il,OI. .Jao. D. Iqu.re He PI._nt m take. Furniture, & 'lpeoially groundl ..... Sold hy W H Bill. Matting�,Art Squares or b 00 Rugs flol 01.. 10 01.Ib bbo u .. motl,.. io vilw lb:1'fI heiol maoy pretty examin.tioo of tbe ..i1 lod will MoEI,..Mo aD,one .doub," UOodordO"fSfoFlloowll·l� o...ndt�.. DOV"'Bb fur'b.r F... ; on the ..11th tb.t of wbo will I.ter fill bi. iog .... pu' me to the of· b, .'reet tb.D to live bi. oUltomen .be IIIIb obo;1II lUI. add.o repCtrt with. tbe pro. proof known as New street'lnd la"de of the nOne AI3 O·.kl'. M. •• ml. Proctor ••• on be.t tb., cao be maob by 'belr litUI bi" of p.r all'boritili. Of oourae Dotb· [Siloed) H, ,b. _t �, I.od. of lood. boogb' After I .A. 26th 1006 • W. S. BnoD.n .od D B Groover, ..tate for tbl Deo.. the rol We are to Il II a . convert , 'ooquetry to lbe .UOO8I. of tbe iog ".1 liven him a. to MoLBNDON. .od H S Blltob mooe,. ooolOla. going our into nd · and "LaH•• b, th.. ._. banb ia tbe g90ds have ou� . lowiull Sta.... cash, ' made b� I.od, of Dr I .100 t0 ...de WI',b city.of . Tb.n are Dio.teeD io thl BODO.' '00 tbe _, IUCb • man. prices, 'r play. 'be of tb. b, of tba boro, Ga. will Illole their �latlY81 d.l1rablb�y. I.pd. Proc"'. �tate .od b, tbo 1',.. kOOWD him for rOlpio. Uoape aod elOh actor i. a "'.r t"o .,te teodered bot It II Ilod. 01 R leo y"ara aod pre'. Simmon.. 'Ive placelof bUlioeal a' 8 that will do the,work. Real I lIod him 'bl lame o'oloak iD hll role. .. ty woll known what hI. E.tate Deal Lot NO.1-All t..t treol or tbat Pietty _ co.tum , p.rcol to.day· m. oC laud , p. POli'tv.ly DO a.. IIf wi' 'will be. rep?rt Ifln,a"d bolU, In tbe .'161b be w.. wbeo I llrat met biID. balln'" pleo" UId WllllOm. Wb.o 'be execO'IV. The, G leIldenc. .f lira. lIiram K dl.trto' of the ..Id oouo', .Dd lended 'II afler tba� hour. 110. of .tote 1b... are 'bl meo we lieU. mlllio lIDd ol.nr'lclo 'oommlt� tbe firlt diltrlo' ooo.lnla, ItIO lOr.. or ,boald FraokliD OD Jooee a"IDae w.. 1 more , B"ok or .... i.oUndlld .. •• : o. th'.wea' oao be S'-lelboro iOllboald !DIke lbe ioler. ..rloallur.1 oollege h.re 00 lo!Io too. h.lped 10 pl.y moo', boul!b, I.., _k Mr. SolomoD h'lp.IO�. Sea lalaad Baat •• by 'oro. I feel tiOI. Bea'" 00 lale a' Ellil' tomorrow tbo lite ... ill be seleoted 'ba' l' will .YlD pay ACiol. ThiB i. a valuable �n.�"!.T'::b�!io�=n�b:o:O��b ,t� Fin' pieoe of e..t b, tbe laDo of Jobn N.tioo.1 Balik uole.. lome unforeseen Ooleman Ind 'my te110w cl,IHD. to OOJ;ll.e for Draillora. bllldraooll property. 00 tb, nurtb tbe b, Opecbee .Iver. mllee lo Prof. Smith w.. w.11 'rad. with bim. It I•• mlltah m comOiap. Mr. O. C. Aldlrman will u��. vloleot ... NO PAPIR will he begio • I'm oae iNaed from oaredforwhile 10 tbe and w n��':�:!::!:� .�"i��:.d =� a':'18 who "'Ii.,... ill .. 'bartlo to opeo 'be bo".I... A. oity ...t OBoe tb. ereotiooot I per oelt' lotereat from yiDI getltle 'hil om. blodlome d.te of .. mOYOD1eo' will NEXT TUESDAY. nry mooh with �he purob...r'" for th. le, 100d ,hiol' of ODe while b. i. lOOom,Ulb' 'be ..me pa, or . yet impr8lled. 'Nlia'oee OD . the ..m. prep.r,"g .' • neaoe, P rea811a wltbout .. Brilll ill ,oar ad far jOlt ...... lon to b. ,(••n tbl .ltve lID. DO& iD till hi II DlID, dI.,,_ or .... Friday poIIlbih'iea of 'biB 'he g"Pera.01 wal,lnl �I()w hoa. Pllrobaaad by Mr Fabr.r,. rlou. rNulta I.Hr. D.W.ltt'. LIW. 'rhonda, mOrDllII· . bylaariollUlUal dead. Th. 'WI 'he r:: " of 100l1li',. .' A1WII•• IW'a BUMb Ir 'hlol" .." Bar., BI_,1" lIlIoo.mr.of &Ita will ., '" B dead do 'hem 00 r-mUl."...... ­ illI.ab. aood bohr a boao b1'" B 1:1111., INHERITANCE TAX 12�46,00D BALESI NO FREAK SPELLING Tho Cit I I ". oUo P II.t.. Ind "IO'�I In Favored In Ad­ Is "hnee Summo",d to Court fer In by Carnegie Government Report ef Ihls Will Be Allowed In Offlclal frIction 01 N, Law dress to Civic Federation. Season's Cotton Government Documenta. Crop. rare ., lIattl... M. IInlll novo"bo lid b. I� 10 a \ ovorlupplr 01 wat... Ibo SHARE WITH UNCLE IMARKET BADLY SMASHED HOUSE GOES ON lid b o a ,orcilid to'lfal'lll It If SAM RECORD t .. olah "d Whon It b iIll.. 10110 I h wovor ""' 4 lolt olotll Win Mu tl Mflilon h .nd Janu"Y Brokl wrunl out In R audl 101". 01 .01'111" Iron M ..ler For Iy Do.lll.e "ot. of t�2 to 25 SlY. 80al an� w and to Low••t Pol"1 Th.t H,. 1&or air tboroll.bl, tunc. of Rich M�" When B.on b... Pul PIt They Hobby of R .... by 10avinK a "Indow OP&II "IIUI t•• Cit RttlChft.:J S11c, L!'Ill should B. Relurned AugLl.t velt Under San-Debate 81,ot I. drl d O"mpn... mUlt b, .... Or::.' 8urorl.. Cr�.tad moved from maUlnll al U tho Publl. Mlrlh P,o.oklng Ipee4IJ, IOlslblo Use a Illablo bllt too lUI bronm for m.ttln. AI".YI Iw.ep gust Belutct t s reporting board or position 88 I reg Waablnlton ope.lol oays voll first anv fioorln.. or noor "".... lde t 01 the National Ch to �'o lera lug which n a) bo Ilotled or IOn.. and noed. a dam II aPlllloallon

S.fc nod Colorlall lIIall•• To R cor espnndent .aklns for a S8(e red col rina matwr for eak.. and ew •• In cats Tho Drullll.... Clr C liar (BOI tcmberj rocommend. the color fro I rod boot. u e••n, ob­ tained and oconomlcol Sa,.. thla er I al It Is Bald thot • lood way to obtain tbl. colorlnl In permanollt form I. to hcat tho beotl In an 0"" until q lite loft macerate _ltIl abo It an equal quantity of Vlnolar (\Xl OS8 eval orate tbe relultlnl IIq Id to one half It. orllillal vol un 0 and Ihon mnke up to the orll Inal value with alcohol For OIItOIll­ I oraneo II 1188 tbe liquor lro.. plokled boetl al ordinarily prepared tor tho toile (that Is balled In water Bflcod oud thon eovered with viII e.or) lid WQ I relumobly give a deep e rough 8hade Canned beete are la market and "III anawer &8 well la tbe latter .ole .1 tbe frelh arllcl. N

Care of JlsllrollO �Ian) poople have been aonoyed .t ftndlng their Irol s qulle rUlty arter Iho) have been put away a tew d.,. The way to I re.ent thll happenloll I.. bofore IOU I ut them away 10 rnb • little warm gre.le over tbem aDd then wrap them np In brown paper When ) 0 I take them out to uoe dip thorn Into hot w.ter that hal had • small plece 01 .oda dl.lOlvad III It rub dr) aDd tben put them to h""t In tho n. al way Whon thoy ... read) to be u.ed on tho Ironlbl boanl a have ple.e of brown paper wltb • IfIlle lowdered bath brlok 011 It aDd rub tbe lurface 01 your Iron wltb tbl. It ..ems rat"er • loolllly p_ ce.. but It really d09 1I0t 1&110 10111 to do and hou.owl.e. will be .... warded for the trouble tbey have takon b) nndln. the Irona, doll.bt ru II) .moolh and ea.y to UII, and wben Ibey are flke thla tbe Irllollli ean be dono twice al qulckl) -111... IseUa Ploulhman

Home-made '.a"'P 8hlld... Thele lamp .b�d"" are ....lIy mo ufactured .nd add a pretty elfeat to Ihe room as woll as Ihade the III_t to the 83el Cut a place of stllf ,.por I... cl. cular form aDd at tbe depth and d"lred gl Ie the two �nd. tOll8thor (. llace Ihould be cut out of the oIrol. to make tbe .lIl1de luap.1 topm thul ), m.klog a toundatloD COYer tbl. neatly 1IIIIde aDd out wltll crinkled tlslue paper 01 allY d..lred Pes.ln Ists I "III Ihade 'I'heD cut Inob not end re tI e wide Itrl.,. and Germa'! ICnlser W) make tbe Ibade by aDd hns Just s Id In B es looplol laltenln. the.e the lau hln \\ bile AIr Grosvenor :vas UpOD louoda Ijtt "bo Is not sited bere dlsqU�8 tloD The In e loop. are graduated Beek tl amendn en Mr Towne of New III II he will n with better co n r) leoltb the e�ceptloB ot tho Yo'k Mko 111m vhetler tho Ite n re the Iman onel at Perhaptf Kaiser bas fo tbe whlob ... recently seen red to W'RfI Ilot on I Ilge 23 be lormed to .... oays tIM! New \ ark mble a ruobllli A row Evening Post AI ginning Ith he linn ')3' 01 narrow crYltal Irlllio .owed exande; 1\1051 o?sk 8 bitter \: os [ believe so IItUe story roillc 1 around tbo bottom 01 the or the 10ulldati0ll n "ho fell tram the mak.. a JI moon pretty ftnl.h aDd a tow and ader tra .prays of cling nil a er be world artlftclal moldeD hair ler. In of tJ e disposed amoDa loop. add. a 110 8car�h best cou tr ret rn thJl Ilhlng touch The Ihade ad to Oarman} (or II lor '" permanent res lamp mu.t be dence placed over aD •• 'Vhen asked I e b••tOB by replied loundatlon II lor • OIlIdlo My reasons are mica .hould be quite simple I n 0 uled Paper founda observel In lion I. only for use urlous countries bow he 'fhen tbe objoct II ornamentatloD etate a mono} Is ooly -Tbe COlli hrown about and moner what � part protection corruption 4JIslpa,oD (olty anel "'aste bave each pla3ed Its ·�n expenditure The ex trelDe eacb of • these (aults I (ound III O ny So .... I sald to mysell A nation Wblch can stand all tbat with o It tbe jullplng track must be the bML I "ant �bcrerorc to become n Germ Net Sdcntlllc a" Geo ge denr wi at Is the Belen 'ftae tlile n me fa U e osq Ito ot Agrlcult c '�PQrtment I dOD t know do n to business n I Why "I at did I hea yo cling; MILITARY ANC POLICE CLA81-1 Ihowln rene" ed e APPLY RE hlenees of doing it tI e oU c evening? FOR ENLISTMENT eometbl g Lo \\a rant he Eh fhut was so cettln'irlgbt expend tUre Deth ng thaL National GUilrd to Enter Sought The of tbe won t 1 ea Six Itl-::mey given In a its rei eatll g -Ole IRn� Discharged Negro Soldier. Call care a I litre and Plain Deale Upon Taft Cops 'nterfered mils T6 Con moeo It 8rcretary Is gcinl-: l A TI e Immediate result of tl e memo­ Been IRe lanta c ty I olicen tm re expe se Lo wDBlde.ble loea e nd 1m of Tuo QunlUles Secretnn T !I to tho mil! tu cd to allow n embers (If com I any ebamPlob bcn a! the co ntry 12r1 secrelor) signed T out nent I I was searel I g r or '" leaday B 11ft eg national g n d or Oels9l!nrtl 11 log the proced ra to be f01lowed wtre said to his r len t Bn bella Geu gin to invade the B jo U eatre I y cnllsted me \ ot tI e that he wanted 0 e riel an 1 st pi} Iwenty-tlrth t to ar e3t a soldier vho I ad not gone A d Why fontr)! colored wi 0 were disci arg to dlill cl 1 ave been Because II 81 e Is not ICb I \ IIr �d wltho It honor was tI e visit Wed ges I refer ed not marry her and if sl e is ot lit nefldny to the WAr dep utment ot six Rgams t 0 lollcemen and a lively id al e will n ar 01 the 1 not y me -II Mat disci ar.ol men wbo applied c 0.:,1 Is said to be on between the t lor Ride e for re enllstmeDt declarlDg that tI.y civil an 1 mllttnr) autho lUes were Innor-eDt or "U complicity in aud The clash took I I ee on .the even ot knowledge the afl'air _t Browns Ing of N(Jvomber 26 and was kCI t ville quiet ntll last T ••dny morning wi on the Cll1rgP8 were n ada publlc INlURA:NCE GRAFTER NAILI!D NAMED IIY THF. PHE81DENT Jury Find. That Burnham 8tolo the Fund. of Comp ny Numln.tion. I.nt te Sena • for Throe George B rTiJ ani Jr i vice J reClt Florida Olll.lal Plu",.. Alarm Among 8Wldl.h Poopl. de lt and general co 10ael ot the M tal iI e LUe IDI! lI'ance company 0 presldont TUEBdt1y IUnt 10 the Itef-ejvt' If Ih: ;: Ne", �ork haa bee� convloled ot senote e follo\\ II Fir rlda non Ina U��!::�::IP�:�: ..���a'��De � .tale \ ent that O.car wa. oer! larcen at $7 �OO o[ the comll.D) I Kin. cush III In that tund. J he ton waa an out­ St""l f tho \'Oy.1 as- lrowth 01 the Investigation of Insur r.mll) hod yll e Flu Henry II Cbubl at tbe 1lllo.e ond Ibo crown .nco co 1 I anle3 by a lellslaUve com Recel.e. of prlnco ha I heen .ummOlled mutde a lear 0,,0 public money. at hurriedly me from Berlin Goines Fla \I al ron ISPlUbied wan' thl At"Charcbu D· nd you heltcbeaproof. s, , I"dou ma"kat "Flello" · Locaiand Pel'801lu.l. iug buy '. tit. laptl., chl1rch In the lamO" M fromA,.�be..J Fran k 110. ..._..._....._.-s...... pe."'r.the Rev. M. 'E-"'·"-"-"'� I ...... �tcpfg ..." .. Oronch il to the Oar. , Mil. ., ••••• . WIIKlf THINK OF expeot t. preached '�:'i't:�lr .i,'-!;,iI:' 'r.. Yo,u G�orilia •. '.".(.,� 1/f% '.' to arrlvo a few She ....."' .be aermoll be- . day.. , Union. I """ ew"e'l�iVl' ARDWARB, e� ,. • I b. ••. :. the of Ur.•nd Mrl. one. to ";.,"� #.-,,' I ,10111 1I1I.8.t.111 •••peelal II,. requelt, 't , ,.',. '.- ! , •. Croncb . lI1.n A '''',' vr .. T:INKOFRAINES. .ud, lIlill M.udl Branneu ... . 1.lIon.1' I.rge ';!i <,,�n ,.:r dt. �ncJ�'1'P,I .' LFOR-, w,''',o� , \ fi' lom"� the , .... �..,,'10 Oltf,": ,...... ' I, ... oat to h..rthll aermoll .• Ih"6 ..,d . ,�.�' 't.. .. � ". bollege bOYI and will " , �.'! ' ;·,"·i1.',�i'nj .:. girlw STATESBORO I1I'ln ; wa. one elr ulIlI.ual m.rtt '001 )6'On • .ioh """t".If· ..rt.i:t·� Jtrlug .' J 'b"lll.u to roll in lor tbe hoi i • Ollrf", - .... '. ",' ",eoldle WII. �� • ..... I 1I0t 011 I to tb"e • fnrp ",. II"NIt. Y ...n •. . _'it-- d"a;/J. "":11>'" IL are. �g. aepflo.�tf ) i' Bullooh MUI.. 'I �o.. l!l0rry �"\�'�" . ' Ail •• but to all 01 ••••• ,'., . , .• "Ill makv t he kIDI people aro in buatn 0 " <';C,.. ,..... I�"l.nd .thHY city pie . ,,�\,�,-� ,.;.. STATESBORO. .. w�lI. 111 the evenlll8 I,her. .. I :;..;;"" ·:�·�.ll:�·" w,... 8.�nd�l. :wl\ti bl' their .hort vacat.lon. GA., jo'RIOAY, DEOEMBER .ar, 1906 , u.. I al.. , �I't'li:')in!(. tbey thear diamond' r.� -- �-...... no I� one, .tit .'he; Your .. at that " Christmas nlcel ohuroh, -, '" ' Orlno '.uatlv. Fruit tbe I't'ID th tart At ".,', Syrup. n.w y "very.. mv AtI'auta mo llil ome ... almo.t ,I' b lax.�lv. •• eoolr.gation 1I01llg Ithnlll.t..1 bu� do 1I0� Irrl. Increase in Bulloch Woman's Union. oan do tbe .ame. for e Missionary Christmas Tree at �nm._ to the Metbodllt ohurch. pricel YOIl tbo hollaaYI.. ··go}l.!�". iJ&1.e. )t' II tb. belt i.utlve. Gu.ran. .._ a.ttldi�· lome few lerd 01 back. W H EIII., Elects Officers. Real Estate. I.n I'll l"il(1 III • the your 1II000y T- Bev. 1'. W. EIII'I made hi. AI.o line of Gold daYI County �"xt ,,,e"tl"K the Methodist Church. Iny Watchel. earl.ier t.�,.o., :-<'nt•• . other D'ember. of hll , IJoru !:lutur· 1D"1al h.for. a Statel' Edi.on moulded recordl • 218. F und A On. ot tho most. Bupli.t. church, appellrence and other •• II oom· 01.,1. gold • O[l9lloh.� ludge, Rlg,"f1Cn.ut 011 . "ill Jewelry artlCl ", Me,,".,)' ".ol·illg th'ro morn· mat tI"y llI"fIlII111. Do" he· . 860t•. II IIIHI tit" foets in oOllnoet.in" w,th the 20tl\. 10(1(\, bolOeoapegation SlInday If you want fI.h we haw them each. at tbe Statelboro Tur.uay night proo· be" Ch.,ol.IIIH" tr"u dt, I Wit In reao 0f \ hn M"th. plete. Prtoe. k' b at .. wbln he to a larlle da,. Pbone UI, No. 18. Mu.ic HOUle. II the foIKul, ,.f tho "f thi. alld •• ·"tiou gi""i"g 'olock...... every . followlog cOllnt)' .,d,.t t .. pr.Rchod !lenty 10:,30 . 'leliKht ."d u,.kp .. .. glud elO.... a' the chllrch·. overyLody. D. Barue. officen at til1nt lime: iR th" K'1Y t xt: �p"'"I, lIllt.n t.he chll Methodi.t elActed rl1l11urknhle iUCrOtl80 ill thoi LitH hflMrr,S of th., Let the old M'... Ste'Ia SampIe Ilomeb from chllclr"l1l1l1d year and S. lOon ,b.n oame to the ex· lIIaster. Dr. A, .1. valua of f"rlll I.nd.. A f"IV dren of Israol that 110 fOi' up Mr. who h.1 F Worshipful they ur"wn H8 are of a Dope Prootor, U folk well. eXRminationl SBnderlville wbere sbe haa I up Sa,,!,a My eye beeu was J:U 8'f or tbe Ho been MMDey; a.nlor warden, A. F. and it hIB not been th� peo'iOD' people. witb tbe Ooultnc. Q N IIgo. I..n�, . Oiaul will be Ihere habit Augult. for .ome timo. ward.. and he 'will die eoientltio motbod. No Inelling The spending Ihwta ID o..tloll le!dom aocord· �ion 00 oame iD Moml; junior warden, S. A. either, good land could be TopIC: pro.p"ctu.. .• II'rid.y Dllbt. bOllght),.n'·.1 1007. hand out to III the good little at whicb ..1 Ini' aa A orowd ed '0 • lDiullter on hi. tint ap- gl ma,. eye. that large went from here Pro8..r; treaurer, W. '1'. in this for ten to Devotional surcl.... condnoted oompan, b.ve finllbed itl Hu�he.; county bo," and lIirll ,ume nloe AIIU together. to Corintb cbnrob M. H. ap. raoc8 in a hut an ablolute fit. Sund.,. to the J. D. JOheB. dollara acre. the by Mra. Maaley. .... oity. work .nd dilbanded. He will leeratary per 'l'.o-dav propri.te little to .how tbem of Fair From gifts in the he foneral Mr. J. W. wbo 'Tbe hal hud a ouc· .ame Greuillud'. Apln nenlDl! preach. be to lomo otber ROlen, lodge vory laud is worth twellty·five loy thllt are not the We onlV do Orat cia.. watol: likey traDl�emd Dealings­ Soug:. thoy lorgotten. Of Begin New Year wal luterred at at tbl. time to. . cellful and wo. lIeVur n"JI'. aud fift,eenl hou.e, tb.e norO ed, paoked company. �emetery y,par thirty dollar. por lind coune, .anta ciaul would havo r.palrmg. No· bo0h work do·n. tbat MO?"taln.1 100m at a H. oburch with Mllonlc hono... . Work of the Women of being . •. than at the OVOII at thooo •• the a pr.mium. . prolp?rou ,preBent pric people ho. come to the homel of all th. of On accouD' of lIot to , bOYI by saving P�lrt your or.o 01 e.. 11 t·J In our I w.n'inB fOI' 1007 ..-Mr•. H. B w.. tbe olo.e.t attention pace. B. E tlm�. The mov.oIHnt for M hllnd- who owu the land IIl'e not IInXlOU. Georgl� gi'llln Ibu' our mill.own before Obrllt. Mealen Oallidy. J. B: Can. Good Goods and girl. Qlly way bnt the teach. by 'bOM pree8nt. m&l we olfer for and ·B. .ome brick to iJ" the finost to .ell It. '1'b,o Strungo. er ten da,.•• only. non. E. Rimel were Io,dge, .pellk. good thmgs •. of the MethOllilt Sunday earnings, and 'deposit t18 per tou for leed. Thil the of It. kind III th. tint oOllgre•• ioll' for tbil In tow le(1t.lon. Let the Lower be price among c,allen at tbe Newl �oullty. So�g: Light. .ch061 mude 'peolal arrang"menll • for ten PuMd 1ba..I.Rtlon 8ucce••'ull:w M E• Grl' only good daYI. o!Bce .1 Ollt, sid� of of the .tat. i. it this Bnrillng.-Mrs. R. Lee Moure lind for them m'es, Saturday. Better Values diltrtot. Sav"ulIuh, woy. him ta b� pre.el,t nl. the tllno with .the ... Bnlloch Oil Mill. I Donabue, New Brlta'n, Oonno, W.I The man II. Mi .. Id. Proctar. ' lit who owu. few lIven quit. imp"LUS ocre.1 thM tree ia to be and he will wrl&ft: "[ Wled 1 r.mo­ M Herman ofOolum. all. glVeu ...... kldne, and BUII.Y. of Our Part in Jewelry Optometrist MI.. Edna Brannen il Yllitilll thll meet"'�' 'rho building i. fortile land-and Ilellrly ull the That Work.-Mr•. be �bere wl�h all of dl••• Ind WII tr••ted our b.lt ItUI bpr bl. anoient by phJ­ villtiog par�ota, Mr W. C. ======friendl and relativel at • 1I0W' a..ured. Th. IlIlId here i. fertile-,. cOIlFidered Porker and Mr•. M. B •1011... lor bllt did not 1m· Olaxtoll .. prootically charm lind with a oIlabetes. " lavl.h hand ,nd Mn. Waldbnrg WIIt..... 011 Sea Island Killen. Bank. took fcindl are In and the build· the olltoide wol'ld. pr.o.e until I Foley's Kidney Oure. Death of Mrs Strickland We are to olght independent by the pr.s.nto will bo dlhtribllted prepared gin your lea Grady Itreet. Sbe wal aocom. .. rl.er tbe """ontl bottle I .howed Im- il very much needed "lid The attentlOlI of from all Our Part in tbe WOI'k as illand ootton now • Inl 1'001'10 YOllng .010111( tho cillidrell Rnd to the Mra. M. A. Strioklaod pained' by Mr•• Riner aud obild· STATESBORO FURNITURE GO. aDd buUle. oured lIIe pro,emellt., fI,e departpd Bullooh Oil Mill. 'tbeaefactoKr.,uftioiellttl) part. of the state und (rom Wumen.-MlsHe. Tiney Grim'.: old"r of tbe lame justify oneo, too·UluLe. The 00' _plel.el,_ I have .in.e palled a .Irld thll hfe 10:1600Iock. reu, place. wbo Will laltni!rhtat the .reotion of the ut "" othor otot.es is turned to A,l.l Blanche MillAr. Boaslev.. 0 aioll ror Mr. ·A. L. b&l reo huildiu!! Leing will '110 dO;lb� be a .ulDln.,lon life intlurance.u 1'0- after ID illnul of a little more MorllaD jnlt lpend 10m. tIme in the very oity. da\ll. I.hi. countv. Th. overcrowd"d Berthl\ Woodnrd nud other.. tnrn8d trom .. three early. plea,uut olle. than tbree montba. Th. nmainl 1110nthl.vi.i, We have "one Tbe windowl are to of the lines Af\llr tho eleotioll abollt ,,( .•ect,ou of the IlOrth"ru of -Mr•. A W. •• �l;�!::=�{I�::; ::�bl�:d!:��Oeu�r.� to.friendl iD Laurenl begiDinl prettiest of: forty .purt R.nding Quattl _ will be WHlill.. I oarried to Hagan tbll af. oounty 'aka on buulIl. holiday ain. Some of ,the memher. repulred to GII ••",,·, tho ,tnta wOllld he gllod to ""Iond terDoOD lor ihterment. The Harden·Warnock. bOYI of the oit,. Dot to be them .r. WIth Buill" Our to Our very pretty the and art ·lD .. Ollie, wbore they enjoyed II IUlIch. vf it" cit..."s hAro if the Duty YOUIlg' People. rugs the at , out. onWone the bave .,Iectionl of squares city, -Mro. S. to �iao the ="":"======""",,======""'====""!'== Clary Spreading by girll oqanll' fin. goodl to bl eon that hnd heelll prepared fUI' IIdvlllltnges of this cO\ll11.v were C. Groovur. Owing popnj.rityof ed a Robbed at Convention. olnb to he known al "Tbree 1.'0 ill tbem. uwrln knowil MisoHlln.neollR busi1l888. contracting p'Htiea tha aIiIlOUllC�. Mr. A J. Cbuy, ollr popnlar t,"" ef!CAAioli. 1'he nfl'n.ir· pl\8Rerl to tllA penpll� of that tliPllt timea Three" or "The LuoLy" the lowest All IIf tllt� of MUfr. baot .. n. 0 One of the boldelt and wont prices. JI lit I IlIlich �I)- ;:eC'.lillll. Sn"g': )-I"il t,h. Power of murriua'" I' f good Have you done youi' Chril�m&l 11!�Ulu""tly ,WIU! v,lr,v . Nine". The of tbe oluh Alllllldli. H,Hdlj1l til �ll'. COLD WEATHER seems t.o lla\'!l star,l'd • 0f 'e robb.riu heard of in lome tim6 purpole Lv thu"" .Je81l�' NUllle. �il'nco �t' ,p:looe prog- Ibopplng vet? Tbil II 'he 0010' j',yod [,roo.llt. �WI. II loolal. They th" 0 rlt of ======';""=="7======Hljl11tll Hnmihull ttl blJ _IYI 0 WII the oale of Rev. J. A. Soir. gavn \\'oru'c)t:k. in dead and it finds UI-.l' bonenllnell men mfo.ttbe olty. mon qneltion now .nd the The ofState.l;oro ellteod Banks Will Close AI J O'clock r. M. Ad)ourument. earn,est, thoroughlY a glvel people 80lelOi.ed .at �l'e· wbo WII aeriel of entertalUmentl at the Tho committeo de- ou the ' • _n who bal tbe boro, reheved of ,876 &I to Simplified Spellin& Groover-Smith. earlleltlly Couyen. taugbt people people lomething talk ot be. to Rev. and Mrl. P. W. Ellta" After Doc" 25th 1006 I,he fol­ 'p.ared. This is the one store where you can do be wal relidenol of Dr. and Mre. Dur­ sires thllt, ..oman!. ,wouty·sov.nth of will of Stateaboro. or two .bont enterlD,a train in lidel tbe mnoh Killed evory "ociety De'lember, tblDg MAmpbil abulad of warm weloomo. WI' are by bunks III t.he of State. renee topil "ery Coagreu. 011 yesterday afternooll at tho lowiug oity be received with the in il lalt w.ek. The were Frid.,lveniDI ill the n.soeilltioo .ball be iutero.t· by your trading �rfect com'for.t. When l14Y8rtiling. 10inK to enlarge liveo tbe weatber. to ha.,e them with UI topre. it'.is 'ao�1 iliad and we The reform bol'o, Ga. wili ,doso thetr respec­ friendo to almphfled "pelling r�iclenoe of Re". T. J. obb,oll .outed 1\1; 'this II IDlluy of the cold .. bUID811 here Ind in aditlon uI,b,. the fatber.ln·lawof Rey. in tbe way of meetillg. Let I YOllng peopll) you will find nul' store Anytblng paint The beat bope the work will be Dever Inob tIve busin'ls8 lit 3 o'clock always thoroughly .ttraction aeeD at the plealant h&llamed an,. h"". South Mr. J. B. placoBof who to att&ud over the' sta"'. ,Tbe bride·to.be Will lDY8de new field.. In tbe Mr. Soarboro. He W&I up In tbl oao if MaID St., i:lmith purpose tile met!t. ma,"rialyou I't me. aDd tbat Will flad tbe .. heated from bottom to We frOlp auditorium tbil II&IOD tbe, peo. a. it wal haY8 Ill. no bURmes" at ,. top. take o!Boe W&l the way reported to, p. P08ith'ely Providonce .eud the daughter of Mr. aud 1I1r•. special _, few weeki be will be,in tbe �ewl Saturday .nd �Iated you will give me time ha.,. it of thil and Mias hllbolle Groover WMe iog. permittin�, to. recital the pie oity congeni.l. done. It never Will. 'Phil II telldod to nfter that hour. W. F. of in for the as the to UI. giyeo by pupil.' of ,rue. thoir namel lit onoe to Mrs."" H. Hardon, Cony.r.. She pains caring comfort well as the •nation .t Harlem wbere he .tory It il .bout a. made iu oale I hann't It In .took. united in tbe bouds of • Mil..1 SlYe aud en· at for the holy Br.llk of Statesboro Blakeoey .nd Br.nnen 00 yonr Ilaep your preaent. The at­ "ill\tri i. a of aouOIII' 'ow... of tbe belt loti in followl: It _011 that Mr. Boar. A. 'J. Franlilio. le.alt. Maso.y, .ec'y, State.boro. Every. youllg Illdy ruany interest of our customers. make our eilltt Frid..,. Til, for tbe entertainment at tentlon cf mony. Rev. uobb offici.tlllg. The Se" Islaod Bnuk Always boro evenilli. teachen lagment oonlrell il .beorbed one i. assured a mgot coreliul wel- phshmentl and of nDu.ual that alt,. a bandlome briok .tor. worb for lome beallty. st.ore Mr. Jabe D. 'who h&l delene oredlt for tb. auditorium wltb mora 'Ieft over th. First National Balik your whether are trad· m�llionary Stampa. great the Friday eveniog. lubjeotl valtly IlDpar. happ,. oOllple (om.,. 1I1r. Warnock io one of the bp',t headquai·ters you laoaae to be two ltori.. with and tba' he "&1 10 M.m· lood yo�ng bigh IOC:lety lieen wltb tbe It will be the Aalulta oonltruo. Ibowlng made tbe and wortb your whtle. tban th., 0' S. &; S. mAil in the af&.rllooll kllown mell ill tlio or not. You are 'welcome. to 'be at ooo••n· by papill t�.t t? fa.� young county ing always all tbe modern eqnipmentl and tion oou�try Dr. J. 'r. of �bll �naent a, Co • on the of the new the .tudenta d_rve oan net Ro�ers. S�vllnnB·h, .. InrvlY for The Newl Ilmphfted be. her. he nUlllbera bi. friond, ' oon.,.alnoea. Tbe oontract WIll and there W&l for pr.i8e job department hal lpell�og 'fo.r Bryan couuty, where they will by paid line .08. iu tho citv 0: the week. Mr. Jo'. E. Fiold. was 10 Savan­ tl�n of from Summit to Vi. the in whloh That bod,. decided thl' the old part tho ocore. I. �hlle r.ilw.y way they acquitted ju.' turned out flfteeD bundred fI He a membor of let to 0011 of tbe year. In tbel� with ro· are probabl,!M l<¥lal compaDy W&I in the .. of onr Ipend honeymoon We to have h,m nah for twp or tbreJ tbll hI.' wo!k. dalia. oity after. tbem lvel on that way f.ther_thl of alway.'. giRd daya the Orm of Frtday (OOo&lion, Peo. fal for the tax collector. to bl UB' way J. A. Warnock &; ooD'notan u• .ur. il a maD ae.,eral frlendl be wal .... of Son, Clary p nOOD I,tivel tbe with u.. , week. Turner=filisson CO.' Wlt� betW8t'O tr.inl. Heh&l reo Ire to Noah 'be • hridegroom. at pie lo.th appnalate home ed on tbe Weblter, greatea' le:ri Blooklet, and i. one of the •ho !Mil.·.,... in g;"inv tbo home partn. to enter the aD hi' delinqnentl. Be Inre goiten a aud will '.lent. wan. to tbat hal ever wealthiolt , �ralO ceotly promotion Tbey pay their that the collrapher IIY8d_ bu.ineu Dlen ill 'hI bnline.l. It il Deed· w..y home wh"n lOme in thl tall collector will flhd young .JIIOPI. body now be witb auotber oompauy at 1110ney .Dd take tbeir oboloe••nd ROod tbll oounv,. ,hi. part of the Itate. He i. to 1_ to .. Mr. orowd alked for lome for you out. Tbe boob olole tbil OOO�lb y tbat Will be ohange for. ' ======�,=�=====� Olary Valdolta. He illook fine aod in 10 are And 10 it II. .. be 109 doing they often hum. week. Prellden' Roo yel, eougratulated in BO .1_lfal In tbe re.1 imllll .mount and when Mr. . wiualllg "Itate. tbe life Church Notice. Rates. . oamp whlob he il liylnl bugled. went. 10DI waye when he pu' bi. �air • bride. Holiday world al b" bile been in' IU tbe aot qf oom· bUlin,eq Soa!boro .wal .eeml to With him. and There will be .8rVlce. agree prefereooe tllte In the matter at the Tbe anonel t world The With tbe tbe mau Vlotor 10-lUch recsrdl, 60 ot•. Notice to News Subscribers Obriltma.\ hohd",y bnlinel' will b.1O plYlDg reqne.t • . of ehurch next 1(e remuantl ot both � tbe apelling "gainat tbe old malten Pre.byterian !:loudlY. of Mr. A. J. who wal a .natched buy Statelboro MUIIC Houle;' On acoouot of Obrtltmal com. rdel are �tfective .... piok pooket Remarkable Cancer Cure• ... nl.y b� Wimberly,. of wltb helped to build the Ian. A'TT moruing and evellinll, conduoted leeo, cotton, Bullocb Oil Mill. up mIlD well known to the of bis pook�t book and on tbe when we ENTI.,O·N A Ing . people e.oaped Ip fit for foot at Tueaday, day every AOder. gualle. and the verdiot of the We print below tho 'Ietter by tbe Rev. J. O. Rowan. from l't'f�rence to our. columl. the orowd. The to open p<or, tbil pla38. polioe were noti. Nothing makel a better or more l�n'l Ihoe .tore. Look for' go prell, tbere will be no tM conutry bas been that he wen' of ?Ira. Zahlllon, and all wbo lohool all o"er the counlr wtll Oed al.d are Sund.y "vory SUlldiy People y at work on tbe oaae. aerviceable Chmtmu. tban a paper on tba' Tbe foroe gift bill Ihoe ID bll window. day. .ven too luffer far and tbat it ..� time from oancer Will do woll to morning at 10o'010ck. Tho , t·he haa worked pub. take advantacla �f the lltel' Conaidering oond;tion of pair of Anderaou'. shoel. . bard all tbe and obe�p Santa Claus year to call him I. Mr. D. Averl\t Jr. weDt down. Thil aotlon of Seekers beed wbat .be aaYI. lio oordially ,nvited to attend. Percy Rev. Mr. Soarboro tbe loal il a we have tried to give tbo to .pend a few daYI w"b tbelr The The rain doel not oome and It down to peoplo •• will meet with Bargain Deo. Backet St·ora had a Santll SaYlnDab and oOllllre general Stateilboro, Ga., 17, 1006. bea.,y one. It il that thl Saturday of tbia aa a home wanta hoped i. warm county good paper favor peopl.. Every body 01.n. th•t didrew orow and dUlty. Thie h&l .pant there tbroulbont tbl United Dear People: AI i wbo .uffor If f:!tatesbol'o all arge ,.e.· will be Sunday returniog al we geta the,rail- ." gUIlty party caugbt Dud oonld. Tbe relt Will be to 'he at home at Jenat oooe. been the warmelt fall in thl home in State•• with cancer take notice of afternoon. Tbe oblldren tbe wbat I , .ftt-rnocD. road. tllat are charted , terda, from . given tbe puoi.bment !,bat he de. tbom and we will being the of .ppreci�ted by m and the fnn mnob. The hiator,. tbe lOunty-and We desire to call the attention of the tl'adin!." to the 8ay tbase few line.. I am able that Atlauta will year celebrate the da, of IDjOyed very ..nea. Mr. P. H. Dnrden. of be in haroels for bu.ineal ,public pOint el.owh.re, tblre hal been DS lither. Monroe. ready to 'tell that Dr. .reot· in 'front of tbe Itore waa politloa Oure,roJ;' Bore :NIpple, fact that we are in a to save them considerable you Byo'a Combin. .oon be no railroad a lIational feltivity wltb theIr flm· ha. accopted a pOlition witb F. L. by Friday wlien the N.w. will position money on city hardly. \ , ' atlOn Oil Cure i. tbe packed With ohildren tbe ent". I have for lale at loweat AI .oon a. the child I. done be.t remedy -Forelt Blade. and friend•. pricel: Olarv. He comea recom. Ond it. the nursing their winter and . Illy higbly again way ,to bomes regular 'holiday purchases. for ·afternoon. all tager to llie Santa Pla.ter "Acme" apply Ohamberlalnls Salve. Wipe It oancer thllt I bave ever kuowlI latb�l. pl<er. m"oded and ia a bUlinesa man of of tbree tbua.and of tbe oitizen. We have a line of Schwab's Extra fA olf with a .oft cloth beforo just opened splendid of. I one Olan•• wbo WII on tbe top of the CASTOR Portland allowl.g had on my �yelid 10 lor Illfuta uc1 ClhIWrIll. oement, pl<er parll. experiouce. We a�e to bave of tbil and otber counti.l. the oh,ld to glad nur.e. :Manl traloed Fine men and all the latest It 8111111_"'__�1IIIII1IIII1IIII__ I,...... ",_,_�...... he did &0. J. ClothingJor boys, including styles large that hung dC'wn In my many funn! A. F1raoklin. him witb u•. nu.... u.e this oye with the bOlt' . resulte. call a •• Biliad You HI" and fabrics. We fit who wan� Hrst class suit at aud tbere waa no oommon ���ta.where Alii,S.• Ibnl .Prloe 26 oeots box. For sale anyone prao. . Th.t Route for per b), Ohriltmll co.tume ia not Mill JllIIPs Bean the Berta Mae Sa mpl� b'B all drugrlet. a reasonable price. We are :11so agents for the famoU!'.\ Carhart titioner who oc uld give me relief. complete witbout a of Ander. A rural route bas been e.tab. or pair returned bom� after t trjed Dr. treatment and BlcutUre •• IpondlDll 0vera.lls. A. full line of Men's, Misse�' and Children's Bye's HOGS. � .on'. .boea. Look for' tbe IiBhed to out from Ladies', big o.veral week. witb friends. She go Jimpi daily. two month.' tr.atmeut has cured For aale One bred Berkahlre .boe in' hit window. route Nollce of DessoluUon SHOES. We before the rise and can save . pig. wa. Tbe will rOMh about twen· bought these.goods aocompanied by Pearle me. Now I feel that I am Death of Mr ¥iSB now. per­ two montha old �ogers. mIle. and will oro.s The lawllrm of Deal & some on them All the la�est effects in Ladies '2.60eaoh. '!lhe funeral of Mr. J. W. Durden, of Monte, wbo will ty·llve Loti' Lanier you money fectly sound and well. The remaIn. �og. Ipend 4t T. J. Denmark. of Mr J. W. Rog. Oreek at DoLoacb '. oburch bae thia been dillolvad Dress etc. I en, at Corinth cburcb oemetery, lome time bere ,before and day by ma. Goods, Staple Dry Goods, Notions, truly hope thllt all wbo arl1l'er era reacbed here returning Saturday morD' return. Tite route i. tual with oallcer will hlmachanoe Sunday, WII largely attended. bome.' expocted to oou.ent, We also carry a full line of Hardware and Stoves. Hal" give from Ea.tmaD where to trpat tbom. H. ing he died , effeot about Feh. lot. Tbis Deo. 1006. gave me home More tball forty Mllsou. were go in�o 14tb, etc. We are fot· the famous Florence (jard of TIIIInb HII taken to Mr. W. B. tbe ness, agents Wagons-one treatmellt and ha•.cur6d m•. Friday. body Moor�, popular are want�d for rural A. M. Deal & Fred T. Lanier•. Mey .-&1 pr.lent and took part in tbe fun. railroad Applioatlon. God remain witb hIm alld bome a mde. from man, wal ID tbe city two and .two·horse. bi. We wiah to extend our beart. ' oarriers for tbia h.I' �ew eral everoise.. routo. Make medicine to curo all t�e ( or tbree tbe IIrst of the who luffer to Clt.y where It uotlll days week. , Just reccived a carload' of Furnit-ure. leI. 'hank. the Rood people of kept to M. T.. Ro@m Suits and wit,h calloer. wbo wiahe" wa� il bram foed. If applicatIOn Ollilf, po.t. Anyone wben the mterment 00. Filh you wallt ••llce- Statelboro whe so Itiudlv' a.li.ted Sunday Tbe is in ma.ter at to and "to suit and all comers. We' have th"l most com­ to write to lIIe le�tero more braiu. we bave big .11.00 AnderSon's Jlmpa, up in, goods any your ourro Osh every piece direct, d lit Corinth ' to me at a. In the Ilokne.. lind cburob. He All Lyonl, Gil .• 'R. F. D. No. death of da,. window tbl. week, .eo It 'and olndillg the 26th inlt. persons indebted to line ever shown in Brooklet 01' Come and buy plete vicinity. inspect aa I am '0 wal wltb Masonic t gOlOg re.lde there in our dear littlo boy,' Heaveh·. honon. D. BllrDel sho". from him. ------the estate of bnrle� your J. L. Olliff, de. our line before you buy. the futuro. bl_IOON be with all. a from the looallodge D- you d.eglellatlOo Mr. F. F. i. in the It Is oatlceable a oold seldom oomes or. to J. The addrela of this bealer Symond, ceased. W. great ' dOWII for tb t Mias Eula Rountree, ot Snmmlt Olliff " We the market for Cotton as . gOlDg .a purpole. on when the are pay highest prices Seed, well I. ROlpectfnlly oity for 'a few daYB. bOl'el1 freely ope. . Dr. Bye, Kania. City. Mo. Thele were iltbe attractlY6 of MIS. Co. of J. W. 011. J. B. and BurnI 1I1&1ons from other . Ilue.t Neither oa. it stay If they are (composed as all kinds of Nra. Jinnle Mn. open produce. , Johnlou. _"�. part. of tbe ooaDty prelent. Buy your Iboel from Anderl Jennie Dawllon at the Br