Coastal Architecture

Reinterpreting Florida Modern

Dan J Johnson I 2017 I Masters of Architecture I Chair: Martin Gold Co-Chair: Guy Peterson


Introduction 1

Looking to the past 3

Current Advancements 27

Embracing Nature 39

Pursuit 81

Local Context 87

Master Plan Intervention 97

Neighborhood Intervention 109

Bibliography 154

Illustration Credits 155


Looking to the Past

Current Advancements

Embracing Nature


Local Context

Master Plan Intervention

Neighborhood Intervention

Can architecture of the 21st Century employ methods for passive climate control used during the early Florida Modern movement and can these methods help define how our architecture participates within Florida’s coastal environment? The energy efficient materials and mechanical systems used in our architecture today are important to sustainability and a reduction in our use of fossil fuels. As architecture has moved towards a climate controlled, super insulated dwelling, one may argue that inhabitants have begun to lose their connection with the exterior environment. The early modern architecture designed to exist in Florida’s tropical climate remained decidedly connected to the exterior environment. Mid-Century modern structures were designed to be open to elements and remain comfortable year around without mechanical climate control. The aspiration of this research is to address the disparity between the constrained energy efficient buildings of today and the environmental connections found within early Florida Modern architecture.

A case study of one of the earliest forms of architecture known to exist in Florida, the Seminole Indian chickee hut, will be conducted. Exploring the design principles used in this early structure will expose the basic features needed to inhabit the tropical climate of Florida. The ideas exposed in this early form of architecture will be compared to homes built during the onset of the Florida Modern movement. This comparison will aim to expose similar architectural responses to the Florida climate. To help develop these early strategies to fit into today’s context, a study of today’s energy efficient technologies and materials will be explored. To further understand the methods used in the early forms of Florida architecture and how new technologies can aid in this endeavor, applicable passive design strategies will be identified. This work leads to a defined set of strategies for coastal Florida and implemented as a conceptual design proposal at the urban and residential scale.


Formative Questions:

1. How does the architecture designed prior to and during the early Florida Modern movement incorporate passive design for the regional climate of Florida and how do they connect with the its coastal environment?

2. What technologies are used today to create energy efficient 21st Century architecture?

3. What passive design methods can we use in the design of a coastal architecture that aid in the open connections to the exterior landscape and meets today’s needs and construction requirements?



Looking to the Past

Current Advancements

Embracing Nature


Local Context

Master Plan Intervention

Neighborhood Intervention


Chickee hut early 1800’s (Source: review.html)

4 As architects, we often look to the past for inspiration and insight on designing our built environment. This is even more evident as one ventures to create structures designed to leave a small ecological footprint and increase our connection with the given Florida environment. It is in the past, prior to mechanical climate control, that we find structures built with these things in mind. Our discussion will begin with an exploration of one of the earliest forms of Florida architecture, the chickee hut. We will then investigate the “Florida modern” movement, its offspring the “Sarasota school of architecture” and a few of its homes designed by and Ralph Twitchell.

Some of the earliest known homes in Florida were the chickee hut. The word chickee is the word used by the Seminoles for house1. The chickee hut “was born during the early 1800s when Seminole Indians, pursued by U.S. troops, needed fast, disposable shelter while on the run”2. They were light weight, less permanent homes that could be constructed relatively quickly. Their structure used palmetto thatch roofs over a frame constructed of cypress logs. The pitched roof had large overhangs to help keep the rain out and provide shade for the inhabitants. To keep dry and smaller animals out in the swampy conditions of the Florida everglades, the huts were constructed with their platforms raised 3 or 4 feet above ground3. A separated hut, from the sleeping hut, would have the fire and have been used for cooking. With the mild winters in Florida, the walls were left open and animal skins or clothe were used in heavy rains. This open structure allows cooling breezes to flow underneath and through to the hut year around.

1 Southeastern houses: chickee., [cited 24 April. 2016]; internet 2 Culture: who we are., [cited 24 April 2016]; internet

3 Ibid 5

Florida Modernism

Florida modernism was born during the exciting post World War II era in our country’s history. This time was ushered in by a passionate celebration of new things to come. An optimism not seen during the great depression and the war. The future was bright and economy was growing. Florida was attracting many young families and provided “opportunities for experimentation and development of the modern houses, based on economics, climate, and the functional demands of new living patterns”.4 Many young Architects saw the opportunity to regionalize the universalized modernist movement and create what we call Florida Modern. The movement learned from traditionally southern details while reinventing them and creating a unique architectural language.

4 Hochstim, Jan, and Steven Brooke. Florida Modern: Residential Architecture 1945-1970. (New York: Rizzoli, 2004). p13


Florida Modern principles include:

o Filtering light with the use of grills, trellises and shutters o Shading and cooling the building with deep overhangs o Creating outdoor rooms without walls o Extending the living space to the outdoors with verandas, balconies, and courtyards o Sun orientation for cooling in summer and heating in winter o Separation of private and public rooms with breezeways o Floor to ceiling windows, tall rooms, clerestories to allow natural ventilation o Raising the house above the ground to escape dampness

Sarasota School of Architecture

In the 1940’s, the Sarasota school emerged as a more localized form of Florida Modern movement. Paul Marvin Rudolph has been noted as the brightest of the Sarasota school and worked closely with Ralph Twitchell to create some of the most notable homes of the movement. During their time, together, Twitchell and Rudolph set out to form a new architecture for the southwest portion of Florida. They could take the current mid-century modernism and expand it into a series of projects that exhibited a new character derived from the uniqueness of a particular place. The interest in regional expression at the time was an effort to counter the universalizing tendency of early modernism, and was a way of making the new architecture a meaningful contemporary expression of the cultures and climates 7

Cocoon House, Built 1950 (Source: Domin, 2002)


The design methodology created by Twitchell and Rudolph, could take advantage of newly available materials and implement them to the post war era economic and population growth in Florida. One of the more noteworthy homes created by the duo is the Cocoon house. Possibly the most well-known house by Rudolph and Twitchell, it is a result of experimentation in new building materials and technics combined with learned responses to the regional climate of Florida. Reminiscent with the chickee hut, the structure of the house is composed of wood post and beams along the Eastern and Western walls. The roof is formed of “saran-vinyl plastic panels” attached to steel straps5. Most sides of the house use jalousie windows to capture the cooling breezes. Like the chickee hut, the Cocoon house was raised off the ground to keep the floor dry and allow for ventilation.

5 Cocoon House., [cited 24 April 2016]; internet


Revere Quality House, Built 1948 (Source: Domin, 2002)

10 The I Siesta Key, FL I 1948 I Paul Rudolph and Ralph Twitchell

Designed in 1948 by architects Twitchell and Rudolph, the Revere Quality House is considered one of the earliest examples of the Sarasota School of Architecture. Commissioned by Revere Copper Co., it is one of eight houses designed to promote quality construction for small homes. This house set up “the model for the classic 1950’s modern Florida residence: a narrow one-story rectangle, often one room wide for cross-ventilation from glass jalousie windows”6. The design of the Revere Quality house, merged the interior and exterior with the exploitation of newly available building materials. The house was designed using the international style adapted to the geographical region of Florida. This adaptation allowed the home to remain comfortable 9 months of the year without mechanical climate control7.

6 "Revere Quality House." Gator Preservationist. 2011. Accessed March 09, 2016. https://gatorpreservationist. 2011/11/29/revere-quality-house/.

7 "ibid 11


Built post World War II, where a variety of materials that were previously rationed, an integration of cost effective engineered materials was now being used toward new advances in residential construction.8 The revere quality institute house took advantage of these new advancements and created an innovative design using primarily reinforced concrete, steel, plywood, and glass. The medium-priced home comprised of two bedrooms, living-dining room, kitchen and a screened courtyard separating the carport and storage area from the rest of the home. The courtyard with its carpet of grass and movable partitions along the living-dining room provides an extension of the living space and a welcoming interface with the outdoors.

8 "Revere Quality House." Gator Preservationist. 2011. Accessed March 09, 2016. https://gatorpreservationist. 2011/11/29/revere-quality-house/.



The monolithic concrete slab roof required no bearing walls and allowed for maximum flexibility when placing the interior partitions. This also provided the opportunity for use of large glass walls with minimal visible structure resulting in the melding of the exterior and interior spaces. Despite the hot and humid climate of Sarasota Florida, Twitchell and Rudolph designed this house without a central climate control system for cooling. Instead, they used cross ventilation through the large sliding glass partitions and jalousie windows to keep the interior cool. The placement of theses operable windows along the South and South West walls allows the home to capture the cooling breezes from the adjacent Bayou Louise during the summer while long walls to the North block the cold winter winds.



The flexibility provided by the structural system allowed Twitchell and Rudolph to design multiple exterior wall types and varying overhang depths. This allowed the architects to design a multifaceted exterior envelope with special attention paid to the effects of shading. A study of the exterior walls and size of openings, explains a few of the concepts used in this home. The overhang depth, and wall type have been carefully designed to allow the warm sun’s rays to enter the home during the cold winter months and block these rays during the summer. By placing the largest overhang on the Western walls, Twitchell and Rudolph could provide floor to ceiling windows overlooking the adjacent Bayou Louise.


Cohen House, Built 1955 (Source: Domin, 2002)

18 The Cohen House I Siesta Key, FL I 1955-56 I Paul Rudolph

Commissioned by a very musical couple, Mr. and Mrs. David Cohen, the house was designed to accommodate large groups for rehearsals and recitals, and with good acoustics. The family wanted a simple, practical, and straightforward home requiring little housekeeping. Designing for the sunny tropical climate of Siesta Key Florida, Paul Rudolph kept this house light and airy. To give the home a sense of place, the edge of the bayou was manipulated and a direct connection of the water was brought up to the house. By extending the structural members and allowing the interior space to overlap with the exterior, Rudolph creates an outdoor living space along the water’s edge.



The open airy living space created by Rudolph contains a sunken sitting area surrounded by custom furniture. he himself designed. To produce the most house for the money, Rudolph designed the rest of the house using mostly pre-fabricated materials. The walls and roof panels are of “sandwich” construction. The beams are of “stressed-skin” type and span the width of the home with no interior columns. Rudolph used the beams height to his advantage and sandwiched them between upper and lower roof panels, creating a clerestory above the main living space.



Rudolph paid special attention when designing the building orientation, large operable openings, and the placement of exterior elements. In doing so, he could capture the cooling South West breezes during the summer and reject the cold North East breezes during the winter. The clerestory built into the roof was designed to allow the warm air to exit through and pull cooler air from below. This movement of air occurs even in the absence of breezes.



The large glazed openings in the exterior envelope are protected by deep overhangs supported by the exposed structure extending beyond the exterior walls surrounding the home. These overhangs are sized according the angle of the sun’s rays throughout the year and allow light to enter and warm the interior during the winter and block them during the summer. The overhangs of the clerestory work in the same manor and provides an additional point of entry during the winter and ambient lighting in the summer.




Looking to the Past

Current Advancements

Embracing Nature


Local Context

Master Plan Intervention

Neighborhood Intervention



Much like Paul Rudolph and much the early Florida modern architects, one must consider technologies of the time. While many advancements are made daily in regards to creating new forms of architecture, we will focus our attention on those that make the largest impact on reducing our ecological footprint. As architects, our most basic goal is to provide shelter from the exterior environment while providing interior comfort. Controlling the climate within this shelter depends heavily on the design of our mechanical systems and the surrounding envelope. As points of interest we will discuss the use of geothermal devices and glazing materials.


(Source: )


Geothermal Devices

As one begins to look for ecological solutions to the construction of our built living environments, methods for climate control must be evaluated. Most Florida homes built today rely on split hvac units with exterior condensers. While advancements have been made in the efficiency of these units over the years, an alternative is often overlooked, Geothermal heating and cooling.

As Florida’s outdoor temperatures change throughout the seasons, the temperature underground remains relatively consistently around 72 degrees.9 This consistency is due to the insulation the earth provides and can be found 4 to 6 feet under the ground.10 Much like a typical split unit hvac system, a geothermal system, usually consists of an interior air handling unit. The difference comes with the replacement of the outside condenser unit with a buried system of pipes, and/or a pump to reinjection well, to take advantage of the free energy the earth’s constant temperatures provides. These underground pipes, commonly referred to as earth loops, are made of polyethylene and are either buried horizontally or vertically, depending on the provisions of the site.

9 Geothermal cooling: Use the earth for home comfort. [cited 19 September. 2016]; internet

10 Ten Myths About Geothermal Heating and Cooling. geothermal-heating-and-cooling/; [cited 19 September. 2016]; internet


Geothermal Seasonal Strategies (Source:


Engineers will sometimes use an open loop system if an aquafer is available and drill a well to this underground source of water. In the open loop system, water is pumped up, passed through a heat exchanger, and through reinjection, is placed back into the aquafer. During the colder winter months, the fluid moving through the earth loop or well absorbs the ground heat and circulates to the indoors. Much like an air conditioner running in reverse, the indoor unit compressed the heat into a higher temperature for distribution throughout the building. During the warmer summer months, geothermal hvac systems pull heat from the building and moves it through the earth loop and deposits the heat into the cooler earth or moves it through a reinjection well and deposits the heat into the aquafer.

Geothermal hvac systems require no burning of fossil fuel to generate heat and therefor are very efficient. The only electricity used in these systems are typically used to run its three main components: “the heat-pump unit, the liquid heat-exchange medium (closed or open loop), and the air delivery system (ductwork) and/or the radiant heating (in the floor or elsewhere)”.11 As in all other types of heat pumps, geothermal heat pumps have efficiencies rated per their coefficient of performance, or COP. The COP for most geothermal heat pumps is between 3.0 and 5.0.

11 Ten Myths About Geothermal Heating and Cooling. heating-and-cooling/; [cited 19 September. 2016]; internet


34 Glazing Material Advancements

Much of early Florida modern architecture took advantage of the glazing technologies of the day. At that time the primary glazing material was clear glazing. The glass of the day had little resistant to heat flow and advancements in glazing over the last 10 years have aimed to improve the materials downfall. A new improved window with higher efficiency and performance has come about due to research and development. The market place is quickly accepting these new windows and development continues for even more efficient technologies. With these advancements, today’s modern architecture can create framed connections to the exterior landscape with little energy lost due to heat flow.

A term used when discussing the energy efficiency of glazing is u-value (conductance of heat) or their R-values (resistance to heat flow). When energy efficiency is our goal, we want the R-value high and the U-value low. There are several types of glazing systems available. These include double and triple pane windows with coatings such as low emissivity (low-e), spectrally selective, heat absorbing (tinted), or reflective; gas filled windows; and windows incorporating more than one of these options.

Low-e glazing’s use coatings to reduce heat transfer through the window. These thin, almost invisible metal oxide or semiconductor coatings are placed directly on the surface of the glass or are sometimes applied between two panes of glass. They are typically applied on the surface of the glass facing the air space within the window to reduce the heat flow between the panes of glass. Low-e coatings are usually applied by the manufacturer. For windows that are already installed, retrofit films are available.


Some consider spectrally selective coatings as the next generation of low-e technologies. These coatings allow the full amount of light to be transmitted while keeping out 40 to 70 percent of the heat normally transmitted through clear glass. An increase or decrease in solar heat gains can be achieved by combing these films with tint. Spectrally selective coatings work very well in hotter climates such as Florida and some simulations have shown a reduction in cooling loads by as much as 40 percent.

Heat absorbing glazing uses tinted coatings to absorb solar heat gain. This method does allow some heat to enter the room through conduction and re-radiation. To reduce this heat transfer, inner layers of glass or spectrally selective coatings are sometimes added. There are many colors of tint available. Out of all the colors available, blue and green tint allow the most amount of light into a space. When selecting tint for Florida’s climate, black is to be avoided due to its ability to absorb high amounts of heat.

Reflective coatings on clear glass can greatly reduce daylight transmission. When these coatings are applied to clear or tinted glass, one can expect a slowing in the transmission of heat. This method is commonly used in Florida for solar control. The use of reflective coatings can reduce the cooling demand for a structure but is often offset by the electricity needed for lighting a space. For a home that is occupied more at night than during the day, one may consider this option.


In the quest for high thermal resistance in windows, manufacturers are producing windows with combined multiple low-e coatings; low conductance gas fills; barriers between panes; and insulating frames. The glazing of these windows is currently out performing their frames. The center of glass R-value is around 8 or 9 but, because of the inefficiency in the frame, have an overall R-value of 4 to 5.

Another system under development adapts to the changes in lighting and heating or cooling loads with the use of chromogenic glazing. This glazing can act as passive or active. The passive glazing will can change their light transmission characteristics with the changes in sunlight and their heat transmittance characteristics per changes in ambient temperatures. Active windows will have their transmission properties controlled by a small electric current.

While many of these systems will work in the climate of Florida, one must consider where the window is in relation to the sun at different times of day. Early Florida modern architects designed overhangs to control heat gains from the sun’s rays. Today’s windows allow us to control heat gains through glazing types.




Looking to the Past

Current Advancements

Embracing Nature


Local Context

Master Plan Intervention

Neighborhood Intervention



Today’s architecture is often designed with little concern for capturing and using what nature provides. The use of offsite water supply, mechanical climate control and low e glazing in place of shading has become common place. Adaptive architecture can lower our dependence on these essential needs, that in one way or another, nature provides. We will explore ways in which our architecture can take advantage of water collection, shading devises, and capturing breezes in the tropical climate in Florida.


Typical In-ground Cistern (Source:


Water Collection

As we develop strategies for eco-friendly design in Florida, we need to keep in mind our water usage. It is essential for each household to have a clean water source. In the past, humans would inhabit areas in near proximity to sources of water such as rivers and streams. Today’s homes are more dispersed from such areas and rely on man’s ability to overcome this early practice of settlement. Most homes in Florida are dependent on water that has been taken from the aquafer, purified and piped long distances. While this is something most home owners don’t know, they do hear about the problems associated with such practices such as: depleting aquifers, salt intrusion and water shortages. Homes that are built in more rural areas depend only on water from the aquifer for their water. Much of these homes are using this naturally purified water to do things such as water lawns, wash cars, and flush toilets. The many homes that are built in such areas requires numerous direct links to the aquifer that in turn allow for more chances for contamination.

To replace or offset these negative effects of suppling water to future homes we need to take advantage of the yearly 52” of rainfall found in Florida. This can be accomplished by collecting the rainwater on our roofs and directing it into a cistern. By using this rainwater for some of our household needs, we can limit the disturbances caused by wells. This water can then be used, the contaminants removed or minimized, and deposited back into the earth. Mother Nature will do the rest as some of the water will be filtered through the ground and replenish the aquifer and some will evaporate, get purified, and become rain again.

43 Cisterns are not a new concept and were used by early Florida natives, on old homesteads, and common place in other parts of the country. A few factors will need to be examined when designing a cistern. Establishing a household’s water needs will need to be estimated. This information will help in determining the size of cistern that will be needed. A look at the types of cisterns frequently used. We will also need to determine how the water will be used as purification and filtration systems can vary.

Estimating the amount of water per day a family will use will help size the cistern. This will be effected by the conservation methods used in the family. Generally, a family of 4 will use “6,300 gallons of water per month for indoor use” or about “53 gallons per person per day.12 About 45% of this water usage will be used in flushing toilets, leaving the rest to showering, drinking, and laundry. We will consider our home to use the cistern water for flushing toilets and the rest of the homes needs meet by a public water supply. And with the use of low flow shower heads, our family of 4 will use about 100 gallons of publicly supplied water and 100 gallons of cistern supplied water per day.

With the needs estimated, a few other considerations will be needed before we determine the cistern size. The amount of water that will be needed by our household will need to be determined. Using the information discussed earlier we can identify our yearly need for flushing toilets is about 36,500 gallons (100 per day x 365 days a year). The average rain fall at our location is 52” per year. With this, we can estimate each square foot of roof will collect about 32.4 gallons per year. We can use these factors to determine our minimum roof size will need to be 1,099 sf (36,500 gallons of water needed per year/32.4 gallons collected per square foot of roof). These calculations will need to be considered along with the space restrictions and cistern cost.

12 Water Supply., [cited 13 September. 2016]; internet 44

Cistern size will ultimately be established by how fast we use the water and how fast we can fill it. The area of our site will usually go 2 months out of the year without rain. Our estimates above tell us that we will use about 6,083 gallons in 2 months for flushing toilets. Because the cistern is a secondary water source, a 6,000-gallon cistern is of adequate size for our 4-person family home.

While cisterns can be made of different materials and shapes, they all fit into one of two categories, above ground or below. Some prefer the above ground, thinking that after pumping the water up to the cistern, gravity will provide the pressure needed at the fixtures. This train of thought only works if the cistern is mounted 70 ft. above fixture to get the minimum 30 PSI needed. An in-ground cistern allows for the incoming water to be gravity feed and one pump needed to provide pressure to the fixtures. Another added benefit is the ability to hide it underground.



Shading Devices

The greatest amount of heat entering our homes comes through our windows. Even with low e glazing, shading becomes the greatest opportunity for reducing our dependence on mechanical climate control. In warmer climates, such as Florida, shading devices should be designed to minimize the suns radiation from entering the home during the summer months and allows for maximum radiation during the winter. Shading devices are used both interior, such as blinds and curtains, while others are external, such as fins and overhangs. Interior devices placed inside the room reflect a small part of the radiation and the rest is “absorbed, convected, and reradiated” into the room.13 Exterior devices prevent direct radiation from reaching the window and prevents a large part of the heat from entering the room. The most common types of these exterior shading devices are: horizontal, vertical, and those offered through surrounding conditions.

13 Shading Devices. http://; [cited 19 September. 2016]; internet


Roof Overhang and Sun Angles



Horizontal shading devices are placed in front of windows in various ways. Sun conditions drive their shape, type, depth and height. The most popular of the horizontal shading device is the window overhang, a horizontal shading device that juts out over a window to shade it from the sun. This type reduces the amount of solar glare and heat gains during the warmer seasons. These types are desirable in moderate temperate climates as they can be fixed and still allow the sun to be shaded during the hot summer months but allow the warm winter sun to enter during the winter. The illustration shows the use of overhangs and low walls in Paul Rudolph’s and Ralph Twitchell’s Revere Quality house in Sarasota Florida. The length of overhang is designed according the sun angle of a specific location and times of days. The East and West overhangs will never completely shade a window due to the extreme angles of the sun during early morning and late afternoons.


Vertical Shading Devices, (Source: http://



Vertical exterior shading devices, such as louver and egg crate, are primarily used for east and west exposures. In warmer climates, these devices block the solar radiation during the summer while blocking cold wind in the winter.14 The angle of vertical louvers can be designed to vary per the sun’s position. “Moveable, vertical louvres can provide shading coefficients from 0.15 to 0.10.”15 On days that are cloudy, devices controlled by photocells can move vertical louvers to the perpendicular position for maximum light penetration, as shown to the left. Interior louvers are also available with integral tubing removing or putting heat into a space as required.

14 Shading Devices. http://; [cited 19 September. 2016]; internet 15 Ibid


Egg Crate Shading Devices, (Source: http://


Egg crate Louvers

Another type of solar shading is known as the egg-crate and it is a combination of horizontal and vertical shading elements. These devices are commonly used in hotter climates due to their high shading efficiencies. Ground glare from reflected solar rays is controlled by the horizontal elements. The best use of this type of louver is on an exterior wall.


Window Placement (Source: )



Another method for shading is the avoidance of East and West facing windows. By placing windows to face north and south, one can avoid the direct radiation experienced in the morning and late afternoons. In warmer climates, such as Florida, south facing windows are to be avoided.


Vegetative shading (Source: 56

Shading from Surroundings

Buildings can take advantage of nearby existing structures for shading. Paying special attention to surroundings to make sure that walls are not shaded during cold times of the day during the winter. Nearby trees and vegetation can be used to our benefit. Where seasonally beneficial vegetation and trees can provide shade, and reduce our energy cost up to 30 percent. Placing trees and plants in front of windows can reduce solar radiation as well as keep the air cool through the evaporation process. Placing trees to shield the structure from the cold winter breezes can reduce “heat loss by 10 to 30 percent”.16

16Shading Devices. http://; [cited 19 September. 2016]; internet



Capturing Breezes

Cooling and heating our homes can account for as much as 45 percent of the energy used per year.17 Using natural ventilation to capture and create breezes in the home can drastically reduce this energy usage. Natural ventilation takes advantage of the air motion to cool the home. This is often considered the easiest, most common, and often the least expensive form of passive cooling in all climate zones. Applying correct passive cooling strategies can create high thermal comfort and fresh air for the ventilated spaces, while having little to no energy use for active HVAC cooling and ventilation. One must understand the seasonal wind patterns and average temperatures for a given site before devising a set of methods that one can use to decrease the use on nonrenewable fuels and increase comfort within the home. In designing for cooling with natural ventilation one must take advantage of the opportunities available in a building’s orientation, massing, apertures, cross ventilation, and passive ventilation.

17 Forget AC: Cool Your Home Naturally. zmaz07aszgoe?pageid=1#PageContent1 [cited 12 October. 2016]; internet


Building Orientation (Source:



As mentioned before, the study of a specific location becomes key. Some local climates may have varying winding conditions at different times, or breezes that are light and vary slightly, or strong prevailing winds in a certain direction. Sarasota Florida is very hot during the day and warm at night during most of year and receives only a few months of cooler days and cold nights. In this type of climate, one may expect for wind ventilation to be used at night during the hotter months and during the daytime in the cooler months and use other methods for climate control at other times of the day. One can maximize the benefits from the cooling breezes during the summer months and provide shelter from the colder winds in the winter with the use of building orientation. With the use of a wind rose diagram for our specific site, one can determine the direction of the winds at certain times of the year and see which winds we should take advantage of or avoid. The general rule of thumb is to align the shorter axis of the structure with the prevailing winds to provide the most wind ventilation during the months of the year. When possible, if the data shows a shift in direction during the colder winter months, the building’s shorter axis should be oriented perpendicular to the prevailing winds to reduce the amount of ventilation.


Massing (Source:



A Structure’s height and depth play a huge role in the building ability to effectively pull outside air through an interior space and therefor the orientation and massing play an important role. To increase the ratio of surface area to volume, one can build thinner buildings. This makes passive cooling a bit easier by utilizing natural ventilation. When one increases the depth of the floor plan, it becomes more difficult to get the natural ventilation through the entire structure. Because the air speeds are faster at greater heights, tall buildings can increase the effectiveness of natural ventilation. Increasing the building height improves cross ventilation and stack effect ventilation. Constructing a tall thin building will also increase the exposed area for heat transfer through the building envelope. When developing a community in a warmer climate, one must consider the surrounding spaces at the pedestrian level. The use of taller structures may increase the amount of shade on the site but decrease the breezes available to those at the ground level.


Sizing of openings (Source:



The size and placement of the apertures within the buildings envelope can greatly impact the occupants comfort. The design of the windows and or vents placed in these apertures greatly impacts the effects of the passive cooling potential. One can shape the openings to influence the airflow effectiveness. Long horizontal strip windows can more evenly ventilate a space. One can use convection as well as outside breezes to pull hot air out the top of the room while supplying cool air at the bottom by placing tall windows with openings at top and bottom.

The amount of air flow and speed are effected by window or louver size. One rule of thumb for determining an adequate amount of air flow states that the area of operable louvers or windows should be 20% or more of the building’s floor area, with the area of inlet openings roughly matching the area of outlets. A smaller inlet can be paired with a larger outlet opening to increase cooling effectiveness. A higher velocity of inlet air can be provided with this configuration. The air must pass through the smaller opening more quickly because the same amount of air must pass through both the smaller and bigger openings in the same amount of time. This technique does not increase the amount of fresh air per minute any more than large openings on both sides would. It only increases the incoming air velocity. Simple physics can lead to the conclusion that the amount of air cannot increase or decrease as it moves through the building, and therefore the same amount of air passing through a smaller opening must be moving faster.


Window Types (Source:

Louvers (Source: . 66

Double-hung and sliding windows only open halfway and are only half as effective for capturing breezes as they are for capturing light. However, Jalousie and casement windows can sometimes open the full width of the opening and effectively use their entire opening to capture breezes. Depending on wind direction, casement windows can act as a scoop to bring breezes in, or can deflect them. Jalousie windows, have horizontal glazing that can catch breezes while keeping rain out.

For rooms that do not require mechanical climate control, louvers can be an alternative to windows. A louver’s coefficient of effectiveness is the same as a window with the same geometry. Often, the louver’s width is wide open and most of the area is useful for ventilation. An advantage over most windows, louvers are orientated horizontally to prevent rain from entering. Louvers can also provide privacy and are available with acoustical dampening.

67 Cross Ventilation (Source:

Upper and Lower Apertures (Source:


Cross Ventilation

As we are placing windows and or louvers in our structures we are choosing inlets and outlets to optimize the movement of breezes throughout the building. Placing them opposite of each other provides a pathway for the air to move. We call this cross ventilation and it is the most useful form of wind ventilation. If one looks at the cross- ventilation diagram, the three images on the top left show configurations that don’t allow the air to move through the entire space. When placing the openings in a space it is best not to place them directly across from each other. Doing this allows for effective ventilation but still leaves some of the space cooled and others not. An increase in effectiveness can be achieved by placing the inlet windows low in the room and the outlets high. This helps in the natural convection of air and allows the cooler air in and pulls the warmer air out.


Directing Breezes, (Source:

Wing Walls, (Source:


Another fact that can help in the designing for natural ventilation is that the flow of air moves from areas of high pressure to low pressure. One can steer the movement of air by producing localized areas of high or low pressure. There is slightly higher air pressure on the windward side of the building and a negative pressure on the leeward side. This is since anything that changes the air's path will impede its flow. This provides a natural tendency for the air to be pulled through the structure from the windward side to the leeward side. Different altitudes also provide a difference in pressures. One can increase air flow by forcing the air to navigate upward or downward as it moves through the structure.

When designing for wind ventilation we will find ourselves with parts of a building that are not orientated for cross ventilation. When this occurs one can steer the breezes with architectural features, such as wing walls, fences, casement windows, or even by placing vegetation in an appropriate manner. By doing this we are essentially scooping the air in the building. Walls that are placed adjacent to a window to create a high pressure on one side and low on the other are referred to as wing walls. This difference in pressure draws the air into the wind and out another. These are most effective in locations where wind direct varies and the velocity of the outdoor air is low.


Temperature Difference (Source:

Pressure Difference (Source:

72 Passive Ventilation

There are two kinds of passive ventilation that use the differences in air pressure to pull air through the building. These are known to as stack ventilation and the Bernoulli’s principle and use the lower pressures that are higher in the building to help pull the air upward. They are very similar principles that only differ in the origins of the pressure difference. Using the temperature differences to move air is referred to as stack ventilation.

Using the wind speed to move air is referred to as the Bernoulli’s principle. It states that the faster the air moves, the lower its pressure. It is a basic principle of fluid dynamics and is based on the idea that the higher winds move with little obstruction and faster than lower winds closer to the ground. This faster moving air has lower pressure and thus sucks the air through the building. Greatly affecting this strategy is the building’s surroundings and whether it contains obstructions.

An advantage of the Bernoulli’s principle is that it multiplies the effectiveness of wind ventilation. The advantage of the stack effect is it works without wind and therefor works on days without breezes. Many designs for one usually work for both but some strategies emphasize one or the other. A chimney is an example of stack effect while wind scoops use the Bernoulli’s principle.

The design principles for stack ventilation and Bernoulli’s are similar. As one applies the principles for one into a structure, both phenomena are usually at work. The goal for both methods is to allow the lower cooler air to be sucked into the bottom of the structure and move the warmer air through the building and out of the top. This is accomplished through the placement of openings at the lower and upper portions of a space to encourage natural ventilation through stack ventilation. The warmer air rises and exhaust through the upper openings and pulls in the lower cooler air. The size of the openings is proportionate with the rate of ventilation. An even air flow can be expected if the openings are close in size.


Vertical Movement, (Source:


The key in both principles is the difference in height between the air inlets and outlets. This is the most important consideration and the larger the difference the greater the movement of air. In smaller buildings one may want to use skylights or clerestories, while larger buildings may provide an opportunity to use towers or chimneys. The key in these strategies is the allowance of the air movement to travel vertically between levels. Vertical shaft or an atrium between levels work well in multi-story buildings.

In tall spaces one may want to use solar radiation to enhance stack ventilation. Solar radiation can be allowed into a space, possibly through glazing, to heat up the surfaces within a space. By increasing the temperature in the space, one accelerates the movement of air through temperature variance.

By placing operable windows or louvers as the lower inlets, an adjustability in the quantity of fresh and cooling air developed with stack ventilation and the Bernoulli’s system. With the use of a thermostat, a system can be controlled and mechanized to increase performance.


Stack and Cross Ventilation, (Source:


Cross ventilation can be combined with stack ventilation and the Bernoulli systems. The diagram to the left shows multiple combinations of both horizontal and vertical pathways for the air to travel though a building.


Solar Chimney, (Source:


In a solar chimney, the sun’s heat is used to increase air movement in the stack effect. Heating a column of air with solar heat gains makes the air rise and pulls new cooler air from below. Another term commonly used for a solar chimney is thermal chimney, or thermosiphons. The placement of the exhaust on a solar chimney must be higher than the roof level. Solar chimneys can be designed to heat during the winter. This can be accomplished by providing an operable vent in the upper and lower portions of the interior wall of the chimney and closing off the inlet for outside air.

Solar chimneys work best in areas with little wind and lots of sun. With the above average amount of sunny days, Florida is a good candidate for such a system. One must investigate the amount of wind a specific site receives to determine the effectiveness of such a system in Florida. If a site provides a lot of wind during the hotter months of the year, a more effective solution would be wind driven ventilation.




Looking to the Past

Current Advancements

Embracing Nature


Local Context

Master Plan Intervention

Neighborhood Intervention



Many of the climate responsive design principles used in the early Florida Modern homes can be incorporated in today’s homes but in different ways. Much like Rudolph and Twitchell, our ability to incorporate these principles relies heavily on our experimentation of new building materials. In some cases, compromises will need to be made. One such compromise would be a change from the large glazed apertures allowing breezes to move more freely through the home and expansive views of the natural environment would have to be replaced with glazing of reduced sizes and larger mullions to meet current wind loads. Investigations into new ways of meeting these challenges will need to be performed. Through these investigations and the results of the early case studies, a set of design principles can begin to be developed and incorporated into a future housing development. These design principles will allow one to create homes that can be open to the elements 7-8 months out of the year, and contribute to a more collective approach to the interaction of the interior and exterior environment.


Developed principles:

o Heating and cooling with a geothermal loop o Using a centralized chiller for multiple homes o Incorporating operable low-e windows low and high for movement of breezes o Limiting or shading windows facing South o Collecting water with large roofs o Storing of water for use in irrigation and toilets o Filtering light with the use of grill, trellises and shutters o Sun orientation for cooling in summer and heating in winter o Shading and cooling the building with deep overhangs o Creating outdoor rooms without walls to help cool incoming breezes o Extending the living space to the outdoors with balconies, and courtyards o Separation of private and public rooms with breezeways o Tall rooms, vertical shafts, and clerestories to allow for natural ventilation o Providing separation with the ground and/or other units for movement of breezes


The “human influences and natural ecological processes”18 have caused our environment to change around us. The architecture we create should adapt to this changing climate and aim for a more sustainable solution to limit this change. Our architecture has adapted with structures that are more energy efficient, but with great loss to the connection one feels with the outside environment. It is this loss of connectivity and the need to use less fossil fuels that drives one to consider a more passive approach to design.

When considering passive design in today’s architecture, one can argue that all forms or styles of architecture can benefit from such ideas. Much of the architecture found in Florida are descendants from other locations around the world, such as Mediterranean or colonial to mention a few. The Florida modern home is an adaption of the international style with influences from the early cracker style homes. The history of this chosen architectural style is rich in passive design features devised to fit in the tropical climate of Florida.

18 Climate Change.; [cited 27 April. 2016]; internet




Looking to the Past

Current Advancements

Embracing Nature


Local Context

Master Plan Intervention

Neighborhood Intervention



The site chosen finds us in the Northern region of Sarasota Bay off the coast of Bradenton. This site contains an undeveloped coastal ecology along the outer edge of the sprawling suburban neighborhoods built to support the commerce riddled along the main arteries of Bradenton. This location gives us the opportunity to develop a much- needed additional access point to Longboat Key interlaced with a mixed-use site containing commerce supported by its own residents and those living on Longboat Key.


Local Yearly Wind Direction


Through seasonal site visits and studies of the localized prevailing wind patterns for our specific site, we have found very little changes in the South West Gulf Breezes during the year. We also determined the breezes to be more active in the later evening and have little obstructions as they come across Sarasota Bay.



Local shade studies present the need to provide shade for most of the year with a short period needed in accepting the sun’s solar heat gains in the early months of the fall.


Average Rainfall, (Source:


The water for our site is treated and piped 17 miles from Lake Manatee. This water source is shared with 3 other counties and is under constant strain due to the current and planned developments in the surrounded areas. Another water resourse offered to our site is the average 52” of rain it receives per year.




Looking to the Past

Current Advancements

Embracing Nature


Local Context

Master Plan Intervention

Neighborhood Intervention

97 98

The intervention of this immediate landscape is simply a reaction to the existing ecological edge presented. The existing man groves present within themselves the opportunity to create an intimate relationship with the less public residential units while the absence of such provides the proclaimed reaction needed for the more public. This honest approach to this coastal development leads to the arrangement of this 138-acre site with the more public based structures and spaces near the center and the residential homes to the North and South. The shared intermediate spaces between are used for recreational activities and an access point to participate in the intimate portions of the ecological edge.



At the center of this intervention rests the waterfront plaza and its accompanying hotels, apartments, restaurants, retail, and theatre. This nerve center grants access to mass transit, boat, car, and pedestrians and becomes a destination point for those within the community and afar.

101 Arterial Roads 102

The arterial roads furnish a link to the retail and recreational areas and creates an opportunity for the regional intersection providing the much-needed increase in vehicular connectivity to the Island of Longboat Key.

103 Bike and Pedestrian Paths 104

A series of multi-use trails allows one to navigate the site with reduced interaction with the main arterial roads. An elevated walk links the network of trails and traverses the main artery leading to and from Longboat Key.

105 Kayak Trek 106

Traversing a series of meandering kayak trails grants one access to participate within the edge ecology. A portion of the trek moves more inland allowing one to engage in the public plaza and its retail shops.




Looking to the Past

Current Advancements

Embracing Nature

Pursuing an answer

Local Context

Master Plan Intervention

Neighborhood Intervention



The diversity of water and land is set aside as one is emerged in the interface between the two. Participation within this coastal environment becomes an essential component to this neighborhood. Connections began to emerge as one feels the cooling effects of the salty breezes coming off Sarasota Bay. We dwell into the expansive views as one is seemingly perched above the tree line of the mangroves. The man groves only parting ways so one can participate in the intimacy of the ecological edge.



One truly feels a sense of place as they stroll along the tree lined paths woven throughout the neighborhood granting access to the shared open spaces, community centers, kayak launch, and wooden promenade jetting into the bay.





The housing types intermixed within the interlaced series of tree lined walks and defining the edges of the open spaces are designed to create a neighborhood with diverse family types. The fabric of these neighborhoods consists of detached (unit A), townhouse (unit B), and semi-detached (unit C) single family homes.



A chiller closed looped system will provide chilled water to each home from a centrally located unit. The neighborhoods pond will be used to absorb the heat generated by the chiller process.

The site uses detention basins to collect rainwater and directs it through underground pipes to the retention pond for use for such things irrigation



Lifting the occupied spaces of the waterfront units off the ground allows for natural breezes to flow beneath the units and across the entire neighborhood. Encouraging this movement of air, is the additional flow caused by the warming effect of the hot roads and the negative pressure it creates. The threestory units use their vertical circulation to catch these breezes at their lower level and provide a continuous path through the unit for the air to exit at the roof.



The roof on each unit can collect and store water in underground cisterns. This water will be used for irrigation, washing cars, and flushing toilets.



Bernoulli’s Principle

Each unit is developed to benefit from the movement of air from positive to negative pressures.

Stack Ventilation

The centrally located vertical towers allow air to be driven upward and out through convection.



Each unit will take advantage Florida’s yearly 251 days of sunlight with roof mounted solar panels resulting in a reduction in carbon emissions and electrical cost

The use of shading devices in each unit allow for a reduction in energy cost


128 Unit A I Detached Single Family I 3,600 sf

Placing the vertical circulation alongside the living spaces allows for an open floor plan and provides little obstruction to the breezes flowing through the home and provides the connection needed for vertical movement of air when breezes are absent.




1. Parking

2. Living Room

3. Dining Room

4. Kitchen

5. Master Bedroom

6. Bedroom

7. Office/Bedroom

8. Family Room

9 Roof Terrace



Much of the home rest beneath a canopy seemingly floating somewhere between earth and sky. This canopy provides a precisely defined place of inhabitation into which the prismatic brilliance of the sun, the cooling touch of the bay breezes, the smell of the salt in the air, the sound of the rustling leaves below is fused in an intimate experience with the coastal environment.



A merging of the interior and exterior spaces is achieved through the continuation of the homes horizontal planes through the large wall of glass to the surrounding exterior balconies. These floating planes only seem to stop as they meet the sky above and become perched on the mangroves below. One’s attention is not drawn to the surrounding surfaces, but instead to the surrounding natural beauty which becomes part of the house. The placement of the anchoring wall below provides privacy and protects the house from the cold northern winter winds and allowing the lower level to remain open to the views and cooling breezes during the summer..


136 Unit B I Single Family Townhouse I 2,800 sf

Placing the vertical circulation in the center of the structure allows for a direct connection with the sleeping and living spaces and the movement of air the tower provides while leaving little obstructions to the living space provided on each level.

137 ,



1. Parking

2. Living Room

3. Dining Room

4. Kitchen

5. Master Bedroom

6. Bedroom

7. Office/Bedroom

8. Family Room

9. Roof Terrace



The elevated canopy floating above roof top terrace provides a sense of intimacy and frames the views of lush coastal vegetation, blanketing across the water’s edge to the West and finds oneself among the tree tops overlooking views of the shared green space to the East.



The homes ground level extends into this shared green space with the placement of an anchoring privacy wall creating an outdoor living space and a true connection into the landscape. The interior common areas of the home expand outward toward the exterior with their horizontal planes seemingly only interrupted by the breathtaking burst of light and space of the double high living area one experiences as they enter the home.


144 Unit C I Semi-Detached Single Family I 2,500 sf

Placing the circulation in the center of the home allows for a direct connection with the sleeping and living spaces and the movement of air the clerestory and solar chimney provides.




1. Parking

2. Living Room

3. Dining Room

4. Kitchen

5. Master Bedroom


7. Office/Bedroom



The living space of the home extends to the exterior using large windows and deep overhangs capturing vegetated verandas truly emerging one into the exterior environment. These extended living spaces truly place one within the fabric of the neighborhood, nevertheless with a sense of intimacy needed in our everyday experience.



The low ceiling of the front veranda provides a covered passageway extending briefly into the entry providing a dramatic eruption of light and space as one enters the tall living room. The clerestory above seems to float atop the perforated ceiling, only grounded by the hearth of the home. The ceiling extends to the exterior providing an outdoor living space adjacent to the shared green space behind the home.


1:10 Basswood Model 152


Architecture, in its simplest form, protects man from the natural elements. This work has strived for a more harmonious relationship between man and nature. A cooperative architecture immersed within in an environment that can both be brutal and calm. It is nature’s ability to balance the diverse that drives this architectural endeavor which aims to coexist within the ecological edge of this coastal environment.

153 Bibliography

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154 Illustration Credits

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