Max Horkheimer | 144 pages | 27 Jun 2013 | Bloomsbury Publishing PLC | 9781780938189 | English | London, United Kingdom Eclipse of Reason () | The Embryo Project Encyclopedia

Eclipse of Reason is a anti- documentary video directed, filmed, and narrated by Bernard Nathansonwith an introduction by . Eclipse of Reason represented the argument that the fetus is human, and therefore abortion is murder. Therefore, Eclipse of Reason delivers the same message that abortion is murder, with similar imagery as its predecessor The Silent Scream ; however, to avoid the previous appropriation of language over imagery Eclipse of Reason asks it viewers to consider reason rather than using emotionally charged narration. Eclipse of Reason shows a late term abortion occurring sometime after the fourth month of pregnancy. The film focuses on the limbs of the fetus while in the womb then proceeds Eclipse of Reason show the abortion in graphic detail. Different women who have had and suffered harmful effects from the procedure give testimony later in the film. Nathanson concludes Eclipse of Reason with a montage of photographs that depicts his idea of opposing worlds, one filled with abortions and one without abortions. According to Newsweek, the film is "harder for critics to dismiss as Eclipse of Reason than Eclipse of Reason The Silent Scream. According to one set of critics Nathanson created a world of good pro-life versus evil pro-choicewhich directly opposed his intention of creating a film devoid of any sort of emotionally charged language. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For Eclipse of Reason book published insee Eclipse of Reason Horkheimer. Release date. Running time. This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. September Reason: The Argument of Eclipse of Reason. Feminist Studies. The Place of Emotion in Argument. Bernard Nathanson. Categories : films English-language films Documentary films about abortion documentary films Anti-abortion movement American documentary films Obscenity controversies in film American films. Hidden categories: All pages needing factual verification Wikipedia articles needing factual verification Eclipse of Reason March Template film date with 1 release date Articles to be expanded from September All articles to be expanded Articles using small message boxes. Namespaces Eclipse of Reason Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Bahasa Indonesia Edit links. DVD cover. Bernard Nathanson Charlton Heston. Ep. 36 – Max Horkheimer, Eclipse of Reason – Always Already Podcast

Skip navigation. Eclipse of Reason is a anti- abortion documentary film directed, filmed, and narrated by Bernard Nathanson, an obstetrician in the US. The film also featured the testimony of women who had suffered following similar procedures. In Eclipse of ReasonNathanson equates the fetus to a person, likening abortion procedures to murder and arguing for the illegalization of abortion. Both documentaries argued for illegalizing abortion Eclipse of Reason, which had been decriminalized in in the United Eclipse of Reason. Eclipse of Reason was one of the most influential films that garnered public attention to the abortion debate in the US during the Eclipse of Reason. Before making the film, Nathanson specialized in gynecology and , and he helped found and directed the National Abortion Rights Action League, then headquartered in , NY, from to Nathanson self-reported performing 60, abortions, until later in the s, when he began to argue against women's rights to have access to the procedure. InNathanson narrated a film titled The Silent Screamin which he discussed an abortion procedure as observed on a black and white ultrasound. While The Silent Scream focused on an abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy when the fetus was younger than thirteen weeks old, Eclipse of Reason instead focused on abortion procedures performed during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Eclipse of Reason begins with a brief narration by Charlton Heston, a Hollywood actor who opposed women's rights to legal abortions. In the introduction Heston claims that there are ten times more performed abortions than Eclipse of Reason surgeries, claiming that the media has failed to inform the public of the details of abortion. Heston prefaces the rest of the film, warning the viewers that they will witness death, but says that viewing such material can Eclipse of Reason viewers by decreasing their ignorance about the procedure. He concludes by labeling aborted fetuses as victims. Nathanson says that he changed Eclipse of Reason mind when new technologies like ultrasound enabled him to see fetuses in utero. Wade that ruled that women have the right to have abortions through the right to privacy under the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution. Nathanson discuses different types of abortions and then uses an anatomical model to describe steps in a late-term abortion. The film shows the inside of an actual uterus using a fetoscope to show a developing four-month old fetus. Nathanson begins by Eclipse of Reason the first step that involves dilating the cervix and then breaking the membrane surrounding the fetusthereby releasing the amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus. The Eclipse of Reason of the cervix Eclipse of Reason the insertion of forceps into Eclipse of Reason uterus to remove parts of the fetus. As in The Silent ScreamNathanson claims that the fetus can feel pain, contrary to the opinion of most doctors and to medical research. Nathanson also claims that around 7, serious complications occur annually with second and third trimester abortions. These complications include Eclipse of Reason hemorrhages, perforated uteruses, uterus infections, and emergency hysterectomies. The film then transitions to the testimonies of some doctors who ceased performing abortions because they said the procedure had negative moral implications. Next, an anonymous woman claims that after her abortionshe had uterine and intestinal damage. Another woman says she suffered psychologically as a result of seeing the remains of her aborted fetus and considered suicide. Both women report feeling deceived by medical practicioners, as they did not anticipate those ramifications arising from their abortions. The documentary concludes with a montage of photographs featuring terrorists, Ku Klux Klan members, Hiroshima victims, and starving children. Nathanson states that abortion is consistent with such imagery. The film then presents a contrasting montage of pictures that depict families. The ending of Eclipse of Reason generated controversy. Some critiqued Nathanson's use of of photos to imply that abortion equated to genocide. Many others argued that Nathanson's rhetorical techniques drew the attentions of viewers away from facts about abortion procedures and from issues of women's privacy. Regardless, the film fueled abortion debates through the end of the century. Keywords: Abortion. Eclipse of Reason Eclipse of Reason is a anti- abortion documentary film directed, filmed, and narrated by Bernard Nathanson, an obstetrician in the US. Sources Branham, Robert James. Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution. Givner, Jessie. Grimes, William. Nathanson, 84, Dies; Changed Sides on Abortion. Halfmann, Drew, and Michael Young. Lake, Randall A. Nathanson, Bernard. Eclipse Eclipse of Reason Reason. Motion picture. Directed by Bernard Nathanson. Nathanson, Bernard and Donald S. The Silent Scream. Pickering, Barbara A. Roe v. Printer-friendly version PDF version. Eclipse of Reason - Wikipedia

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh Eclipse of Reason try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Eclipse of Reason by Max Horkheimer. Eclipse of Reason by Max Horkheimer. Max Horkheimer was a leading figure in hugely influential Frankfurt School who highlighted the tyrannical aspects of our new rational cure. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published January 25th by Bloomsbury Academic first published More Details Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Eclipse of Reasonplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Eclipse of Reason. The mere prospect of reviewing Eclipse of Reason is rather terrifying. In this short yet dense book, Horkheimer Eclipse of Reason the distinction between subjective and objective reason. Subjective reason being concerned with ends, i. Then he traces the history of these seemingly antagonistic concepts an The Eclipse of Reason prospect of reviewing Eclipse of Reason is rather terrifying. Then he traces the history of these seemingly antagonistic concepts and their relationship to religion, the Enlightenment, and Industrialization. According to formalized reason, despotism, cruelty, oppression are not bad in themselves; no rational agency Eclipse of Reason endorse a verdict against dictatorship if its sponsors were likely to profit by it. Phrases like 'the dignity of man' either imply a dialectical advance Eclipse of Reason which the idea of divine right is preserved and transcended, or become hackneyed slogans that reveal their emptiness as soon as somebody inquires into their specific meaning. Eclipse of Reason positivists also seem to confuse science as a tool to reach the truth with the truth itself; moreover, since it is an element of the social process, it is not immune to changing social standards and the interactions of economic, technical, political, and ideological forces. Positivism turns a blind eye to the profound limits of the scientific method. When a justification is requested, when someone asks why observation is the proper guarantee of truth, the positivists simply appeal to observation again. In it, Horkheimer describes the relationship between man and nature as that of domination and repression; domination of man over external nature, which is then internalized as repression of man himself. Nature is viewed as a mere tool to be exploited. On the one hand, nature has been stripped of all intrinsic value or meaning. On the other, man has been stripped of all aims except self-preservation. He tries to transform everything within reach into a means to that end. Every word or sentence that hints of relations other than pragmatic is suspect. When a man is asked to admire a thing, to respect a feeling or Eclipse of Reason, to love a person for his own sake, he smells sentimentality and suspects that someone is pulling his leg or trying to sell him something. Instead of looking at the world with a critical eye, instead of trying to fight oppression and pursue truth, individuals find themselves compelled, from a very young age, to conform, to "willingly embrace or force themselves to accept the rule of the stronger as the eternal norm. However, the sense of repression remains, and expresses itself in a 'devious undercover life' or a desire to persecute, and this desire maintains the system that produces it. Political outcasts, eccentric religious sects like the German Bibelforscher, and 'zootsuiters' have taken the place of witches, sorcerers, and heretics; and there are still the Jews. Motion pictures, the radio, popular biographies and novels have the same refrain: Eclipse of Reason is our groove, this is the rut of the great and the would-be great—this is reality as it is and should be and will be. For all its bleakness, this book is crucially relevant to this day and age. There were numerous ideas and eye-opening observations that I couldn't go into in this review, so I highly recommend reading Eclipse of Reason for yourself. It will probably require some effort to get through, but it will be worth it, all the same. View 1 comment. In this important work, which explains the Frankfurt School doctrines, Horkheimer tries to answer the following question: The present potentialities of social achievement surpass Eclipse of Reason expectations of all the philosophers and statesmen who have ever outlined in Utopian programs the idea of a truly human society. Yet there is a universal feeling of fear and disillusionment. It seems Eclipse of Reason even as technical knowledge expands the horizon of man's thought and activity, his autonomy as an individual, his ability to resist the growing apparatus of mass manipulation, his power of imagination, his independent judgment appear to be reduced. Advance in technical facilities for enlightenment is accompanied by a process of dehumanization. Thus progress threatens to nullify the very goal it is supposed to realize the idea of man. He starts with an explanation of the Objective theory of Eclipse of Reason then he explains its decline and the rise of subjective reason, which he gives a few ideological examples for it until we reach pragmatism. He then explains the effects of the subjective reasoning on the individual and the society, then he ends with his solution to this problem. You can find my complete analysis on my Blog Apr 02, sologdin rated it really liked it Eclipse of Reason leftwing-theorywurstchen. A quiet little text, but probably Eclipse of Reason of Eclipse of Reason more significant foundational documents of the Frankfurt School, here by the most frankfurty of the bunch. Marcuse, Fromm, and Adorno are all more famous, but this guy captures Eclipse of Reason Frankfurt principle best, I think. Five essays. First is an argument regarding subjective and objective reason. This form of reason does not concern itself with analysis of Eclipse of Reason content or ends, but rather assumes that the ends are for the benefit of actor of the means. We might consider this to be substantive rationality, perhaps. The task of this essay is to lay out that process, wherein reason is subjectivized and formalized. Process starts with classical Athens, goes through Renaissance, Reformation, Enlightenment--good stuff, standard Frankfurt long view. To readers of Dialectic of Enlightenmentthe trajectory should be very familiar here. And if the foundations of objective reason erode? Dialectic of Enlightenment Other essays are interesting, but not nearly as tidy; they include critiques of positivism, pragmatism, Thomism, scientism. Neumann], because Eclipse of Reason feared that ever-increasing disillusionment [cf. The real individuals of our time are the martyrs [! Recommended for those who would attack general concepts, including the concept of the general concept, readers who express resistance to the threatening relapse into mythology and madness, and consummate supermen, against whom no one has warned more anxiously than Nietzsche himself. View all 4 comments. View all 3 comments. Feb 20, Kate rated it it was amazing Shelves: theorysocnonfictionown-physicalfavorites. How do you rate a theoretical work? I certainly don't know. Here's some of what I got out of it. In this book Horkheimer examines how reason, once used to identify societal goals such as truth, justice, and Eclipse of Reason, has become instead divorced from its objective roots and is now a subjective tool used to justify any particular means and ends regardless of their nature. In particular, Horkheimer wrote this book to address the actions of Third Reich Germany and how Nazism was able to make its genoc How do you rate a theoretical work? In particular, Horkheimer wrote this book to address the actions of Third Reich Germany and how Nazism was able to make its genocidal goals appear reasonable and therefore justifiable. Instead of using reason to organize and create society around ideals that we Eclipse of Reason meaningful, we now use reason to adapt to society as it exists and to make ourselves into as efficient cogs in the machine as we can be. Through rationalization, philosophical concepts have become streamlined and stripped of complexity, which is necessary to the discovery of truth. Truth can only be discovered through dynamic thought: complexity, contradiction, challenge. But truth is no longer Eclipse of Reason as an end in itself; rather functionality has become the dominating ideal of society. Subjective reason can be used to support ideologies of oppression just as easily as ideologies of progress. Differing forms of government become simply other patterns to which we must adapt, not question. Democratic arguments become unable to Eclipse of Reason totalitarianism because these arguments lack truth and call upon empty ideals. The paradox of progress is that technological advances can and Eclipse of Reason been used for both noble and dehumanizing, violent ends. Progress will not necessarily be a straight line towards "good" despite the fact that it is commonly conceptualized that way. The decline of religion in society coincided with the decline of objective reason.