European Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning Vol. 18 / No. 2 – 2015 DOI: 10.1515/eurodl-2015-0016 THE DEVELOPMENT OF DISTANCE EDUCATION SYSTEMS IN TURKEY, THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND SAUDI ARABIA Olaf Zawacki-Richter [
[email protected]], Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany, Yasar Kondakci [
[email protected]], Middle East Technical University, Turkey, Svenja Bedenlier [
[email protected]], Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany, Uthman Alturki [
[email protected]], Ahmed Aldraiweesh, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, Diana Püplichhuysen, University of Münster School of Business and Economics, Germany Abstract In many countries, open and distance education is perceived as a way to meet the growing need for higher education. This paper explores the development of online and distance education in three countries that are still a white spot on the landscape of international distance education research although they have implemented elaborated distance education systems: Turkey, Russia and Saudi-Arabia. In order to understand the current state of distance education systems in the three countries, their respective systems are described from a historical perspective, compared in regard to their organization, important institutions for open and distance education and current developments. This comparative analysis directs the focus on little investigated education systems and contributes to an enhanced understanding of their past, present, and future. Abstract in German In zahlreichen Ländern wird open and distance education mittlerweile als Weg gesehen, dem steigenden Bedarf an Hochschulbildung zu begegnen. In dem vorliegenden Artikel werden die Fernstudiensysteme der Türkei, Russland und Saudi Arabien analysiert; Länder, die trotz ihrer etablierten Systeme in diesem Kontext bislang wenig beforscht wurden.