PORT OF GIBRALTAR HANDBOOK 201011 PORT OF GIBRALTAR Gateway to the Mediterranean To advertise in this e-edition please contact Lester Powell at Land & Marine Publications Ltd. Tel: +44 (0)1206 752902 or Email:
[email protected] PoRt oF GiBRaLtaR Contents Port of Gibraltar Handbook 2010-11 Contents 2 FoReWoRd BY the ministeR FoR shiPPinG 3 intRodUCtion BY the ChieF eXeCUtive oFFiCeR 5 GiBRaLtaR PoRt aUthoRitY 43 CRUise What do we do? Gibraltar builds on its status as a Mediterranean cruise gateway 6 PoRt maP 45 YaChtinG 9 histoRY A haven of choice for international A long tradition as a maritime centre GIBRALTAR PORT AUTHORITY yachtsmen Port Offi ce, North Mole, Gibraltar 10 GeoGRaPhY 47 maRinas Tel: +350 200 46254 A Port able to provide valuable services Top quality marina and waterfront Fax: +350 200 51513 at global, regional and local levels facilities www.gibraltarport.com 13 inFRastRUCtURe 50 aiRPoRt A general outline of the Port Its international status gives a bigger infrastructure role to the Airport 15 CaRGo 51 statistiCs Cargo handling for the local market Port and shipping fi gures very positive 17 BUnkeRinG 53 diReCtoRY A supply of cost-eff ective fuel at the Port Authority contacts crossroads of shipping lanes A list of all Port Operator Licence This Port of Gibraltar Handbook 21 seRviCes holders is published by Land & Marine A one-stop support centre for shipping Publications Ltd on behalf of the 57 GiBRaLtaR naUtiCaL diReCtoRY Gibraltar Port Authority. 27 vts The new VTS is a key advantage for 59 NAUTICAL INFORMATION Special thanks to Tony Davis for ships and the maritime support sector kindly allowing us to reproduce his 60 SERVICES photographs of cruise ships and other 29 shiPYaRd vessels in this publication.