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POSTCARDS & PAPER COLLECTIBLES Cherryland Ronald D. Millard POSTCARDS & PAPER COLLECTIBLES Cherryland Auctions Mail Auction #245 Mail Auction Closing Date: November 10th, 2009 Index by Lot Number 1. Advertising 554. Holidays & 1196. Autos 76. Animals Greetings 1290. Aviation 85. Art Cards incl. Art Nouveau 678. Military 1335. Ships 91. Artist Signed 694. Native American History 1397. Trains 215. Black & White Photos 720. Novelty 1440. Misc. Transportation 227. Black History 757. Nudes & Risque incl. Ethnic 1476. U.S. Geographical by States 244. Cameras & Related 932. Pretty Ladies 1546. World Leaders 253. Children 973. U.S. Political & Presidents 1568. Worldwide by Country 260. Circus Related & Macabre 992. Patriotic & Propaganda 1615. Postcards by Topics 298. Expositions & Fairs 1006. W.W. I Propaganda 1659. Miscellaneous Paper 347. Famous People 1051. W.W. II Propaganda Collectibles 373. Fantasy 1109. Sports & Games 1676. Bulk Postcard Lots 455. Halloween & Easter Witches 1152. Stamp, Coin & Postcard 526. Santas & Krampus Related CHERRYLAND AUCTIONS RONALD D. MILLARD P.O. BOX 427 FRANKFORT, MI 49635 (231) 352-9758 AUCTION BIDDING Buying cards at auction is simple. Each auction is divided into many catego- ANNOUNCEMENTS ries always listed on the front page under the auction index. This can help you locate cards fast or you can read through the auction at your leisure. Dear Reader, Welcome to Auction #245. This auction will The lot descriptions can be read as follows: close 9:00 pm EST Tuesday, November 10th, Lot Number Number of cards in the lot. If no number, then he lot contains one card. 2009. Basic Category Brief Description We will be at the following postcard shows: 505. (47) John Winsch. mixed Holidays (1) Schmucker Thanksgiving. DB EMB G-F 25.00 This catalog is also available online where you Any significant card in the lot. can search and see large color images. Age of the card Southwest Michigan Postcard Club Show Method of printing October 10 - Kalamazoo, MI Condition of the card Online in our “Buy Now” Store a new selection My estimated bid, you can bid higher or lower of over 2000 postcards is offered for sale each Twin City Postcard Club Show month at up to 70% off. October 17-18 - Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN Once you’ve found the lot you wish to bid on, read the description and if Greater Chicago Postcard & Paper Show available, look at the photo, you can use the bid sheet on this page to place November 6-7 - Chicago, IL your bids, place bids by phone at (231) 352-9758, or bid online. When pos- York International Postcard Expo sible your winning bid will be reduced to a slight advance over the second Thank You, November 20-21 - York, PA highest. When the sale closes you will be notified if you were successful. Ron & Alec Millard DESCRIPTION OF LOTS VF - Very Fine: Near Perfect - not necessarily unused CHERRYLAND AUCTIONS F - Fine: Shows slight wear G - Good: Shows some wear with minor defect, not really affecting SALE #245 BID SHEET Closes 9 pm est Tues., Nov. 10th, 2009 the general appearance Email: Ronald D. Millard FR- Fair: Shows wear with defects affecting appearance Phone: (231) 352-9758 P.O. Box 427, Frankfort, MI 49635 Phone and email bids accepted. ABBREVIATIONS Please buy for me at your Auction Sale the following lots. The price listed is my limit for P - Pioneer (1893-98) cpr - Copyright each lot, it being understood that you will buy for me at as much below these prices as PMC - Private Mailing Card cof - Cancel on Face possible. I have read and agreed to the conditions of sale. (1898-1901) cr - Crease UB - Undivided Back emb - Embossed References Name _____________________________ (1901-1907) flt - Fault DB - Divided Back (1907-1915) ft - Face Thin 1. ________________________________ Address ___________________________ WB - White Border (1916-1930) m - Minor L - Linen (1930-1939) mb - Minimum Bid __________________________________ __________________________________ C - Photochrom (1939- ) sig - Signed 2. ________________________________ __________________________________ New Cont. - New Continentals st - Stain (Modern) th - Thin __________________________________ Signature __________________________ b&w - Black & White tr - Trimmed cor - Corner wof - Writing on Face Lot No.Bid Lot No.Bid Lot No.Bid BIDDING INCREMENTS Up to $20.00 - $.50 $100.00 - $200.00 - $5.00 $20.00 - $40.00 - $1.00 $200.00 - $400.00 - $10.00 $40.00 - $100.00 - $2.50 $400.00 - $1,000.00 - $20.00 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The price listed after each lot is our suggested bid and should be used only as a guide. 2. All bids are per lot as numbered. We reserve the right to withdraw or group any lots prior to sale. 3. In case of tie the bid sheet first shall prevail. 4. Successful bidders, unless they are known to us or supply acceptable references, are expected to make payment in full before the lots are delivered. 5. Any lot, the description of which is incorrect, is returnable within 5 days of receipt. 6. Michigan residents will be charged 6% sales tax where applicable. 7. All lots remain the property of Cherryland Auctions until they are paid for in full. 8. The placing of a bid shall constitute acceptance of the foregoing conditions of sale. Name 9. All bids must be received by the closing day. Address 10. The cost of postage etc. will be charged to the buyer plus two of $15.00 dollars for handling and Mail Insurance. City Sate ZipCHARGE YOUR PURCHASE or more. Credit Card # CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED I am always accepting consignments for future sales. Mastercard Visa Exp. Date Please call (231) 352-9758 or write to me, P.O. Box 427, Frankfort, MI 49635 for details. Card Holder Signature Date You can also send me an email: Advertising & Related 1. Large Size 8 by 4 1/2 inch Piece 2. Legal Size Cover Adv. G. G. 3. Illust. Cover Adv. Battle Creek 4. Large Size 8 by 4 inch Postcard 5. Large Early U.S. Card 7 by 10 Folded and Mailed 1920, Illust. Conn Instruments, Elkhart, Ind. Sanitarium, Michigan, used same Adv. 1908 Musical, “The Mimic 1/2 Inch, 3 part Folded, Adv. Adv. Delaval Cream Separators, w/ Illus. Enclosure, used same 1906 incl. Illust. Insert m edge World”, colorful w/ Illust. on back English Woolen Mills Co., w/ Great Piece F .. $80.00 1926 opening faults .. $20.00 tear F-VF .. $15.00 F .. $50.00 Cancel missing one piece cor cr F .. $20.00 6. Novelty Adv. New York City, 7. Red Illust. Adv. Harrison, 8. U.S. Gov’t Postal Card w/ red 9. Illust. Lion on U.S. Gov’t Postal 10. Color Adv. Refund Cigar, Given Weber’s Music Hall, Mechanical, Bradford & Co. Pens, On U.S. Illust. Adv. Northwestern Cutter Card # UX5 , Adv. Practical by Voegele & Dinning Co., Omaha, Die Cut Girl Pops Up When Card Gov’t Postal Card # UX 3, unused Works, w/ Badger Seat Awning, Furrier, St. Louis, Missouri, used Nebraska, on 1¢ McKinley U.S. is Folded DB F-VF .. $125.00 1870’s VF .. $50.00 Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, Used same 1881 F .. $30.00 Gov’t Postal Card #UX18 VF Same 1880 F-VF .. $50.00 $25.00 11. Illust. On U.S. Gov’t Postal 12. Poster Adv. Barra Tannery & 13. Poster Adv. Philips Radios, Art. 14. W.W. II era Japanese Poster 15. German Travel Adv. Poster Card # UX 27, Adv. Texas Maid Glove Manufactory, Naples, Italy, Sig. Rene Vincent, Great Card Adv. Nails, Powerful Design ser., “Winter In Germany”, Art. Vegetable Oil, San Antonio F- Art. Sig. Mauzan, Great Card near VF .. $50.00 crease VF .. $40.00 Sig. F-VF .. $20.00 VF .. $10.00 VF .. $75.00 16. German Travel Adv. Poster 17. Travel Poster Adv. Pisa 18. Poster Style Adv. Excursions 19. B&W photo Adv. Roger’s 20. B&W photo Adv. Panella Gas ser., “Spring In Germany”, Art. Nettuno Hotel, Italy DB m cor cr en Bretagne, Art. Sig. DB cor Silverware Co., w/ Salesman, used Fire, Architect Austen Hall, British Sig. F-VF .. $20.00 F-VF .. $20.00 wear F .. $15.00 1909 few m flts .. $65.00 pub. 1920’s - 30’s F .. $20.00 21. Adv. Quaddy Toys, “Spotty the 22. Dental Related Adv. 23. Dental Related Adv. 24. French Art. Sig. G. Camps, 25. Medical Related Adv. Turtle”, Used 1917 but missing Toothpaste w/ Elves & Fairy Tale Toothpaste w/ Elves & Fairy Tale Very Attractive Card w/ BYLA - Laboratoires Mialhe, Paris, For stamp DB m cof & m cor cr F- Related, German pub. ser. 54 No. Related, German pub. ser. 54 No. Paris Blood Elixir Adv. on Back, Stomach Pain m edge cr F-VF . VF .. $75.00 18, Great Card UB near VF 19, Great Card UB near VF non p.c. back VF .. $30.00 $30.00 $120.00 $120.00 26. Medical Related Poster Style 27. Adv. Optometrists, Drs. 28. Adv. Cantrell & Cochrane 29. Adv. Schuster’s Brewing Co., 30. Adv. Fremy Fils Cherry Adv., “Hemostatique Erce”, Paris Brunings & Moreno, La Mesa, CA, Ginger Ale, Dublin & Belfast, Art. Rochester, Minnesota w/ Malt and Whisky, Chesky, British pub., Art. Laboratories near VF .. $20.00 w/ Owl L F-VF .. $10.00 Sig., w/ Couple In Sailboat DB m Hop Liquid Food and Lager Beer, Sig., used 1912 DB m cor cr F- cor wear F-VF .. $65.00 color DB few cor creases F VF .. $40.00 $50.00 31. Adv. Waukesha Brewing Co., 32. Tri-Part Card Adv. Four Roses 33. Adv. Bacardi Rum, U.S. pub., 34. Adv. Bottle Stoppers incl. 35. Adv. Looks Like Billboard, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, color DB Whiskey, w/ Tear Off Order P.C., Historical Scene - Defenders of Skulls, Allentown, Pennsylvania Leroux Cordials, Delaware Valley m cor wear F .
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