(Iowa City, Iowa), 1950-04-19
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Hawks Lose, 6-2 , Bradley uilivel'1!-ity defeated. Iowa, 6-2, Weather m the aecond home baseball qame of MOIU,. oloutl1, .·IIHb aDd ' the HGaon Tuesday aftemoon. Iowa's cooler toda1. ,T,nanclaJ. ieveD errors contributed to the defeaL ftJr. lIl1h ~"r, n:: le:w.• , Bradley coUected seven hits off Pitchers al. Hl&'h Tueada,., 61: low George Schamberger and Glenn Drahn. al It. " (Story, Page 4) Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto, vP Leased Wire - Five Cents Aoplogies Demanded 'by U~S. u.s. CQlleges Must . ~ Revamp Ideas, Says !for '. Reds' Attack on Plane Min.nesota Educator WASHINGTON (UP)-The United States charged Russia CH[CAGO Ill'! - American col Tuesday with shooting down an unarmed American navy plane leges don't have too many stu over the Baltic sea, and demanded indemnities, apologies and dents. a prominent educator said punishment of the Soviet fliers responsible for the "unprovoked" Tuesday, put "too many stUdents are in the wrong pIRce~" for their .ttack. special abilitie"S and interests. The finn U.S. stand in one of the gravest incidents of the Alfred L. Vaughan, assistant dean of the l(eneral collelle. Uni cold war was spelled out in a versity of Minnesota, predicted :~- Maki~g Pigs of Themselves note delivered to the Soviet that colle!(es and universities will Runaway Heiress FRAl'JKLIN, TENN. (IP) - Drunken swine littered the .f1oor forel~ office in Moscow by Am have to "revamp" their ideas to ba!sador Alan G. Kirk,. Weds Latin Lover meet increased enrollmllnts and wheD revenUe agents raJded a moonshine whisky still ncar here It held Russia accountable for changing student needs. J...onda) the.lives of 10 American crewmen NEW YORK Ill'! - Joyce Irene The colleli!es will have to help I Fedefal alcoitol 'tax agent Oscar Crowell said a sow and her lit or.. four-engined navy Privateer Green, 18, beautiful blue-eyed ~tudents find their "propel: places" ; ter of pigs were "m drunk they couldn't walk." and offer studie~ that strike a ,atrol bomber which vanished Ap heiress to a $10-million c~ain They'r,t ,C1r",cd themselves on maSh. WASHINGTON Ill! .- p'o8~'ds ril 8 on a flight over the Baitic store fortUne, and Juan Cuevas, haopier medium "between strictly Three mel! were charged with Illegal manufacture of whisky. technical training and general ed tel' General Jcsse M. : DonJl~dlion sea, And it bluntly dismissed a her Lalin lover, were married in Tuesday maiL Russian protest of April 10 that ucational backJP'ound," he said. order~ dlll!~lfl North CaroUna on Monday morn to city residenUal dl~tricts- cut to the U.S. plane was flying over ing, the brMe's father announced "There won't be so man" young one a day and ' decreed other dt... ; Soviet L~tvia when it was inter 'I'uesday night. people with knowledge of their ~pgilJi ~er. .' 'Lied lor Love; tic redueUons of postal serv\ce JO' own occupational fields and little cePted by 'Red alrforce fighters. Harold L. Green said he had take eUcct by July 1. ,'.' ARerilo, that the defenseless called off the search for his run. else. And fewer will be graduated away daughter after a phone call with a broad cultural background His action followed , e<!nkr~o~. A.erlean plane was blasted out al demand$ for ecooPm.t measures " tile sky while It was fly In, from the newlyweds revealing and no special skill," he said. P'ldtte~ Death of Family Vaughan said n panel of edu to cut down op' the po~tdtL~ (t~ ... ver the open sea" ILnd no that they were on their honey- , LOS ANGELES (UP) - Aircraft Engineer John H. Grant partment's huee annuli I operating nere near Russian territorY, moon. ciltors at the National Conference on Higher Education here decided deficit. , .~ \be note sternly warned there Gre~n said the couple were told pretty Stewardess Elizabeth Suomela, "a pack of lies" to keep In the deplIrimcnt·s bi~wec!kl'y ..., be "no repetition, under married in Nashville, N.C., and that "college education is not tor their lOllIQ.nce alive, he said .Tuesday, while he plotted the deaths "were planning to spend their the few but for everyone who is bulletin to aU postt;J;l8$tcrs. · 'oOrI wIIatever pretext, of ' incidents willing .a nd able." of hiS wiEo' and children in an airplane crash. aldsorl also said tbat as ' m~ny 01 thiJ kind." honeymoon somewhere in the "I never CaVe a thought to the ------------- postolfices as possible put south." ' Students who go to college for Will ~ The Russian note chargcd that the social life, athletics or extra other passenl:ers on the planc," on a live-day week, re.mIl1ph",: • "B-29 type" American bomber Green had been searching fran drllnt tolq 'pOllce who questioned , closed all day Sa turday afld SUn- tically lor his teen-aged daughter curricular activities have as much "violated" the borders of RUssian right to be there as individuals him on his' plot to blow up the Accused Freshman day. ' .;: Latvia. When Soviet fighters or·· since Frid~y when she ran away alrlln.er w1th 16 persons aboard. from a fashionable girl,s' school in who go , for vocational or intel ". PO"naasters were IDak1lotctl dered the plane to land, the So ,.JaIl1 I."" .. u Photo by .Iaok Orr:'" Massachusetts and telegraphed lectual pursuits, they decided. Grant denied his scheme t:> Cancels Registratio,n to bgin . &he reduction In "~~7 viets said, it fire~ at them and "A young person can gain pOisE' place an incendiary bomb in the vice a' onu. and to ooJllid6&e Ih,en dlsappc:ared over the sea him that she and Juan were plane MOIld.iy. was linked with eloping to Canada. and balance from college social Mr. and Mrs. 'kaise Cane' Geoffrey L. Hess, Iowa City, all ehan,es within "I~ , onaIia when 'Its fire was returned. and extra-curricular ,iife that will h.1S p~9,mlsf to marry Miss S,uo charged with the water glass two and one. half _D~.\ :.:i. 'But the state department blunt- make him a happier person, much CANES FOR THE MR. AND MRS, ,are carried by Mr. ~nd 'Mrs_ !"9qli. !I111s(J.01} !I$ he was free from slashing of a high school student The cutback was prom'ptly d~. ly rejected that version and said 3, J32 Votes Cast more capable of malting a fine Robert H. Diehl, both seniors in the .. oJlle,ti of law. The tradltlon.' hIS. wl~e. I I. ;. • in a local cafe early Sunday. clln-' nounced by pt.CSI WHlilim , C. .~ t1O'.. h,c: ,lJ,nited Staes "confidently ex- • contribution to SOciety ," Vaughan bllLck cane which senior JILW students must carry until Supre~'; I ·TM '·: gol~e!\ .-: ha,ired stewardess, celled his registration Tuesday at herty of the !l{atioodl Ass.Qc'"&ti'oJl Court day, April 27 , was .. :ven IL .~emlnlne truch by ,Mrs; Dleh,t J)CC1s" that the Soviet government For CIty Manager explained. Sflld hl?wever. ;, tlia t .a lew hours SUI, where he was enrolled as of Letter Carrl~r~ . ( ,A~) ' .. i:'a when she tied a ribbon to her wa~ln, stick. The Dlehls-.hope' t, before . the .. bomb plot was dis a liberal arts. freshman. ra~ o( the postal service: ' ,' l, will:' . I 0(.' • (.1 open a ,eneral law ortlce somewheJ,'e In Iowa' alter theJr .Ju~e; cbvered Cl\'Jitl~ drove her to work M.L. Huit, counseUor to men in :::Express, its regret for the un- I A total of 3,.132 votes were cast grlLduaHon. "We wal1t to mlLke certain we arc I:'Jth on the .saJbe He said the \lnilln ~ has aslt.Cii lVld, SQld' h~ eXpCcted to ,have his the office of Student Affairs, said the )lenllte postotflce comrnlttejj ~ ib' laWful ,and provocative behavior here Monday 10 favor of Iowa GOP to Get Bigger Side In law suits," Mrs. Diehl remarked. ;" ,.. rhai'lt~l el)tafiglementS cleared up or'its ' ~ viators . " City's adopting the city manager Hess voluntarily withdrew his take steps to block "tl1ll\ 6rivas}Il,(. ,:'... 1 that 'atte'rt'loOn. : registration for "personal" reasons. in~, ill • advised and unJ1Cc~.~~ " "See 10 , I( that those respOD- form.of govern~ent, according to , Grail! r~pc"tecl In his statement Foreign Policy ~ole Before Hess could be re-admU order." t , " '" :' ,.~, .; ~ lillie for thl. action are prompt- the fmal offiCial count of the tp P9llce , i~ltt Miss Subr,nela had Ij ... ~verely punished;" ballots Tuesday by City Clerk WASHINGTON (,lP)-President ted to SUI, Huit said, he would The house , recenUl" ~Ji~~' a rio part III /Ilo~vatlng his plot. have to meet with a disciplinary . h bl" ed George J. Dohrer. Truman moved to heal the angry Bogus' Money Ring SmasHed ~:: He said HiB only thought in plan blJl to raise Postal fat on ;W8t 1'ln'llccor d ance wit est~ Ish Altogether, 5,417 votes were I , committee or the dean ot students. political breach in bi-partisan for Iiine to blow ,up the airliner was cards, parcel pqst lind. secOlld . e~a~ custom amon,g pea~e - l?vlOg ~a- cast on the city manager issue. BUFFALO, N.Y. (UP)-Two men identified by secret' ser; eign policy . Tuesday with a sol '0 collect $25.000 insurance on his The 28-year-old freshman was matter. The aim wlls .to .brlnl(, in UOIIS, pay appropriate Inde~nJty Of these, 2,285 opposed the plan's ". " emn pledge to give Republicans vjce agel1ts as leaders of a $500,000 bogus money ring, we~e f~milY.