The Ledger and Times, April 4, 1958
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Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 4-4-1958 The Ledger and Times, April 4, 1958 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, April 4, 1958" (1958). The Ledger & Times. 3286. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • . _ . APRIL 8, 1958 I. Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper First ... Largest with Circulation In Local News The City and Largest Circulation In LocatPictures The County IN OUR 79th YEAR Murray, Ky., Friday Afternoon, pril 4, 1958 MURRAY POPULATION 10,100 Vol. LXXIX No. 81 "1"! 1 The J. H. Churchill i 14 Funeral Home DistMctive Order • A.• • Tlha J. H. Chau:chill Funeral 19c Sweeps Meeting 3 nit'. his been awslpteO into MODERN ROAD EQuipmENT kresen es the Ordew 1 the ,Gelden Rule. The affika- was made p etible by the The Murray Training FFA ter; Public Spealeng, Jimmy tvroten 3pprsavel of a number chapter got :op honors yesterday 1 hompson. Murray Training; Im- la-cat perearts whoa- were con- 59c at he Purchase FFA Day by promptu Speaking, Robert Scott, tacted c..ncerning the insegrity, xinning eight district contests. Fuleham; Community , Dairying, and profceicitial e_endtirclis at Ministerial The Murray chapter, under the Ballard Memorial Chapter; To- the Frm. • Hunter Love Association Holds $'22 082 Worth Of Machinery eadership of president Larry bacco, Albert Lee Yaies, Carlisle Funeral dirsatens believing to ' Sui er and advisor Leroy Eld- Couniy; Hay Crapa, J. A. Rudd, ,Meeting Wednesday edge, picked up winners in the Livingston Cenral; Corn, Wayne .171tasrpella itItied ireZeOrt In Charge Of Purchased This Week By Court follewing -cantests, corn, tome Ezeil, Murray Training; Home h. ti Sean'zaticn. The 'C>rder has Wednesday ning at 11:00 improvement, hogs, beef, chapter Improvement, Charles Byers, the Murray Min:Aerial Aesscia Hiram mamba:hip vahich kteraliy use Tucker secretary, :reesurer and scrap- Murray Training; R.E.A., Robert tie n held its masethly meeting in The 0,1"., way Pleat Court 'tie fees itom and f bids on -strends rtsd the weed, and Program Lay Member and Chairman book, and public speaking. Smith, Livingston Ceneal; Farm tench been in exietence fur he F.: Mo.h.kitot Chtarph on mole puirtiv..sias cf :sad equip- the truCks. Robert Scott of Fulgharh, Pur- Methanies. Doug:as • M sore, F then a qu'aetc-r of a con- Maple Steeet. ment this week ametenting to ,Tudige_ 5393 burn said that a chare Dioriet FFA president pre- (Continued on Page Three). testy. The members et the -isasioeiss- $22,028l. accost-ding te County total .cf $2700 was raved on iff•• eded over the meeting. He was A epakrmen for the Order . ,n heard the rep,et of the Jurigs Waylion Rayburn. ail the eqaipmerat by the coun- EE assisted by Bruce Harrison, Husband Of Local iald lhel St c n-idered a gee- erne-es -ne crommetee and caleot - Ail the purehrises will be paid ty's ti ng able to pay oath. The Heath chz:rman cf .he •.i.. -0.'reeti f r a tentinel efficeni Slaneeetring nee. C r in ca -h. Rayeura said. ;elect county had ne t traideins to offer Girl for z. Jar accat• anal agr;cullure teachers Taking Course ditecter to be admitted to the .sam T. 15..1133.i, reser of teccer-O a ern-la:etal sav- .n he new eqthpment. ind Will'am Cherry, H es- FS nee enly :- n? funeral J -tin's Episcopal Clherth, ing in he purcbraae price. Rey:au-tr. said that the treader Ole, area .... perviscr. ineese f m :ny t•- WIS can be she pi sei.doni, and A H ugh model HG paelead- woad delivered Menday • see • .'ci Rein or. e s ere very A. i's.rwICr, mirsi af the er teat perthesed f rom. the and the ;Tucks in two to three Conte:. winners wha. will rep. eal Baptte Church, was Pe-tale Mac41:nc ry Sleepily 0o. weeks. • -ft t '• '. and pain.t re en. the Peachase PTA Si/Ulric. l'ut capeelatry.. high ethical ha ta se ve as secretary - • I Issafiamh and E.. ar.tville at l'he bounty now has an im- n , he Siete finaia a - S.. • ;vile .a. aurer. 3 0" .".' .f %11.805. Th. mach:ne ;rc eive array of read eget:p- lone 4, during ,he 2ath State 1 mber sr, tba. Poen we' made at .he meet- - a f. rst crid ,Seta Saar e-n rubber m:Ina wi h :he nerrie perthased .'A, Um en len are: Chaber Order in y ase far a pt-.teak e. pies te be ' rte. wh ch is •• used to 1 o a d.,i.ema added - to the lineup. eSny. Ballard Memorial Chap- It hias three, C by sn era' ri's sym lp 3 1, Socold at :h.; ihr:s tan gravel Oita trucks. 14 has a 'he patrol i,r3ders; . tie p driver, - c sts at an arneeed c.n Apr.: 18 far t h e bird cubic foot .capraci- one bulldezer, :ad there sel 'hi sot th rt ied ,e: to who m:nia, and f ty bucket and toes an 84 It -roe trucks. The n e w epee sei p.wr gasie. nailtr. I. tat end Sader arid hree new Seal web It eieble hand . a A dEsteuessen on pane rela- Easter. rs*s will give 41Seld bier•ras th in COI af the The in ye oriee includes $100 the county tions was led by silernes Me- :mete e quinine 3ed :et 'Service Mr-a:Aired not heiteer tires. -re-with -which to - A y A N's-,h. b.; *ins :seep ecanty leo& . but by • GOLDESt ThrSe Chevrciet 2-ton trucks in ga. cen- Raises a- the meeting. He has it: n. Sale I - x cylinder, were purchased E.'"Lp b= ,lo ft hand the „ in Murray this week se-Sethi: yeses a cevaven from the flektemb evtrolet sward, :aking daily-. at the First 1 Rayburn scid that the county ss if et. signify C".411r y Then truclos hiavg a h:s reaeires to :hi 2n Church .n connection t had been paytag one dellar per $440 Thus Far 'elend lb: heti principle.; Wheel 141,2 in -he's and Verne 1‘. y e in- h the hunireir anniverse7 Sed ti.:r le leading ef • gravel. esSbed us; e the Hunter Lova I cant $3 347.77 each • or a total Hunter la e wa • in charge an:Aeration there. l'h s man will be s..'d, he Lay Member and,V ce-Chairman cf $10 277 sl. The E-etcr Seals deve in Cal- f th • pr gem s at the Reid, and also the esun y w.11 H Owen, Paul T. Lyles, Ate! Aare.- trucks are eqthpped :, way C trey hoe :need $44000 Murray }leery Club, and shov- lie in a more convenient poai- da.'1., C.l. W5ynes-116. Pickels, Ilewterd Ns.clh3iS, WiTriasn Thames w. h dump beds end have four , . nao • h. canner nes had Raymond C. Leeson ed a fi'm by the East- eissaserran ef the V asei deve has Wiedmen In Charge and Orval Athein were minist- Lee ash! casiacety. I to kad t: ethes at the lease:Ai CAMP LISJEUNE, N. C. man K k Company. ar. .theed. ers present for the meat Mg. Plve bleb w'.re receiVed on (Continued on Page (FHTNC--Attencling a 12-we. Customer Relations The Lisp, en ..led, "Pile Magtc - Throe) oariapa•gpa. which closes The supply course at Camp Lejewit • x lit Rtmebers" depicted providee.tunda foe care Aprisl 6. N. C., is Marine le L. aymend I .n.k. H. Wiser-nee hn.; been 'he tie ea-opine:et of the camera tree tinent of crespEed chid- :led C. Leiser, son of Arthur J. Custemer Rela.tons the early bulky apparatus, sber, .4tentuoky SectadV gar Articlei Writteni By Mrs. Hart is Printedi Litser• f 54'5 Yarnell, 37. LAIL for the Paducah Ms- the ne dein cempact 133STIeS11 " w o r Cr.ppled Children. Lace year Museend husband of he former tr.o, ef the Southern Bed Tele- eh•ch arneene can use. servile Shal S eet) lave dltrigh MISS Le'ii8 M. Stem cf Murray,- ph- ne and Telzgraplh Cernpany The 111 m. in teohnte.lor, e 3.066 pier-Om-Ey handicapped Ky. repiracing the Sate C. E. Hughes, he yew{rs wn In April Issue Of lienturly PTA Bulletin reunite, ers. Befete entering the service in it wets announced to-day by B hrseerjh years, to the easy Growth- and ai— .of hoer:roes November 1954, he graduated - teentinued on Page Threat mmen•a4 whosch mile be Mr Cies/axe Hart. state -high ,:n and grouping .rt.asc.i 'AS - hospital and from Murray Slate College and soineaSnsed I - day. S_me parts schro: iertece chrsirmen of the ace "akeit t re sac offered erre by the So- St. Louis University. tat L:rn alsa tow the Kentucky Parent-Teacher Aeao- This in desirable, but ti"fficelt ciety doubly impertent make it The 420-hour course, which -emcees are cone ruceed a n d riot!:.n wrote- an at" iele which - in a emelt high i-chael.