Surrey. [Kelly's

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Surrey. [Kelly's 2'14 KEW. SURREY. [KELLY'S Kew HuusP, a seat of the Capel family, was rented by Frederick, ' PUBLIC ES'l' ABLISHMENTS. Prince of Wales, and occupied by his widow, the Princess Kew Toll House (Port of London Authority), Henry Jamt-s Dowager, mother of Gc.>orge III.; it is now appropriated Arnold, collector, Riverside in suitc.>s of apartments to persons nominated by t.he King. Volunteer Fire Brigade (Percy Keene, chief officer), Station Cambridge Cottage, a plain mansion of brick, on the weRt side Kew road ' of the green, is the property of the trustees of H.R.H. the PUBLIC OFFICERS. late Duke of Cambridge K.G. (d. 1904). Sir John Puckering. Assistant Overseer, Assessor & Collector of King's Taxes for keeper of the great seal to Queen Elizabeth, and Sir Peter Richmond, Kew & Petersham, Alfred William Bowden, J.ely, the eminent painter, both lived for some time at Kew, Dome buildings, The Quadrant, Richmond as also did Stephen Duck, poet and thrP.shcr; M. Niepce, :\fedical Officer. Kew District, Lione.l Cottingham BurreD .J senr. the original discoverer of photography,- reside:l here in M.~., M.ll. .356 K ew roa.u- 1827. T he land chiefly belongs to the Crown. The King is Public Vaccinator, Kew & North Sheen nistrict, Richmond lord of the manor. The area is 292 acres of land, 5 of um · on, E rnes t L e F evre p ayne M. a.c.s. 'R:ng., L.R.C.P.LOn d. , water, 32 of tidal water and I5 of foreshore; rateable value, L.S.A. 282 Kew road £25,209; the population of the civil parish in I90l wa.s 2,699 and in I9ll, 2,806. PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services. The population of the ecclesiastical parishes in 19ll wa9, Parish Church of St. Anne, Kcw Green; Rev. William Henry St Anne (parish church), 4,203 and St. Luke, 5,224. Bliss M.A., Mus.lla<'. vicar; Rev. Alfred Ogilvy 11.A. curate; ll a.m., 3.30 & 7 p.m. summer months; 6.30 p.m. from By an Order in Council, gazetted May 14, 1912, part of Michaelmas to Ea.o;;ter; children's service & baptisms, St. Mary, M:ortlake, ecclesiastical par~h containing at the second sun. in each month at 3.30 p.m. ; wed. & fri. 12 census of 1911 a. population of 1,397, was transferred to a.m. & 6 p.m. ; saints' days, ll a.m. & 6 p.m St. Anne ecclesiastical parish and by the same Order a St. Luke's, The Avenue, Rev. George Edward Catlen, vicar; further part of St. Mary, llortlake, ecclesiastical parish, holy communion, 7, 8 & IO a.m. or I2.15 p.m.; matins, with a population of 1,809, was transferred to St. Luke ll a. m. ; 3 p.m. (children's service); evensong, 7 p.m.; ecclesiastical parish. holy days, H. C. 7 & 10.30 a.m. ; matins, daily 9.30 a..m.; Parish Beadle, George Vin er, 55 Gloucester road. evensong, daily 5.30 p.m Branch Office, Post, M. 0. & T. 0. & Telephonic E. D. Office, Our Lady of Loreto & St. Winefride, Catholic, Leybourne Kew Gardens. Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; deliveries 7 & 8.15 park, Rev. Peter Kirk & Rev. John Lee s.M. priests; a..m. & 12.30, 4.30 & 8.45 p.m. ; box cleared, 5.15, 7.30, 8.15 mass, 7.30, 9 & 11 a.m. ; benediction, 4 & 7 p.m. ; holidays & I0.30 a.m. & I2 noon & 12.15, 12.30, 2.15, 3, 3.45, 4.15, of obligation, mass 8 & lO a.m.; daily mass, 8 a.m.; 5, 6, 8.45 & 10.45 p.m.; sundays, 6.5, 8.10 & 9.30 p.m rosary & benediction, wed. 8 p.m.; fri. of Lent, 8 a.m Town Sub-Post, l\1. 0. & T. 0. & Telephonic E. D. Office, Wesleyan Methodist, Cambridge road (Richmond Circuit); Kew green.-Mrs. Elizabeth Torry, sub-postmistress, Rev. J. Willis Britton (supt.); Rev. William J. Brown, Deliveries from Kew Gardens office at 7 & 8.30 a.m. & 12.30, supernumerary; ll a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; tues. 8 p.m 4.30 & 8.45 p.m.; box cleared. week days at 4.45, 7.45 & PUBLIC ELE"UIE~"'TARY SCHOOLS. 9.45 a.m. & I2 noon, 2.30, 4.30, 5.45, 8.15 & 10.I5 p.m.; sundays, 5.45, 8 & 9.20 p.m. Telegraph office open from The King's (~enior & junior mixed), founded in I820 & entirely 8 a. m. to 8 p.m. week days only rebuilt in I887, will hold 239 children; average attendance, 230 ; this school has an endowment of £31 lis. lid. yearly, from Lady Ca.pel's charity, consisting in part of an esta.te ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS. called "Perry's Court," at Preston, near Faversham, in I" u G LE M • ., Lieu t .-Col . SIT. D aVI'd p ram· . .w.•• s , c .J.U• • , o• ., .~, .lll. • 11 • , Kent, & £8 lis. from Jonao;;' charity, arising from invest. F.R.s., LL.D., F.R.S.E., F.L.S. director; A. W. Hill F.LS. ments in Consols; Herbert G. Edney A.C.P. master assistant director; 0. Stapf Ph. D., F.R.s. keeper of Infants' (mixed), for I32 children; average attendance, 59; herbarium; W. Watson A.L.s. curator of the gardens; W. Mrs. G. F. M. Ransley, mistress J. Bean, assistant curator; J. 1\f. Hillier, keeper of the St. Luke's (mixed), Sandycomb~:: road, accommodation for museums ; L . r..." Boodle F .L . 8 . G eorge Mas s ee F •L.S • N . E . ll4 children; avera1e~ attenda•1ce, ll4; Mrs. 1\'Ia.ry Shipp, Brown A.L.S. & C. H. \Vright A.L.S. assistant keepers; R. mistress; (infants'), accommodation for HO children; average A. R oIf e A.L.S. J ,J~man,A'k \xr,, . N • w·u1n, S. A. Skan, T . A. attendance, 7l; :Miss Julia Kate Fenner, mistress Sprague, F.L.S. A. D. Cotton F.L.s. J. H. Holland Railway Station, Kew Gardens, W. Helyer Cheesman, sta.tion F.L.s. W. Dallimore, Misses J. J. Clark & E. M. Wake- master field F.L.s. assistants ; J. Hutchinson, assistant for Tropical Carriers to London.--London Parcels Delivery Co. Limited, Africa; W. G. Craib, assistant for India, Kew Green 1 Carter, Paterson & Co. Limited & Pickford.s Ltd Marked t~ms t receive thPir letter~ through Barclay Alex. John, 2 West Park gardens Biddlecombe Thomas, 46 Priory road Richmond. Barker Mrs. 59 Priory road BigJar Mrs. 2 Beechwood avenue PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Barnes Mrs. Clifford, 26 The Avenue Bisgood G. C. 2 Cumberland road Adams Paul, 50 Mortlake road Barrabell ?rim. 21 Bushwood road Bisgood Joseph J. 250 Kew road Adams Ralph Gordon, 6 Leyborne park Bll.rratt Mr;:~. 28 Lawn crescent Bishop Mrs. 290 Sandycombe road Aikman John, 9 West Park gardell8 Barrow Claude, 9 Priory road Blackmore Harold, 27 Defoe avenue tAlcock Mrs. 16 Ennerdale road Bartlett Charles, 22 Leyborne park Blair Mrs. 33 The Avenue Alexa'l.der Jn. Abercromby, 24 Lawn ores Barton Harry 5 Clarence road Blake Fras. Claude A M.I.M.E. I3 Kew Alien Arthur Thomas, 4 Beechwood av Barton John·w. 57 Defoc avenue Ga.rdell8 road Alien Mrs. Humphry, 58 Mortlake road Bart:v Sydney S. 56 Burlington avenue :Blake Herbt. Vincent, 62 Burlington av All ender Charles, 45 The Avenue Barty Thomas, 10 Mortlake road BlakeneJ Ro bert, 48 Mortlake road Amery Mrs. 64 Forest road Basal Giffard, 54 Defoe avenue Blard Madame, 72 Bushwood road Anderson Mrs. 7 Beechwood avenue Bascombe Arthur Hy. 17 Beechwood av Blaze Miss, ll High Park gardens A:L<derso:1 Mrs. 54 ~orest road Basiliol\'frs.Aristides,Denvilles,Mortlake rd Bliss Rev. William Henry M. A., MUB.Bac. Anderson Mlli. 4 LJCh:field road Bate Leonard, 53 Bushwood road [vicar of St. Anne's, hon. chaplain to Annesle,\: Cecil Marcus, 39 Eurlington av Beale ThomasMiles,WPBt park,Mortlak~ rd the King, & surrogate], 278 Kevr road Anson Lieut.-ColAlexander George R.M.A. Beau William Jaekson, Kew Green Bloomer Ernest, Mortlake h. Mortlake rd Newlands, Mortlakeroad Beard Robert, 33 Defoe avenue Blundell Charles Ma'lt, 13 Lichfield ruad Appleyard Alfred, 78 Bushwood road Beasley James, 68 Bushwood road Boffin John Samuel, 32 Defoe avenue Armada Carlos, 44 Beechwood avenue Beauchamp Mrs. 3 Mortlake road Boiston Anthon.y, 27 HavAr:field gardens Aronoff Israel, 60 Priory road Beckett J oseph, 367 Sandycombe road Boodle Leonard A. 59 BUBhwood road Ashbwner William Forbes, 7l Priory roa.d Beer Mrs. 26 Priory road Boore Charles, Trimleigh, Mortlake road Ashton Mrs. Homewood, Mortlake road Beers Willia.m H. Valletta ho. Mortlake rd Borgen Mrs. 33 Burlington avenue Astbury Mrs. I6 Gloucester road Beit Mi'l':l, 16 Priory road Borrow Herhert E. 6I Priory road Atkinso:1 Miss, 6 West Park gardens BP.ll Arthur ]'rederick, 79 Bushwood road Bothwell George, 18 Haveifield gardens t Atkinson Mrs. 47 Ennerdale road Bell Henry, 40 Bu~hwool I'Oad Boughton William, I Mortlake road Atkinson Mrs. 5 West Park road Bellamy GeraLl F:ada M.R.c.s., L.R.c.P. Bowden Alfred W. 62 Priory road Atkinson Waiter, I9 BeechV~oood avenue LOnd. Blandford, 1l'lortlake road Bowden FrankA. 46 Beechwood avenue Atwood Fredk. Leyborne lo. Leyborne pk Benda.ll Herbert M.A. 25 Ennerdale road Bowden Miss, 35 The Avenue Avens :Mrs. 9 Leyborne park Bennett Lieut.-Col. Charles H. J.M.S.
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