Libertarian and Green Parties rail against the -party system, nominate their candidates hursday's conventions



MOCK PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 5, 2005 ISSUE 4 NOVEMBER 5, 2007 NEW5-MEISTER 1 Jared Ball receives Green Party nomination

By Caitlin Barrett However, true to its name, the Greens' key values tackle eco- Green Party activist Sheldon Schafer looked out at about 250 logical issues, too - 30 percent of them, including environmental people crowded into the Union Lamoine Room on Thursday sustainability (protecting valuable natural resources with long- evening and said, "Ask not what your world can do for you, but term goals in mind), personal and global responsibility, and what you can do for your world." overall ecological wisdom. That made perfect sense in the keynote address by the Peoria Of 20 planks presented by Robert Casey — MPE committee Greens' treasurer and secretary, who told Mock Presidential chairman for the Greens and president of WlU's Campus Greens Election delegates that John F. Kennedy inspired him to join the - most either strongly-favored or strongly opposed an issue. Peace Corps and become politically involved. Planks such as "taxes on gas guzzling vehicles," "government Schafer encouraged students to get involved, too — early in the regulation of the oil companies" and "immediate withdrawal of presidential race. U.S. troops from Iraq" all were strongly favored. But the party "If you want change you have to start somewhere and if the strongly opposed such things as "vouchers for children attend- Green movement is going to take effect, [our efforts] have to start ing private and parochial schools," "extension of the Patriot Act" now," he said. and "expansion of nuclear energy." Schafer received a standing ovation for his speech, which As weighty as these issues seemed, the issue that evoked the included a listing of the 10 key values of the Green Party. Also most enthusiasm was the legalization of marijuana. listed on the U.S. Green Party's Web site http://www.gp.org/, The last task at hand was the Green Party's nomination of a the values were first ratified at the Green Party National Presidential and Vice Presidential candidate to represent them Convention in Denver, Colo., in 2000. at Monday's Electoral College vote at Western Hall. Instead of Schafer emphasized the party's attempts to promote equal having students speak on behalf of the candidates, there was opportunity, non-violence, decentralization, gender equality, video of three diverse Green candidates: a woman, Kat Swift; diversity and community-based economics. ...Ball continued on Page 2

- _ ¥ The price {NEWsmetster Western paid for the MPE By Chris Rogers Western Illinois University faculty coor- Paul runs unopposed, gets Libertarian vote dinating the Mock Presidential Election over two weeks in October and November By Shawn Fitzgerald also undertook a role they may not have Fiery rhetoric kicked off the Libertarian Party convention at the anticipated: business management. Western Mock Election on Thursday, when keynote speaker Adam Project director Richard Hardy, chair of Chacksfield told a crowd of about 150 students that the vast majority the Department of Political Science, and of Americans have a personal code of ethics mirroring the Libertarian MPE's associate director John Hemingway Party beliefs -— yet allows "legalized theft" in its taxation have organized the event based on a pro- system. posal first accepted by former Provost "Not even criminals steal one third of people's income," he said. Joseph Rallo more than a year ago. He blamed the overcrowding of federal prisons on the nation's drug policies. "I'm trying to do this for around $33,000," Chacksfield, a retired WIU professor, said the was Hardy said Thursday night. "We've tried wrong to invade and occupy Iraq — something a Libertarian adminis- to be very frugal." tration would not have done. Cutting and combining was part of mak- Unlike the Republican and Democratic parties, he said, the ing the budget work, he said. Libertarians would not use military force to achieve global power. "I had a budget that included (an elec- "This country spends 600-odd billion dollars in their military; this is tion) simulation manual," said Hardy. "But more than all the other nations in the world combined," he said. I was able to do that on the website." After the speech, Libertarian Party campaign manager Josh Carrigan He said most of the thanks goes to the discussed the party's platform, which included opposition to the Iraq many volunteers who donated their time War and the Patriot Act. and expertise to the project, Hemingway The Libertarians also oppose increases to the minimum wage, uni- said. versal health care, death penalty for convicted murders, stronger Many different departments have offered regulations to protect the environment and government regulation of services, from large contributions — like the oil companies. those of the Document and Publication The party was neutral regarding stem cell research, expansion of Services — to smaller contributions — such nuclear energy, prayers in public schools, and same-sex marriage. as the Office of Public Safety making an Among platform planks strongly supported were abortion through additional officer available for the events. the sixth month of pregnancy, the legalization of marijuana for both "recreational and health reasons," immediate withdrawal of U.S. Talking about his reaction when he heard troops from Iraq, amnesty for undocumented immigrants, the right to that WIU's Athletic Department would bear arms, and stronger anti-discrimination laws. offer Western Hall as the site for the final Unlike other party platforms approved at the simulated convention election night, Hardy said, "I thought I'd - some of which deviated from real Democratic and Republican posi- gone to heaven." tions — these votes were pretty much in line with actual Libertarian All of the participation has paid off, he principles. added. Regarding war, the Libertarian party attitude is to oppose it unless Congressman Ron Paul received the Libertarian nomination at Thursday "I would dare any university to top this," ...Paul continued on Page 2 night's convention. Hardy said. Western prepares to elect a President By Julie Lord election experience. According to the agenda prepared by Rick • Conventions, speakers, platforms and delegations; these Hardy, chair of Western's Department of Political Science, components of Western Illinois University's Mock Presidential election results will be announced by time zone. The ballots Election have all been leading up to the final session on will be counted by volunteers from the McDonough County Monday night, when Western students will decide the next League of Women Voters. President of the United States of America - theoretically. Students who are confused by the Electoral College should But what students will be voting, and how will it work? As not fear complications; for the purposes of this simulation, the recent Presidential elections have shown, the election process candidate who receives the majority of the popular vote in a is anything but simple. state will win the Electoral College votes from that state. VOTE The students who have thus far been representing delegates Just as in national elections, a candidate needs a majority oi from various states - and only those students - will be voting 270 Electoral College votes to become President of the United Monday night. However, they will no longer be acting as del- States. egates: They will simply be voters from their given states. The vote will be carried out in true patriotic style with the The election will take place from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in Western Western Illinois University Marching Leathernecks providing Hall. The voters may cast their paper ballot for any candidate the music for the evening. Campaign workers will have one they choose, however they are advised to remember they are last chance to sway the voters before the final vote. representing certain states. At the end of the night, the 44th President and Vice President Many details were taken into account to simulate an authentic of the United States will be announced. NEWS-MEISTER NOVEMBER 5, 2007

By Joe Lanane distributed," Hemingway said Last week's Mock Presidential jokingly. Election events continued to help He said this was only the start actively engage students in our of Hardy occupying the lime- nation's political process, as par- light, as he eventually ran for ticipants selected the presidential public office in Missouri. And and vice presidential candidates while Hemingway continues to for their respective parties. receive little public credit for his Had these students gone one involvement with the MPE pro- step further, it's safe to assume cess, he does enjoy the opportu- that political science department nity to work with - and torment chairman Richard Hardy would - his colleague and buddy. have been elected 'President' of "I consider it in my job the Western Illinois University description to give (Hardy) a Mock Election. But the person hard time," he proudly stated. earning the least amount of cred- "Rick and I go back more years it would be Hardy's likely run- than either of us are going to The ning mate, John Hemingway, or admit publicly." the 'Vice President' of the MPE. Joking aside, Hemingway stressed Hemingway is no second-hand he has no problem with having the man, but rather one of the pri- spotlight shine on Hardy. Instead, officio mary faculty members behind he stressed how important this the curtains of this meticulous experience has been to both the process. When he became an students and the university itself. associate professor for the However, Hemingway acknowl- VP Recreation, Park and Tourism edged that, for the most part, only Administration Department four students behind the scenes are years ago, Hemingway joined aware of his intense involvement familiar company at Western in with this project. of the the form of an old friend from "Personally, I find it kind of graduate school. He and Hardy's amusing - 'Who me?' - but the friendship stemmed back from people who need to know do their days together on the politi- know, and that's fine with me," MPE cal science graduate student Hemingway said. "Anybody Softball team, a team not coinci- who knows me could tell you dentally coached by Hardy. that I have an ego as big as any- "He had it figured out so he one else's." knew how many inning each ... Hemingway continued person played so it was equally on Page 3

By Jesse Wright to candidate Colbert: airtime. Also, a federal "equal-time" The freedom to vote has created a strong foundation for rule requiring broadcasters to treat political candidates U.S. democracy. equally could have created the possibility of any other That's nothing to make fun of, some say. Presidential candidate demanding equal time on Comedy However, Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central's "Colbert Central. (In fact, NBC-TV has stopped airing episodes of Law Report" was mocking the democratic system - until Thursday, & Order featuring actor and GOP Presidential hopeful Fred when he was denied a spot on South Carolina's Democratic Thompson.) Party's Presidential primary ballot. On the other hand, this is nothing new. Best known for his "Colbert Report" on cable's Comedy The art form of getting laughs or publicity through a Central, where he spoofs Fox News' Bill O'Reilly and makes Presidential bid is a time-tested approach that has been used fun of politicians, pundits and other newsmakers, Colbert by the likes of radio comic Gracie Allen, who ran in 1940 as announced on Oct. 16 that he would sign papers to get his a candidate from the Surprise Party (proclaiming that she name on both the Democratic and Republican primary bal- wouldn't be using a Vice President since she wouldn't toler- lots for South Carolina. ate vice in the White House). Colbert said he wanted to lose not once, but twice, in his In 1968, another comedian, Pat Paulsen, ran for President, native state. frequently appearing on CBS-TV's variety show "The But besides the Democratic rejection, Colbert failed to file Smothers Brothers." More recently, Pulitzer Prize-winning for or pay the $35,000 GOP entry fee for the chance to appear In between sessions, a student plaeed his or her vote of eonlidenee in "The on the Republican ballot in South Carolina. syndicated humor columnist Dave Barry threw his hat into Colbert Report" host Stephen Colbert. the ring. Students at the Green/Libertarian meetings Thursday seemed to feel that the fact that Colbert was running in only WIU students conceded that in a day and age when "The one state, and couldn't possibly win, showed that the stunt Colbert's main purpose was to get a laugh, of course, and Terminator" is California's Governor and Republicans vener- served no purpose besides trying to be a funny running gag perhaps to boost his TV ratings or the sales of his new book, ate former President and ex-actor Ronald Reagan, celebrity - and a potential sinkhole for votes. 1 Am America (And So Can You) - already Number 1 on the counts. Some students even said they'd favor Federal Election New York Times' best-seller list. "The campaign is based on image," said WIU freshman Commission rules somehow guaranteeing that candidates But there were risks, too. Ryan Hamilton. "Name recognition is more important than genuinely compete for office. Some said his phony candidacy nevertheless technically the candidates' policies." "He shouldn't be running is he's not running in every state," violated Federal Election Commission (FEC) prohibitions Colbert has the ability to make everybody laugh at the said freshman Don Bell. "He's making a mockery of the demo- on "in-kind" contributions, since Comedy Central or its par- humorous aspects of U.S. politics, but the joke maybe went cratic system, and it's unfair to all other candidates." ent company, Viacom, were donating something of value too far.

...Ball continued from Page 1 ...Paul continued from Page 1 Convention for Republicans, he lost to a the pony-tailed Kent Mesplay, and an for self-defense. Limiting government Guiliani/McCain ticket. African-American, Jared Ball. Unfortunately, interference in the free market is another Carrigan said Paul's experience in the the audio of Swift and Mesplay's speeches, key party tenet, as is a literal interpretation Libertarian Party (he was the Libertarians' OFFICIAL recorded from the Green Party National of the U.S. Constitution. 1988 candidate for President), overall Convention, was hard to hear, although The only statement overturned by stu- political experience, and national name Ball's dialogue about his "hip-hop" dents Thursday concerned a need for recognition all combine to make Paul the approach to campaigning was audible. stronger anti-discrimination laws — which best choice. WEBSITE: In a voice vote, Paul was unanimously In the end, the vast majority voted for at first was strongly opposed but later chosen and no other candidate was nomi- Ball as President and Mesplay as Vice strongly favored. President. Campaign manager Josh Carrigan then nated when the floor was opened. However, if the Mock Presidential Election gave the first and only nomination for Carrigan then nominated Michal plays out anything like the real things, the Libertarian candidate for President, Badnarik as the Vice Presidential candi- Green supporters may be disappointed to U.S. Congressman Ron Paul, a Texas date. Badnarik ran as the Libertarian can- Monday. That's too bad, said Western politi- Republican for former Libertarian candi- didate for President in 2004, and received HHP:// cal science professor and third-party expert date for President. almost 400,000 votes nationwide. Jeff Taylor. Although Paul finished third in primary/ Carrigan said he felt the Paul-Badnarik "It's a shame that the U.S. government is caucus balloting at WIU's Mock Political ticket will draw more traditional Libertarian so dominated by two parties," he said. supporters to the ticket. ROADTO WHITE "Since the beginning of our government's history, it has been winner-takes-all," Taylor said. "Other countries have numerous par- SPONSOR: THE LEAGUE OF YOUNG VOTERS ties and practice proportional representa- tion." HOUSE. "Until the United States embraces propor- tional representation, third parties won't be successful other than at state and local levels," he added. WIIJ.EDIJ NOVEMBER 5, 2007 NEWS-MEISTER 3 Libertarians capturing buzz By Damcris Bagwell The Libertarians claim to be the third-largest party in the United States, and they're watching 1988 nominee Ron Paul get some positive attention from Republican voters. Libertarians say they believe in a free-market economy and the abundance and prosperity it brings; a dedication to civil liberties and personal freedom that makes this country special; and a foreign policy of non-intervention, peace and free trade granted by our founders. Paul, who's running for the White House as a Republican, has attracted considerable attention from Libertarians. As of press time, the party has not yet officially endorsed Paul for the Mock Election or the real election, but he has helped voice the ideas of fellow Libertarians. Paul's campaign is based on a Libertarian perspective and got considerable attention and support after one of his early appearances at a televised GOP debate and Internet traffic afterward. Adam Chacksfield, a retired political science professor, Adam Clvacksficld, a retired political .science professor, addressed Libertarian followers Thursday evening. He spoke about the lone candidate on the Libertarian bill, said Paul is more of a leader than a follower. Ron Paul, and what his third-party viewpoints could bring to America. "He offers America a renewal of the freedom that inspired the creation of the United States and is the can trust him. Unfortunately, it also makes some of his their children into futile foreign wars. They don't want source of success," he said. "Ron Paul is a man of princi- less popular positions easy targets for opponents." government punishing them for what they choose to do ple who always stands by his beliefs — even in moments Such Libertarians think Ron Paul has a lot to offer with their own body. They don't want the government when they are unpopular. For example, unlike Hillary Libertarians and other Americans, and his viewpoints taking what they earn to pay off a proliferating number Clinton, John Edwards and all the Republican candi- should appeal to many citizens. Paul finished third in of special interest groups each lobbying for more tax dates for the presidency, Ron Paul opposed the invasion 1988 as the Libertarian's national candidate for presi- money." of Iraq right from the start." dent. Other Republicans might begin to notice Paul — and Ron Paul has a record of principled libertarian voting "Most humans want to live in peace with others, run maybe Libertarians, too. in Congress, he continued. "He doesn't change his mind their own lives, and earn their own living," Chacksfield With the help of Paul's campaign, Libertarians may get every time the opinion polls change. This means people said. "They don't want the government sending them or more attention and more respect.

Hemingway from Page 2 One thing Hemingway won't hold back on is his opinions of this event. He calls 'Personalities and politicians not Green focus the Mock Presidential Election the "big- gest in the sense of consecutive events By Zachary T. Baker that has ever gone on at Western Illinois Green Party delegates packed into the University." Despite the fact no national Union's Lamoine Room on Thursday night candidate has been drawn to W1U, he- to offer an alternative to a two-party system, stressed that this process should not be and keynote speaker Sheldon Schafer said looked at as a disappointment. that change can begin with the next presi- dential election. "If we were in Iowa or , The Green Party differs from the Democrats this event would have drawn candi- and Republicans because it is based on val- dates - there's no question about it," ues and principles, and "not on personalities Hemingway said. "On the other hand, and politicians," Schafer said. we have state and regional politicians Schafer, secretary and treasurer for the and media paying attention, and we'll Green Party in Peoria, opened his speech by draw a little more as we get closer to the listing in detail the Greens' four philosophi- final night - which is fine by me. cal pillars: grassroots political action, social "What we're proving, I think, is that all justice, the environment, and nonviolence. part of this university - which haven't The Green Party sees "a seamless connec- always played well together - actually tion" between these four sets of issues, he can do this." said. Schafer — who also directs the planetarium Hemingway was quick to thank many at Peoria's Lakeview Museum and teaches of those departments involved, includ- astronomy at Bradley University - said that ing WESTEC, DPS, University Relations, the Green Party was not just about the envi- ROTC, and the Journalism, Music and ronment, representing other key issues such RPTA departments. But most of all, he as social and economic policies. appreciates the work student campaign- "The Green Party rejects campaign dona- ers have brought forth. tions from corporations," Schafer said, elicit- "There's been some heat among the ing strong applause. campaigns, and I kind of like that," He later referred to corporate money and Hemingway said with a conniving laugh- government as a "bad combination - espe- ter. cially when government fails to regulate corporate conduct." The party also supports labor unions, a liv- ing wage and greater investment in educa- tion, he said, adding that the Greens want to ADAM SACASA reduce the reliance on property-tax funding Crccn Paitv keynote speaker Shcdon Schafer addresses lcll<>w Crccn Party followers Thursday night in the University Union NEivsmetster for schools. Lamoine Room. Also, oil companies are not subject to FOR BEHIND-THE-SCENES, AT-THE- enough government regulation, and alterna- tive energy sources such as nuclear energy working to create a world where war is obso- tainly partisan and Green, but I think some SCENES COMMENTARY ON MONDAY are not the answer, he added. lete," later adding, "Wouldn't a Department of the students there maybe were sent by EVENING, GO ONLINE TO "We don't live for short-term economic of Peace have a nice ring to it?" their professors on assignment." gain," he said of the Greens. "We must The party is active all over the world and The question of whether delegates can HTTP://NEWSMEISTERREALTIME. reclaim the future for our children and our- organized in the United States in 1999, he change the two-party dominance on Election BLOGSPOT.COM/ selves." noted. Since then, Illinois Green Party guber- Day is up to voters, of course, but Schafer Values that include living ecologically and natorial candidate Rich Whitney won 11 per- believes Thursday's convention was benefi- ALSO CHECK OUT NEWS-MEISTER'S focusing on the future are ideals the Green cent of the vote in the 2006 Illinois election. cial. WEB VERSION ANYTIME, AT Party's keynote speaker could not empha- The party's numbers are small, but all "I felt like maybe we opened their eyes and size enough, he said. movements start somewhere, Schafer said. let them hear something they weren't expect- HTTP://NEWS-MEISTER.BLOGSPOT. The Green Party opposes the war in Iraq, For the Green movement to have an effect in ing to hear, and maybe learn something COM/ FOR TIMELY POSTINGS, AND and favors single-payer universal health 35 years, "We have to start now." about the Green Party they weren't expect- care and a major commitment to renewable Schafer called WIU's Mock Presidential ing to learn," he said. "Maybe they found it a UNIQUE CONTENTS FROM STORIES energy, he said. Election "impressive. little more compatible with their views than AND PHOTOS Schafer received sustained applause several "I was encouraged and pleased," he said. they had previously thought." times, including when he declared: "We are "It was an unusual audience, some very cer- — Lisa Kernek contributed to this report. TO OCCASIONAL VIDEOS. NEWS-MEISTER NOVEMBER 5, 2007 , Scenes (rom the 200? Mock Presidential Election Students, faculty and staff from all over Western Illinois University came together to make the Mock Presidential Election a possibility. With five sessions that simulated a genuine national election, this simulation is unparalleled in its size and scope. These photos show just a handful of the people who gave their time and energy to create this valuable political experience.

Photos by Adam Sacasa NOVEMBER 5, 2007 NEWS-MEISTER

HHH mm 6 NEWS-MEISTER NOVEMBER 5, 2007 WEWsmetsiter News-Meister is an independent student news service covering W1U and the Mock Political 11 Hj r Convention and Electoral College Presidential Election in Fall 2007, available through Nov. 7 in print, e-mailed pdf, and online versions — Star Sentinel http://news-meister.blogspot. com or Build a new http://newsmeisterrealtime. blogspot.com

Senior editors: Joe Lanane and political Julie Lord Contributing editors: Zachary T. platform - from Baker, Chris Rogers, Jacob Ryan, Alan Sacasa, A.J. Self and Tyler Vogler. the people up Contributing reporters: Robert Amaefule, Dameris Bagwell, Caitlin Bv Mario Cuomo & Tom Kean 'Unity08' Barrett, Jason Bradley, Brandon Brown, Has there been a moment when America David Bryant, Chris Dejonge, Shaun has faced more crucial issues at the same FitzCerald, Tess Flint, Lisa Glaub, time? Not in our lifetime. And our cur- Christina Holt, Harrison Jones, Ken rent politics is not dealing well with any of Jenke, Alex Johnson, Greg Kuhn, Ken them. Let's not minimize how big, tough and Leiting, Jessica Manker, Ashley unrelenting an agenda we face, and how Manning, Kyle Moore, James Munger, badly we need to deal with it. Irene Niedzwiedz, Aundra Noblet, The Cold War was huge, but the war on ter- Derek Palmer, Lori Pankratz, Nicole rorism - or its war on us - is even scarier. The Reed, Josh Simmons, Brandon Smith, Learn more about Christian Coalition need for energy independence is inseparable from concerns over global climate change Paige Stark, Merrill Stevens, Brittany The Christian Our efforts, how- and our political vulnerability. Strickland, Floyd Wombacher, Jesse Coalition of America ever, do not stop Our schools are not meeting the escalating Wright, Sarah Zavala and Sarah Zeeck. is the home of the American Cfironicfe with voter guides. need for education. Thirty percent of our stu- largest and most We actively lobby dents entering high school drop out before active conservative Congress and the graduation. And ominously, we simply are Cartoonist: Art department instructor grassroots political organization in America. White House on numerous issues, hold not educating our young in the technology Jim Allen! The Christian Coalition offers people of faith grassroots training schools around the coun- we invented, while China and India are — the vehicle to be actively involved in shap- try, host events all around the country and and because of it, they are ready to overtake ing their government — from the County in Washington that draw thousands of pro- us in the world economy. Faculty coaches: Lisa Barr, Mark Courthouse to the halls of Congress. family supporters from around the nation Forty-seven million Americans or more Butzow, Lisa Kernek and Bill Knight. Today, Americans are bombarded with and organize community activists regarding have no health care insurance coverage. countless political messages from across the issues facing their local government. None. As our medicines and medical technol- ideological spectrum. Because of this, it is Printing costs for this all-volunteer In politics, every voice counts. ogy improve, the inability of all Americans to becoming increasingly difficult to separate The Christian Coalition was founded in participate in the system is a disgrace. effort are underwritten by grants truth from fiction and right from wrong. The 1989 as a means toward helping to give The first of the baby boomers will reach from the Illinois Green Party, the Christian Coalition is committed to repre- Christians a voice in their government again. retirement age in 2010. Their entitlements senting the pro-family agenda and educating McDonough County League of We represent a growing group of more than 2 for Medicare will mean massive budget defi- America on the critical issues facing our soci- million people of faith all across America. cits in the offing - so great that even Alan Women Voters, the West-Central ety. Whether it is the fight to end partial-birth Our Mission Greenspan believes a third party is necessary Illinois Building and Construction abortion, or efforts to improve education or •Represent the pro-family point of view just to deal with a looming fiasco. lower the family's tax burden, the Christian Trades Council, and WIU's "Road before local councils, school boards, state Coalition stands ready and able to work for And we haven't even mentioned the war legislatures and Congress to the White House" project. you. in Iraq. On top of it all, Washington has been so Our hallmark work lies in voter education. •Speak out in the public arena and in the overrun by lobbyists, their fund-raising and Prior to the November, 2004, election the media Special thanks to the student-run earmarks, that the political system is not just Christian Coalition distributed a record 70 •Train leaders for effective social and politi- broken, it is corrupt. As Michael Kinsley has Western Courier for sharing their million voter guides throughout all 50 states. cal action said about the nation's capital: "The scandal These non-partisan guides gave voters a clear •Inform pro-family voters about timely space and equipment. is not what's illegal. The scandal is what's understanding of where various candidates issues and legislation legal." stood on the issues important to them. With •Protest anti-Christianity bigotry and this knowledge, millions of voters went to defend the rights of people of faith With all due respect to our well-established polls ready to make their voices heard. ... Coalition continued on Page 7 major political parties, right now, none of these issues is likely to be dealt with seri- ously by either. Not in 2008 any more than before. The familiar process of candidates pan- How the NAACP began a century ago progressive post dering for primary votes does not lead to a serious search for common ground between By Mary White Ovington of the town's "best citizens," raged for two my surroundings led me to believe that "the the parties to deal with serious issues. And (Sole: The National Association for the days, killed and wounded scores of Negroes, spirit of the abolitionists must be revived." because the issues are all complex, with no Advancement of Colored People is an important and drove thousands from the city. Articles The NAACP is Born easy answers, candidates typically want to civil rights gron/j that routinely interacts with on the subject appeared in newspapers and So we met in the first week of the year of finesse them. Presidents and candidates for the Oval Office. magazines. Among them was one in the 1909. It was then that the National Association Whichever party we choose to join - if any Independent of September 3, by William for the Advancement of Colored People was Among the handful of people who launched the - we must find a way to force these vital English Walling, entitled "Race War in the born, in a little room of a New York apart- issues to the fore. A novel push by a group organization almost 99 years ago hailed from North." After describing the atrocities com- ment. called Unity08, designed to develop a "New western Illinois: Quad Cities native Charles mitted against the colored people, Walling Walling had spent some years in Russia, American Agenda," is designed to do just Edward Russell. Russell took up journalism from declared, "Either the spirit of the abolition- where his wife — working in the cause of the that. his father, the editor of the Davenport Gazette, ists, of Lincoln and of [Alton, 111., newspaper- revolutionists — had suffered imprisonment, Long before Unity08's convention next and eventually worked on newspapers in the man and abolitionist martyr Elijah] Lovejoy and he expressed his belief that the Negro summer, which will select a bipartisan, unity Quad Cities, Minneapolis and Detroit before must be revived and we must come to treat was treated with greater inhumanity in the ticket to run for President and vice president, moving to Mew York, There, he was a reporter the Negro on a plane of absolute political United States than the Jew was treated in millions of Unity08 members will go online and editor for the New York Commercial and social equality, or Vardaman and Tillman Russia. I knew something of the Negro's dif- and vote on which issues are crucial to the Advertiser, New York World and New York will soon have transferred the race war to the ficulty in securing decent employment in the future safety and well-being of the country. North. American, then returned to the Midwest as North and of the insolent treatment awarded (Not what is the right approach to solving publisher of the Chicago American Thereafter, "Yet who realizes the seriousness of the him at Northern hotels and restaurants, and them, but simply whether they should be a I voiced my protest. We talked and talked, priority for leadership.) he became one of the best magazine writers in situation, and what large and powerful body voicing our indignation. the muckraking era. of citizens is ready to come to their aid?" Next, the Unity08 members will be treated I answered that question. For four years I Lincoln's Birthday to a range of opinions from experts all across The following history of the NAACP is excerpted had been studying the status of the Negro Of course, we wanted to do something at the political spectrum - answers from the full from a piece written in 1914.) in New York. I had investigated his hous- once that should move the country. It was ideological range of views available. Armed In the summer of 1908, the country was ing conditions, his health, his opportunities January. Why not choose Lincoln's birthday, with that input, the members will vote again, shocked by the account of the race riots for work. I had spent many months in the February 12, to open our campaign? We this time on which are the key questions to at Springfield, 111. Here, in the home of South, and at the time was living in a New decided, therefore, that a wise, immediate be asked of the candidates on the big issues. , a mob containing many York Negro tenement. My investigations and ... NAACP continued on Page 7 ... Unity continued on Page 7 NOVEMBER 5, 2007 NEWS-MEISTER 7 FACES AND

VOICES ... NAACP continued from Page 6 Smith, Boston; Anna Garlin Spencer, New "My state North Carolina's action would be the issuing on Lincoln's York; William M. Salter, Chicago; J. C. Phelps majority went with John birthday of a call for a national conference Stokes, New York; Judge Wendell Stafford, Edwards because we are his on the Negro question. At this conference Washington; Helen Stokes, Boston; Lincoln home state. Edwards' points Steffens, Boston; President C. F Thwing, we might discover the beginnings, at least, were most appealing to me Western Reserve University; Prof. W. I. of that "large and powerful body of citizens" as a North Carolina citizen, Thomas, Chicago; , but if I personally was voting, of which Walling had written. New York Evening Post; Rabbi Stephen S. my vote would go to Barack Our next step was to call others. We at once TASHENA Wise, New York; Bishop Alexander Walters, Obama." turned to Oswald Garrison Villard, president New York; Dr. William H. Ward, New York; BROWN of the New York Evening Post. He received Horace White, New York; William English our suggestions with enthusiasm, and aided "Everyone knows about the Walling, New York; Lillian D. Wald, New us in securing the cooperation of able and big three, but the convention Three ol'ihc NAACP founders, from Icli lo right: Moorlield York; Dr. J. Milton Waldron, Washington, allows us to learn about the representative men and women. It was he Storey, Mary While Ovingion and W.K.B. I)u Bois. D.C.; Mrs. Rodman Wharton, Philadelphia; lesser-known names. I can who drafted the Lincoln's birthday call and Susan P. Wharton, Philadelphia; President take this and use it to help me helped to give it wide publicity. I give the first-class fares for third-class service, and Mary E. Wooley, Mt. Holyoke College; and make my decision about who Call in its entirety with the signatures since I'm going to vote for." it expresses, I think, better than anything else segregated in railway stations and in places Prof. Charles Zueblin, Boston. MIKE we have published, the spirit of those who of entertainment. He would observe that MINICK are active in the NAACP's cause: state after state declines to do its elementary Conference duty in preparing the Negro through educa- It was thus decided that we should hold a "Before tonight I had no idea "The celebration of the Centennial of the tion for the best exercise of citizenship. conference, and the next two months were how a real election worked. I birth of Abraham Lincoln, widespread and "Added to this, the spread of lawless busily spent arranging for it. Among the men think after the mock election grateful as it may be, will fail to justify attacks upon the Negro, North, South and is over I will be confident and itself if it takes no note of and makes no and women who attended those first commit- informed enough to go out recognition of the colored men and women West - even in the Springfield made famous tee meetings were Bishop Alexander Walters, and vote." for whom the great Emancipator labored to by Lincoln -- often accompanied by revolt- Ray Stannard Baker, Alexander Irvine, Dr. assure freedom. Besides a day of rejoicing, ing brutalities, sparing neither sex nor age Owen M. Waller, Gaylord S. White, Miss COSIMO Lincoln's birthday in 1909 should be one of nor youth, could but shock the author of the Madeline Z. Doty, Miss Isabel Eaton, besides PATANO taking stock of the nation's progress since sentiment that 'government of the people, by many of the New York signers of the Call. It 1865. the people, for the people; should not perish was agreed that the conference should be by "Being here really gives you an "How far has it lived up to the obliga- from the Earth.' invitation only, with the one open meeting informed opinion about all of tions imposed upon it by the Emancipation "Silence under these conditions means at Cooper Union. Over 1,000 people were the parties. I've always consid- Proclamation? How far has it gone in assur- tacit approval. The indifference of the North invited, the Charity Organization Hall was ered myself political but I feel ing to each and every citizen, irrespective is already responsible for more than one secured, and, on May 30, the conference that being here will help me to of color, the equality of opportunity and assault upon democracy, and every such opened. make a better decision." equality before the law, which underlie our attack reacts as unfavorably upon whites as MELISSA American institutions and are guaranteed by upon blacks. Discrimination once permitted The white people in attendance — engaged YEAST the Constitution? cannot be bridled; recent history in the South in religious, social and educational work "If Mr. Lincoln could revisit this country shows that in forging chains for the Negroes — for the first time met the Negro who in the flesh, he would be disheartened and the white voters are forging chains for them- demands, not a pittance, but his full rights in discouraged. He would learn that on January selves. 'A house divided against itself cannot the commonwealth. They received a stimu- 1,1909, Georgia had rounded out a new con- stand.' This government cannot exist half- lating shock and one which they enjoyed. federacy by disfranchising the Negro, after slave and half-free any better today than it William Hayes Ward, senior editor of the the manner of all the other Southern states. could in 1861. Independent, opened the conference, and FORTHE He would learn that the Supreme .Court of "Hence, we call upon all the believers Charles Edward Russell, always the friend JEST OFIIS the United States, supposedly a bulwark in democracy to join in a national confer- of those who struggle for opportunity, pre- j of American liberties, had refused every ence for the discussion of present evils, the sided. opportunity to pass squarely upon this dis- voicing of protests, and the renewal of the ... Unity continued from Page 6 franchisement of millions, by laws avowedly struggle for civil and political liberty." Out of this conference we organized a per^ So, with four or five key questions on each discriminatory and openly enforced in such manent body to be known as the National of six or seven crucial issues, Unity08 will manner that the white men may vote and This call was signed by: Jane Addams, Association for the Advancement of Colored then welcome (and expect) candidates seek- that black men be without a vote in their Chicago; Samuel Bowles (the Springfield People. Its officers were: ing the nomination to answer the questions. government. He would discover, therefore, . Republican newspaper); Prof. W.L. Bulkley, National President, Moorfield Storey, The New American Agenda of Unity08 that taxation without representation is the lot New York; Harriet Stanton Blatch, New Boston will be the questions. The New American of millions of wealth-producing American York; Ida Wells Barnett, Chicago; E. H. Agenda of the candidates will be their citizens, in whose hands rests the economic Chairman of the Executive Committee, Clement, Boston; Kate H. Claghorn, New 'William English Walling . answers. Think of it as a new political plat- progress and welfare of an entire section of York; Prof. John Dewey, New York; Dr. W. E. Treasurer, John E. Milholland form - built from the ground up. the country. B. DuBois, Atlanta; Mary E. Dreier, Brooklyn; Disbursing Treasurer, Oswald Garrison Isn't that supposed to be the way the "He would learn that the Supreme Court, Dr. John L. Elliott, New York; William Lloyd Villard system works? The people saying, "this according to the official statement of one Garrison, Boston; the Rev. Francis J. Grimke, is important" - and the candidates say- Executive Secretary, Frances Blascoer of its own judges in the Berea College case, Washington, D.C.; William Dean Howells, ing, "here is how 1 would handle it as Director of Publicity and Research, Dr. W. has laid down the principle that if an indi- New York; Rabbi Emil G. Hirsch, Chicago; President." E. B. DuBois vidual state chooses, it may 'make it a crime the Rev. John Haynes Holmes, New York; It wouldn't surprise us if the media decid- for white and colored persons to frequent Prof. Thomas C. Hall, New York; Hamilton ed to put the UnityOS questions to all the Its platform ran as follows: the same market place at the same time, or Holt, New York; Florence Kelley, New York; candidates, regardless of party. In fact, we •Freedom of speech and criticism. appear in an assemblage of citizens con- the Rev. Frederick Lynch, New York; Helen hope they do. •An unfettered and unsubsidized press. vened to consider questions of a public or Marot, New York; John E. Milholland, New If the voters cannot choose among the can- •Manhood suffrage. political nature in which all citizens, without York; Mary E. McDowell, Chicago; Prof. J. G. didates on the basis of their answers to the •The abolition of all caste distinctions regard to race, are equally interested.' Merrill, Connecticut; Dr. Henry Moskowitz, key questions of the day, the election of 2008 based simply on race and color. "In many states, Lincoln would find justice New York; Leonora O'Reilly, New York; will be a failure — again. •The recognition of the principle of human enforced, if at all, by judges elected by one Mary Ovington, New York; the Rev. Dr. brotherhood as a practical present creed. element in a community to pass upon the lib- Charles H. Parkhurst, New York; Louis F. Cuomo, a Democrat, is former governor erties and lives of another. He would see the Post, Chicago; the Rev. Dr. John P. Peters, •The recognition of the highest and best of New York. Kean, a Republican, is former black men and women, for whose freedom training as the monopoly of no class or race. governor of New Jersey. Unity08 is online at New York; Dr. Jane Robbins, New York; a hundred thousand of soldiers gave their Charles Edward Russell, New York; Joseph •A belief in the dignity of labor; united Unity08.com. lives, set apart in trains, in which they pay effort to realize these under wise and

... Coalition continued from Page 6 Christian Coalition members undertake every day has never ties in our vital work. What We Believe been more clear. Coalition lobbyists and executives find "Christian Coalition's greatest days lie just before us," she The Christian Coalition of America is a political organiza- themselves in greater need of prayer and Christian fellow- continues. "Our mission is changing as we build on past vic- tion, made up of pro-family Americans who care deeply ship than ever before, as intense battles rage on life issues, tories, but our very presence here in Washington has had a about becoming active citizens for the purpose of guarantee- religious-freedom matters, inter-religious concerns, dan- tremendous impact on both the spiritual and political planes. ing that government acts in ways that strengthen, rather than gerous foreign relations that have spiritual overtones, and My greatest hope is that what we've accomplished in the threaten, families. As such, we work together with Christians hundreds of other subjects that vitally affect every Christian nation's capital will continue to be replicated in state after of all denominations, as well as with other Americans who family and individual. state, and neighborhood after neighborhood." agree with our mission and with our ideals. And with the largest and best-equipped lobbying team in Combs is only reiterating what the Coalition has worked Since its inception, the Christian Coalition has worked to Coalition history opportunities to have a Christian impact on to achieve for years: returning a sense of cultural ownership provide critical education and information to the pro-family our government have multiplied dramatically. to Christian citizens nationwide. Yes, we have a place at the community in order to challenge and equip individuals and "I strongly believe that Christian Coalition is in Washington table again - and a prominent one at that. churches to make a difference at all levels of government. for such a time as this," says Christian Coalition president Of course, there is much political action left to undertake To that end, we continuously work to identify, educate and Roberta Combs. "The familiar passage from the fourth book before our nation begins to resemble what we pray it will mobilize Christians for effective political action. Such action of Esther has become a defining factor in how I approach become. will preserve, protect and defend the Judeo-Christian values leadership at CCA. We are so very privileged to carry the But now, through a renewed spiritual emphasis and a that made this the greatest country in history. name 'Christian' in our organization's name that we must much broader ministry outreach, Christian Coalition of Our Vision do everything possible to represent Him with excellence and America is leading American citizens in a prayer of thanks- The need for a truly spiritual approach to the complex compassion for others, while also carefully maintaining a full giving to the One who has brought us this far ... to God be and demanding political and governmental activities that awareness that we are ultimately dealing with spiritual reali- the glory. looks &ood or) yoo

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