The Four Elements Theory in Clinical Practice

by lillian E Stanshury, N.D.

lntroduction Treatment and Discussion The elegant and simplistic truth that underlies Four Sheila needed cooling and relaxing therapies. The vas- Elements philosophy appears to transcend cultures, culature was too tight causing hypertension, the skele- healing traditions, and the ages. The following is a tal muscles were too tight causing fibromyalgia, and brief discussion and a few cases to demonstrate inte- the digestive musculature was too spastic, while the grated and updated Four Elements thinking. This dis- acid secretion was excessive but enzyme secretion cussion does not adhere strictly to the classical notion deficient. Now that her menses had ceased, she was no of the Four Elements Theory but rather mixes several longer ridding herself of excess heat, resulting in interpretations of the basic concept for a broad view. symptoms of heat and congested blood. Relaxation, The illustrations are my own but relate most closely to meditation, yoga, and motionlessness were recom- Jill Stansbury anthroposophical philosophy, which itself &aws from mended, and though practiced and cultivated in the the older classical Four Element tradition. The fol- office, were opposite to her nature and difficult to

Jlll Stansbury marntains lowing cases are examples drawn from a forthcoming adopt. Herbs with a cooling and moistening effect longer article (Stansbury, Four Elements Theory, One were needed to balance the excess heat and fire. a busy private practice tn Herbalist s Musings, in press). southwest Washington state Over time the following herbs and approaches were most beneficial to Sheila: specia iz ng in botanical and Four Elements Cases A Fiery Constitution nutritional medicine. She also Pancreatin Sheila, a 53 year-old menopausal loved the woman, 3 times daily, 1 with each meal chairs the Botanical lt4ed cine damp, cool northwest weather and preferred the end- Calcium/Magnesium Department at the Nat onal less rain, to the short sunny summer months. When I to per day found she loathed the only two weeks of 90 degree :ypply !,ooolOlsolmO Col ege of Naturopathrc weather we receive, I knew she had found the right Tincture: Equal parts Medicine in Portiand, Oregon. place to live, and I had found a classic fiery constitu- Cimicifuga racemosa

Jill writes and ectures widely tion. Rauwolfia serpentina Tilia spp. on the toprcs of herbs and Sheila was thin but muscular, energetic and hard work- Angelica sinensls healing. 5he s a contributrng ing, and was noted by her grown children to have hard- 112lsp 4 times daily ly sat down in their entire childhood. She had a glow- edltor for the lournals ing rosy complexion and an out-going, talkative per- Capsules Nutrition Science News sonality. Sheila's complaints were hypertension, some- Fresh ground and encapsulated, equal parts

and Medical Herbalbm, times as high as l70ll02,lifelong insomnia currently asiatica worse than ever, digestive upset with frequent burning Equisetum arvense and writes for many popular pain and belching, and a tendency to constipation. The Urtica dioica hea th magaz nes. She is complaint for which she sought help, however, was 2 pills three times a day the author of the book pains fibromyalgia characterized by tight burning in Tea all her muscles. She was very athletic and active her Herbs for Health and Healing. 2 oz Althea root entire life, and the present muscle pain limited her gar- 1 oz Glycyrrhiza shredded root dening, work, and other activities. Now post- 1 oz Dioscorea villosa rool menopausal, Sheila previously had heavy frequent 4 oz Avena dried oats and straw menses, but had never become anemic. The hyperten- Decoct 2 tsp per cup, drink 3 or more cups a day sion, insomnia, and muscle tightness all worsened around the time her menses stopped. Sheila ate very well but very sparsely, not wanting to spend her time Kava (Piper methysticum) once tried for her sitting down eating, preferring to stay on her