The representation of climate change politics in the Dutch newspaper ‘De Volkskrant’ between 2008 and May 2018 Name: Laura Hilhorst Student number: 10995951 Study: Bachelor Future Planet Studies; major Human Geography Study year: 2017/2018 Course: Bachelor Thesis Project Project: Representation of climate change politics in ‘De Volkskrant’ Supervisor: Patrick Weir (second reader: Aslan Zorlu) Date: June 18, 2018 Word count: 13,560 E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract In this research the representation of climate change politics in the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant has been studied. Through scientific journalism, news media serve as a place where public opinion on climate change is formed, which then influences the political agenda regarding climate change. A qualitative content analysis has been carried out to to find out if there is a pattern of climate change representations in the newspaper between January 2008 and May 2018. There is focused on predominant climate change politics representations, human actors, journalistic norms, and climate change representations. Change politics was predominantly represented as international CO2 mitigation strategies, giving preference to mitigation (undoing the effects) of rather than adaptation to climate change (providing assistance). Most predominant actors included (foreign) politics (primarily presidents and ministers), intergovernmental organizations (EU and UN), and environmental organizations (Greenpeace and Milieudefensie). Journalists reporting climate change politics in De Volkskrant mainly used the norm ‘novelty’; journalists prefer new stories over stories that have already been reported. Last, climate change was predominantly represented as a problem in general, journalists and politicians often used wording like ‘climate crisis’ and ‘saving the climate’. However, media representations of climate change also showed to be subject to the uncertainties and ontology of science itself.