Provisional List of Participants

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Provisional List of Participants 8 December 2009 ENGLISH/FRENCH/SPANISH ONLY UNITED NATIONS FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES Fifteenth session Copenhagen, 7–18 December 2009 Provisional list of participants Part One Parties 1. The attached provisional list of participants attending the fifteenth session of the Conference of the Parties, and the fifth session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, as well as the thirty-first sessions of the subsidiary bodies, has been prepared on the basis of information received by the secretariat as at Friday, 4 December 2009. 2. A final list of participants will be issued on Friday, 18 December 2009, taking into account additional information received by the secretariat prior to that date and including any corrections submitted. Corrections should be given to Ms. Heidi Sandoval (Registration counter) by 12 noon, at the latest, on Wednesday, 16 December 2009. 3. Because of the large number of participants at this session, the provisional list of participants is presented in three parts. FCCC/CP/2009/MISC.1 (Part 1) GE.09-70998 - 2 - Participation statistics States/Organizations Registered participants Parties 191 8041 Observer States 3 12 Total Parties + observer States 194 8053 Entities having received a standing invitation to 1 11 participate as observers in the sessions and the work of the General Assembly and maintaining permanent observer missions at Headquarters United Nations Secretariat units and bodies 33 451 Specialized agencies and related organizations 18 298 Intergovernmental organizations 53 699 Non-governmental organizations 832 20611 Total observer organizationsa 937 22070 Total participation 30123 Registered media 1069 2941 a Observer organizations marked with an asterisk (*) in this document have been provisionally admitted by the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties. - 3 - Parties Afghanistan H.E. Ms. Aferdita Dalla S.E. M. Cherif Rahmani Ambassador Extraordinary and Ministre Plenipotentiary Ministère de l'aménagement du territoire, Mr. Mustafa Zahir Diplomatic Mission of Albania to de l'environnement et du tourisme Director General Denmark National Institute of Environment Protection S.E. M. Abdelhamid Boubazine Mr. Taulant Bino Ambassadeur Deputy Minister Diplomatic Mission of Algeria to Mr. Jarullah Mansuri Ministry of Environment, Forests and Denmark Deputy Director Water Administration National Institute of Environment Protection M. Abdelhamid Siafif Mr. Glori Husi Président Political Advisor to the Prime Minister Commission des affaires etrangère, de la Mr. Mohammad Omar Samim coopération et de l'emigration Chief, Commission Public Welfare and Assemblée populaire nationale Environment Mr. Kujtim Xhani National Assembly of Afghanistan Chief of Protocol to the Prime Minister S.E. M. Amar Abba Ambassadeur, Directeur général des Ms. Juela Meçani Mr. Mohammad Aurang relations économiques et de la coopération Spokeswoman to the Prime Minister Meember, Commission of Natural internationales Resources and Environment National Assembly of Afghanistan Mr. Jemin Gjana Mme Latifa Benazza Lawmaker and Head, Parliamentary Directrice de l'environnment et du Commission for the Production Activities, Ms. Nadera Hayat Borhani développement durable Commerce and Environment Deputy Minister of Public Health Ministère des affaires étrangères Mr. Enkelejda Malaj Mr. Abbas Basir M. Abdelkader Benhadjoudja Director, Miniser's Cabinet Advisor Chef de cabinet Ministry of Environment, Forests and National Institute of Environment Ministère de l'aménagement du territoire, Water Administration Protection de l'environnement et du tourisme Ms. Anita Shaqiri Mr. Mohammad Anwar Anwarzai M. Djamel Echirk First Secretary Director, United Nations Department Inspecteur général de l'environnement / Diplomatic Mission of Albania to Ministry of Foreign Affairs Conseiller Denmark Ministère de l'aménagement du territoire, Mr. Mohammad Sharif Sharif de l'environnement et du tourisme Deputy Minister Ms. Aida Sakja First Secretary Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and M. Rabah Nadhir Allouani Diplomatic Mission of Albania to Livestock Directeur á l'autorité de régulation des Denmark hydrocarbures Mr. Nazir Ahmad Farhang Ministère de l'énergie et des mines Secretary Mr. Veledin Nanaj Second Secretary National Institute of Environment M. Tahar Aichaoui Diplomatic Mission of Albania to Protection Directeur des etudes et des Denmark Aménagements hydraliques Albania Ministère des ressources en eau Mr. Fatmir Lika Driver M. Ali Hafrad H.E. Mr. Sali Berisha Diplomatic Mission of Albania to Chargés d'etudes et de synthèse auprès Prime Minister Denmark Ministère délégué chargé des affaires maghrébines et africaines H.E. Mr. Fatmir Mediu Ms. Laureta Dibra Minister Ministry of Environment, Forests and M. Abdelhakim Mihoubi Water Administration Ms. Mirela Kamberi Conseiller diplomatique Team Leader, UNDP Climate Change Direction générale des relations Programme multilaterales H.E. Mr. Ferit Hoxha United Nations Development Programme Consulat Général d'Algerie á Bonn Ambassador Extraoddinary and - Tirana Plenipotentiary Permanent Mission of the Republic of M. Kamel Djemouai Albania to the United Nations, New York Algeria Sous-directeur et point focal nationale l'UNFCCC Ministère de l'aménagement du territoire, S.E. M. Abdelaziz Bouteflika de l'environnement et du tourisme Président de la république - 4 - Algeria (continued) M. Mohamed Tayeb Aoudia Mr. Luis Constantino Responsable du Laboratoire de Recherche National Director, National en Environnement des Hydrocarbures Meteorological Institute (INAMET) M. Abdelkader Benkheira (CERHYD) Ministry of Telecommunications and Sous-directeur des reboisements auprès de Centre de recherche pour la valorisation Information Technology la direction générale des forets des hydrocarbures et leur dérive Ministère de l'agriculture et du développement rural Mr. Joao Manuel Serodio de Almeida Angola Vice Dean for International Cooperation Agostinho Neto University M. Lyes Arbia Sous-directeur H.E. Ms. Maria de Fátima Monteiro Ministère de l'énergie et des mines Jardim Mr. Pedro Lando Bumba Canga Minister Senior Official, Directorate for Ministry of Environment International Organizations M. Ali Tarafi DORINT / MIREX Technical Chef de division veille technologique et Ministry of Foreign Affairs intelligence economique Mr. Fernando José dos Santos Minstère de l'industrie et de la promotion National Director, Minister's Cabinet des investissements Mr. Pedro Cavalho Advisor Mr. Carlos Feijó M. Mourad Khelladi Adviser to H.E. Mrs. Maria de Fátima Conseiller en changements climatique Jardim Mr. Manuel Enock Ministère de l'aménagement du territoire, Ministry of Environment Deputy Director, Forest Development de l'environnement et du tourisme Institute Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Mr. Arsénio Vitorino Machado Developent M. Ménouèr Boughedaoui Director to the Interchange Cabinet of the Professor / Coordinator of the SNC Environment Ministry University of Blida Ministry of Environment Ms. Paula Maria de Azevedo Secretary to the Minister Ministry of Environment M. Tahar Hadj-Sadok Mr. Vladimir Kiluange Agria Russo Conseiller National Director to the Environmental Ministère de l'aménagement du territoire, Management Ms. Vera Leitao de l'environnement et du tourisme Ministry of Environment Advisor M. Nadjib El Ghribi Mr. Camilo Ceita Mr. Orlando da Mata Chargé de mission Resources Cabinet's Director, Prevention Deputy Minister of Science and SONATRACH and Evaluation of the Environmental Technology Impacts Ministry of Environment M. Mohamed Djafer Cherif H.E. Mr. Domingos Culolo Juriste Ambassador Mr. Soki Kudikuenda Diplomatic Mission of Angola to Sweden National Director of Natural Resources Mme Nora Bendimerad Zouaoui Ministry of Environment Sous-directrice Mr. Gaspar Custódio Domingos da Silva Ministère de l'énergie et de Counsellor l'environnement Mr. Lucas Marcolino Miranda Diplomatic Mission of Angola to Sweden UNFCCC National Focal Point / Director, Environment Ministry Mme Nawal Tamani Rahache Mr. Abel Fonseca Ministry of Environment Cadre chargée de la coopération Representative of the Secretary of State multilatérale for Water Ministère de l'énergie et des mines Ms. Cecília Fernanda Arraz da Silva Ministry of Environment Technician, International Exchange Office and External Relations M. Ali Laib Mr. Sebastiao António Ministry of Environment Attaché Director of the Cabinet of H.E.Mr. Diplomatic Mission of Algeria to Orlando da Mata Denmark Mr. Abias Moma Huongo Ministry of Science and Technology Senior Official, Climate Change Team Ministry of Environment M. Abderrazak Samar Mr. António Alcochete Attaché National Director Diplomatic Mission of Algeria to Mr. Abilio Caleia Scientific Research Centre Denmark Advisor to the Vice Minister of Environment Mr. Domingos da Silva Neto Climate Change Team M. Karim Baghli National Director Ministry of Environment Attaché Scientific Research Centre Diplomatic Mission of Algeria to Denmark Ms. Helena André Ms. Stela Lopes Senior Official, Safety and Environment Deputy Director Office Formation Journalist Centre Enviromental Protection Department Ministry of Oil - 5 - Angola (continued) Sr. Victorio Maria Taccetti Sr. Lucas Di Pietro Paolo Secretario Coordinador de Adaptación al Cambio Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Climático Ms. Celeste Vacuete David Comercio Internacional y Culto Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Secretary to the Ambassador Sustentable Diplomatic Mission of Angola
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